Reloading For The Semi - Auto - C.E. Harris 1986

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When fed good ammunition, the 5.56mm (left)
is capable of good scores. As the target above
reveals, barrels rifled with faster twists, say,
one turn in seven to 10 inches, usually get better
results with 68 to 69-grain bullets. Most SKS carbines, on the other hand, deliver better
accuracy with cast bullets (above, right) than they do with service rounds. NE1 bullet
No. 155.311 groups very well when backed by 20 to 25 grains of H-322.

Case preparation and priming are semiautos but they are more applicable
C.E. Harris critical for both safety and reliability. to manually operated rifles having
You cannot afford distractions. Full- poor extraction or chambering lever-
length resizing of fired brass to be used age, such as pumps or lever guns.
D ESPITE WHAT YOU have heard
to the contrary, it is entirely
practical and cost-effective to reload
in semiautomatic rifles should be con-
sidered routine. Resized brass must
Small-based dies should be avoided
when making ammunition for most
semiautomatic rifles. It is true you enter the chamber freely and extract
semiautos. That is because military
must observe common sense precau- without resistance.
chambers and sporting semiautomatic
tions and accept certain limitations but Excessive sizing is usually caused by rifles have greater radial body
the results are satisfying and easy to mismatched shellholders, improper clearances to aid functioning under
obtain. It is no trick to equal the func- dies or maladjusted dies and will adverse conditions. If the case body
tional reliability of factory ammuni- reduce case life or cause head separa- diameter is reduced more than needed,
tion. With some planning you can im- tions. It is popularly believed that it will expand that much more when
prove upon the accuracy of factory small-based sizing dies are needed for fired, then be reduced excessively
loads and save money as well.

The fundamentals of reloading for a

semiautomatic rifle a r e simple:
Reloads should be duplicates of factory
or arsenal loads, wherever possible. You
have great flexibility of bullet makes,
I types and styles within that frame-
work, but staying within traditional
boundaries avoids lots of problems.
Given some knowledge, you can deviate
from that but you might have problems
with feeding if you change bullet
shapes, with functioning if you try
much lighter loads, and you may even
induce gun mechanism damage or an
accident with inappropriate powders or
primers. Experimentation is for the
knowledgeable and cautious.
24 Handloader 139
tory results but all of us have our

causing a dangerous increase in
preferences. It is unnecessary to get the pressure.
most expensive die set. I have been us-
ing Lee dies extensively, giving them Dirty or oversized primer pockets are
a real workout in .223, .308, 7 . 6 2 ~ 3 9 potentially dangerous. That is because
and .30-06 for several years now. I am a dirty primer pocket may leave a
primer protruding slightly after

very favorably impressed with them.
They work the brass no more than is seating or an oversized pocket can per-
necessary, which helps case life. I have mit a primer to back out during the
used some brands of older dies which feed cycle. Either condition risks a
worked the brass too much and caused slamfire caused by the high primer be-
problems. ing struck by the lip of the bolt as it
is stripped from the magazine, or by the
again the next time through the sizing Most die makers are concerned with bolt face itself a s the round is
die. Overworked brass turns brittle being sure that cases resized in their chambered.
quickly and will exceed its elastic dies will work in even the tightest
limits and fail lamentably soon. chamber. Lee dimensions its dies to ac- There are a great many myths about
commodate the average chamber, accidental slamfiies which I would like
Setting the shoulder back too much to clarify. Rifles like the M1, M14 and
by mismatching dies and shellholder, which is best for most users. When one
of those occasional snug chambers Ruger Mini-14 have cam-retracted fir-
or using cheap, surplus brass which ing pins which prevent their protrusion
may have become shortened from fir- (which needs more aggressive sizing) is
encountered, Lee is happy to replace or from the boltface unless the bolt is fully
ing in a machine gun, give similar locked. The rear of the firing pin has
results. The violent operation of many modify the die.
a “tail” which engages a cam cut in the
automatic gun mechanisms rams car- Cartridge case defects which are of receiver web. That prevents forward
tridges into chambers and drives their no serious consequence in a manually movement of the firing pin-until the
shoulders back, creating conditions operated rifle (such as a loose primer bolt has rotated fully into battery t o
akin to excessive headspace. I have pocket) can cause malfunctions or ac- align the firing pin tail with its
seen M80 surplus brass separate in M1 cidents in a semiautomatic. Conscien- clearance slot in the receiver during
and M14 rifles after being reloaded tious case inspection and preparation normal firing. There is another safety
once - and that is why. are essential. The most common defects feature, the hammer retraction cam,
in reloading ammunition for semiauto- which prevents the hammer from con-
When using brass from Lake City matic rifles are long cases which tacting the firing pin tab unless the
M118 Match ammo fired in an M1 or should have been trimmed (but were bolt is fully locked. A correctly
M14 rifle, you can expect a t least a not), and dirty or oversized primer assembled M1 Garand cannot fire out
dozen match-quality reloads even pockets. of battery. Nevertheless, correctly func-
though those hulls are resized full tioning safety devices can be defeated
length every time. If you trim every Extra-long cases affect uniformity of
crimping, which can cause velocity and by idiot-loadedammo-induced errors.
second firing and anneal again about
the eighth reload. accuracy variations. In the extreme, it Case sizing problems can be avoided
can buckle a case shoulder during by properly adjusting dies. Most dies
I have always used standard full- crimping, impede chambering and require a slight crush of the shellholder
length sizing dies when reloading for prevent the breech from locking com- against the die at top dead center of the
the M1, M14, AR-15 and M16, AK, pletely. When excessively long cases ram’s stroke. If you have shellholders
SKS, FN-FAL and HK rifles and have impinge against the end of the which aren’t the same brand as your
experienced no problems. All popular chamber, their mouths may resist ex- dies, or if the die body has been
makes of reloading dies give satisfac- pansion and delay releasing the bullet, shortened to accommodate a tight

