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18CEC303T Highway Engg and Design

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Course Course
18CEC303T HIGHWAY ENGINEERING AND DESIGN Categor C Professional Core Course
Code Name 2 1 0 3
Pre-requisite Co-requisite Progressive
Nil Nil Nil
Courses Courses Courses
Course Offering Department CIVIL ENGINEERING Data Book / Codes/Standards Nil

Course Learning Rationale (CLR): The purpose of learning this course is to: Learning Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)

CLR-1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Understand the concepts in the geometric design of highway 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: 0 1 2 3 4 5
Learn the needs and concepts in horizontal and vertical alignment of highway
Learn various traffic studies required for traffic management

Environment & Sustainability

Analysis, Design, Research
Level of Thinking (Bloom)

Expected Proficiency (%)

Expected Attainment (%)

Individual & Team Work

Engineering Knowledge

Design & Development

Project Mgt. & Finance

Modern Tool Usage
Learn the design of various infrastructure facilities required for the traffic

Life Long Learning

Problem Analysis

Society & Culture



PSO – 3

PSO - 1

PSO - 2
Understand the material requirement of flexible pavement and design the pavement
Understand the components of rigid pavement and its design

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO): At the end of this course, learners will be able to:
CLO-1 8 8
Design the geometric cross-section of highway 2 H H M H - - M - - - - - M - -
: 5 0
CLO-2 8 7
Design the horizontal and vertical alignment of highway 2 H H H H - - M - - - - - M - -
: 5 5
CLO-3 8 7
Conduct various traffic studies and analysis the volume and speed data 2 M H L L - - M - - - - - M - -
: 0 5
CLO-4 8 7
Plan and design the various infrastructure facilities required for the traffic 2 H H H H - - H - - - - - M - -
: 5 5
CLO-5 8 8
Execute the material and the structural design of flexible pavement 2 H H M H - - M - - - - - M - -
: 5 0
CLO- 8 7
Execute the material and the structural design of flexible pavement 2 H H M H - - M - - - - - M - -
6: 0 5

