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Answer:Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) or Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) or

Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD) involves the reduction of blood flow to the heart
muscle due to build-up of plaque in the arteries of the heart.It is the world's
biggest killer.According to WHO, CHD is the leading cause of death
worldwide in 2016. Risk factors of coronary heart disease include smoking,
high amounts of certain fats and cholesterol in the blood,high blood pressure
,and high amounts of sugar in the blood due to insulin resistance or
diabetes.CHD can weaken the heart muscle , lead to heart failure and
arrythmias.There are some steps to be followed for preventing heart disease-
1.AVOIDING SMOKING: Cigarette smoking reduces oxygen in the blood
.Thus ,heart has to work harder to supply enough oxygen to your blood and
body.As a result,blood pressure and heart rate increase
rapidly.Moreover,smoking makes blood clots in the arteries which can lead to
heart attacks and strokes. It also harms the inside of blood vessels in heart.

2.EATING HEALTHY DIET:Healthy diet includes low calory foods and

dietary fiber. Eating vegetables and fruits,selecting whole grains ,limiting
unhealthy fats,choosing low -fat protein sources,reducing sodium in food can
help prevent heart diseases.
Fruits and vegetables to choose:
i.Fresh or frozen vegetables and fruits
ii.Low-sodium canned vegetables
iii.Canned fruit packed in juice or water.

Following Fruits and vegetables should be limited .

ii.Vegetables with creamy sauces
iii.Fried or breaded vegetables
iv.Canned fruit packed in heavy syrup
v.Frozen fruit with sugar added
Whole grains are good sources of fiber and help regulate blood pressure and
heart health.Whole wheat,whole oats, brown rice ,whole rye,freekeh are
sources of whole grains.
Low -fat protein sources help reduce heart disease. Low -fat dairy products
such as skim-low-fat yoghurt,milk,cheese,eggs ,fish,skinless poultry ,legumes
,soybeans ,soy products ,lean ground meats should be chosen as diet foods.
Full-fat milk,other dairy products ,organ meats ,such as liver ,fatty and marbled
meats,spareibs,hot dogs and sausages ,bacon ,fried or breaded meats shoul be
3.Reducing sodium in food: Eating a lot of sodium can increase the risk of
high- blood pressure,a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. The American
Heart Association recommends that:
i.Healthy adults have no more than 2,300 milligrams (mg) of sodium a day
(about a teaspoon of salt)
ii.Most adults ideally have no more than 1,500 mg of sodium a day

4.Maintaining standard body weight:Excess weight increases the risk of heart

disease including high blood pressure and type2 diabetes.Losing body weight
by just 3% to 5% can help decrease certain fats in blood such as
triglycerides,lower blood sugar (glucose)and reducing risk of type2
diabetes.Maintaining BMI<25 can help preventing higher cholesterol,high
blood pressure and an increased risk of heart disease and stroke.

5.GETTING GOOD QUALITY OF SLEEP: A lack of sleep can harm health.It

increases high risk of obesity,high blood pressure,heart disease,diabetes and
depression.Several recent studies show links between shortened sleep duration,
defined as less than six hours of sleep, and increased risk of heart disease.A
2011 European Heart Journal review of 15 medical studies involving almost
475,000 people found that short sleepers had a 48% increased risk of
developing or dying from coronary heart disease (CHD) in a seven to 25-year
follow-up period (depending on the study) and a 15% greater risk of
developing or dying from stroke during this same time. Interestingly, long
sleepers -- those who averaged nine or more hours a night -- also showed a
38% increased risk of developing or dying from CHD and a 65% increased risk
of stroke.
6.MANAGING STRESS:Stress management is necessary for preventing heart
diseases.Physical activity,relaxation exercises,mediation can improve stress


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