Fundamentals in Lodging
Fundamentals in Lodging
Fundamentals in Lodging
We envision a graduate who is God-loving, academically competent, civic conscious, environmentally and socially concerned, globally competitive, and
committed to the promotion of peace.
To Educate according to the four-fold objective of shaping good moral character and personality, training for home and family life, preparing for vocation or
profession, and developing aptitude for community participation and leadership.
To Contribute through research and continuous interaction with the community, to the enhancement of the spiritual, social and economic life in the country
and the world at large.
To Lead through pioneering work in the field of gender education, especially on women development. It commits the opening of new avenues towards the
expansion of knowledge and opportunities, and the fostering of humanism and understanding, while at the same time, conserving the wisdom and ideals of the
ages and integrating the valuable inheritance of Filipino personhood.
We believe in the education of the Filipino for useful and responsible personhood in a democratic society. The vision of educating men and women for full
participation in nation building is embodied in the College’s four-fold objectives.
o Development of good moral character and personality
o Training for home and family life
o Preparation for a vocation, career or profession
o Training for community participation and leadership
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Course Description: This course deals with the fundamentals of business organizations and management. The theories and principles of organization and
management, as well as their application in business and industry are thoroughly discussed. The functions of management (Planning, Organizing, Staffing,
Directing and Controlling) and the different forms of business ownership with their strengths and weaknesses form part of the course coverage. The course covers
the benefits derived from entrepreneurship and importance of social responsibility as another goal of business.
respect the diverse philosophies of various religious faith and practices
apply positive values in daily life activities
1. Spiritually Mature
deepen faith and belief in one’s giftedness
lead a moral and ethical life exemplifying the values of honesty, humility and integrity
advocate social transformation with focus on gender empowerment and development
2. Peace-loving value uniqueness and diversity of people and culture in Mindanao and the world
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assimilate peace-loving citizenship
support concern on the protection and preservation of indigenous cultures and their ecosystems
strengthen Filipino family values
preserve and promote Mindanaoan cultural heritage
3. Nationalistic
Raise awareness and concerns on past and current issues in Mindanao
Patronizes and promotes indigenous Filipino products
communicate logically, analytically and tactfully one’s ideas and opinions
prepare for life-long learning in pursuit of personal development and professional practice
4. Globally competitive
create new concepts and ideas using indigenous knowledge, skills, practices and resources in the context of global competence
adapt innovatively to changes in the environment
assume leadership roles in the chosen profession
5. Academically maximize responsibly the use of technology
Proficient apply theoretical learning into practice
innovate, create and re-engineer systems and processes as contribution to economic growth and development
GA/ ILO(please
PLO check)
1 2 3 4 5
1. Articulated and discussed the latest development in the specific field of practice. x x
2. Effectively communicate orally in both written and oral communication in English, Filipino & other appropriate languages. x x
3. Work effectively and independently in multidisciplinary & multicultural team. x x
4. Act in recognition of professional, social, and ethical responsibility. x x
5. Preserve and promote Filipino historical & cultural heritage. x
6. Demonstrate service orientation & commitment to one’s profession. x x
7. Perform hospitality leadership and teamwork skills in creating customer-oriented work environment. x x
8. Show awareness and responsiveness or relevance and emerging trends and issues in hospitality industry. x x
9. Respect specifically in learning cultures of people and languages considered as lingua franca of the world. x x
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10. Manifest creative development potentials on hospitality management which is reflective of 21st century learners and innovators x x
Topic and Required Assessment
Timetable Topic Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Results/
Readings/ References Tasks
Welcome, Course At the end of the topic, the student is able to: Class Discussions Quiz Group presentation
Week 1 Introduction Explain the history and evolution of with Visual Oral Recitation rubric rated by
lodging operations. Presentations Case Studies instructor.
Identify the Characteristics of the Group Activities
HMPC 212 Fundamentals in Lodging Operations September 11, 2019 Revision #: 1 Page 4 of 11
Profile of the Global Lodging Business Library Work Individual Rating of level and
Lodging Industry Classify the Traditional Classifications Individual Reporting Project quality of
(p.7-18, CO1; Article 1) of Lodging Facilities. Group Reporting Group Projects performance and
Performance output
Classification of lodging Task
operations- nationally and Situational analysis
globally rubric
Ch.1, CL1
Week 2 The Front Office At the end of the topic, the student is able to: Class Discussions Quiz Group presentation
department & it’s Explain the basic functions and tasks with Visual Oral Recitation rubric rated by
interaction with other of the Front Office department staffs Presentations Case Studies instructor.
departments and heads. Group Activities Individual
(Ch.3.1, 3.2, 3.6, CL2) Define the Front Office organization Library Work Project Rating of level and
and job descriptions of every member Individual Group Projects quality of
Event Planning and its in the department. Reporting performance and
importance in Lodging Discuss the processes and Group Reporting output
(p.513, CO3) interaction between Front Office Examination
department and other departments. Situational analysis
Define and classify events and its rubric
Describe the functions of event
planners and the skills needed.
