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Hauser Endress: Capacitance Level Measurement Electronic Inserts EC 37 Z, EC 47 Z

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Information Capacitance Level Measurement

TI 271F/00/en
Electronic Inserts EC 37 Z, EC 47 Z
Operating Instructions
Transmitters for capacitance probes

The electronic inserts EC 37 Z and
EC 47 Z are transmitters for continuous
capacitance level measurement in
conjunction with the level measuring
instruments Silometer FMX 570,
FMC 671 Z, FMC 672 Z, and
Prolevel FMC 661, FMC 662.

Features and Benefits

• Also for use in explosion-hazardous
• European and North American
• Applicable over a wide temperature
• Separate protection housing available.

Endress + Hauser
The Power of Know How
The complete measuring system
Measuring System comprises:
electronic insert
EC 37 Z / 47 Z
level gauge
Prolevel or Silometer
• a Silometer FMC…Z, FMX... or (transmitter), FMC 661 FMX 570
fitted in probe FMC 662 FMC 671 Z
Prolevel FMC… level gauge head ↓ FMC 672 Z
• a fully insulated rod or rope probe, probe
which is fitted vertically in the vessel head
• an electronic insert EC 37 Z or
EC 47 Z, which is normally fitted in
the probe head.
probe →


Measuring system
for capacitance level

The basis of this technique lies in the only variable is the depth of material
Measuring Principle physical properties of a capacitor. being measured, which represents the
The capacitance C of a capacitor is dielectric between the two electrodes.
derived from the distance d between the Air and vacuum have a relative dielectric
electrodes, the surface area A of the constant ε r = 1, for liquids and solids
electrodes and the dielectric constant ε ε r > 1 is valid.
of the intermediate dielectric: The capacitance of the capacitor
therefore depends on how much
C=ε . material lies between the probe and the
d vessel wall, i. e., how high the vessel is.
The capacitor used in level This capacitance is measured by
measurement generally takes the form feeding a high frequency voltage at a
of the vessel itself and a probe that constant frequency to the electrodes
extends into the vessel. The vessel wall (vessel and probe). The higher the
and the probe form the two electrodes. capacitance of the capacitor (and
If the vessel is made from non- therefore the level), the greater the high
conductive material, then a counter frequency current flowing through the
electrode must be fitted (e. g. an earth capacitor. The electronic insert converts
tube, second probe or metal plate). This the high frequency current into a
can also be the second rod of a double frequency proportional to level, which is
rod probe. then used by the Silometer or Prolevel to
The distance between the electrodes indicate the level.
and surface area remain constant. The

Normally the violet electronic insert If the ambient temperature at the probe
Installation EC 37 Z or EC 47 Z is screwed in the head is higher, then an electronic insert
probe head. in a separate protection housing
Before fitting, connect the earth HMC 37 Z or HMC 47 Z should be used
connection between terminal 6 and the with coaxial cable to the probe head
probe head housing. (max. +200 °C). The initial capacitance
The operating temperature within the CA will then be increased by the
vessel should not exceed 100 °C, capacitance of the coaxial cable
provided the ambient temperature of the (approx. 50 pF/m).
probe head housing is not higher than See Sect. “Dimensions” for the drilling
60 °C. template for wall mounting of the
electronic insert in a separate housing
HMC 37 Z or HMC 47 Z.

The selection of the measuring • In metal vessels ensure that there is
Selection of the frequency and thus the electronic insert a perfect earth connection from the
Electronic Insert depends on the conductivity, dielectric probe head housing to the vessel.
constant and build-up of the material, as • In concrete, plastic or wood
well as the probe construction and the containers fit the counter electrode in
vessel wall material. Recommended the container or outside on the vessel
application ranges are shown in the wall and connect it with the probe
following figure. head housing.
If the electronic insert EC 47 Z is used, • If liquid is being measured, then it is
then the counter electrode should be advisable to use a probe with earth
carefully selected: tube.

in case of build-up on the probe

e. g. watery solutions of salts, acids, lyes,

watery dispersions and emulsions,
conductivity κ and dielectric constant ε may vary

sewage water, electrolytes,



foodstuff, beverages
EC 47 Z

conductivity κ and dielectric constant ε may vary


10–4 {
EC 37 Z



water content, demineralised

EC 37 Z

water, humid bulk materials,



e. g. hydrocarbons with higher

EC 47 Z

pebbles, sand

∆C max. 2000 pF

EC 47 Z

∆C max. 2000 pF
dielectric constant ε should not vary

dielectric constant ε should not very

EC 37 Z

e. g. hydrocarbons with a water
content lower than 0.1%,
benzines, oils, solvents,
conductivity κ may vary

conductivity κ may vary


EC 37 Z

dry bulk materials



probe without probe with

earth tube earth tube

In this range level measurement is only

possible, if the conductivity κ and the
dielectric constant ε do not vary. Recommended
application ranges of
EC 37 Z and EC 47 Z

For the standard measuring range II,
Electrical Connection bridge 4–5 on the electronic insert
1. Provide earth connection

EC…Z is closed.
Range I is only used with materials of a
very low dielectric constant (e. g.
hydrocarbons or dry solids) in small
vessels with sensors without an earth
tube. For measuring range I, bridge 4–5
is removed. Identification colour: violet
Use a screened, two-core instrument
cable to connect to the Silometer or
Prolevel. 2. Fit electronic insert
Earth the screening on both sides; and screw in
if this is not possible, earth it on one
side in the probe housing.
Observe explosion regulations!

