The Kiasyd Revised

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The Kiasyd Revised

Ex Libris Nocturnis -

By: Mack Knopf & Dan Young

Summary: A new look at an old Bloodline... As to how this was actually achieved, one can
only speculate, and all the Lasombra involved in
In my craft or sullen art the botched project were promptly executed for
Exercised in the still night stupidity and plotting against their elders (i.e.,
When only the moon rages being caught at it).
And the lovers lie abed
With all their griefs in their arms, This being the Dark Ages, when things were a
bit looser and what mainly mattered was whose
I labor by singing light side you were on, the only people who
Not for ambition or bread particularly cared were the Lasombra. The other
Or the strut and trade of charms Clans were more than happy to help anyone
On the ivory stages whose very existence embarrassed the Lasombra.
But for the common wages (As the "ones that got away.") Besides, the
Of their most secret heart. Kiasyd, while useful and a little unnerving, were
-- Dylan Thomas, "In my Craft or Sullen Art" not particularly threatening, as they did not
meddle in Kindred or mortal politics, preferring
A rose on a vine withers and falls, only to to engage in their own pursuits. Said pursuits
bloom again when summer comes. Youth dies as often involved magic, the Fey, mortal arts, and
innocence fades, maturing into strength and then some of the stranger corners of the world.
old age, and then to dust, as the next generation Granted, this did mean they had to keep a sharp
is born and grows. Winter changes to spring, eye out for Tremere, who were frequently
then spring changes to summer and gives way to interested in some of the same things and
fall, and back again to winter. Life comes from interrogating those who were.
death, and death comes from death. But what if
you knew an eternal Winter was coming, where The Magus, notably, was not to be found after
the cycle would stop for good? the experiment was completed.

Would you try to stop it, doing your best to No one is quite sure what the last ingredients
inspire wonder? Or would you help it come was, but the odds are quite against it being the
again in your despair? blood of a god, gods being notoriously loath to
part with bodily components.
The Kiasyd are thought by some to be created
from the night-dwelling Lasombra, during the Thus goes the official story.
Dark Ages, by a thaumaturgical experiment
involving a hapless Lasombra childer, faerie The truth is something a little different, as in
spells, and something reported to be "the blood actuality the Kiasyd have been around for quite
of Zeenerboch, god of the underworld," which some time. Kiasyd, literally, is a word in the
they bought from a Magus. The experiment was True Speech of the faeries, who speak all
an attempt to create a Lasombra with new tongues and none. It means "Child of the Dying
improved Disciplines, blood-bound to his master Lands," and has been in usage for thousands of
and suitable as a weapon. The result was a tall, years.
slender pointy-eared being with black pupiless
eyes, who promptly upped and vanished to avoid A Kiasyd is either a changeling "successfully"
the inevitable post-mortem inquest. Shortly Embraced by a vampire, or a human Embraced
thereafter (in Cainite terms, about a century), by an existing Kiasyd.
similar-looking Kindred with uncanny powers
appeared here and there across Europe, claiming Not all Kiasyd look inhuman to the normal
to be a new independent bloodline called the eye, only those Embraced from the Lasombra
Kiasyd. Kiasyd side of the family. Other Kiasyd -- that
is, those changelings Embraced by any other

The Kiasyd Revised 1

vampire, including a Lasombra in the usual way despite their need to feel from other’s emotions,
-- look normal, except in their Chimerical state their Glamour. All Changelings need magic from
(more on this below. The specific combination of the world as well, though they exude more than
the Lasombra experiment produced a vampire they take, by the way they live. Kiasyd need
that functions exactly as the previous-known magic to survive as well, but their hunger is far,
Kiasyd, with the sole different being that their far greater, and unlike living Changelings, they
regular semblance is the same as the Fae must make conscious efforts to spread magic and
Seeming of the other Kiasyd (discussed later). inspiration.

