Carbohydrate Polymers
Carbohydrate Polymers
Carbohydrate Polymers
Carbohydrate Polymers
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Article history: Nanoparticles comprising Alginate/Chitosan polymers were prepared by pregel preparation method
Received 22 December 2008 through drop wise addition of various concentrations of CaCl2 to a defined concentration of Sodium Algi-
Received in revised form 26 January 2009 nate. Then, Chitosan/Antisense solution with a certain N/P ratio was added to the pregel to make the
Accepted 2 February 2009
nanoparticles. The effect of such parameters as polymer ratio, CaCl2/Alginate ratio and N/P ratio on the
Available online 24 February 2009
particle size distribution and loading efficacy was studied. The optimum conditions were 1:1 (w/w) Algi-
nate to Chitosan ratio, 0.2% CaCl2/Alginate ratio and N/P ratio of 5 at pH 5.3. The resulting nanoparticles
had a loading efficacy of 95.6% and average size of 194 nm as confirmed by PCS method and SEM images
showed spherical and smooth particles. The zeta potential of optimized nanoparticles prepared by this
Nanoparticles method was about +30 mV which could result in good stability of nanoparticles during manipulation
Pregel preparing method and storage.
EGFR antisense Crown Copyright Ó 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Experimental design
0144-8617/$ - see front matter Crown Copyright Ó 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
600 T. Gazori et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 77 (2009) 599–606
Alginate–Chitosan polyionic complexes form through ionic 2.2.2. Pregel preparation method
gelation via interactions between the carboxyl groups of Alginate With respect to Alg/Chi ratio a certain amount of Sodium Algi-
and the amine groups of Chitosan. The complex protects the nate stock solution was diluted with 10 ml of filtered deionized
encapsulant, has biocompatible and biodegradable characteristics, water. Then 1 ml of Calcium Chloride solution adjusted to Ca/Alg
and limits the release of encapsulated materials more effectively % ratio was added drop wise to above solution while stirring. The
than either Alginate or Chitosan alone (Yan, Khor, & Lim, 2001). prepared Ca/Alg pregel was stirred for a further 10 min. Chitosan
A further advantage of this delivery system is its non-toxicity, solutions were prepared according to N/P ratios and different
which permits its administration to be repeated as a therapeutic Alg/Chi ratios, as listed in Table 1. Then 5 ll of 100 lM of EGFR
agent. Alginate–Chitosan (Alg/Chi) microspheres or beads have antisense solution was added to it. It was stirred for 10 min to be
been widely studied for the encapsulation of drugs, oligonucleo- complexed, then added drop wise to Calcium Alginate pregel, while
tides, proteins and cells, with promising results (De and Robinson, stirring. In cases where the pregel had large aggregates these were
2003). Despite the attractive properties of this system, its develop- broken up using bath sonicator. The pH of solution was adjusted to
ment and application in the submicron scale has rarely been stud- 5.3 using 0.1 N NaOH solution, and was stirred for further 30 min.
ied (Douglas & Tabrizian, 2005). All samples were centrifuged at 1100 rpm for 15 min to remove
Because of the desirable characteristics and demonstrated suc- any large aggregates prior to analysis. Centrifugation under these
cess of the Alg/Chi system, the development and use of this system conditions allowed aggregates to form pellet, leaving nanoparticles
on the submicron scale and its potential use as a gene carrier needs suspended in the supernatant. The particle suspension was then
to be evaluated. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to opti- centrifuged at 25 °C in the AmiconÒ Ultra-15 (Ultracel-100K) cen-
mize a method for the preparation of Alg/Chi nanoparticles by trifuge tube with 100 kDa cut off at 5000 rpm for 20 min to sepa-
the use of Box–Behnken methodology to design the most appropri- rate free polymers from nanoparticles. Nanoparticles in the
ate preparation method. dialysis tube were evaluated for their size and zeta potential. The
Antisense oligonucleotides (ODNs) targeted to the epidermal solution collected in the outer tube was analyzed spectrophoto-
growth factor receptor (EGFR) was chosen as a single strand nu- metrically for loading efficacy.
