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The key takeaways are the use of macro, mini and micro esthetics for comprehensive esthetic evaluation and treatment planning.

The three categories used for esthetic evaluation and treatment planning are macro esthetics (the face), mini esthetics (the smile), and micro esthetics (the teeth).

The author advocates using the term 'appearance' in conjunction with the term 'esthetics' because it involves a broader assessment of the patient than just the smile.




A Broader Approach to Interdisciplinary Esthetic Treatment
David M. Sarver, DMD, MS

AACD 2016 TORONTO: THURSDAY MORNING “TRIPLE PLAY!” One Session. One Theme. Three Big Hitters.
Dr. David M. Sarver, along with Dr. J. William Robbins and Dr. Jeffrey Rouse, will “cover the bases”
on diagnosis, decision making, and treatment planning. These three “big hitters” will be presenting
sequentially in the same room on Thursday, April 28, 2016. Dr. Sarver will present “Orthodontics—
How it Has Changed and What You Really Want to Know!” This article discusses how orthodontics is
incorporating smile design principles into its overall functional and esthetic treatment goals.

For decades, dentistry has been evolving into a
profession that is extremely multifaceted and varied
Patients seeking esthetic in its approach to both smile and facial esthetics.
treatment today wish to The coordination of macro esthetics (the face), mini
enhance their appearance esthetics (the smile), and micro esthetics (the dental
esthetic component) offers a complete approach to
for improved self-esteem esthetic planning. This article presents an expanded
and quality of life. vision of esthetic treatment designed to take readers
to another level of facial, smile, and dental esthetic
planning that can elevate patient outcomes.

Key Words: macro esthetics, mini esthetics, micro

esthetics, orthodontics, smile design

14 Winter 2016 • Volume 31 • Number 4


Figure 1: In both multidisciplinary and orthodontic diagnosis, three esthetic divisions are advocated: macro esthetics (the face), mini esthetics
(the smile), and micro esthetics (the teeth).

…there are principles of cosmetic dentistry that

orthodontists can use to enhance their work to provide a
superior esthetic outcome.

Journal of Cosmetic Dentistry 15


Patients seeking esthetic treatment today wish to en- In cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics, and orthognathic surgery, if
hance their appearance for improved self-esteem and the esthetic outcome is not satisfactory to the patient they consider
quality of life. I advocate use of the term appearance in our work a failure. Orthodontists do not perform cosmetic dental
conjunction with the term esthetics because it involves procedures such as composite bonding, veneers, and crowns. How-
a broader assessment of the patient than just the smile ever, we all recognize that in some instances when orthodontic treat-
(the esthetics of the smile is important, but the pa- ment is completed, not all smiles look “right.” Not all patients want
tient’s appearance is how they look to others). or can afford veneers, and certainly not all need them. But there are
Interdisciplinary treatment has become a very im- principles of cosmetic dentistry that orthodontists can follow to en-
portant part of the practice of dentistry, and the pos- hance their work to provide a superior esthetic outcome.3
sibilities for a more inclusive approach to diagnosis This article’s goal is to illustrate how orthodontics has incorpo-
and treatment have expanded at an exponential rate. rated the principles of smile design from esthetic dentistry into how
What we can offer our patients now is so much more we treat our orthodontic patients. Of greater interest to the esthetic
than just smile design. While patients may seek to cor- dental audience, however, is how a well-planned, well-coordinated
rect their bite or other functional issues, the fact is that multidisciplinary treatment plan can yield results that are exponen-
a great majority of patients are coming to our offices tially greater than what one individual can achieve. It is important
to enhance the appearance of their dentition, smile, for all members of the interdisciplinary team to understand what the
and face. other members bring to the table in terms of enhancing the overall
Dental and orthodontic diagnosis and treatment outcome. This mutual understanding of each other’s capabilities and
planning have merged much more closely over the responsibilities facilitates synchronization of the overall treatment
past decade. This article and my presentation in To- plan to deliver the best outcome with a minimal amount of time
ronto will describe how, in orthodontic diagnosis and burden for the patient. I believe that this works best if the team
and treatment planning, I have created an approach has a “quarterback.” The football quarterback knows what routes the
to evaluation divided into three categories (Fig 1). receivers are going to run, where the left guard is going, what the right
The descriptive process was arrived at by borrowing guard’s duties are, and what the other team’s defense is presenting to
a set of terms from Morley and Eubank in which they them. That adds up to a winning team, and the selected interdisci-
described the macro esthetics of smile design.1 I have plinary team “quarterback” should have that depth of understanding
expanded it to include a broader approach to esthetic to be able to effectively solve problems.
treatment.2 The three major divisions are as follows:
• macro esthetics (the profile and vertical facial di-
mensions, i.e., the face)
• mini esthetics (the smile’s attributes, e.g., buccal
corridors, smile arc, incisor display)
• micro esthetics (the teeth and their many attri- What we can offer our
butes, e.g., contacts and connectors, embrasures,
gingival shape and contour).
patients now is so much
The key in this fundamental approach to esthetic more than just smile design.
analysis is the systematic analysis of all the facial and
smile components, both anatomically static and func-
tionally dynamic. This leads to a greater appreciation
of the subtle interactions of each of the facial elements
and how each can be appropriately managed through
a unified treatment approach.

