Topic 1 - Introduction To Plumbing Module 1-DEFINITION

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Topic 1 –Introduction to Plumbing

 The art and technique of installing pipes, fixtures, and other apparatuses in buildings
for bringing in the supply of liquids, substances and/or ingredients and removing
 Water, liquid and other carried-wastes hazardous to health, sanitation, life and
 Pipes and fixtures after installation i.e., the ‘plumbing system’

Module 2: HISTORY
Plumbing Practice in the Philippines
1. In 1902, the Plumbing Trade was duly recognized by the government in the City of
Manila. Master Plumber John F. Haas became the first Chief of the Division of
Plumbing Construction and Inspection. A Plumbing Code based on the Plumbing Code
of the United States was incorporated into the Building Code for the City of Manila.
2. In 1935, the National Master Plumbers Association of the Philippines (NAMPAP)was
formally organized.
3. Manila City Ordinance 2411, the “Plumbing Code for the City of Manila” was enacted
and placed under the Department of Public Services, Manila.
4. In 1954, the Third Congress approved House Bill No. 962 which in June 18, 1955,
became R.A. 1378 “Plumbing Law of the Philippines” upon ratification of President
Ramon Magsaysay.
5. On January 28, 1959, the National Plumbing Code of the Philippines prepared by
NAMPAP was promulgated and approved by Malacañang. Also, the National
Waterworks and Sewerage Authority (NAWASA)was created.
6. Before Martial Law in 1972, Republic Act No. 6541 otherwise known as the “Building
Code of the Philippines” was passed with the “National Plumbing Code of 1959” as
referral code in full text.
7. The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) adopted the Revised Plumbing Code
of 1999 which President Joseph Estrada approved December 21, 1999 pursuant to
Section 4 of R.A. 1378 known as the Plumbing Law.
Date Law
1902 Plumbing trade City of Manila
1935 Manila city ordinance 2411 – Department of Public Services
Plumbing Code for the City of
JUNE 1954 R.A. 1378 –Plumbing law of the Pres. Ramon Magsaysay
1959 National Plumbing Code of the NAMPAP / National
Philippines / NAWASA Government
1972 R.A. 6541 –Building Code of the
Philippines with NPC in full text
1999 Revised Plumbing Code PRC
DEC 1999 Sec 4 of R.A. 1378 –Plumbing Law President Joseph Estrada

22 Basic Principles of the Plumbing Code
1. All premises intended for human use or habitation shall be provided with a supply of
pure and wholesome water, neither connected to unsafe water supply nor subject to
backflow or back-siphonage.
2. Plumbing fixtures, devices and appurtenances shall be supplied with water in
sufficient volume and pressure adequate to function satisfactorily and without undue
Appurtenance: pre-fabricated or on-the-job assembly of component parts
3. Plumbing shall be designed and adjusted to use the minimum quantity of water
consistent with proper performance and cleaning.
4. Devices for heating and storing water shall be so designed and installed as to prevent
dangers from explosion through overheating.
5. Every building abutting on a street, alley or easement with a public sewer shall
connect its plumbing fixtures to the sewer system.
6. Each family dwelling unit shall have at least one water closet, one kitchen type sink, a
lavatory and a bathtub or shower to meet the basic requirements of sanitation and
personal hygiene.
7. Plumbing fixtures shall be made of smooth non-absorbent material, free from
concealed fouling surfaces and shall be located in ventilated enclosures.
8. The drainage system shall be designed, constructed and maintained to safeguard
against fouling, deposit of solids, clogging and with adequate clean outs so arranged
that the pipes may be readily cleaned.
9. All piping shall be of durable NAMPAP-APPROVED materials, free from defective
workmanship, designed and constructed by Registered Master Plumbers to ensure
satisfactory service.
10. Each fixture directly connected to the drainage system shall be equipped with a
water-sealed trap
11. The drainage pipes piping system shall be designed to provide adequate circulation
of air free from siphonage, aspiration or forcing of trap seals under ordinary use.
12. Vent terminals shall extend to the outer air and installed to prevent clogging and the
return of foul air to the building.
13. Plumbing systems shall be subjected to such tests to effectively disclose all leaks and
defects in the workmanship.
14. Substance which will clog the pipes, produce explosive mixtures, destroy the pipes or
their joints or interfere unduly with the sewage-disposal process shall not be allowed
to enter the building drainage system.
15. Proper protection shall be provided to prevent contamination of food, water, sterile
goods and similar materials by backflow of sewage. When necessary, the fixture,
device or appliance shall be connected indirectly with the building drainage system
16. No water closet shall be located in a room or compartment which is not properly
lighted and ventilated.
17. If there is no sewer system in the area, suitable provision shall be made for the
disposal of building sewage by some accepted method of sewage treatment and
disposal, such as a septic tank.
18. Where a plumbing drainage system may be subject to backflow of sewage, suitable
provision shall be made to prevent its overflow in the building.
19. Plumbing systems shall be maintained in serviceable condition by Registered Master
20. All plumbing fixtures shall be installed properly spaced, to be accessible for their
intended use.
21. Plumbing shall be installed with due regard to the preservation of the strength of
structural members and the prevention of damage to walls and other surfaces
through fixture usage.
22. Sewage or other waste from plumbing systems which may be deleterious to surface
or sub-surface waters shall not be discharged into the ground or into any waterway,
unless first rendered innocuous through subjection to some acceptable form of



 Flow of water (& water carried wastes) should always take one direction only (from
supply to disposal) and each side should always be carefully separated from each



Earth’s Water Cycle / The Hydrological Cycle

• The Water Cycle: Major Phases

1. Evaporation
2. Transpiration
3. Sublimation
4. Condensation
5. Transportation
6. Precipitation
7. Run-off
8. Evatransportation
9. Infiltration
• Inflows add water to the different parts of the hydrologic system, while outflows remove
water. Storage is the retention of water by parts of the system. Because water movement is
cyclical, an inflow for one part of the system is an outflow for another. Looking at an aquifer
as an example, percolation of water into the ground is an inflow to the aquifer. Discharge of
ground water from the aquifer to a stream is an outflow (also an inflow for the stream). Over
time, if inflows to the aquifer are greater than its outflows, the amount of water stored in the
aquifer will increase. Conversely, if the inflows to the aquifer are less than the outflows, the
amount of water stored decreases. Inflows and outflows can occur naturally or result from
human activity.
• Physical Properties of Water
1. Surface Tension
2. Heat Absoptic/Capacity
3. Capillarity
4. Dissolving Ability
• Uses of Water
o Nourishment
o Cleansing and Hygiene
o Ceremonial Uses
o Transportational Uses
o Cooling Medium
o Ornamental Element
o Protective Uses



Collected from roofs or
Only a source during
buildings and special
the wet season;
water sheds and stored
Water is soft & pure
in cisterns or ponds;
and is suitable for the Storage becomes a
hot water supply breeding place for
Cistern water for
system. mosquitoes;
drinking should be
boiled, chlorinated or
Roofs may not be clean.
otherwise sterilized.
Easy to acquire;

Usually in large Contains large amounts

quantities; of bacteria, organic, &
Obtained from ponds, inorganic substances;
Natural Surface Water
lakes and rivers. Used for irrigation,
industrial purposes, Purification &
and, when treated, for treatment is necessary.
community water
May have organic
Obtained from matter & chemical
underground by means elements; treatment is
of mechanical & manual Usually has an suggested;
equipment; abundant supply;
(character of ground
Ground Water
From springs and wells Requires less treatment water, its hardness,
and is the principal because of natural depends upon the
source of water for filtering. nature and condition of
domestic use in most the soil and rock
rural areas. through which it passes
or percolates)

Standard Values for Physical and Chemical Quality: Aesthetic Quality


TASTE Unobjectionable

ODOR Unobjectionable






HARDNESS 300 (as CaCo3)



Corrosion of non-
Raising alkaline content
ferrous pipes;
Entrance of oxygen and by the introduction of a
carbon dioxide neutralizer (sodium
Rusting & clogging of
steel pipes
Clogging of pipes; Boiling;
Presence of magnesium
and calcium salts Impaired Laundry and Use of an ion exchanger
Cooking (zeolite process)
Silt or mud in surface or Discoloration;
Turbidity Filtration
in ground Bad Taste
Presence of Iron and Discoloration of fixtures
Color Oxidizing Filter
Manganese and laundry
Contamination by
Pollution organic matter or Disease Chlorination



Calcium, Magnesium Produce hardness
Bad taste & odor, highly corrosive to plumbing,
stains clothing, etc.
Salt Bad taste, highly corrosive
Stains clothing & plumbing fixtures, interferes
with water softeners, iron bacteria clogs pipes
Pathogenic germs Unhealthy; may cause poliomyelitis
Acid Highly corrosive, picks up lead, stains clothing
Algae Bad taste & odor
Carbon Dioxide, Hydrogen Sulfide Aeration
Suspended Material Coagulation & Settling Process
Bacteria Chemicals & Sand Filtration
Calcium & Magnesium Addition of water softeners
Iron Iron Filters
Sulfur Chlorination
Pathogenic Germs Disinfection
Acid Marble or Limestone Filtration


• Aluminum - naturally occurring aluminum as well as aluminum salts used as coagulants in

drinking-water treatment are the most common sources of aluminum in drinking water.
o Effect: exacerbation of discoloration of water by iron.
• Alkalinity - measure of the water’s ability to neutralize acids and bases (buffering). As
alkalinity increases, the water becomes more stable and less likely to corrode household
plumbing. An alkalinity of more than 30 mg/l is desirable.
• Chlorides - soluble mineral compounds that are dissolved by the water as it filters through
the earth. The amount of chlorides in water are determined by the type of rocks and soils it
has contacted.
o Cause:
1. The leaking of sea water into a well cause of increased chlorides.
2. Human and animal waste
o Effect:
1. Salty Taste
2. Corrosion of household appliances and domestic plumbing
3. Average life of water heaters has been estimated to shorten by one year for
every 100mg/l chloride over the first 100mg/l.
o Treatment:
1. Reverse osmosis (RO)
2. Deionization (DI)
• Copper - in a drinking-water supply usually arises from the corrosive action of water
leaching copper from copper pipes.
o Cause:
1. Acidic Water: a soft, acidic water will dissolve small amounts of copper from
the plumbing.
2. Dissolved Solids: increase the ability of the water to conduct an electrical
3. Galvanic Corrosion: occurs when two different metals come in contact with
each other. The differences between the two metals produce an electrical
current, causing one of the metals to corrode. E.g. a brass fitting to a galvanized
o Effects:
1. Blue green stain on plumbing fixtures.
2. Can cause temporary stomach cramps and general intestinal discomfort.
o Treatment:
1. Acidic Water - by neutralizing the acidity of the water done by using a
metering pump to add small amounts of an alkaline solution (such as soda ash
and water) to the water, or by using a neutralizing filter.
2. Dissolved Solids – a) reverse osmosis filter to drastically reduce the solids
content b) use a polyphosphate compound
3. Galvanic Corrosion - by placing a dielectric (plastic or rubber) joint between
the two different metals to break the electrical current.
• Acidity (Corrosive) Water - neutral water, neither acidic nor basic, has a pH of 7. As pH
values decrease from 7 to 0, the acidity of the water increases; pH values from 7 to 14 show
increasing basicity.
o Cause:
1. Water’s natural acidity is caused by the presence of carbonic acid and carbon
o Effects:
1. Metal surface - slowly dissolving the metal into the water. Constant exposure
to corrosive water will shorten the life of household plumbing, causing
pinholes in pipes
2. Copper plumbing - corrosion cause blue-green stains in sinks and tubs; give
the water a bitter medicinal taste
3. Steel or galvanized metal - rusty stain in fixtures, give the water a metallic
taste, and may produce cloudy water on occasion.
4. Interfere with other water treatment. Iron and manganese cannot be easily
removed from acidic water. In this case, the acidity must be neutralized prior
to the iron removal treatment.
o Treatment:
1. pH Adjustment
2. Neutralizing Filters
3. Polyphosphates
• Fluoride - occur in groundwater supplies, fluoride is added to water to help prevent dental
o Cause:
1. Fluoride is dissolved into water from fluoride bearing minerals that occur
naturally in the earth.
o Effect:
1. Dental fluorosis
o Treatment:
1. Reverse Osmosis (RO)
2. Distillation
3. Deionization (DI)
• Hardness - measured by the amount of soap that had to be added to water to produce a
lather. Also measured as the concentration of dissolved calcium and magnesium compounds
(expressed as calcium carbonate).
o Cause:
1. Naturally occurring calcium and magnesium compounds dissolved by the
o Effect:
1. Hard, chalky scale (boiler scale) when water is heated.
2. White, powdery residue on plumbing fixtures, and will cause spots on dishes.
o Treatment:
1. Water softener (Ion exchange softeners produce a water with near zero
• Iron and Manganese – naturally occurring metallic elements.
o Cause:
1. Metals are dissolved from soils and rocks as the water passes through the
2. Corrosion of galvanized or steel plumbing materials.
o Effect:
1. Produces a gray or black deposit; cause a coating to form inside the plumbing
and will break free, causing black particles to appear in the water.
2. Water – bitter, metallic taste.
o Treatment:
1. Chlorination and Filtration
2. Zeolite Filters
3. Birm Filters
4. Water Softeners
5. Polyphosphates


• Actinomycetes and Fungi - found in surface water sources, including reservoirs; can grow
on unsuitable materials in the water supply distribution systems i.e. rubber
o Effect: objectionable tastes and odors in the drinking-water.
• Animal life - Invertebrate animals are naturally present in many water resources used as
sources for the supply of drinking-water and often infest shallow, open wells.
o Cause:
1. Invertebrates may pass through water treatment works.
2. Motility and larvae penetrate filters at the treatment works and vents on
storage reservoirs.
o Treatment:
1. Production of high-quality water,
2. Maintenance of chlorine residuals in the distribution system.
3. Regular cleaning of water mains by flushing or swabbing.
• Cyanobacteria and Algae
o Effect:
1. Coloration and turbidity of water after filtration.
2. They can also give rise to geosmin, 2-methyl isoborneol and other chemicals,
which have taste thresholds in drinking-water of a few nanograms per litre.
• Iron bacteria
o Cause: In waters containing ferrous and manganous salts, oxidation by iron bacteria
(or by exposure to air).
o Effect: rust-coloured deposits on the walls of tanks, pipes and channels and carry-
over of deposits into the water.
o Treatment: Iron Filters


• Reverse Osmosis (RO) - remove dissolved minerals by forcing the water, under pressure,
through a synthetic membrane.; membrane contains microscopic pores allowing only
molecules of a certain size to pass through; water will squeeze through the membrane
leaving the mineral salts behind; RO unit capable of removing 90 % of the dissolved mineral
salts from water supply.
• Deionization (DI) - units are available as small, wall-mounted cartridges containing ion
exchange resins. When water passes through the cartridge the dissolved mineral salts are
retained in the resin, producing a mineral-free water.
• Neutralizing Filters - a pressurized tank containing a filter bed of calcium carbonate or
calcite. As the acidic water passes through the filter, the carbonic acid and carbon dioxide
combine with the calcium carbonate neutralizing the acidity.
• Polyphosphates - these compounds deposit a protective layer on exposed metal surfaces.
• Water Softener - (Ion exchange softeners produce a water with near zero hardness).
• Zeolite Filters - this compound releases an atom of oxygen to oxidize the dissolved iron and
manganese; oxidized particles collected on the filter bed; These filters require periodic
regeneration with potassium permanganate to replace the oxygen used in the removal

• Aeration - spraying the water into the atmosphere through jets or passing it over rough
surfaces to remove entrained noxious gases such as carbon dioxide or hydrogen sulfide.
• Coagulation & Precipitation - addition of coagulants, such as ferrous sulfate and lime, to
the water which cause the larger suspended particles to form a gelatinous mass which
precipitates readily. The precipitate is gathered in large dumps and disposed of.
o Coagulation - chemical process in which the coagulant reacts with the sediment to
make it capable of combining into larger particles.
o Flocculation - physical process in which the sediment particles collide with each
other and stick together.
• Filtration - water is passed through layers of sand and gravel in concrete basins in order to
remove the finer suspended particles.
• Sedimentation - water is passed through basins so sediments can settle through a period of
• Chlorination - water is injected with hypo-chlorite or chlorine gas to kill the harmful


Wells are holes in the earth from which a fluid may be withdrawn using manual or mechanical
means such as draw bucket, pump, etc.