cleic acid model which were entrapped in these optimized nano-
particles; a receptor tyrosine kinase proto-oncogene that plays a 2.3. Particle characterization
central role in the initiation and development of several human
malignancies, notably breast, brain, and lung tumors (Arteaga, Nanoparticles size and zeta potential were assessed by photon
2002). For this purpose, Alg/Chi nanoparticles were prepared using correlation spectroscopy (PCS) using a Malvern zeta sizer ZS series
Sodium Alginate and Calcium Chloride and adding Chitosan/Anti- and Scattering Particle Size Analyzer (Malvern Co., UK). For this, a
sense solution to the pregel for preparing nanoparticles. The influ- sample of 2 ml was sonicated for 2 min in the bath sonicator,
ence of various experimental parameters on the formation of placed in the analyzer chamber and measured immediately.
nanoparticles, including different ratios of the biopolymers, Cal- Nanoparticles morphology such as shape and occurrence of
cium Chloride/Alginate (CaCl2/Alg %) and N/P ratios (the stoichiom- aggregation phenomena was studied by SEM. For this, samples of
etric ratio of antisense phosphate groups; P to Chitosan amine nanoparticles were mounted on metal stubs, plating coated under
groups; N) have been investigated. N/P ratio can affect zeta poten- vacuum and then examined on a LEO1455 VP (10 kV Cambridge)
tial, particle size, loading efficacy and also transfection efficacy of scanning electron microscopy.
antisense oligonucleotides (Kim & Kim, 2007), the subject is in pro-
gress in my study and will be reported in our future paper. The 2.4. Loading efficacy
nanoparticulate formulation of EGFR antisense was optimized
using design of experiments by employing response surface For quantitative determination of ODNs loading, samples were
methodology. centrifuged in an AmiconÒ Ultra-15 (Ultracel-100K Millipore Co.,
Response surface methodology determines the optimum level USA) with a molecular weight cut off of 100 kDa to remove free
of each factor by building a mathematical model. Optimization of molecules of polymer and ODNs as well, which are not loaded in
particle size and loading efficacy as the responses were carried the particles. The placebo particles were prepared separately to
out by Box–Behnken response surface methodology. use as blank solution in subsequent spectrophotometrical analysis.
Samples were centrifuged in AmiconÒ Ultra-15 (Ultracel-100K) for
2. Materials and methods 20 min at 5000 rpm, and then the absorbance of the solutions in
the tubes was measured at 260 nm using a UV/VIS spectrophotom-
2.1. Materials eter (Jasco V-530, Jasco Co., Japan). The amount of ODN associated
with the nanoparticles was calculated by the difference between
Sodium Alginate (BDH Co., UK), low molecular weight Chitosan the initial amount of ODN added to the Chitosan and the amount
(Sigma–Aldrich Co., Germany), and Calcium Chloride (Merck KGaA measured in the supernatant. The following equation was used to
Co., Germany), EGFR Phosphorothioated 21 mer antisense 50 (TTT determine the loading efficacy of the nanoparticles:
were purchased and used as received.
Table 1
Variables used in Box–Behnken experimental design.
2.2. Nanoparticle preparation
Independent variables Symbol Levels
Stock solution of Sodium Alginate and Calcium Chloride was Polymer A 0.5 0.75 1.0
prepared by dissolving 500 mg of each material in 50 ml of deion- CaCl2 B 0.1 0.2 0.3
N/P C 5 15 25
ized water, respectively. Five hundred milligrams of Chitosan was
then dissolved in 50 ml of 1% (V/V) acetic acid. Freeze dried powder Dependent variables Units Constraints
of EGFR antisense was dissolved with DEPC (diethylpyrocarbonate)
Y1 = particle size nm Minimize
treated water to make a 100 lM stock solution. All the stock solu- Y2 = loading % Maximize
tions were filtered (0.22 lm syringe filter) prior to use.
T. Gazori et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 77 (2009) 599–606 601
ODNtotal ODNsupernant The mathematical relationship of the responses (Y1, Y2) (particle
Loading efficacy ðLE%Þ ¼ 100 ð1Þ
ODNtotal size and loading efficacy) and the independent variables (Xi) were
modeled by a second-order polynomial function as follows:
Douglas and Tabrizian (2005).