16 Winter 2016 • Volume 31 • Number 4


Case 1: Proclined Anterior Teeth

Imagine a patient who has undergone routine orth-
odontic treatment. Class I occlusion is obtained, and
the teeth are nice and straight. Despite this, however,
the smile simply does not look “right.” Is the only an-
swer cosmetic enhancement via veneers? Or are there
things that we as orthodontists can do as part of our
treatment, first learning then utilizing the principles
of cosmetic dental smile design to deliver a better re-
sult? The 22-year-old patient shown in Figure 2 had
received orthodontic treatment as an adolescent, and
was not pleased with her smile outcome. A mini es- Figure 2: Having
thetic analysis identified the smile elements that fell undergone orthodontic
short of ideal: an incomplete incisor display and a flat treatment during
adolescence, this 22-year-
smile arc4-6 (Fig 3). She had also noticed that her ante-
old patient had grown
rior teeth were proclined, or flared anteriorly (Fig 4).
displeased with her smile.
Our office’s routine records include the oblique
view in our photographic images because it reflects
the way patients are seen by others, in contrast to the
usual imagery in orthodontic and esthetic dental prac-
tices, which depicts the frontal smile only. In ortho-
dontics, the most common way to address the issue
of upright or proclined incisors is through premolar
extraction to create space to retract the incisors and
upright them. Due to profile considerations, however,
this was not an acceptable option for this patient, so
we recommended tooth size reduction through enam-
elplasty to create the space needed to upright the inci-
sors sufficiently. This is an excellent option in selected
cases where the teeth are of appropriate size and shape
to benefit from the reshaping.7
Figure 3: Her mini esthetic analysis demonstrated incomplete incisor
The first step was to orthodontically align the teeth
display and a flat smile arc. The smile arc is defined as the curvature of
and eliminate all rotations, because they made it dif-
the maxillary occlusal plane and anterior teeth (yellow line) relative to the
ficult to accurately judge the true width of the ante- curvature of the lower lip (white line). In the ideal smile arc the two are
rior teeth. Once initial alignment was achieved, we consonant, or parallel.
assessed the height-to-width ratio, incisal and gingi-
val embrasures, connector lengths, and general shape
and contour of the incisors. Then, using an air-rotor
stripping bur, we performed interproximal reduction
to create space and to esthetically reshape the teeth.
Because the patient had previously undergone orth-
odontic treatment and had no overjet, the mandibular
incisors were also reduced in width (Fig 5). The teeth
were reshaped using the air-rotor stripping bur and the
resulting space was orthodontically closed. The teeth
can be reshaped by the esthetic dentist but I prefer to
manage this myself because, prior to treatment, I have
already visualized where I will be moving the tooth,
and the esthetic dentist would have to guess as to what
my plan was. In addition, enamelplasty is performed
incrementally, because once enamel is removed it can- Figure 4: This 45-degree angle, or “social” view, shows clearly that the
not be put back. For example, we may remove some of maxillary incisors were proclined, or flared anteriorly. This is considered
unesthetic by most people.

Journal of Cosmetic Dentistry 17


the width of the tooth, close the space, and then reassess for
further enamelplasty. Also, it is important for orthodontists
to note that in this particular case the space closure was done
on round wire so that the incisors rotated palatally around
the rotation point in such a way as to upright the teeth, which
also increased the incisor display (Fig 6). The final outcome
was a dramatic improvement in smile esthetics (Figs 7a-7c).