Far left, cleaning primer pockets with a Match

Prep tool. Left, a Lee hand primer speeds pro-
duction with no loss of sensitivity. Right, Ed
never bothers to weigh powder charges; he
measures them all. Far right, before seating
bullets, the powder level in each case should
be checked visually to make sure they are alike.

May-June 1989 25
5.56mm NATO (.223Remington)Semiauto Rifle Loads
Tested in an AR-15 with 7-inch twist
bullet powder charge velocity gmw’
(grains) ups, Unches) chamber, you may set the case shoulder
52 Sierra MatchKing ~-4198 22.0 3,096 3.06 back too much.
W-748 28.0 3,161 3.89
H-322 23.5 3,033 3.90 The best way to adjust dies when
55 Midway FMJBT H-4198 21.o 2,950 5.48 loading ammunition for a group of
22.0 3,052 5.57 team rifles of the same caliber is to ac-
H-322 23.0 2,927 5.59 commodate the tightest chamber. Size
H-335 26.0 3,126 6.57 a group of test cases and try them in
Military loads fired for comparison each rifle. Strip the bolts of extractor
M193 TW72 lot 2-612 3,196 5.34 and ejector, and remove the operating
SS109 (Ma551 FNB*83 3,143 5.78 rod spring. Using thumb pressure to
Following loads for Government chamber only! Not for SAAMI-chambered rifles!
close the bolt, the resized brass should
enter the chamber freely and the bolt
69 Sierra MatchKing H-4198 20.0 2,724 3.66
RL-7 21.0 2,753 4.40
should close as i f on an empty chamber.
H-322 23.0 2,793 4.05 I routinely decap brass picked up on
H-4895 24.0 2,837 4.03 the range with a Lee decapping die
RL-12 24.0 2,745 4.23 prior to tumble cleaning so I can make
W-748 26.0 2,850 4.28 a thorough visual inspection. If the
IMR-4064 23.5 2,725 3.64
brass is of a known batch, I postpone
IMR-4320 25.0 2,829 3.99
cleaning and inspecting until after
’ groups are an average of five 10-roundgroups at 200 yards trimming and deburring.
All loads used WCC cases with Remington 7% primers; overall cartridge
length was 2.26 inches. Velocities instrumental at 15 feet. All cases showing cracks and deep
body dents or splits are culled and
Be alert - Publisher cannot accept responsibility for errors in published load data. hammered flat to prevent re-use.
Mouth dents are easily ironed out us-
ing the point of a dummy cartridge so
.30-06Loads for Semiauto Rifles the expander button will not wrinkle
For M1 Garands and other military rifles them.
bullet powder charge velocity remarks
@rains) Ups) Chamber flute marks from HK rifles
125 Sierra Spitzer H-322 50.0 2,950 Outstanding bullet for offhand are unsightly but usually do not impair
and 200-yard sitting rapid- reloading. They are mostly carbon
fire National Match stages. streaking, anyway. Instead, discard any
AAC-2520 52.0 3,000 HK-fired cases having torn or deformed
IMR-4895 52.0 2,970 rims. They indicate the powder used
H-4895 52.0 2,940 was too slow and generated higher
150 Sierra MatchKing IMR-4895 48.0 2,800 The 150-grain MatchKing equals residual chamber pressure during ex-
the accuracy of the 168- traction. Military brass has harder
grain MK in the Garand,
and approximates M2 Ball heads and is better for rifles with fluted
velocity. chambers.
W-748 52.0 2,775 After decapping, cleaning and visual
H-322 46.0 2,740
IMR-4064 52.0 2,800
AAC-2520 49.0 2,795
168 Sierra MatchKing IMR-4895 46.5 2.640 Best choice for an all-around
match load for use up to
600 yards, and for
accuracy testing.
H-4895 47.0 2,660
IMR-4064 48.0 2,700
H-380 49.0 2,650
AAC-2520 46.0 2,600
175 M118lM72 FMJ IMR-4895 44.5 2,600 These charges closely
approximate M72 Match
ammunition, working well in
the Garand.
H-4895 45.0 2.625
W-760 52.0 2,640
IMR-4064 47.0 2,620
All loads used Lake City Match cases with Federal 210 primers; overall car-
tridge length is 3.32inches. Velocities instrumental at 15 feet. These loads
are proven performers in match-conditionedGarand rifles, but also group
well in bolt action match and sporter rifles.
Be alert - Publisher cannot acceDt resmnsibill2Y for ermm in Dubllshed load data.

