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Standardization of Oil Sorbent Performance Testing

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Standardization of Oil Sorbent Performance Testing

Article  in  Journal of Testing and Evaluation · November 2015

DOI: 10.1520/JTE20140227


25 6,788

3 authors:

Alireza Bazargan Jun Tan



Gordon Mckay
Hamad bin Khalifa University


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Journal of
Testing and Evaluation
Alireza Bazargan,1,2 Jun Tan,1 and Gordon McKay3

DOI: 10.1520/JTE20140227

Standardization of Oil Sorbent

Performance Testing
VOL. 43 / NO. 6 / NOVEMBER 2015

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Journal of Testing and Evaluation

doi:10.1520/JTE20140227 / Vol. 43 / No. 6 / November 2015 / available online at www.astm.org

Alireza Bazargan,1,2 Jun Tan,1 and Gordon McKay3

Standardization of Oil Sorbent

Performance Testing

Bazargan, Alireza, Tan, Jun, and McKay, Gordon, “Standardization of Oil Sorbent Performance Testing,”
Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Vol. 43, No. 6, 2015, pp. 1–8, doi:10.1520/JTE20140227. ISSN 0090-

Manuscript received May 14, 2014; Millions of barrels of petroleum and its products are transported across the globe every day.
accepted for publication July 23, 2014;
published online October 10, 2014.
The hazard of oil spills is a looming threat that can lead not only to the loss of valuable
products, but also seriously damage the environment and ecosystems. There are various
Department of Chemical and
Biomolecular Engineering, Hong Kong
ways of combating oil spills one of which is the use of sorbents. The ASTM F716-09 and
Univ. of Science and Technology, ASTM F726-12 standards have been developed for absorbent/adsorbent performance and
Clearwater Bay, Hong Kong.
uptake capacity testing. However, most researchers do not use the procedures proposed by
Department of Chemical Engineering the ASTM when reporting their findings. Currently, the majority of the manuscripts
and Biotechnology, New Museums Site,
published on oil sorbent testing do not use any uniform standard. Herein, we argue that the
Pembroke Street, Univ. of Cambridge,
Cambridge CB2 3RA, United Kingdom. ASTM standards have some shortcomings that make them unattractive for researchers to
use. These problems are discussed and possible solutions are proposed for more
Department of Chemical and
Biomolecular Engineering, Hong Kong homogeneous and accurate reporting of results.
Univ. of Science and Technology,
Clearwater Bay, Hong Kong
(Corresponding author), Keywords
e-mail: kemckayg@ust.hk absorption, adsorption, oil spill remediation, methodology, petroleum clean up

The massive need for energy in today’s world has resulted in the exploration, extraction, and
transport of millions of tons of oil across the globe. In the event of an accidental spill, in addition
to the loss of valuable liquid products, serious environmental, health, safety, and economical
problems may be caused. Large spill disasters can take many years or even decades to clean up.
Almost all sectors of society are concerned with such events including environmentalists, scien-
tists, industries, stock holders, and the general public. Petroleum spills can have direct adverse

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2 Journal of Testing and Evaluation

