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RTUA 108 - 217

RTCA 108 - 216

Designed to perform
Built to last
TRANE: Number 1 in rotary
compressors applications

R TUA 108 - 217

Helical rotary liquid chillers
RTCA 108 - 216
Remote air cooled condensers

• Nominal cooling capacity:

190 to 600 kW
(R22 - 50Hz)
• ”Adaptive Control™”

Since the introduction of RTWA, todays technology: for example the

TRANE offers a complete range of 3-D® Scroll compressors introduced
liquid chillers fitted with rotary com- in 1989 have completely replaced the
pressors covering the cooling capa- reciprocating compressors for coo-
city range from 50 up to 4000 kW. ling capacities up to 160 kW. For the
upper range, the water-cooled Screw
For the largest cooling capacities, compressor liquid chillers, series
TRANE offers the centrifugal com- RTHA, introduced in 1988 is a very
pressor liquid chillers. These succesful product : with more than
machines have an excellent reputa- 1500 machines installed every year
tion for reliability . A survey pub- worlwide, TRANE can be considered
lished in the USA in 1988 revealed as the Number 1 in this area. TRANE
that more than 90% of the centrifugal has also introduced a range of air
chillers installed during the 50 last cooled Screw compressor liquid
years were still in operation. chillers.

For lower cooling capacities, TRANE Whatever the type of technology, the
has introduced more recently, the rotary compressors offer some very
3-D® Scroll compressors and the specific common benefits : superior
Helirotor Screw compressors. energy efficiency and reliability com-
bined with reduced sound and vibra-
tion level being the most obvious
Despite these technologies still being ones.
considered a novelty in some quar-
ters, within TRANE this relates to

©American Standard Inc. 1999 2 K15 CA 014 E

RTUA: A combination of the latest
technological innovations in the
field of liquid chillers
The RTUA offers in many areas a - Electronic expansion valve. Gives
combination of the most advanced steadier operation, optimized eva-
technologies available today: porator efficiency and improved
- Screw compressor, with stepless energy efficiency with reduced
capacity control and 5/7 lobes condensing pressure.
rotors profiles designed and paten- - High efficiency heat exchange sur-
ted by TRANE. faces : energy efficiency combined
- Advanced microprocessor based with reduced surface area.
«Adaptive Control™» including PID
leaving chilled water temperature
control and a serial communication
link for easy integration into a
Building Management System.

RTUA: Designed to offer more

attractive benefits in all areas
- Higher application flexibility: ice identification of the operating status
storage, multiple operating condi- of the machine or of an operating
tions. fault.
- Reduced sound and vibrations - Serial link allows for a remote
levels allowing installation in sensi- monitoring of the chiller.
tive areas. For the owner:
For the mechanical contractor: - Superior energy efficiency reducing
- Compact design, reduced shipping operating costs.
weight: easier handling during site - Increase chiller life and drastically
transportation. reduced maintenance costs: the
For the operating contractor: compressors have been designed to
- State of the art motor protection: operate for the whole life of the
the unit control module permanent- chiller without any major mainte-
ly senses the current of each phase nance operations.
of the motor power supply as well - Steady and safe operation: thanks
as the temperature of the motor to the stepless capacity control, the
windings. electronic expansion valve and the
- «Adaptive Control™» anticipates sophisticated control algorithms,
any operating problems: the control the chiller can exactly match the
module consequently takes correcti- required cooling capacity and main-
ve actions to enable the chiller to tain the chiller water outlet tempe-
stay within operating limits to gua- rature within a range of +/- 0.3°C of
rantee trouble free operation even the setpoint.
under critical conditions. The chiller - Serial communication link facility to
can continue to operate at a redu- start and stop the chiller, modify the
ced load under these critical condi- setpoints or to limit the current
For the specifier: tions until normal operation can be drawn from a remote location.
- High energy efficiency, less floor restored whereas a standard chiller
space required: the unit can be would just stop as a fault.
more easily integrated into an exis- - Sophisticated operator interface:
ting plant room, which allows for the clear language display board
an increase of the available cooling allows for a quick and precise

