RTUA RTCA Designed To Perform Built To Last PDF
RTUA RTCA Designed To Perform Built To Last PDF
RTUA RTCA Designed To Perform Built To Last PDF
For lower cooling capacities, TRANE Whatever the type of technology, the
has introduced more recently, the rotary compressors offer some very
3-D® Scroll compressors and the specific common benefits : superior
Helirotor Screw compressors. energy efficiency and reliability com-
bined with reduced sound and vibra-
tion level being the most obvious
Despite these technologies still being ones.
considered a novelty in some quar-
ters, within TRANE this relates to
K15 CA 014 E 3
TRANE Helirotor Screw compressors:
Superior energy efficiency and
a Reciprocating compressor
b Efficiency gain 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
4 K15 CA 014 E
Electronic expansion valve
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«Adaptive Control™»
Trouble-free installation, start-up
and operation.
6 K15 CA 014 E
Operator interface
The Unit Control Module (UCM) of External chilled water set- Data which can be read
the RTUA offers several communica-
tion levels which considerably sim-
point and current limit set-
Following parameters can be read by
plify the implementation of a tele- point the BMS through the serial link :
monitoring of the chiller or its inte- • Entering leaving evaporator water
gration in a Building Management The UCM allows the external setting temperature.
System (BMS). independent of the front panel set- • Motor current.
point by one of the following three • Operating status : compressor
means : stopped or running, compressor
Telemonitoring through a • a remote resistor (fixed or running at full load or auto-limi-
parallel link adjustable), tation.
• a 2-10 VDC input, More than 100 data can be accessed
Analog input and output ports allow • a 4-20 mA input. or transmitted.
chiller operation optimization or easy In the same way, the motor current
chiller monitoring when the machine can be limited to optimize the total
is not integrated in a BMS. energy efficiency of the installation. Orders which can be sent
to the chiller
Remote running and alarm Integration in the Building
The BMS can send following orders :
contacts Management System • Compressor start and stop.
through the Serial link • Motor current limit.
The unit provides three single pole/ • Chilled water setpoint reset.
double-throw contact closures to The unit can be equipped upon
indicate whether : request with a serial link communica-
• a failure has occured, tion card. All the data and functions
• the compressor is running, available at the UCM front panel can
• the compressor is running at maxi- be transmitted or accessed through
mum capacity. This information the serial link.
may be used to authorize the start
of an additional chiller.
K15 CA 014 E 7
Superior «Adaptive Control™»
The diagram indicates the numerous variables that can be sensed by the Unit
Control Module in order to ensure trouble free operation.
Refrigeration circuit
1 Compressor
2 Evaporator
3 Remote air cooled condenser
(with integral subcooler)
4 Electronic expansion valve
Lubrification circuit
5 Oil separator ,,
6 Oil cooler
7 Oil filter
Control circuit
a Compressor starter
b Phase loss/imbalance, under/over voltage
c Electronic expansion valve self diagnostic
and prepositionning, refrigerant flow
d Refrigerant temperature entering the
e Refrigerant temperature leaving the
f Oil heating
g Oil circuit solenoid valve
h Oil pressure
i Compressor capacity control
j Motor winding temperature
k Water temperature entering the evaporator
l Water temperature leaving the evaporator
m Chilled water circuit flow (site wired
n Condenser refrigerant temperature
o Air flow control
p Ambient air temperature
TRANE RTUA chiller is available with Remote control panel can be moun-
twisted pair connection to a remote ted so access to chiller information is
control panel. Chiller operation can just step away and no need to go
be controlled similarly to the control into the chilled water plant.
interface on the chiller itself. All
through a twisted pair of wire unit
can be turned on or off, change the
chilled water setpoint, and display
over 90 diagnostics conditions.
8 K15 CA 014 E
RTCA air cooled condensers are Subcooling Air flow
designed to be combined with
Subcooling of the condensed refri-
TRANE RTUA liquid chillers but The discharge air flow pattern of
gerant below its saturation tempera-
condensers selected with low fan
are also suitable for any other ture increases the system refrigera-
speed tends to favor hot air recircu-
application requiring remote air tion effect at constant compressor
lation. Hot air recirculation increases
power input and thus improves the
cooled refrigerant condensers. the energy consumption of the sys-
system coefficient of performance by
tem and may lead to high pressure
8 to 15 % at typical selection condi-
TRANE component integra- nuisance cut-outs when operating
close to the design ambient tempe-
tion means optimum selec- rature.
tion, performance and com- When selecting the condenser, the
system operating point without sub-
patibility, built to advanced cooling is to be determined first and
Very low fan speeds should thus be
engineering standards. avoided whenever possible and the
then the capacity obtained multiplied
condenser installed in such a way
with the applicable subcooling cor-
that the air flow is not obstructed or
rection factor in order to determine
restricted in any manner.