• Shallow Wells
• Deep Wells

INDIVIDUAL WELL SPRINGS: (Types According to Method of Construction)

• Dug Well
o Most COMMON type, usually dug manually around 15 meters deep.
o Diameter ranges from 1-1.5 meters
o a.k.a. “shallow well”
o Permanent lining of masonry, concrete or brickwork for protection against collapse
of perimeter, protection from outside pollution, provision of foundation for pump
• Bored Well
o Similar to dug well but constructed using an auger driven in by hand or with power
o Seldom hand driven below 15 meters, but can reach 40+ meters with power tools
o Steel or plastic casing similar in diameter to required hole is pushed in to prevent
caving in of the hole
o Perforated pvc pipe is then inserted in the casing, and the first casing is slowly pulled
• Jetted Well
o Use of extreme water pressure so as not to affect existing foundations in the vicinity.
o Makes use of a suction pump above, while casing acts as the pump riser.
o Used only where ground is relatively soft, hence sometimes referred to as “Sand-Point
o Depths of up to 80 meters.
o Continuous pumping of water loosens soil which then overflows upward. A pipe is
then lowered, adding length while water is continuously pumped into the hole.
• Driven Well
o Dug with a sharp pointed hollow slotted iron rod and well screen.
o Depths are from 10-15 meters.
o Perforated steel pipes are driven into a hole, adding lengths of pipes as the well point
is driven deeper.
o Protection of the end of the pipe being hit by the use of a wooden block, steel cap or
drive cap.
• Drilled Well
o Used for drilling oil with a simple roller bit or diamond bit.
o Can reach up to 1000 m.
o Percussion rig: repetitious dropping of a heavy weight into the hole.
o Rotary rig: rotating a sharp bit into the hole, while mud is pumped into the center
shaft, which is then forced into the bore hole, sealing and supporting it.
o Other rotary methods: blowing of water or compressed air to blow loosened water
into the surface.


• Location must not be less than 50 ft. away from pollution sources.
• Locate on higher ground.


• Well screens are made of noncorrosive material like brass.

• Natural material like stones and rock sediment provide additional screening.



• Total dynamic head (TDH): the sum of the static head, pipe friction and velocity head at
the point of discharge.
• Static head: the total discharge in elevation of water from suction level to the discharge level.
• Pipe friction: head loss due to friction in the suction and discharge lines, elbows and valves,
and suction entrance loss.
• Velocity head: change in kinetic energy of water from source to the discharge point. Velocity
head is equal to the square of the velocity divided by twice the acceleration of gravity.

• Piston Pumps
o Water is sucked into a sealed vacuum by use of a piston.
o Single Action (water is drawn in with only 1 motion) or;
o Double Action (water is drawn in with either stroke).
o Duplex or Twin Piston Pump
• Centrifugal Pumps
o Water is drawn into the pump & discharged with a centrifugal force.


• Reciprocating Pumps
o piston pumps that operate with controlled speed. The discharge from a reciprocating
pump is pulsating and changes only when the speed of the pump is changed.
Sometimes an air chamber is introduced to regulate the pulsation.
• Jet Pumps - are centrifugal pumps typically used for drawing water up from a well.
o Four types of Jet Pumps:
1. Deep well Jet Pumps are used in high volume applications.
2. Shallow well Jet Pumps are used for residential wells.
3. Convertible Jet Pumps can be used for deep wells and shallow wells.
4. Miniature Jet Pumps are used for small applications.
• Rotary Pumps
o Rotary pumps are piston pumps that make use of a pump driver.
o Rotary Pumps can discharge from 900 to 1200 GPM.
o Rotary Pumps are more efficient for viscous fluids.
• Turbine Pumps
o Turbine Pumps are centrifugal pumps used for large applications because of their
multiple impellers.
o Turbine Pumps can discharge up to 2000 GPM.
• Jack Pumps
o piston pump with an exposed lift and push rod to activate a submerged piston.
• Submersible Pumps
o Submersible Pumps are designed to be fully immersible within a tank or other media
storage receptacle.
o Many common types of pumps can be designed by manufacturers to be submersible.
• Sump Pumps
o Sump pumps are used in applications where excess water must be pumped away
from a particular area.
o Sump pumps, in general, is a category that encompasses a number of styles of pumps
that are used to pump out collected fluid.


• Overhead Tanks
o Does not have any pressure concerns but relies on gravity to supply water to fixtures
o Usually made of galvanized steel, stainless steel, or reinforced concrete, it can come
in various shapes and sizes.
o GRAVITY SUPPLY TANKS – used in Overhead Feed System
▪ Main Components
➢ Supply Pipe
➢ Inlet
➢ Overflow Pipe
➢ Drip Pan
➢ Gate Valves
• Cisterns
o Usually built of reinforced concrete underground and connected with a pump.
• Pneumatic Water Tanks/Pressure Tanks
o May be centralized or per bathroom group.
o Also makes use of a pressure relief valve, which relieves pressure automatically if
• Hot Water Tanks
o Types of Hot Water Tanks:
▪ Range Boiler
➢ Small hot water tank (30-60 cm diameter; 180cm max length).
➢ Made of galvanized steel sheet, copper or stainless steel.
▪ Storage Tanks
➢ Large hot water tank (60-130 cm in diameter; 5m max length).
➢ Made of heavy-duty material sheets applied with rust proof paint.



• Start or shut down a system

• Regulate pressure
• Check backflow
• Control the direction of water


• Locate & distribute valves in such a manner that they can isolate a certain section of the
network in case of system breakdown (before each branch).
• Locate valves where they are not too visible while remaining accessible.

• Gate Valve
o a.k.a. ‘Full-way Valve’
o Used mainly to completely close or completely open the water line (does not control
flow of water).
o Best suited to the main supply and pump lines wherein operation is infrequent.
▪ The Wedge Shape or Tapered Disc
▪ The Double Disc Valve
• Globe Valve
o Controls the flow of water with a movable spindle.
o Can reduce water pressure (throttling).
o Only one side of the valve is an inlet.
▪ The Plug Type Disc Valve – for throttling
▪ The Conventional Disc Valve (Ball Type) – for shutting
▪ The Composition Disc Valve – for steam & hot water
• Check Valve
o Main function is to prevent reversal of flow (backflow) in the line.
▪ The Swing Check Valve
➢ Moving through the line, pressure automatically swings the disc open
to fulfill flow as in a gate valve.
➢ Should flow reverse, the reversed pressure and the disc’s weight close
the disc against the seal; and backflow is stopped.
▪ The Lift Check Valve
➢ When flow reverses, the disc fails to its seat and cuts off backflow.
➢ Line pressure lifts the disc, and path of flow is in a changing course as
through a globe valve.
▪ Vertical Check Valve
▪ Horizontal Check Valve
• Angle Valve
o Operates in the same
o Manner as globe valve
o (disc & seat design)
o Used to make a 90° turn
o Reduces number of joints
• Butterfly Valve
o Typically used to regulate a fluid flowing through a section of pipe.
o A flat circular plate is positioned in the center of the pipe. The plate has a rod through
it connected to a handle on the outside of the valve. Rotating the handle turns the
plate either parallel or perpendicular to the flow.
• Foot Valve
o Located at the lower end of the pumps
o Used mainly to prevent loss of priming of pumps
o a.k.a. ‘Retention Valve’
• Safety Valve
o Used on water systems, heating systems, compressed air lines & other pipe lines with
excessive pressure.


• Ball Faucet
o Constructed with a ball connected to the handle.
o Hose bibb - has grooves fit for a hose.
• Compression Cock
o Operates by the compression of a soft packing upon a metal seat.
• Key Cock
o Operates with a round tapering plug ground to fit a metal seat.



• Air Gap (water distribution) - an unobstructed vertical distance through the free
atmosphere between the lowest opening from any pipe or faucet conveying potable water to
the flood-level rim of any tank, vat or fixture.
• Air Gap (drainage) - the unobstructed vertical distance through the free atmosphere
between the lowest opening from any pipe, plumbing fixture, appliance or appurtenance
conveying waste to the flood level rim of the receptor.
• Backflow - the flow of water or other liquids, mixtures or substances into the distributing
pipes of a potable supply of water from any source other than from its intended source.
• Battery of Fixtures - any of two or more similar adjacent fixtures which discharge into a
common horizontal soil or waste branch.
• Branch Interval - a length of soil or waste stack corresponding in general to a storey height,
but in no case less than 2.43m w/in which the horizontal branches from one floor of a
building are connected to the stack.
• Cross Connection - Any connection or arrangement between a potable water supply system
and any plumbing fixture or any tank, receptacle, equipment or device through which
enables contaminated water or other substances to enter into any part of the system.
• Fixture Branch - the water supply pipe between the fixture supply pipe and the water
distributing pipe.
• Flood Level - the level in a fixture at which water begins to overflow over the top or rim of
the fixture.
• Gooseneck - a flexible tubing connection between a service pipe and water main; a return
bend of small-sized pipe commonly used as a faucet.
• Invert - the lowest portion of the interior part of any pipe or conduit that is not vertical.
• Plumbing Unit - a minimum standard quantity of plumbing fixtures that discharge wastes
into a plumbing installation including: (1)water meter, (1)water closet, (1)lavatory,
(1)shower head and drain for a stall / bathtub, (1)kitchen sink, (1)laundry tray, (3)floor
drains and (4)faucets / hose bibbs.
• Roughing-in - the installation of all piping and fitting parts of the plumbing system, which
can be completed prior to the installation of fixtures and accessories. These include sanitary
and storm drainage, tap, hot and chilled water supplies, gas pipings and the necessary fixture
• Seal - the vertical distance between the dip and the crown weir of a trap; the water in the
trap between the dip and the crown weir.
• Siamese Connection - a hose fitting with clapper valves for combining the flow from two or
more lines of hose into a single stream.
• Siphonage - a suction created by the flow of liquids in pipes; a pressure less than
• Standpipe - a vertical pipe, or a reservoir, into which water is pumped to give it at a head.
• Tailpiece - the piping or tubing that connects the outlet of a plumbing fixture to the trap.
• Trap Arm - that portion of a fixture drain between a trap and a vent.


• Water Hammer
o a knocking in the pipes caused when faucets in the lower levels are shut off abruptly
or automatically.
o the force exerted by the decelerating water causes the pipes to shake and rattle.
• Expansion/Contraction
o Pipes expand and contract due to continuous changes in temperature.
o An air space should be provided to allow for breathing room.
• Friction Head Loss
o Friction occurs when liquid flowing through the pipe makes contact with the pipe
enclosures, thus reducing the speed of water flow.
o There is greater Friction Head Loss with longer pipes, small diameter pipes, and a
high number of valves of fittings.


1. Umiray River - water is diverted through a 13km tunnel from Umiray River in Quezon
toward Macua & Angat rivers, which in turn flow into the Angat Reservoir.
2. Angat Dam - the Angat Dam supplies 97% of the water needs of Metro Manila residents and
most of the irrigation requirements of farms in central Luzon. From here, water flows
through 2 tunnels down to the Ipo Dam.
3. Ipo Dam - water is conveyed through three intake structures at the Ipo Dam going to three
connecting tunnels. Water then travels through a distance of 6 km to Bicti, Norzagaray, which
in turn passes through five aqueducts, each about 16km long.
4. La Mesa Dam - located in Novaliches, Quezon City, the La Mesa Dam can store up to
50.5million cubic meters of water from Angat River and Alat River.
5. Novaliches Treatment Plant - Treatment Plants 1 & 2 supply the west zone.
6. Balara Treatment Plant - the Balara Treatment Plants have full production capacity to
supply the east zone.
7. Community to House


• Direct Pressure Distribution

o Water is obtained through a large intake installed on the lake basin & extended into
deep water.
o Components:
▪ Water Basin
▪ Receiving Well
▪ Filtration Plant
• Indirect Pressure Distribution
o Water is taken form a drilled well or underground water.
o Involves individual special mechanical equipment.



• Service Pipe - pipe from the street water main or other source of water supply to the
building served.
• Water Meter - device used to measure in liters or gallons the amount of water that passes
through the water service.
• Horizontal Supply Main - the principal water distribution pipe running from the water
meter from which the various branches and risers to the fixtures are taken.
• Riser - a water supply pipe extending vertically to one full storey or more to convey water
into pipe branches or plumbing fixtures.
• Fixture Branch - the water supply pipe between the fixture supply pipe and the water-
distributing pipe.
• Controls & Valves - used for control, isolation and repair of the water distribution system.
• Storage Tanks


Upfeed System

• Direct Upfeed - water is provided by the city water companies using normal pressure from
public water main.
• Air Pressure System (Pneumatic)
o When pressure supplied by city water supply is not strong enough.
o Compressed air is used to raise and push water into the system.
• Downfeed (Overheadfeed) or Gravity System - water is pumped into a large tank on top
of the building and is distributed to the fixtures by means of gravity.
Pressure from water main is
inadequate to supply tall
buildings. Eliminates extra cost of pumps &
Upfeed System
Water supply is affected during
peak load hour.
With compact pumping unit.
Sanitary due to air tight water
Water supply is affected by loss
of pressure inside the tank in
Oxygen in the compressed air
case of power interruption.
Air Pressure System serves as purifying agent.
Economical (smaller pipe diam)
Maximum zoning for each
Less initial construction &
system is only 10 levels.
maintenance cost
Adaptable air pressure.
Water is subject to
Water is not affected by peak
loud hour.
High maintenance cost
Not affected by power
Occupies valuable space
Over-headfeed System interruptions.
Requires stronger foundation
Time needed to replace broken
and other structure to carry
parts does not affect water
additional load of tank and


• Maximum Demand - refers to the maximum water discharge for plumbing fixtures in terms
of units. The maximum demand of water supply is equal to the total fixture units in a
plumbing system wherein one unit is approximately valued at 7.5 gallons of water discharge
per minute.
• Probable Demand - also referred to as the Peak load, it is the probable amount of water
discharge at any given time. The fewer the number of fixtures installed the higher the
percentage of probability of their simultaneous use.

Type of Fixture Fixture Units

Floor Drain 1
Lavatory or wash basin 2
Bathtub 2
Kitchen sink 2
Laundry tub 2
Shower bath 2
Slop sink 3
Urinal 5
Water Closet 6
Bathroom group (WC, Lav., Tub and


Number of Fixture Units Percentage of Simultaneous Use

1 to 5 50 – 100%
6 to 50 25 – 50%
50 or more 10 -25%


DIAMETER 13mm 20mm 25mm 32mm 38mm 50mm

Gallons 20 38 80 110 170 223



• Upfeed and Gravity Return System

o Hot water rises on its own & does not need any pump for circulation.
o With a continuing network of pipes to provide constant circulation of water.
o Hot water is immediately drawn from the fixture any time.
o Provides economical circulating return of unused hot water.
• Downfeed and Gravity Return System
o Hot water rises on to the highest point of the plumbing system and travels to the
fixtures via gravity.
o Water distribution is dependent on the expansion of hot water & gravity.
• Pump Circuit System
o Pumps are introduced for a more efficient circulation of hot water to the upper floor
levels of multi-storey buildings.


Office Building 4 to 5
School Building 2 to 3
Apartment Buildings 8
Hotels 8 to 10
Factories 4 to 6
Residential 10



School, Office & Industrial Types 25%
Apartments & Residences 35%
Hotels & Restaurants 50%


• Hot Water Space Heating System - water is confined within a system at low temperature.
• Hot Water Supply System - not a closed system which operate on much higher temperature.


• System Relief Valve - used for Hot Water Space Heating System.
• Temperature & Pressure Relief - used for Hot Water Supply System.


Plumbing Fixture

- Receptacles which are used to provide, receive, and discharge water, liquid and water-carried wastes into
drainage system with which they are connected to
- An approved type installed receptacle, device, or appliance which is supplied with water or which receives liquid
or liquid-born wastes and discharges such wastes into the drainage system to which it may be directly or indirectly
connected. There are many plumbing fixtures and fittings from the pipes which carry the water to and from our
fittings to the tanks and waste outlet that deliver it and remove it.

Classifications of Plumbing Fixtures

A. Soil Fixtures
B. Scullery Fixtures
C. Bathing Fixtures

Quality of Plumbing Fixtures

Plumbing fixtures shall be constructed by:

A. Dense
B. Durable
C. Non-absorbent materials
D. Smooth, impervious surfaces
E. Free from unnecessary concealed fouling surfaces

Except as permitted elsewhere in the hood, all fixtures shall conform in quality and design to nation ally recognized
applicable standards or to other approved standards acceptable to the Administrative Authority.


A. Water Closets
- It is a plumbing fixture used to receive human excremental and to discharge it to a waste pipe using wate r as
conveying medium.

