Urban Planning Best Practices
Urban Planning Best Practices
Urban Planning Best Practices
Submitted to the expert group meeting. Rome, November 29 - 30th, 2007
Excerpts from this publication may be reproduced without authorisation, on condition that the
source is indicated.
Introduction 4
Bangalore, India 6
Barbados 9
Bogotá, Colombia 13
Bossaso, Somalia 15
Clichy, France 19
Johanesbourg, South Africa 30
Nablus, Palestinian Territories 34
Nanjing, China 38
Pec / Peja UNMIK Kosovo 42
Tel Aviv, Israel 47
Meeting conclusions 50
This publication presents the main conclusions and experiences from selected cities
discussed during the Expert Meeting “Urban planning best practices on Creating
Harmonious Cities” held in Rome, Italy on 29 and 30th November 2007.
Participants were selected amongst cities that submitted their experiences on the
basis of the extent to which their planning approaches contribute to urban
sustainability in terms of maximizing their impact on key criteria, which included:
The above outcome criteria are derived from the paper on Reinventing Planning
considered at the World Urban Forum 2006
The purpose of this publication is to offer to the general public these interesting
experiences in the own words of the persons that have made possible the planning
We would like to thank the urban planning departments of Seville (Spain) and
Rome (Italy) for their support and contribution to make possible this seminar.
Institution Sattva
e-mail anjalikmohan@gmail.com
The City of Bangalore is the capital of the State of Karnataka, India and is a
Metropolitan City. Known for its Information Technology (IT) presence on the global
map, the city in the last 2 decades has shown unprecedented growth owing largely
to the impetus provided by the rapid emergence of the IT sector. Like any other
sprawling and rapidly growing metropolitan economy in a transitional economy, the
city faces the usual problems of a widening large gap between the requirement and
the provision of the social and physical infrastructure provision. Not prepared for
this unprecedented growth, the local government authorities have not been able to
cope with this large gap between the demand and supply of public amenities and
infrastructure. Furthermore with the city sprawl expanding, the gap is most felt in
peri urban Bangalore where not only are the urban development, planning and
management tools weak but also the densest areas in terms of population. With the
authorities not able to service these fringes, unauthorized constructions and
haphazard development is the hallmark in these areas; posing a real challenge to
the urban development managers and planners.
The Revised Master Plan (RMP) for Bangalore has been unique as for the first time,
the plan preparation process was outsourced to a private consortium under the
Indo French Protocol with the objective of bringing in the state of the art technology
in both planning and management of Bangalore Metropolitan Area. As such the plan
has been innovative on several fronts (in context of the ongoing planning processes
and the plans prepared so far in the country) as under: One, the RMP is based on a
zoning strategy for a dynamic city fabric as against the static land use based
physical plan. Two, it propagates a compact city model with future growth
concentrated in the vacant parcels of the city centre (as against the existing
tendency of a sprawl ) as a strategy to provide and manage efficient and cost
effective amenities and facilities. Third, the plan uses state of the art data
repository created on GIS and its application to understand the dynamic fabric of
the city. Four, the plan preparation process incorporated a Training and Capacity
Building Module to transfer the process of plan preparation as also upgrade the
skills of the planning authority. Five, it uses innovative tools like the ‘Coordinated
Planning Scheme’ (CPS) to facilitate plan implementation. Lastly, for the first time
ever, the city and its environs were ecologically mapped to enable an
environmentally sustainable development.
List and briefly evaluate the most important tools employed in plan
production and implementation.
Plan Production - Evolving a GIS based data repository, establishment of the GIS
based applications to enable regular updates on the data base. Developing the Gio
Kosks for general public and the establishment of the Management Information
Systems (MIS) for the planning authority to streamline the process of plan
Plan Implementation – While detailed programmes and projects have not been
evolved towards plan implementation, the consultants did detail out two specific
tools in terms of the Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) and the CPS to
facilitate balanced and timely development during the plan
implementation, monitoring and evaluation phase.
4. Implementation of the Metro rail transport system for the city of Bangalore
Bangalore does not fall in the Seismic zone; hence the mandate of the plan was not
to address the issues of Disaster mitigation and disaster preparedness.
While the city of Bangalore does not fall in a seismic zone, given Bangalore’s unique
micro climate composed of a 100 lakes, their watersheds and catchments, the
planning process for the first time successfully recognizes this and has mapped the
city ecologically defining the valley beds, the catchments and the watersheds as
non buildable zones. The hierarchies and networks of the valleys have been
established and demarcated to protect the valley systems of the city. Of course,
while these have been mapped, a lot depends on the actual efficiency of the
implementation process.
• Improving housing conditions, particularly slums, and meeting Goal 7
Target 11 of the MDGs.
The Plan while designating a large parcel of land towards IT development (therefore
giving this economic base its due share) underplays this sector to some extent in
lieu of an impetus to the manufacturing sector. This emerges as a strong point in
context of the hyped up role of the IT sector in the economy of the city. It
recognizes the important role played by the informal sector in boosting the local
economic development of the city and proposes relevant recommendations in
boosting the local development in the area.
This issue finds substantial recognition in the form of social equity in the ‘Vision
Statement’ and the ‘Directive Principles’ drawn out for the plan. Subsequently
the plan effectively marks the ‘shadow areas’ in the city, designating specific
pockets lacking in social infrastructure facilities, specifically health and education.
