Exothermic Dark Matter For XENON1T Excess: Hyun Min Lee

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Published for SISSA by Springer

Received: July 1, 2020

Revised: October 11, 2020
Accepted: December 30, 2020
Published: January 5, 2021

Exothermic dark matter for XENON1T excess

Hyun Min Lee
Department of Physics, Chung-Ang University,
Seoul 06974, Korea
CERN, Theory department,
1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland

E-mail: hminlee@cau.ac.kr

Abstract: Motivated by the recent excess in the electron recoil from XENON1T exper-
iment, we consider the possibility of exothermic dark matter, which is composed of two
states with mass splitting. The heavier state down-scatters off the electron into the lighter
state, making an appropriate recoil energy required for the Xenon excess even for the
standard Maxwellian velocity distribution of dark matter. Accordingly, we determine the
mass difference between two component states of dark matter to the peak electron recoil
energy at about 2.5 keV up to the detector resolution, accounting for the recoil events over
ER = 2 − 3 keV, which are most significant. We include the effects of the phase-space
enhancement and the atomic excitation factor to calculate the required scattering cross
section for the Xenon excess. We discuss the implications of dark matter interactions in
the effective theory for exothermic dark matter and a massive Z 0 mediator and provide
microscopic models realizing the required dark matter and electron couplings to Z 0 .

Keywords: Beyond Standard Model, Cosmology of Theories beyond the SM, Effective
Field Theories, Gauge Symmetry

ArXiv ePrint: 2006.13183

Open Access, c The Authors.

Article funded by SCOAP3 .

1 Introduction 1

2 Exothermic dark matter and electron recoil 2

2.1 Kinematics for exothermic dark matter 2
2.1.1 Heavy dark matter 4
2.1.2 Light dark matter 5

2.2 The event rate for electron recoil 6

3 The effective theory for exothermic dark matter 8

3.1 The effective interactions and the Xenon excess 8
3.2 Dark matter annihilation and relic density 10

4 Microscopic models 13
4.1 Z 0 -portal 15
4.2 Vector-like lepton portal 16

5 Conclusions 17

1 Introduction

The nature of dark matter has been a long standing mystery for astrophysics and particle
physics. Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) have been searched for in various
direct detection, cosmic-ray as well as collider experiments, and the indirect probe or
constraint from the early Universe and the intensity frontier has expanded the WIMP
paradigm beyond weak scale.
Quite recently, a tantalizing hint has been announced for the potential dark mat-
ter signals from the electron recoil events in the recoil energy, ER = 1 − 10 keV, from
XENON1T experiment [1]. The origin of the Xenon excess has attracted interest from
several groups [2–17]. A simple explanation with the solar axion or the neutrino magnetic
dipole moment has been put forward from the XENON1T collaboration, but both cases are
inconsistent with the star cooling constraints, because the electron coupling to the axion
or the neutrino magnetic dipole moment required for the Xenon excess exceeds them by
the order of magnitude [1].
In this article, we consider the possibility that exothermic dark matter transits from
the heavy state to the light state in the event of the scattering with the electron. This
possibility was already discussed in a different context in the literature with a motivation
to explain the annual modulation signal at DAMA/LIBRA [18–20]. In this scenario, the
down-scattering of dark matter makes the recoiled energy of the electron much larger than

the one inferred from the elastic scattering between the non-relativistic dark matter in
the standard halo model and the electron. We discuss the details of the kinematics of
exothermic dark matter and calculate the scattering cross section for the Xenon events by
including the phase-space enhancement for inelastic scattering and the atomic excitation
factor for a small momentum transfer between dark matter and electron. We infer the
required scattering cross section for dark matter as a function of dark matter mass at a
fixed recoil energy near ER = 2 − 3 keV up to the detector resolution. We remark that
there was a recent discussion on the monochromatic electron recoil spectrum in the case of
3 → 2 inelastic scattering between dark matter and electron [21].
We also provide the model-independent discussion with a massive Z 0 mediator on the

effective model parameters explaining the Xenon excess and the dark matter relic density.
We develop it for microscopic origins of the dark matter transition as well as the electron
coupling, based on the Z 0 -portal and the vector-like lepton portal.
A similar idea has been discussed in ref. [5] while this article is being finalized. Our
results agree with theirs and complement with the detailed dynamics of exothermic dark
matter such as the phase-space enhancement, the constraints from dark matter relic density,
and concrete microscopic models realizing the scenario.

2 Exothermic dark matter and electron recoil

In this section, we begin with the kinematics for exothermic dark matter in the case of down-
scattering off the electron. Then, we calculate the event rate for the electron recoil in the
Xenon atoms by including the phase-space enhancement and the atomic excitation factor.

2.1 Kinematics for exothermic dark matter

We first consider the inelastic scattering between dark matter and electron, χ1 e → χ2 e,
where two dark fermions, χ1 and χ2 , have a small mass difference, ∆m = mχ1 − mχ2 > 0,
which is the exothermal condition for the transition in the dark matter states. We assume
that only χ1 or both χ1 and χ2 account for the observed relic density for dark matter. The
up-scattering process, χ2 e → χ1 e, is also possible if kinematically allowed in the tail of the
dark matter velocity distribution, for instance, at v ∼ 0.1 for ∆m ∼ keV. But, we regard
the up-scattering process as being effectively forbidden for the standard halo model. Thus,
we focus on the down-scattering process, χ1 e → χ2 e, in the following discussion.
The electrons bound to Xenon atoms need the ionization energy to be excited to free
electrons, and they carry a nonzero velocity, ve ∼ Zeff α ∼ 10−2 , where Zeff = 1 for outer
shell electrons and it is larger for inner shells. Moreover, since electrons are bound to the
atom, the entire atom recoils. In this case, the energy transferred to the electron can be
obtained in terms of the energy lost in the dark matter and the nuclear recoil energy [22],
as follows,

