EDUC. 11 Module For Portfolio Ready For Students
EDUC. 11 Module For Portfolio Ready For Students
EDUC. 11 Module For Portfolio Ready For Students
FS Practice Teaching 2
FS Practice Teaching 3
ACKNOWLEDGMENT ……………………………………2
TABLE OF CONTENTS ……………………………………4
RATIONALE ……………………………………5
• Links to DepEd’s National Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS) ……………………………………6
• Roles, Duties, and Responsibilities of Stakeholders in the Practicum ……………………………………
• Course Objectives ……………………………………
• Course Requirements ……………………………………
• TEI Requirements/Guidelines ……………………………………
• Assessment and Marking ……………………………………
GLOSSARY OF TERMS ……………………………………
REFERENCES ……………………………………
School's VMGO 21
CLASS LIST ……………………………………
SEAT PLAN ……………………………………
Appendix A: Practicum Reflective Journals ……………………………………
• Reflective Journal 1: Planning and Implementation of Learning Programs ……………………………………
Appendix B: Rubric for Reflection/Journal Entries ……………………………………
• Reflective Journal 2: Using Instructional Materials ……………………………………
Appendix B: Rubric for Reflection/Journal Entries ……………………………………
• Reflective Journal 3: Actual Teaching ……………………………………
Appendix B: Rubric for Reflection/Journal Entries ……………………………………
• Reflective Journal 4: Test Preparation ……………………………………
Appendix B: Rubric for Reflection/Journal Entries ……………………………………
• Reflective Journal 5: Checking, Marking and Interpretation of Test Results ……………………………………
Appendix B: Rubric for Reflection/Journal Entries ……………………………………
• Reflective Journal 6: Self-Evaluation ……………………………………
Appendix B: Rubric for Reflection/Journal Entries ……………………………………
Appendix C: Pre-Service Teacher’s Actual Teaching Rating ……………………………………
Appendix D: Rating Scale for Non-Teaching Performance ……………………………………
Appendix E:Summative Evaluation Rating 42
Appendix F: Rubric for Student Teaching Portfolio ……………………………………
Appendix G: Lesson Plans ……………………………………
Appendix H: Assessment Tools ……………………………………
Appendix I: Daily Time Record ……………………………………
Appendix J: Various School Forms ……………………………………
Appendix K: Application Letter ……………………………………
Appendix L: Certificates/Recognition/Participation/Clearance ……………………………………
Appendix M: Samples of Learner's Quizzes/Works/Projects ……………………………………
Appendix N: Documentation ……………………………………
FS Practice Teaching 4
Domain 4- Curriculum
PSTs are invited guests in the cooperating schools and should therefore
note the following expectations:
FS Practice Teaching 7
2. PSTs must ensure that they are available for school-related after-
hours activities and commitments.
3. During the practicum period, absence is only allowable for valid
reasons (e.g. illness) or compassionate reasons. PSTs who are
absent must notify the CT by 8:00 in the morning of absence and
must also notify their TEI PS.
4. Appropriate professional behavior requires PSTs to display a
cooperative attitude, be responsible, follow appropriate dress
codes, be punctual, respect confidentiality of information, ask
questions, return borrowed resources promptly and in good
condition, show initiative and generally be prepared to learn.
5. Use the cooperating school to observe, ask questions, gather data
and generally make sense of the world of teaching.
6. Meet all specified requirements, e.g.
Plan ahead for all teaching sessions and share written plans
with cooperating teachers for at least the amount of time
indicated in the guide-lines provided.
Make use of improvised or self-made materials preferably those
prepared in Educational Technology classes.
Use appropriate strategies to assess, record and report student
Complete written evaluations for all teaching
Employ a range of strategies for engaging in critical reflection
Compile a relevant and useful professional folio.
Complete the entries of his/ her reflection journal
7. Become fully involved in the life of the setting and take on the full
role or a teacher, including the many non-teaching responsibilities.
