Rexroth Visual Motion 1.1

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Electric Drives Linear Motion and

and Controls Hydraulics Assembly Technologies Pneumatics Service

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 R911309162

Edition 01
Multi-Axis Machine Control
Volume 1
Functional Description
About this Documentation Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Title Rexroth VisualMotion 11

Multi-Axis Machine Control
Volume 1

Type of Documentation Functional Description

Document Typecode DOK-VISMOT-VM*-11VRS**-FK01-EN-P

Internal File Reference Document Number, 120-2300-B326-01/EN

Part of Box Set, 20-11V-EN (MN R911309160)

Purpose of Documentation This documentation describes the functionality supported in Rexroth

VisualMotion 11 using G*P 11 firmware.

Record of Revisions Description Release Notes

DOK-VISMOT-VM*-11VRS**-FK01-EN-P 4/2006 Official release

Copyright  2005 Bosch Rexroth AG

Copying this document, giving it to others and the use or communication
of the contents thereof without express authority, are forbidden. Offenders
are liable for the payment of damages. All rights are reserved in the event
of the grant of a patent or the registration of a utility model or design
(DIN 34-1).

Validity The specified data is for product description purposes only and may not
be deemed to be guaranteed unless expressly confirmed in the contract.
All rights are reserved with respect to the content of this documentation
and the availability of the product.

Published by Bosch Rexroth AG

Bgm.-Dr.-Nebel-Str. 2 • D-97816 Lohr a. Main
Tel.: +49 (0)93 52/40-0 • Fax: +49 (0)93 52/40-48 85 • Telex: 68 94 21
Bosch Rexroth Corporation • Electric Drives and Controls
5150 Prairie Stone Parkway • Hoffman Estates, IL 60192 • USA
Tel.: 847-645-3600 • Fax: 847-645-6201
Dept. ESG4 (DPJ)

Note This document has been printed on chlorine-free bleached paper.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Table of Contents I

Table of Contents
1 About this Manual 1-1
1.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Contents of Volume 1..................................................................................................................... 1-1

2 VisualMotion Software Installation 2-1

2.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................................ 2-1
2.2 System Requirements.................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.3 Installing the VisualMotion Software .............................................................................................. 2-2
2.4 Establish Communication using VisualMotion Toolkit ................................................................... 2-6
SCP Server Configuration........................................................................................................ 2-6
VisualMotion Dde Server Configuration................................................................................... 2-6
Changing the Baud Rate.......................................................................................................... 2-8
Optional Ethernet Onboard Interface....................................................................................... 2-9
PCI Communication ............................................................................................................... 2-10

3 VisualMotion 11 Overview 3-1

3.1 System Overview ........................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.2 Motion Types.................................................................................................................................. 3-1
Non-Coordinated Motion.......................................................................................................... 3-2
Coordinated Motion.................................................................................................................. 3-2
Electronic Line Shafting (ELS) ................................................................................................. 3-3

4 VisualMotion Programming 4-1

4.1 VisualMotion Toolkit Programming Environment........................................................................... 4-2
Main Menus.............................................................................................................................. 4-3
Toolbar Icons ........................................................................................................................... 4-3
Project Navigator ..................................................................................................................... 4-3
Icon Palettes ............................................................................................................................ 4-5
Comment Window.................................................................................................................... 4-6
Status Bar ................................................................................................................................ 4-6
Programming Modes................................................................................................................ 4-6
4.2 Setup Folder Tree Structure........................................................................................................... 4-8
Setup Folder Configuration Tables .......................................................................................... 4-9
Configuration Table Options and Settings ............................................................................... 4-9
4.3 Setup Axes ................................................................................................................................... 4-14
Specifying Axis Hardware and Firmware............................................................................... 4-16
Add an Axis ............................................................................................................................ 4-16
Single Axis Setup................................................................................................................... 4-19
Coordinated Axis Setup ......................................................................................................... 4-19
Velocity Axis Setup ................................................................................................................ 4-20

II Table of Contents Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Ratio Axis Setup .................................................................................................................... 4-20

Torque Axis Setup ................................................................................................................. 4-21
Torque Following Axis Setup ................................................................................................. 4-21
ELS Group Axis Setup ........................................................................................................... 4-22
Coordinated Articulation Axis Setup ...................................................................................... 4-23
User Position Axis Setup ....................................................................................................... 4-24
User Velocity Axis Setup........................................................................................................ 4-24
4.4 Setup Processes .......................................................................................................................... 4-25
Default Labels and Initial Values ........................................................................................... 4-25
4.5 Setup ELS Process ...................................................................................................................... 4-29
Modifying ELS Program Variables ......................................................................................... 4-30
Virtual Masters Setup............................................................................................................. 4-33
System Masters Setup........................................................................................................... 4-36
ELS Group Setup................................................................................................................... 4-42
Coordinated Articulation Setup .............................................................................................. 4-48
4.6 CAM Indexer Setup...................................................................................................................... 4-54
CAM Indexer Declaration....................................................................................................... 4-54
4.7 PID Loops Setup .......................................................................................................................... 4-62
PID Loop Declaration............................................................................................................. 4-62
4.8 Setup Parameters ........................................................................................................................ 4-68
Parameter Type ..................................................................................................................... 4-69
4.9 Defining Project Integers, Floats and Variables........................................................................... 4-72
Defining Project Values.......................................................................................................... 4-72
Defining Project Variables...................................................................................................... 4-72
Adding Variables .................................................................................................................... 4-73
Editing Variables .................................................................................................................... 4-74
4.10 Single Axis Sample Project .......................................................................................................... 4-75
Step 1: Creating a New Project.............................................................................................. 4-75
Step 2: Setup Axes ................................................................................................................ 4-76
Step 3: Create the Initialization Task .................................................................................... 4-77
Step 4: Create Task A........................................................................................................... 4-78
Determining an Encoder Type ............................................................................................... 4-83
Homing a Drive ...................................................................................................................... 4-83
Step 5 Import Default IndraLogic Project............................................................................... 4-84
Switching a Project to Online Mode....................................................................................... 4-86
4.11 Activating a Project ...................................................................................................................... 4-87
I/O Box ................................................................................................................................... 4-87
4.12 VM Data ....................................................................................................................................... 4-88
4.13 Labels......................................................................................................................................... 4-100

5 Programming Capabilities 5-1

5.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................................ 5-1
5.2 Events ............................................................................................................................................ 5-1
Event Programming ................................................................................................................. 5-5
Event Types ............................................................................................................................. 5-7
Runtime Setup ....................................................................................................................... 5-21

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Table of Contents III

5.3 Position Monitoring Group............................................................................................................ 5-23

Relevant Parameters for Axis Group Monitoring ................................................................... 5-23
System/Position Initialization ................................................................................................. 5-24
Configure Monitoring Group................................................................................................... 5-24
Error Detection and Reset Monitoring Groups....................................................................... 5-26
Slave Axis Selection .............................................................................................................. 5-27
Slave Offset Definition ........................................................................................................... 5-28
5.4 PID ............................................................................................................................................... 5-30
PID Properties........................................................................................................................ 5-30
Tune PID Control Block ......................................................................................................... 5-31
PID Instruction ....................................................................................................................... 5-31
5.5 Programmable Limit Switch Functionality .................................................................................... 5-32
PLS Object ............................................................................................................................. 5-32
Programming Modes.............................................................................................................. 5-38
Configure a Control or Drive PLS .......................................................................................... 5-41
Configure an Option Card PLS .............................................................................................. 5-46
Editing PLS Configurations .................................................................................................... 5-55
Saving PLS Configurations .................................................................................................... 5-58
Downloading PLS Configurations .......................................................................................... 5-58
Importing PLS Configurations ................................................................................................ 5-59
Uploading PLS Configurations............................................................................................... 5-60
Monitoring a PLS Status ........................................................................................................ 5-60
Access PLS Data via the Calc Icon ....................................................................................... 5-61

6 Operating Modes 6-1

6.1 Electronic Line Shafting (ELS) ....................................................................................................... 6-1
ELS Overview .......................................................................................................................... 6-1
Assigning Register and Variable Labels .................................................................................. 6-3
ELS System Master ............................................................................................................... 6-20
Slip Monitoring for ELS System Masters ............................................................................... 6-22
Virtual Master ......................................................................................................................... 6-26
Real Master............................................................................................................................ 6-30
ELS Group Master ................................................................................................................. 6-33
Link Ring Master .................................................................................................................... 6-34
Master Encoder Card............................................................................................................. 6-34
ELS Group ............................................................................................................................. 6-35
Standard ELS Group Phase Adjust ....................................................................................... 6-57
Master-Following ELS Group Phase Adjust .......................................................................... 6-58
Editing ELS Groups and System Masters ............................................................................. 6-62
Configuring a Link Ring for ELS System ............................................................................... 6-63
6.2 Control CAM System Usage ........................................................................................................ 6-70
Switching to a Control CAM ................................................................................................... 6-70
Downloading and Rebuilding a Control CAM ........................................................................ 6-70
Downloading or Rebuilding a Control CAM used by a CAM Axis.......................................... 6-70
Downloading or Rebuilding a Control CAM used by an ELS Group...................................... 6-71
ELS Group G#_ACTIVE_CAM Program Variable ................................................................. 6-71

IV Table of Contents Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Switching to a Control CAM in Sercos Phase 4 (Run Mode ) ............................................... 6-71

Switching to an Index CAM More Than Once........................................................................ 6-72
6.3 Coordinated Motion...................................................................................................................... 6-73
Standard Coordinated Motion ................................................................................................ 6-73
Coordinated Articulation......................................................................................................... 6-74
Kinematics for Standard Coordinated Motion ........................................................................ 6-84
Kinematics for Coordinated Articulation................................................................................. 6-89

7 Commissioning Tools 7-1

7.1 IndraLogic ...................................................................................................................................... 7-1
IndraLogic Project Definition .................................................................................................... 7-2
Task Scheduling in Sercos Cycle ............................................................................................ 7-3
Create a POU in IndraLogic..................................................................................................... 7-4
Creating a PLC Task................................................................................................................ 7-4
Creating a Boot Project in IndraLogic ...................................................................................... 7-6
Simulation Mode ...................................................................................................................... 7-7
Monitoring Task Execution....................................................................................................... 7-7
IndraLogic Integration with VisualMotion ................................................................................. 7-8
Configuring Local Reco 02 I/O Modules in IndraLogic .......................................................... 7-11
Motion Programming with IndraLogic .................................................................................... 7-14
Motion and Logic Data Exchange.......................................................................................... 7-16
Configuring a Profibus Fieldbus Master................................................................................. 7-36
Configuring a DeviceNet Fieldbus Master ............................................................................. 7-38
Functions and Function Blocks.............................................................................................. 7-41
IndraLogic Communication Channels.................................................................................... 7-46
Remote Access to a VisualMotion Control ............................................................................ 7-51
Managing IndraLogic Files..................................................................................................... 7-57
7.2 I/O Setup Tool .............................................................................................................................. 7-62
I/O Configuration in Project Mode.......................................................................................... 7-63
I/O Configuration in Service Mode......................................................................................... 7-65
I/O Configuration of Sercos Inline Modules ........................................................................... 7-65
The File Menu ........................................................................................................................ 7-68
The Edit Menu........................................................................................................................ 7-68
The View Menu ...................................................................................................................... 7-73
The Tools Menu ..................................................................................................................... 7-74
The Help Menu ...................................................................................................................... 7-74
7.3 Sercos Drive Telegram Utility....................................................................................................... 7-75
AT (Drive Telegram) .............................................................................................................. 7-75
MDT (Master Data Telegram) ................................................................................................ 7-76
Displaying the Contents of the AT and MDT ......................................................................... 7-78
Configuring the AT and MDT ................................................................................................. 7-78
Multiplex (MUX) Channel (DKC 2.3 only) .............................................................................. 7-80
Telegram Options .................................................................................................................. 7-81
7.4 Drive Commissioning ................................................................................................................... 7-83
DriveTop................................................................................................................................. 7-83
7.5 Jogging......................................................................................................................................... 7-85

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Table of Contents V

Jogging Options ..................................................................................................................... 7-86

Control Selection.................................................................................................................... 7-89
Position Limits........................................................................................................................ 7-89
Jog Commands for HMI Devices ........................................................................................... 7-90
7.6 Profibus Fieldbus Slave Interface ................................................................................................ 7-94
General Information ............................................................................................................... 7-94
Fieldbus Mapper Functionality............................................................................................. 7-100
Information for the GPP Programmer .................................................................................. 7-107
Information for the PLC Programmer................................................................................... 7-110
7.7 DeviceNet, ControlNet, & EtherNet/IP Fieldbus Slave .............................................................. 7-129
General Information ............................................................................................................. 7-129
Fieldbus Mapper Functionality............................................................................................. 7-135
Information for the GPP Programmer .................................................................................. 7-146
Information for the PLC Programmer................................................................................... 7-148
7.8 Interbus Fieldbus Slave.............................................................................................................. 7-166
General Information ............................................................................................................. 7-166
Fieldbus Mapper Functionality............................................................................................. 7-171
Information for the GPP Programmer .................................................................................. 7-181
Information for the PLC Programmer................................................................................... 7-184

8 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools 8-1

8.1 Parameter Overview ...................................................................................................................... 8-1
Parameter Overview Edit Mode ............................................................................................... 8-1
Compare Parameters............................................................................................................. 8-13
8.2 Data Editor ................................................................................................................................... 8-20
Registers ................................................................................................................................ 8-20
Variables ................................................................................................................................ 8-23
Event Tables .......................................................................................................................... 8-24
Point Tables ........................................................................................................................... 8-26
Zone Tables ........................................................................................................................... 8-28
Custom List ............................................................................................................................ 8-29
8.3 ELS Runtime Tool ........................................................................................................................ 8-30
8.4 CAM Indexer ................................................................................................................................ 8-34
Registration Setup ................................................................................................................. 8-34
Registration Runtime Tool ..................................................................................................... 8-40
8.5 CAM Builder ................................................................................................................................. 8-42

9 Diagnostic Tools 9-1

9.1 Oscilloscope ................................................................................................................................... 9-1
Oscilloscope Signals................................................................................................................ 9-2
Timing and Pretrigger Options ................................................................................................. 9-2
File Menu ................................................................................................................................. 9-2
Source Menu............................................................................................................................ 9-3
Timing ...................................................................................................................................... 9-3
Signal Selection ....................................................................................................................... 9-4
Tools Menu .............................................................................................................................. 9-6

VI Table of Contents Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Window Menu .......................................................................................................................... 9-8

Abort, Upload and Enable Trigger ........................................................................................... 9-9
Oscilloscope Memory Buttons ................................................................................................. 9-9
Manipulating Trace Signals...................................................................................................... 9-9
Time Controls......................................................................................................................... 9-10
Measuring Trace Signals ....................................................................................................... 9-10
9.2 Show Program Flow..................................................................................................................... 9-12
Generate Map File ................................................................................................................. 9-12
Current Instruction Display..................................................................................................... 9-13
Displaying Task Function Arguments and Local Variables ................................................... 9-14
9.3 Breakpoint .................................................................................................................................... 9-15
Set Breakpoint using VisualMotion Toolbar Buttons ............................................................. 9-15
9.4 System Diagnostics...................................................................................................................... 9-16
System ................................................................................................................................... 9-16

10 Project Management Tools 10-1

10.1 Synchronizing a Project ............................................................................................................... 10-1
Synchronizing a Modified Project .......................................................................................... 10-2
Commissioning Tool Synchronization.................................................................................... 10-4
Drive Differences Detected When Synchronizing.................................................................. 10-5
10.2 Browsing a Project for Data Usage and Icon Flow ...................................................................... 10-6
Browse Project for Data Usage.............................................................................................. 10-6
Browse Program for Icon Flow............................................................................................... 10-8
10.3 Archiving and Restoring Project Data ........................................................................................ 10-11
System Project Components ............................................................................................... 10-12
Online Mode Archiving and Restoring ................................................................................. 10-13
Offline Mode Archiving and Restoring ................................................................................. 10-18
Archive History and Flash Backup....................................................................................... 10-21
10.4 Importing Project Data ............................................................................................................... 10-25
Import Data in Offline Mode ................................................................................................. 10-25
Import Data in Online Mode ................................................................................................. 10-26
10.5 Exporting Project Data ............................................................................................................... 10-26
Export Data in Offline Mode................................................................................................. 10-26
Export Data in Online Mode................................................................................................. 10-27
10.6 Remove Project Components .................................................................................................... 10-28
10.7 Transferring Data in Service Mode ............................................................................................ 10-29
CAM ..................................................................................................................................... 10-29
Events .................................................................................................................................. 10-30
Fieldbus Mapper .................................................................................................................. 10-31
Floats ................................................................................................................................... 10-32
Global Floats ........................................................................................................................ 10-32
Global Integers..................................................................................................................... 10-33
Integers ................................................................................................................................ 10-34
I/O Mapper ........................................................................................................................... 10-35
I/O Setup .............................................................................................................................. 10-35
Parameters .......................................................................................................................... 10-36

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Table of Contents VII

PLS ...................................................................................................................................... 10-37

Points ................................................................................................................................... 10-38
Zones ................................................................................................................................... 10-39
10.8 Labels......................................................................................................................................... 10-40
Variable Labels .................................................................................................................... 10-40
Register Labels .................................................................................................................... 10-42
Bit Labels ............................................................................................................................. 10-43
I/O Bit Function Labels......................................................................................................... 10-44
10.9 File Formats ............................................................................................................................... 10-45

11 Error Reaction 11-1

11.1 Overview ...................................................................................................................................... 11-1
Error Types ............................................................................................................................ 11-2
Error Levels............................................................................................................................ 11-3
Configurable Error Reaction .................................................................................................. 11-5
Error Diagnostics and Logging............................................................................................... 11-5
11.2 Task Association and Setup......................................................................................................... 11-7
Task Error Reaction Setup..................................................................................................... 11-7
11.3 Motion Type Error Reaction ....................................................................................................... 11-10
Special Case Error Reactions for the ELS system .............................................................. 11-11
11.4 Drive Error Reaction................................................................................................................... 11-12
Power Supply Error Reaction............................................................................................... 11-12
Disable Axis Command (Ab)................................................................................................ 11-12
Drive Halt Setup (AH) .......................................................................................................... 11-13

VIII Table of Contents Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 About this Manual 1-1

1 About this Manual

1.1 Introduction
The VisualMotion 11 Functional Description manual describes the
VisualMotion software, including the integration of IndraLogic, the tools
used for programming both motion and logic, and the system's
The Functional Description manual is a two volume set. The two books
are structured as follows:
• Volume 1 contains information on how to use VisualMotion Toolkit,
IndraLogic and all the supporting tools available for programming
both motion and logic.
• Volume 2 is structured as a reference guide which presents
detailed functionality of the features supporting VisualMotion and

1.2 Contents of Volume 1

The following table provides a description for each chapter in volume 1:

Chapter Description
1 About this Manual - describes the structure of the two volume functional description set.

2 VisualMotion Software Installation - describes the system requirements for installing and operating
VisualMotion 11 on your PC. It also describes the installation of VisualMotion, IndraLogic and the CAM
Builder softwares. Initial communication between the software and your system, including the control,
drives and I/O is also described.

3 Overview of VisualMotion System - describes a VisualMotion system, what it includes and how it
operates, such as operating modes

4 VisualMotion Toolkit - describes the VisualMotion Toolkit environment, the programming modes as well
as basic steps required for creating a VisualMotion motion project, the steps for importing a default IO
mapping IndraLogic project and the use of the IO Box utility for activating the project.

5 Programming Capabilities - describes the basic motion programming capabilities for Events, Position
Monitoring Groups, PID, and PLS.

6 Operating Modes - describes the basic operating modes available in VisualMotion

7 Commissioning Tools - describes the functionality of the commissioning tools in VisualMotion including
how to configure, download and use them. IndraLogic's integration into VisualMotion is described in this

8 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools – describes how to use data editing and monitoring tools with a
VisualMotion project.

9 Diagnostic Tools - describes tools used for diagnosing and debugging a VisualMotion project

10 Project Management Tools - describes the tools used to manage a VisualMotion project

11 Error Reaction - describes how VisualMotion reacts to errors

Table 1-1: Volume 1 Chapter

1-2 About this Manual Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Software Installation 2-1

2 VisualMotion Software Installation

2.1 Overview
The VisualMotion software package includes the installation of the
following editors and tools:
• VisualMotion Toolkit motion programming software and tools
• IndraLogic PLC logic and motion programming software
• New CamBuilder tool
• DriveTop software for commissioning drives
The editors and tools installed as part of the VisualMotion software
package support both English and German. Separate help systems
and/or documentation for VisualMotion, IndraLogic and the CamBuilder
are available as part of the installation.

Note: It is not recommended to have a stand alone version of

DriveTop installed on the same PC in addition to the integrated
version installed with VisualMotion 11.

2.2 System Requirements

The following system specifications are recommended for running
VisualMotion 11 software.

VisualMotion Toolkit can be installed on any IBM™ PC compatible
Pentium computer with the following minimum requirements:
• 500 MHz Pentium 2 Processor
• 128 MB of RAM system memory
• Windows 2000 (SP4) or Windows XP (SP1)
• 95 MB of hard drive space on drive C and 165 MB on the target
• MS-IE (Microsoft Internet Explorer) 5.1 or later

A super VGA monitor or better. A color monitor display makes it possible
to take full advantage of VisualMotion's graphic interface.

VMT uses the default printer installed on your computer. For optimal
resolution, especially when printing projects, use a high-resolution (300-
dpi) laser or ink jet printer.

A mouse interface is required to use VisualMotion Toolkit, IndraLogic, and
supported tools.

2-2 VisualMotion Software Installation Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Serial I/O
VMT can be configured to use the PC's serial port for communication
between the host PC and the PPC-R. An IKB0005 RS-232 serial cable is
required between the host PC and the PPC-R X10 or X16 communication
ports. Hardware handshaking is not supported.

2.3 Installing the VisualMotion Software

VisualMotion Toolkit 11 is the initial software installation. Use the
following steps to begin the installation of the VisualMotion software
1. Insert the VisualMotion CD into the CD-ROM drive. VisualMotion will
start automatically.
2. Select the setup language.
The language option can be changed at any time after installation by
selecting Tools ⇒ Options from VisualMotion Toolkit's main menu.

Note: If the language selected in VisualMotion does not match the

language of the computer’s operating system, some windows
in VisualMotion will maintain the operating system's language.


Fig. 2-1: Choose Setup Language

Note: When installing VisualMotion Toolkit in English, only the

English resource Dynamically Linked Libraries (DLL) are
installed. The German language will not be available with an
English only installation. To install the German resource
DLLs, repeat the installation process using German as the
setup language. However, English resource DLLs are
supported with a German installation.

The VisualMotion installation launches an InstallShield Wizard that guides

the user through the installation process.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Software Installation 2-3

Overwrite an Existing Release If a previous release of VisualMotion Toolkit, IndraLogic or the

CamBuilder are found on the PC, the setup program will find the software
and launch a Modify, Repair, and Remove wizard.
From this wizard, the following options are available:

Option Description
Modify This option allows new program components to be added or
installed components can be removed.
Repair This option overwrites existing VisualMotion components
with the files in the new release. This will not affect the
programs that have been created with an earlier release.
Programs saved on the computer’s hard drive can be
downloaded to the new release of VisualMotion.
Remove This option removes all installed components

Table 2-1: Options for Overwriting a VisualMotion Installation

Note: The Modify, Repair, and Remove wizard opens if previous

installations of VisualMotion Toolkit, CamBuilder, and/or
IndraLogic are found on the PC.


Fig. 2-2: Modify, Repair, Remove VisualMotion Components

3. Click Next> in the Welcome window.

4. Click Yes in the license window to continue with the installation.
5. Enter a user name, company name, and serial number in the
Customer Information window.

Note: The serial number is printed on the software packaging


6. Accept the default Destination Folder by clicking the Next button, or

change the default location by clicking the Browse… button.

2-4 VisualMotion Software Installation Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1


Fig. 2-3: Installation Destination Location

7. From the Select Components window, select the VisualMotion

components to install and click the Next button. The following table
lists the available components available for installation:

Main Sub-Item Default Optional Description

VisualMotion Icon Editor X VisualMotion Icon Editor, compiler & commissioning tools
DriveTop X Drive commissioning
(integrated version)
IndraLogic X Logic Editor Tool (integrated)

Documentation X X VisualMotion manuals and help system documentation

Examples X X VisualMotion sample projects, PLC function blocks and HMI OPC
Tools I/O Box X VisualMotion IO-Box utility

Dolfi X Software application for downloading firmware to Rexroth controls

and drives
End User Tool X VisualMotion end user tool for general status, parameter editing
and system archiving
Transfer Server X VisualMotion Dde transfer server for third-party interfaces

CamBuilder X New CamBuilder tool

Refer to CamBuilder note below:
DriveHelp DIAX03 X For SSE03 and ELS05 firmware

DIAX04 X For SSE03 and ELS05 firmware

Ecodr3 X For SGP01, FGP03, SGP20 and SMT02 firmware

EcodrCS X For MGP01 firmware

IndraDrive X For MPx02 and MPx03 firmwares

Table 2-2: Select Components

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Software Installation 2-5

CamBuilder Note:
If the new CamBuilder tool is unchecked during the initial
installation, the CamBuilder Utility used with VisualMotion 9 will
be installed instead. If the new CamBuilder tool is installed,
the older CamBuilder Utility can be added to the Registered
Tools menu selection under the Tools menu. Refer to the
Tools menu description in section 13.10 in volume 2 of the
VisualMotion 11 Functional Description manual.


Fig. 2-4: Installation Setup Type

IndraLogic Installation 8. Select the installation language for IndraLogic

9. An InstallShield wizard will guide the user through the IndraLogic
10. Click the Next button to begin the IndraLogic installation.

Note: A Microsoft XML Parser must be installed as part of the

IndraLogic installation.

CamBuilder Installation 11. If the new CamBuilder tool is selected for installation, select the setup
12. An InstallShield wizard will guide the user through the CamBuilder tool
13. Click the Next button to begin the CamBuilder installation.

Optional Software Installation 14. In addition to the default VisualMotion component installations,
selected optional software such as Dolfi and SyCon will follow the
IndraLogic installation.
15. Follow the InstallShield instruction until all optional components are
16. After the InstallShield wizard completes, it is recommended that the
computer be restarted.

2-6 VisualMotion Software Installation Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

2.4 Establish Communication using VisualMotion Toolkit

VisualMotion 11 supports the VisualMotion Dde server and the Scalable
Communication Platform (SCP) for communication with the control.
The VisualMotion Dde server is available for GPP/GMP 11 and earlier
firmwares for communication with the control's motion functionality
(VisualMotion Toolkit to Control).
The SCP server is available for GPP/GMP 09, 10, and 11 firmware
versions and can be used for communication with the control's motion
functionality but is required for communication with the control's PLC logic
functionality (IndraLogic to Control).
Before establishing communication, determine the communication server
to be used and the connection interface to the control.

Note: Control's with a new memory card (PFM), containing no

previously downloaded programs, requires a serial connection
to establish initial communication.

The following table lists the connection type available by control type:

Control Connection Details

PPC-R22.1 Serial (RS232) Use serial cable IKB0005
Network Optional onboard EtherNet
PPC-P11.1 PCI Bus With PPC-P11.1 installed in host PC
Serial (RS232) Use serial cable IKB0005

Table 2-3: Connection Types by Control

SCP Server Configuration

Use the following procedure to configure the SCP server and then
establish communication:
1. Open VisualMotion Toolkit in service mode and select Tools ⇒
Control Selection.
2. From the Dde Server section, select SCP (SIS Protocol) and click on
the Configure… button.

Note: Refer to section 18.3, Configuring the SCP Server, in volume

2 of the VisualMotion 11 Functional Description manual.

3. Once the server is configured, select Diagnostics ⇒ System from

the VisualMotion Toolkit menu.
If proper communication has been established, the Status tab in the
Systems Diagnostics window will display the current operating state.

VisualMotion Dde Server Configuration

Use the following procedure to configure the VisualMotion Dde server and
then establish communication:
1. Open VisualMotion Toolkit in service mode and select Tools ⇒
Control Selection.
2. From the Dde Server section, select VisualMotion (ASCII Protocol).

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Software Installation 2-7

3. Select Serial for the connection method.

Note: Select PCI for the connection method when establishing

communication with a PPC-P11.1 control over the PCI Bus.

4. Use the default 0 value for the Target.


Fig. 2-5: Control Selection Window

5. Click the Configure… button to open the Serial Communication



Fig. 2-6: Serial Communication

6. Select the baud rate setting in the Serial Communications window that
matches the baud rate setting in the control.

2-8 VisualMotion Software Installation Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Note: To view the current baud rate settings in the control, press the
S1 button on the front of the control 4 times. To display the
baud rate of the X16 connector, depress the S1 button 6

7. Once the server is configured, select Diagnostics ⇒ System from

the VisualMotion Toolkit menu.
If proper communication has been established, the Status tab in the
Systems Diagnostics window will display the current operating state.

Changing the Baud Rate

After communication has been established between VisualMotion and the
control, the baud rate setting can be changed. To change the baud rate:
1. Open the Control Settings window by selecting Tools ⇒ Control
2. Select either the X10 Program Port tab or X16 Communication Port

Note: These tabs can only be viewed when VisualMotion is in online

or service mode.

3. Select the new baud rate setting from the drop-down menu.


Fig. 2-7: Baud Rate Selection

4. Cycle power to the control for the change to take affect.

5. Select Tools ⇒ Control Settings… to open the Control Settings
window in VisualMotion.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Software Installation 2-9

Note: A Dde server error may be issued, indicating the baud rate on
the control no longer matches the setting in the Dde Server.

6. Click the Settings button in the error message window. This will open
the Serial Communications window.
7. Change the baud rate to match the new baud rate in the control.

Optional Ethernet Onboard Interface

The optional Ethernet onboard interface on the PPC-R22.1 control
contains it's own TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)
stack. The TCP/IP stack enables the Ethernet interface to transmit data
over the network or Internet and communicate with VisualMotion Toolkit
via the SCP or VisualMotion Dde Server.

Ethernet Interface Setup

Before an Ethernet interface can be setup for the PPC-R22.1, initial
communication with the control, via a serial connection, must be
established. Also, a unique network IP address must be reserved for the
control. Contact your local Information Technology (IT) department for
EtherNet Setup The following steps are used to configure an Ethernet interface via a
via Control Parameters serial connection (IKB0005) using VisualMotion Toolkit by directly
accessing the control parameters.
1. Power up the control and launch VisualMotion Toolkit in service
2. Select Data ⇒ Parameters to open the Parameter Overview tool.
3. Modify control parameter C-0-0400 and enter the EtherNet's IP
Address in dot notation, for example "".
4. Modify control parameter C-0-0401 and enter the EtherNet's Subnet
Mask in dot notation, for example "".
5. Modify control parameter C-0-0402 and enter the EtherNet's Gateway
IP Address in dot notation, for example "".

Note: The optional onboard EtherNet interface on the PPC-R22.1

supports auto-negotiation and does not require setting the
duplexing mode in control parameter C-0-0403.

6. Close VisualMotion Toolkit and cycle power to the control in order for
these changes to take affect.
After the control is powered up, the green H3 LEDs on the front of the
control will flash continuously.

EtherNet Setup The Ethernet interface can also be configured using the Control Setting
using VisualMotion Tool window under the Tools menu selection.
1. Power up the control and launch VisualMotion Toolkit in service
2. Select Tools ⇒ Control Settings… and select the Network tab.
3. Enter the EtherNet's IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Gateway IP
Address in dot notation, for example "".
4. Close VisualMotion Toolkit and cycle power to the control in order for
these changes to take affect.
5. After the control is powered up, the green H3 LEDs on the front of the
control will flash continuously.

2-10 VisualMotion Software Installation Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

PCI Communication
The GMP 11 firmware for the PPC-P11.1 is designed to work in a
complete system solution consisting of a Logic Controller (Soft PLC) and
Motion Controller (PPC-PCI) inside an industrial PC with an HMI package.
On the PC, there are three main interfaces with the PPC-P11.1: a soft
PLC, VisualMotion, IndraLogic and HMI packages such as WinHMI or
WonderWare. The soft PLC will have direct access to the DPR (dual port
RAM), while VisualMotion, IndraLogic and the HMI packages will
communicate over the DPR via the Scalable Communication Platform
GMP firmware supports all the functionality of the GPP firmware with the
following exceptions:
• Data Mapper is not supported, thus eliminating the option of ordering
the corresponding PC104 interface boards with this system. The
parent soft control (softPLC) communicates directly to the PPC-P11.1
via the PCI bus. If additional fieldbus connectivity is required other
than Profibus and DeviceNet masters, the soft control (softPLC)
should be equipped with the capability to communicate with a PC-
resident fieldbus card. The Data Mapper software utility is used to set
up PCI cyclic channels for the softPLC. PC104 fieldbus slave cards
are not supported.
• The Register and Cyclic channels over the Dual Port RAM use the
Sercos cycle time.
• No LocalReco configurations are supported.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion 11 Overview 3-1

3 VisualMotion 11 Overview

3.1 System Overview

The VisualMotion 11 system has a combination of motion and logic
programming that provides enhanced speed and versatility for the
interface of PLC tasks and real-time motion. This motion/logic
combination is provided by VisualMotion 11 programmable multi-axis
motion software and IndraLogic PLC programming software. Both
software packages reside on the PC and communicate through the SCP
(Scalable Communication Platform) or the VisualMotion Dde server
(ASCII Protocol) over a serial, EtherNet or PCI connection to the PPC.

ASCII Protocol SIS Protocol

Motion Functionality Motion / Logic Functionality


Windows based VisualMotion Windows based

VisualMotion HMI software IndraLogic
Toolkit HMI software

ASCII Format IndraLogic



VisualMotion DDE

ASCII Protocol via RS232, SIS Protocol via RS232, SIS Protocol via RS232,
RS485 or Ethernet TCP/IP RS485 or PCI Bus RS485 or Ethernet TCP/IP
ASCII Protocol via RS232,
RS485 or PCI Bus
PPC-R22.1 PPC-R22.1
PPC-P11.1 PPC-P11.1

GMP 9, 10 & 11 GPP 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11 GMP 10 & 11 GPP 10 & 11

VisualMotion Toolkit and HMI devices can also use the VisualMotion Dde server
(ASCII protocol) when communicating with the motion functionality in the control.
Refer to the VisualMotion 9 Functional Description for details on the ACSII

Fig. 3-1: Motion / Logic Overview

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 supports the following hardware form factors

and firmware versions:
• PPC-R22 using GPP 11 firmware (Reco-version)
• PPC-P11.1 using GMP 11 firmware (PCI-version)

3.2 Motion Types

Rexroth VisualMotion supports three types of motion:
• Non-Coordinated
• Coordinated
• Electronic Line Shafting

3-2 VisualMotion 11 Overview Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Non-Coordinated Motion
Non-coordinated motion is primarily used to control a single independent
axis. There are two modes of non-coordinated motion:
• Single axis
• Velocity mode
Single axis Single axis motion commands within a Rexroth VisualMotion project are
processed by the control and sent to the digital drive. The project
communicates to the drive the target position (travel distance), the
velocity and acceleration. This information is used to develop a velocity
profile that is maintained and controlled within the intelligent digital drive.
As a result, single axis motion does not require continuous calculation by
the control and consumes minimum CPU resources.
Velocity Mode Velocity mode controls the speed of the axis, with no position control loop.
Rexroth digital drives maintain torque and velocity loops internally.
A special form of non-coordinated motion called ratioed axes permits
linking two axes by relating the number of revolutions of a slave axis to a
master axis. For example, a ratio might be required when the positioning
axis of a gantry robot has a motor on each side of its supporting track.

Coordinated Motion
The Rexroth VisualMotion control defines the following two types of
coordinated multi-axis coordinated motion:
• Standard Coordinated Motion
• Coordinated Articulation

Note: Refer to section 6.3, Coordinated Motion, for details.

Standard Coordinated Motion

Standard coordinated motion defines motion in terms of a path composed
of standard straight line and circular geometry segments. Point positions,
(x, y, z), are used to establish the start, middle or end of a geometry
segment. Two points define a line; three points define a circle. The path
combines these standard geometry segments so that the start of the next
segment begins at the end of the previous segment. A path, therefore, is
nothing more than a collection of connected segments.
Since each segment has an end point specifying speed, acceleration,
deceleration and jerk, each segment can have a unique rate profile curve.
A special type of segment, called a blend segment, can be used to join
two standard geometry segments. Blend segments provide the capability
of continuous smooth motion from one standard segment to another
without stopping. They reduce calculation cycle time as well as provide a
means of optimal path shaping.
A Rexroth VisualMotion system is capable of calculating a path in any of
several different modes:
Constant Speed Constant Speed mode is always active and tries to maintain a constant
speed between any two connecting segments in the path. The system
and axes acceleration and deceleration limit this mode. Constant speed
is the optimum path motion for applying adhesives or paint, welding and
some forms of cutting such as laser or water-jet, etc..
Linear Interpolation Two points define a coordinated motion straight-line segment. The
motion is calculated from the end point of the last segment, or the current
position if the system is not in motion, to the new end point.
Circular Interpolation Three points define a coordinated motion circular segment. Circular motion
begins with the end point of the last segment executed, or the current system

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion 11 Overview 3-3

position if the system is not in motion, moves in a circular arc through an

intermediate point, and terminates at the specified endpoint.
Kinematics In addition to the standard x, y, z kinematics, the control has the capability of
executing several forward and inverse kinematic movements by using an
application-specific library of kinematic functions.
Kinematics can be developed to customer specifications. Contact Bosch
Rexroth to inquire about applications which could benefit from kinematics.

Coordinated Articulation
Coordinated Articulation is an advanced feature in VisualMotion 11 used
to move up to six axes in coordinated fashion based on world coordinate
inputs from an ELS Group CAM output or manual positions. This feature
provides the ability to link cyclic coordinated motion to an ELS master.
Differences from Normal The following outlines the difference in features in Coordinated
Coordinated Motion Articulation from standard Coordinated Motion:
• Points table are not supported
• Motion types supported: Coordinated and ELS Group
• Zones are not supported
• Up to 6 axis supported
• Up to 4 Coordinated Articulation configurations supported (only one
configuration allowed per any task A-D)
• No BTC06 support
• Control task register supported
• Coordinated limit parameters supported

Electronic Line Shafting (ELS)

Electronic Line Shafting is used to synchronize one or more slave axes to
a master axis. GPP firmware introduces multiple master functionality.
Each slave axis can use either velocity, phase or CAM synchronization.
ELS has the capability to jog each axis synchronously or independently,
and to adjust phase offset and velocity while the project is running.

Note: Refer to section 6.1, Electronic Line Shafting, for details.

Velocity synchronization Velocity synchronization relates slave axes to a master in terms of

rotational rate. It is used when axis velocities are most critical, as in
paper processing operations in which two or more motors act on a single
piece of fragile material.
Phase synchronization Phase synchronization maintains the same relative position among axes,
but adjusts the lead or lag of the slaves to the master in terms of degrees.
It is used when the positions of axes are most critical. For example, to
achieve proper registration in printing operations, the axis controlling the
print head may be programmed for a particular phase offset relative to
some locating device, such as a proximity switch.
CAM synchronization CAM synchronization is used when custom position profiles are needed at
a slave axis. A CAM profile can be executed either in the control (control
CAM) or in the drives (drive CAMs). The number of control CAMs that can
be active at the same time is limited to 4.
A CAM is an (x, y) table of positions that relate a master axis to a slave.
CAMs can be stored in the control or in the digital drive. Control CAMs
have more adjustment options and can work with Sercos drives that do
not support the ELS functionality (e.g., SMT or SSE firmware). The same
programming commands and utilities are used for both control and drive

3-4 VisualMotion 11 Overview Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-1

4 VisualMotion Programming
VisualMotion 11 provides a complete motion/logic programming solution
using both icon-based and PLC-based programming. The icon-based
VisualMotion Toolkit programming environment provides the user with an
easy to use pick-and-place method of programming that visually shows
the program's logical flow using icon instructions. Integrated into
VisualMotion Toolkit is an IEC 61131-3 PLC programming tool known as
IndraLogic. Refer to section 7.1, IndraLogic, for complete details.
Together, these tools allow the user to select their preferred method of
programming. However, in order to maintain a synchronized project
between the motion side and the logic side, minimal programming is
required using both tools. Icon-based programming requires that the I/O
communication between motion and logic be programmed in IndraLogic.
PLC-based programming requires that all axes, processes (e.g., ELS),
and parameter initialization used in the system be programmed in
VisualMotion Toolkit. The following diagram illustrates the basic steps
required for programming in a VisualMotion system.


Icon PLC
IndraLogic setup
steps are performed
Setup IndraLogic variable
Establish VisualMotion within VisualMotion
sharing, target library, and
VisualMotion Toolkit communication with Toolkit. These steps
communication under
Project control under are required before
Tools ⇒ Options ⇒
Tools ⇒ Control Selection launching IndraLogic

Launching IndraLogic
Icon or PLC Program Icon Initialization Launch IndraLogic from from VisualMotion
programming? task and/or subroutine within VisualMotion Toolkit Toolkit ensures that
all defined variables
are shared, the
Icon PLC correct target library
is used, and proper
Program Icon commnication is
Launch Program PLC configured.
VisualMotion Initialization and Runtime
task A-D, subroutine, and
Toolkit programs
event functions

Using VisualMotion Toolkit, Switch to Online mode.

Login PLC from Online
Setup all axes, processes If necessary, the project is
menu in order to compile and
(ELS, PID, etc), and synchronized before it is
download program to the
parameter initilization for compiled and downloaded to
control before running PLC.
either Icon or PLC programs PLC the control.

VisualMotion Control
Icon PLC
Motion and Logic now
reside on control


Fig. 4-1: Programming Methods

4-2 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

4.1 VisualMotion Toolkit Programming Environment

VisualMotion Toolkit is structured to provide ease of navigation and
programming. All menu selections, icons, and windows are arranged to
make project navigation easier to follow. The VisualMotion Toolkit
programming environment is structured as follows:

Area Description
Main Menus Pull down menu commands. Refer to chapter 13, Menu Descriptions, in volume 2 for details.
Toolbar Icons Commonly used Windows commands and programming icons. Refer to chapter 14, Icon
Descriptions, in volume 2 for details.
Project Navigator The project navigator displays a tree structure for the project folders. The Setup folder is
used to setup axes, processes, and parameter initialization. Selecting a folder displays the
icon program related to that folder. When a subroutine or event is added to the project, they
are indicated as subfolders in the subroutine and event folders.
Icon Palette Grouping of programming icons based on functionality.
Icon Workspace Area where icons are placed, configured and connected in a logical flow.
Comment Window A text window where the user can add special instructions or details about the task.
Status Bar Visual indications about program progress and programming mode.
Operating State Graphical indicator showing the current mode of operation with the control and the project.

Table 4-1: VisualMotion Toolkit Programming Areas

Main Menus

Toolbar Icons

Project Navigator

Icon Workspace

Comment Window Operating State

Icon Palette Indicator

Status Bar

Fig. 4-2: VisualMotion Programming Environment

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-3

Main Menus
VisualMotion's main menu selections provide access to the majority of
commands; from file selection to establishing communication to the
launching of tools used to create and manipulate data in a project and on
the control. Refer to chapter 13, Menu Descriptions, in volume 2 for
complete details.

Toolbar Icons
The toolbar icons that appear just below the main menu are shortcuts to
commonly used main menu items. The following toolbar icons are only
available from the toolbar:

Toolbar Icon Description

actual icon that is place in the program flow to call an
existing subroutine icon program
allows the path of a program to flow between two points
that are not connected by a line
used to create an intersection of program lines
used to connect two objects, normally icons, in a logical
program flow
used to remove a connecting line between two points
used to launch IndraLogic PLC software. Also available
under Commission menu.
Table 4-2: Toolbar Icons Not Found in Menus

Refer to chapter 14, Icon Descriptions, in volume 2 for complete details.

Project Navigator
The project navigator window displays a tree structure containing a Setup
folder, an Initialization folder, and a Runtime folder. These folders expand
to reveal additional sub folders used to configure, initialize, and program a
VisualMotion system.


Fig. 4-3: Project Navigator

4-4 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Setup Folder
The Setup folder provides system initialization for all axis motion types,
ELS System components, CAM Indexer, and PID Loops. In addition to
axes and functionality initialization, parameter transfers can be configured
for single or multiple C, A, T, S and P parameter sets.


Fig. 4-4: Setup Folder

Refer to Setup Folder Tree Structure on page 4-8 for details.

Note: The Setup folder configuration is required for either Icon or

PLC programming.

Initialization Folder
The initialization folder provides navigation to an icon based programming
workspace for a task and subroutine that are executed every time the
control transitions out of Sercos phase 2 (parameter mode).

Initialization Task Icon programming begins with the initialization task. The initialization task
• to allow modifications to motion resources such as ELS
components by means of conditional programming,
• the initialization of program variables, activation of initialization
subroutines, as well as register and parameter transfer

Note: When creating the initialization task and the initialization

subroutine, avoid using the Branch icon to set up functions
that run in an infinite loop. The initialization task times out in 5

Disabling a Drive in the To disable a drive from the initialization task that was configured under
Initialization Task Setup ⇒ Axes, use a Param1 icon and transfer a value of 2 to axis
parameter A-0-0007 for the relevant axis set.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-5

Runtime Folder
The runtime folder provides navigation to icon based programming
workspaces for Tasks A-D, subroutines, and event functions. Runtime
icon programs are executed in Sercos phase 4.
Tasks A-D Tasks A-D are used to build the main motion project. These tasks can
contain program icons configured with command signals for motion in the
drive. These tasks make up the majority of the icon program functionality.
VisualMotion can have up to 4 separate processes or tasks running
simultaneously in each project.
Subroutine Subroutines are optional sub-programs that are called by a task, other
subroutine, or event function when the subroutine icon is executed in the
program flow. They are used to improve readability as well as to simplify
project organization. Refer to the Subroutine icon
Event Functions Unlike subroutines, event functions are not "called" from a program.
Instead, they are "triggered" by conditions (distance, time, etc.) that are
specified in an event setup. Refer to the Event icon

Icon Palettes
VisualMotion Toolkit icon palettes are displayed below the Project
Navigator window. Five standard palettes are provided for Initialization,
Single, Coordinated, ELS and Utility icons. Icon palettes can be selected
from the View ⇒ Icon Palette menu selection or by clicking on an icon
tab, just below the icons in the palette. The initialization icon palette is
available only when the Initialization Task is selected from the Project
Navigator. Icons are selected from the palette using a single click of the
left mouse button. The selected icon is placed in the VisualMotion
workspace by positioning the cross-hair cursor over the grid area where
you want the icon to appear and clicking once.

Icon Palette
Icon Palettes VisualMotion Toolkit Icon Workspace
(single, coordinated, ELS, utility)

Fig. 4-5: Selecting Icon Palettes

4-6 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Comment Window
Below the icon workspace is a comment window that is used to document
information related to the currently selected task. By default it appears
directly below the icon workspace.
The placement options for the comment window as well as other view
options are available under Tools ⇒ Options ⇒ View. The comment
window can be hidden by selecting View ⇒ Function Comment and
removing the check next to the Function Comment menu item.

Status Bar
The status bar provides a visual indication of a process that is currently
being executed.

Programming Modes
Two programming modes are supported in VisualMotion Toolkit. These
are Project mode and Service mode. The current programming mode is
displayed in the status bar of the main window and additional windows
such as the Parameter Overview.

Project Mode
Project mode refers to the state of VisualMotion Toolkit when it is possible
to interact with data in both the control's memory and in the project file
stored on the PC, depending on whether the project is online or offline.
Online and offline modes are indicated in the status bar of the
VisualMotion window in the lower right corner, see Fig. 4-6.

Main Mode Project Mode Service Mode

Sub Mode
Online Mode Offline Mode

Status Bar
Synch. Unsynch.

Fig. 4-6: Program Modes

Offline Mode
In offline mode, VisualMotion Toolkit is not communicating with the
control. All data management is directed to the project that is stored in a
single subdirectory on the computer.
Commissioning Tools Commissioning tools, such as the I/O Setup, Fieldbus Mapper and PLS,
in Offline Mode can be modified or configured while online or offline. If a configuration for
a commissioning tool exists in the project folder, it will automatically be
loaded when the tool is commissioned.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-7

Online Mode
In online mode, VisualMotion Toolkit is communicating with the control.
The viewing and editing of data in the control's memory is possible. The
following two modes of synchronization are supported:

Synchronization Mode Description

Synchronized Active communication with the control.
Modifications to the project are updated on
control's memory and project folder.
Unsynchronized Active communication with the control.
Modifications to project data are only updated on
control's memory.
Table 4-3: Online Mode Synchronization

Commissioning Tools Commissioning tools automatically open with their configurations loaded
in Online Mode in online mode, if previously configured. Modifications to data while
online, immediately take effect in the project and control, depending on
the state of the project and the type of data being modified.

Service Mode
Service mode is the state of VisualMotion Toolkit when it is possible to
view and edit data in the control's memory only. Making changes while in
Service mode only affects the data in the control, not the data stored in
the project files on the PC. Edits to a project can be saved to the
computer, but in a separate file from the project folder. The file can then
be imported into the project folder. Refer to chapter 10, Project
Management Tools, for details on how to Import Project Data.

4-8 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

4.2 Setup Folder Tree Structure

VisualMotion 11 introduces the addition of the Setup folder tree structure
to the Project Navigator window only for G*P 11 projects. The Setup
folder is used to configure all initialization data for Axes and system
functionality such as ELS, Coordinated Articulation, CAM Indexer, and
PID Loops. In addition to axes and system functionality initialization, the
Parameters sub-item allows the initialization of parameters and parameter
bit states formerly found in the PrmInt and PrmBit icons.


Fig. 4-7: Setup Folder Structure

This new method of initializing axes and system functionality has made it
necessary to remove and/or modify existing programming icons in order
to separate initialization data from runtime data.

Note: Pre-G*P targets using VisualMotion Toolkit 11 will not display

the Setup folder in the Project Navigator window. Icons for
pre-G*P 11 firmware targets are not affected unless the
program is converted into a G*P 11 project.

The following table provides an overview of which icons were removed

and/or modified for G*P 11 projects:

Setup Sub-item Icon Affected Result for G*P 11 Projects

Axes Axis Removed from Initialization palette

Place in initialization task to initialize program variable values for
Virtual Masters VM each Virtual Master configured under Setup
Modifies existing system masters under Setup
System Masters ELSMstr or adds new system masters, including Slip Monitor
Place in initialization task to initialize program variable values for
ELS Groups ELSGrp each ELS Group configured under Setup
Coordinated Place in initialization task to initialize program variable values for
Articulation CoordArt each Coord. Articulation configured under Setup
Place in initialization task to initialize program variable values for
CAM Indexers Index each CAM Indexer configured under Setup
Place in initialization task to initialize program variable values for
PID Loops PID each PID Loop configured under Setup
Removed from all icon palettes For G*P 11 projects. Will still
Parameters PrmInt PrmBit appear in icon palette when opening pre G*P 11 projects
Table 4-4: Icons Affected by Setup Folder Structure

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-9

Setup Folder Configuration Tables

When any sub-item under Setup is selected, the right window (typically
used for icon programming) displays a table structure listing all of the
configurable initialization data for the selected sub-item. The number of
columns and heading types depends on the selected sub-item.

Configuration Table


Fig. 4-8: Setup Configuration Table for Axes

Configuration Table Options and Settings

Every sub-item under the Setup folder displays unique column headings
representing initialization data for the selected sub-item.
The following sections describe insertion and modification options as well
as sorting and column reordering that is common to all sub-item tables.
The only exception is the Processes and ELS sub-items. These sub-
items display summary information for the related functionality listed
below them in the tree structure.


Fig. 4-9: ELS Summary Example

Right Mouse Click Options

The options available for the table configuration window vary between
Axes, Processes, and Parameters.

4-10 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Axes Options The available options that appear in the popup window vary based on
whether the user right clicks over an axis type (motion type) name or over
an existing axis number. Refer to the following figure and table for

Right clicking over Right clicking over

Axis Type Axis Number

Fig. 4-10: Setup Axis Options

Option Description
Add an axis opens the Motion Selection window
Edit edits an existing axis configuration
Copy Configuration to an copies the same setup a new axis number
unused axis selected by the user from a drop down list
Delete deletes the axis from the list
Initial Start-up of Drive… launches the DriveTop axis configuration wizard
Drive Editor… launches the DriveTop overview window for the
selected axis
Print Configuration prints a list of the configured axes
Column Configuration allows user to selected columns to be displayed
Table 4-5: Axes Options

Processes Options Processes include ELS, CAM Indexer and PID Loops. The available
options are the same for all processes with the exception of the type that
is being added or modified. Refer to the following figure and table for

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-11

Only Add is available when Right clicking over an empty row Right clicking over
no configurations exists with a least one configuration a configuration

Fig. 4-11: Setup Processes Options

Option Description
Add adds a new configuration to the table
Edit edits an existing configuration
Delete deletes a configuration from the table
Print Configuration prints a list of the configured axes
Resize Contents Restores column width to default size
Column Configuration allows user to selected columns to be displayed
Table 4-6: Process Options

Parameters Options The available options are the same for all processes with the exception of
the type that is being added or modified. Refer to the following figure and
table for details:

Right clicking over

a configurationRight clicking over
a configuration

Only Append is available Right clicking over an empty row Right clicking over
when no configurations exists with a least one configuration a configured parameter

Fig. 4-12: Parameters Options

4-12 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Option Description
Append Adds a parameter transfer configuration
Edit edits an existing configuration
Cut Removes and copies configuration to temporary
Copy Copies the configuration to temporary memory
Paste Adds the contents of the temporary memory
Delete deletes a configured parameter from the table
Help Opens context sensitive help for the selected
Find searches through table for specific entry
Print Parameter List prints all configured parameters to selected printer
Table 4-7: Process Options

Modifying Data in a Table Configuration

Existing data in a table configuration can be modified by simply double
clicking over the data field. Some data can be modified in the actual table
cell, while other data opens in a secondary window in order to make
modifications. Refer to the following figure for some examples:


Fig. 4-13: Table Cell Modification Examples

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-13

Column Sorting and Re-Ordering

Column sorting is only available within Axes setup. To sort data based on
a specific column, click on the column heading. Data is sorted for all
configured axes within their respective axis types. For example, axes
configured as single axis type will only be sorted within the single axis
type section.
To change the order of columns for any axes, process or parameter init,
click and hold the column to move and drag it, left or right, to the desired

Blue line indicates

new position Task column is selected by
using click-and-drag and
moving it to a new position.

New order for Task and

Drive Hardware columns


Fig. 4-14: Re-ordering Example

Column Configuration
The user can chose the columns to be displayed in any configuration
table by right clicking and selecting Column Configuration. The item
names available in the Choose Columns window vary based on the
current Axes or Process Setup window.


Fig. 4-15: Column Configuration Example

4-14 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

4.3 Setup Axes

VisualMotion 11 introduces a new presentation for configured axes in a
G*P 11 project. All axes, regardless of motion type, are configured using
the Setup Axes list. The Setup Axes list is the first selection in the Project
Navigator window. Double click the Setup folder to expand the sub-items
and then click on the Axes icon folder.

Note: The Axis icon has been removed from the initialization palette
for G*P 11 projects. Pre-G*P 11 projects, opened using
VisualMotion Toolkit 11 (without converting to a G*P 11
project) will display the Axis icon in the initialization palette.
These programs can be compiled and downloaded to the
control using VisualMotion Toolkit 11 with complete support for
the Axis icon.
Older firmware targets (i.e., G*P 10) that are converted to a
G*P 11 project should use Setup ⇒ Axes for any new axes
configurations. Existing Axis icons in the program will be
supported and can be compiled and downloaded to the
control. However, support for new axis parameter initialization
should be configured using Setup ⇒ Parameters. Refer to
Setup Parameters on page 4-68 for details.


Fig. 4-16: Project Navigator showing Axes Setup

Note: The Not Used axis type selection at the bottom of the list
expands to display the current overview of axes that have not
been setup. Double clicking on an unused axis opens the
Motion Selection window for setting up the axis.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-15

The following table lists the entire column heading that are available by
moving the scroll bar along the bottom of the Setup Axes list.

Column Heading Description

Axis Type / Number displays system motion types and axis Sercos address
for configured axes
Axis Name default or user-defined label assigned to axis
Drive Hardware selected drive hardware for configured axis
Drive Firmware selected drive firmware for configured axis
Group Number valid only for axes configured under ELS Group motion
Encoder Motor (primary motor encoder) or External (secondary
Task Task assigned to axis: Task A, Task B, Task C, Task D,
or PLC
Position Mode Rotary or Linear
Position Type Absolute or Modulo
Units inches or mm
Lagless Additional velocity feed forward gain added to the
position command
Trigger 1 triggering state for probe functionality
Trigger 2 triggering state for probe functionality
Kinematic Number Valid only for Coordinated and Coord. Articulation
motion types
Kinematic Axis valid only for Coordinated and Coord Articulation
motion types
ELS Sync Type Velocity, Phase, Control CAM or Drive CAM
Phase Sync Absolute or Relative synchronization method
Master Axis valid only for Ratio motion type
Comment text entered by the user identifying the axis
Table 4-8: Setup Axis Column Heading

Note: Any column right of the Axis Type / Number column can be
reordered by selecting and dragging the column heading and
moving it left or right.

4-16 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Specifying Axis Hardware and Firmware

During the axis setup procedure, the user must specify the drive hardware
and firmware types that will be used for each axis. This procedure can be
performed in offline or online mode.

Offline Mode In offline mode, the user must know ahead of time what drive hardware
and related firmware will be used for each axis.

Online Mode In online mode, with a connected control using G*P 11 firmware, the user
can retrieve the hardware and firmware types for all drives connected on
the Sercos ring. To access the Sercos ring, switch VisualMotion Toolkit
to online unsynchronized mode and selecting Commission ⇒ Drive

Note: For details on how to switch to online unsynchronized mode,

refer to menu selection File ⇒ Online/Offline…F9 in chapter
13 of volume 2.

These steps open the Drive Overview window displaying all connected
drives as shown in the figure below.


Fig. 4-17: Commission Drive Overview in Online Unsynchronized Mode

From this window, the user can view the current hardware and firmware
types for each axis in the Sercos ring. This window can remain open
during the axis setup procedure.

Add an Axis
To add an axis, right click over the desired motion type, for example
Single Axis, and select Add an axis to open the Motion Selection


Fig. 4-18: Add an Axis Popup

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-17

Motion Selection
The Motion Selection window is used by all axis types to setup the basic
axis information. The following table details the available selections:

Selection Details
Axis List of available axis numbers representing the Sercos address.
Label Default or user-defined variable label assigned to axis.
Motion List of supported system motion types. Configured axis appears
Type under the assigned motion type.
Selection: Refer to Fig. 4-16 for available types.
Control Task assigned for the control and status of the axis:
Task Selection: Task A-D or PLC
Hardware List of supported drive hardware.
Selection: Refer to Specifying Axis Hardware and Firmware on
page 4-16 for details.
Firmware List of supported drive firmware based on selected hardware.
Table 4-9: Motion Selection Settings


Fig. 4-19: Motion Selection

4-18 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Axis Properties
The Axis Properties window is used by all axis types to setup to
Positioning Mode, Encoder type, Positioning Type, and Units.
The following table details the available selections:

Selection Details
Lagless Additional velocity feed forward gain added to the position to reduce any positioning lag in the
system. Improved reaction in the system drive settings
Positioning Mode When set to Linear, the units and scaling are specified in parameter A-0-0005 Linear Position
Units. Absolute positioning is enabled in the drive. Refer to A-0-0005 for details.
When set to Rotary, the position, velocity, and acceleration units and scaling are fixed at the
drive. Modulo positioning is enabled by default, with a rollover value specified in drive
parameter S-0-0103.
Positioning Type For Rotary positioning mode, refer to A-0-0004, bit 15
For Liner positioning mode, refer to A-0-0004, bit 13
Encoder Motor (primary motor encoder) or External (secondary encoder). Refer to A-0-0004, bit 11
Redundant (available when configuring an IndraDrive using MPx 04 firmware) A-0-0004, bit 7
Units Available units are based on selected positioning mode:
For Rotary mode, units are in degrees.
For Linear mode, units are in inches or mm.
Refer to A-0-0005
Table 4-10: Axis Properties Settings

Available when configuring an

IndraDrive using MPx 04 drive


Fig. 4-20: Axis Properties

Note: The redundant motor encoder option maintains machine

functionality and provides a controlled stop in the event that
the primary motor encoder is lost.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-19

Configure Axis Probe

The Configure Axis Probe window is used by all axis types to enable the
Trigger 1 and Trigger 2 drive based position capture for selected drive
I/O input, probe 1 or probe 2. Capture can be on 0->1 or 1->0 transition.
Refer to Probe Events in section 5.2 for a detailed explanation of the


Fig. 4-21: Configure Axis Probes

Single Axis Setup

To setup a single axis, right click over the Single Axis name and select
Add an axis.
The following windows are used to configure a Single Axis:
• Motion Selection on page 4-17
• Axis Properties on page 4-18
• Configure Axis Probe on page 4-19

Note: For Single Axis mode, an axis is configured as Initially Halted.

This disables the axis at the start of the task and must be
enabled using a GO icon in the user program.

Coordinated Axis Setup

To setup an axis as coordinated, right click over the Coordinated name
and select Add an axis.
The following window appears first during the setup of a Coordinated
• Motion Selection on page 4-17
The following window is unique to the Coordinated Axis Setup and is used
to select a Kinematic Number and Kinematic Axis.

Note: Each axis used in a coordinated application must be setup

individually under a different Kinematic Axis.

4-20 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1


Fig. 4-22: Coordinated Axis Setup

After the Coordinated Axis Setup window, the following two windows
complete the setup:
• Axis Properties on page 4-18
• Configure Axis Probe on page 4-19

Velocity Axis Setup

To setup an axis as velocity, right click over the Velocity name and select
Add an axis. This axis type permits the selection of a Ramp instead of
the default Step velocity changes used in single axis. Ramp velocity
changes are based on current acceleration rates, whereas Step changes
are made at the maximum rate allowed by the drive and motor.
The following windows are used to configure a velocity axis:
• Motion Selection on page 4-17
• Axis Properties on page 4-18
• Configure Axis Probe on page 4-19

Ratio Axis Setup

The Ratio Axis Setup window is used to assign a slave axis to a master
(or controlling axis). More than one axis may be slaved to a single
master. A ratioed axis may be assigned linear or rotary positioning, and
may use the drive's probe capability to trigger events.
In control Ratio Mode, the slave axis follows the command position of the
master axis if the master is a coordinated motion or control CAM axis. If
the master is any other type of axis, the slave can follow the axis
feedback or an external secondary encoder feedback position.
The following window appears first during the setup of a Ratio Axis:
• Motion Selection on page 4-17
The following window is unique to the Ratio Axis Setup and is used to
select a Master Axis and Encoder type. To select a master axis, use the
drop-down list.

Note: If the desired master axis is not displayed, it must first be

setup before it can be selected as a Master Axis.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-21


Fig. 4-23: Ratio Axis Setup

After the Ratio Axis Setup window, the following two windows complete
the setup:
• Axis Properties on page 4-18
• Configure Axis Probe on page 4-19

The axis mode can be switched to single-axis or velocity mode from

within the program or for manual mode jogging. It is also possible to
“slave off” from the master and position the axis independently. Setting
the following ratio to 0 will stop the slave from following the master. A
step rate (A-0-0037) allows gradual adjustment of the ratio.

Note: To keep the slave axis synchronized when the master axis is
jogging, set Axis Control register bit 4 (Synchronized Jog bit).
If the slave axis is never switched to single-axis mode, this bit
should be mapped high.

Torque Axis Setup

To setup an axis as torque, right click over the Torque name and select
Add an axis. Torque mode is used to apply constant torque to the
specified axis. The update rate is limit by the Sercos cycle.
The following windows are used to configure a torque axis:
• Motion Selection on page 4-17
• Axis Properties on page 4-18
• Configure Axis Probe on page 4-19

Torque Following Axis Setup

To setup an axis as torque following, right click over the Torque
Following name and select Add an axis. Torque following mode is used
to setup a slave axis that follows the torque value of a master axis. The
torque value is transmitted from the master to the slave via an analog
interface cable.
The following windows are used to configure a velocity axis:
• Motion Selection on page 4-17
• Axis Properties on page 4-18
• Configure Axis Probe on page 4-19

4-22 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

ELS Group Axis Setup

To setup an axis as ELS Group axis, right click over the ELS Group
name and select Add an axis.
The following window appears first during the setup of an ELS Group:
• Motion Selection on page 4-17
The following window is unique to the ELS Group Axis Setup and is used
to setup the Sync Type and Phase Sync Method for the selected Group
Number. The following table details the available selections:

Selection Details
Group Number: Select the ELS Group number that will be assigned to the axis.
Sync Type: The following selections are available:
Velocity – the slave axis matches and follows an ELS Group's output velocity regardless of any
phase differences.
Phase – the slave axis matches and follows an ELS Group's output position.
Control CAM – the slave axis follows a control CAM profile whose master position is the ELS
Group's output.
Drive CAM – the slave axis follows a drive CAM profile whose master position is the ELS Group's
Electronic Motion Profile – the slave axis follows a defined motion profile based on the selection
from 1 up to 8 segments per master revolution.
Phase Sync When the Sync Type is Phase, Synch Method specifies exactly how the Group will Phase Sync to
Method the master.
Absolute - the Group will synchronize to the exact same position as the master (with zero offset) --
if the Master is at 100.3 degrees, the Group will sync to 100.3 degrees. The Group will always
follow the exact position of the master not withstanding any phase adjustments the user later
Relative - the Group will synchronize to whatever position the master is at after the velocity has
been matched. If the master is at 100.3 degrees and the Group is at 150 degrees after velocity has
been matched, the Group will maintain this relationship/offset while following the master. Another
way to look at Relative is that whatever difference in position exists after the velocity has been
matched is incorporated as an offset. The Group is still following the position of the Master, but with
a non-zero offset.

Table 4-11: ELS Group Axis Setup Settings


Fig. 4-24: ELS Group Axis Setup

After the ELS Group Axis Setup window, the following two windows
complete the setup:
• Axis Properties on page 4-18
• Configure Axis Probe on page 4-19

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-23

Coordinated Articulation Axis Setup

Coordinated Articulation is an advanced feature used to move up to six
axes in coordinated fashion based on world coordinate inputs from an
ELS Group output or manual positions. This feature provides the ability to
link cyclic coordinated motion to an ELS master.
To setup a coordinated articulation axis, right click over the Coordinated
Articulation name and select Add an axis.
The following window appears first during the setup of a coordinated
articulation axis:
• Motion Selection on page 4-17

The following window is unique to the Coordinated Articulation axis and is

used to setup the Group Number, Kinematic Axis, and Phase Sync


Fig. 4-25: Coordinated Articulation Axis Setup

The following table details the available selections:

Selection Details
Group Number: This number identifies the Coordinated Articulation configuration in a VisualMotion project. Up to 4
Coordinated Articulation configurations can exist in a project at one time.
Kinematic Axis: Defines the Kinematic axis number in a Coordinated Articulation configuration. Each axis used in a
coordinated articulation application must be setup individually under a new Coordinated
Articulation axis setup.
Phase Sync When the Sync Type is Phase, Synch Method specifies exactly how the Group will Phase Sync to
Method the master.
Absolute - the Group will synchronize to the exact same position as the master (with zero offset) --
if the Master is at 100.3 degrees, the Group will sync to 100.3 degrees. The Group will always
follow the exact position of the master not withstanding any phase adjustments the user later
Relative - the Group will synchronize to whatever position the master is at after the velocity has
been matched. If the master is at 100.3 degrees and the Group is at 150 degrees after velocity has
been matched, the Group will maintain this relationship/offset while following the master. Another
way to look at Relative is that whatever difference in position exists after the velocity has been
matched is incorporated as an offset. The Group is still following the position of the Master, but
with a non-zero offset.
Table 4-12: ELS Group Axis Setup Settings

After the Coordinated Articulation Axis Setup window, the following two
windows complete the setup:
• Axis Properties on page 4-18
• Configure Axis Probe on page 4-19

4-24 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

User Position Axis Setup

VisualMotion 11 supports user implemented position control extensions
from within IndraLogic (PLC). To setup a user position axis, right click
over the User Position name and select Add an axis.
The following windows are used to configure a user position axis:
• Motion Selection on page 4-17

Note: The only Control Task that can be assigned to a User Position
axis is the PLC.

• Axis Properties on page 4-18

• Configure Axis Probe on page 4-19

Note: The IndraLogic MV_UserMotion library provides functions for

implementing user position control functionality. The user is
required to implement all motion control functionality from the
IndraLogic project.

User Velocity Axis Setup

VisualMotion 11 supports user implemented velocity control extensions
from within IndraLogic (PLC). To setup a user velocity axis, right click
over the User Velocity name and select Add an axis.
The following windows are used to configure a user velocity axis:
• Motion Selection on page 4-17

Note: The only Control Task that can be assigned to a User Velocity
axis is the PLC.

• Axis Properties on page 4-18

• Configure Axis Probe on page 4-19

Note: The IndraLogic MV_UserMotion library provides functions for

implementing user velocity control functionality. The user is
required to implement all motion control functionality from the
IndraLogic project.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-25

4.4 Setup Processes

The Processes selection under Setup expands to list the configurations
for ELS, CAM Indexer and PID Loops. A summary of the assigned and
unassigned ELS and non-ELS setup processes are displayed to the right
of the Project Navigator.


Fig. 4-26: Setup Processes

Default Labels and Initial Values

During the configuration process for any ELS, CAM Indexer, or PID Loop
setup, the user has the option to select whether or not to use default
labels and to define which program variables are to be initialized by the
system or marked as retentive. Retentive program variables hold their
last known value regardless of whether or not the system has been

Use Default Labels

Every declaration setup window contains a checkbox by which a user can
choose to have default register and program variable labels automatically
assigned by the wizard. By default the checkbox is selected. Labels will
be added to each register and program variable starting from the value
defined in the Declaration window.

4-26 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1


Fig. 4-27: Selecting Default Labels

Editing Default Labels Default labels can be edited from the VM Data Table by selecting Edit ⇒
VM Data Table… and choosing the relevant tab (Registers, Bits, Ix, or

User-Defined Labels It is recommended to initially use default labels. This way all default
labels will be placed in the correct locations. Afterwards, the user can
modify any labels to suit their specific application. However, the user
must then edit the declaration again and remove the checkbox.
Otherwise, all user-defined labels will be replaced with default labels if the
declaration is edited and the OK button is clicked.

Special Considerations when Default labels are assigned starting at the value defined for register
using Default Labels numbers and start ids. The following behavior should be considered when
modifying an existing register and start id numbers.
1. If default labels are not used, the user must label the register, register
bits, and program variables starting at the assigned register numbers
and start id bocks.
2. If modifications are made to the register numbers and/or start id
blocks of an existing ELS process declaration, any existing default
labels at the old location will be automatically deleted and re-labeled
at the new locations. Any user-defined labels will be ignored. User-
defined labels must be manually deleted.

Defining Process Variables to Retain Values

Every setup process (ELS, CAM Indexer, and PID Loop) contains
program variables that can be set to retain their current value regardless
of whether or not the control is phase transitioned or powered down.
All program variables have an additional selection that appears when right
clicking over the value field for the specific variable. Refer to the following
example for details:

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-27


Fig. 4-28: Initialize on Phase-up Example

The default setting for all variables is to have them re-initialized every time
the control is transitioned from Sercos phase 2 to Sercos phase 4. This is
indicate by a check next to the Initialize on Phase-up option. Removing
the check, allowing the variable to retain its current value when modified
in the program. The system will not re-initialize the value for variables
that have had the check removed next to Initialize on Phase-up option.
Advanced Button This can also be accomplished by clicking on the Advanced button and
removing the check from the desired program variable. The process that
is currently being configured will appear expanded.


Fig. 4-29: Selecting Variables to Retain Value

The system can be configured to automatically check or uncheck process

variables for processes configured under Setup. Refer to Setup Options
under Tools ⇒ Options ⇒ Project in chapter 13, Menu Description, of
volume 2.

Note: Only those processes that exist in Setup will appear in the
Label Selection tree structure.

Once a variable is set to retain a value, the value is underlined and

displayed in blue. The corresponding variable listed within the Advanced
button (Label Selection window) will appear unchecked.

4-28 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1


Fig. 4-30: Variables Displayed as Retaining Their Values

The value entered in any field, during the setup process, is compiled and
downloaded to the control only once. Any modifications to the value of a
variable selected to retain it's value, via user input or by the program, will
be stored and not re-initialized by a Sercos phase transition. Any variable
that is not marked to retain it's value will be re-initialized to the value
initially set during the setup process, regardless of whether or not the
value was modified during runtime.

Unexpected movement can result from a

variable not starting from a safe initial value!
⇒ Once variables are set to retain their values, the user
CAUTION must be aware that a particular process will not have
all of its relevant variable values starting from a safe
initial value.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-29

4.5 Setup ELS Process

The Setup ELS selection in the Project Navigator window expands to list
the configurations for Virtual Masters, System Masters (including Slip
Monitoring), ELS Groups, and Coordinated Articulation.

Note: All necessary ELS process setup can be performed within the
Setup folder without the need for ELS icons in the Initialization
task. ELS process icons are provided to allow the user to
create conditional programming within the Initialization task.

The following two ELS options are only available when the ELS folder is

"Velocity Rounding" enabled for Velocity Rounding sets the Virtual Master and Group jogging velocities
Virtual Master and Local Master down to the nearest ELS increment to eliminate cycle-to-cycle variations
in drive velocity. This results in the velocities being slightly less than their
commanded values. This feature can be enabled and disabled in bit 30
(ELS_MSTR_CONFIG) of the ELS Group Configuration Word.

ELS Process associated with the Setting this option allows the Integrated PLC to control the running of the
PLC task ELS system. If the Integrated PLC program stop running, so will the ELS

The right window also displays a summary of the assigned and

unassigned ELS Setup Process.


Fig. 4-31: Setup ELS

4-30 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Modifying ELS Program Variables

During the initial setup of ELS processes, all necessary registers and
program variables are declared and assigned values. This includes all
initialization and runtime variables. ELS process variables can be
modified and fine-tuned to meet specific application requirements by
using one of the following methods:

Procedure Description
Icon Program ELS icons can be used in the Initialization task to modify
existing an ELS process.
ELS Runtime Tool The ELS Runtime tool can be used in online mode to
modify ELS processes.
Direct Access to Write directly to ELS program variables from the icon
Program Variables program or PLC project.
PLC Function Using Virtual Master and ELS Group function blocks
Blocks from the MV_Motion library in the PLC program.

Table 4-13: Modifying ELS Process Variables

Icon Initialization of ELS Program Variables

ELS icons can be used in the Initialization task to modify program variable
values initially declared under Setup. This method of programming
provides the user with the flexibility of creating multiple conditions or
scenarios for initializing ELS program variables.


Fig. 4-32: Conditional Initialization of VM1 and ELSGrp3 Icons Example

Refer to the section 6.1, Electronic Line Shafting, for a complete listing of
ELS system variables.

Direct Access to ELS Program Variables

ELS program variables can be written to directly from the icon program,
using the Calc2 icon or from the PLC program using access methods
such as, SysLibDirect, I/O Image, Functions, and/or Function Blocks.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-31

Function Block Initialization of ELS Program Variables

Virtual Master and ELS Group program variables can be declared using
the following MV_Motion function blocks in the PLC program:

Function Block Description

MV_VmSetupMaxVelocity sets up the maximum velocity, acceleration and deceleration values and the E-stop
deceleration value for the selected Virtual Master or ELS Group Local Master
MV_VmSetupPositionData sets up the shortest path positioning window and absolute positioning mode for the
selected master
MV_ElsGroupSetupSynch sets up synchronize configuration for ELS Group masters
MV_ElsGroupSetupEquation sets up input values for determining ELS Group output values
MV_ElsGroupSetupLockCams sets up CAM numbers and associated scaling factors for the Lock On/Lock Off
Table 4-14: ELS Virtual Master and ELS Group Function Blocks

Refer to the IndraLogic Help system under contents heading Libraries ⇒

Rexroth Firmware Libraries ⇒ MV_Motion Library for detail descriptions.

ELS Runtime Modification of ELS Program Variables

After a project is compiled and downloaded to the control, the ELS
Runtime tool can be used in online mode to modify ELS program
variables for the project.
All ELS program variables configured using the ELS Runtime tool are
saved with the project. Using the ELS Runtime tool in service mode will
only modify the data on the control's memory and not in the project files.


Fig. 4-33: ELS Runtime Tool

The ELS Runtime tool is located under menu selection Data ⇒ ELS… in
VisualMotion Toolkit. Refer to section 8.3, ELS Runtime Tool, for details.

4-32 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Importing Modified Project Data

ELS program variables that are modified on the control can be imported
into the project in online mode. Importing modified ELS program
variables from the control will update the current ELS process
configurations under Setup.
Use the following steps to import ELS program variables from the control
to the project:
1. Launch VisualMotion Toolkit with the relevant project opened.
2. Switch to Online mode by selection File ⇒ Online, pressing F9 or
clicking on the Online icon.
3. Select File ⇒ Import Project Components …
4. From the Transfer Control Data to Project window place a check in
the Setup Process Data checkbox.


Fig. 4-34: Transferring ELS Data from the Control to the Project

5. By default, all the items in the right window (Details) are selected.
6. Select only the ELS Details that will imported into the project.
7. Edit the relevant ELS process under Setup to see the modified

Note: The modified values are now part of the VisualMotion project.
These new values will appear under the Setup section and will
be used to initialize the ELS system the next time the project is
downloaded to the control.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-33

Virtual Masters Setup

The Virtual Masters setup is used to configure up to 2 Virtual Master for
an ELS system. During the initial configuration of a Virtual Master, a
wizard is used to assists the assignment of control and status registers,
default program variable (float and integer) labels, as well as initial,
maximum and positioning values.


Fig. 4-35: Virtual Master Setup

Virtual Master Declaration

To declare a Virtual Master, right click on an empty row and select Add
Virtual Master. The wizard will guide to user through the setup process.
The Virtual Master Declaration window displays the default register values
and start ID blocks for the floats and integers for the selected Virtual
Master number. 15 floats and 2 integers are reserved for each Virtual


Fig. 4-36: Virtual Master Declaration

Note: By default, a Virtual Master is assigned to Task A unless it is

associated with the PLC task. All control and monitoring of the
Virtual Master is performed by the control and status registers
of Task A. All ELS Group axes that are Sync to Master and
following the Virtual Master will stop if Task A is stopped.

4-34 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Use Default Labels Default variable labels and comments can be added by simply leaving the
Use Default Labels checkbox checked. This is the default setting.
All necessary labels for registers, register bits, and program variables will
begin from the float and integer start id block entered in the Declaration
window. Refer to Use Default Labels on page 4-25 for details.
For default register and variable label values, refer to section 6.1,
Electronic Line Shafting, for details.

Virtual Master Setup

The Virtual Master Setup is used to configure the Initial, Maximum, and
Positioning values for the selected Virtual Master. Refer to Virtual Master
in section 6.1 for details of each field.


Fig. 4-37: Virtual Master Setup

Selecting Program Variables to Virtual Master Setup values can be selected to retain their last value
Retain Data Value during a system re-initialization or system power down. Refer to Defining
Process Variables to Retain Values on page 4-26 for details.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-35

Edit or Delete a Virtual Master

Once configured, a Virtual Master can be edited or deleted by right
clicking over the Virtual Master Number and selecting the relevant option.
They can also be edited by double clicking over a Virtual Master.


Fig. 4-38: Virtual Masters Setup

When editing a configured Virtual Master, the data is displayed in

windows containing tabs for either Declaration or Virtual Master Setup.
Select the relevant tab and modify the necessary data. Modifications
made to a Virtual Master setup require that the project be recompiled and
downloaded to the control.


Fig. 4-39: Virtual Master Editing

4-36 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

System Masters Setup

The ELS Master Setup is used to configure initialization data for up to 6
ELS System Masters.


Fig. 4-40: System Master Setup

System Master Declaration

To declare a System Master, right click on an empty row and select Add
ELS Master. The wizard will guide to user through the setup process.

Note: Unlike the other ELS processes that require register and
variable declarations for each individual configuration, the first
ELS System Master that is added declares all the required
registers and variables for all 6 ELS Masters.

The ELS Master Declaration window displays the default register values
and start ID blocks for the floats and integers for the selected ELS Master
number. 48 floats and 30 integers are reserved for all 6 ELS Masters.


Fig. 4-41: System Master Declaration

Note: By default, an ELS System Master is assigned to Task A

unless it is associated with the PLC task. All control and
monitoring of ELS System Masters is performed by the control
and status registers of Task A. All ELS Group axes that are
Sync to Master and following an ELS System Master will stop
if Task A is stopped.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-37

Use Default ELS Master Labels Default variable labels and comments can be added by simply leaving the
Use Default Labels checkbox checked. This is the default setting.
All necessary labels for registers, register bits, and program variables will
begin from the float and integer start id block entered in the Declaration
window. Refer to Use Default Labels on page 4-25 for details.

Note: Default labels are added for all 6 ELS System Master whether
or not all 6 are configured in a project.

For default register and variable label values, refer to section 6.1,
Electronic Line Shafting, for details.

ELS Master Setup

The ELS Master Setup is used to configure the master Type along with
any relevant settings for that given type. Refer to the relevant ELS Master
type in section 6.1 for details.

Note: The ELS Master Setup window does not contain an Advanced
button. Unlike the other ELS processes, all ELS Master data is
require to be re-initialized to a know value.


Fig. 4-42: ELS Master Setup

4-38 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

The ELS Master Number is a unique number assigned to the ELS Master
currently being configured. Up to 6 ELS System Master can be setup in a
VisualMotion project.

Real A Real Master is either a primary (motor) or secondary encoder (position
feedback) from a drive. Each drive in the system can potentially provide
two Real Masters. The raw position value of the Real Master can be
filtered and geared by a M/N ratio. A maximum of three Real Masters can
be assigned.

Note: A Real Master can be primary encoder that are not a slave of
an ELS Group or secondary encoder.

Virtual A Virtual Master is an internal motion engine with an independent set of

control parameters. A maximum if two Virtual Masters can be assigned.
Each Virtual Master can be used independently from the other. A Virtual
Master is controlled by VisualMotion and/or a PLC using I/O registers and
program variables.

Note: Virtual Masters are initialized using the Virtual Master icon
before they are assigned a number.

ELS Group An ELS Group Master is the output of an ELS Group that can be used as
an input master signal to a different ELS Group.
Link Ring This option sets the selected ELS System Master to receive the master
position of the External Number Link Ring node.
Master Encoder Card The Master Encoder Card (DAG) card can also provide up to two
feedback signals from a GSD and/or a 1 V peak-to-peak encoder.

Coupling (Integer) (for Real Master only)

The M/N ratio is only available for Real Master outputs. The positional
value for a Real Master output is multiplied by the M/N ratio and/or a
Digital Filter and used as a new position value for an ELS Group input.
If a Real Master position is at 180° and a M/N value of 2/1 is used, then
the ELS Group input will follow a position value of 360°.
If a Real Master position is at 180° and a M/N value of 1/2 is used, then
the ELS Group input will follow a position value of 90°.

Select the encoder type as either a Primary or a Secondary encoder. If
the encoder type selected is an absolute or multi-turn encoder, place a
check in the Multi turn box.

Optional Digital Filtering

Digital filtering is available for Real Masters and PID loops.
Filter Type: None
First order low-pass, G(s)=1/(s+1)
Second order low-pass, G(s)=1/(s +2s +1)
3 2
Third order low-pass, G(s)=1/(s +3s +3s+1)

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-39

2 1/2
Second order Butterworth, G(s)=1/(s +2 s +1)
3 2
Third order Butterworth, G(s)=1/(s +2s +2s+1)
Modified 2nd order low-pass with velocity ramp tracking,
G(s)=(2s+1)/(s +2s +1)
Modified 3rd order low-pass with accel ramp tracking,
2 3 2
G(s)=(3s +3s+1)/(s +3s +3s+1)
When a filter type is chosen, a cutoff frequency for the filter must be
Cutoff Frequency (float): entered. The cutoff frequency is the frequency where the signal is
reduced by 3db. When set to 0 the filter is disabled.
To ensure a stable system, use the following calculation when entering a
value for the Digital Filter Cutoff Frequency:

Cutoff Frequency <
2 * Sampling Rate(sec.)

The sampling rate for a drive axis is the set phase 4 Sercos cycle time
(S-0-0002), entered in seconds.
Example: For a 2 ms Sercos cycle time, the cutoff frequency is calculated
as follows:
Cutoff Frequency < = 250 Hz
2 * 0.002
The following figure illustrates the frequency vs. degrees for each filter.
The cutoff frequency is 10 hertz and the sampling rate is 4 ms.

0.1 1.0 FREQUENCY 10.0 100.0

(10 Hertz)






F1 - First order low-pass

-140.000º F2 - Second Order low-pass
F3 - Third order low-pass F2
F4 - Second order Butterworth
-160.000º F5 - Third order Butterworth
F6 - Modified 2nd order low-pass with velocity ramp tracking
F7 - Modifed 3rd order low-pass with accel ramp tracking

DEGREES Sampling Rate = 4 ms

Fig. 4-43: Frequency vs. Degree Filter Chart

The following figure illustrates the gain vs. frequency for each filter. The
cutoff frequency is 10 hertz and the sampling rate is 4 ms.

4-40 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Sampling Rate = 4 ms (10 Hertz)






F3 F1

0.400 F1 - First order low-pass

F2 - Second Order low-pass
F3 - Third order low-pass
F4 - Second order Butterworth F4
0.200 F5 - Third order Butterworth
F6 - Modified 2nd order low-pass with velocity ramp tracking
F7 - Modifed 3rd order low-pass with accel ramp tracking

0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0
GAIN FREQUENCY (log scale)

Fig. 4-44: Gain vs. Frequency Filter Chart

When a filter is chosen, the cutoff frequency for the filter must be entered.
For example, the cutoff frequency for the First order low-pass filter is the
frequency where the signal is reduced 3db [.707 gain, db=20*log(gain)].

Velocity Dead Time Velocity Dead Time Compensation becomes active when a digital filter is
Compensation applied to a Real Master. This feature allows the user to add 4 Sercos
cycles of velocity feed forward phase advance to an ELS Real Master to
compensate for delays in control processing. The phase advance is
performed where the Real Master position data is brought into the ELS
System Masters such that the ELS System Master output user variables
will reflect the phase advance. Since ELS propagates information from
the Masters to the Groups via position and velocity (primarily by velocity),
both the Real Master’s position and velocity are advanced.
The Dead Time Compensation can be disabled for individual Real
Masters for applications in which undershoot/overshoot during velocity
changes could cause problems. The functionality of the feature is such
that compensation is enabled by default. Users will need to disable it if
they do not want to use it with their application.

Note: Dead Time Compensation ONLY compensates for the phase

lag created by the 4 cycles of ELS processing / Sercos delays.
It DOES NOT compensate for additional dead time incurred by
the various Real Master filters.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-41

Slip Monitor
The Slip Monitor feature is used to compare the position signal of two
ELS System Masters. Initially, the slip monitor is configured under Setup
but can be modified in the Initialization task by using the SlipMon icon.
Refer to Slip Monitoring for ELS Masters in section 6.1, Electronic Line


Fig. 4-45: ELS Master Slip Monitor

Edit or Delete an System Master

Once configured, a System Master can be edited or deleted by right
clicking over the System Master Number and selecting to appropriated
option. They can also be edited by double clicking over a System Master.
Refer to Edit or Delete a Virtual Master on page 4-35 for an example.

4-42 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

ELS Group Setup

The ELS Group setup is used to assign control and status registers,
variable (float and integer) start ID blocks for up to 8 ELS Groups, CAM
and Initialization options.

Note: Axes used in an ELS Group are setup under Setup ⇒ Axes.
Refer to ELS Group Axis Setup on page 4-22.


Fig. 4-46: ELS Group Setup

ELS Group Declaration

To declare an ELS Group, right click on an empty row and select Add
ELS Group. The wizard will guide to user through the setup process.
The ELS Group Declaration window displaying the default register values
and start ID blocks for the floats and integers for the selected ELS Group
number. 40 floats and 10 integers are reserved for each ELS Group.


Fig. 4-47: ELS Group Declaration

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-43

Note: By default, an ELS Group is assigned to Task A unless it is

associated with the PLC task. All control and monitoring for
an ELS Group is performed by the control and status registers
of Task A. All ELS Group axes that are Sync to Master and
following the Virtual Master will stop if Task A is stopped.

Use Default ELS Group Labels Default variable labels and comments can be added by simply leaving the
Use Default Labels checkbox checked. This is the default setting.
All necessary labels for registers, register bits, and program variables will
begin from the float and integer start id block entered in the Declaration
window. Refer to Use Default Labels on page 4-25 for details.
For default register and variable label values, refer to section 6.1,
Electronic Line Shafting, for details.

ELS Group Setup

The ELS Group Setup is used to configure the following initialization data:
• ELS Group Number Selection
• Local Master Configuration button
• Master Selection
• CAM Selection
• Switching Synchronization button
• Phase Control button
• Initialization Control

Clicking the browse button to the right of M, N, H, Phase P1 or Phase

P2 allows selection of a variable from the VM Data Table.


Fig. 4-48: ELS Group Setup

ELS Group Number: Select an ELS Group number from the drop-down list. Only ELS Groups
configured in the Setup will be available for selection.

4-44 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Local Master Configuration The Local Master Configuration is used to set the Initial, Maximum and
Positioning values for the ELS Group. For specific information on how to
setup the Local Master Configuration, refer to section 6.1 in volume 1 of
the Rexroth VisualMotion Functional Description.


Fig. 4-49: Local Master Configuration

Initialize on Phase-up Certain Local Master Configuration values can be selected to retain their
last value during a system re-initialization or system power down. Refer
to Defining Process Variables to Retain Values on page 4-26 for details.

Master Selection The Master 1 and Master 2 drop-down list is used to set the ELS System
Master type that will be used as the input master for the current ELS
Group. The available master types are dependent on the ELS Masters
configured under Setup. Refer to System Masters Setup on page 4-36
for details.


Fig. 4-50: ELS Group Master Type

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-45

CAM Section The options available in the CAM section depend on the radio button that
is selected. The available radio buttons are Lock/Unlock and Profile.

CAM Profile ID = None CAM profile ID = CAM number

ELS Group output will not have a GMP (relative Master phase) ELS Group output can have a GMP (relative Master phase) or
or CAM profile applied. CAM profile applied.

Displays default Lock / Run / Unlock CAMs
CAM = Lock/Unlock (38, 39 and 40). User defined CAMs can
ELS Group output can have a GMP (relative Master be selected.
phase) and default Lock / Unlock CAMs applied.

Fig. 4-51: ELS Group CAM Section

4-46 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Synchronization Setup For specific information on how to setup synchronization, refer to section
6.1 in volume 1 of the Rexroth VisualMotion Functional Description.


Fig. 4-52: ELS Synchronization Setup

Phase Control For specific information on how to setup phase control, refer to section
6.1 in volume 1 of the Rexroth VisualMotion Functional Description.


Fig. 4-53: ELS Phase Control

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-47

ELS Group Initialization

The ELS Group Initialization window is used to select the ELS group
master operation initialization options.


Fig. 4-54: ELS Group Initialization

ELS Group Master Operation Initialization

Sync to ELS Group master on This can be set at automatic or you can switch the group switch the ELS
task switching from Manual to group to the master manually. The group will remain in local mode when
Automatic Mode the project comes out of parameter mode until it is manually switched.

ELS Group master positions During phase 2 of power up, you can select to use either old values or
initialization at Phase 2 one of the following:
• the variables initialized by the internal group master being set to the
value of the active group input master
• the cam table input position set to the internal group input master
position plus the group master offset
• the state of the state machine set to 1
• the old values kept for absolute master and group slave offset
• the ELS group master position calculated with the cam equation

ELS Group master positions In phase 4 of power up, the ELS group can be reinitialized when the local
evaluation with forcing mode is active and the ELS group master is at standstill
(G#_ST_MOTION is 0). Under these conditions, the following variables
are not updated by the control and can be overwritten:
• Internal group input master position
• Group cam table input position (used to calculate the ELS group
master position)
• ELS group master position (only when bit 9 in the ELS configuration
word is set to 1)
• State of the state machine for lock on/lock off (used to calculate the
ELS group master position)

Edit or Delete an ELS Group

Once configured, an ELS Group can be edited or deleted by right clicking
over the ELS Group Number and selecting to relevant option. They can
also be edited by double clicking over an ELS Group. Refer to Edit or
Delete a Virtual Master on page 4-35 for an example.

4-48 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Coordinated Articulation Setup

Coordinated Articulation is an advanced feature in VisualMotion 11 used
to move up to six axes in coordinated fashion based on world coordinate
inputs from an ELS Group output or manual positions. This feature
provides the ability to link cyclic coordinated motion to an ELS master.
The Coordinated Articulation Setup is used to assign the control and
status registers, enter predefined Kinematic equation values, and the
variables (floats and integers) start ID blocks for up to 4 Coordinated
Articulation configurations.

Note: Axes used in a Coordinated Articulation configuration are

setup under Setup ⇒ Axes. Refer to Coordinated Articulation
Axis Setup on page 4-23.


Fig. 4-55: Coordinated Articulation Setup

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-49

Coordinated Articulation Declaration

To declare a Coordinated Articulation configuration, right click on an
empty row and select Add Coordinated Articulation…
This opens the Coordinated Articulation Data window displaying the
default register values and start ID blocks for the floats and integers of the
selected Coordinated Articulation number. 93 floats and 20 integers are
reserved for each configuration.


Fig. 4-56: Coordinated Articulation Data

For default register and variable label values, refer to section 6.1 for

Use Default Coordinated Default variable labels and comments can be added by simply leaving the
Articulation Labels Use Default Labels checkbox checked. This is the default setting.
All necessary labels for registers, register bits, and program variables will
begin from the float and integer start id block entered in the Declaration
window. Refer to Use Default Labels on page 4-25 for details.
For default register and variable label values, refer to section 6.3,
Coordinated Motion, for details.

4-50 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Sync. CAM Setup

The Sync. CAM Setup window is used to configure the H factor and
Offset for each CAM assigned to the selected ELS group.

Note: Only configured ELS Groups will appear as a selectable ELS

Group number.


Fig. 4-57: Sync. CAM Setup

Initialize on Phase-up Sync. CAM Setup values can be selected to retain it's last value during a
system re-initialization or system power down. Refer to Defining Process
Variables to Retain Values on page 4-26 for details.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-51

Manual Mode Setup

The Manual Mode Setup window is used to set the acceleration,
deceleration and velocity that will be used when moving Coordinated
Articulation axes in local mode.


Fig. 4-58: Manual Mode Setup

Initialize on Phase-up Manual Mode Setup values can be selected to retain it's last value during
a system re-initialization or system power down. Refer to Defining
Process Variables to Retain Values on page 4-26 for details.

4-52 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Kinematic Setup
The Kinematic Setup window is used to enter the predefined values of the
kinematic equation that will be used to determined the positioning of up to
six coordinated axes.

Note: Kinematic numbers and data are unique to each application.

For a complete list of available Kinematics, refer to section
6.3, Coordinated Motion, for details.

Kinematic 13 is a pass-through kinematic. Positional values are pass

directly to each axis without any manipulation by a kinematic. No
Kinematic Data values are required for this kinematic.


Fig. 4-59: Kinematic Setup

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-53

World Coordinate Limits

The World Coordinate Limits window is used to set the minimum and
maximum boundaries that the system will use for the X, Y, Z, Roll Pitch,
and Yaw input values.

Note: It is strongly recommended that the world coordinate limits be

setup to ensure protection of all hardware.


Fig. 4-60: World Coordinate Limits

Edit or Delete a Coordinated Articulation Configuration

Once configured, a Coordinated Articulation configuration can be edited
or deleted by right clicking over the Number and selecting to relevant
option. They can also be edited by double clicking over a configuration.
Refer to Fig. 4-38 for an example.

4-54 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

4.6 CAM Indexer Setup

Index CAMs are control CAMs that use equations to compute a position, as
opposed to a normal CAM, which uses a point table. They operate in real-
time, allowing their start and end positions to be freely changed within the next
index cycle. This makes them ideally suited for high-speed film feed
applications where the seal time must be held constant over line speed.
The CAM Indexer setup is used to declare the registers and assign the
variables used to initialize a CAM Indexer and axis Registration.
To declare a CAM Indexer, right click on an empty row and select Add


Fig. 4-61: CAM Indexer Setup

CAM Indexer Declaration

CAM Indexers are identified by a unique number. The number of active
CAMs (control table CAMs and CAM Indexers combined) in a
VisualMotion control system is limited to the following:
• The maximum of 4 active running CAM Indexers are supported
• A maximum of 40 built CAMs are supported in the system


Fig. 4-62: CAM Indexer Data

The CAM Indexer Declaration window displays the default variable values
for the CAM Indexer and default variable values and registers used for
Registration. The registration values for a CAM Indexer are used only if
the Enable Registration checkbox is selected.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-55

Note: The Registration section of the CAM Indexer setup requires

that the axis used for the registration feature exist under
Setup ⇒ Axes. If a corresponding axis does not exist, the
Registration section will be disabled.

Use Default CAM Indexer Labels Default variable labels and comments can be added by simply leaving the
Use Default Labels checkbox checked. This is the default setting.
All necessary labels for registers, register bits, and program variables will
begin from the float and integer start id block entered in the Declaration
window. Refer to Use Default Labels on page 4-25 for details.

CAM Indexer Default Labels

This section displays the CAM number and default variable start ID blocks
(floats and integers) for the specified CAM number.

The following tables list the floats and integer variable labels:

CAM Indexer Float CAM Indexer

Default Label 1 2 3 4
CAMI_#__PRO_LENGTH F510 F520 F530 F540
CAMI_#_PRO_START F511 F521 F531 F541
CAMI_#_PRO_STOP F512 F522 F532 F542
CAMI_#_DIAMETER F513 F523 F533 F543
CAMI_#_EVENT_TIME F514 F524 F534 F544
CAMI_#_ACCEL F515 F525 F535 F545
CAMI_#_DECEL F516 F526 F536 F546
CAMI_#_DWELL F517 F527 F537 F547
CAMI_#_PREDWELL F518 F528 F538 F548
CAMI_#_DWELL_CENTR F519 F529 F539 F549
# represents an entry for each CAM Indexer numbered 1 – 4.

Table 4-15: CAM Indexer Default Float Program Variables

CAM Indexer Integer CAM Indexer

Default Label 1 2 3 4
CAMI_#_FLAG1 I220 I224 I228 I232
CAMI_#_PRO_TYPE I221 I225 I229 I233
CAMI_#_RESERVE_I2 I222 I226 I230 I234
CAMI_#_RESERVE_I2 I223 I227 I231 I235
# represents an entry for each CAM Indexer numbered 1 – 4.
Table 4-16: CAM Indexer Default Integers Program Variables

4-56 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Registration Variables and Registers

This section is active when the Enable Registration checkbox is set and
displays the Axis number, the default variable start ID blocks (floats and
integers) for the specified Axis number, and the control and status


Fig. 4-63: Registration Section

The following tables list the floats and integer variable labels:

Registration Float Registration

Default Label 1 2 3 4
RGIS_##_POS F550 F570 F590 F610
RGIS_##_PRE_PROBE F551 F571 F591 F611
RGIS_##_POST_PROBE F552 F572 F592 F612
RGIS_##_COR_START F553 F573 F593 F613
RGIS_##_COR_STOP F554 F574 F594 F614
RGIS_##_MAX_CORRECT F555 F575 F595 F615
RGIS_##_SETPOINT F556 F576 F596 F616
RGIS_##_COR_ERROR F557 F577 F597 F617
RGIS_##_PROBE_VALUE F558 F578 F598 F618
RGIS_##_LAST_CORR F559 F579 F599 F619
RGIS_##_RESERVE_F5 F560 F580 F600 F620
RGIS_##_RESERVE_F4 F561 F581 F601 F621
RGIS_##_RESERVE_F3 F562 F582 F602 F622
RGIS_##_RESERVE_F2 F563 F583 F603 F623
RGIS_##_RESERVE_F1 F564 F584 F604 F664
## represents the Sercos address for the assigned axis.

Table 4-17: Registration Default Float Program Variables

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-57

Registration Integer Registration

Default Label 1 2 3 4
RGIS_##_FLAG1 I240 I244 I248 I252
RGIS_##_MISS_MARKS I241 I245 I249 I253
RGIS_##_COR_TYPE I242 I246 I250 I254
RGIS_##_RESERVE_I1 I243 I247 I251 I255
## represents the Sercos address for the assigned axis.

Table 4-18: Registration Default Integers Program Variables

Control Register Registration Register-Bit

Bit Description 1 2 3 4 Functional Description
Enable Preset 160-09 161-09 162-09 163-09 When set to 1, it resets the FIFO buffer and or the
average if buffering or averaging correction is used.
Otherwise, this bit is ignored.
Enable Registration 160-10 161-10 162-10 163-10 When set to 1, Registration is enabled.
When set to 0, Registration is disabled.

Table 4-19: Registration Default Control Registers

Status Register Registration Register-Bit

Bit Description 1 2 3 4 Functional Description
Correction at Max 251-09 252-09 253-09 254-09 1 – Probe Distance exceeds the Max. Correction.
0 – resets after the next mark is found and Probe
Distance is less than or equal to Max. Correction.
Reserved 251-10 252-10 253-10 254-10 Reserved
Mark in Window 251-11 252-11 253-11 254-11 1 – Registration mark is within Probe Window
0 – initially zero or when registration mark is outside
Probe Window.
Preset Enabled 251-12 252-12 253-12 254-12 Acknowledgement for Enable Preset control bit
Registration Enabled 251-13 252-13 253-13 254-13 1– Registration is enabled
0 – Registration is disabled
Max Missed Marks 251-14 252-14 253-14 254-14 1 – Mark counter exceeds RGIS_##_MISS_MARKS
0 – Reset with a 1→ 0 transition of Enable
Registration control bit.

Table 4-20: Registration Default Status Registers

CAM Indexer Setup

CAM Indexer Setup is used to initially configure the following data:
• Start Position
• Stop Position
• Drum Diameter
• Length
• Corrections
• Move Profile

Note: When using CAM Indexers, increase the Sercos cycle time
(C-0-0099) to 4ms or more to allow time for the equation

Refer to section 8.4, CAM Indexer, for details on the functionality of the
CAM Indexer settings and options.

4-58 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1


Fig. 4-64: CAM Indexer Setup

Initialize on Phase-up Some CAM Indexer Setup values can be selected to retain their last value
during a system re-initialization or system power down. Refer to Defining
Process Variables to Retain Values on page 4-26 for details.

Start Position (Ps) Defines the virtual or real master position (in degrees) at which the CAM
index profile starts.

Stop (Pe) Position Defines the virtual or real master position at which the CAM index profile

These two parameters define the CAM’s cycle time, Tc,

Tc = ABS(Pe-Ps)/Vm
where ABS is the absolute value of the difference and Vm is the velocity
of the master in degrees/sec.

Length (D) Defines the distance (in EE units) the slave axis moves during an index
cycle. The velocity profile developed depends on the start/stop positions,
profile type, index length and master speed.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-59

Drum Diameter (Dia) Allows for automatic scaling of the index distance into degrees. The
following equation is applied:
Angle = (D/Dia)(360/π)
Internal CAM units (degrees) are computed automatically through this

Note: When the Drum Diameter is set to zero, its default value is
360°/rev. The benefit of this is that internal 64 bit math can be
used to minimize rounding errors.

Move Profile
The following types of Move Profiles are available:

Profile Description
Triangle Step Acc/Dec of 50%
Triangle (S-Curve) Ramp Acc/Dec of 50%
Trapezoid (Fixed) Step Acc/Dec of 33%
Trapezoid Step Acc(x%)/Dec(y%), x+y≤100%
Trapezoid (S-Curve ) Ramp Acc(x%)/Dec(y%), x+y≤100%
Triangle w/Dwell Step Acc/Dec, center dwell
Triangle w/Dwell (S-Curve) Ramp Acc/Dec, center dwell
Trapezoid w/Dwell (S-Curve) Ramp Acc/Dec, center dwell
Trapezoid w/Dwell Step Acc/Dec, center dwell
Trapezoid w/Dwell Step Acc(x%)/Dec(y%) x+y≤100%, Sw% dwell

Table 4-21: Move Profiles

CAMs with ramped acceleration (S-shaped velocity profile) are defined as

third order polynomials, those with stepped acceleration (ramp velocity
profile) as second order polynomials.
The Triangle profile without the S-Curve shaper has the simplest
equation, thus it takes the least amount of time to execute, but has
maximum jerk. Selecting the S-Curve shaper takes longer but minimizes
The Trapezoid profile provides CAM shaping through an accel./decel.
percent setting but takes the longest to execute due to equation
CAMs with dwells are slightly more complex than those without dwells
and so require slightly more time to execute than those without dwells.

CAM Acceleration/Deceleration(Acc/Dec) - Some CAM types (see

table) use these parameters to define the percent of their cycle time
devoted to acceleration and deceleration.
Example: A Trapezoid CAM profile with an acceleration setting to 20%
and deceleration setting to 50% would step accelerate for 20% of its cycle
time, constant velocity for 30% and decelerate for 50%.

4-60 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

CAM Dwell (Cw) - Some CAMs (see table) use this parameter to
determine the center of the dwell. This is defined as a percent, which is
limited to 25% to 75% of the CAM cycle.

Example1: Cw = 50% Ps = 0 Pe=360 then dwell center

Pw = (360-0)*0.5 + 0 = 180 deg.

Example2: Cw = 30% Ps=90 Pe=270 then dwell center

Pw = (270-90)*0.3+90 = 144 deg.