∆Ee = −∆EDM − ∆EN

1 mχ 1 2 mχ 1 ~q2
= ∆m 1 − v + ~q · ~v −
2 mχ 2 mχ 2 2µχ2 N

2 2
1 mχ 1 2 1 mχ1 1 mχ1
= ∆m 1 − v − ~q − µχ N ~v + µχ2 N v2
2 mχ 2 2µχ2 N mχ2 2 2 mχ2
1 mχ 1 2 1 mχ1
≤ ∆m 1 − v + µχ2 N v2 (2.1)
2 mχ 2 2 mχ2
where µχ2 N is the reduced mass for dark matter χ2 and the nucleus, µχ2 N =
mχ2 mN /(mχ2 +mN ). Thus, the electron recoil energy is maximized if ~q = mχχ1 µχ2 N ~v . Due
to the bound electrons, the recoil energy of the ionized electron is given by ER = ∆Ee −EBi
where EBi is the binding energy of the electron. We note that there is a crucial difference
from the elastic scattering, in that the upper bound on the electron energy is increased by

the mass difference between dark matter components.
For ∆m = 0, the typical momentum transfer in the elastic scattering between dark
matter and electron is given by qtyp ∼ µχe vrel ∼ me ve ∼ Zeff (4 keV) for mχ & 1 MeV.
But, for ∆m 6= 0, the approximate momentum transfer given by eq. (2.12) becomes almost
independent of the velocity and q 2 ∼ me ∆m  qtyp 2 ∼ m2 v 2 for ∆m  m v 2 ∼ 0.05 keV.
e e e e
Then, we can also ignore the nuclear recoil energy in the above formula (2.1), because
∆EN = 2µq~χ N ∼ mmχe (∆m)  ∆m for me  mχ2 < mN .
2 2
In the following discussion, we include a nonzero velocity of electron in the lab frame
and ignore the nuclear recoil effects to show the salient effect of the mass splitting for the
electron recoil energy. We take the electron and dark matter χ1 to have nonzero velocities
in the lab frame, ve and v, respectively, then their initial kinetic energies are given by
Ee = 12 me ve2 and E0 = 12 mχ1 v 2 . From the energy conservation, the total energy after
scattering satisfies the following relation,
p2 p2
mχ2 + + cm = mχ1 + E0 + Ee (2.2)
2M2 2µ2
where µ2 is the reduced mass of the dark matter-electron system after scattering, given by
µ2 = me mχ2 /(me + mχ2 ), and M2 = me + mχ2 , p is the total 3-momentum and pcm is the
dark matter momentum in the center of mass frame after scattering. Then, we can solve
eq. (2.2) to get
pcm = 2µ2 ∆m + E0 + Ee − (2.3)
with ∆m = mχ1 − mχ2 . On the other hand, we also get the total 3-momentum in terms of
the initial kinetic energies,
p2 = 2mχ1 E0 + 2me Ee + 4 cos α me mχ1 E0 Ee (2.4)

with α being the angle between electron and dark matter velocities.
The electron recoil energy is given by the difference between the electron kinetic ener-
gies before and after scattering,
1 me
∆Ee = p~ − p~cm − Ee
2me M2
1 me 2 2me

= p + pcm − p pcm cos θ − Ee (2.5)
2me M22 M2

where θ is the scattering angle in the center of mass frame. Then, using eq. (2.3), we obtain
the exact expression for the electron recoil energy in terms of as
me 2 µ2   µ2
∆Ee = 2 p + ∆m + E0 + Ee − p2 − Ee
2M2 me 2me M2
p µ2 2
− cos θ 2µ2 (∆m + E0 + Ee ) − p . (2.6)
M2 M2
On the other hand, the 3-momentum transfer q is also given by
q 2 = 2me ∆Ee + m2e ve2 − 2me ve cos ψ 2me ∆Ee (2.7)

where ψ is the scattering angle of the electron in the lab frame. Here, we note that
q 2 = 2me ∆Ee only for the electron at rest, which is the standard relation between the
recoil energy and the electron, when the target electron is at rest.
In the following subsections, we divide our discussion on the electron recoil energy,
depending on the masses of dark matter components.

2.1.1 Heavy dark matter

First, we take the limit with mχ1 E0 & me Ee , which is the case for mχ1 & me (ve /v)2 ∼
10 MeV, i.e. heavy dark matter. In the next section, our detailed discussion on the Xenon
electron events will be based on this case. Then, we can approximate the total 3-momentum
to be p2 ' 2mχ1 E0 from eq. (2.4). As a result, from eq. (2.6), we obtain the approximate
electron recoil energy as follows,
µ2 ∆m E0 me µ 2 E0 mχ1 √
∆Ee ' 1− − Ee + 2 1+ − 2 κ cos θ (2.8)
me M2 M2 me mχ2 mχ2
mχ1 mχ 2 E e mχ1 ∆m  E0 
κ≡ 1+ + 1−
mχ2 µ 2 E0 µ 2 E0 M2

mχ2 me ve2 

µ 2 v 2 mχ 1

= 1+ + 1− . (2.9)
mχ2 mχ1 µ2 v 2 µ2 v 2 2me mχ2
In the case for heavy dark matter, taking the limits for ∆m  me  mχ1 and
∆m  me ve2 ∼ 50 eV, we can approximate eq. (2.9) as
me ve2 + 2∆m
me v 2
∆m 4 220 km/s ∆m
' 1 2
' 2.2 × 10 . (2.10)
2 me v
v 3 keV
Indeed, choosing ∆m ' 3 keV from Xenon electron recoil energy and v ' 220 km from the
averaged velocity of dark matter in the standard halo model, we obtain κ  1. In this
case, from eq. (2.8), the electron recoil energy becomes simplified to
1 mχ 1 2 m2 v 2 √
∆Ee ' ∆m 1 − v − e e + me v 2 1 − κ cos θ
2 mχ 2 2mχ1
' ∆m 1 − √ cos θ . (2.11)

On the other hand, from eq. (2.7), for ∆Ee ' ∆m  me ve2 , we can also get the approximate
result for the momentum transfer as
q 2 ' 2me ∆Ee ' 2me ∆m 1 − √ cos θ . (2.12)