Hotel Automated At the end of the topic, the student is able to: Class Discussions Quiz Group presentation
Week 3 Systems Define hotel automated systems. with Visual Oral Recitation rubric rated by
(Ch.2.4, CL2; Ch.13, CL1) Classify the different hotel automated Presentations Case Studies instructor.
systems used specifically in each Group Activities Individual
department. Library Work Project Rating of level and
Individual Group Projects quality of
Reporting Performance performance and
Group Reporting Task output
Situational analysis
HMPC 212 Fundamentals in Lodging Operations September 11, 2019 Revision #: 1 Page 5 of 11
Week 4 Management Contracts & At the end of the topic, the student is able to: Class Discussions with Quiz Group presentation
Franchise Agreements Define management contracts. Visual Presentations Oral Recitation rubric rated by
(p. 44-46, CL1) Classify the different management Case Studies instructor.
contracts used in lodging operations. Group Activities Individual
Project Rating of level and
Library Work Group Projects quality of
Performance performance and
Individual Reporting Task output
Group Reporting Situational analysis
Topic and Required Assessment
Timetable Topic Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Results/
Readings/ References Tasks
Managing Guest Services At the end of the topic, the student is able to: Class Discussions with Quiz Group presentation
Week 5 (Ch. 7, CL1) Define what Total Quality Visual Presentations Oral Recitation rubric rated by
Management is. Case Studies instructor.
Explain the role of Total Quality Group Activities Individual
Management in lodging operations. Project Rating of level and
Discuss the importance of Customer Library Work Group Projects quality of
Relations Management. Performance performance and
Elaborate on how to measure guest Individual Reporting Task output
service. Examination
Group Reporting Situational analysis
Week 6 Marketing and Sales At the end of the topic, the student is able to: Class Discussions with Quiz Group presentation
(Ch. 13; CO3) Define what marketing and sales are. Visual Presentations Oral Recitation rubric rated by
Discuss market research and its Case Studies instructor.
importance. Group Activities Individual
Explain market augmentation and Project Rating of level and
who the target market is. Library Work Group Projects quality of
HMPC 212 Fundamentals in Lodging Operations September 11, 2019 Revision #: 1 Page 6 of 11
Identify the different elements in the Performance performance and
“P” mix. Individual Reporting Task output
Group Reporting Situational analysis
Week 7 Food & Beverage At the end of the topic, the student is able to: Class Discussions with Quiz Group presentation
(Ch. 11, CO3) Discuss the service sequence. Visual Presentations Oral Recitation rubric rated by
Explain the service methods and the Case Studies instructor.
customer process. Group Activities Individual
Identify the roles in food and Project Rating of level and
beverage service. Library Work Group Projects quality of
Elaborate on how to create a Performance performance and
customer care specification. Individual Reporting Task output
Group Reporting Situational analysis
Special Lodging At the end of the topic, the student is able to: Class Discussions with Quiz Group presentation
Week 8 Environments, Timeshare Explain the different special lodging Visual Presentations Oral Recitation rubric rated by
& Vacation Ownership environments. Case Studies instructor.
(p. 38-43, CL1) Identify the different types of Group Activities Individual
ownership of lodging establishments. Project Rating of level and
Discuss condominiums and Library Work Group Projects quality of
timesharing. Performance performance and
Elaborate on joint ventures and Individual Reporting Task output
strategic alliances. Examination
Group Reporting Situational analysis
Topic and Required Assessment
Timetable Topic Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Results/
Readings/ References Tasks
Housekeeping, At the end of the topic, the student is able to: Class Discussions with Quiz Group presentation
Week 9 Maintenance, and Discuss the procedures in organizing Visual Presentations Oral Recitation rubric rated by
HMPC 212 Fundamentals in Lodging Operations September 11, 2019 Revision #: 1 Page 7 of 11
Engineering departments the housekeeping job. Case Studies instructor.