Water closets are classified according to:

I. Type of Flushing
a. Flush Tank Water Closets
– A typical flush tank water closet usually holds several liters on its tank. This tank eventually
empties when a lever or push-button is activated. A flush tank hold the supply of water for flushing
and has a capacity of 5 to 6 gallons.
– The whole process consists of a lever or push-button connected to blockade (canister) that
prevents the water from getting into the bowl directly, when it is activated, this blockade is lifted,
and thus, the water can flow down into the bowl.
– There are many types of flush tank system:
• Dual-flush
• Gravity-fed
• Flapper or Canister system
– Advantages: Requires little pressure, highly efficient, and has straightforward installation
– Disadvantages: Resets slowly, and requires lots of maintenance
b. Direct Flush Valve (DFV) Water Closets
– This works by using a special one-way valve that lets the water go through when the lever is
activated. The lever pulls a chain or cord attached to a proper blockade system. This blockade
prevents the water from a plumbing system entering the bowl.
– DFV is designed to supply a fixed quantity of water for flushing purposes. It is activated by direct
water pressure without the use of flush tank or it simply means that, the flushing action can be
obtained directly from a flush valve connected to a bowl.
– It is also known as “flushometer” or “flushometer valve”.
– It requires 10 to 20 psi flow pressure.
– Advantages: Works fasts & conveniently, produces less noise, and easy maintenance
– Disadvantages: Requires high water pressure, and tricky repairs & installation
II. Make
a. One-piece water closet
– The water closet fixture is manufactured with the bowl and the flush tank molded into a single
unit, usually used in tandem with the bidet.
b. Close coupled water closet
– A water closet where in the flush tank is separated but is attached to the toilet bowl. It is a two-
piece model.
c. Pail flush water closet
– A water closet comprising only of a bowl without a flush tank. Flushing action is obtained only
through water poured from a pail or bucket. This is used in areas where running water systems
are not available.
d. Squat bowl water closet
– A water closet that is otherwise known as “Eastern type” since the user assumes a squatting
position rather than a sitting position.
III. Mounting
a. Floor Mounted
– A floor mounted or standard toilet has the classic bowl-and-tank design with the tank clearly
visible and the bowl connecting down the floor.
– They are generally considered more design-oriented and are more traditional.
b. Wall hung
– A water closet installed in such a way that no part of the water closet touches the floor.
– A wall mounted water closet is the one that is fixed to the wall or in other words, it is hanged on
the wall.
– It gives a different style to the bathroom since this concept highlights the modern way of
bathroom design.
– It is the new means when it comes to designing small bathrooms.
IV. Flushing Action
a. Siphon Wash Down
– Water enters through an open rim as though a bucket of water were dumped into the bowl filling
the front trap way and creating a siphon action.
– This model provides quick removal of water with minimum waste rise.
– Some water surface makes the model more vulnerable to soiling and clogging.
– This is the least efficient and most noisy type but the lowest in cost.
– Flushes down through a simple wash down action
– Discharges waste into a trap way located at the front of the bowl
– Has a bulge on the front
– Has a small amount of standing water
b. Reverse Trap
– The trap way located at the rear of the water closet eliminated the bulge at the front.
– The design and appearance of the bowl plus its large water area and quietness in operation makes
it desirable than siphon wash down.
– Water enters through rim punching and a jet that fills the rear trap completely creating a siphon
action and resulting in quick withdrawal of water from the bowl.
– The water jet is located at the inlet of the trap way.
– Most of the bowl surface is covered with water.
– This model is efficient but moderately noisy and its cost is reasonably low.
– Flushes through a siphon action created in the trap way
c. Siphon Jet
– Water enters through a rim punching and jet placed in and up leg of the rear trap filling the trap
way and creating an instant siphon action without rise of water level. The result is quick water
– Large water surface provides an efficient and clean operation.
– With quiet flushing and moderate cross, this is the most popular residential model.
– Has a larger trap way making it less likely to clog
– Quieter flushing action
– Retains a large amount of water
d. Siphon Vortex
– This type of hole develops its flushing action for the water entering through a diagonal hole
around the rims which creates a swirling action which warms a vortex into the center.
– It is the quietest, most efficient and most sanitary water closet.
– Water enters through diagonal punching around the rim of the bowl creating a vortex that draws
the water down into the rear trap with a swirling action that scours the walls of the bowl.
– Water strikes through parallel ridges and falls over forming a jet producing siphoned action.
Large water surface provides a very efficient and clean process and the flushing is extremely quiet.
– This model is mostly of one-piece construction with a low profile and it is expensive.
– Less noisy and very efficient
– Flushing action is started by a whirlpool motion followed by a complete flush down
– Retains a large amount of standing water
V. Shape
a. Round Front
– It is intended for installation on a limited space.
– Circular in design, this bowl shape requires less room making it an ideal choice when the space is
at a minimum. The round front bowl shape is often associated with older or smaller baths.
b. Elongated Front
– It is more comfortable but occupies a larger space
– Elongated water closet is oval extending several inches more in the front of the bowl.
– As the bathroom becomes larger, the elongated front bowl shape becomes more common which
makes it seem more contemporary in appearance.

Minimum Water Closet Clearances


• Water closet center to side wall: Minimum of 0.375 m

• Water closet center to WC center: Minimum of 0.75 m

Parts of a Toilet
• Trip lever – metal bar connected to the toilet handle
• Tank cover – lid of the toilet tank
• Chain – connects the trip lever to the flapper valve
• Float ball – moves up and down along the toilet fill valve
• Refill tube – squirts water into the bowl after the flush
• Flapper valve – this goes up when the toilet handle is pushed down and stops water from constantly flowing
into the toilet bowl
• Flush valve gasket – allows water to flow into the bowl when flushed
• Seat cover – placed on the seat as a protective barrier from possible germs resting on the seat
• Seat – the hinged unit attached to the bowl where user can sit
• Base – bottom of the toilet
• Closet bolt – long screws that connects the flange to the toilet
• Closet flange – also known as “toilet flange”, it is a type of flange used to mount the toilet to the floor and
connect the toilet drain to the Drain pipe
• Shut-off valve – also called as “stop valve”, it is used to shut off the water during emergency and repair
• Flexible hose – pipe used to transport water
• Fill valve – where the water flows from the supply line and refill the tank after flushing
• Ball cock – also called as “ball tap” or “float valve”, it is used to fill water tanks and avoid overflow
• Toilet handle – tool used for flushing
• Float rod – horizontal rod connected to the float ball and fill valve
• Bowl – the open vessel under the toilet seat that can be flushed with water
• Overflow pipe – safety feature used to prevent water from exiting the toilet tank
• Rim holes – the holes under the lip of the toilet seat
• Wax ring – ring of wax found between the flange and bottom of the toilet
• P-trap pipe – the u-shaped part of the pipe that holds water and prevents smelly gas from rising the toilet
• Drain pipe – moves sewage and greywater to aid air flow and prevent clogging
• Float rod adjustment screw – device used to tighten or loosen float rod
• Overflow tube – empties the water directly into the toilet bowl

Minimum Requirements of Water Closets

Occupancy Minimum Water Closet Kind and Number of Users

Dwelling or Apartment 1 Family
1 Per 1-100 males
2 Per 101-200 males
3 Per 201-400 males
Assembly places
3 Per 1-50 females
(theaters and auditoriums)
4 Per 51-100 females
for public use
8 Per 101-200 females
1 Per additional 500 males over 400
2 Per additional 300 females over 400
1 Per 10 males
Dormitories 1 Per 8 females
1 Per additional 25 males, 20 females
1 Per 1-10 persons
2 For 11-25 persons
3 For 26-50 persons
4 For 51-75 persons
5 For 76-100 persons
1 Per additional 30 persons in excess of 100
B. Urinals
- A sanitary plumbing fixture for urination only. Urinals are often provided in public toilets for male users in
Western countries. They are usually used in a standing position. Urinals can be with manual flushing,
automatic flushing or without flushing, which is the case for waterless urinals. They can be arranged as single
sanitary fixture with or without privacy walls.

There are four basic types of urinals:

I. Wall Hung
– A wall urinal or wall hang urinal has its plumbing hidden behind a wall
– Only the bowl and the flushing lever button or other mechanism remain visible
– Smaller than a toilet, this fixture saves space and water
– Can be used rapidly, comfortably and hygienically
II. Pedestal
– A urinal that is not connected or may be supported to the wall
– It is mounted on a single pedestal
– The wall hung and the pedestal type are the most common type used by the military
III. Through
– Behind the name of this urinal is the way it resembles a feeding system
– It is an economical option in that one option which provides enough space to a maximum of eight
men, and it only requires one plumbing connection
– The drawback for this type of urinal is that it is less private than individual urinals
– This type of urinal is usually crafted from stainless steel or porcelain
IV. Stall
– A kind of urinal that either the floor or flange supports
– There are two kinds of stall urinals:
• Half stall urinals – supported by flange
• Full stall urinals – supported by the floor

Minimum Clearance for Urinals


• Urinal center to side wall: Minimum of 0.30 m

• Urinal center to urinal center: Minimum of 0.60 m


• Every water supply to a urinal shall be protected by an approved type of vacuum breaker or other
approved backflow prevention device
• Urinals shall have an average water consumption of not more than 1.0 gallon (3.8 liters) of water per flush
• Flushing urinals shall be done through automatic flushing tanks (NPC 408.1)
• Flushometer valves shall be a self-closing type, discharging a pre-determined quantity of water. No
manually controlled flushometer valve shall be used to flush group urinals (NPC 408.2)

Minimum Requirements for Urinals

Occupancy Minimum Urinals Kind and Number of Users

Elementary 1 Per 75 males
Secondary 1 Per 35 males
Office or Public Building 1 Per 1-100 males
2 Per 101-200 males
3 Per 201-400 males
4 Per 401-600 males
1 For each additional 300 males
1 Per 1-100 males
Assembly places 2 Per 101-200 males
(theaters and auditoriums) 3 Per 201-400 males
for public use 4 Per 401-600 males
1 For each additional 500 males
1 Per 25 males
1 Per 50 males in excess of 150
Industrial and Commercial 0 0


A. Kitchen Sink
- Is a plumbing fixture usually consisted of a basin with a water supply connected to a drain

Kitchen sinks can be classified according to:

I. Materials
a. Stainless Steel
– Are made to last
– Are the most used home kitchen sink and commercial sink because they offer quality, durability,
a low price, and ease of cleaning
– Won’t be damaged by hot or cold objects and resist damage caused by impact
b. Porcelain or Enamel Over Cast Iron
– A popular material for kitchen sinks
– Not only are they heavy and durable, this kitchen sinks can also be very stylish since they are
manufactured in a very wide range of types and colors
– They are resistant to hot or cold objects just like stainless steel, however porcelain can b e
damaged by sharp impacts and cleaning the surface aggressively leads to more dirt accumulation
– Enamel over cast iron is similar to the porcelain, but this sinks are less ragged and a less expensive
alternative. It is easy to clean and provides the most colorful choices and has a hard finish
c. Integral Solid Surface
– Formed a part of a solid surface countertop
– The beauty of an integral solid surface kitchen sink is that it is joined to the solid countertop
forming one seamless piece. This means that there are no little services (spaces) between the sink
and the countertop where moisture and rim can build up
– Integral solid surface kitchen sink is easy to pin
d. Composite
– Are often made from quartz or granite mix with an acrylic binder
– They are fairly hard, scratch-resistant, and a good value for money
– There are types of composite kitchen sink:
• Granite composite
• Quartz composite
• Soapstone
e. Copper
– Are usually made of hammered copper which gives them a very old fashion/passion (< --hindi ko
sure kung alin d’yan, di ko maintindihan si ma’am, TF) feel
– Copper sinks come in a number of shades and are usually sealed to prevent corrosion. Without
sealing, copper requires periodic polishing and can be protected with wax
f. Glass
– Glass is a common material for - - - sinks
– A glass sink can contain a beautiful array of colors and it catches the light when the water runs
through it
– Tempered glass is also very durable, easy to clean and (inaudible)
II. Bowl Types/Kinds
a. Single-bowl sink
– Has one but usually large basin without any divider
b. Double-bowl sink
– The primary purpose of double-bowl sink was to make dishwashing easier, one bowl for soapy
water and the other with clean water for rinsing
– Nowadays, it is rarely used for dishwashing however this type of kitchen sink does make
dishwashing easier
c. Triple-bowl sink
– Have many uses, allowing the user to segregate their tasks easily. It makes the preparation
process easier
– The bowl on one side of the sink can be used for soaking baking pans or drying the dishes, while
the bowl on the other side of the sink can be used for general purposes
d. Corner sink
– Such a sink can turn an unused corner into an effective type/part of your kitchen
– It is a great option for kitchen with dead corner spaces
e. Bar sink
– Are sometimes referred to as, “island sink”, “- - - sink”, “water bar sink”, or “entertainment sink”
– They are usually smaller and shallower by design than the main sink in your kitchen
– They are usually square or round and are most commonly made of copper and stainless steel
f. Laundry tub
– A deep wide sink used for washing clothes
– It is also known as, “laundry tray” or “set tub”
– Materials:
• Cement or Cement with tiles
• Porcelain
g. Slop sink
– A deep sink usually set low and used by janitors for emptying pail of dirty water, “mop sink”


A. Lavatories
- Is a fixture designed for the washing of hands or face, also known as, “wash basin”

Lavatories are of different types:

I. Pedestal
– Are often installed in small bathrooms where space does not allow a large sink vanity cabinet
– It is fastened to a wall, with a pedestal under the drain to support the sink and conceal the plumbing
II. Wall Hung
– A lavatory sink that is mounted on the wall
III. Through
– These are larger, single basin sink, which accommodate two or more wash stations and thus have two
or more faucets
– These are perfect for the new small houses with smaller size bathroom that are becoming so popular

Classification of Counter Lavatories:

A popular trend in lavatories is the built-in or vanity design. This style provides more surface area and is
more attractive than most other designs. Countertop lavatories, also called as “flat rim”, are available in various
sizes, shape and colors.

A. Flush
B. Self-rimming
C. Under Counter
B. Bathtubs
- A tube for bathing, usually a fixed plumbing installation designed for one person
- It is available in left outlet and right outlet
C. Whirlpool Baths
- Example: Jacuzzis
- Requirements for whirlpool baths
a. Provide removable access panel to the pump
b. Locate the circulation pump above the crown weir of the trap
c. The pump and the circulation piping shall be self-draining to minimize water retention
d. Suction fittings on whirlpool bathtubs shall comply with the listed standards
D. Bidets
- A plumbing fixture usually used for washing the middle part of the body, especially the genitals,
- It is used for cleaning private parts, and known as, “sitz bath”
- Sometimes referred to as female urinals
- Settings and clearance for bidet shall be the same as the water closet:
• Bidet center to side wall: Minimum of 0.375 m
• Bidet center to bidet center: Minimum of 0.75 m
E. Floor Drains
- With approved-type hinged strainer plate with the sum of the areas of the small holes of the waterway equal
to the cross-sectional area of the tailpiece
- Provided with integrally cast water stop outside flange around the body at mid-depth and with an inside caulk
outlet to provide watertight joint in the floor
F. Shower Receptors
- Receptor floor shall drain not less than 2% or more than 4% slope
- Thresholds shall accommodate a minimum of 559 mm wide door
G. Shower Baths/Compartments
- Metal enclosure containing shower head, valve, and faucets
- Shall have a minimum interior area of 0.6 m 2 and shall be capable of encompassing a 762 mm diameter circle
- This area shall be maintained from a point above the shower drain to a height of 1.78 m with no protrusions
other than the fixture valve, shower head, and safety grab rails
- Drains for gang shower rooms shall be spaced not more than 4.9 m apart


Basic Components of a Fire Alarm System

Fire alarm systems generally have the following components:

A. Alarm Initiating Device Circuits

- These are the circuits which connect initiating devices such as:
• Smoke detectors
• Heat detectors
• Manual pull stations
• Water flow alarms
- Many systems monitor devices, which is important to the overall fire safety of the building, also tie in to
initiating circuits
- These devices indicate an “abnormal” condition, not a fire or “alarm” condition
- They are referred as “supervisory devices”
- One example of this is the valve supervisory switch or tamper switch of a valve controlling the automatic
sprinkler system. This type of devices may also be connected to supervisory type circuits
B. Alarm Indicating Appliance Circuits
- Audible and visible alarm indicating appliances tie into these circuits to provide warning to the building
- These are devices which send signal off premises can also be connected to these circuits
C. Fire Alarm Control Panel
- It contains the electronics that supervise and monitor the fire alarm system
- The initiating and indicating circuits are connected directly into this panel
D. Primary Power Supply
- The primary electrical or power supply powers the entire fire alarm system
- Typically, the primary power supply for fire alarm system is provided by connecting into the local commercial
power service
E. Secondary Power Supply
- The primary electrical or power supply powers the entire fire alarm system
- It is a separate power supply that operates automatically when the primary power fails
- It is also capable of operating the entire system

Initiating Devices

- Initiating devices fall into one of these two main categories:

• Those that indicate an alarm condition
• Those that indicate an abnormal condition of a monitored device
- Fire detection can occur by using any device that responds to conditions caused by the fire
- The most common by-products of a fire are:
• Heat
• Smoke
• Flames
• Fire gases
- In addition, people can detect a fire and initiate an alarm by activating a manual pull station. Also, when a
sprinkler system activates and causes an alarm, it is a result of the sprinkler system detecting heat produced
by the fire if the sprinklers have feasible links.
Types of Initiating Devices:

A. Heat Detectors
- They are commonly used to detect fires
- They are not as prone to fire alarms and are less expensive than smoke detectors. However, the response of
heat detectors may not be adequate in many instances which limits their usefulness.
- They are slower to respond to fires than smoke detectors because heat detectors cannot respond to smoke
- Typically, they are best suited for detecting fast-growing fires in small spaces
- It is a means of fire detection in locations that smoke detectors cannot protect due to such environment
effects such as:
• Mist
• Normally occurring smoke
• High humidity

Heat detectors have several different operating mechanisms:

I. Fusible-element Type
– This mechanism uses a eutectic alloy that melts rapidly at a pre-determined fixed temperature
– When this temperature is reached and the fusible alloy melts, an electrical contact occurs and causes
an alarm
– It is commonly used in sprinkler heads
– These mechanisms must be replaced after each operation
II. Bimetallic Type
– This mechanism combines two metals with different thermal expansion coefficients
– As the mechanism heats, one metal expands more than the other, causing the deflection in the shape
of the element
– This deflection causes an electrical contact, thus initiating the alarm
– These types of mechanisms are self-resetting as the element cools
III. Rate-compensated Heat Detector
– This detector responds to a given temperature of the surrounding air regardless of the rate which the
temperature rises
– This in effect, compensates for thermal lag, which standard thermal detectors do not do
– This can be compared to the rate of rise detectors
– Some of this detector operate on what is commonly referred to as the “rate of rise” principle.
Regardless of the ambient temperature, if the detector senses a rise in temperature exceeding a set
amount, an alarm occurs
IV. Combination Heat Detector
– Detectors can combine the two operating principles of reaching a fixed temperature and reaching a
set rate of rise
– Smoke and heat detectors can also be combined in a single unit
– It should be noted that some combinations, smoke-heat detectors activate when either condition is
reached while others require both the smoke and heat mechanism to operate
– In most cases, little benefit, if any, result from the combination detector which requires both heat and
smoke to cause an alarm

Other types of heat detectors include heat-sensitive cables and liquid expansion detectors

B. Smoke Detectors
- Smoke detectors are not usable in all environments and their effectiveness varies depending on the fire
scenario and occupant capability

The two basic operating mechanism currently used in smoke detectors are:
I. Ionization smoke detectors
– Have a small amount of radioactive material located within the detector that “ionizes” the air entering
the detection chamber
– Once ionized, the air particles become conductive, allowing a current to flow through the detector
– Smoke entering the ionization chamber causes a reduction in the current flowing through the
detector’s circuitry
– At a certain reduced level of current flow, the detector signals an alarm
– Respond better to fast-flowing, flaming fires that produce smaller particles (0.1-3.0 microns)
– Respond better to dark smoke than to light smoke
II. Photoelectric Smoke Detector
– Use on of the two methods to detect smoke, however, both use a light-emitting source and a receiver
– Photoelectric smoke detectors that operate on the “light obscuration” principle work as follows:
• A light source is directed at a receiver, which is accustomed to receiving a certain intensity of
• When smoke particles enter the detection chamber, they partially block the light travelling
from the emitter to the receiver
• When the light is reduced or obscured by a certain amount, the detector’s built-in circuitry
sounds an alarm
– The second operating principle used in photoelectric detectors is that of “light scattering”. It is more
common and operates as follow:
• The receiver in the detection chamber is located there so that the light emitted is normally
not seen by the receiver, that is the light emitter and the receiver are not aligned as with the
“light obscuration” method
• When smoke enters, the detection chamber lights from the emitter striking it. A fraction of
the light striking the smoke particle is scattered or reflected away from the smoke particle.
Some of the scattered light lands on or strikes the photoreceiver
• When a present amount of light lands on the receiver, the detectors signals an alarm
– Detectors that operates on the photoelectric principle, are generally appropriate in locations where
slow-growing, smoldering fires are expected. These fires typically generate large particles from 0.3 to
10 microns
– They also respond better to light gray smoke as opposed to very dark smoke
– Better suited than ionization detectors for locations with high humidity
– Air velocity may also affect smoke detector operation

There are special types of photoelectric smoke detectors:

a. Projected-beam Detector
– The operating principle is the same as a light obscuration-based detector, but the light emitter
and the receiver are physically separated across large areas (example is the length of a room)
– Smoke at any location between the two components can result in an alarm
– These detectors can also be used in conjunction with mirror system so that the projected beam
is directed in several directions before ultimately striking the receiver
b. Cloud Chamber
– It uses a pump to sample air from a given room. The air is pumped into the high humid ity
chamber and the pressure in the chamber is then reduced lightly. If smoke particles are present
as the pressure is lowered, moisture will condense in the smoke particles. This create a cloud
within the chamber
– The photoelectric principle is then used to detect the presence of the “cloud” and hence,
C. Flame Detectors
- Another method of fire detection is detectors that are sensitive to light waves emitted by fires
- This typically operate by detecting the ultraviolet (UV) or infrared (IR) energy
- These detectors are extremely quick to operate and are typically used only in high hazard areas such as:
• Industrial process facilities
• Fuel loading areas
• Areas where explosions may occur
- Explosions suppression system protect them
- One problem with IR detectors is that they will respond to sunlight, creating an unwanted alarm problem
- Must “see” the flame to detect it so they usually have to be pointed toward the locations where fires are likely
to originate
D. Gas Sensing and Other Phenomena Detectors
- These are not common. Special gas detectors sense specific gases given off by a fire; these gases indicate a
- Examples of this detector are the following:
• Carbon Dioxide Detector
• Carbon Monoxide Detector
- The use of this is in a home is becoming very popular as a way of warning residents of gases
produced by malfunctioning equipment
- Basically, any method of fire detection not already mentioned is considered under the “other phenomena”
category, one example is pressure. If a fire burn in a sealed room (let’s say in Apollo capsule), excessive
pressures develop quickly and can be detected. Some explosion detection devices operate in this way
E. Manual Fire Alarm Boxes (Pull Stations)
- They are very common initiating devices, and usually referred to as “manual pull stations”
- These are simple devices which operate manually, and they require a person to operate the mechanism
- Provides a means of manually activating the fire alarm system and are used in all types of fire alarm systems
- They may be the only initiating devices, such as heat or smoke detectors
- These are found throughout the building hallways, near exits, and at other strategic locations such as a nurse’s
station or security center

Automatic Suppression System

- Fire suppression system can connect into fire alarm panel so that activation of the system causes the panel to
signal an alarm. Wet pipe automatic sprinkler systems commonly have water flow detectors. As water starts
to flow in the sprinkler piping, it causes a vane to swing into an alarm position; this sends an alarm to the fire
alarm panel. Dry pipe sprinkler systems may have pressure sensors for the same reason
- All other fire suppression systems can be connected to fire alarm panel. As mentioned earlier, not all devices
signal an alarm condition. Many devices are tied into the fire alarm system so that they will alert for abnormal
condition. The most common examples are that of a valve supervisory switch or tamper switch on a sprinkler
system. This assures valve that control a sprinkler system are in a proper position. They can have a tamper
switch that will operate if the valve position changes. If the valve moves, a signal will appear at the fire alarm
panel indicating where it should be inspected. This is important since someone could purposely close a valve
on the sprinkler system, rendering the system to be inoperable
- Many other indicating devices can connect into the fire alarm panel for supervision. The following is a partial
• Water level and temperature in a gravity tank
• Water level and air pressure in storage tank
• Status of fire pump
• Air pressure on dry pipe system
• Temperature in the sprinkler control valve room
Indicating Appliances

A. Signal Circuit Appliances

- When a fire alarm system goes into an alarm condition because of the operation of an initiating device, several
activities can occur
- The building codes may require that a signal be sent to the fire department
- Activation of the fire alarm panel may cause other events to happen. In most cases, the fire alarm system also
provides audible and visual indications that an alarm condition has occurred. This latter function is the most
important when considering an occupied building
- A fire alarm panel can also perform functions as needed or required. Example of this would be to control a
remote annunciator or to operate relays that function and recall elevators

Secondary Power Supply

- Also known as “backup power supply”, it is required so that the fire alarm operations can continue if failure
of the main power supply occurs
- Should activate automatically within 30 seconds of the primary power failure to maintain its normal operating
- Should be capable of powering the system at maximum loading for at least a 24-hour period and can be
capable of operating all alarm appliances for another 5 minutes
- The time period required for the second power operation capabilities vary and can be found in the National
Fire Alarm Code
- Batteries with chargers are a common form of secondary power supply and engine -driven generators are also

Trouble Signal

- It is an important feature of any fire alarm system

- Upon detection of an abnormal condition within the fire alarm system, the trouble signal alarm activates to
attract attention to the system so that the condition can be repaired
- The code requires that all the systems provide an abnormal condition trouble signal for a signal open or ground
fault of the system’s initiating, indicating circuits, and loss of primary and secondary power supply to the
- All components of a fire alarm systems should be listed for fire alarm system use by an acceptable testing
- Additionally, all components must be used only for the specific function for which they have been designed
and tested

Types of Fire Alarm Systems

- In 1993, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) incorporated all the existing 72 series standards into
1 standard that include NFPA. This new standard is entitled, “National Fire Alarm Code”. Fire alarm system
can be designed and configured to meet the requirements of local fire codes.

In addition to the basic features or components common to most fire alarm system, there are several types of fire
alarm systems:

A. Local Protective Signaling System

- Contained entirely within the building which it services
- The main purpose of this type of system is to provide an evacuation alarm for occupants of that building
- The system need not to be connected by any means of the fire service, therefore, the - - - of the fire service
can only occur if someone hearing the evacuation alarm calls and reports the fire alarm
- The most common type of fire alarm
B. Auxiliary Protective Signaling System
- It is connected to a municipal coded fire alarm box dedicated to that building
- Upon activation of the fire alarm within the building, the municipal box is tripped and sends a signal to the
fire service
- Uses the same line as the street fire alarm boxes available to the public
C. Remote Station Protective Signaling System
- This type of system uses leased telephone lines to connect the fire alarm system of a given building to a remote
receiving station such as the local fire or police station
D. Central Station Protective Signaling System
- In this type of system, the fire alarm is connected to a privately owned central station
- The central station monitors the fire alarm system and takes necessary action when an alarm is received
E. Proprietary Protective Signaling System
- Similar to the central station system discussed above, except that the central station is owned by the same
concern as the building being monitored. The buildings being protected may or may not be on the same
property as the central station
- Many large facilities use this type of system with the security center serving as the central station
F. Voice Alarm Communication System
- Systems can include an emergency voice alarm communication system. Inclusion of this equipment within the
fire alarm system provides for the transmission of information to occupants of the building
- The fire department can also use this equipment while operating within the building
G. Audible and Visual Alarm Indicators
- To make occupants of a building aware of a possible fire emergency, they must be notified in some manner
- Typically, fire alarm systems accomplish this through audible and visual indicating devices so that the
occupants don’t mistake the signals’ purpose and because the building may be occupied by handicapped
persons (deaf and blind people), there is a need for both types of signals
- Bells, chimes, horns, buzzers and speakers as well as strobe lights, rotating beacons, and flashing lights are
common examples of these devices
- Many times, the audible device will ring in what is referred to as “march time”. This means, the ringing is not
constant but in an on-off manner. The flashing of lights or strobe lights is better to alert occupants than steady
illuminating lights.
- It is a common practice, but not always desirable, to locate the audible and visual system in one unit
- In addition to march time signals, there are coded signals. Coded signal, as the name implies, have a pattern
(code) that provides information regarding the initiation of the alarm. The code may indicate a location such
as floor or wing where the alarm started. It also could alert the occupants about the required - - -. The extent
and meaning of any code or fire alarm signal, must suit the needs of a particular facility. In a hospital, for
example, where loudspeaker warnings are common, either coded or direct, such warnings and fire alarm
warnings need coordination so that the two will not interfere with one another
- All signaling systems should be engineered and tested to ensure they are capable of alerting all occupants.
This require a knowledge of the anticipated background noises. For example, a mechanical room that has
equipment operating that produces highest noises levels may require special attention

Other Functions Controlled by Fire Alarm Systems

As mentioned above, fire alarm system can do more than receive an indication of an emergency and send an
alarm. This section will identify some of the common function controlled by fire alarm system. The list is not
intended to be all inclusive:

• The fire alarm panel can send a signal to the fire department or other desired facility via one of the
methods described at the beginning
• Elevator capture and recall is a common function that fire alarm panels can perform easily. Upon receiving
an alarm, the fire alarm panel can operate one or more relay that control the action of the elevator
• The heating, ventilating, and air conditioning system (HVAC) or a smoke control system can also be
controlled through fire alarm panels. Fire alarm systems frequently include remote annunciator.
• Briefly, a remote annunciator “displays” the condition of the fire alarm panel at a remote location, usually
through lights or LEDs on graphic or tabular displays. Remote annunciator can also have switches that
controls the main alarm panel. The fire alarm panel may be in a secured area out of the public way.
However, it must be remembered that those investigating an alarm need to inspect the indicator on a fire
alarm or annunciator panel to determine the cause of the alarm and the location of the initiating device.
Remote annunciator can be at a location, such as the main lobby of a building or at a security desk so that
the needed information on the condition of the fire alarm panel is readily available
• Earlier, we discussed that fire suppression system can be tied into fire alarm panel so that their activation
is monitored. Another important function that a fire alarm panel can control is the activation of fire
suppression system. In this function, the fire alarm panel identifies a fire through its initiating circuits and
activates a fire suppression system such as a hollowed or a carbon dioxide system through a control circuit.
This means that fire alarm system can both alert when a fire suppression system is activated and serve as
a control mechanism when suppression system is activated. Another type of the fire suppression system
that fire alarm panel can control are pre-reaction and deluge (?) sprinkler system


Basic Fire Suppression

- Fire suppression and extinguishment involves two essential variables:

• Extinguish agent
• System or procedure for applying the agent
- The primary method of achieving fire suppression can be explained using the fire tetrahedron which evolved
from the familiar fire triangle. The fire triangle is a graphic representation of the three components that must
be present for combustion to occur:
• Fuel
• Heat
• Oxygen
- If some of these components are removed or sufficiently reduced, combustion ceases. Fire suppression
involves the removal or reduction of one or more components of the fire triangle, or so it was thought, until
recently. With the advent of halon and a re-evaluation of the dry chemical extinguishing agent, came a
necessity to modify the fire triangle. In addition to the removal of one of the three component just described,
fire can be put out by interfering with the complex chemical reaction that are constantly occurring due to the
combustion process. This uninhibited chain reaction now adds a fourth side of the fire triangle and the fire
triangle becomes the fire tetrahedron