CAM Dwell (Tw) - Some CAMs use this parameter to determine the
amount of dwell within their cycle. A dwell is a period of time during which
the CAM is stopped.
Tw is limited by the following relationship:
Max(Tw) = 2.0*Min[ 0.40*(Pe-Pw)/Vm, 0.40*(Pe-Pw)/Vm ]

where Pw (deg) is the dwell center angle and Vm (deg/sec) is master


Assigning a CAM Indexer to an Axis or ELS Group

A CAM Indexer is assigned to any ELS Group under Setup ⇒ Process
⇒ ELS ⇒ ELS Group. The ELS Group icon can be used to assign a
different CAM Indexer. All slave axis assigned to the ELS Group will use
the output of the ELS Group, including the CAM Indexer equation, as the
master input. In order for a CAM Indexer to function in an ELS Group, the
Lock On / Lock Off State Machine must be disabled.
A CAM Indexer can function in an associated slave axis while the ELS
Group has an active Lock On / Lock Off State Machine.
Assigning a slave axis to a CAM Indexer requires that the axis be
declared as a control CAM and then associated to the CAM Indexer using
the CAM icon.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-61

Registration Setup
Registration Setup is used to initially configure the following data:
• Probe Distance
• Valid Probe Window
• Probe Sensing
• Correction Window
• Maximum Correction
• Auto Correction
• Correction Profile
For specific information on Registration functionality, refer to section 8.4,
CAM Indexer.


Fig. 4-65: Registration Setup

Edit or Delete a CAM Indexer

Once configured, a CAM Indexer can be edited or deleted by right clicking
over the Number and selecting to relevant option. They can also be
edited by double clicking over a configured row. Refer to Fig. 4-38 for an

4-62 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

4.7 PID Loops Setup

The PID Loop setup is used to assign initialization variables for up to 32
PID Loops. These PID Loops act as background processes with user
controlled variables.


Fig. 4-66: PID Loop Setup

PID Loop Declaration

To declare a PID Loop, right click on an empty row and select Add PID
Data. The wizard will guide the user through the setup process.
The PID Declaration window displays the default variables and registers
for the selected PID Loop number.


Fig. 4-67: PID Data Window

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-63

Use Default PID Loop Labels Default variable labels and comments can be added by simply leaving the
Use Default Labels checkbox checked. This is the default setting.
All necessary labels for registers, register bits, and program variables will
begin from the float and integer start id block entered in the Declaration
window. Refer to Use Default Labels on page 4-25 for details.
The following table describes the different setting in the PID Data window:

Settings Description
PID Loop PID Loop configuration number. Up to 32 loops are
supported in a G*P 11 project.
Loop Time PID Loop update rate, selectable in multiples of 8 ms
from 8 to 152 ms
Control Register Register number assigned for control functions.
Status Register Register number assigned for status functions.
Starting Float Block First float number in a block of 20 contiguous floats.
Set Point Float or register where user defined PID target value is
Feedback Float, axis parameter, or register where current
calculated feedback value from PID is stored.
Output Float, axis parameter, or register where current
resultant PID output value is stored.

Table 4-22: PID Data Settings

4-64 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

PID Loop Variables

The following table lists the default float variable labels used for PID

PID Loop Float PID Number (Up to 32 Loops) Update

Default Label 1 2 3 … 32 Description Phase
PID#_CMD_SCALER F630 F650 F670 … F1250 Command scalar value, default 1.0 4
PID#_CMD_BIAS F631 F651 F671 … F1251 Command bias value, default 0.0 4
PID#_FDBK_SCALER F632 F652 F672 … F1252 Feedback scalar value, default 1.0 4
PID#_FDBK_BIAS F633 F653 F673 … F1253 Feedback bias value, default 0.0 4
PID#_KP_VALUE F634 F654 F674 … F1254 Kp value, default 1.0 4
PID#_KI_VALUE F635 F655 F675 … F1255 Ki value, default 0.0 4
PID#_Kd_VALUE F636 F656 F676 … F1256 Kd value, default 0.0 4
PID#_KI_MAX_VALUE F637 F657 F677 … F1257 Ki limit value, default 0.0 4
PID#_MIN_OUTPUT F638 F658 F678 … F1258 Minimum output value, default -10.0 4
PID#_MAX_OUTPUT F639 F659 F679 … F1259 Maximum output value, default 10.0 4
PID#_KI_PRESET F640 F660 F680 … F1260 Preset value, default 0.0 4
PID#_OUT_SCALER F641 F661 F681 … F1261 Output scalar value, default 1.0 4
PID#_OUT_BIAS F642 F662 F682 … F1262 Output bias value, default 0.0 4
PID#_FDBK_CUTOFF F643 F663 F683 … F1263 Feedback cutoff frequency (Hz), default 0 4
PID#_FDBK_FILTER F644 F664 F684 … F1264 Feedback filter type, default 0 4
0 - None
1 - 1 order Low-pass
2 - 2 order Low-pass
3 - 3 order Butterworth
4 - 2 order Butterworth
5 - 3 order Butterworth
6 - modified 2 order Low-pass with
velocity feed forward
7 - modified 3 order Low-pass with
velocity and acceleration feed forward
PID#_FDBK_VALUE F645 F665 F685 … F1265 Internal feedback after conditioning with 4
bias, scalar and filter
PID#_CMD_VALUE F646 F666 F686 … F1266 Internal command value after conditioning 4
with bias and scalar
PID#_OUT_VALUE F647 F667 F687 … F1267 Output value 4
PID#_RESERVE_F2 F648 F668 F688 … F1268 Reserved 4
PID#_RESERVE_F1 F649 F669 F689 … F1269 Reserved 4
# represents an entry for each PID Loop number from 1-32

Table 4-23: PID Loop Default Float Program Variables

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-65

PID Loop Control and Status Registers

The following table lists the default control and status registers used for
PID Loops:

Control Register PID Register-Bit (Up to 32 Loops)

Bit Description 1 2 3 … 32 Functional Description
Enable Preset 164-04 165-04 166-04 … 195-04 If set, loads integral preset on program
activation or when loop enabled by bit 5
Enable PID 164-05 165-05 166-05 … 195-05 If set high in phase 4, the PID loop is enabled.
When disabled, the output is set to zero on the
falling edge. This bit is checked on every PID
loop time interval.

Table 4-24: PID Loop Default Control Registers

Status Register PID Register-Bit (Up to 32 Loops)

Bit Description 1 2 3 … 32 Functional Description
Output above Max 255-01 256-01 257-01 … 286-01 If the output goes above the user defined max
value, this bit will be set.
Output below Min 255-02 256-02 257-02 … 286-02 If the output goes below the user defined min
value, this bit will be set
Output in Window 255-03 256-03 257-03 … 286-03 If the output is at or above the min value and at
or below the max value, this bit will be set. It is
redundant to bits 1 and 2.
Preset Enabled 255-04 256-04 257-04 … 286-04 Acknowledgment of control register preset bit 4
PID Enabled 255-05 256-05 257-05 … 286-05 Acknowledgment of control register enable bit 5

Table 4-25: PID Loop Default Status Registers

PID Loop Setup

The PID Loop Setup window is used to configure the following data:
• Set Point
• Feedback
• Tuning
• Integrator
• Output


Fig. 4-68: PID Loop Setup

4-66 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Initialize on Phase-up Some PID Loop Setup values can be selected to retain their last value
during a system re-initialization or system power down. Refer to Defining
Process Variables to Retain Values on page 4-26 for details.

Feedback: Digital filtering is available for PID loops and Real Masters.
Filter Type:
First order low-pass, G(s)=1/(s+1)
Second order low-pass, G(s)=1/(s +2s +1)
3 2
Third order low-pass, G(s)=1/(s +3s +3s+1)
2 1/2
Second order Butterworth, G(s)=1/(s +2 s +1)
3 2
Third order Butterworth, G(s)=1/(s +2s +2s+1)
Modified 2nd order low-pass with velocity ramp tracking,
G(s)=(2s+1)/(s +2s +1)
Modified 3rd order low-pass with accel ramp tracking,
2 3 2
G(s)=(3s +3s+1)/(s +3s +3s+1)

Cutoff Frequency(float):
When a filter type is chosen, a cutoff frequency for the filter must be
entered. The cutoff frequency is the frequency where the signal is
reduced by 3db. When set to 0 the filter is disabled.
To ensure a stable system, use the following calculation when entering a
value for the Digital Filter Cutoff Frequency:

Cutoff Frequency <
2 * Sampling Rate(sec.)

The sampling rate for a PID loop is the set PID Loop Time, entered in
Example: For a 8 ms PID Loop Time, the cutoff frequency is calculated
as follows:
Cutoff Frequency < = 62.5 Hz
2 * 0.008
The following figure illustrates the frequency vs. degrees for each filter.
The cutoff frequency is 10 hertz and the sampling rate is 4 ms.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-67

0.1 1.0 FREQUENCY 10.0 100.0

(10 Hertz)






F1 - First order low-pass

-140.000º F2 - Second Order low-pass
F3 - Third order low-pass F2
F4 - Second order Butterworth
-160.000º F5 - Third order Butterworth
F6 - Modified 2nd order low-pass with velocity ramp tracking
F7 - Modifed 3rd order low-pass with accel ramp tracking

DEGREES Sampling Rate = 4 ms

Fig. 4-69: Frequency vs. Degree Filter Chart

The following figure illustrates the gain vs. frequency for each filter. The
cutoff frequency is 10 hertz and the sampling rate is 4 ms.

Sampling Rate = 4 ms (10 Hertz)






F3 F1

0.400 F1 - First order low-pass

F2 - Second Order low-pass
F3 - Third order low-pass
F4 - Second order Butterworth F4
0.200 F5 - Third order Butterworth
F6 - Modified 2nd order low-pass with velocity ramp tracking
F7 - Modifed 3rd order low-pass with accel ramp tracking

0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0
GAIN FREQUENCY (log scale)

Fig. 4-70: Gain vs. Frequency Filter Chart

When a filter is chosen, the cutoff frequency for the filter must be entered.
For example, the cutoff frequency for the First order low-pass filter is the
frequency where the signal is reduced 3db [.707 gain, db=20*log(gain)].

Edit or Delete a PID Loop

Once configured, a PID Loop can be edited or deleted by right clicking
over the Number and selecting to relevant option. They can also be
edited by double clicking over a configured row. Refer to Fig. 4-38 for an

4-68 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

4.8 Setup Parameters

VisualMotion 11 has combined the functionality of the PrmInt and PrmBit
icons as a setup list configuration. The Setup ⇒ Parameters selection is
used for the initialization of system parameters in a G*P 11 project. The
user can setup single or multiple parameters as well as individual
parameter bit state changes of binary parameters.

Note: The PrmInt and PrmBit icons have been removed from the
initialization palette for G*P 11 projects. Pre-G*P 11 projects,
opened using VisualMotion Toolkit 11 (without converting to a
G*P 11 project) will display the PrmInt and PrmBit icons in the
initialization palette. These programs can be compiled and
downloaded to the control using VisualMotion Toolkit 11 with
complete support for the PrmInt and PrmBit icons.
Older firmware targets (i.e., G*P 10) that are converted to a
G*P 11 project should use Setup ⇒ Parameters for any new
parameter initialization. Existing PrmInt and PrmBit icons in
the program will be supported and can be compiled and
downloaded to the control.

After selecting Parameters from the Project Navigator window, right click
and select Append to begin.


Fig. 4-71: Project Navigator showing Parameter Setup

Note: Communication errors can occur when a program is activated

that contains parameter initializations that modify the X10 or
X16 communication parameters. Refer to Communication
Errors After Program Activation in section 10.3 under heading
Online Full Restore for details.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-69

Parameter Type
The Parameter Type window is used to select control, axis, task, or drive
parameters for setup initialization.


Fig. 4-72: Parameter Type Selection

When the Next > button is selected, the window that follows depends on
the parameter type selected. Refer to the following table for details:

Parameter Type Next Window

C – System Parameter Number
A-Axis, Task, Drive Parameter Set

Table 4-26: Windows following Parameter Type

Parameter Set
From the Parameter Set window, one or more axis, task, or drive (S and
P) parameter types can have parameter values initialized at one time. To
select multiple items, for example axis 1, 3, 5, hold the Ctrl key down
while making selections. To select a range of items, for example axis 1-
5, hold the Shift key down while making selections.

4-70 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1


Fig. 4-73: Selecting Axis Parameters

The number of items displayed in the Parameter Set window depends on

the type selected. Refer to the following table for details:

Parameter Type Available Number of Items

Axis All 64 axis are available. The Axis Name is assigned
during the initial Axes Setup.
Task Task A-D are available
Drive Only drives assigned to axes are available.

Table 4-27: Parameter Set Selection


Fig. 4-74: Parameter Initialization Setup List Example

Clicking the Next > button, opens the Parameter Number window
containing a list of valid parameters that can be configured for the items
selected in the Parameter Set window.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-71

Parameter Number
The Parameter Number window is used by all parameter types to select
an individual parameter to be initialized at program activation. When
opened, the Parameter Number window loads a list of valid control, axis,
task, or drive (S or P) parameters. Double clicking on a specific
parameter opens the Parameter Value window. Refer to Setting
Parameter and Parameter Bit Values for details.


Fig. 4-75: Valid Control Parameters

Setting Parameter and Parameter Bit Values

The Parameter Value window is used to enter the desired value for the
selected parameter to be initialized. Individual bit states can be selected
when a binary parameter is selected. The following figure shows the
different options available when setting parameter values:

Standard parameter values

Binary parameter values


Fig. 4-76: Initializing Parameter Values

4-72 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Constant Data
By default the Constant Data checkbox for binary type parameters is
selected. It allows the user to enter a constant value for the parameter.
The allowable settings for each bit are as follows:
• 0 (off state)
• 1 (on state)
• X (state does not matter)


Fig. 4-77: Selecting Constant Data

4.9 Defining Project Integers, Floats and Variables

Defining Project Values

Values assigned to an icon for position, or movement can be a numeric
value or a text label. When a numeric value is assigned in an icon, the
value is fixed in the project once it has been downloaded to the control.
Changing the numeric value requires recompiling and downloading the
For greater flexibility, a label, known as a variable, can be assigned in the
icon. The variable is a user-defined, text-based name that is assigned a
positive, whole number. Both the variable name and number identifies a
location in the control’s memory where a numeric value is stored. The
assigned value of a variable can be changed while a project is running
without having to recompile the project.
Two types of values can be used in a VisualMotion Project:
• Integer – a positive or negative whole number
• Floats – a positive or negative decimal
For each float and integer in a project, a variable and number can be

Defining Project Variables

There are three designations for variables that indicate the accessibility of
the variable:
• Global Variables – available to any project
• Program Variables – available throughout the project they are
assigned to
• Local Variables – available to the task, subroutine, or event
function in which it is assigned.

Global Variables Global variables, designated GF[#] (global float) and GI[#] (global integer),
are stored in the control's memory and their values are not retained after
power is disconnected. Global floats and integers can, however, be
saved to flash memory using VisualMotion Toolkit’s Data Editor. Refer to

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-73

the VisualMotion 11 Functional Description manual for information on the

Data Editor.
Program Variables Program variables are designated F[#] (float) and I[#] (integer). Program
variables are stored in Autostore and retain their values during power off.
The variables can be addressed in a project by assigning a label to the
variable number.
Local Variables Local or stack based variables exist only while in the task, subroutine, or
event function where they are declared. Function arguments are used
within a subroutine for local data only. This type of variable is useful for
temporary results within a function or to pass values to a function.
A fourth designator for a float and integer is a constant. Constant labels
are accessed and modified in the VM Data table only, see Fig. 4-78
Constant A constant is a float or integer that is fixed in the control. Unlike standard
float and integers, the value assigned to a constant can not be changed
after the project has been downloaded to the control.

Adding Variables
A convenient method for programming with VisualMotion is to declare all
variables in the VM Data Table before creating the icon program. Select
the VM Data Table button ( ) from the VisualMotion tool bar or select
Edit ⇒ VM Data… to open the VM Data Table window, see Fig. 4-78.
After selecting the appropriate tab in the VM Data Table window, right
click in the field to add an item or right click on an item in the field to edit
it. With the VM Data Table complete, variables can be accessed in the
icon setup windows by selecting the browse button.


Fig. 4-78: Sample Program Floats in VM Data Table

For the sample program in section 4.10, the following four floats will be
• F1 = Initial_Acceleration
• F2 = Initial_Velocity
• F3 = Initial_Move
• F4 = Initial_Home

Note: When creating a label for a variable, do not use VisualMotion

keywords or icon labels.

4-74 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Editing Variables
Variable numbers, labels, and values are listed in the Data Editor window
in VisualMotion Toolkit, which is opened by selecting Data ⇒ Variables.
The window lists all program and global floats and integers, see Fig. 4-79.
Each of these can be edited by double-clicking them. Modifications to
variables are read immediately by the control and take effect when the
program flow reaches the icon the variable is assigned to.

Drop-down list
variable types
Variables can be for display in
modified by double table
clicking on a specific
variable and editing
the value in the pop-
up window.


Fig. 4-79: Viewing and Editing Variables

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-75

4.10 Single Axis Sample Project

The sample project illustrated in this section is a single axis program that
defines movement of an axis. The following table lists the programming
icons that will be used for this project example and the task in which they
will be used.

Icon Description Task

Start icon used in every icon workspace to show the beginning of the program Initialization, Task A
flow. and Subroutine
Subroutine icon used to call a subprogram in the project Initialization

Home icon used to command a homing procedure from drives connected to Task A
motors with a single turn encoder.
Go icon used to command an axis that is initially halted. Task A

Acceleration icon used to command a acceleration rate to an axis Task A

Velocity icon used to command a velocity rate to an axis Task A

Move icon used to command relative or absolute positions to an axis Task A

Wait icon used to monetarily stop program flow until the specified condition is met Task A

Branch icon used to redirect program flow based on specified condition Task A

Calc icon used to perform calculation for the project. Subroutine

Finish icon used to indicate completion of program flow Initialization, Task A

and Subroutine
Table 4-28: Single Axis Sample Project Icons

Step 1: Creating a New Project

The following steps outline the initial start and preparation of a
VisualMotion 11 project:
1. Start VisualMotion Toolkit by selecting Start ⇒ Programs ⇒
Rexroth ⇒ VisualMotion ⇒ 11VRS ⇒ Icon Editor or double click
on the VisualMotion Windows desktop Icon and select
2. Name the project SingleAxis, select GPP11 as the target firmware
and select a project location on the hard drive.


Fig. 4-80: New Project

4-76 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Step 2: Setup Axes

Before placing icons in the initialization task or in any of the main task A-D
or subroutines, setup all axes and any processes such as ELS that will be
used in the program. Refer to Setup Axes and Setup Processes on
pages 4-14 and 4-25 for details.

Note: The Axis icon has been removed from the initialization palette
for G*P 11 projects. All axes used in a G*P 11 project are now
configured from the Setup folder in the Project Navigator

1. To setup an axes, expand the Setup folder and select the Axes icon
2. Right click over Single Axis and select Add an axis.


Fig. 4-81: Adding a Single Axis

3. From the Motion Selection window, identify the following settings:

4. Axis (Number and Label)
5. Motion (Type and Control Task)
6. Drive (Hardware and Firmware)

Note: Drive hardware and firmware must be defined by the user.

Refer to Specifying Axis Hardware and Firmware on page 4-16

7. After making the necessary settings, click the Next > button to
continue to the Axis Properties window.
8. From the Axis Properties window, set the options according to the
following figure:

Option Setting
Lagless checked
Positioning Mode Linear
Positioning Type Absolute
Encoder Motor
Units inches
Table 4-29: Axis Properties Window Settings

9. After making the necessary settings, click the Next > button to
continue to the Configure Axis Probes window.
10. This sample project will not use probe functionality. Click the Finish
button to complete the initialization of the axis.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-77

Step 3: Create the Initialization Task

The completed Initialization task will appear as shown in Fig. 4-82.


Fig. 4-82: Initialization Task Icon Sequence

Select the Task folder under Initialization in VisualMotion’s project

navigator. The Initialization task will add the Start and Finish icons in the
icon workspace. All tasks and subroutines must begin and end with Start
and Finish icons.

Create a Subroutine A subroutine can be used in the Initialization task to improve program
To add a Subroutine Icon:
1. Click the Subroutine icon in the toolbar and place it between the Start
and Finish icons.
2. Type the name of the subroutine in the Subroutines window.


Fig. 4-83: Subroutine Window

3. Click on the Enter Function… button to enter the initialization

subroutine icon workspace.
4. Place a Calc icon for each variable in the icon program after the Start
icon and set the following values:
• Resultant: Use the browse button to select the variable for the
variable name of one of the floats created in the VM Data Table.
Refer to Adding Variables on page4-73 for details.
• Equation: Enter the following values for the variables:
Initial_Acceleration = 100
Initial_Velocity = 500
Initial_Move = 20
Initial_Home = 0

Note: Refer to Adding Variables on page 4-73 for details.

4-78 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1


Fig. 4-84: Calc Icon Setup Window

Variable names can be created or selected from the VM Data Table by

selecting the browse button to the right of the Resultant field.

Note: A caption for the Calc icon can be added in the Calculation
window by selecting the Caption… button. Captions appear
below the icon in the icon workspace if View ⇒ Icon captions
is selected from the main menu in VisualMotion.

The following figure is an example of the completed Axis_Setup



Fig. 4-85: Axis Setup Initialization Subroutine

Step 4: Create Task A

The completed Task A will appear as shown in Fig. 4-86.


Fig. 4-86: Task A from Sample Program

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-79

To add a task to the project, switch to the Task A icon workspace:

1. In the Project Navigator, select Task_A under the Runtime folder.

Note: When opening a Task for the first time, VisualMotion Toolkit
will prompt you to automatically place a Start and Finish icon in
the icon workspace.

2. Select the Single Axis tab in the icon palette.

The next step is to set the drive homing command in the icon program.
For single turn encoders, a Home icon is used to command the drive to
run a homing routine. For multi turn encoders, a Move icon is used to
move the axis to an absolute position, which will serve as the reference
point for a move. Refer to Homing a Drive on page 4-83 for details.

Homing an Absolute Encoder For purposes of an example, this icon program will assume that a motor
with an absolute encoder is being used.
3. Place a Go icon to the right of the Start icon, set the motion type to
Non-Coord, and identify the axis as 1.
4. Place a Move icon to the right of the Go icon, select Absolute for the
move type and enter the axis number 1 and distance of 0.
5. Place a Wait icon to the right of the Move icon, set Wait for to Axis in
Position and identify the axis as 1.

Programming Motion 6. Place the Accel icon to the right of the Wait icon and identify the axis
as 1.
7. Use the browse button to select the float for the Rate field. In this
example, the Initial_Acceleration float was established with the
value for the rate of acceleration.


Fig. 4-87: Accel Control Box

8. Place the Velocity icon to the right of the Accel icon. This icon sends
the velocity rate that will be used in the move calculation to the drive .
9. Enter a 1 to specify the axis.
10. Use the browse button to select the float for the Rate field. In this
example, the Intial_Velocity float was established with the value for
the velocity rate.

4-80 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

The units for the velocity of the axis appear by default in the window
according to the type of axis motion set in the axis icon.


Fig. 4-88: Velocity Control Box

11. Place the Move icon to the right of the Velocity icon. This icon sets
the distance that will be traveled by the specified axis.
12. Select Absolute for the move Type.

Note: A relative move is an incremental distance that is traveled

every time the move icon is encountered in the program flow.
An absolute move is an exact position that is reached when
the move icon is encountered and is not repeated unless the
absolute position changes.

13. Enter a 1 to specify the axis number.

14. Use the browse button to select the float for the Distance field. In
this example, the Initial_Move float represents the distance the axis
will move.


Fig. 4-89: Single Axis Move Setup

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-81

15. Place a Wait icon to the right of the Move icon. The task execution
(program flow) is suspended at this point until the condition set in the
Wait icon is true. In this sample program, the task waits until Axis in


Fig. 4-90: Wait for Axis in Position

16. Place the Branch icon to the right of the Wait (Axis in Position) icon.
This icon re-directs the program flow based on a true/false logical
value. This creates a continuous loop within the program depending
on the value of register 100 bit 9.


Fig. 4-91: Branch Setup

4-82 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Note: The Branch icon will loop back to a specified icon until the
branch condition is true. In this example, the Finish icon will
not be encountered until register 100 bit 9 has the value 1.

17. Place a second Move icon just below the previous Move icon. This
icon sets the return distance for the specified axis.
18. Select Absolute for the move Type.
19. Enter a 1 to specify the axis number.
20. Use the browse button to select the float for the Distance field. In
this example, the Initial_Home float represents the distance the axis
will move.


Fig. 4-92: Single Axis Move Setup

21. Place a Wait icon to the left of the second Move icon and select Axis
in Position.

• Use the icon to connect the icons.

To connect the icons, click once with the left mouse button on the first
icon and then click on the next icon in the program flow. A line will join
the icons with an arrow indicating program flow.

Note: If an error is made while connecting two icons, use the

scissors icon to remove the created connection line. Re-
select the Line icon to continue connecting icons.

The completed project should appear as shown in Fig. 4-86.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-83

Determining an Encoder Type

Depending on the type of encoder on the motor, single turn or multi turn,
a Home icon or Move icon will be used to issue the home command.
Use the following steps to determine encoder type on motor:
1. Close your VisualMotion project and reopen in Service Mode.
2. Select Commission ⇒ Drive Overview… from the main menu.
3. From the Drive – Project window, double click on the relevant drive.
4. From the menu in the DriveTop Drive Status window, select Drive
Functions ⇒ Encoder systems ⇒ Motor encoder….
The Encoder Systems, motor encoder window will indicate the type of
encoder in your system.


Fig. 4-93: Encoder Systems, Motor Encoder Window

Homing a Drive
The homing procedure is an internal function of Rexroth's intelligent digital
drives and requires only that VisualMotion send a home command to the
drive. Refer to the drive help system for information about drive homing.

Note: Drive help system for supported drive firmwares can be

optionally installed during the initial installation of VisualMotion.

Single Turn Encoder

For a PPC with a single turn encoder, set the homing signal in the icon
program using the following sequence of icons.


Fig. 4-94: Single Turn Encoder Homing Sequence

1. Place a Home icon and enter a 1 in the Axis to home field.

4-84 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1


Fig. 4-95: Homing Setup Window

2. Place a Go icon to the right of the Home icon, set the motion type to
Non-Coord, and identify the axis as 1.
3. Place a Wait icon to the right of the Go icon, set Wait for to Axis in
Position and identify the axis as 1.

Note: A Wait icon is used to allow the axis to perform the homing
routine before the Move command is executed.

Multi-turn Encoder
For multi-turn encoders, use the following icon setup for the homing
routine. The sequence of icons is shown in the Fig. 4-86.
1. Place a Go icon to the right of the Start icon, set the motion type to
Non-Coord, and identify the axis as 1.
2. Place a Move icon to the right of the Go icon, select Absolute for the
move type and enter the axis number 1 and distance of 0.
3. Place a Wait icon to the right of the Move icon, set Wait for to Axis in
Position and identify the axis as 1.

Step 5 Import Default IndraLogic Project

An IndraLogic PLC project is a logic task that allows external devices to
access user-defined control and status registers. The IndraLogic project
is necessary for controlling external I/O devices through VisualMotion or
to use the I/O Box utility for program control.
In this sample program, a default IndraLogic project will be used for
controlling system registers through the I/O Box. With the default
IndraLogic project, register 100 is mapped to the System_Control and
TaskA_Control registers for program control.

Default I/O Mapping Project

During the installation of VisualMotion 11, a default IndraLogic project file
(Default_IOmapper.exp) was installed under the folder structure
Rexroth\VisualMotion11\Param\Def100_IndraLogic. In addition, register
and bit label files (Register.lbl and Bit.lbl) were installed for importing in
the VisualMotion project.
Use the following steps to import the default IndraLogic I/O Mapping
project into VisualMotion and IndraLogic:
1. Open the target VisualMotion project in offline.
2. Open the VM Data Table and import the "register.lbl" file into the
Registers tab and the "bit.lbl" file into the Bits tab. To import, right
click in the relevant tab window and select Import…
3. Select Tools ⇒ Options… and open the IndraLogic tab.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-85

4. Click the Select Items to Share with IndraLogic button and choose
the following data types:
a) System register and bits
b) Task A-D control registers and bits
c) Task A-D status registers and bits
d) User Registers: IO_Box_inputs and IO_Box_outputs
Items can be selected individually or in groups by right clicking on the item
name and selecting Check items and subitems.

Note: For the default I/O mapping POU to work, Do Not Prepend
Data Type to Label available under the Options menu.

5. Save the VisualMotion project.

6. Start IndraLogic from the Commission menu.
7. From IndraLogic, select Project ⇒ Import, locate and open the file,
"default_IOmapper.exp". This file include the "Default_IOM" POU.
8. From IndraLogic, select the Resources tab and double-click on Task
9. In the Task Configuration window, right click on Task Configuration
and select Append Task to add a NewTask.
10. Rename the task and enter the following information:
a) Configure the task type as cyclic
b) Enter an interval of T#2ms for the 2ms cycle time
c) Activate watchdog with the same time period as in step b)
11. Right click on NewTask tree selection, choose Append Program Call
and enter the POU "Default.IOM" as a program call.
12. Select Online ⇒ Login to download the IndraLogic project to the
13. Next, select Online ⇒ Run to start the PLC program.
14. Finish by creating a boot project. Select Online ⇒ Create boot
project to save the PLC program to flash.

4-86 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Switching a Project to Online Mode

With the project completed, you need to download the project file to the
control. Project download occurs when you go online and involves
synchronizing the project and control data. To download your project

1. Click the Toggle Online/Offline Mode button in the VisualMotion

toolbar or by selecting File ⇒ Online from the VisualMotion Toolkit’s
main menu.
2. Click Yes when prompted to save modifications to your program.
3. Click OK in the Synchronize Project Data window to allow
VisualMotion to synchronize the data in the control with data in the

Note: If a difference is detected between the axes that are setup in

the project with those on the Sercos ring, the Offline/Online
Drive Difference Detected window opens. Refer to section
13.2, Online/Offline …F9, in volume 2 for details.


Fig. 4-96: Synchronize Project Data

The program should now be online, as indicated by the online symbol in

the lower right corner of the VM Project window.

Saving a Project
Icon programs are saved in the project folder on the computer. When a
project goes online, the icon program is automatically saved to the project
folder on the computer. To save an icon program when offline, use the
Save Program option in the VisualMotion File menu.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-87

4.11 Activating a Project

For this sample project, the I/O Box tool (optionally installed) is used to
perform the basic activation of control registers to start the VisualMotion
project. The I/O Box will be using the default I/O mapping project
imported and started in IndraLogic.

I/O Box

The I/O Box is a VisualBasic interface designed for activating and
monitoring an icon program. It is installed by default during the
VisualMotion installation and is accessed through the main menu in
VisualMotion Toolkit.
To open the I/O Box tool:
1. Select Tools ⇒ Registered Tools ⇒ IoBox
2. Click Accept in the Load I/O Box window.
The I/O Box window opens with 400 EMERGENCY STOP displayed, as
shown in Fig. 4-97.


Fig. 4-97: I/O Box Window

To activate the icon program with the I/O Box, use the following
3. Clear the error by selecting the E-Stop button and then the Clr Err
button. The control should be in Manual Mode.
4. Select the Auto button to put the control in auto mode.
5. Select the Stop button.
6. Select the Start button to activate the icon program.

Note: The system can be switched to parameter mode by selecting

the Param button.

4-88 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

4.12 VM Data
The VM Data Table is used to Add, Delete, Edit, Find, Browse, Shift,
Import and Export the following VisualMotion data types.
• Program Integer (Ix) and Floats (Fx)
• Global Integer (GIx) and Floats (GFx)
• Constants
• Local Variables
• Events
• Registers
• Bits (register)
• Points (ABSolute and RELative)
• Zones

Note: The VM Data Table can also be opened by clicking on the VM

Data icon ( ). The VM Data Table can be resized by clicking
and dragging any corner.


Fig. 4-98: VisualMotion Data Table

Add and Modify VM Data

Right clicking in the display area of any VM Data type, opens the pop-up
window in Fig. 4-99. From this window, the functions displayed can be
performed under any tab, except for the Local Variables and Data
Summary tabs.

Multiple Item Selection

Items displayed in the VM Data Table can be selected using the following
standard Windows™ keyboard and mouse selection methods.
• Ctrl + A - selects all the items in the current window.
• Ctrl + Left Mouse button – selects items one at a time while holding
down the Ctrl key.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-89

• Shift + Left Mouse button – selects a group of items while holding

down the Shift key.. Using the left mouse button; select the first items,
scroll down and then select the last item.


Fig. 4-99: VM Data Pop-up Window

Add, Delete and Edit

These selections allow the user to Add a new item in the VM Data Table,
Delete or Edit an existing item.

Find (F3)
Selecting Find or pressing the F3 key opens the Find window. From the
open window, any items can be found in the current VM Data window by
entering a matching or partially matching Number, Variable Name or


Fig. 4-100: VM Data Find

Selecting Browse opens the Browse Project for Data Usage window.
Refer to section 10.2 regarding Browsing a Project for Data Usage and
Icon Flow for details.
The Shift Indexes window is used to shift a single item or a group of items
Up (-) or Down (+) by the amount entered in the Increment field. To shift
an item(s), select the item(s), enter the number of increments to shift and
press the OK button. The Up shift selection, subtracts the Increment
value from the current index number. The Down shift selection, adds the
Increment value to the current index number.

Note: If the new location is already occupied by an existing item,

VisualMotion issues an error and shift request is canceled.

4-90 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1


Fig. 4-101: VM Data Shift

Import and Export

This feature is used to import or export the selected items from the VM
Data table to a file with a label (*.lbl) extension.

Sorting Numbers, Names or Comments

Any VM Data Table type Number, Name or Comment can be sorted in
either ascending or descending order by clicking on the column header.


Fig. 4-102: Ascending or Descending Listings

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-91

Using VisualMotion Keywords as Names

VisualMotion has a number of keywords, which are used for command
instructions. These keywords cannot be used as names (labels). If a
keyword is used as a name, VisualMotion will issue the error "Name is a
Keyword!" when the user tries to save the name. Following is a list of the
VisualMotion keywords:

Current VisualMotion Keywords

Table 4-30: Current VisualMotion Keywords

Integers (Ix) and Floats (Fx)

Program integers and floats are displayed listing the Number, Variable
Name and Comment of all defined integers and floats in the current
program. Integers and floats are variables that can be used within any
task and are associated with the project for which they were created.

Note: The value of all integers and floats is saved with the project
even during a power lost condition.

When creating a new project, VisualMotion automatically allocates

memory for a minimum of 50 integers and 50 floats. These integers and
floats are not displayed in the VM Data Table until a number and name
(label) has been assigned.

4-92 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

System default integers and floats, such as those used for ELS, will
appear in the VM Data Table if assigned in their corresponding icons.
Add an Integer or Float
Right click and select Add… to open the Add Integer(Float) window.
Enter a number and name for the integer or float. The Comment field is
optional. Since VisualMotion allocates memory for the first 50 integers
and floats, any number entered that is greater than 50 will become the
top-level number with additional memory allocated.


Fig. 4-103: Add Integer or Float

For example:
If the number 200 is entered, VisualMotion will allocate memory for 200
integers. Even if only one integer or float is displayed in the VM Data
Table. Each integer and float is allocated 4 bytes of memory. The total
memory allocated for integers and floats can be viewed by selecting the
Data Summary tab.

Note: Edit or Delete an integer or float by first select the item.

Since the VM Data Table only displays the number and name (label) of an
integer or float, the actual value of each integer or float in a project can be
viewed and defined by selecting Data ⇒ Variables… (In online mode)
and selecting the appropriate Type.

Global Integers (GIx) and Floats (GFx)

Global integers and floats are displayed listing the Number, Variable
Name and Comment of all defined global integers and floats. Global
integers and floats are variables that can be used in any task across
different programs resident in the control. The names (labels) assigned
to global variables are saved with each program while their values are
saved to the control's memory.

Note: The value of global variables is not saved if the control loses
power unless the values are flashed using the Save Global
Variables Command (C-0-0082). Refer to section 8.2, Data
Editor, regarding Variables for details.

System default global integers (GIx) are assigned, with fixed memory, for
all programs. These global integers are reserved for counter, timer and
shift register output functions.
The maximum number of global variables in a program is fixed and
defined by the following control parameters:
• C-0-0080, Maximum number of global integers
• C-0-0081, Maximum number of global floats
The default numbers are 512 for global integers and 256 for global floats.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-93

Add a Global Variable

• Right click and select Add… to open the Add Global Integer(Float)
window in offline mode. Enter a number and name for the global
variable. The Comment field is optional.


Fig. 4-104: Add Global Variable (GIx or GFx)

Since the VM Data Table only displays the number and name (label) for
global variables, the actual value for each global variable in a program
can be viewed and defined by selecting Data ⇒ Variables… (In online
mode) and selecting the appropriate Type.

Constants are displayed listing the Constant Value, Constant Name and
Comment of all defined constants in a program. Constant names are
created to represent a fixed numeric value in an icon program.
The user can use a name assigned to a value instead of the value itself.
The benefit of this would be; for example, if the same numeric value is
used within multiple icons, the user need only modify the value in the VM
Data Table instead of a value in each icon.
Add a Constant
Right click and select Add… to open the Add Constant window in offline
mode. Enter a numeric value and name for the constant. The Comment
field is optional.


Fig. 4-105: Add a Constant

4-94 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Local Variables
Only local variables that are used in the current task, subroutine or event
are displayed in the VM Data Table. Local variables cannot be added in
the VM Data Table. Local variables are added in the Start icon.


Fig. 4-106: Local Variables

Since the VM Data Table only displays the number and name (label) for
local variables, the actual value for each local variable in a task,
subroutine or event can be viewed and defined by selecting Data ⇒
Variables… (In online mode) and selecting the Type: (Task A Local

Function Arguments
Only function arguments that are used in the current subroutine are
displayed in the VM Data Table. Function Arguments cannot be added in
the VM Data Table. Function arguments are added in the subroutines'
Start icon.

Note: Function arguments are only displayed if they exist in the

currently selected subroutine.


Fig. 4-107: Function Argument

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-95

Since the VM Data Table only displays the number and name (label) for
function arguments, the actual value for each function argument in a
program can be viewed and defined in the Start icon of the subroutine
where it resides.

Events are displayed listing the Number, Name, Argument, Type and
Function of all events in the current project.


Fig. 4-108: Events

Add an Event
Right click and select Add… to open the Add Event window in offline
mode. From this window, the user can create events, select the event
type, initialize an argument value and assign an event function. For
detailed examples on creating events and event functions, refer to
chapter 5.2, Events.


Fig. 4-109: Add an Event

4-96 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Registers are displayed listing the Register Number, Register Name and
Comment field for all registers that have been assigned a name other
than default name (Reg_070). The first 100 registers are reserved for
control and system functions, while others are recommended as defaults
for applications such as ELS.
Add a Register
Right click and select Add… to open the Add Register window in offline
mode. Enter a number and name for the register. The Comment field is
optional. A VisualMotion system can contain up to a maximum of 1024


Fig. 4-110: Add a Register

Since the VM Data Table only displays the number and name (label) for
assigned registers, the actual value of each register in a program can be
viewed and defined by selecting Data ⇒ Registers (In online mode).

The Bits window displays the Register-Bit Number, Bit Name and
Comment field for all register bits that have assigned a name other than
the default name (Bit_01). Only those bits that have been assigned
names will be displayed.
Add a Bit
Right click and select Add… to open the Add Bit window in offline mode.
A bit name is assigned to a register number. Enter a Register Number,
Bit Number and Bit Name. The Comment field is optional. A
VisualMotion register can contain up to 16 bits. Only those bits assigned
to a register number and given a name will be displayed in the VM Data


Fig. 4-111: Add a Register Bit

The VM Data Table only displays the number and name (label) for
assigned register bits. The actual value of each register bit in a program
can be viewed and defined by selecting Data ⇒ Registers (In online
mode) and double-clicking a register number to open the bits window.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-97

Points (ABS and REL)

Absolute and Relative points are displayed for all defined points in the
current project. Points are not displayed in the VM Data Table until a
number and name (label) has been assigned.
Refer to section 8.2, Data Editor, regarding Points for details
Add an Absolute or Relative Point
Right click and select Add… to open the Add ABS(REL) window. From
this window, the user can assign a number and name, enable and disable
events, initialize coordinate and movement values.

Note: VisualMotion allocates memory for points based on the largest

number assigned to a point.


Fig. 4-112: Add ABS(REL) Point

For example:
If the number 200 is entered, VisualMotion will allocate memory for 200
points. Even if only one point is displayed in the VM Data Table. Viewing
points by selecting Data ⇒ Points will display a list of 200 points. Each
ABS or REL point is allocated 44 bytes of memory. The total memory
allocated for points can be viewed by selecting the Data Summary tab.


Fig. 4-113: Data Editor – Absolute or Relative Points

4-98 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Zones are displayed for all defined zones in the current project. Zones
are not displayed in the VM Data Table until a number and name (label)
has been assigned.
Add a Zone
Right click and select Add… to open the Add Zone window. From this
window, the user can assign a number and name, active zones for
specific task and initialize (x, y, z) coordinate values for points 1 and 2.

Note: VisualMotion allocates memory for zones based on the largest

number assigned to a zone.


Fig. 4-114: Add a Zone

For example:
If the number 15 is entered, VisualMotion will allocate memory for 15
zones. Even if only zone number 15 is displayed in the VM Data Table.
Selecting Data ⇒ Zones displays a list of 15 zones. Each zone is
allocated 28 bytes of memory. The total memory allocated for zones can
be viewed by selecting the Data Summary tab.


Fig. 4-115: Selecting Data Æ Zones

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-99

Data Summary
The Data Summary tab displays the total memory allocation by
VisualMotion for Integers, Floats, Global Integers and Floats, Points and


Fig. 4-116: Data Summary

4-100 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

4.13 Labels

Note: The Labels menu selection is only available in service mode.

Labels are symbolic names assigned to system resources, such as axes,

drives, etc.. Labels may also be used for absolute or relative point names,
or in place of "literal" constant or variable values in expressions. For
example, once assigned, the label "PI" can be used throughout a
program, instead of repeatedly entering the literal value 3.14159.
Labels may use up to twenty case-sensitive ASCII characters. Blank spaces
are not allowed within a symbol. Use a printable character as a separator if
it is required for clarity. For example, "next_move," rather than "next move".
The first character of a label must be an alpha character.
The control compiler, used for both icon and text language programming,
allows the use of a literal integer value (i.e., a number such as "1" or "5").
Provided it is within the range of integers that are valid for the specified
argument. Integers used to specify system devices, such as an axis or
drive, must be within the range permitted by the complete VisualMotion
system and installed software.
For example: a VisualMotion system with eight digital drives installed can
specify an axis or drive using an integer from 1 to 8. The compiler must be
able to resolve a symbol used as a table index argument to an integer index
within the range, or size, of the table.
VisualMotion has a number of keywords, which it uses for command
instructions. These keywords cannot be used as labels. If a keyword is
used as a label, VisualMotion will issue the error "Label is a Keyword!"
when the user tries to save the label. Refer to Using VisualMotion
Keywords as Names on page 4-91 for a listing.


Fig. 4-117: Edit Labels

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-101

Variable Labels
Selecting Edit ⇒ Edit Labels ⇒ Variable Labels opens the User
Defined Labels window, used to provide symbolic ASCII names for Float,
Integer, Global Float, Global Integer, Absolute or Relative point values.

Fig. 4-118: "User Defined Labels" Window

The User Defined Labels window allows you to assign an ASCII name to
a value or system component, as previously described. To sort the list
alphabetically by label, select the radio box by Name. . To sort the list
alphabetically by ID, select the radio box by ID Number Order. After
labels are defined, instead of explicitly entering a value or redefining a
system component, the label can be entered by accessing the User
Defined Labels window and selecting the appropriate label.
To add a new label:
1. Click Add… to open the Add Variable Label window below.

Fig. 4-119: "Add Variable Label" Window

2. Enter the desired Type, Name, Constant Value (if applicable) and
Comment (up to 80 characters).
3. Click Apply or OK.

4-102 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

To delete an existing label:

Highlight a desired label and click Delete.

To edit an existing label:

1. Highlight a desired label and click Edit… .
The Edit User Label window opens just below. The label's Type,
Name, Global Integer and Comment are filled in as they were
originally designated.

Field name changes

based on selected Type:

Fig. 4-120: "Edit User Label" Window

2. Enter the desired Type, Name, Global Integer (if applicable) and
Comment (up to 80 characters).
3. Click Apply or OK.

Register Labels
Selecting Edit ⇒ Edit Labels ⇒ Register Labels opens the Register
Labels window, used to provide symbolic ASCII names for the
VisualMotion control status and I/O registers.

Fig. 4-121: "Register Labels" Window

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-103

To sort the list alphabetically by label, select the radio box by Name. To
sort the list alphabetically by ID, select the radio box by ID Number
Order. After register labels are assigned and the program is saved, the
labels are embedded in the motion program (the .str file) and will not be
lost if the program is later transferred to a different VisualMotion system.
New programs are loaded with the default register names. Refer to
chapter 16 in volume 2 of the VisualMotion Functional Description,
Registers, for default register names.

To add or edit a register label:

1. Click Add… or select the desired register and click Edit… .
An Add/Edit Register Labels window opens. The Name must be
explicitly entered. (When editing an existing label, the current Name,
Register Number and Comment are automatically filled in.)

Fig. 4-122: "Add/Edit Register Label" Window

2. Enter the desired Name, Register Number and Comment (up to 80

3. Click Apply or OK.
The Previous and Next buttons scroll through the defined labels.

Bit Labels
Selecting Edit ⇒ Edit Labels ⇒ Bit Labels opens the Bit Labels
window, used to provide symbolic ASCII names for individual bits within
VisualMotion control and I/O registers.

Fig. 4-123: "Bit Labels" Window

4-104 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

To sort the list alphabetically by label, select the radio box by Name. To
sort the list alphabetically by ID, select the radio box by ID Number
After bit labels are assigned and the program is saved, the labels are
embedded in the motion program (the .str file) and will not be lost if the
program is later transferred to a different VisualMotion system. New
programs are loaded with the default bit names.

To add or edit a bit label:

1. Click Add… or select the desired bit and click Edit… .
An Add/Edit Bit Label window opens. The Name must be explicitly
entered. (When editing an existing label, the current Name, Reg-Bit
Number and Comment are automatically filled in.)

Fig. 4-124: "Add/Edit Bit Label" Window

2. Enter the desired Name, Reg-Bit Number and Comment (up to 80

3. Click Apply or OK.
The Previous and Next buttons scroll through the defined labels.

I/O Bit Function Labels

Selecting Edit ⇒ Edit Labels ⇒ I/O Bit Function Labels opens the
Global Integer Bit Labels window, used to provide default ASCII names
for I/O Mapper functions.

Fig. 4-125: “Global Integer Bit Labels” Window

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 VisualMotion Programming 4-105

To sort the list alphabetically by label, select the radio box by Name. To
sort the list alphabetically by ID, select the radio box by ID Number
After bit labels are assigned and the program is saved, the labels are
embedded in the motion program (the .str file) and will not be lost if the
program is later transferred to a different VisualMotion system. New
programs are loaded with the default bit names. Refer to chapter 16 in
volume 2 of the VisualMotion Functional Description, Registers, for
default bit names.

To add or edit a bit label:

1. Click Add… or select the desired bit and click Edit… .
An Add/Edit Bit Label window opens. The Name must be explicitly
entered. (When editing an existing label, the current Name, Reg-Bit
Number and Comment are automatically filled in.)

Fig. 4-126: "Add/Edit Bit Label" Window

2. Enter the desired Name, Reg-Bit Number and Comment (up to 80

3. Click Apply or OK.

4-106 VisualMotion Programming Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Programming Capabilities 5-1

5 Programming Capabilities

5.1 Overview
This chapter presents supplementary tools available for programming with
VisualMotion 11. Events provide a method for executing special
programs based on a specific condition in a program task. Position
Monitoring Group (GMP), Proportional Integrative Derivative (PID), and
Programmable Limit Switch (PLS) function in the background of a motion
program to provide monitoring and signal output.

5.2 Events
Events are special subroutines that run only after they have been armed
and a specific predefined condition has been met. This provides an
advanced method for programming greater accuracy to an icon program
for controlling the execution of a task. An event consists of a trigger and
an event function.
Trigger The trigger is the information used when arming an event and contains
the following components:

Trigger Description
Event Number Numerical value identifying the event trigger in the project
Event Name User defined label for the event trigger in the project
Event Argument The value or condition that triggers (executes) the special
subroutine (event function) to run
Event Type This could be one of the following: coordinated motion,
single-axis motion, Repeating Timer, Rotary, Probe, or I/O.
Refer to Event Types on page 5-7 for details.
Event Function The name for the special subroutine called by the trigger

Table 5-1: Trigger Elements

Event Function An event function is a special subroutine that runs when the trigger
condition is met.

Event Triggers
VisualMotion Toolkit offers multiple methods for adding event triggers to
an icon program. The Events tab in the VM Data Table window displays
all the data associated with each event trigger in the project and allows
data to be edited, deleted, and created in offline or online mode.

Note: Event trigger information can be created prior to creating the

icon program.

The VM Data Table can be opened by clicking this toolbar button or by

selecting Edit ⇒ VM Data Table…

5-2 Programming Capabilities Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1


Fig. 5-1: VM Data Table Events Tab

Event triggers can be enabled through event arming icons such as, Event,
Move, Circle, and Path icons. Event types such as, Single Axis or
Coordinated Motion are predefined and selected based on the icon.
Refer to Event Types on page 5-7 for details.

Event Move Circle Path

Fig. 5-2: Event Arming Icons

Note: The Calc icon can also be used to configure an existing event
trigger in the icon program. Memory must be allocated using
the VM Data Table before the Calc icon can be used to
configure an event trigger. Refer to VM Data Table on page 5-
6 for details.

For complete details on the icons described, refer to chapter 14 (Icons) in

volume 2 of the VisualMotion 11 Functional Description Manual.

Event Functions
An event function is a subroutine that runs when the configured trigger
condition is met. Event functions can be added by selecting Edit ⇒ VM
Data Table… or Insert ⇒ Event Function… from the VisualMotion main
menu. An event function can also be added by right-clicking the Event
Functions folder in the Project Navigator tab.


Fig. 5-3: Add Event Function in Project Navigator

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Programming Capabilities 5-3

Note: No arguments can be passed to an event function.

This opens the Event Function Control Block window where the event
name is entered. After the event function name is entered, a new icon
programming workspace opens with a Start and Finish icon in place.


Fig. 5-4: Event Function Control Block window

Create the event function that will run when the condition in the icon
program is true.

Note: Icon instructions that require a long time to process, such as

the Home, Wait, Branch, and Parameter Transfer icons,
should be avoided within event functions. Task response time
and execution can be adversely affected if the event function
requires too much time to process.

Relationship of Event Components

More than one event arming icon can be assigned to the same event
trigger as long as the event trigger types match, as illustrated in Fig. 5-5.
For example, a rotary event arming icon must be assigned to a rotary
event trigger. It is also possible to have more than one event trigger call
the same event function. The event function is not dependent on the type
of event trigger; any type of event trigger can call an event function.

Event Arm/Disarm Event Trigger Table Event Functions

Icon Selection
Arm Rotary 1 Rotary Event Trigger Event Function 1
Arm Rotary 2 Move Event Trigger Event Function 2
Arm Rotary 3 Move Event Trigger Event Function 3
Arm Rotary 4 Move Event Trigger Event Function 4
... Move Event Trigger Event Function 5
Arm Rotary n I/O Event Trigger
one-to-one & many-to-one
Probe Event Trigger relationships
Arm Move 1
Timer Event Trigger
Arm Move 2

Arm I/O
many-to-one, one-to-many &
one-to-one relationships

Fig. 5-5: Event Arming, Trigger, and Function Relationship

5-4 Programming Capabilities Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Event Processing
If more than one event is used in a program, the events are prioritized
according to the following designation:
Highest Priority 1 - PPC-R X1 Input Event
Priority 2 - Events from Task A
Priority 3 - Events from Task B
Priority 4 - Events from Task C
Priority 5 - Events from Task D
Priority 6 - Timer Task (repeating events)
Lowest Priority 7 - User Tasks A, B, C, and D

The following conditions should be considered when creating a

VisualMotion project with events:
• Events interrupt user tasks
• Events (except the repeating timer event) are assigned to a user
• Each user task has a separate event queue (stack) , which can store
up to 25 events
• The repeating timer event stack is separate from user task stacks and
can store up to 16 events

Note: An event queue (stack) is a storage area where events are

placed as they are triggered. The events are accumulated in
the stack and are activated in the order in which they are
received. Once an event has been executed, it is cleared from
the stack and the remaining events move up in the stack.
VisualMotion will issue a Stack Overflow error when the
maximum number of event in a queue is exceeded.

• A higher priority event takes precedence over a lower priority event. If

lower priority events are queued and a higher priority event is armed,
the higher priority event is placed above a lower priority event as long
as the lower priority event is not running. Refer to Table 5-4 for
• The stack handles events with the same priority in a First In First Out
(FIFO) order.
• The PPC-R X1 input events are considered “fast input events” and will
always be placed at the top of the FIFO stack. Refer to PPC-R X1
Input Event on page 5-19 for details.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Programming Capabilities 5-5

Event Programming
Event triggers and functions in a project can be created or modified in
either offline or online mode. VisualMotion 11 provides the following
methods for programming events in a project.

Note: Service mode can also be used to edit event triggers and
functions. However, when using service mode, only the data
on the control will be modified. It is the responsibility of the
programmer to ensure that all project related data is properly
imported in to the project files. Refer to Importing Project Data
in chapter 10 of the VisualMotion 11 Functional Description for

Method Description
Event Arming Icons The Event, Move, Circle, and Path icons can be
configured to arm event triggers
VM Data Table Used to name an event trigger, select an event type,
configure the argument (trigger condition) and select
the event function that will run.
Data Editor In online mode, argument values can be modified.
In offline mode, the event type and argument can be
Event Function folder in Used to add, delete, and edit event functions
Project Navigator

Table 5-2: Event Programming Methods

The steps for configuring or modifying events are the same in offline,
online or service mode. The only difference is the target where the data
will be saved. When programming in offline mode all data is saved to the
project files on your hard drive. When programming in online mode, only
event trigger arguments can be modified. All other event trigger data,
although it can be created or modified in online mode, must be saved and
synchronized with the project in order for the changes to take effect.
Refer to Synchronize Project Components in chapter 10 of the
VisualMotion Functional Description for details.

Event Arming Icons

The event arming icons are the Event, Move, Path, and Circle icons.
These icons can be used for arming event triggers in any of the four main
tasks (A-D), in subroutines, and in event functions. Event arming icons
are not available in the initialization task and in an initialization subroutine.
Event Icon The Event icon is used to arm the following event types:
• Repeating Timer
• Rotary
• I/O
• Probe
Refer to Table 5-4: Overview of Event for details.
The Event icon can also be used for disarming auto rearming event
triggers such as, repeating timer, rotary repeating axis, I/O register, or
task input transition.
Move Icon The Move icon is used primarily for single axis, non-coordinated absolute
or relative distance moves. This icon also allows the user to configure up
to 4 event triggers for the defined axis.

5-6 Programming Capabilities Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Event functions associated with the event triggers are executed based on
the distance set in the Move icon and not from the actual feedback
position. Refer to Single Axis Motion Events on page 5-9 for details.
Path and Circle Icons The Path and Circle icons are used for absolute or relative coordinated
motion. Event triggers for the Path and Circle icons are not associated
directly with the icon but with the ABS or REL point assigned to the icon.
Absolute or Relative points can have up to 4 event triggers configured.
Refer to Coordinated Motion Events on page 5-7 for details.

VM Data Table
The configuring and allocation of memory for event triggers is done in the
VM Data Table under the Events tab.
Allocating Event Triggers in a Memory allocation in the VM Data Table is calculated based on the
Project largest event trigger number configured.
For Example:
If only one event trigger is added and identified as number 5, then the
control allocates memory for up to 5 event triggers. Afterwards, the Calc
icon can be used, as part of the icon program, to configure event triggers
1, 2, 3, and 4. An error will be issued if the Calc icon is used to configure
an event trigger numbered 6.

Note: Changes to event trigger arguments made in the VM Data

Table do not effect a running program. The project must be
saved and synchronized in order for changes to take effect.

Data Editor
The Data Editor can be used to modify existing event trigger data such
as, argument value and event type. As an online tool, an event argument
for a specific event trigger can be modified for a running program. Also,
the status of an event can be monitored. The editor provides the
following status indications:
Event Trigger Status Description
Inactive not triggered
Pending triggered but not queued
Queued triggered and awaiting execution of event function
Executing event function is running
Done complete
Repeat retriggered and armed

Table 5-3: Data Editor Event Trigger Status

The Data Editor under menu selection Data ⇒ Events is used for
modifying event arguments in a running program.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Programming Capabilities 5-7

Event Types
The following table provides an overview of the supported event type in
VisualMotion 11:
Event Type Examples Arming Auto Maximum Priority*
Mechanism Rearm Number
Coordinated • Start a move from No 4 events per move 2–4
Motion another axis segment Based on the assigned
• Control a glue gun
Single Axis • Start a move from No 4 events per 2–4
Motion another axis single axis move Based on the assigned
• Control a glue gun
Repeating • Switch a pump on Yes 16 in a project 6
Timer every hour Lowest priority
Runs independent of
• Calculate statistics
any task
every minute
Rotary • Control a valve Yes 4 for each axis, 2–4
Repeating Axis group, or master Based on the assigned
• Change the H- Task
• Start a move from
another axis
Probe • Latch motor No 2 per drive 2–4
position of drive for Based on the assigned
registration function Task
• Detect product
position on a belt
I/O Register • Move SERVO to a Yes 16 in a project 1 for Task A
predefined position
after opening a
Task Input • Start a calculation Yes 1 per task 2–4
Transition Based on the assigned
• Move SERVO to a Task
predefined position
after opening a

PPC-R X1 Input • Time critical No 3 absolute 1 for Task A

measurements Highest priority
• Latch virtual master
Table 5-4: Overview of Event Types

Coordinated Motion Events

Multi-axis coordinated motion requires a trigger distance specified as a
percentage of the total length of the segment or time (in ms) from the
start or end of the segment. Event triggers for coordinated motion are
associated with the points table that defines the path. Up to 4 event
triggers can be configured for each point in a coordinated motion path.
The point is set in either the Path or Circle icon.

Note: When using a jerk filter (non-zero jerk value) within a path
segment, the triggering of an event function within the path
segment may not occur as expected.

5-8 Programming Capabilities Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Use the following steps to add a coordinated motion event to a project:

1. Place a Path or Circle icon in the icon workspace.

Fig. 5-6: Path Icon Setup for Percentage of Coordinated Path Event

2. From the setup window of a Path or Circles icon, select the browse
button to open the VM Data Table window.
3. Select the ABS or REL Points tab.
4. If selecting an existing point, right-click on the desired point and select
Edit ... If no points exists or a new point is to be created, right-click in
the empty table and select Add …
5. Check a box in the Enable Event section of the Point window to
enable the browse button.
6. Click the browse button to open the VM Data Table displaying only
7. Select an event trigger that will be assigned to the point. If an event
trigger does not exists, right-click the empty window, click Add … and
create a new event trigger.
8. Name the event trigger, enter an Argument value and select the
desired Coordinated Motion Event Type.
The following table lists the event types available for the Path or Circle
icon along with their arming behavior, maximum number and description.

Event Type Auto Maximum Description

Rearming Number
Percent from Start No 4 events per point A position-based event that executes an event function at
the set percentage of the overall travel from the start.
Percent before End No 4 events per point A position-based event that executes an event function at
the set percentage of the overall travel before the end.
Time from Start No 4 events per point A time-based event that executes an event function at a set
time from the start of the move.
Time before End No 4 events per point A time-based event that executes an event function at a set
time before the end of the move.
Table 5-5: Coordinated Motion Event Types

9. Select an existing Event Function from the drop-down menu or create

a new event function by clicking the New Function… button.

Note: Only the name of a newly created function will appear in the
Event window. The actual event function can be program by
expanding the Event Function folder in the Project Navigator
window and double-clicking on the event function name.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Programming Capabilities 5-9

The following figure illustrates an overview of the previous steps

described above.

Fig. 5-7: Coordinated Motion Event Setup

Single Axis Motion Events

For single axis non-coordinated motion, an event function can be
triggered at a set distance from the start of a move or before the end of a
move. The event trigger is set within the Move icon. Up to 4 event
triggers within one Move icon can be armed which can call up to 4
different event functions.

Note: Single axis, non-coordinated, motion icons use the internal

positioning intelligence of Rexroth’s digital drives. Because
the rate profile for single axis motion is developed within the
drive, the control uses the drive’s feedback position.
Consequently, a time jitter of 1-2 Sercos cycles may occur.

To add a single axis event to an icon program:

1. Place the Move icon in the icon workspace, select the axis and set
the move distance.
2. Check a box in the Event triggers section to enable the browse

5-10 Programming Capabilities Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

3. Click the browse button to open the VM Data Table and select the
Events tab.
4. Select an event trigger that will be assigned to the move. If an event
trigger does not exists, right-click the empty window, click Add … and
create a new event trigger.
5. Name the event trigger, enter an Argument value and select the
desired Single Axis Event Type.
The following table lists the event types available for the Move icon along
with their arming behavior, maximum number and description.

Event Type Auto Maximum Number Description

Distance From Start No 4 events per move A position-based event that executes an event function
after the start of the move.
Distance Before End No 4 events per move A position-based event that executes an event function
before the end of the move.
Table 5-6: Single Axis Event Types

6. Select an existing Event Function from the drop-down menu or create

a new event function by clicking the New Function… button.

Note: Only the name of a newly created function will appear in the
Event window. The actual event function can be program by
expanding the Event Function folder in the Project Navigator
window and double-clicking on the event function name.

The following figure illustrates an overview of the previous steps

described above.

Fig. 5-8: Single Axis Event Setup

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Programming Capabilities 5-11

Special Cases for Single Axis Events

The following examples provide additional information regarding the
functionality behavior of single axis event triggers.

Note: Single axis motion event triggers are executed when the Move
icon is encountered in the icon flow, regardless of the move
type (Absolute or Relative).

Special Case for When an event trigger argument is larger than the remaining distance, at
Distance from End of Move the moment the Move icon is encountered, the event function will still
execute. VisualMotion will calculate a new event trigger as follows:

Target Position – [ 0.99 * ( Target Position – Current Position ) ]

Target Position 20mm
Single Axis Event Type Distance from End of Move
Argument 15mm
Current Position 10mm (non-Modulo)
Axis Positioning Mode Linear

In this example, 20mm – 0.99 * 10mm = 10.1mm (event trigger position).

Therefore, instead of the programmed 15mm (Distance from End),
VisualMotion will internally use an argument of 9.9mm, as illustrated in
Fig. 5-9.

The event function will execute when the

axis reaches a position of 10.1mm

New internal argument is 9.9mm

10mm 20mm
Current position where Target Position
event trigger is armed defined in Move icon

Fig. 5-9: Special Case for Distance from End of Move Event Type

Special Case for When an event trigger argument is larger than the remaining moving
Distance from Start of Move distance, at the moment the Move icon is encountered, the event
function will still execute. VisualMotion will calculate a new event
trigger as follows:

Current Position + [ 0.99 * ( Target Position - Current Position ) ]

Target Position 12mm
Single Axis Event Type Distance from Start of Move
Argument 10mm
Current Position 5mm
Axis Positioning Mode Linear

In this example, 5mm + [ 0.99 * ( 12mm-5mm ) ] = 11.9mm (event trigger

position). Therefore, instead of the programmed 10mm (Distance from

5-12 Programming Capabilities Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Start), VisualMotion internally will use an argument of 6.9mm, as

illustrated in Fig. 5-10.

The event function will execute when

the axis reaches a position of 11.9mm

New internal argument is 6.9mm

5mm 12mm
Current position where Target Position
event trigger is armed defined in Move icon

Fig. 5-10: Special Case for Distance from Start of Move Event Type

Special Case Single Axis Event Special care must be taken when using multiple Move icons to trigger
Triggering Behavior events for the same axis. The Move icon can arm up to 4 event triggers
for the same axis. However, if the event trigger within one Move icon
does not execute the associated event function before a second Move
icon is armed, the first event function will be overwritten by the second
event function.
To prevent any overlapping of event triggers when using multiple Move
icons for the same axis, place the event triggers at different levels within
the Move icons. Refer to Fig. 5-11 for details.

Note: Event triggers can be placed at the same level within Move
icons as long as the timing between event triggers allows
enough time for the event functions to execute.


Fig. 5-11: Using Different Trigger Levels

If a Stop icon (Abort and Stop exhibit the same behavior) interrupts a
Move icon procedure before its event function executes, the event trigger
for the event function remains in the stack and will be executed when the
axis reaches the event trigger position.
If a Move icon arms an event trigger and then an ELS Mode Change icon
changes the operation mode to Velocity or ELS before the axis reaches
the event trigger position, the event stays pending in the stack and will still
be executed.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Programming Capabilities 5-13

Special Case for Single Axis The following example describes the single axis event trigger behavior
Rotary Positioning when using rotary positioning with a single axis Move icon. The following
should be taken in to consideration:
• S-0-0393, Command Value Mode, is used with the event trigger
position calculation. The shortest path, positive and negative direction
settings are part of the calculation.
• When using SGP03 and SGP20 firmware on EcoDrive 03, the axis
can be configured for a relative move beyond one modulo value. In
this case, all single axis event functions will trigger within the first
modulo value of 360 degrees.

Target Position 720 degrees
Single Axis Event Type Distance from End of Move
Argument 5 degrees
Current Position 200 degrees
Axis Positioning Mode Rotary

When the event is triggered, the expected reaction would be for the event
function to execute 5 degrees before the end of the move (after 715
degrees of travel). However, because single axis event triggers are
executed within the first modulo value (360 degrees), the event function
will actually execute after 355 degrees from the point where the Move
icon is encountered. Refer to Fig. 5-12 for details.

Current position where

event trigger is armed
Event function executes within
one modulo value at 195°


200° 195°

Expect point for event

715° function to execute

Fig. 5-12: Modulo Axis Event Trigger Behavior

5-14 Programming Capabilities Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Repeating Timer Event

The repeating timer event is triggered by an internal clock that runs
independently of the event’s associated task. The argument for the event
is a value that represents the time interval between each triggering of the

Note: Repeating Timer events are auto rearming. This means that it
will continuously run, until it is disarmed, even after its
associated task has ended.

To add a repeating timer event to a project:

1. Place an Event icon in the icon workspace.
2. In the Event Arm/Disarm window, select Arm Event for the Event
Action and Repeating Timer for the Event Type.


Fig. 5-13: Event Arm/Disarm Window

3. Type an event name in the Event Trigger field, select the event
name from the Events tab in the VM Data Table window, or create a
new event name by selecting Add to open the Add Event window.

Note: To disarm the repeating timer event, place a second Event

icon in the program and select Disarm Event for the event

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Programming Capabilities 5-15

Rotary (Repeating Axis Position) Event

Rotary events are triggered each time the axis encounters an absolute
position. The axis motion type can be single-axis, ELS, ratio, or velocity
mode and configured for modulo or non-modulo positioning.
The event function will be triggered each time the axis reaches the
position (from either direction) set in the argument. Because rotary
motion uses the shortest path to reach the next specified position, verify
that the axis will travel through the position specified in the argument.

Note: Rotary events are auto rearming. This means that it will
continuously run, until it is disarmed, even after its associated
task has ended.

To add a Rotary event to a project:

1. Place an Event icon in your icon program.
2. Select Arm Event for the Event Action.


Fig. 5-14: Event Arm/Disarm Window

3. Select Rotary for the Event Type.

4. Enable the event trigger by placing a check in the box. Type an event
name in the Event Trigger field or select the event name from the
Events tab in the VM Data Table window.
5. Select a signal source, depending on whether the event function will
be triggered by a single axis, ELS Group, or ELS Master, position.

5-16 Programming Capabilities Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Probe Event
VisualMotion supports Sercos probe functionality and real-time bits along
with the event system. Typically, probes are used to detect registration
marks on material. When the position is captured, the drive signals the
control with a real-time bit in the Sercos cyclic data telegram (AT). When
the control detects a change in the real-time bit, it can execute an optional
event function.
IndraDrive, Diax 04, and EcoDrive 03 digital drives support up to two
probe inputs that can be used for capturing feedback positions and/or
time values. The following table lists the drive hardware and firmware
types that support probe inputs.

Drive Hardware Firmware

IndraDrive CSH control section MPH-02
Diax 04 DSS 02.1 SSE-03 or ELS-05
EcoDrive 03 Sercos Interface SGP 01, SGP 03, SGP 20,
SMT-02, or MGP-01

Table 5-7: Probe Input Hardware Support

Note: The EcoDrive 03 cyclic data telegram has a limitation of 16

bytes. When the MUX channel is enabled (multiplexing) in the
drive, only one probe input can be placed in the cyclic data
telegram. Single axis probe inputs are not supported when the
MUX channel is enabled. Refer to the Sercos Drive Telegram
Utility in chapter 7 of the VisualMotion 11 Functional
Description for details.

The inputs are wired in each drive according to the following figure:


Fig. 5-15: Connecting the Probe Inputs

Note: For IndraDrive: If both probes are used, the 4 drive CAM
support will be transmitted over the service channel.

The probe inputs are scanned every µs. Upon either a positive or
negative transition of a probe input, the drive captures and places the
position into the cyclic data telegram.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Programming Capabilities 5-17

Note: It is also important that the value being read in the feedback
event matches the parameter in the amplifier telegram (AT). If
feedback is requested from a probe and its associated
parameter is not in the AT, the service channel is used to
transmit the data.

To add a Probe event to an icon program:

1. Add an axis under Setup ⇒ Axes of the desired motion type.

Note: Probes can be configured for the following motion types

available in the drop-down menu of the Task Axes Setup
• ELS Axis
• Single Axis
• Coordinated
• Velocity
• Ratioed Axis
• Torque Mode
• Torque following Mode

2. Specify the Axis, Motion, and Drive in the Motion Selection window.
3. Click the Next button, setup the Axis Properties and continue to the
Configure Axis Probe window.


Fig. 5-16: Configure Probe Window

4. Select the probes that will be associated with each event trigger in the
Configure Axis Probe window.

5-18 Programming Capabilities Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

The following table lists the four probe trigger sources and their
associated Sercos and control parameters:
Probe Trigger Sercos Parameter Control Parameter
Probe 1, 0->1 S-0-0130 A-0-171
Probe 1, 1->0 S-0-0131 A-0-172
Probe 2, 0->1 S-0-0132 A-0-173
Probe 2, 1->0 S-0-0133 A-0-174
Table 5-8: Available Probe Triggers

Note: Configuring the data that will be captured by the probes is

done using DriveTop. Refer to drive documentation for
additional information on configuring drives.

5. Select and place an Event icon in the icon program and select the
Arm Event radio button.


Fig. 5-17: Event Arm/Disarm Window

6. Select Probe for Event Type.

7. Type the event trigger name or select it from the VM Data Table.
8. Select the probe trigger number. This number corresponds to the
trigger number configured in the axis setup.
9. Select the same Axis that was setup under Setup ⇒ Axes.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Programming Capabilities 5-19

I/O Events
Events can be triggered through an I/O register or bit. There are four
types of I/O Events:
• Task Input Transition
• I/O Register Event
• PPC-R Input Event (0->1)
• PPC-R Input Event (1->0)

Task Input Transition Event Bit 9 of each Task Control Register (002-005) is reserved as an event
interrupt input for the task. Every low-to-high transition of this input can
trigger an event function. Following a high-to-low transition of the input,
the event trigger is rearmed automatically. To disarm the event trigger,
an additional event icon in the program flow is necessary to disarm the
The control scans the input every 2ms and queues an event trigger upon
a low-to-high transition. The event function will take priority over the user
tasks, allowing quick response to an external input.
IndraLogic can be used to invert the logic of the interrupt input, or to direct
other external inputs to the Task Control Register’s Event Interrupt bit.
I/O Register Event An I/O Register event uses the bits of register 88 (USER_XI_REG) as
inputs for up to 16 separate event triggers. Once an I/O Register event
trigger is initially armed, every low-to-high transition of the bit will cause
the event function to run. The event trigger is rearmed automatically after
the high-to–low transition of the bit. An Event icon must be used in the
icon program to disarm an I/O register event.
The bits in register 89 (USER_XO_REG) show the event status of their
corresponding bit in register 88. This provides an external output to
indicate the event is armed and ready for operation. Once an I/O register
event is armed in the icon program, the corresponding bit in register 89 is
set high. The bit in register 89 is set low again when the event is triggered
and is set high again when the event is rearmed. The register 89 output
bits are also set low if the event is disarmed using the Event icon.
PPC-R X1 Input Event The PPC-R X1 High Speed Inputs can be used for high priority events.
When pins 3, 4, or 5 on connector X1 of the PPC-R detect a positive or
negative rise, the associated event function is triggered. If another event
is currently running and a PPC-R X1 input event is triggered, it will run
immediately after the current event has finished and before the next event
in the stack.

Note: High speed input events are not automatically rearmed. An

Event icon must be used to rearm the event.

The PPC-R X1 input event is triggered by a physical switch that is

connected to pin 3, 4, or 5 of connector X1. The event is triggered by
latching the switch to provide 24V to the input. The event could be
triggered by either a latch or unlatch of the switch.

5-20 Programming Capabilities Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1


Fig. 5-18: Wiring Diagram for Digital Input/Output

Note: The digital inputs and outputs found on connector X1 of the

PPC-R22.1 are not functional unless 24V are supplied to pins
6 and 7. Digital inputs I1, I2 and I3 are mapped the bits 1, 2,
and 3 of register 44. Digital outputs Q1 and Q2 are mapped
the bits 1 and 2 of register 45.

Adding an I/O Event I/O Events are added using the Event icon in VisualMotion. To add an I/O
Event to a project:
1. Place an Event icon in the task where the event will occur.
2. In the Event Arm/Disarm window, select Arm Event.
3. Select I/O for the Event Type.
4. Type the name of the event function or select or create one by
selecting the VM Data Table button.
5. In the VM Data window, select the Events tab and select an event or
click the Add button to create a new event.
6. In the Add Event window, enter the event number and name.
7. Select the I/O Event Type and enter the event function name or
create a new one with the New Function… button.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Programming Capabilities 5-21


Fig. 5-19: Add Event Window

Runtime Setup
The Runtime setup allows you to dynamically change the event argument
and/or event function for an existing event. The Runtime setup values for
an event will overwrite the values for that same event in the VM Data
Runtime changes can be set in the Runtime Setup field in the Event and
Move icons.

Note: The functionality of the Runtime Setup was accomplished

using the Calc icon in earlier versions of VisualMotion. The
Calc icon can still be used to change event values in
VisualMotion 11 as in previous versions of VisualMotion. Refer
to the events topic in VisualMotion online help for information
about configuring the Calc icon for and event.

The Runtime Setup field in the Event and Move icons has a Set… button
which opens the Runtime Event Configuration window.


Fig. 5-20: Runtime Event Configuration Window

5-22 Programming Capabilities Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Note: If a disarm function is used for an event, neither the argument

or event function can be changed in runtime. In the Runtime
Event Configuration window, the event function should be
disabled by removing the check in the Enable check box.

A list of all the events in a project can be viewed by selecting View

⇒ Event Function…in the VisualMotion Toolkit main menu.


Fig. 5-21: Event Functions Window

In the Runtime Event Configuration window, the Enable checkbox must
be selected to enable the Argument and Event Function fields.


Fig. 5-22: Runtime Event Configuration Window

The checkbox can also be used to deactivate either setting so that the
program will continue to use the original settings in the event trigger.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Programming Capabilities 5-23

5.3 Position Monitoring Group

Certain applications require position deviation monitoring between
multiple axes on a machine when following the same position command
signal. Should one of the drives in a group deviate from a set-monitoring
window, an error reaction can be set to warn the user of the deviation or
stop all drives (issuing a fatal error). This function provides independent
monitoring of multiple groups of axes including the X, Y and Z of a
coordinate system, simultaneous single axes moves and axes in an ELS
group or an ELS system master. The Position Group Monitoring window
allows the configuration of up to 8 independent groups containing a
maximum of 6 axes (1 primary and 5 slaves) per group. All configured
axis groups are monitored every Sercos cycle.
Selecting Commission ⇒ Position Monitoring Group opens the
window in Fig. 5-23.

Note: In offline mode, the Position Group Monitoring window is used

to configure up to 8 groups. In online mode, the window is
used to view the status of current, peak and maximum
deviation values for all groups.


Fig. 5-23: Axis Position Monitor

Relevant Parameters for Axis Group Monitoring

The following control parameters are used when configuring Axis Position
Parameter Description
C-0-3201, C-0-3211, C-0-3221, C-0-3231, C-0-3241, C-0-3251, PMG # Maximum Allowed Deviation Window
C-0-3261, C-0-3271 (# identifies groups 1-8)
C-0-3202, C-0-3212, C-0-3222, C-0-3232, C-0-3242, C-0-3252, PMG # List of Axis
C-0-3262, C-0-3272 (# identifies groups 1-8)
C-0-3203, C-0-3213, C-0-3223, C-0-3233, C-0-3243, C-0-3253, PMG # List of Position Offsets
C-0-3263, C-0-3273 (# identifies groups 1-8)
C-0-3204, C-0-3214, C-0-3224, C-0-3234, C-0-3244, C-0-3254, PMG # Current Peak Group Deviation
C-0-3264, C-0-3274 (# identifies groups 1-8)
C-0-3205, C-0-3215, C-0-3225, C-0-3235, C-0-3245, C-0-3255, PMG # Maximum Deviation
C-0-3265, C-0-3275 (# identifies groups 1-8)
C-0-3206, C-0-3216, C-0-3226, C-0-3236, C-0-3246, C-0-3256, PMG # Configuration
C-0-3266, C-0-3276 (# identifies groups 1-8)

Table 5-9: Position Monitoring Groups

5-24 Programming Capabilities Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

System/Position Initialization
Before position monitoring can become active, the PMG parameters are
processed. This process dynamically creates and initializes internal data
structures with valid settings. The processing of the PMG # List of Axis
and PMG # LIST of Position Offsets runs during every occurrence of
system initialization (Phase- 2 Æ Phase-4). If any parameter is set
incorrectly, errors are reported before the system is able to run in phase
4. In general, all position signals must have the same data format (in,
mm, deg) and likewise, mechanical system (M/N ratios, feed
constants/modulo, etc…). The system automatically detects if the
position master is a modulo axis (e.g. reads S-0-0076, bit 7) and
calculates the deviation window accordingly. The deviation window
parameter will be scaled in the units of the master signal.

Note: If an axis requires drive homing, monitoring can only become

activated after the homing process has been completed on all
the axes in a grouping.

Configure Monitoring Group

A monitoring group is configured by double-clicking on a group number
row in the Position Monitoring Group window. From the Position
Monitoring Group Settings window, the user selects the Deviation Method,
Primary Signal, Error Reaction on Maximum Deviation and Maximum
Deviation Window for the group.

Fig. 5-24: Position Monitoring Group Settings

Deviation Method
This selection sets the method of deviation that will be used in the
system. The selections include:
• Deviation from Primary Signal
• Min/Max Group Deviation Window

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Programming Capabilities 5-25

Deviation from Primary Signal

The system monitors the maximum allowable position difference between
the selected primary (master) signal and the group of slave signals.
How it works:
During runtime, the group’s corresponding enabled bit (PMG#_ENABLE,
REG. 86) is checked. If enabled, the group’s maximum deviation window
is calculated. This calculated value is compared to each of the slave’s
position, including offset, to determine if it exceeds the maximum
deviation window value. If a slave’s position is outside of the maximum
deviation window, the selected error reaction is executed.

Min/Max Group Deviation Window

The system monitors the maximum allowable position difference between
the slaves in a group and compares it to the set maximum deviation
How it works:
During runtime, the group’s corresponding enabled bit (PMG#_ENABLE,
REG. 86) is checked. If enabled, each slave’s position, including offset, in
a group is analyzed. The slaves are sequentially checked based on their
order. Next, the Min/Max value is derived by taking the absolute
difference between the current Min and Max value and comparing it to the
group’s maximum deviation window. If the group’s Min/Max value is
greater than the maximum deviation window, the selected error reaction is

Min/Max Group Deviation Window

Min Max

Current Min/Max Value

slave slave slave slave


Fig. 5-25: Analyzing Min/Max Value

Primary Signal
The primary signal is the master signal that is used when the deviation
method is set to “Deviation from Primary Signal”. The available primary
signal sources are listed in the table below.
Primary Signal Description
Feedback Position (A-0-0102) An axis’ feedback position is used as a
master signal
Command Position (A-0-0101) The axis’ command position value is used as
a master signal
ELS System Group Position An ELS Groups (1-8) output position is used
as a master signal
ELS System Master An ELS System Master (1-6) is used as a
master signal

Table 5-10: Primary Signals

5-26 Programming Capabilities Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Error Reaction on Maximum Deviation

This selection sets the error reaction that is used when a slave axis is
outside the set maximum deviation window. When set to Fatal Error (stop
drives), all slaves axis will stop and the control will display the error,
“554 Excessive Deviation in PGM%d, see ext. diag”. When set to
Warning (user defined), motion to all slaves continues and the control will
display the warning, “220 Excessive Deviation in PGM%d. see ext. diag”.
Maximum Deviation Window
The value in this field represents the maximum positional deviation
between the primary signal and slave axes, when using Deviation from
Primary Signal, and between a minimum and maximum axes positions in
a group, when using Min/Max Group Deviation Window. This value is
stored in control parameter C-0-32x1 (PGM # Maximum Allowed

Note: The maximum allowable value that can be entered is 90. The
PMG uses the current system unit settings.

The following figure illustrates how the maximum deviation value is

applied to both Deviation Methods.

Current Primary Signal Position

Deviation from 15 15 1
Primary Signal 0 Error Bit

In this example, the error bit is set for

both deviation methods as follows:
Maximum Deviation Window = 30
Primary Signal:
If any slave position is greater than
15 units away from the primary signal
Min Max position.

Min/Max Group:
Group's Deviation If the group’s deviation between the
Min/Max Group Min and Max slave position is greater
than 30.
Deviation Window
Slave positions within a PGM group

Fig. 5-26: Maximum Deviation Window

Note: Changes to the maximum deviation window, while a group is

enabled, has no immediate effect. The group’s control
register enable bit (Reg. 86 bits 1-8) must be disabled and
then set before a deviation window change can take effect.

Error Detection and Reset Monitoring Groups

The system monitors the maximum allowable position difference between
any number of drives identified in control parameter C-0-32x2 (PGM # List
of Axis). Should one or more axes exceed the maximum deviation
window value, the error bit(s) (Reg. 87, bits 9-16) will be set.

Note: PMG error bits are set to 0 when a PMG group is disabled.

Note: The programmer must react to these conditions and program

a corrective routine based on the machine’s design and/or

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Programming Capabilities 5-27

One method could be to arm an Extended Input or Task Interrupt event to

fire during the error. After the error has been detected and corrected, the
programmer must rearm monitoring by transitioning the group’s control
register bit (Reg. 86, bits 1-8) from Low (0) to High (1). At this point, if all
axes are within the deviation window, the status register bit (Reg. 87, bits
1-8) will be set High (1) and the error bit set Low (0). If any of the axes is
outside of the deviation window, then the status register bit will remain
Low (0) and the error bit will remain High (1).

Slave Axis Selection

The Slave Axis Selection window is used to select the primary and group
slave axis for each group. A maximum of 5 group slave axes can be set
for 1 primary slave.


Fig. 5-27: Slave Axis Selection

Primary Slave
The available selections within the Primary Slave field are dependent
upon the type of Primary Signal selected in the previous window. The
selected primary slave is stored in control parameter C-0-32x2 (PGM #
List of Axis) as the first entry. The allowable primary slave types are listed
based on selected primary signals.
Primary Slave Primary Signal
Axis 1-64 Feedback Position (A-0-0102) or
Command Position (A-0-0101)
Groups 1- 8 ELS System Group Position
ELS System Master 1- 6 ELS System Master

Table 5-11: Available Primary Signals

Note: When an axis number is selected as a primary slave, it is

removed from the Available Slave Axis field.

5-28 Programming Capabilities Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Adding Slave Axes to a Group

A maximum of 5 slave axes can be added to a Groups Slave Axis List.
Axis are added and removed from the group’s list by selecting the desired
axis number and clicking on the following buttons:

Add a Slave Axis

Remove a Slave Axis

Slave Offset Definition

The Slave Offset Definition window is used to manually set an offset
position between the Primary Slave and up to 5 additional slave axes in a


Fig. 5-28: Slave Offset Definition

Note: Slave offsets must be set after all axes in the system have
been referenced for the application.

Manually Set a Slave’s Offset

To set an offset, double-click on any axis to open the Axis Offset window.
The primary slave offset is normally set to zero. All other axes are
assigned an offset value to account for the difference in position from the
primary slave.
For example:
If the primary slave’s actual feedback position were 15 units, then the
slave’s offset would be set as follows:
Axis Feedback Position Offset
Group 1 (Primary Slave) 15 0
Axis 2 20 -5
Axis 3 16 -1
Axis 4 11 4
Axis 5 09 6
Axis 6 10 5

Table 5-12: Slave Offset

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Programming Capabilities 5-29

Automatically Set a Slave’s Offset

Slave offsets can be automatically calculated by the system to ensure
accurate values. This calculation is necessary for axes that have a fixed
phase deviation in an application.

Note: Offset calculations are performed before a group is enabled

and used to adjust all axes positions to zero. The actual
feedback position for each slave is not physically moved, but
the system uses the feedback + offset position to zero out all
axes positions. From a zero starting value, the PMG feature
can monitor all axes positions from a zero value and issue an
error if any slave is outside the Maximum Deviation Window.

Control Register 86 (PMG_Control), bits 9-16 are used to calculate the

required slave axis offset for each group. After a PMG is commissioned,
the offset bits can be programmed as follows:
• Group offset bits can be set using an I/O Setup icon
• A minimum Wait of 2 ms must follow the setting of an offset bit before
enabling the group. This provides sufficient time for the bit to set.

Note: Changes to a group’s position offset, while a group is enabled,

has no immediate effect. The control register enable bit (Reg.
86 bits 1-8) for the group must be disabled and then re-
enabled before a position offset change takes effect.

5-30 Programming Capabilities Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

5.4 PID
VisualMotion can support up to 32 PID (Proportional, Integral, Derivative)
control loops with each program. These PID’s are parameterized with
program variables or registers, and have a minimum update rate of 8ms.
A choice of optional filters (Low-pass or Butterworth) may be applied to
the feedback signal.
The PID causes corrective action to be taken before a problem becomes
unmanageable. For instance in a machine dispensing chocolate onto a
conveyer the chocolate must be kept at a certain temperature so as to
hold it’s form once dispensed but not thicken too early restricting the flow
rates. The PID function would keep the temperature within the too hot
and too cold limits much more precisely than a simple on off switch
controlled by a thermostat.
The PID instruction is activated at program activation with communication
in Sercos phase 2 or greater and it’s control register “PID Enable” ( bit 5 )
set. The tasks do not need to be running. PIDs are configured under
Setup ⇒ Processes ⇒ PID Loops. Refer to section 4.7, PID Loops
Setup, for details. The runtime tool is available in online mode under
menu selection Data ⇒ PID…


Fig. 5-29: PID Runtime Tool

PID Properties
Selecting File ⇒ Properties in the PID runtime tool opens the PID
Properties window below. This window displays the variables, registers
and Control Block start float that was setup under Setup ⇒ Processes ⇒
PID Loops.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Programming Capabilities 5-31


Fig. 5-30: PID Properties

Tune PID Control Block

Selecting Tune opens the Tune PID Control Block window. The tuning
screen is used to adjust the selected PID loop while monitoring its values
on the main screen. This screen has several grouping for scaling and
adding offset to the process variables.


Fig. 5-31: Tuning PID

A grouping adjusting the Kd, Kp, Ki, integral preset, and integral limit are
provided. The output grouping also has min, max limits for it. The
feedback has an optional digital filter to condition the signal.
Refer to section 4.7, PID Loops Setup, for details

PID Instruction
The PID instruction configures a PI or PID control loop. The set point,
feedback, and output variables can be registers, integers, floats, or
parameters; appropriate conversions are supplied. Control factors (Ki,
Kp, Kd, Last_I_Result_Preset) and limits (min., max.) can be constants or
variables. Minimum loop update time is 8 milliseconds. In operation, the
PID instruction only needs to be executed once in the program flow. The
label for the PID loop is its control registers label.

5-32 Programming Capabilities Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

PID Limiter
Tc =
Tc_Scaler(Command D_Result = Output
– Tc_Bias) Kd * (Tf – Tf_old) = Min

Command Y

Error Output N N
P_Result = Output Output
+ Kp * Error + > Max < Max

Feedback I_Result = N
Value Last_I_Result I_Result +
> I_Max Output
+ (Ki * Error) = Max
Tf = Tf_Scalar(Feedback Y
– Tf_Bias)

I_Result To = To_Scalar(Output –
Preset Value = I_Max To_Bias)
Feedback Output


Control Register Status Register

5 4 5 4 3 2 1

Enable PID PID Enabled

Preset Enable
Enable Preset
Output in Window
Output at Min
Output at Max

Fig. 5-32: PID Instruction

5.5 Programmable Limit Switch Functionality

A Programmable Limit Switch (PLS) is used to switch on and off digital
outputs based on the input position of an associated axis or master. A
PLS can be parameterized in offline, online or service mode. The basic
component of a PLS is referred to as a PLS object.

PLS Object
A PLS object receives an input position from one associated axis or
master and switches on and off digital outputs based on the programmed
on and off positions.
The following figure illustrates a basic PLS object.

Switch 1 Output 1
One Drive . .
Feedback Device one-to-many . .
* Note
or ELS Master relationship . .
Input Type . .
Switch n Output m

Note: Relationship type is dependent on PLS type.


Fig. 5-33: Basic PLS Object

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Programming Capabilities 5-33

VisualMotion 11 supports the following three PLS object types:

• 2 Control PLS objects
• 1 Drive PLS object per drive (up to 64 drives total)
• Up to 8 Option Card PLS objects
(one Option Card PLS hardware per control)

Control PLS Object

Up to 2 Control PLS objects are available in a VisualMotion project. The
following table provides detailed specification for a Control PLS object:
PLS Type Switches Outputs Input Type
Control PLS 16 switches per PLS 16 outputs per PLS object assigned ELS System Master (1-6)
object. to a single VisualMotion register. ELS Group (1-8)
Drive 1-64
1 switch per output. Register bits are automatically - Motor encoder (S-0-0051)
assigned starting from bit 1. - External encoder (S-0-0053)

Table 5-13: Control PLS Object

Control PLS Object

Relationships Switch 1 Output 1
One Drive Switch 2 Output 2
Feedback Device one-to-many . one-to-one .
or ELS Master relationship . relationship .
Input Type . .
Switch 16 Output 16


Fig. 5-34: Control PLS Object Relationships

One drive feedback device or master input position is assigned to all 16

switches. This is known as a one-to-many relationship.
The switches and outputs have a one-to-one relationship. Each switch
number corresponds to the same output number.
The user assigns all 16 outputs to a 16-bit VisualMotion register. The 16
outputs are automatically assigned to each bit. Output 1 is assigned to bit
1, output 2 is assigned to bit 2, and so on.
Once parameterized and downloaded to the control, the status of each
output, via the VisualMotion register, can be used by the user program.
Control PLS Data Storage
Unlike a Drive or an Option Card PLS that use parameters for data
storage, two control PLS data structures exist in each user program with
initial values of zero.

Drive PLS Object

Rexroth Diax 04 and EcoDrive 03 digital drives support 1 PLS object per
drive in a Sercos ring. There can be a total of 64 Drive PLS objects to
match the number of drives in a system. The following table provides
detailed specifications for a Drive PLS object
PLS Type Switches Outputs Input Type
Drive PLS Up to 8 switches for Diax 04 8 outputs for Diax 04 Drive 1-64
Up to 16 switches for EcoDrive 03 16 outputs for EcoDrive 03 - Motor encoder (S-0-0051)
- External encoder (S-0-0053)
1 switch per output. Outputs are assigned to a
single VisualMotion register.

Register bits are automatically

assigned starting from bit 1.

Table 5-14: Drive PLS Object

5-34 Programming Capabilities Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Drive PLS parameter support is dependent on the firmware version

installed on the drive. Drive PLS parameters can also be written via the
icon program and activated during runtime.
Diax 04 Drive Up to 8 switches can be assigned to a Diax 04 Drive PLS. Each switch
can also be assigned an individual lead-time. The following Diax 04 drive
firmware supports 8 switches:

Drive-based I/O (i.e., DEA4.2M card) can be configured for a PLS output.
Refer to “PLS Register Assignment” on page 5-44 for details.
EcoDrive 03 Drive Up to 16 switches can be assigned to an EcoDrive 03 Drive PLS. Each
switch can also be assigned an individual lead-time. The following
EcoDrive 03 drive firmware supports 16 switches:

IndraDrive using Up to 8 switches can be assigned to a IndraDrive drives using MPx03

MPx firmware firmware. Each switch can also be assigned an individual lead-time. The
following IndraDrive firmware supports 8 switches:

Drive PLS Object Relationships

Switch 1 Output 1
One Drive Switch 2 Output 2
Feedback one-to-many . one-to-one .
Device Input relationship . relationship .
Type . .
Switch 8 or 16 Output 8 or 16


Fig. 5-35: Drive PLS Object Relationships

Depending on drive firmware, up to 8 or 16 switches can receive the input

position from one drive feedback device. This is known as a one-to-many
The switches and outputs have a one-to-one relationship. Each switch
number corresponds to the same output number.
The user assigns up to 8 or 16 outputs to a 16-bit VisualMotion register.
The outputs are automatically assigned to each bit. Output 1 is assigned
to bit 1, output 2 is assigned to bit 2, and so on.
Once parameterized and downloaded to the control, the status of each
output, via the VisualMotion register, can be used by the user program.

Parameters Relevant to a Diax 04 and EcoDrive 03 Drive PLS

The following table contains a list of parameters valid for Diax 04,
EcoDrive 03, and IndraDrive MPx03/04 drive-based PLSs. Refer to the
relevant Digital Drive Functional Description manuals for details.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Programming Capabilities 5-35

Supported Drives
Diax 04 / IndraDrive
Parameters Description EcoDrive 03 MPx03/04 Updated

Drive Parameters P-0-0130 Position Switch Signal Selection List X read-only

P-0-0131 Position Switch Signal Select ion X X Phase 2
P-0-0132 Position Switch On Threshold X X Phase 4
P-0-0133 Position Switch Off Threshold X X Phase 4
P-0-0134 Position Switch Lead Time X X Phase 4
P-0-0135 Position Switch Status Word X X Phase 4
Control Parameters A-0-0009 Output Register Value X X Phase 2

Table 5-15: Drive PLS Parameters

Note: IndraDrive drive-based PLS is only available in the Closed

Loop/Servo (SRV) and the Closed Loop/Synchronization
(SNC) packages.

IndraDrive PLS Signal IndraDrive drive parameter P-0-0130 contains a list of valid PLS input
Selection List signals. The desired input signal is written to parameter P-0-0131 in
Sercos phase 2. The following input signals are supported:
• S-0-0000 No assignment
• S-0-0051 Position feedback 1
• S-0-0053 Position feedback 2
• P-0-0052 Actual position measuring encoder
• P-0-0434 Position command value of controller
• P-0-0775 Resulting master axis position
• P-0-0776 Effective master axis position
• P-0-0778 Synchronous position command

Option Card PLS Object

The Option Card PLS is optional hardware that can support up to 8 PLS
objects. The hardware interface can be ordered with up 2 digital output
modules (16 outputs per module) for both the PPC-R22.1 and PPC-
P11.1. A maximum of 96 switches can be divided up among the 8 PLS
objects. No switch can be shared between PLS objects or outputs.

Note: Refer to the VisualMotion 11 Project Planning manual for

available hardware and firmware configurations.

PLS Type Switches Outputs Input Type

Option Card 96 total switches available for ELS System Master (1-6)
Number of outputs is dependent on
PLS up to 8 PLS objects. hardware configuration. ELS Group (1-8)
Drive 1-64
Switches can be assigned to a Up to 2 output modules (32 outputs) - Motor encoder (S-0-0051)
single output or divided can be ordered for a control. - External encoder (S-0-0053)
among configured outputs. 16 outputs per module.

Switch to output assignment is user-

Table 5-16: Option Card PLS Object

5-36 Programming Capabilities Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Note: The maximum speed for any Option Card PLS input master is
3500 rpm. Only one Option Card PLS can be ordered for a
PPC control.

Option Card PLS Object

Up to 8 PLS Up to 96 Up to 32
Relationships Objects switches Outputs
1 Output 1
Input Type 2 .
(PLS object 1) . Output 3
. 1.) .
50 .
. .
. .
. .
75 .
. .
Input Type . .
(PLS object 8) . .
96 Output 32

1.) one-to-many relationship

2.) many-to-one relationship

Fig. 5-36: Option Card PLS Object Relationships

Up to 96 switches can be used for up to 8 PLS objects. Switches

contained in a PLS object can receive the input position from one drive
feedback device or ELS Master. This is known as a one-to-many

Note: The same input type can be used for more than one PLS
object. For example, ELS Master 1 can be the configured
input type for 2 or more PLS objects.

The switches and outputs can have a one-to-one relationship or a

many-to-one relationship. Any number of switches, up to a total of 96,
can be assigned to one output or divided up among the 32 available
outputs. However, once a switch is assigned to an output it can not be
used by a different output.
The user can assign up to 16 outputs (one output module) to a 16-bit
VisualMotion register. If the control is ordered with 2 output modules (32
outputs), the user assigns the first register and the second consecutive
register is automatically assigned to the second output module. The
outputs are automatically assigned to each bit. Output 1 is assigned to bit
1, output 2 is assigned to bit 2, and so on.
Once parameterized and downloaded to the control, the status of each
output, via the VisualMotion register, can be used by the user program.
The output module(s) installed with the control provide high-speed access
to the available 32 outputs.
Parameters related to the Option Card PLS
The parameters for an Option Card PLS can be grouped into four
• General Parameters (C-0-2901 through C-0-2910)
• Switch Settings (C-0-2920 through C-0-2922)
• Output Settings (C-0-2930 through C-0-2935)
• PLS Input Settings (C-0-2940 through C-0-2943)

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Programming Capabilities 5-37

The following tables list each parameter with a description and the control
phase in which it is updated.
General Parameters Parameter Description Updated
C-0-2901 PLS1 Start Output Register Phase 4 (read/write)
C-0-2902 PLS1 Start Mask Register Phase 4 (read/write)
C-0-2903 PLS1 Build Table Command Phase 4 (read/write)
C-0-2904 PLS1 Build Table Status Phase 4 (read)
C-0-2905 PLS1 Switch Table Command Phase 4 (read/write)
C-0-2906 PLS1 Switch Table Status Phase 4 (read)
C-0-2907 PLS1 Error Code Phase 2 (read) / Phase 4
C-0-2908 PLS1 Extended Error Code Phase 2 (read) / Phase 4
C-0-2909 PLS1 Hardware ID Phase 2 (read) during
power up
C-0-2910 PLS1 Software ID Phase 2 (read) during
power up
Table 5-17: General Parameters for an Option Card PLS

Switch Parameters Parameter Description Updated

C-0-2920 PLS1 Switch On List Phase 4 (read/write)
C-0-2921 PLS1 Switch Off List Phase 4 (read/write)
C-0-2922 PLS1 Switch Output List Phase 4 (read/write)
Table 5-18: Switch Parameters for an Option Card PLS

Output Parameters Parameter Description Updated

C-0-2930 PLS1 Output Master List Phase 2 (read/write)
C-0-2931 PLS1 Output Lead Time Phase 4 (read/write)
C-0-2932 PLS1 Output Lag Time Phase 4 (read/write)
C-0-2933 PLS1 Output One Shot (PT) List Phase 4 (read/write)
C-0-2934 PLS1 Output Mode List Phase 4 (read/write)
C-0-2935 PLS1 Output Direction List Phase 4 (read/write)
C-0-2936 PLS1 Output Hysteresis Phase 2 (read/write)
Table 5-19: Output Parameters for an Option Card PLS

PLS Master Parameters Parameter Description Updated

(Input Type)
C-0-2940 PLS1 Master Type List Phase 2 (read/write)
C-0-2941 PLS1 Master Number List Phase 2 (read/write)
C-0-2942 PLS1 Master encoder List Phase 2 (read/write)
C-0-2943 PLS1 Master Phase Offset List Phase 4 (read/write)
Table 5-20: PLS Master Parameters for an Option Card PLS

5-38 Programming Capabilities Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Programming Modes
A Control, Drive, or Option Card PLS (if equipped) can be enabled and
configured using the VisualMotion PLS tool. PLS configurations can be
parameterized or edited in offline, online, or service mode. Online and
service modes require a serial or EtherNet connection to the control. The
PLS tool is launched by selecting Commission ⇒ PLS…

Enable/Disable a PLS Configuration

The enabled state of a PLS configuration is displayed in the PLS Tool tree
structure. An icon with a white background indicates that the PLS
configuration is enabled. An icon with a gray background indicates that it
is disabled. A PLS configuration is enabled when a PLS master type is
assigned. In offline mode, a PLS configuration can be enabled or
disabled by right-clicking on the PLS icon and selecting Enable PLS or
Disable PLS. This option is only available in offline mode. Disabling a
PLS simply replaces the assigned PLS master type with Not Set. This
feature provides the user with the option to enable or disable a PLS
configuration before switching to online mode.


Fig. 5-37: Enable or Disable a PLS Configuration

Offline Programming of a PLS

Offline programming is used to parameterize PLS configurations when a
physical connection to a control is not possible. When opened in offline
mode and no PLS configurations exists, the PLS tool displays 2 Control
PLSs, 1 Drive PLS and an Option Card PLS in the navigation window.
If a PLS configuration is being parameterized for a new project, it is
recommended that you first go online with your project to establish the
hardware configuration with the control. This procedure uploads all Diax
04 and EcoDrive 03 drives found on the Sercos ring to the current project.

Note: IndraDrive drives using MPx02 firmwares do not support PLS


Downloading Hardware Perform the following steps to download the current hardware
Configuration from Control configuration from the control:
1. With a serial or EtherNet connection to the control, establish
communication with VisualMotion Toolkit.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Programming Capabilities 5-39

2. From VisualMotion’s main menu, select File ⇒ Import Project

3. Select the Hardware Configuration checkbox and click the OK button.


Fig. 5-38: Transfer Control Data to Project

The hardware configuration of all the drives in the Sercos ring has been
saved to the offline project data. Now, all PLS configurations, including
Drive PLS can now be configured without a connection to the control.

Note: If no control is available, a Drive PLS can still be manually

added and parameterized using the PLS Tool. Refer to the
steps on page 5-39.

Add a Drive PLS The PLS Tool displays a Drive icon place holder with no configured Drive
PLS when no hardware configuration is downloaded to the control.
Perform the following steps to add a Drive PLS:
1. Right-click on the PLS tree icon and select Add Drive PLS…


Fig. 5-39: Add Drive PLS

2. Select the drive type (ECODRIVE03 or DIAX04) and specify the Drive
# (Sercos Address).

5-40 Programming Capabilities Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1


Fig. 5-40: New PLS Configuration

3. Once a drive is selected, a PLS wizard will guide the user through the
initial configuration. Refer to Configure a Control or Drive PLS on
page 5-41 for details.

Online Programming of a PLS

When the PLS tool is opened in online mode, all control, drive and Option
Card PLSs are uploaded from the control’s memory and displayed in the
PLS tool window. All Diax 04 and EcoDrive 03 drives found on the
Sercos ring will be uploaded with their assigned Sercos address.
To parameterize any PLS, simply double-click on one of the Control, Drive
or Option Card second level icons and configure the switches, master,
registers and outputs. Refer to Configure a Control or Drive PLS on page
5-41 for details.

Service Mode Programming of a PLS

Although service mode can be used to parameterize a PLS configuration
and download it to the control, service mode should only be used to make
any necessary modifications when the project data files are not available.
PLS configurations are uploaded from the control by selecting the upload
icon or by selecting File ⇒ Get PLS Configuration from PPC Control.
To edit a PLS in service mode, refer to Service Mode on page 5-57 for

Note: PLS configurations edited in service mode are not

synchronized with a project unless the PLS data is imported in
to the project. Refer to Importing PLS Configurations on page
5-59 for details.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Programming Capabilities 5-41

Configure a Control or Drive PLS

Due to the configuration similarities between Control and Drive PLSs, this
section will only focus on their parameterization. For steps on how to
configure an Option Card PLS refer to page 5-46.

Note: Control PLSs can be configured using the PLS tool or by

placing a PLS2 icon in the Initialization task or any runtime

Use the following steps to configure a Control or Drive PLS:

1. Open the PLS Tool by selecting Commission ⇒ PLS… from
VisualMotion’s main menu.

Note: Control and Option Card PLSs are present by default. Drive
PLSs are uploaded automatically in online mode. In offline
mode, a Drive PLS is added by right-clicking on the main PLS
icon and selecting Add a Drive. Refer to Add a Drive PLS on
page 5-39 for details.

2. Double-click or right-click on a second level Control or Drive PLS icon

to open the Control PLS or Drive PLS window.

Note: A Control PLS is displayed with all 16 switches. A Drive PLS

can have up to 16 switches, depending on drive firmware.


Fig. 5-41: PLS Switches Tab

3. In the PLS Switches tab of the Control PLS window, assign a

switch’s On/Off position and lead time by double-clicking on the
desired switch number or highlight the switch number and click on the
Edit button.

5-42 Programming Capabilities Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Switch Configuration for Control or Drive PLS

The following steps configure a switch’s On/Off position and lead-time.
1. Select the Switch index number.
2. In the Switch Configuration window, enter the On and Off positions
and lead-time for the switch. Refer to page 5-51 for an explanation of
lead time.

Note: The On and Off positions for each switch is relative to the units
of measurement in axis parameter A-0-0005 and task
parameter T-0-0005.
For example, if these parameters are set to 1, then the unit of
measurement for the switch’s On and Off positions is mm.


Fig. 5-42: Switch Configuration Window

3. Click the Apply button to save data.

Once a switch is configured and the Apply button is pressed, a new
Switch Index number must be selected to configure a different switch.
4. When all the switches are configured, press the OK button to close
the Switch # Configuration window and return to the PLS Switches

Note: VisualMotion issues an error when a different Switch Index

number is selected without first applying changes to an
already configured switch.