8. Make a classroom-based research.
II. Teacher Education Department (TED)
A. Director for Academic Division (DAD)
1. Reviews and subsequently approves request for cooperating
2. Conducts orientation on student teaching with the TEIs inclusive of
the Program Head, Practicum Coordinators, Practicum Supervisors,
and Cooperating Teachers;
B. The Cooperating Program Head:
The role of the Program Head is to collaborate with TEI Practicum
Coordinator and Practicum Supervisor in facilitating placement of pre-
service student teachers and provide the social and professional
aspects of administering practicum teaching.
FS Practice Teaching 8
C. The Practicum Coordinator:
1. Assists the Program Head on the assignment and discipline of the
2. Conducts regular conference with CTs as regards the performance
and behavior of PSTs.
3. Coordinates with the TEI supervisor of the PSTs.
4. Ensures that student teachers are not allowed to substitute for
teachers who are absent or on leave.
D. The Cooperating Teachers
Cooperating Teachers, have the skills and the perspective necessary
to help PSTs study the art and science of teaching in a classroom
setting. To ensure that pre-service teachers will get the most out of
their practicum, only the most capable teachers, preferably master
teachers/has units in masters’ degree and has at least 2 years teaching
experience, shall be chosen as mentors/ cooperating teachers. Their
duties and responsibilities are:
Course Description
FS Practice Teaching 9
avenue for further developing student teacher’s effective human relations and
communication as two significant factors in the field of teaching.
This course requires the PSTs to prepare lesson plans and teach them
during online regular classes under the supervision of a CT and/or PS. The
students are expected to progress from half day teaching to whole day
teaching. They will also write weekly reflections as part of their student
teaching journal. They should act according to their roles and responsibilities
and guidelines for student teaching.
Course Objectives:
At the end of the course, the pre-service teachers will:
Course Requirements:
TEI Requirements/Guidelines
A. On Attendance to the Practicum Program
1. Practice Teaching is a six (6)-unit course, which requires a pre-service
teacher to stay in the cooperating schools for the whole day. It is
expected that PSTs will teach in an online teaching or any forms of
teaching assigned by the CT.
2. The first week of every fielding is spent on orientation at the TEI.
3. A BEED PST must conduct actual teaching in any elementary subjects
while a BSED student must teach in his/her chosen field of
specialization. PSTs should be exposed to ideal as well as adverse
classroom situation.
4. Actual teaching is done for seven weeks of the ten weeks. The
remaining weeks are for orientation, final evaluation and clearance or
completion of requirements, attendance and job placement program of
FS Practice Teaching 11
the TEI, for Post Conferences and Completion and Submission of
Practicum Portfolio.
5. A PSTs should have the opportunity to teach in his/her major/minor or
field of specialization and in all other subjects and in all grade/year
levels whenever possible.
6. PSTs are required to accomplish at least 7 actual lessons with checked
and approved lesson plans, instructional materials, and observation
forms. They should be observed by the cooperating teacher or the TEI
PS during these lessons. The lesson plan must be made and submitted
ahead of time, at least two days before demonstration teaching. It
should be discussed with the CT or the PS before actual teaching.
7. Besides actual teaching, the PST undergoes additional experiences in
other teaching related functions such as: structuring the classrooms,
preparing, administering, and interpreting tests, computing grades,
filling up pertinent school forms, attending curricular and co-curricular
activities, webinars and workshops upon approval of the Program Head
of TEI.
8. The PSTs is required to attend online school functions and special
meeting required of him or her unless s/he is required to attend classes
enrolled in the TEI. S/He must secure Certificate of Attendance (CA)
regularly and correctly. In case of absences, the equivalent days are to
be made-up.
9. A PSTs should manifest mastery of the medium of instruction. S/He
has knowledge of effective verbal, non-verbal and media
communication techniques to foster active inquiry, collaboration and
supportive interaction in the classroom.
