Introduction To - Uranian - Astrology

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Without Getting Lost in the Clutter

Meira Epstein, C.A., NCGR-PAA
All rights reserved

The Uranian System, also known in its original name The Hamburg School,
was founded by Alfred Witte (1878-1941) and came to light in a series of
lectures given by him in Hamburg, Germany, to the Kepler Circle in the years
1919-1923. It was carried forward by his friends and supporters Friedrich
Sieggruen & Ludwig Rudolph, and later by Hermann Lefeldt, who transcribed
and published his ideas.

The Uranian System does not replace the classical traditional astrology, but
rather compliments and enhances it, adding depth to the analysis. Its techniques
enable the investigating astrologer to notice details and specifics, which
otherwise might escape the “naked eye”. It is like putting a magnifying glass on
the regular chart.

This document contains some highlights of this system,as an overview and a

guide for further studies. It is assumed the reader is knowledgeable in basic

Attention is given to combining the Uranian and Traditional methods for a comprehensive, meaningful
interpretation of the chart.
The Uranian System in the USA
From Michael Feist (4/6/18): "Chicago 1936-2018”

Regarding to UAC Chicago 2018, I would like to remember a special relationship

between the cities Chicago and Hamburg. Today both cites have a sister city partnership,
indeed. That’s really great, but that isn’t the main point for us. The relationship between
Chicago and Hamburg is a historical landmark, for Alfred Witte’s Hamburg School
(Uranian Astrology).

The term “Uranian Astrology” was used by Richard Svehla for the very first time in
front of a larger audience at the All American Astrological Convention in Chicago
1936. Svehla gave two lectures: “The New German Astrology (Hamburg School)” and
“The New Uranian Astrology”.

Since that time Witte’s Astrology had an own name in the States. Known and excepted
worldwide today. It’s important to point out, that “Uranian Astrology” settled in the
States and got asylum, during it was pursued and suppressed in Germany. Already in the
same year, 1936, the sale of German edition of the “Rules for Planetary Pictures” was
prohibited in Germany. This was a hard strike, because the German Edition was a
comprehensive book which includes: Interpretations, Rules, Houses, Examples,
Ephemerides and an instruction part into the Uranian Astrology. A prohibition of this
important book, was similar to a ban of Witte's astrology in Germany. (The general
astrological ban came 5 years later.)

Chicago 1936 was a breakthrough for Alfred Witte’s Uranian Astrology in the USA.
Richard Svehla was conscious in his wording of the American name for Witte’s system
— the capital letters of “Uranian System of Astrology” gives back: USA (!)
Essential Books & Software:

Rules For Planetary Pictures - Witte-Lefeldt

Uranian Transneptune Ephemeris, 1850-2050 - Neil F. Michelsen, ACS Publications
(These are included in all modern software)
Software: Nova Chartwheels from To buy the “Rules”:
Penelope Publication
Penelope Bertucelli
Other Books: Phone: 954-647-4614 FLORIDA

Handbook of Techniques For The Hamburg School - Ruth Brummund & Udo Rudolph
The Language of Uranian Astrology - Roger A. Jacobson
Uranian Astrology Guide - Sylvia Sherman & Jori Frank
Dial Detective - Maria Kay Simms
Patterns of Professions - Emma Belle Donath
Uranian Astrology Manual - Penelope Bertucelli
Combination of Stellar Influences - Reinhold Ebertin (Cosmobiology)

The Uranian System is Distinguished by the Following Features:

1. The 8 Trans-Neptunian Planets - TNP’s (also known as hypothetical planets or points).

2. Use of 0 of the Cardinals signs (“Aries Point” or “World Axis”),
and the Lunar Nodes as Personal Points (on the same level as Asc & MC)
3. The 90 and the 360 rotating dials and graphic display of planetary positions.
4. Emphasis on hard aspects: 0°, 180°, 90°, 45° (and 135°), 22½°, 11¼° , 55/8°.
5. MC describes the “I”. ASC describes the environment and ‘others’.
6. “Good” or “Bad” is determined by the point/planet – not by the aspect.
7. Intensive use of Midpoints (A+B-C)
8. Planetary Pictures (symmetries of equal arc openings: A+B-C=D)
9. Interpretation of the chart by aspects/pictures mostly, without emphasis on zodiacal signs.
10. Focus on Solar Arc Directions together with Transits in Forecast Work.
11. Meridian Houses, as well as other house systems.