26 Handloader 139
7.62x39mm Semiauto Rifle Loads
Testtd in a Chinese SKS with 20.5-inch barrel
bullet powder charge veloclly omup' remarks
(grains) Qralns) Ups) (inches)
123-125 W-680 23.0 2,330 4.4
Lapua FMJ bullet
H-4198 24.5 Hornady SP bullet
2,264 4.3
H-322 28.0'; Hornady SP bullet
2,220 4.2
RL-7 26.5 2,325 3.9
Sierra .308 spitzer
150 H-335 28.0 2,080 5.3
Hornady .308 bullet shoots
as well as .312
H-4198 23.0 2,025 3.7 Sierra ,308 MatchKing
RL-7 24.0 2,106 4.5 Sierra ,308 FMJBT
NE1 155.311 GC (50-50 wheelweights and Linotype, sized .313, Lee liquid Alox lube)
155 cast 2400 17.0 1,770 4.1
Close-up of an AK's lead-fouled gas piston after AAC-1680 19.0 1,710 4.1
a cast-bullet session on the range. W-680 19.0 1,930 4.7
H-322 24.0 1,875 3.5
AAC-2230 28.0 2.047 4.4
inspection, I clean primer pockets us- H-4198 22.0 1,980 4.5
ing the Match Prep tool with integral 'groups are an average of five 10-round groups at 100 yards.
depth stop, rotating the tool in a drill *'compressed load.
press while bumping each case against All loads used Federal cases with Federal 210 primers; overall cartridge
it. Using that tool avoids enlarging or length was 2.19 inches. Velocities instrumental at 15 feet.
deepening primer pockets and speeds Be alert - Publisher cannot accept responsiblllty for errors in published load data.
production. That is important for
teams having thousands of rounds to
load. Cases are bulk-lubricated with a 7.62mm NATO Semiauto Rifle Loads
water-soluble draw wax, such as Lee These loads are competition-proven,giving fine accuracy and reliable functioning
Resizing Lubricant, or the similar in M14 NM and M1A rifles.
RCBS product. Those industrial waxes bullet powder charge velocity remarks
perform well on clean brass when Qminsl Ups)
diluted with 10 parts or so of water. 146-148 FMJ M80 H-322 41.5 2,745 These loads approximate
M80 Ball ballistics.
I keep a diluted solution in an am- H-335 43.0 2.775
munition can and lube cases in a fryer H-4895 42.5 2,770
basket, shaking off the excess liquid. IMR-4895 42.0 2,775
Cases can be sized wet or stored in bulk 150 Sierra MatchKing IMR-3031 41.5 2,793 These bullets are best for light
and sized later. If assembling ammuni- recoil in the 200-yard off-
tion in a Lee 1000, Dillon or other pro- hand and sitting stages of
gressive tool, I let the brass dry the National Match Course.
thoroughly t o ensure the primer is IMR-4895 42.0 2,784
seated in a dry, clean pocket. Other- H-4895 42.0 2,748
wise, I size wet and store brass for trim- W-748 45.5 2,731
ming, priming and later use as needed. H-322 41.0 2,720
Residue from those lubricants won't at- 168 Sierra MatchKing IMR-3031 39.0 2,590 These loads approximate the
M852 Match load.
(Continued on page 56) IMR-4895 40.5 2,626
H-4895 40.0 2,575
IMR-4064 41.5 2,607
W-748 43.0 2.587
AAC-2520 41.0 2,590
175 M118 FMJ IMR-4895 39.0 2,544 These pulled M118 Match bullet
loads can also be used for
the ,309 170-grain Lapua,
approximating performance
of the M118 Special Ball.
H-4895 39.0 2,525
IMR-4064 41.0 2,566
W-748 42.5 2,608
AAC-2520 40.0 2,550
180 to 185 grain IMR-4064 41.0 2,532 Good bullets for the 600-yard
National Match stages
W-748 41.5 2,470
Left, accuracy of 762x39 ammunition i s in- All loads used Lake City Match cases with Winchester WLR primers; overall
fluenced more by bullet quality than diameter. cartridge length, 2.80 inches. Velocities instrumental at 15 feet. (Ordinary
Sierra .308-inch spitzers shot best, even in SKS GI bullets will group about two MOA, M118 Match bullets about MOA.
and AK rifles with ,312-inch bores. Right, bulk Commercial HPBT Match bullets can group sub-MOA from match-
bullets attract the budget conscious and repre- conditioned semiautos, approaching Yz MOA in a good bolt action.)
sent a good value for the tyro. Experts or Masters
will want something better, though.
Be alert - Publisher cannot accept responsibllitv for ermm in Dubllshed load data.