K15 CA 014 E 3
TRANE Helirotor Screw compressors:
Superior energy efficiency and

- Rotary compressor : reduced sound

and vibration level compared to
reciprocating equipments. The over-
all sound level is lower and further-
more the shape of the sound spec-
trum is different: the sound level is
inferior in the low sequencies

- Proven Design through Testing and

Research : at TRANE, we must fail
compressors in the Laboratory to
ensure they win not fail in the field.
Without failures, there is no way to
be certain whether the final design
is satisfactory potentially unreliable.
The compressor accelerated life test
- Less critical components : only two - High precision machining : the very
is a proven method to induce fai-
rotating parts, reduced number of precise rotor tip tolerance (10 micro-
lure. This test is designed to over-
components and particulary of criti- meters) is achieved due to the most
stress an parts and quickly identify
cal parts (the total number of criti- advanced machine tools available
any weak areas. The extreme test
cal components is on average today. TRANE is able to build screw
conditions far exceed actual field
30 times lower compared to a stan- compressors with a reduced
applications. TRANE engineers fail
dard reciprocating chiller). amount of leakage between the
and redesign compressors until a
high and low pressure cavities. As a
reliable product is assured. Our
- Rugged design : all potentially fra- result, the energy efficiency of the
leadership in helical rotary compre-
gile components (suction and dis- compressor is considerably
ssor technology is recognized
charge valves, springs) have been improved compared to the first gen-
worldwide. It is the basis for the
elimninated. The compressors are eration of screw compressors which
successful introduction of the relia-
fitted with class 5 bearings designed were in some cases derived from air
ble TRANE Screw compressor, right
not to be replaced during compres- compression technology.
from the start !
sor life time.

Better part load performance

The graph on the right compares the
part load efficiency of the TRANE
Helirotor compressor and of a reci-
procating compressor. Due to superi- c
or part load performance the TRANE
Helirotor uses less energy annually b

than a typical reciprocating compre-


a Reciprocating compressor
b Efficiency gain 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

c TRANE Helirotor compressor Nominal capacity (%)

4 K15 CA 014 E
Electronic expansion valve

When coupled with Trane «Adaptive Quick response

Control™» microprocessor, the elec-
tronic expansion valve significantly To operate the valve from fully clo-
improves part load performance of sed to fully open position requires
the RTUA chiller by minimizing less than 30 seconds. This is to com-
superheat in the evaporator and allo- pare with thermo-electric devices
wing the chiller to run at reduced which have no stable position and
condensing pressures. require up to several minutes to fully
Chillers which use conventional TXV
must run at higher head pressures Superior tightness
and consume more power at part
load than necessary. Because of the superior tightness of
the electronic expansion valve when
full closed the liquid line solenoid
Additionally the electronic expansion valve is no more required.
valve and its control allow much bet-
ter control over dynamic load and It enables to further improve the
head changes. Under these condi- reliability of the chiller by reducing
tions a conventional TXV may never the total number of moving parts.
achieve control stability and ”hun-
tings” and liquid slugging are com-

Precise refrigerant flow

The electronic expansion valve is
actuated by a stepper motor. The
exact valve position is permanently
known by the Unit Control Module.

K15 CA 014 E 5
«Adaptive Control™»
Trouble-free installation, start-up
and operation.

The control logic of the P.I.D. type

based on the leaving chilled water
temperature integrates the control of
«Adaptive Control™»,
variables (current drawn by the features summary
motor, evaporating and condensing
temperature) maintains accurate con- • Ensures safe operation of the
trol, minimizes the drift from the set- chiller.
point and provides better building
comfort. • Keeps chiller on line.

