Industrial Training Report

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MARCH 24TH, 2021











MARCH 2021

This Project is dedicated to the Almighty God who Sustained me throughout the period

of my industrial training program and also gave me the wisdom, knowledge, strength to

go about the program until Success was achieved. It was by his grace and mercy that I

secured the Industrial training placement.

Also to my Parents who have sacrificed a lot to give me the best in life. To my grandmother

who never ceases to pray for me.


I want to acknowledge the overwhelming help that God gave me throughout the

scheme. Without His support and benevolent mercy, I would not have been alive, let

alone of having a successful industrial training attachment.

First and foremost I will like to appreciate my I.T supervisors and instructors Mr

Barida Ngidi and Engr Nwachukwu and Engr Wodi for their help and support towards the

achievement of relevant knowledge in my training.

Also, I want to acknowledge the departmental based SIWES coordinator, Engr. Elech

Promise for his kind support.

Lastly, I will also like to appreciate my parents Mr and Mrs Deybo Martins, friends and my IT


 Title page

 Dedication

 Acknowledgement

 Table of content

 List of figures

 Abstract


 1.1 Brief history of SIWES

 1.2 Objectives of the scheme

 1.3 Company description and history

 1.3.1 Brief history

 1.3.2 Company focus

 1.3.3 Her mission

 1.3.4 The Weatherford Nigeria family

 1.4 Well completion products (WCP) department


 2.1 Induction and training

 2.1.1 Weatherford right start training

 2.1.2 Weatherford four tenets

 2.1.3 Weatherford eight gems


 2.2 Description of actual work done


 2.2.1 Liner hanger system


 2.2.2 Weatherford liner hanger assembly


 2.2.3 Running tool (R and HNG running tool)


 2.2.4 Liner hanger and workshop process


 2.2.5 Testing the liner hanger at the test bay


 2.2.6 Re-dressing the liner hanger at the test bay

 2.2.7 Completing the stab-up process before loading into the basket


 2.3 Work with the Weatherford maintenance crew



 3.1 New skills acquired


 3.2 Challenges encountered



 4.1 Conclusion 28

 4.2 Recommendations





The student industrial work experience scheme (SIWES) is an overview of the general

technical report and practical experience students gain within the six months of the

training. Port Harcourt electricity distribution. A power distribution company which gives
opportunities to students for industrial training attachment. This training cover skills learnt

in Safety, repair of Transformer and etc.




The early phase of science and technology in Nigeria was characterized by the theoretical

lectures in polytechnics and universities which have proven to be an ill method of teaching.

Students in Universities and Polytechnics graduate with little or no technical experience in

their course of study.

In the same vein, students’ inability to contribute to the society is hampering the growth

and development of our country. It was in this view that SIWES was introduced to the

Industrial and Educational sector.

SIWES is an acronym for Student’s Industrial Work Experience Scheme. SIWES was

established in the year 1973 in order to improve the standard of education in Nigeria in

order to achieve the needed technological advancement.

Economists being able to evaluate the role technology plays in a country’s economy

concluded that for an economy to grow and develop there be advancement in the

technology sector of the country.

SIWES was solely funded by ITF (Industrial Training Funds) during it early stage not until it

was difficult to continue for economic stress: then the responsibility was shared between

Industrial Training Funds (ITF) and the Federal Government.

The Federal Government took over the funding of the scheme and Industrial Training Funds

took over the managerial position by managing the funds given to them by the Federal

Government in order to sustain the scheme.

SIWES (Student’s Industrial Work Experience Scheme) is a scheme for the duration of

sixteen weeks (4 month). SIWES is done after the first year in polytechnics (ND1); and done

after Second year or third year in Universities depending on the institutions.

The effective management of Student’s Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) has

been as a result of the cooperation and well played roles of the Federal Government, ITF,

Supervising agencies.


The objectives of SIWES are as follows;

i. It provide avenues for students to acquire Industrial Skills for experience during

their course of study.

ii. SIWES expose student to work methodologies and techniques required in handling

equipment and machineries that may not be available in the University.

iii. To prepare students for Industrial work situation they are likely to meet upon


iv. Provide students with the opportunities to apply their educational knowledge in

real work situation, thereby bridging the gaps between theories and practice.
v. To make the transition from the schooling to world of work easier through

enhancing student contact for later job placement.


