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NGM 2016 Reykjavik

Proceedings of the 17th Nordic Geotechnical Meeting

Challenges in Nordic Geotechnic 25th – 28th of May

Study on the practices for preconsolidation stress evaluation from

oedometer tests
P. Paniagua
Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Norway,

J.-S. L'Heureux, S.Y. Yang, T.L. Lunne

Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Norway

The preconsolidation stress (pc') is determined from high-quality oedometer test results by a
variety of interpretation methods. Sample quality in the database varies from very excellent to fair
(i.e. class 1-2). Results show that the five methods applied give very similar pc' values when the
samples are of good quality, with pc' varying up to 14% between the five methods.

Keywords: oedometer test, preconsolidation stress, OCR

1 INTRODUCTION These methods have in common the

assumption of a change in soil stiffness from
The standard oedometer tests provide the a stiffer to a softer response near pc';
basis for investigating one-dimensional (1D) however, their procedures vary greatly.
soil deformation characteristics and soil Ideally, interpretation of pc' should not
stress history. During the tests, soft and depend on the chosen interpretation method
compressible soil generally exhibit bilinear nor require subjectivity.
stress-displacement behavior when the data One of the principal objectives of the
are plotted on a semi-logarithmic graph. ongoing internal Strategic Project "SP8- Soil
Below a vertical effective yield stress ('vy), Parameters in Geotechnical Design"
the displacements are small; and above that (GEODiP) at the Norwegian Geotechnical
threshold value, the soil strains until it Institute (NGI) is to help achieving a more
reaches a more compressed structured. The consistent interpretation of laboratory and in-
'vy is known as preconsolidation stress (pc'). situ results, and to test/develop procedures
The ratio between pc' and the in-situ vertical for the choice of characteristic design
effective stress ('v) is known as parameters in soft clay. As part of the project
overconsolidation ratio (OCR). SP8-GEODiP, the present work compares the
Most of the clays included in this study are results of applying some of the
not mechanically over consolidated but have abovementioned interpretation methods [i.e.
an apparent over consolidation due to aging: Casagrande (1936), Janbu (1969), Pacheco
an apparent pc' considered to be created by Silva (1970), Becker et al. (1987) and
delayed consolidation (Bjerrum, 1967) and Karlsrud (1991)] for determination of pc' and
various chemical processes, i.e. not by OCR on high quality (i.e. fair to excellent)
mechanical unloading. The apparent pc' is oedometer test results from clay samples
considered as a yield stress that can be collected both on- and off-shore. The purpose
estimated from oedometer test results through is to evaluate the applicability of these
a variety of methods like those proposed by methods in a wide range of clays; in order to
e.g. Casagrande (1936), Janbu (1969), suggest a more consistent interpretation of
Pacheco Silva (1970), Butterfield (1979), pc'. A short discussion on the evaluation of pc'
Becker et al. (1987), Oikawa (1987), Burland on samples of poor quality is presented.
(1990), Karlsrud (1991), Jacobsen (1992), Finally, the paper evaluates the interpretation
Onitsuka et al. (1995) and Boone (2010). methods in terms of technicalities, source of
errors and practical purposes.

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Modelling, analysis and design


Janbu (1969, 1989) suggested to base the
2.1 Previous works on this topic determination of pc' on plots of tangent
After Casagrande (1936) proposed a method constrained modulus values versus v'.
for defining the preconsolidation pressure, However, he did not specify in detail how to
alternative approaches have been suggested, do the pc'-determination. The procedure used
mostly based on empirical observations here is explained in the sketch shown in
regarding the stress and deformations Figure 1b. Janbu's approach uses the
patterns exhibited by the soil during resistance concept. He defined the tangent
oedometer tests. Grozic et al. (2003, 2005), modulus (or constrained modulus), M, as the
Clementino (2005) and Boone (2010) present ratio of the change in effective stress (') to
detailed and graphical summaries of these the change in strain () for a particular load
approaches. increment (i.e. M = '/). For a low stress
In particular, Grozic et al. (2003, 2005)
level, around 'v0, the resistance against
evaluated multiple methods for interpreting
deformation (M0) is large. When ' increases,
pc' in low plasticity clays and concluded that
this high resistance decreases appreciably
uncertainties affect all methods, and that
owing to partial collapse of the grain
some were more difficult and ambiguous
skeleton. Resistance reaches a minimum (Mn)
than others in application.
As detailed by Boone (2010), scale effects around pc'. Subsequently when ' is increased
can clearly influence the Casagrande's beyond pc', the resistance increases linearly
method. He details also that the conclusion with increasing '. In the overconsolidated
drawn by Grozic et al. (2003) on range M1 (the average between M0 and Mn) is
recommending Becker et al. (1987) and often used in design. Behaviour in the normal
Onitsuka et al. (1995) methods, in addition to consolidation stress range can be
Casagrande (1936) and Janbu (1989) approximated by a linear oedometer modulus
methods, may prove difficult and frustrating M. Hence, for ' > pc', M = m ('-r') where
in practice, and lead to no better results given m is the modulus number and r' is the
the level of uncertainty that exist when using intercept on the ' axis and it called the
these methods. reference stress.

