Salud Mental y Subjuntivo LP
Salud Mental y Subjuntivo LP
Salud Mental y Subjuntivo LP
Rationale This lesson comes at the end of the unit plan after students have
spent time learning, discussing, and reflecting on various
practices in the Spanish culture and what values they reflect. This
lesson ties these practices together with a common theme of
mental health and encourages students' reflection on how
practices and time management support (or do not support) self
care and positive mental health. The topic of mental health and
slowing down lends itself to the subjunctive mood in Spanish in
the category of recommendations. Subjunctive is a very difficult,
complex, and time consuming grammar point to teach and to
learn. For this reason, the subjunctive is presented in pieces
starting with recommendations and suggestions. There are various
different contexts and uses of the subjunctive, and I believe this
type is a good starting point because there are clear ‘markers’ that
make a sentence warrant the subjunctive. This way students have
learned and are practicing the conjugation and uses of
subjunctive, and are now able to apply it in a realistic, relatable,
and useful way with recommendations and suggestions. This
lesson also maintains cultural authenticity with the use of
infographics, videos, and activities in the target language that
students will engage with in reading, writing, listening, and
speaking activities. I believe having this lesson dedicated to
mental health is very important because oftentimes I don’t think
enough time is set aside for these conversations. Adolescents are
going through a lot of changes at this time in their lives and I
believe it is important that the classroom is a safe and comfortable
place for them where students can learn Spanish but also learn the
importance of self-care and healthy habits. This lesson serves as a
step in creating the welcoming, kind, and supportive classroom
environment that I believe warrants meaningful learning for
Objetivos 1. Puedo expresar mis emociones y sentimientos en Español. 1. I can express my emotions and feelings in
2. Puedo hacer recomendaciones para una buena salud y Spanish.
autocuidado usando el subjuntivo. 2. I can make recommendations for good health and
3. Puedo conjugar en el subjuntivo. self-care using subjunctive.
3. I can conjugate in the subjunctive.
4. Puedo apoyarme a mi mismo y a mis compañeros en 4. I can support myself and my classmates in
momentos difíciles con estrategias y recursos. difficult moments with strategies and resources.
5. Puedo interpretar infografías en Español. 5. I can interpret infographics in Spanish.
La Agenda 1. Bienvenidos - Frases de Puedo y Agenda 1. Welcome - Can-Do Statements & Agenda
2. Como Estas Hoy 2. How are you today
3. Video - Una Buena Salud 3. Video - Una Buena Salud
4. Subjuntivo Practica/Repaso 4. Subjunctive Practice/Review
5. Quiz #1 Subjunctive
5. Prueba #1 Subjuntivo 6. Homework
6. Tarea
Actividad 1 - 6 Minutes -Play music as students enter - turn it off to signal class
Bienvenidos - Frases de ¡Buenos dias! Feliz (día) estudiantes!! Hemos pasado unos días beginning
Puedo y Agenda hablando de cómo las personas en España pasan su tiempo con -Speak with students as they enter, walk around the
una variedad de prácticas y tradiciones. También, hemos room. Make sure everything is set before passing time so
Reading, listening, comparado estas cosas con nuestras prácticas y nuestro tiempo you have this freedom.
speaking para inspirarnos a hacer una reflexión en que nos gusta y que
queremos cambiar. Un tema sobre toda esta exploración de las
prácticas Españolas es el aprecio por la vida y un enfoque en la
cuidar sí mismo y calmarse. Hoy vamos a explorar más el tema de
la salud mental y cómo nuestras vidas apoyan, o no apoyan, una
buena salud mental. -This is an important intro so students understand the
- Good morning! Happy (day of the week) students! We relevance of this conversation - it primes them to be
have spent time talking about how people spend their time thinking about all the practices and celebrations we've
in Spain through a variety of practices and traditions. In learned about and now think of them in the context of
this we have compared them to how we spend our own mental health
time to inspire us to make reflections one what we like
and what we'd like to change. An overarching theme in
our exploration of spanish practices is a zest for life and a
focus on self-care & slowing down. Today we will dive
further into the topic of mental health and how our
lifestyles do or don't support mental health. -Clue them in to what we are going to be doing and that
Vamos a empezar con un check in personal, pero primero, they can expect a check in - maybe students begin
repasamos los objetivos del día. Lean los objetivos, y con la thinking about this on their own
pareja a tu lado discuten qué significan. Después quiero unos
voluntarios para describirlos a la clase.