On March 31, 2005, the Port Harcourt Electricity Distribution Company, PHED, was

constituted under the Electricity Reforms Act of 2005 after the unbundling of the Power

Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN).

The company was subsequently privatized on November 1, 2013 and is managed by 4Power

Consortium Limited under a shareholding structure of 40% to the Federal Government of

Nigeria and 60% to 4Power Consortium Limited.


PHEDC is mandated by the Nigeria Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) to distribute

power in four (4) franchise states: Rivers, Bayelsa, Cross River and Akwa-Ibom.

PHEDC is repositioned for enhanced output and in its quest for efficient service delivery, it

has embarked upon several projects designed to add value to its customers. These projects


Expansion of our zonal offices to be closer to our customers

Setting up a 24/7 call center to address customers’ concerns

Installation of an online vending platform for ease of payment of bills

Introduction of energy efficiency management programme to educate customers on how to

manage their consumption to minimize cost

Construction of 24 feeders for enhanced power supply in industrialized areas

Establishment of a transformer workshop at Trans-Amadi, Port Harcourt for transformer


Creation of a Revenue Protective Unit to curb energy theft

Launch of MD’s hotline to report cases of corruption against staff or members of the public.


PHEDC is bedeviled with myriad challenges which include but not limited to:

Energy theft which accounts for a monthly revenue loss of more than N2.5 billion

Non-payment of electricity bills



PHED is adequately staffed with about 1300 personnel besides ancillary staff. The MD/CEO

pilots the affairs of the company and is supported by other principal staff who contribute to

the growth and sustainability of the company.




Port Harcourt distribution workshop as a transformer repair workshop have carry out

operations that have the potential to cause damage, ranging from destruction of property to

loss of life. Dangerous operations like putting of Transformer in the oven are carried out. To

keep her facility safe, PHEDC employs the use of some equipment, to keep the work place

free from hazards. Some equipment like helmet.


Risk management is also a key lesson taught in this training. A risk is a chance, whether high

or low, that an incident will occur with the consideration of the severity of the outcome.

Firefighting is taught. Fire is a region of reaction between oxygen and a combustible fuel in

the presence and generation of heat. Three things are essential to a fire; they are Oxygen,

Fuel and Heat. These form the fire triangle. For the fire to be propagated, a chain reaction is

added to the equation forming the fire. The equipment that can be used to quench the is

fire extinguisher.

pHED workshop ensures that all lifting operations are done safely and hence all personnel

involved in such operations are taught on how to inspect lifting equipments before use,

secure loads prior to movement, and proper bodily interfacing with loads in motions such as

never standing in the path of such moving loads. And wearing of a helmet.


Hazardous environments are by definition environments in which injuries and damages are

prone to occur due to the ergonomics of such environments. Personnel are being trained to

recognize confined spaces and proper preparation before working in such environments if

necessary. Also the handling of gas welding cart is taught to personnel. The use of fall

protection equipment when working at heights is a vital training for personnel working in

such hazardous environments



Definition of transformer.

 A transformer is a static machine Used for transforming power From one circuit to

another without changing frequency. This is very basic definition of transformer.

Use of power transformer.

Generation of electrical voltage is very much cost effective. Hence, electrical power is

generated in low voltage. Theoretically, this low voltage can be transmitted to the

receiving end. But if the voltage level of the transformer is increased, The current of the

power is reduced which causes reduction in the ohmic or l 2R losses in mythe system,

reduction in the cross sectional area of the conductor Because of these, tolow-level

power must be step up for the electrical power transmission. this is done by step up

transformer at the sending side of the power system network. As this high-voltage

power may not be distributed to the consumers directly, this must be stepped down to

the desired level at the receiving end with the help of step down transformer. These are

the uses of electrical power transformer in the electrical power system.

parts of transformer
 The following are the basic component of transformer

1. Laminated core

2. Windings

3. Insulating materials

4. Transformer oil

5. Tap changer

6. Breather
7. Cooling tubes

8. Buchholz Relay

9. Explosion vent

Of the above-mentioned first four can be seen in almost all the transformers whereas

the rest can be found only in transformer more than 50 kVA.