Features the total available system refrige-
ration effect. The selection of the
• V-coil arrangement : low profile, evaporator must take into account
compact design. the enthalpy increase due to the sub-
• Choice of 4 fan speeds : 9.2, 11.2, cooling of the liquid refrigerant. Undivided responsability
12.3 and 15.2 rev/s to allow opti-
mization of heat transfer and noise Subcooling also eliminates or
emission requirements. TRANE was one of the first manu-
reduces partial evaporation of liquid
• Two-speed fans (option). facturers to offer large capacity air
refrigerant due to pressure drop or
• Integral subcooling circuits. cooled systems and has accumu-
change in elevation ahead of the
lated considerable design, manu-
expansion valve. Gas in the liquid
The RTCA condensers are suitable facturing and field operating expe-
refrigerant may lead to unsufficient
for installation in refrigeration sys- rience.
feeding of the evaporator, opera-
tems with total heat rejection capaci- tional problems and shortage of sys-
ties from 70 to 800 kW. The choice tem capacity. The choice of a complete TRANE
between three motor speeds permits system, including the compressor,
a unit to be selected for optimum evaporator and the condenser
performance in relation to the offers the designer, installer and
desired sound level. All RTCA con- owner the advantages of an opti-
densers feature energy-saving inte- mized selection and undivided
gral subcooling circuits. responsability for the design, the
quality and the operation of the
Subcooling of the liquid refrigerant complete system, backed by a
increases the net refrigeration effect leading supplier of the complete
of the system without increasing the range of air conditioning systems
compressor power consumption. and components.
Exceptionnally compact design,
maximum selection flexibility and
simplified installation, the RTCA con-
denser series minimizes installation
costs. b
a Pressure
b Specific enthalpy
c Subcooling
d Increase in refrigeration effect
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Developed in order to provide
superior acoustical performance
10 K15 CA 014 E
Application examples
Inverted trap
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Performance data
12 K15 CA 014 E
General data
Unit size RTUA 207 209 211 212 213 215 216 217
Nominal motor rating (kW) 49 56 65 76 98 113 113/131 131
Compressor type CHHN 35 40 50 60 CHHB 70 85 85/100 100
Capacity modulation capability - - - Continuous: 17-100 % - - - - - - Continuous: 10-100 % - - -
Starting amps (1)(2) (A) 288 348 419 507 587 716 777 807
Maximum amps (1)(3) (A) 158 180 212 256 308 354 384 414
Oil heater (W) 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150
Control circuit (VA) 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600
Evaporator type ES70 ES80 ES100 ES120 ES140 ES170 ES170 ES200
Evaporator-water content (l) 145 134 118 106 269 223 223 204
Operating charges
Refrigerant (kg) 2 x 10 2 x 11 2 x 12 2 x 13 2 x 18 2 x 20 2 x 20 2 x 22
Oil (l) 2x8 2x8 2x8 2x8 2 x 14 2 x 14 2 x 14 2 x 14
Operating weight (4) (kg) 1660 1670 1690 1710 2580 2785 2785 2815
(1) 400V/50Hz/3Ph power supply.
(2) With part winding start. One compressor at full load, the other one starting.
(3) To be taken into account for the sizing of power cables.
(4) With compressor sound enclosure, refrigerant and oil operating charge and heat exchanger water content.
