1 - What Is The Nature of Çré Mäyäpura?

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Çré Mäyäpura

This is a collected list of statements made by Çréla Bhaktivinoda Öhäkura

regarding the birth-site of Caitanya Mahäprabhu in Mäyäpura. The source
of these is to be found in the recent publication ‘Çré Bhaktivinoda Väni
Vaibhava’ that was compiled by Çré Sundaränanda Vidyävinoda on the order
of Çréla Bhaktisiddhänta Sarasvaté Öhäkura.

1 – What is the nature of Çré Mäyäpura?

The great holy place of Mäyäpura is a manifestation of Çré Gokula in

this age of Kali, and it is extremely potent. As Paurëamäsé is in charge of
Våndävana, so Çré Prauòämäyä (popularly known as Poòämä) is in charge of
Mäyäpura. Among the seven great holy places, such as Ayodhyä, Haridwära,
and Maya, there is a place known as Mäyätértha situated at Haridwära and
Gauòadesa. The influence of Mäyätértha is that some sinless Muslims who
live there proudly consider our beloved Lord Gauräìga as their own Lord
and treat the devotees of Gauräìga as their friends. (Viñëupriyä Pallé
Magazine Vol. 1)

2 – How eager was Çré Bhaktivinoda Öhäkura to discover the land of

Gauräìga’s birth?

Poor sinful persons like us have become extremely eager to see the
places of the pastimes of the Lord and His associates. When the devotees of
Vraja became very eager to see the places of Çré Kåñëa’s pastimes, Çré
Caitanyadeva, who is the ocean of mercy, empowered Çré Sanätana Prabhu
and showed him the two paddy fields of Çré Rädha-kuëòa and Çré Çyäma-
kuëòa. Now, by the mercy of Çré Sanätana Gosvämé, everyone is relishing
the glory of these two holy places. O dear devotees of Gauräìga who are
present today, such as Çré Jagannätha däsa, we fall at your lotus feet and
pray with folded hands that you take the position of Çré Sanätana Gosvämé
and ascertain the places of Çré Mäyäpura. You are our spiritual master to
whom else will we pray? (Viñëupriyä Pallé Magazine Vol. 1)

3 – What instructions did Çréla Bhaktivinoda Öhäkura receive in this


I felt that as I was spending my days uselessly, I did not accomplish

anything. I thought, “I will build a cottage in a secluded place in the forest
on the banks of the Yamunä in Mathurä and Våndävana, and then I will
worship Kåñëa.”

Once, in the course of my work, I went to Tärakeçvara. When I slept

at night, the Lord appeared and said to me, “Are you planning to go

to Våndävana? What did you do about the work that is pending near
your house in Navadvépa?” (Biography of Öhäkura Bhaktivinoda)

4 – How did Çré Mäyäpura manifest?

Every Saturday I went to Navadvépa and searched for the places of

the Lord’s pastimes, but I did not find anything so I felt great distress. At
that time, the people of Navadvépa were simply interested in filling their
bellies, and they did not make any endeavour to find the places of the
Lord’s pastimes. One evening, myself, Kamal, and a clerk went up on the
roof and were looking around. I saw a brightly shining building on the
other side of the Ganges, on the northern side. The next morning, I went
up to the roof of the queen’s house and carefully looked at that place, and I
noticed that there was a palm tree on that very site. When I inquired from
some people, they said that place was known as Balläladighi where the
remains of Lakñmaëa Sena’s palace were still present.