Y ¼ b0 þ b1 X 1 þ b2 X 2 þ b3 X 3 þ b11 X 21 þ b22 X 22 þ b33 X 23
2.5. FTIR analysis
þ b12 X 1 X 2 þ b13 X 1 X 3 þ b23 X 2 X 3 ð2Þ
FTIR spectra were obtained using 8400S (Shimadzu Co., Japan)
where Y is the predicted response, b0, intercept, b1, b2 and b3, linear
FTIR- spectrometer. Samples were dried in a vacuum desiccator,
coefficients, b11, b22 and b33, squared coefficients and b12, b13 and
mixed with micronised KBr powder and compressed into discs
b23, the interaction coefficients of the equation and X1, X2 and X3
using a manual tablet press.
are the independent variables. Using this equation, it is possible
to evaluate the linear, quadratic and interactive effects of the inde-
2.6. DSC analysis
pendent variables on the responses appropriately.
The statistical analysis of the data through regression model
DSC thermograms were obtained using (Shimadzu Co., Japan)
and plotting the response surface graphs were achieved by De-
DSC-60 system. Samples were dried in a vacuum desiccator,
sign-Expert. ANOVA through Fisher’s test evaluated the significant
2.0 mg of the dried powder crimped in a standard aluminum pan
effect of the independent variables on the responses and fitted by
and heated from 20 to 350 °C at a heating rate of 10 °C/min under
p-value <0.05. The quality indicators for the fitness of the second-
constant purging of nitrogen.
order polynomial model equation evaluated by multiple correla-
tion coefficients (R2) and adjusted R2. In order to show the relation-
2.7. Experimental design
ship and interaction between the coded variables and the response
graphically, the three-dimensional surface plot or contour plots
Response surface methodology (RSM) as a statistical and math-
were employed in this study. Both numerical and grid searches
ematical method fit the experimental data to the model for optimi-
in whole experimental regions were employed to find the opti-
zation processes (Myers & Montgomery, 2002). A response surface
mized formulations by considering the constraints in which the
method, Box–Behnken experimental design (Box & Behnken, 1960)
particle size is in its minimum and loading efficacy (%) in maxi-
can be used to evaluate the relationship between the independent
mum levels. Consequently, five optimized checkpoint formulations
variables and their responses as well as their interactions in an
were prepared and the experimental responses were compared by
effective model. In addition, this kind of experimental design can
the predicted values obtained by the equation to evaluate the pre-
detect the curvature in the response, appropriately. Box–Behnken
cision of the model.
design needs only three levels in comparison to five levels of cen-
tral composite design. Therefore, less experiment needs to be car-
ried out.
3. Results and discussion
Independent variables, including (Alg/Chi) ratio (A), CaCl2/Alg
(%) (B) and N/P ratio (C) were defined in three levels (low, basal
3.1. Nanoparticle size
and high) coded: (, 0, +). According to the Box–Behnken design
generated by Design-Expert (Version 7.0.0, Stat-Ease, Inc., Minne-
Nanoparticles ranging from 194 to 1435 nm were obtained
apolis, MN, USA), 17 experiments including 12 factorial points with
through different 17 designed experiments in this study (Table
five replicates at the center point for estimation of pure error sum
2). SEM of spherical nanoparticles is shown in Fig. 1.
of squares were employed. The codes, ranges of levels of the inde-
Nanoparticles were prepared by three different ratios of Alg/Chi,
pendent variables and the design matrix in coded were shown in
Calcium Chloride/Alginate (CaCl2/Alg) and N/P whilst pH was set at
Tables 1 and 2, respectively. In Table 2, the values (Y1) and (Y2)
5.3 in all the experiments as Chitosan is intrinsically poorly water
for each run are the average of three responses.