Through the identification of the shadow areas, the plan lays the basis for the
designing of the programs and projects to meet this gap in the city. Some of the
shadow areas have also been designated to come under the ‘area improvement
The plan recognizes the rapid urbanization patterns on the fringes and the need to
address the peri urban issues. It designates certain large scale developments on
the fringes which are to be treated through the zoning regulations. Furthermore,
the plan recognizes the rampant ‘spotted development’ on the fringes and in the
green belt of Bangalore and through the zoning regulations attempts a conscious
effort to integrate them into the city continuum.
The Vision statement and the directive principles address the issue of conflict
reduction by stressing on the principles of institutional coordination and the
subsequent rationalization of the related institutional and policy frameworks.
The plan making process made a very conscious effort to upgrade the capacities of
not just the relevant planning authority but also the apex plan making agency for
the state of Karnataka. The planning cells of both the agencies were roped during a
plan making process, for a detailed year long training and capacity building process
and to transfer the know how and expertise used by the consultants to draw out
the plan as also create the vast GIS based data repository; a very strategic move
to ensure the continuation of the planning process as also a sense of ownership for
the planning authority. Additionally, during the public objection and suggestion
stage, the authority ensured a longer and sustained public participation process to
get the relevant feedback. The civil society section was encouraged to mobilize
different interest groups / stakeholders in the city to elicit their response on the
Master Plan; something that has never been attempted before in the city. The plan
has been hugely successful in this initiative.
Position President
e-mail rgal@caribsurf.com
A number of suburban centers have been defined for growth as part of a planned
hierarchy of settlements and rapid expansion of shops and other services is
occurring there. New housing areas are being developed primarily by the private
sector to meet the demand for housing which has occurred more from new
household formation than by natural population growth.
Barbados has become a desirable country for foreign investment in tourist related
development, mainly in the creation of golf related resorts and the provision of
beachfront condominium apartments. In view of these development trends and
Government’s policy of sustainable development, major development is controlled
and monitored in the interest of long term sustainability.
Land use policy in Barbados is defined in the Physical Development Plan Amended
2003 which was prepared by the Town & Country Development Planning Office and
a Consulting Team comprising Canadian, British and Barbadian Consultants, with
collaboration and participation of many Government and non-government agencies
and individuals.
The process involved information gathering, the use of aerial photography, limited
field checking, consultation with the many “stakeholders” and a public participation
process through public meetings.
Specifically, natural coastal processes have threatened the long term stability of
beaches and near shore reefs and these processes have been exacerbated by
coastal development. Policy to reverse these processes include sewering the built-
up coastal areas, controlling storm water runoff to the sea, controlling the use of
chemicals in large scale inland golf and other projects and creating sustainable
structures to build beaches and/or prevent further erosion.
List and briefly evaluate the most important tools employed in plan
production and implementation.
Dealing specifically with the Coastal Infrastructure Program funded jointly by the
Government of Barbados and the Inter-American Development Bank, this US$24.4
million project seeks to ensure a healthy environment and continued economic
development of Barbados through improved management and conservation of the
coastal zone. The project has been undertaken at 5 coastal locations.
Project design components include data on wave climate, tides, surge, sea level
rise, wave setup and sediment processes, with physical modeling techniques being
used. An understanding of the shoreline was achieved through observations,
fieldwork, GIS analysis, physical modeling, numerical modeling and computation of
sediment balance with and without the project. The near shore wave climate was
assessed under normal and extreme conditions, using storm surge modeling
techniques. Using a variety of technical data as well as comparisons of regional
water level records, a rate of 6.5mm per year has been assumed for long term sea
level rise.
The Physical Development Plan Amended 2003 provides for development which is
ongoing to achieve the following:
Climate change will affect the coastline which is of vital importance to the
economy and amenity of the island. Barbados has accepted that climate change
is a reality that will have significant impact on the island and has adopted at the
policy level the IPCC’s recommendations for mitigating accelerated sea level
rise. Within the small island context the prime policy has to be on land
preservation and protection – that is the generic guiding management option to
“hold the line”.
Identified best practices include recognizing the island as a coastal zone; use of
coastal setbacks for cliffs and beaches; classification of beaches and cliffs based
on erosion vulnerability; regular monitoring; setting coastal engineering design
standards to account for sea level rise and increased “high energy events”; and
achieving “buy in” from developers/ property owners regarding the increased
need for coastal engineering modeling.
Barbados is not a significant producer of greenhouse gas emissions but has put
in place policies which encourage alternative energy use including the extensive
use of solar heating panels and potential for wind power generation.
Because of its small scale, Bridgetown and surrounding districts do not have
major slum areas but there are significant pockets of poor quality housing.
Governments objectives include access to shelter and the provision of essential
services to all householders; the rehabilitation, upgrading and continuous
maintenance of the housing stock; utilization of vacant residential lands for
housing; the use of affordable, safe, efficient and environmentally friendly
construction technologies; and the promotion of additional housing development
in Bridgetown through Government initiatives and incentives for redevelopment
of underutilized or vacant sites.
• Local economic development
Bridgetown and other urban settlements are safe by comparison with larger
cities elsewhere and the level of crime is relatively low. Most urban areas have
street lighting and a good road infrastructure provides for accessibility within
even the poorest communities.
e-mail gerencia@metrovivienda.gov.co
Telephone +57.429.20.05
Briefly describe the most important features of the plan production process,
emphasizing innovative aspects
In the last decade Bogotá has been object of national and international recognition
due to its social, economic and cultural transformations and also to its urban and
architectonic projects that have contributed in the construction of a better
environment for the people that live in the city, with special emphasis in the
population of smaller incomes. Respect to this, is to stand out the issues of mobility
and public space, collective equipment availability and, more recently, the
improvement of the draining conditions of rain and sewer waters of the River
List and briefly evaluate the most important tools employed in plan
production and implementation.