Core is used to support the windings in the transformer. it also provides a low reluctance

path to the flow of magnetic flux. it is made up of laminated soft iron core in order to reduce

Eddy current loss and hysteresis loss. The composition of a transformer core depends on

such factors as voltage, current and frequency. diameter of the transformer core is directly

proportional to copper loss and inversely proportional to the iron loss if diameter of the

core is decrease, the height of the steel in the core is reduced which leads to less core loss
of transformer and the copper loss increase. The vice versa happen when the diameter is


There are two windings wound over the transformer core which are insulated from each

other. windings consist of several turns of copper coils bundled together and each bundles

are connected in series to form a winding.

Windings can be classified into different ways

a) Based on the input and output supply

b) Based on the voltage range

Based on the supply the windings are classified into

a) Primary windings: it is the winding which the input voltage is applied.

b) Secondary windings: it is the winding which the output voltage is applied.

Based on the voltage the windings can be classified as follows

a) High voltage winding

High voltage windings are made up of copper coil the number of terms in each is the

multiple of the number of turns in the low voltage windings it has copper Coils thinner than

that of the low voltage windings.

b) Low voltage windings

Low voltage windings has lesser number of turns than that of the high voltage windings. it is

made up of thick copper conductors. This is because the current in the low of voltage

windings is higher than that of high voltage windings. transformer can be supplied from

either LV or HV windings based on the requirement.

Transformer oil.
Transformer oil performs two important functions of insulation has where has cooling for

the core and coil assembly coil and windings of the transformer must be completely

immersed in the oil normally hydrocarbon mineral oil are used as transformer oil

contamination is a serious problem because it rubs its dielectric properties and renders it

useless as an insulating medium.

Insulating oil

Insulating oil is an electrical power transformer is commonly known as transformer oil it is

normally have obtained by fractional distillation and subsequent treatment of crude

petroleum that is why this oil is also known as mineral insulating transformer oil serves

mainly two purposes one in one it is liquid insulation in electrical power transformer and 28
dissipate heat of the transformer that is out has a coolant. In addition to this this oil serves

two purposes it helps to preserve the core and winding has this are fully immersed inside oil

and another important purpose of this oil is, it prevents direct contact of atmospheric

oxygen with cellulose made paper insulation of windings, which is susceptible to oxidation.

Types of transformer oil.

Generally there are two types of transformer oil used in transformer

1. Paraffin based transformer oil.

2. Naphtha based transformer oil.

Naphtha oil is more easily oxidized than paraffin oil but oxidation product that is sludge in

the naphtha oil is more stable than paraffin oil. Thus sludge of naphtha best oil is not

precipitated in bottom of the transformer. Hence it does not obstruct convection circulation

of the oil means it does not disturb the transformer cooling system. But in the case of

paraffin oil although oxidation rate is lower than that of naphtha oil but the oxidation

product or sludge is insurable and precipitated at bottom of the tank and obstruct the

transformer cooling system. although paraffin based oil has above-mentioned disadvantage

but still in our country it is generally used because of its easy availability. Another problem

with paraffin based oil is its high pour point due to the wax content, but this does not affect

issues due to warm climate condition of Nigeria.

Conservator conserve the transformer oil. it is an air tight metallic cylindrical drum which is

fitted above the transformer. the conservator tank is vented to the atmosphere at the top

and the normal oil level is approximately in the middle of the conservator to allow

expansion and contraction of oil during the temperature variation. it is connected to the

main tank inside the transformer which is completely filled with transformer oil through a


The insulating oil of transformer is provided for cooling and insulating purpose. Expansion

and contraction of oil during the temperature variation cause pressure change inside the

conservator. This change in pressure is balanced by the flow of atmospheric air into and out

of the conservator. Transformer Breather is a cylindrical container which is filled with silica

gel. Insulating oil reacts with moisture can affect the paper insulation or may even lead to

some internal faults so it is necessary that the air entering the tank is moisture-free. For this

purpose Breather is used. Breather consist of silica gel contained in a chamber. when the

atmospheric air passes through the silica gel breather the moisture contents are absorbed

by the silicon crystals. silica gel breather is act like an air filter for the transformer and

controls the moisture level inside a transformer. it is connected to the end of breather pipe.
Tap changer
The output voltage may vary according to the input voltage and the load. During loaded

conditions the voltage on the output terminal fall and during off-load conditions the output

voltage increases in order to balance the voltage variations tap changers are used. Tap

changers can be either on load tap changer or off-load tap changer. in on load tap changers

the tapping can be changed without isolating the transformer from the supply and in off-

load tap changers it is done after disconnecting the transformer. Automatic tap changers are

also available.