9 9 9 9 9
Traffic Facilities Design
SLO- Highway Geometric Design Extra widening and numerical examples Flexible Pavement Rigid Pavement
Traffic signs and
S- 1 Elements of transportation Engineering Component of Flexible pavement Components of Rigid pavement
SLO- Method of attaining superelevation in Components of Rigid pavement –
Overviewof the course Road markings Functions of each component
2 curves Details of joints
Set back distance and shift in curves with
SLO- Stresses in Rigid pavement –
Highway planning and Alignment numerical examples Channelization of traffic Materials - Basic properties of bitumen
1 Temperature stress
2 Stresses in Rigid pavement –
Classification of rural and urban roads Reverse curve and compound curve Channelization layouts Binder grade and classification Temperature stress – numerical
Traffic rotary - design elements capacity
SLO- of Materials – Soil and aggregate Stresses in Rigid pavement – Wheel
Cross sectional elements of roads Design of vertical alignment – summit curve
S- 1 rotary properties load stress
SLO- Terrain classification and speed and Design of vertical alignment – summit curve Stresses in Rigid pavement – Wheel
Capacity ofrotary Resilient modulus of aggregate and soil
2 geometric standards for different terrain – numerical example load stress – Numerical examples
Sight Distance – Stopping sight
SLO- Materials – Bituminous concrete mix
distance – Concept and derivations Design of vertical alignment – valley curve Rotary design - Numerical Example Stress combinations and critical stress
S- 1 properties
SLO- Stopping sight distance – Numerical Design of vertical alignment – valley curve Materials – Types of bituminous
Rotary design - Numerical Example Thickness of Rigid pavement
2 examples – Numerical example concrete mix
Traffic studies
SLO- Overtaking sight distance – Grade separated intersection –
Fundamental traffic parameters - speed, Bituminous concrete mix design Design of Joint spacing
S- 1 assumptions and derivations Warrants and types
density, volume, travel time
SLO- Overtaking sight distance – Numerical Headway, and spacing -time mean speed, Design of Joint spacing – Numerical
Layout of grade separated intersection Bituminous concrete mix design
2 examples space mean speed – spot speed examples
SLO- Overtaking sight distance – Numerical Elementsof traffic signal - headway, Flexible pavement design factor –
Traffic volume study – need and procedure Dowel bar design
1 examples saturation flow Traffic factor
S- Design principles of a traffic signal -
6 SLO- Phase Traffic– equivalent single wheel load Design of dowel bars – Numerical
Intersection sightdistance Traffic volume calculation and analysis
2 design, cycle time determination, green and standard axle load examples
Traffic factor - truck factor, vehicle
SLO- Two phase signal design – Numerical Check for the adequacy of dowel bars –
Horizontal curve – circular curve radius Spotspeed study – need and procedure damage factor,number of repetition of
1 example Numerical example
S- standard axle load
7 Super elevation and minimum ruling
SLO- Two phase signal design – Numerical Number of repetition of standard axle Check for the adequacy of dowel bars –
radius Traffic speed analysis
2 example load – Numerical examples Numerical example
Three phase signal design- with Design of flexible pavement –
SLO- Determination of radius and super
Speed study – Moving observer method exclusive pedestrian phase – Numerical determination of pavement thickness Design of tie bars
1 elevation – numerical example
S- example - (with unbounded layers)
8 Three phase signal design- with Design of flexible pavement –
SLO- Determination of radius and super Moving observer method – numerical
exclusive pedestrian phase – Numerical determination of pavement thickness Design of tie bars – numericalexamples
2 elevation – numerical example calculation
example - (with unbounded layers)
Design of flexible pavement –
SLO- Transition curve – length – assumptions Codal provisions and issues in current
Parking study and demand analysis Signal co-ordination determination of pavement thickness
1 and derivations design methods
S- (with bonded layers)
9 Design of flexible pavement –
SLO- Transition curve – length – Numerical Signal co-ordination – determination of Codal provisions and issues in current
Data to be studied in accident spots determination of pavement thickness
2 examples bandwidth design methods
(with bonded layers)
4. Papacostas, C. S. and Prevedouros, P.D. (2001) “Transportation Engineering and Planning”, Prentice Hall of
1. Chakroborthy and A. Das, “Principles of Transportation Engineering”, Prentice-Hall of India, 2003 India Pvt. Ltd.
Learning 2. S. K. Khanna, C.E.G. Justo and A. Veeraragavan, "Highway Engineering", Revised 10thedition, Nem 5. Kadiyali, L. R. (1987), “Traffic Engineering and Transportation Planning”, Khanna Publishers, India.
Resources Chand &Bros., Roorkee, 2014. 6. Yang Huang, Pavement Analysis and Design, Pearson, 2004
3. Roess, R. P. McShane, W. R. & Prassas, E. S. ( 1998), Traffic Engineering, Prentice – Hall. 7. NPTEL – Introduction to Transportation Engineering - https://nptel.ac.in/courses/105105107/ (as on

Learning Assessment
Bloom’s Continuous Learning Assessment (50% weightage)
Final Examination (50% weightage)
Level of CLA – 1 (10%) CLA – 2 (15%) CLA – 3 (15%) CLA – 4 (10%)
Thinking Theory Practice Theory Practice Theory Practice Theory Practice Theory Practice
Level 1 30% - 30% - 30% - 30% - 30% -
Level 2 40% - 40% - 40% - 40% - 40% -
Level 3 30% - 30% - 30% - 30% - 30% -
Total 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %
CLA – 4 can be from any combination of Assignments, Seminars, Tech Talks, Mini Projects, Case Studies, Self Study, MOOCs, Certifications, Conference Paper

Course Designers
Experts from Industry Experts from Higher Technical Institutions Internal Experts
Dr. Asif Ahmed, Business manager, Ingevity, ahmed.asif@ingevity.com Dr. Venkaiah Chowdary, Associate Professor, NITW, vc@nitw.ac.in Dr.A.Padma Rekha, SRM IST
Mr. Ankit Pachouri, Transport Planner, IUT, New Delhi,
Dr. V Sunitha, Assistant Professor, NITT, sunitha@nitt.edu Mr.G.Sivaprakash, SRM IST

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