Megabox - Megapac - Megafrad: "600B" Software Configuration Manual Guide To Parameters
Megabox - Megapac - Megafrad: "600B" Software Configuration Manual Guide To Parameters
Megabox - Megapac - Megafrad: "600B" Software Configuration Manual Guide To Parameters
E Manual N5682000901 - Edition 1 - March 1999
Megabox - Megapac - Megafrad - "600B" software configuration manual
TX T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1
HALT RX R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1
SUPER CN T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2
USER R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 R2
IRQ T3 T3 T3 T3 T3 T3
BUS R3 R3 R3 R3 R3 R3
VIRQ T4 T4 T4 T4 T4 T4
+5V R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4
+ 12V
- 12V
+ 5V
+ 12V
- 12V
+ 5V
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This document is written for "network" operators wishing to learn the fundamentals of how the Megapac
multiprotocol PABX operates. Its compact, thematic approach should provide rapid access to the basic
information needed to configure the software.
The "Parameter guide" is organized logically, beginning with a review of general features and a
description of basic principles, followed by a second section covering operating procedures, and
describing all the commands.
The third section concerns Megapac memory and provides details for the parameters to be taken into
consideration before starting to set up the links and their associated logical channels.
The next section describes all the "descriptors" which go to make up the multiprotocol nature of the
Megapac, and then the routing mechanisms.
The next sections cover the various units for which parameters have to be set: link "descriptors" and
logical "resources" which are vital in configuring the PABX.
First to be described are the two link modes: synchronous (TYPE/ X25 descriptor) and
asynchronous (TYPE/ TERM descriptor).
Then come the many configuration options for local area network connections.
The final sections describe the descriptors used in the IBM environment.
Throughout the tables which form the very structure of the sections, the information given should be
sufficient for the more commonly encountered situations.
☞ This symbol indicates an action that can or should be undertaken by the user.
▲ This symbol indicates the way Megapac responds to the user action.
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3.2.2 Tailored default configuration ................................................................................................... 3-3
3.3 RETURNING TO THE DEFAULT CONFIGURATION (SYSTEM OR TAILORED) ................................................... 3-3
3.4 CONFIGURATION MEMORY ORGANIZATION............................................................................................ 3-4
3.5 PROCEDURE FOR CHANGING MEM SIZE ............................................................................................ 3-4
3.5.1 Changing table sizes (area 6)................................................................................................... 3-4
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3.6 MEGAPAC VME WITH CPU-V OR CPU-40 AND MEGAPAC - MEGABOX WITH CPU-E ...............................3-5
3.7 MEGAPAC VME WITH CPU-40 AND 640 SOFTWARE .............................................................................3-6
4. OVERVIEW OF LINK DESCRIPTORS.............................................................................................4-1
4.1 LINK DESCRIPTOR ASSIGNMENT RULES .................................................................................................4-1
4.2 LINK DESCRIPTORS - IDENTIFICATION AND PROTOCOLS SUPPORTED ........................................................4-4
4.3 GENERAL INFORMATION ON LOGICAL RESOURCES .................................................................................4-9
5. SYSTEM DESCRIPTORS ................................................................................................................5-1
5.1 BASE DESCRIPTOR AND RESOURCE BE00 ..........................................................................................5-1
5.1.1 BASE descriptor parameter ......................................................................................................5-1
5.1.2 Table of parameters for logical resource BE00 associated with BASE.......................................5-4
5.1.3 Control of the command port access rights ...............................................................................5-5
5.2 EPCI DESCRIPTOR AND LOGICAL RESOURCES EI00 ..............................................................................5-6
5.3 NMSC DESCRIPTOR AND RESOURCES NC00 .......................................................................................5-7
5.3.1 NMSC descriptor parameters....................................................................................................5-8
5.3.2 NC00 resource parameters.......................................................................................................5-8
6. ROUTING BY X.25 TABLE ..............................................................................................................6-1
6.1 DEFINITION OF THE X.25 TABLE ..........................................................................................................6-1
6.2 CREATING THE X.25 TABLE ................................................................................................................6-1
6.3 USING THE X.25 TABLE ......................................................................................................................6-2
6.4 ADDRESS TRANSLATION .....................................................................................................................6-3
6.4.1 Translation of destination address "T".......................................................................................6-3
6.4.2 Address translation and "ADDRESS GROUP" ..........................................................................6-4
6.4.3 Using copy (") and skip (#) characters.......................................................................................6-5
6.4.4 Inserting the source address "-" ................................................................................................6-6
6.5 MANIPULATING SOURCE ADDRESSES ...................................................................................................6-7
6.6 MANIPULATING USER DATA .................................................................................................................6-8
6.7 ROUTING ALGORITHM USING THE X.25 TABLE .......................................................................................6-9
7. ROUTING BY MAC TABLE .............................................................................................................7-1
7.1 MAC FILE SIZE ..................................................................................................................................7-1
7.2 STRUCTURE OF A MAC RECORD .........................................................................................................7-1
7.3 INPUT MAC PROGRAM .......................................................................................................................7-2
7.3.1 "FUNCTIONS" field of an input MAC program...........................................................................7-2
7.3.2 "OPTIONS" field of an input MAC program ...............................................................................7-4
7.3.3 "SELECTOR" field of an input MAC program ............................................................................7-5
7.3.4 "GENERATOR" field of an input MAC program.........................................................................7-5
7.3.5 Input MAC algorithm .................................................................................................................7-6
7.4 OUTPUT MAC PROGRAM .................................................................................................................7-10
7.4.1 "FUNCTIONS" field of an output MAC program ......................................................................7-10
7.4.2 "OPTIONS" field of an output MAC program ...........................................................................7-12
7.4.3 "SELECTOR" field of an output MAC program ........................................................................ 7-13
7.4.4 "GENERATOR" field of an output MAC program..................................................................... 7-13
7.4.5 Output MAC algorithm ............................................................................................................7-14
8. OTHER TABLES..............................................................................................................................8-1
8.1 PASS TABLE ....................................................................................................................................8-1
8.2 NAME TABLE ...................................................................................................................................8-2
8.3 MENU TABLE ...................................................................................................................................8-4
8.4 HELP TABLE ....................................................................................................................................8-6
8.5 ILAN TABLE......................................................................................................................................8-7
8.6 BILL TABLE ......................................................................................................................................8-9
8.7 ELOG TABLE..................................................................................................................................8-11
9. TYPE/ X25 DESCRIPTOR................................................................................................................9-1
9.1 GENERAL .........................................................................................................................................9-1
9.2 LINK CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS .....................................................................................................9-2
9.2.1 Fragmentation ........................................................................................................................9-11
9.2.2 "Recommendation X.32" XID identity check ............................................................................9-11
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10.5 GIS BOARD CONFIGURATION ..........................................................................................................10-6
10.6 STRUCTURE OF THE GIS BOARD TABLES ..........................................................................................10-7
10.6.1 X.25 table syntax (GIS).........................................................................................................10-7
10.6.2 ISDN table syntax (GIS)........................................................................................................10-8
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11.9.1 Table management commands...........................................................................................11-16
11.9.2 "General" management commands.....................................................................................11-17
11.9.3 Dialogue .............................................................................................................................11-17
11.9.4 Special characters ..............................................................................................................11-18
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14.7.3 Virtual NFRM descriptor’s virtual resource configuration......................................................14-27
14.7.4 Example of Frame Relay function on a ISDN B channel ......................................................14-28
14.7.5 Example of DLCI concentration on a ISDN B channel .........................................................14-29
14.8 STATISTICS OF A TYPE/ NFRM LINK ............................................................................................14-30
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E MAC address of Token-Ring board............................................................................................... 19-7 MAC address of Ethernet board.................................................................................................... 19-7
19.5 EXAMPLE OF A TRANSPARENT BRIDGE ..............................................................................................19-8
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E MAC address of Ethernet board ................................................................................................... 21-3 « SAP and RIP » message filtering............................................................................................... 21-4 « SAP et RIP » messages filtering example.................................................................................. 21-4
21.2 EXAMPLE OF AN "IPX ON PPP" CONFIGURATION ...............................................................................21-5
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25.9.2 ISDN number......................................................................................................................25-13
25.9.3 Entering the "calling party identity" ......................................................................................25-15
25.10 V.25 BIS VIRTUAL DESCRIPTOR PARAMETERS................................................................................25-16
25.11 V.25 BIS RESOURCE CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS ......................................................................25-16
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25.13 OUTPUT MAC TABLE .................................................................................................................25-18
25.13.1 "DATA" function ................................................................................................................25-18
25.13.2 "TIME" function .................................................................................................................25-19
25.13.3 "CAD" function ..................................................................................................................25-20
25.13.4 "DAD" function ..................................................................................................................25-21
25.13.5 "CUD" function ..................................................................................................................25-22
25.14 REVIEW OF ISDN NETWORK REJECT "CAUSES" ............................................................................25-23
26. TYPE/ SDLC - QLLC DESCRIPTOR............................................................................................26-1
26.1 GENERAL......................................................................................................................................26-1
26.1.1 SDLC/QLLC relation .............................................................................................................26-1
26.1.2 Link emulation types .............................................................................................................26-3
26.1.3 Additional characteristics.......................................................................................................26-3
26.1.4 Configuring a Megapac link ...................................................................................................26-3
26.2 SDLC - QLLC LINK CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS ...........................................................................26-5
26.3 LOGICAL RESOURCE CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS .........................................................................26-10
26.3.1 X.25 table in SDLC - QLLC mode .......................................................................................26-12
26.3.2 MAC table in SDLC - QLLC mode.......................................................................................26-12
27. TYPE/ CLUS DESCRIPTOR ........................................................................................................27-1
27.1 FUNCTIONALITY OF THE CLUS LINK DESCRIPTOR ..............................................................................27-3
27.1.1 IND$FILE file transfer............................................................................................................27-4
27.1.2 File transfer between PCs.....................................................................................................27-4
27.1.3 Generation of a menu when routing to a terminal ..................................................................27-5
27.1.4 Graphics characters, from the extended ASCII code .............................................................27-5
27.2 LINK CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS .................................................................................................27-6
27.3 LOGICAL RESOURCE CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS ...........................................................................27-7
27.4 MAC TABLE PARAMETERS IN CLUS MODE .....................................................................................27-10
27.5 "CLUS" KEYBOARD EMULATION MAPPING .....................................................................................27-11
27.5.1 "ASYN" keyboard mapping (Terminal Type = ASYN) ..........................................................27-11
27.5.2 "ANSI" keyboard mapping (Terminal Type = ANSI) .............................................................27-12
27.5.3 "VT22" keyboard mapping (Terminal Type = VT22).............................................................27-14
27.6 MODIFICATION DE LA TABLE STANDARD DE CONVERSION ASCII - EBCDIC ........................................27-14
28. TYPE/ MAP DESCRIPTOR ..........................................................................................................28-1
28.1 MAP CONCENTRATION FUNCTION ...................................................................................................28-1
28.1.1 Role of the MAP concentration function.................................................................................28-2
28.1.2 MAP concentration function operating principle .....................................................................28-4
28.1.3 Using the MAP function.........................................................................................................28-5
28.2 "MAP" DESCRIPTOR CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS ..........................................................................28-7
28.2.1 Parameters for MAP virtual resource N°0..............................................................................28-8
28.2.2 Parameters for MAP virtual resources N°>0..........................................................................28-9
29. TYPE/ DLC AND EDLC DESCRIPTOR........................................................................................29-1
29.1 DLC GATEWAY FUNCTION ..............................................................................................................29-1
29.1.1 DLC without MAP concentration............................................................................................29-2
29.1.2 DLC gateway and MAP concentration...................................................................................29-3
29.2 XID INTERCHANGES.......................................................................................................................29-4
29.2.1 Gateway with one interchange (transparent) .........................................................................29-4
29.2.2 Gateway with two interchanges.............................................................................................29-5
29.3 « DLC / EDLC » DESCRIPTOR CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS ...........................................................29-6
29.4 « DLC / EDLC » RESOURCE CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS ..............................................................29-7
29.5 MAC TABLE ..................................................................................................................................29-9
29.5.1 MAC address of Token-Ring board .......................................................................................29-9
29.5.2 MAC Address of Ethernet board............................................................................................29-9
30. TYPE/ SCOP DESCRIPTOR ........................................................................................................30-1
30.1 INTRODUCTION ..............................................................................................................................30-1
30.2 CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS OF THE « SCOP » DESCRIPTOR .........................................................30-2
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Table of figures
FIGURE 1-1 LOOKING FOR A "RESOURCE", RP - CP ALGORITHM ................................................................. 1-9
FIGURE 1-2 LOOP CHECKING MECHANISM, LOOP BAR PRIORITY ALGORITHM ..........................................1-10
FIGURE 1-3 TYPICAL NETWORK...............................................................................................................1-11
FIGURE 1-4 SETTING UP A NUMBER OF ROUTING ALTERNATIVES..................................................................1-12
FIGURE 1-5 USE OF CALL PRIORITIES AND LOOP BARRING...........................................................................1-13
FIGURE 1-6 EVEN DISTRIBUTION ON LINKS OF EQUAL PRIORITY ...................................................................1-14
FIGURE 1-7 OVERFLOW FROM A LINK TO ANOTHER ....................................................................................1-15
FIGURE 1-8 TRANSPORT MONITORING .....................................................................................................1-16
FIGURE 1-9 MONITORING WITHOUT TRANSPORT .......................................................................................1-16
FIGURE 1-10 BLOCK DIAGRAM OF CALL ROUTING.......................................................................................1-19
FIGURE 2-1 NAVIGATION COMMANDS ........................................................................................................ 2-7
FIGURE 4-1 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DESCRIPTORS AND PHYSICAL PORTS ................................................... 4-3
FIGURE 5-1 LIMITATION EXAMPLE OF THE VCP COMMAND PORT RIGHTS ....................................................... 5-5
FIGURE 6-1 STRUCTURE OF THE X.25 TABLE ............................................................................................ 6-1
FIGURE 6-2 SPECIAL CHARACTERS IN THE ADDRESS FIELD ...................................................................... 6-2
FIGURE 6-3 TRANSLATION OF THE ADDRESS FIELD ................................................................................. 6-3
FIGURE 6-4 TRANSLATION WITH "T" AND THE ADDRESS GROUP FIELD .................................................... 6-4
FIGURE 6-5 ROUTING OVER A BACK-UP LINK .............................................................................................. 6-4
FIGURE 6-6 USE OF THE COPY (″) AND SKIP (#) CHARACTERS ..................................................................... 6-5
FIGURE 6-7 INSERTING THE SOURCE ADDRESS .......................................................................................... 6-6
FIGURE 6-8 USE OF THE "DITTO" WILDCARD IN LOGICAL RESOURCES ........................................................... 6-7
FIGURE 6-9 MANIPULATING THE CALL USER DATA FIELD .............................................................................. 6-8
FIGURE 6-10 ROUTING ALGORITHM WITH THE X.25 TABLE .......................................................................... 6-9
FIGURE 7-1 INPUT MAC ROUTING ALGORITHM........................................................................................... 7-6
FIGURE 7-2 OUTPUT MAC ROUTING ALGORITHM ......................................................................................7-14
FIGURE 9-1 EXAMPLE OF A CLASS 3 TRANSPORT CONFIGURATION...............................................................9-18
FIGURE 9-2 TRANSPORT ON MAIN AND BACKUP LINK WITH MONITORING .......................................................9-22
FIGURE 9-3 STRUCTURE OF THE "FACILITIES" FIELD ..................................................................................9-48
FIGURE 10-1 GIS BOARD 2B+D CHANNEL ROUTING .................................................................................10-2
FIGURE 10-2 TYPICAL GIS BOARD CONFIGURATION IN NATIVE X.25 MODE .................................................10-26
FIGURE 11-1 ISDN BOARD 2B+D CHANNEL ROUTING ...............................................................................11-2
FIGURE 11-2 TYPICAL ISDN BOARD CONFIGURATION IN NATIVE X.25 MODE...............................................11-26
FIGURE 13-1 EXAMPLE OF AN HDLC LINK ................................................................................................13-6
FIGURE 14-1 FRAME RELAY FRAME FORMAT .............................................................................................14-2
FIGURE 14-3 LMI INTERCHANGES, BALANCED FROM END TO END ...............................................................14-3
FIGURE 14-4 FRAME RELAY « SWITCHING » FUNCTION ...........................................................................14-10
FIGURE 14-5 FRAME RELAY « ACCESS POINT » FUNCTION .......................................................................14-16
FIGURE 14-6 X25 ENCAPSULATION IN FRAME RELAY (Q922 DL CORE) ....................................................14-17
FIGURE 14-7 X25 ENCAPSULATION IN FRAME RELAY (TRANSPAC LIKE)......................................................14-17
FIGURE 14-8 X25 « ACCESS POINT » FUNCTION (Q922 DL CORE) IN FRAME RELAY..................................14-21
FIGURE 14-9 X25 « ACCESS POINT » FUNCTION (TRANSPAC LIKE) IN FRAME RELAY ...................................14-21
FIGURE 14-10 PROTOCOL MULTIPLEXING ON THE SAME DLCI - FRAME RELAY ...........................................14-22
FIGURE 14-11 ISDN FRAME RELAY FUNCTION .......................................................................................14-28
FIGURE 14-12 DLCI FRAME RELAY CONCENTRATION ON A ISDN B CHANNEL............................................14-29
FIGURE 15-1 EXAMPLE OF IP GATEWAY ON PPP LINK ...............................................................................15-6
FIGURE 16-3 EXAMPLE OF A MEGAPAC IN LOCAL ASYNCHRONOUS PAD PPP MODE ...................................16-28
FIGURE 16-4 MEGAPAC IN A DISTANT ASYNCHRONOUS PAD PPP ............................................................16-29
FIGURE 17-1 THE « X » STANDARDS ......................................................................................................17-1
FIGURE 18-1 USE OF MEGAPAC WITH "CONS" CONNECTION-ORIENTED MODE ............................................18-4
FIGURE 18-1 USE OF MEGAPAC WITH "DLCX" CONNECTION-ORIENTED MODE .............................................18-7
FIGURE 19-1 MEGAPAC TRANSPARENT BRIDGE.........................................................................................19-8
FIGURE 20-1 ETHERNET AND IEEE 802.3 FRAME FORMATS ......................................................................20-2
FIGURE 20-2 MEGAPAC IN RFC1356 GATEWAY MODE ............................................................................20-23
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This manual describes in detail all aspects to do with installing and commissioning the Megapac
For this information, refer as required to the "Hardware configuration manual" supplied with the Megapac
On a single phone number: +33 1 55 75 77 77
At a single address:
Technicians are available from Monday to Friday, 8 am to 7 pm, to answer all your technical problems
which cannot be resolved by the information contained in this manual, by your training or by your
experience of the Megapac - Megabox range.
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1. General
The Megapac is a high speed packet switch capable of handling large volumes of data. It can operate in
DMA I/O mode for high bit rates or "serial interrupt" I/O mode.
In the Megapac, each link (physical or virtual) is associated with a link DESCRIPTOR.
A link comprises one or more logical channels.
Each logical channel is identified by a RESOURCE.
A link DESCRIPTOR therefore comprises one or more RESOURCES.
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1.2 Tables
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To supplement the DESCRIPTORS and RESOURCES relating to a link (physical or virtual), the
Megapac also has a set of tables:
X.25 table This table provides routing and address translation, in particular associating an X.121
address (X.25 protocol) with a resource, and vice versa.
MAC table This table is an extension of the X.25 table’s routing function. It uses a
macrocommand language and can be used for incoming and/or outgoing calls.
ILAN table This table is for routing calls using the class 4 ISO Transport layer. It associates an
MAC 802.3 address and a TSAP (Transport Service Access Point) address with a
PROF table This table defines the standard CCITT Recommendation X.3 PAD
(Packet Assembly/Disassembly) profiles. These can be modified.
NAME table This table is used to assign a service NAME known to the user to a resource to
support routing by NAME.
HELP table This table supplements the NAME table. If routing by NAME fails, a help screen can
be selected.
PASS table This table provides password controls for incoming and/or outgoing calls.
MENU table This table can be used to display an information menu, welcoming message, etc.
BILL table This table keeps a record of connections with details for each connection. It can be
used for billing purposes.
ELOG table This table logs connection messages and routing faults.
MEM table This table defines the size of the other tables.
Note: The table names above must not be used as link descriptor and/or resource name.
By default, the name given to the "resources" of a link (resource NAME/ parameter) is made up of the
link "descriptor’s" name (descriptor NAME/ parameter).
"Resource" and "descriptor" names are four-character strings.
"Resource" names are, by default, made up of:
• the first character of the "descriptor" name,
• the last character of the "descriptor" name,
• two "zeros",
• by default, all resources of a particular link have the same four-character name, to which is added a
suffix specifying the number of the "resource".
For "n resources", the number will range from 0 to n-1.
the associated "resources" have NAME/ P400(0) to P400(15).
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1.4 Routing Principles
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To set up a connection in the Megapac switch, two "resources" need to be temporarily associated for the
duration of a call.
In the Megapac switch, all calls and data transfers use a four-character "resource" name.
The resource name is linked to a network address when the switch needs to pair an input link with an
output link to set up a route through it for a call.
In the case of an X.25 network, with a call request packet including a called DTE address, the subscriber
number is used to select a destination "resource".
The « Destination Resource Code » (DRC) is the term given to the 4 character channel name of the
resource channel to which you wish to connect.
The Megapac has two tables for choosing the destination "resource", and therefore the output link to be
1. the X.25 table, which provides simple routing, based on the number (or part of the number) of the
called DTE and a resource name, to one or more output links.
2. the MAC table, which provides more sophisticated routing based on a set of macrocommands which
offer a high degree of control and let you modify incoming and outgoing frames.
The Megapac can route an X.25 call request packet in various ways:
1. transparent routing via a switched virtual circuit (SVC): a call is routed automatically when a match is
found in the X.25 table (or the MAC table) based on the X.121 address of the call request packet;
2. transport level routing: calls are checked by the internal implementation of the OSI transport layer, so
that another route can be allocated if a link fails. In this case, the loss of data is transparent;
3. routing on permanent virtual circuit (PVC): the call request takes a predefined route through the
network based on the « DRC MASK/ » (Destination Resource Code) of the incoming "resource";
4. routing by presentation service: the switch prompts the user to enter a "resource" name, a network
address or a service name for routing purposes.
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1.5 "Resource" identification
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It is a good idea to be able to choose the name of a resource (NAME/ parameter) to facilitate connection
to various network resources.
For this, the NAME/ parameter can contain any letter in upper or lowercase and "wildcard characters".
No distinction is drawn between uppercase and lowercase.
• The wild card character "∗" represents any character in any position.
• The wild card character "″" indicates a match in a comparison, this using is special.
The search for the destination "resource" name is conducted throughout the "resources" of the link
Consider the following, where a Physical descriptor has 8 resources connections to 3 Hosts known as
VAX1, VAX2 and VAX3.
No wild cards are used in this example, and as you can see, 3 resources connections are available to
Hosts VAX1 and VAX2, while VAX3 only has 2.
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An asterisk « ∗ » wild card is used to denote any character (i.e. catch all), and can be specified at any or
all character positions.
In this example an ∗ has been entered at the beginning and end of the 4 character NAME/ parameter of
all eight resources.
The user who is originating a call to any of the eight resources allocated has only to specify a NAME
containing AX as the second and third characters.
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1.5.3 Hunt group
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Other wild card options include « " " " " », which is used to copy the NAME(s) of the channels above it
and establish connections as though in a hunt group.
The resources (0) to (4) form a hunt group. The resources (2) to (4) are accessible through the routing
names VAX1 and VAX2.
The resources (5) to (7) form a hunt group. The resources (6) and (7) are accessible through the routing
name VAX3.
The parameters of each resources can be defined, especially the « DRC MASK/ » parameter for the
specific routings requirements. Thus, for each « DRC MASK/ » of the different hunt groups, various call
numbers can be assigned to distinguish them.
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A fourth wild card option « " ∗ ∗ ∗ » is used to enable the channel to match the configuration
characteristics of whichever channel name is used.
The resources (0) to (7) form a hunt group. The resources (2) to (7) are accessible through the routing
names VAX1 and VAX2.
When a call is connected to the logical resources (from 2 to 7), the characteristics of the channel will
echo that of channel (0) if accessed using the routing name of VAX1. It will echo the characteristics of
the channel (1) if accessed using the routing name of VAX2 .
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To ensure that your data is routed correctly over secondary routes, using the same destination "resource"
name (NAME/), the Megapac switch lets you define a priority for each link "resource" on two levels:
• the CALL PRIORITY/ parameter (known by the acronym CP) assigns a priority to calls according to
the "resource" via which it enters the Megapac switch, and
• the RESOURCE PRIORITY/ parameter (known by the acronym RP) represents the priority of the
"resource" via which a call can be routed out from the switch.
These two parameters are specified in the "resource" definition, and can be set from 0 to 15 in ascending
order of priority from least important to most important.
All incoming calls to a Megapac switch are assigned the CP setting for the "resource" concerned. While
the call is being routed, the Megapac first looks for an outgoing "resource" on any link for which the
NAME/ parameter matches the destination "resource" name found for the call.
Having found one or more "resources", it sets up a connection on the "resource" for which the RP
parameter has a setting not exceeding the CP parameter of the incoming "resource". If no match if
found, the Megapac looks among the available "resources" for the one with the next lower priority. If two
"resources" have the same name and the same priority level, the first is taken.
A call received over a "resource" with a given CP setting cannot be connected to an outgoing "resource"
with a higher RP setting. This means that a "resource" for which CP is zero can be connected only with
a "resource" for which RP is also zero. A resource defined with a call priority CP of 15 offers the greatest
freedom of choice because it can be connected to virtually any resource of the same name.
When look for an outgoing "resource" of a specific priority, the Megapac scans the resources of all the
links to find a match. If it does not find a match, the Megapac again scans the resources of all the links,
with RP decremented by 1, and so on until if finds a match.
If the Megapac does not find an alternative to satisfy the received call request, the Megapac clears the
call. A "resource" must be free for the call to be able to use it. If the "resource" is busy, the search
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The diagram below illustrates an attempt to connect the "resource" E100 to "resources" VAX1 and VAX2,
in that order of priority. Some "resources" cannot accept a call and the call is finally connected to VAX1.
Although available, "resource (5)" is not used because the RESOURCE PRIORITY/ setting is higher than
the CALL PRIORITY/ setting for the "resource" requesting a connection. In a well ordered configuration,
the parameter settings for the various "resources" must decrease sequentially.
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Since the Megapac has the ability to look for an alternative route, there is a possibility of routing over an
outgoing "resource" that returns the call to a switch already crossed by this call request packet, which can
result in a permanent loop situation.
When scanning all the logical resources, depending on their resource priorities (RESOURCE
PRIORITY/), if the routing mechanism finds a match on the same link as the incoming "resource", and
the LOOP BAR PRIORITY/ parameter of the link descriptor has a setting greater than zero, the resource
priority of the outgoing channel is compared with the priority indicated in the LOOP BAR PRIORITY/
parameter of the link descriptor. If they match, the Megapac discards the link and resumes its search.
The call is cleared if no outgoing channel is available on the other links.
☛ Note that call request packet loops in most public networks are considered as a routing
error, normally leading to the call being cleared.
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1.8 Example of routing priority
Manual N5682000901 - Edition 1 - March 1999
Megabox - Megapac - Megafrad - "600B" software configuration manual
The diagram below describes a complex network in which, if the Network User Address (NUA) numbers
of a system were all known to each Megapac switch, expansion of the services would entail modifying
the configuration of each switch in the network.
The solution adopted for the Megapac is a decentralized mechanism in which each Megapac switch has
independent decision-making capability, without regard to its adjacent nodes. Because of this the
"destination resource" used for routing requirements requires only the name of the switch to be specified
with a partially specified NUA (in other words, using the "wildcard").
The example assumes a terminal connected to switch 6 requiring the services of switch 1, and that the
X.121 address of the call request packet has the number 23429320016. The terminal user logs on to
resource " N01H".
• The NAME/ parameter of all the "resources" between switches is defined by N01∗. All the
intermediate switches have the same X.25 record (in other words NAME/ N01H, ADDRESS/ 23429∗,
correlating all X.121 addresses beginning 23429 with routing of the call to a resource N01H), except
for node 01, which requires complete correlation and a change to the routing name in order to set up
the precise resource for placing the call.
NAME/ N01*
Node 03
X.25 table
NAME/ N01* NAME/ N01H NAME/ N01*
ADDRESS/ 23429*
Node 04 Node 05
N01* N01* Node 07
• The call and resource priorities of node 07 must be used to define the main route to node 04 (the
shortest route), with an alternative to node 05. Obviously the connections to nodes other than 01
cannot be completed because there is only a single resource name for the inter-node links.
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However, if the wildcard is used, the addition of extra connections to the switch, with similar X.121
numbers (the first five digits are always 23429 for a call to node 01), only the configuration and X.25
table of node 01 need be updated, since the X.25 table of all the other nodes is already set up for calls
beginning 23429.
The diagram below describes how to specify several routing alternatives by defining additional "resource"
names for the inter-switch links.
N01* (0)
N02* (1) N01* (0)
N03* (2) Node 3 Node 3 N02* (1)
N05* (3) N03* (2)
N06* (4) N04* (3)
N07* (5) N06* (4)
"*** (6) N07* (5)
"*** (6)
"*** (n)
"*** (n)
Node 04 Node 05
N01* (0)
N02* (1) N01* (0)
N03* (2) N02* (1)
N05* (3) N03* (2)
N06* (4) N04* (3)
N07* (5) N06* (4)
"*** (6) N07* (5)
"*** (6)
"*** (n)
N01* (0) N01* (0) "*** (n)
N02* (1) N02* (1)
N03* (2) N03* (2)
N04* (3) N04* (3)
N05* (4) Node N05* (4)
N06* (5) 07 N06* (5)
"*** (6) "*** (6)
When a particular route is unavailable, because of a link failure or because all the link's "resources" are
in use, the network can be configured to select an alternative route automatically.
For this, the same "resource" name must be declared on each possible link, with a definition of the
appropriate resource priorities to indicate the first choice route.
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The system configuration needs to include the CP (CALL PRIORITY/) and RP (RESOURCE PRIORITY/)
parameters, as follows:
CP=1 CP=1
CP=2 RP=1 CP=2
Before analyzing the above, it is worth reviewing the rules governing how the CALL PRIORITY/ and
RESOURCE PRIORITY/ parameters should be set up:
An incoming call over a "resource" with the CP parameter specified can be routed only over an outgoing
"resource" for which the RP parameter is the same or less. Preferably, the call tries to take a route via a
"resource" of equal priority, and if there is no such "resource", the Megapac tries to route the call to a
"resource" with an RP setting of one lower (and so on, in descending order).
In the example:
• A call is received by node 07 over a "resource" for which CP is set to 2, and leaves the switch via a
"resource" for which RP is also 2 (connected to node 04). If the outgoing "resource" is unavailable,
the call is switched to the "resource" for which RP is 1 (connected to node 05).
• The call arrives at node 04 over a "resource" with CP=2, and leaves via a "resource" with RP=2
(connected to node 01). If the outgoing "resource" is unavailable, the call is switched to the
"resource" with RP=1 (connected to node 03).
• If the call had been routed via node 03 from node 05, it would have arrived over a "resource" with
CP=2, and would have left over a "resource" with RP=2 (connected to node 01). If the outgoing
"resource" had been unavailable, the call would have been switched to the "resource" with RP=1
(connected to node 04), and then routed to node 01.
• However, if the "resource" outgoing from switch 04 to switch 01 were unavailable, node 04 would try
to loop back to node 03. To avoid this, the LOOP BAR PRIORITY/ parameter for the link to node 03
is set to 1 (equal to the RP parameter).
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• Similarly, if the call had arrived at node 03 from node 04, it would have arrived over a "resource" with
CP=2, and left over a "resource" with RP=2 (connected to node 01). If this "resource" were not
available, Megapac would normally try switching to the "resource" with RP=1 (loopback to node 04).
To prevent this case, the LOOP BAR PRIORITY/ and RP parameters are set to 1.
The call is cleared if no alternative route is available.
Load balancing is another way of maximizing use of the descriptors and logical channels in a Megapac
switch. This mechanism can be set to operate between two or more descriptors.
The LINE GROUP/ parameter can be anything from 0 to 15.
When LINE GROUP = 0, load balancing is not applied.
The LINE GROUP settings 1 to 15 activate load balancing.
The resources belonging to the links of the highest LINE GROUP (15) are used first.
For resources belonging to links of the same LINE GROUP, the load is distributed evenly according to
requirements. CRC errors also change the order in which the links of a LINE GROUP are scanned.
The LINE GROUP parameter supplements the basic rules for routing calls based on the RESOURCE
PRIORITY/ and CALL PRIORITY/ parameters. It simply describes the order in which descriptors are
The Megapac node in the figure below has three X.25 links, each supporting three logical resources.
Links SRT1 and SRT2 have the same LINE GROUP (4 for example).
The output links for which the weighting factor is the lowest is selected to route the call request packet.
On each outgoing link:
1. the weighting factor is incremented by one when a call request packet is routed,
2. the weighting factor is decremented by one on processing a call clearing packet,
3. in the absence of traffic, the weighting factor is zero.
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1.10 « Line Group » Overflow
Manual N5682000901 - Edition 1 - March 1999
Megabox - Megapac - Megafrad - "600B" software configuration manual
The line group parameter can be used to ensure the overflow function from a main link to a secondary
The Megapac node in the figure below, has two X.25 links outgoing (SRT1 and SRT2).
• The main link SRT1 is from the LINE GROUP 4,
• The secondary link SRT2 is from the LINE GROUP 3,
• The links SRT1 and SRT2 have resources with the same name (RESS).
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1.11 Rescue link monitoring
Manual N5682000901 - Edition 1 - March 1999
Megabox - Megapac - Megafrad - "600B" software configuration manual
During an operation with a « main link » and a « rescue link », the Megapac realizes, thanks to its routing
functions, the swing to the rescue link in case of the main link failure.
When the main link is working again, the Megapac offers a « Monitoring » function which helps to get
back to a normal activity, that is, to use the main link.
There are two possibilities:
In this case, the main and the rescue link have identical NAME/.
The first character of the rescue link is « $ ».
The « monitoring » function is ensured by the transport.
The X.25 descriptor chapter describes the transport layer.
Call request packet A
N Monitoring T
2 S
P with T
R transport R
S 2 $SRT/ LG1
In this case, the main and the rescue link have identical NAME/.
The last character of the rescue link is « $ ».
The « Monitoring » function is ensured by a « V25B » descriptor resource.
The « V25B » descriptor chapter describes its application.
Figure 1-9 Monitoring without transport
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1.12 Link speed
Manual N5682000901 - Edition 1 - March 1999
Megabox - Megapac - Megafrad - "600B" software configuration manual
An asynchronous or synchronous link can be configured in several ways depending on whether the
equipment used is a Megapac E08B or E15, a Megapac ESL or Megafrad, a Megabox or Megabox SL,
or a Megapac VME21.
Depending on the type of connection card used, the available clock speeds (SPEED parameter of the
link descriptor) are as follows:
300 l l l l
600 l l l l
1200 l l l l
1200-75 l
75-1200 l
1800 l l l
2000 l l l
2400 l l l l l l
3600 l l l
4800 l l l l l l
7200 l l l
9600 l l l l l l l
14400 l l
19200 l l l l l l l
28800 l l
38400 l l l
48K l
57600 l l
64K l l l
115200 l l (2)
128K l l
256K l l
512K l
1024 K l
2048 K l
Note (1) also for the SIO card of the Megapac VME21.
(2) only for the high bitrate interfaces of the Megapac ESL and Megafrad.
The clock speed of the XIO card of the Megapac VME21 is determined by straps.
The available speeds range from 300 bit/s to 2048 kbit/s.
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1.13 Bandwidth Management
Manual N5682000901 - Edition 1 - March 1999
Megabox - Megapac - Megafrad - "600B" software configuration manual
The Megapac can manage the virtual circuits bandwidths of a X.25 link.
For an X.25 link, the parameters « Bandwidth » at the level of the link descriptor, and the one at the level
of the associated resources are for selecting a routing on a link resource whose available throughput is
higher than the required one.
Moreover, once the routing realized, the same parameters can limited each virtual circuits throughputs,
in order to guarantee the bandwidth assigned to each virtual circuit.
The Megapac 600 software version has new functions compared to the previous versions (500, 400, 300,
200, 107, 073, etc .). In this version, new descriptors and new parameters are inserted. An accurate
configuration for a previous software version is not directly compatible with the 600 software.
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1.15 Block diagram of call routing
Manual N5682000901 - Edition 1 - March 1999
Megabox - Megapac - Megafrad - "600B" software configuration manual
You can refer back to this block diagram as you read through this document. In it you will find the basic
call routing mechanisms. It refers to various information detailed in the ensuing sections.
X25 svc User indicates NAME table indicates no PASS table indicates
destination resource destination resource destination resource
CONS svc
TALK optio n yes
on resourc e Presentation mode
Incoming call Option? X28
no no
Extended no match in yes
TERM asyn Call Management X.25 table?
= IN
CONS pvc MAC table
input with yes
TALK option
X25 pvc no
MAC table indicates yes
QLLC destination resource
TERM bsc
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2. Operating procedures
Any computer system must have a man/machine interface for dialogue between the operator and the
software providing the computer function.
In Megapac, configuration is performed via an asynchronous terminal:
• connected locally to the CPU board's command port A, or
• remotely, via an X.25 link.
It is then necessary to access the Virtual Command Port (VCP) through which the Megapac set-up
procedures are conducted.
This is a virtual port. However, any physical port can be used to access the VCP locally or remotely.
The VCP is identified by a name which is simply typed in to access it.
The "BASE" prompt is displayed when access to the VCP is obtained, enabling you to access all the
Megapac set-up commands.
The operator terminal is an asynchronous terminal connected locally to command port A of the
Megapac's CPU board, or connected remotely via an X.25 link.
The terminal must be set up at logical resource level as follows:
• TERMINAL TYPE = ASYN (asynchronous terminal).
• SPEED = 9600 (data rate = 9600 bit/s).
• DATA BITS = 8 (number of data bits in the data format).
• STOP BITS = 1 (number of stop bits in the data format).
• PARITY = NONE (data format without parity).
Having powered up the Megapac, or pressed the RESET button on the CPU board, the ready prompt
should be displayed on the operator terminal's screen.
You can now set up the Megapac or view its current configuration details.
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If the BASE prompt is not displayed, this means that BE00 is not the name of the logical resource
corresponding to the virtual command port VCP. In this case, you must proceed as follows to find the
name assigned to the VCP:
Press the ABORT button on the CPU board.
The "BASE" prompt appears on the terminal screen.
Press the \ key then confirm: \<CR>.
The first four characters displayed are the name assigned to the VCP logical resource.
Press the RESET button on the CPU board or type the BOOT command.
The READY prompt appears on screen.
Type in the NAME of the VCP logical resource and confirm.
"BASE" prompt should appear, indicating that you have accessed the Megapac's virtual
command port.
When you have accessed the VCP, you have a set of commands for viewing the current Megapac
configuration, or modifying its characteristics. Most of the Megapac commands are single words with
three or four letters, such as: EXAM or CONF. These words make up the command language.
Some of the commands enable the operator to access a given context - X.25, for example, to access the
X.25 table - while others are for working in an established context - EXAM, for example - for viewing the
characteristics of a preselected link descriptor.
All commands, apart from the single-character commands, must be activated by a carriage return,
indicated by <CR> throughout this manual. The Megapac editor is like a line editor, but the modify
commands are totally independent of each other.
In other words, one command gives access to a mode from which you must exit before you select
another. When you use a function command (EXAM, for example), this becomes the current active
function. It is executed automatically when you access a link descriptor, a logical resource or a table
using one of the navigation commands (apart from GOTO). It remains active until replaced by another
function command or terminated explicitly.
The escape character <ESC> lets you terminate the current mode.
The table below contains all the MEGAPAC operator commands which are explained in detail in the
remainder of this section. The MEGAPAC operator commands are arranged in three broad categories:
• Navigation commands: these are for accessing a link descriptor, a logical resource in a link
descriptor or a routing table. Access can be obtained either directly by typing the name of the item
concerned, or sequentially by moving from one item to the next in turn.
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• Function commands: these are for executing a function on a link descriptor, a logical resource or a
table previously selected using the navigation commands. This broad category comprises:
• view commands for displaying the current configuration settings of a link descriptor, a logical
resource or a table, or statistical data concerning a descriptor or channel,
• modify commands for modifying the configuration of a link descriptor, a logical resource or a
• control commands, for running a diagnostic function on a link or logical channel.
• System commands: these are for performing various software downloading and Megapac
configuration management functions, plus, for example, resetting or shutting down the system.
∗ XXXX is the 4-character name given by the user to a link descriptor or logical resource. XXXX
also represents the name assigned by default by the software to the unconfigured link
☞ The table names (X25, PROF, ..., BILL, ELOG) must not be used as link descriptor and/or
resource name.
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Operating procedures
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2.2 Navigation commands
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You use the navigation commands to access a data table, a link descriptor or a logical resource.
They can be used alone, or in combination with a command function (see below). If an appropriate
function command is active and you select an element by its name alone, Megapac automatically
executes the active command on the selected item.
The Megapac data structures are organized in routing tables and in two hierarchical levels:
• link descriptors, each attached to a link set up via a physical system port,
• logical resources representing the virtual circuits which can be used on a given link.
When you access a link descriptor, the command line prompt contains the name of the descriptor
followed by a colon (:). For example:
When you access a logical resource or a routing table, the prompt contains the name of the logical
channel or the table, followed by the number of the logical channel or record (in brackets) and a colon (:).
For example:
P100(0): or
When you access a transport level logical channel (applicable only for ISO applications), the logical
channel name is prefixed by a hash sign (#) and followed by the reference number of the channel
between brackets and a colon (:). For example:
#TRAN(4): or
To access a link descriptor or logical resource, you have two options:
• Direct access by identifying the name of the item concerned, or
• Sequential access by navigating through the hierarchy of link descriptors and, within each, through
the list of logical resources assigned to them.