Cooling tubes
tubes are used to cool the transformer oil. The transformer oil is circulated through the

cooling tubes. The circulation of the oil may either be natural or forced circulation. In

natural circulation, when the temperature of the oil raises the hot oil naturally moves to the
top and the cold oil moves downwards. Thus the oil keeps on circulating through the tubes.

In forced circulation, an external pump is used for circulating the oil.

Cooling tubes

Functions of the cooling tubes is to maintain the working temperature of the transformer

it is used to dissipate heat. heat is produced by copper losses and iron losses in

transformer. And plain surface is not enough to dissipate the heat so tubes are used to

dissipate the heat.

When transformer supplies a load, two types of losses occur inside the transformer. The

iron losses occur in the core while copper losses occur in the windings. The power lost due

to these losses appears in the form of heat. This heat increases the temperature of the

transformer. Key Point : To keep the temperature rise of the transformer within limits, it is

necessary to dissipate the heat developed to the surroundings.

A suitable coolant and cooling method is necessary for each transformer to dissipate the

heat, effectively to the surroundings. Basically there are two types of transformers, dry type

transformers and oil immersed transformers. In dry type, the heat is taken to the walls of

tank and dissipate to the surrounding air through convection. In oil immersed type, the oil is

used as coolant. The entire assembly including core and windings is kept immersed in a

suitable oil. The heat developed is transferred to the walls of tank by convection through oil.

And finally heat is transferred to the surroundings from the tank walls by radiation. The

various cooling methods are designated using letter symbols which depend upon :

i) Cooling medium used

ii) Type of circulation employed

The various coolants used along with their symbols are, 1. Air - A, 2. Gas - G, 3. Synthetic oil

- L, 4. Mineral oil - O, 5- Solid insulation - S and 6. Water – W

There are two types of circulations which are,

1. Natural - N and 2. Forced – F

In natural cooling, the coolant circulating inside the transformer transfers entire heat to the

tank walls from where it is dissipated to the surroundings and transformers gets cooled by

natural air circulating surrounding the tank walls. In forced cooling, the coolant circulating

inside the transformer gets heated as it comes in contact with windings and core. The

coolant partly transfers heat to the tank walls but mainly coolant is taken to the external

heat exchanger where air or water is used in order to dissipate heat of the coolant.

Cooling Methods by Dry Type Transformers

The cooling methods of dry type transformers are classified as,

Air Natural (AN) :

This method uses atmospheric air as cooling medium. The natural air surrounding

the tank walls is used to carry away the heat generated, by natural convection. It is

used for small voltage transformers. Due to the available insulating materials like

glass and silicon resins now a days, the method can be used for the transformers up

to ratings 1.5 MVA.

Air Blast (AB):

ln large transformers, cooling by natural air is inadequate. In such cases, the transformer is

located above the air chamber and a blast of compressed air is forced on core and windings
with the help of blowers or fans. This improves the heat dissipation and hence higher

specific loadings are allowed in dry type transformers. This reduced the size of transformers.

The air supply must be property filtered to prevent accumulation of dust particles.

Cooling Methods for Oil Immersed Transformers

The oil used as a coolant has following advantages,

1. It is good conductor of heat than air.

2. It has high coefficient of volume expansion. Due to this, adequate circulation is easily


3. The oil acts as an insulating medium, which increases the insulating strength.

The only limitation of oil immersed transformers is that these transformers can not be used

at places like mines where there are chances of fire hazard.

The various cooling methods used for such oil immersed transformers are classified as,

1. Oil natural (ON) :

The transformer is immersed in oil so heat generated in core and windings is passed on to

oil by conduction. The heated oil transfer heat to the tank wall from where it is taken away

to the surrounding air.