The most important tools employed by the local government in plan production and
implementation were based on:
• City for the citizens
Cantarrana dam was inaugurated in 2007, a gigantic work that is part of the control
program of crescents of the Tunjuelo river that benefits more than a million people
in the south of the city. The Cantarrana dam will be able to store up to 2.5 million
cubic meters of water coming from the Tunjuelo River and with it the possibility of
floods due to the crescents of the river at time of rains will be reduced to the
As part of the appropriation and conservation of the Cantarrana dam 3.5 kilometers
of bicycle roads were constructed, ecological footpaths, a track of skating and
tricycles like viewpoints that will be used for the recreation and the relaxation as
the community. Also, in the development of dam the participation of the community
was guaranteed through:
Looking forward to the extension of the social services, especially in the more
socio-economical vulnerable zones in the city, it was determined the massive
construction of collective equipment. In the last period of government there were
22 new schools constructed, 27 were being constructed by the end of 2006, and
201 received technical and architectonical improvements. These centers accompany
a supply of cultural spaces formed from a municipal system of public libraries that,
added to the adoption of Transmilenio, constituted a radical change in the
structuring of the city. Three of these libraries were initiated in 1997 (Virgilio Barco,
the Tintal and the Tunal), and located in peripheral areas of the city with
architectonic and city-planning conditions determinants in the development and
revitalization of its surroundings, and integrated to public spaces and networks of
massive transport.
With relation to the first point, mobility, an integrated strategy of mobility has been
developed, prioritizing the improvement of the public space and in the rescue of its
condition of collective space, as well as in the efficiency and effectiveness in the
cover of public transport, and the construction of sidewalks, bicycle roads and tree-
lined avenues. In this point, Transmilenio, as a massive transport system
implemented in the city, did not only contributed to the reduction of 32% of time
trips in the interior of the city, but it also allowed the renovation of deteriorated city
streets and avenues –Av. Caracas, Av. Jiménez, NQS, Av. Américas-, favoring the
particular traffic, the people transit and the use of alternative means of transport
through bicycle roads and tree-lined avenues.
On the other hand, it was redefined the conceptualization of public space, and with
it, the intervention for its recovery was reoriented based on the use and collective
enjoys. Thus, existing small squares and platforms were valorized, a network of
green spaces consolidated, and bicycle roads and tree-lined avenues extended to
the entire city.
Institution UN-HABITAT
e-mail Ombretta.tempra@unhabitat.org
After the collapse of the Siad Barre regime, Somalia fell into civil war. The North-
Eastern region managed to reach a relative stability, and declared itself “Puntland
State of Somalia” in 1998. The new state started to put in place its government and
institutions, but the latter are still extremely weak, and a legal framework is still
largely not in place. A mix of customary law and sharia law take the place of a
missing land law. The lack of property registration systems results in frequent
disputes over land ownership and major constraints to any urban development
intervention (from the digging of a latrine, to the tracing of a road). This vacuum is
reflected in the chaotic urban development of the city.
List and briefly evaluate the most important tools employed in plan
production and implementation.
As outlined above, the tools available in Bossaso (and in Puntland in general) are
very limited. Negotiations, participation, collaboration among all stakeholders have
been the only viable tools used so far. The development of a suitable urban land
administration law is ongoing.
3. RESETTLEMENT PROJECTS – The successful attempt to provide land for the poor
allowed the setting up of permanent resettlement projects for displaced population
and urban poor in the city. A first permanent resettlement project is finalized, and
it’s being now replicated on a larger scale. Services and infrastructure are being
provided with the support of several international agencies.
4. INTEGRATION - The long term presence of displaced population inside the town
is now tolerated, and services provided by local and international development
agencies are now shared by displaced population and host community.
One of the main focuses of the plan is the integration of the slums in the formal
urban tissue and the extension of the basic urban services networks to the most
disadvantaged settlements, so that their cost can be shared among urban poor,
displaced population and host community. This aspect of the plan is being very
successful, especially in terms of health and education services, and water
infrastructure. Negotiations for the provision of security of tenure and improved
living conditions for the slum dwellers are ongoing with the municipality and the
landlords. Upgrading of existing slums is ongoing (provision of basic services,
decongestion of the settlements, fire emergency preparedness and prevention
trainings, provision of basic infrastructure and provision of improved shelter
materials). Provision of permanent resettlement solution (permanent houses and
security of tenure) is also ongoing.
The basic scope and founding principle of the plan is the integration among urban
poor, displaced populations (belonging often to minority clans and segregated
groups), and host community. The Bossaso urban development plan aims at
reducing urban poverty and exclusion by: (1) physical integration of the slums in
the urban tissue, and (2) promoting shared services and infrastructure between
vulnerable communities and other social groups. This not only wants to reduce
social and economic segregation, but also aims at benefiting the whole city with the
limited resources available. In Somalia the international aid is mostly targeting the
population displaced by the ongoing conflict, and therefore tapping into the funds
allocated for humanitarian emergencies. The scope of the urban development plan
is to direct such funds to bridge the gap between emergency and development. By
integrating the poor and the displaced in the town and in the host community, the
services provided for the most vulnerable are also benefiting the other social
groups. This is facilitating the social integration and the acceptance of the poor and
of the displaced by the rest of the citizens. The social integration leads to economic
integration and reduced poverty.
