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Concentrated fluosilicic acid is premixed

with concentrated sulfuric acid under super
atmospheric pressure in the essential
absence of a separate vapor phase.

Move the mixture into a container

with a reduced pressure and high
temperature separation zone to SiF4 will be used to concentrate
release a gaseous overhead weaker fluosilicic acid feed
mixture of HF and and SiF4 and stream, and silica is made in this
the liquid bottoms of diluted reaction
sulfuric acid.

Mix the overheated mixture with

a cooler concentrated sulfuric to
selectively absorb the HF.

Transfer the resulting sulfuric acid The diluted sulfuric acid bottoms
to a desorption zone where it is from the separation zone will be
heated to liberate the absorbed used with silica to convert any
HF. entrained HF to SiF4 and water.


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