SIBALA - Rizal Topic 8
SIBALA - Rizal Topic 8
SIBALA - Rizal Topic 8
Course/Section: BA Communication/COM2
Subject: Life and Works of Rizal
Teacher: Christopher Baldonado
Morga Rizal
• Inasawa is a wife married ✓ Asawa is the term called for the
to a native man. wife of a native man.
• a strip of colored cloth ✓ It is called Bahag, a richly dyed
wrapped abouth the waist cloth, generally edged with gold
People and passed between the among the chiefs.
legs, so that it covered the
privy parts, reaching half-
way down the thigh; these
are called Bahaques.”
• A lawlaw is a very small ✓ A lawlaw is called a salted and
fish which is netted dried in dried sardine. Morgan seems to
the sun or air, then cooked refer to tawilis of Batangas or dilis.
Customs in various ways. ✓ A house is called “pamamahay”. It
and Culture • A house with the parents is impossible that bahandin has
and children in room been printed for bahayin because
together is called it is an obsolete derivative.
• God permitted those who ✓ Other nations give honor to the lion
Beliefs and swear falsely or broken and bear. Also, he opposed that
Religion their promise to be killed by the idea about crocodile is just an
the crocodile. imagination.
• The first island conquered ✓ It is called Sugbu, in the dialect of
and colonized by the the country.
Spaniards was Sebu. ✓ It was better that way because
Society and
• He was critical of the having a leader that knows what
system of government the tribe needs and what problems
because there are no they have is more effective.
rulers for myriad
communities, instead one
leader for each tribe.
• Philippine extends up to 12 ✓ It is at exactly 25 degrees and 40
degrees south latitude. minutes latitude north, until 12
• The Philippines was degrees south.
deserted and ✓ Ptolemy in his geography indicated
uninhabitable. 3 islands which are Sinade, Gilolo,
Ambonia and their inhabitants,
thus Philippines was not deserted
and was habitable.
Like Rizal, I was also disappointed on the accounts of Morga on our culture and
practices. He somehow describes the Filipinos as dirty people and barbarians who eat in
an unhygienic way. Like when Morga said that natives prefer to eat salt fish which begin
to decompose and smell. In fact, it was bagoog a native food which is a fermented fish. It
was a delicious homemade cuisine that are practiced up until now. Many of the Filipinos
nowadays taste wealthy in life because it is now a great business. Morga’s account
damaged the beautiful and authentic nature and origin of the Philippines in the eyes of
the world.
Lastly, I was thankful that Rizal have the chance to read the book of Morga.
Because if that incident did not happen, maybe up until now we are under looked because
of the wrong descriptions that was labeled by a wrong a person. Indeed, Rizal change the
trajectory of how our history begins.