Synchronization Plan
Synchronization with the dental office in this case was fairly
minimal because there were no veneers or any other type
of cosmetic dentistry planned. The anterior teeth can be re-
shaped by the orthodontist or by the dentist. If either of them
is reluctant to reshape teeth, we recommend that a “set-up” Figure 5: Enamelplasty of the maxillary incisors was planned
be performed first. This is similar to a wax-up, but a set-up is to improve the height-to-width ratio and lengthen the
connectors, thus reducing the large incisal embrasures.
performed by creating plaster models of the patient’s exist-
Because the patient had no overjet, reshaping was extended
ing teeth and segmenting each tooth so that they can be re-
to the lower incisors as well as the maxillary incisors to
shaped, reset, and waxed to the proper position. This serves as accommodate retraction of the latter.
a “virtual walk-through” of the procedure before any enamel
is permanently altered. The important point is that the teeth
be completely aligned so that visualization of tooth propor-
tionality is accurate before any reshaping is done. Once orth-
odontic treatment is complete, a normal retention pattern is
implemented with a Hawley retainer or Essex-type retainer.

Take-Home Message
Rather than just “straightening teeth,” the principles of es-
thetics were applied in an orthodontic case with the goal of Figure 6: This illustration
taking the outcome from good to great. Orthodontic treat- demonstrates how subsequent
ment was utilized versus veneers, leaving the patient with an space closure after enamelplasty
intact tooth structure, the option that most of us would want results in retraction of the maxillary
for our children. incisors. The incisors rotate palatally
on round wire in such a way as to
increase incisor display and improve
the smile arc.

Figure 7b: The close-up smile image Figure 7c: From the oblique view, the maxillary
demonstrates the increased incisor display, incisors were uprighted, and her concern about
improved proportionality, and improved the flare of her anterior teeth was addressed
smile arc. successfully.

Figure 7a: The patient’s dramatically

improved smile esthetics.

18 Winter 2016 • Volume 31 • Number 4


Case 2: Severely Worn Incisor

and Short Lateral Incisors
The adult female patient shown in Figure 8
was referred by her dentist for preparation
and placement of porcelain veneers. The se-
verely worn upper left central incisor needed
to be intruded, and the lateral incisors were
disproportionately short (Fig 9). Her maxil-
lary incisor alignment also fell short of an
ideal smile arc. The dentist may utilize a
mock-up and temporary try-in so the patient
can get a feel for the esthetics and the func-
tional aspects of the restoration. We often
perform a computer mock-up on the initial
Figure 8: This patient had a severely
visit to begin to model the patient’s idea of worn maxillary left central incisor and
what might be accomplished, and also so we was referred for orthodontic preparation
can visualize where to make recommenda- for porcelain veneers.
tions and alterations. Computer imaging is
also helpful in modeling the patient’s expec-
tations.8 In this visual mock-up (Fig 10), we
normalized gingival levels and lengthened
the incisors to hit the ideal target, the smile
arc. We initiated orthodontic alignment and,
to facilitate visualization of where the patient
was in treatment, we took a page from cos-
metic dentistry and used crown formers and
composite to add length to the four maxil-
lary incisors. While her smile was greatly
improved (Fig 11), we believed that by using
some of the principles presented in the pre- Figure 9: The close-up smile image also showed that the gingival margins
vious case, an even more outstanding result were uneven between the right and the left sides. Commonly, the
could be achieved. Therefore, we reduced orthodontist is asked to align the gingival margins so that the veneers can
the width of the maxillary incisors through be placed with the appropriate height-to-width ratio. Note that her maxillary
enamelplasty (Fig 12) and closed space on incisor alignment also fell short of an ideal smile arc.
a round wire to increase incisor display and
the curvature of the anterior maxillary occlu-
sal plane. In the final result, the incisor shape
was excellent in all proportions (Fig 13) and
the patient’s smile was enhanced dramati-
cally (Figs 14a & 14b).

Synchronization Plan
To facilitate treatment with the dental of-
fice, we find it very useful to forward digital
images of our temporary restorations to the
dentist so they can see what was underneath
the composite I placed and what tooth struc-
ture was underneath. In this way, they can
exchange the temporary composite for more
esthetic and durable materials. Figure 10: To demonstrate our treatment
goals to the patient, we perform a digital
mock-up. This exercise also allows us to
visualize the desired normal tooth size
and smile arc.

