The Important of Mastering English To Strengthen Our Nationalism
The Important of Mastering English To Strengthen Our Nationalism
The Important of Mastering English To Strengthen Our Nationalism
English is an international language that is used by over countries in the world. English was born in
Britain fifteen century ago. Than English become more important since English is use as an official
language in the world organization like united nations. Up till now, English has been the first or second
language to people around the world.
Many people realize that English has the main role in human life. Someone try to aquire, learn, and use
English as a mean of communication. By using language someone could make statement , convey facts
and knowledge, explain or report something and keep social relations among the language user. These
indicate by using language, people can express their ideas, feeling, information,etc throught
In a country where the majority of the population does not use English in everyday, like Indonesia, it is
very important to learn English. So , here are I have three tips which may help you to be a master in
English language
First, speak without fear. The biggest problem most people is they worry than they won’t say things
correctly or they can’t speak fluently, so they don’t talk at all. Don’t do this! The faster way to learn
anything is to do it again and again until you get it right.
Second, surround your self with English. The absolute best way to learn English is surround your self
with it. You can take a notes in English, put your English book around your room, listening English song
in radio, television or social media such as YouTube , Spotify and more. and you can practice english with
your friend whenever you can.
Third, living in English speaking country. I think this is the best way to improve our english skill. Because
habits can make us better understand what we learn
And what is the relation between learning English and strengthening our nationalism ?
There are some reasons why English is important and many people try to learn it. Some of them are to
find job, traveling, interacting one each other and most important we can introduce our culture to the
world. Introducing Indonesian culture to the international world is the duty of all as a good Indonesian
nation. So, this task is not only the duty of the government, but all elements of society.
For example, we as students have a very important role in to Introduce our culture to the world. So we
as students must learn more to be able to master English.
How can, with learning English we can introduce our culture to the world?
Before ending this speech let me conclude the essential poin of my speech.
English is highly necessary to be learned and mastered by everyone. As the Indonesia younger
generation, we should contribute to introduce our culture all over the world.
Because when you master English you can promote Indonesia to the international world or promote the
beauty culture, off course we use English to tell the world that Indonesia is beautifull, that Indonesia has
a potential. So, mastering English will happen for us to strengthen our nationalism. So, learn English
from now !!!
About written
Name : Munfarid