The data tables are accessed directly by identifying the table concerned. The navigation commands are
then used to move from one record to another in the selected table.
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The table below summarizes the names of the various tables and other Megapac set-up items which,
when typed in from the operator terminal, provide access to the data table or to the particular item to be
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You have a set of five commands for navigating within the Megapac data structures.
• Command >
Simply by pressing the > key, you can navigate within a particular level of the data structure, organized
in ascending order.
This means that you can move from one link descriptor to the next in turn and in order, or from one
logical resource to the next within a link descriptor, and also from one record to the next within the same
If a function command is active, it is executed immediately at the new access point.
In configuration mode (activated by the modify command CONF<CR>), you can use the > key to finish
inputting a parameter for a link descriptor, a logical resource or a record, and go on to define the same
parameter for the item with the next number (without quitting the configuration mode).
• Command <
You can press the < key to perform the reverse of the > key function, in other words, to navigate within a
particular level of the data structure, in descending order.
• Command \
Press the \ key to toggle between the "link descriptor" and "logical resource" levels of a particular
Any currently active command will be executed automatically whenever you use this key.
If the transport level is active for a given link descriptor, this key lets you access the transport session of
each logical resource of the link descriptor.
• Command ALL<CR>
You can use this command to move from the current position to the end of the selected descriptor,
logical resource or table.
If a function command is active when you issue the ALL command, the function command is executed
You can also use the ALL command as a modifier at the end of a command line. The command is then
executed automatically on all the data concerned. For example, COPY ALL<CR> lets you copy all the
parameters of an item.
• Command XXXX GOTO N<CR>
You can use this command to select a particular logical resource of a given link descriptor, or a specified
record of a given table, by indicating the name XXXX of the resources of a link or of the table concerned,
followed by the number N of the logical resource or particular record to be accessed.
This will prove particularly useful if you cannot directly access a channel with the same name as other
logical channels (as in the case of P100(0), P100(1), P100(2), P100(3), etc.).
You can use the GOTO command at the system prompt for a link descriptor or logical resource.
Remember that the GOTO command deactivates all active commands, and, obviously, you cannot use it
with the modifier ALL which is therefore inoperative.
The figure on the next page illustrates the free structure of the various link descriptors and logical
resources implemented, and summarizes the sequential navigation commands for moving around the
data structure in configuration memory using the movement keys (>, <, \).
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"Link descriptor"
Link descriptor Link descriptor
Descriptor > Descriptor > Descriptor > PS01 > PS02
NMSC (default name) (default name)
< < < <
X25 (0): >
X25 (1): >
X25 (2): <
X25 (1): BASE<CR>
PS01: EI00<CR>
EI00(0): >
EI01(1): \
EI00(0): PS02 GOTO 3<CR>
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2.3 Function commands
Manual N5682000901 - Edition 1 - March 1999
Megabox - Megapac - Megafrad - "600B" software configuration manual
The three classes of function commands respectively let you view the Megapac's current configuration
parameters, modify one or more of the current configuration parameters and control the behavior of the
network's links.
CALL You use this command to display information on current calls on a given logical channel, in the
form of source and destination addresses. It therefore does not apply to link descriptors or
However, when run using a link descriptor, it accesses the first logical channel (number 0) of
the descriptor.
The command CALL ALL<CR> entered at the link descriptor prompt calls up a display of all
calls corresponding to the descriptor. Remember that the CALL command displays the
addresses translated where the addresses have been translated by the Megapac.
To display only those calls for which the source or destination addresses begin with one or
more known digits, specify those digits, prefixing them with the hash character (#). For
example, the command string PS01 CALL #231 ALL<CR> will call up a display of all calls for
link descriptor PS01, with source or destination addresses beginning with the digits 231.
BE00(0): ** NONE **
BE00(0): PS05<CR>
P500(0): ** NONE **
P500(0): >
P500(1): >
P500(15): <- 8000
P500(15): <CR>
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Use this command to examine the configuration parameters of a table, a link descriptor or a
logical channel. This command does not apply to the BILL or ELOG tables which do not
contain configurable parameters.
As a rule, the parameters displayed are arranged in two or three columns. If the content of a
column exceeds the column width, the display is adapted automatically without affecting the
legibility of the information.
LIST This command provides a continuous display of configuration parameter settings associated
with a table, a link descriptor or a logical channel. In this case, the names of the parameters
are not displayed.
☞ To display the configuration parameters for the logical channel named EI00, for example,
type, at the BASE prompt:
The system then displays the list:
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This command displays statistics and variable status information for a link descriptor or a
logical channel. On the display, the value of each variable is given alongside the variable
name. Remember that this command cannot be used for examining tables, because these
tables do not contain statistical or status information.
When you request "STAT" for the descriptor "BASE", the display shows in particular the
installed software version number, the time and date the system was last booted and the
maximum system packet size.
☞ To display connection statistics for link PS02, for example, at the BASE prompt type:
The system then displays a list of statistics:
PS02: stat
POLL Like the STAT command, the POLL command provides a continuous display of statistical
variable values, but without naming the variables. In a way, STAT and POLL can be regarded
as dependents of EXAM and LIST.
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The effect of the VIEW command varies according to the context in which it is used.
For example, if you use it at the BASE: prompt, or if you type VIEW BASE<CR>, you obtain a
display of all status information for all link descriptors for which the TYPE/ parameter is set to
On a logical channel or an X.25 (and other) type link level descriptor, the VIEW command
calls up a summary of calls. This summary contains the source and destination addresses on
the link (or the descriptor). Remember that the VIEW command displays the addresses
translated where they have been translated by the Megapac.
On a LAN or IP type logical channel or link descriptor (or if you type VIEW XXXX, where XXXX
is the name of a LAN or IP descriptor), the VIEW command displays the MAC (Ethernet) or IP
addresses mapped on the router bridge.
Like other commands, you can have it repeated automatically by typing "/" or navigating within
the configuration data structure.
BASE: view
Link State Errors Curr Calls Rate in Rate Out
PS02 SABM 0 0 0 0
PS04 DISC 0 0 0 0
PS05 DATA 0 1 0 0
PS06 DISC 0 0 0 0
/ This key (oblique slash) repeats the last command and redisplays the variables with new
values where appropriate.
= This key (Equal sign) is used to toggle between the channel on which a call is incoming and
the channel to which it is onwardly connected.
incoming channel → outgoing channel
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2.3.2 Modification commands
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Modification commands (like some system commands) let you modify the configuration of the Megapac
☛ Make sure that you are fully aware of the effect of the commands before you start to
use them, because their effects can be irreversible.
? When modifying a parameter, use the question mark (?) to determine the possible settings of
the current parameter.
CONF You use this command whenever you want to create or modify records in a table or
parameters of a link descriptor or logical channel. Remember that the BILL and ELOG tables
cannot be modified by the user, because they contain only general information collected by
the Megapac system.
Once started, the CONF command remains active until canceled (by <ESC><ESC> or
<SPACE><SPACE>); the Megapac then takes you to the BASE link descriptor. When you
have displayed the last parameter, <CR><CR> also takes you to the BASE descriptor.
The configuration mode remains active if you press <ESC> or <SPACE> only once; you
simply terminate the table, link descriptor or logical channel configuration process.
If you do not want to quit the configuration mode, use the navigation commands to select the
link descriptor, logical channel or table record to be modified.
The configuration procedure for a table, a link descriptor or a logical channel always begins
with a display of the first configurable parameter followed by its current setting. To change this
setting, type the new setting at the cursor position and press <CR>. If you make no change,
the <CR> key calls up the next parameter. To specify a number of options for one parameter,
separate the options using the plus sign (+).
In the example below, the DRC MASK parameter is modified for a number of logical channels.
(DRC = Destination Resource Code).
EI00(0): BE00<CR>
BE00(0): NAME/ BE00 <ESC>
BE00(0): <ESC>
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This command copies all the configuration parameter settings for a logical channel and applies
them to the next logical channel of the same link descriptor.
When run on the basis of a logical channel (P100, for example), it takes all the parameter
settings for that channel and copies them into the following logical channel or channels
selected in turn using the > key or all at once using the ALL command. The command string
P100 COPY ALL<CR>, for example, copies all the configuration settings for the first logical
channel P100(x) to all channels P100(x+1 to x+n). This string can be used to clear all the
settings which previously had a particular configuration which is now not required.
DELE This command deletes all the records from a table or initializes the statistics for a link
descriptor or its logical channel. The command string ELOG DELE ALL<CR>, for example,
deletes all the entries from the ELOG table. The string PS01 DELE<CR> resets the statistics
for link descriptor PS01.
Remember that the DELE command remains active until deactivated by <ESC>.
INSE This command inserts a blank record (which can be left blank or subsequently completed
using the CONF command) above the record selected in a configurable table. The prompt
displayed is for the new record; in other words, the order number of the previously selected
record and that of the subsequent records are incremented by one.
Remember that the INSE command remains active until deactivated by <ESC>. This
means that you can use the INSE command with the > key when you have to create several
new records.
LINE When you use the VIEW command, the display shows 24 lines by default. If all the
information cannot be shown on 24 lines, the message MORE appears on line 24. Type any
character apart from <ESC> to view the next page. <ESC> quits the display but the VIEW
command remains active. To deactivate it, type <ESC><ESC> or enter a new command.
You can modify the length of the display using the LINE command followed by the required
number of lines. Then use the VIEW command at the prompt for the type of information
Link State Errors Curr Calls Rate In Rate Out
PS02 SABM 0 0 0 0
PS03 DATA 0 1 0 0
PS04 DISC 0 0 0 0
Link State Errors Curr Calls Rate In Rate Out
PS05 DATA 0 1 0 0
PS06 DISC 0 0 0 0
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This command is used from a PC to set up the Megapac when downloading configuration files.
You first access a link descriptor, a logical channel or a table according to normal procedures
and then use the SET command. The parameter settings, separated by slash characters (/),
are entered in the form of a continuous string (without carriage return) and the command line
must be terminated by <ESC> or a less than sign character (<) immediately after the last
_ (Underscore character). In configuration mode, you can use this character to copy individually
one or more characters of a parameter setting. This copy command can be used only when
setting up addresses or parameters in a menu. In all other cases (part of a name or parameter
with option), the "_" character is interpreted as an underscore character.
To change the address 123456789 or record X25(0) to 123456914, for example, enter the
command X25 CONF<CR> to access the X.25 table, then <CR><CR> to move to the
ADDRESS/ parameter; then type six underscore characters to copy the first six characters of
the existing address and end with 914<CR>.
@ ("At" character). This character is used to indicate that the following character is not to be
interpreted. (e.g.: @& allows the & character to be passed over). This character can be used in
the MENU and HELP tables, along with certain record fields in the MAC table.
& ("Ampersand" character). This character is used to indicate that the following character chain,
up to the next &, is not to be interpreted.
(e.g.: &DRT_GES_PAR_____& allows the DRT_GES_PAR_____ chain to be passed over).
This character can be used in the MENU and HELP tables, along with certain record fields in
the MAC table.
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2.3.3 Control commands
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These commands are for "controlling" the links and logical channels of the network.
CLOS (For "close"). This command "closes" the selected logical channel without affecting current
calls, and prevents new calls. The channel becomes unavailable when the last current call is
You can therefore use this command to close a logical channel in an orderly fashion, without
disturbing users currently connected, or isolate certain channels for line tests between two
Megapac switches. When based on the link descriptor, it applies to all logical channel, without
affecting the active descriptor.
The CLOS command applied to a channel is deactivated by the REST command applied to
the same channel. The command string PS03 CLOS ALL<CR> closes all the logical channels
associated with descriptor PS03. The command string P300 REST ALL<CR> applied to the
first logical channel of PS03 descriptor, restores all the channels linked to descriptor PS03.
REST (For restart). You use this command to restart a link descriptor (X25 or HDLC) or logical
channel. The configuration parameter settings are then copied from RAM into the link
descriptor or logical channel selected.
If the REST command is applied to an link descriptor (X.25 or HDLC), all the current calls on
this descriptor are interrupted. The command modifier ALL is inoperative at descriptor level to
prevent prematurely restarting all the links. The command string REST or REST ALL <CR>
can be used at link level and causes restart all the channels associated with a descriptor
(unless the channels are « CLOS »).
If applied to a logical channel, only the current call on that channel is interrupted. When the
logical channels are « CLOS », the command string REST ALL <CR> on the first channel
causes restart all the channels associated with a descriptor.
The REST command can be used on primary mode QLLC logical channels to restart polling
on a unit to which the STOP command had been applied previously.
STOP The STOP command is used to disconnect the link (level 2) of a descriptor. If there is no level
2, no information can be conveyed over the link, which is equivalent to clearing all the calls.
The statistics displayed on screen for the descriptor concerned then show STATE/ STOP.
This command can also be used on primary QLLC logical channels to deactivate the polling of
an associated terminal in a multipoint link. The STOP condition is canceled by the REST
TEST The TEST command is used to test Megapac-to-Megapac links. When you run this command,
the Megapac uses the specified descriptor to send a test frame to the corresponding link
descriptor of the remote Megapac which returns it to the originating Megapac. The command
string PS01 TEST<CR> initiates a test frame over the disconnected line of the link dependent
on descriptor PS01. When a test indication or response is received, a diagnostic message is
written to the Virtual Report Channel and to the error log ELOG. This message takes the
following format:
<time><date> TEST (I or R) ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP, (with I = indication and R = response)
The TEST command can be run only on X.25, CONS and ILAN type line descriptors. If no
loop can be set up on a link (because the Megapac is not linked to another Megapac), this
command will probably result in an FRMR frame being returned and the link being restarted.
The TEST command can be used in conjunction with V.54 loop commands. In this case, the
remote unit need not be a Megapac. The test results are represented by the REMOTE LOOP
STATUS/ and LOCAL LOOP STATUS/ variables, which are the same as those displayed by
the STAT command applied to the descriptor concerned.
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The CMND command is used to access and modify a "reserved buffer" for the modem
configuration. The current content on the "reserved buffer" is displayed. You can then enter
the new content of the buffer, ending with <CR>.
You can use the transparency character "@" to introduce metacharacters into the Megapac
dialogue including "> < \ @ & ? / etc".
The maximum length of the "reserved buffer" is 64 characters and it is cleared when Megapac
is rebooted.
SEND The SEND command is used to send a UI (unnumbered information) frame over a Megapac
X.25 link, the information field of which is the content of the "reserved buffer" (see CMND).
If the X.25 link crosses an XIO interface, it must be configured with the UI option. Viewing the
response requires the V54R (or V54L) loop which means that the V54 MODEM parameter
must be set to YES. The SEND command automatically releases level 2.
If the X.25 link crosses an SIO interface, it must be configured with the UI option. This is also
sufficient to view the response.
From a PSXX link descriptor, the SEND command sends the content of the "reserved buffer"
over the PSXX link.
From the BASE prompt, you can activate the PSXX SEND <CR> command.
The SEND command can take three seconds to be executed.
The response displayed has a maximum of 64 characters.
<BS> If you make an input error in a parameter setting (in configuration mode), you can use the
"backspace key" (<BS>, equivalent to Ctrl-H on a PC keyboard) to delete input one character
at a time. If no setting is entered, the <BS> key displays the previous parameter of the same
link descriptor, the same logical resource or the same table.
ESC The escape command terminates execution of a command or, after using a navigation
command, displays the system prompt BASE.
BOOT This command restarts the system and restores the configuration settings stored in RAM. All
calls are cleared. The BOOT command must be used after making any change to the
memory configuration with the MEM command or after creating a link descriptor.
DERR This command is used to display the latest "fatal error" details of the system. These details are
kept in backup memory on the Megapac E08-E15 equipped with CPU-E, the Megabox-SL,
Megapac ESL/Megafrad, and the Megapac VME.
DUMP This command is used to back up the current configuration in a file (MS-DOS file, for
example) for subsequent re-use (downloading).
GET This command can be used to back up, on a PC, for example, preselected elements of a
configuration (a link descriptor, logical resource or table) for subsequent downloading.
HALT This command is a function of the software downloading system. It can be used to revert to
the software contained in EPROM (see the RUN command). It toggles the software in RAM
from ACTIVE to LOADED and boots the system. It is then the EPROM software which is run
when the system is subsequently rebooted, until the next RUN command. Any attempt to use
HALT when the EPROM software is active will result in display of the message ERROR.
The HALT and RUN commands always cause all calls to be cleared when the system is
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This command is a function of the software downloading system. It can be used to download
the system software into the Megapac's battery-backed RAM.
When this command has been entered, the system waits for a preformatted ASCII file to be
transferred. Remember that the downloading operation does not affect normal operation of
the Megapac and does not cause the system to be rebooted.
In a MegaPAC ESL and/or a MegaFRAD, the RUBP command (rubout program) must precede
the LOAD command.
RUBP This command is specific of the MegaPAC ESL and MegaFRAD.
In a MegaPAC ESL and/or MegaFRAD, this command allows the rubout of a downloaded
software. This command is required before starting the downloading by the LOAD command.
MEM You use the MEM command to assign the memory space required for each configuration table
in battery-backed RAM, and define the number of records allowed for X.25, MAC and other
tables. The memory size is calculated according to requirements.
As with the CONF command, the Megapac prompts you to enter information one parameter at
a time and displays the current setting of the parameter. Here, too, the ? and <BS> keys
operate in the same way and have the same effects as in the CONF command.
Press <ESC><ESC> to quit the current configuration process.
☛ When a parameter is changed in the MEM table, you must use the BOOT command to
activate the changes and ensure data consistency.
QUIT This command forces the Megapac to interrupt the connection established with the BASE link
descriptor (default resource name: BE00).
RUN This command is a function of the software downloading system. When the ASCII file has
been transferred into RAM using the LOAD command, the RUN command switches the
downloaded software to the ACTIVE state and then reboots the system. If no error is detected
in the downloaded software, and provided that the HALT command is not run, the new
operating system will be run each time the system is subsequently rebooted. Any attempt to
use RUN when the downloaded software is active will result in display of the message ERROR.
TIME The TIME command is used to set the system date and time. Date and time information are
used by the system to time-stamp charging records, error log records, reports and so on.
SAVE This command allows to define a personalized configuration by default from the current
configuration. The SAVE command works only if the previous personalized configuration by
default has been rubbed out by the RUBC command.
This command is available with CPU-D or CPU-E cards from Megapac - Megabox boxes, and
with Megapac ESL - Megafrad boxes.
RUBC This command allows to rub out the personalized configuration by default.
This command is available with CPU-D or CPU-E cards from Megapac - Megabox boxes, and
with Megapac ESL - Megafrad boxes.
SAVE On Megapac VME21 and VME9 versions with CPU-60 boards installed, the SAVE and RUBC
RUBC commands can be used to save or delete the personalized, default configuration, depending
on the system software currently running. The CPU-60 board will store four different system
CPU-60 software versions and their respective personalized, default configurations.
(Refer to the TELELOAD ENABLE/ NO YES 2ND 3RD parameter of the BASE descriptor).
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3. Memory configuration
Link descriptor information, the definitions of logical channels and the routing files form the basis for a
particular allocation of RAM memory. You use the MEM command to access the MEM table and enter
the allocation parameters.
As a rule, the default settings for the various parameters in the MEM table should be adequate for most
The following table shows, in the order in which they appear in set-up mode, the memory allocation
parameters with their default settings.
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3.1 « MEM » table
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RESET N (by default) Parameters in the MEM table are not reset.
Y Parameters throughout the MEM table are reset to
their default settings on next boot.
All current data for all tables is deleted.
The MEM RESET = YES command from downloaded
software retains this software providing the software in
PROM is from the same family.
(Before modifying « MEM SIZE » any personalized
default configuration must be erased by using the
command « RUBC »)
SIZE 7680 to 63488 Number of bytes allocated to configuring system
descriptors and resources.
By default:
20448 (CPU-E) The default setting depends on the type of CPU board.
20430 (CPU-VME) The default setting « 20448 » is that of the CPU_E;
« 20430 » for CPU_V and CPU_40 boards.
NUMBER OF MENUS Setting from 1 to 32 Number of records (screens) in the MENU table
(presentation mode).
By default: 1 Each record occupies 1024 bytes.
NUMBER OF HELP Setting from 1 to 32 Number of records in the HELP table (help displayed to
SCREENS the user).
By default: 1 Each record occupies 1024 bytes.
NUMBER OF PASSWORDS Setting from 1 to 2000 Number of records (passwords) in the PASS table.
By default: 4 Each record occupies 18 bytes.
NUMBER OF SERVICE Setting from 1 to 2000 Number of records (8-character service names) in the
By default: 6
Each record occupies 18 bytes.
NUMBER OF X.25 Setting from 1 to 2000 Number of records in the X.25 table.
ADDRESSES By default: 32 Each record occupies 54 bytes.
NUMBER OF ISO Setting from 1 to 2000 Number of records in the ILAN table.
ETHERNET ADDRESSES By default: 16 Each record occupies 62 bytes.
NUMBER OF MACRO FILE Setting from 1 to 2000 Number of records in the MAC table.
RECORDS By default: 32 Each record occupies 74 bytes.
NUMBER OF BILLING Setting from 1 to 2000 Number of records in the BILL table.
RECORDS By default: 20 Each record occupies 70 bytes.
NUMBER OF ERROR LOG Setting from 1 to 2000 Number of records in the ELOG table.
RECORDS By default: Each record occupies 82 bytes.
- 20 (on E)
- 200 (on VME)
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Memory configuration Page 3-2
3.2 Default configuration
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The default configuration (system) includes the default values detailed for each parameter described in
this manual. Particularly, the default configuration (system) includes at least 2 X25 type descriptors
(PS01 and PS02).
In the tailored default configuration’s absence, the default configuration (system) is taken into account.
A memory space (memory saved by a battery or FLASH memory) allows to define a tailored default
This function is available on the Megapac - Megabox equipped with CPU-E cards, on Megabox SL
boxes, and on Megapac ESL - Megafrad boxes.
The RUBC system command allows to rub out the tailored default configuration.
The SAVE system command allows to define a tailored default configuration from the current
The SAVE command can work only if the previous tailored default configuration has been rubbed out by
the RUBC command. The SAVE command leads to the « ERROR » system message when the previous
tailored configuration hasn’t been rubbed out.
The tailored default configuration includes the specific table size and their contents, as well as the whole
specific parameters of the associated descriptors and resources.
Setting MEM RESET = YES returns you to the default configuration (system or tailored).
Changes to this parameter take effect on the next BOOT.
If the MEM SIZE parameter is unchanged, BOOTING restarts the system with the default configuration
(system or tailored) and table sizes adopt their default settings.
It is normal to find a reduction in MEM SIZE following each MEM RESET = YES.
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Memory configuration
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The configuration memory is divided into areas, some fixed, others adjustable (if necessary) according to
user requirements.
These areas are:
1. a reserved fixed area of 2048 bytes.
2. a fixed area of 72 bytes containing the pointers for the next two areas.
3. a fixed area containing the link descriptor configuration including descriptors of TYPE = NULL.
4. a variable area containing the resource or resource group configuration, each resource or resource
group occupying 66 bytes.
5. a fixed area of 464 bytes containing the Megapac table pointers.
6. a variable area containing the Megapac table records:
• X25
• PROF (this table is fixed)
• MEM (this table is fixed)
The MEM SIZE parameter controls the size of the group of areas (2+3+4), to the detriment or advantage
of the group of areas (5+6).
Changing (increasing) the number of records in a table, adds a new size table at the end of the table
area (area 6). The memory space occupied by the old table is lost.
The modification takes effect on the next BOOT.
Note: Reducing the number of records in a table is not taken into account.
Use MEM RESET/ YES then BOOT commands to return to default values.
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3.6 Megapac VME with CPU-V or CPU-40 and Megapac - Megabox with CPU-E
131 071
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By default, MEM SIZE is 20 430, the size of area (2+3+4) is equal at 85966 bytes.
This setting lets you configure 604 descriptors and approximately 570 resources with CPU-40.
There is then still an area 6 of approximately 43 000 bytes for the Megapac tables.
604 x 80 bytes = 48320 bytes (CPU-40 and 640 software)
Area 4 Resource configuration MEM SIZE
One block of 66 bytes for each resource or resource group
N x 66 bytes (approximately 570 resources)
Area 5 464 bytes (pointers)
Area 6 Table configuration
Table Record bytes total
MENU 1 1024 1024
HELP 1 1024 1024
PASS 4 18 72
NAME 6 18 108
X25 32 54 1728
ILAN 16 62 992
MAC 32 74 2368
PROF 48 30 1440 (fixed)
BILL 20 70 1400
ELOG 200 82 16400
MEM 12 10 120 (fixed)
Total 26676
131 071
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Each physical port of the switch is assigned a link descriptor which represents the data link layer of the
OSI model. For a given port, the associated link descriptor constitutes the data structure defining:
• the name of the link used to identify it uniquely in the Megapac, for example: PSxx in which xx can be
the number n of the link in the set of links;
• the protocol used on that link: X.25, PPP, Frame Relay, Bridge, Router, etc;
• the number of logical resources supported by the link and which provide the virtual circuits for setting
up calls over the link;
• the various characteristics profiling the link.
The link descriptor must be defined in the order representing the hardware configuration of
☛ each Megapac and working from the top left position (nearest the CPU) to the bottom
right position.
In practice, for links of the same type - X.25, for example - and the same sub-type - XIO, for example -
the Megapac links the nth link descriptor to the nth physical port able to support the link type and sub-
type defined by the descriptor, in this example, the nth XIO port available.
There is no fixed relationship between an I/O descriptor as it appears in the configuration and the
physical position it occupies in the Megapac subrack. The address of each board which identifies its
position on the bus is determined by a jumper located on each board. The descriptor (software) is linked
to its module (hardware) by the definition of the SUB-TYPE/ parameter in one of the following four ways:
• SUB-TYPE/ PRI Addresses a PRI-64 module allowing the connection of 1 or 2xT2 primary access
Note: SUB-TYPE/ XIO+SIO is proposed for Megapac E, Megabox and Megabox SL.
The combination XIO+SIO means that either an XIO-E or SIO-E card can be addressed when
the link is used in X25 protocol (TYPE/ X25).
For the other protocols (TYPE ≠ X25), the SUB-TYPE parameter must indicate which card is
being used (XIO, SIO, GIS, etc.).
In the following example, six physical boards have been defined. Although there is no relationship
between the descriptors and the I/O boards, the first descriptor assigned a set of TYPE/ and SUB-TYPE/
parameters is always mapped with the port of a similar SUB-TYPE/ having the lowest address on the
BUS, and so on.
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Overview of link descriptors Page 4-1
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The table below illustrates the principle applied when assigning link descriptors to physical ports.
The example is of a Megabox with:
• a CPU-EE board (with 2 XIO ports),
• an Ethernet board,
• an XIO board,
• an MIO board,
• an SIO board,
• and an GIS board.
PS03: TYPE/ X25 Port 1 of XIO board One X.25 link on XIO.
SUB-TYPE/ XIO (lowest address)
PS04: TYPE/ X25 Port 2 on XIO board One X.25 link on XIO.
MIO1 to MIO6: TYPE/ TERM Port 1 to 6 of MIO board Six asynchronous ports (MIO)
PS05: TYPE/ TERM Port 1 of SIO board Two asynchronous ports (SIO).
(lowest address)
PS06: TYPE/ TERM Port 2 of SIO board Two asynchronous ports (SIO).
GIB1: TYPE/ X25 Port 1 of GIS board One X.25 link in a B channel on
SUB-TYPE/ GIO (lowest address)
GIB2: TYPE/ X25 Port 2 of GIS board One X.25 link in a B channel on
GISD: TYPE/ X25 Port 3 of GIS board One X.25 link in a D channel on
SUB-TYPE/ GIO indicates that the descriptor addresses a board supporting the "Generic Interface".
• For GIS (S0) you must declare three descriptors (2B + D).
The first descriptor of a GIS board contains the interchanges with the board.
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Overview of link descriptors
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E Descriptors
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Configurations defined without
XIO CPU port 1
observing the physical constraints
ETHE of the modules installed will cause
system failures.
This would be the case for a
PS03 Ethernet Megapac containing only two XIO
SUB-TYPE/ XIO ports installed for which you had
TYPE/ X25 defined three descriptors with the
PS04 XIO port 1 parameters.
TYPE/ X25 XIO port 2 The Megapac would terminate the
session, try to reset the system
and generate a bus access error.
MIO1 MIO port 1
MIO port 2
MIO4 MIO port 3
MIO port 4
MIO port 6
SIO port 1
SIO port 2
GIS canal B
G1B2 GIS canal D
Figure 4-1 Relationship between descriptors and physical ports
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By default, two X.25 links are defined with the default names: PS01 and PS02.
All the other link descriptors are identified by the name: NAME/ XXXX and the type: TYPE/ NULL
indicating that they are not assigned.
You use the TYPE parameter of the link descriptor to determine the nature (protocol) of the link.
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Overview of link descriptors
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E Parameter
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Range of
Routing protocol
Meaning and scope
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E Parameter
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E Parameter
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Each link descriptor is associated with a number of logical resources corresponding to the network layer
of the OSI model.
Each logical resource provides a virtual circuit for setting up a call over the link with which it is
associated. A logical resource defines:
• the name of the virtual circuit used to identify it within the Megapac (routing in the Megapac is based
on resource names);
• the virtual circuit type;
• the various characteristics that identify the resource uniquely.
Other modifiable parameters depend on the type specified for the link descriptor.
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5. System descriptors
The BASE descriptor defines the general operating attributes of the Megapac node. It represents the
first data structure in the Megapac node configuration. At any initial log-on, the "BASE" prompt is
The BASE descriptor is also the structure towards which output from the other descriptors is directed.
A single logical resource named BE00 is assigned to the BASE descriptor. This is the logical resource
representing the virtual command port (VCP) via which Megapac configuration procedures are carried
This is a virtual port. Any physical port can be used to access the VCP. The virtual command port can
also be accessed locally or remotely. It is identified by a name which, once entered, provides access to
the BASE descriptor and then to the Megapac configuration as a whole.
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System descriptors
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E Parameter
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Range of
0 to 255
Meaning and Scope
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System descriptors
E Page 5-2
E Parameter
By default =
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5.1.2 Table of parameters for logical resource BE00 associated with BASE
Note: Access to the BE00 resource of the « BASE » configurator by a PAD-X25 connection
causes the configurator to send a modified PAD profile (X29 packet).
This profile modification sets the PAD parameters as follows:
• parameter 2 at 1 (ECHO=YES)
• parameter 4 at 1 (DELAY=1)
• parameter 15 at 0 (EDIT=NO)
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System descriptors
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When the « GATE » configuration is set at the level of the descriptor « BASE » resource (BE00):
• the caller receives the « prompt » of the Menu(0).
• The caller has to give his password.
• The caller is assigned of the priority level - CP - indicated in the PASS table for the selected
According to the CP assigned to the caller, the access will be the following one:
MENU table
PASS table
In this example,
• The access to the « BASE » descriptor is reserved to the callers with CALL PRIORITY/ 2 at least.
• When a caller gives the « JEAN » PASSword he has access to the whole configuration commands
(CP = 2).
• When the caller gives the « HELENE » PASSword, his rights are limited (CP = 18).
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The EPCI descriptor is the second link descriptor used directly after the BASE descriptor. It represents
the two asynchronous links available on the CPU board's command port.
At the link level, it has no parameters which can be modified by the operator or displayable parameters.
The EPCI descriptor is exclusively linked to the two logical resources handling the asynchronous links A
and B of the command port:
• a first logical resource corresponds to CPU board command port A, named by default: EI00(0),
• a second logical resource corresponds to CPU board command port B, named by default: EI01(1).
These asynchronous ports provide local access to the Megapac set-up functions, and are used for
conveying Megapac diagnostic messages and statistics reports - see also the REPORTS and SESSION
STATISTICS parameters of the BASE descriptor.
The names identifying the associated logical resources, and their parameters, can be displayed and
modified in the same way as any other logical resource. The configuration parameters are the same as
for resources of a terminal type link: TERM. The disconnect character (DISC MODE) is by default « 11 »,
which correspond to ^K command.
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This descriptor represents the third data structure seen in Megapac node configuration, and appears after
the BASE and EPCI descriptors. In a network of Megapac nodes, the Network Management System
(NMS) uses management centers organized around PCs connected to the network via X.25 ports to
provide the following functions:
• Real time observation of network status: status of links and equipment, use of links and equipment,
operational statistics and call billing management,
• Network administration,
• Troubleshooting.
For this, each target Megapac node handled by the network management system must have a virtual
NMS link. The NMSC descriptor parameters for the NMS link are used to define its name and the
number of logical resources associated with it.
A single logical resource is created by default. It may be beneficial to have several, differentiated logical
resources. The logical resources of the NMS link are individually assigned event filters and activity
statistics profiles using the NMS software. This means that you can, via multiple logical resources,
access the observation data for each Megapac node differentiated by data type and with regard to their
frequency of reporting to the management center or centers.
The logical resources are individually identified by a name and associated, displayable and modifiable
configuration parameters.
Special features include:
• A number of NMS link logical resources can be set up with identical names to form a virtual circuit
group with mutual backup coverage. Consider, for example, three logical resources sharing the name
NC01: NC01(1), NC01(2) and NC01(3).
The virtual circuit set up between a network management center (NMC) and the logical
resource group NC01 will first choose the lowest numbered logical resource: NC01(1).
If that virtual circuit is disconnected - logical resource state = DISC - an attempt to set up a
new virtual circuit will then be directed in turn to the higher numbered logical resources:
NC01(2) then NC01(3).
The virtual circuit to logical resource NC01(1) is then re-established automatically when its
state reverts to DATA.
• Compared to other logical resources, the NMS link logical resource configuration parameters are
limited to two, as detailed below.
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5.3.1 NMSC descriptor parameters
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DRC MASK 4-character name Name fully identifying the destination logical resource
By default = •••• on output from the Megapac, if the NMS link resource is
assigned to send calls to the management centers.
The default setting is applied if the NMS link resource is set
to receive only calls from the management centers.
CIRCUIT TYPE By default = Type of logical (channel) resource.
CALL + STAT The possible attributes for each logical resource associated
with the NMS link are as follows:
CALL The logical resource initializes the call to the resource
identified by the DRC MASK parameter described above, if
If not specified, the resource can only receive calls.
OUT The logical resource can only receive calls. The DRC
MASK parameter must be set to its default.
SVC Does not apply to an NMS resource.
PVC Is used with the test function (RESP mode).
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E Parameter
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Range of
Meaning and Scope
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The X.25 table contains a number of entries or records defining the relationship between network
address (or X.121 addresses in the X.25 protocol) and resource names. The size of the table is defined
in the MEM (MEMORY) table. Its default size is 32 records.
The various records in the X.25 table can be input from the system prompt. The X25 command can be
entered at any time to select the table. The CONF command can be used to introduce the parameters of
the record and the prompt displayed on screen specifies the record number and the current parameter.
The order of the records in the table has a significant effect on search procedures. The INSE and DELE
commands can be used to arrange the records as appropriate.
A record is configured as follows:
NAME/ 4 characters. This name should be equivalent to the NAME/ parameter of the
"resource" to which a call will be routed.
ADDRESS GROUP/ A number from 0 to 15.
This parameter is used to segment the records in the X.25 table. It is used in
conjunction with the parameter of a descriptor of the same name.
You can assign a setting to this field to restrict the correlation with the NAME/ field.
The correlation is limited to one "resource" with the same setting in the ADDRESS
GROUP/ parameter. In this way, you can partition a network into different
addressing domains.
The ADDRESS GROUP mechanism is used only by the Megapac after address
ADDRESS/ Alphanumeric field with up to 16 characters.
This address is compared with the called DTE number in the call request packet
incoming to a switch.
This field is also used to generate or modify the X.121 address of the call request
packet outgoing from the switch when the "resource" corresponds to the previous
two parameters.
USER DATA/ Alphanumeric field with up to 30 characters.
This parameter is used to assign facilities and call user data.
If more than the 30 characters of this field are required, the hyphen character (-) at
the end of the line will indicate that the field is continued in the next X.25 record.
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Routing by X.25 table
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6.3 Using the X.25 table
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The X.25 address of the called DTE in the call request packet is compared with the ADDRESS/
parameters of the records in the X.25 table (in sequence) to find a match. When a match is found, the
corresponding resource name (NAME/) is chosen. However, the ADDRESS/ field can include characters
which perform functions on the number concerned.
The use of these characters (or wildcards) to perform the substitute function is specified below:
∗ Replaces a character string of any length.
! Replaces a single character.
"n After a change of network domain, retains a number "n" of characters.
#n After a change of network domain, deletes a number "n" of characters.
T After a change of network domain, reconstructs a called DTE address.
T– After a change of network domain, reconstructs the calling DTE address.
The table below shows a few examples of the power and flexibility of the X.25 table with the use of wild
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6.4 Address translation
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When a call request packet is received by the Megapac switch, the destination address (called DTE) is
compared sequentially with the ADDRESS field of the records in the X.25 table.
When a match is found in the table, the presence of a letter T at the end of the address in the X.25
record triggers a special process.
Using the resource name found in the NAME field of the X.25 record, the MAC table is analyzed if
necessary (if Extend Call Management=OUT), to determine whether there is an output MAC program for
this resource (facilities and user data manipulating).
If there is no output MAC program, the X.25 table is analyzed again, from the beginning, to find a
matching resource name (NAME/).
The address specified in the ADDRESS/ field will be taken for the new destination.
For a call request packet for which the called DTE address is 123456789, a first scan of the X.25 table
finds an address match in record (n+3), which generates a resource name P100.
When the address field ends with a T, the table is scanned again, but this time using the resource
name previously found as the search criterion.
A match is found in record (n) of NAME/ P100, and the called DTE address in the call request packet is
replaced by the address of this record (7777777777).
The call request packet is then sent to a logical resource named P100, with the new destination address.
☛ All scans of the X.25 table start at the beginning of the table.
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If the main link of resource P100 fails, another route via another link descriptor defined with resources of
the same name (P100), but with a lower priority, can be used.
For translation to an address dependent on the route used, the ADDRESS GROUP/ parameters of the
link descriptor and of the X.25 record must be used.
The first destination "resource" is always determined irrespective of the address translation request.
(ADDRESS GROUP/ is meaningless when first scanning the X.25 table).
When the destination "resource" has been found in the X.25 table, Megapac selects an available
"resource" in accordance with the RP - CP rules, and stores the ADDRESS GROUP of the link descriptor
supporting this "resource".
The X.25 table is scanned again, this time looking for a match between "resource" NAME and the
"descriptor" ADDRESS GROUP. The record found can be used to generate the call request packet with
the content of the ADDRESS/ field.
Figure 6-4 Translation with "T" and the ADDRESS GROUP field
• In the example, on resource P200 (CP=2) of the PS02 link, a call request packet requests
• Record (n+3) indicates a routing over a resource P100 with address translation.
• Megapac selects resource P100 (RP=2) of the PS03 link, in which ADDRESS GROUP = 0. If this link
can be used, record (n) of the X.25 table indicates a routing over a resource P100 with AG=0, and the
destination address is " 7777777777".
• If the PS03 link is unavailable, Megapac selects resource P100 (RP=1) of the PS04 link, in which
ADDRESSGROUP = 1. If this link can be used, record (n+2) of the X.25 table indicates a routing
over a resource P100 with AG=1, and the destination address is "12345666" .
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There are two characters which let you manipulate destination addresses with even greater flexibility.
With them, you can copy certain parts of the original address to the new call request packet, while other
parts are generated by the Megapac software.
• The "#" (hash) character followed by a single digit can be used to skip the specified number of
characters in the original address.
• The "″" character (double apostrophe) followed by a single digit can be used to copy the specified
number of characters from the original address.
The digit following the special character is a hexadecimal digit, indicating the number of characters to be
copied or skipped (up to 15).
Figure 6-6 Use of the copy (″) and skip (#) characters
For a call request packet for which the called DTE address is 12345678900, the Megapac finds a match
in record "n+1" of the X.25 table, which generates a resource name P100.
The address field finishes with a T, so the table is scanned again, but this time taking the resource name
as the search key.
A match is found in record (n) of NAME/ P100.
The called DTE address in the call request packet is constructed as follows:
• take 2342,
• then copy the first 4 digits of the original address,
• then skip 5 characters of the original address,
• then copy the last 2 characters of the original address,
• then add 27.
The final address is then 2342 1234 00 27.
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6.4.4 Inserting the source address "-"
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When scanning the X.25 table to route a call, if the selected record includes a "-" (hyphen) character
immediately after the address, the X.25 table is scanned again, this time looking for a match on the
resource name (NAME/) of the incoming channel.
The content of the address field associated with the corresponding NAME/ field is then inserted as the
source address (calling DTE address) in the outgoing call request packet.
In the above example, imagine that the call request packet with destination address 123456789 is
received over a "resource" with the name P200.
The X.25 table search finds record (n+1), but the – character after the number indicates insertion of a
calling address.
The X.25 table is scanned again, this time using the incoming "resource" name (P200) as the search
A match is found in record (n) and a number 222123456 is inserted in the source address of the outgoing
call request packet.
The call request packet is then forwarded over a "resource" named P100, with the source address
222123456 and destination address 123456789.
Note 1
When scanning the X.25 table to find the source name (in the above example, NAME/ P200), the
ADDRESS GROUP/ field must match that of the outgoing link descriptor. In this way, the source
address inserted can be closely matched to the selected route.
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Note 2
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It is important to remember that for "resources" named ″ ″ ″ ″ or ″∗∗∗, the name of the "resource"
referenced is the last name spelt out in the list of incoming "resources".
In the above example, if the call is received over "resource" 4 of the incoming link (see below), the
corresponding name in the X.25 table is PADA.
The match is found in record n+2 (containing the wildcards ∗∗∗∗), which is translated into generation of
the source address 23421200012500.