Therefore, either the recoil energy or the momentum transfer depend little on either the
dark matter and electron velocities or the scattering angle. As a result, we get a tiny
momentum transfer fixed by the mass difference, for which the atomic excitation factor
becomes important [3, 5, 23–26], as will be discussed later.
For ∆m  me  mχ1 but with κ ' 1, we have the following approximate results,

∆Ee ' ∆m + me v 2 (1 − cos θ), (2.13)

q 2 ' 2m2e v 2 (1 − cos θ). (2.14)

In this case, the recoil energy is bounded by 2me v 2 ' 5.5 × 10−4 keV  ∆m for v ∼
220 km/s, which is too small to account for the Xenon experiment. Thus, we focus on the
regime with κ  1 in the following discussion, which is sufficient for explaining the Xenon

2.1.2 Light dark matter

In the opposite limit with mχ1 E0 . me Ee , that is, mχ1 . me (ve /v)2 ∼ 10 MeV, that is,
light dark matter, we can approximate the total momentum as p2 ' 2me Ee . In this case,
from eq. (2.6), we get the approximate recoil energy as follows,

µ2 2µ2  √ 
∆Ee ' (∆m + E0 ) − Ee 1 + κ̃ cos θ (2.15)
me M2
κ̃ ≡ 1 + (∆m + E0 )
µ 2 Ee
= 1+ (2∆m + mχ1 v 2 ). (2.16)
µ2 ve2

In the case for light dark matter, taking the limits for ∆m  me  mχ1 and mχ1 v 2 .
100 eV  ∆m, we can approximate eq. (2.16) as

−2 2 
∆m 2 10 c ∆m
κ̃ ' 1 2
' 10 . (2.17)
2 me v e
ve 3 keV

Then, from eq. (2.15), the electron recoil energy becomes simplified to

mχ 1 v 2 m2 v 2 
∆Ee ' ∆m 1 + − e e 1 + κ̃ cos θ
2∆m mχ1
2me 1
' ∆m 1 − √ cos θ . (2.18)
mχ1 κ̃

On the other hand, from eq. (2.7), for ∆Ee ' ∆m  me ve2 , we can also get the approximate
result for the momentum transfer as
2me 1
q ' 2me ∆Ee ' 2me ∆m 1 − √ cos θ . (2.19)
mχ1 κ̃
Then, as in the case for heavy dark matter, the electron recoil energy depends little on
either the dark matter and electron velocities or the scattering angle, but it is determined
dominantly by the mass difference.

2.2 The event rate for electron recoil

We begin with the general expression for the event rate per target mass [27, 28], given by
ρχ 1 v
dR = dσ f1 (v)dv (2.20)
mχ1 mT
4v√2 2 /v 2
where mT is the target nucleus mass and f1 (v) = v03 Rπ
e−v 0 with v0 = 220 km/s for the

Maxwellian velocity distribution of dark matter and 0 f1 (v)dv
= 1, and ρχ1 is the local
energy density of dark matter, which is given by ρχ1 = 0.4 GeV/cm3 if χ1 occupies the full
dark matter.
We note that the differential scattering cross section for the inelastic scattering is
given by
Z q+
dσ 2me σ̄e
= 2 2 a20 q 0 dq 0 K(ER , q 0 ) P 2 (v), (2.21)
dER q+ − q− q−

where σ̄e is the total cross section in the limit of elastic scattering for the fixed momentum
transfer at q = 1/a0 , with a0 = αm 1
being the Bohr radius, K(ER , q 0 ) is the atomic
enhancement factor, and P 2 (v) is the phase space factor, which is unity for the elastic
scattering. Then, from eqs. (2.20) and (2.21), we obtain the differential event rate per
target mass as

vP 2 (v)
Z ∞
dR 2me σ̄e ρχ1
= Kint (ER ) 2 − q 2 f1 (v) dv (2.22)
dER mχ1 mT vmin q+ −

where the integrated atomic enhancement factor is given by

Z q+
Kint (ER ) = a20 q 0 dq 0 K(ER , q 0 ), (2.23)

and vmin is the minimum velocity of dark matter required for a given recoil energy ER . We
note that the total recoil energy is also deposited significantly near ER ∼ keV to ionize the
electrons bound to the Xenon atoms, and the atomic excitation factor can be important for
a small momentum transfer [3, 5, 23–26]. As a result, we get the event rate per detector as
Z ∞
R D = MT dER (2.24)
where ET is the detector threshold energy and MT is the fiducial mass of the detector,
given by MT ' 4.2 × 1027 (MT /tonne)mT for Xenon.

Now we apply the general result in eq. (2.22) for the case with down-scattering dark
matter. Assuming that dark matter mass mχ1 is greater than 10 MeV, we can use our
results for heavy dark matter in section 2.1.1. Then, we take κ  1, for which the recoil
energy is appreciable. In this case, we obtain the phase space factor P 2 (v) in eq. (2.22) as
s s
2∆m 2∆m 1
P 2 (v) ' 1+ ' . (2.25)
µ1 v 2 me v
2 ' 2m ∆m 1± √2

Then, using eq. (2.22) with q± e κ
from eq. (2.12), we obtain the differential

event rate for E− < ER < E+ with E± = ∆m 1 ± κ

Z vmax
dR σ̄e ρχ1 f1 (v)
' Kint (ER ) dv θ(ER − E− )θ(E+ − ER ) (2.26)
dER 2me mχ1 mT 0 v
where vmin = 0, vmax = me at κ = 1. For E+ − E−  E± , we can approximate
θ(ER − E− )θ(E+ − ER ) ' (E+ − E− )δ(ER − ∆m). Therefore, we can rewrite eq. (2.22) as
Z vmax
dR  2∆m 1/2 σ̄ ρ
e χ1
' Kint (ER )δ(ER − ∆m) f1 (v)dv (2.27)
dER me mχ1 mT 0

We note that for ∆m  1.3 × 10−4 keV, we have vmax  v0 , resulting in 0vmax f1 (v)dv ' 1.