10. A student must complete all the entries in his/her reflective journal.
11. A student must maintain a PST’s Portfolio. The portfolio is a
comprehensive and a well-organized record of contextual information,
planning, teaching, observation, samples of assessment, sample
records of progress and information, personal reflection, research and
resources. Many of these items are contextual so the PSTs will need
to make decisions about what material is relevant and useful to the
student’s development as a beginning teacher.
B. Culmination of the Practicum Program
1. A PST must submit all rating sheets/evaluation forms completely filled
in by the concerned school personnel.
2. S/He must finalize contents of student portfolio.
3. S/He must completely and correctly fill in various school forms.
C. S/He may produce and present and/or report a classroom-based
research. This shall be presented to a group of panelists, which may
include the PC, Research Coordinator, Research Ethics Committee
and Program Head.
D. Dress Code and Deportment
1. PSTs should be dressed appropriately and modestly that projects
professionalism reflecting the values of a teacher and the institution
where they belong.
2. The PSTs is expected to behave properly and appropriately at all
times, in the presence of the learners, teachers, school personnel,
administration, staff and parents.
FS Practice Teaching 12
3. Project the good image of the teacher by demonstrating personal
qualities such as courtesy, respect, honesty, diligence, commitment
and the like.
E. On Performance Evaluation
The performance ratings of a pre-service teacher shall be shared
accordingly such that:
3. Non-Teaching Performance 5%
Total 100%
FS Practice Teaching 13
Assessment and Marking
The following assessment items are required from students:
1. A Reflection Journal
2. 7 Approved and Taught Lesson Plans
3. Performance Rating of Non-Teaching Performance (by the Cooperating
4. Summative Evaluation (by the Cooperating Teacher and the TEI Practicum
5. Classroom-based Research/Reaction Paper on Professional researches and
6. Communication Skills in Teaching
7. The student portfolio containing:
a. Class Program
c. Assessment tools
f. Journal Entries/Reflection
*The TEIs may adjust the given weights depending on the additional
requirements set to a pre-service teacher. A specific weight may be given to
action research done if required so.
FS Practice Teaching 14
Schedule of Activities
Deployment Orientation
Week One Conference Room/
CVSC Meeting with Cooperating One week
Designated Classroom School Personnel
Transition period
Week 2-8 CVSC Designated Classroom Actual Teaching Seven weeks
Completion of Portfolio
Securing clearance
Week Nine CVSC Designated Classroom One week
Finalization of action
Conference Post-conference
Week Ten CVSC Room/Designated One week
Classroom Submission of portfolio
A weekly conference with the CT, PST and TEI practicum supervisors shall be done at the end of each week.
Visitations, observations and monitoring of pre-service teachers shall be done at least three times during each
FS Practice Teaching 15
Expected Accomplishments/Outcomes
A pre-service teacher is required to:
Week One: Week-long Attend a webinar series on In-house Internship of Practicum Students.
Webinar Series Webinar 1: Lesson Planning
Webinar 2: IM making
Webinar 3: The use of School Forms
Webinar 4: Classroom Based Research Part 1
Webinar 5: Classroom Based Research Part 2
Week Two – Eight: Familiarize oneself with roles/ responsibilities of a pre-service teacher, expected
Actual teaching outcomes, course requirements and grading system of the course. Get acquainted
with the policies rules and practices of the cooperating school, its teaching and
non-teaching personnel and students.
Submit a report on the cooperating school policies during their post conference
with the TEI practicum supervisor at the end of the week.
Start observing and adjusting with the new normal school setting, the CT and
other school personnel and the learners. S/He also observes classes and starts
asking for topics to be taught for the succeeding teaching sessions.
Answer the journal entries or reflection sheets on the following:
Plan and conduct at least 6 teaching activities
FS Practice Teaching 16
Secure a certificate of completion and participation and clearance signed by the
cooperating teachers, grade/year level chairpersons or department heads, school
head, TEI practicum supervisor, and Program Head.