effects on marine life as well as chronic effects on entire ecosys- (11.4), release to other materials (11.5), and fluids more dense
tems [1,2]. In order to combat oil spills, several strategies can be than water (11.6). ASTM F726 is more directly related to the
applied. The strategy selected is dependent on the type of spilled topic of the current paper. Nonetheless, sections such as
petroleum product, geography of spill site, weather conditions, dynamic degradation testing (9.2) and extraction and reuse
and various other factors. If the spill takes place on open waters, (10.1–10.4) are not commented upon.
the more volatile fraction is prone to weathering and evapora-
tion, while the heavier components will form slicks and/or sink SORBENT TYPES
to the bottom of the sea [3]. The detrimental effects of oil spills The current standards divide sorbents into 4 types [28]. Type I
can be diverse ranging from genetic modification of microbial sorbents are those with length and width much greater than
and enzymatic activities in the natural microbial community in their thickness such as films, sheets, pads, etc. Type II are loose
oil-contaminated sediments [4] to decrease in strength and per- sorbents that are unconsolidated particulate material and are
meability of effected soils [5]. handled with scoops or similar equipment. Type III is defined
Oil spills are an important area of research with hundreds as enclosed sorbents such as pillows and booms, which confine
of manuscripts published on the topic each year. The proceed- the sorbent material by an outer permeable fabric or netting.
ings of the “International Oil Spill Conference,” which is one of Finally, Type IV are those sorbents such as pompoms with an
the many outlets for publishing such studies, contains more open structure that allows the intrusion of high viscosity oils.
than 3000 manuscripts to date [6]. A wide array of problems
resulting from oil spills have been investigated in areas such as TERMINOLOGY

the Persian Gulf (although some have incorrectly referred to the Before considering any of the details regarding the ASTM meth-
“Persian Gulf” with other false names such as the “Arabian ods for oil uptake capacity measurements, it is suitable to note
Gulf” [7]). the scattered (and often incorrect) terminology used for describ-
Methods for combating spills can be categorized into ing the phenomenon of oil sorption onto the sorbents among
mechanical, chemical, physicochemical, biological, etc [8]. The researchers. In the literature, the words “adsorption” and
use of dispersants, sorbents, solidifiers, booms, and skimmers “absorption” have unfortunately often been used loosely and
are widespread [9–11]. Booms are used to limit the oil from interchangeably. Absorption is a bulk phenomenon which is the
spreading and skimmers are used to collect it. Using sorbents result of the assimilation of the liquid molecular species
for the collection of spilled oil is another option [12–18]. In throughout the bulk of the sorbent. Meanwhile, adsorption is a
recent years, hundreds of various natural and synthetic materi- surface phenomenon which is the result of the accumulation of
als have been tested as possible oil sorbents [19–26]. liquid molecular species at the surface rather than in the bulk of
Although the testing of sorbents for oil spill clean-up is a the sorbent. Using a more general term such as “sorption,”
popular area of research, unfortunately many inconsistencies which can be considered as encompassing both adsorption and
exist in reporting the experimental data. In this manuscript, the absorption, is more suitable. Therefore it is advised that unless
discrepancies of these studies are discussed and areas of concern future researchers have distinct reasons to use either absorption
are highlighted. Regrettably, too often the results of studies are or adsorption specifically, they refrain from using either term,
compared without any consideration of the differences in the and the word sorption is used. A sorbent can be defined as a
methodologies used. Although the ASTM F716-09 [27] and material “used to recover liquids through the mechanisms of
ASTM F726-12 [28] exist as standard test methods, they are not adsorption or adsorption, or both” [28]. The liquid uptaken by
universally used among researchers. Possible reasons as to why a sorbent (in particular type II, III, and IV sorbents) is often the
the ASTM standards are ignored will be mentioned and solu- result of both adsorption and absorption phenomena. Table 1
tions for overcoming the shortcomings will be suggested. provides examples of various studies that have used the terms
absorption, adsorption, and sorption.
The ASTM standards give the following definitions for ad-
Analysis of Current Methods sorbent and absorbent [27]:
The ASTM F716 and ASTM F726 standards pertain to absorb-
ent and adsorbent performance testing respectively (refer to the
Terminology section of this paper for definitions). The current TABLE 1 Examples of varying terminology used to describe the
paper is specifically focused on the sorption capacity of the uptake of the oily liquid by the sorbent.
sorbents. Therefore, sections of the ASTM standards which
Terminology Used References
address other issues are not considered. For example, from
Absorption [29,30]
ASTM F716, only section 11.3 is relevant to this paper. Section
Adsorption [31,32]
11 of ASTM F716 contains subsections related to oily material
Sorption [33,34]
absorption (11.2), rate of release testing (11.3), penetration