The new Kiasyd were sheltered initially by They are also far more aware of the passage
the Fey for their own reasons, and brought into of time and the growing loss of magic than their
contact with their other brothers and sisters, who often-incomprehensible living kin, and so cannot
quickly recognized that appearance aside, they turn away from their perceptions as the others
shared a common legacy. However, while do. A curious paradox, that greater hunger would
Kiasyd do need the social company of others, bring greater awareness. Not every Kiasyd tries
they usually cannot bear to stay around other to restore magic -- some gleefully join in its
Kiasyd too long, as it reminds them of each feasting -- but all are aware of the problem. Most
other’s suffering too much. They do stay in try to make up for their hunger by doing what
contact and will help each other. they can to preserve magic, while the True Fey
run away.
Views: The Kiasyd do not believe their soul is
damned, being "blasphemous pagan heretics" to It should go without saying that True Fey
begin with (at least the changeling ones), and cannot be embraced, as they *are* magic, and do
they quickly informed the others that they still not have (except in cases where they give up
had their soul or spirit. They do not Embrace their immortality) true flesh to be trifled with,
often, but only in dire loneliness, to save being entirely magical beings. The vampire
another’s life, or upon determined request for trying such a thing is probably soon to meet a
what they deem the right reasons. To be a Kiasyd quick death if he’s lucky, or complete insanity
is to be unable to turn away from the knowledge (or turned into a deer and hunted from dusk to
of what is happening to the world and what dawn, perpetually renewed to be killed again, or
should be. given the Seven-Year Itch, or sentenced to live
inside a mirror, or... You get the idea).
Fortunately, the True Fae begin to leave the
The original Kiasyd were changelings who world throughout the Middle Ages, and the final
for one reason or another became vampires. This vestiges of them leave as the Renaissance begins.
varied from the voluntary -- wanting to be with What are left is only the Changelings, fey who
the same lover for eternity, fear of death and took mortal bindings to exist on this world. The
reincarnation (Sidhe don’t reincarnate), wanting Fey have always done this here and there --
to finish a project that absolutely had to be done usually to stay with a mortal lover, sometimes as
-- to the involuntary: "date rape," a desire to a lark -- but eventually all who wish to remain on
punish the fey, or just plain bad luck. Voluntary Earth become changelings. By 1401, the
changelings have normal chances of becoming Shattering is complete and only the changelings
vampires. Unwilling changelings have a one in and the Kiasyd remain, leaving the fey vampires
three chance of just dying, a one in three change in the strange situation of being some of the few
of becoming a regular vampire like their parent beings who remember the old times of magick
(as their Fae Self is completely ripped away), and Faerie Glory.
and a one in three chance of becoming a Kiasyd,
with tattered remnants of their Fae Self left. The number of changelings around to be
Embraced only became a significant number in
Those becoming Kiasyd have their magic the High Middle Ages, which is why very few
inverted in a strange sort of hunger, and a knew anything about them before that. As to
gnawing awareness of the passing of magic and why the magus did what he did with the
the desire to reclaim it. This is the keynote of Lasombra experiment and what he did, who
their existence, and leads many in a search to knows? Speculations range from a practical joke
hold magic in the world and inspire it in others, (the most popular) to a desire to insult the

