Exercise For Fitness
Exercise For Fitness
Exercise For Fitness
Exercise is generally regarded as beneficial to one's health and well-being. these are
physical activities that makes the body fit for the demands on it. They are sets of body
movements to promote general fitness and are used to correct minor postural defects.
Exercise is an integral part of conditioning the body. Proper exercise helps to produce
tension and to maintain fitness gain. Everyone should do some exercise regularly to help
maintain good health. Most exercises increase respiration and circulation of the blood. By
increasing the need for oxygen, exercise makes you breath more deeply and by
contracting the muscles, it helps push the blood to the heart.
First Group: if any of these occur, even once, stop exercising and consult your physician
before resuming exercise.
Abnormal heart action - irregular pulse, pumping or palpitation in chest or throat,
fluttering, sudden burst of rapid heartbeat, very slow pulse when a moment earlier, it
has been on target.
Pain or pressure in the middle of the chest or in the arm or throat; either precipitated
by exercise or after exercise.
Dizziness, lightheadedness, sudden incoordination, confusion. Cold sweat. Pallor or
fainting. In this case stop exercise, lie with feet elevated or put down head between
legs until symptoms pass. Consult physician.
Third Group: These can be remedied without medical consultation though you may wish to
report them to your doctor.
Nausea or vomiting after exercise. Exercise less vigorously and take a more gradual
cool down period.
Extreme breathlessness lasting more than 10 minutes after stopping exercise
Prolong fatigue even 24 hours after exercising or insomnia not present before
exercise program. Stay at lower end of target zone range or below and increase
level gradually.
Side stitch or diaphragm spasm. Lean forward while sitting, attempting to push the
abdominal organs up against the diaphragm.
Pain in calf muscle. Muscles cramps clear up after a few sessions. Take hot bath ans
analgesic. Make next exercise session less strenuous.