2.2 Casagrande (1936) 2.4 Pacheco Silva (1970)

Casagrande (1936) uses an empirical The method proposed by Pacheco Silva
construction from the void ratio, e, and the (1970) to determine pc' is widely used in
logarithm of vertical effective stress, v', Brazil. It uses an empirical construction from
curve. To determine pc', a geometrical the e – log 'v curve.
approach is followed based on Figure 1a: (i) The pc' is determined graphically as shown in
choose by eye the point of minimum radius Figure 1c and explained as follows: (i) draw
(or maximum curvature) on the consolidation a horizontal line (A–B) passing through the
curve (point A in Fig. 1), (ii) draw a initial void ratio (eo) of the specimen, i.e., the
horizontal line from point A, (iii) draw a line specimen void ratio before any load has been
tangent to the curve at point A, iv), bisect the applied; (ii) extend the straight line portion of
angle made by steps (ii) and (iii), (v) extend the virgin compression curve (C–D) until it
the straight-line portion of the virgin intercepts line A–B; (iii) from the point of
compression curve up to where it meets the intersection of lines A–B C–D, draw a
bisector line obtained in step (iv). The point vertical line down until it intercepts the e –
of intersection of these two lines is the most log p′ curve (Point E); (iv) from Point E draw
probable preconsolidation stress (point B of a horizontal line until it intercepts line C–D
Fig. 1). The maximum possible (Point F); and then (v) the stress value in the
preconsolidation stress is shown as point D horizontal axis associated with Point F is pc′.
while E represents the minimum possible Pacheco Silva (1970) method is independent
value of the preconsolidation stress. of the drawing scale (Pinto, 1992).

NGM 2016 - Proceedings 548 IGS

Study on the practices for pc' evaluation from oedometer tests

Figure 1. Methods for evaluating pc': (a) Casagrande (Holtz and Kovacs, 1981), (b) Janbu (Lunne et al.
2008), (c) Pacheco Silva (Grozic et al. 2003), (d) Becker (Becker et al. 1987) and (e) Karlsrud (Karlsrud
and Hernandez-Martinez, 2013).

2.5 Becker et al. (1987) As detailed in Karlsrud and Hernandez-

Becker et al. (1987) proposed the work Martinez (2013), the modulus behaves as
method. They defined the incremental work follows (see Figure 1e):
as: a) During loading from zero to the in-situ v',
the modulus generally increase gradually and
then tends to reach a plateau defined as the
(1) maximum re-loading modulus, M0. The
modulus then drops off more or less linearly
Where and are the effective stresses to a minimum level defined as ML (i.e. Mn),
at the end of i+1 and i loading increments, with corresponding stress defined as 'ML1.
respectively; and and are the natural After this stress is reached the modulus
strains at the end of i+1 and i loading increases linearly, but for some clays the
increments, respectively. modulus is constant up to a stress level
For overconsolidated specimens (Figure 1d), defined as 'ML2 before it starts to increase
a linear relationship is fitted in the data below linearly. Janbu’s modulus number, m, defines
in-situ stress and the post-yield (i.e. above the rate of increase beyond this point. This
pc') data is approximate with a linear line defines an M = 0 intercept on the stress
relationship. The intersection of those two axis defined as pr', which is the same
fitted lines represents pc'. definition as used by Janbu (1969). Note that
for very stiff as well as disturbed clays, pr'
2.6 Karlsrud (1991)
may be negative.
Karlsrud (1991) and Karlsrud and b) The definition of pc' is taken as the average
Hernandez-Martinez (2013) proposed a stress at which the tangent modulus starts to
slightly modified version of the Janbu (1969, drop off, until it starts to climb up again
1989) method. along the virgin modulus line.