Journal of Cosmetic Dentistry 19


Take-Home Message
Visualization is an exercise and skill that all esthetic den-
tists must possess. This case illustrates the use of digital
imaging for visualization and serves as a powerful tool in
communicating treatment goals to the patient. The wax-
up process in dentistry is very common, as is the use of
temporaries to assess speech, esthetics, and function be-
fore the final product is delivered. In our practice, the use
of composite is called the “orthodontic mock-up” and is
no different from mock-ups for veneers; it is simply trans-
ferred to the orthodontic arena. In the end, this patient’s
dentist planned to replace the composite with much more
Figure 11: Composite was bonded to the incisal edges to allow
esthetic materials and the patient is currently considering
evaluation of the incisal edges on smile, and to assess tooth
porcelain veneers. The prerestorative orthodontic phase size proportion. After orthodontic alignment, the gingival
accomplished two things of great benefit to the dentist: margins were placed vertically in the proper position, but the
increased incisor display to work with and appropriate smile arc was still flat.
anterior tooth proportionality.

Figure 12: To improve the smile arc, interproximal Figure 13: Final retracted image.
enamelplasty was performed, resulting not only in the
desired space to create space for retraction of the incisors, but
also improved height-to-width relationships.

Figure 14a:
Final full-face Figure 14b: Final close-up smile, with ideal smile esthetics and
smile, with tooth proportion.
smile arc and
full incisor

20 Winter 2016 • Volume 31 • Number 4


Case 3: Diminished Incisor Display

This adult female patient wanted a more youth-
ful smile, which we identified as necessitating
more tooth display on smile (Figs 15a & 15b).
In the initial evaluation, we offered her several
• orthodontics and orthognathic surgery to
downgraft the anterior maxilla to provide
greater incisor display
• porcelain veneers to add some length to
the maxillary teeth
• a combination of orthodontics to extrude
the maxillary anterior teeth, followed by Figure 15a: This patient
veneers. presented desiring an improved
The patient did not wish to pursue the or- smile, but could not be specific
thognathic option, and instead agreed to the about what she did not like. We
use of orthodontic fixed appliances to extrude observed that upon smile, she
the maxillary incisors as much as possible had very limited incisor display.
(while simultaneously intruding the lower inci-
sors). Midway through treatment, we evaluated
the height-to-width ratio of her central inci-
sors, noting that the maxillary central incisors
were disproportionately wide with an excessive
gingival embrasure (Fig 16). Adding length to
the maxillary central incisors could improve
the height-to-width ratio, but in looking at the
shape of the teeth we recognized the sizable
gingival embrasure. We added composite to
the incisal edges (as in the orthodontic mock-
up) and removed enamel on both the mesial
and distal of the centrals (Fig 17). This yielded
better tooth form, as well as space with which Figure 15b: Upon clinical examination, she showed only 3 mm
of incisor on smile, while her crown height was 9.5 mm.
we could upright the maxillary incisors and
increase incisor display (as in Case 1). When
we believed the limit of maxillary anterior ex-
trusion had been reached (Fig 18), we referred
her to her dentist for wax-up and finalization of
treatment. The dentist approved removal of the
appliances and finished with maxillary porce-
lain veneers (Figs 19a & 19b).

Figure 16: The maxillary incisors had short connectors and

large gingival embrasures because of the greater width of the
central incisors.

Journal of Cosmetic Dentistry 21


Synchronization Plan
Once the maximum extrusion allowable in this
patient’s alveolar bone had been reached, it was
retained for three months before referring her
to her dentist’s office for a final evaluation and
wax-up if needed. The preparations were done
and the temporaries fabricated as a single unit.
Once the individual veneers were situated, we
placed an Essix-type retainer that extended over
the height of contour to maintain the vertical po- Figure 17: In an orthodontic mock-up, composite was added
sition of the incisors. Another option to ensure temporarily to the incisal edge while enamelplasty was
maintenance of extrusion is to, prior to impres- performed to reduce the width of the incisors.
sions for an Essex retainer, place bonded attach-
ments (much as in aligner-type cases) before the
retainer impression is taken. Then, when the Es-
sex retainer is fabricated, it engages these attach-
ments when fully seated to maintain their verti-
cal position.

Take-Home Message
When evaluating smiles, esthetic dentists might
not often consider orthodontic extrusion or in-
trusion of incisors. Orthodontists routinely use
these dentoalveolar movements in adolescents,
but not very often in adult patients. However, al-
veolar bone is modifiable to a degree even in the
adult, and may be considered an option in the Figure 18: When the limit
multidisciplinary treatment plan. of maxillary anterior
extrusion had been
reached, we referred the
patient to her dentist for
finalization and wax-up.

