Necs-W: Climaveneta Technical Bulletin
Necs-W: Climaveneta Technical Bulletin
Necs-W: Climaveneta Technical Bulletin
(The photo of the unit is indicative and may change depending on the model)
SUMMARY 0152 - 0612
1. Product presentation pg. n° III
1.1 Energy indices ESEER and IPLV pg. n° V
1.2 Using the energy indices pg. n° V
1.3 Control unit with LED display pg. n° VI
1.4 Integrated Hydronic Unit (Optional) pg. n° VII
2. Unit description pg. n° 1
2.1 Standard unit composition pg. n° 1
2.2 Electric power and control panel pg. n° 1
2.3 Accessories pg. n° 1
3. Technical data pg. n° 2
3.1 General technical data pg. n° 2
3.2 Cooling capacity performance pg. n° 4
3.3 Heat pump capacity performance pg. n° 8
4. Operating range pg. n° 12
5. Hydraulic data pg. n° 13
5.1 Water flow and pressure drop pg. n° 13
6. Hydronic groups pg. n° 14
7. Electrical data pg. n° 19
8. Full load sound level pg. n° 20
9. Dimensional drawings pg. n° A1
10. Free spaces - lifting mode - symbols pg. n° A3
11. Legend of pipe connections pg. n° A4
Liability disclaimer Climaveneta declines any liability derived from the bulletin’s
This bulletin is not exhaustive about: installation, use, safety use.
precautions, handling and transport. Refer to “General Manual This bulletin is of exclusive property of Climaveneta, and all
for Installation” for further informations. forms of copy are prohibited.
This bulletin refers to standard executions, in particular for The information contained in this document may be modified
dimension, weight, electric, hydraulic, aeraulic and refrigerant without prior notice.
connections (whereas applicable). Contact Climaveneta Com-
mercial Office for further drawings and schemes.
Consistent with corporate culture, the NECS-W series was design of plate exchangers both on the condenser side and on
designed to offer extremely high quality products with cutting- the evaporator side.
edge technology focusing on maximum energy efficiency at These construction choices have both increased efficiency and
both full (EER) and part load (ESEER). provided extremely high levels of reliability while significantly
increasing compressor working life.
Energy efficiency at full load
NECS-W units stand out for their particularly high EER energy
efficiency index. This result was achieved by focusing on the
Energy efficiency at part load The ESEER parameter proposed by Eurovent, takes part load
Attention to energy consumption is continually gaining impor- operating conditions into account when assessing unit effi-
tance, even at European level. ciency.
The installed chiller unit works at full load only for extremely
short periods of time while most of the energy is produced with
part loads between 50 and 75%.
1.1 Energy indices ESEER and IPLV The temperature of the water leaving the evaporator is consid-
Increasingly closer attention is being paid towards the power ered constant at 6.7°C in all load conditions, with a delta of 5°C
consumption of air-conditioning equipment, both in Europe and in the full load condition.
elsewhere. The multipliers 1, 42, 45 e 12 are the cooling performance coef-
For many years in the United States, reference has not just ficients in various load conditions statistically calculated by ARI
been made to efficiency at rated conditions. A valuation index on the basis of surveys conducted, for various types of build-
is used which considers marginal operation of the unit at rated ings and operating conditions, in 29 American cities.
conditions as well as the increased usage when the separation
stages of the cooling compressors are used. ESEER Comparison:
The valuation index adopted in the United States is called IPLV NECS-W single-circuit vs. traditional dual-circuit unit. The com-
(Integrated Part Load Value) and is defined in the regulations parison proves that the new single-circuit NECS-W units with
issued by ARI (American Refrigeration Institute). R-410A feature significantly greater energy efficiency (ESEER
+ 38%) over traditional dual-circuit units with R-407C.
ARI Standard
IPLVARI =(1*EER100% + 42*EER75% + 45*EER50% + 12*EER25%) /100
Single circuit R-410A Two scroll - two circuit R-407C NECS-W 202 vs a traditional R407-C unit
In Europe there is a proposal for EECCAC (Energy Efficiency Power absorbed = Power requested / Index of efficiency
and Certification of Central Air Conditioner)
The real power calculation can be obtained more correctly in a
Proposal EECCAC “dynamic” form, that is, considering the load performance curve
ESEER = (3*EER100% +33*EER75% + 41*EER50% + 23*EER25%)/100 at different external temperatures, the location and the refer-
ence number of operating hours.