Therefore, we find that there is no Boltzmann suppression due to an enhancement factor

P 2 (v) in eq. (2.25), as compared to the case with elastic scattering.
Consequently, from eq. (2.24) with eq. (2.27), we get the total event rate per Xenon
detector with mT = mXe as

MT σ̄e ρχ1 2∆m 1/2

RD ' Kint (∆m)
mχ1 mT me
MT Kint (∆m) ρχ1
' 50
tonne − yrs 2.6 0.4 GeV cm−3
σ̄e /mχ1 ∆m
× (2.28)
1.2 × 10−43 cm2 /GeV 2.5 keV
where we has used the normalization for the integrated atomic excitation factor at ER '
2 keV and for the momentum transfer peaked at q ' 50 keV.
For comparison to the experimental data, the mono-energetic event rate can be con-
voluted with the detector resolution by
dRD RD −(ER −∆m)2 /(2σ2 )
=√ e α(E) (2.29)
dER 2πσ
where σ is the detector resolution, which varies between 20% at E = 2 keV and 6% at
E = 30 keV, and α(E) is the signal efficiency [1]. For ER = 2 − 10 keV, the signal efficiency
is given by α(E) ∼ 0.7 − 0.9 [1].
The XENON1T excess is most significant from the electrons at ER = 2 − 3 keV with
the detector resolution being about σ = 0.4 keV, so we take the recoil energy of the mono-
energetic electron in our model to be ER ' ∆m ' 2.5 keV. Moreover, from α(E) ' 0.8 at

Figure 1. The event rate for electron recoil as a function of recoil energy ER in keV. We have
taken ∆m = 2.5 keV and σ̄e /mχ1 = 1.0, 1.4, 1.8 × 10−43 cm2 from bottom to top lines (purple, black
and blue. The red line is the background model used by Xenon experiment [1].

ER ' 2.5 keV, we need to rescale the total event rate per detector in eq. (2.28) by a factor
0.8. Therefore, taking into account the total exposure in XENON1T for SR1, which is 0.65
tonne-yrs [1], and for ρχ1 = 0.4 GeV cm−3 , we can get about 50 events near ER = 2 − 3 keV
for the XENON1T electron recoil events for σ̄e /mχ1 ' 3.4 × 10−43 cm2 /GeV.
In figure 1, we depict the expected event rate for the signal + background in units of
events per t − yr − keV as a function of the electron recoil energy in keV in our model with
exothermic dark matter. The expected event rates are shown in blue lines for ∆m = 2.5 keV
and σ̄e /mχ1 = 1.0, 1.4, 1.8 × 10−43 cm2 , from bottom to top, and the red line corresponds
to the background model used by Xenon experiment [1]. The values of the mass difference
and σ̄e /mχ1 can be varied for the global fit with the observed electron recoil spectrum,
but the monochromatic shape of the signal from exothermic dark matter above the flat
background remains the same up to the detector resolution. We can compare our case to
the existing global fit of the XENON electron recoil spectrum for the case with axion-like
dark matter whose mass is fixed to ma = 2.3 ± 0.2 keV with 3.0σ local significance [1].

3 The effective theory for exothermic dark matter

We continue to discuss the effective theory for exothermic dark matter in the presence of a
massive Z 0 mediator and constrain the parameter space for the Z 0 couplings and the mass
parameters from the Xenon excess. For completeness, we also provide the formulas for dark
matter annihilation cross sections in the effective theory and comment on the compatibility
of the Xenon excess with the correct relic density.

3.1 The effective interactions and the Xenon excess

We consider two Majorana dark matter fermions, χ1 and χ2 , with different masses, mχ1 >
mχ2 , and a massive dark gauge boson Z 0 with mass mZ 0 . We take the effective Lagrangian

with Z 0 couplings to dark fermions, electron and electron neutrino, in the following form,
Leff = gZ 0 Zµ0 χ̄2 γ µ (vχ + aχ γ 5 )χ1 + h.c. + gZ 0 Zµ0 ē(ve + ae γ 5 )e
+gZ 0 Zµ0 ν̄γ µ (vν + aν γ 5 )ν (3.1)

where vi , ai with i = χ, e, ν are constant parameters. In the next subsection, we will show
a microscopic model for the above effective interactions. For ∆m < mZ 0 and ∆m < 2me ,
there is no tree-level decay process for the dark matter fermion χ1 .
For ae 6= 0, the effective vertex interaction for one Z 0 and two photons, Zµ0 (q)−Aλ (q1 )−
Aσ (q2 ), with q = q1 + q2 , is induced by the electron loops, taking the following form for

q 2  4m2e [35, 36],

ae e2 gZ 0 q2
µλσ q1 λσµ
Γ (q, q1 , q2 ) '  · 1+ . (3.2)
4π 2 12m2e
Then, the heavy state of dark matter can decay into the lighter state of dark matter and
two photons, with the decay rate given by
a2e (vχ2 + a2χ )e4 gZ2 0 (∆m)5
Γ(χ1 → χ2 γγ) ' . (3.3)
2560π 7 m4Z 0
Therefore, in this case, the lifetime of the dark fermion χ1 is much longer than the age of the
Universe for perturbative effective couplings. However, the diffuse X-ray background [37]
puts the bound on the lifetime of the dark fermion χ1 to τχ1 > 1024 sec, which gives rise to
5/2  2
2.5 keV mZ 0
|ae |gZ 0 vχ2 + a2χ < 2.5 × 10−6 . (3.4)
∆m 1 GeV
As a result, we need a small axial vector coupling to the electron to satisfy the X-ray
bounds for exothermic dark matter and light Z 0 mediator. As we will discuss in the next
section, some microscopic models with vector-like leptons can induce a suppressed axial
vector coupling to the electron.
Moreover, there is another loop process for the three-photon decay channel, χ1 →
χ2 +3γ, but the corresponding decay rate is highly suppressed by Γ ∝ (∆m)13 /(m4Z 0 m8e ) [5],
thus being consistent with X-ray bounds [37].
If the neutrino couplings to Z 0 are nonzero, the dark matter fermion χ1 would decay
into a neutrino pair via the off-shell Z 0 gauge boson, which is bounded by the lifetime of
dark matter for explaining the XENON1T electron recoil excess. The decay rate of the
dark fermion χ1 is given [34] by