In oil immersed transformer The tubes are provided on the sides of a transformer tank. The

oil in the tank is taken to the tubes. The circulation of oil through tubes causes the cooling.

The temperature rise of a transformer can be reduced by,

1. Increasing the area of heat dissipation.

2. Decreasing the cooling coefficient.

As the rating of transformer increases the plain walled tank can not be used. It is necessary

to reduce the cooling coefficient. This is achieved by use of some improved methods of


The transformers up to 30 KVA use plain walled tanks. But transformer with ratings higher

than 30 KVA use corrugations, fins, tubes and radiator tanks. Tanks with tubes and radiators

The heat developed inside the transformer is taken outside with the help of oil. The oil is

cooled with the help of fins, tubes or external radiations by natural circulation of air. Hence

these methods are called Oil Natural and Air Natural (ONAN) methods. The tubes are used

for transformers up to ratings 5 MVA.

2. Oil Natural Air Forced (ONAF) : In this method, the tank is made hollow and compressed

air is blown into the hollow space to cool the transformer. The oil circulating inside takes

heat to the tank walls. The method is effective and can be used for large rating

transformers. Another way to force air blast is to use elliptical tubes separated from tank

walls through which air is forced by fans.

3. Oil Natural Water Forced (ONWF) :

In this method, the copper cooling coils or pipes are fitted above the core but below the oil

surface. The cool water is forced through these coils or pipes which provides the additional

cooling where natural water head is available, this method is very cheap. The pipes are

provided with fans to increase conduction of heat from oil to pipes. The major disadvantage

of this method is, in case of leakage of water. the water can contaminate the oil reducing

the dielectric strength of oil.

Oil Forced Methods With Heat Exchangers

In these method, forced circulation oil (OF) is the main feature. The motor driven pump is

used to force the oil from top of transformer to the external heat exchanger. In the heat

exchanger, the oil is cooled with some methods like use of air blast, water blast etc. The cold

oil is circulated back to the transformer from the bottom.

The oil forced methods are classified depending on how the oil is cooled in the heat

exchangers. These methods are,

1. Oil Forced Air Natural (OFAN) : The oil is circulated with the help of pump and in the heat

exchanger it is cooled with the help of natural air. This method is rarely used in practice.

2. Oil Forced Air Forced (OFAF) : In the external heat exchanger the compressed air is

blasted with the help of fans to cool is the oil. The advantage of this method is at low loads

when losses are less there is no need to use the fans to cool the oil. The natural air is

sufficient. At higher loads, both fans and pump are switched on by sensing the temperature

which improves the cooling. Hence efficiency of this system is higher.

3. Oil Forced Water Forced (OFWF) : In this method, in the heat exchanger instead of air

blast, water blast is used to cool the oil. The pressure oil is kept higher than water so oil

mixes with water in case of leakage but water dose not mix with oil. Due to this method,

smaller transformer size is sufficient as it is not necessary to employ water tubes inside the

transformer tank. The method is suitable for transformers having ratings more than 30

MVA. The method is used for the transformers at hydroelectric stations as large water

supply with appropriate water head is easily available.

Buchholz Relay
It is a protective device container housed over the connecting pipe from main tank to

conservator tank. It is used to sense the faults occurring inside the transformer. It is a simple

relay which is operated by the gases emitted due to the decomposition of transformer oil

during internal faults. It helps in sensing and protecting the transformer from internal faults.

How does a Buchholz relay work? Buchholz relay is a type of protection relay universally

used on all oil immersed transformers having rating more than 500 KVA. From this article its

principle and working can be understood.

Explosion vent
Explosion vent is used to expel the boiling oil in the transformer during heavy internal faults

in order to avoid the explosion of the transformer. During heavy faults the oil rushes out of

the vent. The level of the explosion vent is normally maintained above the level of the

conservator tank.

A Transformer is basically is very simple static(or stationary) electromagnetic passive electrical device

that works on a principle of faraday's electromagnetic induction by converting electrical energy from

one value to another The transformer does this by linking together two or more electrical circuits using

common oscillating magnetic circuit which is produced by the transformer itself . A transformer

operates on the principle of electromagnetic induction.