soluble at neutral or alkaline pH, so its solution was prepared in
acidic pH. Chitosan is likely to precipitate out from solution upon
addition of an Alginate in higher pH, resulting in less Chitosan
available for nanoparticles formation. While the pKa of Chitosan
Table 2 is known to be 6.5 (Chellat et al., 2000), an Alginate solution of neu-
Box–Behnken experimental design in various runs and the correspondent response. tral pH, upon addition, would result in the majority of amine
Run no. Independent variables Dependent variables groups of Chitosan being unprotonated and, therefore, unable to
A B C Y1 Y2 participate in ionic interactions with Alginate. A few protonated
Particle size (nm) Loading efficacy (%) groups available for interaction would result in weaker electro-
1 0 0 0 906 46.7
static interactions with the Alginate gel, leading to larger particle
2 0 1 1 1090 44.5 sizes to be produced. Using an Alginate solution with a slightly
3 1 0 1 888 37.3 lower pH 5.3 resolves these problems by allowing a stronger inter-
4 1 1 0 721 70.3 action between Chitosan and Alginate, leading to the formation of
5 1 1 0 315 97.8
more compact nanoparticles (Douglas & Tabrizian, 2005). Some
6 1 0 1 194 95.6
7 1 0 1 430 66.5 other researchers investigating Chitosan for the preparation of
8 0 1 1 749 97.8 nanoparticles, microparticles and polyionic systems have reported
9 0 0 0 448 100.0 working around the same pH (5.0–6.3) (Barichello et al., 1999;
10 0 1 1 414 98.9 Chellat et al., 2000; Douglas & Tabrizian, 2005).Within this range
11 0 0 0 1435 75.8
12 1 0 1 439 100.0
the carboxyl group of the Alginate is ionized and the amine group
13 1 1 0 800 85.2 of the Chitosan is protonated, which is most important for opti-
14 0 0 0 548 85.7 mum interaction and the polyionic complex formation. Similar
15 0 0 0 777 83.0 observations have been reported in the formation of other polyion-
16 1 1 0 954 81.3
ic complexes containing Chitosan (Sarmento, Ferreira, Veiga, &
17 0 1 1 750 83.5
Ribeiro, 2006).
602 T. Gazori et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 77 (2009) 599–606
3.2. Determination of zeta potential where Y1 is the particle size, X2 and X3 are CaCl2/Alg and N/P ratio,
respectively. As Table 3 shows, the coefficient of determination
The stability of many colloidal systems is directly related to the (R2) and adjusted R2 of this model were 0.84 and 0.76, respec-
magnitude of their zeta potential. In general, if the value of the par- tively. This means that, 84% variability in the response will be ex-
ticle zeta potential is large, the colloidal system will be stable. Con- plained by this model. When loading efficacy was considered as
versely, if the particle zeta potential is relatively small, the the response the results were much better. R2 and adjusted R2 of
colloidal system will agglomerate. The surface charge of the parti- this model were 0.996 and 0.992, respectively (Table 4). Therefore,
cles is of substantial importance in all the production steps of these the similarity between R2 and adjusted R2 shows the adequacy of
particles because the efficiency of the different steps is directly re- the model to predict the response by optimization process. The
lated to the establishment of electrostatic interactions. predicted R2 with the value of 0.972 showed very good agreement
Zeta potential of all the nanoparticles prepared was measured between the predicted value using the model and the experimen-
by Malvern zeta sizer ZS (data not shown). Nanoparticles which tal data. In addition, the coefficient value of variation (CV% = 2.27)
were prepared by Alg/Chi ratio 1:1 showed zeta potential of about which was an estimate of the standard deviation associated with
+30 mV. This relatively high positive value was due to cationic nat- experiment around the mean, showed more precision and reliabil-
ure of Chitosan and Alg/Chi ratio (De and Robinson, 2003; Douglas ity of the model. The plot of studentized residual versus the values
& Tabrizian, 2005). predicted by the model showed no trend which indicating the
Thus it has been suggested that the nanoparticles which were homogeneity of variance in the data and absence of outliers in
prepared in optimum condition and mentioned above may be a the experimental data (not shown). Hence, it can be concluded
good candidate for the delivery of oligonucleotide molecules be- that the following full quadratic second-order polynomial equation
cause of their positive zeta potential leading them to bind with was adequate to model the loading efficacy over the independent
these molecules. variable ranges in this study:
Table 3
The analysis of variance table for particle size as the response (Y1).
Table 4
The analysis of variance table for loading efficacy as the response (Y2).
