The Great Train Robbery of 1963: Reading
The Great Train Robbery of 1963: Reading
The Great Train Robbery of 1963: Reading
Comprehension 2
Complete the sentences with the correct forms
Arrange the sentences to make a summary of the story.
of the verbs in brackets.
1 They bought a farmhouse to use as a place to
1. The gang __________________ (know) the train
__________________(carry) money because a post
2 The police found the farmhouse and their of ce worker ____________ (tell) them.
2. After robbing the train, they __________________(drive)
3 Most of the robbers were caught and sent to to a farmhouse which they __________________ (buy)
six weeks earlier.
4 An informer told the police the names of the 3. The robbers ________________ (get) long sentences
some of the robbers.
because the robbery _____________________
5 They paid a man to remove evidence from the (embarrass) the government.
farmhouse after the robbery.
4. Some of the robbers _______________ (escape) and others
6 The criminals chose a place to rob the train. _____________________ (never / catch)
Photocopiable This sheet may be photocopied and used in class. © 2020 The Great Train Robbery 1
Reading: the Great Train Robbery of 1963
Photocopiable This sheet may be photocopied and used in class. © 2020 The Great Train Robbery 2
Word list
amid preposition while something is happening; surrounded by something
early hours noun early part of the day between midnight and sunrise
harsh adjective (law, rule etc.) very strict, unkind or cruel; (place, sound) unpleasant
iconic adjective famous event etc. that represents an idea, period in history etc.
informer noun someone who gives information secretly to the police, government etc.
meticulous adjective very careful and precise with a lot of attention to detail
sentence noun and verb give a punishment in court (verb); a punishment given in court (noun)