Mutual induction is the process by which a coil of wire magnetically induces a voltage. into

another coil located in close proximity to it. Then we say that transformers work in the

"magnetic domain" and transformers get their name from the fact that they transform one

voltage or one current level to another


Basic working of transformers:

The basic transformer consists of two types of coils, namely:.

1. Primary coil

2. Secondary coil

Primary coil

coil to which the supply is given is called as the primary coil.

Secondary coil

The coil from which the supply is taken is called as the secondary coil.
Based on the required output voltage the number if turns in the primary coil and the

secondary coil are varied. The processes occurring inside the transformer can be grouped into

two: 1. Magnetic flux is produced in a coil whenever there is a change in current flowing

through the coil. 2. Similarly change in magnetic flux linked with the coil induces EMF in the

coil. The first process occurs in the windings of the transformer. When the ac supply is given

to the primary winding alternating flux is produced in the coil The second process occurs in

the secondary winding of the transformer. The flux alternating flux produced in the

transformer links the coils in the secondary winding and hence emf is induced in the

secondary winding.
1. Step up 2. Step down
1.Core Type 2. Shell type


1. Single phase 2.Three phase
1. Naturally cooled 2.Oil cooled
3.Water cooled 4. Forced air cooled


1. Auto Transformer. 2. Instructment Transformer
1. Power transformer 2. Distribution Transformer.

Transformer is the most efficient electrical machine. Since the transformer has no moving
parts, its efficiency is much higher than that of rotating machines. The various losses in a
transformer are enumerated as follows:
1. Core loss core losses comprises of two components:
 Hysteresis loss
 Eddy current loss
2. When the magnetic core flux varies in a magnetic core with respect to time, voltage
is induced in all possible paths enclosing the flux. This will result in the production of
circulating currents in the transformer core. These currents are known as eddy
currents. These eddy currents leads to power loss called Eddy current loss. Copper
loss occurs in the winding of the transformer due to the resistance of the coil.

Testing is an important activity in the manufacture of a transformer. The basic testing
requirements and testing codes are set according to the Nigeria standard. There are four
vital tests that are performed on a transformer before it is being dispatched.
The various tests performed are
1) Short Circuit (SC)test

2) Turns ratio test

3) excitation test
4) insulation resistance test.

In order to remove the moisture content in the ACTIVE PART of the transformer and to
increase the insulation resistance the transformer is kept in the furnace and is heated
for 48 to 72 hours at the temp. of 120˚celcius.
Furnace contains HEATERS, FAN FOR COOLING, THERMOCOUPLE which is heat sensitive device


AIM: To ensure proper insulation system in the transformer
Insulation resistance test of transformer is essential type test. This test is carried out to
ensure the healthiness of overall insulation system of an electrical power transformer.
Procedure 
First disconnect all the line and neutral terminals of the transformer.

 Megger leads to be connected to LV and HV bushing studs to measure insulation

resistance IR value in between the LV and HV windings.
 Megger leads to be connected to HV bushing studs and transformer tank earth point
to measure insulation resistance IR value in between the HV windings and earth.
 Megger leads to be connected to LV bushing studs and transformer tank earth point
to measure insulation resistance IR value in between the LV windings and earth.




During the course of six months industrial training and upon completion, I had the

opportunity to acquire the following skills;

1. Safety skill: Working in the company exposed me to some rules and information

about to safety as regard to our day to day activities. I was made to understand that

safety practice is the duty of every employee and for any company to strive, they must

be safety conscious.
2. Detection of Errors and the Solution: I had an opportunity to get to know the error
in transformers and methods of eliminating it.

3. Technical outcomes: The knowledge i received here has made me more confident

Knowledge i gained related to testing, winding, and heating was truely helpful.

4. Non-Technical outcomes:
 my patience, determination, interest towards subject is just thanks giving.
 I am very much gratified for the acceptance and glad that the atmosphere and the
working skills made me learn things stage by stage and level by level.
 The Communication and interaction of the respectful mentors made me feel
comfortable to ask questions and clarify my doubts
 The over all experience has made me learn many professional ethics such as
 Time management

 Regularity in work
 Consistency in performance

 Improvisation in our problem analysis and solving ability

5. Operation of lifting equipment: During my training, I learnt how to operate

overhead crane in the workshop and handle load with push-pull tool and tagline where

necessary according to PHED safety standard.