Think of record n+2 as a net for catching all logical resource names (NAME/) without a match in the X.25
table. This technique can also be used to allocate a single source address to all call request packets
The SKIP and COPY functions described above can be applied to the source address (calling DTE) to
construct a source address in which certain parts of the original address (for example, the supplementary
address) are retained.
Where appropriate, in cases where the translation of both addresses (source and destination) is required,
the address field in the X.25 record can contain T–.
Verification, insertion or substitution of the source address (calling DTE) cannot be specified in the
OPTIONS/ parameter of the X25 link descriptor (VRFY, INSE, SUBS Options).
The MAC table with the CAD function "Calling DTE address", and the TLAT option "Call request packet
reconstruction" may be used.
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6.6 Manipulating user data
Facilities and call User Data are inserted in a call request packet by specifying the USER DATA/ field of
a record in the X.25 table.
This information can be generated
• automatically if the user specifies a particular destination "resource" using the presentation mode. In
this case, the Megapac is responsible for generating the call request packet, or
• specifically by the use of the letter T in the ADDRESS/ field. In this case, the Megapac is responsible
for routing a call request packet generated elsewhere.
The USER DATA/ field can contain any number of call user data or facility bytes.
When the X.25 record cannot contain all of the information, the – (hyphen) character can be added to the
end of each record to indicate that the field concerned extends to the next record.
The user data can be entered in hexadecimal, or in hexadecimal followed by a character text string. A
character string must be prefixed with an ' (apostrophe) indicating that the ensuing characters must be
treated as ASCII. You cannot redefine hexadecimal characters after text characters.
In the example below, a match is found for the first four digits of an X.25 destination address. To be able
to insert the USER DATA/ field (assuming that the call request packet does not have one), the
ADDRESS/ field of the X.25 record includes a letter T to trigger address translation. The Megapac scans
the X.25 table again and looks for a matching logical resource name (NAME/). When it finds a match (in
this case, in the same record), the content of the USER DATA/ field is used to modify the call request
packet. The routing data is unchanged.
When the call request packet already has a facilities field or a call user data field,
despite the match in the table and the existence of the letter T, the call request packet
is routed unaltered.
The facilities field must be specified in hexadecimal in brackets and before the call user data field. No
space is allowed in the specification of these fields. The length of each field is computed automatically
and inserted in the call request packet with the fields concerned.
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State 0
Return to state 0
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Routed directly
over DRC
First link
YES descriptor
Search priority > 0?
First logical
Search priority
Search priority: RP
of this resource?
Next logical
Logical resource name
in packet: name of
NO this resource?
link descriptor? Resource name present
NO in X.25 table?
Return to state 0
logical resource? Logical resource
NO available?
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resource name
Search priority
CP of calling DTE
First link
YES descriptor
Search priority > 0?
First logical
Search priority
Search priority: RP
NO of this resource?
Next link
descriptor? Logical resource
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For links requiring a special routing, the MAC table is activated by the link descriptor's EXTENDED CALL
MANAGEMENT/ parameter (IN, OUT or V25B).
For other links, the MAC table is used by default.
Each MAC record can be associated with one or more link descriptors.
The association is declared in the NAME field of the MAC record. This field fully or partially identifies a
After a BOOT or REST command has been used, each MAC program is linked with the link descriptors
concerned, and then executed.
The size of the MAC file is set using the MEM command.
The file size is specified in the "NUMBER OF MACRO FILE RECORDS" record of the MEM table. By
default, the MAC file is set to 32 records.
The MAC table is accessed by the MAC then CONF commands.
Modifications made to the MAC table necessitate a switch reset (BOOT command), or require
☛ « RESTART » commands to be implemented for the descriptors of which the routing has been
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7.3 Input MAC program
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Apart from certain particular functions, each function (specified in the FUNCTION field of a MAC record)
must be located between the IBEG and IEND delimiters respectively marking the beginning and end of
an input MAC program.
In the OPTIONS field of an MAC record, the setting reinforces or modifies the action performed by the
associated function.
(X.25 descriptor).
XID Used to define "XID" dialogue in a Token Ring - SNA environment outside
(DLC descriptor).
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Brief description
(input MAC program)
Position with respect
PU In a Token Ring environment, a PU record is used to specify without delimiters at the
operation of the ring (UTP/STP, 4 or 16 Mbit/s). beginning of the table
PU Specifies type 2 PU operation for a resource (0) of a CLUS descriptor without delimiters at the
(cluster controller function). beginning of the table
PU Used to associated an IP address with a record in the NAME table in without delimiters at the
the PAD Telnet functions (IP, TIP descriptors). beginning of the table
PU Used to define a station address and an XID for resource (0) of an without delimiters at the
MAP descriptor. beginning of the table
OEND Output MAC program.
OBEG Output MAC program.
IEND Input MAC program end delimiter.
IBEG Input MAC program beginning delimiter.
EOF Output MAC program.
DATA Output MAC program.
DATA General "SNMP" supervision information for a Megapac node. without delimiters at the
beginning of the table
MARK Output MAC program.
POSN Output MAC program.
COPY Output MAC program.
DELE Output MAC program.
INSE Output MAC program.
DPR Selection on an IP protocol and one or more destination addresses between the delimiters
CPR Selection on an IP protocol and one or more source addresses between the delimiters
FAC Selection on "facilities" data. between the delimiters
ELSE Used to define other routing. between the delimiters
CUD Selection on call user data. between the delimiters
DAD Selection on a called address, on a destination address. between the delimiters
CAD Selection on a calling address, on a source address. between the delimiters
NOP Used to reserve a record for subsequent use. between the delimiters
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WIPX When the Megapac is configured in the IPX router environment:
the TIME function and WIPX option are used to filter the Watchdog IPX (Spoofing) messages.
SAP When the Megapac is configured in the IPX router environment:
the TIME function and SAP option are used to filter the SAP messages,
the ROUT function and SAP option are used to define an SAP static route.
TLAT Accesses the X.25 table.
Reconstructs a field in the outgoing call request packet.
REJ Transmits a clearing packet with predefined "cause/diagnostic".
Filters IP datagrams.
TCAL Establishes a class 2 or 3 OSI transport connection.
ISO Sets up a class 3 OSI transport connection to implement the reassignment on fault procedure.
This enables a restart after disconnection at "network" level.
Y13 ISO+Y13: this option adds information to the TPDU_CR (Connection Request) specifying insertion
of the calling address on reconstruction of the X.25 level 3 call request packet at the destination
Megapac output.
CAD Completes the "Calling DTE address" field of a call request packet.
THRU Assigns a default throughput class to all virtual circuits using the incoming link. This is the
maximum throughput class allowed in each direction of transmission.
TALK Indicates use of the presentation service.
TALK Indicates a Terminal emulation type or a TELNET emulation via the NAME table.
BILL The call is subject to billing.
You can jointly specify TCAL and BILL. In this case, the virtual circuit underlying the OSI
transport connection is subject to billing.
DISC Output MAC program.
EXPE Sets up a class 2 or 3 OSI transport connection with use of the "expedited data" service.
JUMP Performs a jump conditioned by another input MAC record.
COPY Transfers all or some of the content of a field (calling DTE address, called DTE address, facilities,
call user data), in an incoming call request packet, into the buffer associated with the X.121
address field of the X.25 file.
FLAG Reserved for future use.
TRAP Reserved for future use.
NOT Used to reverse the role of the BAR function.
NONE No option can modify the action performed by the associated function.
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0 to 32 As a rule, the content of the SELECTOR field of an input MAC record validates the content of the
characters relevant field in the call request packet.
According to the function selected, the specification of a line can be continued in subsequent
records. For this, enter a hyphen (-) in the last character position of the line to be continued.
0 to 32 As a rule, the content of the GENERATOR field of an input MAC record represents the destination
characters logic resource on which routing is to be performed.
There are many exceptions:
• with the CAD option, the GENERATOR field contains the name of an originating resource
associated with a calling address.
• with the THRU option, the GENERATOR field contains the default throughput class assigned
to the incoming link.
• with the COPY option, the GENERATOR field contains a string containing special characters
"+", "#", and/or """.
This character string can be prefixed by the name of an outgoing resources which must be
followed by a comma.
• with the TALK option, indicating an emulation type (Terminal, Telnet), the GENERATOR field
contains a string representing an entry in the "NAME" table.
• etc. ...
According to the function selected, the specification of a line can be continued in subsequent
records. For this, enter a hyphen (-) in the last character position of the line to be continued.
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7.3.5 Input MAC algorithm
Page A
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Megabox - Megapac - Megafrad - "600B" software configuration manual
Incoming call
request packet
Extended Call
Management IN?
Does NAME field YES
contain the name
of an incoming link?
field? Next MAC
Start of input record?
MAC prog.
"Current" record
DAD disregarded
PROCESS (page c)
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E Page B
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(page A)
Content of outgoing
call request packet
Field concerned stays unchanged
reconstructed in
outgoing call request
Does SELECTOR field (page A)
of source record
validate appropriate
field of outgoing call
request packet?
(page C) (page A)
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E Page C
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"Current" MAC
record serviced CONTINUED
(page A)
OPTION YES Presentation mode
EXPE Class 2 or 3 OSI transport
OPTION YES connection with use of
field? "expedited data" service
NO Content of outgoing
call request packet
BRC field? unchanged
(page D)
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E Page D
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Megabox - Megapac - Megafrad - "600B" software configuration manual
Connection to next
record with NAME
field containing
a reference
field contain a
Is call request packet
validated by SELECTOR field?
Connection to input
DISREGARD YES MAC record associated
(page A) with reference
field contain
three references? Connection to input
MAC record associated
YES with second reference
Is call request packet
DISREGARD validated by first
(page A) reference of selector field?
Is content of SELECTOR
field greater than
corresponding field in
call request packet?
Connection to input
MAC record associated
with second reference
Connection to input
MAC record associated
with third reference
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7.4 Output MAC program
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Megabox - Megapac - Megafrad - "600B" software configuration manual
Each function (specified in the FUNCTION field) must be located between the OBEG and OEND
delimiters, respectively marking the beginning and end of an output MAC program.
The OPTIONS field of an output MAC record is not used.
• Before executing an output MAC record, "T" or "T-" must be specified in the "ADDRESS" field of the
corresponding record in the X.25 table.
• When processing various types of facility (X.25 - "OSI" DTE), the MAC software keeps a record of
insertions, deletions and/or copies performed previously.
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Brief description
(output MAC program)
Position with
respect to
PU Input MAC program.
OEND Output MAC program end limit.
OBEG Output MAC program start limit.
IEND Input MAC program.
IBEG Input MAC program.
EOF Terminates execution of the output MAC program, bearing in mind that between the
only facilities are concerned. Users Data are deleted. delimiters
DATA Stores information in the "user data" field of an incoming call request between the
packet. delimiters
Terminates execution of the output MAC program.
DATA Transfers a telephone number to the V.25 bis link virtual descriptor. between the
MARK Sets a service type marker in the "facilities" field of an incoming call between the
request packet. delimiters
POSN Sets the MAC logic subsystem at the start of one of the following service between the
types: "X.25" or "OSI DTE", in the "facilities" field of a call request packet. delimiters
COPY Copies one or more codes and their associated parameters into the between the
"facilities" field of an incoming call request packet. delimiters
DELE Deletes a code and its associated parameters from the "facilities" field of between the
an incoming call request packet. delimiters
INSE Inserts a code and its associated parameters in the "facilities" field of an between the
incoming call request packet. delimiters
DPR Input MAC program.
CPR Input MAC program.
FAC Selection on "facilities" data. between the
ELSE Input MAC program.
CUD Reconstructs (or does not reconstruct) the "Call user data" field of a call between the
request packet. Transfers the resulting telephone number to the V.25 bis delimiters
link virtual descriptor.
DAD Reconstructs (or does not reconstruct) the "Called DTE address" field of a between the
call request packet. Transfers the resulting telephone number to the delimiters
V.25 bis link virtual descriptor.
CAD Reconstructs (or does not reconstruct) the "Calling DTE address" field of a between the
call request packet. Transfers the resulting telephone number to the delimiters
V.25 bis virtual descriptor.
CAD Allows to authorize or forbid to a caller (calling ETTD address) the access between the
to an output resource. delimiters
NOP Used to reserve a record for subsequent use. between the
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WIPX Input MAC program.
SAP Input MAC program.
TLAT Input MAC program.
REJ Input MAC program.
TCAL Input MAC program.
ISO Input MAC program.
Y13 Input MAC program.
CAD Input MAC program.
THRU Input MAC program.
TALK Input MAC program.
BILL Input MAC program.
DISC Output MAC program (see V25B descriptor).
EXPE Input MAC program.
JUMP Input MAC program.
COPY Input MAC program.
FLAG Reserved for future use.
TRAP Reserved for future use.
NOT Input MAC program.
NONE No option can modify the action performed by the associated function.
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0 to 32 As a rule, the content of the SELECTOR field conditions execution or non-execution of the
characters function concerned.
According to the function selected, the specification of a line can be continued in subsequent
records. For this, enter a hyphen (-) in the last character position of the line to be continued.
0 to 32 As a rule, the content of the GENERATOR field is:
characters • Facility code.
• Facility parameter(s).
• Facility type marker.
• Telephone number (V.25 bis link).
• Syntax for reconstructing the field of the call request packet, to obtain a telephone number
(V.25 bis link).
According to the function selected, the specification of a line can be continued in subsequent
records. For this, enter a hyphen (-) in the last character position of the line to be continued.
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7.4.5 Output MAC algorithm
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Page A
Outgoing call
request packet
Call Management X.25 routing
OUT? Transparently copies F and
UD from incoming call
request packet.
Does NAME field
contain name of
outgoing link?
X.25 routing
Deletes F and UD found in
incoming call request
Start of output
MAC prog.
CONT 1 F = Facilities
(page B) UD = User Data
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E Page B
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Positioning and
marking functions
field? field satisfied?
X.25 routing
Deletes F and UD found in
incoming call request
MARK packet.
field? Are SELECTOR field
conditions satisfied?
YES Outgoing call request
-Stores second byte of
marker 0000, marking
field contain start of X.25 F
00? -All corresponding masks
CONT 2 reset to 0.
(page C)
Outgoing call request
-Stores second byte of
YES marker 000F, marking
start of OSI DTE F
field contain
-All corresponding masks
OF? reset to 0.
F = Facilities
UD = User Data
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E Page C
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F insertion, deletion
and copy functions NEXT
Are conditions in SELECTOR
field? field satisfied?
In outgoing call request packet,
is corresponding marker already
stored there?
Is mask associated DISREGARD
with F code already
set to 1? Outgoing call request packet
NO -Inserts corresponding F code and
DISREGARD parameters.
-Mask associated with F inserted
DELAY already set to 1.
field? Are conditions in SELECTOR
field satisfied?
DISREGARD In outgoing call request packet,
is corresponding marker already
stored there?
Is mask associated
with F code already
set to 1? Incoming call request packet
NO -Deletes corresponding F code and
DISREGARD parameters.
COPY -Mask associated with deleted F code
FUNCTION YES already set to 1.
field? In SELECTOR field, are
conditions satisfied?
DISREGARD In outgoing call request packet,
is corresponding marker already
field contain 20 H Output call request packet
(space)? -In F field concerned, copies each
YES code (if mark set to 0) and
CONT 3 parameters.
(page D) -Mask associated with each F code
copied then set to 1.
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E Page D
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In SELECTOR field, are
field? conditions satisfied?
Outgoing call request packet
DISREGARD -Constructs/reconstructs F
-Inserts information in
"F length" field.
field? In SELECTOR field, are
conditions satisfied?
Outgoing call request packet
-Constructs/reconstructs F
YES -Inserts information in
"F length" field.
-Inserts information in UD
X.25 routing
OEND X.121 address to which
YES outgoing call request packet
is routed must have T-.
Otherwise, F and UD cannot be
handled by output MAC program.
X.25 routing
Deletes F and UD found in
incoming call request packet.
F = Facilities
UD = User Data
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8. Other Tables
A logical resource can be associated with an input password control ("source resource" with PASS
option) or an output password control ("destination resource" with GATE option).
When the PASS option is specified, the caller must enter the password, when prompted, after the
menu (0) is displayed.
The content of the PASSWORD field is then checked against the records in the PASS file.
In the DRC MASK field, all or part of a destination resource can be identified. This identification will be
used for routing.
The content of the CALL PRIORITY (CP) field dictates the call priority assigned to the calling DTE. For
routing to take place, the destination logical resource must have a resource priority (RP) less than or
equal to the calling DTE's call priority.
The MENU NUMBER field contains the number of the menu displayed, associated with the calling DTE's
logical resource.
The BILLING field determines whether a record is to be stored in the "charging" file at the end of the
The above procedure remains valid for the GATE option.
However, the password check is applied on output, in other words, when the calling DTE is connected to
the "destination resource" (which has the GATE option).
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Other Tables
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8.2 NAME table
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Megabox - Megapac - Megafrad - "600B" software configuration manual
Each record of the NAME table links a service name to a resource name (known to Megapac only).
The NAME field contains a service name to be entered by the caller.
In the DRC MASK field, you can identify a destination resource fully or partially. This identification will
be used for routing purposes.
The content of the CALL PRIORITY field (CP) represents the call priority, assigned to the caller.
For routing to take place, the destination logical resource must have a resource priority (RP) less than or
equal to the caller's call priority.
The BILLING field establishes whether a record is to be stored in the "charging" file at the end of the
NAME Table :
The size of the NAME table is established using the MEM command.
The size of the table is specified in the "Number of Service Names" record of the MEM table.
The NAME command can be used to access the NAME table manually.
Routing :
Direct routing based on the service name entails configuring (OPTIONS = NAME) the resource of the
calling DTE. Two possibilities must be considered :
• The DRC MASK of the resource isn’t informed ( DRC MASK/ . . . . ), the caller must dial a service
name composed with 1 to 8 characters corresponding to an input of the NAME table.
• The DRC MASK of the resource is informed ( DRC MASK/ ABCD ), in this case ABCD is interpreted
as a 4-character service name, which must correspond to an input of the NAME table.
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Structure of a NAME record
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Megabox - Megapac - Megafrad - "600B" software configuration manual
NAME 0 to 8 characters Service name.
DRC MASK 4 characters Fully or partly identifies a destination resource, used for non-
automatic routing.
The DRC MASK format can be ^ddd. This is compatible with
the LIST function of an input MAC program.
CALL PRIORITY 0 to 15 Calling line priority(CP >= RP).
By default = 0
BILLING E At the end of each session, a record is stored in the BILL
D (default setting) The "billing" service is deactivated.
OPTIONS ISO OSI transport layer - class 2 or 3.
PROF The PROF table contains a PROFILE CODE/xxxx record.
"xxxx" corresponds to the content of the DRC MASK field
specified in this NAME record.
3270 3270 terminal emulation.
An emulation buffer must have been configured first (BASE
PPP Emulation of an asynchronous IP connection in point to point
(see TERM descriptor).
Beforehand, the emulation buffer must have been configured
(BASE descriptor).
PPP+PAP Emulation of an asynchronous IP connection in point to
point, with « PAP » authentication protocol (see TERM
Beforehand, the emulation buffer must have been configured
(BASE descriptor).
TELN PAD TELNET emulation (Telnet client).
An emulation buffer must have been configured first (BASE
TELR REVERSE PAD TELNET emulation (Telnet server).
An emulation buffer must have been configured first (BASE
NONE No option.
default setting
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8.3 MENU table
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Megabox - Megapac - Megafrad - "600B" software configuration manual
The MENU file is used in conjunction with the MENU NUMBER/NEWS NUMBER parameter ("logical
resource" level) or with a PASS record ("MENU NUMBER" field).
It can be used to show information to the caller, for guidance in the routing process.
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Structure of the MENU file
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The MENU file size defaults to one record, so a MENU record number 1-32 can always be defined.
The size of the MENU file is established using the MEM command.
The size of the file is specified in the "Number of Menus" record of the MEM table.
The MENU command provides manual access to the MENU file.
• the 7 or 8-bit character located immediately after the "@" character is processed transparently.
• each 8-bit character after the "&" character is processed transparently.
• ^J this command inserts a line feed without altering the cursor position.
• ^M this command inserts a carriage return and positions the first character of the next line at the
start of the line to the left of the screen. For display quality purposes, it is best to have a line feed (^J)
before the carriage return (^M).
• ^G this command inserts a beep which will be replayed on display to draw the user's attention
(EXAM command or on receipt of the menu).
• # this command displays the name of the logical resource used by the caller.
• #% this command displays the list of service names of the NAME file.
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8.4 HELP table
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The HELP table is used exclusively when the caller has selected the "service name" mode (OPTIONS =
NAME at "logical resource" level).
The value set for the HELP NUMBER parameter ("logical resource" level) provides access to the
corresponding HELP record.
Situations triggering display of a HELP record
A call with a wrong service name is received at the Megapac over a logical resource for which the HELP
NUMBER parameter has been set.
The HELP record number 0 is then displayed to the caller containing an introductory message.
When the caller enters "HELP <CR>" or "?", the HELP record with the number corresponding to the
value set in the HELP NUMBER parameter is displayed.
Structure of the HELP file
The HELP file size defaults to one record, so a HELP record number 1-32 can always be defined.
The size of the HELP file is established using the MEM command.
The size of the file is specified in the "Number of Help Screens" record of the MEM table.
The HELP command provides manual access to the HELP file.
• the 7 or 8-bit character immediately after the "@" character is processed transparently.
• each 8-bit character after the "&" character is processed transparently.
• ^J this command inserts a line feed without altering the cursor position.
• ^M this command inserts a carriage return and positions the first character of the next line at the
start of the line to the left of the screen. For display quality purposes, it is best to have a line feed (^J)
before the carriage return (^M).
• ^G this command inserts a beep which will be replayed on display to draw the user's attention
(EXAM command or on receipt of the menu).
• # this command displays the name of the logical resource used by the caller.
• #% this command displays the list of service names of the NAME file.
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8.5 ILAN table
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The ETHERNET ADDRESS field contains a destination address DA (MAC - IEEE 802.3), identifying a
LAN station.
The TSAP field identifies one or more transport service access points, used by the class 4 transport
protocol - ISO 8073/AD2. This field can be reconstructed using the "#"," syntax.
The USER DATA field contains call user data.
The size of the ILAN file is established using the MEM command.
The size of the file is specified in the "Number of ISO ETHERNET Addresses" record of the MEM table.
The ILAN command provides manual access to the file.
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Structure of an ILAN record
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NAME 4 characters Resource/logical resource name.
OPTIONS ISO Class 4 transport layer - ISO 8073/AD2.
EXPE Class 4 transport layer - ISO 8073/AD2, with use of the
"expedited data" service.
DBIT Inserts the D bit in X.25 call request packet and data
TALK Activates the Megapac presentation mode.
Y13 Inserts a Y.13 protocol identifier in the call request packet.
NONE Cancels implementation of the class 4 transport layer - ISO
default setting 8073/AD2.
ETHERNET ADDRESS 12 characters Destination address DA (Mac-IEEE 802.3).
blank by default Note:
The DA address is used only if the WAN initializes the
connection to the LAN.
TSAP 0 to 20 characters Class 4 TSAP addresses - ISO 8073/AD2.
blank by default This field can contain the following information:
RRRR, LLLL The WAN initializes the connection:
RRRR = called TSAP.
LLLL = calling TSAP.
RRRR The LAN initializes the connection:
RRRR, LLLL RRRR = original called TSAP.
RRRR, (DDDD, LLLL) DDDD = reconstructed called TSAP.
LLLL = calling TSAP.
USER DATA 0 to 30 characters User data.
blank by default
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8.6 BILL table
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The "BILL" table retains information on calls through the Megapac and calls generated by the Megapac.
The size of the BILL file is established using the MEM command.
The size of the file is specified in the "Number of Billing Records" record of the MEM table.
The BILL table is circular.
When its specified maximum capacity is reached, excess records overwrite records at the start of the
The BILL command provides manual access to the BILL table.
☞ Access to the "BILL" table is denied for incoming calls with a call priority CP=1 where the
GATE option is set (outgoing password control).
At the end of each session, a "billing" record is stored when any of the following situations applies:
• In "automatic routing" mode, the call request packet uses a logical resource set with the BILL option.
Remember that if the PASS or GATE option is specified for the resource, the BILL option is not
applicable. The "BILL" table service is provided by the BILLING parameter of the PASS table.
In "automatic routing" mode, connections successfully established and rejected connections are
logged in the "BILL" table.
• In "presentation" mode, the corresponding PASS record has "E" (Enable) in its BILLING field.
• In "service names" mode, the corresponding NAME record has "E" (Enable) in its BILLING field.
• The incoming link uses the input MAC table (ECM=IN). The MAC table has a record (DAD, CAD,
FAC, CUD) with the BILL option.
For a record using CUD "routing based on call user data", the "password" field of the BILL record
contains the first 8 characters of the "user data" field.
For a record using the transport layer, TCAL+BILL option, the "calling address" and "called address"
field of the BILL record contains the corresponding TSAP (SSAP and DSAP) in hexadecimal.
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Megapac prints out charging tickets at the end of a call when configured to do so. These tickets are
placed in the circular "BILL" file.
• Charging tickets always contain the following information:
• The serial number of the ticket (this number is zeroed when memory is initialized by the MEM
RESET/YES command),
• The date and time of the start of the call,
• The call duration (minutes and seconds),
• The number of "packets" sent and received,
• The number of bytes sent and received.
• Tickets can also contain the following optional information:
• The caller's password, if there is one (PASS or GATE option),
• The call request packet's user data (on X.25 with the BILL option in the MAC-IN table),
• The call request packet's calling and called addresses (on X.25 without transport),
• The call request packet's reverse charging facility (on X.25),
• The call clearing packet's cause and diagnostic code (on X.25),
• The SSAP and DSAP if the Transport layer is used (TCALL+BILL option).
The ticket is placed in the BILL file where the two Megapac resources are disconnected, provided that:
• The calling resource (or called resource in X.25) is configured with the BILL option, or
• The BILL option is dynamically requested on this resource by the BILLING ENABLE parameter of the
PASS or NAME files or via the BILL option in the MAC-IN table.
ACCOUNTING = YES (BASE descriptor).
0013;0085 Total number of bytes sent and received. 2-n
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Other Tables Page 8-10
8.7 ELOG table
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This table stores messages concerning "system" errors and anomaly situations.
The text of these messages is normally self-explanatory.
The size of the ELOG file is established using the MEM command.
The size of the file is specified in the "Number of Error Log Records" record of the MEM table.
The ELOG file is circular.
When its specified maximum capacity is reached, excess records overwrite records at the start of the
The ELOG command provides manual access to the ELOG file.
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Other Tables
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9.1 General
The Megapac can be configured to handle X.25 calls via an XIO, MIO, SIO interface board, or board with
SCC controller as the range Megapac ESL and Megafrad.
The XIO board has a dedicated built-in processor and is therefore the best suited for this protocol.
The Megapac can also be configured to handle X.25 calls via the ISDN network. For this, and depending
on the Megapac type, the GIS card offers S0 (2B+D) basic rate access, and the PRI card offers T2
(30B+D) primary rate access.
The TYPE/ parameter of any link descriptor determines the Megapac's operating mode and must be set
to X25 to enable an X.25 synchronous link to be set up. In the event, a TYPE/ X25 link descriptor
corresponds to a physical controller which requires each I/O board which might be accessed by the CPU
to be addressed uniquely.
The next (SUB-TYPE) parameter of the descriptor, containing the type of board that the physical
controller is required to address, is important to enable the system to differentiate the boards installed in
the Megapac.
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The tables on the following pages summarize the various parameters which can be set in the X.25 link
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1MHZ, 512K, 256K,
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Choice of : 2MHZ,
(T2 board) For a X25 descriptor with SUB-TYPE=PRI-64 (T2 board) and
Megapac VME NEW PHYSICAL INTERFACE=YES, this parameter specifies the
operating mode of the T2 board interfaces.
SPEED=EXT Specifies the operating mode as DTE with external clock (the T2
card uses the network clock).
Is usually used when connected to an ISDN network.
SPEED=2MHZ Specifies the operating mode as DCE with internal clock (the T2
card uses the internal clock board).
PIGGY TYPE By default = V24 Choice of the interface type
Megapac ESL and (DCE+V24) The hardware must be correctly configured (straps) to allow the
Megafrad software to choose the interface type.
DCE The physical interface type is the DCE type.
This mode must be used in V24 interface.
It can be used in X21 and V35 interface on the J1 and J2 ports.
V24 (J1 to J6) The V24 interface is used. it provides :
or DCE+V24 • a DCE port (to a terminal), using the straight cable 55.670.243
• a DTE port (to a modem), using the crossed cable 55.670.357
DCE+X21 (J1 to J2) The optional X21 interface of the J1 and J2 ports is used in DCE
mode (to a terminal).
DCE (J1 to J2) The optional V35 interface of the J1 and J2 ports is used in DCE
mode (to a terminal).
DTE The physical interface type is the DTE type.
This mode must not be used in V24 interface.
It can be used in X21 and V35 interface on the J1 and J2 ports.
DTE+X21 (J1 to J2) The optional X21 interface of the J1 and J2 ports is used in DTE
mode (to a modem).
DTE (J1 to J2) The optional V35 interface of the J1 and J2 ports is used in DTE
mode (to a modem).
PACKET SIZE Choice of: 32, 64, 128, Maximum negotiable outgoing packet size, in bytes.
256, 512, 1024, 2048,
4096 or TRAN.
By default = TRAN Packet size transparency.
Any packet size accepted, up to the size of the internal buffers.
BANDWIDTH 0 to 32767. Maximum throughput , in characters per second tenth.
By default = 0 An incoming call is routed over a virtual circuit of the link if the
required throughput (specified for the incoming resource either by
BANDWIDTH/, or by the THRU option of the input MAC table) is
less than or equal to the available throughput of the link.
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By default = NO Enables or disables the facility to run V.54 tests on the link.
When this mode is enabled, V.54 tests can be run using the
commands V54L (local loop), V54R (remote loop) and then TEST
(test activation), and are deactivated by the V54X command.
YES V.54 tests can be run on the link.
With an XIO board, the "TEST" option should be selected.
NO V.54 tests cannot be run on the link.
ADDRESS By default = DCE Establishes the profile of the link descriptor between data
circuit terminating equipment - DCE, or data terminal
equipment - DTE.
The defaults links descriptors PS01 and PS02 are respectively
DTE and DCE mode.
DTE or A The link descriptor is a logical DTE, and can communicate only
with a "logical DCE".
DCE or B The link descriptor is a logical DCE, and can communicate only
with a "logical DTE".
AUTO In V.25bis configuration:
(AUTO+DTE) The link descriptor is a logical DTE when it initiates the call.
The link descriptor is a logical DCE when it receives the call.
AUTO+DCE In V.25bis configuration:
The link descriptor is a logical DCE when it initiates the call.
The link descriptor is a logical DTE when it receives the call.
CHANNELS By default = 1 Number of logical resources associated with the link.
1 to 4096, if the LCGN Any change to the number of "CHANNELS" associated with a link
parameter is 0 must be followed by a BOOT command for the change to take
1 to 256, if the LCGN
The defaults links descriptors PS01 and PS02 are configured with
parameter is other
16 channels (number from 0 to 15).
than 0
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(Megapac VME)
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for 1, the window = 1 In normal frame mode, with the "FRAME SEQ" link parameter set
for 2, the window = 2 to its default "NORM" setting (see below), the settings are:
for 3, the window = 3 Window size: 1 to 7.
for 4, the window = 4
for 5, the window = 5
for 6, the window = 6
other, the window = 7
for 1, the window = 3 In extended frame mode, with the "FRAME SEQ" link parameter
for 2, the window = 7 set to "EXT" (see below), possible setting for the parameter
for 3, the window = 15 correspond to the following window sizes:
for 4, the window = 31 Window size: 3 to 127.
for 5, the window = 63
for 6, the window = 127
other, the window = 127
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K LEVEL3 1 to 127
for 1 to 7
for 8 to 127
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T13 (180 seconds)
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9.2.1 Fragmentation
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Rising bit rates over X.25 links have lead to an increase in packet size and mean that the Megapac is
increasingly being required to fragment packets in X.25 switching/concentration mode. Such is the case,
for example, of a site concentrating 9600 bit/s X.25 ports with 128-byte packets into 128 kbit/s ports with
512-byte packets and a window size of 3.
The table below gives the maximum packet window size that can be set according to the packet
fragmentation ratio between the two X.25 ports. In the above example, in which the fragmentation ratio
is 512/128 - 4, the packet window size can be set to its maximum value (7).
The window to be taken into account is that of the X.25 port with the biggest packet size. By observing
the requirement of this table, the Megapac will not lose packets even in the worst case X.25 level 3 flow
control conditions (port speed, PAD imbalance, etc).
The XIDR and XIDC options previously described require records in the MAC table.
The list of XIDs must be entered before any input MAC program (IBEG, etc) or output MAC program
(OBEG, etc).
The list of all the XIDs of all the links must be included at the start of the MAC table. This list must not
have gaps and, for convenience, the XIDs of the same link are kept together.
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Bandwidth management on calls over a link is implemented if the bandwidth parameter of the link
descriptor is set to a non-zero value. This defines the maximum bandwidth that can be handled by the
link (bit rate shared between calls). To take account of encapsulation and the random nature of the
traffic, it is best to define approximately 80% of the link bit rate. The value should be expressed in bytes
per tenth of a second.
The "BANDWIDTH" parameters of the X.25 link descriptors and of the associated resources enable
bandwidth management.
The "BANDWIDTH" parameter of the link descriptor represents the maximum throughput that can be
handled by the link.
⇒ the "BANDWIDTH" of the link descriptor is expressed in characters per tenth of a second.
On an X.25 link, the required throughput for an incoming call can be defined in two ways:
1 - MAC table and THRU option
The incoming link descriptor has the EXTENDED CALL MANAGEMENT parameter set to IN (ECM=IN)
and an input MAC table record with the THRU option.
All incoming calls from link PS04 are assigned a required throughput of 9600 bit/s, in other words 1200
The MAC table and the THRU option take priority over the bandwidth parameter on the incoming
2 - Bandwidth on the incoming resource
If there is no record in the MAC table with the THRU option, the required throughput for an incoming
call can be specified using the BANDWIDTH parameter for the incoming resource.
⇒ the "BANDWIDTH" on the resource is expressed in characters per tenths of a second.
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A virtual circuit of an incoming link which has a required throughput indication can be routed only on a
virtual circuit of a link for which the available throughput is equal to or greater than the requested
The available throughput of a link is equal to the maximum throughput of the link minus the
throughput assigned to each virtual circuit set up on the link.
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In each of the above three cases, the source Megapac sends an X.25 connection request to which the
remote end responds with confirmation.
For this operation, the remote Megapac uses the MAC (IN) table specifying the TCAL option (Transport
CALL), indicating the presence of the transport facility.
The source Megapac, on receiving the X.25 confirmation, initiates a Transport connection request (T_CR
-> Transport Protocol Data Unit_Connect Request) acknowledging the remote end (T_CC -> Connect
The structure of the Transport address is designated TSAP (Transport Service Access Point).
This is used to identify both ends of the transport "circuit".
The Megapac uses :
• the four characters of the source resource name for the local TSAP,
• the four characters of the "destination" resource name to make up the remote TSAP.
It is therefore important to have the same destination resource names in the Megapacs at both ends of
the transport connection.
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TRANSPORT LEVEL TYPE/ NONE Transport function not enabled for this link.
ISO This parameter activates the transport function for this
TRANSPORT CLASS/ NONE The transport function is not enabled for this link.
0 The "simplest" service, requires a network layer
providing an acceptable error ratio.
Simple end-to-end connections, without error correction
(transmission problems or release).
Errors are detected by the network layer and transmitted
to the transport layer, but with no action taken.
Conventional application: teletex terminals.
2 Multiplexes a number of transport connections over
one network connection.
Flow control may be requested to avoid congestion
problems on the network connection.
No restart on error mechanism.
3 Multiplexes a number of transport connections on the
same network connection.
Flow control may be required to avoid problems of
congestion on the network connection.
Restart on errors reported mechanism
DEFAULT WINDOW SIZE/ 0 to 7 Credit limit for transport session calls.
By default = 0 Must be set to 1 at least.
YES Flow control set to YES only if the transport class is 2.
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called 789
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Destination Megapac:
Name Function Options Selector Generator
Mac (n) PS** IBEG NONE
Mac (n+1) PS** DAD TCAL 55 999
Mac (n+2) PS** IEND NONE
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The main link handling the transport function is named NAME/xxxx and its LINK GROUP/ is greater
than the backup link.
The backup link for the transport link is named NAME/$xxx, and its LINE GROUP/ is at least 1.
The last three characters of the main link and backup link names are the same.
The NAME/ parts of the resources of the two links are similar.
When the main link goes down, the OSI class 3 transport protocol activates the reassignment on fault
procedure (network disconnection), and the Megapac performs the new routing procedure:
• It tries to set up a virtual circuit over the main link and, if it fails, it uses a resource of the backup link
(same name beginning with the character $).
When connections are set up on the backup link, the Megapac checks periodically to see whether a main
link has become operational again, provided it has the following characteristics:
NAME/xxxx The last three characters should match those specified with the NAME/ parameter of
the backup link.
LINE GROUP/y This value should be greater than that specified with the LINE GROUP/ parameter of
the backup link.
If it has, the backup link is restarted, clearing the virtual circuits backed up.
The OSI class 3 transport protocol activates the reassignment on fault procedure (network
The virtual circuits are therefore set up again on the main X.25 link resource, the characteristics of which
were given above.
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E Example
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NAME/ P300
... NAME/ P400
... ...
... ...
Called 789
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SUPR Used in conjunction with the NAME option (see above), this
attribute activates the supervisor mode for routing by an operator.
NAME DRC MASK/ . . . .
The calling end specifies the routing by entering a service name (8
chars max). This name should match an entry in the NAME table.
ABCD is interpreted as a service name. This name should match
an entry in the NAME table.
NAME+X28 Used only in conjunction with the NAME option, this attribute
activates support of the X.28 command syntax.
NO_M not used with X25 resource.
ISO This attribute activates the transport function for this resource.
DIAG This attribute activates the Cause and Diagnostic code recording
procedure in clear confirmation packets.
SNMP, TELR Does not concern X25 resource.
IDLE This attributes activates the timer specified in the INACTIVITY
DETECT TIMER/ parameter of the BASE descriptor.
NONE None of the options is implemented.
BUFFERS Setting from 1 to 240 Setting determining the total number of buffers that can be
By default = 2 used for transmitting input data before the receive mode
level 3 window is closed.
This figure is added to that defined by the K LEVEL3/ parameter
of the X.25 descriptor.
DISC MODE Setting from 0 to 32 This parameter does not apply to an X.25 "resource".
By default = 0
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By default = 0
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9.6 Input MAC table (X.25)
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Megabox - Megapac - Megafrad - "600B" software configuration manual
When the link descriptor's "EXTENDED CALL MANAGEMENT" parameter is set to "IN", the MAC table
is used in input mode.
The functions listed below enable various processes on the call request packet:
CAD Caller's ADdress Calling DTE address.
DAD Destination ADdress Called DTE address.
CUD Call User Data Call user data.
FAC FACilities Facilities.
* The jump reference is applied also to the COPY and FLAG options.
It then replaces the name of an outgoing logical resource.
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SELECTOR Comparison of the call request packet data and the SELECTOR field results in:
Validation OK, processing of the input MAC record continues. The content the
OPTION field is analyzed.
Validation not OK, the input MAC record is disregarded. The next input MAC record is
taken into account.
When the JUMP option is specified, non-validation of the content of the SELECTOR
field and the call request packet data does not necessarily mean that the input MAC
record is disregarded.
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The call request packet is routed to the logical resource indicated by the GENERATOR
REJ A clearing packet is returned to the caller. The "cause/diagnostic" fields contain the
codes indicated in the GENERATOR field.
TLAT The call request packet is reconstructed in the X.25 table. It is then routed to the X.121
address associated with the resource name and corresponding to the content of the
The Facilities and Call User Data fields are not kept. The outgoing MAC table (MAC -
OUT) can be used to reconstruct the Facilities and Call User Data fields of the call
TCAL The established virtual circuit supports one or more transport connections.
The called transport entity uses an X.25 network.
The transport connection is set up using the destination transport group name specified
in the GENERATOR field.
This name conditions direct routing to the logical resource concerned.
TALK When the GENERATOR field is blank, the call request packet is subject to presentation
When the GENERATOR field contains a service name, the Megapac automatically
selects PAD TELNET emulation, the PROF option and ICL 7561 emulation using the
NAME table.
BILL Each virtual circuit set up is subject to billing.
JUMP The content of the GENERATOR field is analyzed.
The following situations can apply:
The GENERATOR field contains a unique reference.
If prior validation is OK, the input MAC record associated with the reference is counted.
If the previous validation is not OK, the input MAC record associated with the reference
is disregarded.
The GENERATOR field contains "Ref. 1, Ref. 2".
If the previous validation is OK, the input MAC record associated with "Ref. 1" is
If the previous validation is not OK, the input MAC record associated with "Ref. 2" is
The GENERATOR field contains "Ref. 1, Ref. 2, Ref. 3".
If the previous validation is OK, the input MAC record associated with "Ref. 1" is
If the previous validation is not OK, there are two possibilities:
1. when the selected data (CAD, DAD, CUD, FAC) in the call request packet has a
setting greater than that of the SELECTOR field, the input MAC record associated
with "Ref. 3" is counted.
2. when the selected data (CAD, DAD, CUD, FAC) in the call request packet has a
setting less than that of the SELECTOR field, the input MAC record associated with
"Ref. 2" is counted.
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The virtual circuit set up supports a class 3 ISO transport connection. This can be used
to implement the reassignment on fault procedure following disconnection at the
"network" level.
The TSAP of the calling entity corresponds to the logical resource name conveying the
call request packet.
The TSAP of the called entity corresponds to the logical resource name specified in the
GENERATOR field of the input MAC record.
You can use a logical resource name (TSAP of the called entity) with the following
format: “^xxx”.
However, this does require prior implementation of the corresponding "LIST" MAC
function (routing with a DRC MASK).