May-June 1989 27
Vickerman style - straight line for greater
\ with an overall cam0 finish and a syn-
thetic stock.
Reloading for Semiauto Rifles
(Continued from page 27)
precision, front-loading for greater ease. The combination of an aluminum-
From .22 to ,375 caliber. Write or call
alloy receiver and a very heavy barrel tack powder or primers. Its use eases
J. Henry Arms 1202 - 6th St.N., places the point of balance about two expander passage and reduces carbon
Texas City, TX 77590
1-800-458-6518 Earn inches forward of the receiver. When
the gun is loaded, the balance point
build-up in the necks.
I reload and fire once-fired brass the
moves even farther forward. While that first time without trimming, only
makes the ULTI-MAG somewhat muz- deburring, then trim after every other
lnclbding Linotype, Wheel Weights and zle heavy, it is definitely an asset for firing. That works well for me.
No. 2 Alloy. Also fluxes and ladles. We are the pass-shooting waterfowler. Once
a refinerv with low Drices. Free exoert the swing is underway, there is less The easiest way to trim cases in
chance of stopping the gun and quantity is to use the Lee case trimmer
shooting behind the target. in a drill press. I grasp the cutter in the
chuck, let it turn at the slowest speed
T H E X-RING or a TROPHY BUCK Since the ULTI-MAG will function and let the case gage pilot bottom
with all 12-gauge loads, long or short, against the drill press table. By taking
The winners use a Fremont Seating Dit
there can be no argument about its a light routine cut every other reload,
Write: Fremont Tool Works versatility.
1214 Prairie Street you don’t have to remove much mate-
Ford, Kansas 67842 rial. You can hold the cases in your
Though Mossberg will most likely
-‘%om the Pathfinders in Precision“ - frown at my saying so, I see this super- fingers without using the case holder
magnum mainly as a special-purpose and run through 500+ per hour. I hold
FIBERGLASS STOCKS gun, not as an all-round answer. It will, the deburring tool in the drill press and
Brown Precision Blanks Brown Preci- of course, step in and pinch hit in a lot process cases the same way - fast!
sion Primed and Filled Blanks
McMillan Blanks McMillan Prefinished of different situations. As a n example, My preferred method of loading
Drop-In Clifton A r m s Stocks Cataloq- I used the gun on two different occa- match ammo is to store trimmed, sized,
of Patterns & Accessories $2. sions to knock off a brace of pheasants
HI-WEST SALES, BOX 2016-F cleaned and primed cases to load as
Cut Bank, MT 59427.(406)873-5634 and found that it carried and pointed needed. In that manner, I can use the

1 Bullet
quite well. Nonetheless, I still see it spare die station to expand case
primarily as a gun for waterfowling mouths, using a Lyman M-die, for
Swaging and turkey hunting. It is simply a mat- better alignment during bullet seating
ter of weight and weight distribution or to taper crimp, if it is necessary. Not
Dire Sets for - and with that 19/,,-ounce steel-shot
0 .22 Jacketed Bullets (3 dies)
having to size cases greatly eases the
0de-rimming .22 LR cases
load, you wouldn’t want it any lighter. effort required to operate the machine
0.30, 38. 9mm, .44 and 4 5 pistol and speeds up the process. Most impor-
-jacketed and zinc-base sets. There are those who predict the new
tant, it allows you to pay close atten-
plus lead wire: .172. .250. ,300and ,365diameter, 3Yz-inch load and the guns chambered
core cutters and adjustable core moulds. Send for it have little or no future. Their tion to important details like case
SASE for information to Sport Flite Mfg.,P.O.Box length, deburring and primer pocket
argument is this: If you want 10-gauge
1082, De@. H, Bloomfield €IMichigan
&, 48303. cleaning.
performance, go to a bona fide 10-gauge
gun and be done with it. As a water- It disturbs me to know that many
fowler who has used a variety of people routinely use progressive
Ex-c 1u’lsive 10-gauge magnums for nearly a
quarter century, I am not in complete
loaders for semiautos as a n aid to fast
production, seldom cleaning a primer
agreement. pocket or trimming a case. That is in-
viting trouble. You can load large quan-
My principal reason for taking issue
tities of match-grade ammunition on a
is that any 10-gaugemagnum, whether
it be a side-by-side, an over-and-under progressive machine but if you consider
the production rate only, you may pro-
it means or an autoloader, is truly a ponderous
duce a shoddy and dangerous product.
gun. Because they are big, long and
’belonging to heavy, there are lots of shooters who Choosing primers is not to be taken
no others simply cannot master one. It’s not lightly; neither is their seating. If a
The number of really an exaggeration to say that primer is seated in a dirty pocket, it
items in a C-H unless one has the build and strength may protrude dangerously. Even if that
catalog that are of a Hollywood muscle man, the guns is not the case, some of the firing pin’s
are very slow to mount and put into energy is wasted, pushing the primer
Exclusively C-H motion. deeper into the pocket. Cushioned by
is the result of 40 years of ex- Asking the 3%-inch 12 to pattern a
the residue, the result is a mushy
perience in the reloading field- rather than a dead blow. That can
nearly equal charge of steel shot as ef-
(No wonder we are so often copied) cause erratic ignition and affect
ficiently as a true 10-gauge may be
You may be missing something! Send $2 for the asking too much. Even if pattern per-
cornpiate C.H Reloading Equipment catalog. We
credit you $3 on your first direct order over $25.
formance was equally efficient, the In any cases requiring Small Rifle
Phone (715) 229.2146 and use your Visa or Master. super-long 12 would still finish a few primers, be sure to use those with
Card. No minimum order. We ship immediately.
yards behind. Even so, its ace in the “heavy” cups, such as the Remington
hole is much more responsive handling 7%) Federal 205, CCI 450 or WSR.
- and that should guarantee it a place Before 1968, I saw a few slamfiies upon
in the sun. 0 bolt closure with AR-15s and M16s us-
56 Handloader 139
ing primers with thin cups such as the bullets with 4350 powder. Port pressure
older Fkmington 6% or early 5.56mm is a function of the powder charge
military primers. The 5.56mm military weight and the volume of gas gener-
primer and current commercial Small ated. Heavy bullets, per se, are not to
Rifle heavy-cup primers have base blame for gun damage in match-
metal thicknesses about .024 to .0255 conditioned rifles. It is really caused by
inch. Standard Small Rifle primers, trying to cram in a heavier dose of
like the Remington 6%, Federal 200 or slower-burningpowder, which operates
the old .30 carbine primer have base the mechanism with more vigor than
metal thicknesses about .020 inch and it was designed for. You can load 185
are more sensitive. to 190-grain bullets in the 7.62 NATO
using 748 or 4064 (instead of seeing
Two firing pin indent fixtures are how much 4350 or 760 you can cram
used in acceptance testing M16 rifles,
which measure the depth of the indent
made on a copper crusher cylinder by
in) and they shoot well at 600 or 1,000
yards in a n M14, without damaging
the gun. You can also assemble 185 to
3 P.O. Box 519
Flora Vista, NM 87415 6
the firing pin. In the normal firing 190-grain loads for the 06 Garand with PORTABLE!
mode, the minimum indent is .020 4064. POWER CASE TRIMMER
inch. A second gage is used to measure Trims lo length, chamfers inside and out simultaneously.
the indent produced by letting the The best propellant for semiauto- Unique TriCut cutter does it all. Powerful geared motor won't
stall under heavy load. Power pack does hundreds of cases
breech slam shut when loading, to en- matic rifles is the fastest burning one before needing recharge. Extra caliber kits available; most
sure the rifle won't accidentally fire. which will give the desired velocity popular caliben. others on special order. Complete kit (motor,
cutter, power pack and charger) 5129.95. Extra caliber kits,
The maximum indent under that test within safe chamber pressures. The $29.95. Introductory price for a limited time only, $99.95
condition cannot exceed .008. While minimum charge weight is economical (complete kit). $24.95 (extra caliber kits).