(Ch. 1-4 & 6, CO2) Explain the scope of Public Area Group Activities Individual
Maintenance and the procedures Project Rating of level and
needed to maintain the public are of Library Work Group Projects quality of
lodging establishments. Performance performance and
Elaborate the procedures in cleaning Individual Reporting Task output
and maintaining guestrooms . Examination
Define Linen and Laundry service Group Reporting Situational analysis
and the procedures in performing its rubric
Loss Prevention, Security At the end of the topic, the student is able to: Class Discussions with Quiz Group presentation
Week 10 and Safety Define the general safety and security Visual Presentations Oral Recitation rubric rated by
(p.200, CO2; Ch.7 , CO2) measures for guests. Case Studies instructor.
Explain fire prevention and safety Group Activities Individual
procedures. Project Rating of level and
Identify the measures needed to take Library Work Group Projects quality of
to prevent accidents. Performance performance and
Elaborate the measures in handling Individual Reporting Task output
chemicals and pathogens. Examination
Discuss tips on first aid and security. Group Reporting Situational analysis
Explain measures for prevention of rubric
losses of material assets.
Managing complaints, & At the end of the topic, the student is able to: Class Discussions with Quiz Group presentation
Weeks 11-12 online reviews gaining Discuss the importance of handling Visual Presentations Oral Recitation rubric rated by
competitive edge through guest complaints. Case Studies instructor.
service & online presence Explain the measures that must be Group Activities Individual
(p.202-209, CL1; Article taken to prevent guest complaints. Project Rating of level and
2; Thesis 1) Identify the impacts of social media in Library Work Group Projects quality of
lodging establishments Performance performance and
Elaborate on how to manage online Individual Reporting Task output
reputation. Examination
Group Reporting Situational analysis
HMPC 212 Fundamentals in Lodging Operations September 11, 2019 Revision #: 1 Page 8 of 11
Week 13 Lodging Tour Performance Rating of level and
Task quality of
Examination performance and
Situational analysis
Classic References:
1. Vallen, Gary K., Vallen, Jerome J. (2013). Check-In & Check-Out, Managing Hotel Operations. Pearson, 9th Edition.
2. Andrews, Sudhir (2008). Front Office Management & Operations. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, International Edition
Contemporary References
1. Walker, John P. & Walker, Josielyn T. (2014). Introduction to Hospitality Management. Pearson, 4th Edition.
2. Roldan, Amelia S. & Crespo, Amelia M. (2016). Housekeeping Management. Skills Development & Management Services Inc., Revised Edition 2016.
3. Foskett, David, Paskins, Patricia & Pennington, Andrew (2016) The Theory of Hospitality and Catering. Hodder Education, 13th Edition.
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2. Classes start promptly five minutes after the hour scheduled for the class. A student is considered late if she/he comes five minutes after the start of
classes and is marked absent if she/he is not in the classroom within the first fifteen (15) minutes of one hour period.
3. Three (3) counts of tardiness of fifteen (15) minutes each are equivalent to one absence. Per CHED regulation, absences in a course should not exceed
20 % of the equivalent class hours, or two times the number of meetings per week. In excess of the above, the student shall not be given credit for the
subject, but is given a mark of 5FA (Failure due to absences).
4. The following cases shall be considered excused absences: illness, death in the immediate family, and school representations. Excuse shall be valid
upon the presentation of medical certificate/ letter to the Discipline Officer.
5. Absences from class do not excuse the student from any course requirement, or from any work assigned during the absence. Make-up work or
independent study may be given to the student at the discretion of the faculty member/subject teacher.
6. Approved absences do not count towards the number are those authorized by the Dean/ Program Chairs for participation in Official functions of the
College and those approved by the Coordinator of the official activities of members of school organizations.
B. Examination Policies
1. There are three major examinations during the trimester: Prelim, Midterm and Finals.
2. An exam permit is a prerequisite for the taking of exams. It may be obtained from the Accounting office after the student has settled all his/her accounts
for the corresponding period covered by the exam.
3. A student is required to be in standard uniform with ID during examinations.
4. All examinations shall be taken on the dates and hours scheduled. An equivalent rating of 50% shall be given to student who failed to take the
5. All examinations are to be taken in the classroom assigned for the particular subject. All students are expected to be in the classroom promptly for the
6. Special exams should be taken within one week after the scheduled examinations. A student who takes the special exams should present his/her
permit to the examination proctor. Special exams shall only be given to students who were not able to take the exam due to the following cases:
late payments
death in the immediate family
school presentations
7. Exemptions from taking the examination maybe granted only during the Final Exams upon the discretion of the instructor and the approval of the
Program Chair.
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2. Quizzes 5. Exercises 8. Written Analysis of the Case
3. Prelim, Midterm, Final Exams 6. Reporting
Prepared by:
Program Director
Approved by:
Program Director
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