Week Ten: Conduct a post conference/exit conference in the laboratory school.
Submission of Portfolio
FS Practice Teaching 17
For a vivid understanding of the terms cited in the manual, a glossary has been prepared.
Cooperating Teacher (CT) - This refers to the faculty member of the Teacher
(Mentor) Education Department who is assigned to guide
the pre-service teacher in developing professional
competencies, attitudes, and behaviors.
- Also called student teaching or practice
teaching, is the culminating stage where pre-
service teachers put theory into practice the
learning competencies acquired in the teacher
training institution. It would also refer to the
different stages of field exposure the pre-service
teacher experiences in the different schools.
FS Practice Teaching 18
Practicum Coordinator - It refers to the faculty assigned to coordinate
and monitor the conduct of practice teaching.
FS Practice Teaching 19
Barry, K and Len King (2001). Beginning Teaching and Beyond. Sydney: Social Science
Bullock, A. A. and P.P. Hawk (2001), Developing A Teaching Portfolio. New Jersey:
Upper Saddle River
Professional Application and Reflection 1,2,3 and 4 (2004). Practicum Guidelines and
FS Practice Teaching 20
(Background of Cooperating School)
FS Practice Teaching 21
School Vision, Mission, Goal and Objectives
of the Cooperating School
FS Practice Teaching 22
Cooperating Teacher’s Profile
FS Practice Teaching 23
Pre-service Teacher’s Curriculum Vitae
FS Practice Teaching 24
Sample Class List
FS Practice Teaching 25
Seat Plan
(If applicable)
FS Practice Teaching 26
Appendix A: Practicum Reflective Journals
Reflective Journal 1: Planning and Implementation of Learning Programs
Name: Date:
Course/Major Field: Cooperating Teacher:
1. What are the consideration needed in the planning and implementation of the
lesson prepared in a new normal set up?
2. How do you ensure that your learning activities are relevant to the topic? What
factors do you consider? Do you implement these effectively? How?
3. Do your lesson plans contain all essential elements? What are these elements?
What do you do to consider the learners’ needs and capacity, available resources
and your teaching skills?
4. What verbal and non-verbal communication skills do you apply to make your
teaching effective especially in conducting online classes? What evidences will
show that you are effective in what you do?
6. What learning insights did you acquire in planning and implementing your learning
programs? How will this help you in achieving an effective teaching process?
Appendix B
FS Practice Teaching 27
Rubric for Reflection/Journal Entries
Performance 5 4 3 2 1
1 – Needs Improvement (75-79) The pre-service teacher is introduced to the elements and/or demonstrates only a basic level of
knowledge and understanding. S/He has yet to acquire skills for effective classroom teaching.
2 – Developing (80-84) The pre-service teacher demonstrates an increased knowledge and understanding of the elements.
S/He is able to demonstrate, with assistance, the significant elements in a classroom teaching or field
setting. S/He is able to evaluate, with assistance, the success of teaching performance. S/he has
still to improve on this element to improve teaching performance.
3 – Satisfactory (85-89) The pre-service teacher demonstrates satisfactory knowledge and understanding of the elements but
commits mistakes in some aspects. S/He is able to exhibit this element satisfactorily to perform a
classroom teaching with self-confidence but still has to exert more effort to improve teaching skills.
4 – Proficient ( 90-94) The pre-service teacher is able to demonstrate a substantial knowledge and understanding of the
element and has the competent ability to apply the elements in a field setting.
5 – Advanced/Excellent
(95-100) The pre-service teacher demonstrates a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the
element. S/He can consistently apply the elements for an effective classroom teaching. S/He can
also skillfully integrate the elements into an overall lesson. S/He can critically evaluate student
learning and teaching effectiveness in order to guide subsequent instruction.
FS Practice Teaching 28
Name: Date:
Course/Major Cooperating
Field: Teacher:
2. At what point in the lesson did you use your instructional materials? Why is there
a need to use them in those instances?
