40K 8th Ed Update Index Imperium 2 Ver 1 1

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Official Update Version 1.1

Although we strive to ensure that our rules are perfect, shooting attack (other than firing Overwatch), this unit
sometimes mistakes do creep in, or the intent of a rule can move as if it were the Movement phase (though it
isn’t as clear as it might be. These documents collect cannot Advance as part of this move).’
amendments to the rules and present our responses to
players’ frequently asked questions. As they’re updated Page 76 – Sicarian Infiltrators
regularly, each has a version number; when changes Change the Attacks value on the Sicarian Infiltrator
are made, the version number will be updated, and any profile line to read ‘2’.
changes from the previous version will be highlighted
in magenta. Where a version number has a letter, Change the Attacks value on the Sicarian Princeps
e.g. 1.1a, this means it has had a local update, only in profile line to read ‘3’.
that language, to clarify a translation issue or other
minor correction. Page 78 – Onager Dunecrawler, Damage Table
Change the first value under Remaining W to
ERRATA read ‘6-11+’.
Page 10 – Astra Militarum Army List
Add the following rule: Page 96 – Celestine
‘Matched Play – Command Squads Add the following to the end of the unit description:
If you are playing a matched play game, a Battle-forged ‘Only one of this unit may be included in your army.’
army can include a maximum of one <Regiment>
Command Squad (pg 15) in a Detachment for each Change the first sentence of the Saintly Blessings ability
<Regiment> Officer in that Detachment. Similarly, to read:
if you are playing a matched play game, a Battle- ‘At the start of each of your turns, you can pick a
forged army can include a maximum of one Militarum friendly Adepta Sororitas unit within 6" of Celestine
Tempestus Command Squad (pg 51) in a Detachment that has the Acts of Faith ability and perform an Act of
for each Tempestor Prime (pg 50) in that Detachment.’ Faith with it.’

Pages 13 and 41 – Tank Commander and Knight Page 98 – Imagifier, Simulacrum Imperialis
Commander Pask, Wargear Options Change the first sentence of this ability to read:
Add the following bullet point: ‘Roll a D6 at the start of each of your turns; on a 4+ you
‘• This model may take a hunter-killer missile.’ can pick a friendly <Order> unit within 6" of this model
that has the Acts of Faith ability and perform an Act of
Page 46 – Lord Commissar, Weapons Faith with it.’
Change the Damage of the Power sword to read ‘1’.
Pages 99 and 157 – Hand flamer
Page 51 – Militarum Tempestus Command Squad, Change the Type to read ‘Pistol D3’.
Wargear Options
Change the first and second bullet points to read: Page 99 – Battle Sisters Squad, Wargear Options
‘• One model may either replace its hot-shot lasgun Add the following wargear option:
with a hot-shot laspistol and a vox-caster, or take a ‘• The Sister Superior may take a weapon from the Melee
hot-shot laspistol and a vox-caster in addition to their Weapons list.’
hot-shot lasgun.
• One other model may either replace its hot-shot lasgun Page 100 – Celestian Squad, Wargear Options
with a hot-shot laspistol and a medi-pack, or take a Add the following wargear option:
hot-shot laspistol and a medi-pack in addition to their ‘• The Celestian Superior may take a weapon from the
hot-shot lasgun.’ Melee Weapons list.’

Page 57 – Ratlings Page 101 – Retributor Squad

Change the Movement characteristic to read ‘5"’. Change the Retributor Superior’s Leadership
characteristic to read ‘8’.
Change the Shoot Sharp and Scarper rule to read:
‘Shoot Sharp and Scarper: Immediately after making a


Page 101 – Retributor Squad, Wargear Options Page 157 – Twin multi-melta
Add the following wargear option: Change the Abilities text to read:
‘• The Retributor Superior may take a weapon from the ‘If the target is within half range of this weapon, roll
Melee Weapons list.’ two dice when inflicting damage with it and discard the
lowest result.’
Page 102 – Dominion Squad, Wargear Options
Add the following wargear option: Page 166 – Adeptus Custodes Wargear, Ranged Weapons
‘• The Dominion Superior may take a weapon from the table, Multi-melta
Melee Weapons list.’ Change the Type to read ‘Heavy 1’.