Further details are given in the

instruction manual of the used
Silometer FMC…Z, FMX... or
Prolevel FMC…

For the greatest possible accuracy,

recalibrate after replacing the electronic
insert. Connection to
probe head

probe head Range II

(max. 200 °C) (standard) FMC 661 FMC 671 Z FMC 672 Z
FMC 662 FMX 570 input 1 input 2
or or or

earth connection
in probe head
EC 37 Z or EC 47 Z
probe head housing

capacitance probe

coaxial Range I
cable FMC 661 FMC 671 Z FMC 672 Z
core FMC 662 FMX 570 input 1 input 2
or or or

earth connection
in probe head
coaxial cable EC 37 Z or EC 47 Z
coaxial cable
(approx. 50 pF/m) probe head housing
inside metal
protection tubing
to separate capacitance probe

Connection of the Connection to

coaxial cable from Silometer FMC…Z,
the HMC 37 Z and FMX... or
HMC 47 Z in the Prolevel FMC…
probe head


Dimensions in mm of Identification colour: violet

the electronic inserts
EC 37 Z and EC 47 Z

119 74


75 5 max.
Dimensions in mm of Pg 16 Al
the electronic inserts in
a separate housing 31
HMC 37 Z and
HMC 47 Z

3 mounting holes 54
∅ 6.5 Clip
approx. 170


Drilling template for

wall mounting of the
Free space approx. 120
mounting plate of the
for mounting
separate housing
(dimensions in mm)

Technical Data Electronic insert EC 37 Z
Housing plastic, potted electronics
Weight 140 g
Identification colour violet
Protection type to DIN 40050 electronics IP 55, terminals IP 00
Certificates PTB (Germany), FM (USA), CSA (Canada), shipbuilding approvals by
ABS, BV, and DNV
Explosion protection type Europe: EEx ia IIC T6 (max. 60 °C)
North America: IS / Cl. I, II, III / Div. 1 / Group A–G
Permissible ambient temperature operating range: –20…+80 °C
storage range: –40…+85 °C
Measuring frequency approx. 33 kHz
Measuring voltage U~ approx. 5.3 V
Supply voltage 14.8 V from Silometer FMC…Z
Supply current max. 22 mA
Output signal pulse-shaped, superimposed on the supply current
Range II (standard) 60 Hz…2.8 kHz ± 15%, equivalent to 20…4350 pF
Range I 550 Hz…2.8 kHz ± 15%, equivalent to 20…335 pF

Electronic insert EC 47 Z
as EC 37 Z, but:

Measuring frequency approx. 1 MHz

Measuring voltage approx. 1.1 V
Range II (standard) 60 Hz…1.3 kHz ± 15%, equivalent to 20…2000 pF
Range I 550 Hz…2.8 kHz ± 15%, equivalent to 20…335 pF

Electronic insert in separate housing HMC 37 Z, HMC 47 Z

Housing cast aluminium
Protection type to DIN 40050 IP 55
Cable entries 2 × Pg 16
Connection to probe coaxial cable, temperature resistant to +200 °C, in a flexible protection
tubing of galvanised steel, length as required, standard length 2 m
Capacitance of the coaxial cable approx. 50 pF/m
Permissible ambient temperature –20…+80 °C
Other technical data HMC 37 Z as EC 37 Z
HMC 47 Z as EC 47 Z

Electromagnetic compatibility Interference Emission to EN 61326; Electrical Equipment Class B

Interference Immunity to EN 61326

Supplementary ❏ Silometer FMX 570 ❏ Silometer FMX 570

Technical Information TI 201F/00/en 4 0 II (1) GD, [EEx ia] IIC/IIB
Documentation XA 109F/00/a3
❏ Silometer FMC 671 Z
Technical Information TI 064F/00/en ❏ Silometer FMC 671 Z
4 0 II (1) GD, [EEx ia] IIC/IIB
❏ Silometer FMC 672 Z
XA 110F/00/a3
Technical Information TI 063F/00/en
❏ Silometer FMC 672 Z
❏ Prolevel FMC 661
4 0 II (1) GD, [EEx ia] IIC/IIB
Technical Information TI 232F/00/en
XA 185F/00/a3
❏ Prolevel FMC 662
❏ Prolevel FMC 661, FMC 662
Technical Information TI 233F/00/en
4 0 II (1) GD, [EEx ia] IIC
❏ Separate housing for electronic insert XA 036F/00/a3
Technical Information TI 228F/00/en

GmbH+Co. KG
Instruments International
P.O. Box 2222
D-79574 Weil am Rhein
Tel. (0 76 21) 9 75-02
Fax (0 76 21) 9 75-3 45

Endress + Hauser
The Power of Know How


TI 271F/00/en/02.04
SL/CV5 017182- 1000

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