- We are going to start with a personal check in, but first,
let’s review the objectives for today. Read the objectives, -Let them know you will need volunteers before they
and with your partner next to you discuss what they mean. pair off to ensure they actually discuss them well enough
After, I need a couple volunteers to describe them to the to feel comfortable explaining them to the entire class -
class. motivate accountability and staying on task
Tienen 3 minutos, a mi señal… vamos
- You have three minutes, on my mark…. Lets go -always tell them exact timing
Perfecto que buena discusión. Ahora, un voluntario. Le el primer -Walk around as students converse - pay attention to who
objetivo y explicarlo a la clase. has a good grasp on these in case you have to cold call
you want to call someone that you know understand and
is ready to present it
- Perfect, what great discussion I was hearing! Now, a -Let them know they can pick, or you can pick. This may
volunteer. Read the first objective and explain it to the inspire bravery.
Por favor, un voluntario. Si no, ¡yo puedo escoger!
- A volunteer please! If not, I can choose. -Only have students describe 2 of the objectives, and
Fantástica descripción muchas gracias (student name). Ahora, por then explain the rest for sake of time - having students do
favor escoge un amigo para la próxima. them all and waiting for response time will take too long
- Fantastic description, thank you (student name). Now, and defeats the purpose here. Two students sharing here
please pick a friend for the next one. serves as an understanding check.
¡Son maravillosas gracias por ser atrevidos!
- You are marvelous, thank you for being brave. -Enthusiasm as you thank students, participating is not a
small feat in front of all your classmates especially at a
low level
Actividad 2 - Cómo 10 Minutos (minutes) -Point to sheet as you give directions but don't pass it out
Estás Hoy Ahora vamos a hacer un check in personal. Quiero que todos until you are done will instructions - students will check
piensen en como estas, realmente. Van a contestar estas preguntas out and begin reading once you hand it out
en la hoja en cualquiera manera que quieran. Se honesto y
cómodo, estamos en un espacio seguro y de respeto.
*Instructions given in - Now, we are going to start by doing a personal check in. I
Spanish want everyone to think about how you are doing, really.
You are going to answer the questions on this sheet
*Standard 1.1 however you see fit. Be honest and comfortable, we are in -Let them know they will use this later - reminder to not
Interpersonal a respectful and safe place. slack off during work time because it needs to be
complete in order to be used later as well - be thoughtful
Solo yo los voy a leer, y van a usarlos para una actividad en el
*Reading, writing now
futuro así que es importante pensar y escribir. Por favor, escriban
en español y si tienen preguntas de cómo decir algo,preguntenme.
Vamos a hacer esto por 10 minutos.
- Only I will be reading these and you are going to use them
for a future activity so it is important that you think and
write as much as you can. Please, write in spanish and if
you have questions on how to say something, ask me. We
-Play music if students want to feel more
are going to be doing this for 10 minutes. energized/positive while working
¿Quién tiene una pregunta o una recomendación para esta -Ensure them only you will read them, may inspire them
actividad para hacerla más positiva para ti? to share differently
- Who has a question or a recommendation for this activity
in order to make it more positive for you? -Ask who has a question or also a recommendation for
Yo estoy aquí para cualquier pregunta, puedo poner música si how to make this activity more positive for them-
students have input and choice here - a student may have
quieren. 10 minutos y terminamos a la (end time). A mi señal…
an idea you did not think of so be open to adjusting here
- I am here for any questions, I can play music if you'd like. -Also give exact end time so students can refer to clock
10 minutes and we will finish at (end time) On my because they may not remember what time they started
signal… lets go!
-I hope students will engage with this activity and be
willing to share because it is a great opportunity to
check-in with them and be informed about a variety of
things going on in their lives to better inform my
classroom management and instruction
Actividad 3- 10 Minutos (minutos) -Here the hope is students recall the subjunctive mood
Una Buena Salud Buen trabajo estudiantes. Continuamos con un video sobre la and realize its connection
buena salud. Este video tiene algunas recomendaciones para tener -Scaffold with these probing questions to guide them
*Instructions given in buena salud. ¿Qué sabemos sobre las recomendaciones? ¿Cómo
lo hacemos en español? ¿Qué forma de habla usamos?
- Good work students. Let's continue with a video about
*Standard 1.2 good health. This video contains some recommendations
Interpretive, Standard in order to maintain good health and self-care. What do
1.3 we know about recommendations? How do we make them
in Spanish? What form do we use?
