Lab Objectives:: The Microsoft Office Button

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Lab 2

Lab Objectives:
 Introduction to using basic commands in MS office Word
 Creation of Letters/Resume
 Working with Tables/Cell Manipulation

Layout of MS Word:

The Microsoft Office Button

This button allows you to create a new document, open an existing document, save or save as, print,
send (through email or fax), publish or close.

The Ribbon
References, Mailings, Review, and View that contain many new and existing features of Word. Each tab
is divided into groups. The groups are logical collections of features designed to perform
functions that you will utilize in developing or editing your Word document. Commonly used
features are displayed on the Ribbon, to view additional features within each group, click on the
arrow at the bottom right of each group.

Quick Access Toolbar

The quick access toolbar is a customizable toolbar that contains commands that you may want to use.
You can place the quick access toolbar above or below the ribbon.

Lab Exercise 1:

1. Opening and saving files

a. Open a new file and save it while saving the file’s name as ‘your first name’-lab-3.docx. For
example, a student name Abdullah should save the file as Abdullah-lab3.docx.
[Hint: The functionality to open and save a new file is available by clicking on the Microsoft
Office button ]

b. Find out the shortcuts for opening and saving a file.

2. Word formatting exercises:

Type the following sentence into your newly created Word file.
“I, (write your own name here), am a student of BEE5-(write your section name here) at the
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.”

3. Changing the formatting of typed text:

a. Italicizing text: Copy/ paste the original sentence above and now precede the statement with
the text “Italicized copy: “. Italicize the whole text.
b. Making text bold: Copy/ paste the original sentence and now precede the statement with the
text “bold text copy: “. Change the type of your name, your section, and school’s name to bold.
c. Underlining text: Copy/ paste the original sentence and now precede the statement with the
text “Underline text: “. Underline your name, your section, and school’s name.
d. Crossing out text: Copy/ paste the original sentence and now precede the statement with the
text “Crossed out text copy: “.Cross out your name, your section, and school’s name.
e. Text in different fonts: Copy/ and paste the original sentence twice (2 new copies). For the
first copy, change the font of the sentence to Tahoma, and for the second copy change the font
of the sentence to Verdana. Write the font names in brackets at the end of each copied
f. Text in different font sizes: Copy/ and paste the original sentence twice (2 new copies). For
the first copy, change the font size of the sentence to 14, and for the second copy, change the
font size to 16. Write the font sizes in brackets at the end of each copied statement.
g. Text in different colors: Copy/ and paste the original sentence twice (2 new copies). For the
first copy, change the text color to red, and for the second copy, change the text color to blue.

The solution to this exercise should look like the following for a student named Abdullah.
4. Finding and replacing text: In the file that you have created, find the text ‘School of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science’ and replace it with the text ‘School of Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science (SEECS) at the National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST)’
The output of this step should look like the following:
5. Undoing and Redoing changes: How can changes made to a document be undone? How can
changes undone be redone? (Hint: look in the quick access toolbar)

a. Undo the changes to the file in Q 3) and revert to the form in Q 2).

6. Inserting URL/ shapes/ symbols/ headers/ footers:

(Hint: Look for the Insert tab in the tabs of ribbon)

a. How can a URL link be inserted? In the open file, insert a link to the URL: (hint: look in insert hyperlink)

b. Insert the arrow shape that follows (hint: look in insert shapes)

c. Insert the following symbol α (hint: look in insert symbols)

d. Insert a header and footer in your file. (hint: look in insert header and insert footer)

7. Making a list:
Make a list of all the subjects that you are studying. For example, your generated list should look

1) Physics
2) Fundamentals of ICT
3) Communication Skills
4) ECA

a. Make the numbering of the list bold

b. Change the color of the numbering of the list

c. Change the listing identifiers from 1), 2), 3) to i), ii) and iii).

8. Making a table:
Make a table with three columns and three rows. Also color the top row gray. Your table should
look like the following.

Row1 Row1 Row1

Column1 Column2 Column3
Column1 Column2 Column3

9. Checking Spellings and Grammar

Check the document you have created for any spelling and/ or grammar error. (Hint: Go to the
Review tab in the tabs on the ribbon, and click on Spelling & Grammar)

10. Calculating the word count

Calculate the total word count of your document. (Hint: Click on the Review tab and then on
Spelling & Grammar)

11. Commenting on a document

Use the Review > New Comment option to select a text and then comment on it. The comments
are not part of the original document, and are used to foster collaboration/ better understanding
of the text.
Lab Exercise 2: Open MS word and experiment with basics
Open MS Word and write a paragraph to introduce yourself.

