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Senzanje@agric Uz Ac ZW
A. Senzanje (PhD)
Soil Science and Agricultural Engineering
University of Zimbabwe
Mt. Pleasant, ZIMBABWE
The practice of agricultural engineering in Africa dates back to the early Egyptian
civilisation that survived on irrigation practices along the river Nile (Fukuda, 1976).
However in most parts of Africa, agricultural engineering is much more recent and
progressed mainly as part of the agricultural mechanisation (tractorisation) drives in
many countries. Thus for a long time agricultural engineering was synonymous with
agricultural mechanisation (disc ploughs and tractors) and therein lay an identity
problem that dogged the profession for a long time up to the present – worse in Africa
context were change takes place much more slowly.
Taking a look at the African agricultural engineer and the agricultural engineering
profession, one would like to ask the question; what problems have been faced by the
individuals and the profession from the past to the present? A corollary to the
question would be what advances and inroads have agricultural engineers and the
profession made to date? This paper gives an overview of the problems faced, and the
advances and inroads made, by the profession as well as the agricultural engineers in
southern and eastern Africa. It will be shown that the profession and the individuals
have faced a number of problems, some serious and others minor, over the years.
Some of the problems are or were for real whilst others are anecdotal. Some of the
problems faced include lack of recognition as a profession, lack of accreditation, poor
employment and career development prospects for the agricultural engineers, lack of
support to agricultural engineering degree programmes and competition from more
visible engineering programmes, and slow responsiveness to changes in society and
industry. Despite these problems, agricultural engineering has also made some
inroads and advances over time. This has lead to agricultural engineering being
recognised for what it is and what niche it fills in society and industry. Some of the
advances made include professional recognition, widening of scope to include recent
changes in the field, development of supportive agricultural engineering societies,
improved career prospects and the general impact that the profession has made on
world food production and sustainable development. The overview will enumerate
A. Senzanje. “Problems Faced and Advances Made by Agricultural Engineers in
Southern and Eastern Africa”. Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR
Journal of Scientific Research and Development. Invited Overview Paper. Vol. V.
March 2003.
the problems and advances made with respect to the agricultural engineering
profession, the agricultural engineer, and the agricultural engineering degree
programmes at universities and colleges in southern and eastern Africa, because these
are all closely related. Whilst the problems might appear like a litany of complaints,
they serve to actually find solutions and make the agricultural engineer more
effective. The discussion will also touch briefly on world developments and the role
of agricultural engineering in the future.
Agricultural engineering has faced and continues to face several problems, directly
and indirectly, as well as those of its own making and others beyond its control.
Lack of professional recognition: Agricultural engineering was for a long time not
recognised as an engineering profession in southern and eastern Africa, and in some
cases this is true up to date. In olden days, the agricultural engineering profession
was manned by civil and mechanical engineers plying their trade in agriculture. As a
result, their allegiance was to their primary qualification rather than agricultural
engineering. Thus no one slaved to put agricultural engineering on the professional
map until quite recently. Society and industry did not recognise agricultural
engineering and so the profession suffered from lack of goodwill investment into it. It
is not surprising to find agricultural engineering excluded from competitions
undertaken or awards given (e.g., civil or mechanical engineer of the year award) by
industry in many countries in the region today.
A. Senzanje. “Problems Faced and Advances Made by Agricultural Engineers in
Southern and Eastern Africa”. Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR
Journal of Scientific Research and Development. Invited Overview Paper. Vol. V.
March 2003.
Limited opportunity to practice the trade: In most of the southern and eastern African
countries, agricultural engineering was rarely practices as a profession in its’ totality.
Industries in the region generally did not have research and development (R & D)
department, thus limiting the practice of agricultural engineering. A large proportion
of African agricultural industries engaged mainly in the importation of agricultural
equipment and machinery, the exception being probably Zimbabwe and South Africa
because of their partial isolation from world trade (because of the politics of the time).