2 The Kiasyd Revised

Lasombra to a long-ranging plot to keep Appearance
something of the fey alive, and perhaps forestall
the Eternal Winter to come. Most vampires Kiasyd descended from the Lasombra
wouldn’t even consider the last explanation, as experiment all share a common look, gaining
they are perfectly happy with the loss of magic, about six inches, with corresponding
and could care less about some fey ranting about slenderness. Eyes darken to be almost black,
the end of the world, should they even listen to while ears become pointed, though they can be
the fey in the first place. After all, who knows tucked under hair (and better be, lest the vampire
why mages or fey do what they do in the first want to become hunted by any passing villager).
place? They’re mad, all of them, or scholars, The net effect is striking, but not unpleasant. No
which is about the same thing. one knows why this change happens, but it is
possible that the ingredient provided to
Particularly paranoid Kindred elders consider Lasombra may have been the blood of a Kiasyd
the Kiasyd new pawns introduced by the who had been a Sidhe.
Antediluvians, but then, that’s what they think
about everything. This attitude by the elders Kiasyd who were Embraced changelings
probably contributes to a faction of the Kiasyd usually look normal, unless some aspect from
joining the Sabbat during the beginning of the their previous Chimerical seeming carries over to
Renaissance. (and perhaps with some of the their physical form (see the Merit/Flaw).
Lasombra joining the Camarilla as an official However, their chimerical self -- visible only by
clan. As far as a causal connection to some of the the Fey, certain magicians‘ spells, and vampires
Giovanni being ordered to join the Sabbat...Who who can see such things -- still exists and reflects
can say? what they’ve become. Simply put, it reflects both
their former fey self and the state of their soul.
Despite what one may think, Changeling- The Chimerical Self, the faerie look (pooka,
descent Kiasyd are frequently allowed inside sidhe, redcap, etc.) will always seem very pale,
faerie strongholds, and often keep many of their though not necessarily unpleasant. However, if
old ties, contacts and Treasures, though for some the vampire has become corrupted (check his
this is too painful. Kiasyd are treated either with Humanity), the Chimerical Self may seem
pity, for what they have lost, or fear, for what monstrous and horribly dissolute (a la "The
they have become. Because of this and the sheer Picture of Dorian Gray"). Note: Kiasyd cannot
pain of constantly reminded of their living past, see chimerical seemings themselves, including
while Kiasyd may stay inside Changeling society their own, without the appropriate discipline (see
for some time, most eventually choose to leave. Depredation).
The majority of those ties will fade, though not
all will (such as the closest friendships, and Disciplines
knowledges). Most Kiasyd set up hermitages,
wander, or take root in human or vampiric For non-Fey embraced by Lasombra Kiasyd:
society. Yes, this can lead to situations where Depredation, Obfuscate, and Potence.
Kiasyd in an area answer to both the Kindred and
Changeling courts, a situation that usually For all others (including Changelings
becomes untenable in the long-run. embraced by other clans) -- Depredation, and
two Disciplines of the Embracing vampire.
Kiasyd descended from the experiment will
be treated depending on what they know, though Note: The Fae Birthrights are lost upon
they are always purely visitors, while the others transformation, since they require a full
are more seen as exiles who were once great, connection to the Dreaming. The sole
with some rights. The new Kiasyd might have to "exception" involves birthrights already
have explained to them by the others what is embodied in your mortal self, preserved like a fly
happening to them now and told about the in amber(see Seeming’s Blessing in the Merits
passing of fey society and magic (if they haven‘t and Flaws), and the haunting twist of fate of
already figured it out themselves), but they are Chimerical Appearance).
generally regarded as equal kin.

The Kiasyd Revised 3

Bloodline Weakness day per success. Only one success is needed on
this roll.
Kiasyd must consume Glamour in order to
exist. The life essence (blood) from which they To change the emotion to blood, the Kiasyd
feed must contain Glamour. Hence, they can must roll (Stamina + Empathy?) against a
only feed from Changelings or from enchanted variable target which depends, again, on the
mortals. In any event, their victims lose emotion's intensity. Stronger emotions are easier
temporary Glamour proportionate to the amount to use. Each success on this roll gives the Kiasyd
of blood which is taken. Kiasyd can drink the one blood point.
blood of other vampires, and suffer all normal
effects of drinking such blood, but gain only one Emotional Intensity Target to Target to
blood point for every two they drink (round Take Use
down). Drinking unenchanted human blood does Mild (just had
4 10
absolutely nothing for them, as well as being chocolate)
weak and watery, and will be purged from the Moderate (found lost
5 9
body in whatever way or orifice is most item)
convenient. Kiasyd soon learn that they must Significant (a good
6 8
have the magic to survive. party)
Serious (a hot date) 7 7
Note, however, that the Kiasyd discipline Extreme (end of a hot
8 6
allows them to enlarge their blood supply date)
without feeding, in certain circumstances. This Orgasmic (orgasm) 9 5
power affects only the Glamour-infused blood Overwhelming (won
10 4
which runs in Kiasyd veins - in order for another the lottery)
clan to learn or use this power, they must first
feed from Kiasyd or Changelings. •• Consume Sorrow