PLS Master Configuration for Control or Drive PLS

The PLS Master tab is used to configure 1 drive or master for each
Control or Drive PLS.
Control or Drive PLS Three Master types are available for a Control or Drive PLS:
• ELS Master (System Master) - An ELS Master can be a Virtual Master,
the output of an ELS Group, a Real Master or the output of a second
PPC-R cross-communicating in a Link Ring.
• ELS Group - In an ELS multiple master configuration, the output
position of an ELS Group can be used as an input to the PLS. A
Phase value added to the output of the ELS Group does not affect any
phase offsets that might have been configured in the ELS Group.
• Drive (Diax 04 and EcoDrive 03) – Primary or Secondary encoder
must be indicated when Drive type is selected.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Programming Capabilities 5-43


Fig. 5-43: PLS Master Configuration for a Control PLS

The Number field contains a drop-down list of numbers corresponding to

the input type selected. The following table lists the input types and their
range of available numbers.
Type Allowable Number Encoder
ELS Master 1-6 N/A
ELS Group 1-8 N/A
Drive 1-64 (Sercos address) Primary or Secondary

Table 5-21: Control PLS Input Types

The Phase field allows you to enter an offset value that is added to the
output of the PLS master.
Drive PLS The available Encoder types to use as a Drive PLS Master are:
• Primary
• Secondary


Fig. 5-44: PLS Master Configuration for a Control PLS

5-44 Programming Capabilities Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

PLS Register Assignment for a Control or Drive PLS

The Register Assignment tab for a Control or Drive PLS has fields for
configuring the Output register and Mask register. The Output register is
assigned to the PLS for monitoring the status of each switch.
Control PLS The 16 Control PLS switches are assigned to bits 01 to 16. The default
state of the Output register is zero. With the Output register in the default
state, the corresponding mask register bits must be set each time after


Fig. 5-45: PLS Register Assignment for a Control PLS

The Mask register is used to force the state of the output register bits. At
power-up, the bits in the mask register are set to 0 to prevent any
unwanted outputs from becoming enabled. The Control PLS switches
assigned to an output register will not function until the state of the
register’s complementary mask register bits are set to 1.

Note: The default state of the Output and Mask Registers is zero (0).
The user must set the corresponding mask register each time
after power-up.

The Mask register bits cannot be set to 1 before the PLS is configured.
After the PLS is configured and downloaded to the control, the state of
each Mask register bit can be set to 1 by selecting Data ⇒ Registers
from the VisualMotion main menu. Only an Output Register with a Mask
Register set to 1 will output a signal in the Control PLS register.

Note: The Mask Register field for Control PLS 2 is inactive because
the next consecutive number from the Control PLS 1 Mask
Register number is automatically assigned. If the Control PLS
1 mask register is edited, Control PLS 2 mask register will
automatically be updated.

Drive PLS Diax 04 drive switches are assigned to bits 01-08 and EcoDrive 03 drive
switches are assigned to bits 01-16.

Note: No Mask register is required for a Drive PLS. The Drive PLS
output register is always active.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Programming Capabilities 5-45


Fig. 5-46: PLS Register Assignment for a Drive PLS

Configuring Diax 04 Drive-based I/O Cards

VisualMotion can be used to automatically configure a Diax 04 Drive
PLS’s output signal directly to a DEA I/O card using the Output register for
Drive PLS. The Diax 04 digital drive I/O cards that can be used to output
Drive PLS signals are:
• DEA04.2M
• DEA05.2M
• DEA06.2M
To have VisualMotion automatically configure I/O cards to output Drive
PLS signals:
1. Configure a Diax 04 Drive PLS for axis n and assign a VisualMotion
register (for example, register 70) to the PLS Output Register using
the PLS Tool.
2. Download the configured PLS to the control in parameter mode.

Note: The PLS Output Register assignment is written to axis

parameter A-0-0009.

3. Using the I/O Configuration Tool, configure axis n with a DEA04.2M,

5.2M or 6.2M I/O card and assign the outputs to the same register
number that was used in the PLS tool.
4. Download the I/O configuration to the control in parameter mode.

During phase initialization (P2 to P3), VisualMotion compares the register

numbers assigned to the Diax 04 Drive PLS and the DEA4.2M, 5.2M or
6.2M I/O card. If the register numbers match, then drive parameter
P-0-0124 is automatically configured with the IDN number of P-0-0135
and the type of I/O card configured.
During runtime (P4), the Drive PLS outputs (P-0-0135) are sent directly to
the physical outputs on the drive’s DEA4.2M, 5.2M or 6.2M I/O cards. At
the same time, the Drive PLS outputs (P-0-0135) are also written to
register 70, across the Sercos AT Cyclic Telegram, for use in the
VisualMotion project. The following figure shows the runtime sequence of
the configured Drive PLS outputs.

5-46 Programming Capabilities Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1


Fig. 5-47: DEA4 I/O Configured for Diax 04 Drive PLS Output

Configure an Option Card PLS

Use the following steps to configure an Option Card PLS:
1. Open the PLS Tool by selecting Commission ⇒ PLS… from
VisualMotion’s main menu.
2. Double-click or right-click on the second level Option Card PLS icon
to open the Option Card PLS window.


Fig. 5-48: New PLS Configuration

3. Option Card PLS switches are added and removed by clicking on the
Add Switch or Remove Switch button.

Note: A total of 96 switches can be added to a Option Card PLS.

4. From the PLS Switches tab, double-click or right-click on a switch

number to open the Switch Configuration window.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Programming Capabilities 5-47

Switch Configuration for an Option Card PLS

The following steps configure a switch’s On / Off position and assigns it to
an output.
1. Select the Switch Index number.

Note: Once a switch is configured and the Apply button is pressed,

a new Switch Index number must be selected to configure a
different switch. Pressing the OK button accepts the values
and closes the window. The current switch number is
displayed in the header portion of the window.
Switch 1 Configuration

2. Enter the On and Off Positions.

Note: The On and Off positions for each switch is relative to the units
of measurement in axis parameter A-0-0005 and task
parameter T-0-0005.
If these parameters are set to 1 (mm), then the unit of
measurement for the switch’s On and Off positions is mm.

3. Enter an Output number for the switch. The user can assign up to 96
switches to one output or distribute them among the available 16 or
32 outputs.
4. When all the switches are configured, press the OK button to close
the Switch # Configuration window and return to the PLS Switches

Note: VisualMotion issues an error when a different Switch Index

number is selected without first applying changes to an
already configured switch.

PLS Master(s) Configuration for an Option Card PLS

The PLS Master tab is used to configure up to 8 PLS Masters. The
available PLS types are:
Type Allowable Number Encoder
ELS Master 1-6 N/A
ELS Group 1-8 N/A
Drive 1-64 (Sercos address) Primary or Secondary
(Diax 04 or EcoDrive 03) feedback

Table 5-22: Option Card PLS Input Types

5-48 Programming Capabilities Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1


Fig. 5-49: PLS Master Configuration

5. Double-click on the desired PLS Master # to open the PLS Master #

Configuration window.
6. Select a Master Index number.

Note: Once a PLS Master is configured and the Apply button is

pressed, a new Master Index number must be selected to
configure a different PLS Master. Pressing the OK button
accepts the values and closes the window. The current PLS
Master number is displayed in the header portion of the
PLS Master 1 Configuration

7. Select a Type as either ELS Master, ELS Group, or Drive.

Note: ELS Master

An ELS Master can be a Virtual Master, the output of an ELS
Group, a Real Master or the output of a second PPC-R cross-
communicating in a Link Ring.
ELS Group
If a Phase value is added to the PLS Master Configuration
window, then the value is added to the output of the ELS Group
and does not affect any phase offsets that might have been
configured in the ELS Group.

8. Select a Number from the drop down list corresponding to the input
type selected.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Programming Capabilities 5-49

Note: When a Drive is selected, the allowable number range is 1-64

for up to 64 axes. Then the user must specify the Encoder for
each axis as either the primary feedback or a secondary
feedback device.

9. Enter a Phase offset if applicable. The Phase field is an offset that is

added to the output of the PLS master.
10. When all PLS Masters are configured, press the OK button to close
the PLS Master Configuration window and return to the PLS Masters

Note: VisualMotion issues an error when a different Switch Index

number is selected without first applying changes to an
already configured switch.

PLS Register Assignment for an Option Card PLS

The PLS Register Assignment tab is used to assign a VisualMotion
register to both Option Card PLSs output modules (NSW01.1R) installed
in the control. The user can also set the range of motion of the graphical
representation for the PLS switches.
1. Accept the default register or set a different Start Output Register.
The End Output Register is set automatically to the next consecutive
2. Accept the default register or set a different Start Mask Register.
The End Mask Register is set automatically to the next consecutive

Note: During the initial setup, the Mask register bits cannot be set to
(1). After the PLS is configured and downloaded to the
control, the user must manually set the state of each Mask
Register bit to (1) by selecting Data ⇒ Registers from
VisualMotion’s main menu. Only the Output Register whose
Mask Register is set to (1) will output a signal on the Option
Card PLS.

Holding the cursor over the Register field

will display the corresponding parameter.


Fig. 5-50: PLS Register Assignment

Output Registers The Start and End registers are assigned to the PLS outputs for
monitoring the status of each output. The Start Output Register is

5-50 Programming Capabilities Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

assigned to outputs 01-16 on the first NSW01.1R installed in slot U2,

where the outputs match the bit numbers respectively. The End Output
Register is automatically set to the next consecutive register and
assigned to outputs 17-32 of the second NSW01.1R whether or not it is
installed in slot U3.
Mask Registers The Start and End Mask registers are used to force the state of the output
registers. On power-up, the bits in the mask registers are set to 0 to
prevent any unwanted outputs from enabling. The PLS switches
assigned to a start output register will not function unless the state of the
register’s complementary mask register bits are set to 1.

Note: The default state of the Start and End Registers is zero (0).
The user must set the corresponding mask register each time
after power-up.

3. Set the Graphs Limit’s minimum and maximum value.


Fig. 5-51: Graph Limits

4. Click on the PLS Outputs tab to configure the PLS outputs.

Option Card PLS Outputs

The final process in the configuration of an Option Card PLS is to assign
a PLS Master to each output. From the window in Fig. 5-52, the user can
scroll through the overall configuration of all 32 outputs.

Note: Although 32 outputs can be displayed and can be configured,

only the first 16 outputs will have a physical output for a
PPC-R configurations having only one NSW01.1R installed.


Fig. 5-52: Output Assignment

1. Click on the Add Output or Remove Output button to add or remove


Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Programming Capabilities 5-51

2. Double-click on an output or highlight the output and press the Edit

button to open the Output # Configuration window.
3. After all the outputs are configured, press the Finish button.

Output Configuration
The Output Configuration window is used to fine tune each PLS output.
From the Output # Data section, the user can make timing adjustments
and set the direction in which the switch is recognized. The Output Index
section is used to navigate up to 32 outputs. From the Output # Switches
section, the user can view the current switch(es) configured to an output,
add or remove any switches or edit a switch’s On/Off position. The
Output # PLS Master section is used to assign a PLS Master to the


Fig. 5-53: Output Configuration Window

Holding the cursor over the following fields will display the corresponding
parameter to which the configured value is stored.
Field Name Parameter Condition
Lead Time C-0-2931 Always active
Lag Time C-0-2932 Active when Mode = Lag Time
PT (Time Duration) C-0-2933 Active when Mode = PT Mode
Hysteresis C-0-2936 Always active
Mode C-0-2934 Always active
Direction C-0-2935 Always active
Number C-0-2941 Always active
(Output # PLS Master)
Table 5-23: Output Configuration Parameters

Output # Data From the Output Configuration window, the user has the following
configuration options:
• Lead Time (C-0-2931) - The amount of time that the output is enabled
prior to reaching the switch’s On position. This value is used by the

5-52 Programming Capabilities Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

control to calculate a position based on the switch’s On position and

the current speed of the PLS Master.
• Lag Time (C-0-2932) - The amount of time that the output is disabled
prior to reaching the switch’s Off position. This value is used by the
control to calculate a position based on the switch’s Off position and
the current speed of the PLS Master. This option is only available
when the Mode is set to Lag Time.
The time entered for both Lead and Lag Time is in increments of 250µs,
up to a maximum of 500,000µs.


Fig. 5-54: Lead and Lag Time

• PT (Time Duration) (C-0-2933) - The amount of time that the output is

maintained enabled every time the switch’s On position (rising edge) is
reached. The time is entered in increments of 250µs, up to a
maximum of 1,000,000 µs.
When the Output Mode is set to PT and a value of zero is used, the
switch’s on position will be ignored. If after a rising edge is
encountered and before the falling edge is reached a change of
direction occurs and a PT time is set, the timer will run for the set time
duration. This time duration can be reset and is only triggered with a
rising edge.

Note: If a non-incremental time is entered, VisualMotion will issue an

error and set the time to the next closest 250µs increment.

• Hysteresis (C-0-2936) - This value can be either positive or negative

and sets the tolerance distance used by the control to determine
whether or not a switch is in position. This is used to prevent dithering
of the output. The value entered for the hysteresis will affect all
switches in the Output Switches section. A PLS Master that is either a
Real Master or a Drive uses a feedback device to output a positional
value. Due to small positional value corrections from the drive trying to
hold or maintain a position, the feedback output data will experience
small positional changes. The illustration in Fig. 5-55 shows the
different reactions for positive and negative hysteresis values.

Note: Positive Hysteresis

In the positive direction, the switch’s On and Off positions
enables and disables the output.
In the negative direction, the switch’s Off and On positions
minus the hysteresis value enables and disables the output.
Negative Hysteresis
In the positive direction, the switch’s On and Off positions plus
the hysteresis value enables and disables the output.
In the negative direction, the switch’s Off and On positions
enables and disables the output.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Programming Capabilities 5-53


Fig. 5-55: Positive and Negative Hysteresis Value Reaction

Mode (C-0-2934)
The mode radio buttons enable options for Lag Time and PT.
Lag Time When selected, the Lead Time, Lag Time and Hysteresis fields are
available for data entry.
PT When selected, the Lead Time, PT and Hysteresis fields are available for
data entry.
Direction (C-0-2935)
This option sets the direction of the switches configured for the output in
the Output # Switches section.
Positive When set to positive direction, all switches associated with the output will
enable the output only in the positive direction with the On switch position
and disable the output with the Off switch position.
Negative When set to negative direction, all switches associated with the output will
enable the output only in the negative direction with the Off switch
position and disable the output with the On switch position.

Note: Once the On position is reached for either positive or negative

direction, any change in direction (while the output is enable)
will immediately disable the output.

Positive/Negative This setting is a combination of the positive and negative direction

settings. The outputs will react as described for both the positive and
negative direction settings.
Output Index The Output Index section is used to navigate between all 32 outputs.
VisualMotion issues the following error within the Output # Configuration
window when a different Output Index number is selected without first
applying any changes to an already configured Output.
Output 1 PLS Master (C-0-2941) The Number field is used to specify the PLS Master that will be used by
the system to provide positional data to the output.
The ellipsoid button to the right of the Number field can be used to select,
modify an existing master or configure a new master. Every configured
output must have a PLS Master assigned to function.

5-54 Programming Capabilities Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Note: The PLS Output Master Number field can only be written to
while the system is in Sercos phase 2.

Output 1 Switches The Output # Switches section displays all the configured PLS switches
that were assigned to the output.
In addition to these switches, the user can double-click on a switch or
press the Add/Remove button to open the Output Switch Configuration


Fig. 5-56: PLS Output Switch Configuration

Switches can be added or removed using the << Add and Remove >>
buttons. between Available Switches and Output # Switches by first
selecting the switch. A switch’s On/Off position can be edited in either the
Available Switches or Output # Switches locations.

Note: If a switch is removed from the Output # Switches, the On and

Off positions will be maintained but the output will be set to 0.
The switch will appear in Available Switches with the output
number set to 0.

Double-clicking a switch opens the Switch # Configuration window. Refer

to section, “Switch Configuration” for information on configuring a Switch.

Note: The Output field can not be modified from this window. To
change the output of a switch, << Add it to the desired output
in the Output # Switch section.

VisualMotion Message for Output Switch Configuration

When adding a switch from the Available Switches (assigned to a
different output than the output number in the Output # Switches, the
following VisualMotion Message will appear.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Programming Capabilities 5-55

Fig. 5-57: VisualMotion Message for Output Switch Configuration

Note: If a switch is removed from the Output # Switches, the On and

Off positions will be maintained but the output will be set to 0.
The switch will appear in Available Switches with the output
number set to 0.

Editing PLS Configurations

PLS configurations can be edited in project mode or service mode. Edits
to a configuration are synchronized with the control only when they are
made in online project mode and the control is in the correct operating

Project Mode
A PLS configuration can be edited in online and offline mode. Data
modified in offline mode is read and saved to and from the project’s offline
data. It is synchronized with control data by selecting the Online toolbar
button or by selecting File ⇒ Online. Modifying a PLS configuration that
was created as part of a VisualMotion 11 project in offline project mode,
ensures the PLS configuration will be saved in the correct format for the
projects and the data is synchronized with the project.
Online Editing PLS data edited in online mode is read from the control’s memory. The
synchronization of project data edited and saved in online mode is
dependent on whether or not the data can be written to in the control’s
current operating phase (phase 2 or phase 4). The following figure
illustrates how edited data is synchronized with the control data.

5-56 Programming Capabilities Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Save PLS

Data saved to
Mode remains
offline project


Can data Data saved to
be written to in offline project and
Phase 4? control memory


changes All data that can
be saved in Project
Handling PLS edits
Phase 4 is saved Synchronized
to project

Save data to
project file


Saving PLS Data Online.tif

Fig. 5-58: Saving PLS Configuration Data Online

To edit a project’s PLS configuration, open the project “*.vmj” file and
select Commission ⇒ PLS. Any Control, Drive or Option Card PLS
saved to the offline data or downloaded to the control will be displayed in
the PLS tool.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Programming Capabilities 5-57


Fig. 5-59: Uploaded PLS Configurations

Service Mode
Modifications to a PLS configuration stored in the control’s memory can
be performed when VisualMotion is in service mode. PLS configurations
downloaded to the control or saved to a file in service mode are not
synchronized with a project’s offline data. Modifications must be imported
into the VisualMotion project to be synchronized with offline data.
The following steps outline the procedure for uploading and downloading
an existing PLS configuration from and to the control for modifications.

Note: Communication with the control must be established before


1. Start VisualMotion and select View and edit control data in “Service”
2. Select Commission ⇒ PLS to open the PLS Tool.


Fig. 5-60: PLS Tool in Service Mode

3. Switch the control to parameter mode.

5-58 Programming Capabilities Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

4. Upload the PLS configuration by selecting File ⇒ Get PLS

Configuration from GPP Control or click the Get from VM control
icon ( ).
5. Make the necessary modifications to the PLS configuration and save
the file.
6. Download the modifications to the control by clicking Send to VM
control icon ( ).

Saving PLS Configurations

PLS configurations parameterized in offline or online project modes can
be saved to offline data or synchronized with the control. The method of
saving a PLS configuration is dependent on what mode the project is in.
In project mode, all configured PLS types (Control, Drive and Option
Card) can be saved to a project folder in offline mode or synchronized
with the control if edited and saved while online. The PLS configuration is
saved either by selecting the Save icon or by switching VisualMotion
Toolkit to online mode.
In service mode, Drive and Option Card PLSs can be saved to a file
(*.prm extension) on the PC’s hard drive. However, a Control PLS is
saved only with the user program and not as a file on a PC’s hard drive.
PLS configurations can be saved to the hard drive by selecting File ⇒
Save As… or by pressing the Save icon.

Note: Individual PLS configurations can be saved only when

configured using File ⇒ New and saving a single
configuration type.

Downloading PLS Configurations

PLS configurations downloaded in project mode are synchronized with the
project in which they were created. Service mode is intended for
modifying PLS configurations when the project data is not available. After
a PLS configuration is downloaded to the control, the assigned PLS mask
register must be set before the actual PLS output can fire.
In project mode, a PLS configuration is downloaded when switching to
online mode. The system must be in parameter mode to download PLS
parameters to the control. Any parameter that can only be downloaded in
parameter mode will be indicated by a VisualMotion error. After you are
prompted to save any modified data, the Synchronize Project Data
window is displayed. This window allows you to selectively download PLS
types to the control and drives. A configured Option Card PLS
downloaded to the control is automatically built and activated before the
VisualMotion switches to online mode.
Downloading in Service Mode
In service mode, PLS configurations are downloaded to the control and
drives by selecting File ⇒ Send PLS Configuration to GPP Control or
by pressing the download icon ( ).
After a successful download, you have the option to build and activate the
new Option Card PLS if present in the system. Otherwise, any configured
Control or Drive PLS is activated automatically.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Programming Capabilities 5-59


Fig. 5-61: PLS Build New Option Card Message

The system must be in parameter mode to download all the elements of

every configured PLS. If the system is not in parameter mode,
VisualMotion will issue an error indicating that certain values will not be
saved and offer an option to continue. If you select continue, additional
errors will be issued indicating which parameter lists will not be written to.

Importing PLS Configurations

A PLS configuration downloaded to the control can be imported into a
project while in online mode, or from another project or file when in offline
mode. To import a PLS configuration from data stored on the control:
1. Start VisualMotion and open the target project for importing the PLS
2. Switch VisualMotion to online mode.
3. Select File ⇒ Import Project Component from VisualMotion
Toolkit’s main menu.
4. From the Transfer Control Data to Project window, select from the
following PLS configurations:
• Option Card PLS
• Drive PLS
• Control PLS (located under the Program Data checkbox)


Fig. 5-62: PLS Configuration Transfer from Control

5. Press the OK button to transfer the selected PLS configurations to

the current project. The PLS configuration data is now synchronized
with the current project.

5-60 Programming Capabilities Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Note: When importing data from another project or file in offline

mode, the data is not synchronized with the project until
VisualMotion is switched to online mode and the data is
downloaded to the control.

Uploading PLS Configurations

PLS configurations can be up loaded in either project or service mode.
Project Mode In project mode, a PLS configuration is either uploaded from the control
or from the project file, depending on whether the project is online or
offline. If a project is offline, the PLS configuration is automatically loaded
into the PLS tool from the project file. If a project is online, the PLS
configuration is automatically loaded from the control.
Service Mode Service mode is used to upload PLS configurations from a file or from the
control’s memory when access to the offline project data is not available.
In service mode, a PLS configuration upload is initiated by selecting File
⇒ Get PLS Configuration from GPP Control or by selecting the upload
icon ( ). PLS configurations can also be uploaded from a file by
selecting File ⇒ Open…. The file extension of a PLS configuration is
*.prm extension. If a PLS configuration is currently open when opening a
file, a warning message is displayed. The message indicates that data
will be lost and prompts you to verify your action.

Monitoring a PLS Status

The monitoring feature of the PLS tool allows you to monitor the status of
the output registers assigned to each PLS type. Monitor mode is
activated by selecting the Monitor PLS icon ( ) or by selecting View
⇒ Monitor PLS Status in the PLS tool window. PLS configurations can
be monitored in project mode while online or service mode.


Fig. 5-63: Monitoring a PLS Status

When monitor status is active, a switch icon is displayed to the right of

each PLS switch line (see Fig. 5-63). Each switch icon changes from an
open to closed switch each time the PLS switch output is active. To
monitor a different PLS type, deselect the monitor status icon, select a
different PLS type and press the monitor status icon again.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Programming Capabilities 5-61

In service mode, the PLS Tool issues the following PLS Message window
if a PLS configuration is uploaded from the control, modified and
downloaded to the control and then the Monitor Status icon ( ) or the
F7 key is pressed.


Fig. 5-64: PLS Message in Service Mode

Access PLS Data via the Calc Icon

After a PLS is configured and downloaded to the control, you can make
modifications to the elements of a PLS in the user program using the
Calc icon. All three PLS types (Control, Drive and Card) can be accessed
using the Calc icon.

Note: Any modifications to PLS elements will not be retained after a

power down.


Fig. 5-65: Calc Icon Accessing a PLS

5-62 Programming Capabilities Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Control PLS
The following table lists the elements of a Control PLS that can be
modified using the Calc icon.
Syntax Description Variable Range Example Comment
PLS[x].a Number 1-64 when t=3 or 4, Drive No. PLS[1].a=2 set drive number of PLS 1
1-6 when t=5, ELS Master to 2
1-8 when t=6, ELS Group
PLS[x].o Phase Offset PLS[1].o=20 add an offset of 20 to PLS
PLS[x].r Output Register PLS[1].r=70 set output register of PLS
1 to 70
PLS[x].t PLS Input Type 3 = Drive’s primary feedback PLS[1].t=3 set input type of PLS 1 to
4 = Drive’s secondary feedback 3 (drive’s primary
5 = ELS Master feedback)
6 = ELS Group
PLS[x].on1-on16 On Position PLS[1].on1=10 switch 1 On position is 10
PLS[x].off1-off16 Off Position PLS[1].off1=20 switch 1 Off position is 20
PLS[x].lt1-lt16 Lead Time PLS[1].lt1=5 switch 1 lead time is 5
x = PLS number 1-2
Table 5-24: Elements of a Control PLS

Drive PLS

Note: A drive-based PLS is stored in parameter lists on the drive.

The elements of this list cannot be modified individually.
Modifying one element of the list requires sending the entire
list over the Sercos service channel. This could consume
considerable Sercos service channel time.

The following table lists elements in the Drive PLS that can be modified
using the Calc Icon:
Syntax Description Example Comment Parameter
PLSD[x].r Output Register PLSD[1].r=72 set output register of drive 1 to 72 A-0-0009
PLSD[x].t PLS Input Type PLSD[1].t=1 set input type of drive 1 to 1 P-0-0131
Diax 04 & EcoDrive 03:
1 (S-0-0051)
2 (S-0-0053)
IndraDrive using MPx03 and MPx04:
51 (S-0-0051)
53 (S-0-0053)
32820 (P-0-0052)
33202 (P-0-0434)
33543 (P-0-0775)
33544 (P-0-0776)
33546 (P-0-0778)
PLSD[x].on1- On Position PLSD[1].on1=10 switch 1 On position for drive 1 is 10 P-0-0132
PLSD[x].off1- Off Position PLSD[1].off1=20 switch 1 Off position for drive 1 is 20 P-0-0133
PLSD[x].lt1- Lead Time PLSD[1].lt1=5 switch 1 lead time for drive 1 is 5 P-0-0134
x = drive number range 1- 64
Table 5-25: Elements of a Drive PLS

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Programming Capabilities 5-63

Option Card PLS

A project can have only one active Option Card PLS. The following tables
list the elements of an Option Card PLS.
Master Elements
The following Master elements can be modified through the Calc icon.

Note: Only 1 PLS master is available, syntax is always indicated as


Syntax Description Example Comment Parameter

PLSP[1].oy Phase Offset PLSP[1].o1=20 add an offset of 20 to PLS Master 1 C-0-2943
y= Master range 1-8
Table 5-26: Master Elements of an Option Card PLS

Switch Elements
The following switch elements can be modified through the Calc icon.
Syntax Description Example Comment Parameter
PLSP[1].ony On Position PLSP[1].on3=40 switch 3 On position is 40 C-0-2920
PLSP[1].offy Off Position PLSP[1].on3=60 switch 3 Off position is 60 C-0-2921
PLSP[1].outy Assigned Output PLSP[1].out3=2 switch 3 is assigned to output 2 C-0-2922
y = switch range 1- 96
Table 5-27: Switch Elements of an Option Card PLS

Output Elements
The following Output elements can be modified through the Calc icon.
Syntax Description Example Comment Parameter
PLSP[1].lty Lead Time PLSP[1].lt2=500 add a lead time of 500µs to output 2 C-0-2931
PLSP[1].lgy Lag Time PLSP[1].lg2=500 add a lag time of 500µs to output 2 C-0-2932
PLSP[1].ssy PT (Time Duration) PLSP[1].ss2=1000 maintain output 2 On for 1000µs C-0-2933
PLSP[1].hy Hysteresis PLSP[1].h2=0.1 add a hysteresis of 0.1 to the output 2 C-0-2936
PLSP[1].mdy Mode PLSP[1].md2=0 set mode of output 2 to Lag Time C-0-2934
(0=Lag Time, 1=PT)
PLSP[1].dry Direction PLSP[1].dr2=0 set direction of output 2 to positive C-0-2935
(0=pos, 1=neg, 2=pos/neg)
y = output range 1-32
Table 5-28: Output Elements of an Option Card PLS

5-64 Programming Capabilities Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Operating Modes 6-1

6 Operating Modes

6.1 Electronic Line Shafting (ELS)

Electronic Line Shafting (ELS) is a robust synchronization system that
precisely controls motion using electronic gearing and cams. The ELS
system has the following components that are connected through
adaptable interfaces:
• Command Sources
• Signal Router
• Axis Groups
• Individual Axes
The interfaces can switch between the defined signal path to meet the
dynamics of the application, see Fig. 6-1.
VisualMotion GPP software and firmware allow more than one active
master at a time to support ELS functionality. Electronically synchronized
axes can be combined to form ELS Groups. Active masters can control a
maximum of eight ELS Groups. Every ELS Group will follow its selected

Note: ELS motion functionality can be associated with task A or with

the PLC (IndraLogic). The association is configured under
Setup ⇒ Axes. Any motion associated with an ELS Group
within a project will stop if task A or the PLC stop running.

ELS Overview
GPP supports six system masters in any combination up to a maximum
of the following types:
• 2 Virtual Masters
• 6 Real Masters (including Master Encoder Card)
• 6 ELS Group Masters
• 6 Link Ring Master IN
• 1 Link Ring Master OUT
Virtual Masters, Real Masters (primary, secondary feedback device, or
Master Encoder Card) and ELS Group Masters can be combined and
assigned to one of 6 ELS System Masters. The master signal from each
active system master is conditioned (e.g., geared or filtered) and made
available for controlling groups of axes.
Position commands originate from either a Virtual Master in the control or
a Real Master generated by the feedback device on the motor. The
Virtual Master or Real Master signal is assigned a number in the ELS
System connection interface and can be modified before it is sent to an
ELS Group. An output signal from an ELS Group can be sent to another
ELS Group after being assigned a new ELS System Master number. An
ELS Group can switch to a Local Virtual Master signal, which functions
the same as a system Virtual Master when it is used for the ELS Group
Master. The example configuration in Fig. 6-1 shows the signal flow
through a system with 2 Virtual Masters, 2 Real Masters, 1 ELS Group
Master and 4 ELS Groups. Five ELS System Master numbers are
assigned in the connection interface.

6-2 Operating Modes Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

real master axes (including Master Encoder Card)

1 2 3

Command Motion Control Virtual Virtual

Master Master
Sources 1 2

link master position(s)
(received from Link Ring)
1 2 3 4 5 6 connection interface

link master position

(send to Link Ring)


Groups Group Group Group ELS Group

Axes axes 0 axes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
(for ratio)

Fig. 6-1: Multiple Master Configuration Example

Multiple master functionality in VisualMotion includes 5 types of masters

and ELS Groups that control individual axes:

Virtual Master
A Virtual master is a component that generates a command stream
based on its input settings. VisualMotion provides two independent
Virtual masters that are used to drive a group of axes or programmable
limit switches. A Virtual Master has two primary modes of operations:
• Velocity Mode – continuous running
• Position Mode – indexing, jogging

Group Local Virtual Master

The Group Local Virtual Master can be used to define a set of position
values within an ELS Group that the group can be switched to on the fly.
This master position is assigned in the ELS Group icon and is accessible
only by the ELS Group where it is resident or to another ELS Groups if the
position signal is assigned to that group as an ELS Group Master signal.
The Group Local Virtual Master signal can be handled in the same way as
the system Virtual Master signal.

Real Master
A Real Master is either a primary motor (positive feedback), secondary
encoder (Aux) signal from a drive or a Master Encoder Card. Each drive
in the system can potentially provide two Real Masters. The raw position
value of the Real Master can be filtered and geared by an M/N ratio.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Operating Modes 6-3

ELS Group Master

An ELS Group Master is the output position of an ELS Group used as an
input master signal, geared by an M/N ratio, to a different ELS Group.

Link Ring Master

A link Ring Master is an external PPC control configured as a master,
which can have up to 31 PPC control configured as Link Ring Slave
controls interfacing with it in a fiber optic ring, called a Link Ring.

Master Encoder Card

The Master Encoder Card (LAG) provides up to two real master EnDat or
1 Vpp Sinusoidal encoder input signals to the ELS System.

ELS Group
An ELS Group is defined as a set of slave axes (64 axes maximum) that
follow the position command signal from one of the 6 System Masters.
By using ELS Groups, slave axes are combined, according to their
function, in groups that control each machine section as an independent
process. During operation, an ELS Group can be switched between
master signals. Any changes to ELS Group parameters are immediately
available to all axes assigned to that group, so that precise
synchronization of the machine section is maintained.

Assigning Register and Variable Labels

VisualMotion provides 1024 registers for controlling and monitoring a
project. During the Setup configuration of the Virtual Masters, ELS
Groups, and System Masters, their associated control and status
registers are assigned. The system has default address ranges defined
for the various components, which are automatically indexed as each is

Note: Default values are automatically assigned for registers and

variable blocks. It is strongly recommended that the
programmer use the default values for registers and variables.
This makes documentation and modifications to a user
program an easier task over the scope of the project.

Default labels and comments are added during the configuration of ELS
components under Setup ⇒ ELS ⇒ Processes.
The window has two buttons that allow you to add the default labels for
the variables, registers, and bits:
• Add Default Labels - This button adds all default labels for the
data type selected.
• Add All Default Labels – This button adds all default labels for all
three data types.

6-4 Operating Modes Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1


Fig. 6-2: Adding Default Labels during Setup

Note: The VM Data Table can be used to add additional labels or

modify existing default labels. Refer to section 4.12, VM Data
Table, for details.

ELS System Default Control and Status Registers

The following tables list the default control and status registers that are
assigned by VisualMotion when System Master, Virtual Master and ELS
Groups are configured.

ELS System Master Control Register Status Register

1-6 140 141

Table 6-1: ELS System Master Default Register

Virtual Master Control Register Status Register

1 150 241
2 151 242

Table 6-2: Virtual Master Default Registers

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Operating Modes 6-5

ELS Group Control Register Status Register

1 152 243
2 153 244
3 154 245
4 155 246
5 156 247
6 157 248
7 158 249
8 159 250

Table 6-3: ELS Group Default Registers

ELS System Default Program Variables

The following table list the default program variables (floats and integers)
used by the ELS System:

Function Number of Floats Number of Integers Float ID Block Integer ID Block

Virtual Master 1 15 2 F100-F114 I100-I101
Virtual Master 2 15 2 F120-F134 I105-I106
ELS System Masters 48 30 F140-F187 I110-I139
ELS Group 1 40 10 F190-F229 I140-I149
ELS Group 2 40 10 F230-F269 I150-I159
ELS Group 3 40 10 F270-F309 I160-I169
ELS Group 4 40 10 F310-F349 I170-I179
ELS Group 5 40 10 F350-F389 I180-I189
ELS Group 6 40 10 F390-F429 I190-I199
ELS Group 7 40 10 F430-F469 I200-I209
ELS Group 8 40 10 F470-F509 I210-I219

Table 6-4: Program Variable Default Start ID Blocks

6-6 Operating Modes Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Virtual Master 1 & 2 Default Register Labels

The default labels for the Virtual Master registers are listed in Table 6-5.
The corresponding default bit labels are listed in Table 6-6.

Data Object Type Label (20 character limit) Comment (80 character limit)
Assigned control register number VM#_CONTROL_REG Virtual Master # control register
Assigned status register number VM#_STATUS_REG Virtual Master # status register

Table 6-5: Virtual Master Default Registers

Default Label Data Object Data Object Comment (80 character limit)
Virtual Master 1 & 2 Virtual Master 1 Virtual Master 2 Virtual Master 1 & 2 Control Register
Control Register Control Register-Bit Control Register-Bit
VM#_CT_FSTOP 150-1 151-1 VM # control, 0 → 1 triggers fast stop
VM#_CT_HOME 150-2 151-2 VM # control, 0 → 1 loads home position
VM#_CT_GO 150-3 151-3 VM # control, 0=stop, 1=go
VM#_CT_VMODE 150-4 151-4 VM # control, 0=position, 1=velocity mode
VM#_CT_RELMODE 150-5 151-5 VM # control, 0=absolute, 1=relative mode
VM#_CT_RELTRIG 150-6 151-6 VM # control, 0 → 1 triggers relative mode
Default Label Data Object Data Object Comment (80 character limit)
Virtual Master 1 & 2 Virtual Master 1 Virtual Master 2 Virtual Master 1 & 2 Status Register
Status Register Control Register-Bit Status Register-Bit
VM#_ST_FSTOP 241-1 242-1 VM # status, 1=fast stop active
VM#_ST_HOME 241-2 242-2 VM # status, 1=home complete
VM#_RESERVE3 241-3 242-3 Reserved
VM#_ST_VMODE 241-4 242-4 VM # status, 1=velocity mode
VM#_ST_RELMODE 241-5 242-5 VM # status, 1=relative mode
VM#_RESERVE6 241-6 242-6 Reserved
VM#_ST_ZEROVEL 241-7 242-7 VM # status, 1=standstill, 0=velocity
VM#_ST_INPOS 241-8 242-8 VM # status, 1=in position
Each # symbol represents an entry for the number of the Virtual Master

Table 6-6: Virtual Master 1 & 2 Default Register Bits

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Operating Modes 6-7

Virtual Master 1 & 2 Default Program Variable Labels

The default labels for the Virtual Master program variables are listed in
the following table:

Default Label Data Object Comment (80 character limit) Default Units Update
Virtual Master 1 & 2 Virtual Master Virtual Master 1 & 2 Program Variable Value Mode
Program Variable 1 & 2
VM#_HOME_POS F100 F120 Virtual Master # home position 0 Degrees Phase 4
VM#_REL_MOVE_DIST F101 F121 Virtual Master # relative move distance 1 Degrees Phase 4
VM#_STOP_POS F102 F122 Virtual Master # stop position 0 Degrees Phase 4
VM#_CMD_ABS_POS F103 F123 Virtual Master # commanded absolute position 0 Degrees Phase 4
VM#_CMD_VEL F104 F124 Virtual Master # commanded velocity 20 RPM Phase 4
VM#_CMD_ACCEL F105 F125 Virtual Master # commanded acceleration 100 Rad/sec² Phase 4

VM#_CMD_DECEL F106 F126 Virtual Master # commanded deceleration 100 Rad/sec² Phase 4
VM#_E_STOP_DECEL F107 F127 Virtual Master # E-Stop deceleration 500 Rad/sec² Phase 4

VM#_MAX_VEL F108 F128 Virtual Master # maximum velocity 3200 RPM Phase 2
VM#_MAX_ACCEL F109 F129 Virtual Master # maximum acceleration 1000 Rad/sec² Phase 2

VM#_MAX_DECEL F110 F130 Virtual Master # maximum deceleration 1000 Rad/sec² Phase 2

VM#_JERK_ENABLE F111 F131 Virtual Master # jerk limiting enable 1 Phase 2

VM#_CUR_POS F112 F132 Virtual Master # current position 0 Degrees Phase 4
VM#_CUR_VEL F113 F133 Virtual Master # current velocity 0 RPM Phase 4
VM#_POS_WIN F114 F134 Virtual Master # shortest path window 1 Degrees Phase 2
VM#_POS_MODE I100 I105 Virtual Master # positioning mode 0 Phase 2
VM#_RESERVE_I1 I101 I106 Reserved
Each # symbol represents an entry for the number of the Virtual Master
Note 1.) Absolute Position Mode, 0=Positive, 1= Negative, 2= Shortest Path

Table 6-7: Virtual Master 1 & 2 Default Program Variables

6-8 Operating Modes Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

ELS System Master Default Registers

The default labels for the ELS System Master registers are listed in Table
6-5. The corresponding default bit labels are listed in Table 6-9.

Data Object Type Label (20 character limit) Comment (80 character limit)
Control Register 140 (Default) ELS_MSTR_CONTROL Control Register for ELS Masters
Status Register 141 (Default) ELS_MSTR_STATUS Status Register for ELS Masters

Table 6-8: Default ELS Master Registers

Default Label ELS Master 1 to 6 Data Object ELS Master Comment (80 character limit) ELS Master
Register-Bit Status Register
ELS_M_CT_RESERVE1-6 140-1 to 140-6
ELS_M_CT_SET_REF1 - 6 140-7 to 140-12 0 -> 1 Sets ELS Master 1 reference position
for real master (Phase 4 only)
ELS_M_CT_RESERVE13- 14 140-13 to 140-14
ELS_MCT_SLIP_CAPT1 140-15 ELS Master Capture Slip Monitoring
0 = No Capture
1 = Capture Run – Time Data
ELS_M_CT_SLIP_EN 140-16 ELS Master Enable Slip Monitoring
0 = Off
1 = On
ELS_M_ST_STOPPED1 - 6 141-1 to 141-6 ELS Master at Standstill
ELS_M_ST_REF1 - 6 141-7 to 141-12 ELS Master Referenced
1 = Referenced
0 = Not referenced(Real master only)
ELS_M_ST_RESERVE13 141-13 Reserved
ELS_M_ST_SLIP_ERR 141-14 ELS Master Slip Monitoring Error
0 = No error
1 = Error
ELS_M_ST_SLIP_ENC 141-15 ELS Master Slip Monitoring Lead Encoder
0 = Primary
1 = Secondary
ELS_M_ST_SLIP_ENA 141-16 ELS Master Slip Monitoring Enabled
0 = Off
1 = On

Table 6-9: ELS System Masters Default Register Bits

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Operating Modes 6-9

ELS System Master Default Program Variable Labels

The default labels for the ELS System Masters program variables are
listed in the following table:

ELS System Master ELS System Master ELS System Master Program Update
Program Variable Program Variable Variable Mode
Default Comment
Default Label 1 2 3 4 5 6 (80 character limit)
ELS_MSTR_FREQ# F140 F141 F142 F143 F144 F145 ELS Master # filter cutoff frequency Phase 2
ELS_MSTR_M# F146 F147 F148 F149 F150 F151 ELS Master # M factor Phase 2
ELS_MSTR_N# F152 F153 F154 F155 F156 F157 ELS Master # N factor Phase 2
ELS_MSTR_SLIP_WINDOW F158 ELS Master max allowed slip deviation Captured on
window rising edge
of capture bit
in P4
ELS_MSTR_SLIP_OFFSET F159 ELS Master position offset for slip Phase 2/4
ELS_MSTR_SLIP_VELTHD F160 ELS Master slip monitoring primary velocity Phase 4
ELS_MSTR_SLIP_PEAK F161 ELS Master peak slip deviation Phase 4
ELS_MSTR_SLIP_ACTUAL F162 ELS Master current slip deviation (actual) Phase 4
ELS_MSTR_STANDSTILL F163 ELS Master Standstill Velocity Threshold Phase 4
ELS_MSTR_POS# F164 F165 F166 F167 F168 F169 ELS Master # output position Phase 4
ELS_MSTR_VEL# F170 F171 F172 F173 F174 F175 ELS Master # output velocity Phase 4
ELS_MSTR_OFFSET# F176 F177 F178 F179 F180 F181 ELS Master # real master offset Phase 4
ELS_MSTR_REF_POS# F182 F183 F184 F185 F186 F187 ELS Master # real master reference Phase 4
ELS_MSTR_A# I110 I111 I112 I113 I114 I115 ELS Master # ID number Phase 2
ELS_MSTR_EC# I116 I117 I118 I119 I120 I121 ELS Master # encoder, Real Master only Phase 2
ELS_MSTR_FLTR# I122 I123 I124 I125 I126 I127 ELS Master # filter Phase 2
ELS_MSTR_TYPE# I128 I129 I130 I131 I132 I133 ELS Master # type Phase 2
ELS_MSTR_SLIP_PRI I134 ELS Master slip primary address Phase 2
ELS_MSTR_SLIP_SEC I135 ELS Master slip secondary address Phase 2
ELS_MSTR_CONFIG I136 ELS Master slip monitoring settings Phase 2/4
ELS_MSTR_RSVD1 I137 reserved for ELS Master Phase 2
ELS_MSTR_RSVD2 I138 reserved for ELS Master Phase 2
ELS_MSTR_RSVD3 I139 reserved for ELS Master Phase 2
Each # symbol represents the number of the ELS Master
Shaded program variables are read-only (You can overwrite the current value. However, the ELS system will also overwrite the current value
if it changes in the system)

Table 6-10: ELS Master Assignment Default Program Variables

6-10 Operating Modes Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

ELS System Master Configuration Word

For every ELS Master, an ELS Master Configuration Word
(ELS_MSTR_CONFIG) is used to configure all settings for velocity
rounding, slip offset, and slip error. These settings are initially configured
within VisualMotion Toolkit’s ELS System Master icon and become active
when the project is compiled and downloaded to the control. These can
also be modified by accessing the appropriate integer number and
entering an equivalent hexadecimal value.
ELS Master Configuration Word Bit Description

32 31 30 29 . . . 1


Velocity Rounding

Slip Offset Method

Slip Error Reaction

Fig. 6-3: ELS Master Configuration Word

Bit 30 This bit rounds the Virtual Master (VM#_CMD_VEL) and Group Jogging
Velocity Rounding (G#_JOG_VEL) velocity down to the nearest ELS increment in order to
eliminate small cycle-to-cycle variations in drive velocity that would
otherwise occur.
0 = Disabled
1 = Virtual Master and Group Jogging velocities are rounded-down to the
nearest ELS increment
Bits 31 In Absolute Position Monitoring mode this parameter is used as an
Slip Offset Method absolute offset between the two master encoders, this allows the
Feedback/Master signals to have an offset between the two without
needing to mechanically zero the machine.
0= Fixed Absolute Offset – the value is static and you set an absolute
offset between the two master encoders.
1= Dynamic Offset – the system automatically records the position
difference between the two master signals when the control switches from
phase 2 to phase 4 and on the rising edge of the
Bit 32 This bit sets the system reaction to the master encoder signal exceeding
Slip Error Reaction the maximum allowed deviation window limits.
0= Fatal Error (system stops)
1= Warning (user defined)

ELS System Master Variable Definition

ELS_MSTR_FREQ# Only Real Masters use the filter constant. When a filter
(ELS_MSTR_FLTR#) is selected for an axis' position feedback, a cutoff
frequency for the filter must be entered. The cutoff frequency is the
frequency where the signal is reduced by 3dB.

ELS_MSTR_M# Only Real Masters use the ratio constants (M/N). The output of the
and ELS_MSTR_N# master is governed by the equation y=(M/N)*x, where x is the feedback
value from the real master and y is the master signal used for ELS
Groups. All ELS Masters and ELS Groups outputs are modulo 360

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Operating Modes 6-11

ELS_MSTR_A# This variable identifies a valid ID number for a defined master type. For
example, when ELS_MSTR_TYPE# is set to 3 (Virtual Master) this
number must be a 1 or 2. Valid ID numbers are…
• Virtual Master: 1-2
• ELS Group Master: 1-8
• Real Master: 1-3
• Master Encoder Card: 1 - 2

ELS_MSTR_EC# When using an encoder device as a Real Master, this variable identifies
the source.
• 0 = motor encoder
• 1 = external encoder

ELS_MSTR_FLTR# This variable identifies the type of filtering to use for the axis position
feedback. Valid types are…

No Dead Time Compensation Velocity Feed Forward w/ Dead

Time Compensation Enabled
20 = no filter 0 = no filter
st st
21 = 1 order low pass 1 = 1 order low pass
nd nd
22 = 2 order low pass 2=2 order low pass
rd rd
23 = 3 order low pass 3 = 3 order low pass
nd nd
24 = 2 order Butterworth 4=2 order Butterworth
rd rd
25 = 3 order Butterworth 5 = 3 order Butterworth
nd nd
26 = 2 order low pass with velocity 6 = 2 order low pass with velocity
feed forward feed forward
rd rd
27 = 3 order low pass with velocity 7 = 3 order low pass with velocity
and acceleration feed forward and acceleration feed forward

Table 6-11: ELS_MSTR_FLTR# Values

ELS_MSTR_TYPE# Available master types are…

• 0 = Real Master
• 1 = ELS Group master
• 2 = Link Ring Master
• 3 = Virtual Master
• 4 = None
• 5 = Master Encoder Card

ELS_MSTR_SLIP_WINDOW In absolute position monitoring mode, this sets the maximum allowable
position difference between the two selected master signals.
• Max Master velocity @ 2ms Sercos = 7500 RPM
• Max Master velocity @ 4 ms Sercos = 3750 RPM
• Max Master velocity @ 8 ms Sercos = 1875 RPM (Link Ring)

ELS_MSTR_SLIP_OFFSET In absolute position monitoring mode, this variable is used to offset two
master encoders. This eliminates the need to mechanically zero the
Range limits: -180° < X ≤ 180°

6-12 Operating Modes Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

ELS_MSTR_SLIP_VELTHD This is the velocity threshold that the primary master encoder must
exceed before the system is able to detect the direction of the primary

ELS_MSTR_SLIP_PEAK In absolute positioning mode, this is used to store the peak slip position
deviation between the primary and secondary master signals. Every
Sercos cycle, the system compares the value stored in this variable to the
current slip deviation. If this value is higher than any of the previous
values, it will be set as the new peak deviation position. If you make a
change to your program that lowers your peak value, you can write a zero
to the variable to force the program to overwrite it with the new peak

ELS_MSTR_SLIP_ACTUAL In absolute position mode, this variable displays the current position
difference between the two selected master signals.

ELS_MSTR_STANDSTILL This variable is the velocity threshold that each master output must
exceed before the system sets the master status standstill bit to zero for
each given master (ELS_MSTR_STATUS, bits 1 to 6). This bit will only
go high if the associated ELS System Master has been at or below the
threshold velocity for the last two Sercos cycles.

ELS_MSTR_POS# This variable displays the current output position in degrees for each of
the six master signals. This variable is stored in the control’s memory
and when the control is turned on and off, the last recorded value is
maintained. You can enter a value in the variable, but it will be
overwritten by the current value in the control.

ELS_MSTR_VEL# This variable displays the current output velocity for each of the six
master signals.

ELS_MSTR_SLIP_PRI This variable sets the address of the primary master signal to be
Limits: 0 to 6 (0 not configured)

ELS_MSTR_SLIP_SEC This variable sets the address of the secondary master signal to be

ELS_MSTR_CONFIG This variable is used to set the different modes of operation for the master
slip monitoring.

Bit Description
1 to 30 Reserved
31 slip offset method – 0 = Fixed Absolute Offset, 1 = Dynamic
32 slip offset reaction – 0 = Fatal Error, 1 = Warning

Table 6-12: ELS_MSTR_CONFIG Bits

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Operating Modes 6-13

ELS_MSTR_CONTROL Bit Description

1 to 6 Reserved
7 Master 1, Set Reference Position
8 Master 2, Set Reference Position
9 Master 3, Set Reference Position
10 Master 4, Set Reference Position
11 Master 5, Set Reference Position
12 Master 6, Set Reference Position
13 to 14 Reserved
15 Capture Slip Monitoring (0 = Off, 1 = On)
16 Enable Slip Monitoring (0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled)

Table 6-13: ELS_MSTR_CONTROL Bits

ELS_MSTR_STATUS Bit Description

1 Master 1 at Standstill
2 Master 2 at Standstill
3 Master 3 at Standstill
4 Master 4 at Standstill
5 Master 5 at Standstill
6 Master 6 at Standstill
7 Master 1 Referenced
8 Master 2 Referenced
9 Master 3 Referenced
10 Master 4 Referenced
11 Master 5 Referenced
12 Master 6 Referenced
13 Reserved
14 Monitoring ERROR Active (0 = No Error, 1 = Error)
15 Lead Encoder (0 = Primary, 1 = Secondary)
16 Slip Monitoring Enabled (0 = Not Enabled, 1 = Enabled)

Table 6-14: ELS_MSTR_STATUS Bits

6-14 Operating Modes Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

ELS Group 1- 8 Default Register Labels

The default labels for the ELS Group registers are listed in Table 6-15.
The corresponding default bit labels are listed in Table 6-17.

Data Object Type Label (20 character limit) Comment (80 character limit)
Assigned control register number G#_CONTROL_REG Group # control register
Assigned status register number G#_STATUS_REG Group # status register

Table 6-15: ELS Group 1- 8 Default Registers

Default Label Data Object Comment (80 character

ELS Group 1-8 ELS Group Control Register-Bit limit)
ELS Group 1-8
Control Register 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Control Register
G#_CT_LOCK_OFF 152-1 153-1 154-1 155-1 156-1 157-1 158-1 159-1 Group # control, 0 → 1 start
lock cycle, 1 → 0 start
G#_CT_M_REL_PH 152-2 153-2 154-2 155-2 156-2 157-2 158-2 159-2 Group # control, 0 → 1
triggers master relative
phase adjust
G#_CT_S_REL_PH 152-3 153-3 154-3 155-3 156-3 157-3 158-3 159-3 Group # control, 0 → 1
triggers slave relative phase
G#_CT_MSTR_SEL 152-4 153-4 154-4 155-4 156-4 157-4 158-4 159-4 Group # control, 0=master 1,
1=master 2
G#_CT_VAR_CLK 152-5 153-5 154-5 155-5 156-5 157-5 158-5 159-5 Group # control, 0 → 1
G#_CT_LOCAL 152-6 153-6 154-6 155-6 156-6 157-6 158-6 159-6 Group # control, 0 → 1 local
mode, 1 → 0 selected
G#_CT_LM_FSTOP 152-7 153-7 154-7 155-7 156-7 157-7 158-7 159-7 Group LM # control, 0 → 1
triggers fast stop
G#_CT_LM_HOME 152-8 153-8 154-8 155-8 156-8 157-8 158-8 159-8 Group LM # control, 0 → 1
loads home position
G#_CT_LM_GO 152-9 153-9 154-9 155-9 156-9 157-9 158-9 159-9 Group LM # control, 0=stop,
G#_CT_LM_VMODE 152-10 153-10 154-10 155-10 156-10 157-10 158-10 159-10 Group LM # control,
0=position, 1=velocity mode
G#_CT_M_ABS_PH 152-11 153-11 154-11 155-11 156-11 157-11 158-11 159-11 Group # control, triggers
master absolute phase
G#_CT_S_ABS_PH 152-12 153-12 154-12 155-12 156-12 157-12 158-12 159-12 Group # control, triggers
slave absolute phase adjust
G#_CT_LM_RELMODE 152-13 153-13 154-13 155-13 156-13 157-13 158-13 159-13 Group LM # control,
0=absolute, 1=relative mode
G#_CT_LM_RELTRIG 152-14 153-14 154-14 155-14 156-14 157-14 158-14 159-14 Group LM # control, 0 → 1
triggers relative mode move
G#_CT_MSTR_FOL_PH 152-15 153-15 154-15 155-15 156-15 157-15 158-15 159-15 Group # control,
0=standard phase adjust
1=group master following
phase adjust enabled
G#_CT_MSTR_ABORT_PH 152-16 153-16 154-16 155-16 156-16 157-16 158-16 159-16 Group # control,
1=abort active group master
following phase adjust
Each # symbol represents an entry for the number of the ELS Group

Table 6-16: ELS Group 1- 8 Default Register Bits

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Operating Modes 6-15

Default Label Data Object Comment (80 character

ELS Group 1-8 ELS Group Status Register-Bit limit)
ELS Group 1-8
Status Register 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Status Register
G#_ST_LOCK_ON 243-1 244-1 245-1 246-1 247-1 248-1 249-1 250-1 Group # status,
0=unlocked, 1=locked to
G#_ST_M_REL_PH 243-2 244-2 245-2 246-2 247-2 248-2 249-2 250-2 Group # status, 1= master
relative phase adjust in
G#_ST_S_REL_PH 243-3 244-3 245-3 246-3 247-3 248-3 249-3 250-3 Group # status, 1= slave
relative phase adjust in
G#_ST_MSTR_SEL 243-4 244-4 245-4 246-4 247-4 248-4 249-4 250-4 Group # status, 0=master
1, 1=master 2
G#_ST_VAR_ACK 243-5 244-5 245-5 246-5 247-5 248-5 249-5 250-5 Group # status, 1=variables
G#_ST_LOCAL 243-6 244-6 245-6 246-6 247-6 248-6 249-6 250-6 Group # status, 1=local
mode active
G#_ST_LM_FSTOP 243-7 244-7 245-7 246-7 247-7 248-7 249-7 250-7 Group LM # status, 0 → 1
triggers fast stop
G#_ST_LM_HOME 243-8 244-8 245-8 246-8 247-8 248-8 249-8 250-8 Group LM # status, 0 → 1
loads home position
G#_ST_MOTION 243-9 244-9 245-9 246-9 247-9 248-9 249-9 250-9 Group # status, 0=no
motion, 1=group is in
G#_ST_LM_VMODE 243-10 244-10 245-10 246-10 247-10 248-10 249-10 250-10 Group LM # status,
0=position, 1=velocity
G#_ST_M_ABS_PH 243-11 244-11 245-11 246-11 247-11 248-11 249-11 250-11 Group # status, 1= master
absolute phase adjust in
G#_ST_S_ABS_PH 243-12 244-12 245-12 246-12 247-12 248-12 249-12 250-12 Group # status, 1= slave
absolute phase adjust in
G#_ST_LM_RELMODE 243-13 244-13 245-13 246-13 247-13 248-13 249-13 250-13 Group LM # status,
0=absolute, 1=relative
G#_ST_LM_ZEROVEL 243-14 244-14 245-14 246-14 247-14 248-14 249-14 250-14 Group LM # status,
0=velocity, 1=standstill
G#_ST_LM_INPOS 243-15 244-15 245-15 246-15 247-15 248-15 249-15 250-15 Group LM # status, 1=in
Each # symbol represents an entry for the number of the ELS Group

Table 6-17: ELS Group 1- 8 Default Register Bits

6-16 Operating Modes Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

ELS Group 1- 8 Default Program Variable Labels

The default labels for ELS Group program variables are listed in the
following table:

Default Label Data Object Comment (80 character Update

ELS Group 1-8 ELS Group 1-8 Program Variable limit) Mode
ELS Group 1-8
Program Variable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Program Variable
G#_SYNC_ACCEL F190 F230 F270 F310 F350 F390 F430 F470 Group #, dynamic sync Phase 4
G#_SYNC_VEL F191 F231 F271 F311 F351 F391 F431 F471 Group #, dynamic sync Phase 4
G#_M1 F192 F232 F272 F312 F352 F392 F432 F472 Group #, M factor Phase 4
& Forcing*
G#_N1 F193 F233 F273 F313 F353 F393 F433 F473 Group #, N factor Phase 4
& Forcing*
G#_PROG_M_PH F194 F234 F274 F314 F354 F394 F434 F474 Group #, master phase Phase 4
adjust value
G#_PROG_S_PH F195 F235 F275 F315 F355 F395 F435 F475 Group #, slave phase adjust Phase 4
G#_ABS_M_PH F196 F236 F276 F316 F356 F396 F436 F476 Group #, absolute master Phase 4
phase adjust (read-only)
& Forcing*
G#_ABS_S_PH F197 F237 F277 F317 F357 F397 F437 F477 Group #, absolute slave Phase 4
phase adjust (read-only)
& Forcing*
G#_H_LOCKON F198 F238 F278 F318 F358 F398 F438 F478 Group #, H factor lock on Phase 4
cam profile & Forcing*
G#_H_RUN F199 F239 F279 F319 F359 F399 F439 F479 Group #, H factor 1:1 cam Phase 4
profile & Forcing*
G#_H_LOCKOFF F200 F230 F310 F320 F360 F400 F440 F480 Group #, H factor lock off Phase 4
cam profile & Forcing*
G#_H_USER F201 F231 F311 F321 F361 F401 F441 F481 Group #, H factor user cam Phase 4
G#_LOCK_WIN F202 F232 F312 F322 F362 F402 F442 F482 Group #, shortest path Phase 4
window for dynamic sync.
phase correction
G#_LM_HOME_POS F203 F233 F313 F323 F363 F403 F443 F483 Group Local Master # home Phase 4
G#_LM_REL_MOVE_DIST F204 F234 F314 F324 F364 F404 F444 F484 Group Local Master # Phase 4
relative move distance
G#_LM_STOP_POS F205 F235 F315 F325 F365 F405 F445 F485 Group Local Master # stop Phase 4
G#_LM_CMD_ABS_POS F206 F236 F316 F326 F366 F406 F446 F486 Group Local Master # Phase 4
commanded absolute
G#_LM_CMD_VEL F207 F237 F317 F327 F367 F407 F447 F487 Group Local Master # Phase 4
commanded velocity
G#_LM_CMD_ACCEL F208 F238 F318 F328 F368 F408 F448 F488 Group Local Master # Phase 4
commanded acceleration
G#_LOCKON_OFFSET F209 F239 F319 F329 F369 F409 F449 F489 Group #, offset added to the Phase 4
output when lock on cam
profile is being forced
G#_IN_POS F210 F240 F290 F330 F370 F410 F450 F490 Group #, input position Phase 4
& Forcing*
G#_IN_VEL F211 F241 F291 F331 F371 F411 F451 F491 Group #, input velocity (read Phase 4
G#_OUT_POS F212 F242 F292 F332 F372 F412 F452 F492 Group #, output position Phase 4
(read only) & Forcing*
G#_OUT_VEL F213 F243 F293 F333 F373 F413 F453 F493 Group #, output velocity Phase 4
(read only)

Table 6-18: ELS Group 1- 8 Default Program Variables (part 1 of 2)

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Operating Modes 6-17

Default Label Data Object Comment (80 character Update

ELS Group 1-8 ELS Group 1-8 Program Variable limit) Mode
ELS Group 1-8
Program Variable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Program Variable

G#_OUT_ACC F214 F254 F294 F334 F374 F414 F454 F494 Group #, output Phase 4
acceleration (read only)
G#_CAM_INPUT F215 F255 F295 F335 F375 F415 F455 F495 Group #, group cam profile Phase 4
ID input position & Forcing*
G#_MST1_TRIGPOS F216 F256 F296 F336 F376 F416 F456 F496 Group #, master 1 Phase 4
switching trigger position
G#_MST2_TRIGPOS F217 F257 F297 F337 F377 F417 F457 F497 Group #, master 2 Phase 4
switching trigger position
G#_STANDSTILL_WIN F218 F258 F298 F338 F378 F418 F458 F498 Group # standstill velocity Phase 4
G#_LM_CMD_DECEL F219 F259 F299 F339 F379 F419 F459 F499 Group Local Master #, Phase 4
commanded deceleration
G#_LM_E_STOP_DECEL F220 F260 F300 F340 F380 F420 F460 F500 Group Local Master #, Phase 2
E-Stop deceleration
G#_LM_MAX_VEL F221 F261 F301 F341 F381 F421 F461 F501 Group Local Master #, Phase 2
maximum velocity
G#_LM_MAX_ACCEL F222 F262 F302 F342 F382 F422 F462 F502 Group Local Master #, Phase 2
maximum acceleration
G#_LM_MAX_DECEL F223 F263 F303 F343 F383 F423 F463 F503 Group Local Master #, Phase 2
maximum deceleration
G#_LM_JERK_ENABLE F224 F264 F304 F344 F384 F424 F464 F504 Group Local Master #, jerk Phase 2
limiting enabled
G#_LM_CUR_POS F225 F265 F305 F345 F385 F425 F465 F505 Group Local Master #, Phase 4
current position
G#_LM_CUR_VEL F226 F266 F306 F346 F386 F426 F466 F506 Group Local Master #, Phase 4
current velocity
G#_LM_POS_WIN F227 F267 F307 F347 F387 F427 F467 F507 Group Local Master #, Phase 2
shortest path window
G#_MST_DIST_M_PH F228 F268 F308 F348 F388 F428 F468 F508 Group #, master distance Phase 4
for master phase adjust
G#_MST_DIST_S_PH F229 F269 F309 F349 F389 F429 F469 F509 Group #, master distance Phase 4
for slave phase adjust
G#_CONFIG I140 I150 I160 I170 I180 I190 I200 I210 Group #, configuration Refer to
word Fig. 5-2
G#_MSTR1_AXIS I141 I151 I161 I171 I181 I191 I201 I211 Group #, ELS master ID, Phase 4
number 1
G#_MSTR2_AXIS I142 I152 I162 I172 I182 I192 I202 I212 Group #, ELS master ID, Phase 4
number 2
G#_ACTIVE_STATE I143 I153 I163 I173 I183 I193 I203 I213 Group #, active state of Phase 4
state machine for & Forcing*
G#_ACTIVE_CAM I144 I154 I164 I174 I184 I194 I204 I214 Group #, active cam profile Phase 4
table number
G#_LOCKON_CAM I145 I155 I165 I175 I185 I195 I205 I215 Group #, lock on cam Phase 4
profile table number & Forcing*
G#_RUN_CAM_ID I146 I156 I166 I176 I186 I196 I206 I216 Group #, 1:1 cam profile Phase 4
table number & Forcing*
G#_LOCKOFF_CAM I147 I157 I167 I177 I187 I197 I207 I217 Group #, lock off cam Phase 4
profile table number & Forcing*
G#_USER_CAM I148 I158 I168 I178 I188 I198 I208 I218 Group #, user cam profile Phase 4
table number (state
machine disabled)
G#_LM_POS_MODE I149 I159 I169 I179 I189 I199 I209 I219 Group Local Master #, Phase 2
see note 1)
positioning mode
Forcing is reinitializing an ELS Group in Phase 4 when local mode is active (G#_ST_LOCAL) and the ELS Group Master is at standstill
(G#_ST_MOTION is 0). Note 1.) Absolute Position Mode, 0=Positive, 1=Negative, 2=Shortest Path

Table 6-19: ELS Group 1- 8 Default Program Variables (part 2 of 2)

6-18 Operating Modes Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

ELS Group Configuration Word

For every ELS Group, an ELS Group configuration word (G#_CONFIG) is
used to configure all settings for Switching Synchronization, Phase
Control and Initialization. These settings are initially configured within
VisualMotion Toolkit's ELS Group icon and become active when the
project is compiled and downloaded to the control. These settings can
also be modified by accessing the appropriate integer number and
entering an equivalent hexadecimal value.
Bit 2: When the control is switched to manual mode, all ELS Groups are
Sync. to ELS Group Master switched to local mode. In local mode, each ELS Group can be moved
independently. When switching back to automatic mode, the user can
configure bit 2 using the following two options:
0 = Automatically switch back to the ELS Group master and perform a
dynamic synchronization if necessary, see bits 5, 6 and 7 (default)
1 = Groups will stay in local mode and must be switched manually
(Updated in Phase 2)

Bit 4: This bit enables the lock on / lock off CAM profile state. For user CAM
Enable CAM Profiling profiles to function, disable this feature.
0 = state machine enabled (default)
1 = state machine disabled
(Updated in Phase 2)

Modifications to the variable G#_H_USER can only be performed when

the state machine is disabled. While disabled, the user can select a CAM
profile for the ELS Group and modify the G#_H_USER factor. When
enabled, the state machine uses as an H factor the values of
variable displays the current H factor being used for the lock on and lock
off CAM profiles.

Bit 5: This bit is used to specify the type of synchronization that will be used
Synchronization Type when switching between ELS Group input masters 1 and 2 or only Group
master 1 in Advanced Mode (see bit 22 for master 2).
0 = Dynamic synchronization (default)
1 = Immediate (On the Fly when switching to an unused Virtual Master)
(Updated in Phase 4)

When bit 5 is set to 1 and an ELS Group's input master is switched to an

unused Virtual Master, this Virtual Master will adapt "On the Fly" to the
current ELS Group master's position and velocity.

Bits 6-7: These bits determine method of phase correction during Dynamic
Phase Correction Type Synchronization between group input masters 1 and 2 or for group input
master 1 only in Advanced Mode (see bits 23, 24 for group 2).

Bit 6 Bit 7 Description

0 0 Shortest path (default)
1 0 Positive direction if phase difference is greater than
"G#_LOCK_WIN". Otherwise, use shortest path.
0 1 Negative direction if phase difference is greater than
"G#_LOCK_WIN". Otherwise, use shortest path.
1 1 No phase correction (only velocity synchronization is

(Updated in Phase 4)

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Operating Modes 6-19

Bit 8: This bit is used to reinitialize an ELS Groups output master position when
ELS Group Master Position the system is switched to Phase 2 (parameter mode) or powered down.
Initialization at Phase 2
When an ELS Group's M/N or H factor has a value other than 1; for
example 0.9, and the ELS Group has been moved, then the group's
output master position cannot be calculated using the CAM equation.
The reason for this is as follows:
The control monitors and internally stores the ELS Group's current output
position. For example, if after two revolutions of the input master (as
illustrated in Fig. 6-4), the system is switched to Phase 2 or loses power;
the ELS Group's output master position is stored. The user has the
option to restart the ELS Group, to an initial position, by setting bit 8 to 0.
This will recalculate the ELS Group's output master position using the
CAM equation. Setting bit 8 to 1 allows the ELS Group's output master
position to start from the stored position (old values) and continue; using
the CAM equation, for consecutive revolutions of the ELS Group's input

[(input master * M/N) + master offset]H + slave offset = Group output

Group output position with a 0.9 M/N and no offsets

[(0° * 0.9) + 0°] * 1 + 0° ⇒ 0° ;initial position at start

[(0° * 0.9) + 0°] * 1 + 0° ⇒ 324° ;after one revolution

[(0° * 0.9) + 0°] * 1 + 0° ⇒ 288° ;after second revolution

Fig. 6-4: CAM Equation Example

0 = Initialization with calculated value using the CAM equation (default)

1 = Use old values
(Updated in Phase 2 & Forcing)

Bit 9: This bit is used to initialize an ELS Group's output position when switched
Group Master Position to local mode (G#_CT_LOCAL).
Evaluation with Forcing
0 = Group master positions will be calculated using CAM equation (default)
1 = Use old values
(Updated in Phase 2 & Forcing)
When forcing states 0 or 1 with this bit reset, G#_ LOCKON_OFFSET is
added to the group master output position. If this bit is set, G#_
LOCKON_OFFSET is not used.

Bit 11: This bit sets the motion profile type for the active master.
Master Phase Adjust Type 0 = Trapezoidal profile using a velocity profile with dynamic synchronization
acceleration/deceleration and additive velocity (default)
1 = Immediate – step function
(Updated in Phase 4)

Bit 12: This bit sets the motion profile type for the all slave axes associated with
Slave Phase Adjust Type the ELS Group.
0 = Trapezoidal profile using a velocity profile with dynamic synchronization
acceleration/deceleration and additive velocity (default)
1 = Immediate – step function
(Updated in Phase 4)

6-20 Operating Modes Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Bit 17: Advanced Master Switching Options

0 = Disabled – Enables standard ELS Group Master Switching
functionality in VisualMotion 9
1 = Enabled – Enables Enhanced ELS Group Master Switching

Bits 18-19: These bits specify a condition that must be met before the process of
switching to Group Master 1 is triggered.

Bit 18 Bit 19 Switching Description

0 0 Instantaneous Master switching is triggered as soon as
(default) the G#_CT_MSTR_SEL group control bit is
1 0 Master 1 Position Master switching is triggered when Group
Master 1 passes the position defined in
float variable G#_MSTR1_TRIGPOS
0 1 Master 2 Position Master switching is triggered when Group
Master 2 passes the position defined in
float variable G#_MSTR2_TRIGPOS
1 1 Optimal Dynamic Switching: switching is
triggered when the group’s constant
acceleration ramp (using G#_SYNC_ACC)
will result in the group synchronizing to the
target master’s position and velocity nearly
Immediate switching: switching is
triggered when the groups master’s
positions coincide

Bits 20-21 These bits specify a condition that must be met before the process of
switching to Group Master 2 is triggered. The bit format is the same as
for bits 18-19.
Bit 22 This bit indicates the type of ELS group master synchronization used
when switching to Group Master 2. This requires the Master Switching
Option bit to be set.
0 = Dynamic synchronization
1 = Immediate synchronization
Bits 23-24 This bit indicates the options for phase correction during dynamic
synchronization when switching to Group Master 2. This requires the
Master Switching Option bit to be set. The bit format is the same as bits 6
and 7.
Bit 32 Reserved for internal use.

ELS System Master

The ELS System Masteris a position signal router and conditioner.
Signals used in the ELS system are brought into the control through these
masters. VisualMotion supports 6 ELS System Master per control.

Initializing Registers and The initialization of control and status registers and project variable labels
Program Variables for all 6 ELS System Masters is defined under Setup ⇒ ELS ⇒ System
Masters in the Project Navigator window.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Operating Modes 6-21

Note: From the Setup configuration, only one ELS System Master
must be configured. This is the only time control and status
registers as well as variable labels for all 6 ELS System
Masters are assigned. Afterwards, additional System Masters
can be added under Setup or by using the ELSMstr icon in the
Initialization task. The ELSMstr icon can also be used to
modify System Masters configured under Setup as part of the
logical program flow. Refer to System Masters Setup in
section 4.5, Setup ELS Processes, for details.

Modifying or Declaring To declare ELS System Master runtime data in a project, open the
System Masters at Runtime Initialization task, select the ELSMstr icon, and place it in the project
workspace. VisualMotion provides several methods for declaring initial
values to System Masters. Refer to Initialization of ELS Program
Variables in section 4.5, Setup ELS Processes, for details.

Support signal types include Virtual Masters, Real Masters (incremental,

single-turn and multi-turn absolute encoders, resolver, linear scale,
primary motor feedback), Master Encoder Card, Link Ring Masters
(optional peer-to-peer control link), and Group outputs. The position
output is always based on units of degrees and has a range between 0
and 360 degrees with the module (rollover) fixed at 360 degrees.
Although you have the ability to select many different signal sources,
some may not be compatible with the master source. For example, if a
drive’s primary position signal is set to linear mode with a current position
of 1000mm input into the system master using a 1:1 coupling ratio, it
would output 280 degrees (1000 mod 360), which could be invalid.
The following are rules for signal selection and configuration:
• Virtual Masters, Real Masters, Link Ring Masters, Group outputs, and
Master Encoder Card have different properties and require specific
parameters. The following table contains the parameters relevant for
each master type:

Master Type Coupling Filter Dead Time Master Reference Master

Ratio (M/N) Comp. Offset Position Pos/Vel
Virtual Master 1:1 (fixed) No No No No Yes
Real Master using Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Secondary Feedback (as integers)
Real Master using Yes Yes Yes No No Yes
Primary Feedback (as floats)
Link Ring 1:1 (fixed) No No No No Yes
Group output 1:1 (fixed) No No No No Yes
Master Encoder Card Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
(as integers)

Table 6-20: Master Parameters

Note: To use the primary motor feedback as a master source signal,

the drive must be set to modulo operation (not absolute) and
the modulo value (S-0-0103) must be set to 360 degrees.

6-22 Operating Modes Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Slip Monitoring for ELS System Masters

Slip monitoring is a feature in VisualMotion that can detect if an encoder
is operating properly by comparing its signal with a second encoder
signal. In comparing the two signals, slip monitoring can determine the
extent of deviation and if the deviation exceeds the maximum allowable
range set in VisualMotion. The system response to a deviation outside of
the range is also determined by settings in VisualMotion.
The slip monitoring feature can be used with any type of master signal, an
internal signal or a signal from an external encoder. A difference in gear
ratio between the two signals will cause the primary signal to continually
deviate beyond the range limits over time. If a gear reduction exists
between the two encoders, the ELS_MSTR_Mx and ELS_MSTR_Nx
variables must be set to compensate for the mechanical gear ratio
The slip monitoring feature is initially setup through the System Master
Assignment window, which is displayed when placing an ELS Master
Assignment icon in the VisualMotion programming workspace. After
initial setup of the feature, slip monitoring can be modified through its
designated program variables.
Slip Monitoring is initialized from the ELSMstr icon by selecting Slip
Monitor Setup for the Index drop-down list.


Fig. 6-5: Slip Monitor Setup Window

Masters Select The Primary and Secondary master numbers correspond to the master
number assignments in the System Master Setup.
The numbers selected here correspond to the addresses that are set in
the default variables ELS_MSTR_SLIP_PRI, for the primary number, and
ELS_MSTR_SLIP_SEC, for the secondary number.

Note: The default values of 0 for both the primary and secondary
masters indicate that the Slip Monitoring functionality is

Master Position Offset An offset can be applied after the initial slip monitoring calculation of the
difference between signals. The offset value is stored in the

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Operating Modes 6-23

ELS_MSTR_SLIP_OFFSET default label. There are two methods for

applying to offset:
Dynamically Reset phase offset on system phase up – The system
records the position difference between the two masters on entering
phase 4 and on the rising edge of the ELS_M_ CT_SLIP_CAPT1 bit.
Fixed Offset – you select a fixed value between –180 and 180 degrees
for the offset, which is stored in the ELS_MSTR_SLIP_OFFSET variable.
Changes to the fixed offset value are updated on entering phase 4 and on
the rising edge of the ELS_M_ CT_SLIP_CAPT1 bit.
Maximum Allowed Deviation The value entered in this field represents the range between the minimum
Window and maximum limits for the position difference of signals and it is
assigned the ELS_MSTR_SLIP_OFFSET default label. This value is
updated in Parameter mode.
Error Reaction If the maximum allowed deviation value is exceeded, one of the following
responses can be set:
• Fatal error – This response will result in a system shutdown.
Shutdown Message #552 Excessive Master Position Slip Deviation is
• Warning – This response results in Warning Message #221
Excessive Master Position Slip Deviation being issued. This option
allows you to configure a response, such as switching to the lead
encoder signal.
In the Velocity threshold for primary master field, the value entered is
the velocity that the primary master encoder must exceed before the
system can detect the direction of the primary encoder. This value is
referenced by the default variable label ELS_MSTR_SLIP_VELTHD.
This value is also used to detect the lead when a deviation error occurs.
The lead encoder bit (ELS_M_ST_SLIP_ENC of the ELS Master
Configuration Word (see ELS Master Configuration Word, 6-10) is set by
the control based on which master encoder is assumed to be leading at
the time of the error, according to the following table.

Primary Master Secondary Monitoring Deviation Error*** Lead Encoder Status Bit
Velocity Bit 15)
Positive N/A Any Positive 0 = Primary Master is Lead
Positive N/A Any Negative 1 = Secondary Master is Lead
Negative N/A Any Negative 0 = Primary Master is Lead
Negative N/A Any Positive 1 = Secondary Master is Lead
None (0)* N/A First** Positive or Negative 0 = Primary Master is Lead
None (0)* None (0)* Any Positive or Negative 0 = Primary Master is Lead
None (0)* Positive or Not First Positive or Negative 1 = Secondary Master is Lead
* A velocity of “None (0)” means that the specified slip master’s velocity is not exceeding the Slip Masters Standstill Velocity
Threshold (ELS_MSTR_SLIP_ VELTHD) value.
** “First Monitoring Cycle” refers to the first active Slip Monitoring cycle after:
• Entering Sercos phase 4 with the Slip Monitoring Enable Control bit already set high.
• Bringing the Slip Monitoring Enable Control bit high (rising edge) while in Sercos phase 4.
• Bringing the Slip Monitoring Capture Control bit high (rising edge), with the Enable bit already set high, while in Sercos
phase 4.
*** “Deviation Error” refers to a Current Slip Deviation (ELS_MSTR_SLIP_ACTUAL) value that exceeds the Maximum Allowed
Deviation Window (ELS_MSTR_SLIP_WINDOW) value.

Table 6-21: System Logic for Determining Lead Encoder

6-24 Operating Modes Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Warning: If a non-zero master position offset is used in a project, with

automatic master switching based on the lead encoder status
bit when the maximum allowed deviation is exceeded, the
system position may shift by an amount close to that of the
master position offset. The result could be a significant shift in
position when the lead encoder status bit changes.

The slip monitoring feature captures the primary and secondary master
signals every Sercos cycle update and compares the two values to
determine the difference in the signals, refer to the figure below. An
offset can be applied to the difference of the two signals if necessary.
The resulting deviation value is measured to determine if it is within the
limits of the maximum allowed deviation window.

Primary Master Slip Monitoring


+ between signals Deviation
_ _
Secondary Master

Fixed offset

Fig. 6-6: Illustration of Slip Monitoring Feature Applied to Master Signals

Slip Monitoring Variables

Default variables assigned for the slip monitoring features are listed in the
table below. The Data Object column indicates the float or integer
number of the label. Update mode indicates which phase of the project
update cycle the label value is updated in the control. Some values, such
as the dynamic reset phase offset value and maximum allowed deviation
window value, are not updated until the project transitions from phase 2 to
phase 4.

Default Label Data Object Comment Update Mode

ELS_MSTR_SLIP_WINDOW F158 Maximum Allowed Deviation Captured upon entry in to phase 4 and on the
Window rising edge of the capture bit.
ELS_MSTR_SLIP_OFFSET F159 Maximum Position Offset Fixed offset - Phase 2
Dynamic reset offset - Captured upon entry in
to phase 4 and on the rising edge of the
capture bit.
ELS_MSTR_SLIPVELTHD F160 Primary Master Velocity Phase 2
ELS_MSTR_SLIP_PEAK F161 Peak Slip Deviation Phase 4
ELS_MSTR_SLIP_ACTUAL F162 Current Slip Deviation Phase 4
ELS_MSTR_SLIP_PRI I134 Primary Master Signal Phase 2
ELS_MSTR_SLIP_SEC I135 Secondary Master Signal Phase 2

Table 6-22: ELS Slip Monitoring Feature Variables

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Operating Modes 6-25

Using Register Bits to Adjust Slip Monitoring Feature

The Bits used to enable, monitor and activate the slip monitoring feature
are listed with their associated labels and registers in the table below.

Default Label ELS Master 1 to 6 Data Object ELS Master Comment (80 character limit)
ELS_M_CT_SLIP_CAPT1 140-15 ELS Master Capture Slip Monitoring
0 = No capture
1 = Capture Run-Time Data

Default Label ELS Master 1 to 6 Data Object ELS Master Comment (80 character limit)
ELS_M_CT_SLIP_EN 140-16 ELS Master Enable Slip Monitoring
0 = Off
1 = On
ELS_M_ST_SLIP_ERR 141-14 ELS Master Slip Monitoring Error
0 = No error
1 = Error
ELS_M_ST_SLIP_ENC 141-15 ELS Master Slip Monitoring Lead Encoder
0 = Primary
1 = Secondary
ELS_M_ST_SLIP_ENA 141-16 ELS Master Slip Monitoring Enabled
0 = Off
1 = On

Table 6-23: ELS Slip Monitor Feature Default Register Bits

The slip monitoring feature is enabled with the ELS_M_CT_SLIP_EN bit.

Slip monitoring is monitored by the ELS_M_ST_SLIP_ENA,
ELS_M_ST_SLIP_ENA bit indicates that slip monitoring has been
enabled. The ELS_M_ST_SLIP_ERR bit indicates an excessive master
position slip deviation error is active. To clear the error:
1. Bring the masters back in to alignment by physically moving the
masters if a fixed master position offset is being used or by toggling
the ELS_M_CT_SLIP_CAPT1 bit if dynamic reset phase offset is
being used.
2. Clear the error by toggling the ELS_M_CT_SLIP_EN bit or by toggling
bit 5, CLEAR_ALL_ERRORS, of the control register.
The ELS_M_ST_SLIP_ENC monitors the encoder signals and
determines the lead signal, which it indicates by displaying a 0 for primary
or 1 for secondary. The ELS_M_CT_SLIP_CAPT1 bit, with dynamic reset
of phase offset selected, captures the slip offset of the master positions.

6-26 Operating Modes Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Virtual Master
A Virtual Master is an internal motion profiler that drives geared or CAM
axes in a machine. A set of control and status parameters and registers
command the axis to run at a set speed, stop at a position, or make a
profiled move. The command stream is based on units of degrees and
has a range between 0 and 360 degrees; with the module (rollover period)
fixed at 360 degrees. This output format (0 and 360) forms the basis for
the entire ELS system, where a machine/product cycle is defined as a
single revolution. For example, a system that is commanded by a Virtual
Master running at 300 RPM produces 300 products per minute.

Initializing a Virtual Master A Virtual Master is controlled by a VisualMotion project and/or a PLC
using I/O registers and project variables. GPP supports a maximum of 2
Virtual Masters. The initialization of control and status registers and
project variable labels is defined under Setup ⇒ ELS ⇒ Virtual Masters
in the Project Navigator window. Refer to Virtual Master Setup in section
4.5, Setup ELS Processes, for details.

Declaring Virtual Master To declare Virtual Master runtime data in a project, open the Initialization
Runtime Data task, select the VM1 icon, and place it in the project workspace.
VisualMotion provides several methods for declaring initial values to
Virtual Masters. Refer to Initialization of ELS Program Variables in
section 4.5, Setup ELS Processes, for details.


Fig. 6-7: Virtual Master Runtime Data

Note: Virtual Masters can be associated to task A or to the PLC

(IndraLogic). The association is configured under Setup ⇒
Axes. Any motion associated with a Virtual Master will stop if
task A or the PLC stop running.

A Virtual Master can be controlled from anywhere in the runtime program

and/or outside the icon program from a PLC using the defined control
registers and parameter variables.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Operating Modes 6-27

Virtual Master 1 or 2 signals can not be used directly, they must first be
defined as one of the six system masters, then used to drive a group
master input, PLS or Rotary event.

Initial and Maximum Values

The initial and maximum values set for each Virtual Master in the Virtual
Master Runtime Data window are embedded in the icon. During program
compiling, an initial value of 0 is assigned to all the Virtual Master
program variables. At runtime, the default values or user-defined values
declared in the VM1 icon are assigned when the program flow encounters
the VM1 icon.

Note: VisualMotion supports various methods for assigning value to

program variables. Refer to Initialization of ELS Program
Variables in section 4.5, Setup ELS Process, for details.

Velocity The Initial Velocity value defines a constant velocity that the Virtual Master
will accelerate towards when set in motion.
The Maximum Velocity value defines the maximum velocity that can be
achieved by the Virtual Master during runtime.

Note: The Virtual Master moves in a clockwise (positive) direction

when a non-negative velocity value is used. A negative
velocity value causes the Virtual Master to move in a counter
clockwise (negative) direction.

The velocity the drive (axes) can obtain following a Virtual Master is
limited by the drive's Bipolar Velocity Limit. The following conditions also
affect the drive velocity:
• If the Virtual Master's maximum velocity is less than the drive's Bipolar
Velocity Limit Value (S-0-0091), the Virtual Master limits the drive.
• If the Virtual Master's maximum velocity is greater than the drive's
Bipolar Velocity Limit Value (S-0-0091), the drive will fault when
S-0-0091 is exceeded.

Acceleration The Initial Acceleration value defines a constant acceleration that the
Virtual Master will use to achieve a desired velocity.
The Maximum Acceleration value defines the maximum acceleration that
can be achieved by the Virtual Master during runtime.

Deceleration The Initial Deceleration value defines a constant deceleration that the
Virtual Master will use to decelerate the velocity.
The Maximum Deceleration value defines the maximum deceleration that
can be achieved by the Virtual Master during runtime.

E-Stop Deceleration This value specifies the emergency stop deceleration for each Virtual

6-28 Operating Modes Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Positioning values are embedded in the icons and are stored as project
variables when the project is compiled.
Home The Virtual Master starts an immediate move to the home position when a
low-to-high transition is seen in the Virtual Master control register bit:

Control Register Bit State

Bit 2 (VM#_CT_HOME) 0→1

This value is written to project variable VM#_CUR_POS within one

Sercos cycle of the home bit's rising edge. This process will take longer
than one Sercos cycle if jerk limiting is enabled.
The bit transition will be ignored if the VM#_CT_GO bit is high or if the
Virtual Master is actively being used by an ELS Group. If these conditions
exist, the VM#_CT_HOME bit will stay low to indicate that the homing
request has been ignored. Otherwise, the virtual master’s home status bit
will be raised after the virtual master has been set to the home position to
indicate the operation is complete.

Stop This is the programmed stop position the Virtual Master moves to when
the control is switched from velocity mode to absolute positioning mode.
This field contains the initial value that is written to project variable
VM#_STOP_POS when the project is compiled. The state of the
following bits determine the mode of operation:

Control Register Bit Velocity Mode Absolute Position Mode

Bit 3 (VM#_CT_GO) 1 1
Bit 4 (VM#_CT_VMODE) 0→1 1→0
(velocity mode) (moves to stop position)

Once Velocity Mode is turned off (Bit 4 = 0), the value in

VM#_STOP_POS is written to the project variable VM#_CMD_ABS_POS
and the Virtual Master moves to the ABS_POS. The control is now
operating in absolute positioning mode.

Relative Move Distance The Virtual Master moves in increments of this value when the Virtual
Master's control register bits are set as follows:

Control Register Bit State

Bit 3 (VM#_CT_GO) 1
Bit 5 (VM#_CT_RELMODE) 1
Bit 6 (VM#_CT_RELTRIG) 0 → 1 (will move with every transition)

This value is written to project variable VM#_REL_MOVE_DIST when the

project is compiled.

Absolute Move Position Positioning values are embedded in the icons and are stored as project
variables when the project is compiled. This value is written to project
variable VM#_CMD_ABS_POS. The state of the following bits set the
mode of operation to absolute position.

Control Register Bit State

Bit 3 (VM#_CT_GO) 0→1
Bit 4 (VM#_CT_VMODE) 0

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Operating Modes 6-29

When bit 3 is set to 1, the Virtual Master moves to the value in project
variable VM#_CMD_ABS_POS. Any change to this value, while in
absolute position mode, will cause the Virtual Master to move to the new
If the Virtual Master's mode of operation is switched from velocity to
absolute position, the value in VM#_CMD_ABS_POS is replaced with the
value in project variable VM#_STOP_POS. Only positive values can be
used for an absolute position move

Absolute Move Mode This selection determines the direction that the Virtual Master will use
when moving to the Absolute Move Position variable. This value is written
to project variable VM#_POS_MODE when the project is compiled. The
following choices are as follows:
• Positive (0 in VM#_POS_MODE)
• Negative (1 in VM#_POS_MODE)
• Shortest Path (2 in VM#_POS_MODE)

Max. phase difference allowed This value (0-180°) is used to create a "shortest path" positioning window
for shortest path correction for the Virtual Master's positive and negative move mode. When the
Absolute Move Mode is set to positive or negative, the Virtual Master will
move in the specified direction unless the new target position is inside the
positioning window. If so, then shortest path will be used. Once the
Virtual Master has moved to a new absolute position, a new positioning
window is created around the new position. This feature is not available
when the Absolute Move Mode is set to Shortest Path. Fig. 6-8 illustrates
the function of this value.


Fig. 6-8: Maximum Phase Difference

Jerk Limiting This allows you to limit the jerk of a motion, such as vibration caused by
acceleration or deceleration.

6-30 Operating Modes Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Virtual Master Modes of Operation

The Virtual Master can operate in two modes, velocity or position mode.
The mode is determined by the settings selected in Virtual Master
Runtime Data window (VM1 icon). By default, the Virtual Master is set in
velocity mode with values in the Initial and Maximum fields for velocity.
Position mode requires values in the Positioning field of the window. In
addition, by selecting the VM1_CT_RELMODE bit, the Virtual Master will
switch to relative mode.
Velocity Mode
In Velocity mode, the Virtual Master moves at its commanded velocity.
The rate of change in the commanded velocity (VM#_CMD_VEL) is
performed using the defined acceleration/deceleration
(VM#_CMD_ACCEL, …DECEL) rate. In this mode, the Virtual Master
can be either stopped with immediate deceleration or stopped at a
designated position between 0 and 360 degrees. Stopping the master at
a designated position may take several revolutions (stop ramp) depending
on the current velocity and programmed deceleration.
When a master is in velocity mode, an integrator is engaged, providing
positional output so that all masters have a uniform signal type (position
value with modulo of 360 degrees.)
Position Mode
In Position mode, the Virtual Master moves to a programmed relative or
absolute position. With relative positioning, travel distances can be
greater than the modulo value for relative positioning moves of the Virtual
Master. For absolute positioning, the maximum travel distance is +/- 180
degrees (shortest path) or 359.99 degrees (positive or negative direction)
with absolute positioning.

Real Master
A Real Master is an external position signal that is transmitted into the
control through the System Master icon. GPP supports a maximum of 6
real masters. The Master Encoder Card (LAG) can be used to accept up
to 2 external feedback signals.
After configuring the Master Encoder Card parameters in the control and
setting up the System Master icon, there will be a signal ready to be used.
The command stream is based on units of degrees and has a range
between 0 and 360 degrees with the module (rollover) fixed at 360
degrees. This output format (0 to 360 degrees) is the basis for the ELS
system position where a machine/product cycle is defined as a single
revolution. For example, a system following a real master running at 300
RPM produces 300 products per minute.

Initializing a Real Master The initialization of control and status registers and project variable labels
for Real Masters is defined under Setup ⇒ Processes ⇒ ELS ⇒
System Masters in the Project Navigator window. Refer to ELS System
Master on page 6-20 for details.

Declaring Real Master To declare runtime data for a Real Master in a project, place an ELSMstr
Runtime Data icon in the Initialization task and select Real as the master. Refer to the
ELSMstr icon in volume 2, chapter 14, of the VisualMotion 11 Functional
Description for details.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Operating Modes 6-31


Fig. 6-9: Setup ELS System Master: Real Master

Coupling (float) This field contains the edit boxes for the gear ratio. A gear ratio is only
applicable to real master signals.
Encoder In this field, you can select primary or secondary encoder and single or
Multi-turn encoder type:
• Primary encoder – This is the motor feedback encoder (X4 EcoDrive
• Secondary encoder – this is the extra encoder input at the drive (X8
EcoDrive 03)
• Multi-turn checkbox – this option can be selected if the feedback is a
multi-turn absolute device and you want the system to track its
absolute position. To reset (home) the current reference value, set the
System Master, control register, ELS_M_CT_SET_REF# input bit to 1.
This causes the respective system master to instantly move to the
position stored in the ELS_MSTR_REF_POS# parameter. To assure
the system comprehends the absolute position, monitor the status bit
ELS_M_ST_REF#. This bit is cleared every time the parameters
controlling the system master are changed or, in the case of an
incremental encoder, when the system goes from phase 2 to phase 4.
Filter Type For a real master signal, you can apply several types of filters to dampen
noise in the signal. These filters include:
st nd rd
• Low-pass (1 , 2 , or 3 )
nd rd
• Butterworth (2 or 3 )
• LP(2 ) with velocity feed forward (Dead Time Compensation)
• LP(3 ) with velocity and acceleration feed forward (Dead Time

Cutoff Frequency (float) When a filter type is chosen, a cutoff frequency for the filter must be
entered. The cutoff frequency is the frequency where the signal is
reduced by 3db. When set to 0 the filter is disabled.
To ensure a stable system, use the following calculation when entering a
value for the Digital Filter Cutoff Frequency:

Cutoff Frequency <
2 * Sampling Rate(sec.)

6-32 Operating Modes Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Velocity Dead Time Dead time compensation can be activated or disabled by selecting this
Compensation checkbox. This feature provides the option to apply 4 Sercos cycles of
velocity feed forward phase advance to the ELS Master, when activated,
to compensate for delays in control processing.
Dead Time Compensation only compensates for the phase lag created by
the 4 cycles of ELS processing/Sercos delays, not for additional dead
time caused by the various Real Master filters. To address this, some
filter types include velocity and/or acceleration feed forward part to
compensate for dead time cause by the filter.
The Dead Time Compensation can be disabled for individual Real
Masters for applications in which undershoot/overshoot during velocity
changes could cause problems. The functionality of the feature is such
that compensation is enabled by default. Users will need to disable it if
they do not want to use it with their application.

Positioning a Secondary Encoder Signal

A secondary encoder signal can be used as a master axis position.
Within the drive, the offset position feedback value 3 (drive parameter P-
0-0087) is applied to the secondary encoder value (refer to Fig. 6-10). A
gear ratio of only integer values, stored as floats ELS_MSTR_M1…6 and
ELS_MSTR_N1…6, is applied to the position feedback if required, for
example, using a gear ratio to offset the mechanical gear setting.
A reference position for the position feedback value 3 is set in the float
variable ELS_MSTR_REF_POSx (where x is the ELS Master number
from 1 to 6). To send the reference position to feedback value 3:
1. Place the ELS Group axis (following the secondary encoder feedback
signal) in local mode.
2. Toggle the ELS_M_CT_SET_REFx (where x is a number from 1 to 6)
bit of the ELS_MSTR_CONTROL register.
3. Verify the homing sequence with the ELS_M_ST_REFx (where x is a
number from 1 to 6) bit of the ELS_MSTR_STATUS register.
An offset is calculated from the comparison of the current feedback
position and homing position and is stored in the ELS_MSTR_OFFSETx
variable (where x is a number from 1 to 6). The offset is referenced later
when the master axis position is set. A filter is added to the feedback
position (filter type selected in the Setup ELS System Master window, Fig.
6-9) to smooth the signal. The ELS Master position is stored in the
ELS_MSTR_REF_POSx variable (where x is a number between 1 to 6).

Offset Position
Feedback Value 3 Offset

Secondary Position
M/N ELS Master
Encoder Feedback + Filter
Value 3 Position
Value +
P-0-0052 ELS_MSTR_POSx
LS_MSTR_Nx Set Absolute Position
(bit 7…12 of ELS Control register)
(bit 7…12 of ELS Status register)

Home Position

Fig. 6-10: Illustration of Positioning the Real Master Axis

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Operating Modes 6-33

ELS Group Master

An ELS Group signal is the output signal from an ELS Group, which is
used by another ELS Group. An ELS Group can output a signal to an
ELS Group slave axis, to another ELS Group, or to both. The signal that
is output to another ELS Group is assigned a number in the ELS System
Master Connection Interface as an ELS Group Master. When assigning
the ELS Group Master signals, the concept referred to as cascading is
applied to group assignment.

Cascading ELS Groups

A maximum of 6 ELS Group Masters can be cascaded to other ELS
Groups. When cascading ELS Groups, the lower numbered group’s
output should become the higher numbered group’s input.

Note: An ELS Group Master’s output cannot be fed back into the
same ELS Group’s input.

If a group number is inputted into a lower group number, then there will be
a position delay of one Sercos cycle. This delay exists because the group
outputs are processed in numerical sequence and data from the last cycle
is used before it can be updated. Depending on the application, this lag
may be acceptable.

Cascading to ELS Groups


ELS Master
1 2 3 4 5 6 Connection Interface

Group 1 Group 5


Group 2 Group 6 Group 7

Group 3 Group 8

Group 4

Fig. 6-11: Cascading an ELS Group Master Output

GPP supports a maximum of 6 ELS Group Masters, which are selected in

the ELSMstr icon. To configure, assign the ELS master type and the ELS
Group Master number (the number indicating which ELS Group Master it
is, not its number designation in the ELS Master Connection Interface).

6-34 Operating Modes Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Link Ring Master

A Link Ring Master is an external position signal sent over a fiber optic
ring and received by the control using the DAQ option card. The fiber
optic ring can interface with up to 32 controls. GPP will support a
maximum of 5 Link Ring Master signals received from other controls in
the system and export a maximum of one master signal to the Link Ring
for use by other controls. The position signals are based on units of
degrees and have a range between 0 and 360 degrees with the module
(rollover) fixed at 360 degrees.
The following items are factors when using a Link Ring Master:
• The minimum Link Ring cycle time is scalable based on the maximum
number of PPC controls configured in the Link Ring system. Refer to
Configuring a Link Ring for ELS System on page 6-63 for details.
• The I/O system still runs at the 2/4 ms setting, but Sercos based I/O
are delayed accordingly.
• If all controls are to be synchronized to the same master signal, the
control that generates the signal must also receive that same signal
and use it for commanding its axes. If the axes directly follow the
source signal, they will be two cycles (16 ms) ahead of the other
• If you are using a Real Master encoder physically connected to the
machine and using Link Ring, there will be two cycles (16 ms) of delay
between the actual position and the Link Ring Master position.
Depending on the application, this lag may not be acceptable.
Link Ring Masters are defined in a project through the ELS Master Setup

Master Encoder Card

The Master Encoder Card (LAG) communicates over the control's
PC-104 ISA bus and provides real master input signals to the ELS
System. It supports EnDat or 1 Vpp Sinusoidal encoder signals. Real
master gear ratio (Coupling), filtering, and velocity dead time
compensation can be set from the ELS Master Setup window by selecting
Setup ⇒ Processes ⇒ ELS ⇒ System Master from the project
The following items are factors to consider when using a Master Encoder
• Only one Master Encoder Card can be installed in the control.
• It is not intended to provide secondary feedback signals for a drive that
supports only one primary feedback.
• Only rotary scaling in degrees (one revolution = 2 ) with a modulo of

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Operating Modes 6-35


Fig. 6-12: Master Encoder Card System Master

ELS Group
An ELS Group is a container that allows you to sectionalize a machine or
process by grouping axes working in unison to follow a master command
signal. Up to 8 ELS Groups can be initialized under Setup ⇒ Processes
⇒ ELS ⇒ ELS Groups.
Declaring ELS Group ELS Group runtime data is configured using the ELSGrp3 icon. To
Runtime Data reference groups in the system, they are given an index from 1 to 8.
Each is assigned a set of control and status parameters and registers for
configuring and controlling its functionality. Basic functions include;
selecting a master signal to follow or internal profile, dynamically
synchronizing to a master signal, utilizing a CAM profile, applying phase
offsets, and activating lock on/off function and jogging. The output units
are degrees with a range between 0 and 360 degrees and the module
(rollover period) fixed at 360 degrees.
When using an ELS Group to control an axis, the following consideration
should be noted:
• An axis can only be assigned to a single group. The system detects
multiple assignments during the compile process and flags the errors.
• By default, an axis can be positioned independently of the group for
setup or other requirements using Single axis positioning or Velocity
• Every time the system phases up (phase 2 to phase 4), each axis in
the group defaults to a secondary mode of operation (single axis
positioning or velocity mode). You must use the ELS Mode Change
icon in the program to command the axis to follow the group master
An ELS Group’s output provides a master position to its assigned ELS
Slave axes. ELS Slave axes can only be assigned to an ELS Group at
compile time. The ELS Group Master’s output position is derived from
the currently active group master input. The ELS Group’s output signal
can be modified using the following options:
• M/N gear ratio
• GMP (Group Master phase offset)

6-36 Operating Modes Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

• CAM Profile with/without a Lock On/Lock Off feature using a 3 CAM

• GSP (Group Master phase offset)
An ELS Group can only have one active master at any given time
determined by the group’s control register input bit (G#_CT_MSTR_SEL.)
To stop or move a group’s master, independent from the two input
masters, every ELS Group has it’s own Group Local Virtual Master, which
has the same functionality as the system Virtual Masters. To synchronize
to the Group Local Virtual Master, the group has to be switched to local
mode (G#_CT_LOCAL). When the project’s task A is in manual mode,
the groups are stopped before switching into local mode and
synchronizing with the Group Local Virtual Master.

Dynamic phase adjust for group master and slave


relative group master relative group slave

phase offset ( GMP ) phase offset ( GSP )

Switching Synchronization:
• dynamic synchronization (with
/ without phase adjust)
• immediate (on the fly for an
unused Virtual Master)

Fig. 6-13: Electronic Line Shafting Group

The ELS Group’s active master input signal “X” is a condition of the
equation in Fig. 6-14:

Y = H ∗ CAM [M / N ∗ X + GMP ] + GSP

Fig. 6-14: ELS Group Output Equation

Where CAM[ ] is a control CAM profile table or index CAM profile, M and
N is the current master input/output ratio, H is a CAM profile scale factor

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Operating Modes 6-37

and GMP and GSP are group master and slave relative phase adjusts.
The signal Y drives the group’s slave axes (group master position).

Note: When CAM Lock/Unlock is selected, modifications to the M/N

ratio or phases P1 and P2, while the program is in phase 4,
will not take affect until a transition from phase 2 to phase 4 is
made. When CAM Profile is selected, modifications to the
M/N ratio or phases P1 or P2, while the program is in phase 4,
will take effect immediately.

ELS Group Axis Setup

ELS Group axes are configured under Setup ⇒ Axes. Refer to ELS
Group Axis Setup in section 4.3, Setup Axes, for details.


Fig. 6-15: ELS Axis Configuration

6-38 Operating Modes Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Local Master Configuration

ELS Groups support a Local Master functionality that allows the Group to
be switched from its current system input master to its own Virtual Master.
It can be used as a Virtual Master or used to independently move the ELS
Group in velocity mode or position mode (relative or absolute).
The switch to the Local Master is performed as immediate "On the Fly".
Dynamic synchronization, Immediate or Advanced Trigger options are not
supported when switching to the Local Master. When exiting the Local
Master to an active system master, the ELS Group's current
Synchronization switching type is used.
When an ELS Group is first configured, default initial and maximum
values are set for the Group's Local Master. These values can be written
to by the program or modified within the ELS Group icon by clicking on
the Local Master Configuration button.

Note: Placing the cursor over a field will display the associated
program variable label in a tool tip. Refer to Table 6-18 and
Table 6-19 for a listing of the default float and integer numbers
assigned to each ELS Group program variable label.


Fig. 6-16: Local Master Configuration

The Local Master is controlled by the same control register, status

register and program variables assigned to the ELS Group. Refer to the
following tables for a complete listing of ELS Group register bits and
program variables:
• Control Register Bits Table 6-16, page 6-14
• Status Register Bits Table 6-17, page 6-15
• Program variables Table 6-18, page 6-16 and Table 6-19, page 6-17

Switching to the Local Master

When switching an ELS Group from it's current input master to the Local
Master, the switch is performed immediate "On the Fly" for either velocity
or position modes. This means that the Local Master is initialized with the
current velocity and position of the input master at the instant the switch is

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Operating Modes 6-39

performed. Refer to Fig. 6-21: Immediate “On the Fly“ Switching of ELS
Group 1 on page 6-44 for details.
When exiting the Local Master, the ELS Group's configured
Synchronization switching type (Dynamic synchronization, Immediate or
Advanced Trigger options) is used.

Local Master Velocity Mode An ELS Group is switched to the Local Master running in velocity mode
when the following control register bits are set:

Control Reg-Bit Label Description

Bit 6 G#_CT_LOCAL transition from 0 ⇒ 1
Bit 7 G#_CT_LM_FSTOP set to 0
Bit 9 G#_CT_LM_GO set to 1
Bit 10 G#_CT_LM_VMODE set to 1 (Velocity mode)
Table 6-24: Local Master Velocity Mode

When bit 6 (G#_LM_LOCAL) is transitioned from 0 to 1, the Group's

current input master velocity and position are copied to the Local Master's
current velocity (G#_LM_CUR_VEL) and position (G#_LM_CUR_POS).

Note: The value in program variable G#_LM_CMD_VEL is always

overwritten by the Group's current input master velocity when
the switch is performed.

Setting bit 9 (G#_CT_LM_GO) to 0 stops the Local Master. To increase

or decrease the velocity of the Local Master, change the value in program
variable G#_LM_CMD_VEL.