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3 APPLICATION OF METHODS TO shows as an example the variation of sample

INTERPRET PC' quality with depth for the data included in the
3.1 Soil index properties
The 169 oedometer tests results (94% as
CRSC and 6% as incremental loading - IL)
used in the present study come from 18
different sites. The samples were taken with
either 72 mm piston sampler, miniblock
sampler or block sampler. Table 1 presents a
summary of some index properties of the clay
materials tested. In particular, water content
(w), unit weight (T), plasticity index (IP),
clay content (clay) and sensitivity (St).
Table 1. Basic properties of the clays studied
w T IP Clay St
(%) (kN/m³) (%) (%) (-)
Eidsvoll 25-35 19-20 13-19 37-48 2-5
Emmerstad 40-48 17-18 3-12 27-40 77-225
Hvalsdalen 31-39 18-20 9-18 40-49 5-20
32-46 18-19 8-19 33-46 7-135
Leirsund 30-39 19 9-18 36-49 5-20
30-45 17-19 7-28 13-67 1-170
Lierstranda 32-42 18-20 13-19 31-36 7-15
Glava 30-35 18-20 15-30 30-60 7-10
Ellingsrud 34-40 18-19 5-8 37 15-61
Klett 25-35 19-20 4-10 30-35 10-240
Kvenild 30-46 17-19 10-14 31-47 22-63
Stjordal 33-43 17-19 7-8 37-38 200
26-35 19-20 6-13 30-33 10-160
Nykirke 25-35 20 4-9 20-55 65-80
Onsøy 60-65 15-16 32-42 20-60 4,5-6
Ghana 90-145 13-15 70-95 45-65 2-6
22-38 18-20 20-42 30-45 1-3
Bothkennar 66-72 15-16 42-53 17-35 8-13

Table 2. Evaluation of sample quality, after

Lunne et al. (1998).
OCR e/eo
1 to 2 < 0,04 0,04-0,070 0,070-0,14 > 0,14
2 to 4 < 0,03 0,03-0,050 0,020-0,10 > 0,10
4 to 6 < 0,02 0,02-0,035 0,035-0,07 > 0,07
1: very
Qua- 2: good to 4: very
good to 3: poor
lity fair poor

3.2 Quality of oedometer tests results

The quality of the samples tested is evaluated
based on the initial void ratio and the axial
strain at the in-situ stress according to the
classification proposed by the Norwegian
Geotechnical Society (NGF, 2013). This
classification is based on Lunne et al. (1998).
The quality criteria is presented in Table 2.
The data is categorized as high quality (i.e.
Figure 2. Sample quality for oedometer tests, for
class 1 and class 2) which varies from good
OCR between a) 1 and 2, b) 2 and 4 and c) 4 and
to fair and very good to excellent. Figure 2 6. The OCR is shown over the symbols.

NGM 2016 - Proceedings 550 IGS

Study on the practices for pc' evaluation from oedometer tests

Figure 3. Comparison of pc' obtained by: a) Janbu's and Casagrande's methods, b) Janbu's and
Karlsrud's methods and c) Casagrande's and Karlsrud's methods.

Figure 4. Comparison of OCR' obtained by: a) Janbu's and Casagrande's methods, b) Janbu's and
Karlsrud's methods and c) Casagrande's and Karlsrud's methods.

3.3 Results and interpretation In particular, the differences up to 12% are

Figure 3 and Figure 4 show the values of pc' between Janbu's and Casagrande's methods,
and OCR obtained with Casagrande's, Janbu's and Janbu's and Karlsrud's methods. This
and Karlsrud's approaches. These methods result is somehow surprising considering that
give very similar values. Janbu values tend to the Janbu's and Karlsrud's methods are based
be slightly higher than Casagrande (as on the same assumptions. However, in
observed by Grozic et al. 2003) and Karlsrud Karlsrud's method, pc' is calculated as an
values. Karlsrud's and Casagrande's methods average from two single values whereas in
seem to result in similar values. Janbu's method pc' is a single point.
The values show more scatter for high pc'and Since all of them are graphical methods, the
higher OCR that adds uncertainties to the interpreter must have good plot resolution
data. It seems that the data with quality 2 (large enough scale in the range of analysis)
tend to add more deviation to the expected in order to clearly define tangents and choose
trend. Some exceptions are observed for data the values with high accuracy.
with quality 1, that come from Johan Karlsrud and Hernandez-Martinez (2013)
Castberg and Kvenild sites. Data from Johan comment that a comparative study of
Castberg site was difficult to interpret different other methods for defining pc' from
regarding the definition of the tangents in the oedometer tests was applied to 15 of the
graphical methods. Kvenild data is reported oedometer tests in the database used by them.
as quality 1 data, however, this couldn't be Karlsrud's method comes out just about equal
confirmed by e/eo values. The pc' and OCR to the average of the other methods (0,8% on
values vary between 4-12%. These the high side). Our data shows a higher
differences are more visible for high values deviation (i.e. up to 7,5%) when the quality
of pc' (i.e. pc' > 400-500 kPa) and OCR (i.e. of the sample decreases, and the pc' and OCR
OCR > 4). increases.