Y 2 ¼ 83:72 þ 7:49X 1 þ 4:95X 2 6:53X 3 þ 8:80X 1 X 2 densed (Kim & Kim, 2007). Saturation of nanoparticles with
positive surface charge may be the cause of increasing size of nano-
þ 8:39X 1 X 3 þ 6:32X 2 X 3 19:15X 21 14:89X 22
particles with increasing N/P ratios. Kim and Kim also reported
þ 24:85X 23 ð4Þ that in the case of water soluble Chitosan-based nanoparticles
loaded with IL-5 AS-ODN, particle size increased with increasing
where Y2 is loading efficacy, X1 is the polymer ratio, X2 is the CaCl2/ N/P ratio from 1 to 10.
Alginate (%) and X3 is the N/P ratio. The effect of Alg/Chi ratio and interaction effect of Alg/Chi
The 3D response surfaces plotted by Design-Expert software of and N/P ratios was not statistically significant (p > 0.05)
the independent variables on both responses (Y1 and Y2) are shown (Fig. 2a). For the preparation of nanoparticles, polymers weight
in Figs. 2 and 3a–c. In each plot, the interaction of two variables was ratios were selected according that reported by Douglas and
investigated simultaneously while the third one was in its middle co-workers (2005) to ensure that all batches of Alg/Chi nano-
level value. As a result, in Fig. 2a, the response surface showed a cur- spheres had submicron size with the smallest possible size
vature along the CaCl2 axis which indicates the statistical signifi- (Alg/Chi ratios of 1, 0.75 and 0.5). Within this range the func-
cance of quadratic coefficients of CaCl2/Alg in the model, while tional groups of the polymers were coincided to their stoichiom-
the polymer ratio seems to have no significant effect on the particle etric proportion. It was also reported that molecular weight of
size. The reduction of particle size with increasing CaCl2 amount re- polymers had a great influence on particle size and that the
acted with Alginate, from 0.1% to 0.2% was in line with the initial 1:1 polymer ratio at pH 5.3 could result in the smallest nanopar-
hypothesis and can be explained by what is known about the inter- ticle size. Furthermore, the 1:1.5 and 1.5:1 ratios also resulted in
action between Alginate and divalent cations. These cations bind small size compared to the other ratios they used, but in this
preferentially with guluronic acid blocks of the Alginate macromol- study there was no significant difference between the ratios of
ecule due to their ‘‘Zig-Zag” structure that can more readily accom- 1, 0.75 and 0.5.
modate those (Cafaggi et al., 2007). De and Robinson (2003) In Fig. 2c the curvature in both variables was quite obvious
reported that insufficient interaction occurred below a mass ratio while, the direction of these curvatures was different. This could
of (CaCl2/Alg 0.2%) to cause detectable gelation or microparticle for- be predicted from the sign of X22 and X32 in Eq. (1). The convex
mation occurred. In their study the mass ratio region of 0.2–0.6%, shape of the plot shown in Fig. 3a indicates that we could find
there was a sigmoidal increase in turbidity this is the region where the optimum value (maximum value) for the response in the range
maximum aggregation and gelation occurs due to cooperative bind- of variables studied. The loading efficacy increased when both Alg/
ing between Calcium ions and the Guluronic and Mannuronic acid Chi ratio and CaCl2/Alg % increase to reach a maximum and then
residues. While this weight ratio region is necessary to prepare decreased at the combination of the high level of variables. This
microspheres, it prevented the formation of nanospheres. It has observation may be caused by decreasing capacity of nanoparticles
been postulated that the pregel state was necessary to enable the to encapsulate ODNs. Reducing the Alg/Chi ratio could cause
ionic interactions between Alginate and Chitosan to form nano- decreasing electrostatic attraction and increasing Alg/Chi ratio
sphere. Formation of nanospheres required a low concentration of could lead to aggregation, so the optimum ratio needs to be found
CaCl2 (less than 0.2% mass ratio) to form the negatively charged, to obtain the highest loading efficacy.