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“Absorbent—a material that picks up and retains a liquid long test (9.4), a 24 h contact time is provided instead of 15 min
distributed throughout its molecular structure causing the solid with the other features of the test remaining the same.
to swell (50 % or more). The absorbent is at least 70 % insoluble Section 11.2 of ASTM F716 suggests a completely different
in excess liquid. method of assessing the absorbing material’s inherent capacity
Adsorbent—an insoluble material that is coated by a liquid referred to as the absorption efficiency. Since the current paper
on its surface including pores and capillaries without the solid is focused on gravimetric experiments for adsorption capacity
swelling more than 50 % in excess liquid.” measurements, the test regarding absorption efficiency is not
The ASTM standards stress that F716 should only be elaborated upon.
applied to absorbents, whereas F726 is suitable solely for
adsorbents. However, this type of distinction is not suitable. For
all practical purposes, a material that swells 49 % is very similar CONTACT AND DRIPPING TIMES
to one which swells 51 %; yet if the ASTM standards are to be Most sorption studies include a step in which the sorbent is
followed, such similar materials will not be subjected to the contacted with the oil denoted here as the “contact time,” fol-
same tests and will be evaluated differently. This is a flaw of the lowed by a step in which the sorbent is removed from the liquid
current structure of the standards. Perhaps it would be better to bath and allowed to drip designated as the “dripping time.”
merge the F716 and F726 standards into one standard which Longer contact times ensure that the sorbent has uptaken the
encompasses both absorbents and adsorbents instead of placing maximum amount of the liquid, i.e., it has reached saturation. If
an arbitrary cut-off point at 50 % swelling. an adequate contact time is not employed, the sorbent will show
less-than-saturated uptake capacities. If the contact time is
extended longer than needed for saturation, the uptake capacity
UPTAKE CAPACITY MEASUREMENTS will not be affected as it cannot increase any further. However,
There are various methods for evaluating sorption capacities. since most researchers are keen on reporting higher uptake
The simplest methodology used for testing the uptake capacity capacities, all studies allow for enough contact to ensure satura-
of the sorbents follows similar steps [35,36]. The uptake tion has been reached. Contrary to the contact time, which can
capacity is also referred to as the absorbency ratio, and is be chosen above the saturation point, the dripping time is cru-
reported as the mass of liquid uptaken per mass of sorbent. The cial and should not be chosen arbitrarily. The dripping step is
sorption capacities are either measured by hanging reading used to ensure that the liquid which is loosely held by the sor-
scales, top loading balances with a hook, or with normal bench bent is lost due to the gravitational pull. If the drainage is not
top scales. First, the dry sorbent is weighed and placed in a net. adequately long, the values reported for the uptake capacity will
Then, the net holding the sorbent is submerged into the liquid be inaccurately high. Table 2 provides a list of studies which
and allowed to stay for a duration of time. Next, the net is have implemented different contact and dripping times for
removed from the liquid and allowed to drain. Finally, after the measuring uptake capacity. Evidently, a large range of contact
excess liquid has been drained, the uptake capacity of the sor- and dripping times are employed. These inconsistencies lead to
bent is calculated. Other variations of this methodology have major differences among the reported results.
also been used [37–47]. For Type I sorbents, no net is required, Studies which do not incorporate adequate dripping times
and the sorbent can be directly hung to drain. In ASTM F726’s and measure the uptake capacity quickly after the removal of
oil adsorption short test (9.3), a contact time of 15 min between the sorbent from the liquid basin, report higher (and often
the liquid and sorbent is suggested, followed by a dripping time bloated) sorption capacity values. For example, studies within
of 15 s or 2 min depending on the viscosity of the oil. In the our research group show that when testing the uptake capacity

TABLE 2 The contact and dripping times in various studies for liquid sorption calculations. Note that the dripping times vary from seconds to hours
which may radically affect the reported uptake capacity.

