Individual Online Research CHUA

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Maclane Zener Chua October 28, 2020

FDNACCT - C73 Online Research

A. Internal Users

Get excited! McDonald's is bringing back: Dale the assistant manager | CBC Comedy. (2018, June 07). Retrieved October 29, 2020,
from ​


They are the ones in charge of taking control of planning and organizing and making
sure that the employees are doing their tasks in the business. As the leader, the
manager is responsible for the employees to motivate them so that work could be done.

Cain, Á. (2019, September 30). McDonald's employees share the 4 menu items they'd never eat. Retrieved October 29, 2020, from

Employees are hired to do a specific task in the company to be able to manage to help
the company’s goal. Employees have the position to negotiate with their contracts
through their terms depending on how well they’ve done during their stay in the
company. For some these are not possible due to positions.
B. External Users

Berkbuegler, C. (n.d.). 5 Reasons Your Customers Aren't Buying. Retrieved October 29, 2020, from


Customers are the consumers of businesses They are the ones who buy goods and
services that a business offers them. In a business, their goal is to be able to attract
customers to get them to purchase their products.

Inc., P. (2017, January 04). BDO retains #1 spot as the largest bank in the Philippines. Retrieved November 03, 2020, from


Banks also serve as an external user of a business since banks allow businesses to get
funds to support the company. Before banks allow businesses to get funds from them,
they are to check if the business has the power to pay them back after the said
C. Sole Proprietorship

Contractor Safety Orientation - What topics to Include. (2020, March 05). Retrieved November 03, 2020, from

Independent Contractor

An independent contractor is someone who is self employed but his role actually fits
more like an employee. Since this requires he/she to be hired by an employer to
perform tasks but with no taxes.

Meyer, D. (2020, January 21). Can Analytics Help a Sari Sari Store? Retrieved October 29, 2020, from

Sari Sari Store

Small businesses owned and controlled by one and only 1 person. This is the simplest
form of business since it allows you to have control over all. Sole proprietorship is a
popular form of business since it has an easy set up.
D. Partnership

Stewart, R. (2016, May 24). Red Bull and GoPro ink exclusive global partnership 'to inspire the world to live a bigger life'. Retrieved
November 03, 2020, from

Co branding

Red Bull and GoPro are examples of a partnership since this allows 2 brands who share
a common goal for their customers. This makes them a perfect combination for a
partnership since Red Bull supplies energy drinks for people who like to do sports and
action, GoPro is a company that creates high quality cameras to use for recording
adventures and sporting events. This makes them a perfect pair for a partnership.

Newton, C. (2017, March 16). Spotify considered ending Uber partnership amid mounting scandals. Retrieved November 03, 2020,
from ​
General Partnerships

General partnerships create an opportunity to work together to be able to have a lower

cost in operations since there are two owners, operations are less since they could split
the tasks that need to be done in creation of a product or service. In this instance, uber
and spotify allows the uber user/rider to queue up his/her playlist while in the uber
during the uber ride.

E. Corporation

Madison, J. (2011, October 06). Steve Jobs dead: Biography of Apple visionary. Retrieved November 03, 2020, from

C Corporation

C corporations are known for having owners, stakeholders, are taxed seperarely from
the company. C corporations also have the ability to have many owners and
shareholders. This gives them the ability to have bigger funds for the company due to
many owners.

Lou Leonard, V. (2015, September 17). Together Across Faiths, Taking Action on Climate Change. Retrieved November 03, 2020,
from ​

Nonprofit Organizations

Another form of a corporation is a nonprofit organization. This organization focuses on

using surplus revenues in achieving a goal rather than earning from profits. For them to
stay, they must be able to come up with plans that would allow them to preserve and
achieve their goal.

F. Service
Ker, N., Ker, N., Xiung, J., Xiung, J., Sponsored, & Sponsored. (2019, November 19). Are Malaysians ready for Gojek? Retrieved
November 03, 2020, from ​


Transportation is a form of a service business where it provides the customers to go

where they want in exchange for money. Any form of transportation that helps people to
get to their destination in exchange for money is a form of service business.

Chris Rickert | Wisconsin State Journal. (2017, August 27). SOS: Fitness of gym user's financial situation gets Anytime boost.
Retrieved November 03, 2020, from

Medicine and Wellness

Any type of business that helps a person’s wellness is another form of service. Since it
allows the customers to use gym equipment that would help them get fit and be able to
have a healthy life.
G. Trading

Pepe Samson, & This is a short description in the author block about the author. You edit it by entering text in the "Biographical Info"
field in the user admin panel. (2015, November 30). S&R Membership Shopping Opens in Nuvali! Retrieved November 03, 2020,
from ​


Merchandising a form of trading since it allows you to buy from different stores then
make a profit out of them. Through the form of merchandising, it allows you to earn from
products that are already made.

VIR, V. (2020, February 17). Export-import to China impacted by COVID-19. Retrieved November 03, 2020, from

Import and Export

International trade is another form of trading since this allows a country to export their
goods and services from a foreign country, and importing is the purchase of foreign
goods to one’s country.
H. Manufacturing

BreadTalk. (2019, December 11). Retrieved November 03, 2020, from ​

Make to Stock

This type of manufacturing has the ability to stock up their products for their customers. To be
able to determine how much stock they have to make, they rely on past datas on how much
people would buy during a day,week or months.

Kennedy, J., & About The Author Josh Kennedy Josh is a seasoned techie and tends to read the manual for whatever it may be. He
enjoys things that have a tech “angle” whether it be an app. (2020, February 21). Special Order Your Next BMW! A How-to Guide.
Retrieved November 03, 2020, from ​

Make to Order

This form of manufacturing allows the customers to request and have specifications in their
product. 1 downside of this is that the customers wait time takes longer but as the good side is
that it helps the company to save money on costs. An example of this is the brand BMW, where
they allow customizations to their cars to satisfy and give what they customer’s needs.

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