less than half the normal indent, it is and provides a clean burn to reduce
about what you might obtain with a fouling. Powders used in factory loads
PPC revolver with a light target action may be slower than optimum because
in .38 Special so you can see the ob- of other factors, such as availability,
vious risk of a defective sensitive easy machine loading or the desire to
primer! meet specifications at lowest possible
'kimply the best case trimmer you can buy!"
pressure to reduce risk of a lot being
In reloading .308 Winchester, .30-06 rejected.
Magnum Paver Products, Inc., P.O.Box 17768
and 7.62x39mm ammunition, I have (Zip 85269) 16403 E.Bainbridge, Fountain Hills,
Arizona 85268.16021 837-1742.
had best results with Federal 210M Ease of measuring is a factor favor-
and Winchester WSR primers. They ing spherical powders, such as W-748,
can be mixed in the same 600-yard 1 \
group without a noticeable difference
Hodgdon's Ball C2 or H-335, Accurate Sinclair Handbook # 7
Arms MR-2460,MR-2230and MR-2520,
in group size or point of impact. and some finer-grained, extruded - is now available! An ex-
In NRA pressure tests in which Lake powders like H-322, Hercules RL-7 and panded version of our popular
City cases were used with 168-grain RL-12. When loading with a pro- #6 catalog with even more
bullets and IMR-4895 powder as a .308 gressive machine, that is quite advan- coverage given to specialized
Winchester reference load, those two tageous. Although most top Eastern reloading and shooting products
primers gave the highest pressures and service rifle shooters find W-748 to be as well as tips on how to use
velocities of any tested. If you work up the powder of choice in the M14, I get
them to obtain better accuracy
safe loads for those two primers, you better grouping in heavy bolt guns
from your firearms. For
can switch with other makes and not with IMR-3031 behind 168s, or
get into any trouble. Fkmington 9% IMR-4064 with 180s or 190s. In terms
and CCI 200 and 250 Magnum primers of pure accuracy, I favor longer-cut
were about 40 fps and 5,000 CUP lower, powders like IMR-4198 i n 5.56,
with those particular components. IMR-3031in 7.62 with 150 to 168-grain
bullets and IMR-4064 in 7.62 for 168
Selection of an optimum versus a
merely suitable propellant often deter-
to 190-grain bullets and for all loads in would
the 06. Those powders give more con-
mines the difference between success sistent groups and appear less sen- YOU
and failure when handloading for a ser- sitive to charge weight or temperature prefer?
vice match rifle. The exact powder and extremes. Their coarser granulation is These groups were actual
charge is seldom critical, since there not detrimental in any way. I do not 100-yard, five-shot groups fired
are numerous alternatives, but the weigh charges on competition loads, I
powder selected should be of similar while testing some o f the re-
measure them all.
burning rate to those used in arsenal loading accessories we manufac-
ammunition. That ensures correct port History bears out this observation ture. For our Handbook #7, send
pressure for reliable functioning while with the longer, stick powders. General $3 to cover postage.
obtaining desired ballistic performance
safely. Too slow a powder may result in
higher port pressures which will
Hatcher reported in his Notebook that
some of the best 06 Match ammunition
was loaded with coarse-grained Hi-Vel
operate the action more violently. I powder back in the 1930s. A local Sinclair International, Inc,
have seen several bent operating rods dispenser of wisdom broke some of it Products for the Precision Shooter
7 1 8 Broadway. New Haven, Indiana 46774
on good National Match M1 rifles down, determined the powder charge
caused by trying to drive 190-grain variations were excessive and pro- \ Phone ( 2 1 9 ) 4 9 3 - 1 8 5 8
May-June 1989 57
nounced it “no good.” In fact it was the
Introducing The 526 most accurate the arsenal had ever pro-
The premium big game bullet that puts it all THE duced and the scores that year proved
together A bullet that holds together on tough WHOLE it. Today, Federal’s excellent No. 308M
targets at close range, and expands reliably on PACKAGE 168-grain match ammunition, usually
soft targets a t long range A bullet with proven THE J26 loaded with 3031 or 4064, routinely
bonded core, copperjacketed construction All this outshoots the comparable Lake City
