Informative Speech Outline Worksheet

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Informative Speech Outline Worksheet

(All points on the outline should complete sentences. Do not write out your entire speech, just one sentence per element.)


I. Attention-Getting Device:
Your support for sub points should be
II. Credibility and Audience Relevance Statement: labeled “expert testimony, example,
statistic, personal testimony, lay
III. Thesis statement:
testimony, definition, etc.” This part of
IV. Preview of main points: the outline just needs a one word label
Transition to first main point: for how you choose to support your sub
point. All sub points need a support
Body: type. See chapter 9 of your text.
I. Main Point 1:
A. Sub point:
Support for sub point A
B. Sub point:
Support for sub point B

II. Main Point 2:

A. Sub point:
Support for sub point A
B. Sub point:
Support for sub point B

III. Main Point 3:

A. Sub point:
Support for sub point A
B. Sub point:
Support for sub point B
Transition to Conclusion:
I. Review of Main Points:
II. Restate Thesis
III. Closing:
References (APA)/Works Cited (MLA)
Please cite your sources on the last page of your outline (must be on its own page). You may use either APA or
MLA citation formatting (please only use one or the other, not both). An example of how to cite these are
listed below. Three (3) sources from the BSC library database are required. You may include more if you so
choose. The references/works cited page should be the last page of your outline document. Sources should
be organized alphabetically in accordance with the author’s last name.

APA example for scholarly journal article:

Allen, A.L. (2015). How to properly market organic produce in a small Midwestern city: A qualitative analysis.
Health & Business, 44 (2), 136-175.
MLA example for scholarly journal article:
Allen, April. “How to Properly Market Organic Produce in a Small Midwestern City: A Qualitative Analysis.”
Health & Business, vol. 44, no. 2, 2015, pp. 136-175.

Please use the Purdue OWL website to help you cite your information. As always, I can help you too!
OWL Website:
Informative Speech Outline Rubric (20 pts possible)
Present Inconsistent Not Present Points Earned
Introduction (includes
Device, Audience
Relevance, Credibility,
Thesis, and Preview of
Main points) ____pts/2 pts
Main Points

____pts/4 pts
Sub Points

*Includes Support
Types for Sub Points*
____pts/4 pts

____pts/4 pts
Conclusion (restating
Main Points, Thesis,
and has a memorable

____pts/2 pts
Bibliography page
cited correctly either

____pts/4 pts

____pts/20 pts

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