Fire Suppression Agents and Systems

A. Water
- Is the most common fire extinguishing agent used because it has several features that make it a desirable
extinguishing agent
- Can extinguish fire by cooling the fuel below the temperature at which the fuel can produce flammable vapors
- Can extinguish by smothering, dilution, and emulsification
- Has a very high specific heat. It needs a great deal of heat before it can change from the liquid to the gaseous
phase, therefore, water applied to a fire will absorb a large portion of the heat released by the fire. If there is
enough water to absorb the heat, the fire will go out since the fuel cools below the temperature required to
liberate additional flammable vapors
- Once water is converted to steam, it is still an effective fire extinguishing agent since the steam can continue
to absorb a great deal of heat. It is best to introduce water into the fire area in the form of a spray as oppose
to a stream. A spray will allow for a quicker absorption of heat. For this reason, a sprinkler discharge water in
a spray pattern. When water transforms into steam, its volume increases approximately 1600 times. This acts
to displace the oxygen from the fire area resulting in the smothering or oxygen displacement of the fire.
Without adequate oxygen, the fire will soon die. Thus, water transferring to steam act as a suspension agent
in two ways:
• Heat absorption
• Oxygen displacement
- Extinguishment by dilution means the introduction of water into a burning liquid. The dilution acts to cool the
liquid and reduces the vapor production at the fuel surface since the flammable liquid is diluted
- Emulsification is another method of fire extinguishment using water. Basically, an emulsion is formed when
immiscible liquid is mixed and one of the liquids becomes dispersed in the other form. Emulsion that forms at
a surface will return the liberation of flammable vapors and the fire will die.
- Dilution and emulsification have several limitations and generally, are not a good way to extinguish a fire.
Spills and boils over may occur to some tanks causing the fire to spread and possibly causing injuries
- Perhaps, the main benefit of water as a suppression agent is that it is relatively cheap and readily available in
most areas especially if there is a municipal water supply.
- The major limitations of water are:
• It is extremely heavy
• It conducts electricity
• It can damage property
• It can freeze
- However, there are design methods including the selection of other agents that can minimize the negative
aspect of water as a suppression agent
B. Water with allo
- Occasionally, water used for fire suppressions has modifiers added to change some of its characteristics
- Foam is the most common; are added to water to form a foam solution for fighting certain types of fire, such
as flammable liquid spills
- Additives also include surface tension reducing agents frequently called wetting agents. It increases the ability
of water to penetrate combustibles. In turn, this allow the water to attack deep-seated fire
- Antifreeze is used to reduce the freezing point of water when temperatures at or below freezing point
threaten the proper use of water-based fire suppression systems
C. Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
- A substance with many commercial uses. Perhaps the most common is the carbonization in the soda pop or
other carbonated beverages
- Has a large number of properties which make it a good fire extinguishing agent
- One of the most common uses of the carbon dioxide system is to protect kitche n cooking equipment. The
whole docks and enclosed broilers may be protected with a total flooding application. Deep fryers require
local application protector
- At room temperature and pressure, CO2 can exist as a vapor or solid
• The solid form (dry ice) will transfer to gaseous form
• For fire extinguishing purposes, CO2 cannot exist at pressure below 75.1 psi absolute (about 60 psi)
• At this pressure, the liquid, vapor, and solid phases of CO2 can all exist simultaneously. This point is
important when designing piping system to carry liquid CO2
• Pressure in the pipeline must not drop below this point or the attendant formation of dry ice will block
the pipe and stop the flow
- In any fire, heat results from the rapid oxidation of the fuel. Some of the heat generated brings the - - - portion
of the fuel to its ignition temperature while a large portion of the heat and combustion escapes by radiation
and convection to the surroundings
- If the atmosphere that supplies oxygen to the fire is diluted by adding CO 2, the rate of heat generated by
oxidation is reduced. When the rate of heat generation is less than the rate of heat loss, the fire will die.
Complete extinguishment will occur when all the fuels involved fall below their ignition temperature
• When the liquid is discharged to atmospheric pressure, it “flashes” over to vapor and dry ice. The
percentage of dry ice and vapor produced depends primarily on the storage condition of the liquid.
The superheated CO2 vapor is about 50% more dense than air. The dry ice has a temperature of about
100°F at atmospheric pressure. Despite the low temperature of the dry ice particles, the heat capacity
of CO2 is rather low compare to other fire extinguishing, such as water. Thus, the cooling effect, though
present, is not significant as a pound for pound basis as the cooling produced by water. Most of the
dry ice from typical total - - - discharge is sublimated by the air in the enclosure
- The evaporation of the dry ice in the fire stone removes heat from the surrounding at a rate of 60 – 100 DTUs
per pound of liquid CO 2 discharged. While this cooling is more compared to the cooling obtained with other
agents, such as water, it provides ten times the cooling effect per pound. It does contribute to extinguishing
- The relative high density of CO 2 vapor makes it useful for blanketing the surface of a fuel. The oxygen in the
surrounding air, physically, separates from the surface of the fuel. This effect is noticeable particular with local
D. Halon
- Is considered a “clean agent”. In that, it leaves no residue after discharge
- It is almost completely electrically nonconductive; hence its wide use in electronics. Halon is non -corrosive to
many materials. Halon 1301 is a gas when discharge and it has a good volume - - capabilities. However, Halon
1211, another fairly common agent, does not vaporize as readily as Halon 1301. The concentration required
are typically low on the order of 5% by volume which results in smaller storage containers
- It is approximately 2 ½ times more effective than CO 2 on a weight basis
- Halon is colorless which allows people caught in a discharge to see through it
- Halon system often protect data processing centers and other areas which contain sensitive electrical
equipment, such system also exists in electric and telephone switch gear rooms. In addition to the type of
hazard protected, another critical criterion for using halon is the need to provide a tight enclosure. Since halon
is a gas, it can leak through improperly sealed openings and as a result the required design density is not
- Lately, there have been great concern over the effects halon has on the environment
• Depletion effect on the ozone layer. This has resulted in the re-evaluation of the use of halon as a fire
suppression agent. In addition, the use of halon in acceptance testing has been subject of study and
options such as using different test gases, like sulfur, are now being evaluated. Several new products
are now under development to replace the halon agent in existing fire suppression systems
E. Dry Chemical
- Can extinguish extremely fast if introduced directly into the flaming area
- Smothering and cooling result from the application of dry chemical agents but the primary extinguishing
capabilities result from the combustion-chain-reaction-breaking abilities of the dry chemical agent. This is the
same principal extinguishing features of halons
- This system uses a dry chemical powder mixture as an extinguishing age nt. Common dry chemical agent
• Sodium bicarbonate
• Potassium bicarbonate
• Urea-potassium bicarbonate
• Monoammonium phosphate
-Additives in the base compound reduce caking, promote water repellence, and increase flow and storage
characteristics. Examples of most common additives includes:
• Metallic stearates
• Tricalcium phosphates
• Silicones
- Multipurpose dry chemical usually refers to the monoammonium agent which can be used to suppress fires
involving ordinary combustibles, and energized electrical equipment as well as flammable liquids
- Regular dry chemical is not considered a good agent for ordinary combustibles since water must also be
applied to attack any subsurface burning, which the regular dry chemical cannot reach
- The multipurpose agent does have penetrating abilities, thus its - - -. Agents should never be mixed unless
specifically listed for mixing as some agents will generate carbon dioxide. This may cause container to explode
and the agent to cake
- Dry chemical agents can be applied via portable fire extinguishers, hand hose lines, or fixed systems
- Here are some examples of hazards for which dry chemical agents are effective:
• Flammable and combustible liquids and combustible gases
• Combustible solids that melt when involved in fire such as naphthalene and - - -
• Those fuels released from transfer facilities, including transfer piping leaks
• Electrical hazards similar to transformers and oil circuit breakers
• Multipurpose, ordinary combustibles and some plastics, if all involved surfaces can be covered by the
• Kitchen hoods and ducts as well as surface cooking units and deep fat fryers
- Here are some hazards for which dry chemical agents are not considered satisfactory:
• Chemicals containing their own oxygen supply, such as cellulose nitrate
• Combustible metals, unless the agent is specifically listed for such use
• Deep-seated fires in ordinary combustibles when multipurpose dry chemical agents cannot cover all
involved surfaces
• In addition, it is not wise to use a dry chemical to prevent reignition if a heat source is present
- Dry chemical agents are likely to leave sticky residue, may adhere to electrical components, slightly corrosive
and may affect occupant breathing and reduce vision. If the agent does not become moist, it may not flow
properly through system and will not discharge properly
- Dry chemical agents, however, are considered non-toxic
F. Wet Chemical
- Wet chemical suppression agents are a relatively new means of suppressing fires involving cooking equipment
- Leading manufacturers of wet chemical suppression system introduced this system in the early 1980s
- They are currently accepted only for the protection of restaurants, commercial and institutional food ducts
and associated cooking appliances. Only pre-engineering system are used
- Wet chemical extinguishing agents are typically potassium carbonate-based, potassium acetate-based, or a
combination of these. Mixed with water, these solutions are alkaline -based and discharged through system
piping by an expellant gas
- The primary extinguishing capability of the wet chemical agent is its characteristic of mixing with cooking
grease to form a foam barrier over the burning fuel. This blanket effect prevents the flammable volatiles from
mixing with oxygen needed for combustion. It also acts to cool the fuel surface and this aids in fire suppression
- They are generally harmless to humans. Any effects, that may occur, usually disappear once contact with the
agent ends
- The agent may have corrosive effect on some metals. The manufacturer’s literature should be consulted for
such information. This give warnings to use the right agent in the right system. In part, these are due to the
testing of specific system with specific wet chemical agent.
- Using non-approved agents or agents from other manufacturers may make the system inoperative

Types of Water Distribution Systems

A. Public Water Systems

- Usually fall under a unit of local government or an “authority” with legal responsibility
- The water utility department and fire department need to develop and maintain a good working relationship.
They should support each other and work together to plan, design, and maintain the system for the benefit
of the community. If the public water system and the fire department are units of the local government, it is
easier to work together. This become even more critical when the water authority is separate from the local
B. Private Water Systems
- Usually owned by land development or manufacturing companies
- They may supply water utility service to a particular site or in some instances to a community. When serving
a single site, the water is usually used for manufacturing, processing, and fire protection. Generally, the system
has its own water storage and, in some cases, its own water processing equipment
- The water distribution system (pipes and valves) is only for use on site and is generally not connected to a
public system. The system may have standard water distribution hardware or hardware manufactured for the
private system owner
- If nonstandard hardware is used, sometimes the hydrants and hose connection are not compatible with the
local fire department’s apparatus. If you have any private system within your jurisdiction, they plan the site
and make arrangement with the private system operators for appropriate hardware so that the fire
department’s equipment and the equipment at the site system are compatible and are adaptable for

Water Supply System Components

All water supply system, either private or public, have the same basic functional components:

A. Water Source
The source of a water utility varies around the country and perhaps even on small areas. The two sources of water
supply system are (although most water system have only one source, there are instances of both):
I. Ground Water Sources
- Ground water source-users received water from:
• Wells – water is pumped up from the ground
• Ground-level and subterranean springs – water is either drained from or pumped out of the
- Once brought to the surface it is either stored or sent through the distribution system
- Ground water source-users may or may not treat the water prior distribution
II. Surface Water Sources
- It includes:
• Lakes
• Rivers
• Ponds
• Coastal waters
• Natural or artificial reservoirs
- Surface water source-users will treat the water, since the water from this source tends to be exposed
to contaminants more than ground water
- In some coastal areas, the local water utility may operate a desalination plant to convert salt water
to fresh water. There is a trend today in parts of the country who have system like this in their
B. Water Storage
Storage of water prior to delivery in water systems normally occurs in:
I. Elevated Storage
- Or reservoir, are common because they do not require pumping water into the distribution system.
Gravity supplies pressure to the distribution system
- Generally, a pumping system increases water main pressure in the event of a larger demand of water.
The use of the system for firefighting could put a larger than normal demand on the system and the
utility company could supply larger pressure and volumes with pumps
- In some systems, elevated storage tanks are used solely for storage of water for fire protection
- For these tanks to be reliable, they must be properly located, have an adequate capacity, and be of
sufficient height to develop the required pressures
II. Ground-level and Underground Storage
- Ground-level storage tanks, which lack the gravitational pressure of elevated tanks, usually cannot
supply the minimum pressure demand for normal use. Therefore, pumps maintain a minimum
pressure and can increase the pressure if there is a demand
III. Combination Storage Systems
- Some systems use a combination of elevated and ground-level tanks for storage
C. Water Distribution Systems (Pipes and Valves)/ Pumps
The main components of water distribution systems are:
I. Pumps
- Provides proper pressure and volume in the water distribution system. Normal system pressure may
have to be increased in the event an increased demand is placed on the system or part of the system.
Such demand may result from a main break, flashing/flushing (?) of the system or a large fire of
multiple fires occurring at the same time
II. Pipes (Main Pipes)
- Water remains from the foundation of a good water supply, size, location, ties (?) in materials, along
with the proper maintenance, all affect the quality and quantity of water supply delivered. For this
reason, communities and water departments must consider the quality, capability, reliability of new
system installation and - - -. The fire department must be consulted any time that modifications are
made to a system to assure that fire departments system will supply enough pressure and quantity
of water for fire protection purposes
- Are constructed out of cast iron, ductile iron, steel, cement asbestos, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), or a
combination of these materials
- Usually have the larger diameter pipe closer to the water source. From that point to the end user, the
size gradually decreases
III. Valves
- control the flow of water through the water distribution system

Valves are broadly divided into two categories:

a. Indicating Valves
- Visually show the position of the gate or valve seat to indicate whether it is closed, partially
closed, or open
- The primary types of indicating valves used for connection of fire suppression system are:
• Outside screw and yoke (OS and Y)
• Yard post indicating valve (YPIV)
• Indicating butterfly valve
- Valves supplying water for fire protection and suppression systems should always be chained
and locked in the open position. If not chained and locked, the valve should have a valve
tamper (?) alarm, which activates a trouble signal on an alarm system if the valve is not in the
full-open position
b. Non-indicating Valves
- Do not have any visible means to show their position except for a few valves in plants and
pumping station. Valves in water supply system are of the non-indicating type
- Valves in water distribution system are usually buried or installed in manhole. When properly
installed, a buried valve is operable from above ground through a valve box. A long-handled
wrench, called as T-wrench, is inserted in the valve box to operate the valve. It is very
important that valves are in the full-open position, as partially closed valve will not deliver
the amount of water needed for the system and can hamper or even cripple firefighting
- This valve should be tested at least once a year to assure their proper operation. Valve should
be spaced so only a short length of pipe will be out of service at one time if there will be a
IV. Hydrants
V. Fire Protection Connections
D. Hydrants or Other End-user Devices
- Early method of obtaining water for firefighting purposes were crude (?)
- Water systems used hollowed-out logs for water mains (main pipes). Pits where dug at specified intervals to
expose the water mains (main pipes)
- A hole was made in the main and a wooden plug, “fire plugs”, was inserted used to identify the hydrants.
When a fire occurs, the wooden plug is removed from the main, water fills the pit and fire apparatus will rapt
from the pit. However, the flow of water was so meager that the system was seldom effective.
- Cast iron pipe permitted the system pressure to be increased and this led to the development of the post-
type fire hydrant. An opening at the upper end of the standpipe provided a place for the fire pumpers to
receive their supply
- How are hydrants installed:
• For hydrants to be immediately useful, they must be kept clear of obstructions, such as fences, walls,
landscaping and snow
• The center of the large opening should be a minimum of 18 inches above grade
• It must be far enough from any adjacent object to allow the hydrant wrench to turn in a continuous
movement and to allow for hose connection
• The caps and openings and the threads need to be inspected on a periodic basis to assure that they
operate freely and that the whole - - - can be connected. Any hydrants found to be non-functional
could be reported to the utility authority and a follow-up inspection made to be sure that the hydrant
was repaired and placed in service. One of the most common problem with out-of-service hydrant is
that someone failed to turn on the control valve for the hydrant after installing or maintenance.
Usually, each hydrant on a system will have its dedicated valve so that only one hydrant will have to
be out-of-service for repair or replacement
• Hydrants come in many styles. Utility companies usually will have one type of hydrant on their system.
However, some communities may have more than one design of hydrant on the system. Some large
developments have hydrants designed to add to the aesthetic of the development

There are two basic types of fire hydrants used today:

I. Dry Barrel Hydrants

- Operate with a valve at the bottom of the hydrant that opens at the water main (main pipes) and,
when closed, permits the water remaining in the barrel to drain out
- These hydrants are common at areas subject to freezing weather conditions and are by far the most
common hydrants today
- Current dry barrel hydrant’s design incorporates a traffic safety flange and operating rod installed
just above grade. With this type of design, if a vehicle hits the hydrant, it will shear the hydrant and
operating valve and allow the main valves to remain close
- The safety flange allows the new hydrant to be installed without digging down to water main (main
pipes); this provides for less expensive repair and decreases time out-of-service.
II. Wet Barrel Hydrants
- Have a valve at each outlet or they may have only one valve that controls the flow to all outlets
- In general, hydrant bonnets (tops), barrels, and foot pieces are made of cast iron and the important
working parts are usually made of bronze, but the valve facings may be made of rubber, leather, or
composition material. A standard hydrant is equipped with one large opening, 4 inches to 4 ½ inches,
and two outlets, - - -
- Hydrant outlets trend must conform to the trend which the local fire department uses. National
Standard Post Coupling (?) trends are best suited for visual aid operations. Adapters may be necessary
when using hydrants in other response areas


Automatic Sprinkler Fire Suppression Systems

- Many codes do not require a specific type of automatic suppression system, but generally, it is expected that
an automatic sprinkler system will exist unless the hazard is not compatible with water
- The most common automatic fire suppression system
- They consist of automatic sprinkler that operate at a pre-determined temperature and automatically
distribute water upon a fire in sufficient quantity at least to contain and possibly extinguish a fire. The water
reaches the sprinkler through a system of overhead piping. Some reliable public or private water source
supplies the overhead piping
- Sprinkler systems have two main purpose:
• To extinguish unwanted fires
• To control the size of a fire until trained fire suppression crews arrive to extinguish the fire.