Experiment with the following: Cut (ctrl X), paste (ctrl v), copy (ctrl c), save (ctrl s), save as, bold (ctrl
b), italic (ctrl i), underline (ctrl u). Use the basic formatting commands, such as change font size,
paragraph spacing.

Save your file as a Word Document with the name “your Registration number-Lab1”. (Use your actual
registration number; don’t just type ‘your Registration number’!)

Create the following table in your MS Word document.

Left Side Right Side

Copy this sentence and paste it in the box to the
Cut this 2nd sentence and paste it in the box to
the right.
Highlight this 3rd sentence and drag it into the
box to the right.

1. Aligning Text:
Align this sentence to the right.
Align this sentence in the center.
Align this sentence to the left.

2. Line Spacing:
This is the first paragraph. Change the spacing for this paragraph to 2.0. This is the first
paragraph. Change the spacing for this paragraph to 2.0. This is the first paragraph. Change the
spacing for this paragraph to 2.0. This is the first paragraph. Change the spacing for this
paragraph to 2.0.

This is the 2nd paragraph. Change the spacing for this paragraph to 1.0. This is the 2nd paragraph.
Change the spacing for this paragraph to 1.0.This is the 2nd paragraph. Change the spacing for this
paragraph to 1.0.This is the 2nd paragraph. Change the spacing for this paragraph to 1.0.

3. Header & Footer:

In the header, type your name, class and date on three separate lines. Align all three lines to the
right. Use the ‘Blank’ style header. In the footer, write the name of your favorite food. Use the
‘Alphabet’ style footer. Do not erase the page number.

4. Deleting Text:
Delete above table that you created in copy, cut and paste. Your final document should start with
Aligned text.

5. Format Borders and Shading:

Before you add borders and shading, notice what you have selected on your document. If the
picture is selected, then you will be adding borders to it. If you have text selected, then the border
will be added to your word(s). To add Borders and shading to an entire page, make certain you
have NOTHING selected!

6. Print Preview & Print:

Look at the Print Preview. In the print preview, click the ‘Shrink One Page’ button. Your final
document will have really small print, but that’s okay! Close the print preview. You’re now ready
to print.

Lab Exercise 3: Open MS word and experiment with Clip Arts & pictures

Open new document. Insert a picture from ClipArt. Select the picture and copy and paste it five times.
Copy and Paste to a different document.

Copy and Paste into a different program: Insert a picture in Microsoft Word and copy it. Start the
program Microsoft Excel. Paste the picture into Excel.

Download a picture of your choice from Google and use it in your document. Adjust it and format it.

Insert a picture of a sun or sunset.

Use Format->Size to resize the picture to 1.5" wide
Use In-Line Text Wrapping
Next to the picture type: The weather is great!

Insert a picture of a camera.

Change the Text Wrapping to Tight Resize
the picture to be 2.5 inches tall Place the
picture to the bottom of the page

Insert a picture of a beach.

Format Text Wrapping to Tight
Place the picture into the center of the page
Add a thick BLUE border around the picture
Crop the picture .5 inches from the left

Lab Exercise 2: Open MS word and create a Business Letter and then flyer or broucher.
A “Corporate Stripe” is a set of documents that have the company logo, fonts, and styles. This exercise
allows you to practice formatting text and pictures while you create a business letter.

Open a blank Microsoft Word document. Type the following information:

Computers Are Us
555 Main Street
Brighton, MI 48116
(810) 555-1212
Select All of the text and use the Font options to format the type: Tahoma, 12 point, bold, centered, and
dark red. Select the first line of type and make it 14 point.

1. Insert a Picture from ClipArt:

Go to Clips Online, the Microsoft Design Gallery. Search for a photo or cartoon of a computer.
Select two or three images and Download them. Use one of the pictures for a company logo. Resize
the picture. Center it above the Company name and address

Lab Task:
1. Create your resume for seeking job after completion of your studies. The output of the task should
be like:
2. Create your own time table in the format given below. Use MS-Word. The requirements are:
 Set your document orientation layout as “Land scape”.
 The time table should fit into one page only.
 Footer with written text: “IICT-Lab Assessment: Microsoft Word”.

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