Nν G02
F (∆m)
Γ(χ1 → χ2 ν ν̄) ' (vχ2 + 3a2χ ) (vν2 + a2ν ) (3.5)
30π 3

where Nν is the number of neutrinos coupled to Z 0 , and G0F ≡ gZ2 0 /( 2m2Z 0 ). Then, for
∆m = 2.5 keV and vχ = −aχ = 12 , the lifetime of the dark fermion χ1 is longer than the
age of the Universe, as far as
G0F Nν (vν2 + a2ν ) < 2.4 × 10−6 GeV−2 . (3.6)

Nonetheless, neutrino experiments such as Super-Kamiokande [38] would constrain the
lifetime of dark matter to τχ1 > 1024 sec for ∆m > 0.1 MeV [39–42]. But, for ∆m = 2.5 keV,
the energy of the produced neutrinos is below those of solar neutrinos, so there is no current
bound from neutrino experiments. As will be shown in the next section, the effective
neutrino couplings are induced in the case of Z 0 portal with a gauge kinetic mixing, but
there is no bound on them other than the lifetime bound from the age of the Universe.
For me , mχ1 , mZ 0  q ∼ me ∆m, me  mχ1 , and ∆m  mχ1 , the total scattering
cross section for χ1 e → χ2 e, up to the phase space factor P 2 (v) in eq. (2.25), is given by
vχ2 ve2 gZ4 0 µ21
σ̄e '

πm4Z 0
2  2  4 
vχ gZ 0 ve gZ 0 1 GeV µ 1 2

' × 10−44 cm2 (3.7)
0.6 10−4 e mZ 0 me
where e is the electromagnetic coupling. Thus, we need to have nonzero vector couplings to
both dark matter and electron for the scattering cross section without velocity suppression.
In order to explain the XENON1T electron recoil events near ER = 2 − 3 keV in our model,
we take ∆m ' 2.5 keV and the required scattering cross section gives rise to the following
useful formula,
2  2  4 
vχ gZ 0 ve gZ 0 1 GeV 0.3 GeV ΩDM
'1 (3.8)
0.6 10−4 e mZ 0 mχ1 Ωχ 1
where ΩDM is the observed total abundance of dark matter and Ωχ1 is the abundance
of the dark fermion χ1 . Therefore, light dark matter and Z 0 mediator are favored by the
explanation of the Xenon excess with exothermic dark matter. As we scale up the Z 0 gauge
coupling, we can take a larger value of m4Z 0 mχ1 in order to maintain the number of the
electron recoil events.
We remark on the choices of the Z 0 couplings in view of the Xenon electron excess.
First, we took the Z 0 couplings to be consistent with the dilepton bounds from BaBar,
|ve |gZ 0 . 10−4 e for 0.02 GeV < mZ 0 < 10.2 GeV [43], or the bound from mono-photon +
MET from BaBar [44], |ve |gZ 0 . (4 × 10−4 − 10−3 ) e for mZ 0 < 8 GeV. There are other
bounds from beam dump experiments [45–48] that limit |ve |gZ 0 at the level of 10−3 or
stronger for mZ 0 . 0.1 GeV than in BaBar experiment. In the parameter space of our
interest, we focus on mZ 0 & 0.1 GeV, for which the BaBar bounds are most stringent at
present. Thus, we take into account only the BaBar bounds in the later discussion on
phenomenological constants in the next subsection and the next section on microscopic

3.2 Dark matter annihilation and relic density

Dark matter fermions χ1 and χ2 can co-annihilate into a pair of electrons as well as into a
pair of Z 0 gauge bosons if kinematically allowed. Then, taking ∆m  mχ1 and ignoring the
lepton masses, the total annihilation cross section for nDM = nχ1 + nχ2 with χ1 χ̄2 → eē, ν ν̄
and χ1 χ̄1 , χ2 χ̄2 → Z 0 Z 0 is given by
1 1
hσvi = hσviχ1 χ̄2 →eē,ν ν̄ + hσviχ1 χ̄2 →Z 0 Z 0 (3.9)
2 2

– 10 –
gZ4 0 vχ2 h 2 i m2χ1
hσviχ1 χ̄2 →eē,ν ν̄ = ve + a2e + Nν (vν2 + a2ν ) , (3.10)
π (m2Z 0 − 4m2χ1 )2 + Γ2Z 0 m2Z 0
m2χ m2χ1
" !#
g4 0 m2Z 0
hσviχ1 χ̄1 ,χ2 χ̄2 →Z 0 Z 0 = Z vχ4 + a4χ + 2vχ2 a2χ 4 2 1 − 3 1 − .
4π mZ 0 (m2Z 0 − 2m2χ1 )2 m2χ1

We note that the contributions coming from aχ to the annihilation cross section are p-wave
suppressed. Since we need vχ 6= 0 for explaining the Xenon electron excess, the p-wave

annihilations are sub-dominant.
For light dark matter with sub-GeV mass, once χ1 χ̄1 , χ2 χ̄2 → Z 0 Z 0 is open, the resul-
tant annihilation cross section would be too large for a sizable gZ 0 to account for the correct
relic density. Thus, in this case, we can take mχ1 < mZ 0 such that the annihilation of the
dark matter fermion χ1 into a pair of Z 0 is forbidden at zero temperature, but it is open
in the tail of the Boltzmann distribution at a finite temperature during freeze-out [29–
33]. Then, from the detailed balance condition for the forbidden channels, the effective
annihilation cross section for the forbidden channels, χ1 χ̄1 , χ2 χ̄2 → Z 0 Z 0 becomes

hσviχ1 χ̄1 ,χ2 χ̄2 →Z 0 Z 0 = eqZ eq hσviZ 0 Z 0 →χ1 χ̄1 ,χ2 χ̄2 (3.12)
nχ 1 nχ 2

2 2 3m2Z 0 − 2m2χ1
" ! !#
4gZ4 0 4 4 mZ 0 + 2mχ1
hσviZ 0 Z 0 →χ1 χ̄1 ,χ2 χ̄2 = v + a + 2vχ2 a2χ
9πm2Z 0 χ χ
m2Z 0 + m2χ1 m2Z 0 + m2χ1
m2χ m2χ
× 1 + 21 1 − 21 . (3.13)
mZ 0 mZ 0