3. Are the instructional materials interesting enough to arouse and sustain the
interest of the learners even in an online class? What evidences would show
that the instructional materials sustain students’ interests?
4. What insights have you gained regarding the use of instructional materials?
FS Practice Teaching 29
(Attach Rubric for Journal)
FS Practice Teaching 30
Reflective Journal 3: Actual Online Teaching
Name: Date:
Course/Major Field: Cooperating Teacher:
2. Have you encountered difficulties in your actual online teaching? Which part
of your actual online teaching? What possible causes of your difficulties?
3. Explain how you overcame the problems you encountered during your
actual online teaching?
FS Practice Teaching 31
Reflective Journal 4: Test Preparation
FS Practice Teaching 32
Name: Date:
1. What actions have you taken to assure yourself that your test items were
clear and simple?
2. What problems have you encountered during preparation? How did you
respond to them to resolve the issue?
3. Do your test items provide for a wide range of differences in ability? What
measures have you taken to ensure the consideration of students’ different
abilities? Describe how this has been catered for.
FS Practice Teaching 33
(Attach Rubric for Journal)
FS Practice Teaching 34
Reflective Journal 5: Checking, Marking and Interpretation of Test Results
Name: Date:
2. If there were learners who did poorly in one subject area, what immediate
actions or solutions did you make to solve these problems?
FS Practice Teaching 35
(Attach Rubric for Journal)
FS Practice Teaching 36
Reflective Journal 6: Self-Evaluation
Name: Date:
2. What major problems did you encounter during your Practice Teaching? What immediate actions or
solutions did you make to solve these problems?
3. What risks did you take during your practice teaching? Why? What happened?
4. Did you consult with and/or ask advice from your cooperating teacher, TEI practicum supervisors and
other practicum mentors? What did you ask? How did they respond?
5. What is the most important learning insight did you have about teaching that will surely inspire you in
your chosen profession?
FS Practice Teaching 37
(Attach Rubric for Journal)
FS Practice Teaching 38
Republic of the Philippines
Compostela Valley State College
College of Arts, Sciences and Education
Compostela, ComVal Province
Dire ctions : Ple as e rate the actual te aching pe rform ance of the PS T in a particular s ubje ct are a. The re are five
m ajor com pone nts in the s e rating crite ria and e ach com pone nt has s pe cific indicators . Put a che ck on the colum n
that corre s ponds to your rating.
FS Practice Teaching 39
Name of Evaluator:
Signature over Printed Name
Signature over Printed Name
FS Practice Teaching 40
Name of Pre-service Teacher Date:
Subject Taught:
AREAS 5 4 3 2 1
1. Reports to class regularly and promptly.
2. Observes policies on student discipline and exudes a desirable conduct expected to
a student teacher during an off-campus teaching.
1. Attends and participates in school assemblies, meetings and other co-curricular
activities required of them during the off-campus teaching.
1. Relates well with, and teach effectively and manage efficiently diverse and multitude
type of learners;
2. Works effectively with the cooperating teacher.
3. Goes along with the co-interns and is helpful to them.
4. Shows respect to the school heads and other personnel.
1. Shows respect and belief to oneself.
2. Maintains professional poise and good grooming.
3. Assumes responsibility and exhibits initiative, resourcefulness and commitment.
4. d. Accomplishes work on time and is able to produce quality work and good output.
1. Neat in appearance; observant of personal hygiene; has professional bearing; Wears
appropriate attire during classes and school functions.
2. Maintains composure when under pressure.
3. Courteous and respectful.
4. Manifests honesty and integrity in dealing with others.
5. Accepts criticisms open-mindedly.
6. Acts optimistically in his or her undertaking and responsibilities.
7. Develops feeling of mutual trust with other pre-service teachers.
8. Projects self-confidently with others.
9. Communicates clearly, sensibly and comprehensively.
1. Reports to classes regularly and attends school functions and other required extra
curricular activities.
