Worksheet 5

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Learning Task 5 Utilizing Various Teaching Strategies to Promote

Higher Order Thinking Skills

PPST Domain 1 Content Knowledge and Pedagogy

Strands 1.3.1 Demonstrate content knowledge and its application within and/or across

curriculum teaching areas

1.5.1 Apply teaching strategies that develop critical and creative thinking, and/or

other higher-order-thinking skills

1.7.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the range of verbal and non-verbal

classroom communication strategies that support learner understanding,

participation, engagement, and achievement.

Program 6.2.b Demonstrate mastery of subject matter/discipline.

Outcomes of
6.2.c Facilitate learning using a wide range of teaching methodologies and delivery
Education modes appropriate to specific learners and their environments.

6.2.d Develop innovate curricula, instructional plans, teaching approaches, and

resources for diverse learners.

CFSAT – Competency 2.D.3 Motivate active learner

Framework for Southeast
Asian Teachers for the 21 st 3.B.2 Employ strategies that cater to students’ learning styles and to elicit active

3.B.4 Promote students’ participation and collaboration

3.B.6 Integrate HOTS in the lesson

3.B.8 Manage classroom activities

4.C.4 Consider diversity of learners in preparing lesson plans

4.C.5 Select the right methodologies according to subject and learners’ level

Desired Learning Outcomes

● Apply teaching strategies that develop critical and creative thinking and/pr other
higher order thinking skills.
● Demonstrate content knowledge and its application within and/pr across
curriculum teaching areas.
● Demonstrate an understanding of the range of verbal and non-verbal classroom
communication strategies that support learner understanding participation,
engagement, and achievement.

Essential Questions
● What are teaching strategies?

● What is integrative learning?

● What are higher-order thinking skills?

● What are the verbal and non-verbal communication strategies?

Teaching Strategies are ways and means by which you implement a method.
These are used to help the students to achieve the desired learning outcomes by
learning the desired course content.

Integrated Learning helps the students to make connections and relevance

between and among subjects. It allows the learners to engage in purposeful, relevant
learning. It encourages the learners to see the interconnectedness and
interrelationships between the curriculum areas rather than focusing on isolated
curriculum areas.
According to Pigdon and Woolley (1992) in an integrated curriculum, all activities
contain opportunities for learners to learn more about content through purposeful

Higher-Order Thinking Skills

Higher order thinking skills known also as HOTS imply that some types of
learning require higher cognitive process than others. Skills in analyzing, evaluating,
and creating are thoughts of higher order than learning facts or concepts.

Verbal and Non-verbal communication

Verbal communication is the use of words in expressing one’s feelings and


Non-verbal communication includes the use of body language, gesture, facial

expressions, eye contact, and posture.
The use of verbal and non-verbal communication strategies is the first step in
enhancing communication and nurturing relationship which are vital in the teaching-
learning process.
Strong communication skills are very important in the instructional process.

My Performance Tasks

Performance Task 1 Using one topic you taught your tutees/students, write down how
you can apply the content knowledge within or across curriculum
teaching areas. Use the curriculum web to indicate your proposed integration. Integrate
the subjects in the circles and how you will do it.
Performance Task 2 Write higher-order thinking questions that you used in the
discussion of the content.
Content/ Topic Questions
-Can you see that there are
underlined words, what do you
think are these words? Don’t they
describe? If yes, then,
what do you call them?

-How can you describe the

shown images?

-Why do you think we started

our lesson by describing
certain images?

Topic: The Three Degrees of Comparison -When do we use the

positive, comparative, and
superlative degrees?

-How can you tell if the sentence is a

positive degree?

-How can you tell if the sentence is a

comparative degree?

-How can you tell if the sentence is a

superlative degree?

Performance Task 3 A.) Enumerate the non-verbal cues you used to support learners’
participation and engagement.
Non-verbal Cues Purpose(s)
1. Showing close hand - I usually use this as an attention signal for
them to stop talking while I am discussing.

-This is a sign I use when the class isn't

listening. I pause there and wait for them to
2. Pausing for a while stop before I continue the discussion.
-This is my other way to communicate
non-verbally as a signal to stop what they
3. By simply looking at them
are doing in their seats as I am discussing.

-When discussing, I usually walk around in

4. Tapping their arm chair the classroom. With this, whenever I
caught unnecessary behavior of the pupil
like often talking with their seatmates… I
tap their arm chairs to stop.

Performance Task 4 B.) Cite the verbal communication strategies that you used in class
to support learner understanding, participation, and engagement.

Verbal Communication Strategies Used Cite how it supported the learner’s

● I used attention signals.
Here are the attention signals I’ve been
using before and until now.

-When I say, “When the water falls?”

they respond, “Shhhhhh!”

-When I say, “Attention”

-It gives them the signal to pay attention
They respond with two claps while and to listen to me. And sometimes, I used
preparing to sit properly. this for them to be attentive and organize
in activities.

-When I say, “1,2,3, 1,2, 3 All eyes on me”

They sit properly and face the board.

-I also set 2 rules before starting the

lesson proper:
1. Sit properly
2. All eyes on me

● I set clear and direct instructions. - It helps them to easily understand what
they are supposed to do. It may be during
the lesson proper, in the assessments and
could be in activities. With this, it enables
me as the teacher to attain my objectives.
● I make sure my tone is accurate. -Misinterpretation affects their learning
development. Hence, everything must be
clear to them, not only the instructions, but
my tone when talking as well. This will help
them to easily perceive the lessons and

My Assessment Tasks
Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. which includes a wink, a simple nodding of heads or a wave?
A. Gesture
B. Facial expression
C. Verbal communication
D. Non-verbal communication

2. Which refers to the use of words to convey one’s ideas?

A. Gesture
B. Facial expression
C. Verbal communication
D. Non-verbal communication

3. Which questions call for facts and concepts?

A. Analyzing
B. Creating
C. Researching
D. Understanding

4. “Which events could have happened?” and “how was this similar to…?” are examples
of ______ questions.
A. creating
B. Analyzing
C. Researching
D. Understanding
5. “Can you see a possible solution and how many ways can you…?” are examples of
______ questions.
A. Researching
B. Understanding
C. Analyzing
D. Creating

My learning Artifact(s)

If you taught your tutees/students and gave an activity on the topic you indicated in
Performance Task 1, paste student work samples/projects accomplished in the
discussion of your content.

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