Here, for ∆m  mχ1 , the Boltzmann suppression factor can be approximated to

(neq 2  eq 2
Z0 ) nZ 0 9  mZ 0 3 −2(mZ 0 −mχ )/T
eq ' ' e 1 . (3.14)
χ 1 nχ 2 neq
χ1 4 mχ1

The forbidden channels are important for obtaining the correct relic density for light dark
matter, because the strong annihilation cross section can be compensated by the Boltzmann
suppression factor [29–33].
Furthermore, for mχ1 > mχ2 , we have additional annihilation channels active even at
zero temperature, χ1 χ1 → χ2 χ2 , χ1 χ̄1 → χ2 χ̄2 , and their complex conjugates. Then, the
additional annihilation cross sections for χ1 are given by
√ s
2 gZ4 0 m2χ1 ∆m 4
hσviχ1 χ1 →χ2 χ2 = (v + 6a2χ vχ2 + 9a4χ ), (3.15)
16π m4Z 0 mχ 1 χ
√ 4 2 s
2 gZ 0 mχ1 ∆m 4
hσviχ1 χ̄1 →χ2 χ̄2 = (v + 3a4χ ). (3.16)
8π m4Z 0 mχ1 χ

– 11 –
For T & ∆m = 2.5 keV, the inverse annihilation processes, χ2 χ2 → χ1 χ1 , χ2 χ̄2 → χ1 χ̄1 ,
and their complex conjugates, occur as often as the above annihilation, so the additional
annihilation processes have no impact on the total dark matter density at the time of
freeze-out of the annihilation processes, given in eq. (3.9). However, the χ1 component
could keep annihilating and its abundance would be Boltzmann suppressed by e−∆/Tχ1
with Tχ1 = T 2 /Tkd where Tkd is the kinetic decoupling temperature, which is the smaller
of the decoupling temperature of dark matter and the electron decoupling temperature
∼ 1 MeV. Then, in order to avoid the Boltzmann suppression for the relic abundance of
the heavier component, we need to impose

Tχ1 & ∆m, (3.17)

which corresponds to the bound on the radiation temperature,

T & Tkd ∆m. (3.18)

The decoupling temperature for the 2 → 2 annihilation processes is determined by

nχ1 max hσviχ1 χ1 →χ2 χ2 , hσviχ1 χ̄1 →χ2 χ̄2 = H. (3.19)

Thus, imposing the above equation with eq. (3.17) and for |vχ | = |aχ |, we find the upper
limit on the Z 0 gauge coupling as follows,
1/4  1/2  3/8  1/8
|vχ |gZ 0 mχ1 ΩDM /2 mχ1 mχ1 /∆m ∆m/(2.5 keV)

. 0.035 .
mZ 0 Ωχ 1 100 MeV 4 × 104 Tkd /(10 MeV)
Therefore, we need to impose the above condition that the annihilation processes, χ1 χ1 →
χ2 χ2 , χ1 χ̄1 → χ2 χ̄2 , decouple sufficiently early at Tχ1 & ∆m, in the following discussion
on the relic density.
As a consequence, the dark matter number density is given by nDM = nχ1 + nχ2 with
nχ1 ' nχ2 for the early decoupling of the 2 → 2 annihilations, so the corresponding relic
abundance is determined as
4.3 × 10−9 GeV−2
10.75 xf

ΩDM h = 0.12 (3.21)
xf x∞ x−2 hσvi
g∗ (Tf ) 20 f

where hσvi is given by eq. (3.9) and xf = mχ1 /Tf at freeze-out temperature. Therefore,
parametrizing the effective annihilation cross section by hσvi = m2χ1
, we can achieve a
correct relic density, provided that
mχ1 ' 150 MeV . (3.22)
As a result, we can get the correct relic density by taking a small effective coupling αeff from
small SM couplings, ve , vν , or due to the Boltzmann-suppression, αeff ∼ gZ2 0 e−xf (mZ 0 −mχ1 ) ,
for gZ 0 = 0.6 and mχZ 0 − 1 ' 0.4, being consistent with the constraint from the Xenon
excess with Ωχ1 ' 12 ΩDM in eq. (3.8).

– 12 –
vχ =-aχ =0.5, gZ' =0.3, mχ =0.3GeV vχ =-aχ =0.5, ve =10-3 , mχ =0.5GeV

Xenon1t 1
Late decoupling

ve 10-5 gZ' BaBar

10-6 Relic density
Relic density
10 Late decoupling

10-8 -1 10-2 -1
10 1 10 1
mZ' (GeV) mZ' (GeV)

Figure 2. Parameter space for relic density and XENON1T electron excess. The favored region
by XENON1T electron excess is along the green line, the relic density is satisfied along the blue
line. The purple region on the left plot is excluded by the BaBar limits on the visible and invisible
decays of Z 0 . We have taken vχ = −aχ = 0.5, ae = 0, and mχ = 0.3, 0.5 GeV on left and right plots,
respectively, and gZ 0 = 0.3 on left and ve = 10−3 on right. In the orange region, the relic density
for the heavier state is Boltzmann-suppressed for Tkd = 1 MeV.

In figure 2, we show the parameter space for relic density in comparison to Xenon
electron excess, for mZ 0 vs ve on left and mZ 0 vs gZ 0 on right. We have fixed vχ = −aχ = 0.5,
ae = 0, and mχ = 0.3, 0.5 GeV on left and right plots, respectively, and gZ 0 = 0.3 on left
and ve = 10−3 on right. We have imposed the BaBar bounds from visible and invisible
decays of Z 0 on the effective electron coupling ve . The correct relic density is saturated
along the blue lines, showing that there is a parameter space compatible with the Xenon
electron excess in green lines and the BaBar bounds as well as the late decoupling in orange
In the above discussion, we focused on the annihilation channels in the minimal scenario
for the Xenon electron excess. However, if the aforementioned annihilation channels with
Z 0 interactions are not sufficient for a correct relic density, due to small Z 0 couplings to the
SM, we can also consider the dark matter self-interactions for dark matter annihilation, in
particular, as in the case of SIMP dark matter [49–55] where sub-GeV light dark matter is
a natural outcome of the 3 → 2 annihilations with strong self-interactions. In this case, the
relic density condition on the visible coupling becomes weaker, so there is more parameter
opening up for the Xenon electron excess.