Either of these activities result in increased property protection and life safety. When connected to an
approved fire alarm system, sprinkler system provides the added benefit, acting as initiating devices, to
activate the fire alarm system

Classifications of Automatic Sprinkler Systems

A. Wet Pipe Systems

- Use closed automatic sprinklers attached to a piping system containing water under pressure at all times
- Is the most common type of sprinkler system in use unless there is danger of the water in the pipes freezing
or when other special conditions require one of the other types of systems
B. Dry Pipe Systems
- Employ closed automatic sprinklers attached to a piping system which contains air or nitrogen under pressure
- When a fire occurs and an automatic sprinkler activates, the air or nitrogen escapes. This reduces the pressure
in the system to a point at which the pressure on the water supply side causes the valve to operate, allowing
water to flow through the system piping
- Usually exist on locations that cannot be heated properly
C. Pre-action Systems
- Employ closed automatic sprinklers attached to a piping system which contains air, which may or may not be
under pressure
- When a fire occurs, a fire detecting device, such as a smoke or heat detector activates and causes the water
control valve to open and water to flow into the pipe system. Thereafter, when an automatic sprinkler
activates, water is available to flow through the sprinkler immediately
- Commonly exist in areas where there is danger of serious water damage as a result of a damaged automatic
sprinkler or broken piping
- Electrical equipment rooms, computer rooms, and operating rooms are locations which use pre -action
sprinkler systems
D. Deluge Systems
- Employ automatic sprinklers which are open at all times
- When a fire occurs, a fire detecting device, usually a heat detector, activates and causes the deluge valve to
open. Water then will flow into the piping and discharge through all the open sprinklers
- Offer effective protection from severe hazards, such as flammable liquids, where th ere is a possibility that the
fire could splash ahead of the operation of closed automatic sprinkler
E. Combined Dry Pipe and Pre-action Systems
- These systems combine the essential features of each system and can operate as either system
- The dry pipe feature serves as a supplemental operation in case of failure of the pre -action system
- Effective in areas that are too large for a single dry pipe system
F. Anti-freeze Systems
- Are used to protect small, unheated areas
- The system’s piping is filled with a special anti-freeze solution to prevent freezing in piping that protects the

Types of Automatic Sprinklers

A. Standard
- Heat-sensitive devices designed to react at pre-determined temperatures to release a stream of water
automatically, and to distribute it in a specified pattern and quantity over designated areas
- Under normal conditions, the discharge of water from a closed automatic sprinkler is restrained by a cap or
valve held tightly against the orifice by the releasing mechanism
- The standard automatic sprinkler orifice is one-half inch in diameter. The most common used release
mechanisms include:
• Fusible links
• Glass bulbs
• Chemical pellets
- Water flowing through the orifice strike a deflector designed to create a specified discharge pattern
- Sprinklers are made for installation in an:
• Upright (SSU)
- The water spray flows downward in a hemispherical pattern from the deflector
• Pendent (SSP)
- **same def. with upright**
• Sidewall position
- Which are mounted on a horizontal or vertical position depending on design, the flow projects
horizontally away from the wall mounted sprinkler. A small amount of water also hits the wall
directly behind the sprinkler
- While the shape of the deflector usually indicates the proper position of the sprinkler, the letter SSU or SSP
are stamped on the deflector’s surface for easy identification
B. Special Heads
There are different types of special heads sprinkler:
I. Extended Coverage
- NFPA defines extended coverage sprinklers as “sprinklers with special extended, directional discharge
- These are specially designed sprinklers and must be installed according to their listings and
appropriate usage
II. Fast Response Sprinklers
- As the name implies, it is specially designed to react more quickly than standard sprinklers when
subjected to the effects of fire

These group of sprinklers include the following types:

a. Quick Response Sprinklers

- Recent technology has introduced a quick response sprinkler. The sole creation for this
special designation is performance on the underwriter’s laboratories
- Plunge-test – a 14-second maximum operating time which holds promise of improved life
safety and property protection
- Results from an actuation element that has a higher ratio of surface -area-to-mass
- To attack a fire before it can develop high velocity plumes
b. Residential Sprinklers
- Use in residential applications only
- Use less pressure and flow and the design requirements are based from fires and conditions
found in residential settings
- Must not be used outside their listed uses and applications
c. Early Suppression Fast Response (ESFR) Sprinklers
- Intended for special fire-threat applications and were development as a result of the quick
response residential sprinkler research coupled with a high pressure and water flows
associated with existing large rapt sprinklers
- The result is basically a large drop sprinkler with a quick response actuation element
- These sprinklers attack a fire rapidly with large amounts of water so that the activation of the
small number of ESFR sprinkler head minimizes or prevents the spread of fire
d. Quick Response Early Suppression (QRES) Sprinklers
- Still under development
III. Dry Sprinklers
- In some instances, it is desirable to use dry sprinklers attached to wet pipe sprinkler systems. One
common example is the protection of a freezer in an otherwise heated area
- Have mechanisms that keep a tight seal in place, which prevents water from the wet pipe system
flowing into the dry sprinklers
- Have extended pipe lengths that are dry (without water) and which extend into the unheated area
- When the sprinkler fuses, the seal linkage drops out, allowing water to flow into the previously dry

There are different types of dry sprinklers. This includes:

a. Ornamental, Flush, Recessed and Concealed

- In some cases, it is desirable to change the appearance from the normally associated standard
sprinkler installations. Aesthetic is one reason why people do not use sprinkler. Standard
sprinkler heads are considered unsightly
- Manufactures have responded by painting or finishing sprinkler heads or by giving them a low
profile, so they do not project from the ceiling as much (flush, recessed, and concealed)
- In some cases, this can also be used to limit damage to sprinklers and prevent tampering
- Prisons are one setting where low profile sprinklers are desirable as inmates cannot hang
themselves from such sprinkler heads
b. Large Drop
- Designed to provide a water spray of large drops as compared to other sprinklers
- These larger drops have an increased ability to travel through high-heat and high-velocity fire
plumes thereby reaching the seat of the fire
- Water drops from standard designs sprinklers may be dispersed by high-velocity fire plumes,
significantly reducing the sprinklers ability to control and extinguish the fire
c. Open
- Do not employ an actuating element, therefore when the water flow into the piping,
sprinklers will flow immediately
d. Nozzles
- Used in applications which require special discharge patterns and spray characteristics
e. Automatic On-off
- Has an integral waterflow control mechanism which can allow or prevent the flow of water
through the sprinkler
- One common use of this sprinkler is the protection of computer facilities, where limited water
flow is desirable
- A common design uses a simple heat-driven bulb which will allow flow if heated and will close
if the sprinkler cools
f. Intermittent Level
- This sprinkler includes a shield located directly above the sprinkler which is designed to
prevent water from other sprinklers located at higher levels from cooling the sprinkler’s
operating elements
- Without this protection, sprinkler would respond more slowly, or not at all, to fire conditions
g. Corrosion Resistant
- Used in environments that are hostile to unprotected sprinklers may include corrosion
C. Extended Coverage


Purpose of Standpipe and Hose System in buildings

- Allow the occupants or fire service personnel to suppress a fire without further help
- Arrangement of piping, valves, hose connections, and related equipment installed in a building in a fixed
- May or may not have hoses permanently attached; water supplies may or may not be continually provided
- Dictated by the class and type of system

Types of Standpipe Systems

The different types of standpipe systems are defined by their features:

• Operational
- It refers to the water availability, either:
o Immediate
o After activation permits water to enter pipe
o Manually supplied through FDC
• Configuration
- Whether or not it ordinarily has water in the pipe
A. Wet standpipe
- Water is in the pipe at all times and is required to support manual firefighting
- Environmental temperature must be at least 40°F for installation
- Found in internal stair towers of mid- to high-rise buildings
B. Automatic Dry Standpipe
- Contains pressurized air in the pipe
- Environmental temperature must be at least 40°F for installation
- System piping and hose valves can be stored at lower temperature
- Found in residential multi-family mi-rise buildings
C. Semi-automatic Standpipe
- Contains pressurized air or atmospheric air in the pipe
- Water enters pipe through activation of remote-control device
- Environmental temperature must be at least 40°F
- Found in industrial complexes or public areas where features are exposed to varying weather
D. Manual Wet Standpipe
- Contains water in the pipe at all times, but water is supplied from the building’s domestic system
- Domestic supply line is usually not more than ¾ or 1 inch in diameter and serves as priming water to reduce
water time it takes for water to reach the hose valve
- Found in older mid- and high-rise buildings
- Rarely newly installed in buildings due to arrival of combined standpipe systems
E. Manual Dry Standpipe
- Does not have an attached water supply that’s why firefighters must connect a water source to the fire
department connection
- Common in remote or freestanding structures such as parking garages where environment is hard to monitor
F. Combined Standpipe and Sprinkler System
- Designs will try to use the standpipe system as the sprinkler supply line
- Common on old buildings with existing standpipes and new buildings where standpipe design provides outlets
for sprinkler system
- Benefits to contractors/developers are manageable designs, better use of space, cost savings
- Benefits to the fire department is ready access to sprinkler control valves and manual hose valves
- This type of system is formally adapted by NFPA in 1971 and the certain requirements for this system

Standard for the Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems

NFPA 14 defined the standards for the installation of standpipe and hose systems into three classes:

A. Class I Standpipe Systems

- For use by trained firefighting personnel
- Can supply effective fire streams during more advanced fire stages
- 2 ½ inch (65 mm) hose connections or hose stations attached to standpipe riser. This sized hose produces a
heavy fire stream, primary for the fire service, which supplies hoses for fighting fire
B. Class II Standpipe Systems
- For use by untrained building occupants
- Have 1 ½ inch (38 mm) hose connections
- This follow some department’s standard operating procedures (SOPs):
• Do not rely on existing hoses and nozzles for fire attack
• Carry hose packs into the structure, disconnect the house line, and connect the department’s
C. Class III Standpipe Systems
- Combine features of Class I and Class II systems
- 2 ½ inch (65 mm) connections for fire department personnel
- 1 ½ inch (38 mm) connections for occupants
- Must allow for simultaneous use of Class I and Class II services

Standpipe System Components

A. Fire Department Connections (FDC)

- If the building has a standpipe or sprinkler system, the first responders should connect post lines to the FDC
- FDC is a coupling device on a building’s exterior
- It provides primary or secondary water source
- Check valves prevents water from leaving the system
- Protective caps or plugs prevent FDC from clogging with debris

There are two types of FDC:

I. Wall-mounted
- FDC breaches exterior building wall
II. Freestanding
- FDC supply line is buried underground
- It extends out of the ground to connect to piping
- Location of Fire Department Connections:
• FDC must be visible, recognizable, and accessible
• NFPA 14 lists requirements for FDCs
• Other requirements may exist (e.g., jurisdictional)
• Wall-mounted FDCs are preferred over freestanding
• Freestanding FDCs may be necessary due to topography, safety, and other factors
- Fire Department Connection Identification:
• FDCs mut have ID signs so fir fighters know what kind of system they supply
• Signs should give information about inlet pressure requirements
B. Pipes and Fittings
- Components used to install systems must meet or exceed adopted standards of:
• American Water Works Association
• American Society for Testing and Materials
• American Welding Society
• American National Standards Institute
- Materials are chosen considering the pipe schedule type, and joining method
- Fittings join piping and components together by various methods
- Regardless of material, the purpose is to connect pipe and other system components
C. Gauges
- Pressure gauges are important and required to help determine available water pressure in a system
- Installed at the top of each standpipe
- Recommended for pressure-regulating devices
- Should not be exposed to freezing temperatures
- Must have a shut-off control valve and be able to drain
- Help determine the available water pressure in the system
D. Valves
- There are many different types of valves:
• Check valves
• Control valves
• Drain valves
• Hose valves
- Pressure-restricting, pressure-reducing, and pressure-control devices and valves
- Allow boost pressure to be high but manageable
- Special care must be taken with installation, testing and maintenance
- Flow tests must be performed at time of acceptance and periodically thereafter
- Fire companies should identify properties with these devices
E. Hose cabinets, Hose, Hose Racks, and Nozzles
- Cabinet/closet: mounted to the wall; holds fire protection equipment
- Hoses: certain requirements for use, length, and collapsible vs. non-collapsible
- Hose racks: may require a listing depending on size
- Nozzles: may require a listing and must be able to flow at low pressures
General Rules in Designing the Sanitary System

• The pipes should take the shortest possible route to the house sewer or the terminating
point of the Sanitary System
• Control Components such as clean-outs, traps and vents, should be located strategically
so as to ensure efficient circulation
Subsystems of the Sanitary System

• Waste Collection System

• Ventilation System

• Waste Pipe
o Conveys only wastewater of liquid waste free of fecal matter
• Vent Pipe
o Used for ensuring the circulation of air in a plumbing system and for relieving the
negative pressure exerted on trap seals
• Trap
o A fitting or device designed and constructed to provide, when properly vented, a
liquid seal which prevents the backflow of foul air or methane gas without
materially affecting the flow of sewage or wastewater
• Stack
o The vertical main of a system of soil, waste or vent piping extending through one
or more stories and extended thru the roof
• Branch
o Any part of the piping system other than a main, riser or stack
• House Building Drain
o Part of the lowest horizontal piping of a plumbing system which receives the
discharges from the soil, waste, and other drainage pipes inside of a building and
conveys it to the house sewer outside of the building
• House Building Sewer
o Extends from the house drain at a point 0.60 meters from the outside face of the
foundation wall of a building to the junction with the street sewer or to any point
of discharge, and conveying the drainage of one building site
o No house/ building sewer shall be smaller than 150 mm in diameter nor less in
size than the house/building drain
Changes in Direction of Sanitary Drainage Lines

• Horizontal to Horizontal Change in Direction

o Use 45 deg wye branches, combination wye – 1/8 bend branches, or other
approved fittings of equivalent sweep
• Vertical to Horizontal Change in Direction
o 45 deg wye branches or other approved fittings of equivalent sweep
• Horizontal to Vertical Change in Direction
o Use 45 deg or 60 deg wye branches, combination wye – 1/8 bend branches,
sanitary tee or sanitary tapped tee branches or other approved fittings of
equivalent sweeps
o No fitting having more than one inlet at the same level shall be used (i.e.,
sanitary cross)
o Double sanitary tees may be used when the barrel of the fitting is at least two
pipe (2) sizes larger than the largest inlet, (pip sizes recognizes for this purpose
are 51, 64, 76, 89, 102, 114, 127, & 152 mm dia.)
Unit of Measurement of Sizes of Sanitary Drainage Lines

• The size of waste pipes or soil pipes depend on the amount of waste it carries
• A lavatory discharges 0.47 liters/sec or 28.3 liters/min (7.5 gallons per min or 1 cu ft per
min), which is equivalent to the Fixture Unit (F.U.)
• The F.U. rating of plumbing fixtures is based on the size of required trap
Minimum Slope of Sanitary Drainage Lines

• Minimum slope or pitch of horizontal drainage pipe – 2% or 20 mm/m (1/4” per foot)
• Exception: Where it is impracticable due to depth of street sewer, adverse structural
features and irregular building plans, pipes 102 mm dia or larger may have a slope of not
less than 1% or 10 mm/m (1/8“ per foot), approved by the Administrative Authority
Module 30 – Traps & Interceptors
Maximum Trap Loading (Table 7-1 NPC)
Pipe Size Fixture Unit
32 mm 1
38 mm 3
51 mm 4
76 mm 6
102 mm 8

Minimum Sizes of Traps for Common Plumbing Fixtures (Table 7-2 NPC)
Fixture Trap & Trap Arm Size Drainage Fixture Units
Bathtubs 38 mm 2
Bidets 38 mm 2
Floor Drains 51 mm 2
Shower, single stall 51 mm 2
Sink (residential) 38 mm 2
Urinal, wall mounted, integral
51 mm 3
Wash Basin (single) 32 mm 1
Water Closet (private
76 mm 4
Water Closet (public
76 mm 6

The Common P-Trap

• Used for lavatories, kitchen sinks, laundry tubs, &
• Materials commonly used for the P-trap: nickel,
chrome plater brass, Galvanized malleable copper, &

The Deep Seal P-Trap

• Water seal is about twice the size of the common P-trap
• Used for extreme conditions because resealing quality is
greater (because of the size of the trap of water)
The Stand Trap
• Used for fixtures such s slop sinks that are usually built low
in the ground, leaving very little space for a foundation & a
• Serves as a water seal & structural support for the fixture

The Running Trap

• Used within the line of the house drain

The Drum Trap

• Has a large diameter (0.16
• Used for fixtures that
discharge large amount of
water (bathtubs, shower,
floor drains)
The S-Trap
• Predecessor of P-traps
• Used before traps had to connect to
ventilation line

Requirements (NPC 1001)

• Each plumbing fixture, expect those with integral traps,
shall be separately trapped with an approved-type
waterseal trap (each fixture should have their own trap)
• Only one trap shall be permitted on a trap arm (portion
of a fixture drain between a trap and the vent)
• One trap, centrally located, may serve three single
compartment sinks or laundry tubs or lavatories,
adjacent to each other and in the same room, where
their waste outlets are not more that 0.75 m apart (more
than 1 trap is allowed when their outlets are more than
0.75 m apart from each other)
Size of Traps
• Trap shall be the same size as the trap arm to which it is connected.
• Each fixture trap shall have a trap seal of water of not less than 51 mm and not more than
102 mm (except where a deeper seal is found necessary by the Administrative Authority
for special conditions)
• The vertical distance between a fixture outlet tailpiece and the trap wire shall not exceed
0.60 m in length
Trap Arm Diameter Distance to Vent
32 mm 0.76 m
38 mm 1.07 m
51 mm 1.52 m
76 mm 1.83 m
102 mm & larger 3.05 m
Note: In no case shall the trap distance be less than 2 times the diameter of the trap arm.
• The developed length of the trap arm (measured from the top of closet ring to inner edge
of vent) of a water closet or similar fixture shall not exceed 1.8 m.