Contact Time Dripping Time References

Unreported Unreported [48]
Unreported 10 s of dripping followed by wiping the bottom of the mesh to remove excess oil [49]
15 min (short test) or 24 h (long test) 30 s or 2 min (for heavy or weathered oil) [28]
10 min 1 min [50]
5 min 5 min [51]
10 min 10 min [31]
10 min 15 min [52]
2 or 15 h 1 or 3 h [53]

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4 Journal of Testing and Evaluation

of RMG380 marine residual fuel with rice husk sorbents, the sorbate quickly, while exhibiting more resistance towards the
measured uptake capacity will decrease by 50 % if the sorbent is dripping of another sorbate.
allowed to drip for 30 min instead of 30 s [54]. Such large varia-
tions cannot be overlooked. As such, when comparing the NET MESH SIZE AND SORBENT AMOUNT
reported data in literature regarding uptake capacities, one must If a net is employed to hold the sorbent during the test, some
be aware of the employed dripping time. liquid will be trapped between the sorbent particles and the net
In order to overcome the problem arising from employing body. If the net has small holes or if not enough sorbent is used,
different drip times, it is suggested for researchers to report the amount of trapped liquid between the net and sorbent will
the measured uptake capacity of each sample recorded at dif- be a significant portion of the amount of liquid retained by the
ferent drainage periods. This solution would effectively result entire experimental setup. The liquid held at the contact points
in drainage profiles exhibiting the kinetic data of liquid reten- between the sorbent and the net is not technically uptaken by
tion. Such a curve, shown in Fig. 1, would appear as follows: the sorbent; however, in the uptake capacity calculations, this
immediately after the removal of the sorbent from the liquid amount of liquid trapped between the net and the sorbent will
basin, the gravitational forces acting on the system result in be unwantedly included. Hence, in such a case, the final
fast removal of large amounts of oil from the sorbent. As reported uptake capacity will be offset.
more oil is lost and the drainage progresses, the oil remaining As the amount of sorbent which is being tested increases,
in the sorbent becomes less susceptible to dripping. With the the mass of liquid trapped in between the net and the sorbent
passing of time, less oil is lost due to downward gravitational becomes less influential on the final calculated sorption
forces. The process continues until gravity is no longer strong capacity. Ultimately, if enough sorbent is used in the experi-
enough to remove any more oil from the sorbent. The equilib- ment or if the net mesh size is increased, this amount of trapped
rium uptake capacity (Ce) can be defined as the uptake liquid becomes unimportant. For better accuracy, it is also
capacity at the point when no more drops of liquid are lost important to ensure that the weight of the net is not a large
due to further drainage. This point in time has been referred fraction of the final weight of the system (including the wet
to as “the point of no dripping” [34] and can also be called sorbent). If the weight of the net is much higher than the
the equilibrium time (te). It is expected that uptake capacities sorbent, slight measurement errors may result in large errors in
for various samples will exhibit different degrees of depend- accuracy.
ence on the dripping time. Some sobent–sorbate systems may As an example, in Fig. 2, data regarding the measured
have very sharp declines in the initial moments of drainage, uptake capacity of RMG380 marine residual fuel by rice husk
while others may drain less quickly. sorbents produced in our research group is provided [55]. Tests
Reporting the full dripping profile for the sorbent–sorbate were conducted 3 times and the average values are reported.
system will allow a better assessment of the sorbent’s perform- Evidently, the less sorbent that is used, the higher the measured
ance. It should also be noted that the speed at which the liquid sorption capacity will be. As the amount of sorbent increases,
is lost is not only a function of the sorbent, but also a function the trapped liquid between the net and sorbent becomes less
of the sorbate properties. A sorbent may lose a particular significant and the values begin to steady-out. Thus the more
sorbent is used, the more accurate the reported uptake capacity
will be.