Local Master Position Mode An ELS Group is switched to the Local Master running in position mode
when the following control register bits are set:

Control Reg-Bit Label Description

Bit 6 G#_CT_LOCAL transition from 0 ⇒ 1
Bit 7 G#_CT_LM_FSTOP set to 0
Bit 9 G#_CT_LM_GO set to 1
Bit 10 G#_CT_LM_VMODE set to 0 (Position mode)
Bit 13 G#_CT_LM_RELMODE 0 = absolute mode, 1 = relative mode
0 ⇒ 1 triggers a relative move when
Table 6-25: Local Master Position Mode

When bit 6 (G#_LM_LOCAL) is transitioned from 0 to 1, the Group's

current input master velocity and position are copied to the Local Master's
current velocity (G#_LM_CUR_VEL) and position (G#_LM_CUR_POS)
and then the following behavior is observed:
• If bit 13 (G#_CT_LM_RELMODE) is set to 0 (Absolute Mode), The
Local Master moves to the absolute position value in program variable
G#_LM_CMD_ABS_POS and stops. Modifying the value in
G#_LM_CMD_ABS_POS will cause the Local Master to move to the
new position.
• If bit 13 (G#_CT_LM_RELMODE) is set to 1 (Relative Mode), the
Local Master decelerates to a stop using the value in program variable
G#_LM_CMD_DECEL. Toggling bit 14 (G#_CT_LM_RELTRIG)
causes the Local Master to make a relative move equal to the value in

6-40 Operating Modes Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Switching Synchronization between Group Input Masters

Switching to either ELS Group input master 1 or 2 could be performed
using one of the following methods:
• Immediate Switching - The group's output position and velocity
immediately switches, within one Sercos cycle, between the two
masters causing a step or bump in transition. When switching to an
inactive Virtual Master, the position and velocity are adjusted “on the
• Dynamic Synchronization with or without Phase Adjust - The
velocity and position difference will be compensated for by an internal
ramp function synchronizing the transition between masters.
Switching to the Group Local Virtual Master occurs when the ELS Group
is switched to local mode, regardless of which input master the group is
currently following (refer to Table 6-26). This transition to the Group Local
Virtual Master can only be done with immediate “On the Fly” switching.
Deactivation of the local mode will cause dynamic
synchronization/immediate switching to the active group input master.

Master Selected G#_CT_MSTR_SEL G#_CT_LOCAL

Group Master 1 0 0
Group Master 2 1 0
Group Local Master X 1

Table 6-26: Bit Settings for ELS Group Master Selection

In the following example, ELS Group 1 with master input 1 is designed to

synchronize to master input 2 when 2 is selected as the master input of
ELS Group 1. In effect, master input 2 acquires the slave axes of ELS
Group 1, thus replacing 1.
ELS Group
Group Input Masters 1
Master 1
Master 2

Local Master
Slave Axes
Fig. 6-17: Group Input Master Switching

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Operating Modes 6-41

When the Switching Synchronization button is selected, the

Synchronization Setup window in Fig. 6-18 displays the default values
generated by the ELS Group’s project variables.


Fig. 6-18: Synchronization Setup Window

Maximum accel/decel for This value is the maximum acceleration or deceleration that the ELS
dynamic sync. Group will use to ramp to the new master’s velocity and perform any
phase corrections with a trapezoidal velocity profile.

Note: The maximum acceleration and deceleration value is only

used for dynamic synchronization.

Switching type: This selection determines the method for switching between ELS Group
input masters, immediate switching or dynamic synchronization.

Note: Phase correction is only available for dynamic synchronization.

6-42 Operating Modes Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Phase Correction
Correction type Specifies the direction in which the phase correction will be made. The
user can select shortest path, positive, negative or no phase
Maximum additive velocity Specifies the maximum increase or decrease in velocity allowed for
matching the phase (position) of a target master.
Maximum phase difference When selecting a positive or negative direction, the value (± 0-180
allowed for shortest path degrees) entered creates a range (monitoring window) around the
correction position of the target master. If any phase errors are within this window,
the shortest path will be used for the correction. This allows large phase
corrections to be eliminated depending on the size of the window.
Enable CAM profiling; disable This must be selected to activate the CAM profile ID settings. If you
lock on/lock off function change this selection during operation, you must go in and out of
Parameter mode to activate the change in selection. Clocking will not
activate this selection change.
Advanced… The Advanced… button opens the Lock / Unlock CAM Advanced Setup

Note: The Advanced… button is only available in the ELS Group

Runtime Data window if the ELS Group was initially setup to
use the Lock / Unlock CAM option in the ELS Group Setup
window. Refer to ELS Group Initialization in section 4.5, Setup
ELS Process, for details.

This window displays the default CAM numbers used for the ELS Lock On
/ Lock OFF function. The user can modify the default settings with CAM
numbers and H factors that have been designed for their specific
application. Refer to Synchronized "Lock On / Lock Off" of ELS Group
Master on page 6-53 for a description of this feature.


Fig. 6-19: Lock / Unlock CAM Advanced Setup

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Operating Modes 6-43

Immediate Switching
This method allows for an immediate transition to a new input master.
Switching takes place within one Sercos cycle without regard to bumpless
transitions. When switching between input masters, the group’s velocity
and position immediately change to match the target master. The bump
is caused by the sudden change in velocity and correction of position
difference between input masters. The following graph shows a typical
immediate switch with a transitional bump.

Immediate Switching
Virtual Master 1 to Virtual Master 2


Virtual Master 1 Virtual Master 1

(active and running) velocity is constant
in this example.


Virtual Master 2 Virtual Master 2

(active and running) velocity is greater
than the velocity of
Virtual Master 1.

ELS Group 1 position follows ELS Group 1 position immediately switches

Virtual Master 1 to match Virtual Master 2 position

ELS Group 1 Bump

ELS Group 1 ELS Group 1 velocity follows Bump

velocity Virtual Master 1
ELS Group 1 velocity immediately switches
to match Virtual Master 2 velocity
Before Immediate Switching After Immediate Switching

ELS Group 1 ELS Group 1

Virtual Input 1
Slave Virtual Input 1
Master 1 axis Master 1 axis
Input 2 Input 2

Virtual Input 1 Virtual Input 1

Master 2 Slave Master 2 Slave
axis axis
Input 2 Input 2

ELS Group 2 ELS Group 2

ELS Group 1 settings for this example are as follows:

1:1 CAM, M/N ratio =1, relative group phase offsets = 0

Fig. 6-20: Immediate Switching of ELS Group 1

6-44 Operating Modes Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Immediate Switching to an Inactive Virtual Master

(also known as “On the Fly” Switching)
A special case of immediate transition called “On the Fly” applies only to
Virtual Masters that are not connected to any groups. On the Fly is an
immediate, bumpless transition achieved by initializing the Virtual
Master’s position and velocity with a sampling of the group’s current
position and velocity. This transition is only possible when the following
conditions exist:
• The Fast Stop bit (VM#_CT_FSTOP) is not active
• The Virtual Master is in velocity mode (VM#_CT_VMODE bit is high)
(G#_CT_LM_VMODE for Local Master)
• The Go bit (VM#_CT_GO) is high
(G#_CT_LM_GO for Local Master)

Note: It is not possible to use this method to synchronize to a Real

Master since instantaneous changes in position, velocity, or
acceleration would result in a drive fault.

Immediate “On the Fly” Switching

Virtual Master 1 to Virtual Master 2


Virtual Master 1 Virtual Master 1

(active and running) velocity is constant in
this example

Virtual Master 2 switches
"On the Fly" and acquires
Virtual Master 2 (active)
the position and velocity of
shown in this example at
Control bit settings for Virtual Master 2: the master* used at input 1
standstill before switching
VM#_CT_FSTOP = 0 * master used for input 1 can
VM#_CT_GO = 1 be a Virtual or Real Master

ELS Group 1 position follows ELS Group 1 position now

Virtual Master 1 follows Virtual Master 2

ELS Group 1 position is

not affected by immediate
switch to Virtual Master 2
position (bumpless)

ELS Group 1 velocity is

not affected by immediate
switch to Virtual Master 2

Before Immediate Switching After Immediate Switching

ELS Group 1 ELS Group 1

Input 1 Input 1
Virtual Slave Virtual Slave
Master 1 axis Master 1 axis
Input 2 Input 2

Virtual Virtual
Master 2 Master 2

Fig. 6-21: Immediate “On the Fly“ Switching of ELS Group 1

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Operating Modes 6-45

Dynamic Synchronization
Typically, this general-purpose method synchronizes an ELS Group with a
real, virtual or ELS Group Master to another real, virtual or ELS Group
Dynamic Switching
Master 1 to Master 2


Master 1 Master 1 velocity is

(active and running) constant in this

360° Phase
Master 2 velocity is
Master 2 constant in this
(active and running) example

ELS Group 1 position follows
Phase correction necessary
360° Master 1
to match target master
(performed after velocities
are matched)

ELS Group 1 ELS Group 1 position

matches target master
position after executing
a phase correction

Velocity of ELS Group 1 first
matches the velocity of Virtual
Master 2 before a phase
ELS Group 1
correction is performed.

Before Dynamic Switching After Dynamic Switching

ELS Group 1 ELS Group 1

Input 1 Input 1
Master 1 Slave Master 1 Slave
axis axis
Input 2 Input 2

Input 1 Input 1
Master 2 Slave Master 2 Slave
axis axis
Input 2 Input 2

ELS Group 2 ELS Group 2

Fig. 6-22: Dynamic Switching of ELS Group 1

Dynamic synchronization allows for a rapid switch to a temporary

(internal) velocity mode Virtual Master which then ramps and locks onto
the new target master. The temporary master immediately disconnects
the group’s connection to the first master and allows for a smooth
transition to the next master. Ramping is performed using the ELS Group
synchronization's acceleration and velocity rates. These rates are also
used for dynamic group master and slave phase corrections.
After ramping (velocity synchronization), a phase adjust compensates for
any position error. Once the phase adjust is complete, the ELS Group’s
master is switched to the new input master. The temporary, internal
master is dissolved after the transition is complete.

6-46 Operating Modes Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Note: Any attempt to switch masters again during dynamic

synchronization is ignored, with the exception of switching to
local mode (stop ramp).

Switching Synchronization with Advanced Trigger Options

Switching Synchronization between masters can be controlled to a
greater extent with the Advanced trigger options feature in the
Synchronization Setup window, see Fig. 6-23. The advanced trigger
feature includes settings to specify when switching occurs. It sets up a
two-step process for switching. The first step is the Switching Trigger
which determines exactly when the switching is to start (Advanced trigger
feature) and the second step is the Switching Type (standard switching
feature) which determines exactly how the switching is performed.


Fig. 6-23: Synchronization Setup with Advanced Trigger Options

Four types of switching triggers can be used for group switching to the
Master 1 or Master 2 signal:
• Instantaneous – Disables the switching trigger functionality.
• Master 1 Position – Starts switching when group master 1 has
passed a specific trigger position.
• Master 2 Position – Starts switching when group master 2 has
passed a specific trigger position.
• Optimal – Starts switching when a certain relationship between the
group masters occurs, for example, when the group‘s master
positions coincide or when the group’s constant acceleration ramp
results in synchronization to the target master’s position and velocity

Note: The position trigger used is independent of which master the

group is switched to. For example, the Master 1 position
switching trigger can be used when switching to group master
1 or 2.

The following Diagrams illustrate the group master switching examples

with triggering mechanisms. These methods are used in VisualMotion 11
software. Switching triggers make it possible to start the actual master
switching process when a certain condition is met. The master 1 position

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Operating Modes 6-47

and master 2 position switching triggers start the switching process when
one of the group masters has met a specific trigger condition.
Immediate Switching Using the Master 1 and 2 Switching
The immediate switching trigger disables the switching trigger functionality
so the master switch will begin as soon as the group’s control register bit
is transitioned.

Immediate Switching from Virtual

Master 1 to Virtual Master 2 Virtual Master 1
using Master 1 Position Trigger Passes 72°


Virtual Master 1 Virtual Master 1

(active and running) velocity is constant
in this example.


Virtual Master 2 Virtual Master 2

(active and running) velocity is greater
than the velocity of
Virtual Master 1.

ELS Group 1 position ELS Group 1 position immediately switches

follows Virtual Master 1 to match Virtual Master 2 position

ELS Group 1 Bump

ELS Group 1 ELS Group 1 velocity Bump

velocity follows Virtual Master 1
ELS Group 1 velocity immediately switches
to match Virtual Master 2 velocity

Master Switch Requested Master Switch Triggered When

(Switching Trigger Armed) Virtual Master 1 Passes 72°

Fig. 6-24: Immediate Switching Using the Master 1 and 2 Switching Triggers

6-48 Operating Modes Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Immediate Switching using Optimal Switching Trigger

This master switch is triggered when the master positions are equal. As
soon as the two masters reach the same position, the group matches the
velocity of the target master. Switching is dependent on how long it takes
until the masters to reach the same position.

Note: If the velocity of the master is equal to the velocity of the

group, switching will not occur until the master 1 velocity

Immediate Switching from Virtual

Master 1 to Virtual Master 2 using Virtual Master
the Master 1 Position Trigger Positions are

Virtual Master 1 Virtual Master 1

(active and running) velocity is constant
in this example.


Virtual Master 2 Virtual Master 2

(active and running) velocity is greater
than the velocity of
Virtual Master 1.

ELS Group 1 position ELS Group 1 position immediately switches

follows Virtual Master 1 to match Virtual Master 2 position

ELS Group 1

ELS Group 1 ELS Group 1 velocity Bump

velocity follows Virtual Master 1
ELS Group 1 velocity immediately switches
to match Virtual Master 2 velocity

Master Switch Requested Master Switch Triggered When the

(Switching Trigger Armed) Virtual Master Positions are Equal

Fig. 6-25: Immediate Switching using the Optimal Switching Trigger

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Operating Modes 6-49

Immediate “On the Fly” Switching using Master 1 and 2

Switching Trigger
Master 2 is a virtual master that is active, but in standby mode until the
master switch is triggered. Once the switch is triggered, master 2
switches on the fly and acquires the position and velocity of master 1.
The ELS group switches from master 1 to master 2 when master 2 is at
the same position and velocity as master 1, producing a bumpless group

Immediate “On the Fly” Switching from

Virtual Master 1 to Virtual Master 2 using
the Master 1 Position Switching Trigger Virtual Master 1
Passes 72°

Virtual Master 1 Virtual Master 1

(active and running) velocity is constant in
this example

Virtual Master 2 switches
"On the Fly" and acquires
Virtual Master 2 (active,
the position and velocity of
but unused) shown in this
the master* used at input 1
example at standstill
before switching * master used for input 1 can
be a Virtual or Real Master

ELS Group 1 position ELS Group 1 position now

follows Virtual Master 1 follows Virtual Master 2

ELS Group 1 position is

ELS Group 1 not affected by immediate
switch to Virtual Master 2
position (bumpless)

ELS Group 1 velocity is

ELS Group 1 not affected by immediate
velocity switch to Virtual Master 2

Master Switch Requested Master Switch Triggered When
(Switching Trigger Armed) Virtual Master 1 Passes 72°

Fig. 6-26: Master 1 and 2 Immediate “on the Fly” Switching

6-50 Operating Modes Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Immediate “On the Fly” Switching using the Optimal

Switching Trigger
Master 2 is an active virtual master in standstill mode. When triggered by
the master switch, Master 2 acquires the velocity and position of master 1
when master 1 reaches the standstill position of master 2. The switching
point of the masters is also the point at which the ELS Group switches
from master 1 to master 2.

Immediate “On the Fly” Switching from

Virtual Master 1 to Virtual Master 2
using the Optimal Trigger Virtual Master
Positions are
360° Equal

Virtual Master 1 Virtual Master 1

(active and running) velocity is constant in
this example

Virtual Master 2 switches
"On the Fly" and acquires
Virtual Master 2 (active,
the position and velocity of
but unused) shown in this
the master* used at input 1
example at standstill
before switching * master used for input 1 can
be a Virtual or Real Master

ELS Group 1 position ELS Group 1 position now

follows Virtual Master 1 follows Virtual Master 2
ELS Group 1 position is
not affected by immediate
switch to Virtual Master 2
ELS Group 1 position (bumpless)

ELS Group 1 velocity is

ELS Group 1 not affected by immediate
velocity switch to Virtual Master 2

Master Switch Requested Master Switch Triggered When the
(Switching Trigger Armed) Virtual Master Positions are Equal

Fig. 6-27: Immediate “On the Fly” Switching using the Optimal Switching Trigger

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Operating Modes 6-51

Dynamic Switching using Master 1 and 2 Switching Trigger

Both master 1 and master 2 remain at a constant velocity. The ELS
Group follows master 1 until the master switch triggers the group to switch
to master 2. When the group is triggered, it ramps speed, either
accelerating or decelerating until it reaches the target position at which
point it will be close to the velocity of master 2. At the point of switching,
the group will experience a phase adjustment to match master 2.

Dynamic Switching from

Master 1 to Master 2 using
the Master 2 Position Trigger
Virtual Master 2
Passes 20°

Master 1 Master 1 velocity is

(active and running) constant in this


Master 2 velocity is
Master 2 constant in this
(active and running) example

ELS Group 1 position follows
Phase correction necessary
360° Master 1
to match target master
(performed after velocities
are matched)

ELS Group 1
ELS Group 1 position
matches target master
position after executing
a phase correction

Velocity of ELS Group 1 first
matches the velocity of Virtual
Master 2 before a phase
ELS Group 1 correction is performed.

Master Switch Requested Master Switch Triggered When

(Switching Trigger Armed) Virtual Master 2 Passes 20°

Fig. 6-28: Dynamic Switching using Master 1 and 2 Switching Trigger

6-52 Operating Modes Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Dynamic Switching using Optimal Trigger

Master 1 and 2 maintain their velocities and positions. The master switch
triggers the ELS group to switch to target master. The project calculates
when the group should begin changing velocity to match the velocity of
master 2. When the ELS group’s constant acceleration ramp will result in
a merge with the target master’s position and velocity, the master switch
triggers ELS group to switch to the target master. After the ELS group
has switched to the target master, a slight phase correction, of up to two
Sercos cycles of the closing velocity of the two masters may be necessary
to exactly match the target master.

Note: Changes in the velocity of either group master during

Optimized Dynamic Synchronization

Dynamic Switching from

Master 1 to Master 2 using
the Optimal Trigger


Master 1 Master 1 velocity is

(active and running) constant in this


Master 2 velocity is
Master 2 constant in this
(active and running) example

ELS Group 1 position follows Constant-acceleration ramp
360° Master 1 synchs group with master
2’s position and velocity
nearly simultaneously.

ELS Group 1
ELS Group 1 position
matches target master
position after a minor
phase correction.

Constant-acceleration ramp to Minor phase correction

target master’s velocity. after ramp completes.
ELS Group 1

Master Switch Requested Master switch triggered when the

(Switching Trigger Armed) group’s constant-acceleration ramp
will result in it merging with the
target master’s position and velocity
nearly simultaneously.

Fig. 6-29: Dynamic Switching Using Optimal Trigger

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Operating Modes 6-53

Synchronized “Lock On/Lock Off” of ELS Group Master

VisualMotion using GPP firmware can be used to stop and restart an ELS
Group for one or more cycles of the group’s input master. This function is
performed using three CAM profiles that are synchronized with the
group’s input master. Synchronization between CAM profiles and master
input eliminates the need for phase corrections. This function also allows
the project to stop a group’s process without disrupting the other groups
running in the project.
The following is an application example of the Lock On/Lock Off feature in
GPP firmware. This example monitors the presence of a gap between
products in a horizontal wrapper.

Photo Eye

Fin Seal

Product Present

Outfeed Belt

Lug Chain

Fine Adjust


Fig. 6-30: Horizontal Form, Fill and Seal Wrapper

The Lock On/Lock Off feature in GPP is activated by the state condition of
bit 1 (G#_CT_LOCK_OFF) in the ELS Group control register.
VisualMotion has three default CAM profiles for the Lock On/Lock Off
feature. However, you can create and download customized CAM
profiles using the CAM builder function in VisualMotion.
One-to-One CAM Profile The one-to-one CAM profile is normally active and synchronized to the
“Synchronized to Master” master input, unless the Lock On/Lock Off feature is not active. Under
normal operating conditions, this CAM profile is active and follows the
group’s active master input.
State of Lock On/ Lock Off bit


ELS Group
Slave output ELS Group
1:1 cam profile Master input Group slave
phase offset


Fig. 6-31: Normal Operation of Wrapper Application

6-54 Operating Modes Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Lock Off The Lock Off CAM profile decelerates to a stop over one cycle of the
master. After this cycle, the group's velocity is stopped and will not restart
unless the LOCK OFF bit is toggled.

Note: All motion to the ELS Group Master, as well as any cascading
groups, will stop.

State of Lock On/Lock Off bit

G#_CT_LOCK_OFF = 0 to 1

Detected Knife follows lock off
cam profile

Lock Off cam active

after internal cam
table 360° rollover

No GAP Lock Off cam active

Detected until:
Lock off bit = 1 Lock off bit = 0



Fig. 6-32: Lock Off CAM Active, No Product - No Seal

Lock On The Lock On CAM profile is active and accelerates from a stopped
position to match the velocity of the master input over one cycle of the
master (360 degrees). After this cycle, the velocity of the group matches
that of the master.
State of Lock On/Lock Off bit
G#_CT_LOCK_OFF = 1 to 0

GAP Detected Knife returns to

again normal operation

Lock On cam active

after internal cam
table 360° rollover
GAP Detected GSP
Lock off bit = 0 Lock On cam 1:1 cam profile


Fig. 6-33: Lock On CAM Active, Product is Present Once Again

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Operating Modes 6-55

Phase Control
The group master and slave phase adjust defaults to a trapezoidal
velocity profile using:
• dynamic synchronization acceleration
• dynamic synchronization velocity
Relative phase adjusts are written to the following ELS Group float
• G#_REL_M_PH (group master relative master phase adjust)
• G#_REL_S_PH (group master relative slave phase adjust)
These variables are triggered with bit 2 or 3 in the ELS group control
register. After execution of the velocity profile, the absolute group master
or group slave phase adjust is updated. The phase adjust can also be
configured to execute in one step by selecting Immediate in the Phase


Fig. 6-34: Phase Control

The absolute group master and group slave phase adjust is triggered by a
0 → 1 bit transition. The bit goes to 1 at the start of the phase adjust and
to 0 when the phase adjust is complete. The direction of the move is
dependent on the settings of the ELS Group Configuration:
Bit 11: Group Master Absolute Phase Adjust

Bit 7 Bit 6 Description

0 0 Shortest path
0 1 Positive phase lock, if phase difference is greater than
G#_LOCK_WIN, or use shortest path
1 0 Negative phase lock, if phase difference is greater than
G#_LOCK_WIN, or use shortest path
1 1 Phase lock disabled (provides velocity synchronization only)

Bit 12: Group Slave Absolute Phase Adjust

Bit 7 Bit 6 Description

0 0 Shortest path
0 1 Positive phase lock, if phase difference is greater than
G#_LOCK_WIN, or use shortest path
1 0 Negative phase lock, if phase difference is greater than
G#_LOCK_WIN, or use shortest path
The absolute phase adjust values can only be read except when the stop
ramp is active and the group master is at standstill. In this case the
absolute phase adjust values can be overwritten and forced.

6-56 Operating Modes Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

If an ELS Group is switched to local or manual mode during a phase

adjust with a trapezoidal velocity profile, the phase adjust will be
If an ELS Group is switched to parameter mode during a phase adjust,
the phase adjust will be aborted and the group will revert back to its prior

Initialization Control
The Initialization window is used to configure the ELS group master
operation during project initialization. The configuration set in this window
is set in parameter mode.
Sync to ELS Group master on This can be set at automatic or you can switch the group switch the ELS
task switching from Manual to group to the master manually. The group will remain in local mode when
Automatic Mode the project comes out of parameter mode until it is manually switched.


Fig. 6-35: Initialization Control

ELS Group master position During phase 2 of power up, you can select to use either old values or
initialization at Phase 2 one of the following:
• the variables initialized by the internal group master being set to the
value of the active group input master
• the CAM table input position set to the internal group input master
position plus the group master offset
• the state of the state machine set to 1
• the old values kept for absolute master and group slave offset
• the ELS group master position calculated with the CAM equation
ELS Group master position In phase 4 of power up, the ELS group can be reinitialized when the local
evaluation with forcing mode is active and the ELS group master is at standstill
(G#_ST_MOTION is 0). Under these conditions, the following variables
are not updated by the control and can be overwritten:
• Internal group input master position
• Group CAM table input position (used to calculate the ELS group
master position)
• ELS group master position (only when bit 9 in the ELS configuration
word is set to 1)
• State of the state machine for lock on/lock off (used to calculate the
ELS group master position)
• Absolute group master and group slave offset (used to calculate the
ELS group master position)
You can select to use the old values and no calculation of the CAM
equation will be performed or you can select the Group master position to
be calculated. The Group master is calculated using the group CAM table
input position, the absolute group master and group slave offset, and the
selected state of the state machine.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Operating Modes 6-57

Lock On Offset The default setting of 180 degrees matches the default profile in
VisualMotion. This number can be changed, but the lock on/lock off
profile must be completed in 1 revolution of the master cycle.

Standard ELS Group Phase Adjust

The standard ELS Group master (GMP) and slave (GSP) phase adjust
functionality operates such that a move profile is superimposed on the
group’s current motion, based on the acceleration and velocity specified in
program variables G#_SYNC_ACCEL and G#_SYNC_VEL.
The time it takes for the phase adjustment to execute is a function of the
synchronization acceleration and velocity and is independent of the
group's input master position. Therefore, the phase adjustment executes
to completion regardless of whether the group’s input master is moving or
not. For example, a negative phase adjustment can cause the output of
an ELS Group to move backwards even though the group’s input master
is at standstill. Depending upon the requirements of the application, this
behavior can be undesirable.

Program Variables for Standard Phase Adjust

The following ELS Group program variables are used to set and store
position values when using a standard ELS Group phase adjust:

ELS Group
Program Variable Description Update Mode
G#_PROG_M_PH Value added to current ELS Group Phase 4
master input when a phase adjust is
G#_ABS_M_PH Total or absolute value of master Phase 4
phase adjust performed on ELS (read-only) and
Group input master. Forcing
G#_PROG_S_PH Value added to current ELS Group Phase 4
output position when a phase adjust
is performed.
G#_ABS_S_PH Total or absolute value of master Phase 4
phase adjust performed on ELS (read-only) and
Group output position. Forcing

Table 6-27: ELS Group Phase Adjust Program Variables

6-58 Operating Modes Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Register Bits for Standard Phase Adjust

The following ELS Group control and status registers bits set and monitor
ELS Group phase adjust:

ELS Group Control Register Description

Bit 2 Group Master Relative Phase Adjust
Bit 3 Group Slave Relative Phase Adjust
Bit 11 Group Master Absolute Phase Adjust
Bit 12 Group Slave Absolute Phase Adjust

Table 6-28: ELS Group Phase Adjust Control Register Bits

ELS Group Status Register Description

Bit 2 Group Master Phase Adjust Status
Bit 3 Group Slave Phase Adjust Status
Bit 11 Group Master Absolute Phase Adjust Status
Bit 12 Group Slave Absolute Phase Adjust Status
Table 6-29: ELS Group Phase Adjust Status Register Bits

Note: Refer to control registers 152-159 and status registers 243-

250 in chapter 16, volume 2 of the VisualMotion 11 Functional
Description for details.

Master-Following ELS Group Phase Adjust

The ELS Group master-following phase adjust option is new to
VisualMotion 11 and expands on the standard behavior such that the
execution of a phase adjust is tied to the Group master’s motion through
a triangular velocity CAM profile.
The completion of the phase adjust is dependent upon the forward
movement of the Group’s input master over a pre-defined distance
(G#_MST_DIST_M_PH or G#_MST_DIST_S_PH). The behavior is such
that phase adjustments only occur when the Group’s master moves.
Therefore, it is not possible for the Group’s output to move (forwards or
backwards) during the execution of a phase adjustment when the Group’s
master is at standstill.
The profile of a Master-Following Phase Adjust is not affected or
controlled by G#_SYNC_ACCEL or G#_SYNC_VEL. Rather, the phase
adjustment profile is a function of the specified master distance and the
motion of the Group’s input master.

Note: It is important to note that the velocity of large Master-

Following Phase Adjusts may exceed the maximum velocity of
axes attached to the Group because of the use of a triangular
velocity CAM profile.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Operating Modes 6-59

Program Variables for Master-Following Phase Adjust

The following ELS Group program variables are used to set and store
position values when using the ELS Group master-following phase adjust:

ELS Group Description

Program Variable
G#_MST_DIST_M_PH This variable specifies the forward Group Master distance over which the master phase
adjust will be performed. For instance, if G#_MST_DIST_M_PH = 100º and the phase
adjust was triggered when the master was at 0º, the phase adjustment would occur such
that it is complete when the Group Master passes 100º. This distance value must be
positive – if a negative value is specified, its absolute value will be used. This value is
editable in Run Mode (phase 4). However, changing the value after a master phase adjust
has begun will have no effect until another master phase adjust is begun (the value is
captured when the phase adjust is triggered).
If the distance is set to zero, an immediate phase adjust will be performed. The phase
adjust will occur within one Sercos cycle, unless the phase adjustment is very small. The
drives should be disconnected from the Group during the phase adjust in order to prevent
G#_MST_DIST_S_PH This variable specifies the forward Group Master distance over which the slave phase
adjust will be performed. For instance, if G#_MST_DIST_S_PH = 100º and the phase
adjust was triggered when the master was at 0º, the phase adjustment would occur such
that it is complete when the Group Master passes 100º. This distance value must be
positive – if a negative value is specified, its absolute value will be used. This value is
editable in Run Mode (phase 4). However, changing the value after a slave phase adjust
has begun will have no effect until another master phase adjust is begun (the value is
captured when the phase adjust is triggered).
If the distance is set to zero, an immediate phase adjust will be performed. The phase
adjust will occur within one Sercos cycle, unless the phase adjustment is very small. The
drives should be disconnected from the Group during the phase adjust in order to prevent

Table 6-30: ELS Group Master-Following Phase Adjust Program Variables

Register Bits for Master-Following Phase Adjust

The following ELS Group control registers bits are used to enable and
abort an ELS Group master-following phase adjust.

ELS Group Control Register Description


Table 6-31: ELS Group Phase Adjust Control Register Bits

Note: The control and status of an ELS Group master-following

phase adjust is performed using the standard ELS Group
phase adjust control and status register bits. Refer to
Standard ELS Group Phase Adjust for details.

6-60 Operating Modes Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

General Functionality of Master-Following Phase Adjust

A master-following phase adjust occurs from the position that the Group’s
master was at when the phase adjust was triggered through the distance
specified in G#_MST_DIST_M_PH or G#_MST_DIST_S_PH. This range
of master positions defines a sort of phase adjustment window. The
starting position of the window is the position the Group’s master is at
when the phase adjust is triggered. The ending position of the window is
the start position plus the distance defined in G#_MST_DIST_M_PH or
For example, if a slave phase adjust is triggered when the Group’s master
was at 100º, and G#_MST_DIST_S_PH is set to 100º, the start position of
the window is 100º and the end position of the window is 200º.



Phase Adjustment Window


100 degrees 150 degrees 200 degrees


100 degrees 165 degrees 230 degrees

Fig. 6-36: ELS Group Master Following Phase Adjust Example

In the example of Fig. 6-36 (above), G#_ABS_S_PH is assumed to be

30º, G#_MST_DIST_S_PH is assumed to be 100º, and
G#_CT_MSTR_FOL_PH is assumed to be set (1).
The master-following slave phase adjust is triggered via the
G#_CT_S_REL_PH control bit when the Group’s master is at 100º. The
G#_ST_S_REL_PH status bit then goes high to confirm that the phase
adjust is in progress and stays high until the phase adjust is completed
when the Group’s master passes 200º.
The phase adjustment will not complete until the Group’s master has
moved outside of the phase adjustment window in the forward direction.
The ELS Group status register phase adjustment bits can be used (as
shown in the figure above) to confirm that the phase adjust has

Note: It is important to note that the execution of a master-following

slave phase adjust is dependent upon the motion of the
Group’s master. Therefore, it is important to consider the
Group’s M/N gear ratio when specifying the
G#_MST_DIST_S_PH value.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Operating Modes 6-61

Group Master Reverse Motion

Master-following phase adjusts can only complete execution when the
Group’s master moves in the forward direction. Reverse motion of the
Group master during a master-following phase adjust is handled in the
following ways:
• Reverse Motion within the Phase Adjust Window
If the reverse motion occurs within the phase adjustment window, the
phase adjustment process will simply be reversed. For example, in the
case of diagram 4.0, the Group achieves a phase adjustment of 15º by
the time the master has reached 150º. If the master then moves back
to 100º, the Group will be back to a phase adjustment of 0º.
• Master Moves Backwards Past the Phase Adjust Window
If the master reverses past the phase adjustment window start position
(the master position at which the phase adjust was initially triggered),
the phase adjustment will remain triggered (with the associated status
bit remaining high), but the phase adjustment will remain at 0º (none).
The phase adjustment will begin execution, again, when the Group
master moves past the phase adjustment window start position in the
forward direction.

Note: If the master reverses 360º (one revolution) or more past the
phase adjustment window start position, the phase adjust will
be aborted. In such a case, the associated ELS Group status
register bit will go low (0) to confirm that the phase adjust has
been aborted.

Phase Adjusting Over Small Master Distances

Care should be taken when specifying small group master distances
(G#_MST_DIST_M_PH or G#_MST_DIST_S_PH) for the phase adjust.
In general, master-following phase adjusts that are specified to occur over
small master distances can result in large position jumps in the Group’s
output that may result in drive faults. The following aspect should also be
• Zero Master Distance is Specified (Immediate Phase Adjust)
When the master distance (G#_MST_DIST_M_PH or
G#_MST_DIST_S_PH) is set to zero, an immediate phase adjust will
be performed – the phase adjust will occur within one SERCOS cycle.
Unless the phase adjustment is very small, the drives should be
disconnected from the Group during the phase adjust in order to
prevent faults.

Aborting a Master-Following Phase Adjust

A master-following phase adjust can be aborted by raising the
G#_CT_MSTR_ABORT_PH bit. The Group will retain any partially
executed portion of the phase adjust as an offset when a master-following
phase adjust is aborted.
For example, if the phase adjust in diagram 4.0 were aborted when the
master was at 150º, the Group would retain the 15º phase adjustment that
had already been achieved. The associated ELS Group status register
phase adjustment bit will go low to confirm that a master-following phase
adjust has been aborted.

6-62 Operating Modes Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Editing ELS Groups and System Masters

The ELS Runtime tool in VisualMotion can be used to initialize or change
the settings of the ELS System Masters, ELS Groups and Virtual Masters
in offline or online mode.
In offline mode, ELS system components can be initialized with default or
user-defined values. Data is saved with the project and can be
synchronized with the control when switching to online mode.
In online mode, modifications to ELS components are saved to both the
project and control. These changes will remain with the project on the
control's memory unless the project is recompiled and downloaded to the
control. If ELS icons contain values that are different from those modified
using the ELS Runtime Tool, then the values in the icons will be used
when the icon is executed in the logical program flow.
To select a group or master to edit, use the drop-down menu in the ELS
Runtime Tool window. When one of the menu items has been selected, a
button for that item will appear in the window. Clicking the button will
open a window for configuring that group or master.


Fig. 6-37: ELS Runtime Tool

The association of the ELS System master to its number in the

connection interface can be changed by selecting this option in the ELS
Runtime Tool. The ELS System Masters can be edited by selecting the
Master number tab, which corresponds to the Connection Interface
designation for that master, see Fig. 6-38.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Operating Modes 6-63


Fig. 6-38: Edit ELS System Masters Window

Changes made in the runtime utility take effect immediately in the control
when you click the OK button.

Configuring a Link Ring for ELS System

Link Ring is a fiber optic loop that can be added to an ELS system to
provide a means of transferring ELS position data between controls. A
Link Ring has the capacity to connect 32 controls together with each
control in the ring capable of supporting 64 drives.

Scalable Link Ring Functionality

The Link Ring functionality is scalable based on the maximum number of
controls configured in the Link Ring system. The Link Ring addressing for
both master and slave must be assigned within the range specified in the
table below.

Max. PPC Controls Addressing Range Min. Cycle Time (ms)

8 1 to 8 2
16 1 to 16 4
32 1 to 32 8 or 16
Table 6-32: Scalable Link Ring Cycle Times

Based on the maximum number of PPC controls actively participating

within the Link Ring, the user is responsible for configuring the following
parameters for the Link Ring Master and each corresponding Link Ring
• C-0-0304 Link Ring Address
• C-0-0305 Link Ring Cycle Time

Note: In order to establish Link Ring communication, each Link Ring

address must be unique and within the allowable range, the
cycle times for all nodes must match, and any changes to Link
Ring parameters require a power cycle of the control.

6-64 Operating Modes Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Link Ring Types

A Link Ring can be set up in either a single or double Link Ring
configuration. A single Link Ring connects all Link Ring Slaves in series
to the Link Ring Master through the primary receive and transmit
terminals of each DAQ03 card. A double ring is two separate fiber optic
rings connected to the primary and secondary receive and transmit
terminals of each DAQ03 card in the Link Ring.

Link Ring Setup

All controls in the Link Ring can run the same or different ELS projects.
The Link Ring settings in the ELS project in each control are based on
that control’s function in the Link Ring. Each control will have a unique
Link Ring setting.
To configure a control participating in a Link Ring:
1. Select Tools ⇒ Control Settings in VisualMotion Toolkit and set the
Link Ring Address (C-0-0003) of each node in the Link Ring tab.
Valid addresses for a Link Ring are 1 to 32.
2. In the Link Ring Tab of the Control Settings window, select the Link
Ring type (single or double) and the control type (master, slave, or


Fig. 6-39: Link Ring Control Type

Fiber Optic Length The length of the fiber optic cables will determine the required data
transmission power for the Link Ring. The length entered in this field
corresponds to the length of the fiber optic cable connected to the
transmit (TX) terminals of the DAQ03 card in the control. The length
entered for a primary ring is stored in card parameter C-0-0301, Link Ring
Primary Fiber Optic Length. The length entered for the secondary ring is
stored in parameter C-0-0302, Link Ring Secondary Fiber Optic Length.
Parameter C-0-0302 is not used when the system is configured as a
single ring. Refer to the VisualMotion 11 Project Planning manual for
information on error reactions associated with fiber optic length settings.
MDT Error Counter The master data telegram (MDT) carries data from the Link Ring Master
to the Link Ring Slaves. The MDT Error Counter field displays the
number of MDT errors the slave received from the master. This value
can also be accessed in control parameter, C-0-0303.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Operating Modes 6-65

Project Settings for Link Ring

A Link Ring is configured in a VisualMotion project with the ELSMstr1 and
ELSGrp3 icons.
ELS System Master Icon
Within the Setup ELS System Master Assignment window, the Link Ring
Master source is selected. The master source is either a Virtual Master,
Real Master, or ELS Group whose position data is to be made available to
other Link Ring nodes. By sending the master source signal through ELS
System Master 5, it becomes available to other Link Ring nodes, see Fig.

real master axes (including MEC card)

1 2 3

Motion Control virtual virtual

master master
1 2

virtual master

link master position(s)
(received from link ring)
1 2 3 4 5 6 connection box

link master position

(sent to link ring)


group group group ELS group
axes 0 master
(for ratio)

axes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Fig. 6-40: Link Ring Data Routing to Connection Interface (ELS System Master)

To establish the Link Ring Master:

1. Select Master 5 in the ELS System Master Assignment window and
click the Edit… button to open the Setup ELS System Master 5 (Link
Ring Output) window.
2. Select the master type and the settings for it:
• Real Master – Select Drive Number and filter type
• Virtual Master – Select the Virtual Number (1 or 2)
• ELS Group – Select the Group (1 – 8)
3. Select Link Ring as the Type and an External Number from 1 to 32 to
indicate which Link Ring Master position (identified by the node’s
number designation in Link Ring) the ELS System Master will be
The Link Ring Master output from ELS System Master 5 can be used
locally or exported to another system. As shown in Fig. 6-41, ELS System
Master 1 of Link Ring Master (node #1) receives it’s local Link Ring
Master output through the Link Ring. ELS System Master 1 of Link Ring
Slave (node #2) receives its signal from Link Ring Master (node #1) and

6-66 Operating Modes Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

ELS System Master 2 receives its signal from its local Link Ring Master
through the Link Ring.
While only one control can be designated as a Link Ring Master, each
control (master and slave) can export a Link Ring Master position. This
master position can be used locally, exported to another system (each
system can import five master positions), or both so that there can exist
up to 32 master signals being transmitted through the Link Ring.


1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6



Link Ring Master Link Ring Slave Link Ring Slave

(node # 1) (node # 2) (node # 32)

Fig. 6-41: Link Ring Example

ELS Group Icon

Any ELS Group participating in a Link Ring can import a Link Ring Master
position from any ELS System. The ELS System Master position that the
ELS Group imports is set in the Initialize ELS Group Variables window,
see Fig. 6-42, which is opened by clicking the ELS Group Variables
compile time initialization… button in the ELS Group Setup window.
The Link Ring Master set in step 3 of the Link Ring Master setup (Link
Ring 1) is listed in the drop-down menus of the Master 1 and Master 2
edit boxes.
Any ELS Group participating in a Link Ring configuration should receive
master position data from the Link Ring and not locally from the node’s
master source. Deriving a position from the master source introduces a
phase difference between a local ELS Group and an ELS Group receiving
position data through the Link Ring.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Operating Modes 6-67


Fig. 6-42: ELS System Master selection for ELS Group

Fault Tolerance in Double Ring

In a double Link Ring, a fault (such as a break in the cable) in the primary
or secondary ring, or in both the primary and secondary rings between
two adjacent controls, will not disrupt signal transmission. Under normal
operating conditions, communication takes place on the primary ring while
the secondary ring transmits only a diagnostic signal for error detection.
When a fault occurs, the secondary ring begins transmitting the signal as
needed then reroutes the signal back to the primary ring to complete the
Fault in Primary Ring
When an fault occurs in the primary ring, the Link Ring data position
signal is redirected to the secondary ring, see Fig. 6-43.


Fig. 6-43: Single Fault in Primary Ring

In this example, a fault occurs in the primary ring between DAQ #4 and
DAQ #5. DAQ #4 reacts by turning on the H18 LED, which indicates an
error in the primary ring between itself and DAQ#5. The
Redundancy_Loss, Bit 7, of register 40 (Link_Ring_Status) and
Error_Prim_Opt_Ring and/or Error_Sec_Opt_Ring, bits 5 and 6 of
Register 40, will go high in at least one of the nodes of the Link Ring. The

6-68 Operating Modes Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

signal switches between the primary and secondary rings at DAQ #4 and
DAQ #5 on either side of the break.
Fault in Secondary Ring
A fault in the secondary ring will not affect the signal transmission in the
primary ring. The primary ring will continue to function, but redundancy
will be lost when the secondary ring is no longer functional. Bit 7 of
Register 40 in at least one of the nodes will go high, indicating that
redundancy has been lost, and Bit 6 of Register 40 will go high, indicating
that an error has occurred in the secondary ring.


Fig. 6-44: Fault in Secondary Ring

Fault in Primary and Secondary Rings

When a fault occurs in both the primary and secondary rings between the
same two nodes, the signal is routed through the secondary ring to
complete the loop. Bit 5 of Register 40 will go high to indicate a
redundancy loss and either bit 5 or bit 6 of Register 40 will go high to
indicate an error in the primary or secondary rings.


Fig. 6-45: Faults in Primary and Secondary Rings

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Operating Modes 6-69

If a fault occurs in the primary and secondary rings between different

controls, the system will shut down. If more than one fault occurs in the
Primary ring, the system will shutdown.

Clearing A Redundancy Loss

If a redundancy loss (Register 40, Bit 7) or 541 Link Ring Error
(Transmission path defective) is indicated on any node of a given Link
Ring, use the following procedure to clear the error.
1. Locate and correct any fiber optic cable problems.
2. Hold the Rebuild Double Ring input (Register 1, Bit 7) high on all
nodes until every node's Redundancy Loss bit (Register 40, Bit 7)
goes low. You can set a timeout in your logic in the event that the bit
does not go low after 10 seconds. This step must be done with all
nodes in phase 4.
3. Set the Clear_All_Errors input (Register 1, Bit 5) high for all nodes
that have their Error output (Register 21, Bit 5) set high. The Link
Error output (Register 40, Bit 4) can also be used as a flag. This bit
will only go high for Link Ring-related errors. You can set the
Clear_All_Errors input low when the Error output goes low. This step
does not need to be performed for all nodes simultaneously, like the
Rebuild Double Ring in step 2.

Note: The Clear_All_Errors input does not force a node to execute a

Rebuild Double Ring. If performed on its own, without a
Rebuild Double Ring, a Redundancy Loss will remain.

6-70 Operating Modes Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

6.2 Control CAM System Usage

This section describes Control CAM functionality as used by CAM axes or
ELS functionalities such as ELS Groups and Coordinated Articulation.

Switching to a Control CAM

The use of a control CAM by a CAM Axis, ELS Group, or Coordinated
Articulation axis before the CAM is ready (i.e., before the CAM was
downloaded or built) is not supported.
One of the following errors will be generated if an attempt is made to
switch to a control CAM that is not ready:
• “487 CAM # is invalid or not stored”
• "573 CAM # is being built"

If the CAM axis or ELS function (ELS Group, or Coordinated Articulation

axis) is not fully decelerated by the time it reaches the CAM’s next zero
crossing, the CAM will be switched to the default 1:1 (null) CAM at the
next zero crossing.

Downloading and Rebuilding a Control CAM

Control CAMs that are actively being used by a CAM axis, ELS Group, or
Coordinated Articulation axis can not be rebuilt or downloaded to the
control. If an attempt is made to rebuild an active (in use) control CAM
using the CAM Build icon, the operation will be prevented and the
following error and task diagnostic will be generated:
• “488 CAM Error: see Task % diag.”
• “488 Cannot store CAM: already active for axis #”

If an attempt is made to download or delete an active (in use) control

CAM, the operation will be prevented and the following Direct ASCII
Communication error will be returned:
• “!58 Cannot store CAM: already active for axis #”

Note: An active CAM refers to a CAM that is being actively used by a

CAM Axis, ELS Group, or Coordinated Articulation axis. The
axis number (#) referenced in the above errors will show the
CAM Axis number if the CAM is being used by a CAM Axis,
otherwise the axis number will be zero if the CAM is being
used by an ELS Group or Coordinated Articulation axis.

Downloading or Rebuilding a Control CAM used by a CAM Axis

This is an exception to the descriptions made in the section titled
"Downloading and Rebuilding a Control CAM" in which it is possible to
download or rebuild a control CAM for a CAM Axis. This can be done by
desynchronizing the CAM axis (placing it in single axis mode). Once the
CAM axis is in single axis mode, its current control CAM can be
downloaded or rebuilt without generating an error.
The following points should be noted with respect to the above process:
1. The transition between the old and new instances of the CAM can
occur at any position – the transition will occur at whatever position
the CAM is at when the download or build operation is completed.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Operating Modes 6-71

2. The default 1:1 (null) CAM will be used during any period of time in
which the old instance of the CAM is deleted and the new instance is
not ready.
3. Position jumps may occur as a result of points 1 and 2.

Downloading or Rebuilding a Control CAM used by an ELS Group

This is an exception to the descriptions made in the section titled
"Downloading and Rebuilding a Control CAM" in which it is possible to
download or rebuild a control CAM use by an ELS Group. This can be
done by placing the ELS Group into Local Mode. Once the ELS Group is
in Local Mode, its current control CAM can be downloaded or rebuilt
without generating an error. The Group’s slave drives should be
desynchronized (placing them in single axis mode) during the control
CAM download or build operation some position jumps may occur.
The following points should be noted with respect to the above process:
1. The transition between the old and new instances of the CAM can
occur at any position – the transition will occur at whatever position
the CAM is at when the download or build operation is completed.
2. The default 1:1 (null) CAM will be used during any period of time in
which the old instance of the CAM is deleted and the new instance is
not yet ready.
3. Position jumps may occur as a result of points 1 and 2, above. In as
much, the Group’s slave drives should be desynchronized to prevent

ELS Group G#_ACTIVE_CAM Program Variable

The ELS Group G#_ACTIVE_CAM program variable accurately reflects
the control CAM currently being used by the Group. A new CAM is written
to program variable G#_ACTIVE_CAM at the next zero crossing for the
following CAM types:

CAM Type ELS Group Integer Variable

Lock on / Lock off CAM G#_LOCKON_CAM

Table 6-33: ELS Group CAM Type

Switching to a Control CAM in Sercos Phase 4 (Run Mode )

A CAM used for a CAM Axis, ELS Group, or Coordinated Articulation axis
can be switched while in Sercos phase 4. A CAM axis, ELS Group, or
Coordinated Articulation axis will not transition to the new CAM until the
next zero crossing. This creates a smooth transition from the old CAM to
the new CAM. In the case of ELS Groups, the G#_ACTIVE_CAM
program variable can be used to confirm that the Group has transitioned
to the new CAM.
However, it is possible to immediately (without waiting for the next zero
crossing) switch a CAM axis or ELS Group to another CAM while in single
axis or Local Mode, accordingly.
The procedure for each is as follows:
CAM Axis: 1. Place the drive in single axis mode.
2. Change the CAM number in axis parameter A-0-0034 (control CAM
currently active).

6-72 Operating Modes Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

ELS Group: 1. Place the ELS Group in Local Mode (set G#_CT_LOCAL to 1).
2. Change the CAM number in the G#_USER_CAM (if the Group is
configured for Profile operation) or G#_RUN_CAM_ID (if the Group is
configured for Lock on / Lock off operation).
3. Transition the Group’s forcing bit (G#_CT_VAR_CLK) to 1 and wait
for the forcing acknowledgement bit (G#_ST_VAR_ACK) to go high.
4. Transition the Group’s forcing bit back to 0.
5. Optionally, confirm that the CAM switched by checking the Group’s
G#_ACTIVE_CAM variable.

Note: For step 3, slave drives should not be synchronized during this
operation since a position jump may occur that could be large
enough to result in drive faults.

Switching to an Index CAM More Than Once

CAM axis and ELS functions such as ELS Group and Coordinated
Articulation can not switch to an Index CAM that is already in use. An
error will always be generated when an attempt is made to use a specific
Index CAM more than once.
The following fatal error will be generated, if an attempt is made to switch
to an Index CAM that is already in use:
• "533 Multiple instances of index CAM: # found"
At the next zero crossing, the CAM axis or ELS function will switch to the
default 1:1 CAM instead of the specified Index CAM.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Operating Modes 6-73

6.3 Coordinated Motion

Standard Coordinated Motion

VisualMotion provides predefined kinematic libraries for controlling
industrial robots in coordinated motion applications to achieve accurate
high-speed positioning over geometric paths.
The assignment of a Kinematic number is performed in the Project
Navigator window under Setup ⇒ Axes for both Coordinated and Coord
Articulation axis types, as shown in Fig. 6-46.


Fig. 6-46: Assigning a Kinematic (Standard Coordinated Motion)

Associated Task Parameters

When a Kinematic (number) is assigned and downloaded to the control,
the associated task parameters are given default values. The associated
task parameters are:
• T-0-0010 ;Kinematic number
• T-0-0011 through T-0-0013 ;Coordinated axis X, Y and Z
• T-0-0050 through T-0-0059 ;Kinematic value 1 - 10
Task parameter T-0-0010 displays the assigned kinematic number in the
axis icon. Task parameters T-0-0011 through T-0-0013 will display the
Sercos drive address of all configured axes in a specific kinematic.
Task parameters T-0-0050 through T-0-0059 represent segment lengths
in a robotic arm. Any segment task parameter can be modified to match
the exact segment length for a specific robot. Task parameters are
modified by selecting Data ⇒ Parameters ⇒ Edit from VisualMotion's
main menu and selecting the Task tab.

6-74 Operating Modes Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Normal Case Kinematics

When using kinematics, make certain that all the mechanical settings for
each axis corresponds to the physical requirements for the robot in use.
Each kinematic is assigned default values for each segment in a robot's
design (K values). These K values can be modified by the user to meet
the requirements of their particular robot. The unit of measurement for
each kinematic is defined in parameters A-0-0005 and T-0-0005. Feed
constant (k) and gear ratios for each axis are unique to each machine and
are defined in the Drive n Mechanical window. The exceptions to normal
case kinematics are defined under Special Case Kinematics.

Special Case Kinematics

To maximize positioning resolution for kinematics 2, 4, 5 and 9, the user
should set the mechanical setting of each axis to the following selections.

Description Selection Parameter

Unit of measure for degree A-0-0005
position data
Type of scaling Rotary A-0-0004, bit 2
Feed constant k 6.283185 (2π) S-0-0123
Table 6-34: Mechanical Settings

Coordinated Articulation
Coordinated Articulation is an advanced feature in VisualMotion 11 used
to move up to six axes in coordinated fashion based on world coordinate
inputs from an ELS Group CAM output or manual positions. This feature
provides the ability to link cyclic coordinated motion to an ELS master.

Differences from Normal Coordinated Motion

The following outlines the difference in features in Coordinated
Articulation from standard Coordinated Motion:
• Points table are not supported
• Motion types supported: Coordinated and ELS Group
• Zones are not supported
• Up to 6 axis supported
• Up to 4 Coordinated Articulation configurations supported (only one
configuration allowed per any task A-D)
• No BTC06 support
• Control task register supported
• Coordinated limit parameters supported

Applications using Coordinated Articulation

Coordinated Articulation is used for applications requiring the fast cyclic
positioning output of coordinated axes for the moving or picking up of
products. Applications examples are high speed transfer tables or cyclic
robotic arms.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Operating Modes 6-75

Block Functionality
This function can be visualized consisting of four types of blocks:

Note: Forward transformations refer to deriving world coordinates

from axis positions. The forward transform is only for display

• A CAM section, taking ELS Group position and transforming it based

on the CAM H factor, and Offset.
• A ramp generator, providing a trapezoidal profile for manual moves.
• A switch, selecting CAM output or manual moves for input to
• A kinematic, converting between world coordinates and axis positions
(Not all kinematics support forward transformations).
World Coordinated View
For each of the six world coordinates, x, y, z, roll, pitch and yaw, a CAM
ELS Group and manual trapezoidal ramp is provided.
In CA_Sync Mode, at zero position of the ELS Group output, the CAM
number, H, and offset are copied. A check is made to insure the output
will be within the minimum and maximum of the world coordinate input.
The offset must be equal or greater than the minimum; offset plus H
factor must be less than maximum. If output is outside limits, a diagnostic
warning is entered, and the output limited.
In CA_Sync Mode, at each Sercos interrupt, the ELS Group output
position is looked up in the selected CAM table and scaled with the H
factor and the offset is added. If the CAM number is zero, the output of
the CAM section will the same as the offset.
If in CA_Local Mode and enabled, the ramp generator will use the
linear/rotary programmed accel, decel, and velocity to move its world
coordinate input to the target position.
In CA_Local Mode, axis CAM switching takes place immediate, no zero
crossing of the master is required.
The switch directs the output of the CAM section or ramp generator to the
world input of the kinematic section, or switches configured axis into
single axis mode.


ELS Group Local - Sync

Output Sync A-0-0101

CAM * H A-0-0102

Local Mode target

position Forward/Inverse
ramp generator

Fig. 6-47: Coordinated Articulated Axis Configuration

6-76 Operating Modes Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Trapezoidal Ramp Generator (Normal Local Mode)

The ramp generator is used for absolute moves when its task is in run.
The target position is checked against minimum and maximum limits at
the start of the move (0->1 on Enable Ramp Generator). If the target
position is outside the limits, a warning is issued and output limited. The
target position, velocity, acceleration, and deceleration are copied at the
start of the move; changing these values during the move will not affect
the move once started.
An E-STOP, switch to “task manual” or “task stop” during the move will
result in ramping down the velocity to zero using the deceleration value
that was copied at the start of move.

Linear ramp variables Cam output


Local – Sync
Local mode target Min/ Max Check Mode Switching
position CA#_%_MIN Linear ramp
CA#_%_TAR_POS CA#_%_MAX generator

Rotary ramp
Enable ramp generator generator
At target position

World coordinate

Rotary ramp variables



At target


Local Input


Fig. 6-48: Normal Local Mode

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Operating Modes 6-77

System Considerations
Axis Motion Type
Axis parameter A-0-0003 is set to axis motion type 9 (Coordinated
Articulation Axis). This axis motion type has the following configuration
(S-0-0258 & S-0-0047 in the MDT):
• Primary Operating Mode: Position Command
• Secondary Operating Mode 1: Single Axis
• Secondary Operating Mode 2: Velocity
• Secondary Operating Mode 3: Torque

Task Control of Coordinated Articulation Axes

All ELS functionality is controlled by task A. All Coordinated Articulation
axes are controlled in the task they are declared. Assigned axes primary
mode is single axis, secondary mode is position.

Initial State New State Comment

2 Parameter 5 Manual “Single axis” mode
5 Manual 6 Automatic “Single axis” mode
6 Automatic 7 Task Run “Single axis” mode. Mode is changed to “position” with “ELS Mode” icon.
7 Task Run 6 Automatic Axes remain in their current mode, “position” or “single axis”. Icon in “CA_Local”
mode, axes are ramped to 0 velocity. Icon in “CA_SYNC” mode, axes remain in
ELS Group controlled motion.
6 Automatic 5 Manual Axes remain in their current mode, “Position” or “Single axis”. If icon in
“CA_SYNC” Mode, ELS Group switches to “Local” mode and stops motion.
5 Manual 2 Parameter “Single axis” mode

Table 6-35: Task Control

Feedback Support
The Coordinated Articulation function supports only the primary feedback
device of the drive.
E-Stop of Coordinated Articulation Axes
Axes remain in their current mode, “position” or “single axis”. The ELS
Group ramps to a stop in “Local Mode” using stop deceleration.

Control and Status Registers

The following user defined control and status registers are used to control
and monitor Coordinated Articulation. These control and status registers
are independent of those assigned to Virtual Masters, System Masters
and ELS Groups.
Control Registers
Two registers are used to set the mode of operation of an axis. The user
assigns the first starting register and VisualMotion assigns the next
consecutive register. Default labels are provided by VisualMotion.
Coordinated Articulation supports the following two modes of operation:
• Synchronized Mode (Relative or Absolute)
• Local Mode (Normal or Immediate)

6-78 Operating Modes Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Starting Control Register Number

A Coordinated Articulation configuration uses two control registers. One
control register is used for synchronized mode and one for local mode.
When a starting control register number is entered, the next consecutive
number is used for the local mode control register. The following tables
list the functions used in each control register.

Synchronized Mode The first control register selects the operation mode (sync or local) for
Control Register each axis.

Register Bit Label Description

1 CA#_X_SYNC Synchronized Mode Bits
2 CA#_Y_SYNC 0 -> 1 transition enables each axis to Sync mode.
3 CA#_Z_SYNC This transition is delayed until the ramp generator’s velocity is 0.
4 CA#_ROLL_SYNC 1 -> 0 transition set each axis to Local Mode.
5 CA#_PITCH_SYNC Local mode is used for the manual positioning of each axis.
7 CA#_X_REL_MOD Positioning Mode Bits
8 CA#_Y_REL_MOD Enable before setting Synchronized Mode Bit.
9 CA#_Z_REL_MOD 1 = Relative Mode
10 CA#_ROLL_REL_MOD 0 = Absolute Mode (default)

Table 6-36: Synchronized Mode Control Register

Local Mode Control Register The second control register enables the ramp generator in local mode for
each axis. Local mode allows the user to manually position the world
coordinate in-position value to the current CAM output position before

Register Bit Label Description

1 CA#_X_MAN_EN Ramp Generator Enable Bits [used when Sync mode is inactive]
2 CA#_Y_MAN_EN Normal Local Mode:
0 -> 1 transition enables the ramp generator, creates a trapezoidal move
profile for variables CA#_%_TAR_POS value to variable
CA#_%_IN_POS (where # = Unit number and % = X, Y, Z, ROLL, PITCH
or YAW).
3 CA#_Z_MAN_EN 1 -> 0 transition disables the ramp generator. If a move is at velocity, the
velocity is ramped down using the value in variable CA#_LIN_DECEL.
4 CA#_ROLL_MAN_EN Immediate Local Mode:
5 CA#_PITCH_MAN_EN 0 -> 1 transition stores the value of variable A#_%_TAR_POS to variable
CA#_%_IN_POS (essentially performing an immediate move).
6 CA#_YAW_MAN_EN 1 -> 0 transition has no effect
7 CA#_X_MAN_IMD Immediate Mode Bits [used when Sync mode is inactive]
8 CA#_Y_MAN_IMD Enable before setting Local Mode Bit.
9 CA#_Z_MAN_IMD 1 = Immediate Mode
10 CA#_ROLL_MAN_IMD 0 = Normal Local Mode

Table 6-37: Synchronized Mode Control Register

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Operating Modes 6-79

Starting Status Register Number

A Coordinated Articulation configuration uses two status registers. One
status register is used for synchronized mode and one for local mode.
When a starting status register number is entered, the next consecutive
number is used for the local mode status register. The following tables
list the functions used in each status registers.

Synchronized Mode The first register is used to monitor the status of each axis enabled to
Status Register synchronized mode. It also monitors the equivalence between variables
CA#_%_IN_POS and CA#_%_TAR_POS (where % = X, Y, Z, ROLL,

Register Bit Label Description

1 CA#_X_SYNCED 1 = In Sync Mode. Using CAM output world coordinate input value.
2 CA#_Y_SYNCED 0 = In Local Mode. Use target position for world coordinate input
7 CA#_X_READY 1 = CAM output value (CA#_%_CAM_OUT ) equals world coordinate
input value (CA#_%_IN_POS) and ramp generator is at 0 velocity.
8 CA#_Y_READY 0 = Not ready for synchronization

Table 6-38: Synchronized Mode Status Register

Local Mode Status Register The second register is used to monitor the status of CA#_%_IN_POS
equal to CA#_%_TAR_POS.

Register Bit Bit Label Description

1 CA#_X_AT_TAR_POS Only valid in Local Mode. (CA#_%_SYNC = 0 )
2 CA#_Y_AT_TAR_POS 1 = CA#_X_IN_POS at CA#_X_TAR_POS position and ramp
generator at 0 velocity. (where % = X, Y, Z, ROLL, PITCH or YAW)
3 CA#_Z_AT_TAR_POS 0 = not, goes to 0 when new target position entered.
5 CA#_PITCH_AT_TAR_POS NOTE: This bit is not set to 1 if the ramp generator move is
interrupted (dropped Enable, user task stopped, etc.) before the
target position is reached. In such an instance, it is not possible to
‘force’ the bit to 1 by setting the ramp generator’s target value equal
to the current input value. Rather, another ramp generator move
must be completed before this bit is set to 1.

Table 6-39: Synchronized Mode Status Register

6-80 Operating Modes Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Coordinated Articulation Program Variables

The following program variables (20 integer variables, 93 float variables)
are used for Coordination Articulation. In the following tables, “#” denotes
the unit number.
Integer Variables
The following 20 integers are available for Coordination Articulation. The
integer label column displays the default label issued by VisualMotion.
Number Default Access Integer Label Description
Offset Value
0 0 read-only CA#_NUMBER Unit number of Coordinated Articulation
function 1-4
Note: This feature supports 4 robots however
they must be defined in different user tasks.
1 0 read/write CA#_OUT_AXIS1 Number of axis used for output 1
2 in phase 2 CA#_OUT_AXIS2 Number of axis used for output 2
3 read-only CA#_OUT_AXIS3 Number of axis used for output 3
4 in phase 4 CA#_OUT_AXIS4 Number of axis used for output 4
5 CA#_OUT_AXIS5 Number of axis used for output 5
6 CA#_OUT_AXIS6 Number of axis used for output 6
7 0 read/write CA#_X_CAM_NUM Input CAM number for % world coordinate
8 in any phase CA#_Y_CAM_NUM position

13 0 read/write CA#_TASK_ID
in phase 2

in phase 4
14 0 read/write CA#_Reserved14
in any phase
15 0 Read only CA#_KINEMATIC Number of kinematic equation used in
16 1 read/write CA#_ELS_GROUP ELS Group number used as CAM input
in phase 2

in phase 4
17 0 read/write CA#_RESERVED17
in any phase
18 0 read/write CA#_RESERVED18
in any phase
19 0 read/write CA#_RESERVED19
in any phase

Table 6-40: Program Integers

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Operating Modes 6-81

Float Variables
The following 93 floats are available for Coordination Articulated. The
float label column displays the default label issued by VisualMotion.

Number Default Access Float Label Description

Offset Value
0 0.0 read-only CA#_X_IN_POS X world coordinate input value in linear units,
initialized to 0 at program activation.
1 CA#_Y_IN_POS Y world coordinate input value in linear units,
initialized to 0 at program activation.
2 CA#_Z_IN_POS Z world coordinate input value in linear units,
initialized to 0 at program activation.
3 CA#_ROLL_IN_POS Roll world coordinate input value in rotary units,
initialized to 0 at program activation.
4 CA#_PITCH_IN_POS Pitch world coordinate input value in rotary
units, initialized to 0 at program activation.
5 CA#_YAW_IN_POS Yaw world coordinate input value in rotary units,
initialized to 0 at program activation.
6 0.0 read/write CA#_X_TAR_POS Local mode, X target position for “single axis”
in any phase move in world coordinates, linear units
7 CA#_Y_TAR_POS Local mode, Y target position for “single axis”
move in world coordinates, linear units
8 CA#_Z_TAR_POS Local mode, Z target position for “single axis”
move in world coordinates, linear units
9 CA#_ROLL_TAR_POS Local mode, Roll target position for “single axis
“move in world coordinates, rotary units
10 CA#_PITCH_TAR_POS Local mode, Pitch target position for “single
axis” move in world coordinates, rotary units
11 CA#_YAW_TAR_POS Local mode, Yaw target position for “single axis”
move in world coordinates, rotary units
12 100.0 read/write CA#_LIN_ACCEL Local mode, linear acceleration used for “single
in phase 2 axis” move(units/sec^2)
13 100.0 read-only CA#_LIN_DECEL Local mode, linear deceleration used for “single
in phase 4 axis” move(units/sec^2)
14 50.0 read/write CA#_LIN_VELOCITY Local mode, linear velocity used for “single axis”
in phase 4 move(units/min)
15 100.0 read/write CA#_ROT_ACCEL Local mode, rotary acceleration used for “single
in phase 4 axis” move(units/Sec^2)
16 100.0 read/write CA#_ROT_DECEL Local mode, rotary deceleration used for “single
in phase 2 axis” move(unitss/Sec^2)
17 50.0 read-only CA#_ROT_VELOCITY Local mode, rotary velocity used for “single
in phase 4 axis” move(RPM)
18 0.0 read-only CA#_X_CAM_OUT (CAM[#]*H) + Offset), for % world coordinate
Table 6-41: Program Floats (1 of 2)

6-82 Operating Modes Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Number Default Access Float Label Description

Offset Value
24 1.0 read/write CA#_X_CAM_H H CAM factor for % world coordinate
25 in any CA#_Y_CAM_H
26 CA#_Z_CAM_H
30 0.0 read/write CA#_X_CAM_OFF Offset for % world coordinate
31 in any CA#_Y_CAM_OFF
36 -100.0 read/write CA#_X_MIN Minimum value for % world coordinate
37 in phase 2 CA#_Y_MIN
38 read-only CA#_Z_MIN
39 -180.0 in phase 4 CA#_ROLL_MIN
42 100.0 read/write CA#_X_MAX Maximum value for % world coordinate
43 in phase 2 CA#_Y_MAX
44 read-only CA#_Z_MAX
45 180.0 in phase 4 CA#_ROLL_MAX
48 0.0 read/write CA#_KINEMATIC_V1 Kinematic setup data value 1 through
… in phase 2 through Kinematic setup data value 39
in phase 4
87 0.0 read-only CA#_X_FDBK_POS X world coordinate forward transform value in
linear units, updated every Sercos cycle in
Phase 4.
88 CA#_Y_ FDBK _POS Y world coordinate forward transform value in
linear units, updated every Sercos cycle in
Phase 4.
89 CA#_Z_ FDBK _POS Z world coordinate forward transform value in
linear units, updated every Sercos cycle in
Phase 4.
90 CA#_ROLL_ FDBK _POS Roll world coordinate forward transform value in
rotary units, updated every Sercos cycle in
Phase 4.
91 CA#_PITCH_ FDBK _POS Pitch world coordinate forward transform value
in rotary units, updated every Sercos cycle in
Phase 4.
92 CA#_YAW_ FDBK _POS Yaw world coordinate forward transform value
in rotary units, updated every Sercos cycle in
Phase 4.
Table 6-42: Program Floats (2 of 2)

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Operating Modes 6-83

Initializing and Synchronizing Coordinated Articulation

Note: The following procedure is provided as a guide in

demonstrating the necessary steps to initialize and
synchronize a Coordinated Articulated system. It may not
contain all the steps required for your specific application.

1. Ensure that all configured axes are in single axis mode by using a
Mode Change icon.
2. Set CA#_%_SYNC to 0 (Local Mode)
3. Set each axis target position variable CA#_%_TAR_POS to a known
world coordinate machine reference position.
4. Set CA#_%_MAN_IMD to 1 (Immediate Local Mode)
5. Transition the manual enable bit CA#_%_MAN_EN from 0 ⇒ 1 to
immediately store the value of CA#_%_TAR_POS to

[The value of CA#_%_IN_POS is passed through the Coordinated

Articulation Kinematic and the resulting value is written to axis
commanded position parameter A-0-0101]

6. In single axis, use a Move icon to position each configured axis to the
calculated axis commanded position A-0-0101 and wait for moves to
7. Using a Change Mode icon, Synch to Master.

[Now that all axes are positioned to a known machine reference point, the
Articulated Coordinated axes can now be synchronized to the
Coordinated Articulation CAM output]

8. Copy the CAM output position variable, CA#_%_CAM_OUT, to the

local mode target position variable CA#_%_TAR_POS to synchronize
each axis position to the CAM output position.
9. Disable immediate local mode by setting CA#_%_MAN_IMD to 0.
(Normal Local Mode)
10. Transition the manual enable bit CA#_%_MAN_EN from 0 ⇒ 1 to
now synchronize the coordinated axes, using the ramp generator, to
the Coordinated Articulation CAM output and wait for coordinated
move to complete.
11. Now set the Coordinated Articulation function to Sync mode by
transiting CA#_%_SYNC from 0 ⇒ 1 and run program.

6-84 Operating Modes Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Kinematics for Standard Coordinated Motion

In addition to standard linear and circular segments, VisualMotion
supports the execution of forward and reverse kinematic movement by
using an application specific library of kinematic functions. Kinematics
are developed by Bosch Rexroth to customer specifications.

Coordinated Jogging When a drive is referenced, the G*P 11 control firmware detects the travel
limits for kinematic 1 only. Once started, jogging automatically stops
before the drive travel limit is reached. For all other kinematics, if the
drive is referenced, jogging will continue if commanded until the drive
issues a travel limit fault.
Coordinated axes may be jog in any direction while a task is in manual
mode by using Task Jog Registers 7-10. Refer to chapter 14, Registers,
in volume 1 of the Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description.

Kinematic 1
This kinematic represents a standard 3 axes gantry (up to 3 axes,
Cartesian coordinates X, Y, and Z) arrangement used with basic
coordinated motion applications not requiring complex paths.

Note: Task parameters T-0-0050 through T-0-0059 are not used

with kinematic #1.


O = (0, 0, 0)

Fig. 6-49: Kinematic 1 Graphic

Kinematic 2
This kinematic represents a 2 axes (C1 and C2) parallelogram robot.

Task Parameters Kinematic Constants Default Values Units

T-0-0050 K1 33.0 Inches
T-0-0051 K2 34.5 Inches
T-0-0052 K3 12.0 Inches
T-0-0053 K4 34.7279 Inches
T-0-0054 K5 6.0 Inches
T-0-0055 K6 8.0 Inches
Fig. 6-50: Kinematic 2 Task Parameters Values

Note: Kinematic 2 requires special mechanical setup. Refer to

Special Case Kinematics on page 6-74 for details.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Operating Modes 6-85

K3 K2

K4 K1

0 = (0, 0)
C2 C1 C1 = X axis
0 C2 = Y axis


Fig. 6-51: Kinematic 2 Graphic

Kinematic 3
This kinematic represents a 2 axes (C1 and C2) XY tandem motor robot.

Note: Task parameters T-0-0050 through T-0-0059 are not used in

kinematic 3.


y x


0 C1

0 = (0, 0)
C1 = X axis
C2 = Y axis


Fig. 6-52: Kinematic 3 Graphic

Kinematic 4
This kinematic represents a 2 axes (C1 and C2) parallelogram robot.

Task Parameters Constants Default Values Units

T-0-0050 K1 850.0 mm
T-0-0051 K2 850.0 mm
T-0-0052 K3 200.0 mm
T-0-0053 K4 850.0 mm
T-0-0054 K5 200.0 mm
Fig. 6-53: Kinematic 4 Task Parameters Values

6-86 Operating Modes Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1


K3 K2

K4 K1

0 = (0, 0)
C2 0 C1 = X axis
C2 = Y axis


Fig. 6-54: Kinematic 4 Graphic

Note: Kinematic 4 requires special mechanical setup. Refer to

Special Case Kinematics on page 6-74 for details.

Kinematic 5
This kinematic represents a 2 axes (C1 and C2) XY tandem motor robot.

Task Parameters Constants Default Values Units

T-0-0050 K1 12.0 Inches
T-0-0051 K2 12.0 Inches
T-0-0052 K3 13.0 Inches
T-0-0053 K4 13.0 Inches
T-0-0054 K5 12.0 Inches
T-0-0055 K6 8.0 Inches
T-0-0056 K7 3.5 Inches
T-0-0057 K8 4.0 Inches
Fig. 6-55: Kinematic 5 Task Parameters Values

C1 K2 Pivot
K4 K6
0 C2 900
0 = (0, 0)
C1 = X axis
C2 = Y axis y



Fig. 6-56: Kinematic 5 Graphic

Note: Kinematic 5 requires special mechanical setup. Refer to

Special Case Kinematics on page 6-74 for details.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Operating Modes 6-87

Kinematic 8 (with Velocity Precision)

This Kinematic represents a 3 axes (X, Y, and Z) Gantry robot.

Note: Task parameters T-0-0050 through T-0-0059 are not used in

kinematic 8.

The rate field in kinematic 8 is used to more precisely enter the velocity
for each commanded point. The %Sp (percentage of speed) field does
not have any affect in speed control.

Note: If a zero value is used for rate, the maximum path velocity
(T-0-0020) will be used.
The path velocity is a resultant of all the individual axes'
velocities for a kinematic. The control continuously calculates
the individual axes' velocities to accomplish the programmed
path. If the calculation for a given axis exceeds parameter
A-0-0020, then the resultant path velocity for that given path
segment will be scaled down.


Fig. 6-57: Example Points Table


O = (0, 0, 0)

Fig. 6-58: Kinematic 8 Graphic

Kinematic 9
This Kinematic represents a 2 axes (C1 and C2) articulated arm robot.

Task Parameters Constants Default Values Units

T-0-0050 K1 35.669 Inches
T-0-0051 K2 35.669 Inches
Fig. 6-59: Kinematic 9 Task Parameters Values

6-88 Operating Modes Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1


O = (0,0)
K1 K2
C1 = X axis
C2 = Z axis

C1 C2


Fig. 6-60: Kinematic 9 Graphic

Note: Kinematic 9 requires special mechanical setup. Refer to

Special Case Kinematics on page 6-74 for details.

Kinematic 10
This Kinematic represents a 3 axes (X, Y and Wrist) robot.

Note: Task parameters T-0-0050 through T-0-0059 are not used in

kinematic 10.



O = (0, 0)
C1 = X axis
C2 = Y axis Wrist
Wrist = Z axis


Fig. 6-61: Kinematic 10 Graphic

Note: Jogging of kinematic 10 is controlled by the following bits of

Task Jog registers 7-11:
• The X-axis is jogged using bit 9 (Jog_X_Coord)
• The Y-axis is jogged using bit 10 (Jog_Y_Coord)
• The Z-axis (Wrist) is jog using bit 14 (Jog_Joint_6)

Kinematic 12
This Kinematic represents a 2 axes (X and Z) Loader robot.

Task Parameters Constants Default Values Units

T-0-0050 K1 0.0 mm
T-0-0051 K2 711.200 mm
T-0-0052 K3 1642.28 mm
T-0-0053 K4 0.0 mm
T-0-0054 K5 0.0 mm
Fig. 6-62: Kinematic 12 Task Parameters Values

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Operating Modes 6-89

Z motor
(0.0, 0.0)

X motor




Fig. 6-63: Kinematic 12 Graphic

Kinematics for Coordinated Articulation

This section describes the available kinematic libraries that are support by
VisualMotion's Coordinated Articulation functionality. Kinematics are
developed by Bosch Rexroth to customer specifications.

Kinematic 13
Kinematic 13 is a pass through kinematic. It can be used for up to 6 axes
in an Coordinated Articulation application. The target position value for
each axis must be assigned in the respective float variable
CA#_%_TAR_POS (where % is x, y, z, roll, pitch or yaw). There is no
output kinematic resolving the position of the axes based on a
coordinated move.
This kinematic is not assigned in the axis icon but in the Coordinated
Articulation icon in the Kinematic Setup button. Since this kinematic is a
pass through, any values assigned as Kinematic Data has no effect on
the output. The float variable values assigned are pass through to each

Kinematic 14
Kinematic 14 is a customer specific kinematic used for new Hexapod

Kinematic 15
Kinematic 15 is customer specific and proprietary.

6-90 Operating Modes Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Kinematic 16
This Kinematic represents a 2 axes (X and Z) Loader robot used in a
Coordinated Articulation application.

Task Parameters Constants

Fig. 6-64: Kinematic 16 Task Parameters Values

Z motor
(0.0, 0.0)


X motor




Fig. 6-65: Kinematic 16 Graphic

Kinematic 18
This kinematic represents a 2 axes (C1 and C2) XY tandem motor robot
used in a Coordinated Articulation application.

Note: Task parameters T-0-0050 through T-0-0059 are not used in

kinematic 18.


y x


0 C1

0 = (0, 0)
C1 = X axis
C2 = Y axis


Fig. 6-66: Kinematic 18 Graphic

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-1

7 Commissioning Tools

7.1 IndraLogic
IndraLogic is an IEC 61131-3 programming software tool used for
programming the PLC logic portion of the VisualMotion motion and logic
system. IndraLogic can be used for varying amounts of programming,
from a simple I/O interface to VisualMotion registers, to a complete PLC
project. Using supported motion functions and function blocks,
IndraLogic can provide a complete motion programming solution for
single axis or ELS applications.
The following five IEC 61131-3 programming languages are supported:
• Instruction List (IL)
• Ladder Diagram (LD)
• Function Block Diagram (FBD)
• Sequential Function Chart (SFC)
• Structured Text (ST)

In addition to the IEC specific languages, IndraLogic supports the

following product specific programming language:
• Continuous Function Chart (CFC)

The following figure illustrates an overview of the VisualMotion motion and

logic system:

Communication Ports

Serial Interface EtherNet ** PCI Interface ** Dual EtherNet support

PPC-Control X16 X10 (Tcp/Ip) (PPC-P11.1 only) for PPC-R22.1:
Onboard and ETH02 Card

PPC X1 Motion: PLC:

I/O Registers Local
Reco I/O:
VM Program: PLC Task(s)
Variables (PPC-R22.1 only)
Task PID Program 1
Init Task Control Program 2
Variables C, T, A
PLC - Motion
Point Tables PMG Interface

DAQ,MEC Fieldbus Fieldbus

PLS Sercos
Slave * Master *

* Fieldbus slave supported for PPC-R22.1 only

Fieldbus master supported by PPC-R22.1 and PPC-P11.1

S, P
Param Sercos
Inline I/O Reco I/O
Digital Drives

Fig. 7-1: Overview Communication Interface and Data Management

7-2 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

IndraLogic is used to configure and monitor the following devices:

• Local Reco 02 I/O modules (PPC-R22.1 only)
• Profibus fieldbus master
• DeviceNet fieldbus master
Refer to Configuring a Profibus Fieldbus Master on page 7-12 and
Configuring a DeviceNet Fieldbus Master on page 7-38 for details.

VisualMotion Toolkit is used to configure and monitor the following

• Rexroth IndraDrive, Diax 04, and EcoDrive 03 digital drives
− Diax04 and EcoDrive 03 I/O modules
• Sercos Reco I/O modules
• Sercos Inline I/O modules
• Fieldbus Slave support with PPC-R22.1
− Profibus slave fieldbus
− DeviceNet fieldbus slave
− Interbus fieldbus slave
− EtherNet/IP fieldbus slave (onboard and ETH02 card interfaces)
• Cross communication (DAQ)
• Option Card PLS
• Encoder Interface Card (MEC)
• PCI bus interface (PPC-P11.1 only)

IndraLogic Project Definition

An IndraLogic project contains the following programmable logic controller
(PLC) program objects.
• Program Organization Units (POUs)
• Data Types
• Visualizations
• Resources
• Libraries
Detailed information about objects is provided in the document, PLC
Programming with Rexroth IndraLogic 1.0. A PLC project is stored in the
VisualMotion project folder on the PC’s hard drive using the following file
• <projectname>.pro

The PLC project name is assigned the same project named used in the
associated VisualMotion project when IndraLogic is launched from
VisualMotion Toolkit.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-3

Task Scheduling in Sercos Cycle

The following figure indicates the priority of the PLC time slot in the
processing sequence of a Sercos cycle:


Fig. 7-2: PLC Timeslice in Sercos Cycle

The PLC Timeslice is set at a default value of 25% and can have a
maximum value of 75% of the overall Sercos cycle. The percentage
setting of the Sercos Timeslice for the PLC is configured in the Control
Settings window in VisualMotion Toolkit. This setting is stored in control
parameter C-0-1600.

Note: The Sercos Timeslice should be increased to 50% for motion

related PLC programs.


Fig. 7-3: Sercos Timeslice Setting

7-4 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Note: The Sercos Timeslice value (C-0-1600) is the requested time

slice. The system ensures that adequate time is available for
processing the motion and logic Sercos interface. In rare
instances, the actual PLC processing time available could be

Create a POU in IndraLogic

Before a PLC program can be downloaded to a target (PPC control), it
must contain at least one POU (Program Organization Unit) with some
Refer to the PLC Programming with Rexroth IndraLogic 1.0, typecode

Creating a PLC Task

A PLC task determines when a POU is executed. Tasks must be
associated with POUs in your PLC program. Refer to the IndraLogic User
manual, DOK-CONTRL-IL**PRO*V01-AW01-EN-P, and IndraLogic online
help system for details.
To create a task:
1. Double-click Task Configuration under the Resource tab.
2. Right-click Task Configuration and select Append Task.
3. Set the properties of the task under the Task attributes tab.
4. Enter a Name for the Task and set a Priority from 0-31 (0 being the
highest priority). Refer to Table 7-2: Recommended Task Settings for
priority details.


Fig. 7-4: New Task Configuration

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-5

5. Select the task type from one of the following selections:

Task Type Description

Cyclic a triggered task that may run to completion within the
defined time interval or continue at the next trigger
Freewheeling a task with no time limit for completion that runs
continuously, beginning again immediately following
Triggered by the task starts as soon as the system event, which is
Event defined in the Properties section, occurs
Triggered by a time driven task called Sercos Event that runs to
External Event completion within one Sercos cycle
Table 7-1: Task Configuration Types

6. The Watchdog time and sensitivity should be activated and set to a

value that corresponds to the selected task type and application

Note: The setting of the Watchdog time and sensitivity is strongly


7. The following recommendations should be considered:

Recommended Watchdog Settings

Task Type Time Sensitivity Task Priority
Cyclic Set watchdog time to equal the Interval time. Set to 1 Less than Sercos
e.g. Interval = T#10ms, Watchdog = T#10ms Cyclic Task,
Greater than
Freewheeling Set watchdog time to the worst case time duration Set to 0 or 1 Lowest of all PLC
of the actual freewheeling task used in the tasks
Triggered by event similar to freewheeling task
Triggered by external event Set watchdog time to the Sercos cycle time Set to 0 ** Highest of all
(Sercos Cyclic Task) PLC tasks
** The sensitivity is set to assume that the Sercos cyclic task is to run to completion every Sercos cycle.
Table 7-2: Recommended Task Settings

7-6 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Associate the Task to a POU:

1. Right-click the Task and select Append Program Call.
2. Type the name of the program call in the Program Call tab or select
the ellipses button to open the Input Assistant window to select a

Input Assistant When opened for a Program Call, the Input Assistant window will list all
available POUs in the project. The window can also be accessed by
pressing the F2 function key.


Fig. 7-5: Input Assistant Window

Creating a Boot Project in IndraLogic

A boot project is a compiled PLC program downloaded to the control and
stored in flash along with the motion project. This allows the PLC project
to automatically start when the PPC control is switched to online mode.
A boot project can be created manually by the user or configured in
IndraLogic to be automatically created and downloaded to the control
every time the PLC is switched online.
Manual Boot Project Creation While IndraLogic is logged on and running, select Online ⇒ Create boot

Automatic Boot Project Creation To have IndraLogic automatically download the current PLC project to the
control as a boot project, select the Resource tab (located under the tree
navigator). Next, double click on Target Settings to open the Target
Settings window. Under the General tab, check the box next to "Load
bootproject automatically".

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-7

Simulation Mode
Simulation mode allows you to test your IndraLogic project without
actually communicating with your PLC target. In this mode, only logic
functionality will run, motion functionality will be ignored. Use the
following steps, to use simulation mode:
1. Select Online ⇒ Simulation Mode in IndraLogic.
2. Bring the PLC online by clicking on the Login icon or by selecting
Online ⇒ Login.
3. Start the PLC project, by clicking on the Run icon or by selecting
Online ⇒ Run.


Fig. 7-6: Running in Simulation Mode

Monitoring Task Execution

IndraLogic task configurations can be monitored while IndraLogic is online
and a PLC program is running. Double-click on Task configuration
under the Resource tab and click on the Task configuration icon with the
left mouse button. Refer to "Taskconfiguration in Online Mode" in the
IndraLogic Help System for details. The following figure illustrates an
example of task execution.


Fig. 7-7: Task Execution

7-8 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

IndraLogic Integration with VisualMotion

VisualMotion Toolkit provides an interface for configuring the following
data and communication settings shared between VisualMotion and
• Program variables, registers, and bits that are shared with
IndraLogic as SysLibDirect global variables
• Target Libraries for support of functions and function blocks based
on control firmware version
• Communication parameters used between motion and logic for
configuring the PLC Configuration in IndraLogic

Before launching IndraLogic, select Tools ⇒ Options… in VisualMotion

Toolkit and set the above mentioned options under the IndraLogic tab.
Refer to chapter 13, Menu Descriptions, in volume 2 of the VisualMotion
Functional Description for details.
Once the initial settings are set in VisualMotion Toolkit, launch IndraLogic
by selecting Commission ⇒ IndraLogic…

PLC Configuration
When IndraLogic is launched from VisualMotion Toolkit, the PLC
Configuration in IndraLogic is configured based on the selected target.

Note: PLC Configurations are saved with the setting of the original
project target. If the VisualMotion project target is changed,
(i.e., GPP 11 to GMP 11), an empty default PLC Configuration
is created and would require the user to manually re-create the
PLC Configuration. Refer to Managing IndraLogic Files on
page 7-57 for recommended procedures for archiving and
restoring project files.


Fig. 7-8: IndraLogic PLC Configuration

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-9

Any LocalReco 02 I/O modules installed along with the PPC-R22.1 control
in the RMB02.2 rack must be manually configured. Refer to Configuring
Local Reco 02 I/O Modules in IndraLogic on page 7-11 for details.

Configuring PLC System Behavior

The handling of I/O data consistency between all PLC tasks and the I/O
image as well as the ability to download online changes is configured
within the PLC Configuration tab.


Fig. 7-9: PLC Configuration Settings

Use the following steps to configure PLC system behavior:

1. Select PLC Configuration from the Resources tab and click on
System VisualMotion (PPC) 11VRS.
2. Select the Module parameters tab and set the following options to
meet the application requirements:

Name Value Default Meaning

IO_Handling data_consistency X All PLC tasks use the same data from a single I/O
image instance. This ensures data consistency
across multiple tasks accessing the same data.
task_priority I/O image data values are captured as each task
accessing the data runs. This setting does not
guarantee data consistency but can be more
efficient, especially for large I/O images.
DownloadEdit_ErrorsAsWarnings No X This setting does not allow online PLC changes to
be downloaded to the control when the drives are
enabled and in motion. Refer to Fig. 7-10: Online
Change Error.
Yes Online changes are possible even with the drives
enabled. However, a warning message is
displayed requiring user input before proceeding.
Refer to DownloadEdit_SuppressWarningMsg.
DownloadEdit_SuppressWarningMsg No X Warning message is displayed when
DownloadEdit_ErrorsAsWarnings is set to "Yes"
Refer to Fig. 7-11: Online Change Warning
Yes Warning message is not displayed and download
proceeds without user input when
DownloadEdit_ErrorsAsWarnings is set to "Yes"
Table 7-3: PLC Configuration System Behavior

Note: Additional PLC system behavior settings can be set in

VisualMotion Toolkit by selecting Tools ⇒ Control Settings
and selecting the IndraLogic tab.

7-10 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

The following error message is displayed if online changes are not

permitted (DownloadEdit_ErrorsAsWarnings = No):


Fig. 7-10: Online Change Error

The following warning message is displayed if the online change warning

message is not suppressed (DownloadEdit_SuppressWarningMsg = No)
and DownloadEdit_ErrorsAsWarnings = Yes.


Fig. 7-11: Online Change Warning

Target Settings and Communication Parameters

IndraLogic target settings are located under the Resource tab and
provide a means for selecting a predefined configuration for the selected
target. IndraLogic supposes the following two VisualMotion targets:
• VisualMotion 11VRS (PPC-P)
• VisualMotion 11VRS (PPC-R)
Selecting one of the targets defines the following structures in IndraLogic:
• Hardware limitations (memory, Task quantities and types, etc.)
• IO options (local Reco, IO Image information, etc.)
• Data Exchange options with Motion: SysLibDirect support, IO
Image contents (Binary and Process Data IO exchange, System
Variables, etc.)
• Fieldbus options
• Libraries supported (defaults loaded)
• Networking abilities
• Communication options (SCP_VM, RS232, TCP/IP)
• PLC Browser commands
• External Tool support (e.g. GSD_Installer)
• Internal visualization support (Visualization tab)
• Compiler Error code definitions and text
Communication parameters defined the method of communication
between IndraLogic and the control. Refer to IndraLogic Communication
Channels on page 7-40 for details.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-11

VisualMotion Variables
VisualMotion variables such as program variables, global variables and
registers can be declared and passed to IndraLogic as SysLibDirect
variables. Refer to SysLibDirect on page 7-17 for details.

Configuring Local Reco 02 I/O Modules in IndraLogic

Local Reco 02 I/O modules are only supported with the PPC-R22.1
control and configured using IndraLogic. Local Reco modules reside
along side the control in a RMB02.2 rack. Before proceeding with the
configuration, make a note of all the Local Reco I/O modules types that
are installed. Refer to chapter 5 of the VisualMotion 11 Project Planning
manual for details on Reco 02 hardware.

Note: Status for Local Reco 02 I/O is not visible unless the data is
used in a PLC program.

Use the following steps, to configure Local Reco 02 I/O modules in

1. From the Resource tab, double-click PLC Configuration.
Initially, the PLC Configuration displays one RMB02.2 rack with a PPC-R
occupying the first two slots and two empty slots available for Reco 02 I/O


Fig. 7-12: Initial "System VisualMotion" PLC Configuration

2. Right-click on EMPTY Slot[SLOT], select Replace element and

choose the I/O module installed in that slot.


Fig. 7-13: Establish I/O in PLC Configuration

7-12 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Note: The I/O modules configured in IndraLogic must match the

actual I/O modules in the system or a runtime error will be
issued when downloading the PLC project.

Add an RMB02.2 Rack

To add an additional RMB02.2 rack, right-click on System VisualMotion
(PPC-R) 11VRS and select Append RMB02.2-04.
An additional 3 RMB02.2 racks can be added and configured. For a total
of 4 RMB02.2 racks in a system. Each additional rack can hold up to 4
Reco 02 I/O modules.

Applying Names to Reco 02 I/O Modules

A symbolic name can be assigned to an individual byte and/or bit of a
Reco module defined in the PLC Configuration.
Use the following steps, to assign a name:
1. Expand the I/O module tree structure to view the byte and bits.
2. Open a text field by double-clicking on the word 'AT' before the IEC
address. For example, the IEC address can appear as %QB0.
3. Enter a name that will be associated with the module's byte or bit
memory location.

Note: A comment field of a byte or bit can be modified within Base

Parameter tab. Comments appear as "(* comment *)".


Fig. 7-14: Adding a Name to a Variable

For ease of programming, names assigned in the PLC Configuration can

be selected as a System Variable from IndraLogic's Input Assistant.
Double-click on the name location within the IndraLogic program and
press the F2 key.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-13


Fig. 7-15: Selecting a System Variable in Input Assistant

The I/O module can be accessed using the symbolic name or IEC
address directly.

Note: It is highly recommended that any data used in a PLC

project be addressed using symbolic names. IEC memory
addresses can be shifted down in memory whenever new data
is appended to the Motion/Logic Data Exchange area or if a
preceding module type changes. This can produce
unexpected behaviors in an application.

7-14 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Motion Programming with IndraLogic

When IndraLogic is used for controlling motion, VisualMotion serves to
initialize the axes for use by IndraLogic. The commissioning and
parameterization of all axes in the system can be performed with
DriveTop and the Parameter Overview tool in VisualMotion Toolkit.
Motion commands are implemented through function blocks that are
called from the IndraLogic tasks. Motion function block libraries such as
MV_Motion.lib and MV_UserMotion.lib are provided for single axis and/or
ELS motion. The RMC_PLCopen.lib library also provides standardized
function blocks for single axis motion. Refer to IEC Libraries on page 7-
43 for a complete list of supported libraries.
With IndraLogic based motion, the error reaction for each axis must be
programmed by the user in IndraLogic. Function blocks are provided to
enable, disable, and halt axes and other motion components. The
programmer must be aware of the Sercos phase and enabled status of an
axis before a motion command is issued.

Note: In contrast, when VisualMotion is used to control the motion,

IndraLogic serves as a replacement for the I/O Mapper and/or
the external PLC. The axes are assigned to user tasks and
their error reactions are handled by VisualMotion. Refer to
chapter 11 for error reaction descriptions and settings.

Axis Configuration
The assignment of axes in a system is dependent on whether
VisualMotion or IndraLogic will control the motion. In either case, all axes
must be declared in VisualMotion Toolkit.
Axes are assigned to a VisualMotion task or to IndraLogic within the
Setup Axes List in the Project Navigator window.


Fig. 7-16: Axis Assignment for IndraLogic

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-15

Note: For details on how the setup axes and ELS processes, refer to
section 4.3 under headings Setup Axes and Setup Processes.

Associating the ELS System

When ELS motion is controlled by VisualMotion, the ELS system is
associated with task A. The ELS system stops when task A stops.
When ELS motion is controlled by IndraLogic, the association to the PLC
must be set within the Setup Processes ELS settings. The following
figure shows a check next to the "ELS Process associated with PLC task"
option. This option transfers the association of the ELS system from task
A to IndraLogic.


Fig. 7-17: ELS Associated to PLC

7-16 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Motion and Logic Data Exchange

The methods for exchanging data between motion and logic include:

Access Method Description

SysLibDirect data is declared as a global variable and is updated
in real-time within the IndraLogic task
I/O Image data is updated at the beginning and end of an
IndraLogic task
Function Blocks data is accessed through command functions
organized in pre-configured groups to perform a
potentially complex task
Shared Memory Area pre-defined data is shared between the motion and
logic areas of firmware

Table 7-4: Motion Data Access Methods

The following figure illustrates the type of motion data that can be
accessed by the different IndraLogic access methods.

Motion Data Logic Access

Program Local Reco I/O

Fieldbus Variables SysLibDirect Function Block IO Image Fieldbus Master I/O
Slave "AT#MX0.0" Access "AT%IX0.0"
Interface Global Read/Write "AT%QX0.0"
Variables with Direct Access
Sercos I/O Access
Copies every
Registers PLC scan into
the input tables
and out of the
C, T, and A output tables
with fast
access times

C, T, and A
with long
access times

S and P


Fig. 7-18: Motion/Logic Data Access

PLC Access

Motion Data SysLibDirect I/O Function

(read/write with Image Block
direct access) Access
Program Variables Yes Yes Yes
Global Variables Yes Yes Yes
Registers Yes Yes Yes
Control, Task, and Axis Yes Yes Yes
Parameters with fast access

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-17

PLC Access

Motion Data SysLibDirect I/O Function

(read/write with Image Block
direct access) Access
Control, Task, and Axis No No Yes
Parameters with long access
times (i.e., list parameters)
S and P Parameters No No Yes
Motion Functionality No No Yes
Table 7-5: Summary of Motion Data Access Methods

SysLibDirect (Direct Access)

SysLibDirect is an access method where a special type of address is
associated to a variable in IndraLogic. This access method provides
IndraLogic with access to VisualMotion registers, register bits, global
variables and program variables. SysLibDirect variables must be
selected in VisualMotion Toolkit before launching IndraLogic. Refer to
Configuration in VisualMotion on page 7-18 for details.
The following table describes the different supported VisualMotion data

IEC Data SysLibDirect Address

VM Data Type Type Data Size High Word Low Word Example
Register Bit BOOL X - Bit Register Number Bit Number #MX1.2:BOOL
(1 to 1024) (0 to 15)
Register WORD W - Word 2000 Register Number #MW2000.1:WORD
(Global Constant)
Program Integer DINT D – Double Word 2001 Integer Number #MD2001.1:DINT
(Global Constant)
Program Float REAL D – Double Word 2002 Float Number #MD2002.1:REAL
(Global Constant)
Global Integer DINT D – Double Word 2003 Global Integer #MD2003.1:DINT
(Global Constant) Number
Global Float REAL D – Double Word 2004 Global Float #MD2004.1:REAL
(Global Constant) Number
C-Parameter ** varies varies 3000 Parameter #MD3000.125:DWORD
(Global Constant) Number
A-Parameter ** varies varies 3101…3199 Parameter #MD3101.100:REAL
(Axis # 1-99) Number
T-Parameter ** varies varies 3201…3204 Parameter #MD3202.24:REAL
(Task # 1-4) Number
** The allowable control, axis and task parameters are listed in control parameters C-0-1638 and C-0-1639.

Table 7-6: SysLibDirect Data Types

Note: The access time for SysLibDirect variables is longer than

accessing local variables in a PLC program.

7-18 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

SysLibDirect Variable SysLibDirect variables are declared as global variables in the PLC and
Usage and Status accessed from the motion side at the immediate point of execution. This
means that when a POU accesses a SysLibDirect variable, that data is
read from and written to VisualMotion at that instant. For this reason,
data consistency can not be guaranteed if the same variable is being
accessed multiple times by the same POU or from a different POU. If
data consistency is required, copy the contents of the SysLibDirect
variable to a new local or global variable and then use the new variable in
the POU or use the I/O Image.

Note: Excessive use of SysLibDirect variables can increase the

system load of PLC tasks.

Note: VisualMotion variables used in an IndraLogic POU are not

automatically updated if the variable label changes in the
VisualMotion project. They will have to be referenced again
within IndraLogic POUs.

Once used in a PLC program, the user can monitor the status of
SysLibDirect variables just like local or global IndraLogic variables in
IndraLogic version 1.4 or greater.

Note: HMI devices can access SysLibDirect variables when using

IndraLogic version 1.4 or greater.

SysLibDirect variable
showing active status


Fig. 7-19: SysLibDirect Variable Status

Configuration in VisualMotion VisualMotion variables can be shared with IndraLogic using predefined
default label names assigned by VisualMotion or by prepending an ID to
the front of each default label name. Refer to Prepend Data Type to
Label on page 7-21 for details.
The supported addressing format are as follows:

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-19

PLC memory addressing

S ysL ib Di r ect Def au lt VM 1_ HOM E_ PO S AT #M X 1. 2

L ab el Ex a m pl e:
2: low word
1: high word
X: indicates the data size
X = Bit
#M: indicates SysLibDirect

VisualMotion default label

S ysL ib Di r ect P re p e n d F 0 01 0 0_VM 1_ HOM E_P O S AT #M X 1. 2

L ab el Ex a m pl e:
VisualMotion Prepend label

Fig. 7-20: SysLibDirect Access Format Examples

Note: It is highly recommended to use only one addressing format of

the VisualMotion variable labels when sharing with IndraLogic.

The following steps describe how to share default VisualMotion labels

with IndraLogic:
1. In VisualMotion Toolkit, select Tools ⇒ Options… and select the
IndraLogic tab.
2. Click the Select Item To Share With IndraLogic button.
3. Expand the Variables and Registers folders.
4. Further expand the relevant subfolders and place a check next to the
variable to be shared with IndraLogic.

Note: A second method would be to have VisualMotion automatically

select all the variable and register data used in the project by
selecting Auto-Configuration ⇒ Data Used in Project.

5. Close the Label Selection window and launch IndraLogic.


Fig. 7-21: Label Selection

7-20 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Note: Shared variable labels are not dynamically updated and

require that IndraLogic be closed and launched again if any
new labels are selected.

In IndraLogic, the selected labels are displayed as SysLibDirect variables

in the Resource tab under Global Variables as VisualMotion Parameters
(A,C,and T) and VisualMotion Variables.


Fig. 7-22: VisualMotion Data Types in IndraLogic

SysLibDirect variables can be accessed in a PLC program by selecting

the location where the variable will be used, pressing the F2 key (Input
Assistant), and locating the desired variable under Global Variables.


Fig. 7-23: SysLibDirect Global Variables

Note: To view all global variables as one large list in alphabetical

order, uncheck the Structured checkbox at the bottom of the
Input Assistant window.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-21

Prepend Data Type to Label The data type ID (e.g. F100) of a variable label in VisualMotion can be
added as a prefix to the label name before sharing it with IndraLogic.
This is performed by selecting Prepend Data Type to Label under the
Options menu. This option facilitates the identification of the different
variable labels once they appear as SysLibDirect variables in IndraLogic.


Fig. 7-24: Prepend Data Type to Label

The following figure displays prepended label names as SysLibDirect

variables in IndraLogic.


Fig. 7-25: Prepended SysLibDirect Global Variables

7-22 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

MotionLogic Data Exchange in I/O Image

The MotionLogic Data Exchange uses input and output memory areas for
reading and writing data. The data is updated at the beginning and end of
every PLC cycle.
This memory area can be viewed in IndraLogic by selecting MotionLogic
Data Exchange in the PLC Configuration. Data is subdivided into Cyclic
Binary I/O and Cyclic Process Data types.

Cyclic Binary I/O The cyclic binary I/O memory area contains the VisualMotion system,
axes, Virtual Masters, ELS Masters, ELS Groups, Link Ring, and I/O

Note: Cyclic binary I/O is structured into control and status register
memory areas for the VisualMotion System and the ELS
System. For the IO Registers, an input and output structure is
used. These control and status register memory areas are
predefined to access the correct VisualMotion registers.


Fig. 7-26: Cyclic Binary I/O

Cyclic Process Data The cyclic process data memory area contains VisualMotion program
variables, global variables, card (control) parameters, axis parameters,
and task parameters. All of the data in this memory area is of non-
Boolean type.

Note: The declaration of process data is required in both an Input

and Output memory area for reading and writing the same
VisualMotion data from the I/O Image. Refer to Declaring
Cyclic Process Data on page 7-24.


Fig. 7-27: Cyclic Process Data

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-23

Declaring the MotionLogic Data Exchange

The following section describes the basic declaration of data in the Cyclic
Binary I/O and Cyclic Process Data memory locations.
Declaring Cyclic Binary I/O For cyclic binary I/O, right clicking over one of the available data types
allows the user to append subelements and specify data types such as
Axes or Virtual_Masters.


Fig. 7-28: Appending Cyclic Binary Elements

The following table lists the configurable variables in the Cyclic Binary IO:

Variable Data Type I/O Access Description

Visual_Motion_System STRUCT Read/Write System control and status
Axes STRUCT Read/Write Axis control and status, up to 64 axes
Virtual_Master STRUCT Read/Write Virtual Master control and status, up to 2 Virtual Masters
ELS_Master STRUCT Read/Write ELS Master control and status for current master
ELS_Groups STRUCT Read/Write ELS Group control and status, up to 8 ELS Groups
Link_Ring STRUCT Read only Link Ring status and signal validity for up to 32 nodes
IO_Registers WORD Read/Write VisualMotion registers, up to 1024 registers
Each register expands to 16 bits of type BOOL

Table 7-7: Configurable Cyclic Binary I/O

7-24 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Declaring Cyclic Process Data When declaring cyclic process data, e.g., a float variable, two declarations
are required for reading and writing data. The input declaration is used to
read the data from VisualMotion at the beginning of the PLC cycle and the
output declaration is used to write the data back to VisualMotion at the
end of the PLC cycle. The same VisualMotion data is accessed,
however, the I/O Image requires two separate memory locations for
reading and writing data.
For example, to declare a global float as input memory:
1. Expand the MotionLogic Data Exchange [FIX] tree structure to display
Cyclic Process Data [FIX].
2. Expand the Global Floats tree structure and right click over Inputs
Global Floats.
3. Select Append Input Single Global Float.
4. In the Module Parameters tab to the right of the I/O Image, set the
Value field to the number assigned to the VisualMotion global float
that will be accessed.
5. Left click over "AT %ID16:", for example, and assign a label that will
be used by the PLC program to access the specific input memory

Note: No two labels can have the same exact name in the I/O
Image. When assigning labels to access (read/write) the
same VisualMotion data, select names that will be recognized
as accessing the same data between the input and output
memory locations. Refer to the labels "GF100_IN" and
"GF100_OUT" in the following figure.

To declare an output, repeat steps 2 – 5 for Outputs Global Floats.


Fig. 7-29: Declare Global Float in Cyclic Process Data

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-25

The process for declaring parameters (Card, Axis, and Task) is similar to
that of global floats. The difference is observed when the user right clicks
over a parameter access type, selects Append Subelements and then
needs to select a parameter based on the data type (e.g. REAL, WORD,
INT, etc.). Once a data type is selected the Module Parameters tab
displays a dropdown list of the available parameters for the selected data
type along with the Axis_ID to specify the axis number.
For a complete listing of available parameters based on PLC data types,
refer to Cyclic Process Data Types on page 7-32.