Kiasyd Discipline: "Depredation" This works essentially like the first power,
Consume Joy, except that the Kiasyd may
There is no pain, you are receding. consume sorrow instead of joy.
A distant ship's smoke on the horizon.
You are only coming through in waves. System: The same rolls apply:
Your lips move but I can't hear what you're
sayin'. Emotional intensity Target to take Target to use
When I was a child I caught a fleeting glimpse,
Out of the corner of my eye. Emotional Intensity Target to Target to
I turned to look but it was gone. Take Use
-- Pink Floyd, "Comfortably Numb" Mild (broke a nail) 4 10
Moderate (home team
5 9
• Consume Joy defeated)
Significant (lost
6 8
With this power, the Kiasyd can take fun out valuables)
of anything. More to the point, they can use that Serious (failed a major
7 7
joy to cause the spontaneous regeneration of task)
their own blood, as if it were still alive. Extreme (lost a job) 8 6
Orgasmic (lost a close
9 5
System: The Kiasyd must first find a person who friend)
is having a good time, and make physical contact Overwhelming
10 4
with them. They must then make a (betrayed by lover)
(Manipulation + Empathy?) roll, against a
variable target which depends on the emotional ••• Consume Anger
intensity of the victim, to take the emotion away.
Stronger emotions are harder to take. When the This works essentially like the first power,
emotion is taken, the victim will feel listless and except that the Kiasyd may consume anger
drained -- in fact, virtually emotionless for one instead of joy.

4 The Kiasyd Revised

System: The same rolls apply: frenzy (for a number of days equal to the number
of successes on the first roll).
Emotional Target to Target to
Intensity Take Use ••••• Consume Love
Mild (irritated) 4 10
Moderate (annoyed) 5 9 This works essentially like the first power,
Significant except that the Kiasyd may consume love instead
6 8 of joy. This power is used to break emotional
Serious bonds between two people. The person affected
7 7 must be touched, and their affection must be
Extreme (really aroused (e.g. by the presence of the subject of
8 6 their affection, or by a train of thought involving
Orgasmic them, etc.)
9 5
Overwhelming System: The same rolls apply:
10 4
Emotional Intensity Target to Target to
Note that this power can be used to instantly Take Use
defuse a fighting Frenzy in another supernatural Mild (like a friend) 4 10
creature. If successful, Frenzy immediately ends Moderate (like family) 5 9
and the subject becomes temporarily unable to Significant (sincere
6 8
frenzy (for a number of days equal to the number affection)
of successes on the first roll). Serious (emotional
7 7
This power can also be used to drain Rage Extreme (obsession) 8 6
from a creature who possesses the Rage trait. Orga Orgasmic
9 5
Passive Rage (e.g. in a character who is not (physical need)
frenzied) should be regarded as Extreme (8) Overwhelming
10 4
anger. Each success on the first roll costs the (mindless devotion)
subject one temporary point of Rage.
Note that this can negate Presence effects and
•••• Consume Fear even certain Dominate effects, but does not even
temporarily relieve a blood bond.
This works essentially like the first power,
except that the Kiasyd may consume fear instead ••••• • Perceive Chimera
of joy. Note that this can negate Presence effects.
This is one of two level six powers. Both
System: The same rolls apply: must be learned separately.

Emotional Intensity Target to Target to The Kiasyd has absorbed so much glamour
Take Use through Depredation that she can once again
Mild (startled) 4 10 manifest one of the powers of the Fae -- in
Moderate (spooked) 5 9 particular, the ability to perceive the chimerical
Significant (anxious) 6 8 world. The Kiasyd can see Fae, Chimera, Dross,
Serious (downright and even herself as they appear to the Fae Sight.
7 7 Many who are capable of this power never learn
Extreme (terrified) 8 6 it, as the sight of what they have become might
Orgasmic (paralyzed) 9 5 very well drive them mad.
Overwhelming (Fox
10 4 System: No roll is necessary to use the power; it
becomes innate. The Kiasyd can change between
Note that this power can be used to instantly the two modes of perception at will. However, a
defuse a Fox Frenzy in another supernatural Willpower (6) roll may be necessary to avoid a
creature. If successful, Frenzy immediately ends temporary derangement if the Kiasyd confronts a
and the subject becomes temporarily unable to mirror and their soul is corrupted (use their
Humanity or Path as a guide).