FIG. 1 The measured uptake capacity of a sorbent versus dripping time (also
referred to as the retention profile). C1 and C2 show the uptake
capacity if 30 s and 2 min of dripping are allowed, respectively. Ce is FIG. 2 Measured uptake capacity versus amount of sorbent used.
the equilibrium uptake capacity reached at the time when dripping
stops (te).

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IMPORTANCE OF LIQUID PROPERTIES carefully measured and reported. Exposure to air when storing
Each sorbate–sorbent system will exhibit a different dripping the liquids for future experimentation must be minimal. If
profile. The profile is dependent on many factors including (but experimentation is to be carried out after large time intervals,
not limited to) the liquid’s viscosity, density, and surface ten- it is suggested for liquid properties to be re-measured. If vola-
sion. As such, if the liquid being used as the sorbate is not fresh, tile liquid is used, the evaporation profile will be more pro-
the properties may have changed significantly from the data nounced and influential.
provided by the producer. For example, it was observed in our
research group that if RMG380 marine residual fuel was left
exposed to the laboratory atmosphere for 20 days, the measured
Shortcomings of the ASTM
sorption capacities increased by more than 10 %–15 % com- Standards
pared to when fresh liquid was used. This is because the more
The number of studies that use the ASTM F716 and
volatile fraction of the liquid gradually evaporated and left
ASTM F726 standards to measure oil uptake capacities are
behind the heavier and thicker fraction. In other words, the vis-
limited. Effectively, these standards are unpopular among the
cosity and density of the weathered liquid increased. It is well
majority of researchers working on developing new oil sorbent
known that more viscous liquids lead to higher measured sorp-
materials. The unpopularity of the standards may be due to the
tion capacities. Therefore, the properties of the liquid as well as
lack of familiarity with the standards, or due to shortcomings
environmental conditions such as temperature which can affect
associated with ASTM F716 and F726. Three of the most
the liquid viscosity should be kept as constant as possible.
important shortcomings that have been identified in the stand-
In order to better understand the extent of which volatili-
ards are as follows:
zation occurs, the evaporation of the RMG380 marine residual
fuel was monitored over a span of several months. Figure 3 1. In the ASTM standards, the mesh size of the net to hold
shows the weight loss of the marine residual fuel left in a petri the sorbents is not defined. The only mentioned criteria is
dish exposed to the laboratory atmosphere for a long duration that “the mesh should retain the sorbent, yet allow free oil
to drain away from the sorbent” [27]. As previously dis-
of time. The figure shows that although 5 % of the marine
cussed, this is not an adequate limitation, as different
diesel evaporated in the first 20 days, it took nearly ten times
mesh sizes result in different dripping profiles of the sor-
as long (about 200 days) for the next 5 % to evaporate. The
bent and result in different amounts of oil being trapped
evaporation significantly altered the properties of the liquid. between the net and the sorbent.
Although the fresh residual fuel is pourable, after 200 days of 2. The ASTM standards require at least 4 g of sorbent to be
evaporation, the liquid will no longer pour out of the petri used in every experimental run. However, often in labora-
dish unless it is physically forced out. Hence when oil sorption tory experiments, the prepared sorbents are not produced
tests are carried out, the properties of the liquid should be in large scales. Hence, using 4 g for every run (and taking

FIG. 3
Natural evaporation of RMG380 marine residual
diesel exposed to laboratory atmosphere.

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6 Journal of Testing and Evaluation