Improved chiller and motor • Optimizes total chiller power

The control system integrates all the • Ensures total chiller reliability.
functions necessary to ensure safe
operation of the chiller in all applica- • Allows easy interface.
tions and duty conditions :
Trouble-free operation • Minimizes service expense.
• System safeties, such as oil, water,
The water cooled series RTWA uti- refrigerant pressure and tempera-
lizes the most advanced micropro- ture faults. Optional features
cessor control issued from the latest
development in micro-electronics. • Communication interface.
• Motor safeties. By monitoring the
motor current on each of the
Control and protection of chiller were 3 phases, the control system • External chilled water setpoint.
the two functions of previous chiller ensures protection against :
control design. «Adaptive Control™» - Overload at start-up and in opera- • External current limit setpoint.
keeps the chiller on line and makes tion.
the control “intelligent”. - Phase loss/Power loss. • Ice making control.
- Phase unbalance or reversal.
The «Adaptive Control™» means the - Over/Under voltage.
- Welded contactors. • Chilled water temperature reset.
system takes corrective action when
any of the control variables
approaches a limit condition at If a fault occurs, one of over 90 indi-
which the protection function of pre- vidual diagnostic and operating
vious control schemes would nor- codes will displayed directly on the
mally shut down the chiller. control module.
Corrective action is achieved through
combined actions of compressor un-
loader mechanism, electronic expan-
sion valve modulation. Only when
the control system has exhausted the
corrective actions it can take and the
unit is still violating an operating lim-
it, the unit will be shut down.

6 K15 CA 014 E
Operator interface

Easier than ever to use Readibility Application flexibility

The microprocessor is equiped with Local operator interface with the sys- The UCM CLD is available with the
a two-line, forty character Clear tem is accomplished using the output in six languages and either
Language Display. The display shows 16 keys on the front of the Clear English or metric units.
over 90 operating and status points. Language Display panel. The readout
The control panel will display the screen is a two line, 40 character
most current diagnostic message liquid crystal with a backlight. The
and store the last 10 for more accu- backlight allows the operator to read
rate diagnosis by Service personnel. the display in low light conditions.
Having the ability to diagnosis a The depression of any key will active
problem via the control display will the backlight.
lower the service expense, as well as
the downtime of the chiller.


The Unit Control Module (UCM) of External chilled water set- Data which can be read
the RTUA offers several communica-
tion levels which considerably sim-
point and current limit set-
Following parameters can be read by
plify the implementation of a tele- point the BMS through the serial link :
monitoring of the chiller or its inte- • Entering leaving evaporator water
gration in a Building Management The UCM allows the external setting temperature.
System (BMS). independent of the front panel set- • Motor current.
point by one of the following three • Operating status : compressor
means : stopped or running, compressor
Telemonitoring through a • a remote resistor (fixed or running at full load or auto-limi-
parallel link adjustable), tation.
• a 2-10 VDC input, More than 100 data can be accessed
Analog input and output ports allow • a 4-20 mA input. or transmitted.
chiller operation optimization or easy In the same way, the motor current
chiller monitoring when the machine can be limited to optimize the total
is not integrated in a BMS. energy efficiency of the installation. Orders which can be sent
to the chiller
Remote running and alarm Integration in the Building
The BMS can send following orders :
contacts Management System • Compressor start and stop.
through the Serial link • Motor current limit.
The unit provides three single pole/ • Chilled water setpoint reset.
double-throw contact closures to The unit can be equipped upon
indicate whether : request with a serial link communica-
• a failure has occured, tion card. All the data and functions
• the compressor is running, available at the UCM front panel can
• the compressor is running at maxi- be transmitted or accessed through
mum capacity. This information the serial link.
may be used to authorize the start
of an additional chiller.

K15 CA 014 E 7
Superior «Adaptive Control™»

The diagram indicates the numerous variables that can be sensed by the Unit
Control Module in order to ensure trouble free operation.
Refrigeration circuit
1 Compressor
2 Evaporator
3 Remote air cooled condenser
(with integral subcooler)
4 Electronic expansion valve

Lubrification circuit
5 Oil separator ,,
6 Oil cooler
7 Oil filter

Control circuit
a Compressor starter
b Phase loss/imbalance, under/over voltage
c Electronic expansion valve self diagnostic
and prepositionning, refrigerant flow
d Refrigerant temperature entering the
e Refrigerant temperature leaving the
f Oil heating
g Oil circuit solenoid valve
h Oil pressure
i Compressor capacity control
j Motor winding temperature
k Water temperature entering the evaporator
l Water temperature leaving the evaporator
m Chilled water circuit flow (site wired
n Condenser refrigerant temperature
o Air flow control
p Ambient air temperature

