| Unity and Coherence
In this unit, you will learn .
1 the importance of unity in essay writing.
1 how to edit an essay for unity.
1 the importance of coherence in essay writing.
= methods of creating coherence.
D_ Writing effective essays
You've already learned that an essay should be
organised into an introduction, a body, and a
conclusion. The next step is to make sure that all
three parts of the essay work together to explain your
topic clearly.
Unity in writing
D> What is un
Unity in writing is the connection of all ideas to a
single topic. In an essay, all ideas should relate to the
thesis statement, and the supporting ideas in a main
body paragraph should relate to the topic sentence.
| Read the essay on page 79 about Chinese medicine.
Thon do these tasks.
a, Underline the thesis statement with two lines.
b. Underline each topic sentence with one line.
¢. List the supporting ideas in each main body
paragraph on a separate piece of paper.
4. After you have finished, review the topic sentences
and supporting ideas, With a partner, discuss how
the topic sentences relate to the thesis statement
and how the supporting sentences relate to the
topic sentences. Is the essay unified?
78 UNITY AND COHERENCENext Time, Try Chinese Medicine
The last time I had a cold, a friend suggested that instead of taking
the usual cold medicines, I visit the traditional Chinese doctor in our
city. Although I knew nothing about Chinese medicine, I decided to
try it, When I walked in to the Chinese doctor’s surgery, 1 was amazed.
It was not at all like my usual doctor’s. There were shelves up to the
ceiling full of glass containers filled with hundreds of different dried
plants and other things I could not identify. Could this really be a
doctor's surgery? It seemed very strange to me. When I met the
doctor, he explained that Chinese medicine is thousands of years old.
The plants in the jars in his office were herbs. These herbs could be
mixed together to make medicines. He explained the philosophy of
Chinese medicine. The philosophy of traditional Chinese medicine is
not the same as the philosophy of modern medicine, but it is useful
for curing many health problems.
Modern medicine focuses on illness. If a patient with a cough visits
a modern doctor, then the doctor will give the patient a medicine to
stop the cough. If the patient also has a fever, the doctor may give a
different medicine to stop the fever. For every person with a cough,
the doctor will probably recommend the same cough medicine. The
philosophy of modern medicine is to stop problems like coughing and
fever as quickly as possible. Western doctors usually see illness as an
enemy. They use medicines like weapons to fight diseases.
Chinese medicine, in contrast, has a different philosophy. Instead of
focusing on a patient's health problems, Chinese medicine tries to
make the patient’s whole body well again. Specifically, doctors of
Chinese medicine believe that inside people, there are two types of
energy. The first type of energy, called ‘yin’, is quiet and passive. The
other type of energy, called ‘yang’, is active. When these two energies
are in equal balance, a person is healthy. When there is an
imbalance—too much yin, for example—a person becomes unhealthy.
‘A doctor of Chinese medicine doesn’t try to stop a person’s cough by
giving a cough medicine. Instead, the doctor gives a mixture of herbs
that will restore balance in the patient’s body. As a result, when the
body is in balance, the cough will stop naturally.
The Chinese doctor's herbs seemed strange to me at first, but they
made me feel better. My cold wasn’t cured instantly, but | felt healthy
again after a few days. For a very serious health problem, I would
probably visit a modern hospital, but the next time I catch a cold, Iam
going back to the Chinese doctor. Chinese medicine definitely works
for some health problems.
Editing an essay for unity
> _ Keeping unity in an essay
One way to keep unity in an essay is to edit the outline for ideas that are not relevant to
the thesis statement or topic sentences, as you learned in Unit 9. Likewise, after you
have written the essay, it is helpful to review the text and look for ideas that do not
relate to the thesis or the topic sentences.
2. Read this thesis statement and main body paragraphs. The writer has begun to cross out
sentences that do not belong. There is still one large piece of the text that should be
removed because it isn’t relevant to the thesis. Can you find it? Compare your answer
with a partner. Then look at the edited version in exercise 6 on page 85.