These figures will allow plant consultants and designers to
Evaporator temp. leaving 6,7°C
make their evaluations depending on the type of building, the
DeltaT full load 5°C
place of installation and the type of heat load. etc.. They can
Load 100% 75% 50% 25%
also determine the energy index using the method that best re-
Cond. water temp. 30°C 26°C 22°C 18°C
flects plant requirements and can make comparisons between
similar or equivalent systems using the same reference unit.
1.2 Using the energy indices
After establishing which index to use and estimating the total
power required by the system in the summer mode (in kWh),
we can calculate seasonal electricity consumption (in kWh) us-
ing the following formula:
QuickMind is a special control unit which monitors the main Mind ensures the same chiller operates correctly even with a
operating parameters, predicts system behaviour and antici- water content of just 2.5 l/kW and considerably reduces outlet
pates unit settings in order to constantly optimise performance; temperature fluctuations. The above graph shows that outlet
it allows both return and delivery water temperatures to be cho- temperature fluctuations with QuickMind are limited to 4.3°C as
sen as adjustment parameters. It can reduce outlet temperature opposed to 7.54°C if the traditional adjustment system were
fluctuations even with a small amount of water in the system. used, without even ensuring an acceptable minimum compres-
When, for dual-compressor chillers featuring a maximum of 12 sor start time.
start-ups per hour and using a traditional adjustment system,
the minimum recommended water content is 5.5 l/kW, Quick-
Refrigerant circuit
Main components of the refrigerant circuit:
- dryer filter,
- refrigerant line sight glass with humidity indicator,
- externally equalised thermostatic valve,
- high pressure safety valve,
- high and low pressure switches,
2 GB
9,4 11,5 13,6 13,1 12,6
3 GB
Tcd 30 35 40 45 50 55 30 35 40 45 50 55 30 35 40 45 50 55
Tev 6 7 8
Pf 44,1 42,0 39,6 37,1 34,3 31,3 45,5 43,4 41,0 38,4 35,5 32,4 46,9 44,7 42,3 39,7 36,7 33,6
Pat 8,87 9,96 11,2 12,6 14,2 15,9 8,91 10,00 11,2 12,6 14,2 15,9 8,95 10,0 11,3 12,7 14,2 15,9
Qev 7,58 7,22 6,82 6,38 5,90 5,38 7,83 7,46 7,06 6,61 6,12 5,58 8,07 7,71 7,29 6,83 6,33 5,78
Dpev 59,6 54,1 48,3 42,3 36,1 30,1 63,6 57,8 51,6 45,3 38,8 32,3 67,6 61,6 55,1 48,4 41,5 34,6
Pt 52,9 51,9 50,8 49,7 48,5 47,2 54,4 53,4 52,2 51,0 49,7 48,3 55,8 54,8 53,6 52,3 51,0 49,5
Qcd 9,06 8,89 8,70 8,50 8,29 8,06 9,31 9,14 8,94 8,73 8,51 8,26 9,56 9,38 9,18 8,96 8,72 8,46
Dpcd 35,3 34,0 32,6 31,1 29,5 27,9 37,3 35,9 34,4 32,8 31,1 29,3 39,3 37,9 36,3 34,5 32,7 30,8
Tev 9 10 11
Pf 48,3 46,1 43,7 41,0 38,0 34,7 49,7 47,5 45,1 42,3 39,2 35,8 51,1 48,9 46,4 43,6 40,4 37,0
Pat 8,99 10,1 11,3 12,7 14,2 15,9 9,02 10,1 11,3 12,7 14,2 15,9 9,06 10,1 11,4 12,7 14,2 15,9
Qev 8,32 7,95 7,53 7,06 6,54 5,97 8,56 8,19 7,76 7,28 6,75 6,17 8,81 8,43 8,00 7,51 6,97 6,37
Dpev 71,8 65,5 58,8 51,7 44,4 37,0 76,1 69,6 62,5 55,0 47,3 39,5 80,5 73,8 66,4 58,5 50,3 42,1
Pt 57,3 56,2 55,0 53,7 52,2 50,6 58,7 57,6 56,4 55,0 53,4 51,7 60,2 59,1 57,8 56,3 54,7 52,9
Qcd 9,81 9,63 9,42 9,19 8,94 8,66 10,1 9,88 9,67 9,42 9,15 8,86 10,3 10,1 9,91 9,65 9,37 9,05
