Circulating Nurse
Circulating Nurse
Circulating Nurse
Before an operation
Checks all equipment for proper functioning such as cautery machine, suction machine,
OR light and OR table
Make sure theater is clean
Arrange furniture according to use
Place a clean sheet, arm board (arm strap) and a pillow on the OR table
Provide a clean kick bucket and pail
Collect necessary stock and equipment
Turn on aircon unit
Help scrub nurse with setting up the theater
Assist with counts and records
During Operation
Remain in theater throughout operation
Focus the OR light every now and then
Connect diatherapy, suction, etc.
Position kick buckets on the operating side
Replenishes and records sponge/ sutures
Ensure the theater door remain closed and patient’ s dignity is upheld
Watch out for any break in aseptic technique
After an Operation
Hands dressing to the scrub nurse
Helps remove and dispose of drapes
Helps to prepare the patient for the recovery room
Assist the scrub nurse, taking the instrumentations to the service (washroom)
Ensures that the theater is ready for the next case
Sponge nurse
Before an operation
Thorough handwashing
Readies the tray and works with the surgeon directly in the field
During operation
Passes sponges, suctions and other necessary items needed by the surgeon
Assisting the surgeon in using the sponge, suctions, water and other necessary items needed in
the procedure
Instrument nurse
Before operation
Apply asceptic/sterile technique
Thorough handwashing
During operation