ISO+Y13 Call request packet information is placed in the "call user data" field of the connection
request TPDU in class 2 or 3 transport mode.
EXPE The virtual circuit set up supports a class 2 or 3 ISO transport connection, with use of
the "expedited data" service.
CAD The X.121 address associated with the source logical resource name of the
GENERATOR is inserted in the "calling DTE address" field of the call request packet.
THRU The default throughput class defined in the GENERATOR is assigned to all virtual
circuits using the incoming link.
In practice, this is the maximum throughput class allowed in each direction of
Execution of THRU takes priority over other options set.
COPY All or some of the data selected (CAD, DAD, CUD, FAC) in the call request packet is
transferred into the buffer associated with the X.121 address field of the X.25 table,
used to modify the called DTE address.
At the outset, an origin pointer is located on the first character of the selection and a
target pointer on the first position of the buffer.
#X advances the origin pointer by X half-bytes (hex).
Only the data ahead of this position is transferred.
+Y advances the target pointer by Y half-bytes (hex).
The data transferred is buffered from this resulting position.
Information located behind in the buffer remains unchanged.
“Z transfers Z half-bytes (hex) from the selection. After the transfer, the origin and
target pointers are advanced by Z half-bytes (hex).
Data to which the COPY option is applied is processed in bytes (hex).
FLAG The character string defined in the GENERATOR field is logically added (logical OR
operation) to the content of the binary flags buffer, beginning with the leftmost position
of that buffer.
COPY+CAD Identical to CAD option, with handling means of COPY option.
This double option is used to modify the calling DTE address.
COPY+NOT Similar to the COPY option, but the called DTE address is modified only in the call
confirmation packet in extended format.
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On link PS02, the call confirmation packet sent is in the basic or extended format, according to the
setting chosen (EXT absent or included) for the link's OPTION parameter.
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On link PS02, the call confirmation packet sent is in basic or extended format, according to the setting
chosen (EXT absent or included) for the link's OPTION parameter.
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On link PS02, the call confirmation packet sent is in basic or extended format, according to the setting
chosen (EXT absent or present) for the link's OPTION parameter.
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• In the SELECTOR field, the facility type marker must be specified.
Remember that "00" corresponds to the "X.25" type and "0F" the "OSI-DTE" type.
• In the SELECTOR field, the facility code is optional.
• In the SELECTOR field, any byte (2 hex characters) in the "parameters" field can be replaced by "!".
• In the SELECTOR field, with regard to the category D facilities, the facility code is immediately
followed by a byte indicating the length (in bytes) of the "facility parameters" field.
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• In the SELECTOR field, the facility type marker must be specified.
Remember that "00" corresponds to the "X.25" type and "0F" to the "OSI-DTE" type.
"Exchange buffer":
The "Exchange buffer" is a 4-byte buffer (32 bits).
It is used to exchange information between a "Source Resource - Destination Resource" pairing.
The exchange buffer is set to (00000000) at the start of the input MAC program.
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NAME Name(s) of the link descriptor or descriptors, linked with the input MAC program.
FUNCTION Same as for the above input MAC record. So:
• called DTE address, when it is a DAD function,
• calling DTE address, when it is a CAD function,
• call user data, when it is a CUD function,
• facilities, when it is an FAC function.
SELECTOR When routing fails, as specified in the previous input MAC record, the content of the SELECTOR
field is analyzed.
If it matches the content of the "Cause/diagnostic" fields of the clearing packet, the ELSE record
is counted.
The Cause/Diagnostic format (in hex and uppercase) may be:
(space) unconditional execution
CCDD content of the Cause and Diagnostic field
CC or CC∗ content of the Cause field; the content of the Diagnostic field disregarded
∗DD content of the Diagnostic field; the content of the Cause field disregarded.
NONE OPTION The incoming call request packet is routed to the logical resource indicated by the GENERATOR
There are two possibilities:
1. The logical resource is available.
The incoming call request packet is transmitted.
2. The logical resource is not available.
A clearing packet is returned to the caller.
The content of the "cause/diagnostic" fields is analyzed. This analysis triggers execution of the
next ELSE function, where appropriate.
TLAT OPTION The call request packet is reconstructed in the X.25 table. The Facilities and Call User Data
fields are not kept. The outgoing MAC table (MAC - OUT) can be used to reconstruct the
Facilities and Call User Data fields of the call packet.
There are then two possibilities:
1. The content (reconstructed) of the call request packet field is validated and the logical
resource is available.
The call request packet is then transmitted.
2. The content (reconstructed) of the call request packet field is not validated and the
logical resource is/is not available.
A clearing packet is transmitted to the caller.
The content of its "cause/diagnostic" fields is analyzed, triggering execution of the next ELSE
function, where appropriate.
OPTION REJ The incoming call is unconditionally rejected;
1. with the Cause/Diagnostic received when the GENERATOR field is empty.
2. with a forced Cause/Diagnostic (that of the GENERATOR field).
GENERATOR Name of a logical resource or Cause/Diagnostic forced with the REJ option.
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3 The same function (DAD) is again activated, but the content of the OPTION, SELECTOR and
GENERATOR fields may have been modified.
So, the GENERATOR field contains a new logical resource name (PSIA).
Execution of this DAD function again results in failure.
The "call/diagnostic" fields of the clearing packet returned are analyzed.
There is a match with the "cause/diagnostic" codes stipulated in the SELECTOR field of record 4
(ELSE function). Record 4 is processed.
4 The same function (DAD) is again activated, but the content of the OPTION, SELECTOR and
GENERATOR field may have been changed.
So, the OPTION field contains TLAT.
The content of the "called DTE address" field of the call request packet is reconstructed in the
X.25 file.
The GENERATOR field again contains PSAU.
This time the reconstructed call request packet is transmitted over logical resource PSAU.
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2 Calls received on PS01 with the destination address 10030206 are routed to resource P200.
Execution of the DAD function (called DTE address) results in failure.
The "cause/diagnostic" fields of the clearing packet returned are analyzed.
If the cause/diagnostic is 0900, record 3 is processed.
If the cause/diagnostic is other than 0900, record 4 is processed.
4 The call received on PS01 is unconditionally rejected with the cause FE and the diagnostic 00.
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In an X.29 "set" or "set and read packet", the logical resource RLS1, the following X.3 parameters are
• Parameter 4 (Data forwarding delay).
• Parameter 5 (Control of the start/stop mode DTE by the PAD).
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9.7 Output MAC table (X25)
Manual N5682000901 - Edition 1 - March 1999
Megabox - Megapac - Megafrad - "600B" software configuration manual
When the "EXTENDED CALL MANAGEMENT" parameter of the link descriptor is set to "OUT", the
MAC table is used for output.
ECM = OUT, with "CAD" records can be used to enable or prevent access to the output resources from a
calling line (Calling DTE address).
The output MAC table can have one or more records with the CAD function. These records specify the
calling DTE addresses that are allowed to use the selected destination resource.
The "CAD" records for filtering calling addresses should be placed immediately after the start record
A number of "CAD" records can be strung together.
In a set of a filtering "CAD" records, an "NOP" record is not allowed.
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In this case, there is no filtering on the calling address, and the structure is as follows:
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When the ECM parameter of the link descriptor is set to OUT, the MAC table is used in output mode.
ECM = OUT is used to handle:
• "facility data",
• "call user data".
For data handling purposes, it is important for a record in the X.25 table to indicate that "translation" is
required. The "T" indicator should be specified.
A "translation" can also be requested through an input MAC program including a record with the "TLAT"
ECM is not OUT The "facility data" and "call user data" are not modified, and are
transmitted transparently.
ECM = OUT The "facility data" and "call user data" are deleted.
No output MAC program
ECM = OUT The "facility data" and "call user data" are modified or reconstructed
Output MAC program according to the output MAC program.
OBEG Start of output MAC program.
COPY The functions are used to manipulate the "facility data".
DELE These functions must be followed by a record with the EOF or DATA function.
EOF This function specifies the end of "facility data" handling, and terminates processing with
no "call user data" inserted.
DATA and field This function specifies the end of "facility data" handling and terminates transparent
GENERATOR empty processing for the "call user data".
DATA and field This function specifies the end of "facility data" handling and terminates the process by
GENERATOR = xyz inserting the "call user data" specified in the GENERATOR field.
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E "POSN" function
Manual N5682000901 - Edition 1 - March 1999
Megabox - Megapac - Megafrad - "600B" software configuration manual
NAME Names of the link descriptors linked with the output MAC program.
FUNCTION In an incoming call request packet, positions the output MAC logic at the start of a facility
type (X.25, ISO-DTE).
SELECTOR Conditional execution of the POSN function. The following situations can apply:
No information is specified.
The POSN function is executed regardless of the names of the source and destination logical
resources used.
The name of a destination logical resource is specified.
The POSN function is executed when the name of the destination logical resource used
matches the name defined in the SELECTOR field.
The names of both destination and source logical resources are specified.
The POSN function is executed when the names of the destination and source logical
resources used respectively match the names defined in the SELECTOR field.
GENERATOR This field contains two hex characters representing the second byte of a marker, marking the
start of a facility type. The following characters can be specified:
00 = Position at start of "X.25" facility type.
OF = Position at start of "ISO-DTE" facility type.
Positioning at the start of a facility type is accompanied by reinitialization (resetting) of all
masks associated with that type.
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{ 0
0 "X.25" masks
marker { 0
"ISO-DTE" masks
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E "INSE" function
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Megabox - Megapac - Megafrad - "600B" software configuration manual
NAME Name(s) of the link descriptor(s) linked with the output MAC program.
FUNCTION Inserts a code and one or more associated parameters in the "facilities" field of an outgoing call
or request packet.
SELECTOR Conditional execution of the INSE function.
The following situations can arise:
No information is specified.
The INSE function is executed regardless of the names of the source and destination logical
resources used.
The name of a destination resource is specified.
The INSE function is executed when the name of the destination logical resource used matches the
name defined in the SELECTOR field.
The names of destination and source logical resources are specified.
The INSE function is executed when the names of the "destination" and "source" logical resources
used respectively match the names defined in the SELECTOR field.
The name of a destination resource is followed by a hex character string (maximum 4 bytes).
The INSE function is executed when:
• the name of the "destination" resource used by the call request packet is the same as that of
the SELECTOR field.
• at least one character string in the SELECTOR field matches the content of the "binary flags"
buffer associated with the input MAC program concerned.
The source and destination resource names are followed by a hex character string
(maximum 4 bytes).
The INSE function is executed when:
• the names of the "destination and source" resources used by the call request packet
respectively match those of the SELECTOR field,
• at least one character string in the SELECTOR field matches the content of the "binary flags"
buffer associated with the input MAC program concerned.
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This field contains two hex characters, representing the facility code to be inserted, followed by:
one or more pairs of hex characters, indicating the parameter setting or settings to be inserted,
• a series of hex character strings, each associated with parameter settings. These settings are
inserted only when the corresponding character strings in the SELECTOR field validate the
content of the "binary flags" buffer associated with the input MAC program concerned.
Insertion of a "facility" code, sets the mask for that facility to 1.
Consequently, before inserting a code and one or more "facility" parameters, the associated mask is
If the mask is set to 1, the INSE function is not executed.
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Validation is carried out on the names of the source and destination resources used respectively by the
incoming and outgoing call request packets.
There are two possibilities:
1. The source and destination resource names match RSDS and RSDE.
The processing of record N° 4 continues.
2. A source and/or destination resource name does not match RSDS and/or RSDE.
Record N° 5 is counted.
Assume that the output MAC logic is positioned at the start of the "X.25" facility type.
The "facilities - X.25 type" field of the outgoing call request packet has inserted, in turn:
• "43", corresponding to the "Default non standard window size" facility code.
• "07", corresponding to the "window size (called DTE to network) = 7" parameter.
• "07", corresponding to the "window size (calling DTE to network) = 7" parameter.
The mask for code 43 is set to 1.
5 Validation is the same as for record N° 3.
However, the mask for code 02 is already set to 1. Consequently, the INSE function cannot be executed
and record N° 5 is disregarded.
6 Output MAC program exit point.
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E "DELE" function
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Megabox - Megapac - Megafrad - "600B" software configuration manual
NAME Names of the link descriptors linked with the output MAC program.
FUNCTION Deletes a code and one or more associated parameters from the "facilities" field of an incoming
call request packet.
SELECTOR Conditional execution of the DELE function.
The following situations can apply:
No information is specified.
The DELE function is executed, regardless of the names of the source and destination resources
The name of a destination resource is specified.
The DELE function is executed when the name of the destination logical resource used matches
the name defined in the SELECTOR field.
Destination and source resource names are specified.
The DELE function is executed when the names of the destination and source resources used
respectively match the names defined in the SELECTOR field.
GENERATOR This field contains two hex characters, representing the "facility" code to be deleted.
The parameters for this code are also deleted.
The deletion of a "facility" code sets the mask for that facility to 1.
Consequently, before deleting a code and one or more "facility" parameters, the mask concerned is
If the mask is at 1, the DELE function is not executed.
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E "COPY" function
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Megabox - Megapac - Megafrad - "600B" software configuration manual
NAME Names of the link descriptors linked with the output MAC program.
FUNCTION To copy one or more codes and their associated parameters into the "facilities" field of an
outgoing call request packet.
SELECTOR Conditional execution of the COPY function.
The following situations can apply:
No information is specified.
The COPY function is executed regardless of the names of the source and destination resources
The name of a destination resource is specified.
The COPY function is executed when the name of the destination resource used matches the
name defined in the SELECTOR field.
Destination and source resource names are specified.
The COPY function is executed when the names of the destination and source resources used
respectively match the names defined in the SELECTOR field.
GENERATOR The content of this field is:
• "space", or
• "*", or
• a facility code.
Copying a facility code sets the mask for that facility to 1.
Consequently, before copying any facility codes, the mask concerned is scanned.
If the mask is set to 1, the COPY function is not executed.
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E "MARK" function
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Megabox - Megapac - Megafrad - "600B" software configuration manual
NAME Link descriptor names linked with the output MAC program.
FUNCTION In an outgoing call request packet, stores a marker indicating the start of a "facility" type.
SELECTOR Conditional execution of the MARK function.
The following situations can arise:
No information is specified.
The MARK function is executed regardless of the names of the source and destination resources
The name of a destination resource is specified.
The MARK function is executed when the name of the destination resource used matches the
name defined in the SELECTOR field.
Destination and source resource names are specified.
The MARK function is executed when the names of the destination and source resources used
respectively match the names defined in the SELECTOR field.
GENERATOR This field contains two hex characters representing the second byte of a marker indicating the start
of a facility type.
The following characters can be specified:
OO = Set marker indicating start of "X.25" facilities.
OF = Set marker indicating start of "OSI-DTE" facilities.
The setting of a marker is accompanied by a reset (to 0) of all masks associated with this "facility" type.
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E "DATA" function
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NAME Link descriptor names linked with the output MAC program.
FUNCTION Concerning an outgoing call request packet:
Terminates processing of the content of the "facilities" field, and inserts information in the "Facility
length" field.
Stores information in the "Call user data" field.
SELECTOR Conditional execution of the DATA function.
The following situations can arise:
No information is specified.
The DATA function is executed regardless of the names of the source and destination resources
The name of a destination resource is specified.
The DATA function is executed when the name of the destination resource used matches the name
defined in the SELECTOR field.
Destination and source resource names are specified.
The DATA function is executed when the names of the destination and source resources used
respectively match the names defined in the SELECTOR field.
GENERATOR The content of the field can be:
The user data in the call request packet is copied in full into the "Call user data" field of the
outgoing call request packet.
Character strings
The characters specified are stored in the "Call user data" field of the outgoing call request packet.
Text can be specified. This must be prefixed and followed by the "'" character.
The continuation sign "-" is allowed.
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E "EOF" function
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Megabox - Megapac - Megafrad - "600B" software configuration manual
NAME Link descriptor names linked with the output MAC program.
FUNCTION Concerning an outgoing call request packet:
Terminates processing of the content of the "facilities" field, and inserts information in the "Facility
length" field.
SELECTOR Conditional execution of the EOF function.
The following situations can arise:
No EOF information is specified.
The EOF function is executed regardless of the names of the source and destination resources
A destination resource name is specified.
The EOF function is executed when the name of the destination resource used matches the name
defined in the SELECTOR field.
Destination and source resource names are specified.
The EOF function is executed when the names of the destination and source resources used
respectively match the names defined in the SELECTOR field.
GENERATOR The content of this field must be set to "space".
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10.1 Introduction
The GIS board is for connecting to the ISDN. It provides an S0 port (2B+D channels).
The GIS board has its own system software installed in IC31.
Depending on the software release installed on the Megapac or Megabox CPU board, the GIS board can
be used to relay information from protocols such as X.25, PPP, Frame Relay and SDLC to the B and D
channels of the ISDN interface.
This manual is for GIS board software reference "" (cc is the revision index, X-YY specify
a country and a standard).
This version supports relaying to the 2B+D channels of the following protocols:
• native X.25, with Megapac 400 and above
• X.25, HDLC, transparent mode, no V.25 Bis management with Megapac 400 and above
• X.25, HDLC, transparent mode, with V25 Bis management with Megapac 400 and above
• PPP, transparent mode, no V.25 Bis management with Megapac 500, 600 software
• PPP, transparent mode, with V25 Bis management with Megapac 500, 600 software
- IC50
battery GENERIC
68302 LK1
S0 LK3
SW2 4
4321 4321 2
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GIS board: "S0" ISDN interface
E Page 10-1
10.2 Megapac configuration
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Megabox - Megapac - Megafrad - "600B" software configuration manual
It is important to configure three links, in other words three "Descriptors", each corresponding to one B
channel or the D channel of the ISDN S0 interface. These three links are called "virtual links" in that
they are internal to the Megapac, and they must be configured as shown in the tables below.
Note • The descriptor associated with the "D" channel must be in native X.25 mode.
• The descriptors associated with the "B" channels can be in a different mode on the
same GIS board.
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The "Overview of link descriptors" section explains the relationships between the descriptors and
physical ports.
For example:
For two GIS boards in the same Megapac, the descriptors can be configured as follows:
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GIS board: "S0" ISDN interface
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By default = 0
By default = 0
By default = 0
Identical to an TYPE/ X25 descriptor and SUB TYPE/ XIO
Identical to an TYPE/ X25 descriptor and SUB TYPE/ XIO
Threshold for number assigned to the first logical
resource attached to the link.
1 With the "GIS" board
ADDRESS GROUP By default = 0 Identical to an TYPE/ X25 descriptor and SUB TYPE/ XIO
FRAME SEQ By default = NORM This parameter is not used with GIS board
CALL TIME OUT In seconds Call confirmation supervision timer (TP2).
By default = 5
60 Recommended with the "GIS" board
ERROR THRESHOLD By default = 20 This parameter is not used with GIS board
LOOP BAR PRIORITY By default = 0 Call loop.
Identical to an TYPE/ X25 descriptor and SUB TYPE/ XIO
EXTENDED CALL By default = NONE Extension of routing facilities.
MANAGEMENT Identical to an TYPE/ X25 descriptor and SUB TYPE/ XIO
OPTIONAL TIMERS By default = NONE Implement optional timers.
T13 (60 seconds) Call clear confirmation packet timer in logical DCE mode
T23 (180 seconds) Call clear confirmation packet timer in logical DTE mode.
T13+T23 Recommended with the "GIS" board
OPTIONAL FLAGS By default = 0 This parameter is not used with GIS board
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GIS board: "S0" ISDN interface
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10.5 GIS board configuration
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The configurator of a GIS board can be used to modify or display the tables listed below.
The GIS board configurator can be accessed via a channel or a virtual link running in native X.25 mode.
The configurator is therefore always accessible via the "D" channel of the ISDN interface or via the
virtual link associated with the "D" channel.
The parameters for the GIS adapter are saved on the board, in four tables:
QUIT releases the link providing access to the GIS board configurator.
LOOP is used to set up a test loop.
CALL is used to set up a test call.
DISC is used to disconnect a test call.
ECHO is used to select echo mode.
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The "X.25" table for the GIS board has 256 records.
A record in the "X.25" table (GIS) comprises two fields separated by a "space" character..
The "X.25" table (GIS) appears in tabular form:
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10.6.2 ISDN table syntax (GIS)
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The ISDN table for the GIS board has 256 records.
A record in the ISDN table (GIS) comprises two fields separated by a "space" character.
The ISDN table (GIS) appears in tabular form:
An incoming call is rejected if it contains a destination number (NDS-CDP) that does not match the ISDN
number of the record with the NAME IDS0.
For a record "IDS0", when the numbers (that of the adapter and NDS-CDP) are of different lengths, the
match is based on the lower order digits of the longer number. For example, the number 0140771212
matches the number 40771212.
Changes to the IDS0 field do not take effect immediately. For this, the GIS board must be reset. The
GIS board can be reset by a Megapac BOOT sequence or by the command "STOP" on the 1st virtual
link of the board.
The names GIO1 and GIO2 are names reserved for routing frames in transparent mode.
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10.6.3 LINK table syntax (GIS)
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For the B channels, when the LINK table is used and there is no corresponding node name a default
profile is used.
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For the D channel, a profile can be specified in the LINK table. The node name TEI∗ must be used to
establish this profile. Changes to the TEI∗ field do not take effect immediately. For this, the GIS board
must be reset. If there is no node name TEI∗, a default profile is used.
Likewise, for the "leased line" service (specifically Germany D64S), a profile can be specified in the LINK
table. The node name CHB1 (or CHB2) must be used to set the profile of channel B1 (or B2).
The GIS board can be reset by a Megapac BOOT sequence or by the command "STOP" on the 1st
virtual link of the board.
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10.6.4 ROUT table syntax (GIS)
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FUN meaning
1 use the 1st virtual link
2 use the 2nd virtual link
∗ use the 2nd virtual link if free, otherwise the 1st
SEL meaning
CAD When the address of the caller does not exist, the NDI of the installation is used as the
(native X25) calling address in the X.25 call request packet.
nothing or - In the X.25 call request packet, the address of the caller is unchanged.
For the key "OUT", the "OPT" option field indicates the mode of the call in the B channel:
OPT meaning
nothing The outgoing call on the B channel is in circuit mode
(circuit mode is selected by default)
PAQ The outgoing call on the B channel is in packet mode (specifically for Germany)
(similar to packet mode in a D channel)
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The D channel of the ISDN interface works in permanent logical link (PLL) mode.
The "TEI or TNA" key record does not take effect until the GIS board is reset.
If this record does not exist, calls cannot be made on the D channel.
The "TNA" key record provides to use the TEI number 0. In this case, the FUN, SEL and OPT fields are
not used, and 2B+D channels are enable.
When the network causes of a loss of "TEI", the message "CARRIER LOSS" is displayed on the
Megapac supervisory console, provided that the "DCD" option has been assigned to the link descriptor
associated with the D channel. After a loss of "TEI", the D channel cannot be used until the GIS board
has been reset.
The GIS board can be reset by a Megapac BOOT sequence or by the command "STOP" on the 1st
virtual link of the board.
The "leased line" mode is a specific service of Germany (D64S). It allows a physical connection of a B
channel to be set up on the S0 bus, with the other B channel not being used. The "leased line" mode is
used to relay X25 and HDLC protocols in transparent mode.
In "leased line" mode, the identifier name must be "CHB∗".
This record is used to force the use of one of the 2 B channels into leased line mode.
Recording of the "LLP" key is only registered after reset of the GIS board.
If this record does not exist, the B channels cannot be used in leased line mode.
TUTU TEI 3 54 -
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10.7 Statistics
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The STAT table for the GIS board has three records.
This table is read only. It provides access to statistical information concerning the links associated with
channels B1 and B2 and the D channel.
The statistics are displayed in tabular form:
EXT Extended mode E = modulo 128
nothing = modulo 8
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10.8 Help
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0x40 @ Transparency character
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10.9 Details of commands
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MGET This command is used to display the entire content of a table, without pausing, with no
header and with no current line indication.
The display always begins from the first line of the current table.
DUMP As MGET for the X25, LINK, ISDN and ROUT tables.
INIT The INIT command is used to clear all of the current table.
Only the modifiable tables (X25, ISDN, LINK and ROUT) can be deleted.
DELE The DELE command is used to delete the current line.
This command is applicable only to modifiable tables.
The current line is deleted and the content of each line that follows is copied to the previous
line. The last line becomes blank.
INSE The INSE command is used to insert a blank link at the current line position.
This command is applicable only to modifiable tables.
The content of each line from the current line is copied to the next line. The last line is lost.
The current line is replaced by a blank line.
COPY This command is used to copy the current line.
This command is applicable only to modifiable tables.
The content of each line from the current line is copied to the next line. The last line is lost.
The current line is unchanged.
Gxxx This command is used to go to the specified line.
The number of the new current line is given by "xxx".
When the number "xxx" is greater than the number of records in a table, the command
takes you to the last record in the table.
LIST This command is used to display one page of the current table, from the current line.
The header of the table is displayed at the top of each page, and the prompt is displayed at
the beginning of each line. On each page, a pause for any character is implemented
before the next page is displayed.
CONF This command is used to configure (modify) the content of a table.
This command is applicable only to modifiable tables.
The content of the current line prefixed by the prompt character is displayed, followed by
the pause character "/". The characters, apart from special characters, are temporarily
buffered, and then when committed, they replace the current line.
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10.9.2 "General" management commands
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This command is used to clear the link providing access to the GIS board configurator.
The link providing access to the configurator is also released after inactivity for longer than
three minutes.
LOOP This command is used to set up or clear a test loop between transmission and reception on
a channel.
This command is useful for approval tests.
CALL This command is used to initialize a test ISDN call.
This command is useful for approval tests; the ISDN destination number must be defined in
a NAME = TEST record. The node is defined by the "ROUT" table.
DISC This command is used to clear a test call.
This command is useful for approval tests. If there is no test call in progress, another
current call is cleared.
ECHO This command is used to enable or cancel character echo mode.
By default, with each new connection, echo mode is not enabled.
10.9.3 Dialogue
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10.9.4 Special characters
Carriage Return
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10.10.1 Native X.25 call in which the USER DATA takes the form "BE0∗"
When a GIS board is commissioned, the ISDN and X.25 tables (GIS) are empty.
A native X.25 call to one of the resources of the three descriptors of the GIS board, with USER DATA in
the form "BEO*" can always be used to access the GIS board configuration functions.
To return to the example of a Megapac with two GIS boards, the Megapac X.25 table contains the
following records:
From the terminal connected to the "CPU" board's VCP control port:
• a call to resource B1G1 provides access to the configurator of the first GIS board,
• a call to resource B1G2 provides access to the configurator of the second GIS board.
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10.10.2 Native X.25 call in which the X.121 call number is that of the configurator
A node with a name that takes the form "BE0∗" provides access to the GIS board configurator.
After first accessing the GIS board's configurator using the previous method, it is then possible to place a
record in the X.25 table (GIS), specifying:
• an identifier in the form "BE0∗",
• an X.121 number to call the node.
To return to the example of a Megapac with two GIS boards, the X.25 tables of the GIS boards contain
the following record:
B1G1 0 101
(one of the native X.25 resources of the three
descriptors of the first GIS board)
B1G2 0 102
(one of the native X.25 resources of the three
descriptors of the second GIS board)
From the terminal connected to the "CPU" board's VCP control port:
• a call to number 101 provides access to the configurator of the first GIS board,
• a call to number 102 provides access to the configurator of the second GIS board.
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10.11 Routing
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The adapter can be used to relay calls (in native X.25, transparent without V.25 Bis mode and
transparent with V.25 Bis mode) between three virtual links (three descriptors) of the Megapac switch,
and the two "B" channels and the "D" channel of the "S0" interface. The "D" channel supports only the
native X.25 mode.
Calls from the Megapac over a virtual link (resources of one of the three descriptors) are routed to the
channel associated with it, and only to that channel.
Similarly, calls received over a channel are all routed to the same virtual link (resource of one of the
three descriptors) of the Megapac.
10.12 Call from the Megapac end (B and D channel virtual link)
10.12.1 Call from a "B" channel virtual link in native X.25 mode
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10.12.2 Call from a "B" channel virtual link in transparent mode without V.25 Bis
When a frame in transparent mode without V.25 Bis from the Megapac is offered:
• If there is no call in progress:
• The identifier GIO1 is used for the 1st virtual link, the identifier GIO2 is used for the 2nd
virtual line.
• The identifier (GIO1 or GIO2) is strictly compared with the node names in the ISDN table, to
find a destination ISDN number. When there is an IDS0 record, the associated number is
used as the originating number (NDS-CGP).
• If there is no record approaching GIO1 or GIO2 in the ISDN table, the frame from the virtual
link is rejected.
The GIS board initializes the ISDN call in CIRCUIT mode by default, or in PACKET mode if the ROUT
table contains a record corresponding to the node name of the channel, with the fields KEY=OUT and
When the call to the ISDN is set up, the frames are relayed transparently between the B channel and the
associated virtual link, with no flow control.
The ISDN call is cleared after the link inactivity time-delay.
10.12.3 Call from a "B" channel virtual link in transparent mode with V.25 Bis
When a frame in transparent mode with V.25 Bis from the Megapac is offered:
• If there is no call in progress:
• The frame received is interpreted as a V.25 Bis command.
• When the "CRN" command is recognized, the "VAL" and "CNX" indications are sent over the
virtual link, and the destination number taken from the "CRN" command is used as the
destination ISDN number.
When there is an IDS0 record, the associated number is used as the originating number
The node name used is the one found in the ISDN table, corresponding to the destination
ISDN number. By default, the node names GIO1 and GIO2 are used according to the origin
of the frames (1st or 2nd virtual link).
When the ISDN call is rejected by the network, the indication "CFI" with the cause is sent over
the virtual link.
The GIS board initializes the ISDN call in CIRCUIT mode by default, or in PACKET mode if the ROUT
table contains a record corresponding to the node name of the channel, with the fields KEY=OUT and
When the call to the ISDN is set up, the frames are relayed transparently between the B channel and the
associated virtual link, with no flow control.
The ISDN call is cleared after the link activity time-delay.
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10.12.4 Call from the "D" channel virtual link in native X.25 mode
The ROUT table must include a record with the key "TEI".
Presence of this record enables the "packet in D" function.
This record defines the "D only" or "2B+D" operating mode.
This record defines the TEI number to be used for the "packet in D" call.
When a native X.25 mode call from the Megapac is offered:
• Its destination X.121 address is examined.
• If it is included in the corresponding field of a record in the X.25 table (GIS), the associated
identifier name is used. When the identifier is "BE0*", the call is connected to the GIS board
• Otherwise, the USER DATA is examined, and if in the form "BE0∗", the call is connected to
the GIS board configurator.
• Otherwise, the call is rejected.
• When the identifier is found:
• The identifier is compared with the node name of the record in the ROUT table having the
key "TEI".
• When the identifier and the node name are compatible, the "packet in D" call is initialized,
otherwise the native X.25 mode call is rejected.
The X.25 profile on the D channel is the one in the "TEI∗" record of the LINK table, if any, or the default
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When an ISDN call is accepted, the originating ISDN number (NDI-CGP) is examined.
There are two possibilities:
• NDI-CGP is present, the call is from the public network.
• NDI-CGP is absent, the call is from a private network.
When the node name is specific, the ROUT table (KEY = IN) indicates whether the call is accepted or
rejected. If accepted, the ROUT table indicates which virtual link (1st or 2nd) is associated with the call.
When the ROUT table has no record for the specific node name, the call is rejected.
When the node name is "XXXX", the ROUT table (KEY = IN) indicates whether the call is accepted or
rejected. If accepted, the ROUT table indicates which virtual link (1st or 2nd) is associated with the call.
When the ROUT table has no record for the node name "XXXX", the call is accepted as a priority on the
2nd virtual link if free, and on the 1st link otherwise.
The associated virtual link indicates the mode (native X.25, transparent with or without V.25 Bis).
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10.13.2 Call accepted from the (B) ISDN end and relayed in native X.25 mode
The node name found previously is looked up in the LINK table to determine the X.25 parameters to be
used on the B channel. If there is no corresponding node name, the default profile is used.
The B channel can then accept X.25 calls.
When the destination address for a native X.25 mode call matches the identifier "BE0∗" (GIS X.25 table),
the call is connected to the GIS board configurator. Otherwise the call is relayed to the associated virtual
10.13.3 Call accepted from the (B) ISDN end and relayed in transparent mode
without V.25 Bis
The frames are relayed transparently between the B channel and the associated virtual link, with no flow
10.13.4 Call accepted from the(B) ISDN end and relayed in transparent mode with
V.25 Bis
The V.25 Bis "INC" and "CNX" indications are sent over the associated virtual link.
After sending the "CNX" indication, the frames are relayed transparently between the B channel and the
associated virtual link, with no flow control.
The ROUT table must include a record with the KEY "TEI".
The presence of this record enables the "packet in D" function.
This record defines the "D only" or "2B+D" operating mode.
This record defines the TEI number to be used for the "packet in D" call.
When a native X.25 mode call from the "D" channel is offered:
• Its destination X.121 address is examined.
• If it corresponds to the identifier "BE0*", the call is connected to the GIS board configurator.
• Otherwise the call is relayed to the associated virtual link.
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Called 999
ISDN Network
In the above example, the terminal generates an X.25 call in which the "called number" is "999".
The originating Megabox is connected to the ISDN and its NDI is
The terminating Megabox is connected to the ISDN, its NDI is and it accepts only ISDN
calls from subscriber (in other words, the originating Megabox).
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The X.25 call request packet contains the called address "999".
G110 0 999
In this example, the outgoing call is set up in circuit mode so there is no need for a record in the GIS
board's ROUT table.
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The ISDN call reaches the destination Megabox with the originating ISDN number (NDI-CGP)
To terminate routing of the source X.25 call, the X.25 table of the destination Megabox includes a record
as follows:
P400 0 999
At the incoming end, the GIS board's X.25 table is not used.
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11.1 Introduction
The ISDN board is for connecting to the ISDN. It provides an S0 port (2B+D channels).
The ISDN board has its own system software installed in MX110.
Depending on the software release installed on the Megapac ESL basic board, the ISDN board can (or
will) be used to relay information from protocols such as X.25, PPP, Frame Relay and SDLC to the B and
D channels of the ISDN interface.
This manual is for ISDN board software reference "" (cc is the revision index, X-YY
specify a country and a standard).
This version supports relaying to the 2B+D channels of the following protocols:
• native X.25, with Megapac 500 and above software
• X.25, HDLC, transparent mode, no V.25 Bis management with Megapac 500 and above software
• X.25, HDLC, transparent mode, with V25 Bis management with Megapac 500 and above software
• PPP, transparent mode, no V.25 Bis management with Megapac 500 and above software
• PPP, transparent mode, with V25 Bis management with Megapac 500 and above software
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11.2 Megapac configuration
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It is important to configure three links, in other words three "Descriptors", each corresponding to one B
channel or the D channel of the ISDN S0 interface. These three links are called "virtual links" in that
they are internal to the Megapac, and they must be configured as shown in the tables below.
Note • The descriptor associated with the "D" channel must be in native X.25 mode.
• The descriptors associated with the "B" channels can be in a different mode on the same
ISDN board.
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The "Overview of link descriptors" section explains the relationships between the descriptors and
physical ports.
For example:
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By default = 0
By default = 0
By default = 0
Identical to an TYPE/ X25 descriptor and SUB TYPE/ XIO
Identical to an TYPE/ X25 descriptor and SUB TYPE/ XIO
Threshold for number assigned to the first logical
resource attached to the link.
1 With the "ISDN" option board
ADDRESS GROUP By default = 0 Identical to an TYPE/ X25 descriptor and SUB TYPE/ XIO
FRAME SEQ By default = NORM This parameter is not used with ISDN board
CALL TIME OUT In seconds Call confirmation supervision timer (TP2).
By default = 5
60 Recommended with the "ISDN" option board
ERROR THRESHOLD By default = 20 This parameter is not used with ISDN board
LOOP BAR PRIORITY By default = 0 Call loop.
Identical to an TYPE/ X25 descriptor and SUB TYPE/ XIO
EXTENDED CALL By default = NONE Extension of routing facilities.
MANAGEMENT Identical to an TYPE/ X25 descriptor and SUB TYPE/ XIO
OPTIONAL TIMERS By default = NONE Implement optional timers.
T13 (60 seconds) Call clear confirmation packet timer in logical DCE mode
T23 (180 seconds) Call clear confirmation packet timer in logical DTE mode.
T13+T23 Recommended with the "ISDN" option board
OPTIONAL FLAGS By default = 0 This parameter is not used with ISDN board
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11.5 ISDN board configuration
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The configurator of a ISDN board can be used to modify or display the tables listed below.
The ISDN board configurator can be accessed via a channel or a virtual link running in native X.25
mode. The configurator is therefore always accessible via the "D" channel of the ISDN interface or via
the virtual link associated with the "D" channel.
The parameters for the ISDN adapter are saved on the board, in four tables:
• X25 links a routing identifier to an X.121 address outgoing on the ISDN.
• ROUT links a link number to a routing identifier.
• ISDN links a node name to an E.164 address (ISDN number).
• LINK links a set of X.25 link parameters to a node name.
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The "X.25" table for the ISDN board has 256 records.
A record in the "X.25" table (ISDN board) comprises two fields separated by a "space" character..
The "X.25" table (ISDN board) appears in tabular form:
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The ISDN table for the ISDN board has 256 records.
A record in the ISDN table (ISDN board) comprises two fields separated by a "space" character.
The ISDN table (ISDN board) appears in tabular form:
An incoming call is rejected if it contains a destination number (NDS-CDP) that does not match the ISDN
number of the record with the NAME IDS0.
For a record "IDS0", when the numbers (that of the adapter and NDS-CDP) are of different lengths, the
match is based on the lower order digits of the longer number. For example, the number 0140771212
matches the number 40771212.
Changes to the IDS0 field do not take effect immediately. For this, the ISDN board must be reset. The
ISDN board can be reset by a Megapac BOOT sequence or by the command "STOP" on the 1st virtual
link of the board.
The names GIO1 and GIO2 are names reserved for routing frames in transparent mode.
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For the B channels, when the LINK table is used and there is no corresponding node name a default
profile is used.
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For the D channel, a profile can be specified in the LINK table. The node name TEI∗ must be used to
establish this profile. Changes to the TEI∗ field do not take effect immediately. For this, the ISDN board
must be reset. If there is no node name TEI∗, a default profile is used.
Likewise, for the "leased line" service (specifically Germany D64S), a profile can be specified in the LINK
table. The node name CHB1 (or CHB2) must be used to set the profile of channel B1 (or B2).
The ISDN board can be reset by a Megapac BOOT sequence or by the command "STOP" on the 1st
virtual link of the board.
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FUN meaning
1 use the 1st virtual link
2 use the 2nd virtual link
∗ use the 2nd virtual link if free, otherwise the 1st
SEL meaning
CAD When the address of the caller does not exist, the NDI of the installation is used
as the calling address in the X.25 call request packet.
nothing or - In the X.25 call request packet, the address of the caller is unchanged.
For the key "OUT", the "OPT" option field indicates the mode of the call in the B channel:
OPT meaning
nothing The outgoing call on the B channel is in circuit mode
(circuit mode is selected by default)
PAQ The outgoing call on the B channel is in packet mode (specifically for Germany)
(similar to packet mode in a D channel)
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The D channel of the ISDN interface works in permanent logical link (PLL) mode.
The "TEI" key record does not take effect until the ISDN board is reset.
If this record does not exist, calls cannot be made on the D channel.
When the network causes of a loss of "TEI", the message "CARRIER LOSS" is displayed on the
Megapac supervisory console, provided that the "DCD" option has been assigned to the link descriptor
associated with the D channel. After a loss of "TEI", the D channel cannot be used until the ISDN board
has been reset.
The ISDN board can be reset by a Megapac BOOT sequence or by the command "STOP" on the 1st
virtual link of the board.
The "leased line" mode is a specific service of Germany (D64S). It allows a physical connection of a B
channel to be set up on the S0 bus, with the other B channel not being used. The "leased line" mode is
used to relay X25 and HDLC protocols in transparent mode.
In "leased line" mode, the identifier name must be "CHB∗".
This record is used to force the use of one of the 2 B channels into leased line mode.
Recording of the "LLP" key is only registered after reset of the GIS board.
If this record does not exist, the B channels cannot be used in leased line mode.
TUTU TEI 3 54 -
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11.7 Statistics
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The STAT table for the ISDN board has three records.
This table is read only. It provides access to statistical information concerning the links associated with
channels B1 and B2 and the D channel.
The statistics are displayed in tabular form:
EXT Extended mode E = modulo 128
nothing = modulo 8
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11.8 Help
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0x3C > Next record
0x3E < Previous record
0x40 @ Transparency character
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11.9 Details of commands
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MGET This command is used to display the entire content of a table, without pausing, with no
header and with no current line indication.
The display always begins from the first line of the current table.
DUMP As MGET for the X25, LINK, ISDN and ROUT tables.
INIT The INIT command is used to clear all of the current table.
Only the modifiable tables (X25, ISDN, LINK and ROUT) can be deleted.
DELE The DELE command is used to delete the current line.
This command is applicable only to modifiable tables.
The current line is deleted and the content of each line that follows is copied to the previous
line. The last line becomes blank.
INSE The INSE command is used to insert a blank link at the current line position.
This command is applicable only to modifiable tables.
The content of each line from the current line is copied to the next line. The last line is lost.
The current line is replaced by a blank line.
COPY This command is used to copy the current line.
This command is applicable only to modifiable tables.
The content of each line from the current line is copied to the next line. The last line is lost.
The current line is unchanged.
Gxxx This command is used to go to the specified line.
The number of the new current line is given by "xxx".
When the number "xxx" is greater than the number of records in a table, the command
takes you to the last record in the table.
LIST This command is used to display one page of the current table, from the current line.
The header of the table is displayed at the top of each page, and the prompt is displayed at
the beginning of each line. On each page, a pause for any character is implemented
before the next page is displayed.
CONF This command is used to configure (modify) the content of a table.