1. Difficulty in securing place of attachment: This proves to be the most challenging aspect

of the program. Securing a place to serve was very difficult, I plead that the Federal
Government should look into this to ameliorate the suffering faced by students in securing IT


2. Finance: I didn’t received any allowance during the SIWES period. This challenge is

encountered by students in most establishments, I plead that the Federal Government should

support students on SIWES with adequate and regular welfare. Some days I find it difficult to

pay for transportation to work.




The purpose of SIWES program is to bridge the gap between classroom and the industries

so that student will be well prepared for the task ahead after their schooling. My Six

Months industrial attachment as an intern at Weatherford Nigeria Limited, Trans Amadi,

Port Harcourt, was a huge success and a great time of acquisition of knowledge and

skills. Through my training I was able to appreciate my chosen course of study even

more because I had the opportunity to blend the theoretical knowledge acquired from

school with the practical hands on application of knowledge gained here to perform

very important tasks that contributed in a way to my productivity. Industrial training

is not just to acquire field experience in your area of academic discipline, but far

beyond that. It exposes one more on how to have good relationship with others in

the working environment. For example where I did my training I had a good

understanding of how SIWES program is important to students life.

Furthermore I received extensive training on pressurized energy systems and the hydraulic

and mechanical operation of liner hanger systems.

The industrial work experience scheme should be encouraged because it exposes

students to real practical work in their various field, since all the theory and equation

that are being taught and derived in class are been seen and practiced in real form. A

typical example is theories and calculations of pumps and compressors being appreciated in

the industrial work.

I must say that SIWES is a nice program for students to acquire to the needed skills which

will be very useful to them after graduation and make them fit for the industry. I hereby

recommend that more establishments should be opened to receive and accept students for

SIWES program.

1. Ways of Improving the Program

For me, the industrial training has been an eye-opener as I was able to experience theory and

large scale practicality, beyond that of Laboratories and workshop in my higher institution.

Just like fine wine, that becomes better with each passing day, so also must this scheme be in

order to become better even for future generations. Below are some suggestions I believe will

be of immense help to the SIWES program:

a) I suggest there be an effective liaison between the higher institutions and the

Industries that exists with the ITF as middle men.

b) In furtherance to the first point made, it is suggested that the liaison between both

bodies will involve aptitude tests conducted for eligible candidates most preferably

held in the higher Institutions. This should be preceded by due information through

head of departments, Course advisors and ITF departmental representatives.

c) I also suggest that from time to time that the State ITF supervisors and not university

supervisors alone should visit students in their different work stations from time to

time most preferably monthly as this will keep both the students and the employees in


2. Advice for Future Participants

I have come to be acquainted with some experiences during my training and have come to

realize that two personal qualities are all that you need to make the most of wherever you

find yourself as an intern. The first of this quality is being humble and teachable. During my
internship, I found out that knowledge only came to those who were diligent in being humble

to be taught, even after some time when it seems a particular concept has been mastered,

humility is still demanded for such knowledge to be perfected. This is because no teacher

would take delight in teaching one who refuses to learn especially when this is displayed in

events of pride and high headedness.

Another quality which is of the essence is that of excellence. Excellence in striving to go that

extra mile, excellence in executing task and surpassing others in all that is done, excellence in

your perception of things, excellence in your relationships with people and excellence in all

that you can do and be, making sure whatever it is you do it is the best that you could have


I believe with this piece of advice, anyone can maximize their internship period because it

worked for me and I know it can work for anyone.

3. Advice for SIWES Managers

SIWES is an integral part of nation building and I believe if rightly channeled, it would

transform Nigeria even as a country. I will simply suggest that there be a proper orientation

given to students as to why there is a program such as this scheme. This is because most

students see this period as a time to make money and make learning secondary, even when

reverse should be the case. I still maintain the stand that a proper orientation is given to

students so they can approach this training with the right mindset in order to better

themselves and in turn better the country for as the saying goes when the purpose of a thing is

undefined, abuse is inevitable.


Design of transformers - Author: INDRAJITH DAS GUPTHA

External links
2 .
3. SIWES handbook.

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