Remote control panel

TRANE RTUA chiller is available with Remote control panel can be moun-
twisted pair connection to a remote ted so access to chiller information is
control panel. Chiller operation can just step away and no need to go
be controlled similarly to the control into the chilled water plant.
interface on the chiller itself. All
through a twisted pair of wire unit
can be turned on or off, change the
chilled water setpoint, and display
over 90 diagnostics conditions.

8 K15 CA 014 E
RTCA air cooled condensers are Subcooling Air flow
designed to be combined with
Subcooling of the condensed refri-
TRANE RTUA liquid chillers but The discharge air flow pattern of
gerant below its saturation tempera-
condensers selected with low fan
are also suitable for any other ture increases the system refrigera-
speed tends to favor hot air recircu-
application requiring remote air tion effect at constant compressor
lation. Hot air recirculation increases
power input and thus improves the
cooled refrigerant condensers. the energy consumption of the sys-
system coefficient of performance by
tem and may lead to high pressure
8 to 15 % at typical selection condi-
TRANE component integra- nuisance cut-outs when operating
close to the design ambient tempe-
tion means optimum selec- rature.
tion, performance and com- When selecting the condenser, the
system operating point without sub-
patibility, built to advanced cooling is to be determined first and
Very low fan speeds should thus be
engineering standards. avoided whenever possible and the
then the capacity obtained multiplied
condenser installed in such a way
with the applicable subcooling cor-
that the air flow is not obstructed or
rection factor in order to determine
restricted in any manner.
Features the total available system refrige-
ration effect. The selection of the
• V-coil arrangement : low profile, evaporator must take into account
compact design. the enthalpy increase due to the sub-
• Choice of 4 fan speeds : 9.2, 11.2, cooling of the liquid refrigerant. Undivided responsability
12.3 and 15.2 rev/s to allow opti-
mization of heat transfer and noise Subcooling also eliminates or
emission requirements. TRANE was one of the first manu-
reduces partial evaporation of liquid
• Two-speed fans (option). facturers to offer large capacity air
refrigerant due to pressure drop or
• Integral subcooling circuits. cooled systems and has accumu-
change in elevation ahead of the
lated considerable design, manu-
expansion valve. Gas in the liquid
The RTCA condensers are suitable facturing and field operating expe-
refrigerant may lead to unsufficient
for installation in refrigeration sys- rience.
feeding of the evaporator, opera-
tems with total heat rejection capaci- tional problems and shortage of sys-
ties from 70 to 800 kW. The choice tem capacity. The choice of a complete TRANE
between three motor speeds permits system, including the compressor,
a unit to be selected for optimum evaporator and the condenser
performance in relation to the offers the designer, installer and
desired sound level. All RTCA con- owner the advantages of an opti-
densers feature energy-saving inte- mized selection and undivided
gral subcooling circuits. responsability for the design, the
quality and the operation of the
Subcooling of the liquid refrigerant complete system, backed by a
increases the net refrigeration effect leading supplier of the complete
of the system without increasing the range of air conditioning systems
compressor power consumption. and components.
Exceptionnally compact design,
maximum selection flexibility and
simplified installation, the RTCA con-
denser series minimizes installation
costs. b

a Pressure
b Specific enthalpy
c Subcooling
d Increase in refrigeration effect

K15 CA 014 E 9
Developed in order to provide
superior acoustical performance

The installation of a split system Low speed fans

offers a good economic alternative to
satisfy the chilled water demand for For the RTCA Low Noise fans with
cooling a building, particulary in the aerofoil section blades running at
case of new construction. At the 680 rpm have been selected to opti-
same time though, the installation of mise the acoustical and mechanical
an outdoor machine - on the roof or performance and to provide high
in a courtyard - makes it necessary to chiller efficiency without risk of the
take account of the impact it will air being recirculated to the conden-
have on the environment, especially ser coils.
the noise perceived by neighbours.
More frequently than before, desi-
gners and architects are now having
to address both local regulations and
demands to improve the environ-
mental conditions with respect to
noise emanating from air condition-
ning equipment. To meet these strin-
gent sound specifications, TRANE
developed a new range of air cooled
condensers for outdoor installation.