4 Microscopic models

In this section, we propose a microscopic model for exothermic dark matter by taking two
left-handed dark fermions, ψ1 and ψ2 , with opposite charges, +1 and −1, under the dark
U(1)0 symmetry. We also introduce a dark Higgs φ with charge −2 under the U(1)0 . We
assume that all the SM particles are neutral under the U(1)0 , but dark matter can commu-
nicate with the SM through 1) the gauge kinetic mixing, sin ξ, or 2) the mixing between

– 13 –
electron and an extra vector-like lepton. We first discuss the dark matter interactions and
proceed to derive the effective interactions for the electron in each case of portal models.
The Lagrangian for the dark sector is given, as follows,
1 0 0µν
L = − Fµν F + |Dµ φ|2 − V (φ, H)
+iψ̄1L γ µ Dµ ψ1L + iψ̄2L γ µ Dµ ψ2L
−mψ ψ1 ψ2 − y1 φ ψ1 ψ1 − y2 φ∗ ψ2 ψ2 + h.c. (4.1)

where Fµν0 = ∂ Z0 − ∂ Z0 , B
µ ν ν µ µν is the field strength tensor for the SM hypercharge, the
covariant derivatives are Dµ φ = (∂µ + 2igZ 0 Zµ0 )φ, Dµ ψ1L = (∂µ − igZ 0 Zµ0 )ψ1L , Dµ ψ2L =

(∂µ +igZ 0 Zµ0 )ψ2L , mψ is the Dirac mass for dark fermions, and y1,2 are the Yukawa couplings
for dark fermions. Here, V (φ, H) is the scalar potential for the singlet scalar φ and the
SM Higgs.
After the dark Higgs gets a VEV as hφi = vφ , the Z 0 gauge boson receives mass

mZ 0 = 2 2gZ 0 vφ , and there appears a mass mixing between ψ1 and ψ2 . Then, diagonalizing
the mass matrix for the dark fermions, we get the mass eigenvalues and the mixing matrix,
as follows,
m2χ1,2 = m2ψ + 2(y12 + y22 )vφ2 ± 2 (y12 − y22 )2 vφ4 + (y1 + y2 )2 vφ2 m2ψ , (4.2)

! ! !
χ1 cos θ − sin θ ψ2
= (4.3)
χ2 sin θ cos θ ψ1

4(y1 + y2 )vφ mψ
sin 2θ = − . (4.4)
m2χ2 − m2χ1

For simplicity, we take y1 = y2 , then the mass eigenvalues become mχ1,2 = mψ ± 2y1 vφ
and the mixing angle is given by θ = π4 . Then, the mass difference can be small as far
as 2|y1 |vφ  mψ . There was a recent discussion on the microscopic model for exothermic
dark matter with a complex scalar field where the breaking of dark U(1)0 makes a small
mass splitting between the real scalar fields [5].
For instance, for mψ ∼ 1 GeV, we need y1 ∼ 1.5 × 10−6 . As a result, including the
Z -portal couplings to the SM fermions for a small gauge kinetic mixing, we summarize
the Z 0 gauge interactions as follows,
LDM = −gZ 0 Zµ0 χ̄1 γ µ PL χ2 + χ̄2 γ µ PL χ1 . (4.5)

Then, we obtain the effective dark matter couplings in the Lagrangian (3.1) as
vχ = −aχ = − . (4.6)
As a result, we can realize the transition interactions between two states of dark matter
via the Z 0 mediator, that are necessary for explaining the Xenon excess.

– 14 –
vχ =-aχ =0.5, gZ' =0.3, mχ =0.3GeV vχ =-aχ =0.5, gZ' =0.3, mχ =0.3GeV
10-2 1

10-3 10-1

10-4 10-2 X-ray
ϵ θR
Electron mass
10-5 10-3

10-6 Late decoupling Relic density 10-4 Late decoupling Relic density

10-7 -1 10-5 -1
10 1 10 1
mZ' (GeV) mZ' (GeV)

Figure 3. Parameter space for relic density and XENON1T electron excess in microscopic models.
(Left) Z 0 portal: we have taken vχ = −aχ = 0.5, gZ 0 = 0.3 and mχ = 0.3 GeV. The color notations
are the same as those in figure 2. (Right) Vector-like lepton portal: we have taken vχ = −aχ = 0.5,
gZ 0 = 0.3 and mχ = 0.3 GeV. The red region is excluded by the X-ray searches and the gray region
is disfavored by the electron mass. In the orange region, the relic density for the heavier state is
Boltzmann-suppressed for Tkd = 1 MeV.

4.1 Z 0 -portal
In the presence of a gauge kinetic mixing,
Lkin−mix = − sin ξBµν F 0µν , (4.7)
the mixing between Z 0 and Z gauge bosons gives rise to the Z 0 gauge interactions to the
SM as
m2 0
Leff,I = −eε Zµ0 ēγ e + 2 Z 2 ν̄γ µ PL ν + · · ·
2cW mZ

where ε ≡ ξ cos θW and the ellipse denotes the electromagnetic and neutral current inter-
actions for the rest of the SM fermions. Therefore, there are not only electron couplings
but also neutrino couplings, although the latter being further suppressed by m2Z 0 /m2Z [56].
Consequently, we can identify the effective couplings in the Lagrangian (3.1), as follows,

eε eεm2Z 0
ve = − , ae = 0, vν = −aν = − . (4.9)
gZ 0 4c2W gZ 0 m2Z

Then, the lifetime of the dark fermion χ1 is given by

2  5
1 10−4 e 2.5 keV

τχ 1 = = 8.9 × 1024 sec. (4.10)
Γ(χ1 → χ2 ν ν̄) εgZ 0 ∆m
Therefore, the dark fermion χ1 is much long-lived than the age of the Universe, so it can
be responsible for the Xenon electron excess through the inelastic scattering, as discussed
in the previous section.