inside a streamlined profile with a nylon tip in product loaded with 4895.
front and a boat tail in the rear While spherical powders give the
Write or call for more information highest velocity potential in the .308
Winchester and 5.56mm, they do not
JENSEND always give the best groups. The dif-
ference in accuracy is most apparent in
a heavy test barrel, because a service
86 N., 400 W.
BLACKFOOT, IDAHO 83221 rifle and a Mann barrel respond dif-
208-785-5590 ferently due to differences in vibrations
and what is going on elsewhere in the
gun while the bullet is still in the bore.
There is also good reason to suspect
that the harmonics of the gas-guns be-
Ken Waters’ NEW ing different from those of a test bar-
rel, that the loads which shoot best in
This supplement is #3 to the 3rd an M14 or M16 may not be bell ringers
Edition (#15 to 1st & 2nd editions.) in a rail gun.
It is a 48-page booklet that contains There are also notable exceptions to
articles on the .340 Weatherby the trend. For 200-yard shooting in
Magnum, 9mm Re-Update, 9mm SUPPLEMENT almost any rifle, nothing will beat 41
grains of H-322 in the .308 behind a
Alloy Bullets, The .22 PPC,
6 . 5 ~ 5 7Mauser and the .35 Whelen is now available 150-grain MatchKing. In heavy 5.56
test barrels, 21 grains of RL-7 clearly
beats anything else you can load
The supplement is pre-punched to fit your 3 or 5-ring binders. Get the latest behind a 69-grain Sierra MatchKing.
PET LOADS now for only $8.50 (plus $2.00 shipping and handling, $4.00 Don Holmes confirmed those results in
his H-Bar but in a n M16A2 or
foreign) and we will send it to you right away! “Government Model” AR-15 with the
heavy-on-end-only barrel, 20 grains of
WOIZPubfishhg Cbrnpany H-4198 or 22 grains of H-322 shoots
6471 Airpark Drive, Prescott, Arizona 86301 better. It just shows that it pays to
(602) 445-7810
(Visa & Mastercard aceepted) (Arizona residents add 7% tax) Generally speaking, powders slower
than MR-2520, W-748, IMR-4064 and
IMR-4320 should not be used in the
Only the RANSOM REST sits in M14, and none slower than W-760,
H-380, MR-2520, IMR-4064 and
IMR4320 in the Garand .30-06. Faster
powders like H-322, RL-7 and 3031 will
work fine with bullets from 125 to 168
grains in the .308 or .30-06, if you are
not trying for high velocity. In the
5.56mm, suitable powders are dictated
By eliminating inconsistenciesin holding and positioning. by the limited case capacity. W-748 is
the Ransom Rest reduces variables to the gun or suited for the entire range of bullets
ammunition alone No other method can produce this usable in the 5.56. Other powders of
necessary repeatability That s why major manufacturers
worldwide evaluate their guns and ammunition in Ransom similar burning rate, such as H-335,
Rests, that’s also why serious individual experimenters MR-2460, BL-C(2),IMR or H-4895 and
use it Over 80 adapter inserts allow testing of a great RL-12 will also work. Faster powders
variety of guns, with automatics feeding from their
magazines Like the professionals, you can prove beyond
like MR-2230, H-322 and IMR or
doubt the quality of performance of your gun, your Hodgdon 4198 give good accuracy in
ammunition See your dealer, or send for a free brochure M16 and AR-15 rifles if you stay a bit
on the Ransom Rest and its accessories and applications
below maximum velocities. Accuracy
with the 69-grain Sierra MatchKing
falls off in the seven-inch twist M16
-Ransom International Corporation rifle over 2,750 fps because of bore
PO. BOX3845-HL finish, barrel heating and jacket
Prescott. Arizona 86302 limitations. You can drive them 3,200
Telephone (602) 778-7899
fps in a smooth-barreled 10-inch twist
.22-250, if you don’t shoot rapid fire.
58 Handloader 139
Bullet selection for a semiautomatic .002 or less, which is as good as
rifle boils down to economics f q the anybody can do with a straightline Copper Tnbing for Bullet Swaging
seater and hand arbor press. Competi- We now produce copper tubing in the proper sues and
casual shooter wanting the most bang di thickness for swagingjacketed bullets. Available in
for the buck. The serious competitor tion shooters loading match bullets do ?all lots at reasonable prices. Odd sizes our specialty.
not crimp their ammunition but they JA(J(ET BLANKS precision cut to your length, cleaned,
chooses accuracy above all other con- ) burrs, just $.05kut. Send SASE for brochure.