2. Shows creativity and resourcefulness in his/her performance.
3. Attends sessions well prepared; participates intelligently and actively in discussions.
4. Shows mastery of the subject matter taught and prepares lesson plans promptly.
5. Learns new teaching methods and acquires new teaching techniques and skills.
6. Cooperates with other teachers to accomplish desired goals.
7. Accomplishes all required assignments and tasks promptly and diligently.
8. Observes efficiently management skills.
9. Quality of work acceptable.
10. Inspires other pre-service teachers with his/her ideas, plans actions resulting to
better performance.
11. Possesses physical ability to work long period of time with sustained energy and
soundness of the mind.
12. Draws logical conclusions and make decisions easily from given situations.
FS Practice Teaching 41
By Cooperating Teacher:
By Practicum Supervisors:
1 – Basic ( 75-79) The student teacher is introduced to the elements and/or demonstrates only a basic
level of knowledge and understanding. S/He has yet has the enhanced skills to apply
the significant elements to be an effective teacher.
2 – Developing (80-84) The student teacher demonstrates an increased knowledge and understanding of the
elements. S/He is able to demonstrate, with assistance, the significant elements in a
classroom teaching or field setting. S/He is able to evaluate, with assistance, the
success of teaching performance. The teaching performance and other professional
competencies still needed to be improved.
3 – Satisfactory (85-89) The student teacher demonstrates satisfactory knowledge and understanding of the
elements but commits mistakes in some aspects. S/He is able to perform teacher’s
responsibilities with self-confidence but still has to exert more effort to improve one’s
4 – Proficient ( 90-94) The student teacher is able to demonstrate a substantial knowledge and
understanding of the element and has the ability to apply the elements in a field
setting. S/He is also able to continuously exhibit progress in her or his performance.
FS Practice Teaching 42
APPENDIX F: Rubric for Student Teaching Portfolio
FS Practice Teaching 43
Performance 5 3 1
FS Practice Teaching 44
APPENDIX G: Lesson Plans
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APPENDIX I: Certificate of Attendance
FS Practice Teaching 46
APPENDIX J: Various Schools Forms
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APPENDIX K: Application Letter & Résumé
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FS Practice Teaching 49
APPENDIX L: Certificates/Recognition/Clearance
FS Practice Teaching 50
APPENDIX M: : Samples of Learner’s Quizzes/Clearance
FS Practice Teaching 51
APPENDIX N: Documentation
FS Practice Teaching 52
Compostela Valley State College
College of Arts, Sciences and Education (CASE)
Compostela, Compostela Valley Province
Signature of Cooperating
Date Name of Cooperating Teacher
FS Practice Teaching 53
Compostela Valley State College
College of Arts, Sciences and Education (CASE)
Compostela, Compostela Valley Province
Pre-service Teacher:
Cooperating School:
Cooperating Teacher:
Signed: _________________________
Pre-service Teacher
Signed: _________________________
Cooperating Teacher
FS Practice Teaching 54
Things to be accomplished & Returned Date Returned
FS Practice Teaching 55
I. Format and Style
A. Margin: 1 inch (2.54 cm) for top, bottom, and right and 1.5 inch (3.81 cm) for the left.
B. Spacing: 1.5 between all lines of every entries; double space after every line in the title,
headings, footnotes, quotations, figure captions, and all parts of tables
C. Paper: 8.5 x 13 white paper, sub. 20
D. Font/Type: Arial 12 pt.
E. Line alignment: Justified
F. Page numbering: For the preliminary pages, use small Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, iv); use
Arabic numerals for the rest of the manuscript. Paging should be placed at the upper
right hand corner.
G. In case of any dividers inserted, you can use any format.
H. For documentation, always put caption at the bottom of every photo.
I. For PST’s and CT’s Profile, always use a formal,2x2 size picture. Profile should be
essay format with 3 paragraphs (introduction, body, conclusion)
J. Do not put pages on dividers
FS Practice Teaching 56