*listening, writing, -Show relevance to students lives, meaningful learning
Gracias (student name) Sí! ¡El subjuntivo! Hemos practicado el
speaking occurs when students place value on what they are
subjuntivo para las recomendaciones por algunos días. Ahora lo learning and see its relevance/use in their own lives
vamos a usar en el contexto de la salud mental y vamos a ver
como se usa para hacer unas recomendaciones reales y relevantes. -Connecting this grammar point with the theme and
- Thank you (student name) Yes! The subjunctive! We have cultural input of this unit
practiced the subjunctive for recommendations for some
days now. Now we are going to use the context of mental
health and we are going to see how we can use what we've -Explain task before video beings - if you ask for these
learned to make real & relevant recommendations. phrases after the video students may not have been
Sacan una hoja de papel. Mientras vean el video, escriban 2 de las paying attention and even if they were likely can not
recomendaciones que se presentan en el video. El video hace recall this exact info because they didn't know what they
varias recomendaciones con él subjuntivo, noten 2 con la frase were looking for
que señala el subjuntivo y también el verbo conjugado.
- Take out a sheet of paper. While you watch the video,
write 2 of the recommendations presented. THe video will
make various recommendations with the subjunctive, note
2 with the phrase that signals the subjunctive as well as
the conjugated verb.
Por ejemplo, si la frase es ‘es importante que tengas….’ escriben -Give example of what they need to note so they have a
él senal ‘es importante que’ y él verbo conjugado ‘tengas’. template of what to write down
- For example, if the phrase is “...” write the signal “...” and
the conjugated verb “...” -ensure everyone has materials to avoid ‘i didn't have
any paper’ when you ask for participation later
Preguntas? Todos tienen un papel y un lápiz? Vamos a empezar.
- Questions? Does everyone have paper and a pencil? Lets
begin -Repeat students' responses and elaborate freely. Ask if
Bueno clase, quién puede decirme algo que recomendaron en él students agree, ask if they practice this, what they would
video? change etc., this is a oral participation from students -
- Okay class, who can tell me something they recommended keep going until you have at least 8 or 9 oral participants
- the video has enough examples for this - be firm until
in the video.
you reach this number
-let students know how many more volunteers you need
before moving on to move it along if participation slows
Actividad 6 - Tarea As students leave or while they work tell them there is no
homework unless they did not finish their packet. Since today was
a quiz day and they have had homework most previous days as
well as a grammar dense lesson. Today I want students to have
free time possibly to take some of their own advice practiced over
the past few days.
Prior Knowledge/
Anticipated problems -Students will need prior knowledge of grammar and
vocabulary to engage with the video and infographics
-Students will use prior knowledge and interpretive
strategies as well as knowledge of the subjunctive mood
and how to properly conjugate in order to complete the
subjunctive practice activity using infographics
-The grouping process may take too much time, in this
case I will assign groups
-Students will have prior knowledge from this unit on
practices, celebrations, pastimes, and time management
-Students possess basic spanish language knowledge
necessary to complete tasks, communicate ideas
effectively and understand directions
Critical Questions/ -The ‘how are you really’ activity may be difficult for student to
Preguntas complete in Spanish because vocabulary and grammar that they
need to say the things they want to say could be all over the board
and for this reason I would consider allowing them to not use full
sentences and just bullet thoughts, or even answer in English
while keeping the questions in Spanish in order to better serve the
purpose of the activity which is to explore and share how they are
really doing - since this isn't meant to be a language building
lesson but rather a relationship/classroom/wellbeing activity, it
may be worth adjusting to be effective in these ways.
-How do I get students to share their personal lives with me if
they don’t feel comfortable? This isn't something that can be
forced, nor would I feel comfortable doing so. I can only do so
much in welcoming and supporting this from students and if they
do not respond well to it I worry that my ability to engage with
them and personalize my classroom management, instruction, and
activities to best support their learning will be limited.
-How much time is necessary for these activities? Especially the
quiz. I don't know how much time is appropriate for how much
-How do I know instructions are comprehensible? Using a lot of
cognates and gestures, but how do I make instructions exhaustive
while still comprehensible in the target language when students
are novice learners?
Cómo Estás Hoy?
Como estas hoy?
Cuando vas a tomar el tiempo esta semana para cuidarte - escribe la fecha y la hora
El Subjuntivo - Los Consejos y Las Recomendaciones
Usando estrategias interpretativas, lean la infografía, vean las fotos, y crean 3 recomendaciones con él subjuntivo en las líneas abajo.