The Bossaso Region is semi-desert and the rural areas are largely inhabited.
Nevertheless the city is attracting rural and nomadic population from southern
areas of the country. This component has not been addressed strongly in the
elaboration of the Bossaso plan.
e-mail nicolas.buchoud@ville-clichy.fr
Telephone +33 6 16 54 03 74
Le projet de ville a d’ores et déjà permis d’ouvrir de façon concrète le débat sur la
densification de la ville, tout en donnant corps à une politique de développement
durable: la labellisation HQE des équipements publics existants et futurs, et des
nouvelles constructions de bureaux, affirmation d’une politique de qualité et
d’innovation architecturale, qui s’appuie sur le patrimoine bâti de la ville.
La transformation du POS en PLU a été entreprise dès 2003. Toutefois, les travaux
se sont heurtés à l’incompréhension de nombreux habitants et à l’absence de
maturité de nombreux acteurs, y compris certains services au sein de la
municipalité. En réalité, les besoins portaient moins sur la mise en place d’un
nouveau règlement d’urbanisme que sur la refonte d’un pacte de développement
urbain entre la municipalité, les habitants et leurs conseils de quartier, et les
usagers de Clichy, notamment les opérateurs économiques.
List and briefly evaluate the most important tools employed in plan
production and implementation.
- les quartiers. Plusieurs opérations sont d’ores et déjà réalisées dans le cadre
de ce projet
La ville de Clichy se situe dans un tissu urbain continu. Elle-même ville dense, elle
comprend 28.000 logements sur un territoire d’à peine plus de 300 ha. Les
questions environnementales ne peuvent pas être traitées uniquement à une si
petite échelle. Toutefois, la ville a mis en place plusieurs outils.
Certains sont rendus nécessaires par la législation, comme par exemple, un Plan
de prévention des risques naturels, en particulier d’inondation. Ce plan est
opérationnel en cas de crue de la Seine, et il associe la municipalité, les services
d’urgence, les services de l’Etat, les services hospitaliers, et les gestionnaires de
logement. La ville est exemplaire en matière d’aide aux personnes dépendantes et
fragiles, et notamment les personnes âgées et les personnes handicapées.
Il existe ainsi un Plan canicule, destiné au suivi de ces personnes en cas de forte
chaleur. Il a déjà été activé deux fois, en 2005 et 2006. Un logiciel spécifique
permet de suivre toutes les personnes identifiées, individuellement, par téléphone.
Enfin, la ville a également crée un outil spécifique afin de répondre aux situations
d’urgence en matière de logement, en cas, notamment, d’incendies d’hôtels
meublés ou de copropriétés dégradées, un Plan local de prévention des
incendies. Ce plan, partenarial, associe tous les gestionnaires de logement publics
et privés de la ville.
Le Projet de Ville 2020 a ainsi mis en avant la nécessité de construire plus haut
dans certains secteurs de la ville, en dépit des fortes réticences de nombreux
Clichois, en échange de la recherche d’une qualité urbaine et architecturale accrue
des projets, ainsi que de la prise en compte des critères de HQU (haute qualité
environnementale) dans les projets. L’avenir de l’environnement à Clichy passe
donc aussi par le développement durable de l’espace métropolitain où se situe la
La ville de Clichy est un espace très largement urbanisé. Il n’y a qu’un seul espace
naturel à Clichy, c’est le fleuve, en d’autres termes, la Seine. La ville de Clichy a été
au XIX° siècle et jusqu’à la fin des an nées 1970 une villes industrielles (Citroën,
Câbles de Lyon…), et la Seine a été utilisée d’abord comme une voie d’eau utilitaire.
Ce n’est que depuis le milieu des années 1990 que les rives de la Seine ont
commencé à faire l’objet d’une attention particulière.
C’est le département des Hauts de Seine qui gère l’aménagement durable des bords
de la Seine, mais la ville de Clichy se tourne désormais vers son fleuve, et ce de
manière de plus en plus volontaire. Une partie des berges a d’ores et déjà été
réaménagée, et le Projet de ville prévoit de systématiser cette politique. Un port
pour l’accostage des péniches de tourisme ou de loisir et été crée, et la ville a
engagé de lourds négociations avec le Département afin d’obtenir le classement
des berges de la Seine à Clichy comme espace de promenade, tout en conservant
des activités industrielles, et notamment une usine à béton, indispensable pour
réduire les trajets d’acheminement de ce matériau de construction. Un nouveau
quartier doit être construit à proximité de la Seine et son organisation urbaine a été
conçue afin de mettre en relation la ville et le fleuve (trajets, percées visuelles…).
Ainsi la ville va créer avant 2010 deux nouveaux parcs, dont un entièrement neuf
à partir d’anciennes friches industrielles, sur une superficie de 6 ha. Il doit ouvrir en
2008. Le financement de ce parc est assuré conjointement par la ville, la région Ile
de France, ainsi qu’une opération d’aménagement et d’urbanisme, qui comprend la
construction de logements (350 au minium) et de bureaux (50.000 m² au
Mais dans l’ancien, la ville a connu durant ces cinq dernières années une hausse
moyenne des prix de 120% et, dans le neuf, de 75 à 80%. De nombreux
habitants sont inquiets face aux difficultés à pouvoir se loger. La Ville doit donc
répondre à deux enjeux majeurs : la construction de nouveaux logements et le
logement des publics fragilisés. La Ville recense, pour le seul logement social, près
de 4000 demandes.