Fig. 7-30: Declare Parameters in Cyclic Process Data

Accessing the MotionLogic Data Exchange

Data in the MotionLogic Data Exchange memory area of the PLC
Configuration can be accessed from a POU by highlighting the location
where the data will be placed and pressing the F2 key to launch the Input
Assistant. Select the relevant data type under Global Variables or System

Note: Only declared data labeled with a valid name will appear in the
Input Assistant under Global Variables or System Variables.

Specific elements from a Cyclic Binary I/O structure can be accessed by

using simple dot notation. Variables and parameters from the Cyclic
Process Data area can be accessed from the Input Assistant, if labeled.

Accessing Cyclic Binary I/O The elements of a configured variable of type STRUCT in the Cyclic
Binary I/O Image can be accessed in a POU object by using the Input
Assistant followed by standard dot notation.

Note: Online monitoring of I/O data is not possible unless the data is
used in a PLC program.

7-26 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Dot notation


Fig. 7-31: Accessing Cyclic Binary I/O using Dot Notation

Note: The name of any subelement can be enter manually. To

ensure that the correct subelement is used in a POU, use
IndraLogic's Input Assistant (F2 key) to search for System
Variables or enter the name of the subelement as assigned in
the Cyclic Binary I/O.

The following tables list the available STRUCT elements for each variable
type in the Cyclic Binary I/O:

Accessing Cyclic Process Data Variables and parameters (Card, Axis, and Task) in the Cyclic Process
Data area can be selected for use in a POU by using the Input Assistant
(F2 key) and selecting the relevant data from Global Variables or System


Fig. 7-32: Accessing Cyclic Process Data

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-27

Cyclic Binary I/O Data Structures

The following tables list the different cyclic binary I/O data structures
supported in the I/O Image.
Visual_Motion_System Variable This variable is used for the VisualMotion System control and status
words. They're provided as two subelements of type STRUCT, one for
the control word (MV_SYSTEM_LC2MC) and one for status word

Note: These structure data types are part of the MV_CyclicIO.lib

target library.

Equivalent VM
Subelement Name STRUCT Element Register Bit
VMSystem_Control Parameter_Mode 1
(Similar to Register 001) nEmergency_Stop 3
Clear_All_Erorrs 5
Pendant_Live_Man 6
Rebuild_Double_Ring 7
Activate_Program 8
Program_Select_LSB 9
Program_Select_Bit_2 10
Program_Select_Bit_3 11
Program_Select_MSB 12
Pendant_Enable 14
Pendant_Level_LSB 15
Pendant_Level_MSB 16
Table 7-8: Visual_Motion_System Control Subelement (Output)

Equivalent VM
Subelement Name STRUCT Element Register Bit
VMSystem_Status Parameter_Mode 1
(Similar to Register 021) Service_Channel_Ready 4
Error 5
Error_Active 6
Warning_Active 7
PLC_Error_Active 8
Active_Program_LSB 9
Active_Program_Bit_2 10
Active_Program_Bit_3 11
Active_Program_MSB 12
TP_Password_Active 13
Teach_Pendent 14
Flash_Back_Vaoid 15
AutoStore_Copy_Valid 16
Table 7-9: Visual_Motion_System Status Subelement (Input)

7-28 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Axis Variable This variable is used to configure up to 64 instances of system axes.

Each axes instance includes the structure for the axis control register
(MV_AXIS_LC2MC) and a structure for the axis status register
(MV_AXIS_MC2LC). The ID number of the axis corresponds to its
Sercos address.

Note: These structure data types are part of the MV_CyclicIO.lib

target library.

Equivalent VM
Subelement Name STRUCT Element Register Bit
Axis_Control Disable_Axis 1
(Similar to Register 11-18, Jog_Forward 2
209-240 and 441-464) Jog_Reverse 3
Synchronized_Jog 4

Table 7-10: Axis Control Subelement (Output)

Equivalent VM
Subelement Name STRUCT Element Register Bit
Axis_Status Multiplex_Ch_Enabled 1
(Similar to Register 31-38, Jogging_Forward 2
309-340 and 541-564) Jogging_Reverse 3
Phase_Adjusted 4
ELS_Enabled 5
ELS_Secondary_Mode 6
Axis_in_Position 7
Axis_Aligned 8
Axis_Stopped 10
Axis_Halted 11
Class_3_Status 12
Class_2_Warning 13
Shutdown_Error 14
Drive_Ready_LSB 15
Drive_Ready_MSB 16

Table 7-11: Axis Status Subelement (Input)

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-29

Virtual_Masters Variable This variable is used to configure up to 2 instances of Virtual Masters.

Each instance includes a structure for the control register
(MV_VIRT_MASTER_LC2MC) and a structure for the status
(MV_VIRT_MASTER_MC2LC). The ID number of the Virtual Master
corresponds to the Virtual Master number. Refer to section 6.1,
Electronic Line Shafting, for descriptions of element names.

Note: These structure data types are part of the MV_CyclicIO.lib

target library.

Equivalent VM
Subelement Name STRUCT Element Register Bit
VirtualMaster_Control VM_CT_FSTOP 1
(Similar to Default VM_CT_HOME 2
Reg. 150 for Virtual VM_CT_GO 3
Master 1 and Reg. 151 VM_CT_VMODE 4
for Virtual Master 2) VM_CT_RELMODE 5

Table 7-12: Virtual Master Control Subelement (Output)

Equivalent VM
Subelement Name STRUCT Element Register Bit
VirtualMaster_Status VM_ST_FSTOP 1
(Similar to Default VM_ST_HOME 2
Reg. 241 for Virtual VM_ST_VMODE 4
Master 1 and Reg. 242 VM_ST_RELMODE 5
for Virtual Master 2) VM_ST_ZEROVEL 7

Table 7-13: Virtual Master Status Subelement (Input)

ELS_Master Variable This variable is used to configure a single instance of the current ELS
Master. This instance includes a structure for the control register
(MV_ELS_MASTER_LC2MC) and a structure for the status register
(MV_ELS_MASTER_MC2LC). Refer to section 6.1, Electronic Line
Shafting, for descriptions of element names.

Equivalent VM
Subelement Name STRUCT Element Register Bit
ELSMaster_Control ELS_M_CT_SET_REF1 7
(Similar to Default ELS_M_CT_SET_REF2 8
Reg. 140 for ELS ELS_M_CT_SET_REF3 9
Master Control) ELS_M_CT_SET_REF4 10

Table 7-14: ELS Master Control Subelement (Output)

7-30 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Equivalent VM
Subelement Name STRUCT Element Register Bit
ELSMaster_Status ELS_M_ST_STOPPED1 1
(Similar to Default ELS_M_ST_STOPPED2 2
Reg. 141 for ELS ELS_M_ST_STOPPED3 3
Master Status) ELS_M_ST_STOPPED4 4

Table 7-15: ELS Master Status Subelement (Input)

ELS_Groups Variable This variable is used to configure up to 8 instances of ELS Groups. Each
instance includes a structure for the control register
(MV_ELS_GROUP_LC2MC) and a structure for the status register
(MV_ELS_GROUP_MC2LC). The ELS Group value in Module
parameters tab corresponds to the ELS Group's number. Refer to section
6.1, Electronic Line Shafting, for descriptions of element names.

Equivalent VM
Subelement Name STRUCT Element Register Bit
ELSGroup_Control G_CT_LOCK_OFF 1
(Similar to Default G_CT_M_REL_PH 2
Reg. 152-159 for ELS G_CT_S_REL_PH 3
Groups 1-8 Control) G_CT_MSTR_SEL 4

Table 7-16: ELS Group Control Subelement (Output)

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-31

Equivalent VM
Subelement Name STRUCT Element Register Bit
ELSGroup_Status G_ST_LOCK_ON 1
(Similar to Default G_ST_M_REL_PH 2
Reg. 243-250 for ELS G_ST_S_REL_PH 3
Groups 1-8 Status) G_ST_MSTR_SEL 4

Table 7-17: ELS Group Status Subelement (Input)

Link_Ring Variable This variable is used to configure a single instance of the Link Ring cross
communication (MV_LINK_RING_MC2LC). This instance includes a
structure for the input used for monitoring the cross communication.
Refer to section 6.1, Electronic Line Shafting, for descriptions of element

Subelement Name STRUCT Element Equivalent VM

Register Bit
Link_Ring_Status LINK_ERROR Reg. 40, Bit 4
(Similar to Default ERROR_PRIM_OPTIC_RING Reg. 40, Bit 5
Reg. 40-42 for Link ERROR_SEC_OPTIC_RING Reg. 40, Bit 6
Status and Data 1) REDUNDACY_LOSS Reg. 40, Bit 7
NODE_1_DATA_VALID Reg. 41, Bits 1-16
NODE_17_DATA_VALID Reg. 42, Bits 1-16

Table 7-18: Link Ring Status Subelement

7-32 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

IO_Registers Variable The IO-Registers variable can be configured to access up to 1024

VisualMotion registers. Each register is of type WORD and can be
expanded to display 16 bits of type BOOL. Symbolic names can be
assigned at the WORD and/or bit level.


Fig. 7-33: IO_Registers Input and Output Subelements

Note: IndraLogic register bits are accessed from 0-15. VisualMotion

register bits are accessed from 1-16.

Cyclic Process Data Types

The following tables list the different cyclic process data types supported
in the I/O Image.
Float and Integer Variables The following table list the VisualMotion variables supported in the Cyclic
Process Data:

Type Data Type Description

Global Floats REAL Valid Global Float addresses are 1 through 32767(default max is 256). Refer to
control parameter C-0-0081. The address is checked at runtime since the size of
the global variables is configurable.
Program Floats REAL Valid Program Float addresses start at 1. The address is checked at runtime
since the size of the program variables is configurable.
Global Integers DINT Valid Global Integer addresses are 1 through 32767(default max is 512). Refer to
control parameter C-0-0080. The address is checked at runtime since the size of
the global variables is configurable.
Program Integers DINT Valid Program Integer addresses start at 1. The address is checked at runtime
since the size of the program variables is configurable.
Table 7-19: Configurable Variables

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-33

Card Parameters The following table lists the supported card (control) parameters
Input (Read) Access supported in the cyclic process data area.

Card Parameter (Input) VM Data Type PLC Data Type

C-0-0120 Operating Mode char SINT
C-0-0125 System Timer Value ulong UDINT
C-0-0127 Current PPC-R Temperature short INT
Table 7-20: Configurable Card Parameters

Task Parameters The following table lists the supported task parameters supported in the
Input (Read) Access cyclic process data area.

Task Parameter (Input) VM Data Type PLC Data Type

T-0-0100 Target Point Number short INT
T-0-0101 Segment Status enum DINT
T-0-0111 Current X Position float REAL
T-0-0112 Current Y Position float REAL
T-0-0113 Current Z Position float REAL
Table 7-21: Configurable Task Parameters

Axis Parameters The following table lists the supported axis parameters supported in the
Input (Read) Access cyclic process data input memory area.

Axis Parameter (Input) VM Data Type PLC Data Type

A-0-0034 Control Cam Currently Active uchar USINT
A-0-0100 Target Position float REAL
A-0-0101 Commanded Position float REAL
A-0-0102 Feedback Position float REAL
A-0-0110 Programmed Velocity float REAL
A-0-0111 Commanded Velocity float REAL
A-0-0112 Feedback Velocity float REAL
A-0-0120 Programmed Acceleration float REAL
A-0-0121 Programmed Deceleration float REAL
A-0-0131 Sercos Control Word float WORD
A-0-0132 Sercos Status Word float WORD
A-0-0141 Torque Mode Commanded float REAL
A-0-0142 Torque Feedback (cyclic) float REAL
A-0-0150 Programmed Ratio Adjust float REAL
A-0-0151 Programmed Phase Offset float REAL
A-0-0156 Phase Offset Velocity float REAL
A-0-0157 Current Phase/ Control CAM float REAL
Master Offset
A-0-0158 Relative Phase Offset Distance float REAL
A-0-0160 Commanded Ratio Adjust float REAL

7-34 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Axis Parameter (Input) VM Data Type PLC Data Type

A-0-0190 Command Data #1 list of various WORD, REAL,
types INT, DWORD,
A-0-0191 Command Data #2 list of various WORD, REAL,
types INT, DWORD,
A-0-0192 Command Data #3 list of various WORD, REAL,
types INT, DWORD,
A-0-0193 Command Data #4 list of various WORD, REAL,
types INT, DWORD,
A-0-0194 Command Data #5 list of various WORD, REAL,
types INT, DWORD,
A-0-0195 Feedback Data #1 list of various WORD, REAL,
types INT, DWORD,
A-0-0196 Feedback Data #2 list of various WORD, REAL,
types INT, DWORD,
A-0-0197 Feedback Data #3 list of various WORD, REAL,
types INT, DWORD,
A-0-0198 Feedback Data #4 list of various WORD, REAL,
types INT, DWORD,
A-0-0199 Feedback Data #5 list of various WORD, REAL,
types INT, DWORD,
Table 7-22: Configurable Input Axis Parameters

Axis Parameters The following table lists the supported axis parameters supported in the
Output (Write) Access cyclic process data input memory area. These parameters must be
predefined using A-0-0180 through A-0-0184.

Axis Parameter (Output) VM Data Type PLC Data Type

A-0-0190 Command Data #1 list of various WORD, REAL,
types INT, DWORD,

A-0-0191 Command Data #2 list of various WORD, REAL,

types INT, DWORD,

A-0-0192 Command Data #3 list of various WORD, REAL,

types INT, DWORD,

A-0-0193 Command Data #4 list of various WORD, REAL,

types INT, DWORD,

A-0-0194 Command Data #5 list of various WORD, REAL,

types INT, DWORD,

Table 7-23: Configurable Output Axis Parameters

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-35

Shared Memory
The shared memory area is dynamically updated and can be accessed by
both the motion and logic sides of the firmware. It provides mostly
diagnostic information about the system. It resides on the motion side
but can be accessed by IndraLogic as read-only text.
The available shared memory items are dependent on the current PLC
target. All shared memory information is pre-labeled starting with the
letters “MV_” (e.g. “MV_ACTPHASE”). The shared memory items for
VisualMotion 11 include:

Variable Description
MV_ACTPHASE STRING (81) (*Control Firmware Version, C-0-0100*)
MV_DIAGNUMBER UDINT (*Diagnostic Code, C-0-0123*)
MV_DIAGTEXT STRING (81) (*Diagnostic Message, C-0-0122*)
MV_EXTDIAGTEXT STRING (81) (*Extended Diagnostic, C-0-0124*)
MV_PLCDIAGNUMBER UDINT (*PLC Diagnostic Code, C-0-1611*)
MV_PLCDIAGTEXT STRING (81) (*PLC Diagnostic Message, C-0-1612*)
MV_PLCEXTDIAGTEXT STRING (81) (*PLC Extended Diagnostic, C-0-1613*)
MV_POUERRORLOG ARRAY[0..29] OF UDINT (* PLC Function Block Error Log, C-0-1620 *)
MV_VERSIONSTRING INT (*Sercos Communication Phase, C-0-0121*)
Table 7-24: Shared Memory Variables

The data can be accessed from IndraLogic in the System Variables or

Global Variables areas. To access shared memory, press the F2 key
while on a variable name location and select the relevant shared memory
variable from Global Variables and/or System Variables.


Fig. 7-34: Shared Memory Variables

7-36 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Configuring a Profibus Fieldbus Master

VisualMotion 11 includes a number of Bosch Rexroth fieldbus slave
device configuration files (GSD) as part of the firmware targets. To
include a GSD file that is not part of the current target, refer to
Install a GSD File on page 7-37 for details.

Append a Profibus Master

Step 1: Profibus Configuration 1. From the Resources tab, double-click on PLC Configuration.
2. Expand the configuration tree structure down to the control level.
3. Right-click over Control and select Append Subelement ⇒


Fig. 7-35: Add Profibus Fieldbus Master

4. Select the DP Parameters tab and set the Station address and
Highest station address. The Highest station address refers to the
device address of the last slave device.
5. Switch to the Bus Parameters tab and set the Baud rate for the
fieldbus master to match to system. Profibus baud rate is commonly
set to 120000,00 kBits/s (12 Mbits/s).

Note: Refer to the IndraLogic Online Help System for additional

fieldbus master parameter settings.

Append a Profibus Slave

Step 2: Profibus Configuration 1. Right-click on DPM01_PC104, select Append Subelement and then
the relevant fieldbus slave type.

Note: The available slave types are dependent on the pre-configured

Profibus master added in step 1.

The Fieldbus slave device is added to the tree structure below the
Fieldbus Master.
2. Select the DP Parameters tab and configure the slave devices.

Note: The Station address for each slave device in IndraLogic must
match the Device Address configured for the slave device.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-37


Fig. 7-36: Fieldbus Configuration

3. Configure the remaining options for the selected fieldbus slave


Note: The status of fieldbus I/O can only be monitored online if the
data is used in the PLC program.

Note: Refer to the IndraLogic Online Help System and Configuring

Profibus Modules in the PLC Programming with Rexroth
IndraLogic 1.0 manual, DOK-CONTRL-IL**PRO*V01-AW01-
EN-P for details.

Install a GSD File

1. In IndraLogic, close the PLC Configuration window if it is currently
2. From the Resources tab, expand the Tools folder and double click
Install / Deinstall GSD-File.
3. From the IndraLogic GSD Installer window, click on the Select button.
4. Locate and open the relevant fieldbus slave GSD file.
5. From the top half of the IndraLogic GSD Installer window, highlight
the relevant slave device, then highlight the VisualMotion control
hardware and click the Add button.

Note: The *.gsd file contains configuration properties for the specific
device and is required for registering the slave device with the
fieldbus master.

7-38 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Configuring a DeviceNet Fieldbus Master

VisualMotion 11 includes a number of Bosch Rexroth fieldbus slave
device configuration files (EDS) as part of the firmware targets. To include
an EDS file that is not part of the current target, refer to Install a
DeviceNet EDS Configuration Files on page 7-40 for details.
The following steps provide a summary for configuring a DeviceNet
network in IndraLogic: The detailed steps are described in the sections
that follow.
1. Add DeviceNet *.eds configuration files to IndraLogic.
2. Configure DeviceNet master parameters in the MotionLogic Data
Exchange area of the I/O Image.
3. Append and configure DeviceNet slaves and download complete
DeviceNet configuration to the control.

Append a DeviceNet Master

Step 2: Configure DeviceNet 1. From the Resources tab, double-click on PLC Configuration.
2. Expand the configuration tree structure down to the Control level.
3. Right-click over Control and select Append Subelement ⇒


Fig. 7-37: Add DeviceNet Fieldbus Master

Base Parameters 4. Select the Base Parameters tab and set the Node id for the master.
The Node id identifies the DeviceNet master within the IndraLogic
Device Net Parameters 5. Select to the Device Net Parameters tab and set the baudrate for the
fieldbus master to match to system. DeviceNet baudrate is
commonly set to 500 Kbits.
6. Set the Address for the master. The address is used for identification
within the DeviceNet network.

Note: I/O handling for DeviceNet is performed using data

consistency. The same data is used from a single I/O image
instance. This ensures data consistency across multiple tasks
accessing the same data.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-39

Append a DeviceNet Slave

1. Right-click on DNM01-PC104 and select Append Subelement.
2. Select the relevant DeviceNet slave. Select LK104DNS.EDS... for
the Rexroth DeviceNet slave card.

Note: The list of available DeviceNet slaves that are displayed

comes from the system default and user installed *eds
configuration files. Refer to Install a DeviceNet EDS
Configuration Files on page 7-40 for details.


Fig. 7-38: Appending DeviceNet Slave Interface

3. Select the newly appended DeviceNet slave device to display the

corresponding property sheets to the right of the I/O Image tree
Base Parameters 4. The Base Parameters tab displays the starting input and output
memory locations. By default, these values are automatically
calculated and set by IndraLogic every time a new element is added
before the current one.
Device Net Parameters 5. Select the Device Net Parameters tab and set the address for the
slave device. (Note: Must match master settings)
I/O Connection Configuration 6. Select the I/O Connection Configuration tab and setup the size for the
DeviceNet slave inputs and outputs.
Parameters 7. The Parameters tab is available for selected DeviceNet slave types.
Unsupported types do not display any settings or selections.
Module Parameters 8. Select the Module Parameters tab and enable or disable DeviceNet
slave diagnostic communication.

Note: The status of fieldbus I/O can only be monitored online if the
data is used in the PLC program.

Note: Symbolic names can be assigned to DeviceNet IO. Refer to

Applying Names to Reco 02 I/O Modules on page 7-12 as an

7-40 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Install a DeviceNet EDS Configuration Files

Use the following steps to add DeviceNet *.eds files to IndraLogic:
Step 1: DeviceNet *.eds Files 1. From IndraLogic select Extras ⇒ Add configuration files… while
not logged on.
2. Locate the DeviceNet *eds file and select Open.

Note: The *.eds file contains configuration properties for the specific
device and is required for registering the slave devices with
the fieldbus master.

Default system *.eds configuration files are stored in the "config" folder
within the target folder. User installed *.eds configuration files are stored
in the "userconfig" folder of the same target folder.

Folder Structure Description

\Program Files\Rexroth\IndraLogic\Targets Default IndraLogic target folder location
\VM_ML_11VRS_PPC_R\ config folder location of system default eds files for PPC-R
\VM_ML_11VRS_PPC_R\ userconfig folder location of user installed eds files for PPC-R
\VM_ML_11VRS_PPC_P\ config folder location of system default eds files for PPC-P
\VM_ML_11VRS_PPC_P\ userconfig folder location of user installed eds files for PPC-P

Table 7-25: EDS Configuration File Default Folder Locations

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-41

Functions and Function Blocks

In addition to common PLC functionality such as counters and timers,
function blocks can access either direct memory in the motion control or
call sub-functions from the motion control. Pre-configured function blocks
are provided for a variety of tasks, including:
• Simple data function access (VisualMotion registers, variables,
control parameters, etc.)
• Complex data access (including VisualMotion list and Sercos
• Motion commands (e.g., single axis and ELS)
• Math calculations
They are available in the IEC libraries, which can be viewed by selecting
Library Manager from the Resource tab.
Function blocks offer the most flexibility in motion/logic data exchange
because they call control code functions that can access any data or
functionality in the motion system. Because each instance of a function
block has allocated memory, it is possible to perform operations that take
many PLC scans to perform. Functions, on the other hand, do not require
an instance and can be called inline.


Fig. 7-39: Motion Function Block Example


Fig. 7-40: Function Example

7-42 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Function Block Programming Considerations

The following general issues should be considered when using function
block programming:
1. Function blocks that access the Sercos service channel require a
minimum of 40-50 ms to complete.
Some examples include:
a. MSV_ReadParameter when accessing S and P drive parameters.
b. MV_MoveAbsolute when the velocity, acceleration, and
deceleration inputs are not in the cyclic channel (MDT).
2. The evaluation of the "Done" and "Error" outputs is highly
recommended for all function blocks. This ensures a complete and
error free state of the current function block before proceeding to the
next command.
3. MSV_AcyclicComm function blocks:
a. These function blocks should not be considered for use in a
Sercos synchronous task due to their long completion times.
b. Use the "Done" output to make sequential calls when using
multiple function blocks to access drive parameters over the
Sercos service channel.
4. MV_Motion function blocks:
a. The cyclic channel is used to transmit relevant data if the items
that are being transmitted are in the MDT. For example, if the
velocity, acceleration and deceleration parameters are in the
MDT, then the values are written to the relevant drives over the
cyclic channel.
b. The only variables that are double-buffered are Position and
Phase Offset. These are the only variables that will be
transmitted in the same Sercos cycle for all defined axes.
c. The following function blocks simultaneously write to all defined
axes within the same Sercos synchronous task:
• MV_Abort
• MV_Stop
• MV_MoveRelativeOnly
• MV_MoveAbsoluteOnly
• MV_MoveAdditiveOnly
d. The following function blocks can also be used to simultaneously
write to all defined axes within the same Sercos synchronous task
if their Velocity, Acceleration, and Deceleration input variables are
setup using the MV_MoveSetup function block:
• MV_MoveRelative
• MV_MoveAbsolute
• MV_MoveAdditive
e. To ensure simultaneous move commands within the same
Sercos cycle (Sercos synchronous task), the relevant drives must
already be in single-axis mode and enabled (AF). If not, the
function block will command a single-axis mode change but the
moves will no longer begin within the same Sercos cycle.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-43

IEC Libraries
A library is a list of objects that can be used in different projects. A default
library called standard.lib is available in IndraLogic, but it is also possible
to create custom libraries with IndraLogic and encrypt the libraries to
protect proprietary information. In addition, it is possible to call motion
control functions as library objects. The following table lists the libraries
that are supported by VisualMotion and IndraLogic:

Loaded By
Library Name Description Default
IecSfc.lib Function block and data types for executing standard IEC Sequential Function Chart X
(SFC) actions
MSV_AcyclicComm.lib Function blocks for reading parameter data X
MSV_CheckRtv.lib Used for monitoring proper operations on the data access mechanisms such as Division,
Access to an indicated array element, Value assignment to a variable with limited value
range, and Pointer access
MV_CyclicIO.lib Defined data types for binary portion of I/O Image configuration X
MV_ErrorLog This library provides the PLC programmer with the ability to log PLC errors and make
them available to the control via the Shared Memory system variable MV_PouErrorLog.
MV_Motion.lib Function blocks and data types for executing single axis and ELS based motion from X
within the PLC task
MV_UserMotion Allows the user to configure motion control profiles from a high priority Sercos event task
NetVarUDP_Lib_v23.lib Network global variables access between PPC and Ethernet via UDP. (PPC-R22.1 only)
RIL_CommonTypes.lib Defined data types for common use functions, such as error structure, axis_ref, etc. X
RIL_DeviceNet.lib Function blocks for managing the DeviceNet master interface
RIL_Diagnosis.lib This function is used to ensure compatibility of firmware X
RIL_ProfibusDP.lib Function blocks for managing the Profibus master interface
RIL_Utilities.lib Utility library containing functions and function blocks for various tasks, such as type
conversions for AcyclicComm_MSV01.lib, time conversions, etc.
RIL_VexUtil.lib The library enables the user to transmit keystrokes on Rexroth VEH/VEP HMIs in a safe
way to the control.
RMC_PLCopen.lib Standard PLC Open function blocks used for administrative and single axis motion
Standard.lib Function blocks for executing standard PLC capabilities such as timers, counters, latch X
registers, string manipulation, etc.
SysLibCallback.lib Management of PLC Events
SysLibCom.lib Send and receive serial port messages via X16 on the PPC. X16 must be configured for
"SysLibCom" under Tools ⇒ Control Settings.
SysLibDirect.lib Hidden library, not for user access X
SysLibFile.lib Functions can be used to create, open, close, delete, rename, write to or read from files
on the PLC
SysLibFileAsync This library is the same as SysLibFile.lib, however function blocks instead of functions are
used and the processing is asynchronous
SysLibPlcCtrl.lib Functions used to start, reset, stop, and shutdown a PLC program. Also, retain variables
can be saved and restored
SysLibSockets.lib Used with network global variables (PPC-R22.1 only)

SysLibSocketsAsync.lib This library is the same as SysLibSocket.lib, however function blocks instead of functions
are used and the processing is asynchronous
SysLibStr.lib An action control library for IEC 61131-3 SFC actions

SysLibTime.lib Function blocks used for reading the real-time clock of the local computer X
SysTaskInfo.lib Used to monitor task processing times X
Util.lib Utility library containing functions and function blocks for various task such as PID loops,
Calculus functions, signal generators, data monitoring, and bit/byte management

Table 7-26: Libraries Supported by VisualMotion and IndraLogic

7-44 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

To view the libraries in the current IndraLogic project, select Window ⇒

Library Manager or double-click on Library Manager under the
Resource tab.
To add a library to the current IndraLogic project, right-click in the window
displaying the installed libraries and select Additional Library …

Note: The default folder locations for IEC libraries are as follows:
Program Files/Rexroth/IndraLogic/Targets/<firmware target>
Any library starting with "SysLib" is stored in the /internal
folder. All others are stored in the /lib folder.


Fig. 7-41: IndraLogic Library Manager

For descriptions of the supported libraries, refer to the IndraLogic Help


Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-45

Context Sensitive Help

Context sensitive help can be accessed for any Data Type, Function, and
Function Block by highlighting the name and pressing the F1 key.


Fig. 7-42: Context Sensitive Help

7-46 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

IndraLogic Communication Channels

IndraLogic software can communicate with a PPC control via a serial
interface (RS232), EtherNet or a PCI Bus (PPC-P11.1) connection. The
communication channels used between IndraLogic and the control can be
configured in IndraLogic or VisualMotion Toolkit.

Note: In VisualMotion Toolkit, the IndraLogic tab under menu

selection Tools ⇒ Options… can be used to manually
configure IndraLogic communication channels. Refer to
section 13.10, Tools Menu, in volume 2 of the VisualMotion 11
Functional Description for details.

The following table lists the IndraLogic communication channels and the
maximum connections to one control at any given time:

Communication Channel Description Maximum Connections

IndraLogic SCP/SIS Gateway driver for Only one (1) IndraLogic connection can be
VisualMotion (SIS Tunneling) configured via serial or EtherNet
1 serial connection on X16 when
RS232 PPC PPC over RS232 connection (No SIS)
configured as IndraLogic (C-0-0012)
TCP/IP Level 2 Route (PPC) PPC over TCP/IP EtherNet connection
Up to 8 connections
(PPC-R22.1 only) (No SIS)
Last user selected communication Depends on communication channel
User Configured
channel will be used. selected in IndraLogic

Table 7-27: IndraLogic Communication Channels

The following figures illustrates the different communication channels

described in Table 7-27.

PC 1 using SCP VM PC 2 using RS232 PPC or TCPIP Level 2

VisualMotion VisualMotion
IndraLogic Toolkit
IndraLogic Toolkit

RS232 PPC or
COM Tunneling COM

Gateway Gateway
Local Gateway Connections


Serial ETH ETH Serial


TCP/IP Network VisualMotion

X10 or X16

X10 X16 1200 5001

Serial Interface EtherNet X16 configured for IndraLogic only
PPC-R22.1 - Port 1200 can have up to 8 connections (IndraLogic)
GPP 10 Firmware - Port 5001 can have up to 11 connections (VisualMotion)
EtherNet setup parameters are C-0-0400, C-0-0401 and C-0-0402

Fig. 7-43: Communication Access for the PPC-R22.1

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-47

Note: When a PPC-P11.1 control is installed in a host PC, a client

PC can only access the motion functionality using SCP to SCP
remote access.

PC 1 using SCP VM PC 2 using TCPIP Level 2 or RS232 PPC

VisualMotion VisualMotion
IndraLogic Toolkit
IndraLogic Toolkit

RS232 PPC or
Gateway Gateway


X10 PPC-P11.1
GMP 10 Firmware ETH ETH Serial

Optional X16 Legend
Serial Port Remote Access
(Refer to Fig. 7-51)
X16 configured for IndraLogic only
X10 or X16 for VisualMotion

Fig. 7-44: Communication Access for the PPC-P11.1

SCP VM (SIS Tunneling)

SCP VM is a communication channel that enables communication
between IndraLogic and a VisualMotion control via the SCP server. The
Gateway interface provides the connection between IndraLogic and the
SCP. When using SCP VM, the communication between the Gateway
and the SCP is referred to as SIS Tunneling. SIS Tunneling is the
process of embedding IndraLogic messages into SIS messages through
the SCP to the control.

Note: Only one IndraLogic connection can be configured to use the

SCP VM. Additional client IndraLogic connections must use
either an RS232 PPC or a TCPIP Level 2 (EtherNet) channel.

Use the following steps to manually configure the SCP VM

communication channel:

Note: Ensure that the IndraLogic Gateway server is not currently

running. Refer to step 3 on page 7-53 for details.

1. From the IndraLogic main menu, select Online ⇒ Communication

2. To add a communication channel, click the New button, name the
channel, and select SCP VM.

7-48 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1


Fig. 7-45: Communication Channel Configuration for SCP VM

3. Set the SCP VM Type by double-clicking directly in the Value field or

using the arrow keys to scroll between the previously configured
devices in the SCP Systemconfigurator.

Note: Refer to section 18.3, Configuring the SCP Server, in volume

2 of the VisualMotion Functional Description, for details.

Arrow Keys


Fig. 7-46: Setting Communication Type for SCP VM

The RS232 PPC communication channel is a direct serial connection to
the control's X16 port. The Gateway bypasses the SCP server and
connects directly to the control. In VisualMotion, the X16 communication
port parameter C-0-0012 must be configured for IndraLogic (online mode

Note: RS232 PPC provides a faster transmission rate between

IndraLogic and the control in comparison to the SCP VM.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-49

Use the following steps to manually configure the RS232 PPC

communication channel:
1. From the IndraLogic main menu, select Online ⇒ Communication
2. To add a communication channel, click the New button, name the
channel, and select RS232 PPC.


Fig. 7-47: Communication Channel Configuration for RS232 PPC

3. Set the Port to match the PC port and the Baudrate to match the
current settings of the X16 communication port (C-0-0004) on the
control. Selections are made by double-clicking or using the arrow
keys in the Value field.

Arrow Keys


Fig. 7-48: Setting Communication Type for RS232 PPC

7-50 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

TCPIP Level 2 Route (PPC)

The TCPIP Level 2 communication channel is a direct EtherNet
connection used only for the PPC-R22.1 control. This communication
channel provides the fastest transmission rate and can have up to 8
simultaneous connections via the EtherNet port 1200.
Use the following steps to manually configure the TCPIP Level 2
communication channel:
1. From the IndraLogic main menu, select Online ⇒ Communication
2. To add a communication channel, click the New button, name the
channel, and select TCPIP Level 2 Route (PPC).


Fig. 7-49: Communication Channel Configuration for TCPIP Level 2 Route

3. Set the IP address to match the IP address set in control parameter

C-0-0400 for the relevant PPC-R22.1 control. Highlight the current
text "localhost" and enter an IP address using dot notation, i.e., (Do not use leading zeros. e.g.,

Note: Contact your local IT department for the assignment of a

unique IP address.

The Port setting must be set to 1200.

The TargetId is set to 0 for the contol.

highlight text and

replace with
IP address


Fig. 7-50: Setting Communication Type for TCPIP Level 2 Route

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-51

Remote Access to a VisualMotion Control

Remote access is the ability for one PC to gain access to another PC via
DCOM (Distributed Component Object Model). DCOM is a protocol that
enables software components to communicate directly over a network.
The configuration of DCOM is independent of VisualMotion and is
performed in the Windows environment.
IndraLogic, on one PC, can be configured to remotely access a second
PC hosting a VisualMotion control. Both the PC hosting the control and
the client PC must have DCOM configured with appropriate security
settings in order to communicate. Refer to DCOM Configuration on page
7-54 for details.
The following two remote access levels can be used for IndraLogic:
• Gateway to Gateway remote access
• Gateway to SCP remote access

Gateway to Gateway Remote Access

This remote access level allows the Gateway server on an client PC to
remotely connect to the Gateway server of the PC hosting a VisualMotion

Note: The Gateway server of the host PC must be online and

running in order to communicate. Only the communication
channels configured on the host Gateway can be viewed and
selected to access the connected control.

This following figure shows a Gateway to Gateway remote access:

PC 1 hosting PPC control PC 2 using TCPIP Remote Access

VisualMotion VisualMotion
IndraLogic Toolkit
IndraLogic Toolkit

parameters on PC 1 TCP/IP Level 2

Gateway Gateway
TCP/IP Gateway Connection

see Note 1.

ETH Serial ETH Serial


Note: VisualMotion
1. SCP to SCP remote access for motion functionality. IndraLogic
Refer to section 18.4 in volume 2 of the Functional Description

Fig. 7-51: Remote Access (Gateway to Gateway Connection)

Use the following steps to configure IndraLogic's Gateway for remote

1. Launch IndraLogic and select Online ⇒ Communication
2. Click on the Gateway… button.

7-52 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

3. Select the Connection type as "Tcp/Ip", set the host PC's IP address,
using dot notation, or enter the computer name of the host PC to
access and use the default port 1210. The password field is not


Fig. 7-52: Gateway using TCP/IP

Once a connection is established, the communication parameters

configured on the other PC will be displayed under the address name, as
illustrated in the following figure.


Fig. 7-53: Remote Gateway Communication Parameters

Gateway to SCP Remote Access

This remote access level allows the Gateway server on an client PC to
remotely connect to the SCP server of the PC hosting a VisualMotion
control. The Gateway server on the client PC is configured for local

Note: SCP VM (SIS Tunneling) is the only communication channel

that can configured in IndraLogic to remotely access the SCP
server. RS232 PPC or TCPIP Level 2 Route can only access
a local Gateway connection. Local Gateway connections
access the control directly.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-53

This following figure shows a Gateway to SCP remote access:

PC 1 hosting PPC control PC 2 using SCP VM for remote access

VisualMotion VisualMotion
IndraLogic Toolkit
IndraLogic Toolkit

parameters on PC 1 SCP VM HMI
COM COM Tunneling

Gateway Gateway
DDE OPC Local Gateway Connections DDE OPC
SCP Interface Layer SCP Interface Layer

SCP server SCP server

SCP devices on host PC
ETH Serial ETH Serial

To Control


Fig. 7-54: Remote Access (Gateway to SCP Server)

Use the following steps to configure SCP Server for remote access:
1. From the Windows taskbar, select Start ⇒ Programs ⇒ Rexroth ⇒
SCP ⇒ SCP Remote Selection.
2. Select the computer name of a Remote Host or enter the Remote IP
Address and click the Apply button. The window can then be
minimized or closed.

Note: Once a connection is established, the SCP server on the host

PC is automatically launched, if not currently running.


Fig. 7-55: SCP Remote Selection

3. Before launching IndraLogic, make sure that the Gateway server is

not currently running on the client PC. If the Gateway server is
running, right-click on the Gateway server icon in the Windows
system tray and select Exit.

7-54 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

System Tray Gateway Icon

Fig. 7-56: Windows System Tray showing opened Gateway Server

4. Launch IndraLogic from VisualMotion Toolkit and create a new PLC

Target settings and communication parameters are passed to IndraLogic
by VisualMotion. Refer to VisualMotion Variables on page 7-11 for

Note: The communication parameters configured on the host PC will

be displayed, as illustrated in the following figure. The client
PC can remove or create communication channels on the host


Fig. 7-57: Remote Gateway Communication Parameters

DCOM Configuration
The configuration of DCOM is required in both the host and client PCs for
remote access. Client PCs only need to enable DCOM, while the host PC
enables DCOM and configures the security settings to allow a client PC

Note: This section describes the DCOM setup for Windows 2000.
For Windows XP, refer to Windows XP help for details.

Note: The security settings for DCOM against unwanted access is

the sole responsibility of the customer's Information
Technology department.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-55

Use the following steps to configure DCOM for remote access:

1. Select Start ⇒ Run from the Windows toolbar and enter the
command, "dcomcnfg.exe".
2. From the Default tab, enable DCOM and set the Default
Authentication Level to Connect.


Fig. 7-58: DCOM Configuration Properties – Default Properties

3. From the Application tab, scroll down and highlight IndraLogic and
click on the Properties… button.


Fig. 7-59: DCOM Configuration Properties - Applications

4. From the General tab, select Connect as the Authentication Level.

7-56 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1


Fig. 7-60: IndraLogic Properties - General

5. From the Location tab, set Run application on this computer.


Fig. 7-61: IndraLogic Properties - Location

6. From the Security tab, set the appropriate security setting for access
permissions and launch permissions. Custom access permissions
allows a client PC to access the host PC. Custom launch
permissions is required to allow client PCs to start the SCP server for
Gateway to SCP and SCP to SCP remote connections.


Fig. 7-62: IndraLogic Properties - Security

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-57

Managing IndraLogic Files

Although VisualMotion 11 combines motion and logic in an integrated
system, the saving and archiving of motion and logic project files are
handled separately by their respective programming environments. This
section describes the recommended procedures for the saving and
archiving of IndraLogic files. Refer to chapter 10, Project Management
Tools, for details on how to mange VisualMotion project files.

Archive IndraLogic Files Offline

All files that are referenced by and used by the currently opened
IndraLogic project can be saved as a zip file. To archive the current
IndraLogic project while offline, select File ⇒ Save/Mail Archive… This
opens the Save Archive window in IndraLogic. Refer to "Save
Mail/Archive" in the IndraLogic Help System for more details.


Fig. 7-63: Save Archive Window

Clicking the Details … button, allows for selectable entries within any
given file type. The zip file can be saved to the hard drive or emailed
directly from the Save Archive window.

7-58 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Full Online Archive of IndraLogic Project

Online archiving of an IndraLogic project is performed by reading the file
contents in the PLC and saving the individual files to a folder location on
the hard drive.

Note: This procedure describes the archiving of an IndraLogic

project. To archive a VisualMotion project, refer to section
10.3, Archiving Project Data, in chapter 10.

Before archiving IndraLogic files, save any retain or persistent variables

that exists in the PLC project.
Retain variables remain unchanged after an uncontrolled shutdown of the
runtime system (off/on) or an 'Online' 'Reset' in IndraLogic. Persistent
variables remain unchanged after a controlled shutdown of the runtime
system (stop, start) or an 'Online' 'Cold reset' or a download.
Refer to "Retain variable" in the IndraLogic Help System for more details.
Use the following steps to perform an online archive of IndraLogic files:

Note: Stop the PLC program before performing the save retain
procedure below.

1. Launch IndraLogic from VisualMotion Toolkit with the relevant motion

project opened in VisualMotion.
2. Go online by selecting Online ⇒ Login.
3. In IndraLogic, double-click on PLC Browser under the Resource tab.
Save Retain Variables 4. Enter "saveretain" in the PLC Browser command line.


Fig. 7-64: PLC Browser – Save Retain

Note: Remanent variables can also be saved using the

SysSaveRetain function available in the SysLibPlcCtrl.lib
library or VisualMotion control parameter C-0-1603, bit 4.

Save PLC Files 5. Enter "filedir" in the PLC Browser command line. This command will
list all the pertinent file on the PLC.
6. While still online with the PLC project, select Online ⇒ Read file
from PLC.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-59

7. Locate a folder location on your hard drive and enter the file name of
the first PLC file as it appears in the list, including the extension. The
file names are case sensitive.

Note: It is recommended to locate or create a folder under your

current VisualMotion project folder structure.

8. Repeat this process until all the files have been saved.
Refer to the following figure as en example:


Fig. 7-65: Read file from PLC

Full Online Restore of IndraLogic Project

Online restoring of an IndraLogic project is performed by writing the
previously arched IndraLogic files to the PLC.

Note: This procedure describes the restoring of an IndraLogic

project. To restore a VisualMotion project, refer to section
10.3, Archiving Project Data, in chapter 10.

Use the following steps to perform an online restore of IndraLogic files:

1. Go online by selecting Online ⇒ Login.
2. If running, stop the PLC project by selecting Online ⇒ Stop
3. Select Online ⇒ Reset (original) to clear all files on the system.
4. Double-click on PLC Browser under the Resource tab and enter
"ifsdir" in the PLC Browser command line.
5. Delete any remaining files using the "filedelete" command in the PLC
Browser followed by the file name.

Note: Remember that file names are case sensitive.

7-60 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

6. Using Online ⇒ Write file to PLC, download all PLC project files
from a previous archive.
7. Repeat step 6 until all the files have been downloaded to the PLC.
8. Rename the boot project file using a PLC Browser command as
follows: "filerename DEFAULT.BAK DEFAULT.PRG"
9. Reload boot project using the PLC Browser command
"reload DEFAULT.PRG".
10. Restore any existing retain data using the "restoreretain" command.
11. Start the PLC project by selecting Online ⇒ Run (F5).

Store IndraLogic Source Code on PLC

Storing an IndraLogic project source code to the PLC's memory requires
that all the necessary files are saved. Use the following steps to perform
an online download of the IndraLogic source code:
1. With the relevant PLC project opened, go online by selecting Online
⇒ Login.
2. Select Project ⇒ Options…
3. From the Options window, select the Source download category and
set the Extent section to All files.
4. Select Online ⇒ Sourcecode download to download all PLC project
files to the PLC.

Create a New Project from Source Code on PLC

The creation of a new PLC project from a previously downloaded source
code on the PLC requires that an equivalent project in VisualMotion be
created from a previously archived *.str file downloaded to the control.
This procedure requires steps to be performed in both VisualMotion
Toolkit and IndraLogic.
Use the following steps to created a new PLC project from the source
1. In VisualMotion Toolkit, create a new project from program and data
on the control by selecting File ⇒ New….

Note: Step 1 can only be performed if an icon program was

previously archived on the control. Refer to section 10.7,
Synchronize Project Components, for details.

2. Select Commission ⇒ IndraLogic to open an empty IndraLogic

project with the same name used in step 1.
3. In IndraLogic, select File ⇒ Open and select the PLC button.
4. In the Target Settings window, select the configuration that match the
source hardware.
5. Select or create the Communication Parameters to connect to the

Note: During the upload process a message will be displayed that

requires existing configuration files to be deleted in order to
proceed. Press the OK button.

6. In the Load project from PLC window, select the Yes, all button to
upload all existing configuration files on the PLC.
7. Save the IndraLogic project using the Save as command under the
File menu.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-61

8. Locate the new folder location, created in step 1, select the existing
*.pro file and click on the Save button.
Export SysLibDirect Labels 9. To export the SysLibDirect labels to be used by VisualMotion Toolkit,
select Project ⇒ Export, expand the Global Variables folder and
click on VisualMotion Variables.

Note: Make sure that "One file for each object" is not checked.


Fig. 7-66: Export VisualMotion Variables

10. Locate the new folder location created in step 1, name the file
11. Rebuild the IndraLogic project by selecting Project ⇒ Rebuild all.
12. Go online with both VisualMotion Toolkit and IndraLogic and run the
PLC project.

7-62 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

7.2 I/O Setup Tool

The I/O Setup Tool is used to configure all Sercos based I/O devices
connected to the Sercos ring. It also serves to monitor and document all
Sercos I/O devices in a VisualMotion system. This tool is available in
project or service mode. Online editing of an I/O configuration is
supported and recommended before configuring Sercos I/O devices.

Note: Local Reco 02 I/O modules are configured using IndraLogic.

Refer to Configuring Local Reco 02 I/O Modules in IndraLogic
on page 7-11 for details.

The I/O Setup Tool is launched by selecting Commission⇒ I/O Setup.


Fig. 7-67: I/O Setup Tool

VisualMotion's I/O system supports the following I/O devices:

I/O Type Supported Programming Mode Supported Control Firmware

Sercos Inline Online only (Automatically configured) GPP 11 / GMP 11
Sercos Reco 02 Online / Offline GPP 11 / GMP 11
IndraDrive with MD1 Online / Offline GPP 11 / GMP 11
EcoDrive 03 EcoX Bus System Online / Offline GPP 11 / GMP 11
Diax 03/04 Digital Drive I/O Modules Online / Offline GPP 11 / GMP 11

Table 7-28: VisualMotion I/O Devices

These I/O devices communicate with VisualMotion through user assigned

registers. VisualMotion GPP 11 and GMP 11 firmwares provide 1,024
(16-bit) registers.
Refer to the VisualMotion 11 Project Planning manual for I/O device
hardware specifications.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-63

I/O Configuration in Project Mode

Rexroth digital drives and Sercos Reco 02 I/O modules can be configured
for a project in offline or online mode. Sercos Inline I/O devices cannot be
manually added to the I/O configuration and must be initially scanned in
online mode before configuring them in offline mode.

Note: In online mode, digital drives connected to the Sercos ring will
be uploaded to the I/O Setup Tool whether or not they contain
I/O devices. Drive-based I/O devices cannot be detected and
must be manually added to the I/O configuration.

Offline Programming
The programming of Sercos I/O devices in offline mode is supported
when no communication with the control is possible.

Note: Sercos I/O devices cannot be detected in offline mode. In

offline mode, any drives and/or I/O devices that have been
previously configured and save to the project will appear. The
user should know the types of drives and I/O devices that will
be part of the project.

Use the following steps to create an I/O configuration in offline mode:

1. Select Commission ⇒ I/O Setup to open the I/O Setup Tool.
2. Right-click on I/O Configuration and select Add Sercos Device to
add one of the following Sercos devices:
− RMK I/O Controller
− Diax Drive with I/O Module
− EcoDrive with Eco-X I/O Module
− IndraDrive with MD1 I/O Module
3. To add a remote Reco 02 I/O rack, follow step 2 and select RMK I/O
Controller as the Sercos device. Select a Sercos address that will
not be used by any other Sercos device or drive. Set the Sercos
address on the RMK to match your selection.
4. To add Sercos Reco 02 I/O modules to the RMK, refer to Add I/O
Module on page 7-69.
5. To add a digital drive (Diax 04/EcoDrive/IndraDrive), follow step 2 and
select one of the following digital drives:
− Diax Drive with I/O Module
− EcoDrive with Eco-X I/O Module
− IndraDrive with MD1 I/O Module
Select a Sercos address that will not be used by any other Sercos
device or drive. Set the Sercos address on the drive to match your
selection. To add I/O modules to the drive, refer to Add I/O Module
on page 7-69.
6. Save your I/O configuration to the offline project file.

Switching an I/O Configuration To synchronize an I/O configuration file commissioned offline, open the
to Online Mode project containing the I/O configuration and switch the control to online
mode (File ⇒ Online).
VisualMotion detects any changes to the current project on the control (if
downloaded previously) and informs the user of the components in the

7-64 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

project that have changed. The user can accept the changes and
download them to the control or establish a connection to the control
without downloading any data by selecting the Go online
Unsynchronized button.

Note: The system must be in parameter mode before downloading

an I/O configuration to the control.

Online Programming (Editing)

In online mode, the I/O Setup Tool automatically detects and uploads
digital drives, Sercos Reco 02 and Sercos Inline I/O modules.

Importing an I/O Configuration into a Project

An I/O configuration downloaded to the control can be imported into the
project while in online mode, or from another project or file when in offline
Use the following steps to import an I/O configuration from data stored on
the control.
1. Start VisualMotion Toolkit and open the target project.
2. Switch VisualMotion to online mode.

Note: To import data from another offline project or file, switch

VisualMotion to offline mode.

3. Select File ⇒ Import Project Component from VisualMotion

Toolkit’s main menu.
4. From the Transfer Control Data to Project window, select the I/O
Setup checkbox. By default, both control parameters C-0-0010 and
C-0-2017 are checked. To transfer only the I/O User Configuration
List, uncheck control parameter C-0-0010.

Note: The system must be in parameter mode before transferring

data from the control.


Fig. 7-68: I/O Setup Transfer from Control

5. Press the OK button to transfer the I/O configuration to the current

project. The I/O configuration data is now synchronized with the
current project.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-65

Note: When importing data from another project or file in offline

mode, the data is not synchronized with the project until
VisualMotion is switched to online mode and the data is
downloaded to the control.

I/O Configuration in Service Mode

Service mode allows the user to make modifications to an I/O
configuration stored in the control’s memory. Communication with the
control is required before proceeding.

The following steps outline the procedure for uploading and downloading
an existing I/O configuration from and to the control for modifications.
1. Open VisualMotion Toolkit in service mode.
2. Select Commission ⇒ I/O Setup to open the I/O Setup Tool.
3. Switch the control to parameter mode.
4. Upload the I/O configuration by selecting File ⇒ Upload
Configuration or click the upload icon ( ).
5. Make the necessary modifications to the I/O configuration. Save the
file and download the modifications to the control by clicking the
download icon ( ).

Note: I/O configurations downloaded to the control or saved to a file

in service mode are not synchronized with a project’s offline
data. It is the responsibility of the project manager to ensure
that I/O configurations modified in service mode are imported
into the relevant VisualMotion project.

I/O Configuration of Sercos Inline Modules

Sercos Inline modules are only detected and uploaded to the I/O Setup
Tool in online or service mode. The assignment of registers to the Sercos
Inline coupler and Inline modules is automatically performed. The user
cannot individually assign different register numbers to the modules.
Use the following steps to assigned registers to the Sercos Inline
1. Open a VisualMotion project in online mode and launch the I/O Setup
2. Locate and expand the Sercos Inline Coupler to display the attached
Inline modules.
3. Right-click on the Sercos Inline Coupler, select Modify I/O Station
and assign a starting register for the entire Sercos Inline I/O

Note: Make sure that the starting register number has enough
available consecutive registers for the Inline modules attached
to the Sercos Inline Coupler.
If any new Inline modules are added to the hardware
configuration, the configuration process would have to be

7-66 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1


Fig. 7-69: Assigning Starting Register to Sercos Inline Coupler

4. After a starting register is assigned, clicking on the OK button in the

I/O Station Setup window will allow the user to automatically assigned
consecutive registers to all the attached Inline modules.


Fig. 7-70: Auto Assignment of Inline Modules

Register numbers can also be automatically assigned by selecting Edit ⇒

Auto Assign Registers.
The block of register numbers that is assigned to the Inline module
configuration is calculated based on the size and arrangement of each
Inline module. Refer to section 5.2, Supported I/O Devices, in the
VisualMotion 11 Project Planning manual for Sercos Inline specifications.

Note: If the Inline modules are not automatically assigned register

numbers, they are defaulted to an inactive (disabled) state.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-67

Enable and Disable Configured To enable or disable an individual Sercos Inline module, right-click over
Sercos Inline Modules the module icon in the tree structure and select Modify I/O Module. The
project needs to be online and synchronized in order to perform this

Disabled Enabled

Fig. 7-71: Enable / Disable Sercos Inline Module

Determining Sercos Inline Bit Usage

The register and bit numbers assigned to each Sercos Inline module can
only be determined by viewing the actual module using the I/O Setup
Tool. With the I/O Setup Tool opened in online mode, expand the Sercos
Inline Coupler to display the attached Sercos Inline modules. Click on the
relevant module to display the configured information. The module’s
register bit usage can be read in the Register Bit Range column.


Fig. 7-72: Sercos Inline Bit Usage

7-68 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

The File Menu

The File menu contains standard Windows commands, such as Save
and Print. The Upload and Download Configuration are specific I/O Setup
functions and are only available in service mode.

New Ctrl+N
This selection is available in service mode and is used to create a blank
I/O Configuration work area.

Open… Ctrl+O
This selection is available in service mode and is used to open existing
I/O configuration (*.prm) file.

Upload Configuration
This selection is available in service mode and is used to upload the
current I/O configuration from the control’s memory to the I/O Setup Tool.

Download Configuration
This selection is available in service mode and is used to download any
modifications made to the I/O configuration to the control’s memory.

The Edit Menu

The Edit menu is used to make additions and modifications to the I/O
configuration. All edit menu selections are available in both project and
service mode. Selections are made available or gray-out based on the
I/O device icon selected in the tree structure. The user can select either
from the edit menu or by right-clicking over any I/O Device icon. The
following table lists the edit selections available for each I/O device tree

Tree Icon Edit Menu Selection

Add Sercos Device

Add I/O Module

or Remove Drive
Modify Drive

Add I/O Module

Remove I/O Station
Modify I/O Station

Reco I/O Module Remove I/O Module

Modify I/O Module

IndraDrive and Diax I/O Module

EcoDrive I/O Module

Sercos Inline Coupler Modify I/O Station

Rexroth Inline I/O Module Modify I/O Station

Table 7-29: Edit Menu Selections

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-69

Add Sercos Device

Select the appropriate Sercos device to add to the I/O Configuration. The
following selections are available:
• RMK I/O Controller
• Diax Drive with I/O Module
• EcoDrive with Eco-X I/O Module
• IndraDrive with MD1 I/O Module

Note: The Reco I/O modules on the PPC controls rack are
configured as part of the PLC Configuration in IndraLogic.

I/O Station Setup

RMK I/O Controllers, Sercos Inline couplers and digital drives use the
selected Sercos address set on the front of the unit.

Note: Registers can not be assigned to digital drives for status and
diagnostic purposes. Only I/O modules installed in digital
drives can be assigned registers.

The Diagnostic Register section is used to assign a register for

monitoring the status of the I/O station. Click on the Select/View
Register button to add a register number to the I/O station.
The Register Assignment window displays the available registers in the
current project. Select the desired register number and click the OK
button. The number of required registers will be automatically highlighted.

Note: The assignment of I/O registers to Sercos devices and I/O

modules can be performed when adding the devices or by
selecting Edit ⇒ Auto-Assign Registers after all the devices
are configured.

Add I/O Module

Select the type of I/O module to configure for a RMK I/O Controller or
digital drive. The Add I/O Module selection is only available when a RMK
I/O Controller or digital drive is selected in the tree structure. The number
of assigned registers in a VisualMotion I/O system is based on the
configured I/O modules.

Note: Sercos Inline I/O modules cannot be added to the I/O

configuration. The Inline modules are uploaded only when the
I/O Setup Tool is launched in online mode.

7-70 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

RMK I/O Controller I/O Modules

The following I/O modules are available for the RMK I/O Controllers.

Type (radio button) Selection Description Registers Used

Analog RMC02.2-2E-1A Reco 02 Analog Module 4
(2 Inputs / 1 output)
Digital Input RME02.2-16-DC024 Reco 02 Digital 16 Input Module 1
RME02.2-16-AC115 Reco 02 Digital 16 Input Module 1
RME02.2-32-DC024 Reco 02 Digital 32 Input Module 2
Digital Output RMA02.2-16-DC024-200 Reco 02 Digital 16 Output Module 1
RMA02.2-16-DC024-100 Reco 02 Digital 16 Output Module 1
RMA02.2-32-DC024-050 Reco 02 Digital 32 Output Module 2
RMA02.2-16-RE230-200 Reco 02 Digital 16 Output Module 1
RMA02.2-16-AC230-200 Reco 02 Digital 16 Output Module 1

Table 7-30: Local Reco and RMK I/O Controller I/O Modules

Diax03/04 Digital Drive I/O Modules

The following I/O modules are available for Diax03/04 digital drives.

Type (radio button) Selection Description Registers Used

Analog Input DAE02.1 Analog Input Module 2
(2 inputs – 14 bit @ 10V)
DRF02.1 Analog Input Module 2
(2 inputs – 12 bit @ 10V)
Digital (Input/Output) DEA4.1 Digital Drive 15 Inputs/16 Outputs Module 2
DEA5.1 Digital Drive 15 Inputs/16 Outputs Module 2
DEA6.1 Digital Drive 15 Inputs/16 Outputs Module 2
DEA8.1 Digital Drive 32 Inputs/24 Outputs Module 4
DEA9.1 Digital Drive 32 Inputs/24 Outputs Module 4
DEA10.1 Digital Drive 32 Inputs/24 Outputs Module 4

Table 7-31: Diax03/04 Digital Drive I/O Modules

IndraDrive with MD1 I/O Module

The MD1 I/O module is only supported with the IndraDrive advanced
interface. It provides 12 inputs and 8 outputs at 24VDC.

EcoDrive 03 Eco-X I/O Module

The EMD module is an expansion I/O module that interfaces with the
DKC22.3 using the EcoX bus system. EcoX communication is designed
for a DKC22.3 digital drive using SGP20 firmware. Refer to the
VisualMotion 11 Project Planning manual for details.

Remove I/O Station (Remove Drive)

Select the I/O station (Local Reco, RMK I/O Controller or Digital Drive) to
be removed from the I/O configuration. The Remove I/O Station or Drive
selection is only available when a RMK I/O Controller or a digital drive is
selected in the tree structure.

Note: Any I/O modules configured under the selected I/O station will
also be removed.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-71

Modify I/O Station (Modify Drive)

Select the I/O station (Digital Drive, RMK I/O Controller or Sercos Inline
Coupler) to modify. The Modify I/O Station or Drive selection is only
available when a digital drive, RMK I/O Controller or Sercos Inline Coupler
is selected in the tree structure. Only the address and register
assignment of an I/O station can be modified. Sercos Inline I/O Couplers
have an additional checkbox for disabling the diagnostic register.

Remove I/O Module

Select the I/O module to be removed from an I/O station or digital drive.
The Remove I/O Module selection is only available when a Reco or
digital drive I/O module is selected in the tree structure.

Modify I/O Module

Select the I/O module to be modified in the I/O station, digital drive, or
Sercos Inline Coupler. The Modify I/O Module selection is only available
when a Reco, digital drive, or Rexroth Inline module is selected in the tree
structure. Only the I/O module’s slot (Reco only) and register assignment
can be modified.

Auto-Assign Registers
This menu selection allows the user to add default starting registers to all
configured I/O devices. Used registers are displayed with an icon within
each register number when selecting View ⇒ Display Register Usage.


Fig. 7-73: Auto Assign Registers to I/O

Reco I/O Error Reaction

This menu selection allows the user to select one of the following error
reactions for all Reco I/O modules in a system. The error codes
displayed on the control dependent on the set Reco error reaction.

7-72 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Error Reaction Description

Ignore Errors This setting will not stop motion to the system, but indicate a condition in the I/O Setup Tool.
No errors are displayed on the control.
Generate a Warning This setting will not stop motion, but error diagnostic “215 Reco I/O Failure, see ext. diag”
is displayed on the control.
Generate Fatal Error If an error is detected on any Reco I/O module, all motion to the system is stopped and error
(Default Setting) code diagnostic "544 Reco I/O Failure, see ext. diag" is displayed. This code remains on
the control until the error is corrected and the system is restarted.

Table 7-32: Reco I/O Error Reaction Settings

Reco 02 Error Detection

I/O Configurations consists of a Sercos device (RMK I/O Controller or
digital drive) and individual I/O modules. Two diagnostic registers are
assigned to each RMK I/O Controller for use as a 32-bit status word for
monitoring the status of each configured module. Reco 02 I/O status
words are scanned every Sercos cycle scan time (2 or 4 ms).
The following figure shows the bit structure for reporting errors and
indicating the module at fault. The lower 16-bits specify the Reco rack
slot number in which the I/O module error exists. Bit 0 refers to Reco
rack slot 0 and bit 15 refers Reco rack slot 15. Refer to Slot Addressing
of the RMB02.2 Racks in the VisualMotion 11 Project Planning manual
for details.

2nd Register 1st Register

RECO Bus Diagnostic Module Diagnostic Module Address (Rack Slot Number)
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Bits (24 + 29) = 1 1 = 24V Missing Error

Incorrect Module Found

1 = Cyclic Communication Error

1 = Module Initialization Error

1 = No Error 0 = Not Responding

Fig. 7-74: 32-bit Reco Status Word

The following table describes all supported errors for Reco 02 modules.
Reco 02 I/O errors, other than the 24V Missing error, can only be
cleared/reset by cycling power to the control after correcting the cause of
the problem.

Reco 02 Error Description

No Error All configured Reco modules were found and working properly.
Not Responding This error is normally generated at the Reco controller level.
24V Missing Output module is missing 24V supply. Verify that all output module connectors are
properly connected to 24V.
Incorrect Module Found The I/O module identified does not match the original I/O Configuration.
Cyclic Communication A cyclic communication error occurred in the I/O module identified in the Module
Module Initialization An error occurred during the initialization of the I/O module. Contact Bosch Rexroth

Table 7-33: Reco 02 Error Description

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-73

When a Reco error is issued, the Sercos device and I/O module name
are displayed as bold text in the left window and as red text in the right

Note: Digital drive I/O module errors are not monitored by

VisualMotion. I/O module errors are reported directly to the
digital drive. Refer to the appropriate Digital Drive
documentation for parallel I/O module errors.

The View Menu

The View menu is used to increase the overall size of the work area by
allowing the user to toggle the Toolbar and Status area on or off. A check
to the right of the name indicates that the item is active.

Selecting View ⇒ Toolbar turns the icon toolbar on or off. The icon
toolbar contains standard Windows commands. The icons available
vary based on the mode of communication, as illustrated in Fig. 7-75.


Fig. 7-75: I/O Setup Toolbar

Status Bar
Selecting View ⇒ Status Bar turns the status indicator at the bottom of
the window on or off. The status bar contains icon description text to the
left, downloading and uploading percentage (when in service mode) and
communication mode to the right.

Icon Description Text Downloading Communication

Percentage Mode


Fig. 7-76: I/O Configuration Status Bar

Display Register Usage

Each register assigned to an I/O device can have a maximum of 16 input
or output points. Some registers are reserved for system functions, while
others are recommended as defaults.
Selecting View ⇒ Display Register Usage opens a window indicating
what system registers contain labels. Any registers that have been
assigned to any Reco, Drive I/O or Sercos Inline will be displayed as input
or output. System reserved registers display red crosshatches behind

7-74 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

each I/O icon. Label names appear in the field just below the icons for
the selected register, as shown in Fig. 7-77. Register labels can be
assigned and edited by selecting Edit ⇒ VM Data from VisualMotion
Toolkit’s main menu.


Fig. 7-77: I/O configuration Register Usage

Monitor Status F7
This menu selection enables the monitoring of I/O status. This feature
can be also be enabled using the eye-glass icon .

The Tools Menu

The Tools menu selection is only available for service mode. In project
mode, the communication settings are handled by the project. Selecting
Tools opens the Control Selection window. Refer to section 13.10 in
volume 2 of the VisualMotion Functional Description for details.

The Help Menu

Selecting Help ⇒ Contents F1 opens the I/O Configuration portion in the
VisualMotion help system.
Selecting Help ⇒ About… displays VisualMotion Toolkit version,
licensed and contact information. Clicking the Release Notes… button
opens a PDF file of the current firmware version release notes. For a
listing of Bosch Rexroth Service and Support locations throughout the
World, click the Support button.


Fig. 7-78: About I/O Configuration Window

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-75

7.3 Sercos Drive Telegram Utility

This utility provides the user with a convenient and comprehensive
interface for viewing and configuring the AT (Drive Telegram) and MDT
(Master Data Telegram).
The AT and MDT are comprised of parameter numbers (IDNs) from
various drive parameters. Some IDNs displayed in the AT and MDT are
automatically configured based on the control's primary and secondary
modes of operation. User configurable IDNs can be added to each
telegram. User configurable IDNs and data are placed within axis
parameters. The user configurable IDNs are labeled as Optional
Feedback ID for the AT and Optional Command ID for the MDT.
Refer to Axis Parameters used by AT and MDT on page 7-80 for details.

AT (Drive Telegram)
The AT is a block of drive data transmitted cyclically to the control every
Sercos cycle. The configurable data block of the AT contains a 2-byte
drive status word, variable length drive dependent parameters that are
automatically configured based on the mode of operation and a user
configurable data block.

Note: The AT's configurable data block size limitation is dependent

upon the connected drive and drive firmware. Refer to the
relevant Digital Drive documentation for the actual size
limitation of the AT.

VisualMotion controls allow up to 5 variable length drive dependent

parameters to be added to the user configurable data block of the AT.
EcoDrive 03 Drives:
DKC02.3 drives using SGP/SMT firmware have a 16-byte (8 word) limit
for the configurable data block. If the length of the data that the user adds
exceeds this limit, the cyclic multiplex channel is automatically activated.
Refer to Multiplex (MUX) Channel (DKC 2.3 only) on page 7-80 for
Diax 04 Drives:
Diax 04 drives using SSE/ELS firmware have a 24-byte (12 word) limit
and do not have a multiplex channel. Since Diax 04 drives have a much
larger configurable data block for the AT, adding 5 drive parameters will
not exceed the 24-byte limit.
IndraDrive Drives:
IndraDrive drives using MPH02 firmware have a 32-byte (16 word) limit
and do not have a multiplex channel. Since IndraDrive drives have a
much larger configurable data block for the AT, adding 5 drive parameters
will not exceed the 32-byte limit.

Drive Status Word

The Drive Status Word (S-0-0135) is part of the AT's configurable data
block and contains drive status information transmitted to the control.
The following table describes the bits of the drive status word.

Bit Description
2–0 Control Information for Sercos service channel
5 Bit change command
7–6 Real-time status bits 1 and 2

7-76 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Bit Description
9–8 actual type of operation
00: primary mode of operation
01: secondary mode of operation
11 Bit change class 3 diagnostic
12 Bit change class 2 diagnostic
13 Drive lock, error in class 1 diagnostic
15 – 14 Ready to operate:
00: Drive not ready for power to be switched on because internal
checks not positively connected
10: Control and power supply ready for operation, torque free
01: Ready to switch on power
11: In Operation, under torque

Table 7-34: S-0-0135 Drive Status Word

Configurable AT Data Block

The contents of the AT telegram are automatically set by the control
based on axis configuration options and the settings in the Sercos drive
telegram utility.

MDT (Master Data Telegram)

The MDT is a block of control data transmitted cyclically to the drives
every Sercos cycle. The configurable data block of the MDT contains a 2-
byte master control word, variable length drive dependent parameters that
are automatically configured based on the mode of operation and a user
configurable data block.

Note: The MDT's configurable data block size limitation is dependent

upon the connected drive and drive firmware. Refer to the
relevant Digital Drive documentation for the actual size
limitation of the MDT.

VisualMotion controls allow up to 5 variable length drive dependent

parameters to be added to the user configurable data block of the MDT.
EcoDrive 03 Drives:
DKC02.3 drives using SGP/SMT firmware have a 16-byte (8 word) limit
for the configurable data block. If the length of the data that the user adds
exceeds this limit, the cyclic multiplex channel is automatically activated.
Refer to Multiplex (MUX) Channel (DKC 2.3 only) on page 7-80 for
Diax 04 Drives:
Diax 04 drives using SSE/ELS firmware have a 32-byte (16 word) limit
and do not have a multiplex channel. Since Diax 04 drives have a much
larger configurable data block for the MDT, adding 5 drive parameters will
not exceed the 32-byte limit.
IndraDrive Drives:
IndraDrive drives using MPH02 firmware have a 32-byte (16 word) limit
and do not have a multiplex channel. Since IndraDrive drives have a
much larger configurable data block for the MDT, adding 5 drive
parameters will not exceed the 32-byte limit.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-77

Master Control Word

The Master Control Word (S-0-0134) is part of the MDT's configurable
data block and contains control data transmitted to the drives. The
following table describes the bits in the master control word.

Bit Description
5–0 Control Information for Service Channel
7–6 Real-time Control Bits 1 and 2
9–8 Command Mode
00: primary mode
01: auxiliary modes
10 IPOSYNC: interpolator pulse, toggles if new command values to be
13 Drive HALT, 1⇒ 0 transition, standstill of drive while maintaining
max. acceleration(S-0-0138
(only possible if bits 14 and 15 set to 1)
14 Drive ENABLE, 1⇒ 0 transition, torque off without delay
(independent of bit 15 or 13)
15 Drive ON, 1⇒ 0 transition, best possible standstill (only possible if
bit 14 set to 1)

Table 7-35: S-0-0134 Master Control Word

Configurable MDT Data Block

The contents of the MDT are automatically set by the control based on
axis configuration options and the settings in the Sercos drive telegram

7-78 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Displaying the Contents of the AT and MDT

To launch the Sercos Drive Telegram Utility, select Data ⇒ Parameters
⇒ Edit… Using the parameter tree structure, expand the Sercos Ring to
display the active drives. Expanding each drive icon displays the AT and
MDT selections. Parameters that are operational mode specific are
displayed in gray and user configurable data blocks in black.


Fig. 7-79: Sercos Drive AT and MDT

Configuring the AT and MDT

Use the following steps to add parameter IDNs to the AT or MDT.

Note: The control must be switched to parameter mode to add or

modify user configurable IDNs.

1. Open either the AT or MDT to display the contents of the telegram.

2. Double-click a user configurable IDN or right-click and select Edit to
open the "List of configurable data" window of the selected telegram.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-79


Fig. 7-80: Adding a Parameter IDN

Note: The list of configurable data for each telegram is provided in

the following drive parameters:
• S-0-0187 for the AT
• S-0-0188 for the MDT

3. Select the desired parameter from the list and click the OK button. A
message will appear notifying the user that changes take effect in
phase 4.
4. Select the next user configurable IDN and repeat the process.
5. Switch the control to phase 4, right-click any parameter IDN in the
telegram, select Refresh of press the F5 key to display the configured
Fig. 7-81 displays the configured telegram with user configured IDNs in

Note: To remove a user configured IDN, switch the control to

parameter mode, right-click over the IDN and select Remove.
Refresh the window to display the optional default IDN.


Fig. 7-81: Configured Telegram

7-80 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Axis Parameters used by AT and MDT

A user configured parameter IDN is placed in an axis parameter. The
data for the configured parameter IDN is accessed from a different axis
parameter. The Sercos telegram displays the axis parameter from where
the data is retrieved under the Description column.

User Configured AT
The user can place up to 5 additional parameters into the user
configurable data block of the AT. The corresponding axis parameters
containing the parameter's IDN and data are listed in the following table.

User Configured AT (Drive Telegram) Data Location

User Configured Data Parameter Ident Data Accessed
Optional Feedback ID #1 A-0-0185 A-0-0195
Optional Feedback ID #2 A-0-0186 A-0-0196
Optional Feedback ID #3 A-0-0187 A-0-0197
Optional Feedback ID #4 A-0-0188 A-0-0198
Optional Feedback ID #5 A-0-0189 A-0-0199

Table 7-36: User Configured AT Data

User Configured MDT

The user can place up to 5 additional parameters into the user
configurable data block of the MDT. The corresponding axis parameters
containing the parameter's IDN and data are listed in the following table.

User Configured MDT (Drive Telegram) Data Location

User Configured Data Parameter Ident Data Accessed
Optional Command ID #1 A-0-0180 A-0-0190
Optional Command ID #2 A-0-0181 A-0-0191
Optional Command ID #3 A-0-0182 A-0-0192
Optional Command ID #4 A-0-0183 A-0-0193
Optional Command ID #5 A-0-0184 A-0-0194

Table 7-37: User Configured AT Data

Multiplex (MUX) Channel (DKC 2.3 only)

The MUX channel is a feature of DKC02.3 drive firmware and was
designed to overcome the limited 16-byte data container length of the AT
and MDT. The MUX channel is either enabled by the selection of the
Drive PLS Fast Write Feature or enabled automatically when the AT or
MDT exceed the 16-byte limit. Once enabled, the MUX channel
reconstructs the AT and MDT to place predetermined parameter IDNs
into the user configurable portion of the telegram and the remaining IDNs
into the MUX channel.
The MUX IDNs are placed in a circular queue. Every Sercos cycle, the
index for each queue is incremented and one IDN and corresponding
data from the MDT MUX queue is written to the drive and one IDN from
the AT MUX queue is requested from the drive. The following AT read
cycle updates the data location for that AT MUX IDN. The number of
IDNs in the circular queue will determine how many Sercos cycles occur
before the data is updated.
The following parameters and registers are associated with the MUX

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-81

Parameter or Register Description

A-0-0004, Bit 8 = 1 enables Drive PLS Fast Write
A-0-0200 read-only lists of all IDNs that can be placed into
A-0-0201 the MUX for AT and MDT
A-0-0202 holds the circular MUX queues for the AT and
A-0-0203 MDT
S-0-0360 holds the data for the MUX channel parameter for
S-0-0364 the AT and MDT
S-0-0362 holds the list of indexes for MUX channel list
S-0-0366 parameters
S-0-0368, Bits 0-5 holds the index into A-0-0202 and A-0-0203 for
S-0-0368, Bits 8-13 the AT and MDT
S-0-0370 holds copies for A-0-0200 and A-0-0201 for the
S-0-0371 AT and MDT
Registers 31-38, 309-340 bit 1 shows the status of the MUX channel
and 441-464 enabled for axes 1-8, 9-40 and 41-64

Table 7-38: Multiplexing Parameters

Telegram Options
The following telegram options are available when right-clicking on any
user configurable data:
The Edit and Remove selections are only visible when right-clicking on
user configurable data while in parameter mode. The telegram option
selections are only available in parameter mode and require a system P2
⇒ P4 transition for the modifications to take effect.

This selection is used to open the telegram's list of configurable data for
adding an allowable parameter IDN to the telegram's user configurable
data block.

This selection is used to remove a user configured parameter IDN from
the selected telegram.

Refresh (F5)
This selection refreshes the contents of the telegram window to display
any recent changes.

Axis Options
The Axis Options window is used to add a specific parameter IDN
,regardless of the mode of operation, to the cyclic data as well as enable
features such as the Multiplex channel. Refer to axis parameter A-0-0004
for details.

Axis Option Function

Optional Cyclic Data sets A-0-0004, Bit 6 to 1
Drive PLS Fast Write sets A-0-0004, Bit 8 to 1
Position Using Secondary Encoder sets A-0-0004, Bit 11 to 1
Configure Minimum Cyclic Data sets A-0-0004, Bit 14 to 1

Table 7-39: Axis Options

7-82 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

ELS Options
The ELS Options window is used to set several options for the ELS or
CAM motion. It is also used to remove specific parameter IDNs from the
cyclic data. Refer to axis parameters A-0-0004 and A-0-0164 for details.

ELS Option Function

Remove Dynamic Phase Offset sets A-0-0164, Bit 2 to 1
Remove MFG Class 3 Diagnostics sets A-0-0164, Bit 3 to 1
Remove Target Position sets A-0-0164, Bit 4 to 1
ELS Secondary Mode sets A-0-0164, Bit 9 to 1

Table 7-40: ELS Options

System Options
The System Options window is used to enable a 4Mbps Sercos
transmission rate, set a Sercos refresh delay, and set the minimum
Sercos cycle time. Refer to control parameters C-0-0010, C-0-0098 and
C-0-0099 for details.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-83

7.4 Drive Commissioning

VisualMotion 11 software, when used in combination with GPP 11 or
GMP 11 firmware, uses DriveTop, a software application designed for
commissioning and configuring Rexroth digital drives.

Note: Earlier versions of GPP firmware, such as GPP8 or GPP7

launch the Drive Parameter Editor tool. Refer to VisualMotion
8 Application manual for information on the Drive Parameter

VisualMotion 11 uses an integrated version of DriveTop (16V06) software.
During VisualMotion installation, DriveTop is automatically installed.
Initial setup of the drive parameters must be performed in the control
before complete drive parameterization can be performed.

Note: It is recommended that no stand-alone version of DriveTop be

installed on the PC.

Use the following steps to start DriveTop and begin drive commissioning:
1. Open VisualMotion Toolkit, with a valid project, and switch the project
to online mode.
2. Clear any drive errors that may exist.
3. Transition the drives from parameter mode to operation mode.

Note: Transitioning the drive from parameter mode to phase 4

configures the drives with the correct operating modes.

4. Start the commissioning process by selecting Commission ⇒ Drive



Fig. 7-82: Drives – Project Window

5. Double-click on a drive to open the Drive Status window in DriveTop.

7-84 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1


Fig. 7-83: Main DriveTop window

The default settings that appear in all of the DriveTop windows are
dependent on the motor/drive combination that is currently being
commissioned. Since all of the settings in DriveTop are related to actual
drive parameter settings, the Help buttons in the different DriveTop
windows are designed to launch help on the parameters that are used in
the currently opened window.

DriveTop Wizard
When commissioning a drive for the first time, the DriveTop wizard can
be used to guide the user through the necessary steps.
To launch the DriveTop wizard:
1. Pick a drive to commission from the Drive: drop-down list and select
Setup ⇒ Initial start-up drive…
2. Click on the Start setup button to start the process.
3. Click Next> in the Warning window indicating that standard
parameter values in the drive will be overwritten if you continue.

Note: Clicking the Next > button in any window continues the wizard.
At any point, clicking the Exit button accepts any modifications
made and ends the wizard. All windows available in the wizard
can be found under the Drive Functions menu selection.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-85

7.5 Jogging
The jog tool is used to jog an axis in manual or automatic mode while the
project is in online or service mode. Only axes assigned to a
VisualMotion task and configured or switched to either Velocity or Single
Axis operating modes can be jogged using this tool.

Note: An axis that is assigned to IndraLogic cannot be jogged using

this tool. The PLC program must access the relevant jogging
parameters in order to jog the axis. Refer to Axis
Configuration on page 7-14 for details.

The jog tool is launched by selecting Tools ⇒ Jogging… The Jog

window displays the Axis-mode, the current feedback position for the
active axis, the task assignment and the current system status messages
and extended diagnostics.


Fig. 7-84: Jog Window

Note: Coordinated Motion axes cannot be jog using this tool and
must be jogged in manual mode using the Task Jog registers
007-010 for task A-D, respectively.

Any axis configured for velocity or single axis mode can be jogged in
manual mode.
To jog an axis in automatic mode, control parameter C-0-0011, bit 11
must be set to 1. By default C-0-0011, bit 11 is set to 0 and can only be
modified when the system is switched to parameter mode.

7-86 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Independent Axis Movement When Jogging in

Automatic Mode
⇒ If an axis is jogged while the task is running and
WARNING C-0-0011, bit 11 is set to 1, the axis can be manually
jogged in either direction but will no longer be part of
the running program. The program must be stopped
and restarted to synchronize the axis to the program.
It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that an
axis running in the program is properly stopped
before manually jogging the axis.

Before jogging an axis, set the desired axis jogging, system jogging and
task options to the desired behavior.

Holding down the jog reverse or jog forward buttons,

respectively, changes the state of bit 3 (Jog_Reverse) or bit 2
(Jog_Forward) in the Axis_Control Register.
A low-to-high (0-1) transition on these bits causes motion to start in the
negative (bit 3) or positive (bit 2) direction. A high-to-low (1-0) transition
immediately stops the motion. Motion is also stopped when the task
mode selection changes, or when a travel limit or incremental distance is

Jogging Options
Selecting the Options menu opens the Jogging Options window where
the axis option, system option and task options can be configured.

Axis Options
Selecting the Axis Options tab displays the distance and speed setting for
all axes.


Fig. 7-85: “Axis Options” Window

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-87

The Axis Jogging Options allows input of the maximum jog distance and
speed. The maximum distance value is stored in parameter A-0-0025.
The maximum speed is stored in parameter A-0-0026. The large/small
increment values and the fast/slow velocities are calculated according to
the values entered under the System Options tab.

System Options
Selecting the System Options tab displays the distance and speed
percentages that are used to calculate the actual speed and distance for


Fig. 7-86: “System Options” Window

The System Options window is used for setting the increments and
velocities used for fast and slow jogging. The Increment data area is
used to set the Large and Small percentage of the maximum distance for
a single-step jog operation. The maximum is defined by axis parameter
A-0-0025, Maximum Jog Increment. Similarly, the Speed data area is
used to set the Fast and Slow jog speeds as a percentage of the
maximum velocity, which is defined by axis parameter A-0-0026,
Maximum Jog Velocity.
The values are stored in the following parameter locations:
• Large Increment - C-0-0052
• Small Increment - C-0-0053
• Fast Speed - C-0-0055
• Slow Speed - C-0-0056

7-88 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Task Options
Selecting the Task Options tab displays the setting for Jog Type and Jog


Fig. 7-87: “Task Options” Window

The Task Options tab allows the user to select the Jog Type and Rate.
The Type can be Distance (incremental) or Speed (continuous). The
selected jog type takes effect with the next transition on the jog forward or
reverse buttons. The following table lists the drive's operating mode
based on the selected jog type:

Jog Type Functionality Drive's Operating Mode

Distance jogging motion stops after the large switches to single axis
or small travel limit is reached during jog
Speed jogging motion continues until the switches to velocity mode
jog button is released or the travel during jog
limit is reached

Table 7-41: Jog Type

The Rate can be Large/Fast or Small/Slow. When Distance is selected,

the options are Large or Small. When Speed is selected, the options are
Fast or Slow.
Refer to the relevant Task Jog Control Register, Bits 1 and 6 for details.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-89

Control Selection
The Tools menu selection is only available for service mode. In project
mode, the communication settings are handled by the project. Selecting
Tools opens the Control Selection window. Refer to section 13.10 in
volume 2 of the VisualMotion Functional Description for details.

Position Limits
Position Limits Enabled
When a jog forward is started, the control sets the target position of the
axis to the positive travel limit. When a reverse jog is started, the target
position is set to the negative travel limit. When the jog is stopped, the
target velocity is set to zero, but the target position remains at the travel

Position Limits Not Enabled - Diax03, Version 04 and

On Diax03 drives, version 4 and later, the drive is switched to velocity
mode. The ramps are generated internally by the drive using the axis jog
acceleration parameter A-0-0023.
Before performing single-axis positioning using the axis_move command,
it is necessary to execute the els_mode command to switch the drive
back into single-axis mode. A cycle stop followed by a cycle start will also
reset the drives to single-axis mode.

Position Limits Not Enabled - Other Drives

The drive remains in single-axis mode. The control will continually
increase or decrease the target position by a small amount to keep the
drive moving, until the jog is stopped. It sets the acceleration to a value
high enough so that the drive does not decelerate. The jog acceleration
parameter will be used only if it is lower that this value.

7-90 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Jog Commands for HMI Devices

Windows based HMI devices can safely jog an axis by writing to axis
control registers using DDE (ASCII Protocol) or OPC commands. The
following figure shows the communication layers between an HMI
application and the control. The commands described in this section are
"write-only" and are transmitted from the client to the server.

PC communicating via VM DDE Server PC communicating via SCP Server

Windows based Windows based

HMI software
Client Layer HMI software


VisualMotion Dde Server Layer

ASCII Protocol via RS232, SIS Protocol via RS232,

RS485 or PCI Bus RS485 or PCI Bus

PPC-P11.1 PPC-P11.1
GMP 11 GMP 11

ASCII Protocol via RS232, SIS Protocol via RS232,

RS485 or EtherNet RS485 or EtherNet

PPC-R22.1 PPC-R22.1

GPP 11 GPP 11

Fig. 7-88: VM Dde and SCP Communication Overview

Jog Commands
The following table is an overview of the DDE and OPC jog commands
that are supported by VisualMotion. Although control registers can be
modified by other methods, the protection of a communication timeout
period (i.e., "Safe Jogging") is only available when using the following

DDE Command OPC Command

Item Data Item string Synch/Asynch Write Description
JA X1,X2,X3 1 Device Name, VJA,X1,X2,X3 1 jog command without error detection
JB X1,X2,X3 1 Device Name, VJB,X1,X2,X3 1 jog command with error detection
JC X1,X2,X3 0 Device Name, VJC,X1,X2,X3 0 cancel jog immediately
X1 – always 0
X2 – axis control register number
X3 – axis control register bit
Table 7-42: Dde and OPC Jog Commands

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-91

Relevant Axis Control Registers

The following table lists the axis control registers that can be used for

Register Number Axis Number

11 – 18 Axis 1 – Axis 8
209 – 240 Axis 9 – Axis 40
441-464 Axis 41 – Axis 64

Table 7-43: Axis Control Registers

Jog an Axis via DDE

The DDE interface in the VisualMotion Dde and SCP servers support
three DDE (ASCII Protocol) commands for safely jogging an axis via the
respective axis control register while in manual mode. To jog an axis in
automatic mode, refer to Jogging on page 7-85 for details.
The jogging of an axis via a DDE command is timed by the
communication time-out period value in control parameter C-0-0016. If a
jog command is unexpectedly cutoff during transmission (i.e., the serial
cable is removed during transmission), the axis will stop jogging when the
communication time-out value in C-0-0016 is reached.

Jog without Error Detection

While jogging an axis using the JA command if the communication
time-out period is reached before a new JA command is sent, the axis will
stop and no error is reported to the control.

Jog with Error Detection

The JB command is identical to the JA command but differs in that if the
time-out period is reached, error "504 Communication Timeout" is
reported and logged in the control.

Jog an Axis To safely jog an axis using a DDE command,

via the Dde Interface 1. Set the communication time-out period (C-0-0016) to a value between
50 and 2000 ms (default = 2000).
2. Switch the Task_Control register assigned to the relevant axis to
manual mode by setting the Mode_Auto_nManual bit to 1.
3. Send the following Item and Data to the DDE interface:

Item Data

JA 0.11.2 1
Bit State: 1 = ON
Bit No.: 2 = Jog_Forward
3 = Jog_Reverse
Register No.: Axis_Control
Program No.: Always 0 (Current Program)
JA: Jog Axis without Error Detection
JB: Jog Axis with Error Detection

Fig. 7-89: Jog an Axis via Dde

7-92 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Note: To keep an axis jogging, the application must keep sending a

JA or JB command to the control within the set time in

Cancel Jog Immediately To stop an axis that is currently jogging, the application can stop sending
via Dde Interface the JA or JB commands and wait for the communication time-out period
(C-0-0016) to be reached or send the following JC command to
immediately stop the axis:

Item Data

JC 0.11.2 0
Bit State: 0 = OFF
Bit No.: 2 = Jog_Forward
3 = Jog_Reverse
Register No.: Axis_Control
Program No.: Always 0 (Current Program)
JC: Cancel Jog Immediately

Fig. 7-90: Cancel a Dde Jog Command

Jog an Axis via OPC

The OPC interface in the SCP server supports three commands for safely
jogging an axis via the relevant axis control register. These commands
function the same as the DDE timed transmission commands JA, JB and
JC but use a slightly different syntax structure as follows:

SCP Device Name, SCP-Command

Refer to OPC Item Structure in section 18.9 of volume 2 for details.

Jog an Axis via OPC Interface To safely jog an axis using an OPC command,
1. Set the communication time-out period (C-0-0016) to a value between
50 and 2000 ms (default = 2000).
2. Switch the Task_Control register assigned to the relevant axis to
manual mode by setting the Mode_Auto_nManual bit to 1.
3. Send the following OPC Item and Synch/Asynch Write command:

Item String Synch/Asynch Write

VisualMotion, VJA,0,11,2 1
Bit No.: 2 = Jog_Forward
3 = Jog_Reverse
Register No.: Axis_Control
Program No.: Always 0 (Current Program)
JA: Jog Axis without Error Detection
JB: Jog Axis with Error Detection
SCP Device Name (user-defined)

Fig. 7-91: Jog an Axis via OPC

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-93

Note: To keep an axis jogging, the application must keep sending an

OPC synch/asynch write command to the control within the set
time in C-0-0016.

Cancel Jog Immediately To stop an axis that is currently jogging, the application can stop sending
via OPC Interface the OPC command and wait for the communication time-out period
(C-0-0016) to be reached or send the following OPC Item and
Synch/Asynch Write command:

Item String Synch/Asynch Write

VisualMotion, VJC,0,11,2 0
Bit No.: 2 = Jog_Forward
3 = Jog_Reverse
Register No.: Axis_Control
Program No.: Always 0 (Current Program)
JC: Cancel Jog Immediately

SCP Device Name (user-defined)

Fig. 7-92: Cancel an OPC Jog Command

7-94 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

7.6 Profibus Fieldbus Slave Interface

General Information
Version Note:
Information in this document is based on VisualMotion Toolkit
software version 10VRS and PPC-R firmware version GPP

Note: Fieldbus master devices are configured using IndraLogic, refer

to Configuring a Profibus Fieldbus Master on page 7-36 for

VisualMotion 11 software is downward compatible with GPP firmware,

but, depending on the hardware platform selected, the type of fieldbus
communication selection may be limited. The following table lists the
fieldbus firmware versions and the available fieldbus interfaces for each

Profibus • • • No
Fieldbus Slave

Table 7-44: Fieldbus Firmware Version and Interface Type

Note: For fieldbus hardware information, refer to the VisualMotion 11

Project Planning Manual.

PPC-R System Description with a Fieldbus

The PPC-R can operate on a serial fieldbus interface (network) by means
of a fieldbus expansion card that communicates with the PPC-R via dual-
port RAM. The function of the fieldbus card is similar to that of a network
card in a PC; it allows communication with other devices on the network.
In Fig. 7-93, a typical fieldbus interface is illustrated with the following:
• Fieldbus Master - PLC fieldbus interface
• Fieldbus Slave - PPC-R fieldbus interface
In this document, we will refer to the PLC as the fieldbus master and the
PPC-R as the fieldbus slave.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-95


Fig. 7-93: Sample Master/Slave Setup with Fieldbus Card

With the PPC-R, the fieldbus card can be used only as a slave card in a
master/slave setup.

The VisualMotion Fieldbus Mapper

In the VisualMotion software package, the Fieldbus Mapper is a tool used
to set up fieldbus configuration and data mapping. Fieldbus hardware
platform selections are made through the Fieldbus Mapper window with
VisualMotion Toolkit in Service Mode. To select the Fieldbus hardware
1. Open VisualMotion in Service Mode, indicated by the service mode
symbol ( ) in the lower right corner of the VisualMotion
Toolkit window.
2. Select Commission ⇒ Fieldbus Mapper to open the FBMapper

3. Click or select File ⇒ New to open the Fieldbus Slave Definition

When a hardware platform is selected, only the fieldbus types available
for that platform can be selected, refer to Table 7-44.

Data Transfer Direction (Output vs. Input)

In the VisualMotion Fieldbus Mapper, output and input are always
described with respect to the fieldbus master. The definitions for output
and input are:
output: the communication from the PLC to the PPC-R (i.e. from the
fieldbus master to the fieldbus slave).
Synonyms for this type of communication: send or write data.
input: the communication from the PPC-R to the PLC (i.e. from the
fieldbus slave to the fieldbus master).
Synonyms for this type of communication: receive or read data.

Fieldbus Data Channel Descriptions

The Rexroth Profibus fieldbus interface card for the PPC-R supports the
cyclic (DP) channel, which is made up of the following two parts:
• Real-Time Channel (for single and multiplex channels)
• Parameter Channel (for systems requiring non-cyclic transmissions)

7-96 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Cyclic (DP) Channel Cyclic data is user-defined. It is stored in two ordered lists (C-0-2600 for
input data, C-0-2601 for output data) and transmitted serially over the bus.
The cyclic data channel is limited to 64 input words and 64 output words.
PPC-R data types consume these words in either one-word (or 16-bit)
groups for PPC-R registers or two-word (or 32-bit) groups for all other
data types.
The PPC-R mapping list is scanned every 4 ms and data is sent and
received to/from the fieldbus slave board's dual port RAM.
The cyclic data channel can be made up of any combination of the
following data types:
• Real-Time Channel
− Single Channel
− Multiplex Channel
• Parameter Channel

word 31 word 0

Multiplex Channel Parameter Channel

Real-Time Channel

Cyclic (DP) Channel

word 1
word 31 word 0 3 or 5 word 0

Multiplex Channel Only Parameter Channel Only

Real-Time Channel Basic (NO Real-Time Channel)

Cyclic (DP) Channel Configurations

Cyclic (DP) Channel

word 31 word 0

Single Channel Only

Real-Time Channel

Cyclic (DP) Channel

word 31 word 0 word 31 word 0

Multiplex Channel Single Channel Single Channel Parameter Channel

Real-Time Channel Real-Time Channel

Cyclic (DP) Channel Cyclic (DP) Channel

word 31 word 0

Multiplex Channel Single Channel Parameter Channel

Real-Time Channel

Cyclic (DP) Channel

Fig. 7-94: Configuration Options for the Cyclic Data Channel

The Real-Time Channel In the real-time channel, data is updated cyclically between the fieldbus
master and slave. This channel contains two possible data types: single
and multiplex.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-97

Cyclic Data: Types and Sizes The following table outlines the PPC-R data types that can be transmitted
via the cyclic channel and the amount of space (in 16-bit data words) that
each data type consumes.

Note: The cyclic data mapping lists support only 16- and 32-bit data of
the following types for reading and writing:
- Integer
- Float
- Binary (used in control parameters)
- Hex (used in control parameters)
For all other data types (e.g. diagnostic messages - “strings”), use
the Parameter Channel.

PPC-R Data Type Data Size

(in 16-Bit Words)
Register 1
Program Integer (currently active program ONLY *) 2
Program Float (currently active program ONLY *) 2
Global Integer 2
Global Float 2
Card Parameter 2
Axis Parameter 2
Task Parameter 2
Note: Drive parameters "S" or "P" cannot be transmitted cyclically
because of the inherent delay of parameter access over the SERCOS
service channel. See "Parameter Channel." However, if a drive parameter
is mapped to an Axis Parameter, that Axis parameter could be used in
cyclic data (see description of Axis Parameters 180-196 in the
VisualMotion Functional Description).
* Important Note: Integers and floats are shown only for the currently
active program. Each time you activate a new progam, the fieldbus
reads/writes to the newly-activated program.

Table 7-45: PPC-R Cyclic Data Types and Sizes

Single Data Types

Single data types are mapped directly in the cyclic mapping ordered lists
(C-0-2600, C-0-2601). The data types are updated every 4 ms via dual-
port RAM.

Multiplex Data Types Cyclic Data Channel)

(In some multi-axis applications, 64 words of cyclic data transfer are not
sufficient to meet the requirement of the application.
When insufficient data transfer space is available, multiplex data can be
set up within the cyclic channel. One multiplex container acts as a
placeholder for multiple possible PPC-R data types (all of the same word
size). The currently transmitted PPC-R data type is based on an index
value placed in a multiplex control or status word attached to the end of
the cyclic list. Depending on the index specified by the master, the
multiplex channel permits a different set of data within the cyclic channel
to be transferred as current real-time data. Multiplex containers can be
added to the input and output lists separately, and the input and output
indexes can be designated separately (in the control and status words).

7-98 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Note: Using the multiplex channel reduces the maximum number of

usable words for storing control data to 63. The 64th word (or
last used word, if fewer than 63 words) is used as the
multiplex entry control/status word.

Note: When using VisualMotion 11 with GPP 7 firmware, a

maximum of 15 multiplex containers and a maximum of 180
mapping items can be transmitted in the input or output list.
This limitation of mapping objects means that you cannot
multiplex all 15 containers with all 32 available indexes (=480
For VisualMotion 11 with GPP 8 or 9 firmware, there is no
limitation for multiplexing (each of the first 63 words may be
multiplexed with up to 32 indexes).

Word 63 Word 62 Word 61 Word 60 Word 59 Word 58 Word 57 Word 56 Word 55 . . . Word 5 Word 4 Word 3 Word 2 Word 1 Word 0
16-bit 16-bit 16-bit 32-bit 32-bit 32-bit 32-bit 32-bit 16-bit 16-bit
multiplex single
multiplex multiplex single
container container
multiplex container multiplex container multiplex container ... single item single item
item item

Index 0 Index 0 Index 0 Index 0 Index 0

Index 1 Index 1 Index 1 Index 1 Index 1

Index 2 Index 2 Index 2 Index 2 Index 2

. . . . .
. . . . .
. . . . .

Index 31 Index 31 Index 31 Index 31 Index 31

Fig. 7-95: Sample Command (PLC⇒PPC-R) or Response (PPC-R ⇒PLC)

The multiplex control and status words serve to command and

acknowledge multiplex data transferred between the fieldbus master and
the fieldbus slave. The control word is associated with output
communication (PLC⇒PPC-R). The status word is associated with
input communication (PPC-R⇒PLC). Single data items are not affected
by the multiplex control and status words.

Note: For specific information about how the fieldbus master uses
the multiplex control and status words, refer to Multiplexing on
page 7-110.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-99

Example 1 Example 2 Example 3

12 words non-multiplexed data

12 words non-multiplexed data
12 words non-multiplexed data
Cyclic Channel

Cyclic Channel

Cyclic Channel
PLC Memory

PLC Memory

PLC Memory
Multiplex Multiplex Multiplex
Container 1 Container 1 Container 1
Multiplex Multiplex Multiplex
Container 2 Container 2 Container 2
Multiplex Multiplex Multiplex
Container 3 Container 3 Container 3
Index 00 Index 01 Index 02

control / status

Fig. 7-96: Examples for Reading Data via the Multiplex Channel

Parameter Channel For Profibus systems using the PPC-R/VisualMotion configuration, a subset
of the cyclic (DP) channel can be allocated for non-cyclic communications
(e.g. parameterization and extended diagnostic information). This subset of
the cyclic channel is called the Parameter Channel.

Note: The Parameter Channel is always allocated as the first 2, 4 or

6 words of the Profibus cyclic (DP) channel. The length of the
Parameter Channel plus the length of the Real-time Channel
used to exchange cyclic data represents the entire length of
the DP channel (maximum total length: 64 words). Refer to
Fig. 7-94 for DP channel configuration options.

Two messaging formats are available in the Parameter Channel, to allow

for a varying degree of implementation, depending on application
• Short Format 3- messaging format that provides direct access to
Rexroth mapped objects (Registers, Global Floats, Global Integers,
Floats, Integers, as well as Card, Axis, Task, and Drive S and P

Note: List parameters can be accessed using the Data Exchange

Object. For further explanation of how this format functions,
refer to Messaging Formats on page 7-115.

• VisualMotion ASCII Format- provided for backward-compatibility

with previous VisualMotion versions. For specific information about
this format, refer to the VisualMotion 11 Functional Description

7-100 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Fieldbus Mapper Functionality

Initializing the Fieldbus Mapper from VisualMotion 11
When configuring a new Fieldbus Mapper, the procedure will vary
depending on the mode of VisualMotion.
Project Mode To configure a Fieldbus Mapper in Project mode:
1. Open an existing program or create a new program. You must be
using PPC-R hardware with GPP firmware to use the Fieldbus
Mapper described in this document.
2. Select Commission ⇒ Fieldbus Mapper. The main Fieldbus
Mapper window opens empty (refer to Fig. 7-97).


Fig. 7-97: FBMapper – Project Window

3. Click or select File ⇒ New.

A “setup wizard” goes through three steps:
− Fieldbus Slave Definition
− Fieldbus Slave Configuration
− Cyclic Data Configuration
4. Enter the information requested in the setup windows. For more
details on each step, refer to Fieldbus Slave Definition, Fieldbus
Slave Configuration, and Cyclic Data Configuration for detailed
information about each configuration step.
5. Save the file (automatically has a *.prm extension) to the project
folder on the computer if you are in offline mode If you are in online
mode, download the configured Fieldbus Mapper to the control.
If you are offline, the configured Fieldbus Mapper is saved to the project
file. If you are online, download the configured Fieldbus Mapper to the
control and synchronize project.
When editing an existing Fieldbus Mapper, refer to the Programming
chapter for information on how commissioning tools are handled in
Project Mode, online and offline, and in Service mode.
Service Mode If you are configuring a new Fieldbus Mapper while VisualMotion is in
Service mode, the Fieldbus Mapper window will open empty when
commissioned. After configuring the new Fieldbus Mapper, download the
data to the control. Selecting File ⇒ Save will save the configured
Fieldbus Mapper to a separate file from the project file. To bring the
Fieldbus Mapper file into the project, use the import procedure:
1. Select File ⇒ Import.
2. Browse to find the desired file (*.prm extension).

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-101

3. Click Open. The main Fieldbus Mapper window appears, which lists
the configuration information. Refer to Fig. 7-98 below.


Fig. 7-98: FBMapper-Project Window

Editing a Fieldbus Mapper

To Add/Insert, Edit, or Delete an item in a Fieldbus Mapper file, open the
Selected Mapping List menu from the Edit menu (refer to Fig. 7-99
below). For more information about each step, refer to Fieldbus Slave
Definition, Fieldbus Slave Configuration, and Cyclic Data Configuration for
detailed information about each configuration step.


Fig. 7-99: Fieldbus Mapper Edit Menu

Note: You can also directly add, insert, delete, edit an item, or create
a new list by:
• clicking on the item to be edited in the main Fieldbus
Mapper window and selecting the desired function under
Edit ⇒ Selected Mapping List
• right-clicking on an item to display a menu of functions

Fieldbus Slave Definition

To configure a Fieldbus Slave, select the fieldbus type and hardware
platform in the Fieldbus Slave Definition window, refer to Fig. 7-100.
Refer to Table 7-44 for a list of the hardware platforms available for
Profibus. The hardware platform can only be selected when VisualMotion
is in Unsynchronized mode.

7-102 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1


Fig. 7-100: Fieldbus Slave Definition Window

Fieldbus Slave Configuration

The Profibus Fieldbus Slave Configuration window is shown in Fig. 7-101


Fig. 7-101: Fieldbus Slave Configuration

Standard Fieldbus Configuration • Device Address (0-125): set to a unique number for the devices on
Options: the bus
• Parameter Channel Length (words): set to 0 (Off), 2, 4 or 6 words.
If 2, 4 or 6 words are selected, these are automatically allocated for
the Parameter Channel in the Cyclic Data Input and Output Lists.
Fieldbus Error Reaction: Set the Error Reaction to Shutdown (default), Warning or Ignore. Refer to
Fieldbus/PLC Cyclic Read/Write Monitoring on page 7-108 for detailed
information about each setting.
Advanced Configuration Options The Advanced Options field is shown only if the checkbox next to Show
Advanced Configuration Options is checked (refer to Fig. 7-102
below). In most cases, the default options should apply.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-103


Fig. 7-102: Fieldbus Slave Configuration: Advanced

• Multiplex Method: select Primary or Secondary (Primary is the

default). Select Secondary only if you have an inconsistent fieldbus
master. Refer to Multiplexing on page 7-110 for detailed information
about each method.

Cyclic Data Configuration

An example of the Cyclic Data Configuration window is shown in Fig. 7-
103 below. In this window, four words have been allocated for the
Parameter Channel (optional for Profibus fieldbuses only). If you are
editing an existing Fieldbus Mapper file, the list will probably contain more
First, you must select the Cyclic Input List (from PPC-R to PLC) or the
Cyclic Output List (from PLC to PPC-R).


Fig. 7-103: Cyclic Data Configuration

Adding an Item to the List

1. Select the Cyclic Input List or the Cyclic Output List.
2. Click Add. The window in Fig. 7-104 is displayed. Select the Data
Type (for example, Register).

7-104 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1


Fig. 7-104: Add Item to Cyclic Data

3. Enter the required information (for example Register Number) or

select it from the drop-down list. Only the available data types for
your designated VisualMotion hardware setup and fieldbus type are
4. Click OK to add the selected item to the list.

Adding Multiplex Containers to the List

1. Select the Cyclic Input List or the Cyclic Output List.
2. Click Add.
3. In the Add Item window under Select the Data Type, select
Multiplex Container 16-bit (for Registers) or Multiplex Container
32-bit (for all other data types).

Note: At this point, the Multiplex Containers do not yet contain any
items. To add multiplex items, refer to below.

Adding Items to an Empty Multiplex Container

1. In the Cyclic Data Configuration window, select the multiplex
container to which you want to add items.
2. Click Add. The window in Fig. 7-105 below appears. Because it is
unclear whether you would like to add to the list or to the multiplex
container, the Fieldbus Mapper is requesting clarification.


Fig. 7-105: Add Item or Multiplex Item Window

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-105

Note: For subsequent items, highlight any of the indexes within the
multiplex container before clicking Add, and the Fieldbus Mapper will
know you want to add to that container.

3. To add to the selected multiplex container, click No. The window in

Fig. 7-106 below is an example for adding a 32-bit multiplex item.
4. Select the desired item to be added to the multiplex container in the
Add 32-bit Multiplex Item window.