– 15 –
On the left of figure (3), we show the parameter space in ε vs mZ 0 , that is consistent
with the Xenon electron excess, the correct relic density as well as the BaBar bounds. We
have taken vχ = −aχ = 0.5, gZ 0 = 0.3 and mχ ≡ mχ1 = 0.3 GeV. Since the effective
axial coupling ae vanishes, there is no bound from the X-ray searches. In the orange
region, the relic density for the heavier state is Boltzmann-suppressed due to the 2 → 2
self-annihilations. As a result, there is a consistent parameter space for the Xenon electron
excess, which can be probed in the future experiments.

4.2 Vector-like lepton portal

We introduce an extra vector-like charged lepton E which has charge −2 under the U(1)0
but is singlet under the SU(2)L . Then, the mixing between the SM right-handed electron
and the vector-like lepton is given by

LVL = −ME ĒE − (yE φĒeR + h.c.) (4.11)

As a consequence, the mass matrix for the electron and the vector-like lepton takes
me 0
Me = . (4.12)
yE v φ ME

Then, the mass eigenvalues are given by

m2f1,2 = m2e + ME2 + yE
2 2 2 v 2 − M 2 )2 + 4y 2 v 2 M 2 .
vφ ∓ (m2e + yE φ E E φ E (4.13)

On the other hand, the mixing angles for the right-handed electrons and the left-handed
electrons are given [57], respectively, by

2yE vφ ME
sin(2θR ) = − , (4.14)
m2f1 − m2f2
sin(2θL ) = sin(2θR ). (4.15)
mf1 mf2

Therefore, for me , yE vφ  ME and (yE vφ /ME )2 . (me /ME ), the mass eigenvalues are
2y v
approximated to mf1 ∼ me and mf2 ∼ ME , and the mixing angles become θR ∼ MEE φ and
θL ∼ M E
θR . Given the experimental bound on the vector-like charged lepton from LEP
and LHC, ME & 100 GeV, we have M me
. 5 × 10−6 , so we can ignore the mixing for the
left-handed electrons.qBut, for mf1 ∼ me , the mixing angle for the right-handed electrons
is bounded by θR . M me
, thus θR can be as large as 2.2 × 10−3 . On the other hand, we
note that the suppressed mixing angle θL for the left-handed electron is consistent with
electroweak precision data.
Consequently, we get the following effective interactions for Z 0 ,

Leff,II = −2gZ 0 Zµ0 Ēγ µ E + θR
ēγ µ PR e − θR Ēγ µ PR e − θR ēγ µ PR E

+θL2 ēγ µ PL e − θL Ēγ µ PL e − θL ēγ µ PL E

– 16 –
− Zµ ēL γ µ PL e + θL Ēγ µ PL e + θL ēγ µ PL E + θL2 Ēγ µ PL E
− √ θL Ēγ µ PL νWµ− + h.c. (4.16)
Here, we used the same notations for mass eigenstates as for interaction eigenstates,
electron-like and vector-like. Therefore, we can identify the effective couplings in the La-
grangian (3.1), as follows,
ve = ae = −θR , vν = aν = 0. (4.17)

As a result, we obtain the necessary electron coupling to Z 0 for explaining the Xenon excess

through the small mixing between the SM right-handed electron and the vector-like lepton.
In the model with vector-like lepton portal, however, there is no direct coupling between
Z 0 and neutrinos. Even the Z 0 − e − E vertex with E decaying into the SM particles does
not make the dark fermion χ1 to decay, provided that ∆m < 2me is chosen.
On the right of figure (3), we show the parameter space in θR vs mZ 0 , that is consistent
with the Xenon electron excess, the correct relic density as well as the BaBar bounds. We
have taken vχ = −aχ = 0.5, gZ 0 = 0.3 and mχ = mχ1 = 0.3 GeV. Since the effective axial
coupling ae is nonzero, the bound from the X-ray searches in gray excludes the relic density
condition in blue line, and the consistent parameter space is pushed towards a larger gZ 0
or the resonance region near mZ 0 ∼ 2mχ . We note that the gray region is disfavored by
the electron mass. We also note that in the orange region, the relic density for the heavier
state is Boltzmann-suppressed due to the 2 → 2 self-annihilations.

5 Conclusions

We proposed exothermic dark matter to explain the recent electron excess reported by
XENON1T experiment. Even for a small dark matter velocity, as known from the standard
Maxwellian velocity distribution of dark matter, we achieved the appropriate electron recoil
energy at about 2.5 keV by considering the down-scattering of the heavier dark matter state
off the electron into the lighter state. Thus, we showed that about 50 recoil events over
ER = 2 − 3 keV, which are most significant, can be explained in this scenario up to the
detector resolution.
Including the effects of the phase-space enhancement and the atomic excitation fac-
tor, we derived the required scattering cross section for the Xenon excess to be about
σe ∼ 10−44 cm2 for sub-GeV light dark matter. We took the effective theory approach
for exothermic dark matter with a massive Z 0 mediator and discussed the implications of
the Xenon excess for dark matter interactions to Z 0 and the dark matter relic density.
We also provided microscopic models with Z 0 portal and vector-like portal, realizing the
required dark matter and electron couplings to Z 0 , while the heavier state of dark matter
is long-lived enough to satisfy the bounds from the X-ray or the neutrino experiments.


I would like to thank the CERN Theory group members for the brain-storming discussion
on the Xenon excess during the virtual coffee meeting, Juri Smirnov, Jure Zupan and Bin

– 17 –
Zhu for communications on the interpretation of the Xenon excess, and Yoo-Jin Kang
and Soonbin Kim for checking the formulas for the electron recoil energy in the paper. In
particular, I appreciate the comment from Jure Zupan to check the two-photon decay mode
of the heavier state of dark matter in more detail. The work is supported in part by Basic
Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)
funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (NRF-2019R1A2C2003738
and NRF-2018R1A4A1025334).

Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC-BY 4.0), which permits any use, distribution and reproduction in

any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.


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