Unit size RTCA 108 109 111 113 115 116 208 209 211 213 215 216
Number of circuits 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2
Number of fans 4 4 6 8 8 12 4 4 6 8 8 12
Fan Diameter (mm) 762 762 762 762 762 762 762 762 762 762 762 762
Standard version :
Fan speed (rev./mn) 915 915 915 915 915 915 915 915 915 915 915 915
Fan motor size (kW) 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9
Fan FLA 400/50/3 (A) 4,2 4,2 4,2 4,2 4,2 4,2 4,2 4,2 4,2 4,2 4,2 4,2
Low noise version :
Fan speed (rev./mn) 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680
Fan motor size (kW) 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
Fan FLA 400/50/3 (A) 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4
R22 operating charge (kg) 22 26 36 44 52 72 2x11 2x13 2x18 2x22 2x26 2x36
Operating weight (2) (kg) 810 890 1090 1535 1770 2050 810 890 1090 1535 1770 2050
(1) 400V/50Hz/3Ph power supply.
(2) Weight with aluminium fins.
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RTUA 108 to 110 - Dimensions
14 K15 CA 014 E
RTUA 207 to 212 - Dimensions
K15 CA 014 E 15
RTUA 213 to 217 - Dimensions
16 K15 CA 014 E
RTCA Dimensions
K15 CA 014 E 17
Water side pressure drop (kPa)
A 207
80 ES
-R 1- 7
ES 09 UA
1 00 E S 1 ES 108
-R 20 81
TU -R -
9 10
10 A2 A1
ES E 12 09
140 S 10
- R 1 RT
A 2 UA 1
13 10
Water flow rate (l/s)
Water side pressure drop
TU 200
A2 -R
15/ TU
216 A2
K15 CA 014 E
RTUA Mechanical specifications
Compressor liquid chiller, series Direct expansion type evaporator. compressor start and running hours,
RTUA fitted with semi-hermetic Factory insulated with 19 mm chilled water setpoint, over 90 diag-
direct drive screw compressor, shell Armaflex type foam. internally finned nostic and operating conditions.
and tube evaporator, microprocessor 5/8 inch diameter tubes. Maximum
based «Adaptive Control™» module, operating pressure: water side and
factory mounted starter panel. refrigerant side = 1.4 MPa.
Starter panel
Part winding starters. Typically
General construction Refrigerant circuit TRANE helirotor screw compressor
are up to full speed in less than one
Welded evaporator assembly fitted Each circuit includes: electronic second.
on a structural steel profiles frame. expansion valve minimizing evapo-
rator superheat, removable core filter
Compressor supporting plate
designed to allow installation of the 4 liftings lugs are provided on the
compressor sound enclosure on site. Control panel unit base frame.
K15 CA 014 E 19
RTCA Mechanical specifications
TRANE series RTCA air cooled refri- Outdoor air temperature sensor and All motors can be reconnected to an
gerant condensers for outdoor instal- saturated condensing refrigerant approx. 20% lower speed.
lation, consisting of: temperature sensor for each circuit
are factory installed.
Starter panel
Fans The unit mounted starter panel shall
Bolted frame assembly of steel pro- be to class IP 55 protection. The
files. Axial fans, each with 6 blades of panel shall contain fan motor star-
aerofoil section, moulded from ters, overloads and disconnect
Profiles and panels of galvanized black, ultra violet stabilized, glass switch.
steel have a corrosion resistent finish fiber reinforced polypropylene, with
of polyurethane paint. an aluminium hub and clamp-plate.
All rotating aluminium components
are X-ray tested prior to machining.
Condenser coils • Copper fin condenser coil,
Balanced according to BS6861
PART 1 1987 (ISO 1940 - 1986).
Coils in a V shaped arrangement. • Started panel, two speed, unit
Integral subcooler. mouted, including starters, over-
Motors loads and disconnnect switch.
Aluminium fins mechanically blon- Suitable for low ambient head pres-
Three phase, fully enclosed fan sure control and fan night noise set
ded to internally finned seamless motors, permanently lubricated, pro-
copper tubing. back.
tection class IP 55. Nominal motor
Condensing coils are leak tested at speed 915 rpm (Standard version),
35 Mpa prior to assembly, dehy- 680 rpm (Low Noise version). Quality assurance
drated and hermetically sealed with
a mitrogen holding charge. Product designed, manufactured and
tested under TRANE quality assuran-
ce system approved to ISO 9001.
http : // www.trane.com
Société Trane - Société Anonyme au capital de 41 500 000 F - Siège Social : 1, rue des Amériques - 88190 Golbey - France -
An American Standard Company Siret 306 050 188-00011 - RCS Epinal B 306 050 188 Numéro d'identification taxe intracommunautaire : FR 83 306050188