Fig. 7-106: Select Data Type for Multiplex Item

Note: In addition to the data types that can be added to the multiplex
list, an empty item called Multiplex Empty Item is available to
fill a space within the multiplex container, if nothing is to be
mapped to a particular index.

5. Click OK. The item is automatically placed in the multiplex container

as the next unassigned index item (e.g. the first item is index 00, the
last is index 31).
6. Repeat for as many items as you want to add to the multiplex
container, up to 32 items.

Editing the Cyclic Data Lists

To make changes to an existing list, use the following buttons:

Button Function

Inserts a new item at the end of the list.

Inserts a new item into the list directly before the selected item.

Removes the selected item from the list.

Allows editing of the selected item. (To edit a list item, you
may also double-click on it.)
Clears up the current list.

Table 7-46: Button Functions in the Cyclic Data Configuration Window

7-106 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Additional Functions
Several additional functions are available in the Fieldbus Mapper:
Menu Item Function
Print Print the current fieldbus configuration data.
Print Preview Preview the printout of the current fieldbus configuration data
Print Setup Configure printer settings

Table 7-47: Additional Functions

Getting the Fieldbus Configuration from the PPC

After getting the fieldbus configuration from the PPC while in Service Mode
or Project mode (online), the following information is detected by the system
and appears in the configuration list:
• Fieldbus Type Found
• Fieldbus FW (Firmware) Version
• GPP Control FW (Firmware) Version
An example is shown in Fig. 7-107 below.


Fig. 7-107: Online Fieldbus Configuration Information

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-107

Information for the GPP Programmer

Fieldbus Status
VisualMotion Register 19 holds the information for "Fieldbus Status." The
register information can be referenced in a VisualMotion application
program to respond to the status of each bit. The use of these bits is
Table 7-48 below contains the bit assignment for the diagnostic object
5ff2. The assigned bits are labeled with "x" and the bit number in the
second row. Unassigned bits are labeled with "---."
16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
--- x15 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- x5 x4 --- x2 x1

Table 7-48: Bit Assignment for VisualMotion Register 19

Bit Definitions
x1, x2 Status bits for the internal DPR (Dual-Port RAM) communication between
the fieldbus slave and the PPC-R:
x1: FB Init. OK , LSB (least significant bit)
x2: FB Init. OK, MSB (most significant bit)
The bit combinations for x1 and x2 are as follows:
Bit 2 Bit 1 Description
(PPC-R) (Fieldbus)
0 0 A reset has been executed on the DPR,
neither the PPC-R nor the fieldbus card
have initialized the DPR.
0 1 The DPR is initialized by the fieldbus card,
but not yet by the PPC-R.
1 0 The DPR initialization is complete. DPR
has been initialized by the fieldbus card
and PPC-R. Fieldbus to PPC-R
communications system is ready.
1 1 Fieldbus to PPC-R communications system
is ready.
Table 7-49: Possible Settings for Bits 1 and 2, Status Bits for DPR

x4 Status bit for the active bus capabilities of the fieldbus slaves (FB Slave
This bit is monitored for the Fieldbus Error Reaction. Whenever this bit
goes to 0 after a fieldbus card was initially found by the PPC-R, the
selected Error Reaction (system shutdown, error message, or ignore) is
initiated. Refer to Fieldbus/PLC Cyclic Read/Write Monitoring on page 7-
108 for an explanation of the Fieldbus Error Reaction setting.
0--> The fieldbus slave is not (yet) ready for data exchange.
1--> The fieldbus slave can actively participate on the bus.
x5 Status bit for the non-cyclic channel (Parameter Channel) (Non-Cyc
0--> The non-cyclic channel (Parameter Channel) cannot (yet) be used.
1--> The non-cyclic channel (Parameter Channel) is ready for use by the
fieldbus master.
x15 Status bit for the cyclic data output (Cyclic Data Valid):
0--> The cyclic data outputs (coming in to the PPC-R) are INVALID.

7-108 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

1--> The cyclic data outputs (coming in to the PPC-R) are VALID. The
system looks for this bit to be 1 before allowing data transfer.

Fieldbus Diagnostics
VisualMotion Register 20 holds the information for "Fieldbus Diagnostics."
Table 7-50 below contains the bit assignment for fieldbus diagnostics.
The assigned bits are labeled with "x" and the bit number in the second
row. Unassigned bits are labeled with "---."
16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
X16 x15 x14 x13 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Table 7-50: Bit Assignment for VisualMotion Register 20

Bit Definitions
x13 - x16 Identification of the fieldbus interface card (FB Card Found)
The bit combinations for x13, x14 and x15 are as follows:
Bit 16 Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Fieldbus Type
0 0 0 0 <NO CARD>
0 0 0 1 <Not Defined>
0 0 1 0 Interbus
0 0 1 1 DeviceNet
0 1 0 0 Profibus
0 1 0 1 ControlNet
0 1 1 0 <Not Defined>
0 1 1 1 EtherNet/IP
(10 or 100 MB)
1 1 1 1 Indramat PLC Interface

Table 7-51: Identification of the Fieldbus Interface

Fieldbus/PLC Cyclic Read/Write Monitoring

Monitoring of Fieldbus read/write capabilities to the cyclic channel are
associated with three parameters:
• C-0-2611 Fieldbus/PLC Cyclic Channel: Current Number of Misses–
displays the current number of transfers to/from the cyclic channel.
• C-0-2612 Fieldbus/PLC Cyclic Channel: Peak Number of Misses –
displays the maximum number of missed transfers to/from the cyclic
• C-0-2613 Fieldbus/PLC Cyclic Channel: Timeout Counter – displays
the number of timeouts in the cyclic channel. If after 4 ms, the Cyclic
Mapping Lists are not successfully transmitted, a "miss" is noted.
For more information about these parameters, refer to the VisualMotion
11 Functional Description manual.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-109

Fieldbus Error Reaction

Note: The Fieldbus Error Reaction setting is active only in Sercos
Phase 4. In all other Sercos phases, it will be inactive.

You can select how you would like the PPC-R system to react in case of a
fieldbus error. This reaction can be set in the "Fieldbus Slave
Configuration" window, using the combo box labeled "Fieldbus Error
Three options are available for the Error Reaction setting. Depending on
the selected setting, the value 0, 1, or 2 is stored in Parameter C-0-2635:

Setting Value in Parameter C-0-2635

Shutdown 0 (default)
Warning Only 1
Ignore 2
Table 7-52: Parameter C-0-2635 Values for Error Reaction Settings

Fieldbus Mapper Timeout

The Fieldbus Mapper continually scans the system for sufficient
resources to process the cyclic data mapping lists (2600 and 2601 lists).
If 10 out of 10 consecutive attempts of the mapping list updates are
incomplete, the system is considered to have insufficient resources and
the selected error reaction is evoked, as follows:
If "Shutdown" (0) is set in Parameter C-0-2635, the following error is
generated from the PPC-R card: 520 Fieldbus Mapper Timeout
If "Warning Only" (1) is set in Parameter C-0-2635, the following error is
generated: 209 Fieldbus Mapper Timeout
If "Ignore" (2) is set in Parameter C-0-2635, the system will update as
resources become available, but there is no way to monitor whether or not
updates actually occur.

Lost Fieldbus Connection

Register 19, bit 4 indicates the status of the fieldbus. Refer to Fieldbus
Status on page 7-107 for more specific bit information. The system
monitors this bit and evokes the selected error reaction if the bit is low (0),
after a fieldbus card is found. A typical situation that will cause this
condition is the disconnection of the fieldbus cable from the fieldbus card.
If "Shutdown Control" (0) is set in Parameter C-0-2635, the following error
is generated from the PPC-R (active in Sercos Phase 4 only):
519 Lost Fieldbus Connection
If "Warning Only" (1) is set in Parameter C-0-2635, the following error is
generated (active in Sercos Phase 4 only):
208 Lost Fieldbus Connection
If "Ignore" (2) is set in Parameter C-0-2635, there is no noticeable
reaction when Register 19 status bits go low, unless the GPP application
program is customized to evoke a special reaction.

7-110 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Troubleshooting Tip:
If a fieldbus card is not found on the system, the Error
Reaction setting will be ignored. If you have a fieldbus card
and the Error Reaction is not responding as expected, the
system may not "see" your fieldbus card.

Information for the PLC Programmer

*.gsd File
Rexroth supplies a *.gsd file on the VisualMotion 11 CD containing
supporting information for the PPC-R with a Profibus slave configuration.
Contact a Rexroth technical representative for the location of this file.

Primary Multiplex Method (for Consistent Masters only)

Important: You should not use the Primary Multiplex Method for a
master that is not consistent over the entire cyclic channel.
The Secondary Multiplex Method is available for inconsistent
masters. Refer to Secondary Multiplex Method (for
Inconsistent Masters) on page 7-113.

The advantage of the Primary Method is easier handling of input data for
consistent masters.

Control Word and Status Word

Control Word The control word is transferred in the multiplex channel from master to
slave. It tells the slave in which index the data is being transferred from
master to slave and in which index the data is requested from slave to

Multiplex Input Control Byte Multiplex Output Control Byte

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Multiplex Input Control Index Multiplex Output Control Index
(index_in_c) Write Request (index_out_c)
(defines the input index command for Toggle Bit (WR) (defines the output index command for
multiplexing) (initiates the write multiplexing)
command once each
time it is toggled)

Fig. 7-108: Control Word Definition, Primary Multiplex Method

Index_out_c: tells the slave in which index the data are transferred from
master to slave (out = master -> slave, _c = element of control word).
Index_in_c: tells the slave in which index the data is requested from
slave to master (in = slave -> master, _c = element of control word).

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-111

WR (Write Request): handshake bit (refer to meaning of WR and WA).

Note: Input data via the Multiplex Channel is continually being


Status Word
Multiplex Input Status Byte Multiplex Output Status Byte

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Multiplex Input Status Index Multiplex Output Status Index
(index_in_s) Write Request (index_out_s)
(confirms that the input index response (confirms that the output index response
location matches that of the command
Acknowledge Bit location matches that of the command
location) (WA) location)
(checks that the write
data has been read
once each time it is

Fig. 7-109: Status Word Definition, Primary Multiplex Method

• Index_out_s: acknowledges index written by the master (out = master

-> slave, _s = element of status word).
• Index_in_s: tells the master which index is transferred from slave to
master in the actual process data cycle (in = slave -> master, _s =
element of status word).
• WA (Write Acknowledge): Handshake bit (refer to meaning of WR
and WA).

Handshake Bits WR and WA

WR and WA are handshake bits that allow the controlled writing of data
via the multiplex channel. WR and WA control the data transfer for
writing data_out (data send from master to slave).
WR == WA:
• tells the master that the slave has received the last multiplex data_out.
The master can now send new data_out.
• tells the slave to do nothing, because the master has not yet put new
consistent data_out on the bus.
WR! = WA:
• tells the slave to do something, because the master has now put
consistent new data_out on bus.
• tells the master to do nothing, because the slave has not yet received
the latest multiplex data_out.

7-112 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Master Communications (Primary Multiplex Method)


Control word =0

Read Data_in Read Index_in_s,

Index_in_c ==
Read Data_in,
Index_in_s ? Yes Write Index_in_c

Write Data_out Write Data_out,

WR == WA ?
Write Index_out_c,

Toggle RT (Set WR = ~WA)

Fig. 7-110: Primary Multiplex Method, Master Communications

Programming Example
To aid in implementing the multiplex function in a PLC program, the
following flow chart shows two ways of reading and writing data. Reading
and writing can be executed separately, which allows the input data to be
updated about 30% faster. The “Read Data” example would be placed at
the beginning of a PLC program the “Write Data” example at the end.
Combined reading and writing makes the PLC program simpler,
especially when using the same index for both transfer actions.

multiplexing flow chart.FH7

Fig. 7-111: Flow Chart of Multiplex Programming Examples (Primary Method)

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-113

Secondary Multiplex Method (for Inconsistent Masters)

Explanation of the Master Consistency Problem
The PPC-R fieldbus slave interfaces can guarantee consistency,
however, some fieldbus masters can only guarantee byte, word, or double
word consistency. Therefore, it is necessary to have a second multiplex
method where both input data and output data require the handshake bits
to update via the fieldbus.

Note: The meanings of the control and status words are the same as
for the Primary Multiplex Method. The only difference is the
toggle bits RR and RA, which are used in the Secondary

Fig. 7-112 below illustrates the control word definition for the Secondary
Multiplex Method.

Multiplex Input Control Byte Multiplex Output Control Byte

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
RR Multiplex Input Control Index Multiplex Output Control Index
see definition (index_in_c) (index_out_c)
under “Handshake
Write Request
(defines the input index command for Toggle Bit (WR) (defines the output index command for
Bits WR / WA and
multiplexing) (initiates the write multiplexing)
RR / RA”
(Secondary command once each
Method only) time it is toggled)

Fig. 7-112: Control Word Definition, Secondary Multiplex Method

Multiplex Input Status Byte Multiplex Output Status Byte

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
RA Multiplex Input Status Index Multiplex Output Status Index
see definition
under “Handshake
(index_in_s) Write Request (index_out_s)
(confirms that the input index response (confirms that the output index response
Bits WR / WA and
location matches that of the command
Acknowledge Bit location matches that of the command
RR / RA” (WA)
location) location)
(Secondary (checks that the write
Method only) data has been read
once each time it is

Fig. 7-113: Status Word Definition, Secondary Multiplex Method

The Secondary Multiplex Method has the following features:

• You can transfer a different index from master to slave as from slave
to master.
• The handshake bits for both reading and writing of this multiplex
channel make the multiplexing possible on inconsistent systems

7-114 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Handshake Bits RR and RA

RR (Read Request) and RA (Read Acknowledge) are handshake bits that
allow a controlled data transfer and use of the multiplex channel on
inconsistent masters. RR and RA control the data transfer for reading
data_in (data send from slave to master).

RR == RA:
• tells the master that the slave has sent the requested data_in. The
master can now read the data_in and request new data_in.
• tells the slave to do nothing, because the master has not yet put new
consistent data on the bus.
RR != RA:
• tells the slave to put new data_in on the bus, because the master
requests new data_in.
• tells the master to do nothing, because the slave has not yet put the
latest requested multiplex data_in on the bus.

Master Communications (Secondary Multiplex Method)


Control Word =0

Read Data_in Read Index_in_s,

RR==RA ?
Read Data_in,
Yes Write Index_in_c

Toggle RRT (Set RR = ~RA)

Write Data_out Write Data_out,

WR == WA ?
Write Index_out_c,

Toggle WRT (Set WR = ~WA)

there may be different ways to achieve consistency, depending on the master

Fig. 7-114: Secondary Multiplex Method, Master Communications

For some masters, it could be enough to first write data and then the control
word. For other masters, you may have to implement a delay time (this
time could be different from master to master) before writing WR = ~WA.

Non-Cyclic Data Access via the Parameter Channel

Important: The fieldbus master's access of the cyclic channel must be

consistent over the entire length of the assigned Parameter
Channel in order to establish reliable Parameter Channel

To support the configuration of drives and the access to parameters

through the Profibus DP channel, Rexroth has established the Parameter

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-115

If the Parameter Channel is used with the PPC-R, the first 2, 4 or 6 data
words of the cyclic channel for the slave board must be allocated for non-
cyclic transmissions.
Cyclic Data Channel (DP) – up to 64 words total

Real-Time Channel Parameter Channel

(62, 60 or 58 words of single / multiplex data available) (2, 4 or 6 words
Word 31 Word 0

Word 5 Word 4 Word 3 Word 2 Word 1 Word 0

optional Control/Status
Fig. 7-115: The Parameter Channel inside the Profibus DP Channel

Messaging Formats
Two messaging formats are available in the Parameter Channel:
• Short Format 3
• VisualMotion ASCII Format - This format is provided for backward-
compatibility with VisualMotion 6.0 / GPS firmware. For detailed
information, refer to the VisualMotion 6.0 Startup Guide.

Short Format 3: General Explanation

To read or write a VisualMotion data type non-cyclically, a protocol is used
inside the Parameter Channel. The protocol requires one word of the
Parameter Channel for protocol functions. Thus, depending on the
channel length 1, 3, or 5 data words can be transferred in one cycle. The
protocol supports multiple transmissions, but the maximum length of data
that can be transferred from or to an object is 128 bytes.

Short Format 3 Data Transfer

The following methods for transferring data are available in Short Format 3:
• Mapped Data
• Data Exchange Objects

Mapped Data
Mapped data is the most powerful feature of the PPC-R non-cyclic
fieldbus interface. Through mapped data, the user has access to virtually
every PPC-R data type over the fieldbus. It is easy to implement from the
PLC side and requires no setup on the PPC-R side.
To access a data type over the fieldbus, it has to be specified by an
address that consists of an index and a subindex. The index and
subindex for each data type can be calculated by a formula (refer to
Accessing Mapped Data on page 7-125).

7-116 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Fieldbus Visual
Objects Motion



0x2001 S-1

0x2002 S-

0x3001 P-1
0x3002 P-

0x4001 A-1





Fig. 7-116: Mapped Data

Mapped data can be used with the following parameters and values:

• S-Parameters (SERCOS Drive S-Parameters) size and

• P-Parameters (SERCOS Drive P-Parameters) format
depend on
• A-Parameters (PPC Axis Parameters) ,1
parameter *
• C-Parameters (PPC Control parameters)
• T-Parameters (PPC Task parameters)
PF-Values (PPC Program Float data, 32 bit – 2 words, IEEE format) *
GI-Values (PPC Global Integer data, 32 bit – 2 words) *
GF-Values (PPC Global Float data, 32 bit – 2 words, IEEE format) *
PI-Values (PPC Program Integer data, 32 bit – 2 words) *
Reg.-Values (PPC Register data, 16 bit – 1 word) *
Data Exchange Objects (0x5E70 – 0x5E73) (embedded ASCII Protocol)
*You may notice that parameters accessed via the non-cyclic (Parameter) channel are not always the same
size as reported from the attribute field. This is so that the data sizes correspond with the way the different data
types are handled in the cyclic channel (Registers are always set to 16-bit size and Parameters are cast to 32-
bit size, even if they actually use less space).
1. When writing mapped data to a VisualMotion Parameter, you must send the size data
corresponding to that of the attribute field within the parameter.
a.) For 32-bit parameters, you must send a data size of 32 bits (otherwise, VM error #07 is returned).
b.) For 16-bit parameters, you must send a data of size 16-bits. If, for this case, you send data of
size 32 bits, one of the following occurs:
i.) For parameters of type 16-bit unsigned, only the Low word is stored, and the High word is ignored.
ii.) For parameters of type 16-bit signed, bits 0-14 of the low word along with the sign bit #31
are used, and the remaining bits are ignored.
c.) For String Parameters (e.g. S-0-0142), you must send the size of the string to write.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-117

d.) All other Parameter Types (list parameters, command parameters, etc), are not supported for
mapped data.
When reading mapped data from a VisualMotion Parameter, there are 3 possible cases of sizes returned:
a.) If the parameter type is a string, you receive the number of bytes corresponding to the length of
the string.
b.) If the parameter is 32-bit or less, you receive a cast 32-bit value for this parameter. This implies
that 16-bit parameters are returned as cast in to 32-bit values.
c.) All other parameter types (e.g. list parameters, command parameters, etc.), are not supported
for mapped data.
2. When writing mapped data to a VisualMotion Program Float, Program Integer, Global Float, or
Global Integer, the data size must be 32-bits (2 words). Any other size returns a VM error #07
(Invalid Data Format).
When reading mapped data from a VisualMotion Program Float, Program Integer, Global Float, or
Global Integer, the data size returned is always 32-bit (2 words).
3. When writing mapped data to a VisualMotion Register, the data must be 16-bits (1 word). Any other
size returns a VM error #07 (Invalid Data Format).
When reading mapped data from a VisualMotion Register, the data size returned is always 16-bit (1 word).

User Data Header – Object Index The index refers to the particular fieldbus slave object that a VisualMotion
data type is (automatically) mapped. This object allows for simple,
indirect access to VisualMotion data types, and it is combined with the
subindex to create a direct relationship to the VisualMotion data types.
The available objects can be calculated using the formulas in Accessing
Mapped Data on page 7-125.
User Data Header – Object The subindex refers to an additional piece of information necessary to
SubIndex obtain direct access to VisualMotion data types. The reference of the
subindex depends on the data type in question. For example, the
SubIndex refers to the drive number when accessing S and P
parameters. However, the subindex refers to the task number when
referring to task parameters. The available subindex ranges can be
calculated using the formulas in Accessing Mapped Data on page 7-125.

Data Exchange Objects

The four data exchange objects 5E70 to 5E73 represent fixed data
"containers" of varying lengths that transfer the VisualMotion ASCII Protocol to
the PPC-R card. These objects serve as an open-ended possibility to access
any VisualMotion data (including cams, diagnostic text, etc.), but more work is
required in the master to perform a transmission of this type. Both the
VisualMotion ASCII message and the fieldbus transfer message must be
Table 7-53 lists the available data exchange objects and their sizes.
Data Exchange Object Data Length (in bytes)
5E70 16
5E71 32
5E72 64
5E73 128

Table 7-53: Length of the Data Exchange Objects

7-118 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Short Format 3 Parameter Channel (PK) Control and Status

PK Control Word The PK control word is sent from the master to the slave. It is 16 bits
wide and the individual bits have the following meanings:

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

not used
Last Bit
not used
R/W Bit
not used
not used
C1 Bit

Fig. 7-117: Bits of the PK Control Word

Format: These bits describe the usage and meaning of the following
data words in the Parameter Channel. Their value is fixed to
Length: These four bits specify the length of the valid data in bytes,
without the control word. The data in the rest of the Parameter
Channel is undefined.
Toggle: This bit toggles with every new set of sent data. It is used for
a handshake between master and slave. The master is only
allowed to toggle this bit when the toggle bit in the status word
has the same level as the toggle bit sent in the control word.
L: Last bit. This bit is set when the last fragment of a data block
is sent.
R/W: Read/Write; Read = 1, indicates that the master wants to read data.
C1: This bit is used to distinguish between the “old” and “new”
handling of the Parameter Channel. For the “new” handling
(e.g. Short Format 3), it is fixed to 1

Note: Bits that are not used are set to 0.

PK Status Word The PK status word is sent as an answer from the slave to the master.
The 16 bits have the following meanings:

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

not used
Last Bit
not used
R/W Bit
Error Bit
not used
C1 Bit

Fig. 7-118: Bits of the PK Status Word

Format: These bits describe the usage and meaning of the following
data words in the Parameter Channel. Their value is fixed to

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-119

Length: These four bits specify the length of the valid data in bytes,
without the status word. The data in the rest of the Parameter
Channel is undefined.
Toggle: This bit toggles with every new set of sent data. It is used for
a handshake between master and slave. The slave
recognizes new data when the toggle bit it receives (control
word) is different from the toggle bit in the status word.
L: Last bit. This bit is set when the last fragment of a data block
is sent.
R/W: Read/Write Acknowledgement; Read = 1, indicates that the
master wants to read data.
Error Bit: This bit indicates an error that occurred within the slave. The
reason for the error is coded in the following data.
C1: This bit is used to distinguish between the “old” and “new”
handling of the Parameter Channel. For the “new” handling
(Short Format 3), it is fixed to 1

Note: Bits that are not used are set to 0.

Short Format 3: Examples

The following examples show how to write and read an object. They
display the read and write access of object index 2001h, subindex 2h. The
matching Visual Motion data according to the chart at the end of this
chapter is S-Parameter 1 of Drive 2.

Notes for the following examples:

These flow charts assume a toggle bit value of 0 when
starting. The values of the control and status words can
change because of different states of toggle bit and last bit.
The master can detect new data comparing its own toggle bit
with the toggle bit received from the slave. If they match, new
data was received from the slave.
When writing, only the first telegram from the master contains
the index and subindex.

7-120 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1


Fig. 7-119: Write Data Object Example

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-121


Fig. 7-120: Read Data Object Example

7-122 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Canceling Data Transfer In some cases, it might be necessary to cancel a data transfer. To
request a communication reset, the master sends a cancel telegram to
the slave.

Word Word 1 Word 2 Word 3 Word 4

Description Control Word Data
Data Value 0x810F
1000 0001 0000 1111
Ex- C ER L T Length Format
planation No Data
E = Error L = Last
R = Read T = Toggle

Fig. 7-121: Cancel Telegram

The format byte in the command word is set to Fh. The length byte, the L
and the R bits are set to 0.
The slave will set its internal state to expect a new command from the
Error Messages If the transmission fails, the slave will respond with an error message as
shown below. The status word value can be different for writing. The
error bit in the status word is set and the first word contains a 16-bit error
code. The toggle bit has the same state as the corresponding request

Word Word 1 Word 2 Word 3 Word 4

Description Status Word Data
Data Value 0xA42C Error code
1011 0100 0010 1100
Ex- C ER L T Length Format No Data
E = Error L = Last
R = Read T = Toggle


Fig. 7-122: Error Response from Slave

The error code is two bytes long. The high byte specifies the error class
and the low byte contains additional information for the application-
specific errors (error class 1Fh).

Parameter Channel Error Codes (High-Byte)

Error No. Error Description

0x1F Control-specific error. Refer to Table 7-55 for additional error

information, which is based on VisualMotion Communication Error
Codes. Refer to the Troubleshooting Guide.
0x85 Data length too long (here >128 byte).
0x88 An error occurred during the transmission of data between the PPC-
R and the fieldbus slave.
0x8B Format (bits 0-3 of control word) specified is incorrect.
0x8C The length set in control byte greater than Parameter Channel.
0x8D Communication not possible. Parameter Channel too short (<2
0x90 The format bits (0-3) of the control word were changed while
transmitting several data blocks.
0x95 A read command was issued, but the length field was set to !=0.
Table 7-54: Parameter Channel Error Codes (High-Byte)

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-123

Parameter Channel Error Codes (Low-Byte) for 0x1F

Error No. Error Description


0xF3 Invalid Object Sub Index – Occurs when an attempt to access an

incorrect or undefined location in the mapped data area or when
attempting to address a sub index greater than 255.
0xF2 Invalid Object Index – Occurs when attempting to access an
incorrect or undefined location in the mapped data area.
0xF1 Not used
0xF0 ASCII Format Error – occurs when attempting to communicate via
the Data Exchange object where VisualMotion ASCII protocol is
sent. This error also occurs if the initial characters are incorrect
(such as the absence of the “>” start character).
< 0xF0 Error is based on VisualMotion Communication Error codes. Refer
to the VisualMotion 11 Troubleshooting Guide for details.

Table 7-55: Parameter Channel Error Codes (Low-Byte)

Handling a Data Exchange Object

When mapped objects are not capable of transferring the desired data, a
Data Exchange Object can be used.
The same procedures for writing and reading mapped objects via Short
Format 3 apply to the Data Exchange Object.

Selecting a Data Exchange Object

Depending on the length of a VisualMotion ASCII message, any data
exchange objects can be selected. The entire data length of the data
exchange object, however, must always be transmitted even if the
VisualMotion ASCII message is shorter. For example, if you want to
transmit an ASCII message of 42 bytes, you must use object 5E72. To
avoid a response error from the fieldbus slave, you must append 22 "Null"
characters to the end of the ASCII message to complete a data size of 64

Note: The checksum for the VisualMotion ASCII protocol is NOT

used with the data exchange object. If the checksum is sent
as part of the string, it will be ignored, and no checksum will be
sent in the VisualMotion ASCII response messages. To
ensure data integrity, the fieldbus protocols support a low-level

7-124 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Transmission Sequence via a Data Exchange Object

For the data exchange object, two transmission sequences (and two
response sequences) are required, to send the read or write message to
and then receive the response message from the PPC-R card.
Parameter Channel Message
Short Format 3 Header

Short Format 3
Control Word Object Index # Subindex #
Data Field:
VisualMotion ASCII Protocol

key components: key components: key components:

• fieldbus • Object Index #: • VisualMotion command
command data exchange (read or write data)
(read or write object • ASCII data contained in the
message) (5E70-5E73). selected data exchange object
This is the
destination of the
• The <CR> (0x0D) and <LF>
(0x0A) characters must be
data field. Object
applied to the ASCII string
depends on • A checksum is not used in this
required data field case. (Fieldbus has a checksum)
size. Note: Refer to the VisualMotion 6
• Subindex #: Reference Manual for an explanation
always = 0 for of the VisualMotion ASCII Protocol.
Data Exchange

Fig. 7-123: Format of a PK Short Format 3 Message using a Data Exchange Object

The following sequence describes the communication between the

fieldbus master (PLC) and the fieldbus slave (PPC-R). For details on
reading and writing data in Short Format 3, refer to Messaging Formats
on page 7-115.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-125

Message Steps Process Comments

1. Write request from the PK Write Command The data field for the write
master with VisualMotion VM ASCII protocol command can contain a
ASCII Protocol. command text VisualMotion read or write
(read or write data) protocol.

2. Acknowledge Parameter The response message contains

Channel response from PK Response No Diagnose only a confirmation that the
slave. Received? error fieldbus message was sent
properly. Therefore, the size of
the data field will be 0.

PK Response No


3. Read request from the PK Read Command The read request message
master to get VisualMotion contains only header information
ASCII response. No data (the data field is 0). You must
anticipate the approximate size
of the data field (VisualMotion
ASCII response message) in
order to select the appropriate
data exchange object. If the
selected object is too short, the
data will be truncated.
4. Receive Parameter The response message will
Channel response from PK Response No contain the VisualMotion ASCII
slave. Received? response to the VisualMotion
ASCII command text in Step 1.

PK Response No


VM ASCII protocol
response text
(write or transmit data)

Fig. 7-124: Parameter Channel Short Format 3 Procedure, Using Data

Exchange Object

Accessing Mapped Data

Rexroth has pre-configured a number of VisualMotion data types to Profibus
indexes and subindexes. We call this concept mapped data. These data
types can be accessed via the Profibus Parameter Channel. The index and
subindex for each of these data types can be calculated using the formulas in
Table 7-56 below.

7-126 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Index # SubIndex # Formula

0x5E73 0x00
Data Exchange Object ---- ----
0x5E70 0x00

0x5E65 0xFF
<FREE> ---- ---- (with SubIndex)
(349 objects available) 0x5D14 0x01

0x5D13 0xFF Index = 0x5D00 + [(Program Integer –1) \ 255]

Program Integers ---- ----
(Int 1 – Int 5100) 0x5D00 0x01 SubIndex = Program Integer – [(Index – 0x5D00) * 255]
0x5CFF 0xFF Index = 0x5CEC + [(Program Float –1)] \ 255]
Program Floats ---- ----
(Float 1 – Float 5100) 0x5CEC 0x01 SubIndex = Program Float – [(Index – 0x5CEC) * 255]
0x5CEB 0xFF
<FREE> ---- ---- (with SubIndex)
(235 objects available) 0x5C01 0x01
0x5C00 0xFF Index = 0x5BF7 + [(Global Integer – 1) \ 512]
Global Integers ---- ----
(GInt 1 – GInt 2550*) 0x5BF7 0x01 SubIndex = Global Integer – [(Index – 0x5BF7) * 512]
0x5BF6 0xFF Index = 0x5BED + [(Global Float – 1) \ 512]
Global Floats ---- ----
(GFloat 1 – Gfloat 2550*) 0x5BED 0x01 SubIndex = Global Float – [(Index – 0x5BED) * 512]
0x5BEC 0xFF
<FREE> ---- ---- (with SubIndex)
(245 objects available) 0x5AF8 0x01

0x5AF7 0xFF Index = 0x5AEE + [(Register – 1) \ 255]

Registers ---- ----
(Reg. 1 – Reg. 2550**) 0x5AEE 0x01 SubIndex = Register – [(Index – 0x5AEE) * 255]
0x5AED 0x04 Index = 0x56F1 + T-Parameter
T-Parameters ---- ----
(T-0-0001 – T-0-1020) 0x56F1 0x01 SubIndex = Task Number
0x56F0 0xFF
<FREE> ---- ---- (with SubIndex)
(241 objects available) 0x5600 0x01

0x55FF 0x01 Index = 0x4800 + C-Parameter

C-Parameters ---- ----
(C-0-0001 - C-0-3583) 0x4801 0x01 SubIndex = 1
0x47FF 0x63 Index = 0x4000 + A-Parameter
A-Parameters ---- ----
(A-0-0001 - A-0-2047) 0x4001 0x01 SubIndex = Axis Number
0x3FFF 0x63 Index = 0x3000 + P-Parameter
P-Parameters ---- ----
(P-0-0001 - P-0-4095) 0x3001 0x01 SubIndex = Drive Number

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-127

Index # SubIndex # Formula

0x2FFF 0x63 Index = 0x2000 + S-Parameter

S-Parameters ---- ----
(S-0-0001 - S-0-4095) 0x2001 0x01 SubIndex = Drive Number
0x1FFF ----

<Reserved> ---- ----

0x0000 ----

* current limitation: C-0-0080/C-0-0081 - Maximum number global integers/floats..

**current limitation: first 1024 registers.
Table 7-56: Formulas for Determining Mapped Objects

Example Lookup Tables for Mapped Objects

Card (C) Parameters The following is an example lookup table for C-Parameters, when using
mapped objects.

Example Look-up Chart for: C-Parameters CP 0.Y ==> CP = Card Parameter

Y = Parameter Number


0x4801 0x4802 0x4803 …………… 0x48FF 0x4900 …………… 0x55FE 0x55FF

SubIndex = 0x01 CP 0.1 CP 0.2 CP 0.3 CP 0.255 CP 0.256 CP 0.3582 CP 0.3583

Table 7-57: Mapped Object Lookup Table for C-Parameters

Axis(A) Parameters The following is an example lookup table for A-Parameters, when using
mapped objects. The same formula also applies to Sercos (S) and Task
(T) Parameters.

Example Look-up Chart for: A-Parameters AP X.Y ==> AP = Axis Parameter

X = Axis Number
Y = Parameter Number


0x4001 0x4002 0x4003 ………… 0x40FF 0x4100 …………… 0x47FE 0x47FF

0x01 AP 1.1 AP 1.2 AP 1.3 AP 1.255 AP 1.256 AP 1.2046 AP 1.2047
SubIndex = 0x02 AP 2.1 AP 2.2 AP 2.3 AP 2.255 AP 2.256 AP 2.2046 AP 2.2047
0x03 AP 3.1 AP 3.2 AP 3.3 AP 3.255 AP 3.256 AP 3.2046 AP 3.2047
: : : : : : : : : :
: : : : : : : : : :
0x28 AP 40.1 AP 40.2 AP 40.3 AP 40.255 AP 40.256 AP 40.2046 AP 40.2047

Table 7-58: Mapped Object Lookup Table for A-Parameters

7-128 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Product-Specific (P) Parameters The following is an example lookup table for P-Parameters, when using
mapped objects.

Example Look-up Chart P-Parameters PP X.Y ==> PP = SERCOS P-

for: Parameter (set 0 only)
X = Drive Number
Y = Parameter Number

Index = (Class ID && Instance ID for DeviceNet)

C118, In1 C118, In2 C118, In3 …………… C118, In255 C119, In1 …………… C134, In14 C134, In15
0x3001 0x3002 0x3003 …………… 0x30FF 0x3100 …………… 0x3FFE 0x3FFF
0x01 PP 1.1 PP 1.2 PP 1.3 PP 1.255 PP 1.256 PP 1.4094 PP 1.4095
SubIndex = 0x02 PP 2.1 PP 2.2 PP 2.3 PP 2.255 PP 2.256 PP 2.4094 PP 2.4095
(Attribute ID 0x03 PP 3.1 PP 3.2 PP 3.3 PP 3.255 PP 3.256 PP 3.4094 PP 3.4095
for DNet) : : : : : : : : : :
: : : : : : : : : :
0x28 PP 40.1 PP 40.2 PP 40.3 PP 40.255 PP 40.256 PP 40.4094 PP 40.4095

Table 7-59: Mapped Object Lookup Table for P-Parameters

Integers The following is an example lookup table for Integers, when using
mapped objects. The same formula also applies to Floats, Global
Integers, Global Floats and Registers.

Example Look-up Chart for: VM Program Integers PI 0.Y ==> PI = Program Integer
Y = Program Integer Number


0x5D00 0x5D01 0x5D02 …………… 0x5D13

0x01 PI 1 PI 256 PI 511 PI 4846
SubIndex = 0x02 PI 2 PI 257 PI 512 PI 4847
0x03 PI 3 PI 258 PI 513 PI 4848
: : : : : :
: : : : : :
0xFF PI 255 PI 510 PI 765 PI 5100

Table 7-60: Mapped Object Lookup Table for Integers

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-129

7.7 DeviceNet, ControlNet, & EtherNet/IP Fieldbus Slave

General Information
Version Note:
Information in this document is based on VisualMotion Toolkit
software version 11VRS and PPC-R firmware version GPP
11VRS (for DeviceNet, ControlNet, and EtherNet/IP). GMP
11VRS firmware does not have a fieldbus slave interface, but can
be used with the Rexroth PPC-PCI bus interface to allow cyclic
and non-cyclic data transfer.

Note: Fieldbus master devices are configured using IndraLogic, refer

to Configuring a DeviceNet Fieldbus Master on page 7-38 for

VisualMotion 11 software is downward compatible with GPP firmware,

but, depending on the hardware platform selected, the type of fieldbus
communication selection may be limited. The following table lists the
fieldbus firmware versions and the available fieldbus interfaces for each

DeviceNet • • •
• • Fieldbus Slave
10 & 100 MB •
Table 7-61: Fieldbus Firmware Version and Interface Type

Note: For detailed fieldbus hardware information, refer to the

VisualMotion 11 Project Planning Manual.

ControlLogix with ControlNet or EtherNet/IP

The following configuration information is relevant for systems using
ControlLogix with a ControlNet or EtherNet/IP fieldbus slave:

Instance Details
Input Instance ( Transmitter ⇒ Originator ) = 1
Size = FBMapper Master Input list size + 2 words
(status information is not used)
Output Instance ( Originator ⇒ Transmitter ) = 2
Size = FBMapper Master Output list size
Configuration Instance is not relevant, use 4
Size = 0
The configuration instance is not used with ControlNet or
EtherNet/IP fieldbus slave. Therefore, the size = 0 is the
important part of the configuration.

Table 7-62: ControlLogix with ControlNet or EtherNet/IP

7-130 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

PPC-R System Description with a Fieldbus

The PPC-R can operate on a serial fieldbus interface (network) by means
of a fieldbus expansion card that communicates with the PPC-R via dual-
port RAM. The function of the fieldbus card, which is similar to that of a
network card in a PC, allows communication with other devices on the
Fig. 7-125 illustrates the fieldbus slave and master interface in a system.
In this document, we will refer to the PLC as the fieldbus master and the
PPC-R as the fieldbus slave.


Fig. 7-125: Sample Master/Slave Setup with Fieldbus Card

With the PPC-R, the fieldbus card can be used only as a slave card in a
master/slave setup.

Note: When using an EtherNet/IP type fieldbus card in a

VisualMotion 11 system, no other fieldbus interface (i.e.,
Profibus, DeviceNet, ControlNet, Interbus) or MTS-R PLC
interface can be used.
The onboard EtherNet and EtherNet option card both support
standard TCP/IP and EtherNet/IP communication. When both
EtherNet interfaces are installed, only the option card will
support EtherNet/IP in addition to TCP/IP. Otherwise, a single
EtherNet interface will support both TCP/IP and EtherNet/IP

The VisualMotion Fieldbus Mapper

In the VisualMotion software package, the Fieldbus Mapper is a tool used
to set up fieldbus configuration and data mapping.
Fieldbus hardware platform selections are made through the Fieldbus
Mapper window with VisualMotion Toolkit in Service Mode. To select the
Fieldbus hardware platform:
1. Open VisualMotion in Service Mode, indicated by the service mode
symbol ( ) in the lower right corner of the VisualMotion
Toolkit window.
2. Select Commission ⇒ Fieldbus Mapper to open the FBMapper

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-131

3. Click or select File ⇒ New to open the Fieldbus Slave Definition

When a hardware platform is selected, only the fieldbus types available
for that platform can be selected, refer to Table 7-61.

Data Transfer Direction (Output vs. Input)

In the VisualMotion Fieldbus Mapper, output and input are always
described with respect to the fieldbus master. The definitions for output
and input follow:
output: the communication from the PLC to the PPC-R (i.e. from the
fieldbus master to the fieldbus slave).
Synonyms for this type of communication: send or write data.
input: the communication from the PPC-R to the PLC (i.e. from the
fieldbus slave to the fieldbus master).
Synonyms for this type of communication: receive or read data.

Fieldbus Data Channel Descriptions

The Rexroth DeviceNet, ControlNet, and EtherNet/IP fieldbus interface
cards for the PPC-R support the following communication channels:
• Cyclic Channel: Polled I/O (for single and multiplex channels)
• Non-Cyclic Channel: Explicit Messaging

Cyclic (Polled I/O) Channel Cyclic data is user-defined. It is stored in two ordered lists (C-0-2600 for
input data, C-0-2601 for output data) and transmitted serially over the bus.
In the cyclic channel, data is updated cyclically between the fieldbus
master and slave.
The cyclic data channel is limited to 64 input words and 64 output words.
PPC-R data types consume these words in either one-word (or 16-bit)
groups for PPC-R registers or two-word (or 32-bit) groups for all other
data types.
The PPC-R mapping list is scanned every 4 ms and data is sent and
received to/from the fieldbus slave board's dual port RAM.
The cyclic data channel can be made up of any combination of the
following data types:
• Single
• Multiplex

word 31 word 0 word 31 word 0

Multiplex Channel Only Single Channel Only

Cyclic (Polled I/O) Channel Cyclic (Polled I/O) Channel

word 31 word 0

Multiplex Channel Single Channel

Cyclic (Polled I/O) Channel

Fig. 7-126: Configuration Options for the Cyclic Data Channel

7-132 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Cyclic Data: Types and Sizes The following table outlines the PPC-R data types that can be transmitted
via the cyclic channel and the amount of space (in 16-bit words) that each
data type consumes.

Note: The cyclic data mapping lists support only 16- and 32-bit data of
the following types for reading and writing:
- Integer
- Float
- Binary (used in PPC-R parameters)
- Hex (used in PPC-R parameters)
For all other data types (e.g. diagnostic messages - “strings”), use
Explicit Messaging.

PPC-R Data Type Data Size

(in 16-Bit Words)
Register 1
Program Integer (currently active program ONLY *) 2
Program Float (currently active program ONLY *) 2
Global Integer 2
Global Float 2
Card Parameter 2
Axis Parameter 2
Task Parameter 2
Note: Drive parameters "S" or "P" cannot be transmitted cyclically because
of the inherent delay of parameter access over the SERCOS service channel.
However, if a drive parameter is mapped to an Axis Parameter, that Axis
parameter could be used in cyclic data (see description of Axis Parameters
180-196 in the VisualMotion Functional Description).
* Important Note: Integers and floats are shown only for the currently
active program. Each time you activate a new progam, the fieldbus
reads/writes to the newly-activated program.

Table 7-63: PPC-R Cyclic Data Types and Sizes

Single Data Types

Single data types are mapped directly in the cyclic mapping ordered lists
(C-0-2600, C-0-2601).

Multiplex Data Types Cyclic Data Channel)

(In some multi-axis applications, 64 words of cyclic data transfer are not
sufficient to meet the requirement of the application.
When insufficient data transfer space is available, multiplex data can be
set up within the cyclic channel. One multiplex container acts as a
placeholder for multiple possible PPC-R data types (all of the same word
size). The currently transmitted PPC-R data type is based on an index
value placed in a multiplex control or status word attached to the end of
the cyclic list. Depending on the index specified by the master, the
multiplex channel permits a different set of data within the cyclic channel
to be transferred as current real-time data. Multiplex containers can be
added to the input and output lists separately and the input and output
indexes can be designated separately (in the control and status words).

Note: Using the multiplex channel reduces the maximum number of

usable words for storing PPC-R data to 63. The 64th word (or
last used word, if fewer than 64 words) is used as the
multiplex entry control/status word.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-133

Note: When using VisualMotion 11 with GPP 7 firmware, a

maximum of 15 multiplex containers and a maximum of 180
mapping items can be transmitted in the input or output list.
This limitation of mapping objects means that you cannot
multiplex all 15 containers with all 32 available indexes (=480
For VisualMotion 11 with GPP 8 or 9 firmware, there is no
limitation for multiplexing (each of the first 63 words may be
multiplexed with up to 32 indexes).

Word 63 Word 62 Word 61 Word 60 Word 59 Word 58 Word 57 Word 56 Word 55 . . . Word 5 Word 4 Word 3 Word 2 Word 1 Word 0
16-bit 16-bit 16-bit 32-bit 32-bit 32-bit 32-bit 32-bit 16-bit 16-bit
multiplex single single
multiplex multiplex
container container
multiplex container multiplex container multiplex container ... single item single item
item item

Index 0 Index 0 Index 0 Index 0 Index 0

Index 1 Index 1 Index 1 Index 1 Index 1

Index 2 Index 2 Index 2 Index 2 Index 2

. . . . .
. . . . .
. . . . .

Index 31 Index 31 Index 31 Index 31 Index 31

Fig. 7-127: Sample Command (PLC⇒PPC-R) or Response (PPC-R ⇒PLC)

Multiplex Control and Status The multiplex control and status words serve to command and
Words acknowledge multiplex data transferred between the fieldbus master and
the fieldbus slave. The control word is associated with output
communication (PLC⇒PPC-R). The status word is associated with
input communication (PPC-R⇒PLC). Single data items are not affected
by the multiplex control and status words.

Note: For specific information about how the fieldbus master uses
the multiplex control and status words, refer to Multiplexing on
page 7-149.

7-134 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Example 1 Example 2 Example 3

12 words non-multiplexed data

12 words non-multiplexed data
12 words non-multiplexed data
Cyclic Channel

Cyclic Channel

Cyclic Channel
PLC Memory

PLC Memory

PLC Memory
Multiplex Multiplex Multiplex
Container 1 Container 1 Container 1
Multiplex Multiplex Multiplex
Container 2 Container 2 Container 2
Multiplex Multiplex Multiplex
Container 3 Container 3 Container 3
Index 00 Index 01 Index 02

control / status

Fig. 7-128: Examples for Reading Data via the Multiplex Channel

Non-Cyclic Channel (Explicit Messaging)

The non-cyclic channel is used for data that needs to be transferred only
once or sporadically, such as:
• the transmission of lists
• parameterization of axes or programs
Instead of being updated during each cycle, non-cyclic data is transferred
using a command initiated by the master. Though any data type can be
transferred non-cyclically, diagnostic messages and drive parameters
(S and P) must be transferred non-cyclically because of the non-cyclic
retrieval for drive parameters through Sercos and the length of the
diagnostic messages.
There are two types of non-cyclic data transmissions for the PPC-
R/VisualMotion system:
• mapped data (directly to PPC-R data types)
• data exchange object
Non-cyclic data can be accessed via Explicit Messaging support of the
Fieldbus master.
Mapped Data Mapped data is the most powerful feature of the PPC-R non-cyclic
fieldbus interface. Through mapped data, the user has access to virtually
every PPC-R parameter over the fieldbus. It is easy to implement from
the PLC side and requires no setup on the PPC-R side.
Data Exchange Objects Four data exchange objects Class 100, Instance 1-4, Attribute 100 are
available for the transfer of non-cyclic data. These objects represent fixed
data "containers" of varying lengths that transfer the VisualMotion ASCII
Protocol to the PPC-R card, in the same way that data is transferred using
the VisualMotion ASCII Format via an Explicit Message. These objects
serve as an open-ended possibility to access any VisualMotion data
(including cams, diagnostic text, etc.), but more work is required in the

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-135

master to perform a transmission of this type. For more specific information

about these objects, refer to
Data Exchange Objects on page 7-157.

Fieldbus Mapper Functionality

Initializing the Fieldbus Mapper from VisualMotion 11
1. Open an existing program or create a new program. You must be
using PPC-R hardware with GPP firmware to use the Fieldbus
Mapper described in this document.
2. Select Commission ⇒ Fieldbus Mapper. The main Fieldbus
Mapper window is displayed (refer to Fig. 7-129 below).


Fig. 7-129: FBMapper – Project Window

Creating a New Fieldbus Mapper File

To create a Fieldbus Mapper file:

1. Click or select File ⇒ New.

A “setup wizard” goes through three steps:
− Fieldbus Slave Definition
− Fieldbus Slave Configuration
− Cyclic Data Configuration
2. Enter the information requested in the setup windows. For more
details on each step, refer to Fieldbus Slave Definition, Fieldbus
Slave Configuration, and Cyclic Data Configuration for detailed
information about each configuration step.
3. Save the file (automatically has a .prm extension).
To Add/Insert, Edit, or Delete an item in a file, open the Selected
Mapping List menu from the Edit menu (refer to Fig. 7-130 below). For
more information about each step, refer to Fieldbus Slave Definition,
Fieldbus Slave Configuration, and Cyclic Data Configuration for detailed
information about each configuration step.

7-136 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1


Fig. 7-130: Fieldbus Mapper Edit Menu

Note: You can also directly add, insert, delete, edit an item, or create a
new list by:
• clicking on the item to be edited in the main Fieldbus Mapper
window and selecting the desired function under Edit
⇒ Selected Mapping List
• right-clicking on an item to display a menu of functions

Importing a Fieldbus Mapper File

A Fieldbus Mapper file can be imported from another project. To import
the file:
1. Select File ⇒ Import.
2. Browse to find the desired file (*.prm extension).
3. Click Open. The main Fieldbus Mapper window appears, which lists
the configuration information. Refer to Fig. 7-131 below.


Fig. 7-131: Fieldbus Mapper Main Window (Complete)

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-137

Fieldbus Slave Definition

From the Fieldbus Slave Definition window, select the desired Hardware
Platform and DeviceNet, ControlNet or EtherNet/IP as the Fieldbus
Type (refer to Fig. 7-132 below). Refer to Table 7-61 for a list of the
available hardware platforms for the fieldbus types. The hardware
platform can only be selected when the project is in Service mode.


Fig. 7-132: Fieldbus Slave Definition Window

7-138 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Fieldbus Slave Configuration

The Fieldbus Slave Configuration windows for DeviceNet and ControlNet
are shown in figure Fig. 7-133 below.




Fig. 7-133: Fieldbus Slave Configuration

Standard Fieldbus Configuration • MAC ID (0-63 for DeviceNet, 1-99 for ControlNet): set to a unique
Options number for this device on the bus.
• Baud Rate (DeviceNet only): set to match that of the master.
Fieldbus Error Reaction Set the Error Reaction to Shutdown (default), Warning or Ignore. Refer to
Fieldbus Error Reaction on page 7-147 for detailed information about
each setting.
Advanced Configuration Options The Advanced Options: are shown only if the checkbox next to Show
Advanced Configuration Options is checked (refer to Fig. 7-135 below).
In most cases, the default options should apply.
The Fieldbus Slave Configuration window for EtherNet/IP is shown below:

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-139



Fig. 7-134: Fieldbus Slave Configuration for EtherNet/IP

EtherNet/IP Interface Selecting On for the EtherNet/IP interface will allow the control to
distinguish between EtherNet/IP and standard EtherNet during
communication when both are being used.
Mode Specify whether the control is running in Half Duplex or Full Duplex

Note: Using an EtherNet switch and running in Full Duplex mode is

recommended. Manual configuration of ports is required as
the EtherNet card does not support auto negotiation.

Fieldbus Error Reaction Set the Error Reaction to Shutdown (default), Warning or Ignore. Refer to
the Fieldbus Error Reaction on page 7-147 for detailed information about
each setting.
Advanced Configuration Options The Advanced Options: are shown only if the checkbox next to Show
Advanced Configuration Options is checked (refer to Fig. 7-136 below).
In most cases, the default options should apply.

7-140 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1




Fig. 7-135: Fieldbus Slave Configuration: Advanced

• Swapping: If word and byte swapping is required by your PLC, select

the checkboxes next to “Swap Bytes” and “Swap Words." Bytes and
words are not swapped if the boxes are left unchecked. Refer to
Word and Byte Swapping on page 7-148.

Note: When the Allen-Bradley 1747-SDN (DeviceNet Scanner)

Module for the SLC-Series PLC is used, both Swap Bytes
and Swap Words can be checked, so the order of resulting
data appears correctly.

• Multiplex Method: select Primary or Secondary (Primary is the

default). Select Secondary only if you have an inconsistent fieldbus
master. Refer to Multiplexing on page 7-149 for detailed information
about each method.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-141



Fig. 7-136: Fieldbus Slave Configuration: Advanced, for EtherNet/IP

Cyclic Data Configuration

An example of the Cyclic Data Configuration window is shown in Fig. 7-
137 below. If you are editing an existing Fieldbus Mapper file, the list will
probably contain more items.
First, you must select the Cyclic Input List (from PPC-R to PLC) or the
Cyclic Output List (from PLC to PPC-R).


Fig. 7-137: Cyclic Data Configuration

Adding an Item to the List

1. Select the Cyclic Input List or the Cyclic Output List.
2. Click Add. The window in Fig. 7-138 appears. Select the Data Type
(for example, Register).


Fig. 7-138: Add Item to Cyclic Data

7-142 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Note: Registers and 16-bit Multiplex Containers (used only for

Registers) require one data word (16 bits), and all other data
types require two data words (32 bits) of space.

3. Enter the required information (for example Register Number) or

select it from the list below. Only the available data types for your
designated VisualMotion hardware setup and fieldbus type are listed.

Note: If your project is in Service mode and you check the box next
to “Get Latest (Online),” the data type label list is updated
based on your firmware version and the currently active

4. Click OK to add the selected item to the list.

Adding Multiplex Containers to the List

1. Select the Cyclic Input List or the Cyclic Output List.
2. Click Add.
3. In the Add Item window under Select the Data Type, select Multiplex
Container 16-bit (for Registers) or Multiplex Container 32-bit (for all
other data types).
4. Click OK to add the Multiplex Container to the List. The window (Fig.
7-139) below is an example where a 16-bit Multiplex Container and a
32-Bit Multiplex Container have been added.


Fig. 7-139: Cyclic Data Configuration, Multiplex Containers

Note: At this point, the Multiplex Containers do not yet contain any
items. To add multiplex items refer to Adding Items to an
Empty Multiplex Container below.

Adding Items to an Empty Multiplex Container

1. In the Cyclic Data Configuration window, select the multiplex
container to which you want to add items.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-143

2. Click Add. The window in Fig. 7-140 below appears. Because it is

unclear whether you would like to add to the list or to the multiplex
container, the Fieldbus Mapper is requesting clarification.


Fig. 7-140: Add Item or Multiplex Item Window

Note: For subsequent items, highlight any of the indexes within the
multiplex container before clicking Add, and the Fieldbus Mapper will
know you want to add to that container.

3. To add to the selected multiplex container, click No. The window in

Fig. 7-141 below is an example for adding a 32-bit multiplex item.
4. Select the desired item to be added to the multiplex container.

Note: In addition to the data types that can be added to the multiplex
list, an empty item called Multiplex Empty Item is available to
fill a space within the multiplex container, if nothing is to be
mapped to a particular index.

5. Click OK. The item is automatically placed in the multiplex container

as the next unassigned index item (e.g. the first item is index 00, the
last is index 31).
6. Repeat for as many items as you want to add to the multiplex
container, up to 32 items.


Fig. 7-141: Adding a Multiplex Item to the Container (32-bit example)

7-144 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Editing the Cyclic Data Lists

To make changes to an existing list, use the following buttons:

Button Function

Inserts a new item at the end of the list.

Inserts a new item into the list directly before the selected item.

Removes the selected item from the list.

Allows editing of the selected item. (To edit a list item, you may
also double-click on it.)
Clears up the current list.

Table 7-64: Button Functions in the Cyclic Data Configuration Window

Additional Functions
Several additional functions are available in the Fieldbus Mapper:
Menu Item Function
Print Print the current fieldbus configuration data.
Print Preview Preview the printout of the current fieldbus
configuration data
Print Setup Configure printer settings

Table 7-65: Additional Functions

Getting the Fieldbus Configuration from the PPC

After getting the fieldbus configuration from the PPC, the following
information is detected by the system and appears in the configuration
• Fieldbus Type Found
• Fieldbus FW (Firmware) Version
• GPP Control FW (Firmware) Version
An example is shown in Fig. 7-142 below. For ControlNet and EtherNet/IP
fieldbuses, the configuration tree would have different elements in it.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-145

On-line Information

Online info_DN.tif

Fig. 7-142: Online Fieldbus Configuration Information (DeviceNet Example)

7-146 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Information for the GPP Programmer

Fieldbus Status
VisualMotion Register 19 holds the information for "Fieldbus Status." The
register information can be referenced in a VisualMotion application
program to respond to the status of each bit. The use of these bits is
Table 7-66 below contains the bit assignment for the fieldbus status. The
assigned bits are labeled with "x" and the bit number in the second row.
Unassigned bits are labeled with "---."
16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
--- x15 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- x5 x4 --- x2 x1

Table 7-66: Bit Assignment for VisualMotion Register 19

Bit Definitions
x1, x2 Status bits for the internal DPR (Dual-Port RAM) communication between
the fieldbus slave and the PPC-R:
x1: FB Init OK , LSB (least significant bit)
x2: FB Init OK, MSB (most significant bit)
The bit combinations for x1 and x2 are as follows:
Bit 2 Bit 1 Description
(PPC-R) (Fieldbus)
0 0 A reset has been executed on the DPR,
neither the PPC-R nor the fieldbus card have
initialized the DPR.
0 1 The DPR is initialized by the fieldbus card, but
not yet by the PPC-R.
1 0 The DPR initialization is complete. DPR has
been initialized by the fieldbus card and PPC-R.
Fieldbus to PPC-R communications system is
1 1 Fieldbus to PPC-R communications system is
Table 7-67: Possible Settings for Bits 1 and 2, Status Bits for DPR

x4 Status bit for the active bus capabilities of the fieldbus slaves (FB Slave
0--> The fieldbus slave is not (yet) ready for data exchange.
1--> The fieldbus slave can actively participate on the bus.
x5 Status bit for the non-cyclic channel (Explicit Messaging) (Non-Cyc
0--> The non-cyclic channel (Explicit Messaging) cannot (yet) be used.
1--> The non-cyclic channel (Explicit Messaging) is ready for use by the
fieldbus master.
x15 Status bit for the cyclic data output (Cyclic Data Valid):
0--> The cyclic data outputs (coming in to the PPC-R) are INVALID.
1--> The cyclic data outputs (coming in to the PPC-R) are VALID. The
system looks for this bit to be 1 before allowing data transfer.
This bit is monitored for the Fieldbus Error Reaction. Whenever this bit
goes to 0 after a fieldbus card was initially found by the PPC-R, the

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-147

selected Error Reaction (system shutdown, error message, or ignore) is

initiated. Refer to Fieldbus Error Reaction on page 7-147 for an
explanation of the Fieldbus Error Reaction setting.

Fieldbus Diagnostics
VisualMotion Register 20 holds the information for "Fieldbus Diagnostics."
Table 7-68 below contains the bit assignment for the diagnostics. The
assigned bits are labeled with "x" and the bit number in the second row.
Unassigned bits are labeled with "---."
16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
X16 x15 x14 x13 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Table 7-68: Bit Assignment for VisualMotion Register 20

Bit Definitions
x13 - x16 Identification of the fieldbus interface card (FB Card Found)
The bit combinations for x13, x14 and x15 are as follows:
Bit 16 Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Fieldbus Type
0 0 0 0 <NO CARD>
0 0 0 1 <Not Defined>
0 0 1 0 Interbus
0 0 1 1 DeviceNet
0 1 0 0 Profibus
0 1 0 1 ControlNet
0 1 1 0 <Not Defined>
0 1 1 1 EtherNet/IP (10 MB)
1 1 1 1 Indramat PLC Interface

Table 7-69: Identification of the Fieldbus Interface

Fieldbus/PLC Cyclic Read/Write Monitoring

Monitoring of Fieldbus read/write capabilities to the cyclic channel are
associated with three parameters:
• C-0-2611 Fieldbus/PLC Cyclic Channel: Current Number of Misses–
displays the current number of transfers to/from the cyclic channel.
• C-0-2612 Fieldbus/PLC Cyclic Channel: Peak Number of Misses –
displays the maximum number of missed transfers to/from the cyclic
• C-0-2613 Fieldbus/PLC Cyclic Channel: Timeout Counter – displays
the number of timeouts in the cyclic channel. If after 4 ms, the Cyclic
Mapping Lists are not successfully transmitted, a "miss" is noted.
For more information about these parameters, refer to the VisualMotion
11 Functional Description manual.

Fieldbus Error Reaction

Note: The Fieldbus Error Reaction setting is active only in Sercos
Phase 4. In all other Sercos phases, it will be inactive.

You can select how you would like the PPC-R system to react in case of a
fieldbus error. This reaction can be set in the "Fieldbus Slave
Configuration" window, using the combo box labeled "Fieldbus Error

7-148 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Three options are available for the Error Reaction setting. Depending on
the selected setting, the value 0, 1, or 2 is stored in Parameter C-0-2635:

Setting Value in Parameter C-0-2635

Shutdown 0 (default)
Warning Only 1
Ignore 2
Table 7-70: Parameter C-0-2635 Values for Error Reaction Settings

Fieldbus Mapper Timeout

The Fieldbus Mapper continually scans the system for sufficient
resources to process the cyclic data mapping lists (2600 and 2601 lists).
If 10 out of 10 consecutive attempts of the mapping list update are
incomplete, the system is considered to have insufficient resources and
the selected error reaction is evoked, as follows:
If "Shutdown" (0) is set in Parameter C-0-2635, the following error is
generated from the PPC-R card: 520 Fieldbus Mapper Timeout
If "Warning Only" (1) is set in Parameter C-0-2635, the following error is
generated: 209 Fieldbus Mapper Timeout
If "Ignore" (2) is set in Parameter C-0-2635, the system will update as
resources become available, but there is no way to monitor whether or not
updates actually occur.
Lost Fieldbus Connection
Register 19, bit 4 indicates the status of the fieldbus. Refer to Fieldbus
Status for more specific bit information. The system monitors this bit and
evokes the selected error reaction if the bit is low (0), after a fieldbus card
is found. A typical situation that will cause this condition is the
disconnection of the fieldbus cable from the fieldbus card.
If "Shutdown" (0) is set in Parameter C-0-2635, the following error is
generated from the PPC-R (active in Sercos Phase 4 only):
519 Lost Fieldbus Connection
If "Warning Only" (1) is set in Parameter C-0-2635, the following error is
generated (active in Sercos Phase 4 only):
208 Lost Fieldbus Connection
If "Ignore" (2) is set in Parameter C-0-2635, there is no noticeable
reaction when the Register 19 status bits go low, unless the GPP
application program is customized to evoke a special reaction.

Troubleshooting Tip:
If a fieldbus card is not found on the system, the Error
Reaction setting will be ignored. If you have a fieldbus card
and the Error Reaction is not responding as expected, the
system may not "refer to" your fieldbus card.

Information for the PLC Programmer

*.eds File
Rexroth supplies an *.eds file containing supporting information for the
PPC-R with a DeviceNet or ControlNet slave configuration. This file is
provided on the VisualMotion 11 installation CD.

Word and Byte Swapping

In the Fieldbus Mapper, it is possible to enable automatic word and byte
swapping for DeviceNet, ControlNet, and EtherNet/IP fieldbuses (for both
input and output), depending on the type of PLC used.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-149

• 32-bit Object Word Swapping - The setting of this option

determines the order in which the two data words in any 32-bit
(double word) cyclic or non-cyclic mapped object are transmitted.
The default setting, "Do not swap words" (“Swap Words” checkbox
unchecked under the Advanced Options) causes the words to be
transmitted in their usual order: [Word 1], [Word 2]. The "Swap
Words" setting (“Swap Words” checkbox checked under the
Advanced Options) causes the words to be transmitted in inverted
order: [Word 2], [Word 1]. The setting of this option is stored in Card
Parameter C-0-2636, bit 0.
• Explicit Message Byte Swapping - The setting of this option
determines the order in which the bytes of non-cyclic data >4 bytes
long are transmitted. The default setting, "Do not swap bytes"
(“Swap Bytes” checkbox unchecked under the Advanced Options)
causes the bytes to be transmitted in their usual order: [Byte 1],
[Byte 2], [Byte 3], [Byte 4], [Byte 5], [Byte 6].... The "Swap Bytes"
setting (“Swap Bytes” checkbox checked under the Advanced
Options) causes each pair of bytes to be transmitted in inverted order:
[Byte 2], [Byte 1], [Byte 4], [Byte 3], [Byte 6], [Byte 5].... The setting of
this option is stored in Card Parameter C-0-2636, bit 1.

Example: Allen-Bradley 1747-SDN Module for the SLC-Series

When the Allen-Bradley 1747-SDN (DeviceNet Scanner) Module for the
SLC-Series PLC is used, both Swap Words and Swap Bytes can be
checked in the Fieldbus Mapper, so the order of resulting data appears

Primary Multiplex Method (for Consistent Masters only)

Important: You should use the Primary Multiplex Method only for a
master that is consistent over the entire cyclic channel. The
Secondary Multiplex Method is available for inconsistent
masters. Refer to Explanation of the Master Consistency
Problem on page 7-152.

The advantage of the Primary Method is easier handling of input data for
consistent masters.

Control Word and Status Word

Control Word The control word is transferred in the multiplex channel from master to
slave. It tells the slave in which index the data is being transferred from
master to slave and in which index the data is requested from slave to

Multiplex Input Control Multiplex Output Control

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Multiplex Input Control Multiplex Output Control
Index (index_in_c) Write Request Index (index_out_c)
(defines the input index command for Toggle Bit (defines the output index command
multiplexing) for multiplexing)
(initiates the write
command once each
time it is toggled)

Fig. 7-143: Control Word Definition, Primary Multiplex Method

7-150 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

• Index_out_c: tells the slave in which index the data are transferred
from master to slave (out = master -> slave, _c = element of control
• Index_in_c: tells the slave in which index the data is requested from
slave to master (in = slave -> master, _c = element of control word).
• WR (Write Request): handshake bit (refer to meaning of WR and

Note: Input data via the Multiplex Channel is continually being


Status Word The status word is transferred in the multiplex channel from slave to
master. It acknowledges the written index and the requested index.

Multiplex Input Status Byte Multiplex Output Status

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Multiplex Input Status Multiplex Output Status
Index (index_in_s) Write Request Index (index_out_s)
(confirms that the input index Acknowledge (confirms that the output index
response location matches that of the response location matches that of the
command location) Bit (WA) command location)
(checks that the
write data has been
read once each
time it is toggled)

Fig. 7-144: Status Word Definition, Primary Multiplex Method

• Index_out_s: acknowledges index written by the master (out = master

-> slave, _s = element of status word).
• Index_in_s: tells the master which index is transferred from slave to
master in the actual process data cycle (in = slave -> master, _s =
element of status word).
• WA (Write Acknowledge): Handshake bit (refer to meaning of WR
and WA).

Handshake Bits WR and WA

WR and WA are handshake bits that allow the controlled writing of data
via the multiplex channel. WR and WA control the data transfer for
writing data_out (data send from master to slave).
WR == WA:
• tells the master that the slave has received the last multiplex data_out.
The master can now send new data_out.
• tells the slave to do nothing, because the master has not yet put new
consistent data_out on the bus.
WR! = WA:
• tells the slave to do something, because the master has now put
consistent new data_out on bus.
• tells the master to do nothing, because the slave has not yet received
the latest multiplex data_out.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-151

Master Communications (Primary Multiplex Method)


Control word =0

Read Data_in Read Index_in_s,

Index_in_c == Read Data_in,
Index_in_s ? Yes Write Index_in_c

Write Data_out Write Data_out,

WR == WA ?
Write Index_out_c,

Toggle RT (Set WR = ~WA)

Fig. 7-145: Primary Multiplex Method, Master Communications

Programming Example
To aid in implementing the multiplex function in a PLC program, the
following flow chart shows two ways of reading and writing data. Reading
and writing can be executed separately, which allows the input data to be
updated about 30% faster. The “Read Data” example would be placed at
the beginning of a PLC program the “Write Data” example at the end.
Combined reading and writing makes the PLC program simpler,
especially when using the same index for both transfer actions.

Multiplexing flow chart.FH7

Fig. 7-146: Flow Chart of Multiplex Programming Examples (Primary Method)

7-152 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Secondary Multiplex Method (for Inconsistent Masters)

Explanation of the Master Consistency Problem
The PPC-R fieldbus slave interfaces can guarantee consistency,
however, some fieldbus masters can only guarantee byte, word or double
word consistency. If the master is only word-consistent, it is possible that
the master cannot transfer the data and the control word of one multiplex
index consistently from the PLC to the fieldbus. Therefore, it is necessary
to have a second multiplex method where both input data and output data
require the handshake bits to update via the fieldbus.

Note: The meanings of the control and status words are the same as
for the Primary Multiplex Method. The only difference is that
toggle bits RR and RA are used in the Secondary Method.

Fig. 7-147 and Fig. 7-148 below illustrate the control and status word
definitions for the Secondary Multiplex Method.

Multiplex Input Control Byte Multiplex Output Control Byte

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
RR Multiplex Input
Control Control
Input Index Multiplex Output Control Index
see definition (defines the input index command for
(index_in_c) (index_out_c)
under “Handshake
Write Request
(defines the multiplexing)
input index command for Toggle Bit (WR) (defines the output index command for
Bits WR / WA and
multiplexing) (initiates the write multiplexing)
RR / RA”
(Secondary command once each
Method only) time it is toggled)

Fig. 7-147: Control Word Definition, Secondary Multiplex Method

Multiplex Input Status Byte Multiplex Output Status Byte

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
RA Multiplex Input Status Index Multiplex Output Status Index
see definition
under “Handshake
(index_in_s) Write Request (index_out_s)
(confirms that the input index response Acknowledge Bit (confirms that the output index response
Bits WR / WA and
location matches that of the command location matches that of the command
RR / RA” (WA)
location) location)
(Secondary (checks that the write
Method only) data has been read
once each time it is

Fig. 7-148: Status Word Definition, Secondary Multiplex Method

The Secondary Multiplex Method has the following features:

• You can transfer a different index from master to slave as from slave
to master.
• The handshake bits for both reading and writing of this multiplex
channel make the multiplexing possible on inconsistent systems

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-153

Handshake Bits RR and RA

RR (Read Request) and RA (Read Acknowledge) are handshake bits that
allow a controlled data transfer and use of the multiplex channel on
inconsistent masters. RR and RA control the data transfer for reading
data_in (data send from slave to master).

RR == RA:
• tells the master that the slave has sent the requested data_in. The
master can now read the data_in and request new data_in.
• tells the slave to do nothing, because the master has not yet put new
consistent data on the bus.
RR != RA:
• tells the slave to put new data_in on the bus, because the master
requests new data_in.
• tells the master to do nothing, because the slave has not yet put the
latest requested multiplex data_in on the bus.

Master Communications (Secondary Multiplex Method)


Control Word =0

Read Data_in Read Index_in_s,

RR==RA ?
Read Data_in,
Yes Write Index in c

Toggle RRT (Set RR = ~RA)

Write Data_out Write Data_out,

WR == WA ?
Write Index_out_c,

Toggle WRT (Set WR = ~WA)

how to become consistent could be different from master to master

Fig. 7-149: Secondary Multiplex Method, Master Communications

For some masters, it could be enough to first write data and then the
control word. For other masters, you may have to implement a delay time
(this time could be different from master to master) before writing WR =

Non-Cyclic Data (Explicit Messaging)

The following methods for transferring data are available via DeviceNet,
ControlNet, and EtherNet/IP Explicit Messaging:
• Mapped Data
• Data Exchange Objects

Mapped Data
Mapped data is the most powerful feature of the PPC-R non-cyclic
fieldbus interface. Through mapped data, the user has access to virtually
every PPC-R parameter over the fieldbus. It is easy to implement from
the PLC side and requires no setup on the PPC-R side.

7-154 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

To access a VisualMotion data type over the fieldbus, it has to be

specified by an address that consists of a Class, Instance and Attribute.
The Class, Instance and Attribute for each data type can be calculated by
a formula (refer to
Example Lookup Tables for Mapped Data on page 7-163).

Fieldbus Visual
Data Motion



Class, Instance Cl 101, Inst 1 S-1


Cl 101, Inst 2

Cl 118, Inst 1 P-1
Cl 118, Inst 2

Cl 135, Inst 1 A-1
Cl 135, Inst 3





Fig. 7-150: Mapped Data

Mapped data can be used with the following parameters and values:

• S-Parameters (SERCOS Drive S-Parameters) size and

• P-Parameters (SERCOS Drive P-Parameters) format
depend on
• A-Parameters (PPC Axis Parameters) ,1
parameter *
• C-Parameters (PPC C System parameters)
• T-Parameters (PPC Task parameters)
PF-Values (PPC Program Float data, 32 bit – 2 words, IEEE format) *
GI-Values (PPC Global Integer data, 32 bit – 2 words) *
GF-Values (PPC Global Float data, 32 bit – 2 words, IEEE format) *
PI-Values (PPC Program Integer data, 32 bit – 2 words) *
Reg.-Values (PPC Register data, 16 bit – 1 word) *
Data Exchange Objects (0x5E70 – 0x5E73) (embedded ASCII Protocol)
*You may notice that parameters accessed via the non-cyclic (Parameter) channel are not always the same
size as reported from the attribute field. This is so that the data sizes correspond with the way the different data
types are handled in the cyclic channel (Registers are always set to 16-bit size and Parameters are cast to 32-
bit size, even if they actually use less space).
4. When writing mapped data to a VisualMotion Parameter, you must send the size data
corresponding to that of the attribute field within the parameter.
a.) For 32-bit parameters, you must send a data size of 32 bits (otherwise, VM error #07 is
b.) For 16-bit parameters, you must send a data of size 16-bits. If, for this case, you send data of
size 32 bits, one of the following occurs:

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-155

i.) For parameters of type 16-bit unsigned, only the Low word is stored, and the High word is
ii.) For parameters of type 16-bit signed, bits 0-14 of the low word along with the sign bit #31
are used, and the remaining bits are ignored.
c.) For String Parameters (e.g. S-0-0142), you must send the size of the string to write.
d.) All other Parameter Types (list parameters, command parameters, etc), are not supported for
mapped data.
When reading mapped data from a VisualMotion Parameter, there are 3 possible cases of sizes
a.) If the parameter type is a string, you receive the number of bytes corresponding to the length of
the string.
b.) If the parameter is 32-bit or less, you receive a cast 32-bit value for this parameter. This implies
that 16-bit parameters are returned as cast in to 32-bit values.
c.) All other parameter types (e.g. list parameters, command parameters, etc.), are not supported
for mapped data.
5. When writing mapped data to a VisualMotion Program Float, Program Integer, Global Float, or
Global Integer, the data size must be 32-bits (2 words). Any other size returns a VM error #07
(Invalid Data Format).
When reading mapped data from a VisualMotion Program Float, Program Integer, Global Float, or
Global Integer, the data size returned is always 32-bit (2 words).
6. When writing mapped data to a VisualMotion Register, the data must be 16-bits (1 word). Any other
size returns a VM error #07 (Invalid Data Format).
When reading mapped data from a VisualMotion Register, the data size returned is always 16-bit (1 word).

Selecting Mapped Data

To access a data type over the fieldbus, it has to be specified by an
address that consists of a Class, Instance and Attribute. Class, Instance
and Attribute for each data type can be calculated by a formula (refer to
Accessing Mapped Data on page 7-161).

Transmission Sequence for Mapped Data

Note: For mapped data, only one transmission (and one response)
is required, to send a read or write message to and receive a
response from the PPC-R.

Fieldbus Message

Data Field:
Raw Data

key components: key components:

• service code: Read = 0x0E • raw data to be transmitted
Write = 0x10 (write message only; unused for
• mapped data (under VisualMotion read message)
Mapped Data at the end of this section).
This is the destination of the data field.
Selection of the Class, Instance and
Attribute depends on the required
• Data field size (in bytes)
minimum = 6 bytes for Class, Instance,

The format of the Fieldbus message header and the method
of implementation are dependent on the Fieldbus type and the
master (PLC) being used. Refer to your Fieldbus master/PLC
documentation for proper transport and formatting of the
message header.

7-156 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Non-Cyclic Mapped Data Write

Message Steps Process Comments

1. Write request from the FB Write Command to The data field for the write
master with raw data. appropriate Class, request contains the value to be
Instance and Attribute
stored in the VisualMotion data.
Raw data

2. Acknowledge fieldbus The response message contains

response from slave. FB Response No Diagnose only a confirmation that the
Received? error fieldbus message was sent
properly. Therefore, the size of
the data field will be 0.

FB Response No



Fig. 7-151: Non-Cyclic Mapped Data Write Process

Example: Write the value -27.43 to Program Float 16 (This is a 32-bit data type,
which is mapped to Class 165, Instance 1, and Attribute 16. The Class,
Instance and Attribute can be calculated using the formulas under
Accessing Mapped Data at the end of this chapter.)
1. Write request from the master with raw data.
Header: Data Field:
Write command VisualMotion raw data

contains: contains data (here, shown in

• Write service code = (0x10) decimal format):
• object number (Class 165, Instance 1, -27.43
Attribute 16)
• data field size (bytes—in this case: 4) +
(6 bytes for Class, Inst, Att) = 10 bytes

2. After the write request from the master, the PPC-R sends a response

Header: No data field

Response message

• “Write” message o.k. is denoted by a
Response service code of (0x90)
• data field size = 0 bytes

3. If the message response (code in message header) shows o.k., the

transaction is complete.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-157

Non-Cyclic Mapped Data Read

Message Steps Process Comments

1. Read request from the FB Read Command to The request message contains
appropriate Class, only the fieldbus read command
master with no data field. Instance and Attribute
and the Class, Instance and
Attribute to be read.

2. Acknowledge fieldbus
response from slave. FB Response No Diagnose
Received? error


No The data field for the response

FB Response
OK? contains the value requested
from the slave (PPC-R).

VisualMotion raw
3. Master uses data from data is available
fieldbus response. for use by master.

Fig. 7-152: Non-Cyclic Mapped Data Read Process

Example: Read the value contained in Program Integer 8. (This is a 32-bit data
type, which is mapped to Class 165, Instance 21, and Attribute 8. The
Class, Instance and Attribute can be calculated using the formulas under,
“Accessing Mapped Data,” at the end of this chapter.)
1. Read request from the master.
Header: No data field
Read command

• Read service code = (0x0E)
• Class 165, Instance 21, Attribute 8
• data field size = 6 bytes for Class, Inst, Att

2. After the read request from the master, the PPC-R sends a response

Header: Data Field:

Response message VisualMotion raw data

contains: contains data (here, shown in

• “Read” message o.k. is denoted by a decimal format):
Response service code of (0x8E) 12345
• data field size = 4 bytes

If the message response (code in message header) shows o.k., the

requested value is attached to the message in the data field. This value
is now available for use by the master (PLC).

Data Exchange Objects

The four data exchange objects Class 100, Instance 1-4, Attribute 100
represent fixed data "containers" of varying lengths that transfer the
VisualMotion ASCII Protocol to the PPC-R. These objects serve as an open-
ended possibility to access any VisualMotion data (including cams, diagnostic

7-158 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

text, etc.), but more work is required in the master to perform a transmission
of this type. Both the VisualMotion ASCII message and the fieldbus transfer
message must be formulated.
Table 7-71 below lists the available data exchange objects and their sizes.
Data Exchange Object Data Length (in bytes)
Class 100, Instance 1, Attribute 100 16
Class 100, Instance 2, Attribute 100 32
Class 100, Instance 3, Attribute 100 64
Class 100, Instance 4, Attribute 100 128

Table 7-71: Length of the Data Exchange Objects

Selecting a Data Exchange Object

Depending on the length of a VisualMotion ASCII message, any of these
data exchange objects can be selected.

Note: The entire data length of the data exchange object must
always be transmitted even if the VisualMotion ASCII message
is shorter.
For example, if you want to transmit an ASCII message of 42
bytes, you must use Class 100, Instance 3. To avoid a
response error from the Fieldbus slave, you must append 22
"Null" characters to the end of the ASCII message to complete
a data size of 64 bytes.
Note: The checksum for the VisualMotion ASCII protocol is NOT
used with the data exchange object. If the checksum is sent
as part of the string, it will be ignored, and no checksum will be
sent in the VisualMotion ASCII response messages. To
ensure data integrity, the Fieldbus protocols support a low-
level checksum.

Transmission Sequence via a Data Exchange Object

Note: For the data exchange object, two transmissions (and two
responses) are required, to send the read or write message to
and then receive the response message from the PPC-R.

Fieldbus Message

Data Field:
VisualMotion ASCII Protocol

key components: key components:

• service code: Read = 0x0E • VisualMotion command
Write = 0x10 (read or write data)
• data exchange object (Class 100, • ASCII data contained in the selected
Instance 1-4, Attribute 100). This is the data exchange object
destination of the data field. Object
selection depends on required data field • The <CR> (0x0D) and <LF> (0x0A)
size. characters must be applied to the
• data field size (in bytes) ASCII string
minimum = 6 bytes for Class, Instance, • A checksum is not used in this case.
Attribute (Fieldbus has a checksum)
Note: Refer to the VisualMotion 6
Reference Manual for an explanation of the
VisualMotion ASCII Protocol.

Fig. 7-153: Format of a Non-Cyclic Fieldbus Message using a Data Exchange


Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-159

Important: The format of the fieldbus message header is dependent on

the type of master (PLC) being used. Refer to your PLC
manufacturer's manual for specific information on this topic.

The following sequence describes the communication between the

Fieldbus master (PLC) and the Fieldbus slave (PPC-R):
Message Steps Process Comments

1. Write request from the FB Write Command The data field for the write
master with VisualMotion VM ASCII protocol request can contain a
ASCII Protocol. command text VisualMotion read or write
(read or write data) protocol.

2. Acknowledge fieldbus The response message contains

response from slave. FB Response No Diagnose only a confirmation that the
Received? error fieldbus message was sent
properly. Therefore, the size of
the data field will be 0.

FB Response No


3. Read request from the FB Read Command The read request message
master to get VisualMotion contains only header information
ASCII response. No data (the data field is 0). You must
anticipate the approximate size
of the data field (VisualMotion
ASCII response message) in
order to select the appropriate
data exchange object. If the
selected object is too short, the
data will be truncated.
4. Receive fieldbus response
The response message will
from slave. FB Response No
contain the VisualMotion ASCII
Received? response to the VisualMotion
ASCII command text in Step 1.

FB Response No


VM ASCII protocol
response text
(write or transmit data)

Fig. 7-154: Non-Cyclic (Explicit Messaging) VisualMotion ASCII Communication


7-160 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Example: Read Card Parameter 100 (PPC-R firmware version)

1. Write request from the master with VisualMotion ASCII Protocol.

Header: Data Field:

Write command VisualMotion ASCII Protocol

contains: contains code:

• Write service code = (0x10) >0_CP_1.100\CR\LF\00\00\00
• object number (Class 100, Instance 1,
Attribute 100)
• data field size (bytes—in this case: 16) +
(6 bytes for Class, Inst, Att) = 22 bytes

2. After the first read request from the master, the PPC-R sends a
response message.

No data field
Response message

• “Write” message o.k. is denoted by a
Response service code of (0x90)
• data field size = 0 bytes

3. Read request from the master for the VisualMotion ASCII response

Header: No data field

Read command

• Read service code = (0x0E)
• object number (Class 100, Instance 3,
Attribute 100 —anticipated return data size
between 32 and 64 bytes)
• data field size = 6 bytes for Class, Inst, Att

Note: To ensure that all of the data requested in this step is received
in step 4 below, a data exchange object of the appropriate size
must be selected.
If the selected data exchange object is too small, the data will
be truncated.
If the selected data exchange object is too large, efficiency of
transmission will be compromised.

4. The PPC-R sends the final response message.

Header: Data Field:

Response message VisualMotion ASCII Protocol

contains: contains code:

• “Read” message o.k. is denoted by >0_CP_1.100_PSM01*-GPP-07V11-
a Response service code of (0x8E) MS\CR\LF\00\00\00\00\00\00\00
• data field size = 64 bytes \00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-161

DeviceNet, ControlNet, and EtherNet/IP General Error Codes

Error No. Error Name Error Description
0x09 Invalid attribute Invalid attribute data detected.
0x0E Attribute not A request to modify a non-modifiable attribute
settable was received.
0x13 Not enough data The service did not supply enough data to
perform the specified operation.
0x14 Attribute not The attribute specified does not exist in the
supported device.
0x15 Too much data The service supplied more data than was
0x16 Object does not The object specified does not exist in the
exist device.
0x1F* Vendor-specific A vendor-specific error has been encountered.
error The Additional Code Field of the Error
Response defines the particular error
encountered. Use of this General Error Code
should only be performed when none of the
Error Codes presented in this table or within
an Object Class definition accurately reflects
the error. Refer to for information on Low-
Byte Error Codes for 0x1F
* Note: This error code is not valid for ControlNet
Table 7-72: DeviceNet Error Codes

Explicit Messaging Error Codes (Low-Byte) for 0x1F

Error No. Error Description


0xF3 Invalid Attribute – Occurs when an attempt to access an incorrect or

undefined location in the mapped data area.
0xF2 Invalid Class and Instance – Occurs when attempting to access an
incorrect or undefined location in the mapped data area.
0xF1 Not used
0xF0 ASCII Format Error – occurs when attempting to communicate via
the Data Exchange object where VisualMotion ASCII protocol is
sent. This error also occurs if the initial characters are incorrect
(such as the absence of the “>” start character).
< 0xF0 Error is based on VisualMotion Communication Error codes. Refer
to Communication Error Codes for details.

Table 7-73: Parameter Channel Error Codes (Low-Byte)

Accessing Mapped Data

Rexroth has pre-configured a number of VisualMotion data types to
DeviceNet, ControlNet, or EtherNet/IP Classes, Instances and Attributes.
We call this concept-mapped data. These data types can be accessed
via DeviceNet/ControlNet/EtherNet/IP Explicit Messaging. The Class,
Instance and Attribute for each of these data types can be calculated
using the formulas in Table 7-74 below.

7-162 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Instance Attribute Formula
Class 166 0 Note: for backwards compatibility, also listed as
Instance 137
Data Exchange Object ---- ---- Class 100, Instance 1 - 4, Attribute 100
Class 166 0
Instance 134
Class 166, 255
Instance 133
<FREE> ---- ----
(349 objects available) Class 165 1
Instance 41
Class 165 255 Class = 165
Instance 40
Program Integers ---- ---- Instance = 21 + [(Program Integer - 1) \ 255]
(Int 1 – Int 5100) Class 165 1 Attribute = Program Integer - [(Instance - 21) * 255)]
Instance 21
Class 165 255 Class = 165
Instance 20
Program Floats ---- ---- Instance = 1 + [(Program Float - 1) \ 255]
(Float 1 – Float 5100) Class 165, 1 Attribute = Program Float - [(Instance - 1) * 255)]
Instance 1
Class 164, 255
Instance 255
<FREE> ---- ----
(235 objects available) Class 164, 1
Instance 21
Class 164, 255 Class = 164
Instance 20
Global Integers ---- ---- Instance = 11 + [(Global Integer - 1) \ 255]
(GInt 1 – GInt 2550*) Class 164, 1 Attribute = Global Integer - [(Instance - 11) * 255)]
Instance 11
Class 164, 255 Class = 164
Instance 10
Global Floats ---- ---- Instance = 1 + [(Global Float - 1) \ 255]
(GFloat 1 – Gfloat 2550*) Class 164, 1 Attribute = Global Float - [(Instance - 1) * 255)]
Instance 1
Class 163, 255
Instance 255
<FREE> ---- ----
(245 objects available) Class 163, 1
Instance 11
Class 163, 255 Class = 163
Instance 10
Registers ---- ---- Instance = 1 + [(Register - 1) \ 255]
(Reg. 1 – Reg. 2550**) Class 163, 1 Attribute = Register - [(Instance - 1) * 255)]
Instance 1
Class 162, 4 Class = 159 + [(T-Parameter - 1) \ 255]
Instance 255
T-Parameters ---- ---- Instance = T-Parameter - [(Class - 159) * 255]
(T-0-0001 – T-0-1020) Class 159, 1 Attribute = Task Number
Instance 1
Class 158, 255
Instance 255
<FREE> ---- ----
(GFloat 1 – Gfloat 2550) Class 158, 1
Instance 14
Class 158, 1 Class = 144 + [(C-Parameter - 1) \ 255]
Instance 13
C-Parameters ---- ---- Instance = C-Parameter - [(Class - 144) * 255]

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-163

Instance Attribute Formula
(C-0-0001 - C-0-3583) Class 144, 1 Attribute = 1 (data)
Instance 1
Class 143, 99 Class = 135 + [(A-Parameter - 1) \ 255]
Instance 7
A-Parameters ---- ---- Instance = A-Parameter - [(Class - 135) * 255]
(A-0-0001 - A-0-2047) Class 135, 1 Attribute = Axis Number
Instance 1
Class 134, 99 Class = 118 + [(P-Parameter - 1) \ 255]
Instance 15
P-Parameters ---- ---- Instance = P-Parameter - [(Class - 118) * 255]
(P-0-0001 - P-0-4095) Class 118, 1 Attribute = Drive Number
Instance 1
Class 117, 99 Class = 101 + [(S-Parameter - 1) \ 255]
Instance 15
S-Parameters ---- ---- Instance = S-Parameter - [(Class - 101) * 255]
(S-0-0001 - S-0-4095) Class 101, 1 Attribute = Drive Number
Instance 1
* current limitation: C-0-0080/C-0-0081 - Maximum number global integers/floats.
**current limitation: first 1024 registers.
Table 7-74: Formulas for Determining Mapped Objects

Example Lookup Tables for Mapped Data

Card (C) Parameters The following is an example lookup table for C-Parameters, when using
mapped objects.

Example Look-up Chart for: C-Parameters CP 0.Y ==> CP = Card Parameter

Y = Parameter Number

Class 144 Class 144 Class 144 …………… Class 144 Class 145 …………… Class 158 Class 158
Instance 1 Instance 2 Instance 3 …………… Instance 255 Instance 1 …………… Instance 12 Instance 13
Attribute ID 1 CP 0.1 CP 0.2 CP 0.3 CP 0.255 CP 0.256 CP 0.3582 CP 0.3583

Table 7-75: C-Parameters Lookup Table for Mapped Data Types

Axis(A) Parameters The following is an example lookup table for A-Parameters, when using
mapped objects. The same formula also applies to Sercos (S) and Task
(T) Parameters.

7-164 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Example Look-up Chart for: A-Parameters AP X.Y ==> AP = Axis Parameter

X = Axis Number
Y = Parameter Number

Class 135 Class 135 Class 135 …………… Class 135 Class 136 …………… Class 143 Class 143
Instance 1 Instance 2 Instance 3 …………… Instance 255 Instance 1 …………… Instance 6 Instance 7
1 AP 1.1 AP 1.2 AP 1.3 AP 1.255 AP 1.256 AP 1.2046 AP 1.2047
Attribute ID 2 AP 2.1 AP 2.2 AP 2.3 AP 2.255 AP 2.256 AP 2.2046 AP 2.2047
3 AP 3.1 AP 3.2 AP 3.3 AP 3.255 AP 3.256 AP 3.2046 AP 3.2047
: : : : : : : : : :
: : : : : : : : : :
40 AP 40.1 AP 40.2 AP 40.3 AP 40.255 AP 40.256 AP 40.2046 AP 40.2047

Table 7-76: A-Parameters Lookup Table for Mapped Data Types

Product-Specific (P) Parameters The following is an example lookup table for P-Parameters, when using
mapped objects.

Example Look-up Chart for: P-Parameters PP X.Y ==> PP = SERCOS P-Parameter (set 0 only)
X = Drive Number
Y = Parameter Number

Class 118 Class 118 Class 118 …………… Class 118 Class 119 …………… Class 134 Class 134
Instance 1 Instance 2 Instance 3 …………… Instance 255 Instance 1 …………… Instance 14 Instance 15
1 PP 1.1 PP 1.2 PP 1.3 PP 1.255 PP 1.256 PP 1.4094 PP 1.4095
Attribute ID 2 PP 2.1 PP 2.2 PP 2.3 PP 2.255 PP 2.256 PP 2.4094 PP 2.4095
3 PP 3.1 PP 3.2 PP 3.3 PP 3.255 PP 3.256 PP 3.4094 PP 3.4095
: : : : : : : : : :
: : : : : : : : : :
40 PP 40.1 PP 40.2 PP 40.3 PP 40.255 PP 40.256 PP 40.4094 PP 40.4095

Table 7-77: P-Parameters Lookup Table for Mapped Data Types

Integers The following is an example lookup table for Integers, when using
mapped objects. The same formula also applies to Floats, Global
Integers, Global Floats and Registers.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-165

Example Look-up Chart for: VM Program Integers PI 0.Y ==> PI = Program Integer
Y = Program Integer Number

Class 165 Class 165 Class 165 …………… Class 165

Instance 21 Instance 22 Instance 23 Instance 40
1 PI 1 PI 256 PI 511 PI 4846
Attribute ID = 2 PI 2 PI 257 PI 512 PI 4847
3 PI 3 PI 258 PI 513 PI 4848
: : : : : :
: : : : : :
255 PI 255 PI 510 PI 765 PI 5100

Table 7-78: Program Integers Lookup Table for Mapped Data Types

7-166 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

7.8 Interbus Fieldbus Slave

General Information
Version Note:
Information in this document is based on VisualMotion Toolkit
software version 10VRS and PPC-R firmware version GPP
11VRS. GMP 11VRS firmware does not have a fieldbus slave
interface, but can be used with the Rexroth PPC-PCI bus
interface to allow cyclic and non-cyclic data transfer.

VisualMotion 11 software is downward compatible with GPP firmware,

but, depending on the hardware platform selected, the type of fieldbus
communication selection may be limited. The following table lists the
fieldbus firmware versions and the available fieldbus interfaces for each

Interbus No
• • Fieldbus Slave

Table 7-79: Fieldbus Firmware Version and Interface Type

Note: For fieldbus hardware information, refer to the VisualMotion 11

Project Planning manual.

PPC-R System Description with a Fieldbus

The PPC-R can operate on a serial fieldbus interface (network) by means
of a fieldbus expansion card that communicates with the PPC-R via dual-
port RAM. The function of the fieldbus card is similar to that of a network
card in a PC: it allows communication with other devices on the network.
In Fig. 7-102, a commonly described fieldbus interface is pictured:
• Fieldbus Master - PLC fieldbus interface
• Fieldbus Slave - PPC-R fieldbus interface
In this document, we will refer to the PLC as the fieldbus master and the
PPC-R as the fieldbus slave.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-167


Fig. 7-155: Sample Master/Slave Setup with Fieldbus Card

With the PPC-R, the fieldbus card can be used only as a slave card in a
master/slave setup. When using EtherNet/IP in a VisualMotion 11
system, no other fieldbus interface card (i.e., Profibus, DeviceNet,
ControlNet, Interbus) or the MTS-R PLC interface can be used.

The VisualMotion Fieldbus Mapper

In the VisualMotion software package, the Fieldbus Mapper is a tool used
to set up fieldbus configuration and data mapping.

Data Transfer Direction (Output vs. Input)

In the VisualMotion Fieldbus Mapper, output and input are always
described with respect to the fieldbus master. The definitions for output
and input follow:
output: the communication from the PLC to the PPC-R (i.e. from the
fieldbus master to the fieldbus slave).
Synonyms for this type of communication: send or write data.
input: the communication from the PPC-R to the PLC (i.e. from the
fieldbus slave to the fieldbus master).
Synonyms for this type of communication: receive or read data.

Fieldbus Data Channel Descriptions

The Rexroth Interbus fieldbus interface card for the PPC-R supports the
following communication channels:
• Cyclic (PD) Channel
• Non-Cyclic (PCP) Channel
Fig. 7-94 shows the possible channel configurations.

7-168 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

word 15 word 0

Multiplex Channel Single Channel

Cyclic (PD) Channel

word 15 word 0 word 15 word 0

Multiplex Channel Only (w/PCP Channel OFF) Single Channel Only (w/P CP Channel OFF)

Cyclic (PD) Channel Basic Cyclic (PD) Channel

word 15 word 2 word 0 word 15 word 2 word 0

Multiplex Channel (w/PCP Channel ON) Single Channel (w/PCP Channel ON)

Cyclic (PD) Channel Non-Cyclic Cyclic (PD) Channel Non-Cyclic

(PCP) Channel (PCP) Channel

word 15 word 2 word 0

Multiplex Channel Single Channel

Non-Cyclic (PCP)
Cyclic (PD) Channel

Fig. 7-156: Interbus Channel Configuration Options

Cyclic (PD) Channel

The cyclic (PD) channel, sometimes called the real-time channel,
contains user-defined data. This data is stored in two ordered lists (C-0-
2600 for input data, C-0-2601 for output data) and transmitted serially
over the bus. This data is updated cyclically between the fieldbus master
and slave.
The cyclic data channel is limited to 16 input words and 16 output words
(provided the non-cyclic channel is turned off). If the non-cyclic (PCP)
channel is turned on, it consumes 2 words, thus limiting the cyclic channel
to 14 input words and 14 output words. PPC-R data types consume
these words in either one-word (16-bit) groups for PPC-R registers or two-
word (32-bit) groups for all other data types.
The PPC-R mapping list is scanned every 4 ms and data is sent and
received to/from the fieldbus slave board's dual port RAM.
The cyclic data channel can be made up of any combination of the
following data types:
• Single Channel
• Multiplex Channel

Cyclic Data: Types and Sizes

The following table outlines the PPC-R data types that can be transmitted
via the cyclic channel and the amount of space (in 16-bit data words) that
each data type consumes.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-169

Note: The cyclic data mapping lists support only 16- and 32-bit data of
the following types for reading and writing:
- Integer
- Float
- Binary (used in control parameters)
- Hex (used in control parameters)
For all other data types (e.g. diagnostic messages - “strings”), use
the non-cyclic Channel.

PPC-R Data Type Data Size

(in 16-Bit Words)
Register 1
Program Integer (currently active program ONLY *) 2
Program Float (currently active program ONLY *) 2
Global Integer 2
Global Float 2
Card Parameter 2
Axis Parameter 2
Task Parameter 2
Note: Drive parameters "S" or "P" cannot be transmitted cyclically
because of the inherent delay of parameter access over the SERCOS
service channel. See "Non-Cyclic (PCP) Channel." However, if a drive
parameter is mapped to an Axis Parameter, that Axis parameter could be
used in cyclic data (see description of Axis Parameters 180-196 in the
VisualMotion Reference Manual).
* Important Note: Integers and floats are shown only for the currently
active program. Each time you activate a new progam, the fieldbus
reads/writes to the newly-activated program.

Table 7-80: PPC-R Cyclic Data Types and Sizes

Single Data Types

Single data types are mapped directly in the cyclic mapping ordered lists
(C-0-2600, C-0-2601).

Multiplex Data Types (Cyclic Data Channel)

Important: You should use multiplexing only if your Interbus master is
consistent over the entire cyclic channel!

In some multi-axis applications, 14 or 16 words of cyclic data transfer are

not sufficient to meet the requirement of the application.
When insufficient data transfer space is available, multiplex data can be
set up within the cyclic channel. One multiplex container acts as a
placeholder for multiple possible PPC-R data types (all of the same word
size). The currently transmitted PPC-R data type is based on an index
value placed in a multiplex control or status word attached to the end of
the cyclic list. Depending on the index specified by the master, the
multiplex channel permits a different set of data within the cyclic channel
to be transferred as current real-time data. Multiplex containers can be
added to the input and output lists separately and the input and output
indexes can be designated separately (in the control and status words).

Note: Using the multiplex channel reduces the maximum number of

usable words for storing control data to 15. The 16 word (or
last used word, if fewer than 15 words) is used as the
multiplex entry control/status word.

7-170 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Note: When using VisualMotion 11 with GPP 7 firmware, a

maximum of 15 multiplex containers and a maximum of 180
mapping items can be transmitted in the input or output list.
This limitation of mapping objects means that you cannot
multiplex all 15 containers with all 32 available indexes (=480
For VisualMotion 11 with GPP 8 or 9 firmware, there is no
limitation for multiplexing (each of the first 31 words may be
multiplexed with up to 32 indexes).

Word 15 Word 14 Word 13 Word 12 Word 11 Word 10 Word 9 Word 8 Word 7 Word 6 Word 5 Word 4 Word 3 Word 2 Word 1 Word 0
16-bit 16-bit 16-bit 32-bit 32-bit 32-bit 16-bit 32-bit 32-bit 16-bit 16-bit
multiplex single single single
multiplex multiplex
control/status multiplex container multiplex container multiplex container single item single item
word container container item item item

Index 0 Index 0 Index 0 Index 0 Index 0

Index 1 Index 1 Index 1 Index 1 Index 1

Index 2 Index 2 Index 2 Index 2 Index 2

. . . . .
. . . . .
. . . . .

Index 31 Index 31 Index 31 Index 31 Index 31

Fig. 7-157: Sample Command (PLC⇒PPC-R) or Response (PPC-R ⇒PLC)

The multiplex control and status words serve to command and

acknowledge multiplex data transferred between the fieldbus master and
the fieldbus slave. The control word is associated with output
communication (PLC⇒PPC-R). The status word is associated with
input communication (PPC-R⇒PLC). Single data items are not affected
by the multiplex control and status words.

Note: For specific information about how the fieldbus master uses
the multiplex control and status words, refer to Multiplexing on
page 7-110.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-171

Example 1 Example 2 Example 3

12 words non-multiplexed data

12 words non-multiplexed data
12 words non-multiplexed data
Cyclic Channel

Cyclic Channel

Cyclic Channel
PLC Memory

PLC Memory

PLC Memory
Multiplex Multiplex Multiplex
Container 1 Container 1 Container 1
Multiplex Multiplex Multiplex
Container 2 Container 2 Container 2
Multiplex Multiplex Multiplex
Container 3 Container 3 Container 3
Index 00 Index 01 Index 02

control / status

Fig. 7-158: Examples for Reading Data via the Multiplex Channel

Non-Cyclic (PCP) Channel

For Interbus systems using the PPC-R/VisualMotion hardware
configuration, the non-cyclic (PCP) channel can be used for
parameterization, extended diagnostic information and other “non-urgent”
When enabled, the PCP channel is always fixed at a length of 2 words. If
it is not needed, the PCP channel can be disabled, allowing use of those
two words for the cyclic channel.

Note: For further explanation of the features supported in the PCP

channel, refer to Non-Cyclic Data Access via the Non-Cyclic
(PCP) Channel on page 7-188.

Fieldbus Mapper Functionality

Initializing the Fieldbus Mapper from VisualMotion 11
1. Open an existing program or create a new program. You must be
using PPC-R hardware with GPP firmware to use the Fieldbus
Mapper described in this document.
2. Select Commission ⇒ Fieldbus Mapper. The main Fieldbus
Mapper window appears (refer to Fig. 7-106).

7-172 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1


Fig. 7-159: FBMapper – Project Window (Empty)

Creating a New Fieldbus Mapper File

1. Click or select File ⇒ New.
A “setup wizard” goes through three steps:
− Fieldbus Slave Definition
− Fieldbus Slave Configuration
− Cyclic Data Configuration
2. Enter the information requested in the setup windows. For more
details on each step, refer to Fieldbus Slave Definition, Fieldbus
Slave Configuration, and Cyclic Data Configuration for detailed
information about each configuration step.
3. Save the file (automatically has a *.prm extension).

Importing a Fieldbus Mapper File

A Fieldbus Mapper file can be imported from another project. To import
the file:
1. Select File ⇒ Import.
2. Browse to find the desired file (*.prm extension).
3. Click Open. The main Fieldbus Mapper window appears, which lists
the configuration information. Refer to Fig. 7-160.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-173


Fig. 7-160: FBMapper – Project Window (Complete)

4. From the Fieldbus Mapper main window, double-click on the specific

item to be edited. The corresponding setup window appears.
- Or -
Select the item to edit from the Edit menu (refer to Fig. 7-161). For
more information about each step, refer to Fieldbus Slave Definition,
Fieldbus Slave Configuration, and Cyclic Data Configuration for
detailed information about each configuration step.


Fig. 7-161: Fieldbus Mapper Edit Menu

Note: You can also directly add, insert, delete, edit an item, or create
a new list by:
• clicking on the item to be edited in the main Fieldbus
Mapper window and selecting the desired function under
Edit ⇒ Selected Mapping List
• right-clicking on an item to display a menu of functions

7-174 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Fieldbus Slave Definition

From the Fieldbus Slave Definition window, select Interbus as the Fieldbus
Type (refer to Fig. 7-162). Refer to Table 7-79 for a list of the available
hardware platforms for Interbus. The hardware platform can only be selected
when the project is in Service mode.


Fig. 7-162: Fieldbus Slave Definition Window

Fieldbus Slave Configuration

The Interbus Fieldbus Slave Configuration window is shown in Fig. 7-163


Fig. 7-163: Fieldbus Slave Configuration

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-175

Fieldbus Error Reaction Set the Error Reaction to Shutdown (default), Warning or Ignore. Refer to
Fieldbus/PLC Cyclic Read/Write Monitoring on page 7-108 for detailed
information about each setting.
PCP Channel Length The PCP (non-cyclic) channel can be set to 0 words (Off) or 2 words

Advanced Configuration Options The Advanced Options field is displayed if the checkbox next to Show
Advanced Configuration Options is checked (refer to Fig. 7-164 below).
In most cases, the default options should apply.


Fig. 7-164: Fieldbus Slave Configuration: Advanced

• Multiplex Method: select Primary or Secondary (Primary is the

default). Select Secondary only if you have a consistent fieldbus
master. Refer to Multiplexing on page 7-110 for detailed information
about each method.

Cyclic Data Configuration

An example of the Cyclic Data Configuration window is shown in Fig. 7-
165 below. If you are editing an existing Fieldbus Mapper file, the list will
probably contain more items.
First, you must select the Cyclic Input List (from PPC-R to PLC) or the
Cyclic Output List (from PLC to PPC-R).

7-176 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1


Fig. 7-165: Cyclic Data Configuration

Adding an Item to the List

1. Select the Cyclic Input List or the Cyclic Output List.
2. Click Add. The window in Fig. 7-166 below appears. Select the Data
Type (for example, Register).


Fig. 7-166: Add Item to Cyclic Data

Note: Registers and 16-bit Multiplex Containers (used only for

Registers) require one data word (16 bits), and all other data
types require two data words (32 bits) of space.

3. Enter the required information (for example Register Number) or

select it from the list below. Only the available data types for your
designated VisualMotion hardware setup and fieldbus type are listed.