Thus, more often than not, agricultural engineering in these industries comprised sales
and marketing of machinery and equipment. In government departments, there were
formal agricultural engineering posts, but these were limited to mechanisation and soil
and water conservation.
Like the profession, the agricultural engineers in southern and eastern Africa also
faced a plethora of problems. Some of these were aligned to the ‘hazards’ of the
profession whilst others were more to do with societal perceptions.
mediocre prestige that engineers have in the eyes of the public (AAES, 1998) meant
agricultural engineers had to work hard for recognition.
Poor professional development prospects: Coupled with the lack of recognition by the
society and industry, agricultural engineers suffered from poor professional
development prospects. If agricultural engineering was seen as mechanisation, there
was very little scope for professional growth except to become head or chief
workshop mechanic, so to speak. Industry was more interested in sales and marketing
thus putting to waste all the engineering knowledge that the agricultural engineer had
acquired. In government research setups, the structure was generally flat, mainly
research officer to senior officer and the usual chief or head of the unit. Exposure to
all fields of agricultural engineering was very limited. Thus the agricultural engineer
had a very narrow career development path. On the academic development front,
academic growth has been frustrated by the lack of support and funds for research. In
eastern Africa, when the first batch of agricultural engineering professors left the
academic system, it was quite a while before the next generation of professors came
Lack of access to information: Developing countries are notorious for not having
access to information. Likewise, agricultural engineers suffered from lack of access
to recent and relevant information. Their libraries were always poorly resourced. The
effect of this was that the agricultural engineer in southern and eastern Africa was
somewhat always behind in information and hence technology development and the
research tended not to be ‘cutting edge’. Although the problem has improved slightly
with the advent of internet and online information, still most agricultural engineers in
the region do not have access, mainly because of poor connectivity.
Lack of support from central authorities: Low student numbers as well as lack of
popularity of the agricultural engineering degree programme manifest themselves
through less resource allocation from central administration of agricultural colleges
and universities towards agricultural engineering. This is much more true in Africa
were universities are already under funded to a large extent. As a result, agricultural
engineering laboratories are rarely adequately equipped or staffed (Senzanje, 1999).
The industrial base in southern and eastern Africa is also very small leading to further
resource constraints in terms of donations or funded programmes from industry to
agricultural engineering. The lack of support, including for research funds, is
reflected in the type of research that is carried out in the region, it’s mainly of an
applied nature and that is good, but it is rarely breakthrough type of research. An
A. Senzanje. “Problems Faced and Advances Made by Agricultural Engineers in
Southern and Eastern Africa”. Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR
Journal of Scientific Research and Development. Invited Overview Paper. Vol. V.
March 2003.
Lack of accreditation by engineering councils and boards: It is sad to note that some
engineering programmes have not been formally accredited by the appropriate
engineering boards or councils in their countries. A case in point is the programme at
the University of Zimbabwe which is accreditation by association with the Faculty of
Engineering and other engineering programmes there. Lack of accreditation weakens
the programme and limits the employment prospects of students coming out of that
programme as well as their ability to be registered as engineers after serving the
required professional housemanship.
Despite the seemingly gloomy picture portrayed by the problems discussed so far,
agricultural engineering has made some inroads and advances at both the individual
and professional level. Agricultural engineering as is, or reincarnated in some other
name, will continue and be expected to play a significant role in southern and eastern
Africa. This is because the economies are agro-based and will continue to need basic
agricultural engineering input, as opposed to industrialised nations in the north.
Agricultural engineers are now much more able to articulate their cases and define
their professional niche more than before.
The agricultural engineering profession has made some inroads into areas previously
reserved for or dominated by traditional engineering disciplines. Agricultural
engineering has also opened up new fields for itself in areas such as process
engineering, environmental engineering and management.