The following Monday, I went back to Kåñëanagara and then

returned to see Balläladighi on Saturday. Again I saw that wonderful vision.
That night and the next morning I walked to see that place. After inquiring
from the old people who lived there, I understood that it was the birthplace
of Çrémän Mahäprabhu. I gradually visited all the nearby villages, which are
described in Bhakti-ratnäkara of Çré Narahari Öhäkura and Çré Caitanya-
bhägavata of Çré Våndävana däsa Öhäkura. Thereafter, at Kåñëanagara, I
composed the book Çré Navadvépa-dhäma-mähätmya and sent it to Calcutta
for printing. When I explained all these things in detail to Dvarika Bäbu,
and engineer from Krñëänagara, he understood my desire and drew a map
of Navadvépa-maëòala. This map was printed inside the book Çré
Navadvépa-dhäma-mähätmya in a simplified form. (Biography of Öhäkura

5 – What was Çréla Bhaktivinoda’s desire regarding Çré Mäyäpura?

There is a beautiful place on the southern corner of Balläladighi,

where a beautiful temple can be built, and the worship of the Deities of Çré
Gauräìga, Viñëupriyä, and Çacémätä can be performed. As well as Deity
worship, various other activities can be performed, such as providing a
guesthouse for pilgrims. A huge festival in March-April and the protection
of the Lord’s birthplace can easily be carried out. (Viñëupriyä Pallé
Magazine Vol. 1)

6 – In whose heart did the desire to revive Çré Navadvépa-parikramä first


It is the custom that Navadvépa-parikramä should begin from Çré

Mäyäpura. At present there is no place in MÄYÄPURA where pilgrims can
spend the night. The duty of rich householder Vaiñëavas is to build a huge

column at the birthplace of Çrémän Mahäprabhu immediately. A huge flag
and a bright light should be places on top of this column to mark Çré
Jagannätha Miçra’s house. (Viñëupriyä Pallé Magazine Vol. 1)

7 – What is the history of Çré Mäyäpura?

The small villages of Çré Gaìgänagara and Bharadväja Tilä belong to

Antardvépa. The school of Çré Gaìgädäsa Paëòita was situated in
Gaìgänagara. The tract of land that is found on the northeastern side of
Mäyäpura has been there since the time of Çréniväsa Äcärya Prabhu, as
described in Bhakti-ratnäkara. From there one can see the place Suvarëa
Vihära. It is stated in the tantra that this is where Lord Brahmä, the creator
of the universe, performed austerity. Long ago, a small river called Bägdevi
flowed through Antardvépa and the eastern portion of Mäyäpura, down to
the Ganges. At that time, the temple of Prauòhä Mäyä was situated on the
bank of the Bägdevi. Students used to first take bath in the river, and after
presenting their credentials in the Prauòhä Mäyä temple, they received their
academic degrees. A little southeast of Çivadobä, the dry riverbed of the
Bägdevi can still be found. (Viñëupriyä Pallé Magazine Vol. 1)

8 – Did Çréla Bhaktivinoda exhibit intense eagerness to discover the lost

places of Çré Gaura’s pastimes?

O devotees! Give up other desires and thoughts for now and try to
discover the lost places of this great tértha. Your research will not be as
difficult as the research undertaken by astrologers like Bhäskarächärya and
Äryabhaööa. They were mundane scholars. Therefore, while researching
material subjects, they were forced to undergo various difficulties, such as
inventing many material machines. O devotees who are mad after
Nityänanda! You do not belong to this world. If you wish, you can easily do
everything. If you only once fall at the lotus feet of Lord Nityänanda and
pray, you can obtain the transcendental abode of Çvetadvépa, just as you can
get a myrobalan fruit in your hand. If you cry while rolling on the surface of
Païca-tattva’s spiritual abode and exclaim, “O Gauräìga! O Viñëupriyä! O
Lord Nityänanda! O Lord Advaita! O Gadädhara! O Çréniväsa!” then Çré
Païca-tattva will mercifully show you all the places. O Vaiñëavas! Do not
wait any longer. (Viñëupriyä Pallé Magazine Vol. 1)

9 – When the birthplace of Çré Gaura was discovered, how envious were
the professional traders of religion?

