Empirical Curve-Fitting Parameters For A Porewater Pressure Generation Model For Use in 1-D Effective Stress-Based Site Response Analysis
Empirical Curve-Fitting Parameters For A Porewater Pressure Generation Model For Use in 1-D Effective Stress-Based Site Response Analysis
Empirical Curve-Fitting Parameters For A Porewater Pressure Generation Model For Use in 1-D Effective Stress-Based Site Response Analysis
The Vucetic and Dobry porewater pressure (PWP) generation model has been widely implemented
in site response analysis software such as DMOD and DEEPSOIL. This PWP model employs a
relatively simple relationship between excess porewater pressure ratio, shear strain amplitude, and
number of cycles, and requires only three curve-fitting parameters from undrained cyclic shear
tests. In this study, empirical correlations for the three curve-fitting parameters are proposed,
allowing the model to be used for site response analysis without complex laboratory testing. These
correlations apply to subangular to subrounded clean sands, and use only relative density (Dr) and
the uniformity coefficient (CU). The correlations were calibrated using undrained cyclic DSS and
triaxial tests performed on different sands at various Dr values, and validated using tests not used
for calibration. Computed PWP using the proposed correlations were assessed by mean residuals
and coefficient of determination r2, and yielded reasonable agreement between laboratory-
measured and computed PWP.
Excess porewater pressure (PWP) generation during cyclic loading (e.g., earthquake shaking and
pile driving) is of great interest to civil engineers as the increase in PWP reduces effective stress
and thus soil strength, which is especially important for site response analysis and liquefaction
evaluation. Commonly, site response analysis and liquefaction evaluation are performed in a
frequency domain, total-stress framework. However, excess PWP generation and concurrent
strain-softening of the soil reduces soil stiffness and can significantly modify ground motion
propagation through the soil (e.g., Youd and Carter 2003).
Recently, computational advances have reduced greatly the time required for performing site
response analyses in a time domain, effective-stress framework, thereby allowing nonlinear,
time-domain, effective stress site response analysis to be more widely used in practice. In this
framework, a PWP generation model is coupled with a stress-strain constitutive model. In the
past 40 years, several PWP generation models have been proposed, including cyclic stress-based
models (e.g., Seed et al. 1975), cyclic strain-based models (e.g., Vucetic and Dobry 1986), and
Graduate Research Assistant, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign, 205 N. Mathews Ave., Urbana, USA, xuanmei2@illinois.edu
Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign, 205 N. Mathews Ave., Urbana, USA, olsons@illinois.edu
Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 205 N.
Mathews Ave., Urbana, USA, hashash@illinois.edu
energy-based models (e.g., Green et al. 2000). This paper focuses on the Vucetic and Dobry
(1986) strain-based PWP generation model as it has been implemented in widely-used codes for
1D site response analysis such as DMOD (Matasovic 1993) and DEEPSOIL (Hashash et. al
2010). However, the Vucetic and Dobry (1986) model curve-fitting parameters currently must be
defined using a complex suite of cyclic strain-controlled laboratory tests or must be crudely
estimated via judgment by comparison to curve-fitting parameters defined for a limited number
of sands. No empirical correlations are available to estimate these parameters. The purpose of
this paper is to: (1) develop correlations for these curve-fitting parameters using readily-defined
soil properties; and (2) illustrate how cyclic stress-based tests can be used to derive the strain-
based PWP generation model parameters.
Vucetic and Dobry (1986) developed an empirical relationship among excess PWP ratio (ru =
∆u/σ'vo, where ∆u = excess PWP and σ'vo = initial effective vertical stress), cyclic shear strain
amplitude (γc), and number of loading cycles (Nc) based on the results of undrained, strain-
controlled cyclic shear tests. This relationship is defined as follows:
where ru,N = residual excess PWP ratio at cycle Nc; f = 1 or 2 for one- or two-dimensional
loading, respectively; p, F, and s = curve-fitting constants; and γtvp= volumetric threshold shear
strain, which is defined as the shear strain below which no significant excess PWP is generated
during cyclic loading, regardless of density or cyclic strain amplitude. This shear strain is usually
between 0.01 and 0.02% for most sands (Dobry et al. 1982). Rearranging Equation 1 yields:
1 1 1
= p + pfN s
c F(γc −γtvp )
Figure 1 illustrates the Vucetic and Dobry (1986) method to derive the parameters F, s and p.