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Modelling, analysis and design

Figure 5. Comparison of pc' obtained by: a) Pacheco Silva's and Janbu's methods, b) Pacheco Silva's
and Casagrande's methods, c) Pacheco Silva's and Karlsrud's methods, d) Becker's and Janbu's
methods, e) Becker's and Casagrande's and f) Becker's and Karlsrud's methods.

Figure 6. Comparison of OCR obtained by: a) Pacheco Silva's and Janbu's methods, b) Pacheco Silva's
and Casagrande's methods, c) Pacheco Silva's and Karlsrud's methods, d) Becker's and Janbu's
methods, e) Becker's and Casagrande's and f) Becker's and Karlsrud's methods.

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Study on the practices for pc' evaluation from oedometer tests

Internationally, most oedometer tests are behaviour after sampling and unloading, or
performed as IL tests (with 24 h load steps). recompression, up to the point at which it
The test in the database used in the present reaches first the in-situ condition and then the
study are mostly CRSC tests. It is generally apparent pc' it has experienced in the past,
observed that, pc' from IL tests will be 15 - and then the "virgin" compression beyond pc'.
20% lower than CRSC tests. This unloading-reloading process might
cause more disturbance in the skeleton and
3.4 Additional methods applied to samples therefore quality reduction.
with variable quality When comparing all methods, a very
Twelve tests results of the ones studied with significant difference is that Casagrande's
Casagrande (1936), Janbu (1969) and method and Pacheco-Silva's method as well
Karlsrud (1991) methods (i.e. tests with as most international methods use double
quality 1 and quality 2, six of each one) were logarithmic scales. Whereas Janbu's method
chosen to apply Pacheco Silva (1970) and suggests that a linear scale should be used to
Becker et al. (1987) methods. In addition, six avoid misinterpretations since double
tests results with quality 3 were included to logarithmic scales can hide large scatter in
study the effect of sample quality in the the data.
application and determination of pc'. One of the main difficulties in applying the
Figure 5 and Figure 6 shows the values of pc' graphical methods is the definition of the
and OCR obtained with these approaches for tangents to the data. Usually a stress-
the different specimens evaluated. As deformation curve from a CRSC odometer
observed before, Janbu's method tends to test has more data points than traditional
have higher values of pc' than the other incremental loading methods and the "best-
methods. When compare to Pacheco Silva's fit" lines require some judgement and
method, Janbu's method results up to 14% subjectivity.
difference in OCR and 10% difference in pc'.
Pacheco Silva's and Becker's methods fit
pretty well with Casagrande's and Karlsrud's
methods. Some differences up to 5% are
observed between the estimated values of pc'
and OCR. More deviation from the expected
trend is observed for high pc' (i.e. pc' > 500
kPa) and OCR (i.e. OCR > 4-5) values, and
in particular for samples with quality 2 and 3.
The difference between Pacheco Silva's and
Becker's methods reach 6% for pc' and OCR.


After these results, no strong pc' and OCR

variations are observed for high quality
samples interpreted using Casagrande's,
Karlsrud's, Pacheco Silva's and Becker's
methods. Janbu's method gives the highest
deviations. One reason could give at Janbu's
method does not clearly specify the steps to
follow for a graphical interpretation,
therefore, it depends on the own user
experience and judgement. The observation
that more scatter is observed for high pc' and
OCR values might be due to the fact that a Figure 7. Comparison between a) pc' and b) OCR
soil specimen undergoes higher reloading from Pacheco Silva's and Becker's methods.

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Modelling, analysis and design

Table 3. Final evaluation of the pc' interpretation methods applied in the present study

In particular, it was experienced during the 6 REFERENCES

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