Van a usar las fotos para inspirar sus frases. ¿Qué dice la infografía? ¿Qué estrategias comparte y porque? ¿Cuál es la meta de esta
infografía? Esta actividad es una oportunidad para practicar el subjuntivo y ser creativo.
1. __________________________________
2. __________________________________
3. ___________________________________
1. ________________________________
2. ________________________________
3. ________________________________
1. ____________________________________
2. ____________________________________
3. ____________________________________
1. ________________________________
2. ________________________________
3. ________________________________
Prueba #1 El Subjuntivo
Direcciones - Lea cada frase con cuidado para entender la situación. Después, escribe una frase en el subjuntivo
para responder a la situación presentada. Esta frase necesita tener un verbo conjugado en él subjuntivo. Usa las
frases que señalan el subjuntivo para empezar cada oración. Repasa sus respuestas antes de entregar, conjugación y
ortografía correcta importa.
1. Su amiga Cristina hace su tarea muy tarde por la noche y siempre llega a la escuela muy
2. Cada día Mario regresa de la escuela y pasa todo su tiempo sentado jugando videojuegos.
3. Invitas a su amiga Sofia al cine, pero ella dice que no puede porque solo ha pasado 5 horas
estudiando hoy y necesita continuar su tarea.
4. Puedes ver que Tony no está prestando atención porque está pensando en algo diferente.
Cuando le preguntas a Tony que está pasando, le dice que ‘nada’.
5. Tienes una cita con una terapeuta en la escuela pero no vas porque tienes miedo.
6. Isabella dice que quiere ayuda con algunas cosas en su vida, pero no conoce los servicios o
recursos que están presentes en la escuela.
7. Su padre pasa todo el día en el trabajo y cuando regresa a casa todavía está respondiendo a
mensajes y llamadas.
8. Su hermana le dice que tiene mucho estrés y no sabe qué hacer para reducirlo.
Lesson Plan Rubric
Please complete this rubric every time you write a lesson plan for methods
Format/ Lesson plan Lesson plan Lesson plan makes Lesson plan has no
Organization makes use of a makes use of a use of a format that consistent format or is
clear, efficient, clear format, but is comprehensible difficult to read.
and consistent is not always but inconsistent and
format and is consistent and not always
well organized. organized. organized.
well organized,
template with
titles, labels,
and timing
Requirement Lesson plan Lesson plan Lesson plan Lesson plan is missing
s for All EDU contains all contains most contains most many required elements.
420 LPs required required required elements
(see syllabus elements elements but they are not
for these) (materials, presented clearly. always presented
standards, clearly.
thinking, etc)
*All elements
present and
clearly labeled
Steps for the General activity General activity General activity General activity does not
Specific reflects reading somewhat vaguely reflects reflect reading and
Model of and class reflects reading reading and discussion on topic. It
Teaching discussion on and class discussion on the does not effectively
Reflected in the topic discussion on the topic. It sometimes promote cooperation and
This LP throughout. It is topic. It promotes promotes learning, and lacks clarity
(cooperative clear, specific, cooperation and cooperation and and specificity.
learning is and promotes learning, but is learning, and lacks
given as the interpretive somewhat lacking clarity and
example here; skills and in clarity and specificity.
please note meaningful, specificity.
that the collaborative
specific model learning among
of teaching students.
may be
anything from
“generic” to
learning” or
model, and
you must
adjust the
language in
this row to
reflect that
Content Instruction and Instruction and Some instruction Instruction and activities
activities reflect activities mostly and activities reflect only vaguely reflect
the lesson reflect lesson the lesson lesson objectives, show
objectives, objectives, show objectives, but little evidence of careful
show evidence some evidence of show minimal thought, and are not
of careful careful thought evidence of careful effective or engaging for
thought and and planning, but thought and students.
planning, and may not be planning, and may
are effective effective and not be effective or
and engaging engaging for engaging for
for students. students. students.
clearly align
do statements
and engage
students in
individual and
group settings.
Philosophy PTL is The PTL is The PTL is The PTL is not really
of Teaching evidenced in clearly evident somewhat evident evident
and Learning the entire but not in the but only
lesson design entirety of the sporadically and not
and the document and/or deeply
activities and not at a deep and
the flow reflect consistent level
the PTL
*Each activity
labeled with
thinking and