This command is applicable only to modifiable tables.
The content of the current line prefixed by the prompt character is displayed, followed by
the pause character "/". The characters, apart from special characters, are temporarily
buffered, and then when committed, they replace the current line.
SAVE This commands allows to safeguard the totality of information of all tables.
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11.9.2 "General" management commands
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This command is used to clear the link providing access to the ISDN board configurator,
and safeguard modifications brought to the different tables (X25, etc. ).
The link providing access to the configurator is also released after inactivity for longer than
three minutes.
LOOP This command is used to set up or clear a test loop between transmission and reception on
a channel.
This command is useful for approval tests.
CALL This command is used to initialize a test ISDN call.
This command is useful for approval tests; the ISDN destination number must be defined in
a NAME = TEST record. The node is defined by the "ROUT" table.
DISC This command is used to clear a test call.
This command is useful for approval tests. If there is no test call in progress, another
current call is cleared.
ECHO This command is used to enable or cancel character echo mode.
By default, with each new connection, echo mode is not enabled.
11.9.3 Dialogue
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11.9.4 Special characters
Carriage Return
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11.10.1 Native X.25 call in which the USER DATA takes the form "BE0∗"
When a ISDN board is commissioned, the ISDN and X.25 tables (ISDN board) are empty.
A native X.25 call to one of the resources of the three descriptors of the ISDN board, with USER DATA in
the form "BEO*" can always be used to access the ISDN board configuration functions.
To return to the example of a Megapac ESL with one ISDN board, the Megapac X.25 table contains the
following records:
From the terminal connected to the "CPU" board's VCP control port:
• a call to resource B1G1 provides access to the configurator of the ISDN board,
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11.10.2 Native X.25 call in which the X.121 call number is that of the configurator
A node with a name that takes the form "BE0∗" provides access to the ISDN board configurator.
After first accessing the ISDN board's configurator using the previous method, it is then possible to place
a record in the X.25 table (ISDN board), specifying:
• an identifier in the form "BE0∗",
• an X.121 number to call the node.
To return to the example of a Megapac ESL with one ISDN board, the X.25 table of the ISDN board
contain the following record:
B1G1 0 101
(one of the native X.25 resources of the three
descriptors of the ISDN board)
From the terminal connected to the "CPU" board's VCP control port:
• a call to number 101 provides access to the configurator of the ISDN board,
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11.11 Routing
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The adapter can be used to relay calls (in native X.25, transparent without V.25 Bis mode and
transparent with V.25 Bis mode) between three virtual links (three descriptors) of the Megapac switch,
and the two "B" channels and the "D" channel of the "S0" interface. The "D" channel supports only the
native X.25 mode.
Calls from the Megapac ESL over a virtual link (resources of one of the three descriptors), are routed to
the channel associated with it, and only to that channel.
Similarly, calls received over a channel are all routed to the same virtual link (resource of one of the
three descriptors) of the Megapac.
11.12 Call from the Megapac end (B and D channel virtual link)
11.12.1 Call from a "B" channel virtual link in native X.25 mode
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11.12.2 Call from a "B" channel virtual link in transparent mode without V.25 Bis
When a frame in transparent mode without V.25 Bis from the Megapac is offered:
• If there is no call in progress:
• The identifier GIO1 is used for the 1st virtual link, the identifier GIO2 is used for the 2nd
virtual line.
• The identifier (GIO1 or GIO2) is strickly compared with the node names in the ISDN table,
to find a destination ISDN number. When there is an IDS0 record, the associated number is
used as the originating number (NDS-CGP).
• If there is no record approaching GIO1 or GIO2 in the ISDN table, the frame from the virtual
link is rejected.
The ISDN board initializes the ISDN call in CIRCUIT mode by default, or in PACKET mode if the ROUT
table contains a record corresponding to the node name of the channel, with the fields KEY=OUT and
When the call to the ISDN is set up, the frames are relayed transparently between the B channel and the
associated virtual link, with no flow control.
The ISDN call is cleared after the link inactivity time-delay.
11.12.3 Call from a "B" channel virtual link in transparent mode with V.25 Bis
When a frame in transparent mode with V.25 Bis from the Megapac is offered:
• If there is no call in progress:
• The frame received is interpreted as a V.25 Bis command.
• When the "CRN" command is recognized, the "VAL" and "CNX" indications are sent over the
virtual link, and the destination number taken from the "CRN" command is used as the
destination ISDN number.
When there is an IDS0 record, the associated number is used as the originating number
The node name used is the one found in the ISDN table, corresponding to the destination
ISDN number. By default, the node names GIO1 and GIO2 are used according to the origin
of the frames (1st or 2nd virtual link).
When the ISDN call is rejected by the network, the indication "CFI" with the cause is sent over
the virtual link.
The ISDN board initializes the ISDN call in CIRCUIT mode by default, or in PACKET mode if the ROUT
table contains a record corresponding to the node name of the channel, with the fields KEY=OUT and
When the call to the ISDN is set up, the frames are relayed transparently between the B channel and the
associated virtual link, with no flow control.
The ISDN call is cleared after the link activity time-delay.
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11.12.4 Call from the "D" channel virtual link in native X.25 mode
The ROUT table must include a record with the key "TEI".
Presence of this record enables the "packet in D" function.
This record defines the "D only" or "2B+D" operating mode.
This record defines the TEI number to be used for the "packet in D" call.
When a native X.25 mode call from the Megapac is offered:
• Its destination X.121 address is examined.
• If it is included in the corresponding field of a record in the X.25 table (ISDN board), the
associated identifier name is used. When the identifier is "BE0*", the call is connected to the
ISDN board configurator.
• Otherwise, the USER DATA is examined, and if in the form "BE0∗", the call is connected to
the ISDN board configurator.
• Otherwise, the call is rejected.
• When the identifier is found:
• The identifier is compared with the node name of the record in the ROUT table having the
key "TEI".
• When the identifier and the node name are compatible, the "packet in D" call is initialized,
otherwise the native X.25 mode call is rejected.
The X.25 profile on the D channel is the one in the "TEI∗" record of the LINK table, if any, or the default
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When an ISDN call is accepted, the originating ISDN number (NDI-CGP) is examined.
There are two possibilities:
• NDI-CGP is present, the call is from the public network.
• NDI-CGP is absent, the call is from a private network.
When the node name is specific, the ROUT table (key = IN) indicates whether the call is accepted or
rejected. If accepted, the ROUT table indicates which virtual link (1st or 2nd) is associated with the call.
When the ROUT table has no record for the specific node name, the call is rejected.
When the node name is "XXXX", the ROUT table (key = IN) indicates whether the call is accepted or
rejected. If accepted, the ROUT table indicates which virtual link (1st or 2nd) is associated with the call.
When the ROUT table has no record for the node name "XXXX", the call is accepted as a priority on the
2nd virtual link if free, and on the 1st link otherwise.
The associated virtual link indicates the mode (native X.25, transparent with or without V.25 Bis).
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11.13.2 Call accepted from the "B" ISDN end and relayed in native X.25 mode
The node name found previously is looked up in the LINK table to determine the X.25 parameters to be
used on the B channel. If there is no corresponding node name, the default profile is used.
The B channel can then accept X.25 calls.
When the destination address for a native X.25 mode call matches the identifier "BE0∗" (ISDN board’s
X.25 table), the call is connected to the ISDN board configurator. Otherwise the call is relayed to the
associated virtual link.
11.13.3 Call accepted from the "B" ISDN end and relayed in transparent mode
without V.25 Bis
The frames are relayed transparently between the B channel and the associated virtual link, with no flow
11.13.4 Call accepted from the "B" ISDN end and relayed in transparent mode
with V.25 Bis
The V.25 Bis "INC" and "CNX" indications are sent over the associated virtual link.
After sending the "CNX" indication, the frames are relayed transparently between the B channel and the
associated virtual link, with no flow control.
The ROUT table must include a record with the key "TEI".
The presence of this record enables the "packet in D" function.
This record defines the "D only" or "2B+D" operating mode.
This record defines the TEI number to be used for the "packet in D" call.
When a native X.25 mode call from the "D" channel is offered:
• Its destination X.121 address is examined.
• If it corresponds to the identifier "BE0*", the call is connected to the ISDN board configurator.
• Otherwise the call is relayed to the associated virtual link.
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Called 999
ISDN Network
In the above example, the terminal generates an X.25 call in which the "called number" is "999".
The originating Megapac ESL is connected to the ISDN and its NDI is
The terminating Megapac ESL is connected to the ISDN, its NDI is and it accepts only
ISDN calls from subscriber (in other words, the originating Megapac ESL).
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The X.25 call request packet contains the called address "999".
G110 0 999
In this example, the outgoing call is set up in circuit mode so there is no need for a record in the ISDN
board's ROUT table.
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The ISDN call reaches the destination Megapac ESL with the originating ISDN number (NDI-CGP)
To terminate routing of the source X.25 call, the X.25 table of the destination Megapac ESL includes a
record as follows:
P400 0 999
At the incoming end, the ISDN board's X.25 table is not used.
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The basic "PRI-64" board for the Megapac VME provides one T2 primary access (30 B channels).
The "PRI-64" board can be equipped with a daughter board to provide two T2 ports (60 B channels).
The Megapac VME can be equipped with 2 "PRI-64" boards (maximum 120 B channels).
Depending on the ISDN (Numéris) user subscription, the number of B channels can be reduced to less
than 30 channels of a primary access.
12.1 Preliminary
• By default, the memory size allocated to the configuration of the descriptors and resources of a
Megapac VME is 20,430 bytes (see chapter 3).
Depending on the number of XIO boards used, and the number of T2 ports connected, the default
size may be insufficient. For two T2 ports, a value of MEM SIZE/ 40,000 is recommended.
• It is recommended to declare the T2 primary access board descriptors (SUB-TYPE/ PRI) after the
PS01 and PS02 descriptors.
• Concurrent "T2-ISDN" and "E1-G.704" operation on the same 2 Mbit/s link is not allowed.
• The sections dealing with the TYPE/X25 and HDLC descriptors describe the special settings of the
T2 board.
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"PRI-64" (30B+D) primary access board
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12.2 « T2-ISDN » operation
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The descriptors of the B channels of the PRI-64 board may be declared without registering the position of
the PRI-64 board in the VME shelf.
The system always proposes a default configuration consisting of two PS01 and PS02 descriptors of
The basic "PRI-64" primary access board provides access to 30 B channels, but the ISDN (Numéris)
subscription may involve the reduction of the number of B channels (10 in this example).
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"PRI-64" (30B+D) primary access board
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The "PRI-64" board with the option "second T2 port" allows up to 60 B channels, but the ISDN (Numéris)
subscription may involve the reduction of the number of B channels (40 in this example).
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"PRI-64" (30B+D) primary access board
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The NEW PHYSICAL INTERFACE (NPI) is at YES for the first B channel of each board.
A record in the MAC table, with the function "NDI", must be configured in the Megapac in order for ISDN
caller identification to be possible. With the PRI-64 card, the network origin number (NDI-DR) alone is
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"PRI-64" (30B+D) primary access board
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12.3 "E1 - G704" operation
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In this mode of operation, channel 0 is reserved for 2 Mbit/s link synchronization and channel 16 cannot
be used.
Concurrent "T2-ISDN" and "E1-G.704" operation on the same 2 Mbit/s link is not allowed.
On the same PRI-64 board, for one 2 Mbit/s link to be used in "T2-ISDN" mode and another 2 Mbit/s link
to be used in "E1-G.704" mode, the first link must be in T2 mode and the second link in E1 mode.
To set up a link for "E1-G704" operation, you must define one descriptor for each group of 64 kbit/s
For this descriptor, a record in the MAC table (PU function) specifies the 64 kbit/s channels used in the
Assignment of timeslots on the 2 Mbit/s link of the PRI-64 basic board (B)
TS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Assignment of timeslots on the 2 Mbit/s link of the PRI-64 daughter board (A)
TS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
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"PRI-64" (30B+D) primary access board
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Descriptors configuration
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To register the MAC record (PU function) you must reboot the Megapac.
When rebooted, the MAC record (PU function) is interpreted, and may cause an error message to be
generated (SELECTOR field empty or other than 1 or 2, channel numbers not in the list, channel number
duplicated, syntax error in GENERATOR field, etc).
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"PRI-64" (30B+D) primary access board
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13.1 General
The Megapac can be configured to support the HDLC (High Level Data Link Control) protocol.
All data received by the TYPE/ HDLC descriptor is placed in data packets and transmitted otherwise
unchanged to the network.
The HDLC "descriptor" provides transparent transportation of any protocol within an HDLC or its SDLC
On an X.25 network, each frame is converted into a packet.
An HDLC "descriptor" must have only one "resource". On one side of the network, the "resource" is
incoming and on the other, it is outgoing.
The first descriptor of PRI-64 board (1 or 2 T2 accesses) must be
NPI/ YES. All the other descriptors of the same PRI-64 board
must be NPI/ NO.
NONE Usage reserved - Do not use.
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TYPE/ HDLC descriptor Page 13-1
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(T2 board) For a HDLC descriptor with SUB-TYPE=PRI-64 (T2 board) and
Megapac VME NEW PHYSICAL INTERFACE=YES, this parameter specifies the
operating mode of the T2 board interfaces.
SPEED=EXT Specifies the operating mode as DTE with external clock (the T2
board uses the network clock).
Is usually used when connected to an ISDN network.
SPEED=2MHZ Specifies the operating mode as DCE with internal clock (the T2
card uses the internal clock board).
PIGGY TYPE By default = V24 Choice of the interface type
Megapac ESL and (DCE+V24) The hardware must be correctly configured (straps) to allow the
Megafrad software to choose the interface type.
DCE The physical interface type is the DCE type.
This mode must be used in V24 interface.
It can be used in X21 and V35 interface on the J1 and J2 ports.
V24 (J1 to J6) The V24 interface is used. it provides :
or DCE+V24 • a DCE port (to a terminal), using the straight cable 55.670.243
• a DTE port (to a modem), using the crossed cable 55.670.357
DCE+X21 (J1 to J2) The optional X21 interface of the J1 and J2 ports is used in DCE
mode (to a terminal).
DCE (J1 to J2) The optional V35 interface of the J1 and J2 ports is used in DCE
mode (to a terminal).
DTE The physical interface type is the DTE type.
This mode must not be used in V24 interface.
It can be used in X21 and V35 interfave on the J1 and J2 ports.
DTE+X21 (J1 to J2) The optional X21 interface of the J1 and J2 ports is used in DTE
mode (to a modem).
DTE (J1 to J2) The optional V35 interface of the J1 and J2 ports is used in DTE
mode (to a modem).
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TYPE/ HDLC descriptor
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V54 MODEM By default = NO Enables or disables the facility to run V.54 tests on the link.
When this function is enabled, V.54 tests can be activated by the
commands V54L (local loop), V54R (remote loop) and then TEST
(activate test), and deactivated by the V54X command.
YES V.54 tests can be run on the link.
NO V.54 tests cannot be run on the link.
ADDRESS By default = DCE This parameter has no significance for an "HDLC" link descriptor.
CHANNELS By default = 1 Number of logical resources associated with the link.
Only one resource must be specified.
UI Attribute qualifying acceptance over the link of Unnumbered
Information frames, UI.
This option applies only to links on XIO, GIO modules and is
needed where the V.25 bis procedure is used on the link.
IDLE With an XIO card, this option allows to send « FF » permanent 1’s
instead of « 7E » flags after the reception of at least one « 7E »
CRC4 For a HDLC descriptor with SUB-TYPE=PRI (T2 board) and
(Megapac VME) NEW PHYSICAL INTERFACE=YES, this parameter specifies the
operating mode of the T2 board interfaces.
With CRC4 option = ETSI operating mode (Euro ISDN with
Without CRC4 option (NONE) = French without CRC4 operating
The other parameters can retain their default settings
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TYPE/ HDLC descriptor Page 13-3
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TYPE/ HDLC descriptor
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CALL PRIORITY from 0 to 15 This parameter is not used by a resource receiving a call.
By default = 0
RESOURCE from 0 to 15 This parameter is not used by a resource originating a call.
PRIORITY By default = 0
BANDWITH 0 to 32767 Required bandwidth size in characters per second tenth.
By default = 0 Only towards an X25 link.
incoming resource : :
Bandwidth=0, no bandwidth guarantee is requested.
Bandwidth>0, allows to define the requested speed before routing.
The other parameters can retain their default settings
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TYPE/ HDLC descriptor
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TYPE/ X25 (physical DTE,
... external clock)
TYPE/ X25 (physical DCE,
... internal clock)
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The Megapac can be configured to support Frame Relay calls through an XIO, MIO, SIO interface board,
or system with SCC controller (Megapac ESL and Megafrad).
The MIO and XIO boards are recommended for high link speeds and for managing frames that are larger
than the system buffer size.
Note : In Frame Relay mode, the Megapac detects the connected or disconnected state of the
connecting cable.
For the link to be operational, for an X.25/V.11 interface, the IA signal must be asserted.
Similarly, for a V.24/V.28 interface, the CTS signal must be asserted.
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14.1 Frame format
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To equally handle long IP frames, small X25 packets, SDLC, HDLC frames,... or asynchronous flows,
Frame Relay offers a frame with a variable length.
The DLCI corresponds to the notion of logical path number.
The basic frame is the following:
Flag Flag (7E) for recognition of HDLC frame beginning and end,
DLCI Data Link Connection Identifier.
For a DLCI field coding on 2 bytes:
DLCI n° 0 is reserved for management channel (LMI),
DLCI n° 1 à 15 are reserved identifiers,
DLCI n° 16 à 991 are available for temporary or permanent virtual circuits,
DLCI n° 992 à 1007 are reserved identifiers for Frame Relay management,
DLCI 1008 à 1022 are reserved identifiers,
DLCI 1023 is reserved for higher layer management messages.
C/R Command / Response indication
EA Extend Address
FECN Forward Explicit Congestion Notification,
Congestion information to "destination" exchange.
BECN Backward Explicit Congestion Notification,
Congestion information to "source" exchange.
DE Discard Eligibility:
A Frame Relay access device enters a « DE » mark on frames, when the user rate reaches
a value between Bc and (Bc + Be). This mark points out that a rate superior to the contract
has been submitted by the user.
When a node gets in congestion, it first rejects frames with a « DE » mark.
FCS Frame Check Sequence.
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14.2 Link management
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The "LMI" (Local Management Interface) protocol is used to manage interfaces between two elements of
a Frame Relay network. This protocol based on a local polling checks especially the link status and the
various active virtual circuits status.
The network (DCE side) sends the state of the link and of the virtual circuits to the terminal (DTE side).
The interchange of LMI messages is unbalanced or balanced depending on the selected configuration.
Normally, the interface between the network and the user is unbalanced (UNI), whereas the interface
between two switches in the network is balanced (NNI).
Note: For a Frame Relay link with several DLCIs, the operating parameters of the LMI are those of the
descriptor for which NPI (New Physical Interface) is set to YES.
DTE dlci DCE dlci Frame Relay dlci dlci DTE
+ + DCE
(UNI) (NNI) Network (NNI) (UNI)
full status
Figure 14-2 LMI interchanges, unbalanced on the FRAD side and balanced on the SWITCH side
full status
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14.3 Self-discipline principle
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Frame Relay uses a simplified protocol in each switching node. No flow control is made on the
connections. Therefore a Frame Relay network is subject to congestion problems. To avoid this risk,
Frame Relay proposes self-discipline mechanisms for far-end equipment.
When the user needs to get close to the rate ceiling set by his contract, he shall modify this contract in
order to switch to upper rate class.
Terminals or network access points have flow management functions to check that the quantity of
information sent on the network does not exceed the contract.
The network shall protect itself and be able to control the information flow of each user. The control
mechanism authorizes bursty traffic from the user, however any overflow shall remain in the contract
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14.4 Switching mode
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TYPE/ NFRM specifies a native operating mode. The resource of the NFRM descriptor with
PROTOCOL/ NONE specifies a transparent operating mode.
This is the mode to use to support a transparent Frame Relay link "switching" function.
Each descriptor can be used to define one DLCI.
In this mode, one descriptor contains only one resource.
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SPEED Choice of: 2MHZ,
1MHZ, 512K,
256K, 128K, 64K,
48K, 19.2, 9600,
4800, 2400, 1200,
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Megabox - Megapac - Megafrad - "600B" software configuration manual
MODE By default = DTE The Frame Relay link acts as a DTE (Terminal side)
It is the DTE side that engages the local management interface (LMI).
A DTE must be connected to a DCE.
DCE The Frame Relay link behaves like a DCE (Network side).
The DCE side sends the status of the link and of the associated circuits
(Full Status).
A DCE must be connected to a DTE.
DCE+DTE The Frame Relay link behaves like a DCE and a DTE.
Each end sends a link status request and transmits the status of the
link and of the associated circuits(Full Status).
In this case, each end of the link must be DCE+DTE.
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The other parameters can retain their default settings
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TYPE/ NFRM with a resource specifying PROTOCOL/ IP or IPX, is used to transmit IP (TCP/IP) or IPX
(Novell) datagrams over a Frame Relay link. Document RFC 1490 describes this function.
IP and IPX multiplexing is possible on the same Frame Relay DLCI.
In this mode, one descriptor can contain two resources (one for the IP protocol the other for the IPX
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1MHZ, 512K,
256K, 128K, 64K,
48K, 19.2, 9600,
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MODE By default = DTE The Frame Relay link acts as a DTE (Terminal side)
It is the DTE side that engages the local management interface (LMI).
A DTE must be connected to a DCE.
DCE The Frame Relay link behaves like a DCE (Network side).
The DCE side sends the status of the link and of the associated circuits
(Full Status).
A DCE must be connected to a DTE.
DCE+DTE The Frame Relay link behaves like a DCE and a DTE.
Each end sends a link status request and transmits the status of the
link and of the associated circuits(Full Status).
In this case, each end of the link must be DCE+DTE.
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Bc = 0 Tc = 1 second etc. etc.
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14.5.2 Resource configuration parameters
Parameter Range of
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of the BASE descriptor
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In this mode, the levels 2 and 3 of the X25 protocols are encapsulated in a Frame Relay link’s DLCI. The
encapsulation can be:
• compliant with standard ANSI T1.617 annex G and Q922 DL Core annex A. This encapsulation can
be used to transport the LapB-X25 frame (CRC not included) in 1 Frame Relay DLCI. In this case it is
not possible to multiplex another protocol in the same DLCI.
• of the proprietary type (such as Transpac), compatible with RFC 1490. This encapsulation can be
used for protocol multiplexing in the same DLCI, but in this case the flow control mechanisms are not
all available.
This mode requires a virtual X25 descriptor (« VIO ») to be used between the X25 link and the Frame
Relay link. This mode must be used to ensure an interoperation between an X25 link and a link in Frame
This connection mode imposes to configure:
• on the X25 side, an « X25 » descriptor with its resources for each X25 link.
• on the Frame Relay side, a « NFRM » descriptor with one resource (1DLCI).
• with PROTOCOL/ NONE parameter for a Q922 DL Core encapsulation
• with PROTOCOL/ TPAC for an owner encapsulation - Transpac like.
• between those 2 descriptors, a virtual « X25 » descriptor (SUB-TYPE/ VIO), acting as a protocol
converter between X25 Frame Relay.
The data routed towards the virtual X25 descriptor (« VIO ») and originating from the X25 resources are
then encapsulated in a Frame Relay frame on the « NFRM » descriptor ’s DLCI.
Address Niv 2
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This virtual resource is only allocated to the virtual descriptor whose NEW PHYSICAL INTERFACE
parameter is YES. This virtual resource groups together the data coming from the resources of the
virtual descriptor(s) having the same TYPE and SUB-TYPE.
This resource configuration is implicit.
The parameters can’t be modified.
The « major » parameters are the following:
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DRC MASK/ 0900
CP/ 4
Figure 14-8 X25 « access point » function (Q922 DL Core) in Frame Relay
DRC MASK/ 0900
CP/ 4
Figure 14-9 X25 « access point » function (Transpac like) in Frame Relay
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NAME/ P202
DRC/ . . . .
NAME/ P201
NAME/ ETHR DRC/ . . . .
DRC/ . . . .
RP/ (<5)
NAME/ P100(2) NAME/ P900(2)
DRC MASK/ . . . . DRC MASK/ . . . . TYPE/ NFRM DLCI(a)
NAME/ P100(1)
MAC, X25 DRC MASK/ . . . .
DRC MASK/ . . . .
DRC MASK/ 0900
CP/ 4
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14.7 Frame Relay on ISDN
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To convey a link whose protocol is Frame Relay on ISDN, it is necessary to use the HDLC protocol on
the « GIS » ISDN interface card, and thus to transparently convey the initial frame (frame relay).
Therefore, a « NFRM » descriptor of SUB-TYPE/ VIO acting as a protocol converter must be inserted
between the HDLC descriptor bound to one of the GIS card’s channels B and the incoming link descriptor
(for example a SWITCH Frame Relay).
MODE By default = DTE The Frame Relay link acts as a DTE (Terminal side)
It is the DTE side that engages the local management interface (LMI).
A DTE must be connected to a DCE.
DCE The Frame Relay link behaves like a DCE (Network side).
The DCE side sends the status of the link and of the associated
circuits (Full Status).
A DCE must be connected to a DTE.
DCE+DTE The Frame Relay link behaves like a DCE and a DTE.
Each end sends a link status request and transmits the status of the
link and of the associated circuits(Full Status).
In this case, each end of the link must be DCE+DTE.
LMI By default = NO Deactivates the Local Management Interface (LMI).
YES Activates the LMI at the start norm.
ANSI Activates the LMI at the new norm.
(ANSI T1.617)
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(T391 = T392)
2 to 80 seconds
By default = 0
(recommended = 3)
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This virtual resource is only allocated to the virtual descriptor whose NEW PHYSICAL INTERFACE
parameter is YES. This virtual resource groups together the data coming from the resources of the
virtual descriptor(s) having the same TYPE and SUB-TYPE.
This resource configuration is implicit.
The parameters can’t be modified.
The « major » parameters are the following:
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In the following example, the DLCI(x) of the PS03 link is normally routed on the DLCI(b) of the main
PS04 link. If the main link is unavailable, the routing is carried out on the P900 resource of the virtual
PS09 Frame Relay descriptor. Thus, the DLCI(a) is transparently conveyed on a ISDN B channel, via the
G1B1 descriptor associated to one of the GIS card’s channels.
NAME/ P900(0)
DRC MASK/ . . . .
RP/ 2
DRC NPI/ YES Main link
NAME/ P900(0)
NAME/ P300(0) DRC MASK/ . . . . NAME/ 0900
CP/ 2 RP/ 0 RP/ (<5)
MODE/ DCE MODE/ DTE Backup link
NAME/ PS09 ....
DRC MASK/ 0900
ISDN - B channel
CP/ 4
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Several virtual « NFRM » descriptors of SUB-TYPE/ VIO can be associated to each others (NPI/YES on
the first one, NPI/NO on the others), and then constitute a multiprotocol converter managing a DLCI per
protocol, the whole being concentrated on a HDLC link.
NAME/ P900(0)
DRC MASK/ . . . .
IP + IPX NAME/ P800(0)
NAME/ IP01 DRC MASK/ . . . .
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The « STAT » and « POLL » commands allow the access to the statistics of a link.
Concerning a « NFRM » type link, the « POLL » command only displays the static variables pointed out
in bold in the following statistic state
The chapter describing the STATISTICS details the whole data available in the various descriptors and
resources of the MegaPAC.
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The Megapac can be configured to support point-to-point protocol calls through an XIO, MIO, SIO
interface board, or based on the SCC controller included on the Megapac ESL and Megafrad.
The Megapac can also be configured to support PPP calls over the ISDN network. For this, and
depending on the Megapac type, the GIS board offers an S0 (2B+D) basic access.
The « PPP » descriptor manages a synchronous PPP link, and allows transmission of IP and/or IPX
protocol datagrams. The "PAP" authentication protocol is supported (PASSword Authentication Protocol).
The XIO and MIO boards are recommended for high speed links and for managing frames larger than
the system buffer size.
The tables on the following pages summarize the different parameters that can be modified for the type
PPP link descriptor.
NONE Usage reserved, not use.
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By default = NO This descriptor shares the same link as previously defined in PPP
A new PPP link is assigned to this descriptor.
For XIO, SIO, MIO/SCC boards, this parameter should normally
be set to YES.
With GIS board, only the first descriptor of the board should be
set to NPI/ YES.
SPEED Choice of : 2MHZ, Link operating speed, in bits per second.
1MHZ, 512K, 256K, With an SIO board, the limit is 19 200 bit/s.
128K, 64K, 48K, 19.2,
9600, 4800, 2400, With an XIO-E board, the possible speeds are 9600 to 2 Mbit/s.
1200, 600, 300 or EXT. With an XIO-VME board the speed is strap selectable 300 to
By default = EXT 2 Mbit/s.
With an MIO board (SUB TYPE/ SCC) the possible speeds are
2400 to 64 Kbit/s.
With a Megapac ESL or Megafrad (SUB TYPE/ SCC), the
possible speeds are 2400 to 256 Kbit/s.
EXT: the speed is determined by the external clock.
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This protocol (RFC 1334) allows to the extremities of a link to identify each other thanks to a simple
This identification occurs at the end of the link connection.
The Megapac, whose link has the EXTENDED CALL MANAGEMENT/ PAP parameter initializes the link
indicating the use of the PAP protocol during the negotiation..
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(Ethernet - IP) (Ethernet - IP)
The example above indicates the significant parameters of an IP gateway function between the two
Ethernet networks.
The WAN here is a point-to-point protocol link.
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The TYPE/ TERM descriptor provides connections in Asynchronous mode or Binary Synchronous
Character mode (BSC).
In asynchronous mode, with SIO board. Each resource attached to the TERM descriptor is directly
linked to a physical port of an SIO interface board. In asynchronous applications, resources must be
assigned in multiples of two, and the setting must not exceed the maximum number of SIO ports
available on a Megapac.
In asynchronous mode, with MIO board. Each resource attached to the TERM descriptor is directly
linked to a physical port of an MIO interface board. In asynchronous applications with the MIO board, it is
possible to assign 1 descriptor and 1 resource to 1 physical port, or 1 descriptor and n resources to n
physical ports.
In asynchronous mode, with Megapac ESL and Megafrad system, only one resource is assigned to
the TERM descriptor . This resource is directly linked to the physical port controlled by the SCC.
A TERM descriptor must be defined for each BSC terminal installed. Resources allocations are limited to
two. However, only one resource is active. This protocol is only available with the SIO board. The MIO
interface board and the Megapac ESL and Megafrad cannot be used to manage this protocol.
Figure 16-1 Relationship between resources of TERM descriptor and physical port
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16.1 TERM in Asynchronous mode
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A TERM descriptor can be used to configure one or several asynchronous resources which, by default,
use the Megapac's presentation service to initiate a call. With this service, you can specify the following
functions according to user requirements:
• predefined connection for connecting the user to a predefined resource of the network;
• call set up after entering the name of the destination resource (4 character name);
• call set up on entering a service name (8 characters);
• call set up using an X.28 PAD command;
• password entry for access to one of the previous three functions.
All these functions can be configured to control the display of a presentation service screen (MENU,
HELP or NEWS), so that the user is not involved with the complexities of the network.
When a resource is configured with the parameters DRC MASK/ .... (default setting) and OPTIONS/ not
included in the PASS, NAME, and other tables, the user is free to connect to any logical resource of the
Megapac by typing in the four characters of the name of the required resource, or the called subscriber
The X.25 table is then used,
• to link a subscriber number to the required resource name, or
• to link a "destination" resource name to the called subscriber number.
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16.1.3 Password security check
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The Megapac allows you to choose a password on up to eight characters. A resource can be assigned
an input password check (OPTIONS/ PASS field) or output password check (OPTIONS/ GATE field). If
OPTIONS/ GATE is specified, the password procedure directly controls access to the destination
resource, in other words, the control is applied to the outgoing call. In both cases, the caller is prompted
to enter a password when the menu (0) is displayed; the Megapac compares the character string entered
by the caller with the content of the PASSWORD field in the records of the PASS table.
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No units
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Setting from 0 to 4096 Number of logical resources associated with the link. This
By default = 1
must not exceed the number of physical ports.
With SIO board, it must be specified in multiples of 2 (2, 4, 6,
8, etc).
With MIO board, it can be specified from 1 to 36 for six MIO
boards (see Figure 16-1).
With Megapac ESL and Megafrad port, it must be specified 1.
PACKET SIZE Setting from 32 to Maximum negotiable size of outgoing packets, in bytes.
4096 Normally set to 128.
By default = TRAN By default, transparent to packet size. Any packet size will be
accepted up to the size of the internal buffers.
DELAY TO RTS LOW Setting from 0 to 512 Does not concern Asynchronous mode.
By default = 0
DELAY TO CTS HIGH Setting from 0 to 512 Does not concern Asynchronous mode.
By default = 0
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Data via a resource of a TYPE/ TERM descriptor can be transmitted immediately (default condition) or in
accordance with the settings of a PAD profile.
In the first case, the received data is transmitted directly. This solution provides the best transit times.
In the second case, the Megapac's PAD function can be used to maximize the productivity of an X.25
link. You can also use the PAD function when the Megapac controls the output of asynchronous data
(activating/deactivating character echo, operating on the forwarding of data in file transfer mode, etc).
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BUF Activates the buffer function so that, for a default call (via DRC),
all data after a <CR> is held while the call is set up and then
Used in conjunction with the BS4505 TPAD retransmission
VT22 In 3270 emulation, enables a "VT220" standard terminal to be
CIRCUIT TYPE CALL+PVC+STAT Identifies the main I/O characteristics of an asynchronous
V25B This option activates the V.25 bis dialing facility in conjunction
with the V25B virtual descriptor.
OSI Does not concern the TERM descriptor.
CALL The resource can send and receive call requests transparently
or using the presentation mode.
PVC The DCD/RTS V24 input control signal does not affect the state
of the resource.
DTE mode : The DCD V24 input control signal is disregarded.
DCE mode : The RTS V24 input control signal is disregarded.
To indicate its connection state (READY), the Megapac turn on
the RTS/DCD output control signal.
SVC The DCD/RTS V24 input control signal is activated.
Mode - DTE Mode - DCE
SIO and MIO To know the status of the equipment to which it is connected,
boards the Megapac checks the DCD/RTS input control signal.
The Megapac waits for the DCD/RTS to be sent before
establishing a connection. Likewise, the loss of the DCD/RTS
causes a break in the current call.
To indicate its connection status (READY), the Megapac sets
the RTS/DCD output control signal when the DCD/RTS input
control signal is sent, or when the PAD is called.
Megapac ESL and To know the status of the equipment to which it is connected,
Megafrad without the Megapac checks the DCD/RTS input control signal.
XCHG option. The Megapac waits for the DCD/RTS to be sent before
establishing a connection. Likewise, the loss of the DCD/RTS
causes a break in the current call.
To indicate its connection status (READY), the Megapac fixes
the permanent setting of the RTS/DCD output control signal.
Megapac ESL and To know the status of the equipment to which it is connected,
Megafrad with the Megapac checks the CTS/DTR input control signal.
XCHG option. The Megapac waits for the CTS/DTR to be sent before
establishing a connection. Likewise, the loss of the CTS/DTR
causes a break in the current call.
To indicate its connection status (READY), the Megapac fixes
the permanent setting of the RTS/DCD output control signal.
OUT The logical resource is reserved to receive a call.
STAT After a connection/disconnection, statistics are compiled and
sent to the resource defined by the SESSIONS STATISTICS/
parameter of the BASE descriptor (resource EI01, for example).
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SUPR This attribute activates the supervisor mode for routing by the
For example, a printer can be connected by the operator (under
base) using the (X.28) command ENTR followed by the name of
the resource to be connected.
NAME+X28 Used only in conjunction with the NAME option, this option
activates X.28 support or "PAD compatibility". See TERMINAL
TYPE/. X28, X28F.
NO_M Does not concern a TERM resource.
ISO Class 3 ISO transport connection.
Implements the "reassignment on fault" procedure following a
disconnection at the network level.
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OPTIONS (continued)
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DIAG This attribute activates the function for saving Cause and
Diagnostic codes in clear confirmation packets.
Does not concern an Asynchronous resource.
NAME DRC MASK/ . . . .
The caller specifies the routing typing a service name (8
characters max.). This name must correspond to an input of the
NAME table.
ABCD are interpreted as a service name. This name must
correspond to an input of the NAME table.
IDLE This attribute activates the timer specified in the INACTIVITY
DETECT TIMER/ parameter of the BASE descriptor.
BUFFERS 1 to 240 Total number of buffers assigned to the resource.
By default = 2
SESSIONS 0 to 7 Setting for opening several sessions on asynchronous ports.
By default = 0 It is important to define as many transport buffers as there are
possible sessions (see TRANSPORT BUFFERS/ under BASE).
The session context appears at level 4 for display of statistics
and parameters.
The first connection is established on session "0".
To switch from one session to another, use the STX sequence
(control B) followed by the session number:
STX 0 accesses session 0.
STX 1 accesses session 1, and so on.
SPEED 300 to 115Kbit/s Link throughput in bit/s
By default = 9600 Chapter 1 explain available speeds according to the hardware
configuration used.
SIO from 300 to 19.200 bit/s
MIO from 300 to 115.200 bit/s
Megapac ESL from 300 to 57.600 for J3 to J6 ports.
and Megafrad from 300 to 115.200 for J1 and J2 port.
DATA BITS 6 to 8 Number of bits per character.
By default = 8
STOP BITS 1, 1.5 or 2 Number of stop bits used in a character.
By default = 1.5
PARITY By default = No parity.
EVEN Even parity.
ODD Odd parity.
SYNC CHAR By default = 00 Does not concern an Asynchronous resource.
TRANSPARENCY CHAR By default = 00 Does not concern an Asynchronous resource.
BURST LIMIT 0 to 255 Counter specially designed for Reverse PAD asynchronous
By default = 0 applications (Telnet clients).
By default, flow control is deactivated. Any other setting
indicates the effective flow control frequency.
Example: the setting 80 initiates XOFF or CTS flow control every
80 characters.
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0 to 32
By default = 0
Decimal value specifying the disconnect character when routing
has been defined via the presentation mode.
(example : ^K command , decimal 11).
Note : This character must not conflict with the PAD recall
character ^P (DLE, decimal 16) when using the X.28 PAD
MENU NUMBER 0 to 32 Number of MENU records to be displayed to the caller in
By default = 0 presentation mode.
If the parameter is set to 0, no MENU is displayed.
In Asynchronous mode, menu 1 is used by default.
HELP NUMBER 0 to 32 If the OPTIONS/ NAME parameter is used, this parameter
By default = 0 defines the HELP screen number to be displayed to the caller in
presentation mode following a failure.
See HELP table.
NEWS NUMBER 0 to 32 If the OPTIONS/ NAME parameter is used, this parameter
By default = 0 defines the MENU screen number to be displayed to the caller in
presentation mode when the destination resource is unavailable.
See MENU table.
CALL PRIORITY 0 to 15 Calling line priority (CP >= RP).
By default = 0
RESOURCE PRIORITY 0 to 15 Called line priority.
By default = 0
BANDWIDTH 0 to 32767 Required bandwidth in characters per second tenth.
By default = 0 Only towards a X25 link.
Incoming resource.
Bandwidth=0, no bandwidth guarantee is requested.
Bandwidth>0, allows to define the requested speed before
PAD ENABLE By default = D PAD function operating options.
The logical resource does not send X.29 packets and does not
respond to those it receives.
However, parameters 02 (ECHO/), 05 (DRI/) and 12 (DRO/)
remain active.
MINI, X28F usage reserved
E Activates the PAD function.
E+REV E+REV. Activates the reverse PAD mode. When a connection
request is created in output mode, a qualified data packet
containing the PAD parameters configured for the resource is
sent. See also PROF attribute.
E+MASK E+MASK. The PAD parameters are "hidden" selectively by the
mask previously configured in the MAC table.
E+PROF E+PROF. The PAD parameters are selected in a Profile of the
same name as the resource.
E+REV+PROF Activates the reverse PAD function and a specific Profile.
The other parameters are associated with the Megapac's PAD (X.3) function.
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16.1.6 Using X.28 commands
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Megabox - Megapac - Megafrad - "600B" software configuration manual
In X.28 mode, all data is sent in accordance with the conditions defined by the parameters set for the
resource. If a connection is already established, for X.28 commands to be sent to the Megapac the
command Ctrl P (or ^P) must be sent before the X.28 command (provided that PAD parameter 01 is set
to 1).
X.28/X28F Meaning
C nnnn nnnn is the NUA (Network User Address), in other words, the X.25 address of the call
or destination equipment.
R-nnnn calls NUA "nnnn", with reverse charging request.
F-nnnn calls NUA "nnnn", with fast select request.
Gxx-nnnn calls NUA "nnnn", with indication of a CUG "xx" (Closed User Group).
CLR / LIB Clears the call.
STAT Displays the connection status.
PAR? Displays a list of current X.3 parameters.
SET:n:x,n:x Alters the setting of a parameter. The first n:x group represents the parameter number
and its required setting. The second group represents another parameter number
followed by its setting, and so on. For example, SET1:1,2:0 specifies the setting 1 for
parameter (1) and the setting 0 for parameter (2).
SET? Forces all parameters to their initial settings and displays them.
PROF nnnn Forces all the parameters to the settings defined in the PROF table record for which the
name (NAME field) matches the name indicated by nnnn (4 characters maximum).
RESET Re-initializes an SVC.
INT Generates an interrupt packet.
RSET Generates an X.28 or X.29 packet for altering the settings of the remote PAD.
ENTR With the SUPR option, inserts data on an SVC.
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The BSC (Binary Synchronous Characters) protocol is a set of telecommunication rules defined by IBM
for connecting its terminals, in particular the 3270, 2780/3780 terminals, to its computers (370 + 37xx
BSC can be used to transfer data in non transparent mode (EBCDIC or ASCII) or transparent mode
(EBCDIC, transmission of any byte unconverted).