Figure 1(a) presents cyclic shear test data in terms of 1/Nc and 1/ru,N to define 1/p and g(γc),
where g(γc) = F(γc – γtvp)s. Generally, 1/p can be determined uniquely for each sand. As Nc
increases, the second term on the right-hand side of Eq. (2) approaches zero, and thus the value
of p defines the ru value measured at the end of a cyclic shear test. In this study, it is assumed
that ru can eventually reach unity, even for dense soils, if γc > γtvp. Dobry (1985), Vucetic and
Dobry (1986), and Matasovic (1993) have shown that p → 1 in all cyclic shear tests. As such, p
≡ 1 for this study. For unidirectional shaking, f = 1. Therefore, for a constant γc, the inverse of
the slope of the relation between 1/Nc and 1/ru,N is g(γc). Values of g(γc) are then plotted against
γc (Figure 1b) to define F and s. When s = 1 (and γtvp = 0.02%), the relation between g(γc) and γc
becomes linear, and for values of s ≠ 1, the relation between g(γc) and γc is nonlinear (Figure 1b).
Based on the findings of this study and consistent with Matasovic (1993), selecting s = 1
provides a reasonable fit to the g(γc) - γc data. Defining p = 1 and s = 1 means that only the
parameter F must be calibrated to soil properties. This calibration is described below.
8 0.8
(a) γc=0.17% (b)
Monterey 0/30 Sand
6 γc=0.41% 0.6
γc=0.53% Test Data
1 γc=0.57% s=0.75
0.4 s=1.25
4 γc=0.63%
γc=0.84% - s
g(γc)=F(γc γtvp)
2 0.2 F=0.6
1/p 0
0 0 0.4 0.8 1.2
0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 γc(%)
1/N γtvp=0.02%
Figure 1: Determination of Vucetic and Dobry PWP generation model curve-fitting parameters
for Monterey 0/30 sand at Dr=60% (data from Wu et al. 2003 and Polito 1999). (a) derivation of
g(γc) and curve-fitting parameter p; and (b) derivation of curve-fitting parameter s and F.
A total of 123 cyclic shear test results were compiled from the literature for developing a
correlation for the curve-fitting parameter, F. These include cyclic direct simple shear (cDSS)
and cyclic triaxial compression (cTC) tests (Table 1). Several index properties were considered
in developing a correlation for F. Two index properties, Dr and coefficient of uniformity, CU,
were strongly correlated to PWP generation. Relative density has been associated with PWP
generation by many researchers (e.g., Dobry 1982; Kenan 2005) and is commonly used in many
PWP generation models (e.g., Polito et al. 2008; Green et al. 2000; Cetin et al. 2012). Generally,
for tests under the same conditions (i.e., consolidation stress, γc, Nc), as Dr increases, a lower ru
and rate of PWP generation are expected, as illustrated in Figure 2(a).
(b) (a)
Figure 2: (a) Effect of Dr on porewater pressure generation (Dobry1982); and (b) influence of CU
on porewater pressure generation (Li 2013).
The coefficient of uniformity (CU = D60/D10, where D60 and D10 are the grain diameters
corresponding to 60% and 10% finer by weight, respectively) also affects cyclic soil behavior.
For example, Monterey and Yatesville sands have similar particle shapes, yet in otherwise
identical tests, the Yatesville sand with a higher value of CU generates higher ru values at a given
number of cycles. Similarly, Li (2013) performed numerous undrained TC tests on Hostun sand
and glass balls to investigate the influence of changes in gradation on soil behavior. Saturated
Hostun sand and glass ball specimens were prepared by moist tamping at identical Dr and
consolidation stresses, but were reconstituted from samples with different values of CU ranging
from 1.1 to 20. As is shown in Figure 2(b), for Hostun sand specimens with Dr = 42%, changes
in Cu greatly influence PWP generation, with higher values of CU generating higher values of ru.
