Name Zildjian C. Geronimo Score - Course and Section BSIT-2A Date10/27/2021

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Name Zildjian C.

Geronimo Score_____________

Course and Section BSIT-2A Date10/27/2021


COMPARE AND CONTRAST. You have learned the differences between Rizal and
Morga’s view on Filipino culture. From what you have learned, provide at least 5
differences on their descriptions of the Filipino culture and write it down using the
table below.


This fish that Morga mentions, that Their daily fare is composed of: lice
cannotbe good until it begins crushedin wooden pillars and when
to cooked is calledmorisqueta (this is the
rot, is bagoong[salted and fermented staple throughout theland); cooked fish
fish or shrimp pasteused as a which they have in a b un m pork,
venieon, mountain buffaloeswhich
sauce in Filipino cuisine] andthose who they call carabaos, beef and
have eaten it and tasted itknow that it fishwhich they know is best when it has
neither is nor should be rotten startedto mt and stink
Christianity was a weapon for by the Christian religion, Dr. Morga
facilitatingthe political and economic appearsto mean the Roman Catholic
subjugation ofthe native which by fireand sword he would
preserve in its purity inthe Philippines.
Nevertheless in other lands,notably in
Flanders, these means
wereineffective to keep the church
unchanged,or to maintain its supremacy,
or even tohold its subjects.
Rizal emphasized that native In Morga’s time, the Philippines
women,unlike their European exportedsilk to japan whence now
counterparts, neverlost their noble comes thebest quality of that
titles. It was the groomwho gave dowry merchandise
to the parents becausethey going to
lost their precious daughte
Rizal clarified that Morga must Morga’s remark that the Filipinos like
havemeant sinamay. Which was fishbetter when it is commencing to turn
wovenfrom abaca thread that comes badis another of those prejudices
from thebanana trunks not from the whichSpaniards like all other nations
leaves. have
Name Zildjian C. Geronimo Score_____________

Course and Section BSIT-2A Date10/27/2021


ESSAY. What are the major goals of Rizal in writing the Annotations of Antonio
Morga’s Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas?
To awaken the unconsciousness of the Filipinos of their glorious ways of the past.
Rizal intent was not only to provide the Filipino people their early history, a pre-Spanish
history, but to present to them their own authentic culture and identity. And Rizal wanted to
show to the filipino that we have our own culture. And Rizal correct some misinformation to
avoid conflic and to have more accurate information for our history.
Name Zildjian C. Geronimo Score_____________

Course and Section BSIT-2A Date10/27/2021


CONTENT ANALYSIS. What do you think is the meaning of Rizal’s statement:

“If the book (Sucesos…) succeeds to awaken your consciousness of
our past, already effaced from your memory, and to rectify what has been
falsified and slandered, then I have not worked in vain, and with this as a
basis, however small it may be, we shall be able to study the future”?
In this statement, Jose Rizal meant that his works will be used as an instrument for the
Filipinos to be conscious of our past and really understand the real events that has happened
before. He wants his fellow Filipinos to be aware of their noble origin and the hardships of our
ancestors through his works. In this way, the Filipino people would be able to understand the
past and would be more knowledgeable about the present and the future
Name Zildjian C. Geronimo Score_____________

Course and Section BSIT-2A Date10/27/2021


REFLECTION. Discuss the points of Rizal in saying that “the native populations in
the archipelago were economically self-sufficient and thriving and
culturally lively and colorful.”

Despite the colonizers’ claim that they were solely responsible for refining the Philippine
islands, Rizal’s beliefs say otherwise. For him, the native populations of the Filipinos were self-
sustaining and customarily spirited - it was because of the Spanish colonization that the
Philippine’s rich culture and tradition faded to a certain extent. In order to support this
supposition, Rizal went to look for a reliable account of the Philippines in the early days and at
the onset of Spanish Colonization. Some references say that while in Europe, Rizal came
across research papers published by eminent European scientists about ethnic communities in
Asia - one of them was Dr. Ferdinand Blumentritt, author of “Versucheiner Ethnographie der
Philippinen.” Rizal wrote to him and that was how their friendship began. It was Dr. Blumentritt,
a knowledgeable Filipinologist, who recommended Dr. Antonio Morga’s Sucesos de las Islas
Filipinas, which, according to many scholars, had an honest description of the Philippine
situation during the Spanish period.

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