Calcium Alginate pregel that was subsequently enveloped by the Motwani et al. (2008) also reported that Chitosan concentration
positively charged Chitosan. Cationic polymers restrict further had a negative effect on the loading efficacy, because at higher con-
cooperative binding between Calcium and Alginate ions. centrations Chitosan led to the formation of aggregates upon addi-
As shown in Fig. 2b, the minimum levels of particle size were tion of Alginate.
measured near low levels of both Alg/Chi and N/P ratio. Increasing Fig. 3b shows that N/P ratio also affected the loading efficacy;
N/P ratio from 5 to 25 led to an increase in particle size from 315 it means that loading efficacy could be decreased from 97.8 to
to749 nm. The zeta potential of nanoparticles at N/P ratio of 5 66.45 (%) with increasing the N/P ratio from 5 to 25. This may
was 25 mV. It was also reported that the zeta potential of nanopar- be due to increasing particle size with increasing N/P ratio which
ticles increases in an N/P ratio-dependent manner. Briefly, all the was discussed above. With particle size reduction, the effective
nanoparticles appeared to have a positive surface charge and the surface area increases, resulting in ODNs binding more efficiently
zeta potential value above an N/P ratio of 5 was saturated. They re- to the particles and leading to improvement in the loading
ported that at N/P ratio of 5, ODN molecules were completely con- efficacy.
604 T. Gazori et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 77 (2009) 599–606
Fig. 4. Thermograms of Alginate, Chitosan, Alginate/Chitosan mixture and nanoparticles produced with 1:1 Alg/Chi ratio, 0.2% Ca/Alg ratio, 0.2% Ca/Alg ratio.
2005). As a result, there were changes in the absorption bands of polyelectrolytes, which was interpreted as an interaction between
amino groups, carboxylic groups, and amide bonds in FTIR spectra. both components (Riberio, Silva, Ferreira, & Vega, 2005; Sarmento
Consequently, after complexation with Chitosan Alginate carboxyl et al., 2006).
peaks near 1631, and 1425 cm1 broaden and shift slightly from
1650 to 1610 cm1 and 1411 cm1, respectively. The FTIR spec-
4. Conclusion
trum of Chitosan also showed a peak of amide bond at
1650 cm1 and a strong protonated amino peak at 1596 cm1 be-
Preparation and optimization of Alg/Chi nanoparticles were the
cause it is obtained from partial N-deacetylation of chitin. How-
goals of this study. Some parameters like Alg/Chi ratio, CaCl2/Algi-
ever, both peaks were shifted after complexation with Alginate,
nate (%) ratio and N/P ratio that can affect the size and loading effi-
the amide peak into singlet bond at 1610 cm1 and the amino peak
cacy of these particles were identified. the optimum conditions for
to 1534 cm1 (figure not shown). Observed changes in the absorp-
preparation of Alginate–Chitosan nanoparticles was Alg/Chi ratio
tion bands of the amino groups, carboxyl groups, and amide bonds
of 1, CaCl2/Alg ratio of 0.2% and N/P ratio of 5 at pH 5.3. DSC can
could be attributed to an ionic interaction between the carbonyl
successfully be used to characterize the nanoparticles made up
group of Alginate and the amide group of Chitosan (Sarmento
by polyelectrolyte complexes and in our study it was shown that
et al., 2006).
an interaction takes place between polyelectrolytes to make nano-
particles. Because of the positive zeta potential of the smallest
3.6. DSC evaluation
nanoparticles which were made as part of this study and their good
loading efficacy 95.6 (%), these nanoparticles are promising for
DSC thermogram of Chitosan showed an initial endothermic
their application in gene delivery which is the main goal of our fu-
peak at 82.49 °C and a higher exothermic peak at 308.03 °C
ture study.
(Fig. 4). Alginate showed an initial endothermic peak at 78.94 °C
and exothermic peak at 224.27, 247.13, and 260.73 °C. Endother-
mic peaks were correlated with loss of water associated to hydro-
philic groups of polymers while exothermic peaks result from
The authors wish to thank the vice-chancellor in research affairs
degradation of polyelectrolytes due to dehydration and depoly-
of Tehran University of Medidical sciences for financial support of
merisation reactions most probably to the partial decarboxylation this investigation.
of the protonated carboxylic groups and oxidation reactions of the
polyelectrolytes. References
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