The Kiasyd Revised 5

••••• • Consume Chimera object of that affection. And so on. Emotions
inspired in this manner are not "real", and may
This is one of two level six powers. Both not be consumed by Depredation.
must be learned separately.
••••• ••• There are no known Kiasyd above the
The Kiasyd can consume the very stuff of sixth generation.
dreams -- Chimera. The Kiasyd can literally take
a chimerical creature or item and consume it. Notes for running Depredation in a
The chimera, and the dream that created it, are game:
completely destroyed.
On the one hand, it makes it fairly easy for
System: The roll to get a hold of the Chimera is Kiasyd to "feed" -- they can take a sip here and a
Wits + Fae Lore -- the Storyteller should assign a sip there and no one is the wiser, although the
difficulty based on the power level of the cost to their soul (assuming they remember that
chimera. Kiasyd who attempt to perform this feat they have one) is pretty high. All in all, though,
without perceiving the chimerical world add considering that they can't feed in the ordinary
three to the difficulty, and must have some way way, this is fine.
of knowing where the chimera is -- for example
by stealing the dreams of a sleeping mortal. If The Depredation discipline is versatile, but
the roll is successful, the chimera is destroyed, works with the power scale of other disciplines.
and the Kiasyd instantly regains her full blood To be most effective, it has to be subtle, but
pool... and her location and her act are instantly that's okay. (If a Kiasyd has to start blatantly
known to all Fae within a five-mile radius, minus hammering with the power out and start
one mile per success. No matter how successful hammering with it, he's probably in more trouble
the roll, and Fae who observes this act directly than it by itself is going to handle, anyway).
understands what has been done.
Its very use is fraught with ethical questions
This power can be used to "kill" the (ideal for a vampire) about living off other's
chimerical aspect of a Changeling, but the roll is heartstrings, which I like, but the power *can* be
resisted. The resisting Fae rolls three dice plus used for good, if the vampire so wishes -- it's just
her Glamour rating (which may perhaps give her so much easier to do harm by carelessness. The
more than ten dice), and both have a base target clan flaw allows the Kiasyd to feed more
of seven. The penalty for Kiasyd who cannot discreetly (providing they're smart about what
perceive Chimera still applies. emotions they take and how they set it up), but
also makes it much harder for it to mass-gorge
••••• •• Inspire itself on blood and pump up stats.
By tapping the store of stolen emotions The thing that requires careful storyteller
which have fueled her existence, the Kiasyd may attention is just how people will react to having
inspire emotions in others. their emotions taken away. Not that they will
know who took it and react to them, so much as
System: The Kiasyd may inspire any of the that they will still be in the same situation
emotions from the first five powers of the without the emotional baggage.
Discipline. The Kiasyd rolls Manipulation +
Empathy; the difficulty is the same as the For example, removing someone's fear might
difficulty to take the emotion in the first place. make them more talkative -- or less talkative. It
At least one success must be achieved, and one all depends on what they're afraid of, and what
blood point spent, to create the emotion; the else is keeping them from talking. Removing
effects last for one scene plus one hour per extra someone's anger might make them stop
success/blood point spent. attacking, or might make them attack more
calculatingly -- some serial killers work from
Note that the Kiasyd may not specify the other things than anger. Removing sorrow might
focus of the emotion; the Kiasyd may make the make someone feel better, but will it come back
target afraid, but may not choose what the victim all the harder when it returns, as they realize they
is afraid of; she may cause the target to feel
overcome with affection, but may not choose the

