Cep Lesson 2weebly
Cep Lesson 2weebly
Cep Lesson 2weebly
(for example:
Activity 1:
Introduce theme of Unit 1.
1.1 Pre-Stage:
Last class, SS were instructed to look
at the title of Unit 1 and come up with
their own idea of the meaning of the
title. T brings up a slide containing the
title and asks SS to talk in pairs about
what they think it means. T then gives
Transition to #2:
each pair a turn to share their answer
Our next activity involves
and explain why. T explains to the
reading about
class that the theme of the unit is
advertisement, however,
largely centered on advertising. T then
before we can start that, lets elicits the concept of audience in
review some of the key
advertising by asking learners what
vocabulary that you will
term is used to refer to the people to
encounter in the reading.
listen to or view advertisements. After
successfully eliciting audience, T write
the word on the board and uses a
graphic organizer to brainstorm
Activity 2:
Vocabulary Check
Transition to #3:
1.3 Post-Stage:
T brings up a slide with 5 different
advertisements. SS are divided evenly
into groups and each group is assigned
an advertisement. In their groups, SS
talk about the same questions. Once
every groups has answered each
question, each group is given a turn to
present their answers to the class.
Students are divided into pairs.
2.1 Pre-Stage:
T brings up a slide with 7 fill-in-theblank questions. T instructs SS to
individually complete each sentence
using the words and phrases given to
them. If they dont know what the
words or phrases mean, they are
encouraged to try their best and guess.
Once finished, learners are instructed SS-SS
to compare answers with a partner
sitting next to them.
3.1 Pre-Stage:
T informs SS that the reading is about T-SS
making a radio advertisement. T asks
learners if they are familiar with radio
advertisements, and as a class, every
one brainstorms the differences
Transition to #4 or Wrap-up: between radio advertisements and
Now lets think about a
T.V./Magazine ads. T repeats the topic
different aspect of
to the class and elicits that the text they
advertising that we havent will be reading is a dialogue between
talked much about.
two women named Sara and Janet. T
instructs SS that they will be given 30
seconds to skim through the dialogues
in order to find out who Sara and Janet
are, and what their relationship with
one another is. After giving SS 30
seconds to skim, T opens up the class
to volunteers to answer the two
3.2. During Stage:
T reiterates that Sara is a business
owner and Janet is her lawyer. T
brings up a slide containing a T chart.
Using the chart on the slide as a
model, T instructs SS that they will
need to take out a piece of paper and
create an identical chart. On the left
side of the chart, learners will need to SS
write down
3.3 Post-Stage:
T brings up 3 discussion questions on a
slide. SS are divided into three groups.
Each group is given a specific question
to answer. Once each group has agreed
upon an answer. One member from
each group will form a new group.
Each member will then report the
answer from their previous group to
their new group.
Activity 4:
Ethical advertising.
Choosing an opinion and
defending it.
Transition to Wrap-Up:
4.1 Pre-Stage:
T refers back to the word unethical T-SS
which was part of the vocabulary work
done earlier. T writes both unethical
and ethical on the board and asks SS to
share what they think both words
mean. The class discusses the meaning
of ethical and unethical and T
highlights the fact that it is subjective
and likely to be different for different
people especially if they are from
different cultures.
4.2. During Stage:
T explains how in advertising, ethics is T-SS
something that always comes into
question. Just as Janet said in the
reading, most people avoid doing
things they find to be unethical,
however, in advertising we still see
advertisements that some people might
find to be unethical. T brings up a list
of statements about advertising. SS are SS
instructed to either agree or disagree
with each statement based off of their
own beliefs.
4.3 Post-Stage:
Once learners have finishes agreeing or SS-SS
disagreeing with the statements, they
are put in pairs to talk about their
choices. SS are told that if their opinion
differs from their partners opinion,
both people will need to defend their