Heriot-Watt University: Stage 2

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Heriot-Watt University

Stage 2

Mechanical Engineering

Fluid Mechanics A

Laboratory Report


Group Number GROUP 11

and Courework
Date of
In various industrial sectors , process of measuring the flow of liquids is critically needed in
the pipeline .In some process or operation , accuracy can make the difference between
making a profit or loss to the plant or company .Thus, accuracy of the flow measurements is
really important . A inaccurate measurement of the liquid flow can cause serious problem
which even may cause a death.
The main aim of this experiment is to obtain the flow rate measurement
using devices such as :
1)Venturi meter 2)Orifice meter 3)Rotameter
These devices are identified and characterized based on differential pressure flow
Nowadays , there are lot of liquid flow measurement instruments and the flow determined
inferentially by measuring the liquid velocity with this instruments. The pressure differential
that is forcing the liquid through a pipe affect the liquid velocity .The pipe’s cross-sectional
area is known and it remains constant and because of this average velocity is an indication
of the flow rate .The relation of the volumetric flow rate in such cases


 To measure the flow rates of the fluids by Orifice measurement, Venturi

measurement, Pitot tube measurement, Rotameter and hydraulic bench.

 To define the values of Discharge Coefficient of Orifice Measurement,

Venturi Measurement, Pitot tube measurement and Rotameter.

The Bernoulli’s Theroem plays a huge role in this experiment . The theorem states that when
an incompressible and non viscous liquid flows in a stream lined motion from one place to
another then at every point of its path , the total energy per unit volume(pressure energy +
kinetic energy +potential energy) is constant .That is ,

P+ ρ v 2 + ρgh=constant
In other words, is con an increase in the speed of a fluid occurs simultaneously with a
decrease in static pressure or a decrease in the fluid's potential energy.

 The rotameter is a flow meter in which a rotating free float is the indicating element. Usually a
rotameter consists of a transparent tapered vertical tube through which fluid flow upward. Within the
tube is placed a freely suspended float E of pump5bobshape. The float rests on a stop at the bottom end
when there is no flow.The float rises untilupward as it commences and buoyancy forces on it are balanced
byi ts weight. f the rate of flow is small the float rises only a short distance and viceversa. The
points of e/uilibrium can be noted as a function of flow rate. With awell5calibrated mar0ed glass
tube the level of the float becomes a direct measureof flow rate.
Orifi ce Meter
Orifice measurement is based on Bernoulli’s equation. It is based on pressure difference of the flow before
the orifice and the flow after the orifice (especially on vena contracta). Due to friction effect, the actual
velocity of the fluid flow doesn’t exactly equal to theory that is derived from Bernoulli’s equation. There is a
coefficient that is called discharge coefficient. The discharge coefficient tells about the correction of the
measurement to the Bernoulli’s ideal condition.

Aims and Objectives

The experiment will be done on HB 106 flow meters that consist of
1. Rotameter
2. Orifice Meter
3. Venturi Meter
4. Pitot Tube
5. Ball Valves
6.Drain Valves
7.Manometer bank
8.Discharge Valve

5 4

Figure 5. The equipment for flow measurement experiment and the position of the flow
measurement instruments.

4 Figure Hydraulic Bench

Experimental Procedure

 To prevent a certain surge of water into the experiment rig make sure that the
discharge valve on the pump and ball valves on the rig is tightly closed and then open
the drain valve which is attached to the rig.
 Switch on the pump from the isolated board and slowly open the discharge valve.
 Inorder to prevent any experiment errors we have to run the pump in the maximum
flow rate for few seconds so that the air bubbles are completely removed from the test
set .
 To proceed with the experiment , set the flow rate into a decided value and measure
the pressure drop across various devices on the rig.
 Open the ball valves , corresponding to the pitot tube manometer and you can see the
water level rising in the manometer corresponding to pressure drop across the pitot
tube .
 Proceed the experiment by varying the flow rate and measuring the pressure drop
across each of the flow measurement devices on the rig.
 After the completion of the experiment , bring down the flow rate to zero by turning the
control valve and switch the pump off from the isolated board.


 Before starting the experiment , look into the hydraulic lines for any leaks .
 Take heed of the valve positions for avoiding pressure build up in the system.
Measurement Accuracy Analysis

Case 1: Orifice meter


Orifice meter
Pipe diameter = 29 mm
Orifice diameter = 20 mm
Density of water at 25 oC = 997 kg/m3

Viscosity of water at 25 oC = 8.90x10^4 Pa s

Accelaration due to gravity g = m/s2
Q (lpm) LH limp RH limp (cm) Δh (cm)
11 8 3
25 16.6 8.4
30.2 13.3 16.9

Area of orifice
Q (m3/s) Δh (m) uorifice (m2) cdorifice NRe Qth(m3/s) % Rel error
0.00016 0.03
0.00029 0.084
0.00049 0.169

Parity diagram
Qact (m3/s) Qact (m3/s) Qthe(m3/s)
Cdo vs NRe plot
Relative error vs Qact plot
parity diagram (Qact vs Qact and Qthe vs Qact on same

Case 2: Venturi meter

Venturi meter

Pipe diameter, d1 29 mm
Throat diameter, d2 17 mm
Density of water at 25 oC kg/m3
Viscosity of water at 25 oC Pa
Accelaration due to s
gravity, g 9.8 m m/s2
Q (lpm) LH limp RH limp Δh (cm)
(cm) (cm)

Area of venturi throat
Q (m3/s) Δh (m) u2 (m2) cdv NRe Qthe(m3/s) % Rel error

Parity diagram
Qact(m3/s) Qact (m3/s) Qthe(m3/s)
Cdv vs NRe plot
Relative error vs Qact plot
parity diagram (Qact vs Qact and Qthe vs Qact on same

Case 3: Pitot tube

Pitot tube

Pipe diameter, d1 19 mm
Density of water at 25 oC kg/m3
Viscosity of water at 25 oC Pa s
Accelaration due to gravity, g m/s2

Q (lpm) LH limp (cm) RH limp Δh (cm)


Area of pitot tube
Q (m3/s) Δh (m) u1 (m2) cd NRe Qthe(m3/s) % Rel error

Parity diagram
Qact(m3/s) Qact (m3/s) Qthe(m3/s)

Mechanical Engineering Laboratory Report

Cdp vs NRe plot

Relative error vs Qact plot

parity diagram (Qact vs Qact and Qthe vs Qact on same plots)




White, F., 2016. Fluid Mechanics. New York [etc.]: McGraw-Hill.

Furness, R., 2001. Flow Measurement Handbook. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 12(3),

Date created: 09/09/2019
Mechanical Engineering Laboratory Report

Date created: 09/09/2019

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