Figure 19b: The patient’s close-up smile demonstrates greatly increased

incisor display and enhanced smile attributes.

Figure 19a: Porcelain veneers were placed,

with outstanding smile esthetics.

22 Winter 2016 • Volume 31 • Number 4


Case 4: Congenitally Missing

Maxillary Lateral Incisors
This adult female patient (Fig 20a) consulted a cos-
metic dentist about the possibility of a smile make-
over with veneers. She was referred to our office to
see what we could do to improve the potential out-
come. The patient was congenitally missing her max-
illary lateral incisors. When she was an adolescent,
an orthodontist had placed the canines in the later-
al position and her dentist added composite to the
mesial and the distal incisal edges to camouflage the
canine tip, rendering an approximate incisor shape
(Fig 20b). However, the width of the laterals was now Figure 20a: This
greater than that of the centrals and the shade of these patient was referred for
teeth was also darker, as happens in many canine sub- consultation regarding
stitution cases (Fig 21). what could be done to
Our first step was to place fixed appliances and improve her potential
align the teeth prior to reshaping the canines. In re- smile outcome.
shaping the canines,9,10 we removed the composite
material and visualized the shape of a lateral incisor
and its height-to-width ratio compared to the canine.
Figure 22 illustrates the areas in which enamel need-
ed to be removed on the mesial, distal, and incisal
aspects of the canine to get the proper height-to-width
ratio, as well as the tooth’s shape and form. When re-
moving the enamel, it was important to flatten the fa-
cial convexity of the canine and aggressively remove
the canine fossa. This was necessary for the facial of
the lateralized canine to reflect light properly and so
it would not have the facial prominence of a cuspid.
Also, the lateral incisor is normally tucked in against
the incisal edge of the lower incisors and the cuspid
Figure 20b: The patient was congenitally missing lateral
cingulum would interfere, so we aggressively reshaped
incisors and had undergone orthodontic treatment during
the palatal aspect of the canine to have an actual fossa adolescence to substitute the canine for the lateral.
(Fig 23). The orthodontic brackets were then reset
to intrude the maxillary first premolars, to place the
gingival margins in the appropriate vertical position
relative to the lateral and central incisor. The space
created by reshaping was closed orthodontically and
the patient was sent back to her referring dentist for
gingival recontouring and porcelain veneers. The final
smile was exceptionally esthetic (Figs 24a & 24b) and
the anterior tooth proportions ideal (Fig 25).

Figure 21: This view shows the shortcomings of the canine

substitution management (e.g., incorrect tooth proportion
and the darker shade of the canines). Rather than reshaping
the canines to resemble laterals, the orthodontist had placed
the canines in the lateral position and the dentist had added
composite to the incisal edge to camouflage the incisal tip,
resulting in an excessively wide “lateral incisor.”

Journal of Cosmetic Dentistry 23


Synchronization Plan
Near the end of the orthodontic treatment, the patient
needed to decide whether we should intrude the maxillary
first premolars. This was easy, as she had already decided
on veneers. Working with the dental office, we coordinated
a day for removal of the braces and preparation of the ve-
neers, sequentially. The temporaries were fabricated as a
single unit to retain orthodontic tooth movement. It was
important that retention be placed quickly as it was likely
the intruded maxillary first premolars would erupt rapidly
after appliance removal. To achieve this, we ensured that
the first premolars (which were becoming canines) were
included in the fabrication of a single-unit temporary res-
toration from canine to canine, consolidated into a six- Figure 22: This illustration depicts the ideal outline of
tooth unit. Once the final veneers were placed, the patient a lateral incisor superimposed on a canine. This allows
returned for final images and documentation, and place- the dentist or the orthodontist to visualize where
ment of a clear retainer. We checked for teeth that were enamelplasty needs to be performed to adequately
lateralize the canine. In simpler terms, we suggest,
prone to relapse and where retention in the full arch was
“Just carve away everything that does not look like a
desirable. lateral.”

Take-Home Message
The restorative dentist could have obtained a nice result
for this case simply by providing veneers. However, the
dentist’s willingness to consider a more comprehensive ap- Figure 23: Image reflecting
proach was critical in elevating a good result to an impres- the more aggressive
sive one. It also is important to note that if canines are reshaping required to
to be reshaped, it should be done deliberately and with a convert a canine to a
clear vision of what the final outcome should be. lateral. The incisal tip was
flattened, the mesiodistal
width reduced, the facial
convexity flattened, and
the cingulum of the canine
converted to a fossa.

