Plumbing Handouts

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Plumbing fixtures, devices and

appurtenances shall be supplied with
- the art and technique of installing pipes,
water in sufficient volume and pressure
fixtures, and other apparatuses in
adequate to function satisfactorily and
buildings for bringing in the supply of
without undue noise
liquids, substances and/or ingredients
3. Plumbing shall be designed and adjusted
and removing them; and such
to use the minimum quantity of water
- water, liquid and other carried wastes
consistent with proper performance and
hazardous to health, sanitation, life and
property; also the
4. Devices for heating and storing water
- pipes and fixtures after installation i.e.,
shall be so designed and installed as to
the ‘plumbing system
prevent dangers from explosion through
5. Every building abutting on a street, alley
HISTORY or easement with a public sewer shall
connect its plumbing fixtures to the sewer
- In 1902, the Plumbing Trade was duly
recognized by the government in the City
6. Each family dwelling unit shall have at
of Manila. Master Plumber John F. Haas
least one water closet, one kitchen type
became the first Chief of the Division of
sink, a lavatory and a bathtub or shower
Plumbing Construction and Inspection. A
to meet the basic requirements of
Plumbing Code based on the Plumbing
sanitation and personal hygiene
Code of the United States was
incorporated into the Building Code for 7. Plumbing fixtures shall be made of
the City of Manila. smooth non-absorbent material, free
from concealed fouling surfaces and
- In 1935, the National Master Plumbers
Association of the Philippines (NAMPAP) shall be located in ventilated
was formally organized enclosures.
- Manila City Ordinance 2411, the 8. The drainage system shall be designed,
“Plumbing Code for the City of Manila” constructed and maintained to safeguard
was enacted and placed under the against fouling, deposit of solids,
Department of Public Services, Manila clogging and with adequate cleanouts so
- In 1954, the Third Congress approved arranged that the pipes may be readily
House Bill No. 962 which in June 18, cleaned.
1955, became R.A. 1378 “Plumbing Law 9. All piping shall be of durable NAMPAP-
of the Philippines” upon ratification of APPROVED materials, free from
President Ramon Magsaysay. defective workmanship, designed and
- On January 28, 1959, the National constructed by Registered Master
Plumbing Code of the Philippines Plumbers to ensure satisfactory service.
prepared by NAMPAP was promulgated 10. Each fixture directly connected to the
and approved by Malacañang. drainage system shall be equipped with
- Before Martial Law in 1972, Republic Act a water-sealed trap
No. 6541 otherwise known as the 11. The drainage pipes piping system shall
“Building Code of the Philippines” was be designed to provide adequate
passed with the “National Plumbing Code circulation of air free from siphonage,
of 1959” as referral code in full text. aspiration or forcing of trap seals under
ordinary use.
- The Professional Regulation
Commission (PRC) adopted the Revised 12. Vent terminals shall extend to the outer
Plumbing Code of 1999 which President air and installed to prevent clogging and
Joseph Estrada approved December 21, the return of foul air to the building.
1999 pursuant to Section 4 of R.A. 1378 13. Plumbing systems shall be subjected to
known as the Plumbing Law. such tests to effectively disclose all leaks
and defects in the workmanship
14. Substance which will clog the pipes,
produce explosive mixtures, destroy the
pipes or their joints or interfere unduly
with the sewage-disposal process shall
1. All premises intended for human use or not be allowed to enter the building
habitation shall be provided with a supply drainage system.
of pure and wholesome water, neither 15. Proper protection shall be provided to
connected to unsafe water supply nor prevent contamination of food, water,
subject to backflow or back- siphonage. sterile goods and similar materials by
backflow of sewage. When necessary,
the fixture, device or appliance shall be
connected indirectly with the building
drainage system.
16. No water closet shall be located in a WATER FUNCTIONS DIAGRAM
room or compartment which is not
properly lighted and ventilated.
17. If there is no sewer system in the area,
suitable provision shall be made for the
disposal of building sewage by some
accepted method of sewage treatment
and disposal, such as a septic tank.
18. Where a plumbing drainage system may
be subject to backflow of sewage,
suitable provision shall be made to - Flow of water (& water carried wastes)
prevent its overflow in the building. should always be only in one direction
19. Plumbing systems shall be maintained in (from supply to disposal)
serviceable condition by Registered - The two sides should always be carefully
Master Plumbers. separated from each other
20. All plumbing fixtures shall be installed
properly spaced, to be accessible for
21. Plumbing shall be installed with due USE)
regard to the preservation of the strength
of structural members and the prevention • Rain Water - Collected from roofs of buildings
of damage to walls and other surfaces and special water sheds and stored in cisterns or
through fixture usage. ponds; Cistern water for drinking should be
22. Sewage or other waste from plumbing boiled, chlorinated or otherwise sterilized
system which may be deleterious to • Natural Surface Water - Obtained from ponds,
surface or sub-surface waters shall not lakes and rivers
be discharged into the ground or into any
waterway, unless first rendered • Ground Water - Obtained from underground by
innocuous through subjection to some means of mechanical & manual equipment; From
acceptable form of treatment. springs and wells and is the principal source of
water for domestic use in most rural areas