Les premières Assises de la ville en 2005 ont permis aux entreprises clichoises
d’exprimer leurs besoins, leurs attentes vis-à-vis de la ville et du territoire de
Clichy. Loin d’une opposition entre action municipale et action publique d’une part,
et projets de développement privés d’autre part, les premières Assises de la ville
ont au contraire apporté la confirmation que les entreprises clichoises
recherchaient une complémentarité d’action avec la municipalité, ainsi que
les moyens de développer des synergies entre elles. Cela renvoie à une forme très
contemporaine du développement économique, qui ne peut plus être pensé de
façon détachée du développement des territoires où ces dernières s’implantent.
Certes, les périmètres pertinents se situent à des échelles larges, celles de grands
bassins d’emploi et à cet égard, Clichy s’inscrit pleinement dans les dynamiques de
développement du coeur de la métropole parisienne.
L’élaboration du projet de ville a permis d’ouvrir le débat sur des questions aussi
sensibles que celles du partage de la croissance économique de Clichy et de
son impact sur la vie quotidienne des Clichois. Là encore, il apparaît que vie
quotidienne et développement économique ne se contredisent pas nécessairement.
Clichy ne sera durablement accueillante pour ses entreprises que si la vie
quotidienne y est agréable, les services publics fortement présents. Afin de réduire
le différentiel entre le nombre d’emplois à Clichy et le nombre de Clichois qui
travaillent à Clichy, il est indispensable, de continuer à développer une politique
volontariste et active de construction de logements. La municipalité doit également
poursuivre le travail de négociation, voire de lobbying, entamé depuis longtemps,
afin de défendre les projets de développement de transports en commun, ou la
création de nouvelles infrastructures comme le boulevard urbain de contournement
de Clichy.
Plus la cellule familiale devient fragile et mobile, plus le besoin d’ancrage dans
un territoire devient important. Il s’agit à la fois d’un enjeu symbolique, celui de se
sentir bien dans une ville qui apporte au quotidien la satisfaction d’un
environnement urbain de qualité. C’est aussi un enjeu très concret, celui de pouvoir
bénéficier de services à la personne qui impliquent pour la plupart d’entre eux de
profondes transformations de l’action de l’administration, notamment de
l’administration municipale:
L’affirmation des valeurs de mixité passe ainsi par l’affirmation de la mixité sociale,
mais aussi de la mixité générationnelle. Elle passe aussi, à travers le sport, la
culture, les loisirs et l’ensemble de la vie sociale, par l’affirmation de la diversité
des origines et des statuts sociaux comme un moteur de développement et de
croissance. La création du Conseil des citoyens étrangers (2006), illustre cette
Le premier axe de travail pour promouvoir la réduction des conflits à Clichy repose
sur la création de capital social et sur le renforcement de la citoyenneté (coir ci-
dessous). Mais cela n’est pas suffisant. Les phénomènes de délinquance,
notamment de délinquance juvénile, existent, et l’aspiration des Clichois à la
tranquillité est une préoccupation de premier plan.
A l’issue de très vifs débats au sein de la majorité municipale, la ville a mis en place
en 2006 un système de vidéo -surveillance par caméras, dans les espaces
publics. Celui-ci a permis de faire diminuer significativement les agressions et les
Enfin, la ville de Clichy est engagée depuis le début des années 1980 dans la
politique de la ville. Le développement social des quartiers constitue même
(T.Tellier, 2007), l’une des originalités de Clichy, dans la mesure où la ville n’a
cessé de s’inspirer de cette philosophie pour penser son développement.
A son échelle, Clichy est ainsi en mesure aujourd’hui de développer une stratégie
de « clusters » au sein même de son territoire, illustrant le potentiel important
que recèle le territoire Clichois dès lors que l’on en explore les atouts croisés, en
matière d’éducation, de culture, de politiques sociales, de démocratie locale.
e-mail rashids@joburg.org.za
However, the city still experiences very high levels of unemployment at 32%; about
one-fifth of the population are estimated to live in poverty; and the city experiences
high levels of income inequality. Gender and generational inequalities and spatial
inequalities complete the picture of inequality.
Although access to adequate water, sanitation and refuse removal are high (over
90%), a large number of people live in less than adequate shelter in backyard
shacks, overcrowded formal houses and informal settlements.
List and briefly evaluate the most important tools employed in plan
production and implementation.
1. Political will and support: The IDP was initiated with the full support of
the Mayor, which was essential for driving the formulation, consultation and
approval processes.
3. Bus rapid transit (BRT): This is modeled on rapid transit systems first
developed in Latin America as a comprehensive and cost effective solution to
developing an effective public transport system.
4. 2010 FIFA World Cup: There are a number of initiatives that include
meeting FIFA requirements (stadiums, fan parks etc) as a host city as well
as legacy projects that seek to ensure that the opportunity to stage the
event promotes long term socio-economic development.
On climate change and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, the City’s 5-year
program includes mitigation and adaptation strategies, energy efficiency and
demand management and sourcing renewable and/or alternative energy
− Meet housing needs at all levels of the housing ladder through partnerships
and supply;
The IDP programs that underpin these objectives include informal settlement
formalization, backyard accommodation, inner city upgrade, hostels conversion
and special needs. The flagship housing program seeks to 100 000 well-located
and good quality housing units over five years targeted at low income and
affordable housing markets.
The elements of program are reducing the cost of doing business (safety,
broadband, telecommunications and skills), promoting key growth sectors
(business process outsourcing and call centers, tourism, creative industries etc),
enhance beneficiation (especially the jewelers industry), build a commercial
ladder for small business development and scale up interventions on freight and
logistics and inner city regeneration.