Thesis statement: Sign language, the language used by many deaf
people, has a 500-year history.
The first sign language for deaf people was developed in Europe in
the 1500s. In Spain, a man named Pedro de Ponce was the first person
to teach deaf children using sign language. Another Spaniard, Juan
Pablo de Bonet, was the first person to write a book on teaching sign
language to deaf people. Mest-oF-his-students were-from-richtamitios-
Another important teacher who influenced the development of sign
language was a Frenchman named Abbé de L'Epée. LEpée understood
that deaf people could communicate without speech. He started to
learn the signs used by a group of deaf people in Paris. Using these
signs, he developed a more complete French sign language. +Epée-also
taught teligion-elasses- Another Frenchman, Louis Braille, also lived
during this time. He invented a system of reading and writing for blind
people, using raised bumps that can be felt with the fingers. In
Germany, a man named Samuel Heinicke was another important
teacher of the deaf during this time. However, he did not use sign
language for instruction. Instead, he preferred to teach the deaf to
understand other people by looking carefully at other people's mouths
when they spoke. This is called lip or speech reading,
‘Speech reading became a popular way of teaching deaf in the United
States in the mid-1800s. Alexander Graham Bell, who invented the
telephone, was one of the strongest supporters of teaching deaf
people to do speech reading. Bell became interested in deafness and
teaching deat people. With his interest in science and the production of
sound, he focused on ways of helping the deaf communicate with
‘American Sign Language for deaf people (people who cannot hear)
listening tools and speech reading. He eventually opened a training
school for teachers of the deaf.
The early 1800s were an
important period in the development of American Sign Language. In
1815, a man named Thomas Gallaudet became interested in teaching
deaf people. He travelled to Europe to study ways of communicating
with deaf people. He was twenty-seven years old at this time, and he
studied at a school for deaf students in Paris for several months. In
1817, Gallaudet returned to the United States, and he brought with him
Laurent Clerc, a deaf sign language teacher from Paris. Gallaudet
started the first school for the deaf, and Clerc became the first sign
language teacher in the USA. The-scheol-caled-the American Scheo-tor
the Deaf-still-exists-in- Hartford Genneeticut: American Sign Language
developed from the mixture of signs used by deaf Americans and
French Sign Language. Today, it is used by more than 500,000 deat
people in the United States and Canada, About wenty-mition- people in
Coherence in writing
D_ What is coherence?
Coherence is related to unity. Ideas that are arranged in a clear and logical way are
coherent. When a text is unified and coherent, the reader can easily understand the
main points.
‘As you learned in Unit 9, creating an outline helps make a well-organised essay. When
organising your ideas, think about what type of organisation is the best for your topic or
essay type. Here are some examples of types of writing and good ways to organise them.
‘Type of writing ‘Type of organisation
Chronology (historical events, Order by time or order of events / steps
personal narratives, processes)
Description Order by position, size, and shape of things
Classification Group ideas and explain them in a logical order
Comparison / contrast Organise in point-by-point or block style
Argumentation / persuasion and Order from least important to most important
cause / effect
3 Look again at the essay in exercise 1 on page 79. What type of organisational pattern
does the essay use? How do you know? What about the text in exercise 2 on pages 80
and 81?
Cohesive devices
> What is a cohesive device?
Cohesive devices are words and phrases that connect
sentences and paragraphs together, creating a
smooth flow of ideas. In this unit, we'll look at
transitions, pronoun references, and
repetition of key ideas.
Transitions “2
Pronoun references Repetition
of key ideas
> Transitions
‘As you've leamed in previous units, there are many transition words and phrases in
English that are used to connect sentences together or relate ideas to one another. Here
are soveral types of writing and some common transitions that are used with them.