Data is exchanged in blocks, consisting of strings of bytes bounded by control characters (SYN, etc).
This is a "send and wait" procedure operating in synchronous mode.
A synchronous call means that each transmission begins with specific control characters (SYN) for
"character" synchronization purposes.
BSC can operate on a full duplex or half-duplex link, and can handle multipoint (BSC 3270) or point-to-
point (BSC 3270 or BSC 2780/3780) links.
In BSC mode, the PAD service is not used.
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By default = 1
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Megabox - Megapac - Megafrad - "600B" software configuration manual
Setting from 0 to 4096 Number of logical resources associated with the link. This must
not exceed the number of physical ports.
With SIO board in BSC mode, a setting of 2 must be specified.
PACKET SIZE Setting from 32 to Maximum negotiable size of outgoing packets, in bytes.
4096 Normally set to 128.
By default = TRAN By default, transparent to packet size. Any packet size is
accepted, up to the size of the internal buffers.
DELAY TO RTS LOW Setting from 0 to 512 Half-duplex operation only.
By default = 0 Number of padding characters to be inserted between the end of
data transmission and the OFF state of the RTS signal.
DELAY TO CTS Setting from 0 to 512 Half-duplex operation only.
HIGH By default = 0 Number of padding characters to be inserted between
deassertion of the RTS signal and assertion of CTS.
Applicable only if OPTIONS/ RTS has been defined for the
CALL TIME OUT Setting from 2 to 200. Call confirmation supervision time delay (TP2).
In seconds. Represents the maximum time waiting for a call accepted packet
By default = 5 in response to a call request packet.
When the timer runs out, a clear indication packet is sent to the
local DTE and the remote DTE.
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CHARACTER 00 to FF (hex or BCD)
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By default = 0
By default = 0
By default = 0
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The presence of a SYNC function indicates the use of a BSC protocol in Full Duplex communication.
When an end of block delimiter is detected, the input data and resynchronization signals are forwarded.
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• Record 4 must precede record 5.
• Otherwise, record 5 "steals" the sequence ENQ.
• Record 6 prevents the forwarding of errored blocks (ones that have not satisfied the validation
procedure) over the link.
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In this mode, the Megapac is used to set up one or more IP - SLIP connections over asynchronous links.
The Megapac inserts (outgoing) or deletes (incoming) asynchronous characters specific to the SLIP
protocol (Serial Line IP Protocol).
The following tables list the significant parameters of a TERM descriptor and its resource(s) in "SLIP"
DTE (J1 to J2) The optional V35 interface of the J1 and J2 ports is used in DTE
mode (to a modem).
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No units
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Megabox - Megapac - Megafrad - "600B" software configuration manual
Setting from 0 to 4096 Number of logical resources associated with the link. This
By default = 1
must not exceed the number of physical ports.
With SIO board, it must be specified in multiples of 2 (2, 4, 6,
8, etc).
With MIO board, it can be specified from 1 to 36 for six MIO
boards (see Figure 16-1).
With Megapac ESL and Megafrad port, it must be specified 1.
PACKET SIZE Setting from 32 to Maximum negotiable size of outgoing packets, in bytes.
4096 Normally set to 128.
By default = TRAN By default, transparent to packet size. Any packet size will be
accepted up to the size of the internal buffers.
DELAY TO RTS LOW Setting from 0 to 512 Does not concern Asynchronous mode.
By default = 0
DELAY TO CTS HIGH Setting from 0 to 512 Does not concern Asynchronous mode.
By default = 0
SYNC DELETE By default = NO Does not concern Asynchronous mode.
SYNC INSERT Setting from 0 to 255 Does not concern Asynchronous mode.
By default = 0
DCD FILTER Setting from 0 to 20 Filtering time delay before processing to handle the DCD
In 1/10ths of a second signal state transition.
By default = 0
INHIBIT TIME FILL By default = NO Does not concern Asynchronous mode.
CALL TIME OUT Setting from 2 to 200 Call confirmation supervision time delay (TP2).
In seconds Represents the maximum time waiting for a call accepted
By default = 5 packet in response to a call request packet.
When the timer runs out, a clear indication packet is sent to
the local DTE and the remote DTE.
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Identifies the main I/O characteristics of an asynchronous
CALL The resource can send and receive call requests transparently
or using the presentation mode.
PVC This attribute specifies that the resource is a permanent VC.
The V.24 control signals are disregarded.
SVC This attribute activates the V.24 control signals.
STAT After a connection/disconnection, statistics are compiled and
sent to the resource defined by the SESSIONS STATISTICS/
parameter of the BASE descriptor (resource EI01, for example).
OPTIONS By default = no option required.
BUFFERS 1 to 240 Setting determining the number of buffers available to this
By default = 2 resource.
40 for Ethernet and 4 Mbit/s Token Ring.
80 for 16 Mbit/s Token Ring.
SESSIONS 0 to 7 Setting for opening several sessions on asynchronous ports.
By default = 0
SPEED 300 to 115Kbit/s Link throughput in bit/s
By default = 9600 Chapter 1 explain available speeds according to the hardware
configuration used.
SIO from 300 to 19.200 bit/s
MIO from 300 to 115.200 bit/s
Megapac ESL from 300 to 57.600 for J3 to J6 ports.
and Megafrad from 300 to 115.200 for J1 and J2 port.
DATA BITS 6 to 8 Number of bits per character.
By default = 8
STOP BITS 1, 1.5 or 2 Number of stop bits used in a character.
By default = 1.5
PARITY By default = No parity.
EVEN Even parity.
ODD Odd parity.
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(Ethernet - IP)
In this example, the connection is set up when "datagrams" are received over the serial link.
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In this mode, the Megapac is used to set up one or more IP - PPP connections over asynchronous links.
The IP - PPP links can be local or concentrated on a distant Megapac.
The Megapac manages a protocol similar to the HDLC over links where Asynchronous characters of
8 bits (1 start + 8 data bits + 1 stop) convey.
The Megapac starts the emulation of the PPP mode.
It requires the use of the presentation service through the « NAME » table.
A « NAME » table recording must have OPTION/ PPP parameters.
To activate the authentication protocol « PAP », the « NAME » table recording must have the
OPTION/ PPP+PAP parameter.
The configuration of as much « TERMINAL EMULATIONS BUFFERS/ » as PPP asynchronous
connections under « BASE » is required.
To implement IP address negotiation, a router interface must be configured. The chapter describing
the ROUT descriptor gives an example of configuration with an asynchronous PPP interface and IP
address negotiation.
The following table lists the significant parameters of a TERM descriptor and its resources in « PPP »
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By default = TRAN
Maximum negotiable size of outgoing packets, in bytes.
Normally set to 128.
By default, transparent to packet size. Any packet size will be
accepted up to the size of the internal buffers.
DELAY TO RTS LOW Setting from 0 to 512 Does not concern Asynchronous mode.
By default = 0
DELAY TO CTS Setting from 0 to 512 Does not concern Asynchronous mode.
By default = 0
SYNC DELETE By default = NO Does not concern Asynchronous mode.
SYNC INSERT Setting from 0 to 255 Does not concern Asynchronous mode.
By default = 0
DCD FILTER Setting from 0 to 20 Filtering time delay before processing to handle the DCD
In 1/10ths of a second signal state transition.
By default = 0
INHIBIT TIME FILL By default = NO Does not concern Asynchronous mode.
CALL TIME OUT Setting from 2 to 200 Call confirmation supervision time delay (TP2).
In seconds Represents the maximum time waiting for a call accepted
By default = 5 packet in response to a call request packet.
When the timer runs out, a clear indication packet is sent to
the local DTE and the remote DTE.
CALL The resource can send and receive call requests transparently
or using the presentation mode.
PVC This attribute specifies that the resource is a permanent VC.
The V.24 control signals are disregarded.
SVC This attribute activates the V.24 control signals.
STAT After a connection/disconnection, statistics are compiled and
sent to the resource defined by the SESSIONS STATISTICS/
parameter of the BASE descriptor (resource EI01, for example).
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This protocol (RFC 1334) allows to the extremities of a link to identify each other thanks to a simple
This identification occurs at the end of the link connection.
The Megapac, whose asynchronous link has a recording in a NAME table with the OPTION/ PPP+PAP
parameter initializes the link indicating the use of the PAP protocol during the negotiation.
In a PPP asynchronous link between two Megapac, only one extremity must have a recording in a NAME
table with the OPTION/ PPP+PAP parameter.
The two extremities must have two table PASS recording in the following order :
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NAME table
DRC MASK/ ....
SPEED/ 19.2
(Ethernet - IP)
In this example, the connection is set up when « datagrams » are received over the serial link.
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NAME table
PPP link
(Ethernet - IP)
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There are 3 recommendations for PADs, the standards X3, X28 and X29.
The areas of each standard is illustrated below.
X28 X3 X29
X25 X25
Asynchronous PAD
• The X3 recommendation defines the PAD services. The PAD supplies a class of supplementary
services for characters oriented asynchronous terminals. The services are implemented by some
parameters. These parameters define some specifics characteristics for the terminal and the link with
the PAD.
The X3 recommendation allows configuration and control of the PAD by all asynchronous terminal
connected to this PAD.
• The X28 recommendation defines the procedures used by an asynchronous terminal to reach the
services presented by the PAD.
• The X29 recommendation is a similar function of X3 recommendation, except that the PAD is
controlled now by the remote DTE. The remote DTE can be a other PAD, a host or all other
equipment working in packet mode.
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PAD parameters
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The table below describes the effects of the X.3 parameters on the Megapac.
Note :
The "CONT" parameter enables the activation/deactivation of the echo facility by the operator.
This command is not standard PAD. It should normally be used with the PAD function disabled
(parameter PAD ENABLE = D).
When the "CONT" parameter is used with the PAD function, the PAD parameter 2 display is invalid
(PAR 2:INV).
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PAD parameters
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DRI (05)
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character to the start-stop mode DTE.
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PAD parameters Page 17-3
FOLD (10)
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Megabox - Megapac - Megafrad - "600B" software configuration manual
Megapac ESL DTE mode CTS/106 control for physical V24/V28 DCE and crossed
and Megafrad cable.
without XCHG DCE mode DTR/108 control for physical V24/V28 DCE and straight
option cable.
CTS Megapac PAD uses the DCD/RTS input control signal to control its
transmit data flow.
Megapac ESL DTE mode DCD/109 control for physical V24/V28 DCE and crossed
and Megafrad cable.
with XCHG DCE mode RTS/105 control for physical V24/V28 DCE and straight
option cable.
LFI (13) By default = 4 Insertion of <LF> after <CR>.
0 No <LF> inserted.
1 <LF> inserted after each <CR> in a character string to the start-stop
mode DTE.
4 <LF> inserted after each <CR> in a character string echoed to the start-
stop mode DTE.
5 Function 1 + function 4.
6 <LF> inserted after each <CR> in a character string from the start-stop
mode DTE to the packet mode DTE.
<LF> inserted after each <CR> in a character string echoed to the start-
stop mode DTE.
7 Function 6 + function 1.
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PAD parameters
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LF PAD (14)
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Note : A decimal representation of the various values (0 to 128) lets you
encode a single function or a set of functions combined.
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PAD parameters Page 17-5
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The Megapac with its Ethernet or Token-Ring interface can be configured to set up X.25 connections
(1984) using the level 2 link layer of a 10 Mbit/s Ethernet LAN or a 4 / 16 Mbit/s Token-Ring LAN.
In other words, an X.25 connection is forwarded on an existing Token-Ring or Ethernet cable.
Data communications are very reliable through use of the connection-oriented mode at the "Data link"
(LLC2) and "Network" levels of the OSI model.
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TYPE/ CONS and DLCX descriptor
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18.1 TYPE/ CONS descriptor
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The tables below summarize the various parameters which can be set for the CONS link descriptor.
DSAP Setting from 0 to 254 Parameter defining the destination LSAP (in decimal) on which the
By default = 0 session needs to be established.
Normally, set to 126.
SSAP Setting from 0 to 254 Parameter defining the source LSAP of the Megapac and must be
By default = 0 set to 126.
The other parameters are standard with regard to a TYPE/ X25 descriptor.
The other parameters are standard with regard to a TYPE/ X25 descriptor.
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TYPE/ CONS and DLCX descriptor Page 18-2
18.1.3 MAC table parameters
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The MAC address of the Ethernet card (burned-in Ethernet address), can be modified by a PU function
recording at the beginning of the MAC table. This recording only modifies the Ethernet MAC address for
the descriptors corresponding to the recording NAME.
IBEG Start of an MAC record.
DAD Selection based on destination Ethernet address.
CAD Selection based on source Ethernet address.
CUD Selection based on Ethernet frame type.
FAC Selection based on "facilities" field.
NOP No operation.
IEND End of MAC record.
NONE no option,
TLAT address translation by X.25 table,
REJ unknown addresses rejected.
* character string of any length,
nnnn* character string beginning nnnn,
*nnnn character string ending nnnn,
nnnn!nn ! replacing one character.
* broadcast over all logical channels,
LANx broadcast over logical channel "LANx",
LANx,nnnn broadcast over logical channel "LANx", and change source address to nnnn.
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TYPE/ CONS and DLCX descriptor
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DSAP/ 126 ADRESS/ 0080020005E4 LAN DESTINATION ADRESS/ 0080020001B4
DSAP/ 126
SSAP/ 126 DSAP/ 126
SSAP/ 126 SSAP/ 126
Figure 18-1 Use of Megapac with "CONS" connection-oriented mode
The above example shows the significant parameters of the "CONS" function between two WAN.
In the example, a call request arrives on Megapac 1 - WAN1, and the X121 number is "1234567".
P400 0 1234567
P600 0 1234567
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18.2 TYPE/ DLCX descriptor
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The tables below summarize the various parameters which can be set for the DLCX link descriptor.
(NPI) By default = NO The other descriptors using the same Token-Ring link
must be NPI=NO.
CHANNELS Setting from 0 to 4096 Number of logical resources associated with the link.
No units. This parameter defines the number of X.25 logical
By default = 1 resources with which a data link can be set up to or from
the DTE over the LAN.
DESTINATION ADDRESS/ Remote MAC address Parameter defining the 802.5 Ethernet address of the
(12 characters) remote station with which the link is set up.
DSAP Setting from 0 to 254 Parameter defining the destination LSAP (in decimal) on
By default = 0 which the session needs to be established.
Normally, set to 126.
SSAP Setting from 0 to 254 Parameter defining the source LSAP of the Megapac and
By default = 0 must be set to 126.
The other parameters are standard with regard to a TYPE/ X25 descriptor.
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The MAC table must contain a record defining the using of the ring.
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NAME/ P400
DRC MASK/ .... DRC MASK/ ....
40 BUFFERS/ 80
DSAP/ 126 ADRESS/ 400033334444 LAN DESTINATION ADRESS/ 400011112222
DSAP/ 126
SSAP/ 126 DSAP/ 126
SSAP/ 126 SSAP/ 126
Figure 18-1 Use of Megapac with "DLCX" connection-oriented mode
The above example shows the significant parameters of the "DLCX" function between two WAN.
In the example, a call request arrives on Megapac 1 - WAN1, and the X121 number is "1234567".
Megapac 1 Side (the Token-Ring board MAC address is 400011112222, and X25 table is :)
P400 0 1234567
Megapac 2 Side (the Ethernet board MAC address is 400033334444 and X25 table is :)
P600 0 1234567
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19.1 General
The LAN and TLAN descriptors provide transparent bridge mode connections between two LANs. At
each end, the Megapac bridge function operates at the MAC sublayer of the OSI link layer and
disregards frame information.
With the TYPE/ LAN descriptor, the bridge function is compatible with the MAC 802.3 frame (supporting
LLC1 or LLC2 of the 802.2 standard), the SNAP type MAC 802.3 frame and the Xerox V2 type Ethernet
With the TYPE/ TLAN descriptor, the bridge function is compatible with the MAC 802.5 frame
(supporting an LLC1 or LLC2 compliant with the 802.2 standard and the IBM type MAC 802.5 frame).
The tables below summarize the various parameters which can be modified in the LAN or TLAN link
group broadcast frames to certain remote networks.
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The virtual circuit is set up from the link RESTart point. Setup is independent of traffic detected on the
LANs. In case of failure, the call request packet is sent every five seconds.
• In one Megapac, the logical resource associated with the descriptor (LAN or TLAN) will be set to
"CIRCUIT TYPE/ CALL+SVC" and handle transmission of the call request packet.
• In the other Megapac, the logical resource associated with the descriptor (LAN or TLAN) will be set to
2) Virtual circuit setup when frames need to be sent to the remote bridge
The virtual circuit is set up when the bridge detects a frame on the LAN or local ring which needs to be
sent to the remote ring associated with this virtual circuit after scanning the "self-learning" and MAC
• In one Megapac, the logical resource associated with the descriptor (LAN or TLAN) is set to "CIRCUIT
TYPE/ CALL+PVC" and handles transmission of the call request packet on detection of frames to be
• In the other Megapac, the logical resource associated with the descriptor (LAN or TLAN) is set to
"CIRCUIT TYPE/ OUT+PVC" and can only receive the call request packet.
So that each LAN can initiate a transmission, it is important to define two "crossed" virtual circuits, each
bridge having both "CALL+PVC" and "OUT+PVC" logical resources. With PVC type logical resources,
you can configure the system to clear the virtual circuit if there is no traffic.
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Range of
4 characters
Meaning and Scope
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The X.25 network side configuration uses the standard X.25 configuration elements of the Megapac.
The only parameters specifically to be taken into account are :
• PACKET SIZE/ (X25 descriptor parameter) - this must be defined with the TRAN value,
• BUFFERS/ (X25 resource parameter) - the settings to be used for LAN and TLAN are :
• 40 for Ethernet and Token Ring 4 Mbit/s configuration.
• 80 for Token Ring 16 Mbit/s configuration.
• K LEVEL 3/ (X25 descriptor parameter) - this must be set to 7 for optimum performance.
In order to define which MAC addresses are routed, it is necessary to configure a recording string in MAC
table so that the Megapac fulfills the « PONT » function.
Two filtering modes are available :
Self-Learning mode : the Megapac discovers which machines are on the remote LAN.
Listed mode : the Megapac includes a MAC table defining a MAC address or a group of MAC addresses
which have to be routed towards a specific WAN.
Megapac uses a "notebook" to record at which termination (local or remote) are located the active
machines For each machine, the Megapac saves the machine's MAC address, and the records the
termination (local or distant) to which each machine is connected.
By default, the "MAC address - local or remote" pairs do not incorporate the notion of aging.
The "TIME" function of the MAC table can be used to specify an "age" limit for the "MAC address -
local or remote" pairs of the "notebook".
The "TIME" recording must be placed immediately after the input MAC program of the LAN or TLAN
descriptor concerned. (IBEG then IEND is the obligatory minimum)
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19.4.1 MAC table parameters
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IBEG Start of an MAC record.
DAD Selection based on destination Ethernet address.
CAD Selection based on source Ethernet address.
DATA Selection based on Ethernet frame information.
NOP No operation.
IEND End of an MAC record.
TIME Used to specify an "age" limit for the "MAC address, local or remote" pairs of the "notebook".
NONE no option
REJ unknown addresses rejected
SELECTOR Filtering on the source or destination MAC address, or on the data of the Ethernet or Token
Ring frame.
∗ character string of any length (auto learning mode)
nnnn∗ character string beginning nnnn (cataloged mode)
∗nnnn character string ending nnnn (cataloged mode)
nnnn!nn ! = replaces one character (cataloged mode)
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For Token-Ring, the MAC table needs to have a record defining use of the ring.
The MAC address of the Ethernet card (burned-in Ethernet address), can be modified by a PU function
recording at the beginning of the MAC table. This recording only modifies the Ethernet MAC address for
the descriptors corresponding to the recording NAME.
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The above example shows the significant parameters of the transparent bridge function between two
When there are LAN1 datagrams to be sent to LAN2, Megapac 1 initializes the link on the WAN.
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Megapac 1 side
X.25 table
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Megabox - Megapac - Megafrad - "600B" software configuration manual
P300 0 1234567
MAC table
The "VIEW" command lets you view the scratch pad (self-learning table)
Megapac 2 side
X.25 table
LAN2 0 1234567
MAC table
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20.1 General
The TYPE/ IP and TIP descriptors are for linking TCP/IP functions with the Ethernet or Token-Ring link
physically installed in the unit. For Token-Ring operation, the system software must be set with 512 byte
Several IP and/or TIP descriptors can be configured for the same access board.
The IP (or TIP) descriptor is used for IP Switching functions, for the RFC 1356 (877) gateway functions,
for the Telnet Server functions and Reserve Telnet Server functions, and also for the TCP/IP RIP
router functions, for the SNMP agent function, etc.
In "IP Switching" mode, the datagrams coming from the LAN can be routed towards a WAN with
reference to the following criteria:
• IP source address,
• IP destination address,
• protocol type and source port number,
• protocol type and destination port number.
In an X25 network, the IP source or destination address can be used to construct the X121 address of an
X25 call packet.
In Token Ring mode this parameter is not used.
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20.2.1 Ethernet frame formats
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The table below briefly describes the parameters of the IP descriptor resources.
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20.4 MAC table
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IBEG Start of an MAC record.
DAD Selection based on destination IP address.
CAD Selection based on source IP address.
CPR Selection based on protocol and one or more source port numbers.
DPR Selection based on protocol and one or more destination port numbers.
MASK Defines a mask on the IP addresses for the use of subnetworks.
NOP No operation.
IEND End of an MAC record.
IBEG Options
NONE simple routing (a single path corresponds to 1 IP address)
NOT extended routing (several paths correspond to 1 IP address)
NONE No option.
JUMP to jump a label when the selection criterion is "true"
TLAT Enables an X.25 call request packet to be constructed from an IP address, using the
X.25 table address handling facilities (# skip, " copy).
REJ rejection of unknown addresses, ARP address filtering, RIP broadcast filtering.
* broadcasts over all logical channels
LANx broadcasts over logical channel "LANx"
LANx,RESy broadcasts over logical channel "LANx" and routes over resource RESy of a WAN
With the TLAT option the IP address can serve to construct an X.121 address.
LANx,RESy,rot broadcasts over logical channel "LANx" and routes over resource RESy of a WAN
With the TLAT option the IP address conserve to construct an X.121 address.
The IP address can be rotated before handling.
Hex value in hex uppercase, represents the value of the MASK.
GATEWAY keyword, for responding to ARP procedures.
The recording can be placed anywhere in the MAC table.
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All data flows for the same destination IP address take the same path.
Datagrams coming from the LAN are routed to a WAN resource,
1. by seeking (in the "notebook") a path already used for this IP destination address,
2. by looking to see if a router function can handle this IP destination address,
3. by using the MAC table routing in the event of failure of solutions 1 and 2. In this case, the routing
selected in the MAC table is kept in the "notebook" and the path will then be used for any datagram
having the same destination IP address.
The different types of data flow for the same destination IP address can take different suitable
☞ paths. Path management is dynamic. (see paragraph 20.6)
Datagrams coming from the LAN are routed to a WAN resource,
1. by using the MAC table routing to determine which LAN and WAN resource POOL can be used,
2. by seeking a path already used for this IP destination address (in the "notebook") and which adheres
to the no. 1 criteria (i.e. corresponding to the LAN and WAN resource names),
3. by opening a new path, the characteristics of which are preserved in the "notebook".
The CPR and DPR functions are used for the following selections:
XXXX CPR NONE protocol, port no., port no., port no. LANx
or JUMP or LANx,RESy
DPR TLAT protocol, port no.-port no. LANx,RESy,rot
CPR Selection based on protocol and one or more source port numbers.
DPR Selection based on protocol and one or more destination port numbers.
protocol protocol type
2 characters in hexadecimal and capitals (06 for TCP, 11 for UDP, etc. ...)
Port no. Port no. (source if CPR, destination if DPR)
4 characters in hexadecimal and capitals (up to 3 port numbers)
Port no.-Port no. Port no. field (source if CPR, destination if DPR)
each Port no. has 4 characters in hexadecimal and capitals
LANx broadcasts on the "LANx" logical channel
LANx,RESy broadcasts on the "LANx" logical channel, and routes on the RESy resource of a
WAN link.
With the TLAT option the IP address can be used to construct an X 121 address.
LANx,RESy,rot broadcasts on the "LANx" logical channel, and routes on the RESy resource of a
WAN link.
With the TLAT option the IP address can be used to construct an X 121 address.
The IP address can be rotated before manipulation.
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The MAC table must contain a record defining the using of the ring.
The MAC address of the Ethernet card (burned-in Ethernet address), can be modified by a PU function
recording at the beginning of the MAC table. This recording only modifies the Ethernet MAC address for
the descriptors corresponding to the recording NAME.
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20.4.6 "MASK" function
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The "MASK" function used between the IBEG ... IEND delimiters of an input MAC program are used to
route datagrams according to a sub-network address.
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The "MASK" function used between the IBEG ... IEND delimiters of an input MAC program are used to
route datagrams according to a sub-network address.
The GENERATOR field in its form LANx,RESy is used to define a group of IP resources without
specifying for each IP resource the WAN destination resource using the DRC MASK.
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The decimal address can be used by an X.25 table record.
3 End of input Mac program delimiter.
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Conversion by the X.25 table:
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1 For the P400 destination resource, the address previously defined can be converted again.
• « trad » is a conversion sequence from the decimal digits including the characters
#n "n n
• In this sequence, the n digit is decimal.
• n allows the addition of n digits,
• "n allows the storage of n digits,
• #n allows the suppression of n digits.
The converted address is inserted into the call request.
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The "MASK" function used between the IBEG ... IEND delimiters of an input MAC program are used to
route datagrams according to a sub-network address. The "MASK" must be placed before a TLAT option
DAD record. In this case the mask is applied before the IP address is converted to a decimal address.
When the Subnet of a network is not standard, in other words it overlaps two bytes, the destination IP
address can be left rotated to obtain the Subnet in one byte.
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20.4.11 "Reverse ARP" function
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SELECTOR IP or TIP Specifies the Ethernet or Token Ring MAC address of the machine using
the RARP protocol (in hexadecimal and uppercase).
GENERATOR IP Specifies the IP address of the machine used in the RARP protocol,
(dot notation or upper-case hexadecimal).
a comma (as separator), and the "E" or "S" protocol.
"E" for the Ethernet protocol.
"S" for the IEEE 802.3 Ethernet protocol with SNAP.
TIP Specifies the IP address of the machine using the RARP protocol
(dot notation or upper-case hexadecimal).
For the same IP or TIP descriptor, RARP protocol or BOOTP protocol (or nothing) can be used.
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20.4.12 "BOOTP" function
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ETHE etc ...
ETHE ADD NONE 008002000D0F
For the same IP or TIP descriptor, RARP protocol, or BOOTP protocol (or nothing) can be used.
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20.4.13 "Static route" function
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It may be necessary to define a "static route" (MAC address, IP address combination) in networks with
several routers over the same LAN without using the RIP protocol.
An address table with the ADD function must be constructed immediately after the input MAC program of
the IP or TIP descriptor concerned. (IBEG then IEND is the mandatory minimum).
SELECTOR IP or TIP Specifies the Ethernet or Token Ring MAC address of a router,
(hexadecimal and uppercase).
GENERATOR IP Specifies the IP address of remote network,
(dot notation or upper-case hexadecimal).
a comma (as separator), and the "E" or "S" protocol.
"E" for the Ethernet protocol.
"S" for the IEEE 802.3 Ethernet protocol with SNAP.
TIP Specifies the IP address of remote network
(dot notation or upper-case hexadecimal).
Router Router
MAC-1 address MAC-2 address
Netid-B Netid-C
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An address table with the ADD function must be constructed immediately after the input MAC program of
the IP or TIP descriptor concerned. (IBEG then IEND is the mandatory minimum).
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IP datagram routing uses an "ARP table" which saves the "MAC address, IP address" pairs and the
associated LAN or WAN resource. The VIEW command is used to view the "ARP table".
This "ARP table" updates itself using the following information:
1. Static routes definition (ADD records in the MAC table),
2. Data from the ARP message responses,
3. Data from the RIP broadcast messages.
When the "subnet mask" function is not used, (by default the subnet mask =, a "WAN
resource, IP address" combination is stored in the "ARP table" for each IP machine at the other end of
the WAN.
Routing performance can be optimized by reducing the number of records in the "ARP table" by retaining
only the "WAN resource, NetId" combination.
To do so, a record with the MASK function can be inserted immediately after the input MAC program of
the IP or TIP descriptor concerned, to indicate a subnet mask for each connection. (IBEG then IEND is
the mandatory minimum).
IP destination address datagrams starting with "C00101" are routed over resource IP01. Resource IP01
includes a DRC MASK to WAN.
Record number 4 after the IEND of the ETHE descriptor specifies a mask of for resource
The "ARP table" then contains one "WAN resource, NetId" record which is the result of a logical AND
between the IP address of the number 2 SELECTOR and the IP mask of the number 4 GENERATOR.
• The NOP function is not allowed in a MASK (or ADD) function sequence.
• Do not confuse this static MASK with the dynamic MASK function that can be specified between the
IBEG and IEND delimiters.
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Megabox - Megapac - Megafrad - "600B" software configuration manual Filtering the data from the ARP messages (of the LAN)
The automatic updating of the "ARP table", based on the ARP exchanges coming from the LAN, can be
disabled by using the REJ option for the first record of the MAC table associated with the IP or TIP
descriptor (i.e. the IBEG record). Filtering the data from the RIP broadcast (of the LAN)
The automatic updating of the "ARP table", based on the RIP broadcast messages data coming from the
LAN, can be disabled by using the REJ option for any MAC record associated with the descriptor, by the
use of the ADD function.
By default, the "MAC address, IP address" pairs do not incorporate the notion of aging.
The "TIME" function of the MAC table can be used to specify an "age" limit for the "MAC address, IP
address" pairs of the ARP table. The notion of "age" only applies to dynamic inputs and not to static
The "TIME" recording must be placed immediately after the input MAC program of the LAN or TLAN
descriptor concerned. (IBEG then IEND is the obligatory minimum)
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The TYPE/ IP and TIP descriptors can be used to provide IP gateway connections between two local
area networks. At each end, the Megapac gateway function operates at IP datagram level. It places the
datagrams in one or more data packets in accordance with the X.25 link protocol connecting the two
The tables on the following pages summarize the parameters that can be set in an IP or TIP link
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(continue) TALK
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20.5.3 Preliminary choice of VC type
The virtual circuit is set up when the link is RESTarted. The setup procedure is independent of the traffic
detected on the RLEs. In the event of failure, the call request packet is sent every five seconds.
• In a Megapac, the logical resource attached to the descriptor (IP or TIP) is set to "CIRCUIT TYPE/
CALL” and transmits the call request packet.
• In the other Megapac, the logical resource attached to the descriptor (IP or TIP) is set to "CIRCUIT
2) Virtual circuit setup when frames are to be sent to the remote gateway.
The virtual circuit is set up when the gateway detects a frame to be sent over the RLE or the local ring,
after scanning the self-learning and MAC tables (see Routing), to the remote RLE associated with this
virtual circuit.
• In one Megapac, the logical resource attached to the descriptor (IP or TIP) is set to "CIRCUIT TYPE/
CALL+PVC" and transmits the call request packet when a frame to be transmitted is detected.
• In the other Megapac, the logical resource attached to the descriptor (IP or TIP) is set to "CIRCUIT
TYPE/ OUT+PVC" and can only receive the call request packet.
Insofar as each RLE can initiate a transmission, it is necessary to define two "crossover" virtual circuits,
each gateway having a "CALL+PVC" and "OUT+PVC" logical resource respectively. It is possible with
PVC logical resources to program the clearing of the virtual circuit set up if there is no traffic.
X.25 link
The configuration procedure on the X.25 network side uses Megapac's standard X.25 configuration
The only parameters to be taken specifically into consideration are:
• the PACKET SIZE/ parameter for logical resources; it must be defined with the maximum possible
setting on the X.25 link.
• the BUFFERS/ parameter; it must complete the number of logical resources configured for the TYPE/
IP descriptor. The settings to be used in IP and TIP mode are:
• 40 for Ethernet and 4 Mbit/s Token Ring.
• 80 for 16 Mbit/s Token Ring.
X.25 table
To comply with RFC1356, the X.25 table call record must include a USER DATA field = CC.
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The example above specifies the significant parameters of an RFC1356 gateway function.
When a machine in LAN 11.xx.xx.xx wants to communicate with a machine in LAN 10.xx.xx.xx,
Megapac number 1 initiates the connection over the WAN.
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MAC table
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MAC table
The "VIEW" command lets you analyze the learning table of the network machines.
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20.6 "IP Switching" function
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NAME/ P400
DRC MASK/ ....
DRC MASK/ . . . .
BUFFERS/ 40 NPI/ YES only FTP traffic
DRC MASK/ . . . .
NPI/ YES all traffic except FTP traffic
The IP Switching function uses extended routing possibilities (see paragraph 20.4.3).
In this example, WAN2 only sends FTP type data streams to machine, and WAN1 sends
all the other datagrams.
The MAC table (IBEG NOT option) is used to this effect:
1 Input terminal of the input MAC program, with the NOT option indicating extended routing.
2 The datagrams of the destination IP address ( are analyzed by the MAC program beginning
with label JDD1.
3 All the other datagrams (except those of the destination IP address []) are routed to a
resource with a P30∗ type name
4 The datagrams of the destination IP address (, which transport an "FTP" type data flow, are
routed to a resource with a P40∗ type name
5 The other data flows of the destination IP address ( are routed to a resource with a P30∗
type name
6 Output terminal of the input MAC program
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20.7 "TELNET" function
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X.25 distant
An asynchronous terminal accesses the Telnet service using the presentation service. The
corresponding record in the NAME table contains the option TELN.
typical record in the NAME table:
The user requests "PARSUN1"
The NAME table record activates the Telnet service.
The NAME table record specifies the IP or TIP resource to be used via its DRC.
The PROF option defines a specific X.3 profile having the same name as the specified DRC.
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20.8.2 Remote Pad Telnet
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An X.25 call request packet arrives at a node for which the link is set to ECM=IN (Extended Call
Management). The X.25 resource used includes the NAME option. The MAC table is used in input
mode, and has a routing record including the TALK option. The GENERATOR field of this record has a
service name matching an entry in the NAME table.
sample MAC record for the X.25 link:
Name Function Option Selector Generator
The path is then the same for the local Pad Telnet.
With the service activated, the local or remote call is routed over a resource (IP01 in the example) of the
IP or TIP descriptor (TKNR, for example).
The first records of the MAC table contain:
• information on the Token-Ring board if that board is used.
• the source and destination IP addresses used on the network.
• an input record for the source IP address, for resolving the association between IP address and MAC
address (ARP procedure).
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E Telnet negotiation
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By default, a Telnet session is opened on port 23 and the terminal type is DEC-VT100.
The PU line of the MAC table specifying the source and destination IP addresses can have the following
information added:
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E Alternative routing
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The PU line of the MAC table specifying the source and destination IP addresses can have the following
information added:
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By default =
SRCE+ ????
Criterion for selecting a resource according to the port
identifying the application program.
The parameters are mutually exclusive.
NO Routing is based only on IP addresses.
SRCE Routing is based on the source port N° and IP addresses.
DEST Routing is based on destination port N° and IP
Setting to use in Pad Telnet mode.
WILD Routing is based on port N° and IP addresses, and as a
last resort, IP addresses only.
WILD is normally used only at the end of a group.
PRESET PORT MATCH 0 to 32767 TCP port N° to be used in PAD Telnet mode.
By default = 2048 as a rule, "23" for Telnet
0 if Port Match = NO
REVERSE TELNET PORT 0 to 32767 TCP port N° to be used in Reverse Pad Telnet mode.
By default = 0 as a rule, "23" for Telnet
0 if Port Match = NO
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X.25 remote
A datagram received from the network asks for the "destinationip" address.
The link is a Token-Ring network, the associated descriptor is "TKNR" and the resources are "IP0x".
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A PU recording in the MAC table allows the negotiation of the Telnet options (see $ 20.10).
This recording is only required in particular exploitation cases.
It may be beneficial to use only one "destination ip" address for several asynchronous terminals (printers,
for example).
In this case, continuing with the above example, you can associate a number of resources IP01 with the
link descriptor TKNR, each IP01 resource having:
• a different DRC Mask
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MAC table
The IP address is allocated to the configuration port interface (BE00) of the Megapac.
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By default =
SRCE+ ????
Criterion for selecting a resource according the port
identifying the application program.
The parameters are mutually exclusive.
NO Routing is based only on IP addresses.
In this case, RTP = 0.
SRCE Routing is based on source port N° and IP address.
DEST Routing is based on destination port N° and IP
Setting to be used in REVERSE PAD TELNET mode if
necessary with the RTP parameter.
WILD Routing is based on port N° and IP addresses and, as a
last resort IP addresses only.
WILD is normally used only at the end of a group.
PRESET PORT MATCH 0 to 32767 TCP port N° to be used in PAD Telnet mode.
By default = 2048 as a rule, "23" for Telnet
0 if Port Match = NO
REVERSE TELNET PORT 0 to 32767 TCP port N° to be used in Reverse Pad Telnet mode.
(RTP) By default = 0 as a rule, "23" for Telnet
0 if Port Match = NO
DISC MODE By default = 0 not used
MENU NUMBER 0 to 32 For the resource with TYPE CIRCUIT that are not
By default = 0 « CALL », a menu can be specified to warn a « Telnet
Client » that the « Telnet Server » can not reply to its
HELP NUMBER By default = 0 not used
NEWS NUMBER By default = 0 not used
CALL PRIORITY 0 to 15 Calling line priority ( CP >= RP ).
By default = 0
RESOURCE PRIORITY 0 to 15 Called line priority.
By default = 0
BANDWIDTH Setting from 0 to 32767 Required bandwidth, in characters per second tenth.
By default = 0 Only towards an X25 link.
Incoming resource:
Bandwidth=0, no bandwidth guarantee is requested.
Bandwidth>0, allows to define the requested speed
before routing.
The other parameters can retain their default settings.
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The first exchange that normally takes place across a Telnet connection is option negotiation. The option
negotiation is symmetric, either side can send a request to the other.
Either side can send one of four different requests for any given option.
1. WILL (FB) The sender wants to enable the option itself.
2. DO (FD) The sender wants the receiver to enable the option.
3. WONT (FC) The sender wants to disable the option itself.
4. DONT (FE) The sender wants the receiver to disable the option.
Start of negotiation begins by IAC (FF) « Interpret As Command ».
Option negotiation requires 3 bytes: the IAC byte, followed by the byte for WILL, DO, WONT, or DONT,
followed by an ID byte specifying the option to enable or disable.
21 Remote flow control 1372
22 Linemode 1184
24 Environment variables 1408
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21.1 General
The TYPE/ IPX and TIPX descriptors are used to associate "Novell" functions with an Ethernet or Token-
Ring link physically installed in the cabinet.
For Token-Ring operation, the system software must be in 512 byte buffers.
The tables on the following pages summarize the different parameters that can be altered in an IPX or
TIPX link descriptor.
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DRC MASK 4 characters Fully or partly identifies a destination resource, used for
maximum routing.
By default = . . . .
XXXX "CALL" - type logical resource
Name of the logical resource attached to the "WAN" link
descriptor (for example, X.25).
.... "OUT+PVC" - type logical resource
DRC MASK is not used.
CIRCUIT TYPE By default = Identifies the main I/O characteristics of the resource.
CALL The resource name specified by DRC MASK/ is the
destination resource.
OUT+PVC The NAME/ of this resource is used as the destination
resource of another Megapac resource.
OPTIONS By default : NONE No options required.
IDLE The virtual circuit is cleared if it is no longer transmitting
information during the time predefined by the
INACTIVITY TIMER/ parameter of the BASE descriptor.
BUFFERS Setting from 1 to 240 Setting determining the number of buffers available to
By default = 2 this resource.
40 for Ethernet and 4 Mbit/s Token Ring.
80 for 16 Mbit/s Token Ring.
BROADCAST FILTER 0 to 12000 Interval in tenths of a second at which broadcast or
TIMER By default = 0 group broadcast packets are sent to the remote network
corresponding to this logical resource.
0: no timer.
12000: no broadcast or group broadcast frames
INHIBIT LEARNING By default = NO Activates learning mode.
The Megapac learns only the routing of the frames
transmitted to the remote RLE corresponding to this
logical resource, by updating the self-learning table using
frames received from this RLE.
YES Disables learning mode.
The Megapac does not enable the learning table with
frames received from the remote RLE corresponding to
this logical resource.
The routing of frames sent to this remote RLE must be
set in the MAC table.
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0 to 15
By default = 0
0 to 15
Calling line priority (CP >= RP).
The MAC table must contain a record defining the using of the ring.
The MAC address of the Ethernet card (burned-in Ethernet address), can be modified by a PU function
recording at the beginning of the MAC table. This recording only modifies the Ethernet MAC address for
the descriptors corresponding to the recording NAME.
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IPX messages for the selection of « SAP » services and « RIP » routing messages coming from the LAN
can be filtered if requested.
Thus, « SAP and RIP » messages coming from the LAN can’t be sent on the uniting WAN(s).
Therefore, the MAC table is used under input mode.
For the IPX type ETHR descriptor, let’s assume the following input MAC program :
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LAN (Ethernet - IPX)
(TokenRing - IPX)
The example above specifies the significant parameters of an IPX gateway function between an Ethernet
network and a TokenRing network.
In this case the WAN is a point-to-point protocol link.
The "VIEW" command lets you analyze the machines present on the LANs.
ETHX: view
TKNX: view
TX00(0) 030C 00000000 00000000 0800091CB69E 400C 3 0800091CB6
TX00(0) 045A 00002000 00002000 080086100EB8 4114 3 BB3_BETA_T
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The TYPE/ ROUT descriptor is used for IP and/or IPX router operation.
• In TCP/IP mode, the Megapac manages the RIP protocol.
• In a Netware environment, the Megapac provides compatibility with IPX routing algorithms. In this
environment, Megapac propagation includes Netbios broadcast frames.