Note: If your project is in Service mode and you check the box next
to “Get Latest (Online),” the data type label list is updated
based on your firmware version and the currently active

4. Click OK to add the selected item to the list.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-177

Adding Multiplex Containers to the List

1. Select the Cyclic Input List or the Cyclic Output List.
2. Click Add.
3. In the Add Item window under Select the Data Type, select Multiplex
Container 16-bit (for Registers) or Multiplex Container 32-bit (for all
other data types).
4. Click OK to add the Multiplex Container to the List. The window in
Fig. 7-167 below is an example where a 16-bit Multiplex Container
and a 32-Bit Multiplex Container have been added.


Fig. 7-167: Cyclic Data Configuration, Multiplex Containers

Note: At this point, the Multiplex Containers do not yet contain any
items. To add multiplex items, refer to steps below.

Adding Items to an Empty Multiplex Container

1. In the Cyclic Data Configuration window, select the multiplex
container to which you want to add items.
2. Click Add. The window in Fig. 7-168 below appears. Because it is
unclear whether you would like to add to the list or to the multiplex
container, the Fieldbus Mapper is requesting clarification.


Fig. 7-168: Add Item or Multiplex Item

7-178 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Note: For subsequent items, highlight any of the indexes within the
multiplex container before clicking Add, and the Fieldbus Mapper will
know you want to add to that container.

3. To add to the selected multiplex container, click No. The window in

Fig. 7-169 below is an example for adding a 32-bit multiplex item.
4. Select the desired item to be added to the multiplex container.

Note: In addition to the data types that can be added to the multiplex
list, an empty item called Multiplex Empty Item is available to
fill a space within the multiplex container, if nothing is to be
mapped to a particular index.

5. Click OK. The item is automatically placed in the multiplex container

as the next unassigned index item (e.g. the first item is index 00, the
last is index 31).
6. Repeat for as many items as you want to add to the multiplex
container, up to 32 items.


Fig. 7-169: Adding a Multiplex Item to the Container (32-bit example)

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-179

Editing the Cyclic Data Lists

To make changes to an existing list, use the following buttons:

Button Function

Inserts a new item at the end of the list.

Inserts a new item into the list directly before the selected item.

Removes the selected item from the list.

Allows editing of the selected item. (To edit a list item, you may
also double-click on it.)
Clears up the current list.

Table 7-81: Button Functions in the Cyclic Data Configuration Window

Additional Functions
Several additional functions are available in the Fieldbus Mapper:
Menu Item Function
Print Print the current fieldbus configuration data.
Print Preview Preview the printout of the current fieldbus
configuration data
Print Setup Configure printer settings

Table 7-82: Additional Functions

Getting the Fieldbus Configuration from the PPC

After getting the fieldbus configuration from the PPC, the following
information is detected by the system and appears in the configuration list:
• Fieldbus Type Found
• Fieldbus FW (Firmware) Version
• GPP Control FW (Firmware) Version
An example is shown in Fig. 7-170 below.

7-180 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

On-Line Information

Online info_IB.tif

Fig. 7-170: Online Fieldbus Configuration Information

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-181

Information for the GPP Programmer

Fieldbus Status
VisualMotion Register 19 holds the information for "Fieldbus Status." The
register information can be referenced in a VisualMotion application
program to respond to the status of each bit. The use of these bits is
Table 7-48 below contains the bit assignment for the fieldbus status. The
assigned bits are labeled with "x" and the bit number in the second row.
Unassigned bits are labeled with "---."
16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
--- x15 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- x5 x4 --- x2 x1

Table 7-83: Bit Assignment for VisualMotion Register 19

Bit Definitions
x1, x2 Status bits for the internal DPR (Dual-Port RAM) communication between
the fieldbus slave and the PPC-R:
x1: FB Init. OK , LSB (least significant bit)
x2: FB Init. OK, MSB (most significant bit)
The bit combinations for x1 and x2 are as follows:
Bit 2 Bit 1 Description
(PPC-R) (Fieldbus)
0 0 A reset has been executed on the DPR,
neither the PPC-R nor the fieldbus card have
initialized the DPR.
0 1 The DPR is initialized by the fieldbus card,
but not yet by the PPC-R.
1 0 The DPR initialization is complete. DPR has
been initialized by the fieldbus card and PPC-
R. Fieldbus to PPC-R communications
system is ready.
1 1 Fieldbus to PPC-R communications system
is ready.
Table 7-84: Possible Settings for Bits 1 and 2, Status Bits for DPR

x4 Status bit for the active bus capabilities of the fieldbus slaves (FB Slave
0--> The fieldbus slave is not (yet) ready for data exchange.
1--> The fieldbus slave can actively participate on the bus.
x5 Status bit for the non-cyclic (PCP) channel (Non-Cyc Ready)
0--> The non-cyclic channel cannot (yet) be used.
1--> The non-cyclic channel is ready for use by the fieldbus master.
x15 Status bit for the cyclic data output (Cyclic Data Valid):
0--> The cyclic data outputs (coming in to the PPC-R) are INVALID.
1--> The cyclic data outputs (coming in to the PPC-R) are VALID. The
system looks for this bit to be 1 before allowing data transfer.
This bit is monitored for the Fieldbus Error Reaction. Whenever this bit
goes to 0 after a fieldbus card was initially found by the PPC-R, the
selected Error Reaction (system shutdown, error message, or ignore) is
initiated. Refer to Fieldbus/PLC Cyclic Read/Write Monitoring on page 7-
108 for an explanation of the Fieldbus Error Reaction setting.

7-182 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Fieldbus Diagnostics
VisualMotion Register 20 holds the information for "Fieldbus Diagnostics."
Table 7-50 below contains the bit assignment for the diagnostics. The
assigned bits are labeled with "x" and the bit number in the second row.
Unassigned bits are labeled with "---."
16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
X16 x15 x14 x13 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Table 7-85: Bit Assignment for VisualMotion Register 20

Bit Definitions
x13 - x16 Identification of the fieldbus interface card (FB Card Found)
The bit combinations for x13, x14 and x15 are as follows:
Bit 16 Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Fieldbus Type
0 0 0 0 <NO CARD>
0 0 0 1 <Not Defined>
0 0 1 0 Interbus
0 0 1 1 DeviceNet
0 1 0 0 Profibus
0 1 0 1 ControlNet
0 1 1 0 <Not Defined>
0 1 1 1 EtherNet/IP (10 MB)
1 1 1 1 Indramat PLC Interface

Table 7-86: Identification of the Fieldbus Interface

Fieldbus/PLC Cyclic Read/Write Monitoring

Monitoring of Fieldbus read/write capabilities to the cyclic channel are
associated with three parameters:
• C-0-2611 Fieldbus/PLC Cyclic Channel: Current Number of Misses–
displays the current number of transfers to/from the cyclic channel.
• C-0-2612 Fieldbus/PLC Cyclic Channel: Peak Number of Misses –
displays the maximum number of missed transfers to/from the cyclic
• C-0-2613 Fieldbus/PLC Cyclic Channel: Timeout Counter – displays
the number of timeouts in the cyclic channel. If after 4 ms, the Cyclic
Mapping Lists are not successfully transmitted, a "miss" is noted.
For more information about these parameters, refer to the VisualMotion
11 Functional Description manual.

Fieldbus Error Reaction

Note: The Fieldbus Error Reaction setting is active only in Sercos
Phase 4. In all other Sercos phases, it will be inactive.

You can select how you would like the PPC-R system to react in case of a
fieldbus error. This reaction can be set in the "Fieldbus Slave
Configuration" window, using the combo box labeled "Fieldbus Error
Three options are available for the Error Reaction setting. Depending on
the selected setting, the value 0, 1, or 2 is stored in Parameter C-0-2635:

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-183

Setting Value in Parameter C-0-2635

Shutdown 0 (default)
Warning Only 1
Ignore 2
Table 7-87: Parameter C-0-2635 Values for Error Reaction Settings

Fieldbus Mapper Timeout

The Fieldbus Mapper continually scans the system for sufficient
resources to process the cyclic data mapping lists (2600 and 2601 lists).
If 10 out of 10 consecutive attempts of the mapping list updates are
incomplete, the system is considered to have insufficient resources and
the selected error reaction is evoked, as follows:
If "Shutdown" (0) is set in Parameter C-0-2635, the following error is
generated from the PPC-R card: 520 Fieldbus Mapper Timeout
If "Warning Only" (1) is set in Parameter C-0-2635, the following error is
generated: 209 Fieldbus Mapper Timeout
If "Ignore" (2) is set in Parameter C-0-2635, the system will update as
resources become available, but there is no way to monitor whether or not
updates actually occur.

Lost Fieldbus Connection

Register 19, bit 4 indicates the status of the fieldbus. Refer to Fieldbus
Status on page 7-107 for more specific bit information. The system
monitors this bit and evokes the selected error reaction if the bit is low (0),
after a fieldbus card is found. A typical situation that will cause this
condition is the disconnection of the fieldbus cable from the fieldbus card.
If "Shutdown Control" (0) is set in Parameter C-0-2635, the following error
is generated from the PPC-R (active in Sercos Phase 4 only):
519 Lost Fieldbus Connection
If "Warning Only" (1) is set in Parameter C-0-2635, the following error is
generated (active in Sercos Phase 4 only):
208 Lost Fieldbus Connection
If "Ignore" (2) is set in Parameter C-0-2635, there is no noticeable
reaction when Register 19 status bits go low, unless the GPP application
program is customized to evoke a special reaction.

Troubleshooting Tip:
If a fieldbus card is not found on the system, the Error
Reaction setting will be ignored. If you have a fieldbus card
and the Error Reaction is not responding as expected, the
system may not "see" your fieldbus card.

7-184 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Information for the PLC Programmer

Important: The fieldbus master's access of the cyclic channel must be

consistent over the entire channel length in order to establish
reliable multiplexing communications.

Primary Multiplex Method (for Inconsistent Masters)
Explanation of the Master Consistency Problem
The PPC-R fieldbus slave interfaces can guarantee consistency,
however, some fieldbus masters can only guarantee byte, word or double
word consistency. If the master is only word-consistent, it is possible that
the master cannot transfer the data and the control word of one multiplex
index consistently from the PLC to the fieldbus. Therefore, it is necessary
to have a second multiplex method where both input data and output data
require the handshake bits to update via the fieldbus.

Fig. 7-112 below illustrates the control word definition for the Primary
Multiplex Method.

Multiplex Input Control Byte Multiplex Output Control Byte

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
RR Multiplex Input Control Index Multiplex Output Control Index
see definition (index_in_c) (index_out_c)
under “Handshake
Write Request
(defines the input index command for Toggle Bit (WR) (defines the output index command for
Bits WR / WA and
multiplexing) (initiates the write multiplexing)
RR / RA”
(Secondary command once each
Method only) time it is toggled)

Fig. 7-171: Control Word Definition, Primary Multiplex Method

Multiplex Input Status Byte Multiplex Output Status Byte

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
RA Multiplex Input Status Index Multiplex Output Status Index
see definition
under “Handshake
(index_in_s) Write Request (index_out_s)
(confirms that the input index response (confirms that the output index response
Bits WR / WA and Acknowledge Bit
location matches that of the command location matches that of the command
RR / RA” (WA)
location) location)
(Secondary (checks that the write
Method only) data has been read
once each time it is

Fig. 7-172: Status Word Definition, Primary Multiplex Method

The Primary Multiplex Method has the following features:

• You can transfer a different index from master to slave as from
slave to master.
• The handshake bits for both reading and writing of this multiplex
channel make the multiplexing possible on inconsistent systems

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-185

Handshake Bits WR and WA

WR and WA are handshake bits that allow the controlled writing of data
via the multiplex channel. WR and WA control the data transfer for
writing data_out (data send from master to slave).
WR == WA:
• tells the master that the slave has received the last multiplex data_out.
The master can now send new data_out.
• tells the slave to do nothing, because the master has not yet put new
consistent data_out on the bus.
WR! = WA:
• tells the slave to do something, because the master has now put
consistent new data_out on bus.
• tells the master to do nothing, because the slave has not yet received
the latest multiplex data_out.

Handshake Bits RR and RA

RR (Read Request) and RA (Read Acknowledge) are handshake bits that
allow a controlled data transfer and use of the multiplex channel on
inconsistent masters. RR and RA control the data transfer for reading
data_in (data send from slave to master).

RR == RA:
• tells the master that the slave has sent the requested data_in. The
master can now read the data_in and request new data_in.
• tells the slave to do nothing, because the master has not yet put new
consistent data on the bus.
RR != RA:
• tells the slave to put new data_in on the bus, because the master
requests new data_in.
• tells the master to do nothing, because the slave has not yet put the
latest requested multiplex data_in on the bus.

Master Communications (Primary Multiplex Method)


Control Word =0

Read Data_in Read Index_in_s,

RR==RA ?
Read Data_in,
Yes Write Index_in_c

Toggle RRT (Set RR = ~RA)

Write Data_out Write Data_out,

WR == WA ?
Write Index_out_c,

Toggle WRT (Set WR = ~WA)

there may be different ways to achieve consistency, depending on the master

Fig. 7-173: Primary Multiplex Method, Master Communications

7-186 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

For some masters, it could be enough to first write data and then the control
word. For other masters, you may have to implement a delay time (this
time could be different from master to master) before writing WR = ~WA.

Secondary Multiplex Method (for Consistent Masters only)

Important: You should use the Secondary Multiplex Method only for a
master that is consistent over the entire cyclic channel. The
Primary Multiplex Method is available for inconsistent
masters. Refer to Secondary Multiplex Method (for
Inconsistent Masters) on page 7-113.

The advantage of the Secondary Method is easier handling of input data

for consistent masters.

Note: The meanings of the control and status words are the same as
for the Primary Multiplex Method. The only difference is the
toggle bits RR and RA, which are used only in the Primary

Control Word and Status Word

Control Word The control word is transferred in the multiplex channel from master to
slave. It tells the slave in which index the data is being transferred from
master to slave and in which index the data is requested from slave to

Multiplex Input Control Multiplex Output Control

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Multiplex Input Control Multiplex Output Control
Index (index_in_c) Write Request Index (index_out_c)
(defines the input index command Toggle Bit (defines the output index command
for multiplexing) for multiplexing)
(initiates the write
command once
each time it is

Fig. 7-174: Control Word Definition, Secondary Multiplex Method

Index_out_c: tells the slave in which index the data are transferred from
master to slave (out = master -> slave, _c = element of control word).
Index_in_c: tells the slave in which index the data is requested from
slave to master (in = slave -> master, _c = element of control word).
WR (Write Request): handshake bit (refer to meaning of WR and WA).

Note: Input data via the Multiplex Channel is continually being


Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-187

Status Word The status word is transferred in the multiplex channel from slave to
master. It acknowledges the written index and the requested index.
Multiplex Input Status Byte Multiplex Output Status

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Multiplex Input Status Multiplex Output Status
Index (index_in_s) Write Request Index (index_out_s)
(confirms that the input index Acknowledge (confirms that the output index
response location matches that of response location matches that of the
the command location) Bit (WA) command location)
(checks that the
write data has been
read once each
time it is toggled)

Fig. 7-175: Status Word Definition, Secondary Multiplex Method

• Index_out_s: acknowledges index written by the master (out = master

-> slave, _s = element of status word).
• Index_in_s: tells the master which index is transferred from slave to
master in the actual process data cycle (in = slave -> master, _s =
element of status word).
• WA (Write Acknowledge): Handshake bit (refer to meaning of WR
and WA under the Primary Multiplex Method).

Master Communications (Secondary Multiplex Method)


Control word =0

Read Data_in Read Index_in_s,

Index_in_c ==
Read Data_in,
Index_in_s ? Yes Write Index in c

Write Data_out Write Data_out,

WR == WA ?
Write Index_out_c,

Toggle RT (Set WR = ~WA)

Fig. 7-176: Secondary Multiplex Method, Master Communications

Programming Example
To aid in implementing the multiplex function in a PLC program, the
following flow chart shows two ways of reading and writing data. Reading
and writing can be executed separately, which allows the input data to be
updated about 30% faster. The “Read Data” example would be placed at
the beginning of a PLC program the “Write Data” example at the end.
Combined reading and writing makes the PLC program simpler,
especially when using the same index for both transfer actions.

7-188 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

multiplexing flow chart.FH7

Fig. 7-177: Flow Chart of Multiplex Programming Examples (Secondary Method)

Non-Cyclic Data Access via the Non-Cyclic (PCP)

To support the configuration of drives and the access to parameters via
Interbus, Rexroth supports the PCP channel.

Note: The PCP Channel is fixed at a length of 2 words when


To read or write a VisualMotion data type non-cyclically, a special set of

pre-defined objects is used in the PCP channel. Refer to the
documentation provided by the fieldbus manufacturer for access and
support of the PCP channel.
The following methods for transferring data are available in the PCP
• Mapped Data
• Data Exchange Objects

Mapped Data
Mapped data is the most powerful feature of the PPC-R non-cyclic
fieldbus interface. Through mapped data, the user has access to virtually
every PPC-R data type over the fieldbus. It is easy to implement from the
PLC side and requires no setup on the PPC-R side.
To access a data type over the fieldbus, it has to be specified by an
address that consists of an index and a subindex. The index and
subindex for each data type can be calculated by a formula (refer to
Accessing Mapped Data on page 7-125).

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-189

Fieldbus Visual
Objects Motion


r iv

0x2001 S-1

0x2002 S-

0x3001 P-1
0x3002 P-

0x4001 A-1





Fig. 7-178: Mapped Data

Mapped data can be used with the following parameters and values:

• S-Parameters (SERCOS Drive S-Parameters) size and

• P-Parameters (SERCOS Drive P-Parameters) format
depend on
• A-Parameters (PPC Axis Parameters) ,1
parameter *
• C-Parameters (PPC C System parameters)
• T-Parameters (PPC Task parameters)
PF-Values (PPC Program Float data, 32 bit – 2 words, IEEE format) *
GI-Values (PPC Global Integer data, 32 bit – 2 words) *
GF-Values (PPC Global Float data, 32 bit – 2 words, IEEE format) *
PI-Values (PPC Program Integer data, 32 bit – 2 words) *
Reg.-Values (PPC Register data, 16 bit – 1 word) *
Data Exchange Objects (0x5E70 – 0x5E73) (embedded ASCII Protocol)
*You may notice that parameters accessed via the non-cyclic (Parameter) channel are not always the same
size as reported from the attribute field. This is so that the data sizes correspond with the way the different data
types are handled in the cyclic channel (Registers are always set to 16-bit size and Parameters are cast to 32-
bit size, even if they actually use less space).
7. When writing mapped data to a VisualMotion Parameter, you must send the size data
corresponding to that of the attribute field within the parameter.
a.) For 32-bit parameters, you must send a data size of 32 bits (otherwise, VM error #07 is
b.) For 16-bit parameters, you must send a data of size 16-bits. If, for this case, you send data of
size 32 bits, one of the following occurs:
i.) For parameters of type 16-bit unsigned, only the Low word is stored, and the High word is
ii.) For parameters of type 16-bit signed, bits 0-14 of the low word along with the sign bit #31
are used, and the remaining bits are ignored.
c.) For String Parameters (e.g. S-0-0142), you must send the size of the string to write.

7-190 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

d.) All other Parameter Types (list parameters, command parameters, etc), are not supported for
mapped data.
When reading mapped data from a VisualMotion Parameter, there are 3 possible cases of sizes
a.) If the parameter type is a string, you receive the number of bytes corresponding to the length of
the string.
b.) If the parameter is 32-bit or less, you receive a cast 32-bit value for this parameter. This implies
that 16-bit parameters are returned as cast in to 32-bit values.
c.) All other parameter types (e.g. list parameters, command parameters, etc.), are not supported
for mapped data.
8. When writing mapped data to a VisualMotion Program Float, Program Integer, Global Float, or
Global Integer, the data size must be 32-bits (2 words). Any other size returns a VM error #07
(Invalid Data Format).
When reading mapped data from a VisualMotion Program Float, Program Integer, Global Float, or
Global Integer, the data size returned is always 32-bit (2 words).
9. When writing mapped data to a VisualMotion Register, the data must be 16-bits (1 word). Any other
size returns a VM error #07 (Invalid Data Format).
When reading mapped data from a VisualMotion Register, the data size returned is always 16-bit (1 word).

Object Index The index refers to the particular fieldbus slave object that a VisualMotion
data type is (automatically) mapped. This object allows for simple,
indirect access to VisualMotion data types, and it is combined with the
subindex to create a direct relationship to the VisualMotion data types.
The available objects can be calculated using the formulas in Accessing
Mapped Data on page 7-125.
Object SubIndex The subindex refers to an additional piece of information necessary to
obtain direct access to VisualMotion data types. The reference of the
subindex depends on the data type in question. For example, the
SubIndex refers to the drive number when accessing S and P
parameters. However, the subindex refers to the task number when
referring to task parameters. The available subindex ranges can be
calculated using the formulas in Accessing Mapped Data on page 7-125.

Data Exchange Objects

The four data exchange objects 5E70 to 5E73 represent fixed data
"containers" of varying lengths that transfer the VisualMotion ASCII Protocol to
the PPC-R card. These objects serve as an open-ended possibility to access
any VisualMotion data (including cams, diagnostic text, etc.), but more work is
required in the master to perform a transmission of this type. Both the
VisualMotion ASCII message and the fieldbus transfer message must be
Table 7-53 lists the available data exchange objects and their sizes.
Data Exchange Object Data Length (in bytes)
5E70 16
5E71 32
5E72 64
5E73 128

Table 7-88: Length of the Data Exchange Objects

Handling a Data Exchange Object

When mapped objects are not capable of transferring the desired data, a
Data Exchange Object can be used.
The same procedures for writing and reading data apply to the Data
Exchange Object.

Selecting a Data Exchange Object

Depending on the length of a VisualMotion ASCII message, any of these
data exchange objects can be selected.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-191

Note: The entire data length of the data exchange object must
always be transmitted even if the VisualMotion ASCII message
is shorter.
For example, if you want to transmit an ASCII message of 42
bytes, you must use object 5E72. To avoid a response error
from the fieldbus slave, you must append 22 "Null" characters
to the end of the ASCII message to complete a data size of 64
Note: The checksum for the VisualMotion ASCII protocol is NOT
used with the data exchange object. If the checksum is sent
as part of the string, it will be ignored, and no checksum will be
sent in the VisualMotion ASCII response messages. To
ensure data integrity, the fieldbus protocols support a low-level

Transmission Sequence via a Data Exchange Object

Note: For the data exchange object, two transmission sequences
(and two response sequences) are required, to send the read
or write message to and then receive the response message
from the PPC-R card.

PCP Channel Message

PCP Header

Control Object Index # Subindex #
Data Field:
Word VisualMotion ASCII Protocol

key components: key components: key components:

• fieldbus • Object Index #: • VisualMotion command
command data exchange (read or write data)
(read or write object • ASCII data contained in the
message) (5E70-5E73). selected data exchange object
This is the
destination of the
• The <CR> (0x0D) and <LF>
(0x0A) characters must be
data field. Object
applied to the ASCII string
depends on • A checksum is not used in this
required data field case. (Fieldbus has a checksum)
size. Note: Refer to the VisualMotion 6
• Subindex #: Reference Manual for an explanation
always = 0 for of the VisualMotion ASCII Protocol.
Data Exchange

Fig. 7-179: Format of a PCP Channel Message using a Data Exchange Object

For information about reading and writing data using the PCP channel,
consult the documentation provided by the fieldbus manufacturer.

7-192 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Message Steps Process Comments

1. Write request from the PCP Write Command The data field for the write
master with VisualMotion VM ASCII protocol command can contain a
ASCII Protocol. command text VisualMotion read or write
(read or write data) protocol.

2. Acknowledge PCP Channel The response message contains

response from slave. PCP Response No Diagnose only a confirmation that the
Received? error fieldbus message was sent
properly. Therefore, the size of
the data field will be 0.

PCP Response No


3. Read request from the PCP Read Command The read request message
master to get VisualMotion contains only header information
ASCII response. No data (the data field is 0). You must
anticipate the approximate size
of the data field (VisualMotion
ASCII response message) in
order to select the appropriate
data exchange object. If the
selected object is too short, the
data will be truncated.
4. Receive PCP Channel The response message will
response from slave. PCP Response No contain the VisualMotion ASCII
Received? response to the VisualMotion
ASCII command text in Step 1.

PCP Response No


VM ASCII protocol
response text
(write or transmit data)

Fig. 7-180: PCP Channel Procedure, Using Data Exchange Object

Accessing Mapped Data (via the PCP Channel)

Rexroth has pre-configured a number of VisualMotion data types to Interbus
indexes and subindexes. We call this concept mapped data. These data
types can be accessed via the Interbus PCP Channel. The index and
subindex for each of these data types can be calculated using the formulas in
Table 7-56 below.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-193

Index # SubIndex # Formula

0x5E73 0x00
Data Exchange Object ---- ----
0x5E70 0x00

0x5E65 0xFF
<FREE> ---- ---- (with SubIndex)
(349 objects available) 0x5D14 0x01

0x5D13 0xFF Index = 0x5D00 + [(Program Integer –1) \ 255]

Program Integers ---- ----
(Int 1 – Int 5100) 0x5D00 0x01 SubIndex = Program Integer – [(Index – 0x5D00) * 255]
0x5CFF 0xFF Index = 0x5CEC + [(Program Float –1)] \ 255]
Program Floats ---- ----
(Float 1 – Float 5100) 0x5CEC 0x01 SubIndex = Program Float – [(Index – 0x5CEC) * 255]
0x5CEB 0xFF
<FREE> ---- ---- (with SubIndex)
(235 objects available) 0x5C01 0x01
0x5C00 0xFF Index = 0x5BF7 + [(Global Integer – 1) \ 255]
Global Integers ---- ----
(GInt 1 – GInt 2550*) 0x5BF7 0x01 SubIndex = Global Integer – [(Index – 0x5BF7) * 255]
0x5BF6 0xFF Index = 0x5BED + [(Global Float – 1) \ 255]
Global Floats ---- ----
(GFloat 1 – Gfloat 2550*) 0x5BED 0x01 SubIndex = Global Float – [(Index – 0x5BED) * 255]
0x5BEC 0xFF
<FREE> ---- ---- (with SubIndex)
(245 objects available) 0x5AF8 0x01

0x5AF7 0xFF Index = 0x5AEE + [(Register – 1) \ 255]

Registers ---- ----
(Reg. 1 – Reg. 2550**) 0x5AEE 0x01 SubIndex = Register – [(Index – 0x5AEE) * 255]
0x5AED 0x04 Index = 0x56F1 + T-Parameter
T-Parameters ---- ----
(T-0-0001 – T-0-1020) 0x56F1 0x01 SubIndex = Task Number
0x56F0 0xFF
<FREE> ---- ---- (with SubIndex)
(241 objects available) 0x5600 0x01

0x55FF 0x01 Index = 0x4800 + C-Parameter

C-Parameters ---- ----
(C-0-0001 - C-0-3583) 0x4801 0x01 SubIndex = 1
0x47FF 0x63 Index = 0x4000 + A-Parameter
A-Parameters ---- ----
(A-0-0001 - A-0-2047) 0x4001 0x01 SubIndex = Axis Number
0x3FFF 0x63 Index = 0x3000 + P-Parameter
P-Parameters ---- ----
(P-0-0001 - P-0-4095) 0x3001 0x01 SubIndex = Drive Number

7-194 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Index # SubIndex # Formula

0x2FFF 0x63 Index = 0x2000 + S-Parameter

S-Parameters ---- ----
(S-0-0001 - S-0-4095) 0x2001 0x01 SubIndex = Drive Number
0x1FFF ----

<Reserved> ---- ----

0x0000 ----

* current limitation: C-0-0080/C-0-0081 - Maximum number global integers/floats..

**current limitation: first 1024 registers.

Table 7-89: Formulas for Determining Mapped Objects

Example Lookup Tables for Mapped Objects

Card (C) Parameters The following is an example lookup table for C-Parameters, when using
mapped objects.

Example Look-up Chart for: C-Parameters CP 0.Y ==> CP = Card Parameter

Y = Parameter Number


0x4801 0x4802 0x4803 …………… 0x48FF 0x4900 …………… 0x55FE 0x55FF

SubIndex = 0x01 CP 0.1 CP 0.2 CP 0.3 CP 0.255 CP 0.256 CP 0.3582 CP 0.3583

Table 7-90: Mapped Object Lookup Table for C-Parameters

Axis(A) Parameters The following is an example lookup table for A-Parameters, when using
mapped objects. The same formula also applies to Sercos (S) and Task
(T) Parameters.

Example Look-up Chart for: A-Parameters AP X.Y ==> AP = Axis Parameter

X = Axis Number
Y = Parameter Number


0x4001 0x4002 0x4003 ………… 0x40FF 0x4100 …………… 0x47FE 0x47FF

0x01 AP 1.1 AP 1.2 AP 1.3 AP 1.255 AP 1.256 AP 1.2046 AP 1.2047
SubIndex = 0x02 AP 2.1 AP 2.2 AP 2.3 AP 2.255 AP 2.256 AP 2.2046 AP 2.2047
0x03 AP 3.1 AP 3.2 AP 3.3 AP 3.255 AP 3.256 AP 3.2046 AP 3.2047
: : : : : : : : : :
: : : : : : : : : :
0x28 AP 40.1 AP 40.2 AP 40.3 AP 40.255 AP 40.256 AP 40.2046 AP 40.2047

Table 7-91: Mapped Object Lookup Table for A-Parameters

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Commissioning Tools 7-195

Product-Specific (P) Parameters The following is an example lookup table for P-Parameters, when using
mapped objects.

Example Look-up Chart P-Parameters PP X.Y ==> PP = SERCOS P-

for: Parameter (set 0 only)
X = Drive Number
Y = Parameter Number

Index = (Class ID && Instance ID for DeviceNet)

C118, In1 C118, In2 C118, In3 …………… C118, In255 C119, In1 …………… C134, In14 C134, In15
0x3001 0x3002 0x3003 …………… 0x30FF 0x3100 …………… 0x3FFE 0x3FFF
0x01 PP 1.1 PP 1.2 PP 1.3 PP 1.255 PP 1.256 PP 1.4094 PP 1.4095
SubIndex = 0x02 PP 2.1 PP 2.2 PP 2.3 PP 2.255 PP 2.256 PP 2.4094 PP 2.4095
(Attribute ID 0x03 PP 3.1 PP 3.2 PP 3.3 PP 3.255 PP 3.256 PP 3.4094 PP 3.4095
for DNet) : : : : : : : : : :
: : : : : : : : : :
0x28 PP 40.1 PP 40.2 PP 40.3 PP 40.255 PP 40.256 PP 40.4094 PP 40.4095

Table 7-92: Mapped Object Lookup Table for P-Parameters

Integers The following is an example lookup table for Integers, when using
mapped objects. The same formula also applies to Floats, Global
Integers, Global Floats and Registers.

Example Look-up Chart for: VM Program Integers PI 0.Y ==> PI = Program Integer
Y = Program Integer Number


0x5D00 0x5D01 0x5D02 …………… 0x5D13

0x01 PI 1 PI 256 PI 511 PI 4846
SubIndex = 0x02 PI 2 PI 257 PI 512 PI 4847
0x03 PI 3 PI 258 PI 513 PI 4848
: : : : : :
: : : : : :
0xFF PI 255 PI 510 PI 765 PI 5100

Table 7-93: Mapped Object Lookup Table for Integers

7-196 Commissioning Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools 8-1

8 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools

8.1 Parameter Overview

The Parameter Overview tool is used to view, modify, and compare existing
Control, Task, Axis and Sercos device parameters. The user can also
create and edit a Custom List containing user-selected parameter. The
following parameter types are displayed in an expandable tree structure,
similar to the folder (directory) structure found in Windows:

Parameter Type Description

Control All control specific parameters are displayed when
Control is selected.
Task All parameters for the selected task are displayed
when Task (A, B, C or D) is selected.
Axis All parameters for the selected axis are displayed
when Axis # (up to 64) is selected.
Sercos All parameters for the selected Sercos digital drive,
up to a maximum of 64, and Sercos I/O devices are
Custom Any existing custom list created by the user.

Table 8-1: Parameter Types

Parameter Overview Edit Mode

The Parameter Overview tool is launched by selecting Data ⇒
Parameters ⇒ Edit.


Fig. 8-1: Parameter Overview Window

Editing Parameters in Offline Mode

When the Parameter Overview tool is launched in offline mode, the
parameters are read directly from the project folder and not from the
control's memory. All parameters that are not read-only can be modified
and saved to the project.

8-2 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Note: When editing parameter values in offline mode, the system

does not validate the entered value with the parameter's valid
range until the project is switched to online mode.

Editing Parameters in Online Mode

When the Parameter Overview tool is launched in online mode, the
parameters are read directly from the control's memory. Some
parameters can be edited in Sercos phase 4 while others are only
editable in Sercos phase 2. The system will notify the user of the valid
Sercos phase for editing the selected parameter. All parameters that are
not read-only can be modified and saved to the project and control.

Parameter Access
Parameter "read" or "write" access is identified by the text color displayed
in the parameter overview window. The following table indicates the color
code / access combination.

Color Code Description Access

grayed out text read-only parameter or not read-only
editable in current phase
black text parameter that can be edited read/write
red text used to indicate an error read/write
blue text parameter list parameter list, denoted by Xs, can read/write
be edited
grayed out parameter list read-only parameter list, denoted read-only
by Xs, or not editable in current
Table 8-2: Parameter Access

Configuring Sercos Drive AT and MDT

The Parameter Overview tool contains a Sercos Telegram Tool used to
configure each drive's Sercos Drive Telegram (AT) and Master Data
Telegram (MDT). The Sercos Telegram Tool is only available in online
mode. VisualMotion's Telegram Tool provides the user with a convenient
and comprehensive interface for viewing the AT and MDT and modifying
selected portions of each telegram.
The AT and MDT are used to cyclically exchange data between drives
and control every Sercos cycle. The AT is sent from each drive to the
control and the MDT is sent from the control to each drive on the system.
The AT and MDT are comprised of various parameters stored in each
drive. Some parameters displayed in the AT and MDT are automatically
configured based on the system's primary and secondary modes of
operation. These parameters appear as gray text. User configurable
areas are displayed in black text.
Refer to section 7.3, Sercos Drive Telegram Utility, for details.

Edit a Parameter
To edit a parameter, select the parameter type (Control, Task, etc.), and
then double click on the desired parameter number from the parameter
overview window.

Parameter Help System not Found

VisualMotion issues an error message when help is requested for a help
system that is not installed on your PC. Some reasons why this may
occur are as follows:

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools 8-3

• The help files were moved to a different folder.

• The help files were not installed or deleted from the computer.
• The system language was changed and the help files do not exist for
the selected language.

Fig. 8-2: Help System Error Message

Note: This error is typically encountered when help for Sercos drive
parameter is requested. Each drive firmware has its own help
system that can be installed. Drive help is available on the
following DriveHelp CD with material number 282411:

When the Yes button is pressed, the following window will assist the user
in locating a suitable help system.

Fig. 8-3: Help System Location Window

Edit a Standard Parameter

A standard parameter can be an Integer, Float, String or Hex value. The
standard parameter edit window in the figure below is displayed when
editing a standard parameter. The current data Limits for a parameter
are displayed above the input field, from minimum to maximum values.

Note: When editing parameter values in offline mode, the system

cannot check the entered value with the parameter's valid
range until the project is switched to online mode.

8-4 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1


Fig. 8-4: Parameter Edit Window

Edit a Binary Parameter

The binary parameter edit window in the figure below is modified by
clicking on the desired bit(s). Holding the mouse cursor over a bit will
display a tool tip containing the bit number.

Note: 16 bit parameters will only have the first 16 bits accessible.
Bits 17-32 are grayed out.


Fig. 8-5: Binary Parameter Edit Window

Edit a Parameter from a Predefined List

This parameter edit window uses a drop down list to selected parameters
that have been predefined as valid selections. To edit this parameter, the
user selects the desired parameter from the drop down list.


Fig. 8-6: Predefined Parameter List Edit Window

Edit, Refresh or Find a Parameter or List

Right clicking on a selected parameter opens a popup window where the
user can Edit Selection (ENTER). Selecting the Refresh (F5) option
updates all the parameters visibly displayed in the main window. The
Find (F3) option allows the user to locate a parameter by using a partial

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools 8-5


Fig. 8-7: Parameter Options

Note: Parameters can also be edited by double clicking the left

mouse button.

Display a Parameter List

The information contained in Parameter lists can be displayed in one of
the two following formats:
• Data Format – list of data
• IDN Format – list of parameter numbers
Parameter lists are displayed in either blue text (read/write access) or
gray text (read only) with the value column displaying six Xs. To display a
parameter list, double click on the desired parameter and VisualMotion
will open a new window. The new window will display the parameter
number and description in the window's header and display the contents
in either Data format or IDN format.

Data Format Parameter lists displayed in data format will contain an Index and a Value
column as shown in the figure below.


Fig. 8-8: Parameter List Data Format

IDN Format Parameter lists displayed in IDN (IDentification Number) format is a list of
other parameters containing an index, parameter number and description
as shown in the figure below.

8-6 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1


Fig. 8-9: Parameter List IDN Format

Append, Insert and Delete within a Parameter List

Once a parameter list is opened, right clicking anywhere in the window
opens a popup window where the user can perform the following


Fig. 8-10: Parameter List Options

Note: Not all parameter lists allow the addition and removal of

• Append Item (CTRL+INS) – adds a new item to the end of the current
• Insert Item (INS) – inserts an item above the selected value or
• Delete Selection (DEL) – deletes the selected data or parameter from
the list.
• Edit Selection (ENTER) – opens an edit window where the data or
parameter value can be edited.
• Refresh (F5) – refreshes all values displayed in the parameter list.
• Find (F3) – locates a parameter using the number or description.

Adding Predefined Parameters to a List

The Append and Insert functions within a list can be used to add
predefined parameters to certain lists. To add a parameter from a list,
right click in the window and select Append or Insert. A parameter
selection edit window will open. Next, select the desired parameter from
the drop down list. Repeat the process as necessary.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools 8-7

Note: Only certain drive parameters contain a listing of valid

parameters. In other cases, the data is manually entered.


Fig. 8-11: Parameter Selection Edit Window

The Custom tree icon provides the user with easy to create and manage
parameter lists that are specific to their application. From this tree icon
selection, the user can create, modify and delete custom lists and custom
list groups.
A Custom List is a grouping of parameters that are user selected.
A Custom List Group is a tree icon that is created under the Custom tree
icon and used to group multiple custom lists together.

Note: All custom groups and custom list are stored under the
\Rexroth\VisualMotion11\param directory. Custom list are
saved with a "*.custom" file extension and custom list groups
appear as subfolders under param.

8-8 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Custom Tree Icon

Custom Lists created under the main tree icon

Custom List Group

Custom Lists created under a Custom List Group

A Custom List Group can be created under an

existing Custom List Group (nesting tree icons).
This is similar to a subfolder in Windows


Fig. 8-12: Custom List File Structure

Create a Custom List

Any combination of parameters from the four types (Control, Task, Axis or
Sercos Ring) can be added to a custom list. By creating a custom list, the
user minimizes the number of displayed parameters, making navigating
and searching for a parameter easier.
To create a new custom list, use the following steps:
1. Select Custom List ⇒ Create ⇒ List from the main menu or right
click on the Custom tree icon and select "Create a new custom list".

Note: In both cases, the Custom tree icon must first be highlighted
before the selections are made available.

Select Create ⇒ List under the Custom List


Right click on Custom and select

“Create a new custom list”.


Fig. 8-13: Custom List Menu

2. Enter a name in the Create Custom List window, up to a maximum of

80 characters, that identifies the list and press the OK button.


Fig. 8-14: Create Custom List

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools 8-9

3. The following sequence is how parameters are added to a custom list

within the Custom List Editor window.
a) Select one of the following parameter sets from the drop down
• Control Parameter Set
• Task Parameter Set
• Axis Parameter Set
• Sercos Parameter Set (Drive or I/O)
b) If applicable, select a task (A, B, C or D) for Task Parameter Set
and an address number for Axis or Sercos Parameter Sets.
c) Parameters are added to a list by double clicking on the desired
parameter or highlighting the parameter from the left window and
pressing on the insert button. Repeat the process for the
another parameter set until all the desired parameters are added
to the list.
d) Press the OK button to save the custom list.

Note: To remove a parameter from the custom list, double click on

the parameter in the right window or highlight it and press the
remove button.





Fig. 8-15: Custom List Editor

The newly created custom list name will appear below the Custom tree
selection, as shown in the figure below.

8-10 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1


Fig. 8-16: Custom Tree Selection

Note: To delete a custom list, right click on the name and select
"Delete the selected custom list item" from the popup window.

Modify a Custom List

To modify a custom list, use the following steps:
1. Select the custom list from the tree structure. The contents of the
custom list are displayed in the right window.


Fig. 8-17: Modify Custom List

2. Right click anywhere in the right window and select "Modify Custom
The addition and removal of parameters is described in section, "Create a
Custom List".

Create a Custom List Group

A custom list group is a tree icon created under Custom where multiple
custom lists can be grouped. This option allows the user to group or
categorize different custom lists to a particular project or machine.
Multiple custom list groups can be created following the previous group
To create a custom list group, use the following steps:
1. Select Custom List ⇒ Create ⇒ Group from the main menu or right
click on the Custom tree icon and select "Create a new custom list

Note: In both cases, the Custom tree icon must first be highlighted
before the selections are made available.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools 8-11


Fig. 8-18: Create Custom Group

2. Enter a name in the Create Custom List Group window for the
custom, up to a maximum of 20 characters, that identifies the group
and press the OK button.
The newly created custom list group name will appear below the Custom
tree icon, as shown in the figure below.


Fig. 8-19: Name Custom Group


Fig. 8-20: Custom Group Tree

To add a custom list under the group name, select the group and follow
the steps in section Create a Custom List.

Note: To delete a custom list group, right click on the group name
and select "Delete the selected custom list item". This option
is not available if a custom list exists under the group name.

8-12 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

System Configuration
The system configuration overview for the connected system components
can be viewed from the Parameter Overview tool by selecting the top-
level selection for Task, Axis or Sercos Ring.


Fig. 8-21: System Configuration

This system configuration can be e-mailed to a recipient by selecting

File ⇒ Send mail. This option launches the e-mail system on the PC
and attaches a text file containing the system configuration as displayed
in the figure above.

Note: The Send mail… option will be visible only if the PC has a
configured e-mail client.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools 8-13

Compare Parameters
Selecting Data ⇒ Parameters ⇒ Compare… launches the Compare
Parameters tool. This tool is supported in all programming modes
(offline, online and service). It allows the user to compare system
parameter sets (C, T, A, S, and P), of the same type, saved in the project
and on the control's memory with each other or with the system default
values. Parameter values can also be edited, copied or deleted, if
allowed. The modification to parameter values are not valid until saved.
The parameter selections and tabs that appear under them vary based on
the current programming mode. The following table lists the four tab
selections, functions and their relevant programming mode:

Tab Selection Function Programming Mode

Components Compares functionality based parameter sets on the Control Offline, Online, and Service
and the Default values against the Project.
Parameters Compares individual Control, Task, Axis, and Drive parameter Offline, Online, and Service
sets on the Control and the Default values against the Project.
Project Compares one or more Task, Axis, or Drive parameter sets Offline and Online
stored in the project against the system Default values.
Control Compares one or more Task, Axis, or Drive parameter sets Online and Service
stored on the control against the system Default values.

Table 8-3: Compare Parameters Selections

Note: Drive parameter sets and the Control column are only
supported in online and service mode.

drive parameter

focus values compared to

column focus column

Fig. 8-22: Compare Parameters Tool in Online Mode

8-14 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Comparison Focus When comparing parameter sets, the focus of the comparison is on the
first column of parameter values. All columns to the right are being
compared to the first column of values. For example, Fig. 8-22 is
comparing the values on the Control and Default to those in the Project.

Display Indications The following table lists the visual display indications used in the Compare
Parameter tool.

Indicator Meaning
black text / white background no change in value as compared to the
focus column
no text / gray background parameter is not stored as part of the
parameter set
red text compared value is different from the value
in the focus column
yellow background value was modified but not saved
light gray text read-only parameter / cannot be modified
blue text list parameter

Table 8-4: Display Indications

Menu and Right Click Options Selecting File ⇒ Options… opens the window in Fig. 8-23. The following
table describes the available menu options:

Option Description
Hide read-only parameters When checked, read-only parameters
(light gray text) are not displayed.
Hide parameters not in the project When checked, all parameters not
stored in the project (gray background)
are not displayed.
Hide parameter which are equal When checked, all parameters with
equal values in all columns are not

Table 8-5: Compare Parameter Options

Right click over Parameter Name

File ⇒ Options

Fig. 8-23: Compare Parameter Options

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools 8-15

Edit Parameter Values Parameter values can be edited by double clicking over an existing value
or gray background and entering the new value. Once the new value is
entered, the background color changes to yellow, indicating that the value
was changed. If the value entered is different from the focus column, the
new value will be displayed in red. Once the parameter set is saved
(either by selecting File ⇒ Save, right clicking over the new value and
selecting Save, or changing to a different tab) the new value will appear
as black text over a white background.

Note: Default values cannot be changed from their original value.


Fig. 8-24: Edit a Parameter Value

The following table describes the available option when right clicking over
a parameter value:

Option Description
Edit Selects a writable parameter value for input
Save Right clicking over an individual value saves only that modified
value while others remain with a yellow background.
Right clicking over the column heading saves all modified value for
the entire set.
When selecting File ⇒ Save, all modified parameters values,
regardless of column, are saved.
Copy Copies the contents to the Windows clipboard.
Paste Copies the valid contents of the Windows clipboard to a new
location, if value type is allowed.
Delete Deletes the parameter value and replaces it with a gray
background. Not supported for Control or Default values.
Default Replaces the current value for a project or control with the Default
Help Opens content sensitive help for the current selected parameter.
Find Searches parameter names for a match.
Table 8-6: Compare Parameter Value Options

8-16 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

List parameter values, displayed as blue text, can only be expanded and
modified if they contain elements. An list parameter with zero elements is
display as { 0 }. Double clicking on the list parameter name, expands the
list parameter into its individual element values.


Fig. 8-25: List Parameter Values

Copy Parameter Values Parameter values can be individually copied by double clicking on an
existing value and selecting the contents (using standard Windows right
click or keyboard shortcuts). Next, double click on an adjacent parameter
and paste the new value.
To copy an entire parameter set (for example, Task A to Task B) to a
different parameter set of similar type, click, hold, and drag the column
heading of the first set to a different column heading.

Columns before Copying Columns during Copying

Notice the gray shadow between
the Default and Control Columns

Fig. 8-26: Copy a Column to a Different Column

After the copy, the following VisualMotion message warning requires the
user to accept the copy command.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools 8-17


Fig. 8-27: Copy Warning Message

Compare Components
The Components tab displays a collection of control and drive parameter
sets grouped by functionality. Drive specific parameter sets such as,
Drive CAM Table and Drive PLS are only accessible in online and service
The following table lists the available columns that can be compared
based on the current programming mode of VisualMotion Toolkit:

Programming Mode Project Control Default

Offline Mode X X
Online Mode X X X
Service Mode X X

Table 8-7: Compare Component Columns


Fig. 8-28: Compare Components in Online Mode

8-18 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Compare Parameters
The Parameters tab displays the complete set of Control, Task, Axis, and
Drive parameters. Drive parameters (S and P) are only accessible in
online and service mode.
The following table lists the available columns that can be compared
based on the current programming mode of VisualMotion Toolkit:

Programming Mode Project Control Default

Offline Mode X X
Online Mode X X X
Service Mode X X
Table 8-8: Compare Parameter Columns


Fig. 8-29: Compare Parameters in Online Mode

Compare Project
The Project tab allows a user to compare multiple sets of similar
parameter sets, stored in the project, for Task, Axis, and Drive among
each other or against the Default values. Since only one set of control
parameters exists in a system, they are not accessible under the Project
tab. To compare control parameters against the default values, select the
Parameters tab. Drive parameters (S and P) are only accessible in online
and service mode.

Note: The Project tab is only supported in offline and online modes.
In service mode, there is no connection to the project.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools 8-19


Fig. 8-30: Compare Project in Online Mode

Compare Control
The Control tab allows a user to compare multiple sets of similar
parameter sets, stored in the control's memory, for Task, Axis, and Drive
among each other or against the Default values. Since only one set of
control parameters exists in a system, they are not accessible under the
Control tab. To compare control parameters against the default values,
select the Parameters tab. Drive parameters (S and P) are only
accessible in online and service mode.

Note: The Control tab is only supported in online and service modes.
In offline mode, there is no connection to the control.


Fig. 8-31: Compare Control in Online Mode

8-20 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

8.2 Data Editor

The Data Editor is used to display and edit registers, program variables,
global variables, event tables, points, zones, and custom lists. From the
data type drop-down list, the user can select the desired data type. In
addition, a user defined custom list can be created containing a
combination of the mentioned data types. The available display formats
are binary, hexadecimal, and decimal.

VisualMotion supports 1024 (16-bit) registers. Registers can be modified
as a complete binary register or by their individual bits.

Sorting Data
Any of the three data type columns (Number, Label and Value) can be
sorted in ascending or descending order by clicking on the column

Data type drop-down

Display Format

Binary format

Hexadecimal format

Decimal format

Right clicking Data Type

displays items available
under Edit and Tools menus
for current data type. Register Forcing
This feature is only supported
for pre-G*P10 projects.


Fig. 8-32: Registers

Note: VisualMotion register forcing options are available only for

pre-G*P 10 projects. Refer to VisualMotion 9 documentation
for available register forcing options. I/O forcing for G*P 10 or
11 projects are controlled by the PLC through IndraLogic.

Register Update Priority

Register update priority is based on its usage in the system. Register
update priority is listed as follows, from highest-to-lowest:
Highest • I/O Task (I/O subsystem)
– I/O Setup Inputs
– I/O Mapping
– I/O Setup Outputs
• Events
• User Program (Tasks A-D)

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools 8-21

– I/O Bit icon

– Register Transfer icon
Lowest • Serial Port
– any access to registers over the serial port

Menu Items
File – Program allows the user to choose which program to display and
Exit closes the window.

Note: Program selection is only available in service mode. Project

mode will only read the current project data.

Edit – Allows the user the search for a specific data type Number, Label
or Value by using the Find… feature.

View - Allows the user to change the displayed format of the register data
between Hex, Binary, and Decimal.

Tools – The items available are dependent on the current data type
selected and displayed. The following menu items are available:
• Control Selection… (service mode only)
• Force A Register…
Register Forcing
• Clear All Forcing… This feature is only supported
for pre-G*P10 projects.
• Edit Forcing Options…
• Add to Custom List
• Delete From Custom List (available in Custom List)
• Save Global Variables (available for Global Integers and Floats)

Help - allows the user to launch the help system and provide information
about current VisualMotion software installed.

Edit a Register
To edit a register double click on the desired register to open the Edit
Register window. The window displayed is dependent on the display
format of the selected register.

8-22 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Binary Register
Binary display registers are edited using the following Edit Register
window. The register bit label is displayed (if configured) with the current
state of the bit ( 0 or 1). To change the state of a bit click on the label or
bit state (0 or 1).


Fig. 8-33: Bits of Registers

Register bit numbers are displayed as a tool tip when the mouse pointer is
held over a register bit label or bit state, as illustrated in Fig. 8-33.
The Set All Bits and Clear All Bits buttons can be used to set or clear all
register bits at one time.
The left (previous) and right (next) arrow buttons allows the user to
modify the bits of additional register without the need to exit back to the
main register window. These buttons operate using a spin-control
feature. This means the user can either advance to the next register or
go back to the previous register

Hexadecimal and Decimal Registers

Hexadecimal and Decimal displayed registers are edited using the
following Edit Register windows.

Hexadecimal Format Decimal Format

Fig. 8-34 Hexadecimal and Decimal Registers

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools 8-23

Selecting Data ⇒ Variables opens the Data Editor Runtime Tool window.
The window automatically uploads and displays variables of the active
project on the control. In service mode, a program is selected with File ⇒
Program Select.


Fig. 8-35: Variable

Saving Global Variables to Flash

Global variables are initialized to zero on power up and do not retain
programmed values on power down unless they are saved to flash
memory. The number of allowable global variables in a project is
determined by control parameters C-0-0080 (Global Integers) and
C-0-0081 (Global Floats). The default number of global integers and
global floats in a project is 512 and 256, respectively.
Global variables can be saved to flash memory using one of the following
• Data Editor Menu Selection
• Editing Command Parameter C-0-0082

Flash Global Variables from Data Editor

1. Set Rexroth VisualMotion Toolkit to service or online mode.
2. Switch the control to parameter mode.
3. Select Data ⇒ Variables and select either Global Integer or Global
Float from the drop-down list.
4. Select Tools ⇒ Save Global Variables to Flash…

8-24 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Flash Global Variables via Control Parameters

1. Switch the control to parameter mode.
2. Edit C-0-0082 and transition bits 1 and 2 from (0 to 1).
Status parameter C-0-0083, bits 1-3 display a (1) when command is
3. Switch the control to manual or automatic mode.
Status parameter C-0-0083 indicates success or error as follows:
• Bits 1 and 2 set to (1) indicating a successful flash
• Bits 1-4 all set to (1) indicating an error.
Global variables are now stored in flash memory and can be reinitialized
with saved values.

Note: To save global variables again, edit C-0-0082 and transition

bits 1 and 2 from (1 to 0) and repeat steps 1 - 3.

Event Tables
Events are used to execute an event function on time, position, angle or
I/O State conditions. Each event has status, type, direction, distance or
time, event function, and message fields. The Data Editor window
permits viewing and editing of the event table of a program that has
already been downloaded to the control. The window automatically
uploads and displays the contents of the event table for the currently
active program on the control.


Fig. 8-36: Event Runtime Utility

Edit an Event
To setup or edit an event:
1. Double-click on the event to open the following Edit Event window
2. Select an Event Type and options and click on the Apply or the OK
button to send to the control.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools 8-25


Fig. 8-37: Edit Event Window

The following event types are supported:

• Percentage of Coordinated Path
Events for Coordinated path are related to the start or end of a path
segment as a percentage of the total path distance on the path
• Time in Coordinated from Start/before End
Coordinated motion can provide time-based events that are related to
travel time along a specified geometry segment and are initiated by the
path planner. These events execute at a fixed time after motion starts
or before motion ends in the specified segment.
• Single Axis Distance
Events for single axis motion may be set to take place at an absolute
distance from the start or end of the axis move.
• Repeating Timer
A cyclic event triggered by a continuously Repeating Timer.
• Rotary (Repeating Axis Position)
An event triggered each time the configured axis encounters an
absolute position. The axis motion type can be single-axis, ELS, ratio
or velocity mode and configured for modulo or non-modulo positioning.
• Task Input Transition
This event type triggers events on a low to high transition of a Task
Control Register interrupt event bit. IndraLogic is used to map a
specified I/O register condition from the I/O register to bit 9 in the
appropriate Task Control Register. The approximate latency is <= 2

8-26 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

• Feedback Capture
This event type uses the Probe capability of Rexroth drives to trigger a
Rexroth VisualMotion 11 event based on a positive or negative
transition of the drive's Probe 1 or Probe 2 input.
• I/O Register Event
This event type uses the bits of input Register 88 (USER_X1_REG) to
trigger up to 16 events only in Task A. Register 89 (USER_X0_REG)
is used to monitor the status of events triggered by Register 88.
• PPC-R X1 Input
This event type uses the PPC-R’s X1 digital inputs (I1, I2 and I3) to
trigger an event based on a positive or negative transition.

Point Tables
From the Data Editor, the user can view and edit absolute and relative
point tables in the currently active program.

Note: Relative and Absolute points are added to a project by

selecting the VM Data Table, selecting the REL or ABS Points
tab and clicking on the Add button. Refer to section 13.3, VM
Data Table, in volume 2 of the VisualMotion Functional
Description for details.


Fig. 8-38: Points Window

The window automatically uploads and displays the contents of the point
table in the current project on the control. Points are used in coordinated
motion programs to describe a location in Cartesian coordinates, tool
orientation and associated events.

Note: The point table can also be referred to as a display of raw

information for building CAMs using the Rexroth VisualMotion
CamBuild Icon. Refer to the CamBuild Icon in chapter 14,
volume 2 of the VisualMotion 11 Functional Description for

The file menu has the following selections:
• Program Select allows the user to select an active program.
(available only in service mode)
• Exit closes the Points windows.

The View menu presents a list of the point elements and allows the user
to select or deselect any of them to determine which ones appear in the

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools 8-27

The Table menu allows the user to switch between the absolute and
relative point tables.

Clicking on Update refreshes the window and updates any changes that
have been made.

Clicking on Settings opens the Control Selection window allowing the
user to select a different method of communication.

The user can highlight a point and click Edit to make changes to existing
point values. Another option is to double-click the desired point in the list.
Editing a point table entry opens an absolute or relative Edit Point Values
window, depending on which type was selected with the Table menu.


Fig. 8-39: Edit Points

The Edit Point Values window permit individually changing the values for
each point table entry on the control. Clicking on the Apply button
immediately downloads the new values to the program on the control.
The changed values are displayed at the next automatic update.

Note: Coordinated moves using an ABS/REL table point with zeroes

in any of the fields for Speed, Acceleration, Deceleration, and
Jerk will default to 1%.

The first time a point is taught (and has zeroes in the Speed,
Acceleration, Deceleration and Jerk fields) default values are loaded. The
defaults are 10% for speed, 100% for acceleration, 100% for deceleration
and 100% for jerk.
In the Coordinates/wrist motion disable section of this screen, the user
can disable coordinated motion on one or more axes for a particular point.
In the Elbow Properties section of this screen, the user can choose the
Up or Down radio button to determine the elbow direction for a particular
point. To include this feature in the VisualMotion program.
Each point has: {x, y, z, blend, speed, acceleration, deceleration, jerk vent
1, event 2, event 3, event 4, roll, pitch, yaw, and elbow} fields.

8-28 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

To better navigate long tables, the user may click and drag the vertical
scroll bar button while looking at the point number indicator that appears
at the right of the window title bar. The point number corresponds to the
top of the list when the scroll bar button is released. The user must
expand the viewing window to view the additional roll, pitch, yaw and
elbow properties used with a six-axis control system.

Zone Tables
Zones can be used in coordinated motion programs to describe a volume
of space where motion of any kind is prevented.
Programs on control - program selection is through a menu selection
containing a list of programs on the control plus "Currently active".
To edit an event, select it in the list box, and press the Edit menu
selection, or double click on the list item. Modify the necessary fields and
press the Apply button to save the changes and keep the edit window
open or click the OK button to save the changes and close the edit


Fig. 8-40: Zones List

Each zone is defined by the { x, y, z } coordinates of two opposite corners

(Point 1 and Point 2) of a cube in space. For each defined zone, the
status can be ACTIVE (checked) or INACTIVE (unchecked) for selected
tasks, no task or all tasks. For example, the zone defined in the “Edit
Zone 2 Values” screen below is active for zones A and D.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools 8-29

Custom List
The Data Editor allows the user to create a custom list of the data types
available from the data type drop-down list.

Create a Custom List

A custom list containing registers and program variables can be created
to simplify the view of registers and program variables in a project.
To create a custom list…
1. Display either registers or program variables from the drop-down list.
2. Using the mouse, right click or the desired data item and select Add
to Custom List.

Note: Items can also be selected as a group by selecting the first

item, holding the Shift key down, and selecting the last item
and then right clicking to select the Add to Custom List

3. When complete, select Custom List from the data item drop-down list
to display your custom list. The Number column identifies the data
type added to the custom list.

Note: The data types displayed can be sorted in ascending and

descending order by clicking on the column heading (Number,
Label or Value).

4. To remove a data item from your custom list, right click over the data
item and select Delete From Custom List.

8-30 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

8.3 ELS Runtime Tool

This tool is designed for modifying the default program variables used for
parametrizing ELS data. These are variables that were initialized from the
ELS process setup and any ELS icons that were used in the Initialization
task. These variables are used to control the moving, stopping and
jogging of the following multiple master components:
• ELS Masters
• ELS Group Masters
• Virtual Masters

Note: An active ELS program is necessary for the ELS Runtime Tool
to open.


Fig. 8-41: ELS Runtime Utility

Modifications to these values overwrites the initially compiled and

downloaded values on the control. The values remain active until they
are overwritten (e.g. by more changes using the runtime utility or by
compiling and downloading a new program to the control).
The ELS Objects list box at the top left allows selection of any ELS
Masters, ELS Groups or Virtual Masters that have been setup. The
button below the list box changes, depending on the ELS object selected.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools 8-31

ELS System Masters

Selecting ELS System Masters and clicking the button labeled "Edit ELS
System Masters" opens the Edit ELS System Masters window below.


Fig. 8-42: Edit ELS System Masters

For more information about the initial setup of system masters and setting
the values in this window, refer to the section 4.5, Setup ELS Process, for

8-32 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

ELS Group
Selecting ELS Group x in the list box and clicking the button labeled "Edit
ELS Group x Variables" opens the Edit ELS Group Variables tab array


Fig. 8-43: Edit ELS Group x Variables

The tabs open windows that are accessible in the initial setup of ELS
elements, using the ELSGrp icon.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools 8-33

Virtual Masters
Selecting Virtual Masters and clicking the button labeled "Edit Virtual
Masters" opens the Edit Virtual Masters window below.


Fig. 8-44: Edit Virtual Masters

For more information about the initial setup of Virtual Masters and setting
the values in this window, refer to the section 4.5, Setup ELS Process, for

8-34 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Slip Monitoring Setup

ELS System Master slip monitoring is used to initiate an error reaction
when the phase difference between two system masters exceeds the
maximum allowed deviation window variable. Refer to section 6.1,
Electronic Line Shafting, in volume 1 for details.


Fig. 8-45: Slip Monitoring Setup

8.4 CAM Indexer

This tool allows for on-the-fly changes to a CAM Indexers in the active
program that was setup using Setup ⇒ Processes ⇒ CAM Indexers or
the CAM Indexer Icon. Variable assignment cannot be changed using
this utility. Two options for correction are available in this runtime-utility
(bottom left of window), which cannot be changed using the icon window:
• Reversals allowed
• Apply remaining correction to next index
Refer to section 4.6, CAM Indexer Setup, for details.

Registration Setup
Registration is the process of referencing a product edge or register mark.
This allows positioning errors to be detected and corrected before an
upstream (web, product) or downstream (die-cutter, print cylinder, etc.)
process takes place, depending on the machine design.
This function tightly couples the control system with the Probe Event on
the drive that the product is being referenced to. Registration is
accomplished by comparing the captured position to a target value and
correcting for the difference. The registration error is automatically
assimilated into the axis motion profile, providing a smooth, seamless

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools 8-35

correction. The registration error can be corrected using S-curve,

Triangular, and Trapezoidal correction profiles.
The Registration function integrates several tasks. It automatically
executes a high priority process that is triggered by an axis probe event.
This process generates a registration error based on the settings of the
drive, system and registration parameters.
The control will then automatically reconcile details such as rollover,
probe On/Off position window, setting drive parameters (edge, arming,
etc…), and routing the correction data to the appropriate axes.
The registration function is compatible with axes defined in ELS Phase,
Drive CAM, and control CAM (table or indexer) modes. The values
needed for registration are read from and written to the control with user
program variables. Up to four axes can use the registration function.
The Registration icon window assigns variables and I-O registers, and
initializes axis parameters. All values are assigned to blocks of float and
integer variables. This allows them to be read or written from a user
interface or a PLC with no additional program code.
When the CAM Indexer is used, it performs the registration correction
with a profile based on the Correction Distance. For other types of axes, a
relative phase offset (either master or slave) is sent to the drive, and the
drive performs the correction. The phase offset, equal to Correction
Distance, is applied according to the Correction Procedure and Correction
Maximum parameters.
The registration function can be used with the following Rexroth drive
firmware versions:
DIAX04 - ELS-04VRS or later
ECODRIVE03- SGP-01VRS or later


Fig. 8-46: CAM Indexer Compile Time Registration

8-36 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Registration Parameters
The following Parameters are used by the registration function. Most of
them are written by the user with the registration icon window. Some of
them are also calculated and written by the control or the Drive.

Parameters Description Variable Written

Type Current, Next, Average Int 0 bits 0-1 user
Probe Distance from Select Setpoint to be calculated from start/end of Int 0 bit 2 user
Start/End move
Probe Distance Expected position of mark from start or end of move Float 0 user
Mark Setpoint Absolute expected position of mark to calculate error Float 6 control
Correction Distance Correction distance (Error amount) Float 7 control
Probe Value Feedback position at probe 1 trigger Float 8 drive
Valid Probe Window Start Distance before Mark Setpoint to look for mark Float 1 user
Valid Probe Window End Distance after Mark Setpoint to stop looking Float 2 user
Correction Window Correct only in the correction window. Int. 0 bit 12 user
Correction Window Start Correction to start at this point Float 3 user
Correction Window Stop Correction to be completed before this point Float 4 user
Maximum Correction Maximum correction per period Float 5 user
Missing Marks Number of missed marks allowed Int. 1 user
Auto Correction Enable correction sent to phase adjust, etc. Int. 0 bit 8 user
Correction Target Select correction target: master offset, slave offset, Int. 0 bit 9-10 user
Position Source Measure Master or Slave position Int. 0 bit 4 user
Probe Sensing Use Leading/Trailing edge of mark Int. 0 bit 3 user
Correction Profile Shape of the correction CAM Int. 2 user

Table 8-9: Registration parameters

This selects the desired type of registration correction calculation to be
• Current:
• Next:
• Average:

Samples (Integer or Label) -

Probe Distance from Start/End

This bit determines if the Mark Distance is relative to the Start or End of
move. This option applies to CAM axes that use the indexer feature. For
other modes, the mark distance is an absolute position.
0 - End of Move
1 - Start of Move

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools 8-37

Probe Distance
This value is used to determine the calculated position of the axes that a
mark is expected to detected.
CAM Indexer:
Based on the setting of Mark at S/E bit, the Mark Setpoint value is
automatically calculated as follows. Starting Position is the position of the
axis at the start of the index. Ending Position is the expected position at
the end of the index (minus registration correction).
If Start of move: Mark Setpoint = Starting Position + Mark Distance
If End of move: Mark Setpoint = Ending Position - Mark Distance
ELS Phase, Control Table CAM, or Drive CAM Mode:
The Probe Setpoint is an absolute position on either the master or the
slave (set via an integer option bit).
Probe Setpoint = Probe Distance
Mark Setpoint: This value is used to calculate registration error and
various position points used in the registration process. See Correction
Distance, Probe Window On/Off.
Correction Distance: This is the amount of correction distance that will
be applied to the current index in units. Based on the selected Correction
Profile type this error is added to the CAM profile or ELS slave position at
the position defined by the correction window. Only one value is read
during each index cycle.
Correction Distance = Mark Setpoint - Probe Value
In future versions, correction distance may be optionally buffered through
several cycles in case the measurement is upstream, or may be averaged
or filtered for a smoother correction.
Probe Value: This value indicates the measured probe position value that
was captured by the drive when the registration mark was detected on the
probe 1 input. It is saved only when the axis is within the probe window. It
is used in the calculations associated with determining registration error.

Valid Probe Window Start/End

This window selects the period within the move cycle that the registration
mark can be read. The probe position is captured and the correction
distance is calculated only when the mark is found within this position
range. The probe window is related to the selected measurement value
(master or axis position).

Correction Window
This bit enables the period within the move cycle that the correction can
be applied (defined by “Correction Window Start/End”). If this bit is clear,
the correction is applied immediately after the probe position is captured.

Correction Window Start/Stop

This window selects the period in the move cycle to apply the registration
correction. If the option Correction Window Enabled is not selected, the
correction is applied immediately after the probe position value is
captured. Otherwise, the correction starts at Correction Window Start and
finishes before Correction Window End.
When using the CAM indexer, the start and end positions in relation to the
master axis are entered in these parameters. Correction motion will only
take place during this window. If the probe comes in during the correction
window, for example at position x of the master, the maximum allowable
correction during that cycle is calculated as follows:
(maximum correction)(end - x)/(end - start)

8-38 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

For other motion types, the positions are related to the measured value
(master or axis position). The correction is added to the value selected in
the Correction Target option. The drive handles the phase offset
internally, based on its velocity, acceleration, and/or filter parameters. It is
necessary to set these drive parameters so that the correction move
finishes before the next cycle.

Maximum Correction
This is the maximum amount of correction distance that will be applied to
the current index in units. If zero, the full amount of the correction is used
for the current index. If a value is entered, the Correction Distance value
is compared to Correction Maximum and correction up to this value will be
applied. The remainder will be discarded.

Missing Marks
This defines the number of consecutive missed marks that are allowed
before the control sets the Max Missed Marks status bit.

Auto Correction
By default, the control sends the Correction Distance to the drive to
perform a phase offset, based on the correction window and correction
target. It is possible to disable automatic correction, so that it can be
handled in the user program. This option applies to all motion types
except for the CAM indexer, for which automatic correction is always
0 - Enable Automatic Correction
1 - Disable Automatic Correction

Correction Target
These bits select the target parameter for the Correction Distance. When
using the CAM indexer, the correction uses a CAM which is added to the
CAM position generated by the indexer. For other modes, the following
selections determine the affected parameter:

Bit Bit 9 ELS Phase ELS Velocity Drive CAM Control

10 Sync Sync CAM (Table)
0 0 slave additive velocity master phase master
phase command offset phase offset
(S-0-0037) (P-0-0061) (A-0-157)
0 1 invalid ratio fine adjust slave phase slave phase
offset offset
(S-0-0048) (A-0-162)
1 0 invalid invalid CAM shaft CAM H
distance factor
(S-0-0093) (A-0-33)

Position Source
This bit determines if the slave axis (0) or ELS master (1) position is used
in the registration correction calculation. This option applies to ELS,
control CAM (no indexer), and drive CAM modes only. With the CAM
indexer, only the slave position can be measured. If slave position is
enabled, the Probe Value captured by the drive is the axis feedback
position. If master position is enabled, the Probe Value is the ELS master

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools 8-39

0 - Axis Feedback Position

1 - ELS Master Position

Probe Sensing
This bit determines if the drive captures the axis position at the leading or
trailing edge of the mark. The leading edge is indicated by a high (0-1
transition) on the probe input.
0 - Leading Edge
1 - Trailing Edge

Correction Profile
When using the CAM indexer, this value defines the shape of the
correction CAM. Current selections are: S-curve, Triangular, and

Registration Control and Status Registers

The control and status registers that are used for each registration axis
are allocated in the registration user program command.
Registration Control Register
10 - Enable Registration
Registration Status Register
9 - Correction at Max
10 - reserved
11- Mark in Window
13 - Registration Enabled
14 - Max Missed Marks

Enable Registration
Set this bit to (1) to enable the registration function. All relevant
parameters will be initialized, then the ‘Registration Enabled’ bit in the
registration status register will be set. To disable the registration function,
set this bit to (0).

Correction at Max
This bit is set to (1) when the Correction Distance exceeds the Correction
Max parameter. It is reset to 0 after the next mark is found and
Correction Distance is less than or equal to Correction Max.

Mark in Window
This bit is set to (1) as soon as a registration mark has been detected
within the probe window. It is cleared when registration is first enabled, or
on the following cycle when no registration mark is found in the window.
This bit can be mapped to a task input or system input event, so that the
user can run additional program code when the mark is detected.

Registration Enabled
This bit is an acknowledgment of the Enable Registration control bit. Its
value will not match that of the control bit until the control has completed
the process of enabling or disabling registration. This process could take
several milliseconds, depending on the parameters that need to be

8-40 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Max Missed Marks

A missed mark counter is incremented when the probe window is traversed
without a mark being found. This bit is set when the counter exceeds the
Missed Marks parameter. The user program or PLC can then take
appropriate action or alert the user of this condition. This bit is reset by the
control only upon a 1-0 transition of the Registration Enable bit.

Registration Runtime Tool

Selecting Data ⇒ Registration… opens the Registration Runtime Tool.
This tool is only available if the active program contains a valid
registration function.


Fig. 8-47: Registration Utility

Status (read only)

This setting reads the state of the status register setup for the registration
This bit is an acknowledgment of the Enable Registration control bit. Its
value will not match that of the control bit until the control has completed
the process of enabling or disabling registration. This process could take
several milliseconds, depending on the parameters that need to be
Mark in Window
This bit is set to (1) as soon as a registration mark has been detected
within the probe window. It is cleared when registration is first enabled, or
on the following cycle when no registration mark is found in the window.
This bit can be mapped to a task input or system input event, so that the
user can run additional program code when the mark is detected.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools 8-41

Correction at Max
This bit is set to (1) when the Correction Distance exceeds the Correction
Max parameter. It is reset to 0 after the next mark is found and
Correction Distance is less than or equal to Correction Max.
Max Missed Marks
A missed mark counter is incremented when the probe window is
traversed without a mark being found. This bit is set when the counter
exceeds the Missed Marks parameter. The user program or PLC can
then take appropriate action or alert the user of this condition. This bit is
reset by the control only upon a 1-0 transition of the Registration Enable
Preset Enabled
This bit is an acknowledgment of the Enable Preset control bit.

Probe Distance
This function is to select the distance (from start or from end) within the
move cycle that the registration mark can be read. The probe position is
captured and the correction distance is calculated only when the mark is
found within this position range. The probe window is related to the
selected measurement value (master or axis position).

Valid Probe Window

This window selects the period within the move cycle that the registration
mark can be read. The probe position is captured and the correction
distance is calculated only when the mark is found within this position
range. The probe window is related to the selected measurement value
(master or axis position).

Correction Window
This function is to select the period in the move cycle to which the
registration correction is to be applied. If the option Correct only in
Window is not selected, the correction is applied immediately after, the
probe position value is captured. Otherwise, the correction starts at the
Start position, and must be finished before the Stop position.
When using the CAM indexer, the start and end position in relation to the
master axis is entered here. Correction motion will only take place within
this window. If the probe comes in during the correction window, say at
position x of the master, then the maximum allowable correction during
that cycle is calculated as follows:
(maximum correction)(x - start)/(end - start)
Select Correction Target - These bits select the target parameter for the
Correction Distance. When using the CAM indexer, the correction uses a
CAM, which is added to the CAM position generated by the indexer.

Maximum Correction
This is the maximum amount of correction distance that will be applied to
the current index in units. If zero, the full amount of the correction is used
for the current index. If a value is entered, the Correction Distance value
is compared to Correction Maximum and correction up to this value will be
applied. The remainder will be discarded.

Missing Marks
Enter the number of missing marks until an error is issued.

Auto Correction
Select enabled or disabled. By default, the control sends the Correction
Distance to the drive to perform a phase offset, based on the correction

8-42 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

window and correction target. It is possible to disable automatic

correction, so that it can be handled in the user program. This option
applies to all motion types except for the CAM indexer, for which
automatic correction is always enabled.

Probe Sensing
Set the sensing to be either on the positive transition (0 ⇒ 1) or a
negative transition (1 ⇒ 0).

Correction Profile
When using the CAM indexer, this value defines the shape of the
correction CAM. Current selections are S-curve, Triangular and

8.5 CAM Builder

This version of the CAM Builder is installed if the new CAM Builder tool is
not selected during the initial installation of VisualMotion. This utility is
used to build CAM tables for Rexroth’s motion controls and drives.

Note: The new CAMBuilder documentation is only available in the

form of an online help system. Press the F1 key after
launching the new CAMBuilder.


Fig. 8-48: CAM Building Utility Window

This section defines the format, as Degree or Percent, that will be used to
build a control or drive CAM. Pre-GPP 10 firmware can only build a
control CAM using a degree format while GPP 10/11 or GMP 10/11 can
use a degree or percent format. Drive CAMs can only be built using a
percent format.

Degree CAM - output data is calculated where the master output position
is in Degrees and the slave output position is in system Units (degree, in,
mm, etc.).

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools 8-43

Percent CAMs: - output data is calculated where the master output

position is in Degrees and slave output position is in Percent.

Select the algorithm that will be used to build the output data from the
user-defined input data. The available types are:
• ACAM – slave input data is entered as an acceleration at a given
master position in degrees.
• PCAM – slave input data is entered as a position at a given master
position in degrees.
• SCAM – slave input data is entered as a position at a given master
position in degrees. Output data is build by applying the input data to a
3 order spline polynomial.
• VCAM - slave input data is entered as a velocity at a given master
position in degrees.

Input Data
The Input Data Table displays the master and slave input values entered
by the user or uploaded from an input file. When the Input Data radio
button is selected, the Input Data Table becomes active and the
background color changes to green. The available buttons are Add…,
Delete, Edit…, -->>Build-->> , and Graph Output…
Input data are defined by clicking the Add… button and entering input
position values for both the master and slave. Existing input data can be
modified by selecting the relevant line and clicking the Edit… button.
Once all input data is entered, click the -->>Build-->> button to calculate
the output data.

Output Data
This Output Data Table displays the output position data for the master to
slave relationship calculated from the input data. Also, the output position
data for a control or drive CAM can be uploaded for editing from an output
file or by using the CAM Transfer… function under the File menu. When
the Output Data radio button is selected, the Output Data Table becomes
active and the background color changes to green. The available buttons
are Edit…, and Graph Output…

Output Steps
The Output Steps are only available for degree CAMs and defines the
number of output steps (points) that will be used to build the CAM. The
allowable range for output steps is 10 - 1025.

Shaping Option
Select the percentage of S-shaping to be used on the velocity curve to
prevent a jump in acceleration (jerk limiting). This option is not available
for SCAM profiles.

Output Modulo
The Output Modulo is only available for degree CAMS and defines the
Output Modulo that will be used for scaling the range of ACAM and VCAM
output calculations. By default, this scaling is set to 360.

Scale Output
The Scale Output is only available for percent CAMs and is used to scale
the CAM's output profile.

8-44 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

For repeating CAM – by default, this checkbox is checked and is used

for endless running CAMs, where the percent value is fixed at 100 and
the degree value is fixed at 360.
To percent – scalar percentage multiplied to the CAM's H factor.
% x H factor = units of distance
At degree – master output position where the "To percent:" value is

Add… - add an entry to the input data.
Delete - deletes selected entry in the input data.
Edit… - edits selected entry in the input or output data.
-->>Build-->> - builds position, velocity and acceleration CAM profiles
and displays position data in the Output Data Table. Uses the algorithm
for the selected Type to build the number of data sets chosen in Output
Steps (10-1025 for degree CAMs and fixed to 1024 for percent or drive
CAM) using the input data and the Shaping Option to modify.

Note: CAM for percent CAMs are allowed within the range of +/-
200%. If this range is exceed, an error will be issued and the
slave output positions will be scaled back to 100%.

Graph Output… - creates or refreshes a graph of the position data in the

Output Data Table using the speed in the Simulation Speed for Graph
setting under the Options menu. The velocity is differentiated from the
position and the acceleration is differentiated from the velocity.

Note: Measurement of any point of the graph can be taken by

positioning the mouse over the desired graph portion and
holding the left mouse button.

• Zoom In/Out – increases or decreases the size of the graph for more
accurate measurements.


Fig. 8-49: CAM Data Graph

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools 8-45

File Menu
The following figure displays the available menu selections under the File


Fig. 8-50: CAM Building Utility - File Menu

This menu selection clears the Input and Output Data Tables.
Open Input File…
This menu selection loads data from an input file (*.txt) into Input Data
• User-selected input file. Input files are assumed to have the following

File identifier string. ;first line only

master value, slave value ;second line
master value, slave value ;third line
---- ---
---- ---
master value, slave value ;last line

Minimum and maximum number of data sets:


Minimum Sets 2 2 5 2
Maximum Sets 1024 512 200 1024

Note: A 5 order polynomial will be used when the maximum values
are exceeded for PCAM and SCAM types.

Open Output File…

This menu selection loads data from an output file (*.csv) into Output
Data Table.
• User-selected output file. Output files are assumed to have the
following format:
CAM output files are sent to the control using Rexroth VisualMotion.
master value, slave value ;first line
master value, slave value ;second line

8-46 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

---- ---
master value, slave value ;last line
Save Input…
This menu selection saves values from the input data to a user-selected
input file. The file is saved using text format (*.txt). Refer to Open Input
File… for file format.
Save Output…
This menu selection saves values from the output data to a user-selected
output file. The file is saved using standard spreadsheet format (*.csv).
Refer to Open Output File… for file format.
CAM Transfer…
The Transfer CAM window is used to upload (Get), download (Send), or
delete existing control or drive CAMs from a project in offline mode or
from the control or selected drive in online or service mode.

Operation Type options when in

online or service mode.


Fig. 8-51: Transfer CAM

Note: A CAM graphic under the Data column is an indication that the
control or drive contains a CAM. Only existing control and
drive CAMs can be retrieved or deleted.

• Get output data from project (control) – retrieves the selected CAM
output data for the specified Storage Location (Control or Drive) from
the project in offline mode and from the control’s memory in online or
service mode. An uploaded CAM is displayed in the Output Data
Table of the CAM Builder utility.
• Send output data to project (control) – downloads the current
output data in the CAM Builder to the project in offline mode and to the
control or drive in online or service mode.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools 8-47

• Delete - deletes the selected CAM number from the specified storage
location (Control or Drive) from the project in offline mode and from
the control’s memory in online or service mode.
• Start - this button becomes active under the following conditions:

Operation Type Condition

Get output data from project (control) An existing control or drive CAM is
Send output data to project (control) Output Data Table in CAM Builder
contains data and a control or drive
CAM number is selected
Delete An existing control or drive CAM is

Table 8-10: Start Button Activation

Transfer Input to Point Table…

This window is used to transfer the contents of the Input Data Table to a
set of ABS points located in a project in offline mode or on the control in
online or service mode.


Fig. 8-52: Transfer Input Table to Point

• Starting Point Number for Transfer - Enter the beginning ABS point
number to where the data should be copied. The values of the first
line of the input data will be copied to this point. The values from each
additional line of the input data will be copied to the next point. The
number of consumed ABS points depends on the number of lines in
the Input Data Table. The OK button starts the checking process and
transfer. Before the transfer is started, checks are made for valid point
and valid range. A window opens for confirmation. The Cancel button
exits this window.

8-48 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Transfer Input to Float Array…

This window is used to transfer the contents of the Input Data Table to a
set of consecutive program floats in a project in offline mode and to the
control in online or service mode.


Fig. 8-53: Transfer Input to Float Array

• Index of target starting Float Variable(Fx) - Enter the program float

number that will be the start for the transfer. The OK button starts the
checking process and transfer. Before the transfer is started, checks
are made for valid program float and valid range. A window opens for
confirmation. The Cancel button exits this window.

Input Predefined CAM f

This menu selection uploads the input data of a predefined CAM file for
the following types:
• Cycloid
• Harmonic
• Constant Acceleration
• Modified Sine
• Modified Trapezoid Cycloid - The curve traced by a point on
the circumference of a circle that rolls on
a straight line

Print Output
This menu selection prints graph and output data.
This menu selection closes the CAM Building Utility.

Options Menu
This Options menu is used for configuring control CAM format, graphing,
and simulating speed for the graph.


Fig. 8-54: CAM Building Utility, Options Menu

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools 8-49

Edit Control CAM Format…

This option specifies the format (degree or percent) used by the control
when running control CAMs. In offline mode, this setting is saved to the
project and is written to control parameter C-0-3141 when the project is
synchronized. In online mode, this setting is written to C-0-3141 in the
control and project.

Note: When running control CAMs, the format of the active control
CAM must match the format in C-0-3141 to ensure proper
CAM profiles.

Graph Enable
This selection allows the user to choose between acceleration, position,
and velocity graphs.
• Acceleration Graph - when checked, the acceleration graph is visible
on the graph and printout.
• Position Graph - when checked, the position graph is visible on the
graph and printout.
• Velocity Graph - when checked, the velocity graph is visible on the
graph and printout.

Simulation Speed for Graph

This selection allows the user to specify a speed used in graphing the
velocity and acceleration profiles.

Help Menu
The Help menu is used for accessing help system and identifying the

8-50 Data Editing and Monitoring Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Diagnostic Tools 9-1

9 Diagnostic Tools

9.1 Oscilloscope
VisualMotion's oscilloscope function is used to capture predefined internal
and external signals from the control or connected drive(s). Control
signals, that are valid oscilloscope signals, are parameterized and stored
in the control. Drive signals are parameterized and stored in the drive,
and are dependent on whether or not the connected drive supports the
oscilloscope function.

Feature Control IndraDrive EcoDrive 03 or Diax 04 Description

Configurable 4 4 2 N/A
Sample Rate 2ms, 4ms, 8ms, 16ms, 500µs, 1ms, 5ms, 250µs, 500µs, 1ms, 5ms, time interval for
32ms, and 64ms 10ms, 50ms, 100ms 10ms, 50ms signal capture
Sample Count 100, 200, 500, 1000, 100, 500, 1000, 2000, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, number of captures
2000, and 4000 400, and 8000 and 500 for entire trace

Table 9-1: Oscilloscope Features


Fig. 9-1: Oscilloscope Utility

After a trace is capture, the user can view a graphical representation of

the data or the actual values for all the uploaded samples.

9-2 Diagnostic Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Oscilloscope Signals
Up to 4 different oscilloscope control signals can be parameterized.
Three parameters are required to identify each oscilloscope signal. The
following table lists the parameters for each signal:

Signal Number Parameters

Signal 1 C-0-2501, C-0-2504, and C-0-2507
Signal 2 C-0-2502, C-0-2505, and C-0-2508
Signal 3 C-0-2503, C-0-2506, and C-0-2509
Signal 4 C-0-2524, C-0-2525, and C-0-2526

Table 9-2: Oscilloscope Signal Parameters

Drive signals, that are valid oscilloscope signals, are parameterized and
stored in the drive. Refer to the relevant Rexroth Digital Drive firmware
Functional Description manual for oscilloscope parameters.

Timing and Pretrigger Options

The capture duration, of configured oscilloscope signals, is calculated by
multiplying the following two control parameters:

Parameter Description
C-0-2510 Oscilloscope Sample Rate
C-0-2514 Oscilloscope Sample Count

Table 9-3: Oscilloscope Timing Parameters

For example, (C-0-2510 = 8ms) * (C-0-2514 = 500)] = 4000 ms

A pretigger allows the capture of data for all configured signals before the
trigger point. The pretrigger value is stored in control parameter C-0-2515
Oscilloscope Trigger Post-Count.

Enable Trigger and Upload

The recording of signal traces begins when the oscilloscope trigger is
enabled. Triggers can be configured as either user or internally initiated.
Selecting Diagnostics ⇒ Oscilloscope opens the Oscilloscope window.
The oscilloscope utility is used to capture and display run-time data when
in online mode. In offline mode, saved captures can be opened and
viewed. The capture can be of the control or on a drive that supports this
feature. Selected data is acquired on the drive or control, passed to
VisualMotion Toolkit, and displayed on the graphical format. The
graphical display and supporting data can be printed, or the data can be
saved to a file for later review.

File Menu
The File menu is used for retrieving file data, saving data to a file, printing,
and exiting the oscilloscope utility.
Open - data from user selected input file is loaded into input data list-box.
Save - data from user selected output is loaded into output data list-box.
Print Output - the oscilloscope graph and its related data table is sent to
the printer.
Exit - terminates this utility

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Diagnostic Tools 9-3

Source Menu
When using VisualMotion Toolkit's oscilloscope utility, only those drives
that support the oscilloscope function will be available as a signal source.
Selects the source from which the oscilloscope will gather signal data.
Drive 1 to n - lists of all drives on the SERCOS ring that supports the
oscilloscope feature.
Control - when selected, the oscilloscope can then read control variables,
parameters and registers.

The Oscilloscope timing options in Fig. 9-2 are used for setting the
Sampling Rate (How often a trace is captured) and Sample Count (How
many sampling rates are captured). The Capture Duration field displays
the total capture duration that is calculated by multiplying the Sample
Count and Sampling Rate. A Pretrigger can be added and is a
percentage of the capture interval.
The Sample Count can be set to a maximum of 8000 for IndraDrive, 4000
for control signals, and 500 for drive signals.
The Sampling Rate can be set to a maximum of 100ms for IndraDrive,
64ms for control signals, and 50ms for drive signals.
For example, a maximum count and rate setting for a control signal would
generate a total capture duration of 256,000 ms (4 min – 16 seconds).

Note: The pretrigger appears on the oscilloscope screen as a

vertical line.


Fig. 9-2: Oscilloscope Options

9-4 Diagnostic Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Signal Selection
The Drive Signal Setup in Fig. 9-3 is available when a drive is selected
under the Source menu.

Signal Selection for EcoDrive 03 and Diax 04

The Drive Signal Setup window below appears as follows for EcoDrive 03
and Diax 04 drives.


Fig. 9-3: Drive Signal Selection

Two drive signals can be captured and viewed. The following is a listing
of the available drive signals.
• Position Feedback
• Velocity Feedback
• Velocity Deviation (from commanded value)
• Position Deviation (from commanded value)
• Torque Command Value (required to maintain the commanded
• Disabled (Signal 2 only)

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Diagnostic Tools 9-5

Signal Selection for IndraDrive

The Drive Signal Setup window below appears as follows for IndraDrive

Fig. 9-4: IndraDrive Signal Selection

Up to four drive signals can be captured and viewed. The available

parameters are listed in Sercos drive parameter P-0-0149.

Signal Selection for the Control

The Control Signal Setup in Fig. 9-5 is available when a Control is
selected under the Source menu. Up to 4 different control signals can be
selected and compared.


Fig. 9-5: Control Signal Selection

• Program Floats ( Fx )
• Program Integer ( Ix )
• Global Floats ( GFx )
• Global Integers ( GIx )
• Axis Parameters * of drives on SERCOS ring
• Register Bit
• +/- Register (could be used to monitor a register’s value)
• Card Param

9-6 Diagnostic Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

• Task Param
• ELS Gp # In Position.**
• ELS Gp # In Velocity.**
• ELS Gp # Out Position.**
• ELS Gp # Out Velocity.**
• ELS Gp # Out Acceleration.**
• VM1 Position (Virtual master signal)
• VM1 Velocity
• VM2 Position
• VM2 Velocity

Note: Only a selective list of axis, control and task parameters can
be used as signal types. Refer to control parameter C-0-2504.

*Axis parameter must be in cyclic telegram. Use parameter A-0-0185 and

A-0-0195 to add other drive parameters to cyclic data.
**The # symbol represents ELS Groups 1-8. This same signal is
available for each ELS Group in the system.
For either signal source, the sample acquisition may be User initiated or
Internally initiated.
For User initiated captures, data acquisition starts as soon as the
capture button is pressed. This type of start capture is not
deterministic. All other fields in the trigger section are grayed out.
For Internally initiated captures, the available signals are the same as
the signals for Signals 1 – 4. The heading in the trigger fields will change
based on the signal selected. The trigger polarity options are on positive
edge, negative edge, or both. Signal threshold is the signal level to

Tools Menu
From the tools menu, a trace’s appearance can be changed from Lines to
Dots. When combined with the Time Controls feature on page 9-10, the
user can scale (zoom) in to reveal the individual dots that makeup the


Fig. 9-6: Options Menu

Filter encoder rollover

The position control loop in servo systems is continuously correcting the
position of an encoder when at standstill. This continuous correction in
position can cause dithering that will be captured by the oscilloscope.
When selected, the Filter encoder rollover will eliminate any dithering
based on the settings of the Filter variables … window in Fig. 9-7.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Diagnostic Tools 9-7


Fig. 9-7: Filter variables

Minimum value to be viewed as 0

A value between 0 and 2 degrees will be used as the filter window for
ignoring position dithering. While holding position at 360°, any value
between 0 and the minimum value entered will be interpreted as a dither
and seen as 360 degrees up to a maximum number of successive
Maximum value to be viewed as 360
A value between 358 and 360 degrees will be used as the filter window for
ignoring position dithering. While holding position at 0°, any value
between 360 and the maximum value entered will be interpreted as a
dither and seen as 0 degrees up to a maximum number of successive
The oscilloscope will immediately capture any position value outside the
minimum or maximum filter windows. An example of the filter encoder
rollover is shown in Fig. 9-8.


Fig. 9-8: Filter encoder rollover

9-8 Diagnostic Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Select colors…
The four signal traces are color coded and can be changed for both run
time and memory by selecting a color for each trace in the Signal color
selection window in Fig. 9-9. In addition, the background and grid colors
can also be changed.


Fig. 9-9: Signal color selection

Window Menu
The Window menu allows the user to cascade or tile the Values and
Graph windows or change the focus between them.


Fig. 9-10: Viewing Different Windows

Selecting a Sample When a capture sample is selected in the Values table, the values are
in the Values Table also displayed on the Graph window when holding down the left mouse

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Diagnostic Tools 9-9

Abort, Upload and Enable Trigger

The Abort, Upload and Enable Trigger buttons are used to trigger trace
captures of configured signals. The Upload and Enable Trigger functions
are also available under the Options menu.

Upload current capture

Aborts a Trigger Manual Trigger


Fig. 9-11: Signal triggering buttons

Oscilloscope Memory Buttons

Using memory buttons, traces can be stored into memory for viewing and

View stored View current traces

memory traces and memory traces

View current Save current

traces traces to memory

Fig. 9-12: Oscilloscope memory buttons

Manipulating Trace Signals

When multiple traces are captured at one time, they can be positioned
and scaled independently of each other by sliding the cursor left or right
for each trace as shown in Fig. 9-13. The traces can also be turned on or
off by clicking on the check boxes to the right of the signal description.


Fig. 9-13: Manipulating trace signal

By positioning the traces above and below each other, the user can more
easily distinguish between the signal. Fig. 9-14 shows an example of
three traces repositioned for clarity.

9-10 Diagnostic Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1


Fig. 9-14: Separated oscilloscope traces

Time Controls
The position and scale functions in Fig. 9-15 are used to analyze a
specific area of a captured trace. The scale function acts as a zoom,
allowing the user to view smaller sections of a trace, while the position
function controls the horizontal scrolling.

Note: The position function only works after using scale.


Fig. 9-15: Time Controls

Measuring Trace Signals

Oscilloscope trace signals are measured by placing the cursor at a start
position on the graph. When the mouse is clicked and held, a vertical line
and small measurement window appear initiating the start of a
measurement. As the cursor is moved (while held down), a second
vertical line appears.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Diagnostic Tools 9-11


Fig. 9-16: Measuring Signal Traces

The small measurement window simultaneously measures both the

current position measurement and a difference measurement from start
(in brackets < >) for all 4 signal traces. The first 4 measurements
represent the 4 trace signals. The last measurement represents the time
line measurement. When the cursor is held and moved, left or right, the
measurement is increased or decreased based on direction.

9-12 Diagnostic Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

9.2 Show Program Flow

Selecting Diagnostics ⇒ Show Program Flow F7 highlights the
currently executing icon in a running program, as illustrated in Fig. 9-17.
Many icons are scanned quickly and may appear to be skipped.
During Show Program Flow, a check mark appears next to the menu item
and other menu items are grayed-out. Re-selecting Show Program Flow
removes the check mark and re-enables the other menu items.

Note: This menu selection is only available for online mode. Show
program flow is not available for Event Functions.


Fig. 9-17: Show Program Flow View

Showing Program Flow in Subroutines

To view the program flow for a subroutine used in multiple tasks, the user
must identify the task controlling the subroutine. If a subroutine is opened
by entering the function (through the icon) from the task level,
VisualMotion knows the task – subroutine association. However, if the
subroutine is opened by selecting View ⇒ Subroutine or selecting it from
the Project Navigator, a window opens asking the user for task

Note: Although VisualMotion supports the programming of up to 40

nested subroutines, the highlighting of icons in nested
subroutines, when using Show Program Flow, is limited to 10

Generate Map File

Show program flow uses a map file generated at compile time to tag the
screen location of an instruction. If this map file is not found, the error
message "Cannot open file \\…\*.map!" appears (this usually means that
the file was not compiled or downloaded to the control).
The compiler option for generating a map file is found under the menu
selection, Tools ⇒ Options. By default, the Generate Map File option is
selected. For larger programs that do not require a map file, removing
the options decreases compile time.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Diagnostic Tools 9-13


Fig. 9-18: Generate Map File

Current Instruction Display

Selecting the Show Program Flow (Status) toolbar button, switches
VisualMotion Toolkit's programming environment to status mode. While
in status mode, program instructions currently executing are displayed in
the top portion of the Project Navigator window. The icon palettes are not
displayed while Show Program Flow is active.

Show Program Flow (Status)

Current Instruction Display

Execution source
Current instruction executing


Fig. 9-19: Current Instruction Display

The current instruction is displayed in the Project Navigator whether or not

a program is running. Once the control is initialized, the Initialization task
runs to completion and program flow stops on the Start icon of each task
(A-D), if programmed. This occurs before program execution is initialized
by the user. Once the program is running, the location and current
instruction execution displays change based on the current instruction
(icon). The name displayed for the current instruction might not always
match the expected name of the icon. The name displayed is that of the
compiled instruction for that icon.

9-14 Diagnostic Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Displaying Task Function Arguments and Local Variables

Function arguments can be defined in the Start icon of any subroutine
(initialization and standard). Local variables can be defined in the Start
icon of any task, subroutine or event function. When a task, subroutine or
event function is executing and the Show Program Flow toolbar button is
set, any function argument and/or local variable are displayed below the
Current Instruction Display section. The values of function arguments
and local variables may change quickly while a program is running.
However, the function arguments and/or local variables displayed can be
helpful when using a breakpoint in the desired task or subroutine. The
user can monitor the values for function arguments and/or local variables
by single stepping through the task or subroutine. Refer to Set Breakpoint
using VisualMotion Toolbar Buttons below for details.

Note: When no values are passed to the function arguments and/or

local variables, the values display question marks.

Toggle Breakpoint State

Show Program Flow

Current Instruction Display

Execution source
Current instruction executing

Function Arguments
appearing in current subroutine

Local Variables appearing in

current subroutine


Fig. 9-20: Displaying Function Argument and Local Variables

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Diagnostic Tools 9-15

9.3 Breakpoint

Set Breakpoint using VisualMotion Toolbar Buttons

Use the following steps to set a breakpoint using the VisualMotion Toggle
Breakpoint State and Single Step toolbar buttons.
1. Select a task (A-D) or standard subroutine.
2. Click the Show Program Flow toolbar button and then click on the
Toggle Breakpoint State button.

Single Step
Set Breakpoint
Show Program Flow


Fig. 9-21: Set Breakpoint

3. Start the VisualMotion program with the task or subroutine displayed.

When the breakpoint is reached, the control switches to single step mode,
program flow stops at the first icon following the Start icon and the
Current Instruction Display section above the Project Navigator turns red.

Note: Refer to Current Instruction Display on page 9-13 for details.

4. Press the F8 key or click the Single Step button to step through
the program icons. If the task or subroutine contains a subroutine
icon, all icons contained within the subroutine will be single stepped
before proceeding to the next icon.
5. Once all program icons and/or subroutines are single stepped,
program flow returns to the subroutine or task that called the
subroutine or task.

For example, if a subroutine (contained in task A) is set for breakpoint, program flow will
return to the next icon in task A following the single step completion of the subroutine.

Subroutine set for


Note: If a different item (in the Project Navigator) is selected, the

single step function becomes inactive. The control remains in
single step mode and requires that the user toggle the
Cycle_Start_Resume (bit 6) of the task control register (2-5)
for the selected task to resume program flow.
For best results, enable a breakpoint before starting the
program or before the task or subroutine program flow is
started. Once the Start icon in a task or subroutine is
processed, a breakpoint can not be set.

9-16 Diagnostic Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

9.4 System Diagnostics

Selecting Diagnostics ⇒ System opens the System Diagnostics window.
This window displays diagnostic information about the active VisualMotion
system. The window uses tabs to display diagnostic information for the
• Status
• General
• Option Cards
• Diagnostic Log
• IndraLogic Log
• Hardware
• Load (System)
• Integrated PLC
• MEC Status

Note: Holding the cursor over any field will display the corresponding
parameter number.

Status Diagnostics
The Status tab displays the current diagnostic message with an extended
message, if available. The system's current mode and Sercos phase is
also displayed.


Fig. 9-22: Status Diagnostics

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Diagnostic Tools 9-17

General Diagnostics
The General tab displays the control's address and label, hardware
typecode, firmware version, firmware compile date and boot loader


Fig. 9-23: General Diagnostics

Option Cards Diagnostics

The Option Card tab displays the current hardware card(s) installed in the
control. Refer to the VisualMotion 11 Project Planning manual for a
complete listing of available hardware configurations.


Fig. 9-24: Option Cards Diagnostics

Diagnostic Log
The Diagnostic Log tab displays the last 100 errors the control has
encountered. Along with the error messages, the date, time and
extended error codes are displayed.

9-18 Diagnostic Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1


Fig. 9-25: Diagnostic Log

Control Settings
The date and time are relative to the power on of the control. The time
can be set to the computer’s clock by clicking the Set Time button. Once
set, the time and date will stay current as long as the control has power.
On power down, an internal capacitor maintains the real-time clock
running for up to 3 days.

Log Configuration
The user can select which errors are to recorded and displayed by
checking the appropriate checkbox.

Log Data
The last 100 control errors are displayed and can be sorted by Date, Time
or Description by clicking the appropriate heading.
An option pop-up window is displayed by right clicking the mouse. From
here, the user can refresh the current display, save the log to a file, clear
the log or request help on the selected diagnostic.

Note: Help on any displayed diagnostic error can be selected from

the pop-up window or by double clicking on the desired error in
the list.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Diagnostic Tools 9-19

IndraLogic Log
The IndraLogic Log displays any PLC-related error generated from
function blocks, functions, communication, etc. Error functionality created
by the user using the ErrorLog library will also be displayed. Checking the
I/O Image Update Errors checkbox will include data update errors that
may occur between the motion and logic portion of VisualMotion.
The Clear Function Block Error Log button is used to clear the list of
errors displayed in the IndraLogic Log.


Fig. 9-26: IndraLogic Log

9-20 Diagnostic Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Hardware Diagnostics
The Hardware tab displays control related information, such as current
operating temperature and control's total operating time. The memory
section displays the control's total memory and available free memory.


Fig. 9-27: Hardware Diagnostics

Reboot Control
Clicking the Reboot Control button enables the Software Reset for
Control command of control parameter C-0-0993. The user is warning
before the control is rebooted. The control must be in parameter mode in
order to reboot the control using this button.

Defragment Memory
The defragment button is used to request a defragmentation of the
control's memory. The determination of a necessary defragmentation is
performed by the control and not by clicking on the button. Clicking the
button queues the control.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Diagnostic Tools 9-21

Load Diagnostics
The Load tab displays the control's current and peak time required by the
processor to process motion task and I/O completion as a percentage of
parameters C-0-0099 and C-0-3001, respectively. The User Watchdog
Timer section is used to specify a time (in ms) for a selected task to
complete its program before an error is issued.


Fig. 9-28: Load Diagnostic

Integrated PLC Diagnostics

The Integrated PLC tab displays IndraLogic's diagnostic messages, the
PLC program's name, mode and Sercos Timeslice.


Fig. 9-29: Integrated PLC Diagnostics

9-22 Diagnostic Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

MEC Diagnostics
The MEC tab displays diagnostics for the Master Encoder Card (MEC).
Hardware version and firmware is displayed along error information and
connect encoder types.


Fig. 9-30: MEC Diagnostics

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Project Management Tools 10-1

10 Project Management Tools

10.1 Synchronizing a Project

Synchronization involves a process where specific checks and validations
are preformed before an offline project can be compiled and downloaded
to the control.
This process involves the following steps:
1. Communication to the control is checked.
2. Project firmware target is validated with control firmware target.
3. Drives setup in project are validated with detected drives on Sercos
4. Project data is validated before the program is compiled and
downloaded to the control. This includes the validation of global
variables, creation of icon map file, the assignment of a unique
identifier for the current project status, etc.

The synchronization process is initiated by clicking the Toggle

Online/Offline icon toolbar button, selecting File ⇒ Online, or by
pressing the F9 key.

Communication Errors When a communication error occurs between a project and the control,
the user is notified with an error message. Typically communication
problems occur when an error exists in the Control Selection settings.
Verify and check the communication setting and retry.

Detecting Drive Differences As part of the project validation process, all axes configured under Setup
are compared with those detected on the Sercos ring. If a difference is
detected, the user is notified and is asked to correct the situation or
continue with synchronization. Refer to Drive Differences Detected When
Synchronizing on page 10-5 for details.

Switch to Online Mode After all synchronization checks and validations are performed, the
Synchronize Project Data window opens and presents the user with a list
of components that should be compiled and downloaded to the control.
Refer to Synchronizing a Modified Project on page 10-2 for details. The
following two online synchronization modes are supported:

Synchronization Description Status Indicator

Synchronized Communication with the control is
active and all components between
the project and the control's
memory match and are up to date.
Unsynchronized Communication with the control is
active, however, not all components
in the project have been updated on
the control.

Table 10-1: Synchronization Modes

10-2 Project Management Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Synchronizing a Modified Project

The synchronization of a modified project to the data on the control is
performed using the Synchronize Project Component toolbar button
( ). This button is only available when VisualMotion detects
unsynchronized project data. An unsynchronized condition occurs when
project data does not match the data on the control.
To synchronize modified project components online, select File ⇒
Synchronize Project Component or click on the Synchronize Project
Component toolbar button. The Synchronize Project Data window opens
displaying project components whose offline data has changed since the
last time the project was downloaded to the control.

Note: When synchronizing project data, the message area at the top
of the window provides the user with a date/time comparison
between the icon program being downloaded and the same
project on the control.

Note: Communication with any VisualMotion runtime tool such as the

Data Editor or the ELS Runtime Tool is suspended while the
Synchronize Project Data window is opened. Communication
is resumed after the synchronization process is completed or if
the Cancel button is selected.


Fig. 10-1: Synchronize Project Data

At this point, the user downloads the modified project components to the
control, and if no errors are detected, the project becomes synchronized.
If all the components are not downloaded to the control, the project is
considered unsynchronized and the state of the project will remain
unsynchronized. This is indicated by the unsynchronized status bar
indicator at the lower right hand corner.

Phase Dependent Component Download

Some components can be downloaded in Sercos phase 4, while others
require the system to be in parameter mode. VisualMotion will notify the
user if the control needs to be in parameter mode before a component(s)
can be downloaded.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Project Management Tools 10-3

Components and Details

The Component section displays all project components that were
detected to be different from those currently in the control's memory for
the same project name. Any component that is unchecked is not
downloaded to the control.