cerns, and many won’t go to Perry are usually more experienced, obser- hWK LABORATORIgS INC., Box 112, Station 27,
without bullets from a green box, vant and careful than the average Irewood, Colorado 80215 303-238-1405

regardless of price. The best course for blaster, so it is OK. Anybody who is a
Experts and “losing Masters” is the casual shooter should crimp his reloads
middle ground. Less expensive bullets for the safety reasons described
often do the job well and provide ac- previously. If the bullet has a cannelure
or groove, that makes it easy, though

curacy suitable for all but the most LACK POWDER BULLET LUBRICANT
cp5 louling w i t , maker accurate shooting porrihle Good for
demanding competition. The rule in it gives little flexibility in overall Nokelp+ a l w 3 rucks for $10, 7 sticks lor $20, postpaid
buying bullets is “if you cannot tell the length to obtain the best accuracy. I SPG Lubricant, Box 761
Livineston, Montana 59047
difference, don’t spend the money!” prefer to use the C-H taper crimp die
Beyond economics there are practical
and crimp as a separate operation, ‘HE BALLISTIC PROGRAM
rrnputer prcgrarns for internal. external ballistics. and
because that results in less misalign- llistic coefficients- determine factors in the load and
considerations which must be met. In ment. It also lets you accommodate iat will happen downrange. System requirements:
most military semiautos, bullets non-cannelured bullets. When taper- 14K (RAM) PC, XT, AT or 100% compatibles.Standard
should be of spitzer shape with little or Dgrarn $59.95 + $2.50 SBH ( U S Funds). includes
crimping, use no more crimp than w data disk. Send $2 for information and program
no exposed lead. Blunt softpoints invite necessary lest you damage the bullet. ,tails. The Ballistic Program Co., 2417 No. Patter-
m St., Thomasville GA 31792. (912) 228-1961 (Ga.
feeding problems. Some sporting Test bullet push by resting a bullet sidenls add 4% sales tax.)
autoloaders seem to digest almost any point against a bathroom scale and
bullet shape but it is best to use a leaning on it. If cartridge overall
streamlined profile. length doesn’t change more than .01
inch after withstanding five seconds of
With very few exceptions, ammuni- a sustained, 40-pound load, there is
tion loaded for semiautomatic rifles little fear of that bullet telescoping dur-
should use cannelured bullets so they
ing the feeding cycle or in the event of
can be crimped. That avoids the risk of
the bullet telescoping into the case a jam. If it moves, a smaller expander
plug or taper crimp is indicated.
when it strikes the feed ramp and may
avoid a dangerous “bullet in bore” Proper overall cartridge length for
obstruction if you should fire a reload semiautomatic rifles is determined by
in which the primer ignites and the magazine length and the standard
powder doesn’t or which has a light or bullet profile. If loading 5.56mm am-
missing powder charge. Under those munition for the M16 or AR-15, overall Modem and O b d e t e Bulkt Moulds
Single, Double and Four Cavtly
conditions, a non-crimped bullet might length with military or Sierra match Hollow M n 1 6 HoHav Cavity A v a l a b k

be left in the throat upon extraction. bullets should be 2.25 to 2.26 inches;
If the shooter fails to notice the plugged for the 7.62x39,2.19 to 2.20 inches; for
bore and chambers another round, the 7.62 NATO for the M14 or MlA,
dangerous pressures can result. Crimp- 2.79 to 2.80 inches; and for .30-06 in
ing bullets cannot positively prevent the Garand, 3.32 to 3.33 inches. For
such mishaps but will induce a jam if slow-fire loads, to be single-loaded,you
you attempt to chamber a round in the can sometimes do better in a long or
already-clogged throat, rather than worn throat by seating the bullets out
simply telescoping the bullet. That a bit to reduce the jump. In typical
alerts the shooter to the fact something military chambers, 2.30 inches is cor-
is wrong, as should any ihterruption to rect for 5.56mm and 2.89 inches for
the normal routine. 7.62mm NATO. The .30-06 throat
seldom accepts loaded rounds longer ?rimer Pocket Tools
Most ordinary loading dies will than 3.33 inches unless the rifling Two types of carbide-tipped
assemble ammunition which is ade- tools help you produce better
origin is well worn. In a new SAAMI handloads. Both have knurled
quate for highpower service rifle com- 06 chamber, GI or Sierra match bullets handles, and carbide tips
petition. Many shooters go to extremes may have to be seated shorter than should l a s t indefinitely.
to ensure the straight seating of loaded MATCH PREP’S shoulder
3.30 inches to chamber without engag- produces uniform depth and
rounds but most misalignment is ing the rifling. flat-bottomed primer pockets
caused by distortion of the case neck to SAAMI specs, also clean-
The ballistic advantages of boat- inn out nrimer nrit.
by the expander button during sizing
tailed bullets are slight a t hunting Thve i I F E T r M E
rather than by improper bullet seating. TOOL is a cleaner
For that reason, I prefer the long ex- ranges but there are other advantages only, for either rifle or pistol
pander plug on the Lee dies. to using them. I prefer boat-tails cases. Specify large or small,
because they start easier into the case $10 each. MATCH PREP in 3
I took 100 rounds of 5.56 ammunition and will stand alone on a case mouth sizes. small rifle and small pistol
combined, or large rifle only, or
loaded with Lee dies on a Lee turret when placed there prior to seating. To large pistol only - specify, $20
with Auto-Index and spun them on a load flatbased bullets with equal ease each. Add $1 shipping for each
dial indicator. Only one round showed on a progressive machine you must use tool. Whltetall Design and Engineer
Ing, Ltd , 9421 E. Mannsldlng Road,
more than .003 inch runout. It was .004 a Lyman M-die to expand the mouth Clare, Michigan 48617.
inch, which is still good. Fifty-six per- a bit over bullet diameter for about %, Llletlme Tool
cent of the rounds spun had runout of inch. I usually do this on target loads