The intention of the program is not only to increase economic growth (from 6%
to 9%), but ensure that the benefits of growth are shared equitably through
additional employment, black economic empowerment and enterprise
The overall strategy to reduce urban poverty and exclusion is premised on the
safeguarding and supporting poor and vulnerable households, championing
rights and opportunities and building prospects for social inclusion.
The IDP sets out a wide range of programs that will be rolled out over the five-
year period, viz.:
− Social package, which provides all households in the City with access to free
basic water (6kl per month) and free basic electricity (50kWh per month)
and subsidies for sanitation and refuse removal. The package also
guarantees other free municipal services such as clinics, libraries and social
The City of Johannesburg has also been working in close collaboration with the
national local government association to set up twinning arrangements with
rural municipalities that would contribute to capacity building.
The IDP sets out a comprehensive safety initiative that includes the following
programs: crime prevention, women and child safety, traffic safety
enforcement, disaster management, community disaster mitigation information,
emergency response improvement and by-law compliance program. The
responsibility for these programs mainly falls on the Johannesburg Metro Police
Department and the Emergency Management Services.
• Creating civic capital and promoting citizenship
e-mail abhamid@najah.edu
Nablus City is located in the northern part of West Bank in Palestine, approximately
65 Km north of Jerusalem in a valley surrounded by two mountains, one in the
north with 940 meters and the other in the south with 881 meters. Nablus was
founded by the Canaanites who came from Arabia to Palestine in 2500 B.C. It was
rebuilt by the Romans in the first century (70 A.D.) and called Flavia Neapolis, from
which the name of Nablus is derived. Its geographical position on the trade roads
made it an important commercial center for most of the successive civilizations as
Pharaohs, Crusades, Mongols, Mamlukes, Ottomans and others. Nablus has kept
the unique Arabic influence as it is seen in its architecture. The old city of Nablus
with its narrow lanes, arches, mosques, markets, quarters, paths and all its
interesting and beautiful public places witness its unique history and prosperous
Nablus has 134,000 (2007 Statistics) inhabitants; the majority of them are
Muslims, while the minorities are Christians and Samaritans. There are three large
refugee camps, one inside the city and the other two are surrounding the city, with
more than 35,000 inhabitants.
The city is considered as one important economic center in the West Bank. It is a
marketing and trade centre. Its traditional industrial activities include furniture
production, tile production, stone quarrying, olive oil soap production, vegetable oil
production, textile manufacturing and leather tanning.
The city enjoys the entire utilities and services its inhabitants need. There are 72
schools including different educational stages, 2 universities (An Najah University
as the largest university in Palestine and Al-Quds Open University), a number of
research and studies centers, scientific institutes, a public library, a municipal
stadium, five hotels, 6 sport clubs, 9 cultural forums, 38 mosques, 4 churches, 11
tombs, 3 temples. In addition, the health services include 4 hospitals as well as 224
Briefly, the preparation of the plan has been undertaken through the following
• Identifying the proper distribution of land uses and various activities based
on the geographic features of Nablus, the estimated population densities,
needs and requirements for public services and transportation network, and
absorption capacity within the built up area.
The significant actors who were engaged in the process include the Ministry of Local
Government, and An-Najah National University. The university provided its
knowledge and experience in urban planning as well as other related subjects
(engineering, socio-economy, environment, etc.).
List and briefly evaluate the most important tools employed in plan
production and implementation.
The produced plan took into consideration the difficult location of the city along the
narrow valley between the two mountains in addition to vulnerability to natural
disasters (mainly earthquakes). Studies related to seismic risks mitigation have
been conducted in order to ensure the proper distribution of land uses within the
produced plan as well as the implementation of the plan, particularly in certain
areas with high vulnerability.
The produced plan concerns the improving of local ecology through the proposed
green areas, both active green (public parks and gardens inside the city) with a
total area of 0.2 Km2, and passive green (agricultural land and open areas in the
periphery area) with a total area of 1.9 Km2. In addition, the open green areas
located on top of the two mountains surrounding the city also help improving the
local ecology.
The housing areas in the city that are considered as slums or with low standards
and low living conditions are mostly located in the refugee camps inside the city
and in the old quarter. Mainly, the produced plan identified those areas as
particular areas that need some interventions in terms of upgrading, restoration,
and rehabilitation. In particular, the old quarter is given more emphasis by the
municipality through the issuing of specific laws and regulations concerning the
management and control of upgrading, restoration and rehabilitation activities in
the old city. Moreover, certain studies and plans are being prepared for the old
quarter as well as starting the preparation of a general conservation plan for this
area, which includes the different policies for upgrading and restoration of buildings
as well as the rehabilitation of social, economic, cultural, and tourism activities.
The proposed industrial areas, commercial centers and other economic activities
within the produced plan will help improving and enhancing the local economic
development in the city. Also, the proposed areas for residential development will
contribute to the local economy through various investments in the housing and
real estate sector.
The relationships between the city and the surrounding rural areas or settlements
have been strongly considered within the produced plan through the proposed road
network and allocation of densities of residential areas. In addition, the future
expansion of the city towards its surrounding rural areas was also considered.
Moreover, the allocation of industrial zone in the eastern side of the city took into
consideration the existing agricultural land there and the possibility of improving
the agro-industrial production.
This issue was considered to certain extent through the identification of street
widths, distribution of residential densities, and allocation of public services (mainly
social, cultural, and recreational activities), which will contribute to the reduction of
crimes and violence in different locations in the city.