Dpcd 41,4 39,9 38,2 36,3 34,4 32,2 43,6 42,0 40,2 38,2 36,0 33,7 45,8 44,1 42,2 40,1 37,7 35,2
Tcd 30 35 40 45 50 55 30 35 40 45 50 55 30 35 40 45 50 55
Tev 6 7 8
Pf 51,0 48,5 45,9 43,3 40,5 37,5 52,6 50,1 47,5 44,7 41,9 39,0 54,3 51,7 49,0 46,2 43,4 40,4
Pat 10,1 11,3 12,6 14,0 15,5 17,2 10,1 11,3 12,6 14,0 15,6 17,2 10,2 11,4 12,7 14,1 15,6 17,3
Qev 8,78 8,35 7,91 7,45 6,96 6,46 9,06 8,62 8,17 7,70 7,21 6,71 9,35 8,90 8,43 7,96 7,47 6,96
Dpev 51,1 46,3 41,5 36,8 32,2 27,7 54,5 49,4 44,3 39,4 34,6 29,9 58,0 52,6 47,2 42,0 37,0 32,2
Pt 61,1 59,8 58,5 57,3 56,0 54,7 62,8 61,4 60,1 58,8 57,5 56,2 64,5 63,0 61,7 60,3 59,0 57,7
Qcd 10,5 10,2 10,0 9,80 9,59 9,37 10,8 10,5 10,3 10,1 9,85 9,63 11,0 10,8 10,6 10,3 10,1 9,88
Dpcd 37,1 35,5 34,1 32,6 31,2 29,8 39,2 37,5 35,9 34,4 32,9 31,4 41,3 39,5 37,8 36,2 34,6 33,1
Tev 9 10 11
Pf 55,9 53,2 50,5 47,7 44,8 41,9 57,6 54,8 52,0 49,2 46,3 43,4 59,3 56,4 53,5 50,6 47,7 44,8
Pat 10,2 11,4 12,7 14,1 15,7 17,3 10,3 11,5 12,8 14,2 15,7 17,4 10,3 11,5 12,8 14,2 15,7 17,4
Qev 9,64 9,17 8,70 8,21 7,72 7,21 9,92 9,44 8,96 8,47 7,97 7,47 10,2 9,72 9,22 8,73 8,23 7,72
Dpev 61,6 55,8 50,2 44,8 39,6 34,6 65,4 59,2 53,3 47,6 42,2 37,0 69,2 62,7 56,5 50,6 44,9 39,6
Pt 66,2 64,7 63,2 61,8 60,5 59,2 67,9 66,3 64,8 63,3 62,0 60,7 69,6 67,9 66,3 64,9 63,5 62,2
Qcd 11,3 11,1 10,8 10,6 10,4 10,1 11,6 11,4 11,1 10,9 10,6 10,4 11,9 11,6 11,4 11,1 10,9 10,7
Dpcd 43,6 41,6 39,8 38,1 36,4 34,9 45,9 43,8 41,8 40,0 38,3 36,7 48,2 45,9 43,8 41,9 40,2 38,6
Tcd 30 35 40 45 50 55 30 35 40 45 50 55 30 35 40 45 50 55
Tev 6 7 8
Pf 59,8 57,1 54,0 50,5 46,7 42,5 61,7 58,9 55,8 52,3 48,4 44,1 63,6 60,8 57,6 54,0 50,1 45,7
Pat 11,6 13,0 14,6 16,4 18,4 20,5 11,6 13,0 14,6 16,4 18,4 20,6 11,7 13,1 14,7 16,5 18,4 20,6
Qev 10,3 9,83 9,29 8,70 8,04 7,32 10,6 10,1 9,61 9,00 8,33 7,59 11,0 10,5 9,92 9,30 8,62 7,87
Dpev 51,0 46,4 41,5 36,4 31,1 25,8 54,3 49,5 44,4 38,9 33,4 27,7 57,7 52,7 47,3 41,6 35,7 29,8
Pt 71,4 70,1 68,6 66,9 65,1 63,0 73,4 72,0 70,4 68,7 66,8 64,7 75,3 73,9 72,3 70,5 68,5 66,3
Qcd 12,2 12,0 11,7 11,5 11,1 10,8 12,6 12,3 12,1 11,8 11,4 11,1 12,9 12,7 12,4 12,1 11,7 11,4
Dpcd 41,3 39,8 38,1 36,2 34,2 32,1 43,6 42,0 40,2 38,2 36,1 33,8 45,9 44,2 42,3 40,3 38,0 35,6
Tev 9 10 11
Pf 65,5 62,7 59,4 55,8 51,8 47,3 67,4 64,5 61,2 57,6 53,5 49,0 69,3 66,4 63,1 59,3 55,2 50,6
Pat 11,7 13,1 14,7 16,5 18,5 20,6 11,8 13,2 14,7 16,5 18,5 20,6 11,8 13,2 14,8 16,5 18,5 20,6
Qev 11,3 10,8 10,2 9,61 8,91 8,15 11,6 11,1 10,6 9,92 9,21 8,44 11,9 11,4 10,9 10,2 9,51 8,72
Dpev 61,2 56,0 50,4 44,4 38,2 32,0 64,9 59,4 53,5 47,3 40,8 34,2 68,6 62,9 56,8 50,3 43,5 36,6
Pt 77,2 75,8 74,1 72,3 70,2 68,0 79,2 77,7 76,0 74,1 71,9 69,6 81,1 79,6 77,8 75,9 73,7 71,3
Qcd 13,2 13,0 12,7 12,4 12,0 11,6 13,6 13,3 13,0 12,7 12,3 11,9 13,9 13,6 13,3 13,0 12,6 12,2
Dpcd 48,4 46,6 44,6 42,4 39,9 37,4 50,8 49,0 46,8 44,5 42,0 39,3 53,4 51,4 49,2 46,7 44,1 41,2
Evaporator Condenser
Limits to exchanger water temperature are valid within the minimum - (1) Condenser water temp. 30/35 °C
maximum water flow range indicated in the Hydraulic Data section. (2) Evaporator water (in/out) 12/7 °C
(3) With temperatures down to -8°C use anti-freeze mixtures. In case of
lower temperatures, please contact our Sales Department.