Undrained TC tests performed by Castro (1982) on Banding sand specimens with different
values of CU yielded similar results. While this result may seem counter-intuitive, it can be
understood by considering that well-graded sands (high CU) will sediment at a higher Dr than
poorly-graded sands (low CU) at a given depositional energy. Therefore, when sand gradations of
various CU values are prepared to the same value of Dr, the well-graded sand will be more
contractive than the poorly graded sand.
Sand Angularity CU No. & type of tests Dr (%) σ'c (kPa) Reference
Monterey Subangular - 1.4 62 σ-controlled 30 - 80 40, 80, Wu et al.
0/30 subrounded cDSS 180 (2003)
Monterey Subangular - 1.4 16 σ-controlled cTC 30 - 80 100 Polito (1999)
0/30 subrounded
Yatesville Subangular - 2.4 25 σ-controlled cTC 30 - 70 100 Polito (1999)
Wildlife n/a 2.8 13 ε-controlled 25 96 Vucetic &
sand B cDSS & cTC Dobry (1996)
Heber Rd. n/a 2.3 ε-controlled cDSS 45 n/a Vucetic &
PB sand & cTC Dobry (1996)
SMB sand n/a 1.8 7 ε-controlled cDSS 75 200 Matasovic
Monterey Subangular - 1.4 9 ε-controlled cDSS 32, 50, 100 Kenan (2005)
0/30 subrounded 93
Sacramento Subangular - 1.4 4 σ-controlled cDSS 35, 45, 207 Boulanger et al.
River subrounded 55 (1991)
Fraser Subangular - 1.6 2 σ-controlled cDSS 40, 80 100 Sriskandakumar
River subrounded (2003)
Ticino Angular 1.5 1 σ-controlled cDSS 75 100 Porcino (2007)
Effective vertical stress was not included in the correlation because: (1) most of the tests in the
laboratory database were performed at a consolidation stress of approximately 100 kPa; and (2)
as shown in Figure 3, in cyclic direct simple shear tests performed on Monterey 0/30 sands under
σ'vc of 40, 80, and 180 kPa, Wu et al. (2003) illustrated that the change in liquefaction resistance
with increasing consolidation stress was minor for loose to medium dense sands (Dr < 60%). At
Dr = 80%, liquefaction resistance increases by approximately 30% at low σ'vc. Sufficient data to
examine this issue in more detail were not available in the literature; therefore, effective vertical
stress was not included in the correlation. As a result, the proposed correlation will be
conservative (overestimate PWP generation) in very dense sands at low σ'vo. Given this
limitation, this issue warrants further research.
Figure 3: Influence of effective vertical stress on liquefaction resistance (Wu et al. 2003).
Based on the rationale above, a correlation among F, Dr, and CU was developed. The correlation
was guided by the observation that the value of F, which reflects the rate of PWP generation,
should be inversely related Dr and directly related to CU. Tests on Monterey and Yatesville sands
were individually analyzed to compute values of F, while values of F reported by Matasovic
(1993) for SMB sand and by Vucetic and Dobry (1986) for Heber Road and Wildlife Site sands
were used directly. Figure 4(a) presents the proposed correlation. Note that each data point in
Figure 4(a) represents a number of specimens tests at the same Dr and consolidation stress and
were interpreted using the method shown in Figure 1. The correlation applies to clean,
subangular to subrounded silica sands, as sufficient data for sands with fines, other grain shapes,
and other mineralogies were not available in the literature.
