Unit 19 Gearing
Unit 19 Gearing
Unit 19 Gearing
Gearing is the use of toothed wheels for transmitting rotary or reciprocating motion from one
machine element to another. The principal forms of toothed gearing are spur gearing, helical
gearing, bevel gearing and worm gearing.
SPUR GEARING. Spur gears are used for transmitting power between parallel shafts which
then rotate in opposite directions. Their teeth are cut parallel to the axis of the shaft on which
the gears are mounted. The smaller of the two gears in mesh is called the PINION, and the
larger is customarily designated as the GEAR. In most applications the pinion is the driving
element whereas the gear is the driven element.
HELICAL GEARING. For high pitch-line velocities and heavy loads, some form of „twisted
tooth“ gear is generally used. Two important types are helical gears and double-helical or
herringbone gears. Both helical and herringbone gears are essentially spur gears with teeth
twisted across the face in the form of a helix about the axis of rotation.
Whereas spur gears have their teeth cut parallel to the gear axis, helical gear teeth are cut in
the form of helices making a constant angle with respect to the gear axis, one gear having a
right-hand helix, and the mating gear having a left-hand helix.
Unit 19
Dok valjkasti zupčanici imaju zube narezane paralelno osi zupčanika, zubi helikoidnog
zupčanika su narezani u obliku zavojnica tvoreći konstantan ugao u odnosu na osu zupčanika,
pri tome jedan zupčanik ima desnu zavojnicu, a spregnuti zupčanik lijevu zavojnicu.
When spur gear teeth engage, the contact extends across the entire tooth on a line parallel to
the axis of rotation, and may result in excessive noise and high impact stresses at high speeds.
In helical gear engagement, contact begins at one end of the entering tooth and gradually
extends along a diagonal line across the tooth face as the gears rotate. The gradual
engagement and load application reduce the noise and the dynamic stress so that the helical
gears may be operated at higher speeds and can sustain greater tangential loads than spur
gears of the same size.
Kada se zubi valjkastog zupčanika spregnu, kontakt se proširuje preko cijelog zuba na liniji
paralelnoj sa osom rotacije, i može rezultovati prekomjernom bukom i velikim udarnim
opterecenjima pri velikim brzinama. Pri sprezanju helikoidnih zupčanika, kontakt počinje na
jednom kraju ulaznog zuba i postepeno se proširuje duž dijagonalne linije preko površine
zuba dok se zupčanici obrću. Postepeno sprezanje i dejstvo opterećenja reduciraju buku i
dinamički napon, tako da helikoidni zupčanici mogu funkcionisati pri većim brzinama i mogu
izdržati veća tangencijalna opterećenja nego valjkasti zupčanici iste veličine.
BEVEL GEARING. Bevel gears are used to transmit power between non-parallel,
intersecting shafts. Whereas the gears discussed to this point were cut or cast on cylindrical
pitch surfaces, bevel gears are cut on conical pitch surfaces. The shafts intersect at any angle,
with external or internal contact between the bevel gears. The simplest bevel gears are
straight-tooth bevel gears. The name is derived from the fact that the teeth are cut straight,
have a taper (tejper), and if extended inward, would intersect each other at the axis.
Unit 19
Straight-(tooth) bevel gears are used primarily for relatively low speed applications with pitch
line velocities up to 1000 ft/min and where smoothness and quietness are not an important
consideration. Spiral-(tooth) bevel gears have teeth cut in the arc of a spiral across the gear
face, and bear the same relation to straight bevel gears that helical gears do to spur gears. This
construction results in a larger number of teeth in contact than in straight-tooth bevel gearing,
and like helical gearing, permits higher pitch-line velocities and greater load-carrying
capacities for the same occupied space. They are often used to replace straight-tooth bevel
gear sets.
Pravozubi konični zupčanici se prvenstveno koriste za primjene pri relativno malim brzinama
sa kinematskim linijama brzina (obodnim brzinama) do 1000 stopa/min i tamo gdje glatkoća i
bešumnost nisu važni za razmatranje.