For a Token-Ring network, the system software must be in 512 byte buffers.
In the same Megapac, the "ROUT" descriptors of sub-type "RIP" and "IPX" can be configured
Several resources of a single ROUT can be connected to the resources of a single LAN. Thus, the
routing between various Subnet of a single LAN is eased.
The tables on the following pages summarize the different parameters that can be set for the "ROUT"
virtual descriptor in TCP/IP and IPX (Novell) environments.
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The virtual descriptor of type "ROUT" and sub-type "RIP" recognizes and updates the IP routing
information using the RIP protocol. There are no special parameters other than those of the descriptor
and its resources for standard operation as an RIP router. RIP messages are exchanged (by default)
every 30 seconds.
By default, the MAC table is not used. However in a particular environment, the traffic generated by the
RIP messages may become harmful (over low bit rate WAN links).
Static route
The Megapac can operate without generating RIP messages and in this case the MAC table is used to
define one or more static routes (ROUT function).
Static route and dynamic route prioritization
When a "static route" is defined and the Megapac is informed via RIP exchanges of a "routing signal"
concerning the same NetId, routing is carried out over the route with the smallest metric.
The Megapac accepts a "dynamic RIP" route of the same NetId as a "static route" if the dynamic route
metric is smaller.
Datagram selection
In a TCP/IP network with several routers, it is important to be able to select certain protocols (FTP,
Telnet, etc. ...) to optimize traffic in the network.
The Megapac lets you filter IP, TCP and UDP layer datagrams using the MAC table with the BAR
function and the NOT option.
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in hexadecimal and
or in DOT notation.
Defines an IP address for the resource (LAN or WAN side).
In association with the SUBNET MASK/ parameter, the
PORT ADDRESS/ parameter is used to define a network address
(NetId) for each LAN and WAN connected to this Megapac.
(for SNMP and Reverse Telnet functions on the VCP, this address
must be the same as that defined in the ADDRESS field of the
This IP address replies to the PING function when the resource is in
"DATA" state (possible routing).
BROADCAST in hexadecimal and Address used as message header in IP and RIP BROADCAST
ADDRESS upper-case mode.
or in DOT notation. This address is calculated by the Megapac according to the PORT
ADDRESS parameter.
This address can be modified if the IP addressing plan used does
not conform to the IP class definition.
SUBNET MASK in hexadecimal and Defines a sub-network mask for this port.
upper-case This mask is calculated by the Megapac according to the PORT
or in DOT notation. ADDRESS parameter.
This mask can be modified if the IP addressing plan used does not
conform to the IP class definition.
- see Note "SUBNET MASK"
- for SNMP and Reverse Telnet on the VCP port (BE00), the
BROADCAST 30 Defines the intervals between two RIP messages.
"0" causes RIP messages to be deleted.
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This example shows a configuration of the descriptors and resources of a Megapac as an RIP router in a
TCP/IP environment between an Ethernet LAN and X.25 link (WAN).
When the LAN-Ethernet cable is disconnected, the "Metric" of the associated resource (RT00 in the
example) jumps to 16, that is "inaccessible network".
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22.1.4 Static route in MAC table
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Note The Megapac accepts a "dynamic RIP" route of the same NetId as a "static route" if the
dynamic route metric is smaller.
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The Megapac lets you filter TCP or UDP protocol of IP layer datagrams using the MAC table with the
BAR function and the NOT option. (Telnet, FTP, etc. ..)
The filtering can be carried out from the LAN to the WAN and/or from the WAN to the LAN.
The BAR recording SELECTOR field details the resource on which the filtering is carried out. The first
resource of the ROUT descriptor is dedicated to the WAN-to-LAN direction, the resources of the upper
rank are dedicated to the LAN-to-WAN direction.
The BAR function with the NOT option lets you select a particular datagram with specific data specified
in the GENERATOR field for the link connected to the resource specified in the SELECTOR field.
A BAR recording with the NOT option for a specific resource requires a BAR recording with the NONE
option in order to forbid the routing of other datagrams on this resource.
• Protocol (2 digits) Points out the TCP or UDP protocol in hexa upper-case (06 or 11 hexa)
• Port (2 or 4 Points out the port number associated to the service (of the TCP or UDP
number digits) protocol) in hexadecimal and upper-case.
By default, it is the destination port number.
When the letter "S" precedes the port number, it is the source port
• IP address (2 digits Points out the destination IP address in hexa upper-case or dot notation.
When the IP machine number is "0", the Netid concerned is filtered.
Details of records:
• The BAR records must be between the IBEG and IEND delimiters.
• When there is an input MAC program (IBEG ... IEND) for this descriptor, the BAR records must
precede the input MAC program.
• BAR record sequences must begin with "BAR, NOT option" followed by "BAR, NONE option".
• When SELECTOR specifies resource "0" of an ROUT descriptor, filtering applies to the datagrams
from the WAN(s) to the LAN.
• When SELECTOR specifies the other resource(s) (other than "0") of an ROUT descriptor, filtering
applies to datagrams from the LAN to the WAN(s).
• When an existing BAR record is edited, the edited information takes effect immediately.
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06 selects TCP
06,17 selects Telnet on TCP
,, selects class B network with NetID "128.1"
,, selection on machine with IP address
11,, selects UDP datagrams from the machine with IP address
The datagram coming from the LAN is looking for the destination IP address
The router RIP table asks for taking the RT 01 resource for this destination IP address.
The MAC table, for this destination address, allows the routing of the datagram for the UDP protocol
(BAR function with option NOT),
The MAC table for this destination resource forbids any other (BAR function with option NONE).
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UDP 17 11
AT-NBP 202 CA AppleTalk Name Binding
AT-ECHO 204 CC AppleTalk Echo
AT-ZIS 206 CE AppleTalk Zone Information
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22.2 "BootP / DHCP relay function
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DHCP ("Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol") is a protocol based on UDP/IP, the purpose of which is to
supply configuration data to workstations of a TCP/IP type network.
This data may be:
• the default gateway name,
• the DNS ("Domain Name Server"),
• the sub-network mask,
• etc.
The Megapac provides the "BootP / DHCP relay" function between DHCP client apparatus and a DHCP
To activate the "DHCP relay" function, the MAC table must contain a string of records (DHCP function)
associated with the descriptor that provides the "RIP router" function.
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This example describes a Megapac in IP router configuration, with one of the IP router resources
allowing access to the "BE00" configuration port.
The RT02 resource of the router uses the service name "TOTO" (NAME+TELR option).
The NAME table includes a TOTO record which indicates:
• routing to a BE00 configuration port,
• Telnet server operation (TELR option),
• use of a specific PAD profile (PROF option).
The "PROFILE" table includes a BE00 code record with the following parameters:
PAR 1:1, 2:1, 3:2, 4:1, 5:0, 6:0, 7:1, 8:0, 9:0, 10:0, 11:1
12:0, 13:0, 14:0, 15:0, 16:13, 17:13, 18:13, 19:0, 20:0, 21:0, 22:0
When an IP device (Telnet client) connects to the IP address of the RT02 resource, the Megapac
activates a "Telnet Server" session and negotiates the binary mode (WILL Binary - DO Binary), along
with the local echo (DONT Echo - WILL Echo).
Note: The "Telnet Server" service (Reverse Pad Telnet) and the Telnet negotiations options are detailed
in the chapter describing the IP type descriptor.
Figure 22-3 IP router in Telnet server configuration on the BE00 port
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The "TYPE/ TERM descriptor" chapter presents the configuration parameters of an asynchronous PPP
protocol link.
To implement IP address negotiation, a router access must be configured.
The example below shows a configuration with a PC having an indefinite IP address (
At the time of connection, the PC initializes IP address negotiation with the Megapac.
The PC then receives the IP address: ‘NetID3-HostID(negotiation)".
The BROADCAST ADDRESS/ parameter of the RT02 resource of the ROUT descriptor is used for the
IP address negotiation.
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PORT ADDRESS in hexadecimal and Defines an IP address for the resource (LAN or WAN side).
upper-case In association with the SUBNET MASK/ parameter, the
or in DOT notation. PORT ADDRESS/ parameter can be used to define a network
address (NetId) for each LAN and WAN connected to this Megapac.
BROADCAST in hexadecimal and This address is used for IP - PPP address negotiation.
ADDRESS upper-case This address is calculated by the Megapac according to the PORT
or in DOT notation. ADDRESS parameter.
This address must be modified for IP - PPP address negotiation.
SUBNET MASK in hexadecimal and Defines a sub-network mask for this port.
upper-case This mask is calculated by the Megapac according to the PORT
or in DOT notation. ADDRESS parameter.
This mask must be modified for IP - PPP address negotiation.
BROADCAST 30 The value "0" (no RIP message) must be used for IP - PPP
INTERVAL in seconds address negotiation.
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The virtual descriptor of type "ROUT" and sub-type "IPX" recognizes and updates the Netware network
routing information. There are no special parameters other than those of the descriptor and its resources
for standard Novell router operation.
By default, the MAC table is not used. However in a particular environment, the traffic generated by the
RIP and SAP messages of IPX-Novell protocol may become harmful (over low bit rate WAN links, ISDN
links, ...).
In the IPX environment, the Megapac propagates type 20 Netbios frames (Netbios broadcast). So as to
limit the traffic generated by the propagation of these frames, a record in the MAC table can inhibit their
For specific applications, parameters of the IPX router function and the associated MAC table recordings
allow to:
• inhibit "Request RIP" and "Request SAP" messages towards the WAN ,
• inhibit "SAP" messages towards the LAN and/or the WAN,
• inhibit "RIP et SAP" messages the LAN and/or the WAN,
• inhibit Netbios broadcast frames (type 20 frames) towards the WAN,
• define RIP and/or SAP static paths
• implement a spoofing function for IPX watchdog messages towards the WAN,
• select certain services of the SAP protocol on the LAN and/or the WAN side.
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8 characters
in hexadecimal and
Defines an IPX network address for each LAN and WAN
connected to this Megapac.
This address must be input on eight characters.
or in DOT notation If on a BIND IPX NET server = 5678,
PORT ADDRESS = 00005678
In an RIP-IPX message this address is used for the "source
network" field.
BROADCAST ADDRESS in hexadecimal and In an IPX router environment, this parameter is forced so
or in DOT notation. should not normally be changed.
SUBNET MASK in hexadecimal and In an IPX router environment, this parameter is forced to
upper-case FFFFFFFF and should not normally be changed.
or in DOT notation.
BROADCAST INTERVAL 30 BROADCAST INTERVAL ¹ 0 defines the time interval
in seconds between 2 RIP messages towards the concerned resource
(LAN or WAN).
message inhibition towards the concerned resource (LAN or
By default, RIP messages are sent towards the concerned
resource (LAN or WAN) every 30 seconds(BROADCAST
INTERVAL value by default).
By default, SAP messages are sent every 30 seconds
towards the LAN and every 20 minutes towards the WAN
(the TIME function in MAC table allows to modify these
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The example shows the configuration of the descriptors and resources of a Megapac as an RIP router in
an IPX Novell environment between an Ethernet LAN and an X.25 link (WAN).
The "VIEW" command lets you analyze the machines present on the LANs.
When the LAN-Ethernet cable is disconnected, the "Hop" of the associated resource (RX00 in the
example) jumps to 16, that is "inaccessible network".
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When a WAN link is established, the IPX-Novell routing protocol requests the sending of "Request RIP"
and "Request SAP" messages towards remote machines.
The MegaPAC is compliant with this specificity, however, the sending of these messages can be
canceled by a recording in MAC table with the "ROUT" function and the "NOT" option.
By default, "SAP" messages are sent every 30 seconds towards the LAN and every 20 minutes towards
the WAN.
The MAC table with the "TIME" function and the "NONE" option allows to modify these timers.
The time interval between 2 SAP messages can be defined in accordance with the needs, either on the
LAN side or on the WAN side, or simultaneously for the LAN and the WAN.
WAN side:
LAN side:
corresponds to the value by default.
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E Static route example
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In the IPX-Novell protocol, "watchdog IPX" messages allow a server to supervise the presence of
working stations.
In order to minimize a traffic on a WAN, the MegaPAC provides a spoofing function taking care of
exchanges with the server, while eliminating the traffic which may have been induced on the WAN.
The MAC table with the "TIME" function and the "WIPX" option allows to implement the spoofing function
vis-à-vis a WAN resource.
NB: The WAN link resource must be configured with the IDLE option.
Slot Example:
08:30,21:30 no "Watchdog IPX" message on the WAN from 8:30 am until 9:30 pm
23:30,07:15 no "Watchdog IPX" message on the WAN from 11:30 pm until 7:15 am
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In a Novell network with several routers, it is important to be able to select certain services of the "SAP"
(Service Advertising Packets) protocol to optimize traffic in the network.
The Megapac lets you filter IPX and SAP (Service Advertising Packets) layer datagrams using the MAC
table with the BAR function and the NOT option.
The BAR function with the NOT option lets you select a particular protocol specified in the GENERATOR
field for the link connected to the resource specified in the SELECTOR field. (The other protocols are
A BAR recording with a NOT option for a specific resource requires a BAR recording with a NONE option
in order to forbid the routing of other services on this resource.
FFFC selects all the services of server "FFFC".
FFFC,0007 selects the print service of server "FFFC".
,0007 selects all print services.
,0007,GEO selects all print services of servers with a name beginning with GEO.
,,GEO selects all services of servers with a name beginning with GEO.
Details of records:
• The BAR records must be between the IBEG and IEND delimiters.
• When there is an input MAC program (IBEG ... IEND) for this descriptor, the BAR records must
precede the input MAC program.
• BAR record sequences must begin with "BAR, NOT option" followed by "BAR, NONE option".
• When SELECTOR specifies resource "0" of an ROUT descriptor, filtering applies to the datagrams
from the WAN(s) to the LAN.
• When SELECTOR specifies the other resource(s) (other than "0"), filtering applies to datagrams from
the LAN to the WAN(s).
• When an existing BAR record is edited, the edited information takes effect immediately.
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List of Netware services
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23.1 General
The TYPE/ SNMP descriptor enables the Megapac to offer the "SNMP agent" function, and if requested,
it can generate TRAPs towards an SNMP manager. The SNMP descriptor also acts as a TFTP customer;
this function allows the downloading of an other software originating from the MegaPAC memory.
The SNMP manager used must include the MIB (Management Information Database) adapted to the
MegaPAC software used.
The TYPE/ SNMP descriptor is a virtual descriptor, the resource must be linked with:
• either with the first resource of an IP or TIP descriptor
• or with a resource of a ROUT descriptor acting as a router.
• or with a WAN resource, when the Megapac is not connected locally to a LAN.
The SNMP descriptor also acts as a server for the TFTP protocol (Trivial FTP).
Thus, it is possible to download a software version in the MegaPAC central unit.
In this case, the "TELELOAD ENABLED/" parameter under base must allow the downloading.
The TFTP command must be used under the "image" mode (binary transfer).
The Megapac handles three tables that make up the "Group IP" of the standard MIB.
1. IpAddrTable IP address of each IP router input
2. IpRouteTable router RIP routing table
3. IpNetToMedia table mapping IP addresses to MAC addresses (ARP table)
100 for a CPU-E board with no memory extension.
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23.5 MAC table
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The MAC table allows to describe certain information concerning the MegaPAC.
These information expand the MIB and are thus available from the SNMP manager.
The table below specifies the order in which the information can be entered.
The GENERATOR field can be extended to the next record using the "-" character at the end of the
"DATA" records of the SNMP descriptor require no IBEG ... IEND delimiters.
In this case, the MAC table is used to define the IP address of the SNMP agent.
The datagrams corresponding to this address are routed towards the IP resource bound to the SNMP
descriptor resource.
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The example above specifies the significant parameters of an "SNMP agent" function on a TCP/IP
Ethernet network. The IP address is assigned to the SNMP agent.
MAC table
• provides the SNMP agent function (without generating any TRAP),
• provides the "software downloading" by using the TFTP function of the TCP/IP protocol.
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A "ROUT" recording for the SNMP descriptor can be necessary in MAC table, the GENERATOR field
"source IP address","destination IP address","community name"
"Megapac source IP address","Management system IP address","public"
This recording isn’t necessary when the SNMP manager initializes the dialogue with the Megapac.
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PORT ADDRESS/ "NetID1-HostID(Megapac)"
CHANNELS/ 1 NAME/ RT02 Table X25
ADDRESS/ "NetID1-HostID(Megapac)"
PORT ADDRESS/ "NetID3-HostID(Megapac)"
Table X25
POLL INTERVAL/ 20 DRC MASK/ .... RT02 0 12345
LAN - NetID3
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The previous example details the major parameters of a "Router RIP" function with "SNMP agent" on a
TCP/IP network on Ethernet.
The "SNMP" descriptor resource must be associated with a "ROUT" descriptor resource with the SNMP
option. The "ROUT" descriptor resource (here RT03) must include the same NetID1-HostID(Megapac)
address as the ROUT descriptor. The SUBNET MASK must be at and the
BROADCAST INTERVAL parameter at "0".
Likewise, the NetID3-HostID(Megapac) address of the Megapac 2 is the same for the ROUT descriptor
and the RT03 resource.
A LAN1 device can download software to the Megapac 1 with the NetID1-HostID(Megapac) address, or
to the Megapac 2 with the NetID3-HostID(Megapac) address, with the same applying to a LAN2 device.
If one wishes the MegaPAC to generate SNMP TRAPs in an operating, it may be necessary to add a
ROUT recording in the MAC table. The GENERATOR field details:
"source IP address","destination IP address","community name"
"Megapac source IP address","Management system IP address","public"
This recording isn’t necessary when the SNMP manager initializes the dialogue with the Megapac.
Supposing the LAN1 network is a class B network in 135.21.xx.xx
The Megapac 1 receives the IP address (87151414 in hexa).
The SNMP manager receives the IP address (87154040 in hexa).
ETHS ROUT NONE 87151414,87154040,public
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When the Megapac is used without attachment to a local network (e.g. in "switch" mode), it can be
configured with an SNMP agent and thus integrated in a network using this supervision protocol.
In the example,
IP address is allocated to the SNMP agent, i.e. the Megapac.
IP address is allocated to the SNMP manager, i.e. that which receives the SNMP traps.
Table MAC
DRC MASK/ . . . .
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By default = 2 10 buffers are required for a MULT resource.
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24.4 "MULT" operating modes
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MODE Operation
ABCDE Channel 1
Channel 3
Channel 1 ABCDE
MULT Channel 2
Channel 3 ABCDE
Channel 1
MUL2ABCDE Channel 0
MULT Channel 2
Channel 3
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25.1 General
In a Megapac, there should be only one V25B descriptor, with a number of resources if necessary.
The telephone number element of the V.25 bis call command (prefix CRN) is generated using the output
MAC program (DATA, CAD, DAD, CUD record).
The V.25 bis link virtual descriptor also handles the V.25 bis incoming call indication (prefix INC) from
the PSTN, ISDN, etc.
A V.25 bis destination logical resource or one or more V.25 bis hunt groups can be specified.
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A typical application is backup of an X.25 link via the PSTN, ISDN, etc.
For example, the Megapac is configured with the main X.25 link and a backup X.25 link, the backup
being connected to a modem via the PSTN. The backup link is declared by a "descriptor", for example
PS04 and has "resources" P400.
To be able to handle the call on the PSTN, the Megapac must be configured with a V.25 bis descriptor,
for example:
V.25 bis descriptor: NAME/ DIAL
This "descriptor" must have a resource of the same name as the backup link's resources.
In addition, the DRC of the V25B resource must have the name of the backup link "descriptor".
V.25 bis resource: NAME/ P40*
When a call is offered, it is routed over a resource of the main link (highest RP and LG).
If the main link is out of service, the call is routed over a resource of the same name but with a lower RP
(in other words, the backup link).
Because the "descriptor" of the backup link is set to ECM = V25B:
• setting up of the X.25 call is delayed,
• the V25B "resource" is polled,
• the MAC table is read in output mode (OBEG), to find the number to be sent in the V.25 bis
• CRN, VAL and number are exchanged.
When the connection is set up, establishment of the X.25 level 2 follow after which the initial X.25 call
can be routed.
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E X.25
call 789 and CP=1
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Main link
NAME/ P40*
CP/ 0
RP/ 0
X.25 table
MAC table
The "VIEW" command on a V25B descriptor can be used to view current calls set up in V.25 Bis mode.
P40∗(0) PS04 P400 44567732 →
The "REST" command on a V25B descriptor can be used to clear manually all active calls set up in
V.25 Bis mode.
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Additional configuration information
Main link:
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• The configuration is standard, but special attention is needed for the RP, CP and LG parameters.
Backup link:
• The configuration is standard, but attention is needed for the RP, CP and LG parameters.
• The backup link must have the parameter ECM = V25B.
• In X.25 mode, it must have at least two "resources", with the first used by the V.25 bis dialing phase.
• On the XIO board, in X.25 mode, the UI option (unnumbered information frame) will be specified.
V25B descriptor:
• It is important to declare as many "resources" as there are links using the V.25 bis protocol.
V25B resources:
• NAME/ the name of the "resources" of the link using the V.25 bis protocol
• DRC/ the name of the "descriptor" of the link using the V.25 bis protocol
• BUFFERS/ as for the link using the V.25 bis protocol
• Call Priority/ 0
• Resource Priority/ lowest
X.25 table:
• The configuration is standard, but with the indicator "T" to reconstruct the X.25 call request packet.
MAC table:
• The MEGAPAC stores the content of the SELECTOR field (destination logical resource name) of the
output MAC record (CAD, DAD, CUD or DATA) that generated the telephone number associated with
the V.25 bis call request command (CRN).
• This means it is possible to provide successive backup of different X25 links on a single backup X.25
• NAME/ NAME of the V25B "descriptor"
• OBEG start of an output MAC record
• TIME specifies check on call duration.
• DATA the "generator" field contains the number to be sent
• CAD the number to be sent is constructed from the calling line address
• DAD the number to be sent is constructed from the called line address
• CUD the number to be sent is constructed from the calling line user data
• NOP no operation
• OEND end of an output MAC record
• SELECTOR/ The NAME of the V25B resource ( * is allowed).
• with DATA, specifies the number to be sent; all characters can be used. In case of conflict
with the Megapac control characters, use the control character "@".
• with CAD the skip and copy functions (#) and ( ) can be used.
• with DAD the skip and copy functions (#) and ( ) can be used.
• with CUD the skip and copy functions (#) and ( ) can be used.
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When the backup link in V.25 Bis mode can be set up from several numbers (V25B), it is important to
use the input MAC table to define a list of destination resources.
The MAC table associated with the V.25 Bis descriptor then includes as many "DATA" records as there
are different V25B numbers.
Typical configuration
NAME/ P40∗
CP/ 0
RP/ 0
MAC table
• For the last routing, resource P403, the number is 44771234.
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When the backup link in V.25 Bis mode is used to connect different sites, it is important to use the X.25
table to differentiate the destination resources.
The MAC table associated with the V.25 Bis descriptor then includes as many "DATA" records as there
are different sites.
Typical configuration
NAME/ P40∗
CP/ 0
RP/ 0
X.25 table
MAC table
• For called number "123", resource P402, the number is 44778899.
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25.5 V25 bis Hunt group
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A group of backup links operating in V.25 Bis protocol mode can be formed by associating a resource of
the V25B type descriptor to each of the backup links.
The resources of the V25B descriptor must then be set up as follows:
• The first link associated with the first backup link should be clearly identified (NAME/ XXXX).
• The subsequent resources associated with the other backup links of the group are all programmed
with NAME/ " " " " (four double quotes).
• Each resource has a different DRC MASK/ which identifies the different backup links (different
modems), but all these links call the same number.
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25.5.1 Typical group
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NAME/ P40*
CP/ 0
RP/ 0
NAME/ """"
CP/ 0
RP/ 0
X.25 table
MAC table
The number in V.25 Bis mode is the same for links PS04 and PS05 (44567732).
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25.6 "Monitor" mode for a backup link with V.25 bis protocol
In this mode, the backup link uses the V.25 bis protocol.
When the main link is disconnected, the backup link is used. The "monitor" function is used to switch
over from the "backup link" to the "main link" when the main link becomes operational again.
Clearing options:
When the backup link is initialized outgoing, the "DISC" option in a DATA record of the MAC table can
be used to clear the call set up on a backup link, when the main link becomes operational again. This
option should be used with the monitoring function.
When the backup link is initialized incoming, the "DISC" option in a NDI record of the MAC table is used
to clear calls set up on a backup link when the main link becomes operational again. This option should
be used with the monitoring function.
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In this mode, the backup link does not use the V.25 bis protocol.
When the main link is disconnected, the backup link is used. The "monitor" function is used to switch
over from the "backup link" to the "main link" when the main link becomes operational again.
Clearing options:
The "PULL" mode can be used to clear all calls set up on a backup link without V.25 bis protocol, when
the main link (with ECM=V25M) becomes operational again. This option should be used with the
monitoring function.
• No link is set up between logical resource number 0 (link descriptor) and a logical resource of the
V25B descriptor when the backup link is in "V25M monitor" mode.
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NAME/ L30∗
CP/ 0
RP/ 0
X.25 table
Subsequent calls to subscriber "789" will be routed over a resource L300 of main link LA30.
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25.8 Review of CP and RP rules
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Following a failure to set up a connection (to a logical resource or a V.25 bis hunt group), the CALL
PRIORITY/ setting of the calling logical resource is decremented automatically by 1.
The following situations can then apply:
• if the resulting CALL PRIORITY/ setting is > 0, the system tries again to set up a connection with a
resource (V.25 bis or other) which has a compatible RESOURCE PRIORITY/ setting,
• if the resulting CALL PRIORITY/ setting is 0, the calling logical resource assumes the DISC state
(virtual circuit cleared).
• Conventional routing can then be used and, in particular, the ELSE record of the input MAC program.
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☛ This function is required when using the resources of an X.25 link previously set up by an
incoming V.25 Bis call for outgoing purposes.
This function can also be used on any adapter providing the ISDN number on the V.25 Bis indication
25.9.1 Description
On an incoming ISDN call, the ISDN connection board sends the Megapac an indication "INC" followed
by the ISDN number. The Megapac uses this indication to identify incoming ISDN calls.
The Megapac configuration must support the V.25 Bis protocol on the link on which the ISDN connection
board is connected. The MAC table associated with the X.25 link must contain a record with the "NDI"
identification function.
☛ With the T2 primary access card (PRI-64), only the source network number (NDI-DR) is
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This gives:
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A MAC table record with the function "NDI" must be configured in the Megapac to initiate identification
on the ISDN number. This record should be found in the input MAC program of the V25B descriptor
(that is, between points IBEG and IEND concerning the V25B descriptor).
The format of the record is:
The "SELECTOR" field string is compared with the ISDN number received (only NDI-CGP with the PRI-
64 board).
When the ISDN number does not match the "SELECTOR" field of the "NDI" record(s) the call is rejected.
In order to use the resources of an X.25 link established by an incoming V.25 Bis call in outgoing mode,
the "resource" name in the GENERATOR field is required, to identify the calling party.
This "resource" name replaces the resource identifier associated with the link for the duration of the call,
enabling X.25 calls to be accepted or rejected on this link.
The "DISC" option can be used to clear calls set up on a backup link when the main link becomes
operational again. This option should be used with the monitoring function.
The "REJ" option can be used to reject a particular incoming call.
Example A number of "NDI" records can be defined in sequence, each record representing a
particular number.
DIAL NDI REJ 400*;*;700012345*:56
DIAL NDI NONE 400*;*;7000123*:56 P520
DIAL NDI NONE 400*;*;6000123456-
DIAL NDI NONE 789:* P510
DIAL NDI DISC *;*;* P500
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Megabox - Megapac - Megafrad - "600B" software configuration manual
POLL INTERVAL By default = 30 Time in seconds during which the V25B descriptor remains
(0 to 127) "passive" after a Boot, link Restart, etc.
This timer is used to insert a waiting time before re-establishing the
connections associated with the resources of the "V25B" descriptor.
be checked manually.
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Megabox - Megapac - Megafrad - "600B" software configuration manual
NAME/ P40*
DRC MASK/ . . . .
SUB-TYPE/ XIO Call setup, in V25 Bis mode
CALL 5555
CP = 1
NAME/ P40* table X25
DRC MASK/ PS04 P401 0 5555
table MAC
Figure 25-1 Typical configuration for a Synchronous link in V25 Bis mode
NAME/ T800
DRC MASK/ . . . .
CIRCUIT TYPE/ SVC+V25B Call setup, in V25 Bis mode
Figure 25-2
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TYPE/ V25B descriptor
Typical configuration for a Asynchronous link in V25 Bis mode
Page 25-17
25.13 Output MAC table
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Megabox - Megapac - Megafrad - "600B" software configuration manual
NAME V.25 bis link virtual descriptor name linked with the output MAC program.
FUNCTION Transfers the telephone number to the V.25 bis link virtual descriptor.
OPTIONS In monitoring mode:
The "DISC" option can be used to clear all calls set up on a backup link when the main link
becomes operational again (RESTART).
The "NONE" option can be used to clear only those calls set up in backup mode on a backup
link, when the main link becomes operational again (RESTART).
SELECTOR Conditional execution of the DATA function.
The content of the SELECTOR field must match a resource name associated with the V.25 bis
link virtual descriptor.
GENERATOR This field specifies the number to be sent, all characters can be used.
In the event of conflict with the Megapac command characters, use control character "@".
If the characters "# or "" are used, they are interpreted as number terminators.
3 Output MAC program exit point.
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TYPE/ V25B descriptor Page 25-18
25.13.2 "TIME" function
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Megabox - Megapac - Megafrad - "600B" software configuration manual
The record or records with the "TIME" function should be between points OBEG ... OEND and placed before
records handling the V.25 B number.
NAME Name of the V.25 bis link virtual descriptor, linked with the output MAC program.
FUNCTION Specifies a maximum call duration, and an inactivity period after which the call is cleared.
SELECTOR Conditionally executes the TIME function.
The content of the selector field should be linked to a resource name, associated with the
V.25 bis link virtual descriptor.
GENERATOR This field specifies the duration of the call and the inactivity period after which the call is
This field also specifies a time-delay during which a backup call is deferred.
duration, period and delay are decimal values that express seconds.
duration or the call is cleared after the specified duration.
duration, period after the specified duration, incoming and outgoing traffic is observed.
The call is cleared when traffic becomes non-existent during the
specified period.
duration, period, Time in seconds, for which a backup call is deferred, following a Boot,
delay Restart, etc.
or This timer is used to avoid connecting (or reconnecting) a backup link
..delay too quickly following system initialization.
3 The telephone number "80312458" is sent over destination logical resource RDES, as an element of the
V.25 bis call request command, the prefix of which is CRN.
4 Output MAC program exit point.
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25.13.3 "CAD" function
LLLL CAD NONE Destination logical Character string including special characters #
resource and/or ".
NAME The name of the V.25 bis link virtual descriptor linked with the output MAC program.
FUNCTION In a call request packet, extracts the content of the "Calling DTE address" field.
Reconstructs the character string obtained for formatting as a telephone number.
Transfers this number to the V.25 bis link virtual descriptor.
OPTIONS In monitoring mode:
The "DISC" option is used to clear all calls set up on a backup link when the main link becomes
operational again (RESTART).
The "NONE" option is used to clear only those calls set up in backup mode on a backup link
when the main link becomes operational again (RESTART).
SELECTOR Conditional execution of the CAD function.
The content of the SELECTOR field must match a resource name linked to the V.25 bis link
virtual descriptor.
GENERATOR The content of this field can be:
The content of the "Calling DTE address" field of the call request packet is the telephone
Character string
The content of the "Calling DTE address" field of the call request packet is reconstructed
according to this character string.
The result is the telephone number.
This will be transmitted over the destination logical resource RDES as a V.25 bis call command element for
which the prefix is CRN.
3 Output MAC program exit point.
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25.13.4 "DAD" function
LLLL DAD NONE Destination logical Destination character string comprising special
resource characters # and/or ".
NAME Name of the V.25 bis link virtual descriptor linked with the output MAC program.
FUNCTION In a call request packet, extracts the content of the "Called DTE address” field.
Reconstructs the character string obtained to format it as a telephone number.
Transfers this number to the V.25 bis link virtual descriptor.
OPTIONS In monitoring mode:
The "DISC" option is used to clear all calls set up on a backup link when the main link becomes
operational again (RESTART).
The "NONE" option is used to clear only those calls set up in backup mode on a backup link
when the main link becomes operational again (RESTART).
SELECTOR Conditional execution of the DAD function.
The content of the SELECTOR field must match a resource name associated with the V25 bis
link virtual descriptor.
GENERATOR The content of this field can be:
The content of the "Called DTE address" field of the call request packet is the telephone number.
Character string
• The content of the "Called DTE address" field of the call request packet is reconstructed
according to this character string.
• The result is the telephone number.
destination resource (RDES) as a V.25 bis call command element with the CRN prefix.
3 Output MAC program exit point.
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25.13.5 "CUD" function
LLLL CUD NONE Destination logical Character string including special characters #
resource and/or ".
NAME Name of the V.25 bis link virtual descriptor linked to the output MAC program.
FUNCTION In a call request packet, extracts the content of the "Call user data" field.
Reconstructs the character string obtained to format it as a telephone number.
Transfers this number to the TYPE/ V25B link virtual descriptor.
OPTIONS In monitoring mode:
The "DISC" option is used to clear all calls set up on a backup link when the main link becomes
operational again (RESTART).
The "NONE" option is used to clear only those calls set up in backup mode on a backup link
when the main link becomes operational again (RESTART).
SELECTOR Conditional execution of the CUD function.
The content of the SELECTOR field must match a logical resource name associated with the
V25B link virtual descriptor.
GENERATOR The content of this field can be:
The content of the "Called user data" field of the call request packet forms the telephone
Character string
The content of the "Call user data" field of the call request packet is reconstructed according to
this character string.
The result forms the telephone number.
3 Output MAC program exit point.
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The following list is derived from a CNET document. The "cause" is given by a decimal code.
Cause Meaning
07 Call assigned and being handed over to an established link
16 Normal release
17 User busy
18 No answer from user
19 Facility not registered
21 Call reject
22 Number changed
24 Unassigned number
27 Destination out of order
28 Incomplete address
31 Normal not specified
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26.1 General
The Megapac can be used to emulate the protocols and physical and/or logical units used in the SNA
For this, the Megapac's packet switching characteristics are used to provide a communications network
conforming to the OSI model while maintaining supporting for the existing IBM protocol.
The Megapac can be configured to support the SDLC/QLLC (Synchronous Data Link Control) protocol.
According to this protocol a master terminal (the host) polls the other terminals to send in turn; each
terminal must respond to each transmission. With the Megapac controller, all SDLC pollings cycles are
acknowledged locally.
A number of SDLC controllers (IBM 3x74 or 5x94 type cluster controllers, for example) can be
concentrated and, using the Megapac can be connected to the SDLC port of a front-end processor in
point-to-point mode or multipoint mode.
The X.25 packets assembled by the Megapac carry only control information and the data required by the
receiving equipment. SNA data transmission information (contained in standard X.25 packets) is sent
directly to the IBM equipment having an X.25 QLLC facility, or reconstructed to the original SDLC format
using another Megapac controller.
The cluster function can provide multiple type 2 PU emulations, each in turn allowing multiple LU1 or
LU2 connections. This enables VT100, VT220, ANSI or PC terminals to access applications connected
in SNA mode. The Megapac software contains the functions required for screen management and
character mapping.
Note : The MIO board cannot be used with SDLC and QLLC mode (descriptor TYPE/ SDLC and QLLC).
The normal way for IBM to establish a network is to use a data link to connect a host computer to a 3274
cluster controller with its terminals, linked by a coaxial cable, and their attached printers. The protocol is
SDLC. The SDLC (BLU) frames carry the SNA network information and data.
QLLC is a method of using X.25 to transmit SNA data directly to IBM equipment. The three SDLC
header and trailer bytes are replaced by X.25 headers and trailers.
The Megapac enables SDLC equipment (3174 for example) to be connected via X.25 packet switching
networks. The principle is based on using the X.25 advantages for sharing network resources, adaptive
routing and network management.
In addition, SNA traffic can co-exist with other network connections and services.
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TYPE/ SDLC - QLLC descriptor
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QLLC Descriptor
(Primary Station=NO)
QLLC link
X25 over X25
Responses Descriptor
Secondary Primary
QLLC Descriptor
(Primary Station=YES)
Descriptor Responses
QLLC link Secondary Primary
over X25
(QLLC2) (SDLC1) SDLC link
to cluster
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26.1.2 Link emulation types
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Megabox - Megapac - Megafrad - "600B" software configuration manual
The Megapac adopts the IBM QLLC function for connection to the packet switched networks, enabling
the SDLC protocol to be carried on X.25 networks, but without a surfeit of network-to-network polling.
The primary/secondary relationships employed in the SDLC and QLLC protocols are supported by the
Megapac which provides two operating modes:
SDLC primary: provides host/front-end emulation towards a cluster controller. The host polls the
cluster controller using SDLC and transfers the QLLC data received from the X.25
network to the cluster controller.
SDLC secondary: provides cluster controller emulation towards a host/front-end. The cluster controller
responds to polling messages from the host and transfers the SNA data to the X.25
network as QLLC data.
The Megapac can support both point-to-point and multipoint links.
The Megapac also allows to peer-to-peer connections in which both ends use an exchange of XID to
negotiate secondary station status. The Megapac responds dynamically to the XID by configuring the
QLLC/SDLC operating mode and the negotiated address of the station.
PU switching is also provided, enabling the Megapac to support SSCP to LU session emulation and
display a menu giving a choice of hosts and services. After selecting the required host, the Megapac
provides an X.25 connection which enables the SSCP/PU and SSCP/LU session to be established. The
Megapac then becomes transparent immediately the BIND command is sent.
The Megapac supports the two primary and secondary terminations of a link using the SDLC or QLLC
The Megapac normally supports only NRZ coding with SDLC. However, the Megapac E and Megapac
ES feature a hardware option supporting NRZI coding.
When beginning a configuration, you should establish a network diagram to determine which link
descriptors are required for the Megapac(s).
To configure the Megapac you must:
• configure the interface between Megapac and host,
• configure the interface between cluster controller and Megapac,
• establish the virtual connections.
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2 1
X25 network
M a
e X25 p
g a
a c
c QLLC 2 Q
3174 U C
emulator S
IBM terminals
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E Page 26-5
Megapac ESL and
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When a connection is set up normally, the Megapac responds to the poll message
from the host with a DM response until the QLLC connection is set up.
In a PU4 to PU4 connection , the DCD option allows to control the link in
accordance with the signal state (CTS or DTR).
The signal (CTS or DTR) depends on the type of cable used.
The « low » state of the signal is pointed out by the DCD bit of the EIA indicator’s
link STATistics.
PU4 Enables PU4 to PU4 communication; in this mode, the master/slave relationship
is negotiated as described above for XID. When the link is initiated, the primary
station uses an address without the MSB set, while the secondary station uses the
same address but with the MSB set (SDLC Echo Defeat bit). For example, in
hexadecimal, Primary = 01, Secondary = 81.
In this mode, the following parameters must be configured (and at each end if
both the ends are connected by QLLC Megapac link):
- descriptor level CHANNELS/ 1,
- descriptor level OPTIONS/ XID+PU4 (for a transparent exchange of XID and
PU4 to PU4 transmission),
- descriptor level PRIMARY STATION/ NO,
- logical resource level STATION ADDRESS/ must be configured with the address
of the station without the Echo Defeat bit set (for example, both ends at 01).
TLAT see PU4 option
DUPX Full duplex mode
WAIT In a multipoint environment, a DM response to an XID or SNRM request causes
the host to shut down the SDLC link (after the time delay specified has run out at
the host end). To avoid this, the WAIT option can be used as follows:
1. If the host sends an XID request, the Megapac sends an XID response
containing the XID defined in the MAC table. Remember that the WAIT option
must be combined with the XID option described below.
2. If the host sends an SNRM request, the Megapac sends a UA response.
3. If the host sends an RR poll, the Megapac sends an RNR response until a
QLLC connection is set up. Remember that when the QLLC network connection
is disconnected, the Megapac sends a DM response which results in states 1 and
2 above.
XID For AS400 to AS400 peer-to-peer connections in which the two ends negotiate a
Primary/Secondary relationship by an exchange of XID with the STATION
ADDRESS parameter set to FF, one of the ends assumes the Primary role by
sending an SNRM frame with a normal address. In this mode, the following
parameters must be configured (and at each end if both ends are connected by
QLLC Megapac link):
- descriptor level CHANNELS/ 1,
- descriptor level OPTIONS/ XID (for a transparent exchange of XID),
- descriptor level PRIMARY STATION/ NO,
- logical resource level STATION ADDRESS/ FF.
WAIT+XID Generates an XID response (in response to an XID request and before an SNRM
is received), using the MAC table.
IDLE With an "XIO" board this option enables you to send permanent 1s "FF", instead
of flags "7E", after receiving at least one flag "7E".
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E Page 26-8
0 to 255
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Each QLLC descriptor resource represents a logical connection with an IBM cluster controller or a host
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(default setting)
Main I/O characteristics of the resource.
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The "CLUS" descriptor works as a cluster controller for Type 2.0 physical units supporting from 1 to n
logical units (type 1 or 2 LUs).
The "CLUS" descriptor is a virtual descriptor for connecting terminals other than 3270 to an IBM SNA
The « CLUS » descriptor also and simultaneously allows to connect terminals in 3270 native mode.
Communications with the host machine are handled by a QLLC link in X.25 mode or by a connection in
SDLC mode.
The "CLUS" descriptor behaves as a secondary QLLC unit with respect to the host.
2 1
3174 U
emulator S
etc ...
The « CLUS » descriptor simultaneously provides accesses with terminal emulation, and accesses in
3270 native mode. Thanks to the « Reverse Pad Telnet » function of the Megapac, the Megapac acts as
an Ethernet or Token ring coupler vis-à-vis an SNA IBM host.