Each one of these can be used alone, to maximize the interpretive value contained in the chart.
The 8 Trans-Neptunian -Hypothetical- Planets -- TNP’s
Also act like Adjectives – adding description & further qualifying the ‘real’ planets.

Ð Cupido Marriage, tending towards marriage, family connections, need togetherness. Socializing,
262 years bringing together. Union, community, clubs and social groups. A unifying drive - company,
corporation. Art & Artists.

Ñ Hades Lowly, unsavory, in bad condition, ill, dirty, dejected, unpleasant. Junk, garbage.
360 years Ruins, slums, sewers, swamps. Secrets - the less savory side of life that is kept hidden, the
seamy, shady side of life. Illicit activity. Lack, want. Suffering. Servitude, servant position.
Secrecy. Know how to Keep a secret – “leak proof”. Antiques, old, of the past.

Ò Zeus Leadership. Fiery, creative force. Creation, procreation, fertility. Production, productivity.
455 years Purposeful activity, directed energy, controlled power. Fire-arms. Fire and heat, machinery,
fuel, industrialization.

Ó Kronos Mastery & excellence. Of high quality, above average. Professional. Management. High-level
521 years position, authority. The ruling powers, heads of state or companies. The presidential power.
Bureaucracy, hierarchies. Authoritative, honorable, dignified. Independent.

Ô Apollon Business and trade. Distribution. Many, multiplicity, expansion, enlargement, large quantity.
576 years Great distance. Science and learning. Peaceful enterprises. Cross-cultural. Breadth of

Õ Admetos The Earth. Earth, land. Mass. Inertia, stagnation. Stabilizing force. Foundation. Focus.
624 years Rotation, circular motion (like the earth). Movement towards, or around a center. Gravitational
force. Narrowing, limiting, making things smaller, shorter, compact. Minimalism.
In social context –Exclusivity, small circle.
Condensation, compression, density, depth, nucleus, core.
Cyclical process, circulation, bounded or repetitive motion, repetitive action, repetition.
Raw, original matter, origins, primeval origins. Raw materials, ores, minerals, crystals, rock,
deep within the earth, subterranean. Ending, death. Ending and Beginning.
Homeland. Loyalty.

Ö Vulcanus Force Power, might, strength, overpowering influence. Energy reserve, sustained force or
663 years activity. Heavy Machinery. Great strength - physically, mentally, mechanically. Wield

× Poseidon Light. Enlightenment. Truth. Ideology. Intellect & Education.

740 years Spirit. Religion. Wisdom. Spiritualizes & refines.
From Michael Feist: ‘Storms at sea. Ship sinking.’ (see the Titanic)

Use Hard Aspects Only: 360, 180, 90, 45, 22½, 11¼, 55/8
0 1 “Good” or “Bad” is determined by the planet – Not by the aspect.
180 1
90 1
45, 135 1
22 ½ 0 20’ Midpoint Orb Recommended: 0 20’
11 ¼ 0 5’
5 5/8 0’
Important, Useful and Intriguing Midpoints

The following is a sample of MP’s that can be useful in natal & forecast work. Only limited interpretation is
given here by way of example. To be activated, they need contact with a natal or a directed planet or angle. The
list below covers typical questions regarding personal relationship, health, housing, work and career.

MC/ASC Time & Place: a multi-purpose important MP. Professional connections. When touched off by
Jupiter you happen to be at the right time and the right place.
Sun/Moon Male-Female, Husband & Wife. Friendship. A direction from an angle (MC or ASC) can indicate
an acquaintance leading to marriage.
Moon/Venus A loving relationship with a woman. Pregnancy.
Venus/Mars Sexual relationship. Blood relatives. Contact with the Nodes: Sex with many.
Mercury/Saturn Go to school. Travel, take leave. Contact with Aries: Navigation, GPS.
Mars/Jupiter The fruit of your labor: A fortunate project - of short duration.
Mars/Saturn Interruption of activities. Natal MC contact: on-off jobs. Timing: stop work, lay-off, no work for
a while. Contact from Jupiter: Take a vacation.
Jupiter/ Saturn Buildings, housing, real, estate. architecture. Contact with the Moon: Public housing. Contact
with Kronos: High-rise buildings. Contact with Poseidon: Church, synagogue
Mars/Nodes A working community. Work connections. Connections with the military.
Sun/Cupido, Moon/Cupido, MC/Cupido The married man, the married woman. Marriage.
Node / Cupido Family connections.
Mars/Cupido Work connections, group.
Venus/Zeus Fertility treatments. Pregnancy. Energetic sexuality.
Sun/Kronos, Moon/Kronos A president. High level position, male or female.
Node/Kronos Connections with people in high places.
Mars/Kronos Independent action. Work for yourself. Own your business.
Sun/Hades To have secrets. Ill health.
MC/Hades To have secrets. To harbor a dark secret about one’s life.
ASC/Hades Dirty unpleasant environment.
Moon/Hades A woman suffering of ill health. A widow. Sorrow
Venus/Hades Illicit sex, pornography. Love of antiques. Woman of service, waitress.
Mercury/Hades Make mistakes. Retardation.
Nodes/Vulcanus Influential connections
Sun/Admetos, MC, ASC/Admetos Real-estate, property. Homeland. Return to one’s birthplace.
Narrow space, small apartment.
Saturn/Poseidon Education
The Rotating 90 Dial
All the chart points are marked around the 90 disk disc in three sections, according to their positions in
the chart – Cardinal Fixed, Mutable.
When the disc is rotated, all hard aspects can be readily observed.
Finding midpoints & other planetary picture visual and easy. No computation is required.