- At the upper terminal of every horizontal sewer or waste line

- At every 15 m (50 ft) of total developed length and a fraction thereof
- Additional clean-out shall be provided on a horizontal line with an aggregate offset angle
exceeding 135°
- Inside the building near the connection between the building drain and the building sewer or
installed outside the building at the lower end of the building drain and extended to grade (as
substitute to the upper terminal)
- Clean-outs are not required on a horizontal drain less than 1.5 m in length unless such line is
serving sinks or urinals


Size of clean-out shall be in conformity with the size of pipe served


Size of Pipe Size of Cleanout Threads per 25.4 mm

38 mm 38 mm 11-1/2
51 mm 38 mm 11-1/2
64 mm 63 mm 8
76 mm 64 mm 8
102 mm & larger 89 mm 8


- Each clean-out shall be installed so it opens with the direction of flow or at right angles to the
direction of flow
- Each 90° clean-out extension shall be constructed from a wye fitting or an approved fitting of
equivalent sweep
- Each clean-out 51 mm or less shall have a front clearance of not less than 305 mm; those 51 mm
or more shall have a front clearance of 450 mm
- Clean-outs in underfloor piping shall be extended to or above finish floor or shall be extended
outside the building when there is less than 450 mm vertical clearance or 750 horizontal
clearance to the means of access (for non-residential occupancies)
- No underfloor clean-out for residential occupancies shall be located more than 6.1 mm from an
access door, trap door or crawl hole.
Module 32 – Vents and Ventilating Systems

Portion of the drainage pipe installation to maintain a balanced atmospheric pressure
inside the system
Vent Pipe – a pipe or opening used for ensuring the circulation of air in a plumbing
system and for relieving the negative pressure exerted on trap seals.

Main Types:
 Main Soil and Waste Vent
 The „backbone‟ of the entire sanitary system
 Connected to the main soil & waste stack
 The portion where waste does not travel through
 Continues to the roof; the portion penetrating the roof is called the Stack Vent
Through Roof (SVTR)
 Main Vent
 The principal artery of the venting system to which vent branches are connected
 a. k. a. „Collecting Vent Line‟
 serves as support to the Main Soil & Waste Vent
 Individual Vent or Back Vent
 a pipe installed to vent a fixture trap, that connects with the vent system above
the fixture served; or terminates in the open air.
 Unit, Common Or Dual Vent
 an arrangement of venting so installed that one vent pipe serves two (2) traps.
 Relief Vent
 a vertical line that provides addtitional circulation of air between the drainage and
vent systems or to act as an auxiliary vent on a specially designed system such
as a “yoke vent” connection between the soil and vent stacks.
 Circuit Vent
 a group vent pipe which starts in front of the extreme (highest) fixture connection
on a horizontal branch and connects to the vent stack.
 Looped Vent
 a vertical vent connection on a horizontal soil or waste pipe branch at a point
downstream of the last fixture connection and turning to a horizontal line above
the highest overflow level of the highest fixture connected there;
 used in spaces without partitions
 Wet Vent
 that portion of a vent pipe through which wastewater also flows through
 Local Vent
 a pipe or shaft to convey foul air from a plumbing fixture or a room to the outer air
 Dry Vent
 a vent that does not carry liquid or water-borne wastes
 Stack Vent
 the extension of a soil or waste stack above the highest horizontal drain
connected to the stack. VENT WITH WASTE
 Vent Stack
 the vertical vent pipe installed primarily for providing circulation of air to and from
any part of the soil, waste of the drainage system. VENT WITHOUT WATSE

Each trap shall be protected against siphonage and back-pressure through venting.
Vents are not required for traps serving sinks in an island bar counter. Such sink shall
discharge by means of an approved indirect waste pipe into a floor sink or other
approved type receptor.
Indirect Waste Pipe
 is a pipe that does not connect directly with the drainage system but conveys liquid
wastes by discharging into a plumbing fixture, interceptor or receptacle directly
connected to the drainage system.

Size of Vents:
 The sizes of vent piping shall be determined from its length and the total number of
fixture units connected thereto.
 The diameter of an individual vent shall not be less than 32 mm (1-1/4”) nor less in
size than one-half (1/2) the diameter of the drain to which it is connected.
 The sizes of vent piping shall be determined from its length and the total number of
fixture units connected thereto.
Maximum F.U.s 1 8 24 48 84 256 600 1380
Size of Pipe 32 38 51 65 76 102 127 152
Max. Length (m) 14 16 37 55 65 91 119 155

Grades & Connections

 All horizontal or branch vents shall be free from drops or sags & shall be free from
drops or sags & shall be graded and connected to drip back by gravity to the
drainage pipe it serves.
 Each vent shall rise vertically 152 mm above the highest level rim of the fixtures
served before offsetting horizontally.
 All vent pipes shall extend undiminished in size above the roof or shall be
reconnected to the soil or waste stack vent at a point below the roof. The SVTR shall
be increased one (1) pipe size above the connection between the stack vent and the
horizontal vent.
 Two (2) fixtures having same level inlet openings, may be served by a common
vertical vent pipe connected to an approved double branch fitting.

Vent termination
 VSTR shall terminate vertically not less than 150 mm above the roof nor less than
300 mm from any vertical surface nearby.
 Each vent opening shall terminate:
Not less than 3.00 m from any openable window;
Not less than 0.90 m above any openable window;
Not less than 0.90 m away from any lot line, alley and street boundary lines.
 Vertical vent pipes shall extend 3.00 m distant from any part of the roof that is used
for human activities and shall extend not less than 2.10 m above such roof.

Sanitary System Problems

Trap Seal Loss
Direct effect of the Minus & Plus Pressure inside the system due to inadequate
ventilation of traps
Attributed to the following conditions:
 Siphonage – direct and momentum
 Back Pressure
 Capillary Attraction
 Evaporation – caused by extreme temperatures, idleness
 Wind Effects – strong winds blow the trap seal

Retardation of flow
Due to the effect of atmospheric pressure and/or gravity

Deterioration of Materials
Due to the formation of acids

Grease Traps

• Used for fixtures where grease may be introduced into the drainage or sewer system in
quantities that can effect line stoppage or hinder sewage treatment or private sewage disposal
• For establishments like restaurants, cafes, lunch counters, cafeterias, bars and clubs, hotel,
hospital, sanitarium, factory or school kitchens. A grease trap is not required for individual
dwelling units.
• Each grease trap shall have an approved water seal of not less than 51 mm in depth or the
diameter of its outlet, whichever is greater.
• No food waste disposal unit shall discharge into a grease interceptor or grease trap.


1. Earth cooled grease trap

2. Mechanical Grease Trap- Basic Operational Procedure is separation of grease from liquid by
changing temperature

Grease Trap Capacity


CONNECTED (L/min) (kg)
1 76 18
2 95 23
3 132 32
4 189 45
House Traps

• Placed in the house drain immediately inside the foundation wall of the building

Drain Tiles

• Used to prevent groundwater from seeping through the basement walls & foundation
• Hollow tiles are placed around the perimeter of the foundation where water is collected; drain
tiles are connected to the house drain or pit

Garage Traps

• a.k.a. garage catch basin

• Operating Principles: trap is filled with water & located at the lowest point of the garage so it
can collect all wastes.

Back Flow Valves

• Used in house drain to prevent the unlikely occurrence of back flows

• Similar to check valves

Sewage Ejectors

• Pumps the wastes up form the sump pit to the sewers (which are usually higher than basement



A watertiqht covered receptacle designed and constructed to receive the discharge of sewage from a
building sewer, separate solids from the liquid, digest organic matter and store digested solids through a
period of detention, and allow the clarified liquids to discharge for final disposal

SLUDGE - solid organic matter that are denser than water and settle at the bottom of the septic tank
SCUM - lighter organic material that rise to the surface of the water
EFFLUENT- liquid content of sewage


To encourage decomposition:

Aerobic bacteria- relies on oxygen to survive

Anaerobic bacteria- can survive in places without oxygen

Minimum Dimensions:
L= 1500mm


should show all dimensions, reinforcing, structural calculations, and such other pertinent data as

Quality of Design
shall be such as to produce a clarified effluent of acceptable standards and shall provide adequate space
for sludge and scum accumulations.

constructed of durable materials, not subject to excessive corrosion or decay, shall be watertight.

Material: cement (most common) or pre-fabricated cast iron


- have a minimum of 2 compartments:

• First compartment: not less than 2/3 capacity of the total capacity of tank; not less than 2 cum
liquid capacity; shall be at least 0.9 m width and 1.5 m long; Liquid depth not less than 0.6 m
nor more than 1.8 m.
• Secondary compartment: maximum capacity of 1/3 total capacity of tank; minimum of 1 cum
liquid capacity

-In septic tanks having over 6 cum capacity, the secondary compartment should be not less than 1.5 m
in length.

- maintain a slope of 1:10 at the bottom of the digestion chamber to collect the sludge and make it
easily accessible from the manhole

Sizing the Septic Tank

Digestive Chamber Length (L) = twice the width (2W)
Digestive Chamber Depth (D) = width (W)
Leaching Chamber size= W by W

Sample Problem:
Size the septic tank for a residential unit h using 10 persons
•10 persons at 50 gallons per person per day = 500 gallons

•Volume=LxWxD =2WXWXW =2W3

•1 gallon = approximately 4 liters

•500 gallons = approximately 2000 liters

•1000 liters = 1 M3

•Volume = 2W3 = 2M3

•2W = 2M

•W = 1.0M

•L = 2.0M

•D = 1.0M + 0.3M (air space) = 1.30M


- with at least two (2) manholes, 508 mm in min dimension; one over inlet, other over outlet. Wherever
first compartment exceeds 3.7 m in length, an additional manhole is required

Sizes of Pipe Inlet & Outlet & Their Vertical Legs

Inlet and Outlet pipes — diameter size not less than the sewer pipe

Vertical legs of inlet and outlet pipes — diameter size not less than the sewer pipe nor less than 104.6


The capacity of septic tanks is determined by the number of bedrooms or apartment units in dwelling
occupancies; by the estimated waste/ sewage design flow rate for various building occupancies; or by
the number of fixture units of all plumbing fixtures; whichever is greater.

The capacity of any one septic tank and its drainage system shall also be limited by the soil structure
classification in its drainage field.


Shall be capable of supporting an earth load of not less than14.4 kPa


Should not be located underneath the house

At least 15 meters from the water distribution system

3 Degrees or Grades of Waste Water

Grey Water (or Area Water)- Waste water with the exception of human wastes. From laundries, wash
basins, sinks, tubs, etc.

Black Water- Water plus solid and liquid human wastes

Storm Water- Rainwater only

Classification of Sewers

Combination Public Sewers- Oldest variety. Carries both storm & sanitary wastes
Storm Sewers

Sanitary Sewers- Carries regular sanitary wastes only. Terminates in a modern sewage disposal plant for

2 Types of Sanitary Sewer

Tributary Sewers

- Termination points of individual units or structures

- Built at a depth of 3 meters
- Usually round shaped, with diameters between 0.60 to 1.2 meters
- Made of vitrified clay or cement pipes; often installed by the curb line, before the street
- Laid in the Northern or Eastern side of streets with east-west or north-south orientations

Intercepting Sewers

- a.k.a. 'collecting sewers' - Termination points of tributary sewers

- Placed much lower in the ground, from 4 to 30 meters in depth
- Varies in shape but have a diameter or effective opening ranging from 0.60 to 3 meters
- Sloped at an angle of 1:50 or 2%
- Lifting stations are placed at certain intervals and sewage ejectors are used to lift the waste;
sewers terminate at the disposal plant


Drainage pipes of all buildings shall be connected to the public sewer. When not available, they shall be
connected to an approved private sewage disposal system.

Public sewer may be considered as not being available if it is more than 61 meters from any proposed
building or exterior drainage facility.

Exception: Single family dwellings with an existing private sewage disposal system may not be connected
to a new public sewer when no hazard, nuisance or unsanitary condition is evident and when there is no
sufficient grade or fall existing to permit proper drainage flow by gravity to the public sewer.

Installation of Sewers

Sewers shall be run in practical alignment at a uniform slope of not less than 2% or 21 mm/m toward the
point of disposal. to an approved private sewage disposal system.

Exception: When impractical due to depth of street sewer, structural features or to adverse
arrangement of buildings, to obtain a slope of 2%, sewers 102 mm and 152 mm in dia may have a slope
of not less than 1% (10.5 mm/m) and those 203 mm dia and larger may have a slope of not less than
0.5% (5.3 mm/m)
No building sewer shall be installed less than 0.6 M from the outer face of any building foundation, nor
less than 0.3 M below the finish surface of the ground.

Location of building sewer in relation to other services is shown below.

0.60 m from any building or structure

15.2 m from water supply wells
15.2 m from streams
0.30 m from domestic supply pipes
0.30 m from public water main

Building sewer or drainage pipe of clay or materials which are not approved for use within a building
shall not be laid in the same trench as water pipes unless:

• the bottom of the water pipe is 0.3M above the top of the sewer pipe (NPC 1208.1.1),

• the water pipe is placed on a solid shelf excavated at one side of the common trench with a minimum
horizontal distance of at least 0.3 m from the sewer or drain pipe (NPC 1208.1.2).

Water pipes crossing sewer or drainage pipe of clay or materials which are not approved for use within a
building shall be laid a minimum of 0.3 m clear above the sewer or drain pipe. Water pipe joint shall be
installed not less than 3 meters away from sewer line in both directions.

Cespools & Seepage Pits

Cespools : a non-watertight lined excavation in the ground which receives the discharge of a sanitary
drainage system, designed to retain the organic matter but permitting the liquid to seep through the pit
bottom and sides

Seepaqe pits : Circular in shape with excavated diameter of not less than 2.2 m and to be lined with clay
or concrete brick (termination of septic tanks).


- based on the quantity of liquid waste and on the character and porosity of the surrounding soil.


- Brick lining shall have a minimum compressive strength of 17225 Pa.

Multiple Seepage Pits

- served through a distribution box or shall be connected in series by means of a watertight connection.
The outlet shall have a vented leg fitting extending 304.8 mm below the inlet fitting.

Outside Privy- oldest form of disposal of organic waste. Consists of a vault constructed of concrete for
the collection of raw sewage and a wooden shelter

Latrine — primitive water closets


Location of Sewage Disposal System

1 Buildings or 0.6 m 1.5 m 2.4 m 2.4 m
2 Property line Clear** 1.5 m 1.5 m 2.4 m
3 Water supply 15.2 m 15.2 m 30.5 m 45.7 m
4 Streams 15.2 m 15.2 m 15.2 m 30.5 m
5 Trees - 3m - 3m

Some Features of an STP

- An aeration system within the tank;

- A submersible mixer to mix the waste;
- A decanter;
- Blowers;
- A fully electronic control system, etc.
MODULE 35: Water Recycling

2 Most Types of Municipal Sewage Treatment

1. The Activated Sludge

- Involves a series of situations where the raw sewage must pass through
• First Phase – gets rid of heavy materials with the use of three different filter houses
• Second Phase – clarifies the effluent
• Third Phase – hardens the sludge and converts it to fertilizers
- Produces water with 99-99.5% purity

2. The Trickling Filter Process

- a.k.a. ‘Percolating or Sprinkling Filter system’
- Requires less mechanical elements and less stages
- Produces water with 95% purity
- Requires a large ground area for its building

3. Combination Activated Sludge and Trickling Filter System

Module 36: Rainwater Pipes, Storm water systems

Downspouts & Gutters

• Rainwater piping shall not be used as soil, waste and vent pipes
• Downspout and gutter sizes are based upon the maximum depth of rainfall per hour falling upon
a given roof area in square meters.
• Normally a 102 mm/hr rainfall intensity is used around Metro Manila
• Round, square or rectangular rainwater pipes may be used for downspouts. They shall have at
least the same cross-sectional area as its equivalent round pipe except that the ratio of its side
dimension shall not exceed 3 to 1.
• Downspouts for high-rise buildings shall be of stronger pipe materials to resist the high hydrostatic
pressure, they shall be installed within a pipe chase, and have no intermediate branch from the
roof to the ground level.