As described earlier, the Vucetic and Dobry (1986) model was developed using strain-controlled
tests; however, most of the database consists of stress-controlled tests. In many stress-controlled
tests, the first several stress cycles yield similar shear strains (i.e., the difference between the
minimum and maximum γc < 30%), allowing the initial stress cycles to be treated as a strain-
controlled test. Matasovic (1993) used a similar approach in deriving Vucetic and Dobry (1986)
model parameters from tests that, as described by Matasovic (1993), were not “perfectly strain-
controlled.” Using the initial cycles, Matasovic (1993) defined F for SMB sand. To test this
approach, the proposed correlation (developed using stress-controlled tests) was compared to
strain-controlled test data from Kenan (2005; Table 1). Figure 4(b) presents the γc-g(γc) test data
with the F-values predicted by the proposed correlation. The good agreement between the
correlation and data confirms that stress-controlled can be used to derive the correlation for F.
3 0.5
(a) Monterey Sand (CU 1.4) (b)
SMB Sand (CU 1.8)
Monterey 0/30 Sand
Heber Road Sand (CU 2.3) 0.4 Dr 32%
Yatesville Sand (CU 2.4) F=1.1
Dr 50%
Wild Life (CU 2.8)
2 Dr 93%
CU 2.8 0.3
2.6 F=0.7
1 2.0
0.1 F=0.3
0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
0 20 40 60 80 100 γc(%)
Dr γtvp=0.02%
Figure 4: (a) Proposed correlation to estimate parameter F; and (b) comparison of correlation
derived from stress-controlled tests with data from strain-controlled tests from Kenan (2005).
The correlation was assessed using laboratory data from Boulanger et al. (1991), Sriskandakumar
(2003), and Porcino (2007) (see Table 1), which were not used to develop the correlation. Values
of F for these sands were defined using the proposed correlation (Figure 4a) and PWP was
calculated using Eq. (2). Figure 5(a) presents an example comparison between measured and
predicted PWP for Sacramento River sand. As is shown in the figure, the model reasonably
predicts PWP generation for the Sacramento River sand.
1 0.5
(a) 0.4 (b)
0.8 0.3
0.6 0.1
0.4 -0.1
-0.2 Sacramento Sand
Fraser River Sand
0.2 -0.3
Ticino Sand
0 -0.5
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Number of Cycles Residual Excess PWP, ru
Figure 5: (a) Comparison of measured and predicted PWP for Sacramento River and Ticino
sands; and (b) residual computed for Sacramento River, Fraser River, and Ticino sands.
Residuals, µ (= ru,measured - ru,predicted) and coefficient of determination r2 (Draper et al. 1966) were
computed for ru for each test. (A residual of zero implies accurate and unbiased prediction and a
higher r2 implies a better goodness of fit.) The coefficient of determination was calculated using
a single value of ru for each cycle for up to the first five cycles. The predicted and measured pore
pressures are compared and r2 were calculated. As is shown in Figure 5(b), residuals for PWP
generally were less than 0.1, but may indicate a slight bias at low ru values, and residuals
decreased as ru → 1. Values of r2 in Table 2 also show reasonably good performance of the
model. We note that the proposed correlation is not as successful for Ticino sand compared to
the Sacramento and Fraser River sands. It is possible that the 5% mica content of Ticino sand
(Baldi et al. 1982), which makes the sand relatively compressible, also affects the correlation for
F. However, there were insufficient data available in the literature to evaluate the role of
compressibility and mineralogy on PWP generation. Further research on these topics is
In this study, the Vucetic and Dobry (1986) PWP generation model is briefly described and a
correlation is developed to estimate model calibration parameters F, s, and p to allow the model
to be more easily implemented in site response analysis software. The proposed correlation is
based on sand index properties Dr and CU. The correlation was developed using stress-based
tests, and the use of these tests to derive strain-based model parameters also is introduced and
validated. Cyclic tests performed on different sands are used to validate the proposed correlation.
These data illustrate that the proposed correlation yields reasonable estimates of PWP generation
during cyclic shear for clean, subangular to subrounded silica sands. Fines content, grain shape,
and mineralogy may affect the proposed correlation; however, there are insufficient data in the
literature to address the role of these factors.
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