Guidelines for Working with Mid-Points

1. “No Pain No Gain”: Pay Attention to Detail and Precision. Work neatly.

2. Get Organized - Use Color Coding: To match your mental association.

3. Do Not Clutter the Regular Chart:

It is much better to print the chart without the “extras” and copy them on the side.

4. Pick & Choose - Rule-1: You don’t have to interpret everything!

In the regular chart we interpret All the Planets -- even if they are not aspected. (by House, Sign, Rulership, etc.)

For the Uranian Planets & Midpoints – Interpret only those that make an Aspect, or involved in a Midpoint.

5. Aspects are Contacts: “Good” or “Bad” is determined by the planet.

5. Pick & Choose - Rule-2:
Consider A=B/C only when At Least One of the Three is a “Real Planet” –
Preferably a Personal Point, up to Saturn

6. Use Hard Aspects Only – for natal Uranian, Asteroids & in Forecast work.

7. Keep the “Rules” & “Cosi” (Witte & Ebertin) books handy all the time.

8. Not Every Dial Configuration Belongs to You:

It may describe someone else in your life.
Cross-Reference with the Traditional chart (Rulership, etc.) to determine who it is.

Cross Reference – The Interpretation Process

Rule #1 - First read the Traditional Chart.
Next, put all the planets on the Dial and analyze all the aspects.
Next put in the Midpoints and finish up the analysis .

Rule #2 - Whatever the Uranian Planets & the Midpoints indicate –

Confirm in the Traditional Chart, using Aspects, Rulership, Dignities, etc.

Rule #3 - Take Lots of Notes as you go along.

The themes of the chart will reveal themselves as you go along.

How to “Cross Reference”

The Starting Point is the Traditional Chart, using the Classical Methods.

The analysis will eventually describe the general personality traits, and will bring into focus the areas
of weakness and strength.

When this process is complete, you may move to the 90 Dial and the Uranian Techniques.
Some of your findings will reinforce the classical analysis, while other may bring up contradictions.
- Reinforcement is Great
- Contradiction or New facts – back to the drawing board… “what have I missed?”

The principle of ‘back to the drawing board’ had unexpected beneficial results for me.
My favorite saying is “Uranian Astrology will make you a Better Traditional Astrologer!”.

Admittedly, all this means more work for the astrologer, but it pays off.
For Reinforcements & Similarities, Compare the Following:
Traditional Uranian

Angularity, 7H, 11H Cupido, Nodes, World Axis, MC, ASC

Venus, Moon, Sun Cupido
Saturn, Pluto Vulcanus
Aries, Saturn, 4H Admetos
Mars, Uranus Zeus
Saturn, Pluto Hades
Jupiter, Mercury, 9H, 3H, 2H, 8H Apollon
Sun, Saturn Kronos
Neptune Poseidon
Anticia as Aspect World Axis

A Note about the ASC & MC

A striking, and very intriguing difference is found in definition of these two:

In the Uranian system, the ASC is invariably, referred to as ‘Others’.

In the Traditional system, the ASC and its Ruler describe the Person, and ‘Others’ are found in the 7H.
11H, etc.

In the Traditional system, the MC signifies career, authority figures, the sovereign, the results of an
In the Uranian system, MC significations contain the phrase ‘to be’, describing the personality, or the
higher-self of the individual.

A closer look actually eliminates these differences and shows profound wisdom embedded in the
Uranian definitions.

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