Note: The first time a new project is downloaded to the control, any
component that is not synchronized (unchecked) will not be
asked to be synchronized the next time the project is
downloaded unless that specific component was modified.

The Details section displays all sub-items that are available for the
currently selected component. Any individual detail that is unchecked will
render the system unsynchronized.
The following table lists the components that can be selected for
download along with a brief description of the detail section:

Component Description of Detail Section

Icon Program Options for archived and active program as well as transferring of floats and integers
between programs.
I/O Setup I/O system options and user configuration parameters
Fieldbus Mapper fieldbus related parameters
Control CAM Table CAM table parameters for CAMs 1-37
Option Card PLS Option Card related parameters
Drive CAM Table Drive CAM related parameters for configured drives
Drive PLS Drive PLS parameters for configured drives
Position Monitoring Groups PMG related parameters for 8 configurations
Control Settings basic control setting parameters and task option parameter for all 4 task
Communication By default, this component is not checked. It list the standard communication
Parameters parameters for serial and Ethernet.
Program Data user program data such as points, control PLS, event table, Global variables, program
variables, and zones
Other Control Parameters modified control parameters that are not part of one of the functionality components
listed above
Other Task Parameters modified task parameters that are not part of one of the functionality components listed
Other Drive Parameters modified drive parameters that are not part of one of the functionality components
listed above
Other Axis Parameters modified axis parameters that are not part of one of the functionality components listed

Table 10-2: Possible Synchronization Components

Special Options for Icon For the Icon Program component, the Delete Currently Active Program
Program Details detail is checked every time a modified icon program is downloaded. Any
detail that is unchecked is not downloaded to the control.
The Archive Icon Program detail is used to archive the currently opened
icon source file (*.str) to the control's memory. This detail is required in
order to create a new project from program and data on the control

10-4 Project Management Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

The Transfer Program Float / Integer details are used to transfer

program float and integer variables from the currently active program to
the project being downloaded. A specific range of program floats and
integer can be selected for transfer by selecting Tools ⇒ Control
Settings ⇒ Data Transfer Ranges.

Note: Program floats and integers for the selected range will be
overwritten with the data on the control that is within the same

Modifying Default Project Project synchronization default settings can be modified from the
Synchronization Settings VisualMotion Options window under Tools ⇒ Options ⇒ Project.

Go Online Unsynchronized
The Go Online Unsynchronized button is used to establish
communication with the control without downloading any data.
If VisualMotion detects changes to the data in a project, the user is
requested to Save, Compile and Download before switching the online
mode. If VisualMotion Toolkit is currently online, the menu selection
reads, "Offline …F9".

Commissioning Tool Synchronization

Commissioning tools can be used in offline or online mode to modify
project data. In offline mode, all modified data is written to the project
files. These modifications can be synchronized with the control when
switching to online mode.
When a commissioning tool is used to modified data for a project that is
online and synchronized, the following functionality will be observed:

Note: Several commissioning tools write to parameters that can not

be modified while the system is in Sercos phase 4.

• In Sercos phase 2 (parameter mode), online modifications are saved

to both the project and the control. The state of the project remains
synchronized if no errors are detected.
• In Sercos phase 4, the following window opens when saving
parameters that can only be written to in Sercos phase 2.

Fig. 10-2: Saving Commissioning Tool Data

If the system can be transitioned into parameter mode, the Retry button
can be used to repeat the download process. If the modifications are
saved using the Save to Project File button, the project becomes
unsynchronized with the control. The project must then be synchronized
either by going offline and then back online or by selecting the
Synchronize Project Components toolbar button. Refer to Synchronizing
a Modified Project on page 10-2 for details.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Project Management Tools 10-5

Note: After a commissioning tool is modified (online) and saved, the

data displayed will be that of the saved file and not the current
status of the control. To view the current status of the control,
click on the Status toolbar button ( ). The tool will then
reload the display with the current data from the control.

Drive Differences Detected When Synchronizing

By default, this window is launched when a drive hardware or firmware
difference is detected between the current project and the control when
switching to online mode. The user can chose to Continue to synchronize
the project with the control. This is only a warning and does not interfere
with synchronization. However, problems may be encountered when
synchronizing drive parameters or when executing parameter transfer or
initialization instructions in the icon program. Make the necessary
modifications and re-synchronize the project.

Note: This validation step can be bypassed by removing the check

for the Compare Axis Definitions with Hardware option under
menu selection Tools ⇒ Options ⇒ Project.


Fig. 10-3: Drive Difference Detected When Synchronizing

10-6 Project Management Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

10.2 Browsing a Project for Data Usage and Icon Flow

The browse feature in VisualMotion 11 allows the user to locate usage of
program labels in a project and usage of subroutines and event functions
in the icon flow.

Browse Project for Data Usage

The Data menu selection allows the user to browse the current project for
the usage of program labels by type. Selecting Browse ⇒ Data or
clicking opens the Browse Project for Data Usage window in Fig. 10-
4. All program tasks, subroutines and event functions are scanned for
program data types. In addition, tools such as the I/O Setup, PLS, and
Fieldbus editors are opened, scanned and then minimized.
The user can choose to view project data that is Used in the project or
data that has been declared in the project but Unused by selecting the
relevant radio button.
The available data types are listed by usage in the table below:

Data Type Used Unused

Axis Name X
Program Float X X
Program Integer X X
Register X X
Register Bit X X
Table 10-3: Available Data Type by Usage

Note: The window can be resized to allow complete view of the

scanned data type. All data types used in the current program
are scanned and displayed at the instances the window is
opened. Any data type added or modified in the program while
the window is opened will not be scanned and added to the
list. The window must be close and reopened.


Fig. 10-4: Browse Project for Data Usage

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Project Management Tools 10-7

When a data type label is selected from the drop-down list, all assigned
labels and numbers used in the program are displayed just below the
drop-down list.
When a label is selected from the left-hand list, the editor (Icon, Ladder or
Fieldbus) in which the data type is used is displayed in bold text in the
right-hand tree structure. Below the editor name, the location or instance
of usage, whether in a task or subroutine, is displayed in a tree structure.

Note: Every instance of data usage is displayed in the right-hand

section of the window. If a data type is used in more than one
area of the current program, duplicate editor names will
appear indicating where the data type is used.

When the actual location is selected from below the editor name, the
Project Navigator and icon is highlighted. If the data type is used within
the Ladder editor or Fieldbus editor, the tool opens displaying the location
where used.


Fig. 10-5: Data Usage Example

10-8 Project Management Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Browse Program for Icon Flow

The Icon Flow menu selection allows the user to browse the current
project for the use of subroutines and event functions. Subroutines and
event functions can be located within any program task, subroutine or
event function icon flow. This feature can also be used for:
• visualizing subroutine nesting (up to a maximum of 40) in a tree
• locating multiple references of subroutines and/or event functions, and
• overall relationship of subroutines and/or event functions

Selecting Browse ⇒ Icon Flow… or clicking opens the Browse

Program for Icon Flow window in Fig. 10-6. All program tasks,
subroutines and event functions are scanned for the use of subroutines
and event functions. The available selections in the drop-down list are
listed in the table below.

Program Task Subroutine

Initialization Subroutine Event Functions

Table 10-4: Icon Flow Type Drop-Down List Selections


Fig. 10-6: Browse Project for Subroutines and Event Functions

When an item is selected from the drop-down list (i.e., Subroutine), all
labels of the selected types are displayed just below the drop-down list.
For example If a user selects “Subroutine” from the drop-down list, the labels of all
subroutines existing in the project are displayed. When a subroutine label
is selected, the following tree items are possible:
• Subroutine Call List – This tree item is displayed if the selected
subroutine or event function label contains subroutines and/or event
function as part of its icon flow. (What is called from current icon flow).
• Reference List – This tree item is displayed if the selected subroutine
or event function label is reference or called by another icon flow.
The sub-items that appear below each main List item are the actual
locations in the project where the subroutines or event functions are
When a sub-item is selected, the Project Navigator and icon is

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Project Management Tools 10-9


Fig. 10-7: Icon Flow Example

Note: Selecting a subroutine in the tree structure beyond 10 nested

levels will not highlight the icon in the program flow.
VisualMotion supports nested subroutines up to a maximum of
40 levels; however, the visual display functionality is limited to
only 10 levels.

The user can navigate to actual subroutines and event function icon
programs by selecting the label of the desired subroutine or event
function. VisualMotion Toolkit’s title bar indicates if the selected item is
either a subroutine or an event function.


Fig. 10-8: Title Bar Descriptions

10-10 Project Management Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Subroutine Nesting Example

When a project contains nested subroutines, selecting the subroutine
label will display the nested subroutines in an easy to follow tree structure.


Fig. 10-9: Nested Subroutine Example

Referenced Subroutine Example

The user can expand the Reference List to locate where in the project a
subroutine and/or event function is being called).


Fig. 10-10: Referencing Subroutine Example

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Project Management Tools 10-11

10.3 Archiving and Restoring Project Data

VisualMotion 11 supports the full and selective archiving and restoring of
motion and logic project data. Motion functionality can be archived and
restored in offline, online and service modes. IndraLogic PLC data can
only be archived and restored in online or service mode.
The VisualMotion VmArchive tool is launched from menu selection
Commission ⇒ Archive ⇒ Project and is used to perform the archiving
and restoring of VisualMotion project data. Project data for both motion
and logic is referred to as components. When project components are
archived, a Backup folder, containing the PC’s current date and time, is
created by default. The Backup_datetime folder is placed under a
different location based on the current programming mode, as listed in the
table below.

Mode Archive Location

Online …\project\project name\SaveSet\Online\Backup_datetime
Offline …\project\project name\SaveSet\Offline\Backup_datetime
Service …\project\project name\SaveSet\Backup_datetime

Table 10-5: Archiving Folder Structure

A separate IndraLogic folder, containing the relevant PLC project data, is

created and stored under either the online or service mode folder location.

Note: The default folder naming convention allows for multiple

archive folders for any given date without worrying that a
previous archive will be overwritten.


Fig. 10-11: VmArchive Tool

10-12 Project Management Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

System Project Components

Motion and logic project components are stored as individual data files
under the appropriate folder locations as described in Table 10-5:
Archiving Folder Structure.
The following table lists all the system components, including IndraLogic
that can be archived and restored in online mode:

Component Data File Description

Program(s) program.ex* Compiled program file resident on control’s memory.
(.ex* - represents program #, i.e., .ex1, .ex2 and so on)
IndraLogic -- refer to IndraLogic Component
Global Variables globalintegers.dat program global integer data file
globalfloats.dat program global float data file
A-Parameters Axis0**.par Axis parameter set (A-0-2001)
( 0** - represents axis number up to a maximum of 64)
C-Parameters Control001.par Control 1 parameter set (C-0-2001)
T-Parameters TaskA.par Task A parameter set (T-0-2001)
S/P-Parameters Drive0**.par Both S and P drive parameter sets (S-0-0192)
( 0** - represents drive number up to a maximum of 64)

Table 10-6: System Project Components

Control Log File: In addition to the files listed in Table 10-6, a log file named "Chklist.txt" is
Chklist.txt also created. This file contains relevant information about the archive,
including time and date as well as hardware configurations for both the
control and drives, control error log and a list of archived files for the

IndraLogic Component
The following table lists the individual IndraLogic project data files that can
be archived and restored in online mode:

Data File Description

DEFAULT.PRG Boot project file containing all information required to
load PLC program after booting
DEFAULT.CHK Boot project code checksum
BOOT.SDB Boot project symbol file of loaded boot project. After
booting, data is copied to DOWNLOAD.SDB
config.dat Project communication settings
DEFAULT.STS Status file containing the state of the runtime system
before ending (run/stop)
source.dat IndraLogic source code containing PLC project data
DOWNLOAD.SDB Source code symbol file downloaded with PLC program
persist.dat Source code file containing the definitions for persistent
retain.bin Snapshot of all retain data captured at the end of the
PLC cycle when the archive command was issued

Table 10-7: IndraLogic Project Data

IndraLogic Log File: In addition to the files listed in Table 10-7, a log file named
IndraLogic_log.txt "IndraLogic_log.txt" is also created. This file contains a log of the archive
procedures perform on IndraLogic data, including any errors.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Project Management Tools 10-13

Online Mode Archiving and Restoring

A full or selective online archive copies all current project data for both
motion and logic stored on the control's memory and saves it to the
default backup folder or user-defined folder location. A full or selective
online restore copies previously archived control and drive data from the
project folder to the control's memory.
Refer to System Project Components on page 10-12 for a complete list of
control and drive data that can be archived or restored.


Fig. 10-12: Online Archive

Quick Backup The Quick Backup checkbox, available for online and service modes,
determines which save format to use when creating a backup. By default,
the Quick Backup checkbox is selected. Removing the check will
generate a more detailed *.par backup file for control and drive
parameters. Refer to the following examples:

Parameter Details – No Quick Backup Parameter Details – Quick Backup

17.10.2002 12:58:58 21.10.2002 11:00:31

1 1
| |
parameter number C-0-0001 C-0-0001
label Language Selection --
settings 00000000000100010000000000000001 00000000000100010000000000000001
-- --
4 --
Limits 0 --

Fig. 10-13: Quick Backup Example

10-14 Project Management Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Online Full Backup

An online full backup automatically selects the following motion and logic
project components:
• Program(s)
• IndraLogic
• Global Variables
• Axis Parameters
• Control Parameters
• Task Parameters
• Sercos and Product Parameters
Refer to System Project Components on page 10-12 for details.

To perform an online full backup:

1. Switch VisualMotion Toolkit to online mode.
2. Select Commission ⇒ Archive ⇒ Project.
3. Select the Backup and Full radio buttons, change the default
Directory (if desired) and click the Next > button.
4. From the Online Project window, select the Start button.


Fig. 10-14 Online Full Backup

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Project Management Tools 10-15

Online Full Restore

An online full restore can only be performed if a valid Chklist.txt file exists
in the selected Directory. The system reads the Chklist.txt file and
displays a list of all the components that were originally backed up.
Clicking on the Start button will begin the restore process.

Note: IndraLogic PLC project data appears as blue text.


Fig. 10-15 Online Full Restore

A message will appear warning the user that all programs on the control’s
memory will be lost.

Note: The control must in Parameter mode before a Full Online

Restore can be performed.

Communication Errors After During a restore procedure, the system is automatically switched to
Program Activation Sercos phase 4 when a restored program is activated in order to
configure the axes. Switching to Sercos Phase 4 also runs the active
program’s Setup and Initialization tasks.
During program activation, modifications to serial port X10 or X16
communication parameters (C-0-0003, C-0-0004, etc.) to values different
than that of the current settings can cause communication errors between
VisualMotion and the control. This means that the user is communicating
on the same serial port that is being modified to a different value by the
restored program.
This can occur if the user program performs parameter transfers (Param1
icon) and/or parameter initializations (Setup Parameter) to the serial port
communication parameters while the system is in Sercos phase 4.
During this Sercos phase, any settings that are modified such as the
baudrate can cause the loss of communication if the new setting is
different from the current setting. This does not affect Ethernet or PCI
After program activation is completed, the system is switched back to
Sercos phase 2 and the restore process continues.

10-16 Project Management Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Online Selective Backup

An online selective backup allows the user to selectively choose which
components to archive to the SaveSet folder. The Selective Backup
window displays components for both the control and drive. The Details
button towards the bottom of the window opens the Archive Component
Selection window where the user can choose which details, of the
selected component, to backup. By default, all items are selected.
Unchecking an item will remove it for the list of items to backup.

Note: IndraLogic PLC project data is located under the Control

component selection.


Fig. 10-16: Selective Online Backup

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Project Management Tools 10-17

Online Selective Restore

An online selective restore allows the user to selectively choose which
components to restore from the SaveSet\Online folder to the control’s
memory. The Selective Restore window displays all the components
available in the selected SaveSet folder. By default, all items are
selected. Unchecking an item will remove it for the list of items to backup.
The Details button towards the bottom of the window is only available for
axis and drive parameter files. This button opens the Restore File Details
window where a user can restore a parameter file to the same drive
number or any other drive available in the current project.


Fig. 10-17: Selective Online Restore

Note: Communication errors can occur when restoring a user

program. Refer to Communication Errors After Program
Activation on page 10-15 for details.

10-18 Project Management Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Offline Mode Archiving and Restoring

A full or selective offline archive backs up only motion functionality for the
currently opened project in VisualMotion Toolkit. All files (excluding
subfolders) that are located in the project's main folder are backed up to
the default backup folder or user-defined folder location. A full or
selective offline restore copies the files from the offline backup folder to
the project's main folder, overwriting existing files.
Refer to Table 10-5: Archiving Folder Structure for details.

Note: Offline mode archiving and restoring does not process

IndraLogic project files. An active connection to the control is
required. Refer to Online Mode Archiving and Restoring for


Fig. 10-18 Offline Archive and Restore

Offline Full Backup

An offline full backup automatically selects all the files (excluding
subfolders) located under the main project folder of the currently opened
project and backs them up to the “…SaveSet\Offline\Backup” folder.

To perform an offline full backup:

1. Launch VisualMotion Toolkit and open the project to be backed up.
2. Select Commission ⇒ Archive ⇒ Project.
3. Select the Backup and Full radio buttons, change the default
Directory (if desired) and click the Next > button.
4. From the Offline Project window, select the Start button.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Project Management Tools 10-19

Offline Full Restore

An offline full restore copies all the files from the selected offline backup
directory and overwrites the offline data of the current project opened in
VisualMotion Toolkit. Clicking the Start button opens a message window
warning the user that all current project files will be overwritten.

Note: After an offline restore, the icon editor reloads the new data
into the project.

Offline Selective Backup

An offline selective backup allows the user to selectively choose which
files to backup to the “…SaveSet\Offline\Backup” folder. The Selective
Backup window displays all the files located under the main project folder.
The user can uncheck those files that are not part of the project before
creating a backup.


Fig. 10-19: Offline Selective Backup

10-20 Project Management Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Offline Selective Restore

An offline selective restore allows the user to selectively choose which
components to restore from the SaveSet\Offline folder to the current
project. The Selective Restore window displays all the components
available in the selected SaveSet\Offline folder. By default, all items are
selected. Unchecking an item will remove it for the list of items to restore.
The Details button towards the bottom of the window is only available for
drive parameter files. This button opens the Restore File Details window
where a user can restore a parameter file to any drive available in the
current project.

Note: After an offline restore, the icon editor reloads the new data
into the project.


Fig. 10-20: Offline Selective Restore

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Project Management Tools 10-21

Archive History and Flash Backup

Selecting Commission ⇒ Archive ⇒ Other … allows the user to obtain
archive history information from the History tab and a list of online or
offline backups that exists as part of the project data from the Archives
tab. The Backup tab is used to create a backup of the non-volatile flash
and to create a complete backup of the compact flash contents. The
availability of tabs depends on the current programming mode.
Refer to the following table for details:

Program Mode History Archives Backup

Offline Mode X X
Online Mode X X X
Service Mode X X

Table 10-8: Archive Window Tabs

The History tab contains a list of the current project's archive history. This
history is only available for backups and restores that were performed
while the project was online with the control.


Fig. 10-21: Archive History

Double clicking on any list item or selecting the item and clicking the View
Details button opens the Archive History Details window in Fig. 10-22.

10-22 Project Management Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1


Fig. 10-22: Archive History Details

The Archive History Details window displays information for the currently
selected archive. Information such as, Date/Time, Path and Status are
displayed here. The Flags field indicates the VisualMotion data transfer
operation code used for the archive. Refer to the VisualMotion Transfer
Utility in the VisualMotion 11 Help System for details.
Clicking the View File button opens the XferHist.txt log file where the
details of the current project's online archive history are saved.


Fig. 10-23: Transfer Utility History

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Project Management Tools 10-23

The Archives tab contains all offline and online backups and restores that
were previously performed for the current project. When the project is in
service mode, only archives that were performed in service mode will be


Fig. 10-24: Archives

Double clicking on any backup or restore list item or selecting the item
and clicking the View Details button opens the ChkList.txt log file for
online archives and the chklist_offline.txt log file for offline archives.


Fig. 10-25: ChkList.txt and Chklist_offline Log Files

10-24 Project Management Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

NVRam Backup
The NVRam on VisualMotion controls store the file system, parameters,
and variables. On power up, the contents of the NVRam are
automatically copied to compact flash. If the control is to be replaced, the
validity of the NVRam should be checked.
To create a valid backup of the NVRam:
1. Click on the Create Backup button under the Non-volatile Data
section. When a valid copy of the NVRam exists, a depression
labeled Valid Backup Exists will appear.

Note: NVRam restore functionality is not required. During power up,

the NVRam is restored automatically from flash if a difference
is detected between the current NVRam content and the copy
backup in flash.


Fig. 10-26: Archive NVRam

Compact Flash Backup and Restore

For controls using a 32 MB compact flash card, the following procedure
creates a complete backup of the compact flash memory area:
1. Clicking on the Create Backup button divide the compact flash
memory into two equal parts and create a complete backup of the
compact flash including the NVRam and firmware.
2. To restore the compact flash, click on the Restore Backup button.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Project Management Tools 10-25

10.4 Importing Project Data

When using the import feature, VisualMotion Toolkit is considered the
target location. The source location is dependent on whether
VisualMotion Toolkit is in offline or online mode.

Import Data in Offline Mode

The “Import a Program and/or Data into the project” window opens when
selecting File ⇒ Import Project Component… in offline mode. Data is
copied from a selected project or file to the project currently opened in
VisualMotion Toolkit.

Transfer Data from

Specify the path and name of a project file (*.vmj) or individual file (i.e.,
system.prm) from where data will be imported to the current project.
Select the browse button to help locate a file. Once a project or individual
file is entered into the Project path field, the Components and Details
fields display all data that is part of the project or file.

Note: This process can be used to import data from older file
formats of VisualMotion into the current project.

Data stored on the hard drive, either from another project file (*vmj) or
individual file (i.e., system.prm), is display in the Components field. The
components displayed are only those that are part of the project or file.

The details displayed are dependent on the component type selected. By
default, all details are selected for each component. To de-select a detail,
click on the appropriated checkbox. Once all components and details are
selected, click the OK button to import the data to the current project
opened in VisualMotion Toolkit.

Note: All data imported is automatically stored to the current project.


Fig. 10-27: Import a Program Data into the Project

10-26 Project Management Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Once the components have been imported from a project or file to the
current project, the user can switch VisualMotion Toolkit to online mode.
VisualMotion detects any modifications in data and request that the
project be recompiled and downloaded to the control before switching to
online mode.

Import Data in Online Mode

In online mode, selecting File ⇒ Import Project Component… opens
the Transfer Control Data to Project window. Data is copied from the
control’s memory to the project currently opened in VisualMotion Toolkit.


Fig. 10-28: Transfer Control Data to Offline Project

Component and detail data displayed are those found on the control’s
memory for the currently active program. By default, Hardware
Configuration is checked. Select any additional components and details
to import from the control’s memory to the project currently opened in
VisualMotion Toolkit.

10.5 Exporting Project Data

When using the export feature, the currently opened project is considered
the source location. The target location is dependent on whether
VisualMotion Toolkit is in offline or online mode.

Export Data in Offline Mode

The Transfer project data to another project or to files window opens
when selecting File ⇒ Export Project Component… in offline mode.
Data is copied from the project currently opened in VisualMotion Toolkit to
another project file (*.vmj) or individual file.

Transfer Data to
Specify the path and name of a project file (*.vmj) or folder (for an
individual file) to where data will be exported from the current project.
Select the browse button to help locate a file or folder.

Data components in the currently opened project are uploaded and
displayed as available components that can be stored to another project
file (*.vmj) or as individual data files. Components are selected by placing

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Project Management Tools 10-27

a check in the box next o the component label. Once a component is

selected, details associated with the component are displayed to the right.

The details displayed are dependent on the component selected. By
default, all details are selected for each component. To de-select a detail,
click on the appropriated checkbox. Once all components and details are
selected, click the OK button to export the data to the current project
opened in VisualMotion Toolkit.


Fig. 10-29: Transfer Project Data to Another Project or to Files

Export Data in Online Mode

In online mode, selecting File ⇒ Export Project Component… opens
the Transfer Project Data to Control window. Data is copied from the
project currently opened in VisualMotion Toolkit to the control’s memory.


Fig. 10-30: Transfer Project Data to Control

Component and detail data displayed is that of the project currently

opened in VisualMotion Toolkit. By default, no components are checked.
Select those components and associated details to export to the control’s
memory and click the OK button. Selecting the Display All Components
and/or Display All Details checkboxes displays additional components
and details not necessary associated with the current project.

10-28 Project Management Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Note: Selecting components and details that are visible only when
the Display All… checkboxes are selected will write default
values to each parameter.

10.6 Remove Project Components

Remove project components allows the user to selectively remove
complete components or just certain details of a component from the
project currently opened in VisualMotion Toolkit.

Note: Project components removed using this feature are only

removed from the project files. Project components
downloaded to the control will remain resident in the control’s

Selecting File ⇒ Remove Project Components opens the window in

Fig. 10-31. To remove a project component, uncheck the component(s)
and/or detail(s) to remove from the project and click the OK button. The
selected component and/or details will be removed from the project files.

Note: If a component or detail was removed in error, and was

previously downloaded to the control, use VisualMotion’s
Import project Component feature. Refer to Import Data in
Online Mode on page 10-26 for details.


Fig. 10-31: Remove Project Components

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Project Management Tools 10-29

10.7 Transferring Data in Service Mode

The Transfer command is used to transfer data between the control and
the PC. Selecting Commission ⇒ Transfer opens a third menu level
where the user can select the type of data to transfer. The Transfer menu
selection is only available in service mode.

Service Mode


Fig. 10-32: The Transfer Menu

Selecting Commission ⇒ Transfer ⇒ CAM… opens the Transfer CAM
window in Fig. 10-33. This window can be used to transfer existing CAM
tables from the control or drive to a file, and from a file to the control or
drive. CAM table files are stored with the ".csv" file extension in the
project directory along with other project files.

Note: The ".csv" format is a standard used by Microsoft Excel and

other spreadsheet software programs.


Fig. 10-33: Transfer CAM

10-30 Project Management Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Note: Before CAMs can be transferred, they must first exist in the
control and/or drive. A CAM graphic under the Data column is
an indication that the control or drive contains a CAM table.
CAM tables are created and downloaded by selecting Tools
⇒ CAM Builder from Rexroth VisualMotion Toolkit’s main

The Transfer CAM window allows access to built CAMs using the
following operation types:
• Get From Control – retrieves the selected CAM number from the
specified Storage Location (Control or Drive) on the control’s
• Send to Control – downloads the selected CAM table file to the
• Delete - deletes the selected CAM number from the specified storage
location (Control or Drive) on the control’s memory.

Start Button Activation

The Start button becomes active only after a valid filename is entered in
the Filename field and a CAM number is selected. Valid filenames for
CAM tables have a “csv” extension. Enter a filename, with a valid
extension, directly in the Filename field or click the browse button, locate
a directory and then specify a filename.
To refresh the list of CAM tables, click on the Update button.
There are 40 CAM tables possible on controls. Each drive in a system
can have up to 2 CAM tables. These tables are dynamically allocated to
conserve memory when not used.
CAM tables may be downloaded or deleted at any time as long as the
CAM table number is not active. If the CAM is already active, the control
responds with a communication error, “CAM is already active for axis ‘x’ ”.
To download a new table, either switch into parameter mode or deactivate
the CAM for all axes. (A CAM is active when it is assigned to an axis by
the CAM icon.)

Selecting Commission ⇒ Transfer ⇒ Events opens the following


Fig. 10-34: Transfer Events

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Project Management Tools 10-31

The Transfer Events window allows access to event tables using the
following two operation types:
• Get From Control – retrieves and saves the events table as a data
file “event.dat” from the selected program to the location entered in the
Filename field.
• Send to Control – downloads the selected file “event.dat” to the
selected program on the control.

Note: Use the Send to Control operation type to download older

event table file formats “event.evt” to the selected program.

Start Button Activation

The Start button becomes active only after a valid filename is entered in
the Filename field. Valid filenames for event tables have a “dat” or “evt”
extension. Enter a filename, with a valid extension, directly in the
Filename field or click the browse button, locate a directory and then
specify a filename.

Fieldbus Mapper
Selecting Commission ⇒ Transfer ⇒ Fieldbus Mapper opens the
following window:


Fig. 10-35: Transfer Fieldbus Mapper

The Transfer Fieldbus Mapper window allows access to fieldbus mapper

data using the following two operation types:
• Get From Control – retrieves and saves the fieldbus mapper as a
parameter file “FBMapper.par” from the currently active program to the
location entered in the Filename field.
• Send to Control – downloads the selected file “FBMapper.par” to the
currently active program on the control.

Note: Use the Send to Control operation type to download older

fieldbus mapper file formats “FBMapper.prm” to the currently
active program.

Start Button Activation

The Start button becomes active only after a valid filename is entered in
the Filename field. Valid filenames for a fieldbus mapper have a “par” or
“prm” extension. Enter a filename, with a valid extension, directly in the

10-32 Project Management Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Filename field or click the browse button, locate a directory and then
specify a filename.

Selecting Commission ⇒ Transfer ⇒ Floats opens the following


Fig. 10-36: Transfer Program Floats

The Transfer Program Floats window allows access to program floats

using the following two operation types:
• Get From Control – retrieves and saves the program floats as a data
file “float.dat” from the selected program to the location entered in the
Filename field.
• Send to Control – downloads the selected file “float.dat” to the
selected program on the control.

Note: Use the Send to Control operation type to download older

float file formats “float.vtr” to the selected program.

Start Button Activation

The Start button becomes active only after a valid filename is entered in
the Filename field. Valid filenames for floats have a “dat” or “vtr”
extension. Enter a filename, with a valid extension, directly in the
Filename field or click the browse button, locate a directory and then
specify a filename.

Global Floats
Selecting Commission ⇒ Transfer ⇒ Global Floats opens the following


Fig. 10-37: Transfer Global Floats

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Project Management Tools 10-33

The Transfer Global Floats window allows access to program floats using
the following two operation types:
• Get From Control – retrieves and saves the global floats as a data file
“globalfloat.dat” from the control’s memory to the location entered in
the Filename field.
• Send to Control – downloads the selected file “globalfloat.dat” to the
control’s memory.

Note: Use the Send to Control operation type to download older

global float file formats “gloabalfloat.vtr” to the control’s

Start Button Activation

The Start button becomes active only after a valid filename is entered in
the Filename field. Valid filenames for global floats have a “dat” or “vtr”
extension. Enter a filename, with a valid extension, directly in the
Filename field or click the browse button, locate a directory and then
specify a filename.

Global Integers
Selecting Commission ⇒ Transfer ⇒ Global Integers opens the
following window:


Fig. 10-38: Transfer Global Integers

The Transfer Global Integers window allows access to program floats

using the following two operation types:
• Get From Control – retrieves and saves the global integers as a data
file “globalinteger.dat” from the control’s memory to the location
entered in the Filename field.
• Send to Control – downloads the selected file “globalinteger.dat” to
the control’s memory.

Note: Use the Send to Control operation type to download older

global integer file formats “globalinteger.vtr” to the control’s

Start Button Activation

The Start button becomes active only after a valid filename is entered in
the Filename field. Valid filenames for global integers have a “dat” or
“vtr” extension. Enter a filename, with a valid extension, directly in the

10-34 Project Management Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Filename field or click the browse button, locate a directory and then
specify a filename.

Selecting Commission ⇒ Transfer ⇒ Integers opens the following


Fig. 10-39: Transfer Program Integers

The Transfer Program Integers window allows access to program integers

using the following two operation types:
• Get From Control – retrieves and saves the program integers as a
data file “integer.dat” from the selected program to the location entered
in the Filename field.
• Send to Control – downloads the selected file “integer.dat” to the
selected program on the control.

Note: Use the Send to Control operation type to download older

program integer file formats “integer.vtr” to the selected

Start Button Activation

The Start button becomes active only after a valid filename is entered in
the Filename field. Valid filenames for integers have a “dat” or “vtr”
extension. Enter a filename, with a valid extension, directly in the
Filename field or click the browse button, locate a directory and then
specify a filename.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Project Management Tools 10-35

I/O Mapper
The I/O Mapper is available in support of pre-GPP/GMP 10 firmware.
Selecting Commission ⇒ Transfer ⇒ I/O Mapper opens the following


Fig. 10-40: Transfer I/O Mapper

The Transfer I/O Mapper window allows access to an I/O Mapper using
the following two operation types:
• Get From Control – retrieves and saves the I/O Mapper as a
parameter file “IOMapper.par” from the currently active program to the
location entered in the Filename field.
• Send to Control – downloads the selected file “IOMapper.par” to the
currently active program on the control.

Note: Use the Send to Control operation type to download older I/O
Mapper file formats “IOMapper.iom” to the currently active

Start Button Activation

The Start button becomes active only after a valid filename is entered in
the Filename field. Valid filenames for I/O Mapper have a “par” or “iom”
extension. Enter a filename, with a valid extension, directly in the
Filename field or click the browse button, locate a directory and then
specify a filename.

I/O Setup
Selecting Commission ⇒ Transfer ⇒ I/O Setup opens the following


Fig. 10-41: Transfer I/O Setup

10-36 Project Management Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

The Transfer I/O Setup window allows access to the I/O Configuration
using the following two operation types:
• Get From Control – retrieves and saves the I/O Setup as a parameter
file “IOSetup.par” from the currently active program to the location
entered in the Filename field.
• Send to Control – downloads the selected file “IOSetup.par” to the
currently active program on the control.

Note: Use the Send to Control operation type to download older I/O
Setup file formats “IOSetup.prm” to the currently active

Start Button Activation

The Start button becomes active only after a valid filename is entered in
the Filename field. Valid filenames for I/O Setup have a “par” or “prm”
extension. Enter a filename, with a valid extension, directly in the
Filename field or click the browse button, locate a directory and then
specify a filename.

Selecting Commission ⇒ Transfer ⇒ Parameters opens the following


Fig. 10-42: Transfer Parameters

The Parameters window allows access to parameters using the following

two operation types:
• Get From Control - saves the selected source type to the location
entered in the Filename field.
• Send to Control – downloads the selected filename type to the

Note: Use the Send to Control operation type to download older

parameter file formats “*.prm” to the selected Source or

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Project Management Tools 10-37

Start Button Activation

The Start button becomes active only after a valid filename is entered in
the Filename field. Valid filenames for parameters have a “par” or “prm”
extension. Enter a filename, with a valid extension, directly in the
Filename field or click the browse button, locate a directory and then
specify a filename.

All VM Control (C, A, T) parameters can be transferred at one time, or

individually. In addition, the parameter set for a selected drive that is
connected to the control can be transferred through the SERCOS
communication system. The following table lists the different file types

Source or Target Filename Description

System Control001.par Parameters listed in C-0-2001
Task Task*.par Parameters listed in T-0-2001
where * = A, B, C or D
Axis Axis0**.par Parameters listed in A-0-2001
where ** = axis number up to 64
Drives Drive0**.par Parameters listed in S-0-0192
where ** = drive number up to 64

Table 10-9: Available Parameters for Transfer

Selecting Commission ⇒ Transfer ⇒ PLS opens the Transfer PLS
window in Fig. 10-33. This window can be used to transfer existing
Option Card and Drive PLSs from the control or drive to a file, and from a
file to the control or drive. Option Card and Drive PLS files are stored as
parameters using the ".par" file extension.


Fig. 10-43: Transfer PLS

Note: Before Option Card or Drive PLS files can be transferred, they
must first exist in the control and/or drive. Option Card and
Drive PLSs are created and downloaded by selecting
Commission ⇒ PLS from Rexroth VisualMotion Toolkit’s
main menu.

The Transfer PLS window allows access to existing PLS configurations

using the following two operation types:

10-38 Project Management Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

• Get From Control – retrieves and saves the selected Option Card or
Drive PLS file “OptionCardPLS.par” from the specified storage location
to the location entered in the Filename field.
• Send to Control – downloads the selected Option Card or Drive PLS
file to the control.

Note: Use the Send to Control operation type to download older

Option Card or Drive PLS file formats “OptionCardPLS.prm” to
the currently active program.

Start Button Activation

The Start button becomes active only after a valid filename is entered in
the Filename field. Valid filenames for PLS have a “par” or “prm”
extension. Enter a filename, with a valid extension, directly in the
Filename field or click the browse button, locate a directory and then
specify a filename.

Selecting Commission ⇒ Transfer ⇒ Points opens the following


Fig. 10-44: Transfer Points

The Transfer Points window allows access to point tables using the
following two operation types:
• Get From Control – retrieves and saves the point tables as a data file
“pointABS.dat” and/or “pointREL.dat” from the selected program to the
location entered in the Filename field.

Note: If the selected program contains both relative and absolute

point tables, a data file for each type will be created when
using the Get From Control operation type.

• Send to Control – downloads the selected file “pointABS.dat” or

“pointREF.dat” to the selected program on the control. Relative and
absolute point data files must be sent to the control, one at a time.

Note: Use the Send to Control operation type to download older

relative and absolute file formats “*.abs” or “*.rel” to the
selected program.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Project Management Tools 10-39

Start Button Activation

The Start button becomes active only after a valid filename is entered in
the Filename field. Valid filenames for relative or absolute points have a
“dat” , “rel” or “abs” extension. Enter a filename, with a valid extension,
directly in the Filename field or click the browse button, locate a directory
and then specify a filename.

Selecting Commission ⇒ Transfer ⇒ Zones opens the following


Fig. 10-45: Transfer Zones

The Transfer Zones window allows access to the zone table using the
following two operation types:
• Get From Control – retrieves and saves the zone table as a data file
“zone.dat” from the selected program to the location entered in the
Filename field.
• Send to Control – downloads the selected file “zone.dat” to the
selected program on the control.

Note: Use the Send to Control operation type to download older

zone file formats “zone.zon” to the selected program.

Start Button Activation

The Start button becomes active only after a valid filename is entered in
the Filename field. Valid filenames for zones have a “dat” or “zon”
extension. Enter a filename, with a valid extension, directly in the
Filename field or click the browse button, locate a directory and then
specify a filename.

10-40 Project Management Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

10.8 Labels

Note: The Labels menu selection is only available in service mode.

Labels are symbolic names assigned to system resources, such as axes,

drives, etc.. Labels may also be used for absolute or relative point names,
or in place of "literal" constant or variable values in expressions. For
example, once assigned, the label "PI" can be used throughout a
program, instead of repeatedly entering the literal value 3.14159.
Labels may use up to twenty ASCII characters and are case-sensitive.
Blank spaces are not allowed within a symbol. Use a printable character as
a separator if it is required for clarity. For example, "next_move," rather than
"next move". The first character of a label must be an alpha character.
The control compiler, used for both icon and text language programming,
allows the use of a literal integer value (i.e., a number such as "1" or "5").
Provided it is within the range of integers that are valid for the specified
argument. Integers used to specify system devices, such as an axis or
drive, must be within the range permitted by the complete Rexroth
VisualMotion system and installed software.
For example: a Rexroth VisualMotion system with eight digital drives
installed can specify an axis or drive using an integer from 1 to 8. The
compiler must be able to resolve a symbol used as a table index argument
to an integer index within the range, or size, of the table.
Rexroth VisualMotion has a number of keywords, which it uses for
command instructions. These keywords cannot be used as labels. If a
keyword is used as a label, Rexroth VisualMotion will issue the error
"Label is a Keyword!" when the user tries to save the label.

Variable Labels
Selecting Edit ⇒ Edit Labels ⇒ Variable Labels opens the User
Defined Labels window, used to provide symbolic ASCII names for Float,
Integer, Global Float, Global Integer, Absolute or Relative point values.

Fig. 10-46: "User Defined Labels" Window

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Project Management Tools 10-41

The User Defined Labels window allows you to assign an ASCII name to
a value or system component, as previously described. To sort the list
alphabetically by label, select the radio box by Name. . To sort the list
alphabetically by ID, select the radio box by ID Number Order. After
labels are defined, instead of explicitly entering a value or redefining a
system component, the label can be entered by accessing the User
Defined Labels window and selecting the appropriate label.
To add a new label:
1. Click Add… to open the Add Variable Label window below.

Fig. 10-47: "Add Variable Label" Window

2. Enter the desired Type, Name, Constant Value (if applicable) and
Comment (up to 80 characters).
3. Click Apply or OK.

To delete an existing label:

1. Highlight a desired label and click Delete.

To edit an existing label:

1. Highlight a desired label and click Edit… .
The Edit User Label window opens just below. The label's Type,
Name, Global Integer and Comment are filled in as they were
originally designated.

Field name changes

based on selected Type:

Fig. 10-48: "Edit User Label" Window

2. Enter the desired Type, Name, Global Integer (if applicable) and
Comment (up to 80 characters).
3. Click Apply or OK.

10-42 Project Management Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Register Labels
Selecting Edit ⇒ Edit Labels ⇒ Register Labels opens the Register
Labels window, used to provide symbolic ASCII names for the Rexroth
VisualMotion control status and I/O registers.

Fig. 10-49: "Register Labels" Window

To sort the list alphabetically by label, select the radio box by Name. To
sort the list alphabetically by ID, select the radio box by ID Number
Order. After register labels are assigned and the program is saved, the
labels are embedded in the motion program (the .str file) and will not be
lost if the program is later transferred to a different Rexroth VisualMotion
system. New programs are loaded with the default register names. Refer
to chapter 4, Registers, for default register names.

To add or edit a register label:

1. Click Add… or select the desired register and click Edit… .
An Add/Edit Register Labels window opens. The Name must be
explicitly entered. (When editing an existing label, the current Name,
Register Number and Comment are automatically filled in.)

Fig. 10-50: "Add/Edit Register Label" Window

2. Enter the desired Name, Register Number and Comment (up to 80


Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Project Management Tools 10-43

3. Click Apply or OK. The Previous and Next buttons scroll through the
defined labels.

Bit Labels
Selecting Edit ⇒ Edit Labels ⇒ Bit Labels opens the Bit Labels
window, used to provide symbolic ASCII names for individual bits within
Rexroth VisualMotion control and I/O registers.

Fig. 10-51: "Bit Labels" Window

To sort the list alphabetically by label, select the radio box by Name. To
sort the list alphabetically by ID, select the radio box by ID Number
After bit labels are assigned and the program is saved, the labels are
embedded in the motion program (the .str file) and will not be lost if the
program is later transferred to a different Rexroth VisualMotion system.
New programs are loaded with the default bit names.

To add or edit a bit label:

1. Click Add… or select the desired bit and click Edit… .
An Add/Edit Bit Label window opens. The Name must be explicitly
entered. (When editing an existing label, the current Name, Reg-Bit
Number and Comment are automatically filled in.)

Fig. 10-52: "Add/Edit Bit Label" Window

10-44 Project Management Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

2. Enter the desired Name, Reg-Bit Number and Comment (up to 80

3. Click Apply or OK.
The Previous and Next buttons scroll through the defined labels.

I/O Bit Function Labels

Selecting Edit ⇒ Edit Labels ⇒ I/O Bit Function Labels opens the
Global Integer Bit Labels window, used to provide default ASCII names
for I/O Mapper functions.

Fig. 10-53: “Global Integer Bit Labels” Window

To sort the list alphabetically by label, select the radio box by Name. To
sort the list alphabetically by ID, select the radio box by ID Number
After bit labels are assigned and the program is saved, the labels are
embedded in the motion program (the .str file) and will not be lost if the
program is later transferred to a different Rexroth VisualMotion system.
New programs are loaded with the default bit names. Refer to chapter 4,
Registers, for default bit names.

To add or edit a bit label:

1. Click Add… or select the desired bit and click Edit… .
An Add/Edit Bit Label window opens. The Name must be explicitly
entered. (When editing an existing label, the current Name, Reg-Bit
Number and Comment are automatically filled in.)

2. Enter the desired Name, Reg-Bit Number and Comment (up to 80

3. Click Apply or OK.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Project Management Tools 10-45

10.9 File Formats

A project file contains all the data required for a system, including icon
program files and their associated data files. A project may contain one of
each of the following files:

VisualMotion Related File Extensions

File Extension Description

*.ACC text file that ACAM utility converts to a .csv file
*.CMD Command file used when launching IndraLogic
*.CSV comma-separated-variable type file used to store cam
*.DAT data type files for common data types such as event,
points, floats, integers, zones, pls, etc.
*.EX1 – 9, *.EXA archived program uploaded from the control displaying
the order for each program slot
*.EXB backup compiled project file that is uploaded from the
control. It is ready to run and contains project data.

*.EXC compiled project file that is downloaded to and executed

by the control
*.EXP Label file exported for use by IndraLogic as SysLibDirect
*.LSS text files where VisualMotion stores register and bit
labels used by the .str file
*.LST text file that is referred to for registers and bit labels when
the registers on the control are viewed
*.MAP file used by the “Show Program Flow” function to trace
the flow of the project while it is executing
*.PAR storage format for all parameter files using the Sercos,
ASCII (DriveTop compatible) format standard
*.POS text file that PCAM utility converts to a .csv file
*.PVA database parameter files. These files are used as offline
*.STR icon program file
*.SYM VM_%.sym is a symbol file used by VI Composer
*.TBL text file of points created by the control's “Oscilloscope”
*.TXT text files used for functions such as Xferlog and Xxferlist
*.VEL text file that PCAM utility converts to a .csv file
*.VMJ VisualMotion project file
*.VTR new variable file
*.VZP compressed icon program for archiving on control
Table 10-10: VisualMotion Related Files

10-46 Project Management Tools Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

IndraLogic Related File Extensions

File Extension Description

*.BIN all retain data captured at the end of the PLC cycle
*.CI Compile information for IndraLogic project
*.CHK IndraLogic project code checksum
*.DAT IndraLogic source file
*.LIB IndraLogic target library files
*.LOG IndraLogic project log file
*.PRG IndraLogic boot project file containing all information
required to load PLC program after booting
*.PRO IndraLogic project file downloaded to the control
*.RI IndraLogic download/reference information
*.SDB Boot project symbol file of loaded boot project
*.SDK IndraLogic symbol file
*.STS Status file containing the state of the runtime system
*.SYM IndraLogic symbol file
*.TCF Trace configuration file
*.TNF target information in binary format for all installed targets
*.TRG target files in binary format for all installed targets

Table 10-11: IndraLogic Related Files

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Error Reaction 11-1

11 Error Reaction

11.1 Overview
Errors in the VisualMotion system can have different root causes like
hardware and communication failure, operator input error or a crash in the
machine which could obstruct the movement of an axis.

Note: This chapter only describes the error reactions associated with
the control's motion functionality.

When an error occurs, the error type and associated control and drive
parameters determine the system's error reaction. The basic function of
the error reaction is for the control to determine which user task(s) A-D
should be shutdown. Drives, associated with a user task that is shutdown,
are stopped based on the error reaction of the drive. User tasks and
drives can be parameterized to react differently to errors.
The following are some examples:
• synchronized stop of several axes in ELS or coordinated motion
• switching axes to torque free mode
• moving axes to a safe position

Errors in the VisualMotion system can originate from the control (system
and tasks errors) or from the drives, as illustrated in the Fig. 11-1.


Drive Errors System and

- Warnings System Task Errors
- Error levels: F2xx - Warnings
F4xx - Non-Fatal
F6xx - Fatal
F8xx Tasks Task D

Drives Task C
- Fieldbus
Task B - Ethernet
- Serial
Task A - PCI bus
- I/Os

SERCOS Interface

Fig. 11-1: System Overview

11-2 Error Reaction Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Error Types
VisualMotion's error system distinguishes between system, task, and
drive errors and identifies them with diagnostic error codes.

System Errors
System errors affect all tasks that are not set to run during errors. These
errors include for example, fieldbus errors, PLC interface errors or Option
Card PLS errors.

Special Case System Error When error "409 SERCOS Disconnect Error" occurs, the SERCOS
communication stops and the control switches to SERCOS phase 0.
Drives react to the loss of SERCOS communication by setting a F4xx
interface error and stopping based on the error reaction of the drive.
User tasks that are configured to run during errors will continue to run.
However, motion-related functionality such as the path planner for
coordinated motion, or the ELS system stops when SERCOS
communication is not in SERCOS phase 4.

Hardware and Fatal Operating If the control stops operating because of a hardware failure or because of
System Errors a fatal operating system error, the SERCOS communication will also stop.
When a fatal operating system error occurs, the PPC-R displays two dots
‘. .’ and the PPC-P11.1 displays a single dot ‘.’ on the H1 display.

Task Errors
Task errors occur as the result of a user program instruction. These
errors include for example, parameter transfer error, calculation
instruction error, etc.. A task error sets bit 5 (Task_Error) in the relevant
task status register.

Drive Errors and Warnings

A drive error sets bit 14 (Shutdown_Error) of the relevant axis status
register and the control issues the error "420 Drive D Shutdown Error".
A drive warning sets bit 13 (Class_2_Warning) in the relevant axis status
register. The default reaction of the control to a warning is to issue the
error "498 Drive Shutdown Warning".
Drive warnings will be ignored by the control when bit 13 of C-0-0010 is
set to 1.
Drive errors and warnings are associated with a task. A drive is
associated with a task in the Axis or ELS Group icon.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Error Reaction 11-3

Error Levels
The control distinguishes 3 levels of errors: fatal errors, non-fatal errors
and warnings. The following flowchart shows how the control will respond
to fatal and non-fatal errors:

of error

The control
determines which
task(s) will be
shutdown This sequence is performed
for each user task that is

fatal fatal
or non-fatal

Based on setting of

Immediate C-0-0009 = 1
Stop all axes of
or Controlled
the task in
error reaction
a controlled
C-0-0009 = 0
Stop all axes of
the task in
a controlled

Disable axes Wait for task

End associated motion to be
to the task stopped

Fig. 11-2: Error Reaction Sequence

In the case of an error, moving axes can be disabled by the control and
the error reaction of the drives can determine how the axes are stopped.
Refer to Drive Error Reaction on page 11-12 for details.

Note: An axis can also be manually disabled by setting bit 1 of the

relevant axis control register to 1.

Axes in ELS mode or coordinated motion mode can also be stopped in a

controlled manner. This means that the ELS system master(s) or the
coordinated motion path planner is ramped down to a standstill with the
axes following in a synchronized/coordinated fashion. Refer to Motion
Type Error Reaction on page 11-10 for details.

11-4 Error Reaction Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Fatal Errors
Fatal errors are considered the most severe. By default, the control
reacts to fatal errors by shutting down the tasks and disabling the axes
associated with the tasks when bit 1 of T-0-0002 is set to 0.
Some examples for fatal errors are:
• SERCOS disconnect error
• real-time operating system error (417 System Error)
• Emergency Stop (treated as a fatal error)

The error reaction for a fatal error depends on the parameterization of

C-0-0009 (Error Reaction Mode).

Immediate Error Reaction for By default, all axes, regardless of their operating mode, are immediately
Fatal Errors (C-0-0009 = 0) disabled and stopped by the drive when C-0-0009 is set to 0. Refer to
Drive Error Reaction on page 11-12 for details.
Virtual Masters in ELS mode and the path planner in coordinated motion
mode are stopped instantaneously. Refer to Motion Type Error Reaction
on page 11-10 for details.

Controlled Error Reaction for All motion comes to a controlled stop before the axes are disabled when
Fatal Errors (C-0-0009 = 1) C-0-0009 is set to 1. ELS axes stop synchronized and coordinated
motion axes stop on path. Axes in single axis mode or velocity mode are
switched to drive halt (AH). Refer to Table 11-4 and Table 11-5 for

Non-Fatal Errors
By default, the control reacts to non-fatal errors by stopping the ELS
system and/or coordinated motion path planner in a controlled manner.
Axes in single axis mode or velocity mode are switched to drive halt (AH).
The task(s) are stopped, but the axes remain enabled when bit 1 of
T-0-0002 is set to 0.
Some examples for non-fatal errors are:
• path planner errors
• program instruction errors (example: divide by zero in Calc icon)
• axis target position out of bounds

A warning does not affect tasks and axes. User tasks remain in operation
and all associated axes remain enabled. It is up to the user program to
respond to warnings. For certain errors, the control can be configured to
respond with an error or a warning, for example:
• fieldbus
• slip monitoring

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Error Reaction 11-5

Configurable Error Reaction

The following functions have a configurable error reaction. The following
table lists the different settings:

Function Parameter Setting Associated Error Code

RECO I/O C-0-0010, bits 6-7 bit 6 bit 7 544 (fatal error)
Error Reaction 0 0 = ignore 215 (warning)
1 0 = warning
x 1 = fatal error (default)

Response to a C-0-0010, bit 13 0 = drive warning issues an error (default) 498 (non-fatal error)
drive warning 1 = ignore drive warnings

Axis C-0-0010, bit 14 0 = error if axis is not ready (default) 426 (non-fatal error)
1 = no error is issued if axis is not ready fatal error for coord. motion

A-0-0006, bit 1 0 = ignore (default) 500 (non-fatal error)

1 = issue error when drive is enabled
but not referenced

Fieldbus C-0-2635 In case of fieldbus errors 519 (fatal error)

Interface 0x0000 = shutdown (default) 520 (fatal error)
0x0001 = warning 208 (warning)
0x0002 = ignore 209 (warning)

Position C-0-32x6, bit 2 0 = warning (default) 554 (fatal error)

Monitoring 1 = fatal error 220 (warning)

Parameter T-0-0002, bit 3 0 = non-fatal error (default) 422 (non-fatal error)

Transfer 1 = warning 205 (warning)

ELS Slip ELS_MSTR_CONFIG 0 = fatal error (default) 552 (fatal error)

Monitoring , bit 32 1 = warning 221 (warning)

Table 11-1: Functions with Configurable Error Reaction

Error Diagnostics and Logging

VisualMotion errors, which are written to C-0-0122, are also stored in the
diagnostic log list parameter C-0-2020.

Diagnostic Parameters
Errors are identified by a specific error code number. Some similar errors
share the same error code. For these errors, additional information is
provided as an extended diagnostic message.
The following parameters are used for diagnostic messages, error codes,
and extended diagnostic messages:

Parameter Description
C-0-0122 Current diagnostic message (displayed on control's H1 display)
C-0-0123 Current diagnostic code
C-0-0124 Extended diagnostic message
T-0-0122 Task diagnostic message
C-0-2020 Diagnostic log

Table 11-2: Diagnostic Parameters

Refer to the VisualMotion 11 Trouble Shooting Guide for a complete

listing of error codes.

11-6 Error Reaction Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Accessing Error Codes Diagnostic parameters and registers can be accessed via the serial,
Ethernet or PCI interface using any of the following devices:
• VisualMotion Toolkit

Diagnostic Status Registers

VisualMotion provides the following status register bits to indicate that an
error or warning has occurred. These read-only status register bits are
set to 1, when an error or warning condition is present.

Register Bit Description

021: System Status 5 Error - set when any error or warning
is present in the system
6 Error Active - set when the current
diagnostic is a fatal or non-fatal error
7 Warning Active - set when the current
diagnostic is a warning
022-025: Task Status 5 Task Error - set when the current
diagnostic is a task error
031-038: Axis 1-8 Status 13 Class 2 Warning
309-340: Axis 9-40 Status
14 Drive Shutdown Error

Table 11-3: Diagnostic Status Registers

Diagnostic Log
Errors are listed in the diagnostic log in the order in which they occurred.
The most recent error is listed first. The diagnostic log can contain up to
100 of the most recent errors.
Diagnostic Priority A set of rules governs the priority with which diagnostic messages are
displayed and logged. A non-fatal error will overwrite a warning and a
fatal error will overwrite a non-fatal error or a warning.

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Error Reaction 11-7

11.2 Task Association and Setup

Axes and path planner are associated with user tasks in the Axis or ELS
Group icon.
The error reaction for a given operating mode, such as single axis, or
coordinated motion is processed through the associated user task. The
ELS system is the only exception. The Virtual Master(s) and ELS Groups
are associated with task A. If task A stops running, due to an error, so will
the ELS system. The ELS slave axes can be associated with a different
task than that of the ELS system. The association of an axis to a user
task is performed in the Axis or ELS Group icons.

Task Error Reaction Setup

Each task in a VisualMotion project can be configured to react differently
to errors. The programmer must determine which tasks should run and
which tasks should be stopped when an error occurs.

Task Options
Task options are set in bits 1, 2, and 5 of task parameter T-0-0002.
These bits can be set in VisualMotion Toolkit by right clicking on the
desired task letter in the Project Navigator window and selecting
Properties.... The system must in SERCOS phase 2 (parameter mode)
for changes to take effect.

T-0-0002, bit 4
T-0-0002, bit 1

T-0-0002, bit 2

T-0-0002, bit 5


Fig. 11-3: Task Properties

11-8 Error Reaction Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Default Task Error Reaction

When bits 1, 2, and 5 of T-0-0002 are set to 0, any error that occurs will
shutdown the task. For Fig. 11-4 to Fig. 11-7, the "Other Tasks" are
configured with the default task error reaction.

Task A Drives Other Task Drives

Task A


Fig. 11-4: Default Task Error Reaction

Run Task During Error (T-0-0002, Bit 1)

In Fig. 11-5, when bit 1 of T-0-0002 is set to 1, and bits 2 and 5 are set to
0, task A will run during errors unless an error occurs within task A.
System errors, drive errors, and task errors of other tasks (B, C, D) will
not shutdown task A. However, task A can shutdown other tasks.


Task A Drives Other Task Drives

Task A


Fig. 11-5: Run Task During Error (T-0-0002, Bit 1)

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Error Reaction 11-9

Shutdown Other Tasks on Task Error (T-0-0002, Bit 2)

In Fig. 11-6, when bit 2 of T-0-0002 is set to 1 and bits 1 and 5 are set to
0, errors that occur within task A do not shutdown other tasks. System
errors, drive errors, errors within task A, and task errors from other tasks
will shutdown task A.

Task A Drives Other Task Drives

Task A


Fig. 11-6: Shutdown Other Tasks on Task Error (T-0-0002, Bit 2)

Ignore Task and Drive Errors from Other Tasks

(T-0-0002, Bit 5)
In Fig. 11-7, when bit 5 of T-0-0002 is set to 1 and bits 1 and 2 are set to
0, task A will run during task errors that occur in other tasks, as well as
drive errors from drives associated with other tasks. System errors,
associated drive errors, and errors within task A will shutdown task A.
However, task A can shutdown other tasks.


Task A Drives Other Task Drives

Task A


Fig. 11-7: Ignore Task and Drive Errors from Other Tasks

Task Shutdown Sequence

When a fatal or non-fatal error occurs, the control determines if the error
is a system, task, or drive error. As the next step, the settings in task
parameter T-0-0002 are checked to determine if the task should be
shutdown. Axes, associated with the task that is shutdown, are stopped
based on whether the error is fatal or non-fatal, their current mode of
operation, and the parameterization of the error reaction of the drives.
Refer to Motion Type Error Reaction on page 11-10 for details.

11-10 Error Reaction Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

11.3 Motion Type Error Reaction

The error reaction varies based on the following factors:
• the current operating mode of the axis
• whether the error is non-fatal or fatal
• and the setting of control parameter C-0-0009
The following table lists the error reaction for non-fatal and fatal errors
based on operating mode.

Operating Fatal Error User Task

Mode Non-Fatal Error Immediate (C-0-0009 = 0) Controlled (C-0-0009 = 1) Association
Torque No error reaction Axis is disabled immediately ** Axis is disabled after all task Configured in
Mode motion has been stopped Axis Icon
Velocity Axis is switched to drive halt * Axis is disabled immediately ** Axis is switched to drive halt * Configured in
Mode Axis Icon
Single Axis Axis is switched to drive halt * Axis is disabled immediately ** Axis is switched to drive halt * Configured in
Mode Axis Icon
Coordinated Follows path planner Axis is disabled immediately ** Follows path planner Configured in
Motion The axis remains enabled The axis is disabled after all Axis Icon
task motion has been stopped
Path Planner Decelerates using maximum Stops instantaneously Decelerates using maximum Configured in
deceleration in T-0-0022 deceleration in T-0-0022 Axis Icon
Virtual Decelerates using float Stops instantaneously Decelerates using float Task A
ELS Group If Virtual Master is the current If the Virtual Master is the If Virtual Master is the current Task A
master, than it continues to current master, than it stops master, than it continues to
follow it to a stop, otherwise it instantaneously, otherwise it follow it to a stop, otherwise it
switches to local mode and switches to local mode and switches to local mode and
decelerates using decelerates using decelerates using
Drive ELS Follows ELS Group Axis is disabled immediately ** Follows ELS Group, then Configured in
The axis remains enabled The axis is disabled after all Axis Icon
task motion has been stopped
Control CAM Follows ELS Group Axis is disabled immediately ** Follows ELS Group Configured in
The axis remains enabled The axis is disabled after all Axis Icon
task motion has been stopped
Ratio Follows master or external Axis is disabled immediately ** Follows master or external axis, Configured in
axis The axis is disabled after all Axis Icon
The axis remains enabled task motion has been stopped
Coordinated Follows ELS Group Axis is disabled immediately ** Follows ELS Group, then Configured in
Articulation The axis remains enabled after all task motion has Axis Icon
stopped, the axis is disabled

* Refer to Drive Halt Setup (AH) on page 11-13 for details.

** See parameterization of A-0-0004 and P-0-0119

Table 11-4: Motion Type Error Reaction

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Error Reaction 11-11

Special Case Error Reactions for the ELS system

A special case is the error reaction for when an ELS slave axis is
associated with tasks B, C or D. The Virtual Masters and ELS Groups are
always associated with task A.

ELS Slave Axis Task Shutdown

The following error reaction occurs when a task, with an associated ELS
slave axis, shuts down but task A continues to run:
• In the case of a non-fatal error, the ELS slave axis remains in its
operation mode and follows its ELS Group
• In the case of a fatal error, the ELS slave axis is disabled and brought
to a stop using the drive's error reaction

ELS Group Task Shutdown

The following error reaction occurs when task A shuts down, but the task
with an associated ELS slave axis continues to run:
• The ELS slave axis remains in its operating mode and follows its ELS
Group to a stop

Link Ring Error Reaction

The default error reaction for an ELS Group following a Link Ring master
is to switch to Local Mode. The ELS Group decelerate to a stop using the
rate in program variable G#_STOP_DECEL.
If this is not the desired error reaction, task A can be set to run during
errors and the user can program an error reaction. Therefore, the user
program should monitor the Node_#_Data_Valid bits in status registers
41 and 42 and run a custom error reaction when the relevant bit goes low.
For example, an ELS Group could perform an "On-the-Fly" switch to a
free Virtual Master. The Virtual Master could then move the ELS Group
to a safe position.
When a Link Ring master position is used as the input of an ELS Group,
the validity of the Link Ring master position is monitored continuously by
the control. Error “575 ELS master for ELS Group # is invalid” occurs
when the current ELS master is considered to be invalid. The Link Ring
master is only updated and valid when the control, providing the Link Ring
master position, is in SERCOS phase 4.

11-12 Error Reaction Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

11.4 Drive Error Reaction

The error reaction of the drive depends on the error level and the settings
in the following drive parameters:
• P-0-0117, NC reaction on error
• P-0-0119, Best possible deceleration

Error Level Diagnostic Code Drive Response

Fatal F8 xx Drive is switched torque free.
The parameterization of P-0-0117 and P-0-0119 is ignored because a drive
reaction is impossible.
Travel Range F6 xx The velocity command value is immediately set to zero, regardless of the
parameterization of P-0-0117 and P-0-0119.
Interface F4 xx The drive stops as defined in P-0-0119.
A response from the control is impossible, since communication has stopped.
Non-Fatal F3 xx P-0-0117, Bit 0 = 0, the drive stops as defined in P-0-0119.
F2 xx P-0-0117, Bit 0 = 1, the drive continues to follow the commands of the control
for 30 seconds after the error occurred. The control then
brings the axis to a controlled stop. Afterwards, the drive
stops as parameterized in P-0-0119.

Table 11-5: Drive Error Levels

Power Supply Error Reaction

For applications where a modular drive concept is used (e.g., DIAX04),
the user has a choice of how to configure the response of the power
supply in the event of a drive error. In the case of an error and default
configuration, a signal is sent to the power supply and the power supply
removes the bus power from all drives. The user has the option to
suppress or delay this in bits 0 and 2 of P-0-0118 (Power off on error).
Refer to the relevant Digital Drive manual for details.

Disable Axis Command (Ab)

An axis is disabled by the control in the event of a fatal error. The default
reaction (A-0-0004, bit 12 = 0) is to stop according to the parameterization
of P-0-0119 and then the drive will remove torque from the motor.
In the case of a fatal error, torque is immediately removed from the motor
and it will coast to a stop when bit 12 of A-0-0004 is set to 1.
An axis is manually disabled when bit 1 of the relevant axis control
register is set to 1.
The following axis and drive parameters determine how the drive will
react when the axis is disabled.

Parameter Description
A-0-0004 bit 12: 0 = Stop axis according to P-0-0119 (Default)
1 = Torque Free
P-0-0119 value
0 Velocity command value set to zero
1 Switch to torque-free state
2 Velocity command to zero with command ramp and filter
3 Return motion

Table 11-6: Drive Disable Method

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Error Reaction 11-13

Drive Halt Setup (AH)

When the drive issues a drive halt, the axis is brought to a stop using a
predefined deceleration rate. The deceleration rate that is used varies
based on the active operating mode of the axis and the drive firmware
being used.
The following table lists the firmware/operating mode combinations:

Drive (Firmware) Operating Mode Drive Halt Deceleration Rate

ECODrive (SGP03) Single Axis S-0-0359 (positioning deceleration)
ECODrive Cs (MGP01) S-0-0260 (positioning acceleration) is used when S-0-0359 = 0
Velocity The following conditions apply:
• P-0-1211 (deceleration ramp 1) is used when the current velocity
is less than P-0-1202 (final speed of ramp 1).
If P-0-1211 = 0, P-0-1201(ramp 1 pitch) is used
• P-0-1213 (deceleration ramp 2) is used when the current velocity
is greater than P-0-1202 (final speed of ramp 1).
If P-0-1213 = 0, P-0-1203 (ramp 2 pitch) is used
Full torque is used if the active ramp pitch = 0
All Others S-0-0138 (bipolar acceleration limit value)
ECODrive Single Axis S-0-0260 (positioning Acceleration)
(SGP01 or SMT02)
Velocity The following conditions apply:
• P-0-1201 (ramp 1 pitch) is used when the current velocity
is less than P-0-1202
• P-0-1203 (ramp 2 pitch) is used when the current velocity
is greater than P-0-1202
Full torque is used if the active ramp pitch = 0
All Others S-0-0138 (bipolar acceleration limit value)
DIAX04 (ELS05) All Modes S-0-0138 (bipolar acceleration limit value)
DIAX04 (SSE03) Single Axis S-0-0260 (positioning acceleration)
Velocity P-0-1201 (velocity control, deceleration ramp 1)
All Others S-0-0138 (bipolar acceleration limit value)
IndraDrive Single Axis S-0-0349 (jerk limit bipolar)
S-0-0372 (Drive Halt acceleration bipolar)
Velocity S-0-0372 (Drive Halt acceleration bipolar)
All Others S-0-0138 (bipolar acceleration limit value)

Table 11-7: Drive Halt Deceleration Rate based on Firmware/Operation Mode

11-14 Error Reaction Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Index 1

Cascading ELS Groups............ 6-33
* Cyclic Data Channel
*.eds file ................................. 7-148 configuration.......... 7-96, 7-131
*.gsd file ................................. 7-110 multiplex .................... 7-95, 7-131
Non-Cyclic Channel ........... 7-131
Parameter Channel .............. 7-95
2 Real-Time Channel ..... 7-95, 7-96
single......................... 7-95, 7-131
208 Lost Fieldbus Connection7- Commission menu
109, 7-148, 7-183 Transfer.............................. 10-29
209 Field Bus Mapper Timeout7- Communication parameters ..... 7-10
109, 7-148, 7-183 Configuration.......................... 7-168
constant ................................... 4-73
Control CAM System................ 6-70
5 Control PLS
519 Lost Fieldbus Connection7- ELS Group ........................... 5-42
109, 7-148, 7-183 Control PLS
520 Field Bus Mapper Timeout7- configure .............................. 5-41
109, 7-148, 7-183 ELS Master .......................... 5-42
5E70.............................7-117, 7-190 mask register........................ 5-44
5E71.............................7-117, 7-190 output register ...................... 5-44
5E72.............................7-117, 7-190 PLS Master configuration for a
5E73.............................7-117, 7-190 Control PLS...................... 5-42
control word........7-98, 7-133, 7-170
Coordinated Motion.................... 3-2
A circular interpolation ............... 3-2
constant speed....................... 3-2
Acceleration profiles .................. 3-3
kinematics .............................. 3-3
Archive IndraLogic Files
linear interpolation.................. 3-2
offline ................................... 7-57
custom list .................................. 8-7
AT Telegram
modify................................... 8-10
Configuring.......................... 7-78 custom list group
create ................................... 8-10
Cutoff Frequency
B ELS Real Master 4-39, 4-66, 6-31
Baud Rate .................................. 2-8 Cyclic (DP) Channel................. 7-96
Bit Definitions Cyclic (PD) Channel............... 7-168
Register 19 Cyclic Channel ....................... 7-131
Cyclic Data Valid7-107, 7-146, Cyclic Data
7-181 Configuration...................... 7-175
FB Init OK 7-107, 7-146, 7-181 Cyclic Data Channel
FB Slave Ready7-107, 7-146, configuration.............. 7-96, 7-131
7-181 Cyclic Data Configuration7-103, 7-
Non-Cyc Ready7-107, 7-146, 141
7-181 Cyclic Data Valid7-107, 7-146, 7-
Register 20 181
FB Card Found7-108, 7-147,
boot project ................................ 7-6
Bumpless Transition ................ 6-43 Data Channels
Buttons Configuration...................... 7-168
Add............... 7-105, 7-144, 7-179 Data Exchange Object ........... 7-123
Delete........... 7-105, 7-144, 7-179 Data Exchange Objects7-117, 7-
Edit............... 7-105, 7-144, 7-179 134, 7-157, 7-190
Insert ............ 7-105, 7-144, 7-179 5E70 ........................ 7-117, 7-190
New.............. 7-105, 7-144, 7-179 5E71 ........................ 7-117, 7-190
Byte Swapping ....................... 7-140 5E72 ........................ 7-117, 7-190
5E73 ........................ 7-117, 7-190
Class 100, Instance 1-4, Attribute
C 100 ................................. 7-157
C-0-2635 .......... 7-109, 7-148, 7-182 Class 100, Instance 1-4, Attribute
Calc icon 100 ................................. 7-134
Control PLS.......................... 5-62 Data menu
Option Card PLS.................. 5-63 Events .................................. 8-24
CAM Builder............................. 8-42 Points ................................... 8-26
Cam synchronization ................. 3-3 Registers .............................. 8-20

2 Index Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Variables .............................. 8-23 ELS Groups.......................... 8-32

Zones ................................... 8-28 ELS System Masters............ 8-31
Data Sizes Virtual Masters ..................... 8-33
Cyclic ............. 7-97, 7-132, 7-169 ELS Associated to PLC............ 7-15
Data Types ELS Group ........................ 6-3, 6-35
Cyclic ............. 7-97, 7-132, 7-169 axis setup ............................. 6-37
multiplex............................. 7-131 cascading ............................. 6-33
Multiplex7-96, 7-97, 7-132, 7- configuration word................ 6-18
168, 7-169 default program variable labels6-
single.................................. 7-131 16
Single7-96, 7-97, 7-132, 7-168, default register labels ........... 6-14
7-169 default registers...................... 6-4
DCOM Configuration................ 7-54 jogging.................................. 6-38
defragment memory................. 9-20 local master configuration .... 6-38
DeviceNet online editing ........................ 6-62
error codes......................... 7-161 ELS Group Master ...4-38, 6-3, 6-33
EtherNet/IP ........................ 7-129 ELS Group Masters
DeviceNet Fieldbus Master...... 7-38 Switching Synchronization ... 6-40
diagnostic log........................... 9-17 ELS Group Phase Adjust ......... 6-57
Diagnostics ELS Groups.............................. 8-32
Show program flow .............. 9-12 ELS Runtime Utility .................. 6-62
Diagnostics menu ELS System
Oscilloscope........................... 9-2 default program variables....... 6-5
System ................................. 9-16 ELS System Master ................. 6-20
direction default program variables....... 6-9
negative ............................... 5-53 default register ....................... 6-4
positive................................. 5-53 default registers...................... 6-8
positive/negative .................. 5-53 master encoder card ............ 6-34
Disabling a Drive........................ 4-4 online editing ........................ 6-62
Drive PLS........................ 5-33, 5-34 slip monitoring ...................... 6-22
drive parameters .................. 5-34 variables............................... 6-10
output register ...................... 5-44 ELS System master configuration
Drive Status Word.................... 7-75 word ..................................... 6-10
Drive Telegram (AT).......... 7-75, 8-2 ELS System Masters................ 8-31
DriveTop .................................. 7-83 ELS_MSTR_A# ........................ 6-11
Dynamic Switching ELS_MSTR_CONFIG .............. 6-12
master 1 and 2 switching trigger ELS_MSTR_CONTROL ........... 6-13
......................................... 6-51 ELS_MSTR_EC# ..................... 6-11
optimal trigger ...................... 6-52 ELS_MSTR_FLTR# ................. 6-11
Dynamic Synchronization 6-40, 6-45 ELS_MSTR_FREQ# ................ 6-10
maximum accel/decel .......... 6-41 ELS_MSTR_M# ....................... 6-10
phase correction .................. 6-42 ELS_MSTR_N#........................ 6-10
ELS_MSTR_POS#................... 6-12
Edit labels ................................ 4-88 ELS_MSTR_SLIP_OFFSET..... 6-11
Bit labels ................. 4-103, 10-43 ELS_MSTR_SLIP_PEAK ......... 6-12
I/O bit function labels4-104, 10- ELS_MSTR_SLIP_PRI............. 6-12
44 ELS_MSTR_SLIP_SEC ........... 6-12
Register labels ........ 4-102, 10-42 ELS_MSTR_SLIP_VELTHD..... 6-12
Variable labels ........ 4-101, 10-40 ELS_MSTR_STANDSTILL....... 6-12
Edit menu ELS_MSTR_STATUS .............. 6-13
Edit labels ............... 4-100, 10-40 ELS_MSTR_TYPE# ................. 6-11
VM Data ............................... 4-88 ELS_MSTR_VEL#.................... 6-12
Edit Menu error levels ............................... 11-3
Labels fatal error.............................. 11-4
User Labels......... 4-101, 10-41 non-fatal error....................... 11-4
Electronic Line Shafting (ELS)3-3, error reaction
6-1 configurable.......................... 11-5
cam synchronization .............. 3-3 drive ................................... 11-12
ELS Group ............................. 6-3 motion type......................... 11-10
ELS Group Master ................. 6-3 Error Reaction
ELS System connection box .. 6-1 Ignore ...........7-109, 7-148, 7-183
Group Local Virtual Master .... 6-2 Shutdown CLC7-109, 7-148, 7-
Link Ring Master .................... 6-3 183
phase synchronization ........... 3-3 Warning Only7-109, 7-148, 7-183
Real Master............................ 6-2 error type
velocity synchronous mode.... 3-3 drive error............................. 11-2
Virtual Master......................... 6-2 task error .............................. 11-2
ELS error types ................................ 11-2

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Index 3

system error ......................... 11-2 Offline................................... 10-4

Errors Online................................... 10-4
208 Lost Fieldbus Connection7- First In First Out ......................... 5-4
109, 7-148, 7-183 Function Blocks........................ 7-16
209 Field Bus Mapper Timeout7-
109, 7-148, 7-183
519 Lost Fieldbus Connection7- G
109, 7-148, 7-183 Gateway to Gateway Remote
520 Field Bus Mapper Timeout7- Access.................................. 7-51
109, 7-148, 7-183 Gateway to SCP Remote Access7-
Ethernet Interface ...................... 2-9 52
Ethernet card setup................ 2-9 Group Local Virtual Master ........ 6-2
EtherNet/IP GSD File................................... 7-37
Interface ............................. 7-139
Events ............................... 5-1, 8-24
adding an I/O event.............. 5-20 H
coordinated motion events..... 5-7
event processing.................... 5-4 hysteresis ................................. 5-52
event types............................. 5-7
I/O events............................. 5-19
I/O register event ................. 5-19
PPC-R X1 input event .......... 5-19 I/O Box ..................................... 4-87
probe event .......................... 5-16 I/O configuration
repeating timer event ........... 5-14 edit menu ............................. 7-68
rotary (repeating axis position) add I/O module................. 7-69
event ................................ 5-15 add Sercos device............ 7-69
single axis motion events....... 5-9 auto-assign registers........ 7-71
task input transition event .... 5-19 modify I/O module ............ 7-71
modify I/O station (drive) .. 7-71
RECO error reaction ........ 7-71
F remove I/O module........... 7-71
FB Card Found 7-108, 7-147, 7-182 remove I/O station (drive). 7-70
FB Init OK ........ 7-107, 7-146, 7-181 help menu ............................ 7-74
FB Slave Ready7-107, 7-146, 7-181 importing .............................. 7-64
Fieldbus offline mode.......................... 7-63
Data Channel Descriptions 7-167 service mode........................ 7-65
Fieldbus Diagnostics7-108, 7-147, view menu
7-182 status bar ......................... 7-73
Fieldbus Error Reaction7-102, 7- toolbar .............................. 7-73
109, 7-147, 7-175, 7-182 I/O Configuration
Fieldbus Interfaces view menu
ControlNet.......................... 7-129 display register usage ...... 7-73
Interbus .............................. 7-166 I/O configuration tool ................ 7-62
Profibus................................ 7-94 I/O Image ........................ 7-16, 7-22
Fieldbus Interfacess I/O Mapper
DeviceNet .......................... 7-129 Import in Offline Mode.......... 4-84
Fieldbus Mapper 7-95, 7-130, 7-167 icon palette................................. 4-5
Editing ................................ 7-101 IEC Libraries ............................ 7-43
Functionality. 7-100, 7-135, 7-171 Ignore (Fieldbus Error Reaction)7-
Importing ............................ 7-172 109, 7-148, 7-183
Importing a File .................. 7-136 IL_VExKeys............................... 7-43
Initializing ........................... 7-171 Immediate Switching ................ 6-43
Input ............... 7-95, 7-131, 7-167 Master 1 and 2 Switching
Output ............ 7-95, 7-131, 7-167 Triggers ............................ 6-47
Project Mode...................... 7-100 Optimal Switching Trigger .... 6-48
Service Mode ..................... 7-100 Immediate Switching "On the Fly"6-
Fieldbus Master . 7-94, 7-130, 7-166 44
Fieldbus message header ..... 7-155 Master 1 and 2 Switching Trigger
Fieldbus Slave ... 7-94, 7-130, 7-166 ......................................... 6-49
Configuration...................... 7-174 Optimal Switching Trigger .... 6-50
Definition ............................ 7-174 Immediate switching of ELS Group
Fieldbus Slave Configuration7-102, ............................................. 6-43
7-138 IndraLogic .................................. 7-1
Fieldbus Slave Definition7-101, 7- Associating the ELS System 7-15
137 Axis Configuration ................ 7-14
Fieldbus Status 7-107, 7-146, 7-181 boot project ............................ 7-6
Fieldbus/PLC Cyclic Read/Write Configuring Local Reco 02... 7-11
Monitoring .... 7-108, 7-147, 7-182 Full Online Archive ............... 7-58
File Formats ........................... 10-45 Full Online Restore .............. 7-59
File menu

4 Index Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

new project from source code7- Master-following phase abort ... 6-61
60 Master-following phase adjust.. 6-58
PLC time slot.......................... 7-3 reverse motion ..................... 6-61
simulation mode..................... 7-7 mode
store source code ................ 7-60 lag time................................. 5-53
task configurations ................. 7-7 PT......................................... 5-53
IndraLogic Communication most significant bit7-107, 7-146, 7-
Channels.............................. 7-46 181
Initialization Control.................. 6-56 Motion Capabilities..................... 3-1
Initialization Task ....................... 4-4 Motion Types.............................. 3-1
input ................... 7-95, 7-131, 7-167 Coordinated Motion................ 3-2
Input Assistant ......................... 7-6 Electronic Line Shafting ......... 3-3
Interbus .................................. 7-166 Non-Coordinated Motion ........ 3-2
Multi Turn Encoder................... 4-84
Multiplex ................................... 7-80
J Multiplex Data Types7-96, 7-97, 7-
131, 7-132, 7-168, 7-169
Jogging .................................... 7-85
Multiplex Method .................... 7-140
Multiplexing ......7-110, 7-149, 7-184
K Control and Status Words.. 7-133
Primary Multiplex Method7-112,
keywords.................................. 4-91 7-149, 7-184
Kinematics ............................... 6-73 Secondary Multiplex Method7-
Associated Task Parameters6-73 113, 7-152, 7-186
Kinematic 1 .......................... 6-84
Kinematic 10 ........................ 6-88
Kinematic 12 ........................ 6-88 N
Kinematic 16 ........................ 6-90
Non-coordinated motion............. 3-2
Kinematic 18 ........................ 6-90
Single Axis ............................. 3-2
Kinematic 2 .......................... 6-84
Non-Coordinated motion
Kinematic 3 .......................... 6-85
Velocity Mode......................... 3-2
Kinematic 4 .......................... 6-85
Non-Cyc Ready 7-107, 7-146, 7-181
Kinematic 5 .......................... 6-86
Non-Cyclic (PCP) Channel..... 7-171
Kinematic 8 with Velocity
Non-Cyclic Channel .... 7-131, 7-134
Precision .......................... 6-87
Non-Cyclic Data ..................... 7-153
Kinematic 9 .......................... 6-87
Non-Cyclic Data Access......... 7-188
Normal Case ........................ 6-74
Non-Cyclic Transmission
Special Case........................ 6-74
Data Exchange Objects7-117, 7-
157, 7-190
labels ....................................... 4-88 O
lag time .................................... 5-52
Offline Mode............................... 4-6
lead time .................................. 5-51
One to One cam profile ............ 6-53
least significant bit7-107, 7-146, 7-
Online Mode............................... 4-7
Option Card PLS ...................... 5-35
Link Ring .................................. 6-63
configure .............................. 5-46
Link Ring Master ............... 6-3, 6-34
ELS Group ........................... 5-48
Local Master Configuration4-44, 6-
ELS Master .......................... 5-48
mask register........................ 5-50
Local Reco ............................... 7-11
output configuration.............. 5-51
Lock On/Lock Off ..................... 6-53
output register ...................... 5-49
Lock Off Cam Profile............ 6-54
Lock On Cam Profile............ 6-54 parameters.........................5-36
Lock On Offset ..................... 6-57 PLS Master configuration..... 5-47
PLS outputs.......................... 5-50
PLS register assignment ...... 5-49
M switch configuration.............. 5-47
oscilloscope ............................... 9-2
Mapped Data .............. 7-134, 7-188
file menu................................. 9-2
Mapping List
measuring trace signals ....... 9-10
Add Button ... 7-105, 7-144, 7-179
options menu.......................... 9-6
Delete Button7-105, 7-144, 7-179
signal selection ...................... 9-4
Edit Button ... 7-105, 7-144, 7-179
source menu .......................... 9-3
Insert Button. 7-105, 7-144, 7-179
time controls......................... 9-10
New Button .. 7-105, 7-144, 7-179
timing...................................... 9-3
mask register
Oscilloscope............................... 9-2
Control PLS.......................... 5-44
output .................7-95, 7-131, 7-167
Master Control Word................ 7-77
output configuration
Master Data Telegram (MDT)7-76,
direction................................ 5-53

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Index 5

mode .................................... 5-53 PT (Time Duration)................... 5-52

output data ........................... 5-51
output index ......................... 5-53
output PLS Master ............... 5-53 R
output switches .................... 5-54 Real Master....................... 6-2, 6-30
output data coupling float ........................ 6-31
hysteresis............................. 5-52 cutoff frequency (float) ......... 6-31
lag time ................................ 5-52 encoder ................................ 6-31
lead time .............................. 5-51 filter type............................... 6-31
PT (Time Duration)............... 5-52 secondary encoder signal .... 6-32
output switches velocity dead time compensation
edit a switch’s on/off position 5-54 ......................................... 6-32
Real-Time Channel ......... 7-95, 7-96
P Register
labels...................................... 6-3
palette ........................................ 4-5 priority .................................. 8-20
parameter access ...................... 8-2 Register 19 Definition (Fieldbus
Parameter Channel7-95, 7-99, 7- Status)..........7-107, 7-146, 7-181
114 Register 20 Definition (Fieldbus
Short Format 3 ..................... 7-99 Diagnostics) .7-108, 7-147, 7-182
VisualMotion ASCII Format.. 7-99 Registers .................................. 8-20
Parameter Channel Error Codes Registration .............................. 8-34
(High-Byte)......................... 7-122 registration error....................... 8-35
Parameter Channel Error Codes Remote access ........................ 7-51
(Low-Byte) for 0x1F. 7-123, 7-161 Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Overview
parameter list ............................. 8-5 ............................................... 3-1
Parameter Overview RS232 PPC.............................. 7-48
system configuration ............ 8-12 Runtime setup .......................... 5-21
PCI Communication ................. 2-10
PCP Channel Length ............. 7-175
Phase Control .......................... 6-55 S
Phase Correction ..................... 6-41 SCP VM (SIS Tunneling).......... 7-47
Phase synchronization............... 3-3 Sercos Drive Telegram Utility... 7-75
PLC Configuration...................... 7-8 SERCOS Telegram Tool ............ 8-2
PLC Programming ................. 7-110 Serial I/O .................................... 2-2
Multiplexing ........................ 7-110 Service Mode ............................. 4-7
Non-Cyclic Data (via Data Shared Memory Area ............... 7-16
Exchange Objects)7-117, 7- Short Format 3 ......................... 7-99
157, 7-190 Show Program Flow................. 9-12
PLC task .................................... 7-4 Shutdown CLC (Fieldbus Error
PLC Timeslice............................ 7-3 Reaction)......7-109, 7-148, 7-183
PLS simulation mode......................... 7-7
online editing........................ 5-55 Single Data Types7-96, 7-97, 7-
PLS configuration 132, 7-168, 7-169
Calc icon usage ................... 5-61 Single Turn Encoder ................ 4-83
download.............................. 5-58 Slip Monitoring ......................... 6-22
edit Dynamic Reset..................... 6-23
service mode.................... 5-57 Error Reaction ...................... 6-23
import in project mode ......... 5-59 Fatal Error ............................ 6-23
monitor status ...................... 5-60 Fixed Offset.......................... 6-23
upload in project mode......... 5-60 Master Numbers................... 6-22
upload in service mode ........ 5-60 Maximum Allowed Deviation
PLS Message in service mode 5-61 Window ............................ 6-23
PLS object................................ 5-32 Register Bits......................... 6-25
PLS save.................................. 5-58 Variables .............................. 6-24
PLS Switch Configuration ........ 5-42 Velocity Threshold................ 6-23
PLS tool Warning................................ 6-23
communication modes ......... 5-40 Slip monitoring setup ............... 8-34
Points ....................................... 8-26 status word.........7-98, 7-133, 7-170
Position Mode ............................ 6-2 subroutines ................................ 4-5
Profibus.................................... 7-94 Switching Synchronization ....... 6-40
Programming Concepts advanced trigger options...... 6-46
event queue ........................... 5-4 Dynamic Synchronization..... 6-40
First In First Out (FIFO).......... 5-4 immediate switching............. 6-43
stack....................................... 5-4 Immediate Switching ............ 6-40
Project Mode.............................. 4-6 SysLibDirect .................... 7-16, 7-17
Offline..................................... 4-6 System ..................................... 9-16
Online Mode........................... 4-7
Project Values.......................... 4-72
Project Variables...................... 4-72

6 Index Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Virtual Master .................... 6-2, 6-26

T Absolute Move Distance ...... 6-28
target settings .......................... 7-10 Absolute Move Mode............ 6-29
task configurations..................... 7-7 default program variable labels6-
task options 7
ignore other task and drive errors default register labels ............. 6-6
......................................... 11-9 default registers...................... 6-4
run task during error............. 11-8 Home.................................... 6-28
shutdown other tasks on task initial and maximum values .. 6-27
error ................................. 11-9 Jerk Limiting ......................... 6-29
Tasks A-D .................................. 4-5 Maximum Phase Difference . 6-29
TCPIP Level 2 Route (PPC)..... 7-50 modes of operation .............. 6-30
Tools menu position mode....................... 6-30
CAM Builder ......................... 8-42 Programmed Stop ................ 6-28
Jogging ................................ 7-85 Relative Move Distance........ 6-28
Transfer velocity mode ....................... 6-30
CAM ................................... 10-29 Virtual Masters ......................... 8-33
Events ................................ 10-30 VisualMotion ASCII Format...... 7-99
Fieldbus Mapper ................ 10-31 VisualMotion Operating States... 4-6
Floats ................................. 10-32 Project Mode .......................... 4-6
Global Floats...................... 10-32 Service Mode ......................... 4-7
Global Integers................... 10-33 VisualMotion Programming
I/O Mapper ......................... 10-35 Activating a Project .............. 4-87
I/O Setup............................ 10-35 Advanced Programming with
Integers .............................. 10-34 Events ................................ 5-1
Parameters ........................ 10-36 Create Task A ...................... 4-78
PLS .................................... 10-37 Saving a Project ................... 4-86
Points ................................. 10-38 VisualMotion Software Installation2-
Zones ................................. 10-39 1
VisualMotion System Overview.. 3-1
VisualMotion Toolkit Installation
U System Requirements............ 2-1
VisualMotion variables ............. 7-11
User Labels................. 4-101, 10-41 VM Data ................................... 4-88
VM Data Table ......................... 4-73
Variable label ............................. 6-3 W
Variables ......................... 4-72, 8-23 Warning Only (Fieldbus Error
Adding Variables.................. 4-73 Reaction)......7-109, 7-148, 7-183
Editing Variables .................. 4-74 Word Swapping...................... 7-149
Global Variables................... 4-72
Local Variables .................... 4-73
Program Variables ............... 4-73 Z
Velocity Mode ............................ 6-2
Velocity synchronization ............ 3-3 Zones ....................................... 8-28

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Service & Support 1

Service & Support

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2 Service & Support Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Kundenbetreuungsstellen - Sales & Service Facilities

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Vertriebsgebiet Mitte
Electrice Drives and Controls GmbH Helpdesk HOTLINE 24 / 7 / 365 verlängerte Ansprechzeit
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97816 Lohr am Main / 97803 Lohr von 07:00 - 18:00 Uhr außerhalb der Helpdesk-Zeit ♦ nur an Werktagen
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Tel.: +49 (0)89 127 14-0 Tel.: +49 (0)2102 409-0 Tel.: +49 (0)711 51046–0
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Tel.: +49 (0) 511 72 66 57-0 64546 Mörfelden-Walldorf 04356 Leipzig
Service: +49 (0) 511 72 66 57-256
Fax: +49 (0) 511 72 66 57-93 Tel.: +49 (0) 61 05 702-3 Tel.: +49 (0)371 35 55-0 Tel.: +49 (0)341 25 61-0
Service: +49 (0) 511 72 66 57-783 Fax: +49 (0) 61 05 702-444 Fax: +49 (0)371 35 55-333 Fax: +49 (0)341 25 61-111

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Service & Support 3

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10148 Torino 80053 Castellamare di Stabia NA 35020 Padova 40033 Casalecchio di Reno (Bo)

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- service: +34 9 43 31 84 56 Tel.: +34 9 37 47 94-00 Fax: +34 91 806 24 72 Tel.: +46 (0) 8 727 92 00
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- service: +34 9 43 31 84 60

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Ekvändan 7 Hemrietstrasse 2 1800 Vevey 1
254 67 Helsingborg 8863 Buttikon
Tel.: +46 (0) 4 238 88 -50 Tel. +41 (0) 55 46 46 111 Tel.: +41 (0)21 632 84 20
Fax: +46 (0) 4 238 88 -74 Fax +41 (0) 55 46 46 222 Fax: +41 (0)21 632 84 21

4 Service & Support Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Europa (Ost) - Europe (East)

vom Ausland: (0) nach Landeskennziffer weglassen
from abroad: don’t dial (0) after country code

Czech Republic - Tschechien Czech Republic - Tschechien Hungary - Ungarn Poland – Polen
Bosch -Rexroth, spol.s.r.o. Tightening & Press-fit: Bosch Rexroth Kft. Bosch Rexroth Sp.zo.o.
Hviezdoslavova 5 Bosch -Rexroth, spol.s.r.o. Angol utca 34 ul. Staszica 1
627 00 Brno Stetkova 18 1149 Budapest 05-800 Pruszków
Tel.: +420 (0)5 48 126 358 140 68 Praha 4 Tel.: +36 (1) 422 3200 Tel.: +48 (0) 22 738 18 00
Fax: +420 (0)5 48 126 112 Tel.: +420 (0)241 406 675 Fax: +36 (1) 422 3201 – service: +48 (0) 22 738 18 46
Fax: +48 (0) 22 758 87 35
– service: +48 (0) 22 738 18 42

Poland – Polen Romania - Rumänien Romania - Rumänien Russia - Russland

Bosch Rexroth Sp.zo.o. East Electric S.R.L. Bosch Rexroth Sp.zo.o. Bosch Rexroth OOO
Biuro Poznan Bdul Basarabia no.250, sector 3 Str. Drobety nr. 4-10, app. 14 Tschschjolkowskoje Chaussee 100
ul. Dabrowskiego 81/85 73429 Bucuresti 70258 Bucuresti, Sector 2 105523 Moskau
60-529 Poznan Tel./Fax:: +40 (0)21 255 35 07 Tel.: +40 (0)1 210 48 25 Tel.: +7-495-783 30 60 + 64
Tel.: +48 061 847 64 62 /-63 +40 (0)21 255 77 13 +40 (0)1 210 29 50 Fax: +7-495 783 30 68 + 69
Fax: +48 061 847 64 02 Fax: +40 (0)21 725 61 21 Fax: +40 (0)1 210 29 52

Turkey - Türkei Turkey - Türkei Slowakia - Slowakei Slowenia - Slowenien

Bosch Rexroth Otomasyon Servo Kontrol Ltd. Sti. Tightening & Press-fit: DOMEL
San & Tic. A..S. Perpa Ticaret Merkezi B Blok Otoki 21
Fevzi Cakmak Cad No. 3 Kat: 11 No: 1609 MTS, spol .s.r.o. 64 228 Zelezniki
34295 Sefaköy Istanbul 80270 Okmeydani-Istanbul 02755 Kriva 53
Tel.: +90 212 411-13 00 Tel: +90 212 320 30 80 Tel.: +421 43 5819 161 Tel.: +386 5 5117 152
Fax: +90 212 411-13 17 Fax: +90 212 320 30 81 Fax: +386 5 5117 225

Australien, Süd-Afrika - Australia, South Africa

Australia - Australien Australia - Australien South Africa - Südafrika South Africa - Südafrika
AIMS - Australian Industrial Bosch Rexroth Pty. Ltd. TECTRA Automation (Pty) Ltd. Tightening & Press-fit:
Machinery Services Pty. Ltd. No. 7, Endeavour Way 100 Newton Road, Meadowdale Jendamark Automation
28 Westside Drive Braeside Victoria, 31 95 Edenvale 1609 76A York Road, North End
Laverton North Vic 3026 Melbourne 6000 Port Elizabeth
Melbourne Tel.: +27 11 971 94 00
Tel.: +61 3 93 14 3321 Tel.: +61 3 95 80 39 33 Fax: +27 11 971 94 40 Tel.: +27 41 391 4735
Fax: +61 3 93 14 3329 Fax: +61 3 95 80 17 33 Hotline: +27 82 903 29 23
Hotlines: +61 3 93 14 3321
+61 4 19 369 195

Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1 Service & Support 5

Asien - Asia (incl. Pacific Rim)

China China China China
Shanghai Bosch Rexroth Shanghai Bosch Rexroth Bosch Rexroth (China) Ltd. Bosch Rexroth (China) Ltd.
Hydraulics & Automation Ltd. Hydraulics & Automation Ltd. Satellite Service Office Changchun Satellite Service Office Wuhan
No.122, Fu Te Dong Yi Road 4/f, Marine Tower Rm. 1910, Guangming Building No. 22, Pinglanju, Milanyuan, Golden
Waigaoqiao, Free Trade Zone No.1, Pudong Avenue No.336 Xi’an Rd., Chao Yang Distr. Harbor
Shanghai 200131 - P.R.China Shanghai 200120 - P.R.China Changchun 130061 - P.R.China No. 236 Longyang Avenue
Economic & Technology Development
Tel.: +86 21 58 66 30 30 Tel: +86 21 68 86 15 88 Tel.+Fax: +86 431 898 1129 Zone
Fax: +86 21 58 66 55 23 Fax: +86 21 68 86 05 99 Mobile: +86 139 431 92 659 Wuhan 430056 - P.R.China +86 21 58 40 65 77 Tel.+Fax: +86 27 84 23 23 92
Mobile: +86 139 71 58 89 67
China China China China
Bosch Rexroth (China) Ltd. Bosch Rexroth (China) Ltd. Bosch Rexroth (China) Ltd. Tightening & Press-fit:
Beijing Representative Office Guangzhou Repres. Office Dalian Representative Office C. Melchers GmbH & Co
Xi San Qi Dong, De Sheng Mei Wai Room 3710-3716, Metro Plaza, Room 2005,Pearl River Int. Building Shanghai Representation
Hai Dian District Tian He District, 183 Tian He Bei Rd No.99 Xin Kai Rd., Xi Gang District 13 Floor Est Ocean Centre
Beijing 100096, P.R.China Guangzhou 510075, P.R.China Dalian, 116011, P.R.China No.588 Yanan Rd. East
65 Yanan Rd. West
Shanghai 200001
Tel.: +86 10 82 91 22 29 Tel.: +86 20 87 55 00 30 Tel.: +86 411 83 68 26 02 Tel.: +86 21 63 52 88 48
Fax: +86 10 82 91 81 09 +86 20 87 55 00 11 Fax: +86 411 83 68 27 02 Fax: +86 21 63 51 31 38 Fax: +86 20 87 55 23 87

Hongkong India - Indien India - Indien India - Indien

Bosch Rexroth (China) Ltd. Bosch Rexroth (India) Ltd. Bosch Rexroth (India) Ltd. Tightening & Press-fit:
6th Floor, Electric Drives & Controls Electric Drives & Controls
Yeung Yiu Chung No.6 Ind Bldg. Plot. No.96, Phase III Advance House, II Floor MICO
19 Cheung Shun Street Peenya Industrial Area Ark Industrial Compound Hosur Road Adugodi
Cheung Sha Wan, Bangalore – 560058 Narol Naka, Makwana Road 560 030 Bangalore Karnataki
Kowloon, Hongkong Andheri (East), Mumbai - 400 059
Tel.: +852 27 86 46 32 Tel.: +91 80 51 17 0-211...-218 Tel.: +91 22 28 56 32 90 Tel.: +91 80 22 99 28 86
Fax: +852 27 42 60 57 Fax: +91 80 83 94 345 +91 22 28 56 33 18 +91 80 83 97 374 Fax: +91 22 28 56 32 93

India - Indien Indonesia - Indonesien Japan Japan

Bosch Rexroth (India) Ltd. PT. Bosch Rexroth Bosch Rexroth Automation Corp. Bosch Rexroth Automation Corp.
S-10, Green Park Extension Building # 202, Cilandak Commercial Service Center Japan Electric Drives & Controls
New Delhi – 110016 Estate Yutakagaoka 1810, Meito-ku, 2F, I.R. Building
Jl. Cilandak KKO, Jakarta 12560 NAGOYA 465-0035, Japan Nakamachidai 4-26-44, Tsuzuki-ku
Tel.: +91 11 26 56 65 25 Tel.: +62 21 7891169 (5 lines) Tel.: +81 52 777 88 41 YOKOHAMA 224-0041, Japan
+91 11 26 56 65 27 Fax: +62 21 7891170 - 71 +81 52 777 88 53 Tel.: +81 45 942 72 10
Fax: +91 11 26 56 68 87 +81 52 777 88 79 Fax: +81 45 942 03 41 Fax: +81 52 777 89 01

Korea Korea Korea Korea

Bosch Rexroth-Korea Ltd. Bosch Rexroth-Korea Ltd. Bosch Rexroth-Korea Ltd. Tightening & Press-fit:
Electric Drives & Controls Electric Drives and Controls Electric Drives & Controls KVT Co., Ltd.
1515-14 Dadae-Dong, Saha-gu Bongwoo Bldg. 7FL, 31-7, 1Ga 1515-14 Dadae-Dong, Saha-gu 901, Daeryung Techno Town 8
Pusan Metropolitan City, 604-050 Jangchoong-dong, Jung-gu Ulsan, 680-010 481-11 Gasan-Dong
Seoul, 100-391 Geumcheon-Gu
Tel.: +82 51 26 00 741 Tel.: +82 52 256-0734 Seoul, 153-775
Fax: +82 51 26 00 747 Tel.: +82 234 061 813 Fax: +82 52 256-0738 Tel.: +82 2 2163 0231 9 Fax: +82 222 641 295

Malaysia Singapore - Singapur Taiwan Taiwan

Bosch Rexroth Sdn.Bhd. Bosch Rexroth Pte Ltd Bosch Rexroth Co., Ltd. Bosch Rexroth Co., Ltd.
11, Jalan U8/82, Seksyen U8 15D Tuas Road Taichung Industrial Area Tainan Branch
40150 Shah Alam Singapore 638520 No.19, 38 Road No. 17, Alley 24, Lane 737
Selangor, Malaysia Taichung, Taiwan 407, R.O.C. Chung Cheng N.Rd. Yungkang
Tel : +886 - 4 -235 08 383 Tainan Hsien, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel.: +65 68 61 87 33
Tel.: +60 3 78 44 80 00 Fax: +65 68 61 18 25 Fax: +886 - 4 -235 08 586 Tel : +886 - 6 –253 6565
Fax: +60 3 78 45 48 00 Fax: +886 - 6 –253 4754

NC Advance Technology Co. Ltd.
59/76 Moo 9
Ramintra road 34
Tharang, Bangkhen,
Bangkok 10230

Tel.: +66 2 943 70 62

+66 2 943 71 21
Fax: +66 2 509 23 62
Hotline +66 1 984 61 52

6 Service & Support Rexroth VisualMotion 11 Functional Description - Volume 1

Nordamerika – North America

USA USA Central Region - Mitte USA Southeast Region - Südost USA SERVICE-HOTLINE
Headquarters - Hauptniederlassung
Bosch Rexroth Corporation Bosch Rexroth Corporation
Bosch Rexroth Corporation Electric Drives & Controls Electric Drives & Controls
- 7 days x 24hrs -
Electric Drives & Controls 1701 Harmon Road 2810 Premiere Parkway, Suite 500
5150 Prairie Stone Parkway Auburn Hills, MI 48326 Duluth, GA 30097
Hoffman Estates, IL 60192-3707
Tel.: +1 847 645-3600 Tel.: +1 248 393-3330 Tel.: +1 678 957-4050 +1 800 739-7684
Fax: +1 847 645-6201 Fax: +1 248 393-2906 Fax: +1 678 417-6637

USA Northeast Region – Nordost USA West Region – West Canada East - Kanada Ost Canada East - Kanada Ost
Bosch Rexroth Corporation Bosch Rexroth Corporation Bosch Rexroth Canada Corporation Bosch Rexroth Canada Corporation
Electric Drives & Controls Electric Drives & Controls 5345 Outer Drive unit 5 Automation Division
99 Rainbow Road 7901 Stoneridge Drive, Suite 220 Windsor, Ontario 3426 Mainway Drive
East Granby, CT 06026 Pleasanton, CA 94588 Canada N9A 6J3 Burlington, Ontario
Canada L7M 1A8
Tel.: +1 860 844-8377 Tel.: +1 925 227-1084 Tel.: +1 519 737 7393
Fax: +1 860 844-8595 Fax: +1 925 227-1081 Fax.: +1 519 737 9999 Tel.: +1 905 335 5511
Fax: +1 905 335 4184 (Main)
+1 905 335 9803 (Serv.)

Canada West - Kanada West Canada SERVICE-HOTLINE Mexico Mexico

Bosch Rexroth Canada Corporation Bosch Rexroth Mexico S.A. de C.V. Bosch Rexroth S.A. de C.V.
5345 Goring St. Calle Neptuno 72 Calle Argentina No 3913
- 7 days x 24hrs -
Burnaby, British Columbia Unidad Ind. Vallejo Fracc. las Torres
Canada V7J 1R1 07700 Mexico, D.F. 64930 Monterrey, N.L.

Tel. +1 604 205 5777 +1 905 335 5511

Tel.: +52 55 57 54 17 11 Tel.: +52 81 83 49 80 91
Fax +1 604 205 6944 Fax: +52 55 57 54 50 73 +52 81 83 49 80 92 +52 81 83 49 80 93
Fax: +52 81 83 65 52 80

Südamerika – South America

Argentina - Argentinien Argentina - Argentinien Brazil - Brasilien Brazil - Brasilien
Bosch Rexroth S.A.I.C. NAKASE SRL Bosch Rexroth Ltda. Bosch Rexroth Ltda.
"The Drive & Control Company" Servicio Tecnico CNC Av. Tégula, 888 R. Dr.Humberto Pinheiro Vieira, 100
Rosario 2302 Calle 49, No. 5764/66 Ponte Alta, Atibaia SP Distrito Industrial [Caixa Postal 1273]
B1606DLD Carapachay B1653AOX Villa Balester CEP 12942-440 89220-390 Joinville - SC
Provincia de Buenos Aires Provincia de Buenos Aires
Tel.: +54 11 4756 01 40 Tel.: +54 11 4768 36 43 Tel.: +55 11 4414 -56 92 Tel./Fax: +55 47 473 58 33
+54 11 4756 02 40 Fax: +54 11 4768 24 13 +55 11 4414 -56 84 Mobil: +55 47 9974 6645
+54 11 4756 03 40 Hotline: +54 11 155 307 6781 Fax sales: +55 11 4414 -57 07
+54 11 4756 04 40 Fax serv.: +55 11 4414 -56 86
Fax: +54 11 4756 01 36
+54 11 4721 91 53 (Service)

Columbia - Kolumbien

Reflutec de Colombia Ltda.

Calle 37 No. 22-31
Santafé de Bogotá, D.C.
Tel.: +57 1 208 65 55
Fax: +57 1 269 97 37

Bosch Rexroth AG
Electric Drives and Controls
P.O. Box 13 57
97803 Lohr, Germany
Bgm.-Dr.-Nebel-Str. 2
97816 Lohr, Germany
Phone +49 (0)93 52-40-50 60
Fax +49 (0)93 52-40-49 41

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