6 The Kiasyd Revised

haven't been grieving? It depends on what they're aggravated damage if held too long or used as a
sad about. And so on. weapon against you. Penalties are cumulative.
(Adjust the numbers to work best in your game).
A storyteller that can handle the ramifications
of Presence, another emotion-based power, Seeming's Blessing (5 point Merit): as the
shouldn't have too much trouble with Changeling Merit, except that the Kiasyd
Depredation as long as they're aware of it. character also suffers from the Kith weakness as
well, in addition to the Kiasyd Weakness.
Play-testing Notes
Your Birthrights affect your mortal seeming
Though Kiasyd can easily be tragic-romantic as well as your fae mien. A sidhe would receive
figures (such as the Sidhe brought over by his extra dots in Appearance. A satyr would receive
lost vampiric lover who now searches the world extra dots in Stamina and speed. A troll would
for her, a magic amulet with her picture in it the receive extra dots in Strength. [added:] However,
only remnant of their past), a Kiasyd could be your frailties also affect your mortal seeming (if
many other things, though the way we've possible).
designed it they'll all tend toward the gothic-fey
style aspect. (Even a Sabbat Kiasyd would have With this Merit, a Kiasyd can carry over
style). Birthrights from before his death, since they
were already manifested in his mortal form.
The bloodline has some spiffy new features Note: the Changeling still looks normal, unless
and things that can be bought that add a lot of he takes the Chimerical Appearance flaw.
flavor and roleplay opportunities (mainly the
changeling ties and the awareness of others Chimerical Appearance (3 point flaw: Aspects
emotions, their "personal magic"). However, from your chimerical mien have somehow
rules-wise they're still just vampires when you carried over, through some cruel trick of fate,
come right down to it, so a Storyteller shouldn't somewhat muted to fit in to normal reality. A
have any trouble handling them if he's at all Sidhe might bring over pointed ears and high
comfortable with any of the fey concepts. cheekbones - though think of the cruelty of
having them, but not the high appearance(he’d
They add something to a story without need to take Seeming’s Blessing as well for
making a big splashy spotlight of themselves that). Even with Seeming’s Blessings, she’s still
(Kiasyd will tend to have interesting stories in a black-and-white photograph (though a
and of themselves, as well -- unlike other vamps, gorgeous, exotic one) of the color she used to be
I'd say that a Kiasyd who doesn't come up with (pale skin, black eyes, etc.). A former troll might
some passion or purpose to distract itself or to have bulging muscles, and so on.
cope with what it's lost and is aware of will soon
kill herself. Idle pleasure and survival just isn't Note: This can potentially break the
enough.) "Masquerade," so to speak - said elf had best
conceal his ears under long hair or a hat. But
They have some nice secrets for other pc's to then again, who believes in elves anymore?
explore, without really being anything for the ("Surely those can’t be real! How much was the
Powers That Be to worry about (or so they cosmetic surgery?")
think). To many, they will just be another of the
many lesser bloodlines floating around -- nothing Legacy (2 point flaw): The Kiasyd suffers the
to worry about. clan weakness of his nearest non-Kiasyd relative
(sire, grandsire, etc.) as well as the Kiasyd
Suggested Merits & Flaws Weakness.

Allergy to Iron (1-5 point flaw): like Eyes of the Ghost (3-5 points): You see the
Changelings or True Fey, you are sensitive to world as it dies -- literally. Everything is visibly
iron. For 1 point the touch is painful and like eroding in your eyes, and you can see time‘s
touching uncomfortably hot metal, depending the affects. Young girls seem like old women, new
iron’s purity. For two you get a revealing rash, wooden houses are already beginning to fall
for three you get 2-point dice penalties, for 4 you apart, and that old man is already a rotting
get 3-point dice penalties, and at five it will do skeleton. For 3 points, everything seems 20 years