Supportive professional societies: Most, if not all, countries in southern and eastern
Africa now have societies of agricultural engineers or engineering. In some countries
these societies date quite a long way back, whereas in others (e.g., Zimbabwe) they
are barely ten years old. One of the biggest breakthroughs at the regional level was
the formation in the early 1990s of the Southern and Eastern Africa Society of
Agricultural Engineers (SEASAE). The purpose of these societies being to further the
agenda of the profession of agricultural engineering through meetings, academic and
research discourse, exchange of ideas, lobbying, informing society and so on. It is
through such efforts that agricultural engineering has made some advances in terms of
Academic – industry linkages: Of late, there have been more and more linkages
between agricultural engineering institutions and industry, non-governmental
organisations and international world bodies. As an example, in Zimbabwe and
Namibia an Israeli drip irrigation company is running drip irrigation trials in
collaboration with the institute of agricultural engineering and university,
respectively. Again in Zimbabwe, the Institute of Agricultural Engineering was
contracted to test treadle pump technology by the Food and Agricultural Organisation
of the United Nations. In some cases, agricultural engineering research institutions
and universities are being requested to undertake contract research by industry. These
linkages have put agricultural engineering on the map, as it were, and help to
highlight and consolidate its role and contribution to industry.
Advances into rural engineering: The agricultural engineering profession has made
some inroads into areas such as rural engineering (Crosby, 1999), previously the
preserve of other engineering disciplines. Such engineering tasks include rural water
supply and sanitation, rural roads design and construction, design and construction of
small to medium sized dams and irrigation schemes, and small process engineering
plants. This is a significant advance for agricultural engineering. As development
A. Senzanje. “Problems Faced and Advances Made by Agricultural Engineers in
Southern and Eastern Africa”. Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR
Journal of Scientific Research and Development. Invited Overview Paper. Vol. V.
March 2003.
Agricultural engineers have also made advances in general and specific terms.
Clear career paths: With better employment prospects comes clear and diversified
career and professional development paths for agricultural engineers. Instead of
rising only to be chief or head of unit, agricultural engineers find themselves going all
the way to the top to head departments, universities, industries and corporations. An
interesting example is found in Zimbabwe were the head of one of the largest
reinsurance companies in the southern Africa region is an agricultural engineer by
training! A number of agricultural engineers have become project managers and are
now working with banks and non-governmental organisations. The advantage of
these advances by agricultural engineers is that those in higher positions open
opportunities for the rest of the agricultural engineering fraternity and help to
convince society on what an agricultural engineer can do.
encompassing and adaptable to changes in society, just like the north (ASAE, 1991).
The material offered now in the degree programmes now includes more of the bio-
resources and systems engineering, food engineering, environmental engineering, and
some of the softer sciences like gender issues in design, and participatory approaches.
An interesting example is found in the 1999 review of the agricultural engineering
degree programme at the University of Nairobi in which a number of new
specialisations were proposed that included environmental engineering, structures
engineering, process engineering and even at one point, medical engineering (Gumbe,
et. al., 1999).
Quality of product: With low student numbers in agricultural engineering, this works
out to be a blessing in disguise as this allows for better student to lecturer ratio and
thus students get better attention in class, on project work and even when they go on
field attachment, as well as follow-up after graduation. What you get overall is a
better quality. This is an advantage as long as the low student numbers do not result
in massive resource cuts from central administration at the university. Also with low
output numbers, chances of employment are better.
Despite the problems of the past, globally and regionally agricultural engineers
occupy a key position in the thrust for increased agricultural productivity in order to
meet the foods needs of the future. The disciplines that agricultural engineering
dominate are expected to play a significant role now and into the future. It is argued
that sustainable agricultural development depends heavily on agricultural engineering
(FAO, 2002). As was aptly put by Cuelo (2002), agricultural engineering has been
one of the most effective and powerful tools of development in the last 100 years.
Agricultural engineering has played a significant role in the industrialisation of world
Taking soil and water engineering, it is noted that irrigation produces nearly 40% of
food and agricultural commodities on 17% of agricultural land, thus making irrigation
disproportionately important to global food security (FAO, 1997). The World Bank
estimates that the growth in irrigation must be between 3% and 4% per annum in
order to meet the food needs of the worlds exploding population. The world’s
population is expected to reach almost 9.4 billion by the year 2050 and agricultural
engineering is expected to come into its own to partake in food production to feed this
population. In Africa alone, it is estimated that there are about 13 million ha under
irrigation producing a wide variety of food and cash crops (FAO, 1995). Given the
A. Senzanje. “Problems Faced and Advances Made by Agricultural Engineers in
Southern and Eastern Africa”. Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR
Journal of Scientific Research and Development. Invited Overview Paper. Vol. V.