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2 1
QLLC link
over X25
e X25
c QLLC 2 C
3174 U
emulator S
etc ...
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3270 identifies a family of IBM products including cluster controllers, visual display terminals and printer
A Megapac mode serves as a 327x cluster controller following the simultaneous use:
• of a CLUS link descriptor
The PU2 then corresponds to the CLUS logical resource number 0.
Resource number 1 must not be used.
Each LU2 is connected to a CLUS logical resource number > 2.
• of the input MAC file
This is the PU function for a PU/LU cluster connection.
Remember that in this regard, execution of a REST command on logical resource number 0
automatically results in a search for a PU function in the input MAC file.
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27.1.1 IND$FILE file transfer
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Megabox - Megapac - Megafrad - "600B" software configuration manual
For memory, the character "~" corresponds to the hexadecimal value "7E".
The CLUS resource associated with the LU2 concerned must be configured as TERMINAL
There are two possibilities:
1) When the file is transferred from the terminal, enter ESC [ 255 ~ to activate the IND$FILE
• The Megapac node then handles the transfer of the information entered transparently, only
the TH (Transmission Header) and RH (Request Header) being generated by the Megapac.
• Terminal input sequences:
• ~1 Start of RU (Request Unit)
• ~2 Replacement of the sequence (~ 2) by the character (~)
• ~3 End of RU
• ~4 Deactivation of the IND$FILE mode
2) When the file is transferred from the host
• The Megapac node assumes that it is a structured file and that all information is conveyed
transparently, in other words after the RU header.
• Control sequences, generated by the Megapac node:
• ~1 Start of RU
• ~2 Replacement of the (~) character
• ~3 End of RU
The input sequence ESC [°214 ~ sets up flow control for data entered from a PC.
In this mode, the 3270 emulator of the Megapac node concerned:
• sends an X-OFF character (13 hex) each time it wants to lock out the PC keyboard.
• sends an X-ON (11 hex) each time it wants to free the keyboard of the PC when one of the following
conditions is met: in the RH (Request Header), the EBI (End Bracket Indicator) or CDI (Change
Direction Indicator) is set to 1.
The input sequence ESC [°215 ~ restores the normal mode.
ESC [ 211 ~ Display message line
ESC [ 212 ~ Print screen
ESC [ 213 ~ No screen print
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The extended ASCII code is selected using the following input sequence: ESC [ 204 ~.
In it, the most significant bit is set to 1, representing a binary configuration in which the setting is
>= 80 hex.
Currently, only the extended ASCII characters 9C hex and AA hex are available.
In the "default" ASCII/EBCDIC mapping table, they respectively correspond to the EBCDIC characters
5B hex (£) and 5F hex (NO operation).
When the input sequence mentioned above is not executed, the EBCDIC characters 5B hex and 5F hex
are respectively converted by default to ASCII 23 hex (#) and 5E hex (^).
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27.2 Link configuration parameters
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For logical resource 0 of the CLUS descriptor to operate as a type 2 PU, an MAC table record must be
configured to contain the address of the PU station and the XID description to be used to respond to a
QXID request sent by the host.
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When a VT100 is being used, the 3270 keyboard function are mapped as follows :
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When a VT100 is being used, the 3270 keyboard function are mapped as follows :
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When a VT220 is being used, the keyboard is the same as color VT100 (Config ANSI) except the
following input sequences replace the standard VT100 equivalents. All other sequences are as in VT100
(ANSI) mode :
One or more MAC table records with the TAB function may be used in order to personalize the
(standard) ASCII - EBCDIC conversion table.
MAC table example:
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The MAP concentration function is used in the IBM environment when, in particular, the Megapac is used
as a "gateway" between a "DLC termination", "X.25" or "SDLC/QLLC" link and a host computer
conforming to IBM's SNA architecture rules.
The MAP concentration function offers the following advantages:
• lower running costs for a commercial "serial" link;
• reduction of the number of line drivers required in the communication front-end;
• reduction in the interval between two R/R commands with the P bit at 1 ("polling time"), the host
seeing only one PU;
• flexible network extension;
• multiplicity of "source" or downstream protocols (machine side), for example DLC, X.25, SDLC/QLLC,
for the same upstream virtual circuit (host side).
A number of MAP functions can be implemented in one Megapac.
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Through this concentration function, the Megapac acts as a cluster controller emulating an IBM PU2.0.
Figure 28-1 shows a Megapac used as a "gateway" between a set of machines connected to a token ring
network and a host computer:
• Without MAP concentration function. In this case each machine monopolises a virtual circuit of the
serial link.
• With the MAP concentration The information relative to two machines is concentrated onto
function. the same virtual circuit of the "serial" link.
Virtual channel
station n°1 and n°2
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Application (LU) B
Application (LU) C
Ring with
Application (LU) D
Application (LU) E
only one
virtual channel
Conclusion: the MAP function concentrates several downstream stations onto a single upstream station
(upstream because it is upstream of the Megapac). If it is used, the PROVIDE XID/ parameter of the
logical resource must be set to YES.
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The MAP function is based on a "MAP" type virtual descriptor. Figure 28-3 is a block diagram of the
MAP function.
The descriptor is "virtual" in that, unlike a conventional link descriptor, it is not attached to any one
equipment item, like an interface board, for example. For the same reasons, the term "virtual resource"
is also used. The Megapac man/machine language disregards this distinction.
TYPE/ X.25
TYPE/ X.25
Figure 28-3 Block diagram of the MAP concentration function
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• a link descriptor is assigned to each downstream station. In the case of a token ring, the Token-Ring
interface board supports a DLC link descriptor for each station connected to the ring and affected by
the DLC function;
• the single logical resource attached to each link descriptor is associated by its DRC MASK with an
MAP virtual resource which must have a number other than zero;
• all virtual resources with a number other than zero are concentrated on to virtual resource number
• MAP virtual resource number zero is associated by its DRC MASK with a logical resource (X.25
logical channel) of the "serial" link.
Virtual resource number zero has a special role, which means that its parameter settings are different
from those of the other virtual resources.
Add a buffer for each MAP function to the "TERMINAL EMULATION BUFFERS/" parameter of the BASE
system descriptor.
1. define the number of LUs available and their numbers at host level. Their numbers must be
consecutive and between 2 and 254 (column 1);
2. for each downstream station, define the number of LUs to be processed and their numbers (column
2). Their numbers must be consecutive and between 2 and 254. The total number of downstream
LUs, for all downstream PUs is the same as the number of upstream LUs. In the example, this total is
15 LUs;
3. for each virtual resource, define the LU TOTAL/ parameter which represents the number of
consecutive upstream (or downstream) LUs allocated to the downstream station associated with the
virtual resource (column 5). In the example, the number of upstream LUs allocated to station number
1 is 3;
4. for each virtual resource, define the LU BASE/ parameter which represents the number of the first
upstream LU assigned to the downstream station associated with the virtual resource (column 3). In
the example, this number appears in bold and is equal to upstream LU number 9 for station number 3;
5. for each virtual resource, define the LU OFFSET/ parameter (column 4):
• calculate the difference "D" = LU BASE - the number of the first downstream LU of the station
associated with the virtual resource. In the example, this number is underlined and the
difference is zero for stations 1 and 2 because the upstream and downstream LUs have the
same numbers;
• if this difference "D" is positive, LU OFF-SET = D. In the example, this is the case for station
number 3;
• if this difference "D" is negative, LU OFFSET = 256 -IDI. IDI is the absolute value of D and is
a positive number. This calculation is used to express the offset in the form of a "zeros
complement on eight bits". In the example, this is the case for station number 4.
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E Offset
col. 1
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Megabox - Megapac - Megafrad - "600B" software configuration manual
n° 5 n° 5 LU OFFSET =
n° 6 n° 6 5 0 4 LU base - n° of 1st
downstream LUl =
n° 7 n° 7 5 (col 3) - 5 (col 2) = 0
n° 8 n° 8
n° 9 n° 6 LU OFFSET =
n° 10 n° 7 9 3 4 LU base - n° of 1st
downstream LUl =
n° 11 n° 8 9 (col 3) - 6 (col 2) = 3
n° 12 n° 9
n° 13 n° 17 Difference "D" =
n° 14 n° 18 13 252 4 LU base - n° of 1st
downstream LUl =
n° 15 n° 19 13 (col 3) - 17 (col 2) = - 4
n° 16 n° 20 LU OFFSET = 256 - 4 = 252
Figure 28-4 Example of calculating the MAP function offset
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The three parameters LU BASE/, LU OFFSET/ and LU TOTAL/ define the mapping between the
downstream PU/LUs and the LUs of the upstream PU. They require a preparation and certain additional
explanations, illustrated by an example presenting the different possible situations. Refer to Figure 28-4
in which the six columns can be described as follows:
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MAC table
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DLC (Data Link Control) is the data link protocol mainly used by IBM in the System Network Architecture
(SNA). It is used in particular to provide the link between 3270 cluster controllers and S/370 computers.
The protocol is physically supported by a token ring or a Ethernet Lan . Approximately, it embraces
standards 802.5 (Token Ring) or 802.3 (Ethernet) of the MAC sub-layer and 802.2 of the LCC sub-layer
in level 2 of the OSI model (LLC2).
In the DLC termination function, the Megapac is connected between the local token ring and the host
computer, either directly or via another Megapac linked to the previous one by a serial link.
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TYPE/ DLC and EDLC descriptor
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• a station sends a frame over the ring,
• the link descriptor associated with that station (DEST ADDRESS/ station number) sends the frame to
the single logical resource to which it is attached,
• the DRC MASK of the logical resource switches the call to the logical resource attached to the X.25
link descriptor,
• if the virtual circuit between the Megapac and the host computer is not set up, the resource (X.25) is
used a search criterion in the X.25 table to supply the called line address needed for the X.25 call
request packet; a call request packet is sent to the remote computer to set up this circuit (logical
resource CALL+PCV). The frames are then encapsulated in X.25 data packets.
DRC MASK/ RLX2 X.25 Table
input output
RLX1 address 1
RLX2 address 2
Figure 29-2 Setting up two virtual circuits in the Megapac
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Virtual channel
stations n°1 and n°2
Station n°1 Station n°2
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29.2 XID interchanges
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In this mode, the station takes the initiative to set up the data link with the Megapac.
The Megapac transmits transparently:
• to the station, the XID command sent by the host computer,
• to the host computer, the XID SNA response sent by the station.
These interchanges are repeated for each station connected to the ring.
Station MEGAPAC Host
TEST Command
TEST Response
CALL ACCEPT X.25 channel
Q. XID Command
XID Command
XID Response 2
XID SNA Response exchange
UA - SDLC link
- LLC2 link
Q. UA setup
MAC table
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In this mode, the Megapac takes the initiative to set up the data link with the station.
The content of the SNA XID command that the Megapac transmits to the host computer depends on:
• the MAC table identification record,
• the PROVIDE XID/ parameter of the logical resource.
These interchanges are repeated for each station connected to the ring.
TEST Command
TEST Response
X.25 channel
XID Command
XID Response
XID SNA Response LLC2 link setup
Q. Command XID
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(NPI) By default = NO The other descriptors using the same Ethernet or Token Ring
link must be NPI=NO.
CHANNELS 0 to 4096 In DLC mode, there is only one logical resource for each link
By default = 1 descriptor.
DESTINATION ADDRESS nnnnnnnnnnnn 802.5 destination address of the equipment connected to the
1 to 12 char. ring (a station, for example), which is "managed" by the DLC
link descriptor with respect to the host computer.
DSAP 0 to 254 Destination Service Access Point
For IBM, the reserved SAP range in increments of 4
default setting 4
possible settings: 4 - 8 - 12 - 16 - 20 - ... - 248 - 252
SSAP 0 to 254 Source Service Access Point:
OPTIONS/ SRCE Source Routing
With this option, the Megapac transmits alternately test frames
with and without "source routing" information.
Without this option, the Megapac transmits test frames without
"source routing" information.
POLL Polling. Depends on the primary or secondary mode.
POLL is used only for the primary.
Transmission of an R/R command frame with the P bit at 1,
when no information frame has been received within a 100 ms
INIT FRAME SABM+PBIT The Megapac is primary (UPSTREAM).
It sends SABME frames.
NONE The Megapac is secondary (DOWNSTREAM).
PACKET SIZE TRAN Transparent to packet size.
T1 2 to 80 For DLC, set 5.
By default = 30
T3 By default = 60 Does not concern DLC / EDLC descriptor.
TRIES 2 to 80 For DLC, set 10.
By default = 10
Other parameters can retain their default settings
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29.5 MAC table
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The MAC table must contain a record defining the using of the ring.
The MAC address of the Ethernet card (burned-in Ethernet address), can be modified by a PU function
recording at the beginning of the MAC table. This recording only modifies the Ethernet MAC address for
the descriptors corresponding to the recording NAME.
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30.1 Introduction
The « SCOP » descriptor is used to install a DATA-SCOPE function in order to collect data on frames
exchanged by another descriptor. This function offers these local or remote operations:
• Real time observation of level 2 and 3 data for one or more link descriptors,
• Off-line data records,
• Summary formatting of recorded data.
To implement this, a SCOP type virtual descriptor must be defined with one single resource.
For SUB-TYPE/ XIO links, only level 3 data is accessible.
• The configuration of a Megapac containing a « SCOP » descriptor cannot be downloaded to a
Megapac of which the software does not include the DATA-SCOPE function.
• The DATA-SCOPE function increases the operational load. In normal operation, it is recommended to
deactivate the DATA-SCOPE function.
To use the DATA-SCOPE function, the « SCOP » descriptor resource must be called via an X25 call or
its equivalent (PAD X25, Reverse Telnet). Special commands can then be used to collect transmitted or
received frames on a given physical descriptor and on certain none-physical descriptors.
The SCOPE descriptor uses a buffer of 1024 entries in which the path records from the managed ports
are saved.
The DATA-SCOPE function is used to read this buffer, to format each record and to send records to the
terminal connected to the DATA-SCOPE.
DATA-SCOPE formatting is very concise. For ease of use, it is recommended to use appropriate
software on PC which interprets the received data.
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table X25
DA00 0 5555
NAME/ P800
DRC MASK/ . . . . NAME/ DA00
... ...
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30.5 « DATA-SCOPE » commands
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All DATA-SCOPE commands are single characters preceded by the character « / », succeeded by
parameters (as appropriate), and terminated by a hard return.
All lines received that have incorrect syntax or do no begin by « / » are ignored.
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30.6 Observed records
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The example below shows the format of records sent to the PC. In this example:
• PS03 is a TYPE/ NFRM link on XIO card (Frame Relay).
• PS04 is a TYPE/ X25 link on XIO card.
• PS06 is a TYPE/ X25 link on SIO card.
• ETHR is a TYPE/ IP link.
• ETHX is a TYPE/IPX link.
->PS064134 1 0 0 100000000000000020361
->PS064135 1 0 0 1000000000000000501641002A1
<-PS064135 1 0 0 100000000000000020161
->PS034135 1 0 0 100000000000000064AC1641002A1
<-PS034135 1 0 0 1000000000000000348C161
->PS03414A 1 0 0 1000000000000009E4AC1661002A845000098355C0000401136D0870F000B870FFFFF020802080084
<-PS04414A 1 0 0 1000000000000009B1002A845000098355C0000401136D0870F000B870FFFFF020802080084000002
<-PS03414A 1 0 0 100000000000000064AC1861002A1
->PS03414A 1 0 0 1000000000000000348C181
->PS06414B 1 0 0 1000000000000009D01661002A845000098355C0000401136D0870F000B870FFFFF02080208008400
<-PS06414B 1 0 0 1000000000000000503861002A1
->PS04414B 1 0 0 100000000000000031002A1
->PS06414B 1 0 0 100000000000000020381
->PS034163 1 0 0 1000000000000000E00010308007595010100030265CE
<-PS034163 1 0 0 1000000000000001300010308007D950101000302CF65070312E082
<-PS034166 1 0 0 1000000000000003248C10300800000008137FFFF0028000014141414FFFFFFFFFFFF045314141414
->PS034195 1 0 0 1000000000000000E00010308007595010101030266CF
<-PS034195 1 0 0 1000000000000000E00010308007D950101010302D066
->PS034196 1 0 0 1000000000000003248C10300800000008137FFFF0028000015151515FFFFFFFFFFFF045315151515
->PS0341C7 1 0 0 1000000000000000E00010308007595010100030267D0
<-ETHX41F6 000000000000003EFFFFFFFFFFFF0080020012558137FFFF003000000D0D0D0DFFFFFFFFFFFF0453
->PS0341F9 1 0 0 1000000000000000E00010308007595010101030268D1
<-PS0341F9 1 0 0 1000000000000000E00010308007D950101010302D268
->PS03422B 1 0 0 1000000000000000E00010308007595010100030269D2
<-PS03422B 1 0 0 1000000000000001300010308007D950101000302D369070312E082
<-ETHR424C 0000000000000092FFFFFFFFFFFF008002001255080045000084158D0000401156C1870D0001870D
<-PS064260 1 0 0 1000000000000006103881002AA4500005C158D0000401156D9870F000D870FFFFF02080208004800
For the last record on the PS06 link (X25 on SIO card):
-> Direction indicator ( -> Megapac input, <- Megapac output ).
PS06 Link descriptor name.
4260 Clock hexadecimal value in 1/10ths of a second.
1001 Status of link descriptor interface signals.
0000 CRC error total.
0000 Number of rejected frames.
0000 Number of frames having needed to be retransmitted.
0061 Frame length (hexadecimal).
03881002AA4500... First 32 bytes of the frame.
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31. Statistics
The "STAT" command displays variable status information and statistics for a link descriptor or a logical
resource. On the display, the value of each variable is shown opposite the name of the variable.
According to the type of link, physical or virtual, the variables are different.
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When you run "STAT" for the "BASE" descriptor, the display contains the following information:
BASE: stat
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When you run "STAT" on a link descriptor or associated resources, the display contains the information
listed below:
Some variables reflect parameters specified in the descriptor or the resources of the link concerned.
BIND ACTIVE YES CLUS The LU of the Megapac node has responded positively
to a BIND command.
The LU of the Megapac node has not received a BIND
command or has responded negatively.
BREAKS RECEIVED TERM Number of BREAK signals received from the terminal.
BUFFERS resource Settings configured in the resource.
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EIA Ø Ø Ø Ø resource EIA/ specifies the states of the signals at the interfaces
of the SIO and XIO boards for X.25, HDLC, QLLC,
NRMR and PPP descriptors.
The format is: EIA/ Ø Ø Ø Ø
Each Ø represents a signal at 1 (active) or a signal at
0 (inactive).
Interpretation depends on the interface's operating
mode (DCE or DTE).
Each Ø gives in turn the state of:
Mode output input input output
DCD resource MUX or TERM link descriptor.
Either circuit 108 is ON.
Or circuits 108 and 105 are ON.
DOWN resource The "link" level is inactive.
CLS resource This resource has been closed. (CLOS command).
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from 0 to 15 link
Logical resource group number specified in the link
State of the logical resource (level 3).
DISC resource Disconnected.
DATA resource Data transfer.
CALL resource Waiting for a call accepted packet.
CLS resource Waiting for a clear confirmation packet.
RESE resource Reset indication packet received.
REST resource Logical resource number 0 only.
Restart request packet sent.
CLR resource Clear request packet received.
INIT resource Connect request generated.
LINK STATE PPP State of the "point-to-point protocol" link
ACKS PPP Acknowledgement sent.
ACKR PPP Acknowledgement received.
REQS PPP Request Configure Sent.
STPI PPP Stopping.
CLSI PPP Closing.
STOP PPP Stopped.
CLOS PPP Closed.
LMI NFRM Internal qstate of the robot managing the
« Local Management Interface » of a Frame Relay link.
DOWN NFRM The MegaPAC has received an LMI frame including an
information element about the DLCI state making a
previously active PVC inactive.
UP NFRM The MegaPAC has received an LMI frame including an
information element about the DLCI state making a
previously inactive PVC active.
LOCAL LOOP NONE link The local V.54 tests are not configured or inactive.
PASS link The local V.54 tests are correct.
FAIL link Local V.54 tests failed.
LU ACTIVE YES CLUS The LU node of the Megapac has responded positively
to an ACTLU command.
NO CLUS The LU of the Megapac node has not received an
ACTLU command or has responded to it negatively.
LU TYPE 0, 1, 2, 3 CLUS Type of session carried in the BIND command.
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NAME (N) Transport NAME represents the name of the transport context
N is 0 when it is the MASTER block.
1 _ N _ 254 in the case of a block associated with a
particular transport connection.
NEWS NUMBER resource Settings configured in the resource.
NR Decimal value link Receive sequence number.
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Protocol carried by this resource.
State of the "point-to-point protocol" protocol
ACKS PPP Acknowledgement sent.
ACKR PPP Acknowledgement received.
REQS PPP Request Configure Sent.
STPI PPP Stopping.
CLSI PPP Closing.
STOP PPP Stopped.
CLOS PPP Closed.
PS resource P(S) (send packet sequence number).
TPDU number of a send TPDU-DT (transport class 2
or 3).
QLLC STATE CLSD SDLC, The Megapac node has received a QDISC packet and
QLLC sent a QUA packet in response.
The SDLC port then acquires the DISC state.
CLSI SDLC, The Megapac node has sent a QDISC packet and is
QLLC waiting to receive a QUA packet.
FRMR SDLC, The Megapac node has received the QFRMR packet.
INOP SDLC, Level 3 disconnection.
OPEN SDLC, The level 3 connection is set up. The QSM and QUA
QLLC packets have been exchanged correctly.
OPNI SDLC, The Megapac node has sent the QSM packet and is
QLLC waiting to receive a QUA packet.
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Decimal value
Decimal value
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Number of frames received with the BECN indicator on
a Frame Relay link.
Number of frames received with the FECN indicator on
a Frame Relay link.
REJECTS Decimal value link Total reject frames received.
REMOTE LOOP NONE link The remote V.54 tests are not configured or inactive.
PASS link The remote V.54 tests are correct.
FAIL link Remote V.54 tests failed.
RESET CAUSE resource Content of the reset cause field belonging to a last
reset request packet sent.
RESET CAUSE resource Content of the reset cause field belonging to the last
RECEIVED reset indication packet received.
RESET DIAGNOSTIC resource Content of the diagnostic code field belonging to the
last reset request packet sent.
RESET DIAGNOSTIC resource Content of the diagnostic code field belonging to the
RECEIVED last reset indication packet received.
RESETS RECEIVED Decimal value link Total reset request packets received over the link.
RESOURCE resource Settings configured in the resource.
RETRANSMISSIONS Decimal value link Total retransmissions over the link. (for send side)
RX SEQ Decimal value NFRM LMI order number received in the Ack messages.
RX SEQ LOST Decimal value NFRM Number of LMI messages lost (non received) on a
Frame Relay link.
RX SIZE resource Maximum receive packet size.
Maximum proposed size of a TPDU (transport class 2
or 3).
RX WINDOW resource Receive window size (level 3).
Initial credit CDT allocated to a transport connection by
the system.
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SNRM and UA frames exchanged correctly.
When the Megapac node is the primary station, frames
with the P bit at 1 have not yet been sent.
When the Megapac node is the secondary station,
frames with the F bit at 1 have not yet been sent.
DISC SDLC, When the Megapac node is the primary station.
The Megapac node sends a DISC command frame
with the P bit at 1, under the following situations:
Execution of the STOP command.
Receipt of a QDISC packet.
POLL SDLC, When it is the primary station, the Megapac node has
QLLC sent a frame with the P bit at 1.
When it is the secondary station, the Megapac node
has received a frame with the P bit at 1.
SNRM SDLC, When the Megapac node is the primary station.
The Megapac node has sent an SNRM frame but has
not receive the UA frame.
SDLC TRANSMIT NORM SDLC, The Megapac node can send information frames.
NULL SDLC, The Megapac node cannot send information frames.
RNR SDLC, The Megapac node has received an RNR frame.
RTRY SDLC, The Megapac node is trying to retransmit an
QLLC information frame.
SESSION STATUS resource State of the resource when a connection is set up.
CALL resource Connect request generated.
DRI resource Input flow control active.
DRO resource Output flow control active.
TRAN resource Call set up has not involved the presentation service.
QUEU resource Queued until the resource selected is available.
STAT resource Queued.
A queue occupancy report has been requested.
PAD resource X.28 environment (PAD ENABLE).
DISC resource Before the call is cleared, the buffers containing data
are emptied.
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type « CPU_E » central processor unit
type « CPU_C » central processor unit
Megapac ESL or Megafrad » box
ES1 Megapac ES1 box
CPUV VME rack with « CPU_V » central processor unit
6840 VME rack with « 68040 » central processor unit
V101 VME rack with « CPU+DIS » central processor unit
STATE DISC link The link is in the "disconnected" state.
SABM link An SABM frame has been sent on a link reset.
SARM link An SARM frame has been sent on a link reset.
CLS link No response following transmission of a DISC frame.
DATA link The network is in the NORMAL state.
STOP link Use of STOP command. In this case, no information
frames can be exchanged until the link is reset.
BLKD link The network is in the BLOCKED state.
WAKE link The network is in the AWAKE state.
RESP link The network is in the RESPONSE state.
WAIT link The network is in the CONNECTION REQUESTED
STATE DISC resource The logical resource is in the "Disconnection" state.
DATA resource Data transfer (call in progress).
BUSY resource Temporarily unavailable.
ADDR resource The resource is waiting for selection of the name of the
output logical resource.
ROUT resource The input logical resource is waiting for the output
logical resource to be assigned.
SETU resource The input logical resource is waiting for the call to be
set up to the output logical resource.
CALL resource Call set up to the output logical resource.
WAKE resource Transmission on the output logical resource (DRC
MNGE resource Logical resource connected to network management
POST resource Data processed before transfer (e.g. PAD parameter
SERV resource In presentation mode, awaiting composition of the
service name (eight characters) representing the
content of the NAME field.
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THROUGHPUT Decimal value
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Settings configured in the resource.
On a Frame Relay link, « THROUGHPUT » points out
the number of characters received during the last time
interval « Tc » during which the data flow is controlled.
TIMER Decimal value NFRM The MegaPAC carries out a control of the flow
transmitted on the DLCI during a period of time « Tc ».
TIMER points out the value of the period of time, in
second tenth.
TOTAL CALL SET- Decimal value link Total calls set up since a REST or DELE command
UPS was executed.
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Decimal value
Decimal value
Decimal value
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Receive status variable (network).
Send sequence number.
Send status variable (network).
XID IDENTIFICATION Hexadecimal SDLC, This field contains the first 64 bytes of the XID
value QLLC interchange identification used.
This is supplied either by the Megapac node or
generated by the SNA host.
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Time hh/mm/ss
Name Four alphanumeric characters identifying a link or a logical resource
Text Message generated by the Megapac node
Suffix Optional qualifier
• the number of characters sent.
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parameter of the line descriptor.
A reset request or indication packet is sent.
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BAD P(R) b1
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A data packet has been received in which the content of the
P(R) field is incorrect (out of sequence).
A reset request or indication packet is sent.
R BAD P(S) b1 X25-N3 A data packet has been received in which the content of the P(S)
field is incorrect (out of sequence).
A reset request or indication packet is sent.
R BAD QLLC C-FIELD SDLC, A QLLC packet has been received in which the content of the
QLLC COMMAND field is corrupt.
R BAD TYPE/LENGTH X25-N3 A packet has been received with one of the following
(b1 b2 b3 b4) characteristics.
Its length is greater than the minimum length for this type of
The content of the "packet type identification" field has not been
b1, b2, b3, b4 are the contents of the first four bytes of the
packet received.
Note: setting the parameters of the DIAG option is optional.
R BLOCKED X25-N2 One of the following situations may occur:
an RNR command frame has been received with the P bit set to
0 or 1,
an RNR response frame has been received with the F bit set to
R BUFFER POOL EMPTY system All the system buffers are in use.
There are insufficient system buffers.
R BUFFER THRESHOLD system The number of buffers in the pool is equal to the BUFFER
REACHED: THRESHOLD/ parameter (BASE descriptor).
FLOW CONTROLLING The flow control function is trying to regulate the system.
R CALL X25-N3 Call request packet received.
Transport Note: the calling DTE address and the called DTE address
appear in the TEXT field.
SYS CHECKSUM IN MEMORY system A checksum error is detected in memory.
R CLEARED V25B A call in V25 node is cleared.
R D-CHANNEL STATUS: X25, Channel D initialization (reset) message from the T2 (30B+D)
T2B;T2A HDLC, primary access card.
PPP T2B and T2A take the values UP or DOWN.
T2B corresponds to the basic T2 port of the PRI-64 card
T2A corresponds to the T2 port of the "second T2" option.
SYS DEFAULTS USED system CRC error detected in the configurator.
(CHECKSUM) The system's default configuration is restored automatically.
SYS DEFAULTS USED (FLAG) system The system's default configuration is restored automatically.
R DISCONNECTED general Disconnection of a link.
R DM RESPONSE X25-N2, An unsolicited DM response frame has been received.
SDLC, The link is disconnected.
R DOWN X25-N2, The maximum number of retransmissions (TRIES parameter) of
SDLC, an information frame has been exceeded.
QLLC The link is reset.
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DST-REF ERROR (bb .....
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On receipt of a TPDU, the content of the REFERENCE
DESTINATION field identifies a logical resource not belonging to
the link descriptor associated with the calling (or called)
transport service user concerned.
R ER TPDU (bb ..... etc) ILAN A TPDU ER has been received.
Transport This results from one of the following situations:
TPDU error,
content of the TPDU incorrect.
SYS ERROR The SAVE command displays an « ERROR » message when the previous
personalized configuration has not been erased.
Only with CPU-D or CPU-E, Megabox SL, Megapac ESL - Megafrad.
R ERROR (b1 b2) X25-N2 The level 2 XIO processor (MK 5025) generates this message
when an event message has been transferred by the Control and
Status register number 0.
TIMEOUT board T1 is the interval (in tenths of a second) after which a frame is
N2 is the maximum number of retransmissions of an information
frame before the link is reset.
R ERROR THRESHOLD general The number of CRC errors detected over the link is greater than
EXCEEDED the value associated with the ERROR THRESHOLD/ parameter
of the link descriptor.
R FRAME LENGTH < 2 X25-N2, A frame shorter than two bytes has been received.
R FRAME LENGTH < 3 XLAN, An LLC-PDU shorter than three bytes has been received.
R FRMR b1 b2 b3 b4 X25-N2 A CMDR or FRMR response frame has been received.
other XIO Meaning
b1 Show the COMMAND field identifying a
CMDR/FRMR response frame.
b2 b1 Show the COMMAND field of the erroneous
frame generating transmission of an FRMR
response frame.
b3 b2 Show the value of the receive and send status
variables of the DTE or the remote DCE
b4 b3 contains an error code:
01 - the content of the COMMAND field is
03 - the content of the INFORMATION field is
not valid,
04 - the INFORMATION field is too long,
08 - N(R) incorrect.
b4 show the first byte of FCS frame.
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FRMR SENT b1 b2 b3
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An FRMR response frame has been sent by the Megapac
(The XIO board does not supply this message).
b1 is the content of the COMMAND field of the incorrect frame
leading to the Megapac sending an FRMR response frame.
b2 is the value of the receive and sent status variables of the
DTE or the remote DCE.
b3 contains an "error" code:
• 01 - the content of the COMMAND field is incorrect,
• 03 - the length frame is incorrect,
• 04 - the INFORMATION field is too long,
• 08 - N(R) incorrect.
R I-FIELD TOO LARGE X25-N2, A frame has been received containing an information field larger
SDLC, than the standard Megapac buffer size.
R INVALID GENERATOR CLUS In the MAC table, the PU record contains a field in which the
FOR PU content is incorrect.
R INVALID LENGTH FIELD XLAN, In the frame received, the "length" field contains a value
CONS (number of bytes) greater than the number of bytes occupied by
the LCC data.
R LCGN ERROR (b1) X25-N3 A packet has been received in which the "Logical channel group
number" field does not contain the value associated with the
LCGN/ parameter of the link descriptor.
b1 is the logical channel group number received.
Note: Setting the parameters of the DIAG option is optional.
R LCN TOO LARGE X25-N3 The number of the logical resource is incompatible with the
value associated with the LCGN/ parameter of the link
(b1 b2 b3 b4) descriptor.
b1 is the general packet format identifier (in hex).
b2 is the logical group resource number (in hex).
b3 and b4 are the value of the "Logical channel number" field of
the packet (in hex).
R LENGTH INDICATOR ILAN, In the frame received, the "length" field contains a value
ERROR Transport (number of bytes) greater than the number of bytes occupied by
the LLC data.
R LMI DOWN NFRM The « LMI »timer expired.
No answer to the LMI messages during the interval :
« Status Enquiry » received in mode DTE, or
« Status Response » received in DCE mode.
R LMI RESTART NFRM The « LMI »timer expired.
The Megapac has received an LMI frame during the period
(enquiry or answer)
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(DTE only). An LMI message from the DCE indicates that a
previously inactive PVC has become active.
HHHH in hexadecimal character represents the DLCI. The
relevant bits are shown by the positions marked X below :
H1 H2 H3 H4
Most significant bits (non ansi) least significant bits
H1 H2 H3 H4
R LMI: NFRM (DTE only). An LMI message from the DCE indicates that a
INACTIVE PVC (HHHH) previously active PVC has become inactive.
HHHH in hexadecimal character represents the DLCI. The
relevant bits are shown by the positions marked X below :
H1 H2 H3 H4
Most significant bits (non ansi) least significant bits
H1 H2 H3 H4
R LMI: NFRM An LMI message has referenced an unknown DLCI ;
UNKNOWN PVC HHHH in hexadecimal character represents the DLCI. The
(HHHHSS) relevant bits are shown by the positions marked X below :
H1 H2 H3 H4
Most significant bits (non ansi) least significant bits
H1 H2 H3 H4
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Following transmission of a call request packet, a call accepted
packet has been received within the time determined by timer
TP2 (CALL TIME OUT/ parameter of the link descriptor).
This message is subject to the following modifications and
The NAME field now has the format LLLL(nnn) or LLLL in which
LLLL identifies the link and (nnn) is the logical resource number.
It is stored in the ELOG table of the Megapac node.
An EF (event) frame is automatically sent to the NMS
management center.
The called DTE address and the calling DTE address appear in
the TEXT field.
R NOT RESPONDING X25-N2 Link descriptor - POLL option.
The number of RR command frames with the P bit set to 1
(POLLs) sent is equal to the maximum number of
retransmissions (TRIES parameter) with no response.
The link is reset.
R OVERRUN system Loss of data due to capacity overrun:
from the input data buffers (no flow control or flow control
from the receive buffers (insufficient value associated with the
BUFFERS/ parameter of the logical resource).
Note: When this situation happens often, a filter prevents
multiple messages being generated and artificially overloading
the system.
R PACKET TOO LARGE ILAN, The length of the "LLC data" field is greater than the Megapac
XLAN, buffer capacity.
R PRI MAC ERROR X25, Syntax error in MAC table (E1-G704 operation)
R PRI MSG: (FFFF) message X25, For PRI-64 (30B+D) board this message means "disconnect" of
HDLC one B channel.
R PU ACTIVATED RESP+ CLUS, Following transmission of an ACTPU command by the IBM host,
3270 the Megapac has sent an ACTPU response, activating the PU
R PVC STOPPED NFRM The FRAME is stopped when the DLCI receives it.
The frame is rejected.
R QFRMR SDLC, A QFRMR packet has been received by the Megapac.
R QLLC RESTART SDLC, Exchange of QSM/QUA packet establishing the QLLC level.
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A special situation or an error has occurred on receipt of a
b1 hex value with the following meaning:
01 - end of "LLC data" field,
02 - beginning of "LLC data" field,
04 - buffer management level error,
08 - the CRC calculated is not the same as the content of the
FCS field,
10 - input buffer capacity exceeded,
20 - frame structure incorrect,
40 - error indication generated in the following cases:
• frame size greater than "max frame size",
• frame size is not a whole number of bytes.
80 - buffers allocated to ETHERNET chip are full.
R RESET X25-N3 A reset request or indication packet has been received.
R RESTART general The link has been reset.
R RESTART (E) X25-N2 The link has been reset following an exchange of RESTART
(Extended) SARME/UA or SABME/UA frames.
(E or e) indicates the use of "modulo 128 frames".
R RESTART (e) X25-N2 The restart has been performed with 116 at ZERO and then in
SIO the event of failure with 116 at ONE (standby link) and so on.
RESTART (n) Circuit 116 controls a modem which manages two links (main
and standby).
If the link is restarted with 116 at ZERO, the message RESTART
(E) or RESTART (N) is displayed.
If the link is restarted with 116 at ONE, the message RESTART
(e) or RESTART (n) is displayed.
R RESTART (N) X25-N2 The link has been reset following an exchange of SARM/UA or
SABM/UA frames.
(N or n) indicates the use of "modulo 8" frames.
R SRC-REF ERROR ILAN, One of the following situations has occurred:
(bb ..... etc) Transport on receipt of a TPDU DR, the content of the REFERENCE
SOURCE field is not the name of the logical resource associated
with the calling transport service user,
on receipt of a TPDU DC, the content of the REFERENCE
SOURCE field is not the name of the logical source associated
with the called transport service user.
R SSAP ERROR ILAN, A destination LSAP (transmission of a "command" LLC-PDU) is
XLAN, not the same as a source LSAP (transmission of the
CONS, symmetrical "response" LLC-PDU).
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The system has been reset because of one of the following
• Megapac powered down then powered up,
• use of the BOOT command,
• use of the REST ALL command,
• there are no "system" buffers available.
During the Restart System, the Megapac check the available
memory. When an memory error is detected, the next message
is generated :
SYSTEM RESTART - MEMORY ERROR (aaaaaa,vvvv,rrrr)
• aaaaaa memory address in error (hexadecimal)
• vvvv data written in memory.
• rrrr data read in memory.
R TEST I (INDICATION) X25-N2 A "command" TEST frame has been sent.
R TEST R (RESPONSE) X25-N2, Following transmission of a "command" TEST frame by the
ILAN, Megapac, a "response" TEST frame has been returned.
(ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP) CONS "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" is the content of the information field
R TKN1 A/C Token Adapter Check.
(HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH) Ring Irrecoverable hardware or software error at board level.
R TKN1 C/F Token Command Failure.
(HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH) Ring If the first HHHH is 0003, the Open command has failed.
In this case, the HH after 0003 has the following meaning:
80 concluding Open command
40 node address error (address specified incorrect)
20 "List Error" on sending or receiving
10 buffer size error (buffer used by board)
08 reserved
04 counting error in send buffer
02 open error on insertion in the ring
01 open options not supported by the board
R TKN1 I/B ERR S = HHHH Token Initialization Block error.
Ring HHHD board CRC error. Irrecoverable hardware error.
R TKN1 OPEN Token The Token-Ring interface has been opened correctly and is
Ring operational.
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Ring Status report.
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33. Glossary
CSMA / CD IEEE 802-3 protocol used in Ethernet local area networks (Carrier Sense Multiple
Access/Collision Detection).
CTS Alternative name for V.24 interchange circuit 106. Clear to send (see also RFS).
DCD V.24 interchange circuit n° 109.
Data channel received line signal detector (data carrier detect).
DCE Equipment providing the functions required to establish, maintain and terminate a
connection for data transmission purposes.
DMA Direct memory access.
DRC "Destination Resource Code", abbreviation used for routing to a resource.
DSAP Destination Service Access Point.
Refers to a local area network.
Identifies the receiving LLC entities of an LLC PDU.
DSR V.24 interchange circuit n° 107.
Date set ready.
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• Underlying physical layer access control.
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Each layer is independent, and provides a service to the layer immediately above.
Functionally, the architecture can be divided into two parts:
• "network" services, provided by layers 1-2-3,
• "end user" services, provided by layers 4-5-6-7.
Packet A block of data (and associated control elements) transmitted as a complete
package over a network.
PAD (Packet Assembler/Disassembler)
A device used to connect several asynchronous or synchronous terminals or a
number of "computer" ports to a packet switched network.
PAD TELNET The Megapac behaves like a "Telnet client".
Port In communication equipment or networks, a physical or logical entity via which
data is exchanged.
Priority (of routing) Refer to CP.
Refer to RP.
PROM Programmable Read Only Memory.
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A set of conventions used to control the exchange of information between two peer
entities in a data network.
Permanent virtual circuit
A logical channel is permanently assigned to the destination resource.
RCLK V.24 interchange circuit n° 115.
Receiver signal element timing (DCE).
RD V24 interchange circuit n° 104.
Received data.
Resource Network equipment or output logical resource with which a "calling" device can set
up a call.
Each logical resource is identified by a resource name on four characters. This
means that routing can be based on a resource name.
Resource class A group of "destination" logical resources having the same resource name.
RFC (Request For Comment)
Specifications concerning the TCP/IP environment and published by the network
information centre (NIC) of the US Department of Defense.
RFS V.24 interchange circuit n° 106.
Ready for sending (see also CTS).
Routing In a network, selection of a valid path for a call to the required resource.
RP Priority operating at the "called" level
Resource Priority When setting up a logical resource, a priority (0-15) can be assigned to a
destination resource.
Only a caller with a CP that is greater than or equal to the RP of the required
resource can access that resource.
RTS V.24 interchange circuit n° 105.
Request to send.
Source Calling DTE or line.
The MEGAPAC sees the caller as an input resource.
SSAP Source Service Access Point
Refers to a local area network.
Identifies the LLC entity sending an LLC PDU.
Statistical multiplexer A multiplexer for which time (on a communication channel) is allocated to a
terminal (only when there is data to be sent).
SVC Switched virtual circuit
A call procedure and a clearing procedure are respectively required at the start
and end of the call.
Synchronous Data transmission in which the data characters and bits are transmitted at a fixed
The transmitter and receiver are synchronized.
TCLK V.24 interchange circuit n° 114.
Transmitter signal element timing (DCE).
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141 Boucle 3 (locale) CT3 Local Loop Back LLB
142 ç Indicateur d’Essai IE Test Indicator TI
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