Enhanced Milieu Teaching
Enhanced Milieu Teaching
Enhanced Milieu Teaching
- “EMT is used to increase the diversity, frequency, complexity, and generalizability of
- To use more diverse and complex forms of language
- Increase vocabulary
The targets would include a variety of word types/concepts (e.g., spill, soft, alike, is, caught,
etc.). These target words should be presented to the child at least 10-15 times a day within a
meaningful routine (e.g., pretend play, mealtime, etc.).
Below is an example of targeting “is” as a copula through focused stimulation. Child and adult
are playing dress up and the adult narrates the following sequence:
"Where is my hat?
"Where is it?
"Oh, here it is.
"Here is my hat.
"Here it is.
"It is in the drawer.
"That is where it is."