When ancient Navadvépa was discovered, the people of modern

Kuliyä, Navadvépa, became very envious. They began to say so many things
and showered various abusive words on the devotees of Gauräìga. But
those who have surrendered their body and mind at the feet of Gauräìga
will not retreat because of the devilish words of such people. Without

paying attention to greedy godless people, Gauräìga’s devotees endeavour
to establish temples and worship the deity. (Biography of Öhäkura

10 – Why can the first Çré Gaura appearance festival of Çré Mäyäpura be
compared to the festival at Kheturi?

The festival At Çré Mäyäpura was so great that, except for the festival
at Kheturi, such a festival had never taken place anywhere. About fifty
thousand people came to Mäyäpura from various distant places to see this
great festival. Only a few selfish people, fearing that the prestige of modern
Navadvépa would be diminished, acted against the improvement of
Navadvépa. But since the Lord’s devotees are well aware of the glories of
Navadvépa, they disregarded the impediments put forth by such people and
expressed great pleasure in visiting Çré Mäyäpura. (Sajjana-Toñaëé 6/1)

11 – Does Mahäprabhu desire to observe the festivals in pomp?

Mahäprabhu does not wish to spend lavishly on the festivals in Çré

Mäyäpura. (Sajjana-Toñaëé 12/1)

12 – What was Çréla Bhaktivinoda’s prediction regarding a future temple

of Çré Mahäprabhu at Yoga-péöha?

A huge and wonderful temple will be constructed at the birthplace

of Mahäprabhu, and the eternal service to Gauräìga will manifest.
(Navadvépa-mähätmya Chapter 5)

13 – Who are the great benefactors of the Vaiñëavas of the future?

Those who are trying their best to keep intact the flow of service to
Çré Mäyäpura will be considered the benefactors of the future world of
Vaiñëavas. (Sajjana-Toñaëé 12/1)

14 – What was Çréla Bhaktivinoda’s prediction regarding Çré Mäyäpura

becoming world famous?

Those who take birth as devotees in various races and in many

distant countries will one day desire to come and see the birthplace of Çré
Mahäprabhu. (Sajjana-Toñaëé 12/1)

15 – What concept did Çréla Bhaktivinoda, a follower of Çré Rüpa, have to

take Çré Gaurasundara to Çré Mäyäpura?

I long to take the Lord back to Mäyäpura where, shining in the dress
of a young boy with long curly hair and His dhoté folded thrice, He
performs pastimes with His young friends in Ésodyäna (His own garden). Of

course, this sannyäsé is my Lord and I am His servant. The different
appearances [of] the Lord are just part of His unlimited pastimes, but still,
my heart longs to take the Lord back to Çréväsa Paëòita’s temple on the
bank of Påthu-kuëòa! (Navadvépa-bhäva-taranga Verse 70/71)

Miscellaneous quotes elsewhere in Çré Bhaktivinoda Väni Vaibhava:

Chapter 4:

25 – What did Çré Bhaktivinoda say about Çréla Jagannätha däsa


O dear devotees of Gauräìga, like Çré Jagannätha däsa, we offer our

respectful obeisances at your feet and pray with folded hands that all of you
may take the position of Çré Sanätana Gosvämé and point out the exact land
of Çré Mäyäpura. Now all of you are our authorities and spiritual masters.
Who else should we approach? (Çré Viñëupriyä Magazine)

Chapter 10:

9 – Where is the place where offences are nullified?

The present city of Navadvépa, formerly known as the village of

Kuliyä, is situated on the western bank of ancient Navadvépa. This is the
place where the offences of Devänanda Paëòita and Gopäla Cäpäla were
nullified. In those days, one had to cross a branch of the Ganges to go from
Vidyänagara to Kuliyä, and to go from Kuliyä to Navadvépa, one had to
cross the main river of Bhägérathi [another name of the Ganges]. Even
today, one can see the ruins of those places, such as Cinäòäìga, which was
formerly situated in Kuliyä and is now known as Kolera Gaïja. (Amåta-
praväha-bhäñya, Caitanya-caritämåta Madhya 1/151)

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