The Kiasyd Revised 7

older than it is, for 4 points, 40 years, and for 5 any rank too high, since if you did, you were
points, 60 years. Rest assured your Storyteller rapidly demoted when you became a vampire.
will describe all these things to you, most likely Expect to have to really work to hang on to this,
putting a damper on your relationships, so only too.
choose if you want another constant reminder of
the coming of Winter to goad you to fight it. Other Merits & Flaws
Only immortal beings (vampires, mummies, etc.)
will seem untouched. On the plus side, this might Many from the Changeling: the Dreaming
help you find weaknesses and exploit them, if books are appropriate, with some adaptation, and
you choose to put a point or two in it to also altered point costs. Remember that some will be
make it a Merit. made moot by the Embrace, though, and many
depend on having been a Changeling first, not
Underhill Knowledge (3 point Merit): You from the Lasombra Kiasyd.
know some of the old passages through the faerie
lands that still work (cross the stream, skipping Sample Characters
across the proper rocks, and then open the hedge
gate without looking behind). These can be used Lucretia Vito
to go to the faerie lands, Underhill, though you
will not be permitted to go to Arcadia by any Concept: A former Fae actress, living only for
means (and will be destroyed if you try). Your her art.
status will be as a visitor -- many strange folk
come to Market, why not you?--, and thus you Embraced in 1444 at the "tender" age of 17. A
will have to pass the tests of the guardians each theatre-oriented Kithain who lost her Glamour to
time (riddle games, for instance). Just watch out the Embrace...inspired somewhat by the songs
for those sudden sunlight shifts. Getting in "Who Wants to Live Forever" and "The Show
doesn’t mean you’ll always get out. Must Go On"...she still clings to the theatre
because it's the only part of her human life that
However, for those who can navigate their she can still have.
way through the usual hazards, going Underhill
can offer shortcuts to the mortal lands in terms of She was a Wilder when she was Embraced,
distance. Being thrown backward and forward in and Seelie, dating the vampire who sired her for
time can happen, though, as the fey realms have thrills; after all, dating vampires is generally
strange relations to the time rules of the Dying regarded as foolhardy at best, and they all knew
Lands. It is entirely possible to come out earlier it would never work. So did she, but House
or later than you left, or on the earlier side of the Fiona Fae never care about such things. The
globe. Note: this Merit costs at least 5 points Embrace wasn't planned at all; he drained her
after the Renaissance, since most of the old over her objections (think "date rape"), and then
Trods to the realms crash, and those left are often she accepted his offer as an alternative to death.
inaccessible. Why would she do that, you ask? Well, because
she was Sidhe. They don't have any promise of
Treasure (1-5 point merit): You’ve kept a reincarnation like the other Fae do, and she didn't
magical talisman from your living days that feel that her work (dramatic or otherwise) was
could be almost anything, from a locket that finished.
keeps a perfect reproduction of your love’s face,
to an ebon sword crafted to fight the Fomori, Jordan Rayner
ancient enemy of the Celts. Use the Changeling:
the Dreaming book for power ratings. Note that Concept: Ex-Sidhe knight hunting for lost love.
possession of the treasure does not guarantee the
ability to use it; the Kiasyd must have the You renounced your Fey name a hundred
abilities and traits required by the device. years ago, and your title as a Sidhe knight - you
don’t deserve them, not until you find her. That’
Title (2-6 Merit): You’ve managed to hang on to when you lost both your mortality and your true
a title in changeling society from your living love - as the Toreador artist you had sworn
days. This costs twice as much as costs in C:tD, binding vows to was stolen away by a vampire
and titles above three points in C:tD (six points who longed to possess her beauty. But just
here) are simply not available; you can’t have

8 The Kiasyd Revised

before that happened, she had brought you over
to the other side so you could be together
forever, and you were so happy - how dare that
bastard take it all away from you!

You’re now immortal, and have traveled the

globe hunting for your love, finding just enough
clues to keep you going when you begin to

You know the man who kidnapped her was a

Tremere, but you have no proof.

You’ve been in more Kindred courts than

most vampires a thousand years older than you,
as you hunt relentlessly, and your quest has
become immortalized in songs by the fey. Most
vampires won’t have heard of what you are, but
no one likes the Tremere, so that helps. The local
fey might help you, as they love a good tragic
story like yours, but then again, they may not.

You bear an enchanted locket that holds her

likeness and scent that you show to all you meet,
and a sword that still bites as deep as it did when
you were breathing. Despite your renouncing of
your Name, you still bear the marks of Sidhe
beauty, and your passion when enraged can be a
terrible thing.

The Kiasyd Revised 9

Generic Template
Concept: Disillusioned Performer:

You were just starting to make it big, touring

as the opening act with a well-known headliner,
when it hit you - performance depression, or at
least, that’s what everyone called it. It’s that
feeling you get when you’re touring on the road,
performing for thousands of screaming fans,
unable to get a moment to yourself, and feel
lonely as hell.

This is fame? Five years spent living day-to-

day, in order to achieve this? Sure, the crowds
are happy, but after a dozen shows, the label
execs still aren’t calling. This is the pinnacle of
your career and you still don’t have far to fall...

The depression wasn’t rational - it was still

early in the tour, there was still a strong chance
that something would happen - but depression is
never logical, and this time it hit the right nerve
at the right time. The pills were open and in your
hand, the water there to swallow them, when you
had a visitor. He had a pass, so you let him in...
showed him the snack table and the booze, and
were just about to swallow when he brushed
your shoulder.

Suddenly you felt no pain. The depression

was gone, and with it the will to die. You
weren’t happy per se, but you were no longer
unhappy, and that was enough of a boost to do
the show. Afterwards, he was still there.

When you asked, he told you about himself...

about the Kiasyd, a clan of vampires who were
once Changelings like yourself. He offered you a
new way to live, a way to live forever... and like
a fool, you accepted. Someday you’ll learn to
take away others’ pain, just like your mentor...
but you still can’t cure your own.

10 The Kiasyd Revised

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