10 K15 CA 014 E
Application examples

No elevation difference Liquid line

Restrictions :
• Total distance between compo-
nents should not exceed 60 m
(actual) or 90 m (equivalent).
• Liquid line height must not exceed
5 m from the base of the air cooled
condenser unit.
• Discharge line trap is recommen-
ded leaving the oil separator if the
discharge piping runs for more Discharge line
than 3 m (actual) horizontally
above the RTUA unit.

Inverted trap

RTCA condenser above the

RTUA compressor / chiller
Restrictions :
• Total distance between compo-
nents should not exceed 60 m
(actual) or 90 m (equivalent).
• Elevation difference greater than
30 m (actual) will result in at least
a 2% efficiency decrease.


RTCA condenser below

RTUA compressor / chiller
Restrictions :
• Total distance between compo-
nents should not exceed 60 m
(actual) or 90 m (equivalent).
• Liquid line risers must not exceed
5 m from the base of the air cooled

K15 CA 014 E 11
Performance data

Unit Leaving Condenser entering air temperature (˚C)

Size chilled 25 30 35
RTUA water Cooling Power Cooling Power Cooling Power
& temperature Cap. Input Cap. Input Cap. Input
RTCA (°C) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW)
RTUA 108 5 203 60 188 65 174 70
& 7 214 62 199 97 184 72
RTCA 109 9 225 64 210 69 194 73
RTUA 109 5 228 65 213 71 198 77
& 7 242 67 226 73 211 78
RTCA 111 9 256 69 240 75 222 80
RTUA 110 5 283 74 265 80 247 87
& 7 299 76 280 83 262 89
RTCA 113 9 315 79 296 85 276 92
RTUA 207 5 198 56 186 61 173 66
& 7 211 58 198 63 185 67
RTCA 209 9 224 60 210 64 197 69
RTUA 209 5 233 64 218 69 204 74
& 7 248 66 234 71 219 76
RTCA 211 9 264 68 249 73 133 78
RTUA 211 5 299 81 282 87 265 93
& 7 318 83 300 90 284 95
RTCA 213 9 337 86 319 92 301 98
RTUA 212 5 340 98 321 105 301 112
& 7 363 101 342 108 322 115
RTCA 213 9 384 105 363 111 341 118
RTUA 213 5 413 118 383 128 354 138
& 7 437 122 406 132 375 141
RTCA 215 9 460 126 427 136 395 145
RTUA 215 5 464 129 433 140 401 152
& 7 493 133 160 144 427 155
RTCA 216 9 521 137 486 148 452 159
RTUA 216 5 498 146 465 158 432 170
& 7 528 151 493 163 457 174
RTCA 216 9 557 156 519 167 482 179
RTUA 217 5 575 147 538 159 501 172
& 7 609 152 570 164 532 175
2 RTCA 113 9 642 157 602 169 560 182
(1) With D T evaporator: 6°C, fouling factor: 0.044 m2 K/kW, standard heat exchangers, electrical power supply 50Hz, refrigerant R22.