into consideration that each run must be repeated at least parameters of importance to be reported in oil sorption
3 times for accuracy) is often impractical. performance testing:
3. In the ASTM F726 standard, only 30 s (or 2 min in the Equilibrium Uptake Capacity: denoted by Ce or Qe, is
case of heavy and weathered oil) of dripping is allo- the uptake capacity of the sorbent calculated at the no-
cated after the removal of the sorbent from the liquid drip point. The equilibrium uptake capacity, which can
basin. However, this amount of time is often inad- also be referred to as the “practical uptake capacity,” is a
equate and leads to inaccuracies in reporting the function of both sorbent and sorbate properties.
results. As such, the uptake capacities reported by using Equilibrium Time: denoted by te, is the time required
the ASTM F726 method are often bloated and much for dripping to stop. In other words, te is the duration of
higher than the actual practical pickup capacity of the time starting from when the sorbent is removed from the
sorbent. Unlike ASTM F726, which has overlooked this liquid bath, until the no-drip point is reached. The equilib-
issue completely, in clause 11.3.2, ASTM F716 does rium time, also known as “the point of no dripping,” is a
indeed mention that the sorbent needs to be allowed to function of the sorbent and sorbate properties as well as
drain until cessation of dripping in order to record the the net mesh size in case one is used.
“practical pickup.” 3. It is preferable for researchers to report the dynamic loss
of liquid from the sorbent. This means that the calculated
In order to overcome the problems associated with the
uptake capacity should be reported at several points
ASTM standards, adjustments and revisions are required. between the initial removal of the sorbent from the liquid
bath, until all dripping has stopped (equilibrium uptake
capacity). Reporting how the sorbent loses the liquid with
Proposed Solutions time provides vital information regarding the retention
behavior of the sorbent. Sorbents that lose liquids faster
The lack of adjustments to ASTM F716 and F726 could result would presumably be less favorable than those which
in the continuation of their unpopularity. This unpopularity has have slower desorption due to dripping.
led to disorder in experimental methodologies used for the eval- 4. It is understandable that researchers may want to use as
uation of sorbents in the scientific community. The differences little sample in each sorption capacity experiment as pos-
in methodologies have often resulted in data from each study sible in order to not exhaust their sample supplies. None-
being different from the next. These differences sometimes theless, in order to verify that the mass of the sorbent
make findings misleading and hinder the possibility of mean- used in the experiments is not leading to an overstate-
ingful comparisons being drawn among research results ment of the uptake capacity, a small number of test runs
reported by different groups. Thus, the following suggestions employing more mass of the sorbents should be carried
out. This is to make sure that the measured uptake
could be considered in order to ensure more sound and compa-
capacity does not decrease when more sorbent is used
rable studies are conducted and reported:
and that the amount of liquid stuck between the mesh
1. Instead of the loose and inexact use of the words adsorb- and the sorbent does not significantly affect the experi-
ent and absorbent, the more general terms of sorbent mental results. Moreover, when a larger mass of sorbent
should be used. The sorption process of oils is usually a is used, slight measurement errors lead to less significant
combination of both adsorption and absorption phenom- accuracy issues.
ena. If researchers wish to use the words adsorbent or 5. Since volatilization can drastically change the liquid prop-
absorbent, specific justification should be provided in erties and in-turn lead to overstated uptake capacities, the
order to explain why the specific word has been utilized. properties of the actual sorbate used in the sorption
ASTM F716 vaguely states that “increase in volume of the experiments (in particular density and viscosity) should
solid absorbent is the property that distinguishes an be measured and reported. If the sorbate is used for sev-
absorbent from an adsorbent.” eral experimental runs, it would be sound practice to
2. During the removal of the sorbent from the liquid bath measure the liquid properties before the first and after the
and subsequent drainage, the practical pick up capacity is final run in order to ensure the liquid properties have not
measured when no more drops of liquid are lost during changed significantly.
drainage. This point may also be referred to as the “no-
drip point” or as the “point of no dripping.” It would be
preferable for researchers to report this practical capacity Conclusion
as well as the uptake capacity at other points in time dur-
ing drainage. Reporting the uptake capacity at the no-drip The environmental disasters looming due to oil spills are an
point would be beneficial in the sense that the uptake area of concern for many researchers as well as the general pub-
capacity of no sorbent would be over-estimated (or delib- lic. In order to combat spills, various methods and techniques
erately over reported). The time to reach this equilibrium are used. In this regard, oil sorbent materials are frequently
is also of importance. Hence, here we define two produced and tested. Although the standard methods of

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