March 2003.
changes in climate, and increasing incidences of drought irrigation is set to play a key
role. The thrust for the future is to increase productivity per unit of water and land
input (Molden, et. al., 2000). Apart from irrigation, efforts are also needed to make
the most of rainwater through its better management and rainwater harvesting, i.e.,
improved water use effectiveness. Rain fed agriculture produces by far the highest
proportion, over 60%, of food crops in the world. In sub-Saharan Africa it is
estimated that over 90% of agricultural production is rain fed (Hatibu, 2002).
Agricultural engineering is expected to play its role in these efforts.
Apart from irrigation, mechanisation (from the lowest level all the way to precision
technologies) has played a key role in increasing agricultural productivity leading on
to more food and cash crop production. Agricultural mechanisation has produced
high gains for soybeans, cotton, groundnuts and rice (FAO, 2002). Mechanisation is
set to play an important role in the future in the southern and eastern Africa region
now that there is the HIV/AIDS scourge which will lead to potential labour shortages
impacting on production. The future seeks appropriate mechanisation techniques that
are efficient and less damaging to the environment. The job of the agricultural
engineer is thus cut out for them into the future.
On the environment front we find that today’s key environmental problems fall in
areas that agricultural engineers work in. The main problems include climatic change,
water scarcity, water pollution, desertification, soil erosion and air pollution
(Unmussig, 2002). Agricultural engineers, together with their counterparts are
expected to play their part in finding solutions to these problems as well as bringing
back into production the affected areas. Agricultural engineers are positioned to lead
the way in developing new research in remediation engineering (Suresh, et. al., 2002)
and corrective measures in dealing with the impact of production practices on soil,
water and air contamination.
The new areas of bio-resources and bio-systems engineering are expected to bridge
the gap between the old traditional agricultural engineering and the future more
diversified requirements and expectations from society. These areas will act as
lifeline for agricultural engineering into the future, albeit under a different name but
still applying engineering knowledge to solve problems in agriculture and the
associated environment.
Despite these problems, agricultural engineering in southern and eastern Africa has
made some inroads and advances. Agricultural engineering will remain relevant
because of the agricultural based economies in the region. Agricultural engineering
has fought back to win professional recognition, identify its niche in society and
industry, and established supportive societies to push its agenda. The agricultural
engineer is now recognised as a bona fide engineer, employment opportunities are
now much wider, and career development prospects are better. Degree programmes
have expanded their programmatic philosophy, they are now accredited engineering
bodies and the quality of the graduate is better.
Agricultural engineering stands at the cross roads of the past and the future with a
heavy responsibility towards increasing agricultural productivity to feed the growing
population considering that southern and eastern Africa has some of the highest
population growth rates in the world. Opportunities are out there for agricultural
engineers. With demand for cleaner production processes and protection of the
environment, agricultural engineering in the region, under the same or different name,
has its work cut out.
Crosby, C. T. (1999): The future of the agricultural engineer in the southern and
eastern Africa region. Paper presented at the “International Conference on
Agricultural Engineering Curriculum and Employment Profile”. 28 – 30 June 1999,
Lusaka, Zambia.
FAO, (1995): Irrigation in Figures. Water Reports No. 7. FAO, Rome Italy.
FAO, (1997): Food production: the critical role of water. Technical Background
Document # 7. World Food Summit, 13-17 November 1996, Rome Italy.
Fukuda, H. (1976): Irrigation in the world. University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo. 341pp.
Suresh, P. and C. Rao and L. Nies (2002): Remediation opportunities surface in rural
areas. Resource, 9(11): 7 – 8.