- Water Distribution System
- Fire Protection System
- Plumbing Fixtures
- Sanitary Drainage System
- Storm Drainage System
- Fuel Gas Piping System


1. Evaporation
2. Condensation
3. Precipitation


types of buildings less than 25 storey high.
However, buildings taller than 25 storey do
not specify the use of cast iron pipe because
of constant vibrations which causes water
leak of the pipe joints.

To a certain extent, cast iron pipe also

affected by corrosion caused by the action of
carbon dioxide, sulfur oxide and methane gases
forming solutions of carbonic acid and sulfuric
acid. These acids attack the metallic material
causing a slow chemical reaction or oxidation to
PURIFICATION OF WATER take place forming ferrous oxide called rust.
- AERATION - Spraying the water into the
atmosphere through jets or passing it
over rough surfaces to remove entrained TWO TYPES OF CAST IRON PIPE;
noxious gases such as carbon dioxide or 1. SV Type used for building installations
hydrogen sulfide and,
- COAGULATION & PRECIPITATION - 2. XV Type extra duty pipe used for
Addition of coagulants, such as ferrous underground installations.
sulfate and lime, to the water which
cause the larger suspended particles to
form a gelatinous mass which
precipitates readily. The precipitate is
gathered in large dumps and disposed of. 1. Standard pipe
- FILTRATION - Water is passed through 2. Single Hub pipe
layers of sand and gravel in concrete 3. Double Hub pipe
basins in order to remove the finer 4. Hubless pipe
suspended particles
- SEDIMENTATION - Water is passed
through basins so sediments can settle 2.2 ACID RESISTANT CAST IRON PIPE –
through a period of time is made from alloy of cast iron and
- CHLORINATION – Water is injected with silicon. It is widely used in chemical
hypo-chlorite or chlorine gas to kill the laboratories, industries and other
harmful bacteria. installations where acid wastes are being
discharge. Basically, this type of pipe is
brittle in character and requires stronger
support for each pipe installed
horizontally to prevent sagging of joints.
CHAPTER 2; 2.3 ASBESTOS PIPE – Asbestos pipe is
There are numerous kind of materials available made of asbestos fibers and Portland
for plumbing installation but so far, the most cement. The thickness of the pipe is
popular and commonly used are: twice as that of the standard cast iron
pipe. Asbestos pipe could be used as
1. Cast Iron Soil pipe soil, waste, ventilation and downspout.
2. Acid resistant cast iron pipe This kind of pipe is remarkably superior
3. Asbestos pipe for embedment in concrete structure for
4. Bituminous fiber sewer pipe having the same material properties.
5. Vitrified clay pipe 2.4 BITUMINOUSE FIBER SEWER PIPE –
6. Lead pipe is the cheapest among the sewer pipes.
7. Galvanized steel pipe It is sometimes recommended for house
8. Galvanized wrought iron pipe sewer and for septic tank installation.
9. Brass pipe This type of pipe is light in weight, slightly
10. Copper pipe flexible which could take slight soil
11. Plastic or synthetic pipe movement without danger of cracking or
12. Stainless steel pipe pulling out from its joint. However,
excessive hot water or chemical flow may
soften or damage the pipe.
2.1 CAST IRON PIPE – most popular and 2.5 VITRIFIED CLAY PIPE – is one of the
generally specified material for drainage oldest materials used for sewer lines. It is
system. It is durable, conveniently installed made out from clay, cast into length of 75
and answer to the most plumbing needs of all centimeters treated with glazing
compound. The pipe is heated in a large
kiln under a temperature of 1370 degree 2.11 PLASTIC OR SYNTHETIC PIPES – is
C, making it impervious to moisture. Clay a new concept in the field of plumbing. It was
pipe is highly resistant to most acid introduced in the Philippines at the early part
wastes. It is a durable material for of 70’s, although this type of materials was
underground installations like public developed in Germany in the mid year of
sewer, house sewer or storm drain. 1935.
Being made of clay, its physical property
is brittle. Hence, it should not be laid on TYPES OF PLASTIC SYNTHETIC PIPES
unstable ground base. a. The Rigid type
2.6 LEAD PIPE – is also one of the oldest b. The Flexible type
plumbing materials used by the
Egyptians, the Greeks and the Romans THE RIGID TYPE OF PLASTIC PIPES ARE:
builders as soil and waste pipe. Lead is
1. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
highly resistant to acid and is suitable for
2. Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC)
underground installation. But because
3. Unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride (uPVC)
lead is poisonous and injurious to human
4. Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS)
health, it is never used to convey water
5. Polypropylene (PP)
for human consumption.
6. Styrene Rubber Plastic (SR)
out from mild steel, drawn through a die THE FLEXIBLE TYPES ARE:
and welded, cast into 6.00 meters long.
This type of pipe is easily corroded by 1. The Polyethylene (PE)
alkaline and acid water. The carbonic 2. The Polybutylene (PB)
acid in water, attack the zinc coating and
ultimately the steel itself. It is subject to
deposits of salt and lime that gradually
accumulate and finally choke the flow of
water. Galvanized steel pipe deteriorate CHAPTER 3; MEASURING, CUTTING AND
faster when used as hot water supply JOINING PIPES
is better in quality than the steel pipe for For many years, cast iron pipes had been
plumbing installation. Tests showed that used for all types of plumbing
wrought iron pipe is more resistant to installations. It was proven good and
acid waste than the steel pipe. durable material for house sewer, house
2.9 BRASS PIPE – is one of the most drain, soil, waste and vent pipe on
expensive types of pipe. This pipe is various types of building.
made of alloy or zinc and copper mixed
at 15% and 85% proportion respectively. The use of cast iron pipes
Because of its smooth interior surface however, was limited by the code to less
and high resistance to acid, brass pipe than 25-storey high building where
become superior material for waste and constant vibration is present. Vibrations
water supply installations. Brass pipe loosen the lead calk joint between the
fittings are of the recessed type similar in pipes causing unwanted sag and water
design with galvanized steel pipe. leak. Cast iron pipe is affected to some
2.10 COPPPER PIPE – is a durable extent by corrosion due to chemical
and extremely corrosive resistant action in the system that is impossible to
material. It is easy to install compared control.
with other types of pipe. Copper pipe is The commercial length of cast
classified into three types, depending iron pipe is 150 centimeters long with
upon its wall thickness; various diameters ranging from 50 to 150
1. K type – the heaviest. Suitable for mm with the following types:
underground installation

