Ppdiii Virtual Class 1

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Florencia Ruiloba - 3º año




Florencia Ruiloba - 3º año

Hello, my dear students! Today we are going to start understanding how do

people learn.

The first activity you are going to do is to watch an interesting video called: “How
We Learn”. Then, you are going to answer some questions about that. Before
watching the video, read all the questions.

Activity #1:

 Watch the following video:


 Answer the following questions:

1. How can we help students’ knowledge to reach LTM?

We can help our students by hijacking the brain, that is to say, creating an emotional
response that is immediate, overwhelming, and out of measure with the actual stimulus because it has
triggered a much more significant emotional “threat”. This can be done by two ways: providing the brain
with a pleasurable or painful experience. Pitifully, the most powerful is pain.

2. How do negative emotions influence learning and what can we do

about it?

If a student is experiencing some kind of pain while he/she is in class, the

student is going to pay more attention in the pain, rather than the class even if the class is
creative and striking. We can stop this and teach in a pleasurable way (relevant, meaningful and
enjoyable), this can happen if we as teachers ensure that each student has a safe and risk-free
learning environment.

3. What should we, as teachers, bare in mind when presenting

new information?
When presenting new information, we have to bear in mind that we
must provide students with multiple entry points to the learning, i.e. taking advantage of
students’ interests, prior knowledge and past experiences. Then, students often need
multiple solution paths to connect with the new learning.

Florencia Ruiloba - 3º año

4. What is the cognitive conflict and why is it important?

The cognitive conflict happens when new information is introduced. At this point, the
brain has to find a way to reconcile or connect it with prior knowledge/experiences. To make sure that
the information is mastered, students must be allowed to struggle and resolve their cognitive conflict.
This is very important because if the brain does not go through this experience, the level of knowledge is
always the same and the student has no chance to grow academically. This is shy we have to let our
students, make mistakes, because that means they are learning too.

5. Mention and explain the components of intrinsic motivation.

The three components of intrinsic motivation are:

- Autonomy: Giving students opportunities to make meaningful choices during

their learning process, gives them a sense of empowerment and self-control.

- Connection: This component is divided in two parts; students need to connect to

each other collaboratively and also to the real world. This satisfies a relational
need in the brain that helps motivate students.

- Progression towards mastery: This requires a balance between two variables:

challenge and ability. If the challenge is low and the ability is high the brain
becomes bored. On the contrary, if the challenge is too high and the ability is too
low the brain becomes stressed. Thus a BALANCE is needed. When the brain
finds a challenge that is perfectly balanced with ability, the result is called flow,
and it’s the most intense enjoyment of learning that the brain can experience.

When the three components are mixed together in the brain, the result is a storm of motivation.

6. Which are the two other key elements to solve a cognitive conflict
and reach LTM?

The two other keys to solve a cognitive conflict and reach LTM are:

- Activity: If the brain encounters new information in a passive state,

the result is passive learning, which has little chance of being
encoded in LTM. By activating the students’ biology through
movement and multi-sensory experience, the brain begins to
experience active learning, which is much more memorable.

- Self-reflection: This is the pillar that sustains the student through the
struggles of cognitive conflict, to translate learning to LTM.

When these strategies are applied every day in every class, there is an
EXPONENTIAL GROWTH and with each passing year, students recall
more prior learning from LTM and the cycle of learning grows.

Florencia Ruiloba - 3º año

 Upload your answers to our Google Classroom.

Let’s move on discussing the central role of COGNITIVE CONFLICT in teaching. This
term will appear over and over again throughout the year and I want you to have it
very clear in your mind.

If you look up on the internet you will find the following definition:

“A perceptual state in which one notices the discrepancy between an anomalous

situation and a preconception.”

I know you are thinking…ok then, but what is the relationship between that and

Well, let me explain…for learning to occur we need disequilibrium or cognitive

conflict (both terms refer to the same thing). On the internet definition they use
the term “discrepancy”.

We need to ask our students something that triggers their knowledge, that
makes them think. A very simple example I always tell my students is the

You are teaching a 5 years old kid the colours. As you probably know, when
they are 4 years old they are taught primary colours. So, before teaching other
colours you ask them…what colours can we find in a rainbow? They will start
telling you the
colours in Spanish, so you tell them…in English…do you know all the colours of a
rainbow? And there you have it!! That’s a cognitive conflict!! They will realize they
don’t know those colours in English and their brains will be ready to start a new
learning process. Do you understand?

Activity #2:

Can you think of another example of Cognitive Conflict when teaching

members of the family/ present continuous/ past simple to teens??? Choose
one topic and give me one example.

Activty #3:

We will start working with our booklet, you are going to read about Short and
Florencia Ruiloba - 3º año

Long Term Memory. I would like you to summarize in a top ten list the ten
(they can be more than ten or less than ten) aspects that were new to you
regarding this topic of Memory.

Florencia Ruiloba - 3º año

Florencia Ruiloba - 3º año

Florencia Ruiloba - 3º año

Florencia Ruiloba - 3º año

Hope this class has been simple and clear to you, we will keep on expanding these
concepts in our future lessons. Don’t forget to upload your answers as each class
will have a mark.



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