cPf: cooling capacity correction factor For data concerning other kind of anti-freeze solutions (e.g. propylene
cQ: flow correction factor glycol) please contact our Sales Department.
cdp: pressure drop correction factor
The new NECS-W units can be equipped with evaporator and / in ceramics/carbon/NBR/AISI304. Three-phase electric motor
or condenser hydronic kits. The kit incorporates the main hydrau- protected to IP55, insulation class F, suitable for continuous
lic components thus optimizing hydraulic and electrical installa- service.
tion space, time and costs.
Moreover NECS-W can be provided with INVERTER pumps on Second pump
the condenser side. This device enables the condensing pres- A second stand-by pump for high or low pressures is available
sure control, through the variable speed pump, reducing pump on request. The pumps are automatically exchanged on the
energy consumption. basis of a rotation programme and the stand-by pump cuts in
automatically if the primary pump fails. The two-pump hydron-
Available configurations ic assembly is also fitted with check valves to ensure the unit
Evaporator and / or condenser hydronic kit can be provided works correctly.
with following configurations:
Water-side mechanical filter (optional)
Hydronic group 1 pump low head Y-filter designed and built to capture the impurities in the hy-
Hydronic group 2 pumps low head draulic circuit. It is fitted with a 0.9 mm stainless steel mesh car-
Hydronic group 1 pump high head tridge which can be replaced without removing the valve body
Hydronic group 2 pumps high head from the piping.
Units can be equipped with up to 4 pumps, two on the evapora- Sideward/Upward external water connections
tor and two on the condenser side. 2 compressors NECS-W units with hydronic kit installed on-
board are available with both side and up external water con-
2-pole pump nections. Standard units with external side water connections,
Low head pump with 100 kPa external static pressure. up-wards type is made to order.
High head pump with 200 kPa external static pressure. Up-wards water connections type is suitable for technical
Horizontal one-piece centrifuge pump with one impeller, axial rooms with room-top water piping; reduced installation spaces
suction and radial delivery, AISI 304L stainless steel pump body and saving costs will be obtained.
impeller. The section of shaft in contact with the liquid is made
from stainless steel. Mechanical seal made from components
The hydronic group comprises: The electrical panel of the unit is protected with Automatic
- P Horizontal one-piece centrifuge pump circuit breakers.
- MA Hydraulic circuit pressure gauge The supply does not include the following accessories though
- SC Discharge valve these are recommended to ensure correct system operation:
- S1 Exchanger input water temperature probe - Pressure gauges upline and downline from the unit
- S2 Exchanger outlet water temperature probe - Flexible joints on piping
- SF Air vent - On-off valves
- VA 3 bar safety valve - Outlet control thermometer
- VE 8-litre expansion tanks, pre-pressurized to 1,5 bar - Flow switch
- VR Check valve (only if P2 is fitted)
Inverter --- X X
Evaporator side
Low head High head
Pf (1) Q (1) F.L.I. F.L.A. Hp F.L.I. F.L.A. Hp
Size Pump ref. Pump ref.