2. L type – lighter than the K, available in both RECOMMENDED USES

rigid and flexible form. Commonly used in
residential water supply line and for radiant 1. Standard Pipe is used for a well-fitted
heating installations. hub and spigot connections.
2. Single Hub is recommended when the
3. M type – the thinnest and available only in length of a pipe needed is more than 150
a rigid form. Designed for small water supply centimeters long wherein cutting is not
lines and for radiant heating installations. necessary.
3. Double Hub is preferred when a piece of
pipe needed is shorter than 150
centimeters long. When the pipe is cut,
both ends has hub to serve as joint
4. Hubless pipe is used in lieu of the single
hub to do away with caulking of joints. It
is cheaper and easily connected using a
neoprene rubber sleeves.



In measuring length of cast iron pipe, the end

portion that will enter into the hub is added to the
face length of the effective distance.

Working with galvanized steel pipe is somewhat

difficult because of its rigidity and the threading
processes involved, plus the joining operations.
The face to face method is applied conveniently
in measuring the length for a connection.
However, allowance for the thread that will enter
into the fitting should be provided. Working with
galvanized steel pipe involve the following
The procedures in cutting cast iron pipes are; considerations.

1. A chalk mark is drawn around the pipe. 1. Direct connection

2. The pipe is laid on sand, 2. Measuring and cutting
3. With the use of hammer and cold chisel, 3. Threading operations
the scored line around the pipe is struck 4. Sizing the pipes.
gently at first round, then continue
DIRECT CONNECTION – refers to the manner of
striking harder and harder all around,
planning the layout and re-routing of the pipes to
until the pipe is cut or part off.
reach the point of service. All pipelines should be
installed as short and direct as possible. The
number of fittings and pipe cutting plus the
threading work can be reduced to the minimum
required if the plumbing layout was planned

MEASURING AND CUTTING – errors committed

in the measuring and cutting of pipes, may mean
additional pipes and fittings, cost of labor, and the
risk of water leakage. The face to face methods
of measuring and cutting of pipe connection is
considered the most reliable. The procedures
were already explained in connecting cast iron


on cutting and threading operations, steel pipe
should be held rigidly with a proper holding tools.
Cutting is done by using a 14-teeth per inch
hacksaw blade applying forward strokes at the
rate of about one stroke per second. Remember
that fast cutting will overheat and break the blade.

