Principles of Subsidiarity and Solidarity

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It is the recognition that for society to flourish as a whole, each of its members must
thrive individually.
Ans. Solidarity
2. It is the social application of the moral principle, "love your neighbor as yourself."
Ans. Solidarity
3. It is the principle that, to the best of their abilities, people should be taught and
encouraged to take care of themselves without recourse to a higher authority.
Ans. Subsidiarity
4. It is empowering a lower group to be independent from a higher one if they are
Ans. Subsidiarity
5. How does the principle of subsidiarity relate to human dignity?
Ans. You do not want someone to become unnecessarily dependent on others for
what he is capable of doing for himself.
6. There is always a _________ between the two principles and finding a _________ is
Ans. tension, balance
7. Examples of finding balance between solidarity and subsidiarity (2)

Ans. 1. an anti-poverty program that does not just give food to homeless people but
also helps give them access to services that may help them get back on their feet
2. unemployment benefits that give financial assistance to people who have lost jobs
but also provide strong incentives for them to go out and find new work

Examples of Solidarity
1. Donating clothing to a used clothing drive for the poor
2. Buying gifts from a giving tree for poor children during Christmas
3. Doing household chores and participating in family events.

Examples of Subsidiarity
1. "If you give a man a fish, he will eat for a day; if you teach a man to fish, he will eat for
a lifetime."
2. Parents gradually asserting less and less control over their daughter so that she
begins to learn to take care of herself.
3. People opposition to socialism and other types of government that attempts to meet
all the needs of the people without empowering them to take care of themselves.

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