Generic Name: Action: Suppresses gastric Therapeutic outcome: Absence of Hypersensitivity CNS: Headache, Assessment
Pantoprazole secretion by inhibiting epigastric fullness, pain, swelling. insomnia • Assess GI system: bowel sounds
(pan-toe-pray’zole) hydrogen/potassium ATPase Precautions: Pregnancy every 8 hours, abdomen for pain,
enzyme system in gastric Uses: Gastroesophageal reflux category C, GI: Diarrhea, abdominal swelling and anorexia
Brand Name: parietal cell; characterized as disease (GERD), server erosive breastfeeding, children. pain, flatulence • Monitor hepatic enzymes: AST,
Protonix, Protonix IV, Clessol gastric acid pump inhibitor, esophagitis, maintenance, long- ALT, alkaline phosphatase
since it blocks final step of acid term pathological hypersecretory INTEG: Rash during treatment
Functional class: production. conditions including Zollinger-
Proton pump inhibitor Ellison syndrome. META: Hyperglycemia Nursing Diagnosis
• Knowledge deficient (teaching)
Chemical class:
Pregnancy category: • If shifted to tablets, swallow the
C tablets as whole, do not break,
crush or chew
Dosage and routes: • May take with or without food
Intravenous • IV route: may be given undiluted
Gastro-oesophageal reflux via rapid IV injection
disease, Peptic ulcer
Patient/family education
Adult: 40 mg/day as slow inj or • Advise patient to report sever
short-term infusion over 2-15 diarrhea; product may have to be
min. Convert to oral therapy as discontinued.
soon as possible. • Advise patient with diabetes that
hyperglycemia may occur
Elderly: No dosage adjustment • Advise patient to avoid
needed. hazardous activities; dizziness
may occur
• Advise patient to avoid alcohol,
salicylates, Iburprofen; may
cause GI irritation
Positive therapeutic outcome
• Absence of epigastric pain,
swelling, fullness