Electropneumatic and Hydraulic DNT241: Experiment No. 3
Electropneumatic and Hydraulic DNT241: Experiment No. 3
Electropneumatic and Hydraulic DNT241: Experiment No. 3
Session 2012/2013
Semester 2
Experiment No. 3
Name : ___________________________________________
Received By : ___________________________________________
To design and simulate control circuit of Single-Acting Cylinder and Double Acting Cylinder
using Automation Studio software.
Automation Studio is a completely integrated software package that allows users to design,
simulate and animate circuits consisting of various automation technologies including
pneumatics, hydraulics, PLCs, electrical controls, motor controls and digital electronics.
Automation Studio is the ideal CAD and simulation tool for teachers, students and engineers.
Users can quickly create circuits, analyze pre-built circuits, work through virtual sample
assignments, simulate circuit behavior and troubleshoot for faults. Educators can customize
their circuits and insert faulted components into a circuit or faulty electrical sequences
forcing the student to troubleshoot operation. Even if the curriculum concentration is focused
on one specific technology, the student will be exposed to a wider understanding of circuit
technology relationships and therefore be better able to understand how ladder logic, PLC
circuits, motor controls, and digital electronics function to control fluid power circuits.
Double acting cylinder is used to push material from multi rack gravity feed magazine.
Using indirect-control method, the piston is to extend when button A is pressed and return
automatically after reaching full extension to its start position.
Circuit 1
d) Change parameter for double acting cylinder according to the Table 2 on page 6 and
monitor the simulation process.
Use the PLOTTER DISPLAY (F10) to help you analyze the circuit. Observe the
changes of LINEAR SPEED of your cylinder.
Total Marks: / 25
Based on below given formula, please calculate the area and volume for piston side and rod
side of the cylinder according to the diameter of the cylinder (D) and diameter of the rod (d).
Stroke length, L = 25 cm.
Cond 1 Cond 2 Cond 3 Cond 4
Calculation D = 5 cm D = 7 cm D = 5 cm D = 7 cm
d = 2.5 cm d = 2.5 cm d = 1.5 cm d = 1.5 cm
Piston side Area
Remarks : Double-click on the cylinder and select Technical data to view above window
Session 2012/2013
Semester 2
Experiment No. 7
Name : ___________________________________________
Received By : ___________________________________________
To design and simulate electrical control circuit, electro-pneumatic and hydraulic circuit using
an Automation Studio software.
Circuit 1
b) SIMULATE the electro-pneumatic circuit and answer related question on page 12.
Design 1:
Double acting cylinder B, will extend forward when START button is pressed. Full
extension of cylinder B will trigger the Cylinder C (Double Acting Cylinder) to extend
forward. Both cylinders B and C will retract back after full extension of cylinder C. The
process will operated continuously and only stop when STOP button is pressed.
Circuit 2 shows the pneumatic circuit and uncompleted electrical circuit to control the
Circuit 2
a) Complete missing part in Electrical circuit on page 12 and verify your answer by
develop both Pneumatic and Electrical circuit using Automation studio.
a) Using Hydraulic Library in Automation Studio, design Basic hydraulic circuit as shown
in Circuit 3.
Circuit 3
b) Simulate your circuit and answer question in lab report (page 13).
Design 1:
Total Marks: / 25
Basic Electro-Pneumatic
Based on Circuit 1, describe operation of the circuit.
Design 1:
Basic Hydraulic
Based on Circuit 2, describe the operation of the circuit and name 2 types of Directional
control valve used in this circuit.