The production of this plan after a long period of not having an approved plan of
the city due to certain political and administrative reasons is highly appreciated by
the citizens and institutions of the city. This plan is seen as an important tool for
enhancing the city development an its regional role in the northern part of the West
Bank as being the second largest city in terms of population size as well as being an
important commercial and economic center. Therefore, this plan helps to promote
e-mail Zhoulan_126@126.com
Telephone +86-25-84733711
Address No. 15 Gao Jia Jiu Guan, Hua Qiao Road, Nanjing,
Jiangsu Province, China
Nanjing is located in the Yangtz Delta of the east coast of China, the most economic
developed area in China, the capital of Jiangsu Province which is the most
developed province in China, as well as a famous capital with 2470-year city history
and 450-year capital history. The city covers an area of 6,582 square km, with a
population of around 7,000,000. The built area of inner city is about 230 square
km, with a population of around 3,000,000. Local GDP of 2006 is 277.4 billion, and
GDP per person is over $5,000.
The Ming City Wall constructed 600 years ago is the longest city wall in the city.
Outer Qinhuai River is the moat going along the Ming City Wall. Within the city wall
is the old city area densely packed with historical and cultural sites. Beyond the city
wall is the new districts just built over the past 20 years. Qinghuai River is the
boundary between the old city and the new districts.
List and briefly evaluate the most important tools employed in plan
production and implementation.
1. The plan production got the participation and support from many citizens
and different departments, including People Representative Board, Nanjing
City Politics Association.
3. Media supervision makes sure the fairness, transparency, and justice of this
2. Prevent floods
Control the water pollution by enhancing the polluted water disposal facilities,
fuelling water circulation, and preventing the in flood of polluted water, to make
Outer Qinhuai River a ecological river.
Build pedestrian road system and open Outer Qinhuai River Tour. Set up a multiple
and convenient transportation system.
Connect areas on both sides of the river and important scenery areas nearby by the
main axis, Outer Qinhuai River, and the secondary axis, waterfronts on both sides
of the river. Offer public space and necessary facilities. Vitalize this area by
enhancing the vertical corridor and improving the accessibility of waterfronts.
1. Decrease the flood threat by enhancing the 20km dyke, evening the
lands beside the river, improving drainage system and adding more rain
pump facilities.
1. Make Outer Qinhuai River a flowing river by clearing slut and increasing
1. Pull down slums along the river, and settle down the residents
economically, to make sure they live in new housing with modern
facilities and better environment.
2. Renew the preserved buildings and improve the residents’ living
1. Upgrade the industry there and get more lands for development by
moving some factories.
1. Offer more public facilities in this area and encourage residential and
commercial real estate development. Make Outer Qinghuai River an
important link between old city and Hexi new districts. Pull down slums
and settle down the residents moving out. Renew the preserved housing
to create multiple communities, physically breaking the space
segregation of old city and new districts and people of different income.
1. Pull down slums and offer modern facilities, changing “villages in the
city” into a real part of the city, and physically realize the integration of
urban and rural areas.
1. Pull down slums and consolidate the preserved housing in the terms of
housing structure and fire (Xiaofang), to make sure the housing safety
1. New communities and economic development along the river make Outer
Qinhuai River a prosperous river.
e-mail Agron.sallova@unhabitat-kosovo.org,
Peja/Peć is situated on the edge between the Albanian Alps and the fertile Dukagjini
plain, and is known as a historic commercial and crafts centre on the trade route
between the Adriatic coast and the hinterland.
Prior to the 1999 military conflict, Peja/Peć used to have a relatively developed
industry and agriculture. However, the war damaged many enterprises which lead
to a current unemployment rate of about 60% (estimation). About 85% of the
housing stock was damaged during the war, of which a large number were
destroyed completely. From 1999 to 2002, reconstruction activities required the
largest share of available resources. This led to a serious increase of the poverty
Infrastructure and facilities today are limited: there is an insufficient electricity
supply, the rail link has been out of use since the conflict and will be opened 1st
October 2007; the quality of the road network is relatively low.
Since the conflict, over 93% of the population consists of ethnic Albanians, while
the Serb minority migrated in a drastic way, mainly remaining in a few enclaves.
Peja/Pec is housing the Patriarchate of the Serbian Orthodox church. Other
minorities consist mainly of Bosniaks and Roma/Ashkali/Egyptians.
On the 14th of May 2007, both plans were officially approved by Peja/Peć's
Municipal Assembly. An important milestone for a Kosovo in transition, Peja/Peć
was the first municipality in Kosovo who achieved this, and in this regard the plan
+ process have been discussed in peer-to-peer for a with other municipalities.
* this is also the result of multi years of capacity building and support to setting-up
a new planning system in a state of flux/transition. Planning efforts for the local
level in Kosovo are now taking place at the local level and might seem evident. But
it is a major shift with previous practices. This is following the dramatic changes
since 1989 such as the collapse of the communist power/socialistic regime and the
break up of various states and countries in East-Europe such as Yugoslavia. A
specific feature is that during the Milosevic era Albanian Kosovars were
automatically excluded from responsibilities within the public service and
universities; as a result the Kosovo Albanian leaders at central and local level
lacked the experience, the technical and organizational skills to carry out planning
profession and activities. During that era, parallel systems started to develop, as
well as parallel or informal economy.
List and briefly evaluate the most important tools employed in plan
production and implementation.