[kW] [m3/h] [kW] [A] [kPa] [kW] [A] [kPa]
0152 43.4 7.5 A 1.1 2.5 183 E 3.0 5.6 252
0182 50.1 8.6 A 1.1 2.5 179 E 3.0 5.6 251
0202 58.9 10.1 A 1.1 2.5 173 E 3.0 5.6 249
0252 66.4 11.4 A 1.1 2.5 167 E 3.0 5.6 247
0262 72.6 12.5 A 1.1 2.5 162 E 3.0 5.6 245
0302 86.7 14.9 A 1.1 2.5 148 D 2.5 5.0 237
0352 101.2 17.4 B 1.5 3.2 168 D 2.5 5.0 232
0412 114.7 19.7 B 1.5 3.2 154 F 3.0 6.0 287
0452 128.6 22.1 C 2.2 4.8 199 F 3.0 6.0 279
0512 143.5 24.7 C 2.2 4.8 191 F 3.0 6.0 269
0552 164.9 28.4 C 2.2 4.8 179 F 3.0 6.0 252
0612 186.3 32.0 D 2.2 5.0 174 G 4.0 8.1 304
H [kPa]
250 D
4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46
Q [m 3/h]
Condenser side
Low head High head
Pf (1) Q (1) F.L.I. F.L.A. Hp F.L.I. F.L.A. Hp
Size Pump ref. Pump ref.
[kW] [m3/h] [kW] [A] [kPa] [kW] [A] [kPa]
0152 52.8 9.1 A 1.1 2.5 177 E 3.0 5.6 250
0182 60.7 10.4 A 1.1 2.5 171 E 3.0 5.6 248
0202 71.1 12.2 A 1.1 2.5 162 E 3.0 5.6 245
0252 80.7 13.9 B 1.5 2.5 186 E 3.0 5.6 242
0262 88.2 15.2 B 1.5 2.5 180 E 3.0 5.6 239
0302 105.0 18.1 B 1.5 2.5 163 F 3.0 6.0 292
0352 122.5 21.1 C 1.5 3.2 145 F 3.0 6.0 282
0412 139.0 23.9 D 2.2 3.2 193 F 3.0 6.0 271
0452 155.8 26.8 D 2.2 4.8 183 F 3.0 6.0 258
0512 173.8 29.9 D 2.2 4.8 172 G 4.0 8.1 312
0552 199.6 34.3 E 3.0 4.8 181 G 4.0 8.1 289
0612 225.4 38.8 F 3.0 5.0 190 G 4.0 8.1 260
H [kPa]
4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46
Q [m 3/h]
Maximum values
For installation purposes, please refer to the documentation sent after the purcha- This technical data should be considered as indicative. CLIMAVENETA may modi-
se-contract. fy them at any moment.
0552 1222 873 1496 765 600 600 800 2 1/2” 2 1/2”
0612 1222 873 1496 795 600 600 800 2 1/2” 2 1/2”
R1 A R2
Pipe threads where pressure-tight joints are not made on the Pipe threads where pressure-tight joints are made on the
threads - Designation, dimensions and tolerances. threads - Designation, dimensions and tolerances
Internal threads: G letter followed by thread mark (only toler- Internal cylindrical threads: R letter followed by P letter
ance class) Internal conical threads: R letter followed by C letter
External threads: G letter followed by thread mark and by A let- External conical threads: R letter
ter for A class external threads or by B letter
for B class external threads.
Designation Description
Internal cylindrical threads where pressure-tight joints are made on the threads, defined by stand-
UNI ISO 7/1 - Rp 1 1/2 ard UNI ISO 7/1
Conventional ø 1 1/2”
Internal cylindrical threads where pressure-tight joints are made on the threads, defined by stand-
UNI ISO 7/1 - Rp 2 1/2 ard UNI ISO 7/1
Conventional ø 2 1/2”
Internal cylindrical threads where pressure-tight joints are made on the threads, defined by stand-
UNI ISO 7/1 - Rp 3 ard UNI ISO 7/1
Conventional ø 3”
External conical threads where pressure-tight joints are made on the threads, defined by standard
UNI ISO 7/1 - R 3 UNI ISO 7/1
Conventional ø 3”
Internal cylindrical threads where pressure-tight joints are not made on the threads, defined by
standard UNI ISO 228/1
UNI ISO 228/1 - G 4 B
Tolerance class B for external thread
Conventional ø 4”
Flange Nominal Diameter: 80 mm
DN 80 PN 16
Nominal Pressure: 16 bar
Climaveneta France
3, Village d’Entreprises
ZA de la Couronne des Prés
Avenue de la Mauldre
78680 Epône
Tel +33 (0)1 30 95 19 19
Fax +33 (0)1 30 95 18 18
Climaveneta Deutschland
Rhenus Platz 2
59439 Holzwickede
Tel +49 2301 91222-0
Fax +49 2301 91222-99
España - Top Clima
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08036 Barcelona
Tel +34 934 195 600
Fax +34 934 195 602