Copper Pipe is classified into two types

1. The Rigid type and

2. The Flexible type

Plastic pipe is a new concept in plumbing for all

types of buildings. Plastic pipe has been
accepted worldwide after it has in many ways
proven itself to be superior as sewer and cold
water pipe line material.

The simplest way of joining plastic pipe is by

cementing called Solvent Welding. Solvent
welding takes to assemble bell and spigot joints.



The collection and safe disposal of human wastes

are among the most critical problems of
environmental health. Recent statistical reports
such as dysentery, typhoid, diarrhea and other
intestinal disorders are prevalent in areas where
there is no proper and scientific Sewage Disposal

It was reported that when human wastes are

deposited in a pit, typhoid and dysentery causing
organisms do not travel horizontally in the soil.
These harmful bacteria neither move by
themselves, they were carried in some way.
These harmful organisms are carried somewhere
through water flows, flies, rodents, cockroaches
and other vermin which causes contamination.

The daily average volume of human waste or

excreta per capita is about 80 grams of feces and
950 grams of urine. When diluted with water at
the rate of 30 to 100 gallons per day to form
sewage, the solid content becomes a very small
portion expressed in milligrams per liter.

Of the total sewage solids, about 50% is organic

and are subject to rotting. Small as it is in the
sewage, and as decomposition continues, it
become odorous and dark in color. And whether
fresh or stale, it contains harmful organism that
causes diseases.

It is therefore important not only to know that

difference types of sewage disposal systems, but
also to understand the scientific value of the Rainwater is not permitted to enter into this type
system. of public sewer.


1. The Cesspool
2. The Privy 1. The Intercepting or Trunk Line Sewer
3. The Septic Tank 2. The Tributary or Contributing Sewer
4. The Public Sewer Line

INTERCEPTING SEWER – is a sanitary sewer

CESSPOOL – a hole in the ground curbed with that conveys sanitary waste to a dispersal plant.
stones, bricks, concrete hollow blocks, or other It is commonly made of concrete pipe that varies
materials laid in such a manner as to allow raw in sizes from 0.60 to 3.00 meters in diameter. The
contaminated sewage to leach into the soil. The pipes are laid underground to a minimum depth
organic wastes accumulate and finally disposed of about 3 meters, depending upon the natural
of by disintegration process. contour of the ground.

PRIVY – is a concrete sealed vault with a wooden TRIBUTARY SEWER – is classified as an

shelter constructed for the collection of raw intercepting sewer branch. The pipe is made of
sewage. The disintegration of excrement is either vitrified clay or concrete pipe laid in an
accomplished in the same manner as in open trench. It is generally smaller in diameter
cesspool. It is objectionable because of the installed not more than 3 meters below the street
danger of contaminating the source of water grade and terminate into the intercepting sewer.

SEPTIC TANK – is a device or receptacle used

to expedite the decomposition of the elements STORM DRAIN – is another kind of public sewer
contained in a raw sewage waste. Raw sewage line that carries storm water. It terminates in a
consists of water, and settleable solid called natural drain such as canals, lakes or rivers.
organic materials that can be precipitated in a
septic tank in a very short time.
MANHOLE – is classified as a device of the main
PUBLIC SEWER LINE – is a public sewage and storm sewer. It serves as man’s access for
system, operated and maintained by the inspection, cleaning and repair. It is constructed
government consisting of a sewage treatment out of bricks, stone, adobe or concrete at an
plant that conveys the raw sewage from buildings interval distance from 75 to 150 meters. The
and houses to a disposal system. manhole diameter varies from 90 to 120
centimeters provided with iron rungs to serve as
ladder for the maintenance crew to reach the
Of these four types of sewage disposal, bottom. It is provided with a well-fitted cover on
the cesspool and the privy are already obsolete. top, leveled with the road surface.
The prevailing types recommended by the
sanitary authorities are the PUBLIC SEWER


The Public Sewer Line is classified into three

types according to the kind of waste it disposes.

1. The Combination Public Sewer

2. The Sanitary Sewer
3. The Storm Drain


type of public sewer that conveys both storm
water and sanitary wastes. This type of public
sewer is already obsolete and no longer allowed
by sanitary authorities.

SANITARY SEWER – is a public sewer facility

that carries regular sanitary wastes only. It
terminates in a modern sewage dispersal plant.

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