- (En-)Visioning was used during the process of drafting the plans, but stays
important in the implementation phase. During a visioning workshop on the
future development of the planned sports and education area, foreseen on
the old military base, stakeholders came up with a lot of interesting ideas
which were integrated in a strategy for sustainable development. Visioning is
an activity that brings citizens and stakeholders together to shape a
common vision for the future of their community (municipality, city,
neighborhood, specific area)
- During the visioning process for MDP and UDP, Spatial Concepts and Spatial
Development Scenarios were used. The final vision occurred as a
compromise, selecting the most valuable issues from the several scenarios.
1. For the first time since the conflict, a mobility task force has been set up,
which has so far focused on the development of an urban public transport network.
The working range of the task force however is much broader, and covers non
motorized traffic policy, traffic safety, parking policy and infrastructural
2. Setup of a pilot project for drafting of a regulatory plan for the informal
settlement of Zatra. In order to obtain sufficient background information, an
extensive field survey (questionnaire) has been conducted and processed in survey
maps. This has been done in cooperation with community representatives. In the
future, this kind of regulatory plans will detail the urban development plan and
provide a much more transparent tool to judge requests for construction permits.
This bottom up strategy can have its implications for planning on the Kosovo
central level.
- Provisions for strengthening the awareness of the citizens and grow their
support for planning activities.
e-mail Segal_g@mail.tel-aviv.gov.il
The city is situated in the core of the Tel Aviv Metropolitan Area, and is the
economic and cultural capital of Israel. It accounts for only 5% of Israel population,
but it contributes16% to the national gross domestic product. A large proportion of
the country's theatrical, musical and light entertainment establishments operate
from it.
Tel Aviv Yafo populations is growing in the last years. The city attracts a wide
variety of population groups, including young singles, new immigrants, foreign
workers, single parent families, gays and lesbians, etc. There are also several long
established groups: large groups of senior citizens, a range of religious Jewish
communities and a significant group of Arabs. These various groups form a
singularly heterogeneous social fabric and the tolerant ambience permits a peaceful
coexistence among the different groups.
Socio-economic status of Tel Aviv residents is, on average, better than in the
country as a whole, but there is a profound disparity between different groups and
areas of the city, which arises mainly from differential incomes resulting from the
job structure.
The Strategic Plan for Tel Aviv Yafo is based on the following principles:
Transparent planning process – the public can follow the Plan's evolution on
the municipal website, and through other media.
List and briefly evaluate the most important tools employed in plan
production and implementation.
B. Creative visioning workshops to scan and select options for the future of
Tel Aviv Yafo, using Eduard De Bono's "lateral thinking" methods.
2. An Action Plan to improve pedestrians' and cyclists' accessibility to the sea shore
- training the existing Municipal Emergency Unit in order to cope with this specific
• Improving local and global ecology and mitigation of climate
change, including reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
The plan initiated an action plan for reducing air pollution in the city. The sources of
pollution in Tel Aviv were especially from transportation and also from the electric
power station, located in the city. As from the beginning of the year, the power
station is operated by natural gas, instead of coal, and the reduction of air pollution
is significant. As for transportation, efforts are made in several directions:
improving fuel, especially of the buses and taxis, limitations on polluting vehicles to
enter the city centre and planning the new mass transit system that will be
operating on 2012.
The Municipality initiated a project which objective is to create new tools for
enhancing enlargement and renovation of dwelling units in former public housing
areas, focusing on organization and cooperation between the residents.
The Plan initiated an Action Plan to revitalize the city centre, which was elaborated
with wide stakeholder’s participation and will be implemented by the Economic
Municipal Company on the basis of Public Private Partnership.
The Municipality develops and delivers special projects in weak areas of the city,
especially in the Yafo area, where most of the Arab population lives. Physical
projects include renewal of the physical infrastructure, development of green areas
and renovation of local commercial streets. Social projects include special programs
to assist people in danger, especially children, and to help families in helping
themselves to brake the poverty cycle. A special project encourages high school
students to continue studies at the University.
The following summary was presented as concluding remarks and discussed by the
participants. It is a working paper that tries to capture the essence of the lively
debates of the working groups and plenary sessions. The main focus was on
identifying innovative approaches that have resulted in successful planning
outcomes. Beside elements of the context, this summary provides indications on
urban planning critical conditions of success.
1. The context
- Climate change
- Demographic pressure
There is a need to explicit the values that ought to guide the planning process.
- multi-disciplinary
- Tension between efficiency vs. inclusion: need for speed vs. need to take people
along with decisions
o political will and leadership (at the local level + national support)
Urban planning is more likely to be successful when and where public policies are
- Over time:
o Short-term measures and long term planning are supporting each other
- Over territory:
The planning response should be tailored to each context, taking into account the
pace of urbanization, wealth and resource available, availability of land, institutional
structure, capacity and availability of skills, climate context, etc. Planning should
adapt as planners are increasingly exposed to global issues.
- How to produce cities faster and better. Planning is not only plans. Look
at the city as a production process. UP as a way to invigorate urban
- Tension between long term vs. short Term: Visions vs. Action plans
- Plans vs. Flexibility (need for certainty + clarity in plans vs. need to
make responsive to new situations)
e) Affordable
f) Formal / Informal
- Reconcile the planning process with the real spatial transformation that
is taking place
h) Baseline information
- Not try to create a new city. Build on what is already there. Importance
of context
i) Governance structures
a) Climate change:
- The spectrum of impacts has not yet been assessed. Potential impacts
are context-specific. Some (i.e. sea level rise) are easier to identify than
others (i.e. urban migration)
b) Post-conflict