May-June 1989 59
even with boat-tails because it aids con- I

HDS centric bullet seating and reduces base

bo#. 5 zes ' diameter InroLgn 10 d < r e l e r Write fc There is nothing wrong with flat-
Reloader FREE Itrat-re and prices. or call (4111 734-1818

r m L
based bullets. It is easier to make flat-
The Cornpac Re- based bullet punches and the tools last
loader i s hand-oper- longer so bullet manufacturers like
ated, but capable of them. Unless a particular manufac-
full-length case re-
sizing, using standard 7/,-14 dies and shell- turer has lots of experience making
holders. $54.95 retail. Postage paid. California boat-tails, their flatbases may shoot
residents add 6%. Dealer discount available. ~ ~ o G d Wildcat
G Specialists better.
Huntington Die Specialties, P.O. Box 991, Custom Rifle Work
OmviUe, California 95965.(916) 534-1210. 101 Fourth Street, Hearne, Texas 77859 When used against game, flatbases
usually retain their cores and are less
prone to separate upon impact. Good
match bullets will shoot well in either
shape. The major ballistic advantages

Your Reloading Headquarters
Call or write
for our FREE
of boat-tails aren't noticeable until they
get to the 600-yard line.
Some handloaders want their am-
munition to be waterproof for long-
term storage or reliability under
adverse conditions. Imitating military
We carry these quality reloading product lines. mouth varnish and primer lacquer is
usually a waste of time and effort. In
Remington. fact, if correct materials and methods
aren't used, dangerous conditions can
Rifle-Pistol Brass result.
Bulk Packed Bullets
Normal handloading practices will
provide centerfire loads which will
withstand a n ordinary drenching in
rain or a capsized canoe - even a n ac-

cidental trip through the family
washing machine. The extreme water
and oil-proofing required of military
ammunition is irrelevant for most of
Midway Arms, Inc. us.
5875-F W. Van Horn Tavern Rd.
Columbia, MO 65203 Reloading Tools
If you insist on waterproofing
primers or wish to identify batches of
loads, the following method will give
satisfactory results. Obtain some model
From the OZd Western Scrounger airplane lacquer (not epoxy or ure-
thane-based paint), of a highly visible
The mighty color such as red, green or blue. Dilute
it with lacquer thinner to a watery
1- Rock Crusher -4
consistency. With the primed cases or
I reloading press loaded rounds stacked base up in a n
MTM box or similar container, dip a

I This is the press for tough case-forming and loading

humungous cases (one of our customers sized 37mm
steel cases in a Rock Crusher) Tremendous leverage
straightened paperclip about half a n
inch into the diluted lacquer. That
should leave exactly one drop on the
1 makes any lesser job child's play 0-frame prevents clip. If you touch the end of the wire to
* springing, toggle linkage produces 20,000 psi ram force,
- massive overall construction -this press weighs 80 the edge of the primer pocket, the lac-
pounds! Press head is threaded 1%x12, with adapters quer will flow neatly and perfectly,
available down to the standard 'Ax14 dies Ram adapter looking just like Lake City did it. You
available for RCBS-type shellholders We make dies and can seal the bullet by holding the
shellholders for 50 BMG, 20mm Lahti, 20mm round in your fingers and applying a
Solothurn and others. Plus on-press and bench priming
tools, and a powder measure to match the capacity of
single drop where case mouth and
the press. Inquire about prices, ask about additional bullet meet. Use one drop on a .22 to
accessories and information about the miahtiest - - of
.270 round and not more than two on
reloading presses. Color brochure, $1 a 7mm to 8mm cartridge.
I The loads in the accompanying tables
Old Western Scrounger are proven combinations which should
Rock Crusher loading 50 BMG
12924 Hwy. A-12, Montague, California 96064 give reliable functioning and match-
I Phone: (916) 459-5445 (IO to 4. M-F)
f -
FAX: (916) 459-3944
winning accuracy without further
experimentation. 0

60 Handloader 139

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