12 K15 CA 014 E
General data

Unit size RTUA 108 109 110

Nominal motor rating (kW) 98 113 131
Compressor type CHHN 70 85 100
Capacity modulation capability - - - Continuous: 20-100 % - - -
Starting amps (1)(2) (A) 433 539 600
Maximum amps (1)(3) (A) 154 177 207
Oil heater (W) 150 150 150
Control circuit (VA) 1600 1600 1600
Evaporator type ES71 ES81 ES101
Evaporator-water content (l) 145 134 118
Operating charges
Refrigerant (kg) 15 16 17
Oil (l) 14 14 14
Operating weight (4) (kg) 1630 1710 1710

Unit size RTUA 207 209 211 212 213 215 216 217
Nominal motor rating (kW) 49 56 65 76 98 113 113/131 131
Compressor type CHHN 35 40 50 60 CHHB 70 85 85/100 100
Capacity modulation capability - - - Continuous: 17-100 % - - - - - - Continuous: 10-100 % - - -
Starting amps (1)(2) (A) 288 348 419 507 587 716 777 807
Maximum amps (1)(3) (A) 158 180 212 256 308 354 384 414
Oil heater (W) 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150
Control circuit (VA) 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600
Evaporator type ES70 ES80 ES100 ES120 ES140 ES170 ES170 ES200
Evaporator-water content (l) 145 134 118 106 269 223 223 204
Operating charges
Refrigerant (kg) 2 x 10 2 x 11 2 x 12 2 x 13 2 x 18 2 x 20 2 x 20 2 x 22
Oil (l) 2x8 2x8 2x8 2x8 2 x 14 2 x 14 2 x 14 2 x 14
Operating weight (4) (kg) 1660 1670 1690 1710 2580 2785 2785 2815
(1) 400V/50Hz/3Ph power supply.
(2) With part winding start. One compressor at full load, the other one starting.
(3) To be taken into account for the sizing of power cables.
(4) With compressor sound enclosure, refrigerant and oil operating charge and heat exchanger water content.

Unit size RTCA 108 109 111 113 115 116 208 209 211 213 215 216
Number of circuits 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2
Number of fans 4 4 6 8 8 12 4 4 6 8 8 12
Fan Diameter (mm) 762 762 762 762 762 762 762 762 762 762 762 762
Standard version :
Fan speed (rev./mn) 915 915 915 915 915 915 915 915 915 915 915 915
Fan motor size (kW) 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9
Fan FLA 400/50/3 (A) 4,2 4,2 4,2 4,2 4,2 4,2 4,2 4,2 4,2 4,2 4,2 4,2
Low noise version :
Fan speed (rev./mn) 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680
Fan motor size (kW) 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
Fan FLA 400/50/3 (A) 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4
R22 operating charge (kg) 22 26 36 44 52 72 2x11 2x13 2x18 2x22 2x26 2x36
Operating weight (2) (kg) 810 890 1090 1535 1770 2050 810 890 1090 1535 1770 2050
(1) 400V/50Hz/3Ph power supply.
(2) Weight with aluminium fins.

K15 CA 014 E 13
RTUA 108 to 110 - Dimensions

Recommended space enveloppe

Unit size RTUA 108 109 110

Length A (mm) 2536 2536 2536
Width B (1) (mm) 860 860 860
B' (2) (mm) 1010 1010 1010
Height C (2) (mm) 1715 1715 1715
Clearance E (3) (mm) 2000 2000 2000
F (4) (mm) 800 800 800
Evaporator hydraulic connections - - - - - Flanges 5”/ DN125 / PN16 - - - - -
Electrical connection (mm) 370 x 200 370 x 200 370 x 200
(1) With compressor sound enclosure and disconnect switch handle removed.
(2) With compressor sound enclosure and disconnect switch handle mounted.
(3) Clearance for retubing : can be on either end of the chiller
(4) Clearance all around the unit in order to achieved usual maintenance operations.

14 K15 CA 014 E
RTUA 207 to 212 - Dimensions

Recommended space enveloppe

Unit size RTUA 207 209 211 212

Length A (mm) 2653 2653 2653 2653
Width B (1) (mm) 860 860 860 860
B' (2) (mm) 1010 1010 1010 1010
Height C (2) (mm) 1715 1715 1715 1715
Clearance E (3) (mm) 2000 2000 2000 2000
F (4) (mm) 800 800 800 800
Evaporator Hydraulic connections - - - - - Flanges 5”/ DN125 / PN16 - - - - -
Electrical connection (mm) 370 x 200 370 x 200 370 x 200 370 x 200
(1) With compressor sound enclosure and disconnect switch handle removed.
(2) With compressor sound enclosure and disconnect switch handle mounted.
(3) Clearance for retubing : can be on either end of the chiller
(4) Clearance all around the unit in order to achieved usual maintenance operations.