Figure 24b: The close-up

smile image reflects the
proportionality of the teeth
and great improvement of
the patient’s smile.

Figure 25: The first

premolars were intruded,
and reshaping the laterals
to resemble canines led
to ideal gingival margin
placement and tooth
proportion, enabling the
dentist to achieve an
Figure 24a: Once tooth movement was
excellent restorative result.
complete, the patient was referred back
to the dentist for placement of veneers,
resulting in an outstanding smile.

24 Winter 2016 • Volume 31 • Number 4


Case 5: Class II Malocclusion

This 62-year-old female patient was referred by her
dentist about her Class II malocclusion, reflected in
her profile (Fig 26). We recommended correction of
the malocclusion through combined orthodontic/
surgical treatment with mandibular advancement.
She had never been happy with her smile (Figs 27a &
27b) and while orthodontics would achieve straighter
teeth, we recommended she finish with porcelain ve-
neers once her malocclusion was corrected. Her den-
tist had also advised her that there were a number of
esthetic options she might consider as an adjunct to
her mandibular advancement. As a result, she was
willing to discuss more than just the dental concerns,
and we suggested she consider overall facial rejuve-
nation through rhytidectomy (facelift), lip augmen-
tation, and blepharoplasty (rejuvenation of upper
and lower eyelids). She wished to pursue all these op-
tions, so after the orthodontic and surgical plan was Figure 26: This patient’s Class II Figure 27a: She had always been
completed with her malocclusion corrected and teeth malocclusion reflected in her profile. unhappy with her smile.
aligned (Fig 28) she went directly for preparation and
delivery of her porcelain veneers. The facial proce-
dures were performed one week later. The final out-
come (Figs 29a-29c) was impressive from an esthetic
standpoint and the advancement of her mandible and
chin greatly increased her airway size, with significant
health benefits.
Figure 27b:
Synchronization Plan Close-up
This case obviously required careful attention between smile image
multiple specialties. A consolidated treatment plan demonstrates
was formulated in our office, utilizing digital imag- the irregularity
and crowding
ing software to demonstrate choices the patient could
of the
make and to provide realistic parameters for the team maxillary teeth.
or indicate those that needed to be adjusted in case
any of the specialties had constraints. Orthodontic
treatment was designed to carry the patient through
mandibular advancement and to place the dentition
in a favorable position for esthetic dental finishing.
In many cases, as discussed above, esthetic soft tissue
procedures can be performed simultaneously with
the orthognathic surgery. However, with this case we
staged the procedures to be done sequentially. We
find it best not to perform rhytidectomy concurrently
with orthognathic surgery, so that procedure was de-
layed until the skeletal components were in place. Ve-
neer preparations were performed first and temporar-
ies were placed. This established final incisor position
as well as anterior posterior position and lip support. Figure 28: The smile after orthodontics
The facial procedures were then completed and the and surgical mandibular advancement
final veneers were placed a few weeks later. and advancement genioplasty. After
this, the patient elected to have
Editor’s Note: This patient’s story can be seen at www. rhytidectomy, blepharoplasty, and lip augmentation.

Journal of Cosmetic Dentistry 25


Take-Home Message
This case illustrates the expansion of the term multidis-
ciplinary to include our medical colleagues, specifically
the facial plastic surgeon. The surgeon working with
us on this case has been a member of our team for
20 years and understands the soft tissue reaction to
the dental and skeletal changes we effect; he therefore
is able to develop the facial design in such a way as
to produce these types of results. Another important
point is that the patient’s referring dentist was well
versed in this multidisciplinary approach to treat-
ment, was comfortable discussing it with the patient,
and did a nice job of preparing her to hear what we
had to say.

This article presented five cases ranging from fairly Figure 29a: The patient’s profile Figure 29b: Veneers were also
simple to very complex. The goals were to demon- after all the adjunct soft tissue placed, providing a spectacular
strate the greater vision we all should offer our pa- procedures were performed. smile to complement the rest of
tients, and to demonstrate how orthodontic diagnosis her treatment.
and treatment planning has incorporated smile de-
sign principles into our overall functional and esthetic
treatment goals.


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26 Winter 2016 • Volume 31 • Number 4

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