Motaxi Online Application
Motaxi Online Application
Motaxi Online Application
Following advertisement of the ‘motaxi’ online platform, the NLTA wishes to inform the public
of the following:
A taxi licence is granted to an applicant by the Regulatory Body, NLTA, after sound procedures
are followed under the Road Traffic Act and Regulations as required.
The PSVL (Taxi) licence is granted to operate from a specified base of operation.
NLTA does not authorize any person or a PSVL (Taxi) licencee to operate an I.T platform for
the hiring of taxis or any other vehicle against payment of fares.
NLTA also strongly warns any person, company or any other entity not to avail the services of
PSVL (Taxi) licencees operating on the Motaxi platform as such licencees have been granted
a licence to serve the community from a precise base of operation.
Should a licencee act in breach of conditions of the PSVL (Taxi) licence, the NLTA reserves
the right to revoke such a licence.