Roof Drains
• Roof drains shall be equipped with dome-type strainers extending 102 mm above the surface
of the roof surface. With a minimum total net inlet area of 1-1/2 times the area of the outlet pipe
to which it is connected
• Roof deck strainers shall be approved flat-surface type, with a total net inlet area not less than
2 times the area of the outlet pipe to which the drain is connected.

Roofing Elements to Collect Rainwater

• The Gutter
• The Downspout
• The Shoe
• The Catch Basin
o Area Drain Catch Basin (ADCB)
• The Storm line – connects to each catch basin and leads to the storm sewer.

3 Major Systems of Collecting Storm Water

1. The Independent System
a. A.k.a. the ‘Separate System’
b. Brings collected water directly to the storm sewers
2. The Combined System
a. Combines storm water with sanitary wastes
3. The Natural System
a. Without using any roof gutters or downspouts
b. Also when rainwater is collected in cisterns

Storm Sewers
• Carries only rainwater collected from the storm drain or from the streets
• Terminates at natural drainage areas (i.e. lakes, rivers and water reservoirs)
• Require manholes to serve as clean-outs and to make sewers accessible for inspection and
repair built at depths of about 2 to 3 meters; diameter ranging from 0.6 to 1.2 meters

Storm Drain Locations

• Inside
• Outside
• Overhead
Module 37: Pipes

Cast Iron Soil Pipe

• Most popular and generally specified material for drainage installation. Extensively used in
the60s and the 70s
• Durable, conveniently installed (<25 storey)
• Commercial length, 6000 mm; diameters: 50-150 mm
• Affected to some extent by corrosion by acid formed by Carbon Dioxide, Sulphur Oxide, and
Methane Gases that create rust.
• 2 Types
o SV Type – generally used for building installations
o XV type – extra duty, for underground installations
• 4 Varieties
o Standard
o Single Hub
o Double Hub
o Hubless
• Sizes (38, 51, 76, 102, 125, 152, 203, 254, 304, 380
• Length
o 3000 mm (Hub and Spigot
o 1500 mm and 3000 mm (Hubless)

Acid Resistant Cast Iron Pipe

• Made of an alloy of cast and silicon
• Installed in chemical laboratories, industries and other installations where acid wastes are being
• Brittle and cracks easily, thus horizontal runs have to be supported every 1.50 meters interval to
prevent sagging.

Asbestos Pipe
• Made of asbestos fibers and Portland cement
• Used as soil, waste, ventilation pipe & downspouts
• Suited for concrete embedment because of similar properties

Bituminous Fiber Sewer Pipe

• Cheapest of all type of pipes
• Light in weight, slightly flexible and can take slight soil movement without danger of cracking or
pulling out of its joints. It is thus suited for house and sewer and septic tank installations
• May be softened/ damaged by excessive hot water or chemical flow

Vitrified Clay Pipe

• One of the oldest materials used for sewer lines
• Highly resistant to most acids; made in short lengths of 750 mm
• Because it is made of clay, It is brittle and cracks easily when laid on unstable ground.

Lead Pipe
• The oldest pipe used for plumbing systems
• Highly resistant to acid
• Poisonous and injurious, is therefore not recommended to convey water for human

Galvanized Steel Pipes

• Made out of steel and expected to last 15 to 25 years
• Subject to deposits of salt and time which can cause FHL
• Comes in several commercial sizes: 10 (3/8”), 13 (1/2”), 20 (3/4”), 25 (1”), 32 (1 ¼”), 38 (1 ½”), 50
(2”), 75 (3”) and 100 (4”)

Galvanized Wrought Iron Pipes

• Better than steel pipes for plumbing installations
• More resistant to acid waste

Copper Pipe
• Durable and extremely corrosive resistant
• Easy to install
• Smooth interior surface
• Classification:
o K-type – heaviest, recommended for underground installations
o L-type – lighter, available in both rigid and flexible form; recommended for residential
water supply line and radiant and heating installations
o M-type – thinniest; available only in rigid form for small water supply line and radiant
heating installations
Brass pipe
• Most expensive
• Made of an alloy of zinc (15%) and copper (85%)
• Resistant to acids and has a smooth interior surface

Plastic or Synthetic Pipe

• Developed in Germany in 1935
• Most are produced from synthetic resins
• Superior type of pipe because it weighs less, is easy to cut, is flexible, has a smooth interior
surface and is cheaper than steel pipe
• 2 Types
o Rigid Type Pipes
▪ Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
▪ Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC)
▪ Unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride (LPVC)
▪ Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS)
▪ Polypropylene (PP)
▪ Styrene Rubber Plastic (SR)
o Flexible Type (Tubing)
▪ Polyethylene (PE)-coil form; 30 m long (rehau)
▪ Poybutylene (PB) – coil from 30 m – 150 m long

Considerations in Choosing Materials

• Quality and durability
• Resistance to external and internal contact with foreign matters
• Resistance to acid waste and other chemical elements that will pass into it
• Cost of materials and labor

Piping Material and Specifications

• Size; diameter, measured inside for pipes and outsides for tubing
• Gauge: thickness of metal sheets or tubing, The higher the figure the less the thickness
• Schedule: wall density, ranging from schedule 10 (Lightest) to schedule (160 heaviest)
• Class: overall quality (i.e. Class A-E)
MODULE 38: Fittings

FITTINGS- A pipe part, usually standardized, such as bend, coupling, cross, elbow, reducer, tee, union,
etc.; used for joining two or more sections of pipe together.


1. Elbow
- A pipe, sheet metal, or conduit fitting having a
bend, usually 90˚; a 90˚ elbow is also called an all.
- 90 degree elbow, also called “90 bends or 90 ells”,
are manufactured as SR (short radius) elbows and LR
(long radius) elbows. SR (short radius) elbows have a
center-to-face dimension of 1.0 X diameter and are
typically used in tight areas where clearances are
an issue. LR (long radius) elbows have a Center-to-
Face dimension of 1.5 X diameter and are the more common type and used when space is
available and flow is more critical.
- 45 degree elbow, also called “45 bends or 45 ells” are typically made as LR (Long Radius) elbows
2. Street Elbow
- A street elbow has a female fitting on one side and a male fitting on the other
end. The advantage of the street elbow is that it can be connected directly
to another fitting without having to use a pipe nipple.

3. Drop Elbow
- A pipe elbow having lugs on the sides for attaching it to support

4. Tee
- A T-shaped pipe fitting with two outlets, one at 90˚
to the connection to the main line.
- Tee is used for connecting pipes of different
diameters or for changing the direction of pipe
runs. A common type of pipe tee is the straight tee,
which has a straight-through portion and a 90-
degree takeoff on one side. All three openings of
the straight tee are of the same size.
- Tees (branch outlets) are manufactured as “equal” or “reducing”. Equal tees are exactly that,
all three ends are of the same size. Reducing tees come with a combination of different outlet
5. Reducing Tee
- It is similar to the straight tee, except that one of the threaded
openings is of different size than the others. Reducing tee has two
ends the same and one end smaller. Thus, a tee with one branch
small than the run openings is referred to as a reducing tee. In other
words, the runport is larger than the branch port.
- To describe a reducing tee, one must locate the largest size on the
run of the tee. The next size indicated in the description of the
reducing tee is the side opposite to that with the largest size on the
run of the body. The final size in any description or a reducing tee is the branch
6. Sanitary Tee
- A tee used as a fitting for a soil pipe; designed with a slight curve in the 90˚
transition so as to channel flow from a branch line toward the direction of the
main flow

7. Side-outlet Tee
- Side outlet tee is similar to a standard tee (a T-shaped device that act
as an outlet for the pipe) with a minor change that in addition to the
three openings, this side outlet tee has one more opening at the plane
perpendicular to the tee plane.

8. Tapped Tee
- A bell-end tee which has a branch that is tapped to receive a threaded pipe
fitting or threaded pipe.

9. Bullhead Tee
- When a branch is larger than the other two run openings, it is referred to as a
bullhead tee. On a “bullhead tee” the side outlet is the largest socket on the
tee and the side outlet is referred to as the “bullhead”. Thus, Bullhead Tees
are the tees in which the ports of the run are smaller than the port of the
10. Adapter
- Pipe adapter is a fitting that is used to connect pipes of different materials
or pipes that require different joining methods. For example, it can join a
pipe that is threaded to a pipe or tube that is not threaded, one of the most
important type of pipe fittings.
✓ Female Adapters – are used to add a female threaded pipe
connection on a solvent welded pipe (they must never be used when converting to a
metallic pipe as the metal male pipe threads tend to split the PVC fittings). Also, metal
male threads should never be inserted into any female threaded PVC fitting.
✓ Male Adapters- are used to add a male threaded pipe connection to a solvent weld
pipe section.

11. WYE
- As the name implies, this fitting device is “Y” shaped. The branch runs out from the run port at
an angle other than 90 degree. It is a fitting with three openings and is used to create branch
lines. A standard wye allows one pipe to be joined to another at a 45 degree angle.
- Wyes are similar to tees except that the branch line is angled to reduce friction that could
hamper the flow and that the connection is typically at a 45-degree angle rather than a 90-
degree angle.

12. Double Wye

13. Combination Wye and 1/8 Bend

14. Inverted/Upright Wye

15. Cross
- Cross fittings connect four pipe sections together.

16. Sanitary Cross

17. Coupling/Socket
- A short internally threaded section of pipe, used to join two pipes or conduits./
18. Shoulder/Open Nipple
- A Pipe Nipple is a short pipe (12 inches or less), with small opening which provides way for the
liquids or gases to pass through the pipe. It has a male thread on each end and is used for
extension from a fitting.

19. Closed Nipple

- A nipple having no shoulder (i.e., no unthreaded portion)

20. Union Patente

- A pipe fitting used to connect the ends of two pipes, neither of which can be turned; consists
of three pieces, the two end pieces (having inner threads), which are tightened around the
pipe ends to be joined, and a center piece, which draws the two end pieces as it is rotated,
effecting a seal.
- Unions are commonly used for inserting metering and regulating devices into a piping system or
for connecting piping system to vessels. There are two types of pipe unions:
✓ Ground Joint Union
✓ Flange Union
- Both types are used for joining the two pipes together and are designed so that they can be
disconnected easily.
- The Ground Joint Union consists of three pieces. It most commonly has a brass grounding section
between the halves.

- An economical, practical and reliable alternative to welded and screwed systems, a Flange
Union joins plain-ended pipe to flange-ended equipment, fittings and valves and on-site
installation is simple. Union Flange is a unique solution to the problems which can occur in the
use of pro-fabricated flanged piping, such as downtime, reliance on off-site suppliers and
inaccurate dimensions. The design of the Union Flange comprises three elements: The Flange,
the gasket and the restraint.
21. Plug
- A threaded pipe fitting with male threads; used to close the end of a ferrule or a pipe having
female threads.

22. Cap
- A pipe cap is a fitting with a female (inside) thread. It is used like a plug, except that the pipe
cap screws on the male thread of a pipe or nipple.

23. Ferrule
- A metal sleeve, esp. one which is fitted with a screwed plug; serves as an opening on the side
of a pipe providing access for inspection or cleaning the interior of the pipe.

24. Bushing
- A pipe fitting which is threaded on both the inside and the outside so that it
can be used to connect two pipes (or other fittings) of different sizes.

25. Offset Bend

- An offset means a combination of pipes and/or fittings that brings one section of the pipe out
of line but into a line, parallel with the other section

26. Reducer/Increaser
- A coupling used to connect a smaller pipe to a larger one, vise-versa.
27. Return Bend
- A pipe fitting or a preformed piece of tubing which provides a 180˚ change in direction.

28. Closet Bend/Flange

- A closet flange is a pipe fitting that both mounts a toilet to the floor and connects the toilet
drain to a drain pipe.

Corporation Stop

Curb Stop

Meter Stop

Water Meter



Drain Or Waste Above Ground

Drain Or Waste Below Ground


Storm Drain

Cold Water

Soft Cold Water

Hot Water

Sprinkler Main

Sprinkler Branch and Head


Compressed Air


Sewer – Cast Iron

Sewer – Clay Tile

Sewer - Plastic

Cast Iron CI
Centerline CL
Cleanout CO
Cold Water CW
Copper COP.
Dishwasher DW
Floor Drain FD
Galvanized Iron GAL. I
Hose Bib HB
Hot Water HW
Laundry Tray LT
Lavatory LAV.
Medicine Cabinet MC
Plastic PLAS.
Plumbing PLBG.
Water Closet WC
Water Heater WH
Water Softener WS



Poly Vinyl Chloride blue
Polybutylene Tube black
Polyethylene Tube black
Polypropylene Pipe white w/ blue ban
Poly Vinyl Chloride orange / gray
Recycled Scrap Plastic black
Poly Vinyl Chloride red


General Methods
• Caulking (lead and oakum) – wrapping oakum or hemp around the spigot neck and pouring
lead to harden. Used for cast iron pipes, plastic pipes, and equivalents.
• Threading- used for galvanized iron pipes and other pipes with threads
• Adhesives- for plastic pipes and fittings
• Rubber Ring Method- inserting rubber gaskets into sleeves for straight pipe connections.
• Expansion Joints- rubber sealants between pipes to allow for relative movement due to
temperature changes
• Cement Mortar Joints- for sewer lines. Prohibited for new connections.
• Hubless Connections- also referred to as the “no hub joint”. Hubless pipe ends are wrapped
around with neoprene rubber and clamped with steel plates
• Welding / Soldering- for cast iron pipes and other steel pipes without threads. Method used when
connecting pipes and fittings of different materials
• Flared Joints- connecting copper or plastic tubes by flaring one end so as to receive a special
• Wiped Joints- a soldered joint wiped with cloth so as to shape the joint as required
• Slip Joints- one pipe slips within another, a seal being effected by caulking, gaskets, or packing.
Common for fixture traps and drains.
• Flanged Connections- used for connecting fixtures with drainage pipes. Fixtures are connected
to floor with screws and bolts and connected to pipes by caulking, soldering, adhesives, or

Module 42: TEST

• Water Testing
o Testing of water supply piping is conducted by closing all outlets & filling the system with
water from the main to locate leaks and other potential problems
• Air Pressure Testing
o Used in detecting leaks by filling the piping system with compressed air (use of soap suds
in locating escaping air)
• Building Sewer Test
o Plugging the end of the building sewer at its points of connection with the public sewer
or private sewage disposal system. Air or water tests can be conducted.

Module 43: LP GAS

• ‘Liquefied Petroleum Gas’ saturated hydrocarbons found in petroleum (i.e. butane, propane,
isobutane, etc.)
• a.k.a. ‘Bottled Gas’
• for Home, Commercial and Industrial Use

Typical LP Gas Service Installation

o where gas is stored
o where high pressure vapor flows through when cylinder valve is opened
o reduces the high pressure of gas to the proper operating gas pressure of the appliance
Safety Precautions for Installation of LP Gas Cylinders & Gas Appliances:

• Do not place cylinders below ground level; maintain at least a 3 ft. distance from drains, culverts,
or entrances and openings leading to cellars & other depressions (where gas might
• Do not place close to steam pipes or any other source of heat
• When pipes pass thru floors, walls or partitions, no joints should be allowed at these places to
minimize danger of leaks
• Piping should not be run in or through elevator shafts, air or ventilation ducts, chimneys or flues.
• Ends of piping should not be plugged with cork, wood, paper, etc., the correct terminal fitting
should be used.

Location of Cylinders
• Install out of doors or in a building or section of a building having good floor and ceiling level
ventilation directly to the open; (outdoors) in areas with no (combustible materials) vegetation
(i.e. Grass, weeds) waste paper, garbage, etc. within 19 feet of a cylinder
• Locate in a place where it is accessible to LP Gas deliverymen
• Install on a firm, dry, level foundation (cement or cement blocks) to prevent damage to the
bottom ring from soil corrosion
• Do not place below ground level; maintain at least a 3 ft. distance from drains, culverts, or
entrances and openings leading to cellars & other depressions (where gas might accumulate)
• Locate in a place safe from accidental damage from vehicles & tampering by children or
unauthorized persons; should be protected by cylinder hoods (if located in driveways or alleys)
• Use in the upright position, with the valves uppermost.
• Do not place close to steam pipes or any other source of heat
• When cylinders are being connected/ disconnected there should be no open flame or similar
source of ignition in the vicinity
• Close the cylinder valves before disconnecting
• Replace cylinder cap when the cylinder is disconnected to protect the cylinder valve in transit
and prevent the cylinder valve from being used as a handle

Pressure Regulators & Other Service Equipment

• Pressure regulators, copper tube pigtails, throw-over- valves and manifolds which are
connected to the cylinders should be rigidly supported
• The vent in the regulator should be facing downward (to prevent entry of rain)
• All safety valve outlets in the service equipment should be vented to the open air & not choked
with dust or other foreign matter

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