Borang Transit F3 Penjajaran
Borang Transit F3 Penjajaran
Borang Transit F3 Penjajaran
Can listen, understand and pronounce simple words, and utilise very limited words to express feelings with lots of guidance
2 Can listen, understand, pronounce and use stress patterns in simple words, and utilise limited words to express feelings with guidance
Can listen, understand, pronounce and use stress patterns in simple phrases, and utilise limited words and phrases to express feelings and
descriptions on familiar situations but still require some guidance for challenging tasks
Can listen, understand, pronounce and use the correct intonation, rhythm and stress patterns in simple sentences, and utilise words and
phrases to express feelings and descriptions independently to a certain extent but still require guidance for more complex tasks
Can listen, understand, pronounce and use the correct intonation, rhythm and stress patterns in sentences, utilise phrases and sentences to
express feelings and descriptions effectively using various media, and respond to audience almost independently
Can listen, understand, pronounce and use the correct intonation, rhythm and stress patterns accurately, utilise well-structured sentences
6 and formulaic language to express feelings and descriptions using various media confidently, spontaneously, fluently and precisely and respond
to audience independently without any guidance
1 Can read and understand words and simple phrases in the texts with lots of guidance
2 Can find meaning of words from the dictionary, understand and answer simple questions on the text with guidance
Can identify main ideas and supporting details, understand and answer questions on a variety of texts but require guidance for some
challenging tasks
Can understand, explain and respond to a range of texts, integrate information from two texts, and present information in non-linear form
but require some guidance for more complex tasks
Can understand, analyse, respond and predict outcomes to a wide range of texts, integrate information from multiple texts and apply
knowledge from culturally authentic texts for problem solving almost independently
Can understand, analyse, evaluate, predict, infer and respond to a variety of texts, integrate information from several texts and apply
knowledge from a wide range of culturally authentic texts for problem solving independently without any guidance
Can spell simple words, match words to form simple phrases, rearrange words to form simple isolated phrases and sentences with lots of
guidance and practice
Can use punctuation and capitalisation satisfactorily, fill gaps in simple sentences and forms legibly, and write a series of simple phrases and
sentences linked with simple connectors with guidance and practice
Can organise and write ideas in simple paragraphs with guided vocabulary, identify main ideas in simple paragraphs satisfactorily, write
straightforward connected texts using simple and compound sentences on a range of familiar but require guidance for some challenging tasks
Can write clear letters, processes and procedures, journal entry, thesis statement and introductory paragraphs with guidance, and can
synthesise and evaluate information and arguments from a number of sources but require guidance for more complex tasks
Can write clear, well-structured texts of complex subjects, underlining the relevant salient issues, expanding and supporting points of view at
some length with subsidiary points, reasons and relevant examples, and rounding off with an appropriate conclusion almost independently
Can display excellent knowledge and command of the language by writing clear, smooth flowing, complex texts in an appropriate and
effective style with logical structure independently without any guidance
General Performance Standard Guide
1 Pupils display very limited knowledge and command of the language, and require lots of guidance and practice for basic language tasks.
2 Pupils display limited knowledge and command of the language, and require guidance and practice for basic language tasks.
Pupils display satisfactory knowledge and command of the language, and are able to use language independently to certain extent but
require guidance for some challenging language tasks.
Pupils display good knowledge and command of the language, and are able to use language independently but require guidance for more
complex language tasks.
5 Pupils display very good knowledge and command of the language, and are able to use language almost independently.
Pupils display excellent knowledge and command of the language, are able to perform challenging and complex tasks, in addition to using
language independently without any guidance.