K15 CA 014 E 15
RTUA 213 to 217 - Dimensions

Recommended space enveloppe

Unit size RTUA 213 215 216 217

Length A (mm) 3834 3834 3834 3834
Width B (1) (mm) 885 885 885 885
B' (2) (mm) 1040 1040 1040 1040
Height C (2) (mm) 1813 1813 1813 1813
Clearance E (3) (mm) 3000 3000 3000 3000
F (4) (mm) 800 800 800 800
Evaporator Hydraulic connections - - - - - Flanges 6”/ DN150 / PN16 - - - - -
Electrical connection (mm) 370 x 200 370 x 200 370 x 200 370 x 200
(1) With compressor sound enclosure and disconnect switch handle removed.
(2) With compressor sound enclosure and disconnect switch handle mounted.
(3) Clearance for retubing : can be on either end of the chiller
(4) Clearance all around the unit in order to achieved usual maintenance operations.

16 K15 CA 014 E
RTCA Dimensions

Model Length Width Height Hot gas Liquid

RTCA A B C D connection (1) connection (1)
208-209-211 2840 2140 1550 - Ø 1”5/8 Ø 1”1/8
113-213 4580 2140 1550 2290 Ø 1"5/8 Ø 1"1/8
215-216 5420 2140 1550 2710 Ø 1"5/8 Ø 1"1/8
(1) Sizes 108 to 211 : 2 each hot gas and liquid line connections (2 coils).
Sizes 113 to 216 : 4 each hot gas and liquid line connections (4 coils).
(2) Recommended clearance (coil sides) = 1200 mm. Between two condensers = 2400 mm, other sides 800 mm.
Contact Trane for more detailed application information.

K15 CA 014 E 17
Water side pressure drop (kPa)





A 207

80 ES
-R 1- 7

ES 09 UA
1 00 E S 1 ES 108
-R 20 81
TU -R -

9 10
10 A2 A1
ES E 12 09
140 S 10
- R 1 RT
A 2 UA 1
13 10

Water flow rate (l/s)
Water side pressure drop


TU 200
A2 -R
15/ TU
216 A2



K15 CA 014 E
RTUA Mechanical specifications

Compressor liquid chiller, series Direct expansion type evaporator. compressor start and running hours,
RTUA fitted with semi-hermetic Factory insulated with 19 mm chilled water setpoint, over 90 diag-
direct drive screw compressor, shell Armaflex type foam. internally finned nostic and operating conditions.
and tube evaporator, microprocessor 5/8 inch diameter tubes. Maximum
based «Adaptive Control™» module, operating pressure: water side and
factory mounted starter panel. refrigerant side = 1.4 MPa.
Starter panel
Part winding starters. Typically
General construction Refrigerant circuit TRANE helirotor screw compressor
are up to full speed in less than one
Welded evaporator assembly fitted Each circuit includes: electronic second.
on a structural steel profiles frame. expansion valve minimizing evapo-
rator superheat, removable core filter
Compressor supporting plate
designed to allow installation of the 4 liftings lugs are provided on the
compressor sound enclosure on site. Control panel unit base frame.