Chronology | Comparison | Contrast Examples | Cause Concluding
and effect | ideas
before Tikewise however forexample | therefore | in conclusion
ofter ‘compared to | on the other ingeneral | 50 in summary
next similarly hand generally | thus finally
since as... a5 but for instance | asa result | therefore
first, second | and yet specifically | since to conclude
inspite of | ‘moreover | in particular | because to summarise
incontrast. | Another...
although ishvas
4 > Use transitions from the list above, or others that you know, to connect these sentences
taken from the essay about Chinese medicine on page 79. When you have finished,
compare your answers with the essay.
fs of focusing on a patient's health problems, Chinese medicine tries
to make the patient’s whole body well again. * . , doctors of Chinese
medicine bolieve that inside people, there are two types of energy. The first type of
energy, called ‘yin’, is quiet and passive. The other type of energy, called ‘yang’, is active.
... When there is an imbalance—too much yin, * —a person
becomes unhealthy. A doctor of Chinese medicine doesn't try to stop a person's cough
by giving a cough medicine. *.... wae» the doctor gives a mixture of herbs
that will restore balance in the patient's body. ® jswe: When the body is
in balance, the cough will stop naturally.
> Pronoun reference
‘Two sentences can be connected by the use of a pronoun. A pronoun (he, she, it, they,
etc.) takes the place of a noun (a person, place, thing, or idea) or a noun phrase (several
words that refer to a person, place, thing, or idea). Look at the following example taken
from the essay on sign language:
‘American Sign Language developed from the mixture of signs used by deaf Americans
and French Sign Language. Today, it is used by more than 500,000 deaf people in the
United States and Canada.
‘The pronoun it refers back to the subject, American Sign Language, and connects the
two sentences together.
UNITY AND COHERENCE 835. For each of the italicised pronouns in this passage, identify the noun or noun phrase
to which it refers. Write your answers on the lines below the text.
Barcelona, Spain's sccond biggest city and the capital of Catalonia, is a popular
tourist attraction for several reasons. First, the city is ideally located for both the
mountains and the beach, Although * itis on the coast, Its only a couple of hours
away from the Pyrenees. In addition, Barcelona is both modern and historic. There
are many stylish hotels. Jthas a clean and efficient underground system, and
visitors can find a variety of shops and restaurants, especially in the Eixample
area. The oldest area of the city, the Barrio Gotico, or Barri Gotic in Catalan, is
very beautiful because many of its oldest buildings were protected as areas of the
city were rebuilt or developed. The most interesting thing about Barcelona may be
4 its Catalaw heritage. Approximately 70% of the people living in and around
Barcelona speak Catalan, a Romance language related to Spanish, and € they speak
Spanish as well. In addition to the strong Catalan background, there are large
{groups of people who originally came from other parts of Spain such as Andalucia
and Murcia living there. All of€ this makes Barcelona a great place to visit.
a. i
se a9
> Repetition of key nouns or ideas
Another way to connect ideas in an essay is by repeating important words and phrases.
‘This will help the reader remember the main ideas in the text.
Modern medicine focuses on illness. If a patient with a cough visits a modern doctor, then
the doctor will give the patient a medicine to stop the cough. If the patient also hos a
fever, the doctor may give a different medicine to stop the fever. For every person with
a cough, the doctor will probably recommend the same cough medicine. The
philosophy of modern medicine is to stop problems like coughing and fever as quickly
as possible.
6 Read these revised paragraphs from the essay on sign language. Underline examples
of transition use, pronoun reference, and repetition of key words. Then compare your
answers with a partner.
Thesis statement: Sign language, the language used by many deaf
people, has a five-hundred-year history.
‘The first sign language for deaf people was developed in Europe in
the 1600s. Three men in particular contributed a lot to the development
of sign language. In Spain, a man named Pedro de Ponce was the first
person to teach deaf children using sign language. In addition, another
Spaniard, Juan Pablo de Bonet, wrote the first book on teaching sign
language to deaf people at about the same time. Another important
teacher who influenced the development of sign language was a
Frenchman named Abbé de L’Epée. LEpée understood that deaf people
could communicate without speech. He started to learn the signs used
by a group of deaf people in Paris. Using these signs, he developed a
more complete French sign language.