Krivozubi konični zupčanici imaju zube narezane u zavojnom luku preko čeone površine
zupčanika i imaju isti odnos sa pravozubim koničnim zupčanicima kao što helikoidni
zupčanici imaju sa valjkastim. Ovakva konstrukcija rezultuje većim brojem zuba u kontaktu
nego što je to slučaj kod pravozubih koničnih zupčanika i poput helikoidnih zupčanika,
dozvoljava veće brzine kinematskih linija/ obodne brzine i veće kapacitete nosivosti za isti
zauzeti prostor. Često se koriste za zamjenu kompleta (garniture) pravozubih koničnih
WORM GEARING. Screw gearing or worm gearing is used to transmit power between shafts
with perpendicular, non-intersecting axes.
A worm gear set consists of the worm, which is very similar to a screw, and the worm gear,
which is a helical gear. The shafts upon which the worm and the gear are mounted are usually
90° apart. One of the advantages associated with the use of worm gears is that the tooth
engagement occurs without the shock prevalent in other gear types. In fact the meshing of two
teeth occurs with a sliding action which, while resulting in very quiet operation, may produce
PUŽNI ZUPČANICI. Pužni zupčanici ili vijčani zupčanici se koriste za prijenos snage
između vratila sa okomitim osama koje se ne sijeku. (nesjekućim)
Unit 19
Komplet (garnitura, set) pužnih zupčanika sastoji se od puža, koji je veoma sličan vijku bez
navrtke i pužnog zupčanika, koji je helikoidni zupčanik. Vratila na kojim su puž i zupčanik
montirani su obično razdvojena za 90 stepeni. Jedna od prednosti, povezanih s korištenjem
pužnih zupčanika jeste ta da se sprezanje zuba dešava bez udara koji prevladava kod drugih
vrsta zupčanika. Zapravo, sprezanje dva zuba dešava se uz klizni zahvat koji, iako rezultuje
veoma tihim radom, može izazvati pregrijavanje.
The terminology used to describe the worm is very much like that used in discussing screws.
The axial pitch of the worm is the distance between corresponding points on adjacent teeth,
and the lead is the axial distance the worm advances during one revolution of the worm. A
triple-threaded worm has a lead equal to three times the pitch; in a single-threaded worm the
lead and pitch are alike.
Terminologija koja se koristi za opisivanje puža veoma je slična onoj koja se koristi pri
diskutovanju o vijcima bez navrtke. Aksijalni korak puža je udaljenost između odgovarajućih
tačaka na susjednim zubima a zavojnica je aksijalna udaljenost koju puž pređe pri jednom
obrtaju. Puž sa trostrukim navojem ima hod koji je jednak trostrukom koraku; kod puža sa
jednim navojem, hod navoja i korak su jednaki.
GEAR TRAIN. Two or more gears, transmitting motion from one shaft to another, constitute
a gear train.
ZUPČASTI PRENOSNIK. Dva ili više zupčanika, koji prenose kretanje sa jednog vratila na
drugo, čine zupčasti prenosnik.
Unit 19
mora održavati uljni film između zuba i također mora odvesti toplotu trenja, posebno sa
manjeg/pogonskog zupčanika koji, što ima veći broj kontakata u minuti, teži bržem
zagrijavnju nego veći zupčanik.
The lubricant must be thin enough to penetrate the space between the teeth and heavy enough
that the pressure will not break the oil film. Oil should be kept clean, since grit and metal dust
carried in suspension in the oil will cause abrasive action on the tooth surface. With proper
lubrication and correct alignment, a good pair of gears will have an indefinite life.
Mazivo mora biti dovoljno tanko da prodre u prostor između zuba i dovoljno teško da pritisak
ne može prekinuti uljni film. Ulje treba održavati čistim, jer će pijesak i metalna prašina,
unešeni u suspenziji u ulju, izazvati abrazivno djelovanje na površini zuba. Uz pravilno
podmazivanje i korektnu podešenost, dobar par zupčanika će imati neograničen vijek trajanja.