Double door electrical panel. All unit controls are housed in a

watertight enclosure. Removable
Option and accessories
plate on the top of the enclosure to
Compressors and lubrica- • Ice making module,
allow customer connection of power
• Communication interface/Remote
tion oil system wiring and remote interlocks.
control display board,
• Ammeter-voltmeter,
One or two semi-hermetic, accessible Microcomputer control provides all • Compressor sound enclosure,
direct drive, 2950 rpm dual screw control functions including start-up • Disconnect switch,
compressor with: and shut down, leaving chilled water • Pressure gauges.
- Capacity control slide valve. temperature control, compressor and
- Pressure lubricated, class 5 rolling expansion valve modulation, antire-
element bearing groups support the cycle logic and load limiting. Factory run tests
rotor assembly.
- Squirrel cage induction motor, Pressure test on each individual
refrigerant suction gas cooled and «Adaptive Control™» microprocessor component (before assembly) and on
hermetically sealed. prevents unit shutdown due to ab- the refrigeration circuit (when fully
normal operating conditions associ- assembled).
ated with low refrigerant tempera-
Oil separator, oil cooler and filtration ture, high condensing temperature
devices are provided separate from and motor overload. Shipment
the compressor. Check valves in the
compressor discharge and lube oil All units ship on a wooden skid with
system and a solenoid valve in the Unit protective functions include loss separated oil charge and nitrogen
lube system are provided. of chilled water flow, evaporator holding charge.
freeze protection, low or high refri-
gerant pressure, reverse rotation,
Evaporator compressor starting and running Quality assurance
over current, phase loss, phase
Shell and tube evaporator. Carbon imbalance, phase reversal and loss The Quality Management System
steel shell plates and tube sheets. of oil fow. applied by TRANE has been subject
Tubes sheets are drilled reamed and to independent third party assesse-
grooved to accomodate tubes. ment and approval to ISO 9001. The
The Clear Language Display (CLD)
Individually replacable tubes, products described in this catalogue
eliminates coded informations.
mechanically expanded into tube are designed, manufactured and tes-
Information available with the
sheets and fastened into interme- ted in accordance with the approved
«Adaptive Control™» microprocessor
diate tube supports made of plastic system requirements as described in
includes : entering and leaving eva-
Headers of high strength cast steel the Trane Quality Manual.
porator water temperatures, refri-
bolted to the tube sheets. Self ener-
gerant temperatures and pressures,
gizing type gaskets requiring low
compressor suction temperature,
bolt torque.

K15 CA 014 E 19
RTCA Mechanical specifications

TRANE series RTCA air cooled refri- Outdoor air temperature sensor and All motors can be reconnected to an
gerant condensers for outdoor instal- saturated condensing refrigerant approx. 20% lower speed.
lation, consisting of: temperature sensor for each circuit
are factory installed.
Starter panel
Fans The unit mounted starter panel shall
Bolted frame assembly of steel pro- be to class IP 55 protection. The
files. Axial fans, each with 6 blades of panel shall contain fan motor star-
aerofoil section, moulded from ters, overloads and disconnect
Profiles and panels of galvanized black, ultra violet stabilized, glass switch.
steel have a corrosion resistent finish fiber reinforced polypropylene, with
of polyurethane paint. an aluminium hub and clamp-plate.
All rotating aluminium components
are X-ray tested prior to machining.
Condenser coils • Copper fin condenser coil,
Balanced according to BS6861
PART 1 1987 (ISO 1940 - 1986).
Coils in a V shaped arrangement. • Started panel, two speed, unit
Integral subcooler. mouted, including starters, over-
Motors loads and disconnnect switch.
Aluminium fins mechanically blon- Suitable for low ambient head pres-
Three phase, fully enclosed fan sure control and fan night noise set
ded to internally finned seamless motors, permanently lubricated, pro-
copper tubing. back.
tection class IP 55. Nominal motor
Condensing coils are leak tested at speed 915 rpm (Standard version),
35 Mpa prior to assembly, dehy- 680 rpm (Low Noise version). Quality assurance
drated and hermetically sealed with
a mitrogen holding charge. Product designed, manufactured and
tested under TRANE quality assuran-
ce system approved to ISO 9001.

K15 CA 014 E - 0999

Société Trane Supersedes K15 CA 014 - 1098
Route de Chamagne
Literature stocking location : Europe
F - 88130 Charmes
France Trane reserves the right to alter any information without prior notice.

http : // www.trane.com
Société Trane - Société Anonyme au capital de 41 500 000 F - Siège Social : 1, rue des Amériques - 88190 Golbey - France -
An American Standard Company Siret 306 050 188-00011 - RCS Epinal B 306 050 188 Numéro d'identification taxe intracommunautaire : FR 83 306050188

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