The early 1800s were an important period in the development of
American Sign Language. In 1816, a man named Thomas Gallaudet
became interested in teaching deaf people, so he travelled to Europe to
study ways of communicating with deaf people. He was twenty-seven
years old at this time, and he studied at a school for deaf students in
Paris for several months. After that, Gallaudet returned to the United
States, and he brought with him Laurent Clerc, a deaf sign language
teacher from Paris. As a result of his experience in Europe, Gallaudet
started the first school for the deaf, and Clerc became the first sign
language teacher in the USA. American Sign Language developed from
the mixture of signs used by deaf Americans and French Sign
Language. Today, it is used by more than 500,000 deaf people in the
United States and Canada.
7 This paragraph needs more connection. Revise it. Then share your version with other
Ho Chi
Minh City
Ho Chi Mink City, in Vietnam, is a fascinating destination for travellers to
Southeast Asia. It is located on the Mekong River. It was once an important
trading center for the French in Southeast Asia, The influence of French culture
can still be felt. Many people, especially the older generations, learned French in
school and still can speak it very well. Some cafés serve French-style bread and
pastries in Ho Chi Minh City. Expensive hotels and restaurants serve French
food. Many of the buildings in the city are built in French style. The Vietnamese
and the French fought. The French eventually left the country. There are
museums and monuments documenting the country’s long—and often bloody— |
story. If you are looking for a unique city to visit in Southeast Asia, Ho Chi !
ih City is an attractive choice.
8 Write an outline for an essay on one of the following topics or on a topic of your choice.
a, health and medicine in your country
b, an important problem in your country
¢. the importance of technology in society
9 Edit your outline for unity and coherence, then write the essay.
10 Exchange the essay you wrote in exercise 9 above with a partner. Look for the use of the
cohesive devices you have learned about in this unit.
II These pairs of sentences need to be joined together to form English proverbs. Choose the
best transition word or phrase to connect each pair. Compare your answers with a
partner, and then discuss the possible meaning of each proverb.
Don't count your chickens ......... they hatch.
1. before 2. so 3. because
b. life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
1. Before 2. When 3. Because
c. Time flies ...
1. after 2. although 3. when
you're having fun.
d. You can lead a horse to water, . you can’t make it drink.
1. and 2. but 3. or
e. Laugh, . the world laughs with you. Cry, . you cry alone.
1. and, but 2. and,and =~ 3. but, but
f. You don't know what water is worth ......... your well is dry.
1. because 2. after 3. until
12. Think of one or two proverbs in your language and translate them into English. Share
yours with the class. Then choose one of the proverbs and write a paragraph
explaining its meaning.
UNITY AND COHERENCE 872 Essays For Examinations
In this unit, you will learn ...
= common instructions for essay tests.
= techniques for writing timed essays and managing time.
> Essay tests
You may be asked to write essays for tests in your classes, or in entrance examinations for
colleges and universities in English-speaking countries. You will have to write essays if
you take the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), the MELAB (Michigan
English Language Assessment Battery), the IELTS (International English Language Testing
System) or other Cambridge examinations (University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations).
‘These essays are written at one sitting, in a limited amount of time.
Timed essays
| You probably already have some experience and ideas that will be useful to you when
P ly Pe y
you write timed essays. Discuss the following questions with a partner or group.
a. Have you ever written timed essays in your own language? Describe the situation(s).
b. Have you ever written timed essays in English? Describe the situation(s).
¢. In what situations will you write timed essays in English in the future?
d. What are some ways in which writing a timed essay is different from writing an essay
without a time limit? Make a list. Then Jook at your list and say which aspects might
be challenging for you.
e. Do you know any good techniques for writing timed essays? Share them with your
partner or group.