Codex Supplement: Iron Hands: Designer'S Commentary

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Indomitus Version 1.0

These documents collect amendments to the rules and present *Page 61 – Cogitated Martyrdom
our responses to players’ frequently asked questions. Often Change this Stratagem to read:
these amendments are updates necessitated by new releases or ‘Use this Stratagem at the start of the Shooting phase. Select one
community feedback; these can be identified by the presence Iron Hands Infantry unit from your army. Until the end of the
of an asterisk before the page reference. At other times, these phase, when a friendly Iron Hands Character model (excluding
amendments are errata designed to correct mistakes or add Vehicle models) within 3" of that unit would lose any wounds as a
clarity to a rule that is not as clear as it might be. result of an attack made against that model, that unit can attempt
to intercept that attack. Roll one D6 before any rolls to ignore
As they’re revised regularly, each of these documents has a wounds (e.g. The Flesh is Weak, Adamantine Mantle etc.) are
version number; where a version number has a letter, e.g. 1.1a, made; on a 2+ that model does not lose those wounds and that unit
this means it has had a local amendment, only in that language, suffers 1 mortal wound for each of those wounds. Only one attempt
to clarify a translation issue or other minor correction. When can be made to intercept each attack.’
a document is revised, the version number will be incremented
and new updates will be highlighted in blue, while new errata *Page 61 – Optimal Repulsion Doctrines
and FAQs will be highlighted in magenta. Change the Command Point cost of this Stratagem to 2CP.

*Page 61 – Machine Empathy

DESIGNER’S COMMENTARY Change the last sentence of this Stratagem to read:
While we always strive to incorporate every scrap of feedback we ‘That model can use that ability again.’
can into our rules, whilst working on Codex Supplement: Iron
Hands, we received additional feedback after we had gone to *Page 62 – Reforge
print. We have waited before releasing this errata to see whether Change the second sentence to read:
the feedback received bore out – it is evident that it has and, as a ‘If manifested, select one friendly Iron Hands Vehicle model
result, we felt it was important to implement that feedback as part within 3" of and visible to that psyker (you cannot select a model
of this errata rather than wait for the next online balance change. that has already regained lost wounds this turn).’
This is not something we do lightly, but given the nature of the
feedback, is something we feel is important.
- The Warhammer 40,000 Rules Team Q: When using the Ironstone and the Duty Eternal Stratagem, in
which order do I resolve the damage reduction?
A: As described under Modifying Characteristics in the
UPDATES & ERRATA Warhammer 40,000 Rulebook, you would apply division to the
*Page 53 – Rites of Tempering characteristic before applying subtraction. Therefore you would
Change this ability to read: halve the damage from Duty Eternal, then subtract 1 from the
‘Infantry models in friendly Iron Hands units have a 5+ damage from the Ironstone.
invulnerable save whilst their unit is within 6" of this model.’
Q: When using Iron Father Feirros’ Signum Array ability, if I
*Page 58 – The Ironstone select a friendly Iron Hands Vehicle that has lost enough
Change this Relic to read: wounds so that its normal Ballistic Skill characteristic is reduced
‘At the start of each battle round, select one friendly Iron Hands as a result of its damage table, what would its Ballistic Skill be as
Vehicle unit within 3" of the bearer of this Relic. Until the start a result of the Signum Array?
of your next battle round, when resolving an attack made against A: 2+. The Signum Array ability changes the Ballistic Skill
that Vehicle unit, if the bearer of this Relic is within 3" of that characteristic of that Vehicle to 2+.
Vehicle unit you can reduce any damage suffered by 1, to a
minimum of 1.’ Q: If I nominate an Iron Hands Dreadnought to be my
Warlord and I then use the March of the Ancients Stratagem for
*Page 60 – March of the Ancients that Dreadnought to gain the Character keyword, can it
Add the following sentence: now have a Warlord Trait?
‘You can only use this Stratagem once per battle.’ A: Yes.

*Page 60 – Souls of Iron

Change the Command Point cost of this Stratagem to 2CP.


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