How To Revise and Prepare For Exams

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Objective/Multiple choice exams

1. Do the questions you can readily answer first to build your confidence and to help you relax.
Don’t spend too much time on any single item; make a notation of it in the margin and return to
it later.

2. Answer all questions. Leaving a question unanswered assure no points for that question.
Guess if there is no penalty for guessing.

3. Read questions and all alternatives carefully and thoroughly.

4. First impressions are usually the best unless you can specifically state why you are making a

5. Absolute terms (e.g., always, never, only, must) may indicate incorrect answers.

6. Qualifying terms (e.g., sometimes, could, should, believe) may indicate correct

Short-answer/Fill-in-the-blank exams

1. These exams generally ask for definitions or short descriptions. Here’s where knowing the
new vocabulary really pays off.

2. When studying, concentrate on key words and facts.

3. Be concise in your answers.

10 ways to revise

1. Make mind maps / flow diagrams and put them on the wall of your bedroom
so that you see them everyday.
2. Make up songs or mnemonics.
3. Keep a learning log of what you have learnt each day.
4. Watch BBC bitesize.
5. Use internet revision sites or revision guides.
6. Do exam questions
7. Create revision cards
8. Summarise your knowledge on a topic in 500 words, then 200 words, then 50
until you get the information down to 10 key words.
9. Read sections of books that summarises the information.
10. Make recordings of the information and listen to it each day.
How to revise and prepare for exams

How do we prepare for exams?

• Plan our revision

• Prepare notes to learn from
• Regularly review our notes
• Obtain past papers
• Practice answering questions to time
• Practice using questions from lectures and

Remember that revision has a valid purpose

• Going over work to check your understanding

• Make links between different topics to see how whole subject fits together
• Remind yourself of material you have forgotten
• Reinforce your learning
• Identify and fill gaps in knowledge

What are the best ways to revise?

• Least effective – just reading notes over and over

• Most effective – when you interact with material, making it meaningful to you:
o Reworking material into a chart or diagram
o Summarising material under headings
• Discussing material with others
o Make links, comparisons and contrasts between different areas of work
o Evaluate different theories

What do I revise?

Before deciding, collect the following information?:

Course outline, handouts, essays, projects, syllabus (aims and objectives), notes, books, articles,
past papers
• List all topics and sub-topics of each subject
• Ask yourself:
o How useful is this for my exam?
o How much do I understand?
o How easy/difficult do I find it?
• Select topics to revise: don’t revise everything
• Decide order of your revision and whether to start with easy task, then difficult one or vice
• Work out a revision timetable
• Create a set of revision notes

What are the best revision methods?

• Read through notes: break into sub-topics: write summaries, ask critical questions
• Recall what you have read: outlines, plans, diagrams etc.
• Devise potential exam questions and then answer them
• Revise in a ‘revision club’.
• Prioritise key points for each section of a topic
• Start to revise early
• Avoid long spells of just reading - work in more short spells rather than fewer long ones
• Give yourself variety
• Stick to revision timetable

Do I need a revision timetable?

Yes! Try and follow these suggestions:

• Outline areas of course you will cover and when you will revise
• Note date of exam
• Write down work, family and personal demands on time
• Make note of time you have available
• Be realistic – ensure time for rest and relaxation
• Day before exam – review old material

How do we prepare for exams?

• Find out about exam format:

o Look at past papers
o Where and when? How long?
o How important is the exam? What is the assessment weighting?

How do I cope before the exam?

• Get up in plenty of time and try to eat some breakfast

• Check supplies – more than 1 pen for example
• Do you have your student/exam no.?
• Be in good time getting to the exam

At the start of the exam

• Check instructions carefully

• Be certain about number of questions you have to answer
• Check reverse of page – any more questions or instructions?
• Tick questions you intend to do – put timing next to each one
• May help to start with easiest question?

During the exam

• Underline key words in essay type question

• Make sure you understand question
• Make sure answer is relevant
• Spend some time planning each essay – jot down ideas then organize them
• Keep an eye on time!
• If run out of time write in note form
• Allow few minutes at end to check what you have written
• Cross out rough notes with straight line
• Re-write any illegible words
• Check answers are numbered correctly
• Ensure your details are filled in on front page

After the exam, have a rest, treat yourself and reflect on the whole experience for future exams!

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