Page 102 – Dominion Squad, Vanguard FAQs

Add the following sentence in between the first and ASTRA MILITARUM
second sentences of this ability: Q: If an Astra Militarum unit equipped with Assault weapons
‘This unit cannot end this move within 9" of any Advances in their Movement phase and subsequently has the
enemy models.’ ‘Forwards, for the Emperor!’ order issued to them, is the -1
penalty for Advancing and firing Assault weapons waived?
Page 120 – Inquisitor, Wargear Options A: No.
Change the first and second bullet points to read:
‘• This model may replace its bolt pistol with an item Q: Are ‘Officio Prefectus’ and ‘Militarum Auxilla’ Regiments?
from the Inquisition Pistol Weapons or Inquisition Ranged I.e. could I choose for my Company Commander to replace his
Weapons lists. <Regiment> keyword with Militarum Auxilla?
• This model may replace its chainsword with one item A: No.
from the Inquisition Melee Weapons list.’
Q: Can a Tank Commander or Knight Commander Pask issue
Page 122 – Acolytes a Tank Order to themselves?
Change the Wounds characteristic to read ‘1’. A: No.

Page 123 – Jokaero Weaponsmith, Abilities ADEPTA SORORITAS

Add the following ability to this datasheet: Q: If I can use more than one Act of Faith during the same
‘Authority of the Inquisition (pg 117)’ turn, how do I resolve them? Do I resolve them one at a time
and do I need to declare which ones I will attempt before rolling
Page 127 – Venerable Land Raider to see if they are performed?
Add ‘Transport’ to this datasheet’s keywords. A: You roll for and resolve Acts of Faith one at a time.
There is no need to declare which Acts of Faith you will
Page 136 – Void Shield Generator choose in advance.
Ignore the damage table.
Q: Does Celestine’s ability to return to the battle via Miraculous
Change the Projected Void Shields rule to read: Intervention require the controlling player to have reinforcement
‘Projected Void Shields: All units wholly within 6" points for it?
of a Void Shield Generator receive a 5+ invulnerable A: No.
save against any attacks made in the Shooting phase
(unless the firing model is also within 6" of the Void OFFICIO ASSASSINORUM
Shield Generator).’ Q: If a unit of Dark Reapers (which have the Inescapable
Accuracy ability) shoots at a Culexus Assassin (which has the
Page 137 – Skyshield Landing Pad Etherium ability), what roll do the Dark Reapers require to
Add the following ability: successfully hit the Assassin?
‘Wrecked Landing Pad: If a Skyshield Landing Pad is A: 3+.
destroyed, do not remove the model. Instead, all of its
other abilities cease to apply, and it is treated as ruins This is because while the Dark Reapers treat their
(see the Battlefield Terrain section of the Warhammer Ballistic Skill as 6+ because of the Etherium ability,
40,000 rulebook) for the rest of the battle.’ they always score a hit on rolls of 3+ because of their
Inescapable Accuracy ability, which is irrespective of
Page 144 – Demolisher cannon their Ballistic Skill characteristic or any modifiers.
Change the Abilities text to read:
‘When attacking units with 5 or more models, change THE INQUISITION
this weapon’s Type to Heavy D6.’ Q: Can I use the Dominate psychic power to fire a model’s
plasma weapon on its supercharged profile in the hope of killing
Page 156 – Ranged Weapons table, Storm bolter or injuring it?
Change the points per weapon value to read ‘2’. A: Yes.


Q: If a psyker manifests a psychic power that affects the
nearest enemy unit (e.g. Smite) and that unit happens to be
either a Culexus Assassin or a Sisters of Silence unit with the
Abomination/Psychic Abomination ability, what happens? Does
that psychic power then affect the next nearest unit instead?
A: No, the power simply has no effect.


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